Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 19, 1908, SPORTING SECTION, Image 25
Omaha , rAT V. srcarKs sectiqii PACES 1 T 4. HE YTTVTTTk a r TOtt-mt-v P fill FT VOL. XXXVIIXO. 44. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL 19, 1903. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. Omaha Makes Clean Sweep at Pes Moines; Cardinals Check Chicago Cubs' Conquering Course (ROME IS IS FIXE FORM World's Champion Are Able to Secure bat Three Hits. (20TJLD HAVE BEEN SHUT OUT Chletvgre Jiaa-ee us two Ran aa Brrt w Beelbach Drive from Be la slk Third Innla. FT. LOUIS, April 18. Fromme pitched kl fine form and should hare won by a Ihuteut, errors giving Chicago Ita two an. Score: T. uorm. Chicago. B H O A B. B H O.A.B rkartaa, lb . 4 1 t 4 1 f lasl. ef.... 4 I 1 Trrr. rf I gherkard, H. I 1 1 1 Talnantr, It 1 Srhulta, rf... 4 4 1 t 4 Warn., el. .. 1 is fhanr., lb... 4 ill t 1 Kneef-by, lb I le I V StelnfaMt. Ik 4 OHmrtu. aa. 4 1 4 4 1 Erar. lb I 'RnMOMr. e . 4 11 4 Tinker, aa I rlllkort. h... t 13 4 1 Kline, c 1 1 0 I 1 I 0 ( aTramma. ... I 1 rt.ulhach, p.. 1 Pfslaipr. p... t Total M I IT II I f Totala M rM I Winning run acored with two out. CTilcego 00000030 03 Bt. Louis 11000000 1 S Two-base hit: Tinker. Hita: Off Reul bch In two and one-third Inning. 2; off Pfelnter In alx and two-thirds Innings, 4. Sacrifice hits: Delehanty, Konetchv. Tin ker, liver. Fromm. Stolen banes: Gil bert. Chart's. Double playa: Tinker to jDirera to Chance, Hostetter to Konetchy. 3ift on base: Rt. l.oula. 7: rhlrun. J. Flrat baae on balls: Off Reulbach, 6; off jromma. z; orr fre.ister. l. Hit by pitcher: y Reulbach. 1. Struck out: Rv Reulbarh. ii by ifelster, 1; by Fromme, 7. Passed Jall: Hostetter. Time: 1:44. Umpire: HEW . YORK BLANKS BROOKLYN (Sfataeweoa's Pitching; la the Featare f the Game. BROOKLYN, April 18. The New Tork aNatloneis ahut out ht Brooklyn team to day by a ecore of 4 to 0. Mathewaon'a Itching, the feature of the game, waa ef fective, hla only weak Inning being the tlfth, when, with two out and two on fcaaes, . he filled the baaea with a gift on aJla toj Paatorlua, but the next man, Pattee, ttvaa an eaay out at first, Mathewson cov ering the bag. Score: Hew YORK. BROOKLYN. i.u.avi. B.H.O A B. hansoa. If.. I t Pattae, lb...s Tannar, lb... 4 3 T 1 1 Maloney. e(.. 4 0 4 4 4 110 utnni. n... a s Huron, Seymour, of.. 4 1 4 Jerdan rf.... 4 lb... 4 Braaasbaa, 4 I 13 4 Dli. Ik... 4 111 Nlrktan, Ik.. 3 4 a I BrMweil. sa. 1 1 1 1 .Mathewaaa, l t 1 1 Alaarman. lb 4 S 1 0 Hummel, II.. 44 1 Lewis, as.... 4 1 Barsen, .... 4 14 4 1 1 Paatorlua, p. 1 I Lmley APWS.,,,.2 2( T Toulii 14 tn II Batted for Paatorlua In ninth. New York J 0 0 0 0 4 2 0 04 .Brooklyn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Sacrifice hits: Donlln (2). Stolen bases: Pattee, Burch. Left on baaea: New York. 7; Brooklyn. 10. First baae on ball: Off Paatorlua, t; off Mathewaon, 1. Hit with filched ball: Paatorlua, 3. Struck out: By Mathewaon. J. Wild pltchl Paatorlua. Time: J:83. Umpires: Ruddenham and Emslle. QUAKERS BEAT BEANEATERS aWetalllla la Iavlarlhle with Mea aa Baaea. FHILaVDELPHIA. April IS. Today'a game waa played In a drilling rain, the Phlladelphlaa beating Boaton I to I The Visitors had several chancea to win the game, but McQulllin -was Invincible with inen on baaea. Score: . PHILADELPHIA. BOSTON. Tnowia. at.. I 0 0 Browne, rt... i ' ' ,' 9 Knaba, lb... I 114 BoaumoriF, ell 1 1 I autre. If S 110 I Hdii.k ib.. t 4 11 1 ' mn-nejr, ao.. a 1 a 4 a Grant, lb..., 4 4 1 9 Dahlen. at... 4 t I I 4 "( w a i pwaeney, ib. 4 1119 Dontn. a I t I Bowcrtn.n. c 4 1 1 11 JloOullllB b. 1 1 1 1 1 rv . . . : : 1 Kelly I 4 4 Totala.s. .SI 4 M n I Batted for Dorner in ninth. Soaton 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 J Philadelphia 1 0000200-4 Two-baae hlta: Beaumont, Ma gee. Threa aae hit: Bweeney. Bacrlflce htta: Rltchey. McOann, Knabe. Osborne, Manee. Double lava: Dahlen to Kltchle to MoOann lit. Left on baaea: Boston, 7; Philadelphia, ,4. Ilrat base on balls: Off Dorner, S. 