Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 19, 1908, SPORTING SECTION, Page 2, Image 26

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    1 juvsxy
lata Ball Men and Crew Practice
Doris? Vacation.
Oarer Get Lafe Start (or Imm)
4 Art Oblige to Pat la Ex-
tra Tin Truk Work
la Slow.
MADISON, Wis., April iSpeclal.)
Although moat of the students at the Uni
versity of Wisconsin have gone home fur
the Easter vacation. Coach Ten Eye of
tha crew and Coach Barry of tha baa ball
team hare kept their men her and are
giving; them double portlone of work. The
base ball gamea have kept the varsity nine
buay, while the crewa are making" up lost
time for their lateneea In getting out on
the water.
The Imm ball team la Improving- rapidly
under the tutelage of Barry and It la ex
pected that they will come faet from now
on. Knlght'a arm la now In t-od ehape
and with Barlow to take care of the re
ceiving end, the fana here figure upon one
of the slickest batteries working In the
western colleges. Klret baa" will be well
taken care of by "Big John" Meaamer,
who haa been cavorting around the Initial
aack Una a colt Although he played catch
all last aeaaon the ahtft hasn't made any
difference with him for he aeema to hare
the knack 'of accustoming himself to any
Lively- Hrramhle for Pecond.
The middle aack la pulling out a merry
Scramble for the position.. Pergande, Ken
dal! and Kuclllng are playing the strong
est game there and the former appear to
have to have the call thua far. Aa noon
y aa Captain Kaulfua haa squared himself
with the university faculty he will be aeen
there, .but In the meantime Thompson will
hold It down. lie la fast aa chaln-llglitnlng
but hla arm is rather weak. Culver looks
mighty good at third. In the outfield there
la Rogers In center, Mucklestone In. left and
Knight In the other field when he la not
called upon to do the twirling. When he
la performing In the box, Hoffman wilt
probably pick tbe clover In right Coach
Barry la rather pessimistic about the out
look on account of the disheartening
weather, but he expects them to come along
strong after the firat few gamea.
Owing to the late start that the Badger
crewa got thla aeaaon. Coach Ten Eyck
Issued orders to the crew men to stay here
over the vacation. They were taken out on
lake Mendota twloe a day, once In the
morning and then again In the afternoon.
v"The most remarkable Improvement noted
haa been that of the first freshman crow.
The men are now rowing in good form and
are just aa well balanced aa the one that
captured ths'honora In the eaat last spring.
Their rowing haa caused the coach to com
pliment them on aeveral occasiona and
with Coach Ten Eyck that means a great
Men la tha Boats.
The men In the first boat row aa follows:
Stroke, Hare; No. 7, Kraatc; No. . Weed;
No. 8, Roberta; No. 4, Clark; No. I, Schwen
ker; No. 2, Arpln; bow, Voyer. Kneabs
has been sitting In the coxwain'a seat and
'. looks good for the position. Tha men In
the eecond boat are Nash, Pettera, Acklcy,
- Oottschalk. Wilson, Rolin and Rlckelhaupt,
with Boll doing the ateerlng. The varsity
has been given alx-mlle row every day
- and the men are getting together nicely.
The Junior-freshman boat club was or
ganised thla week and elected Oene Dlnet
.of Jollet, 111., president Dexter H. Wltte
of Waukesha, Wis., was elected vice
' president ' i
Coach Angell of the track team la aome
what disappointed over the failure of tha
track men to respond to the call. The
squad now numbers about ten. There are
no quarter-mllera In the bunch and It la
doubtful If the Badgers will have any en
tries In this event In the conference. Jur
gens Is fair at the distance, but ho la a bet.
ter half-mller and will be aaved for that
Aaaoaacemeat from London la Wel
tmmm la America.
NEW YORK, April 18.-The announce
ment from the headquarter Of the Eng-
. lUh. Olympic committee that the Immense
stadium at Shepherds Bush is virtually
complete and will be ready for the first
of the- preliminary meets within the next
month haa been received with considerable
satisfaction by the athletlo authorities in
this country. For a time the construction
of the mammoth amphitheater . did not
progress as smoothly aa had been expected.
and It waa feared that the flrat of the
eventa planned for the stadium would have
to be postponed. The early spring In Eng-
land, however, haa permitted the work to
be rushed and the contractors are well
within their schedule time, ao that no
further difficulty is anticipated and the
long program of preliminary and try-out
events will be run off , without a hitch.
Many new fates will e seen on the
American Olympic team. Not only are new
men expected to represent the eaat In the
track and field eventa, but many athletes
. of renown lu the west will . be given
' chance, to strive for honors. It la the first
. time that the west haa been given an op
portunity to show full strength, as the
best men will be selected by the results of
the tryouts.
