D flTE OMATTA SUNDAY BFR. APRIL 10. 1003, Hiqh Grade VJash Goods Dept. in n i If I l WW" MSGS' Easter Spgeia i riii i ..ji I Surpassing nil previous efforts at bargain giving. Wise buyers will take advantage ol these prices. ' W - a-s . sMSBSsB THE RCL1ADLC OTOnC Afer Easier Sale of Sfs Owing to the need of ready mpney to make up fall lines our buyer found several manufacturers willing to take a loss on spring silks to clean up their stocks, the result is the greatest lot of silk values of the season here for your selection Monday. Ssc yd. for Black and Color Taffe ter; regular f 1.00 quality; manu facturer's coat 70c Splendid Una bf shades, at 50 100 piece Id th lot. 49c yd. for 19x27 in. noyeltles; all latest shades and weaves; fancy rough pongees, fancy stripe, check, plaid, dot and fig ured silks. Regular 75c and 11.00 yd. ralues; mfg. cost 65 to 72 c; Monday, yd 49 Io yd-for choir f nearly .00O yds. of plain and fancy silks, nearly very wears and coloring imaginable; all lengths from t yds. to 80 yds. in a piece. Regular Talues to $1.00 yd. AU in one great lot, at, choics yd ........ .39 Three Splendid Black TaffeU Specials. A saying of 88 per cent on every yard of this silk Monday. 8-in. Black TarfeU. , Jo-ln. Black Taffeta; , 86-in. Black Taffeta; special, at yd.. 79 special, at yd . ,05 special at ydSl.lO All mall orders received up till Wednesday noon will be filled at this special sale price. Veritable Carnival of Bargains Values you'll certainly not find duplicated elsewhere. Delightful opportunities for the economically inclined. Real Hand Made Irish Laces at Half. An immense importation direct from Ireland here. Lace Stocks, Coat Sets, Collars and Cuffs, Bands and Edges. Import direct, thus saving middle man's profits, paying no commission to agents to introduce these laces, we are in a position to save you the 50. See our beautiful display Monday, . KEW lUJRBONS The Lending Dress Goods House of. ihe iyes7T7 i iii as I One more of these great sales to wind up our spring stock. Never miss this or you will regret It EVERYTHING EXACTLY AS ADVER TISED. All fl.OO Black and Colored Dress Goods. ....... .. 57 All $1.25 Black and Colored Dress Goods.... ..... 07 All 11.60 Black and Colored Drew Goods.; ' 87c All $2.00 Black and Colored Dress Goods. ....... 97 All $2.60 Black and Colored Dress Goods..' 81.19 All $3.00 Black and Colored Dress Oooda. ... . . . .$1.37 AU $4.00 Black and Colored Dress Goods.. $1.97 AU $6,00 Black and Colored Dress Goods $2.47 All Priestley's genuine Cravenettes, all Rain proof, and all Automobile Cloth' for Monday only at . HALF PRICE Sale lasts Monday and Tuesday. Mail orders filled until Friday. . High Grade White Goods Dept. A glance into this department will readily convince you that for quantity, quality, style and price we lead all. Read this: 25c Woven Domestic Swisses lfC 39o hand embroidered Scotch Swiss -.. 23 60c hand embroidered St. Gall Swiss ......... 59o hand embroidered St. Gall Swiss 76c hand embroidered St. Gall Swiss $1.00 kaad embroidered St Gall Swiss - $1.25 hand embroidered St. Gall Swiss $1.60 hand embroidered St. Gall Swiss $1.00 pure Irish Dress Linen 86c cure Irish Dress Linen 76c pure Irish Dress Linen 39c 65c pure Irish Dress Linen 33 69c pure Irish Dress Linen ...... Uo All Jacquard Fancies cut in two. 12ttc India Linon..7Ht French Lawns, yard, from $2.00 down to.... 1Q$ Persian Lawns, 85c down to . . 10 33 37? 48 58 8 87 59 48 25c India Llnon.... 15 19c India Llnon.. 12 15c India Llnon .... 10 Long Cloth, 25k, 19c, 15o. 12 4 c and 10 60o quality an sUk taffeta ribbon, extra wide and heavy, ea sale, at, yard .............. ... 