'First 11w,rrSr,J j500". S: Philadelphia. 1. 'VWnh P'lch,,l ball: By Dorner , 1; by McQulllln. 1. Struck out: By McQulllin 1 Wild ritch: McQulllin. Time 1:30 " tnt pire: iviem. l Cama Poataoae4. At Cincinnati Olnclnnatl-Plttsburg poet fponad; wet grounds. COLUMBUS WINS WITH STICK Asaerlcaa Aaaeelatlaa Leaders Take r.arth Stralaht from at. pal r Coaaeratlva Hlttlaaj. COLfMBUS. O.. April 11-Odwell, Kru gar, Frlel and Congalton got singles In tha seventh Inning that pulled Columbus through to the fourth straight victory oyer fit. Paul. JNaonan, whoaa hitting was the feature of tha game, was put off the field In tha eighth. Score: COLtMfU'S IT. Wa B H OA B B H O A B Jarkaaa. if... I 1 4 4 rHinls.Tr. rf. I 1 4 a 4 rrtol. .... 14 1 4heler. tb. 4 4 4 ro,.ltM, It ll .,, cf 4 4 I 4 4 Klhm. Ik.... 4 11 9 oelar. II I 4 14 1 Blly. aa ... I 4 I 4 t Noon.o. a... 4 1114 J,""" ? f 1 Tl.rn.yer. Ib I 1 1 1 4 " 1 1 UduM, aa..4 1 I 1 I ,u4l.y, 4 4 4 4 tUror, p 1 14 4 4 4 4 4 Tm. S . 1 4 4 1 TataJa 44 11 17 II "l ToUla U 4 14 14 "l Batted for seventh. Columbus 000010414) at- Paul 0 1 0 10 J 0 0 04 Stolea bases: KeUly, Roa'an. Sacrifice hlta: Rowan, Tii-meyer. Two-base hits: James, Tknteyer. Nwintn. Hit by pitcher Jlemayer. by Qualley. Struck out: By Oeyar. 1; by ljiroy. t; br Tonneaon. t. Paaaed balla: Nxman, J. Meyer. Innings r,cJ"d: Townaentl. 7; Quallev. 1 U-8; Gyer, ':L Lroy. 1-4; Toni.eaon. 1 i-S. Hits: . " .-own'nd- otl Qualley. 1; off Laroy, T, off Tonneaon. 4, Time: 4 40. Umpirea: iJat and liayea. KtLWAUKEE WINS IN SECOND Tw T'-Plea aad Oatftel4 Saerlflce lei Tiro Haea. LOUISVILLE. Ky.. April 11 Milwau kee won the last game of the series from Louisville today in the second Inning on triples by .Bateman and Robinson and Urean'a outfield sacrifice. Bcore- klLWAKKIf. LOllSVILLS. li U 1, B U ii 1 moblii.,.. aa. 4 i 4 1 1 p,rrln.. Sb 114 4 4 I 4 hir. rj... a 1 a Ru.i. ci. j 1 1 ,. 1,; ; : a I I a 4 a burt. J(, 4 1 1 a a H.:'na'fc. Ml I I I 4 v,oo.1r..ff. If 4 i i J 2 dark. Ib 4 1 I tulula. M ! ! aW.a. Ik.... 4 1 1 I P,Hr. c....;:i i f 0 Btlawaa. a 1 4 14 1, ,!.,. r ... a 1 4 f,0,all, p. , . a 1 a a Touj u I :j 11 1 J Ton.. ..u M 1, , Milwaukee 0 0 id 0 0 4 4 ! 3 Luutavllle 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 ftolen base: Roih. Sacrifice liiia J""w, Perrlne. Koih. Taobttt li.t-' Hrley. 1 hrre baaa lilts: Btirnun. ltub itiai.o. I i.hi 1. 1 plays: Claik to Brotvn Hateman (o I'.oUiuwmi to Brown, ttiu.'k uut: By 6iovll. ; by B jkfe, nnn. (. K1.0 on balU: (iff fctovU, .f Batemau, . liit ty pitched bii:yrilovall. 1 aad Lineup of i . a f' " ' ' ' I . ' 5 f ' From Left to I ba'.l Kelts. Left on bases: Lonlsvtlle, 7; Milwaukee, 6. Time: 1:3a. Umpire Kerln. TIE GAME . IN INDIANAP0US Darkaeaa Stone Play at Esd of Math laalas. INDIANAPOLIS. Ind., April . 