The American team will undoubtedly be
. the best ever sent across the water, and
many new inc ana jieia records are
looked for at the gamea From the present
outlook America appear to have the ehort
distance events safely cinched, while Eng
land Is conceded some of the long-distance
races. England expects to win the mile and
two-mile runs, ten-mile walk and tug-of-war.
The 100, S0 and yard rune should
go to the Americana on form, with the
half-mile a doubtful proposition.
key; rules Fca water polo
C'haaae la tiaato Made Necessary by
some af tao Preeeat Roast
NEW YORK, April 18. -The proposed
change In the rule governing water polo
Is opposed by a large majority of tha
swimmers who take part la the sport. The
laxity of the referee In the enforcement
Of the rule la largely responsible for the
squabble that frequently occur In the na
tatotium of the athletlo cluba where the
game la played. In the recent competition
tor the National Amateur Athletlo union
water polo championship, pUyed In tha
New York Athletic club tank, one of the
Mercury foot team waa auspended for
unnecessary roughness and brutality. The
cry went up at once for reform and re-
tion of the playing rules. Reason has
sufplanu-d the excited Imagination, arid It
is row generally admitted that had Re
lire James li. Sterrett ci foived the rule
tho unpleasant Incident wuuld not bavo
To the casual spectator water polo savors
u! brutality. The men who play the game
are trained for years to It, and are a much
.t bums in the water as on land, and the
fci-c.iitd brutal holds are merely wrestling
unts apilud to water pno. Eastern play
era have long been advocating a Amateur
. AtUil- VU-iuU ! tUill la a ctauiiuutialilo
gam there shall not be les than six feet
of water In any part of the playing area,
nd the matter wa finally brought before
the championship committee of the Ama
teur Athletlo union last fall. Unfortunately,
Everett C Brown of the Chicago Amateur
Athletlo union, who Is a member of the
committee, opposed the motion, on the
ground that It wa Impossible to have six
feet of water In the pool of the Chicago
Amateur Athletic union, and hi plea
caused the recommendation to be rejected.
With deep water and a strict referee, the
preeent rule are quite equal to excluding
dangeroua work altogether. The two team
n the recent protested game have) never
had any trouble In deep water, nor when
Walter Poyce of Brookllne referred, al
though they have met a number of tlmea.
But In the two game In which the tank
had a shallow end, and the referee waa at
II lenient, squabble and rough work
marred the playing throughout.
The matche between the college have
been the feature of the aquatic season ever
since It wa taken up by 'varalty athletes,
nd this I the first Instance of trouble
among club player tht year, although
nearly fifty team have been busily en
gaged In the gamea since October.
It ha been auggeeted a remedy that
championship game be confined to deep
water; select as referee men who will
strictly enforce tho rale; eliminate goal
Jadgea selected by the team, and Instead
have only one at each goal appointed by
tho Amateur Athletlo union, whose duties
It ahall be to call the attention of the re
feree to the foul a In thla way It I as
serted that the game can be kept clean.
A strict and efficient referee, either In
foot ball, hockey, lacrosse, basket ball or
water polo, can ao penalise player for the
least offense a to eliminate every vestige
of unfair or rough work.
Details of tbe Amateur Billiard Tear
aameat Hot Settled.
NEW YORK, April ll-Details of the In
ternational amateur billiard championship
were definitely settled recently at a meet
ing of the committee In charge, held In the
tilcderkrms club. Ijuclen de Rolle, the
great French amateur, representing the
French federation, will probably be the
only foreign entry In tha tournament.
Which begins Tuesday night, April St, In
the concert hall of the club.
It la certain that at least four of the top
class Americans, Including Calvin De-
marest, the wonderful young champion.
and Charles F. Conklln, both of Chicago,
Edward W. Gardner of Passaic and J,
Ferdinand Poggenburg of thla city will
represent America. Wilson P. Foss may
also enter. The last four named are all
former amateur champions.
Under the agreement between the ama
teur governing body In this country and
Ccmte de Dree of the French federation
the matches will be decided at 18.2 balk
line, each match to be of 400 points. This
will be a. decided trnovatlon, and it will
remain to bo seen whether the Americana
can create records such as Demarest haa
accomplished In the reoent 113 tournament
In Chicago.