25 80c all silk TaffeU Ribbons, wide and heavy, on sale, yard.. 15 , NEW NECKWEAR v All the latest stock and tab col lars, fancy lace bows, silk, satin and embroidered mull ties, regu lar 35c to 60s values 19 v NEW RUCH1XGS Our complete stock of fancy ru ch in ga, all colors and designs, worth from S0 t 75o yard, en sale, at, yard.... 10 to 43 NEW SILK BELTS The best aad most complete line shewn la Omaha. AU silk elas tic belts om sale. 60c Elastic Belts at 25 76c Elastic Belts at 49 $2.00 Elastic Belts at 98 $3.00 Elastic Belts at.. $1.50 NEW HANDBAGS $1.50 Ladles' Handbags. .. .85 $1.00 Ladles' Variety Bags.. 49 BOOK SPECIALS Why net make this saving? $1.60 Oopyrigkt Socks at.. 93 $1.00 Copyright Books at. 43 All the 2 60 Novels, choice. . 7tt Bring this list with you Monday. Dont niiss them. . v UNEQUALLED Furniture Bargains Monday It you care for a saving, Monday Is certainly your time. If yon desira- complete assortments for selection, you could find no better place. Look over, our spring 11 nee; you'll find them su perior In quality and variety at the price. 100 Nobby Tailor Suits, in the popular Prince Chap styles, nice assortment of plain and fancy, mixed fabrics, reg ular values to $18.50, choice, Monday at ,. $9.90 250 Tailor Suits, in chiffon panamas, rajah silks, etc, splendid assortment of new styles and colors, regular values up to $25.00, choice, $14.90 $8.50 Covert Jackets Just 50 in the lot, all sizes, at, choice $4.95 Hundreds pf New Suits, in the popular Merry "Widow, Prince Chap, Butter-, fly and other styles, fine materials, in all the wanted shades, such as Copenhagens, ' blondines, the new leather shades, etc., shown at and well worth $30.00; sale price Mon clfiy( . ! . t. 2000 Record Breaking Values In Oar High Grade Linen Section Which Appeal to Every Thrifty Housewife in Omaha Ten pieces Scotch Table Damask, pure linen. 72 inches wide, sold regularly at $1.25 yd; Monday only, per yard .. . 59 Five pieces high grade Belfast dew bleached double Da mask, 2 yards wide; best linen value ever shown; well worth $2.00 yd.; Monday only, yd 9S Tweaty dozens pure Irish linen napkins, 22 inches square put in half dozen lots; worth $3.00 per doz.; . Monday only for -95 $50 dozens restaurant napkins, checked patterns, hem med, ready for use; sold everywhere at 60c dos.; Mea day only, per dos -35 Fifty dozens, the best klgh grade towel value ever of fered, including hemmed aad kenutitched huoks and satin daatasks; wertb up to 3 do ea.; Monday only, each 10 One case of that heavy double woven table padding, 64 inches wide; 80c value. Preserve yeur poilahed table top; Monday enly, yard 25 Replenish your spring aeeds here in Bed Spreads, Sheet and Pillow Slips, where you get the best possible material la genuine standard brands at leas than mill coBtf production. Atlantlo Mill Sheets, size $1x90, each 75 Fruit of Loom Sheets, size 81x90, each. . .,. ...... .75 Moaaw Valley Sheets, size 81x90, each' 59 Pepperell Sheets, size 81x90, each -59 Linen FiniBh Sheets, size 81x90, each 40 k Read these Grocery Prices Ur Monday. We save yon 25 per cent to 50 perct. on yur Housefurnlshing expenses $17.60 Dining" Table solid oak pedestal bane with patent lock, 46-lnch round top. 6-foot exten sion, finely finished, a beauty at, sale price Sia0 aa.OO Oak Stain Tails A-foot ex tendon, apeulaX at J1S fS.se Oak Plains; TaMs I foot ex tension, special, at... "4.TS $7.50 Oak liag labia fr-foot ex tension, special, at ,S6-6G Ereriwo chads asraoxaxa Mo Oaelrs, each ...TSo U Chairs, each. .atto (1.SS Chairs, each. .Sl-00 S1.6S Chairs, each fl.85 Cfo-Osjrta aad Carriages The moat complete line you'll find oa dis play In Omaha. Every Imagin able style far the largest, most roerAy carriage to the smallest, roost compact, folding carta. .You'll find the quality superior here at prices SUB, $a.SO, S3.88, f&OO, fTJSO to $ 2a oo. r Sanitary Steel Coach Some thing no home should be with out, makes neat couch when closed; full bed opened has three rows ooU supports, special. S3.B0 Investigate nr Crodit System, Rend foe Oat 140-page ruratture Toa'U rind 1 rt Most CeaTenient. i Catalogues, .mi 1 i p-i.rn.iTn ... 