18. -Kan sas City and Indianapolis played a tie game today,' but darkness stopped the play. ' The . Kansaa City men mado four of their runs in the sixth inning. The score: . INDIANAPOLIS. KANSAS CITY. B.H.O.A.E. B.H.O.A.E. Willlama, 1 Cook. If... t I ' Murphy. If... 114 4 4 4 0 1 I 4 I Hill. cf. I I J 0 0 Karwln. rf... 4 4 I 4 4 4 4 necklar. lb.. 4 4 10 4 4 4 4 Braahaar, 2b. I 4 t I 4 4 4 Kruesar. Jb.. 4 I I I 0 J J croaa, aa 1 I 1 4 4 1 Laahr. I 1 4 1 I I 4 Goodwin. .. 4 I 4 S 4 Ooultar, If... I Harden, rt... I Carr. Ib I Tiavldaon, cf. 4 LtTlaaaton. . e ft Llndaay, lb.. 4 Honk.. IH...4 4 11 Pruhot, p.... 14 0 Tevla, p 4 0 0 a v 4 ToUla..... Ii II 14 S ToUla M 1117 1! I Indianapolis ........0 1 1 0 1 1 0 2 0 A Kansaa City . . . . . . .0 0 0 0 0 4 1 1 0 1 Base hit3: Off Druhot, 11 in elht and one-third Innings; off Tevla, 1 In two thlrds of an Inning. 8truck out: By Good win, 1. Hit by pitcher: Beckley. Three base hits: Lindsay, Hill (2). BraHhear. Double Play: Wi:i!ants to Carr. Stolen base: Ilopke. Pasaed ball: Leahy. Time: 2:05. Umpire: Owens. Gam , Postponed. 'At Toledo Minneapolis-Toledo postponed: wet grounds. game OMAHA BOYS MAKE TENNIS TEAM Ced aaat Cab Potter Are Represent las; . l a Ion C'olleice. SCHENEC1 ADT N. T.. April 17.-Union college opened its buse ball season last Saturday, April 11, by holding Wcit. Point (army) down to S to) 1 In a well played game In which Union fast fielding waa a con spicuous feature. Union haa a full achedula for the coming season, and as all but three of the 1907 varsity are back, the prospects are exceedingly bright. Several stars are developing among the freshmen, too. The schedule: - April 11 West Point, at West Point. April IS Pratt institute, at Scherctady. April 25 Rutgers, at New Brunswick. May S Colgate, at Hamilton. May 7 Hobart. at Sehenettady. May 0 Rochester, at Rochester. May U-Wocheaier, at Schenectady. may la Hamilton, at I'llnton. -May 16 Hobart, at Oeneva. May LV New York university, at Schenec tady. May Edison club, at, Schenertady. May tl Mlddlt'hury, at Schenectady. May 3U Hamilton, at Schenectady. June Rutgers, at Schenectady. Jure 10-Colgate, at Schenectady. Proepects for a fine tennis team are also bright, as enthusiasm over this sport is at present very high. The schedule is as follows: May U Cornell, at 8chenectady. May 13 Hamilton, r.t Clinton. May lit Williams, at Wllllamsport. May :j Syracuse, at Schenectady. May S5 Hamilton, at Schenectady. Arrangements are also under way for games with New York university and Rut gave. Ced and Cub Potter, two Omaha boys at Union college, are both playing on the tennis team. They won their spurs on the clay courts of the Omaha Field club. BALTIMORE WANTS A GOOD MATCH Maryland 8 porta willing; to Pay for Attell aad Moraa. NEW TORK. April la. The latest bidder for the bout whkh must be held between Owen Moran. the liiijliaU featherweight, and Abe Attell. holder of the title in thut dlvikion, la the Eureka Allil.tlc club or Baltimore, which has come forward with the offer of a. J5,0u puree for . the match. The little Briton's manager has accepted Id ro. it Is umleratood. but it's at jirt tty safe bet that Attell will pass It up. Un less he wauti to be clashed as a trawler, Attell will have to me I Moran sooner or later, but he pad a turtle of what the Eng lishman could do when they met at Lua Angeles in their draw bout, and without doubt he will insist upon a greater offer than that submitted from Baltimore. Moran is anxious to get In the ring again with Attell. Celling- Heady for T.aala, The rlay courts st the Omaha llt-ld club ere plowed up last week and tomorrow one of the big steamers ust-d for rolling paving win Ims put 10 work 10 level them