The same elaborate arrangements will
be made by the Uederkrans club as In
their former holding of the successful ama
teur tournaments In this country. The
tournament In itaelf will mark the begin
ning of international relatione for the first
time in a branch of amateur sport that
haa attracted- considerable Interest during
the lt two years. '
Alaada Easily Wins the TJaloa Stake
at Asjaedact. '
NEW- YORK. April ' li-Alauda. "the
heavily' slaved aecond choice at i to 1.
easily won the Union attunes, a selling
event,- at seven furlongs, at Aqueduct to
day. E. Due&n had the mount on the
winner and he rode a good race. Wave
crest, on tha strength of some fast trlale,
waa made an odds on lavorlte at I to
10. while Cymbal, the only other starter.
wa quoted at to 1. Alauda went to the
front soon after the start and led Into
the stretch turn, where Cymbal showed
n front. Alauda then came again aad
won by two length. Cymbal waa aecond.
with Wavecreat third. Bteeplechae
Jockey Harry titone, who waa ruled off
nut year for a bad looaing riue, was to
day granted a license and had his first
mount on Uu Straus in the aecond race.
He was mad favorite, but hi horse feil
three Jumps from the Ilnlsli. bione es
caped injury. Summary;
llrst race, z-year-oias, selling, rour ana
l. - I I . TlA ....11 jin, Vf . 1 u
M nan lUiiiiUBO. wauiiiuuu va, wiuw-
grave, 8 to 6), won; Guy Fisher (88, Fair
brother, 20 to 1), second; Sight (106, iio
Danlel, 7 to 2), third. Time: :5. Prim
rose League, Chipmunk, Desolate, Re
prisal end Belle or the Tribe also ran.
Second race, steeplechase, 4-year-old
and upward, selling, about two miles:
Jim McGUl (ISO, M. Henderson, 6 to 6),
won; Dr. Hoilswortn ua. uwens, iz to
I),- aeoona; uui Btraus oion, a 10
10), third. 'lime: 4:13. Esquire also
Third race, handicap, j-year-oia . ana
upward, six furlongs: Grapple (U,
Shaw, 2 to 1). won; Cresnliia (118, E.
Dugan, even), second; Big Chief (108, O.
Burns. 11 to 6). Ultra, lime; 1.19. urauo
Cameron also ran.
Fourth race, the union staae. i-yar-
elds, seven furlong; Alauda (101, E.
Dugan, 2 to 1), won; Cymbal (104, Mub
grave, to 1)," second; Wavecreat (98,
McCarthy, 7 to 10), third. Time: 1:28 ii.
Only three atartere.
r lltll race, s-year-ojas ana, ou-
lng, seven furlonga: Tim O'Toole tllO,
McCarthy. 110 to 1), won; -lrouoiemaKer
(111. WcDanlel. 4 to 1), aecond; Frank
Lord (105, Fiynn. 2 to 1), third. Time:
l:2Mk- inaiioni, i-oquessing ana i wvruM
slno ran.
Sixth race, maiaen s-year-oias, nvo rur
lonaa: 13oom (105, Notter, to 1). Won;
Miaa Popular (108. McCahey. 40 to 1),
second; Question Mark (lo. McDanlel, 1
to 2), third. Time: tariion.
Hartford Boy, Robert Cooper, G. Ferrare,
Sharker. Racquet, Lady Curlnn and Uot
tie H. also ran.
OAKLAND, April 18. Summary:
First race, one mile: Onataesa (122, Bux
ton. 7 to M won: Human til!, W. Miller.
4 to 1) second; Cayenne Cora U7, A. Waluli,
40 to 1) linra. lime; ;3i. Armaiiaa,
AthKol. San Olmo. tsupine. jfranx tSKinner.
Btafano. Feb O., Ftametta and Patricia
a I mo ran.
Second race, niturity course: center
Shot (luO, Harrla, 8 to 10) won; Booger Red
Uuo. Lycurgua, I to 1), second; Aitmm (itui,
C. Miller, to 1) third. Time: 1WH. Wsp,
Wahoe, Cuemavaca, Lackroot, Lord Fili
grane and Tom Shaw also ran.
Tlnli.h Younc (110. Klrschbaiim. 4 to 1) won:
Woolen ttD, A. Walsh, t to 1) second; Man
darin Ui. Mentry, ft to 1) third. Time;
Vinton. Mery B. Clark. Kd Davis.
Flota. Andrew mack, ttauuie, larp aad
Sunbark also ran.
Fourth race, mile, ana one-sixtoentn: L.
C. AcBPriy (110, Keough, 1 to 1) won: Bolo
man I in. Charhonneau. 8 to 1) eecond: bar
donia ts. Kelly. a to J) third. Time:
1 47W. Mark e Mayer. lally. Nabonassar.
joe Coyne, Ten Oaks, Wuersberger, Jack
Paine, Fulletta and My Pal also ran.