1mm lmi Manufacturer's Stock sSfe Women's Spring Rpparel SkOMO Purchase On Sale Jt About Half The manufacturers needed the money and our New York buyers, with plenty of cash at their disposal secured stocks of high class Suits, Coats, Waists and Skirts to the amount of over $40,000 at an average of 50c on the dollar. Saturday, the first day of this sale, was the most successful sale day of our experience, but Monday, Tuesday and every day this week will be fully as rich in bar train offerings. Only a portion of this great stock can be shown in any one day, and new bargains will be continuously brought forward. MONDAY WILL BE SUIT DAY. Beautiful Silk Shirtwaist Suits Over 150 in the lot, made of SimonTs best taffetas, in the newest spring shades and styles, matchless bargains Mon day at $12.50 Braided Jackets, in Copenhagens, browns, navy blues and black, splen did bargains at $12.50 See the new designs in the popular Crown Jewel Suits, at $25.00 Women's $6.00 Silk Underskirts Mon day at $3.95 Women's $2.00, long Kimonos, Mon day at 98c Women's $2.50 Heatherbloom Under skirts Monday $1.45 Infants' 50c Long Slips Monday. 19c ( Watch daily papers for further an nouncements. Ceme early. An Elaborate Display of Hew Styles Curtains and Draperies Scores of handsome new lines just received, very richest effects, most complete assortment and best values shown anywhere in Omaha. m plftk Brussels BTei Curtains 5- lnck wide with very elab orate herders, five different daulsaa. at pair SS.S8 Brussels 1st Curtains 8 Mi yards long, 11-4 wide, score , ef different designs, plain centers with fancy borders, pair 7.SO, S.SS, B.9S and 4.8 Beverclsle Carded Arabian Curtalr s -splendid values, ' beautiful styles at pair, S.S8, 4.SS, 3.SS aad Oluay Curtains) the eorrect . thing for the dining room, all styles shown la- white and ecru, at . pair, 1330, $1S, 8L6 down to tM ftfi.VB Irish rolat, Wovelty aad v, Brussels Bet, Cable Bet, . Oluay aad Madras) Ourtalas speolal, at pair. .4-83 Klsn City Cable Bet Curtains made from sea island cot ten strangest and most dur able curtain ea the market, 'big ranee of patterns, pair . 4.S8, 3.SS, S.BS and 1.98 Bew Curtain Materials 4 6- lnoa celored Madras, In toe new stained glass effects, one ef tke rlokeat, new drap ery fartos. at. yd So 42-tnok Madras fleral and erteatal dealgns, at yd. tic aa-iaoa Ms n res ill oolors, yard 3So Ss-taok Madras la cream and greeus; yard Boo M-lnoh Ourtalm Bwteses dots, stripes and figures, at. yard 16e Se-Uoh Treaok Muslin la colonial designs for bed room drapes and bed covers, yard BSe 60-iaoa Fillet Bet roinaa lace design. Ivory white or Arabian, at yard 1J14, Bl.SO and a&o BO-Inch ranoy Bet white or Ivory, splendid values, S9o, Me and S9o Beavy Oeuon Covers 60-In. wide, bagdad stripe, each, at 8.88 Bops Bortlarea plain colors or fancies. 4-SB, eVSO, down to v8o Vethlnsr te of everything that you oaa find any. as te equal this department west of Chicago. Unmense snantltlea where else, and thousands of up-to. date geeds that are not found any where In this town outside of this house. OtROKiM BBPT. I.nnranter's PreF GlnRliam 840 Bates' 8nrrlor Prese Olnhms.lSH0 The Celrbrated Toll du Nord-.-lS'tO The CVIebrateil Amnskeag Ctlllty.lOo The Engllah Hlgh-Orade Frn'les .18o Wm. Anlrson's Genuine Scotch. 88o Oally and Lord's Silk Warp 3!o Printed Rllk Warp Foulnrds 39o Printed French Organdies 39o Printed French Organdies ..to Silk Warp Voiles 3o P I Ik Wnrp Velles. Silk Strips. .. .39o Domestlo Voile, fine mesh and colors 18o Bradford Fancies, yard tl B0L 11.25. fl.OO. 6o and TM ATTEND THE GREAT.... Linoleum Sate MONDAY, AFRIL 20 A cash purchase of over 6,500 square yards of high grade Linoleum, direct from the mills Half and. Less Regular Price. Some short lengths but i" A "7Tl Qualities that would nearly all full bolts M J f "ell regularly up to among the short 0 fw 75c sq. yd.; the most lengths; many pieces CnZflPF VHPH delightful bargain op to match; two lota at. t3WUrtnt ' fnu portunlty ever offered Six Rousing Rug Specials for Monday $15.00 Tapestry Hniswls Rugs 9x12 size; splendid assortment. Bpwslal $10.50 $30.00 Axmtnster Rugs, bettt qual ity, 9x12 size; 20 patterns to select from; floral and oriental doslgns. Special $21.08 ftS.OO Extra Armlnstor IIukb Size 36x72. Sale price. . .