tiiey will een be in condition tor spring training, several Important tennis events are being planned In additiuii to Ilia ididvlie west, wtiKU la an annual Kaiure, tne Western' League Champions the Day Before the Season Opened . V ' 7' . j - Right-King, LeBrand, Austin. Franck (Capt). Belden. Qondlng. Hollenbeck, Dolan, OMAHA BASE BALL. TEAM FOR 1308. THURSDAY WILL BE FLAG DAY Third Pennant Won by Omaha to Be Unfurled Then. BIO TIME AT VINTON PARK Secoad Trlamph of Roarke Family Re. rails Old Day a of Frank tele Team Nineteen Tears - Abo, On Thursday, for the tUrd time in the history of its baae ball career, Omaha wtll see a championship pennantnfurled at the local WeaU rn league park. Frank Selee, ' with the famoua team of. 189, brcught home a pennant to Omaha. What a Joy It Is to the old-timers of the game to recall the days of Wally Andrews and Elmer Cleveland, Scrappy Jack Messltt and Tri-Socker Jake Strauss, Jimmy Canavan and Jimmy Cooney, Joe Walsh and Jack Crooks, Tommy Nagle, Kid Nichols. Dad Clcrke, Tit Willis and the ethers who made up that bunch of ball players. The games of . that summer are enshrined 'among the 'classics now, along with Bill Shields'' re mark, 'Who in h 1 cares for Milwaukee?" In answer to the Importunity of the scorj csrd vender. , r Kid Nichols and Dad Clarke are the only ones of that bunch who have shown on the diamond of the present Western league, and they were both given every evidence of their local popularity, as was Frank Selee when ho camo here with Pueblo. Omaha fans are still grateful for the team of 1SS9. But Papa Bill Rourke has handed ua some mighty fine ball since then and has brought home another pennant, hts second since the Western league waa organised In 1900. Always la the Race. Omaha has always been a contender in the pennant race, and no team has ever won a western league flag without beat ing Omaha but Des Moines. Two seasona ago Omaha played Des Moines o a stand still, but was not able to get away with games from the other teams, and the Iowa team carried off the flag for the second time. But laat seaaon It was different. Omaha won from each team in the league, and brought home a pennant without a q'lesttnn. It was the same In 1904 when Omaha nosed out Denver and Colorado Springe for the honor, winning practically' all Its games after the middle of July, and landing the flag by the closest of fin ishes, the last game on. the closing day of the season deciding the race. That, too, was a clean pennant, mado possible by beating each team in the league succes sively. Last season Omaha duplicated the Umpire Staff for Bratuian. THREE OF ' V " '-tf ; t " ' ' 1 " " "" ' ' -I n VS. ; .- . v ;;':r ::: ! - J v - STANDING CF THE TEAMS. WEST. LEAGUE. W.L.Pct. Omaha I 0 l.ono Denver 4 0 l.ono Sioux City... 1 .b7 Lincoln 1 ' 2 .333 Pueblo 0 4 .M Des Moines.. S .000 AMER. ASS'N. W.L.Pct. Columbus... 4 0 1.0TK) Milwaukee.. S 1 .750 Indlunap'ils 2 1 .6o7 Toledo 1 1 .600 Minneapolis. 1 1 .5)10 Kannas Cy.. 1 2 .333 Louisville.... 1 2 .260 St. Paul 0 4 .0U0 AMER. LEAGUE. W.L.Pct. NAT. LEAGUE. W.UPet. Pittsburg.... 3 0 l.ono St. Louis S 1 .760 Chicago.. 0 .7t0 New York... 1 .760 1 .760 Boston....... 2 2 ,6" 2 ..60 Chicago 2 2 .600 2 .600 Phlla 2 2 .fxJ 3 .260 Detroit....... 1 2 .3(3 3 .260 Cleveland.... 1 2 .333 2 .OOu Washington. 1 3 .260 New York... 3 Brooklyn.,., t Phlla 2 Baatom 1 St. Louis 1 Cincinnati... 