Fifth rac. mile and twenty yards: Stl
lliho (, F. Clark, T to S won; palenion
ii'tA. Kelly. to 1) aecond; Patriotic 9S,
Vtalah. 11 to 2) third. Time: 1:42. Etaoa.
Chancellor Walworth. Chertpe, Metlnjialla,
lal Form, Furxe. Jack Full, Huasaa ana
Ue. .it Kiiburn also ran.
Slain race, five furlonns: Marwood (102,
naitls. t U,l won: Kenllwortli (U'4. Klnxh-
baum, U to 6) second; Luretta (119, l.your
gus. 1 to 8) third. Time: ln. Sid Silver,
Salvadale. VlUltaryman. Neva W.. Wllnltaa.
Yankee Jirn. leaer, Purse Hose and i'ull-
llc alao rau.
Teeaaaerh III an School Wlss.
TECCMSEII. Neb., April 18.-(SpecJal )
Tha Pawnee City 11 if a echuol base ball
team and the Tocumaii Hifh school team
engaged In a game here Thursday after
noon. Even though the score would hardly
indicate It. the oonteat was a good on and
was tilled with "grandatand plays. The
feature of the game waa a three-baae hit
by Chapman of the home team. The acor
wa 1 to 5 in favor of Tecumeeh. Wherry
and bloas constituted the batury for the
Vlaltors ana the Wilson broihcre for It
cumaeh. A number of ' rooters accom
panied tha Pawnet'lte te tha t-lty. It Is
propuevd to play a return game In Pawnee
cuy r riuay of next nn.
Will Seek to Heat Wtitoa.
PITTSFIELn. Maaa.. IH -Araene
Iviaudiu of Atiani-i. who ta to make an al-
Jtenn'l to hreuk Ufiw record w
1V, vU )Vcluuj Jjvw i'vl l
walk of lAlwaid
VrliuJid, All., I
Champions of the Iowa Intercollegiate Association
Chicago, will atart from Portland city hall
Sunday on his long contest. He will make
the start at midnight and will follow the
route of the veteran pedestrian. Ueaudin
la a Canadian and has lived In Adams
since he waa a child. He Is 22 years old.
He weigh but 115 pounds and is 6 feet 2
Inches in height. lie Is a vegetarian and
haa never used tobacco or liquor. For sev
eral weeks he has been walking thirty
mile a day to get In shape for the task.
Not the Beell Wrestle, bat Shooting;
Against Professionals.
Jack Carkeek, the wrestler, showed the
sporting fraternity of Omaha that he is
a handy man with a ahotgun a well
as on the mat. Friday afternoon at the
regular shoot of the Omaha Gun club, he
won a match race against 8. A. Tucker
and Fretnk Harrison, the match being at
100 blrda at nineteen yards, with aixtoen
gauge guns. Carkeek shot a 8450 gun of
which he la the proud possessor and won
from the professionals.
Another match of equal Interest waa that
between Bert Dixon and Charles Allen for
the price of the birds and shells and a side
bet of 860. Dixon won, a Allen got a bad
The score :
Carkeek 20 25 21 21 S7
Harrison ; SO. 19 18 2077
Tucker, 8. A 20 18 20 23-61
Dixon 21 24 !8 19-:
Allen 4 21 23 16 SO77
.7. 20 28 21 21-T
Carkeek ..
.16 14 18 16-8
...24 20 23 2300
...21 24 18 1982
...24 26 24 24-87
...21 22
...21 23 19
Weatherhead, F..
W. Lew la
15 17 11 18 fit
Kerr .....21 23 18 20 S3
Nordstrom 19 13 16 IS 6
Allen 13 22 20 21-J76
Tucker 16 13 16 20 M
Damon 19 19 21 18 7T
Towneend 25 23 25 23M
Loomls , 20 21 20 i-3
Two Men Probably Wilt Wrestle la
Oaiaha, a Gotck Can't Conao.
Fred Beell may be matched with
Amerlcus of Baltimore at the Auditorium
a soon a it can be arranged. Amerlcua
threw Beell In the Maryland city recently
and the outcome wa a surprise and un
satisfactory to Beell and his friends. Beell
a few veara asm beat Amerlcua In a three-
out-of-five match, getting the flrat two
fails in an hour ana two hours, respec
tively, and the third by default, aa Schoen
lln was toe tired to go, and he believes he
i still a better man than the nammorean.
I was tired from traveling when 1 met
Amerlcus in Baltimore and waa caught in
a trap aimilar to the one by which Bums
threw me at the Auditorium," snys Beell.
"Amerlcus is a laraer and stroncer man
than I am, but I am not content to believe
that he la better. If I wrestle hlrn in
Omaha I believe I will throw him"
Ckitch waa willing to come to Omaha and
meet Amerlcus May 7, but as none of the
theaters er the Auditorium can be obtained
for that date and Gotch cannot make any
other that match 1 off.