$3.49 It will be impossible to fil $18.00 Tarx-Mry Brussels Rugs 8-3x10-6 size; good range, 8 pat terns. Special, at $12.08 $30.00 Royal Wilton Rugs 9x11 size; beautiful colorings; big range of patterns, on sale, each, at $35.00 $8.00 Kasmir Rugs 6x9 sire; no wroag side. Special . . .$5.75 mail orders on linoleums, but all orders for rug items will be given prompt and careful attention. Muslins, Sheetings, Domestics In Our Famous Domestic RoomWe Have no Competition Brown Sheetings, Da las, exactly same count and weight as pepperal. 7- 4 yards lOo 8- 4 yards IS He 9- 4 yards 14o 10- 4 yards ISO Tard wide. Bleached Muslin, first call Ko Woolward Bo Extra Ho Fine Lonsdale o Fruit 7o Pepperal R '...SHo Bed Spreads, full stss, tSo 89c, 60c, 76o and 91.00. Lion Brand Long Cloths Bo India Llnon . . India Llnon .... India Llnon 40-lnoh Lawns , 16o White Goods White Goods .. White Goods Apron Checks Apron Checks ...... Standard Prints .... Pine Dress Gtnghaaa Best Dress Gingham ...THo ...He .lOo me -A He ...Ho ...8Ho He 10q Bath Towels, Ittc. Stto, to, 7 Vie. IHa and lOo ri.00 Turkish Red Table Cloths.. BSo $1.00 White Table Cloths 69o $3.00 & $3 JO " Try It Once m carl mrmmJL yur wrist. 7t too tt,tJjust so you ft J m ftnth frttsur. In Mf an koww you will faint from tkmt ftntlt fires sur. So witk th resur of ituOy-fttmf skoetl That's why you ftet so tirtJ when night comes. But "Queen Quality" Shoes will quickly relieve that trrti feeling. All shafts and leathers. 4S-lb. Sacks Best . Fancy, Highest patent Fleur, for this sale.)l-S 10 Bars Best Brands Laundry Soap 26o 10-lbs. Best White or Yellow Corn- meal "o The Best Somestio Macaroni package V0 I -lb. cans Solid Packed Tomatoes, for 'ia eana. 5 tor .o f cans Fancy Sweet Sugar Corn. for v 5 Fancy Wax. String or Lima Beans per can 7H 1 -lb. cans Golden Pumpkin, Horn L lay. CMiuash. or Baked Beans. 7 The best Corn Starch, per pit g.. 4c Brled Prult Vrloea For This Bale Choice California Prunes, per pound 4c Fancy Santa Clara Prunes, per pound 7fto Fancy California Prunes, per pound tMo Fancy Muscatel Raisins, per pound 7 Ho Fancy California Seediest Rainlns. per pound ......70 Fancy Imported Sultana Ralslna, per pound ltVso Fancy California Nectarines, per pound l6o Fancy California Grapes, lb..7VsO Fancy California Pitted Plums, per pound .j .....loo Fancy New Tern JBvape Apples, per pound a"'0 Fancy Sliver Prunes'. sr U...1&0 Fancy Seeded Raisins, per pkWtti'jul 'neioo' Prices Choice Hairy Butter, per lb...J0o Fancy Dairy Butter, per lb... 24a Fancy Country, Creamery Butter, per pound o Fanny Full Crosrni Wisconsin Cheexe. per pound 15o Tresb Tegetable Prloea for Monday 2 heads fresh Leaf Lettuce. .. .oo 4 bunches Fresh Radishes. .60 Large Cucumbers, each 60 1 bunches Fresh Onlens 60 t bunches Fresh Parsley 60 VTax or Green Beans per lb.,10o Fresh Peas, per quart 60 Fresh Beets, Carrots or Turnips, per bunch 40 Quart boxes fancy ripe Straw berries 12 Ho Fancy Freeh Dates, per lb...8Vo Fancy Imported 7-Crown Figs. per pound 12V0 Large Juicy Lemons, per dos.liio Fresh Roasted Peanuts, per qt.60 Watch and wait for the Big Annual Kese Bus and Harubbery week. Monday for Rakes, Hoes, Spading Forks, Rubber Hose, Etc. Monday we wiu give away free the best Hose Reel made with every Garden Hose sold. Best Rubber Hose, fully guaran teed, 80, So, 10, 12 H We do not hi'indle the cheap quality ruober hose, because we cannot guarantee It. Beit Bteel