0 performance of 1904, with an even more remarkable feature. During the season Omaha held every position tn the standing table from absolutely laat to first. Twice Des Moines pushed the Rourke family out of first place, and for the third time the undaunted champions forced their way back to front position, and by dint of stub born playing held on to the finish, winning ono of the prettiest of contests by a mar gin that none would dispute. . . Victory Will Be Celebrated. On Thursday afternoon this victory will be celebrated at the Vinton Street park. The team this year looksven stronger than last year's, and has started out at a truly championship pace. 80 when it comes homo for the first game on the home grounds. It will be welcomed by a throng of fans who are hungry for the first chance to see the boys under headway ' In a real game. Papa BUI has made all arrange ments for an appropriate observation of the day. No parade will be given, that fea ture having been abandoned aeveral Rea sons ago, but Finn's band will be at the park to furnish music for the occasion. The mayor and city council and the county officials have been Invited, and one of the high dignitaries will perform the 1 time honored function of throwing the first ball. No seaaon could possibly be opened with out this. The teams will march In 'order to the flag pole, where the pennant will be unfurled, and the game will be started. Brennan will probably be the first umpire assigned to Omaha. Lincoln will be the op posing team, and Pat Ra.gan is set down to pitch for Omaha. President O'Nell has signified his Intention of being present, and If the weather man can only behave him self, the day will ' be all that the moat enthusiastic well wisher of the Rourke family could ask. Lincoln will play here Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Ever try The Bee Want Ad Columnar If not, do so, and get satisfactory results. Western League for Haakell. . THE BEST INDiCAioA "HANDLERS IN - i : T S '- ; ') ; -.' f ' ' '. .' . . .. v ..,. ' .f 1.' .- .., Mt 1 .' V - 4 . J. . .a ."( , .... RItiman, Householder, Welch, Hall. Autrey. , WRITE SOXSDDTOUTBROWNS St. Louis is Unable to Bunch Hits on 1 Walsh. VISITOR'S WTLDNESS DOES REST la geld Goes ta Pleeea la Sixth aad Chicago Makes Tws Bans . Ora ham Allows bat Twi Hlta, bat Paaaea Three Mea. I CHICAGO, April 18.-Walsh shut out St. Louis today, Chicago winning,' 2 to 0. Gra ham's wildness started the locals scoring and errors by Wallace and Hoffman helped. The visitors' Infield went to pieces in the sixth Inning and missed several chancea to shut off runs. Score: CHICAGO. sr. Loris. B.H.O.A.E. B H.O A g. Hahn, rf 4 0 1 4 4 Hoffman. , rf.. 4 9 0 0 1 F. Jon.a, cf . I 0 1 rvmiatierty. if I 1 I Parant. aa. ... 4 4 1 Ata, 2b 4 1 1 DoDohua. lb. 4 0 11 Tann.hlll, Sb I 0 1 PullWan. o... 3 4 4 Walah, p..... 14 0 1 0 I I 9 IV Jonen. cf. 4 1 4 9 9 4 Stone. If 4 4 19 9 1 Willlama, lb. 4 9 1 4 1 wallaca, aa.. 4 9 14 1 4 4 Perrla. lb.... 10 14 9 t 4 T. Jonaa. lb. I t It 0 II 4 4 Bnaacer, a... I 9 4 1 0 4 4 Graham, p... 114 19 Tatala 24 3 17 11 3 ToUla 11 I 14 14 3 Chicago 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 ) St. Louis ... 0 0 00000000 Two-base hit: Dougherty. Sacrifice hit: Sullivan. Left, on bases: St. Ixiufs. 5; Chicago, 8. First base on balls: Off Gra ham, 3. Hit with pitched ball: Bv Graham, 1. Struck out: By Walsh. 4; by Graham, 3. Wild pitch: Walsh. Time: 1:25. Umpires: Egan and O'Loughlln. NEW, YORK WINS IN ELEVENTH Chase aad Hemphill's Battlag Decide the Issue. NEW YORK. April 18.