By taking two game from the Indiana
last night the Onimods are now tied wlW
the Gate Cttya for second place In the
league race, with the Ster Blues but two
games behind. The final six games for
these teams will be the most Interesting of
the season. All the high score honors last
evening went to Car own for Ma single game
of 2JS and total of 6U. Score:
Id. Sd. Total.
1X4 1W 633
174 1M3 8.7
iiS 157 4ttf
171 . 158 476
164 lt4 606
811 830 2,652
td. 8d. Total, i
18 ls4 647
154 150 440
19 168 610
m 13 - 611
2u3 US 670
W B&l 2,t80
French m
Johneon 210
Lyons 168
bengele 146
Zimmerman 177
Total 881
Elliott 1i5
1 FACy seeaae-aaaa 136
Vosa i'-l
Carman li
Mag 111 114
Doable-Header at Diet Park
The Diet association will play the Holly
and the C. N. Diet team the Berg-ttwan-xins
Sunday afternoon. The Hollya have
one of the fastest teams in the city, while
the Derg-Hwanaona are faat coming to the
front, and two faat games are expectea.
First one called at g.fco. Admission free.
Next Sunday the L. U. A. Originals will
play a double-header. The lineup;
Diet Association. Holly.
Hall Second Olllam
Gay...., Left Field Black
Kaatmati Shortstop Murphy
K. Spollman..
..Catcher .
Kranua. ......
Proust ,
....Center Field. ...Harahman
....Third Kelly
....Klaht Field Falkner
... .r'lither' McAudrew
Fraaklla Throw llorstmaa.
nCURADnA VI.,, .-.. Aflll jo.
(Special ) 1 her was a wrestling match
..nun ICI , -.ITV I.1 K Anvil IB
Franklin of Lincoln and Herman Horstman
. - . . . . .. . i .. In Kl ti h'n.hL In Trila
was followed by a malcb between Carl
Westeiaara or lies ssoinea, i a. , ana i nna.
pefaraou of Seattle, In which Weatergard
won in two straight talis, being too yuick
InA l-.t-uw h,a fimifini.fiL
Barllagtoa Teaaw Heoraaalsed.
The freight traffic deiiartment of tha Bur
lhiHlon l.aa rem ganlaud lla h.isa bail tear
fvr lha summer ami Thumt.iy . laved
tie foul -inning gams with lh? newly or.
gaUllaid Uaou l lUa JW'Vy. liuiiuK 4;iuO.
. ! . -
. t -
... .
The game will be completed next Thurs
day afternoon.
West' End Play Keck.
The West Ends of Council Bluff will
meet the Kecks. Sunday afternoon on the
former grounds, Twenty-fifth and D
atreeta. fioth teams are playing good ball
end a good game I expected. Line up:
West Knds. Keck.
R. Skinner Catcher Young
Pitcher Trotter
Hlce ...
Payne .
Brock ..
.Shortstop Oeternick
. f irst jiase unamp i
iiinu nun.
.Third Base...
... Murphy
..Right Field...
Skinner Center Field ..
Ellla Left Field..
Steamer Calted State Will Da Towed
Back to New York for
' NEW YORK, April 18. With the aid of
three wrecking tugs and a rising tide
the Scandinavian-American line steamer,
United State wa floated tonight from the
mud bank in lower New York bay, where
It grounded yesterday after a collision
With tho stoamer Monterey. The United
State was brought Into quarantine and
will be towed to the city for repair. .Pas
senger were taken off the ateamer today
and will be forwarded to . their destina
tion in Europe by a steamer sailing to
Good Newepaper Mea of Nippon Get
Sample of Glad Hand.
WASHINGTON, April 18.-The forty-five
Japanese who are maklr-g a tour around the
worM and who arrived In Washington yes
terday, devoted their time to alghtseelng
today. The opening of the senate today wa
witnessed by the Japanese party, which
represent the financial, scientific and busi
ness Interest of Japan. While on the house
aide tha visitor were received by Speaker
Cannon and accorded a hearty welcome.
The spokesman of the party Informed the
speaker of the pleasure It gave them to
meet him and referred to their itineraries
which he said would carry them to London,
Pari, Berlin and other European capitals.
Thomas life "Times" Cup
c Thomas Flyer Has Just Won the
Largest Race Ever Run in America .
At tbe beginning of the Now York-to-Parls Race, the New York Times
offered a cup for the first car to arrive at San FrancUco.