-The New -York Americans defeated the Washington tenra after an eleven-Inning struggle today. Chase's batting ' In the ninth and - final Inning, as well as the hitting of Hemphill, were factors in the victory for the home team. Score: . ' NBW YORK. WASHINGTON. B H O A B. B.H.O. A. a. Nlleslb Keerer, rf.... BMahl, If KiUrfeld. sa Oiaa. lb.... H.mphHI. ef. rnro-. lb... Kl.lnow. a .. a a rifsarina:. ci 9 o V Milan, if ... 3 4 Ganler. If . . 4 1 liflrh'nty, Ib 4 1 1 firmer. rf. 4 119 0 9 9 9 1 14 4 4 111 I It 1 a Preeman. II b. 4 11 1 1 I 4 Warner. Ik.. 1 1 4 Ptraat, a 4 13 4 9 1 11 .4 1 4 9 S 1 9 Newton, p. . a -w 1 a v Mnurlda, aa Bvhliik, It 4 9 14 4 i M 1 1 . ToUla o 11 h 11 m nuriia, p.., Kaelay, p.. bearing ,, 4 14 4 1 4 4 4 9 9 119 9 4 ToUla It 11M U Batted for Freeman in the eighth. None out when winning run waa made. Washington .. 0000000200 2 S New York 0 0010100 1' 0,3- Two-base hits: Gehrlng, Conroy, Warner, Bchipke, Burns, Hemphill. Three-base hit Season of 1908 THE BUSINESS Davla :. ' f ! V . . . . . . ' - V. .. . . .; 1 ' - : i-r , , ' ' V . s a, . t . ' " ' ' .'..' -.' , ' " '. , ',: ..'. '- . ." " -"V-'-- v .... "..'7;Ov Meti Noah. Chaae: Hits: Off Burns, In ten Inning. Sacrifice hlta: Ganley, .Clymer. Stahl. Btolen bases: Hemphill, Stahl. Double plays: Nile to Elberfeld to Chaae, Clymer to Delehanty to McBrlde to Delehanty, First base on balls: Off Newton, K; off Burns, 2. First base on errors: Washlng- n"'T: N.ew Y,ork' 1 Hlt w,th Pched belli By Newton, 1; by Burns, L Struck out: By Newton. 7: by Burns, 5. rasaed ball: Street. Wild pitch:. Newton. Time: 3:17. Umpires: Connelly and Hurst. DYGERT TOO MUCH FOR BOSTON Philadelphia Makes Hits with Mea I aa Baaea. BOSTON, April 11-Good pitching by Dy gert with men on bases, and the hitting of Collins and Coombs, enabled Philadelphia to defeat Boston today, 4 to 1 Score: PHILADELPHIA. BOSTON B.H.O.A.E. B.H.O.A.B. 4 1 0 0 ThfMl4V If 1 4 t a a Hartaal, If. Nirhola, aa Col Una, 3b. Davla. lb.. a aa A at w W w w nciiiit,' ef... 3 14 4 a -1 I I 4 Geaalar, rf... 3 4 I 0 4 I I II II I Laoorta IK . A a a a Murohv fth a 4 1 Coomba. rf... I 3 3 4 4 Waanar, .19 3 .19 1 I 4 1 0 1 a "". a.... s v e Crisar. e.. Schreck. 1 T I 4 Wlntar, p. ( 4 1 4 4 4 MoUa.nall Drsert, p. .14 4 . 1 ."1 4 4 4 4 444 . , Crarath , ToUls 14 10 IT 16 1 Batted for rrinr in 11,. -i-.'w 7 4 37 11 1 . " ... ,1,. itiiiiii, Batted for Winter in the ninth. Philadelphia .......0 012 0 0 0 1 04 BoBt"n , 100000010-3 Two-basa hits: Colllrs, Coombs. Three M"e.!! t: (50,T.b"- Bacr,f,c "Its: Coombs, i-h 'lfTt w,rrer- Stolen bases: Collins. Lord. Double play: NIchol to Murphy to J" n bases: Philadelphia, 10; Botoli''7-a-r,r,t b on ": Off Dy ZZu:i, Wlntr- "It with pitched ball: By Uvgert. 1. Struck out: By Dy- ST1, 1LbjLVlnter- P-1 ball: Crlger, fcchreck. Tlmey2:Q0. Umpire: SherldaJi. Game Postponed. At Detroit-Detroit-Cleveland gam post poned on account of rain. - GANS GIVES NELSON EVERYTHING Champion Coneede Rival Weight aad utaer Aavaatagrea la Match. SAN FRANCISCO.' April l.-To ' the great aurprlse of . the sports of this section the Occidental Athletic club of thl cjty, of which Jack Gleason Is -the manager, has arranged a match of twenty rounds be tween Joe Gans. chamnlnn llirlitaivh the world, and Battling Nelson, his one time rival, to be held in thla city some time next month. Articles were alimaA rn. .hi. fight recently, Nelson putting his own au- tograpn to the agreement, and Hen Bellg acting or Uans The strangest part of the agreement Is mat uans agrees to weigh In at 233 pounds, stripped, at the ringside,. and Nelson is not to be compelled to wela-ti. Thla nuuin. Is almost the same as that which the Dana Insisted upon when the men met In their long fight at Goldfleld, Nev tn Septem ber. 1904, but the fact that Gans represent tatlve accepted the ' condition without demur la taken to show that tha champion considers Nelson aa a has-been and is will ing to allow him almost any handicap. The fighters are to receive 60 per cent of the gats receipts, to be divided 60 per cent to the winner and 40 per cent to the loaer, and Gans is to post a forfeit of $2.(00 to guarantee hla weight, in addition to the 82.500 that each must poet for appearance. The making of this match win anniu off the Gana-Unholc bout, which Jim Jef. fries was trying to arrange for his new club for the time that the battleship fleet is nere. . i HASKINS WILL RUN FOR HIS HOME New Zealand Bey Will Eater Olympic Hares aa Bach. PHILADELPHIA. April 18.-lne recelv. Ing word from James E. 8ullivan of the American Olymplo committee that ha Is Ineligible to compete In the e-ame In don aa ' a representative of this country, Guy Hasklns, formerly of the University of Pennsylvania, has accented an Invitation tn represent New Zealand, hla home. In the uiympio games. Haskln's entry for the eaatatrm trials On June waa rejected owing to the tact that "he la not a citlsen of the United Statea and is therefore ineligible. Haskina will train for the Olvmnln tamaa on Franklin field, this city, and It is ex pected that he will leave for London with the American team on June 27. Blgr Flak la gepmeer Lake. T.UMI ia-Alr r, Mill-.- - ... - - - unim on a live- pound wall-eyed pike caught ta Seymour laka an,1 IiuIhv h will T ... , Jrlday he caught a black baaa welshing w.ween an awiia arran pounaa ana another weighing about two pounds. CHAMPS WIN IN TWELFTH Des Moines Gires Pitcher Hollenbeck a Serere Drubbing". OMAHA ALSO THERE WITH STICI 'After Startla Oat with Rash Omaha Allewe Des Malaea ta Tie "ear la tha Nlath, bat Boaetera Effort Are la Vala. (DE8 MOINES, Afrtl W.-Doa Molnea nd Omaha played a strenuous twelve-Inning game today,' which Omaha won by a score of t to 8. Des Molnea made a hard uphill fight against Omaha'a lead of four, runs In the first Inning. Score: R-H.K. Des Molnea .10 1 00 0 00 1 10 1814 2 Omaha 4 0000100020 34 11 2 Batteries: Des Moines. McOreror. Bo- mar and Hopkins: Omaha. Hollenbeck. Noah and LeUrand . ,. PAIR OF ERRORS HELP, DENVER Bohaaaoa far tha Cirlsslles Pitches Shat - Oat Ball. DENVER, April ls.-(Speclal Telegram.) Clancy mado two bad errors In the fifth inning, these permitting Denver to . get five' runs more than' It was entitled to. Otherwise the game was a close one and fairly welt played. Bhannan pitched ahut. out ball until Denver got such a long lead. Score: : , t . DENVER. AB. H. H. O. A. Casxady. If Waldron, rt Downey, sa. ...... White, lb Belden,1 f. Doll, cf Irwin. 3b Lauterborn, . as.. Zalufcky, o Bohannan, p 4 .1 4 J I '1 4 ' 1 1,0 . 1 0 0 , 4 1 , 8 0 . a 1 Totals... S t 27 PUEBLO. AB. R. H. O. A. Smith, c Craig. If Patterson, lb. Mattlck. cf.... 4 0 f (1 0 V 1 0 Corn an, as. Beolllnger, rf 4 iNeinoti, 3D... Clancy. 2b 2 1 S Hoffman, 2b.. Galgano, p 3 Totals 33 2 ( 24 7 4 Denver 2 0 0 0 0 0 A Pueblo 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 02 Two-base hits: Caasady, Beolllnger. Stolen base: Downey. Sacrifice hits: Za lusky, Nelhoff. Bases on halls: Off Bo hannan, 1; off Galgano. 1. Struck nut: By Bohannan, 0; by Galgano. 3. Left on bases: Denver. 