This cup was won by the Thomas Flyer, America's champion, which
reached the coast 1 1 days ahead of its nearest competitor. The entire
trip, 3,800 miles, was run in only forty-two days, in face of the fact that
the country was crossed at the very worst possible season, when snow,
rain, hail, mud and ice blocked every road. The car in this race Is a regu
lar stock Thomas Flyer, such as are In use by Thomas owners everywhere.
It has distinctly demonstrated its unquestionable supeorlty for American
) travel, not alone in any one section of the United States, but throughout
the entire country.
It is a plain fact that the significance of this race can't be overestimated
by prospective purchasers of motor cars. '
The Thomas Flyer represents America made for America and con
structed with the view of overcoming American conditions. It Stands
alone as America's great champion.
If you are going to buy a motor car to use anywhere In America, It will
pay you to look first toward the name "Thomas."
The K. It. Thomas Motor Co. offer a 1100.00 prlx for the beat photo of the
Thomas Flyer takun during lis trip across the United States. Writi Photo
graphic Department for condition.
E. R. THOMAS MOTOR CO. ?rJ?m. Duffalo, N. Y.
Exceptional Bargains in
Sccond-Hand Automobiles
When we take in trade a used car we put it in the best pos
sible condition before offering it for sale. This means that all
mechanical work necessary to make the car as good as possible
has been done under the direct supervision of the best technical
expert obtainable in the United Btatea. Therefore you may de
pend upon it that you. will get your money's worth from any second-hand
car we offer for sale. At present, we offer the follow
ing: A four cylinder, Corbln Touring Car, seating five, selective
transmission, 24 H. P., with top and complete equipment. Used
very little and not abused. Cost f 2,800. Present price, 12,000.
A four cylinder, Stevens-Duryea, five paasenger touring car,
with top, 20 11. P., which has had careful usage and has been
thoroughly overhauled and Is in very good condition. Cost $2,750.
Present price. $1,600. ,
A Stanley steam touring car in very good condition, a car
capable of going wherever wheels can find traction. Carries five
passengers. Cost $1,600. Present price, $1,000.
These cars will be demonstrated to you whenever you wlgh.
R. R. KIMBALL, Automobiles
Z928-2S FirB&ra SL, Omaha. Phone Douglas 6901
19, 1903.
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Referring to the circumstance that there
were aome newspaper men In the party,
the speaker elicited a good deal of laughter
When he Inquired If their practices were
like those of aome American Journalists.
"Journalism make the whole world kin,"
one of them remarked, while another as
sured the speaker that they never sent any
thing but "real news," covering what actur
ally happened.
"If that Is true," the speaker humorously
remarked, "you can settle many Interna
tional question by founding that kind of
journalism in the United States, and the
balance of the world."
Not quite sure that he had been under
stood, the speaker pursued hi point, say
ing: "I mean do you newspaper men of Nippon
write things two way at one that haven't
happened one way at all, so that the whole
business will be fresh for contradiction the
next day? Tell me."
A wrinkled forehead, then a sudden light
enlng of the countenance on the. part ot
the spokesman for the visitor followed,
and he aaid: . , , . ,
"I make permission o correct for the
honorable great gentleman: Japanese
newspapermen study new hard so they
hall understand excellently; then writ
those thing very intelligent, very honest,
thank you."
The speaker alghed.
"I 'suppose," he said, bending a kindly
eye on the Intense face of the callers, "I
ought to addreas you all a 'boy?' "
Thla wa clearly uncomprehenalble. The
apokesman glanced around upon hi brother
editor. "Pardon me," he aald. "I politely
Inform the honorable air, we are not boys
in Jaoan."
"I aee," hastened the speaker, "and I will
explain. In thl country we apeak df all
good newspaper men, all real newspaper
men who know their business a 'the boys;'
Its a t?rm of compliment and ometltn
of endearment."
The explanation straightened Itaelf out.
The compliment waa accepted with exquisite
grace of word and bow and the newspaper
men of Nippon took their polite departure.
WhencVer a sore refuses to heal, it is because of bad blood. If the
place existed simply because the flesh was diseased at that particular spot,
It would be an easy matter to apply some remedy directly to the ulcer
that would kill the germ; or the diseased flesh might be removed by a
surgical operation and a cure effected. But the very fact that old sores
resist every form of local or external treatment, and even return after
being cut away, shows that back of them is a morbid cause which must
be removed before a cure can result.
The Impurities in the blood which keep old sores open, come from
different causes. A long spell of debilitating sickness, which breeds
disease germs In the system, is a common source. These morbid impur
ities get into the circulation, and the
blood becomes a polluted, infectious
fluid, which, instead of nourishing
the fibres and tissues of the flesh,
irritates and ulcerates them, and
continually discharges its impurities
into the open sore, and prevents the
place from healing. Another cause
for bad blood is the retention, in the
system of the refuse and waste matters
of the body. Those members whose
duty it is to carry off the useless
accumulations, become dull and slug
gish in their action and leave their
work imperfectly done, and this fer
menting matter is absorbed into the
circulation. The weakening or
polluting of this vital fluid may also
come from the results of some con
stitutional disease, while persons who
are born with an hereditary blood taint
are very apt to be afflicted with sores.
Local or external applications can not cure an old sore, because they do
not reach the blood. Such treatment may reduce the inflammation, lessen
the pain and discharge, and tend to keep the place clean, but it can do no
real good toward effecting a. permanent cure.
S. S. S. cures sores and ulcers by purifying the blood. It removes
every impurity and taint from the circulation, and completely does
away with the . cause. When S. S. S. has cleansed the blood, the sore
an absolutely safe medicine for persons of any age. Under the purifying
and tonic effects of S. S. S. the system is built up, and those whose health
has been impaired because of the drain and worry of an old sore, will be
doubly benefited by its use. Special book on Sores and Ulcers and any
medical advice free. S. S. S. is for sale at all drug stores.
This Inner Tube
Ran 2,500 Mes
I ! After Being I j
I , Repaired With j j
Metal Plugs J
. Mm pic Latest Moaal "Rangvr" iHcyclr lurniihed br ot- Ourasenti
Daluiif nuner (lit Writs Jrr fuU fxirliruioir and ojftr mi . .
MO MUMKV REOUIKKl) antil vuu raceivc ind aoumveaf vourbtncla Weshie
Ai I'm
to anyone, anywhcie in the U. S. fpeatmi a eni depostt im advaoca, rv frtifki, and
allow T&N l)AV8' KKtaC.TKlALdiuuia-luihtlneyoumjyndetli.bitrcUud
1-4 - i i --,
to $H middlemen's profits br
antac behind your bicycle. 1K
at aaj trie until you rscciva
frU4t and rtmarkatU tftcial
VP'I V!l I tTP(Vrfl hm you receive our beautiful Cataloma nd
IU4 IslLL ttt AdlWKitfACa .IUuy our superb uodels at the wmdirfuUf
Lrm jrtel we can make you tfni year. We sell the holiest grade bicycles for less money
than any other lactorv. Wa are sstiafiaa syith si -m nmrit sbova factory cost.
mmr i
Bit' TCIJC lilCAl.fc.iUi. you
our pnees. Orders tilled ua day
KiniMU 11AM) Ull VI 1.K8. Wa
asusllv have a number on hand taken In
- a'promptiy at prices reining- Irotn 99 to tW er
CAIfrTrn Pf? l tfrs; singla whouia, Im pci rt oil
wA5l LM-CKAKLS. equipment of aUkind at Aa
Thl titular retail price of lluu lira is
per pair, tut la mtroduc aw will
NAILH, Tacks or Class will not lot tha
air out. sixty thousand pairs sold last year,
trver two hundred thousand palis sun la use.
nmtCMPTinMi Made luall slaea Ittallvel
awl eay ruling, very durable and lined inaida with
a srcial quality of rubber, which never becomes
roua ana wntcn Close no a matt puncture without
lna i
the air to escape, we nave n unci reus ot letters
mill owim
i M I V f
nivSELF-iitiUIiia TIRES biSBSlSS M .
1 1 F J
ficdcuatouiers stating that their tires uavconl ybren pumped
oponca or twice in whole season. They weivn no more than
oponcs or twice in whole season. They weixh no
ao ordinary tire, tbe puncture resisting qualu tea beiug given .
by several layers of thin, specially prepared labivc on tha '
tread. Therrtruiarpriceof llieae tire isfln joper pair, but for
ai1..rtl.lna'nin-riii.r.iirrars niM k tn ir a a 1 r .u 1 fat.M-v
th rider ol only Rao per pair. All orders shipped same day etter Is received. We Ship C O. D. OJi
approval. You do not py a cent until you have examined and found thetn irictly as renraaentad.