3; Pueblo, a. Double play: Smith to Corhan. . Wild pitch: Oalgan' Flrat base on errors: Denver. 2; Puehlo, 1. Hit with pitched bail: Downey. Time: 1:40. Umpire: Davis. LINCOLN DROPS ONE TO SIOUX Heme Raa by Spencer with Baaea Fall the Featare. . LINCOLN. April 18. -W 1th three men on bases and two out. Spencer for Sioux City hit the ball over the center field fence and four men came In. That took the tuck out of the Lincoln players, and the, visitors won about as they pleased. Fugste wss not effective, and McKay relieved him, but could not stop the batting. The Llncotns could not hit Jacobson ,wlth success, but he was wild and Furchner took his Mace. The game was called at the' end of the eighth to let Sioux City catch a train. Score: LINCOLN. AB. R. H. O. A. 8 0 0 3 1 S 1 0 3 3 2'.1 3 8 4 0 0 0 0 4 1 1 11 0 3.0 0 0 3 2 a 1 3 0 4 ' 0 - '2 1 3 , 1 0 0 0 3 10,00 1 Davidson cf... Fox, 2b Gaunter, sa.. Fenlon. rf.v Thomas, Vb.. Reddick. 3b.. Klrg. If...... Ztnrsn. c... Fugste, p.... McKay, p... Totals.... a s felOUX CITT. 4 24 It I ' AB. R. H. 0 a r. Campbell, If.. Holmes, 3b.... Andreas, 3b.. Weed, rf Severeld, lb.. Spencer, cf... Granvillo, ss. Henry, c Jacobsen, p... Furchner, p.. . 4 4 ToUls.....: ....33 13 33 2 King out, bunted on third strike. Lincoln . 0 10 0 2 0 06 t Sioux City .'. , 0 0 4 0 0 0 4 1-t Home run: Bpencer. Two-bae hit: Thomaa. Btolen baars: King. Henrr, Holmes. Sacrifice hits: Fucate. Andres. First baae on balla:. Off Fugate. J; off McKay, 3; off .Jacobsen, 6: off Furchner. 1. Hit with patched fcslU By Furchner. 1. Struck out: By Jacobean, 4; by. Furchner. 2. .Wild pitch: McKay. Time: 1:44. Um pire: Brennan. Attendance, 1 J. HANX 0'DAY GOES ON RECORD Predicts a Claxte Baee aad Hlh Plaee for t. Loals Mailoaala. NEW YORK, April 18.-Hank O Day. dean of National league umpires, says that the St. Louis team Is sure to be among the leadera of the race at the finish of the season. Hearken, children, for when Hank apeaks he s-iys something: 'The Cardinals have a splendid chance of being up In the National league race thla seaaon. It Is no longer a one-el uh league. I don't care If the Chicago club plays better ball than It did last year. It will never have such a walkover for the pennant. "There are four or five cluba in the league that hare been building up during the last two years, and this Is the year they are going te Jump Into the race. No club seems to me to have Improved more than' thla St. Louis club, and It certainly has a chance to be up In the fighting. . A lot of young pitchers have been developed in the National league In the laat year Or two. Who ever thought of Karger, Beebe or Fromme two seasons back? And yet today they are three of the strongest pitch era we have la the league. "The Chicago club may win the pennant another year, but my prediction ta that the National league la going to give the public a big surprise thia year. ' I look for as close a, race In It as In the American league, and I think that five clubs at least will be . fighting the Cuba most of tha way." I C laat a Pla y ' Laarels. - The Gtanta and 'tha Laurels will battle thia afternoon at RJvwrvtew nark. - Caama called at 1 . Tha llne-un win K. . GIANT. LAURTCtJ. C. Bruggermaa .Catch J. boihii J. Maaate .flush ,H. Harding G. Bruggetnaa... . . Dlgiiio First ...,,.,." Ijoe Toman.... ....... "vc.ond i Kaiuta CombUth Third T. Maul.,., itwt,lw,,,J, CVrtiMiia A. Mat.. I.arf, ,,.... ,..W lt yanla nlatar... ( 'nl I. a. rul.i lloy , rugl.t .., . Iiynaea