W will allow a raaaia dUooont of J per cent (thereby making tba prkx S4.63 per pair) if yotl
end I LX. fJASU Wi lli and cncloae this advrrtlaeioent. We will also send on
nickel elated brass band pump. Tire to bs returned at OIH expense if for any reaatxi they aia
not aatlsiactory on emamiaatioo. We are perfect W reliable and money scut to ua la as safe as ta a
bank. If you order a pair of these tire, you will find that they will ride easier, run faster,
wear better, last longer and look finer than any tire you have eer used or seen at any prkse. wa
k now that you will be well pleased that when you want a bicycle you will give us your acdcr,
W want you to send us a trial order at once, hen. Uiis remarkable tire offer. ,
as unii m t a a m a (- don't buy any kind at any price until you and for a ray IT of
SF YOU fatLaLU I SelS.Z Hedgctnora Vuncture-Pruof tire on pproral sod trial at
the apecial Introductory price quoted above: or write for our big Tire and Sundry Catalogue wbka
describe aad quote all make and kind of tire at about half the usual Prtcr
r-k inT lfr but wriu u a postal today. 1 NOT TillKK Of BUTIWO a bicycle
UU ftUT XfJUr orapair of tire from anyone until you know the new and wvWiful
oilei w are making. It only coats a postal to leant everything. Write it NOW.
m c
ure imi
( ) A
before they begin treatment
Alwaya find out positively If the fee Include the MKIHCINB. If you pay foi
medicliita every time you get them, you never know wlmt the cost of your treutmeAi
will be. Io not be caught In llila great medicine graft. W will ours yoa tor lea
nouey than any other specialist and the iuot la auy war yoa wtan to psy
and U1-AU1DI s blBalASsi, Ali Dlsaaaaa of aasa, no matter 1 acaui.d.
VriVP Examination and cotisuliaiion. Writ for free booklet and
"- symptom blank for tioma treatmenL
J TJ TVf f Cm V 1! V 4T0 11 B g. 14tk gt. Okltla, WMM,
tzJ zJ 1.LW 1. rliz
Soma time ago I had a or
to oome on my foot, and noth
ing I used would do it any good. '
It continued to grow worae and
eat deeper Into the surround
ing flesh, until the entire foot'
wa a solid sore, and gave me a)
great deal of worry and
trouble. I tried almost every
thing I heard of, but rot na
benefit until I eommeneed
8. S. S. In a short time after
commencing this remedy I be
gan to Improve, and Z contin
ued to use it until It drov tha
poison from my blood, and
completely cured thl obsti
nate sot. I recommend it most
highly a a remedy for sore
and uloer.
843 W. 49th St.,
New Tork, N. T. '
begins to heal, and it is
not a surface cure, but
the healing process begins
at the bottom; soon the
pain and inflammation
leave, the discharge
ceases, and the place fills
in with firm, healthy flesh.
S. S. S. is purely
vegetable, made only from
roots and herbs, and is
The Auto Time Saver
Repair Kit permanently
repairs a puncture in a
jiffy this is done without
cement or vulcanizing by
means of a metal collaps
able plug. A puncture re
paired with the time-saver
plug will outlast the' tire.
Complete outfit, including
twelve metal plugs sent to
any address on receipt of
nd district to
ride and exhibit S
.rent avarvwhert are
u wua. u yew ar uxu not perfectly uotlied or ao sol waa 10
p it back to us our exnetia. and ou will net t oenl.
ir We luroieh tlx highest grada taorcles it is possibla to ansa
tw It on. small umtit sbova hiiuI fartnrv mat. Vna ssv. lio
buyinf direct of us and bav. tlis manufacturer snar-
OT III I V a birvcle or a nair of tires from mti
i our a
catalogue and ieara our uahsara ot avMr?
tfftrt to rttier agt-uta.
can sell our bicycle under your own u plate at
Aa not mmlirb lunula aaroml hanil bicycles. Box
trade Kv Anrt 'luriini mail stores. Thesa wa dear out
4UO. Descripiiva banjain hit mailed trea.
roller chains and pedals, part, rapslr ana
A auW rsteW aarsc.
Votlem tha thloh rnbba tewa-l
A" and pouotoro strips "rl"
and "li." aJso rlu strip H
to preiveit sim atUua, TbJa
tiro will onUail any etna
from satis.
more than
tnaka ir T, IvLaVaClO
nri t A
Pay Our Foo
When Cured
w . a m
Men sffllctad with any ailment should go tha doctor longea
established. mi enpi-rlenced and boot success. Our twenty
five year sutcrsaful practice In curing MK.M has enania
us to perfart cure that lia never been aurpaaaed If equals
Tills succeaaful exparittnu I valuabla to aur patleuta aat
you pay b.a oaxad.
Established in Omaha '25 Years
This reputation, we liave held so many yearn, as the MOS! and HUtVK.SbKl I, IMnriulid (ur albi in tit
weal. Men coma to us knowing tin lr n uu condition will at
honeatly explained and treuted. Alter a perfect unU?ilmH
lug of each cum a fur, honcai piUa Is ayrccd upon bctweei
doctor ami patient. Including all uiediflnt-a until cured, ui
patienta know just what it ai.1 coat tor a purtuauent curt