Garden Rakes, ISO, 19o and 7 ,...S8o Double Garden Hoe, best steel, only lOo tSc Garden Hoe, Monday ISo 11.00 Bteel Spading Fork, 4 tine . at BSo 4-e.t Zlno Rose Sprinkler, oaly.lSo Garden Weeders or Trowels, Mon day : so Children's Z6a Garden Sets, Rake, hoe kndjfcpade, all complete for.Uo Step Ladders, Monday, per foot.lOo Heavy Braided Clothes Ltne..lo If you want the best quality Gal vanised Poultry Wire, ,why not get It Monday for 90, la full rolls, only 0o To our out-of-town customers, send for a color card of Our paint, then order It by mall and stop paying Sto and l.lt per gallon when we sell the best for that, .foot Collins- Busters, worth 40a, at lo Union made Parlor Brooms. .WHO Extra heavy Rug or Carpet Beat era, for ISo Strong Willow Clothes Baskets. 49o Studded nog Collars, all aises.S6o Small Dg Collars, studded .... t o Heavy Dust Pans, Monday.... 60 The Q. K. Waah Machine, Monday for S4.76 The Western Washer - Monday, for Si-75 m TXata to pautt. we will sell odd slsus of Monday Paints, Enamels and Varnishes for furniture, Iron beds, woodwork, floors, etc., for Be and lOo per oan. We sell more paint than any other paint department in Omaha, be cause we guarantee our paint or money back. You can pay tl-IS or J1.68 per gallon If you want to, but why net get the best guaran teed pain made (all colors) for 11.89 gallon. Good. Ready Mixed faint only 9 So gallon, guaranteed I years. We have sold this paint 10 years this Is guarantee enough. Ordr here by mail, you'll find it both convenient and profitable.' Out f'town customers shou 14 send their rders promptly t assure best satisfaction.' "Trade, Excursions" (Continued from Pago One.) aenltn. of the cltys prosperity. One of tho members of the party said, after the first trade excursion: ' "I changed traveling companions on my trip through the warehouses and factories of 11. E. Smith Co. no leas than flvo times and each tlmo I met a man whom I knew by name, but about whose busi ness I knew little. As we watched the machinery In tho factory and saw the piles of goods on the floors In the ware house wo naturally talked over our own business affairs. I learned something from every one arid wo both learned some thing from M. K. Smith Co. I don't know when 1 have enjoyed two hours as much1 since I have been trv business in Omaha and that is twenty years." Others went to the factory with tho be lief that at most they would see overalls In belts of blue cloth being sewed and finished by some girls and men. But after the trip they bad reen everything, from heavy . storm coats to tho finest of silk shirts; from a oufr to a salesman's trunk and from a wooden box to a oup of good coffee which Is supplied to fin tloyae. All the things were qiade voder one roof and have been for a long time, &h4 until tiis local trade excursion tho warehouse and factory walls kept their secret well from the business men of Omaha. And there are many industries which have their secrets, but which tho "Commercial Travelogues" expect to learn. Her Reason for Waiting A reporter, Interviewing Thomas A, Edi son about his remarkable U.000 eement house a house that will bo molded and ready for occupancy In a few days polnuj, out certain objections to tho structure. These objections caused Mr. Edison to . smile. "You have not yet seen my house," ho said, "and you find fault with rt. Isn't that rather previous? You, my young friend, are more previous than a girl my assistants have been telling me about. "The first day of let us say, 1908-New Year's day a man proposed to this girl and was accepted. - " 'But.' she said, 'I must insist that our enx&gement be kept secret for a twelve month.' ' " Whyr said the man, In dismay. He had looked forward to a speedy marriage. " 'Because, dear.' she answered. 'It's leap year now, and people mtglit think I have done Uie proposing.' " VOCAL TBAJDB JtXCVBJ8UllTS t fBOWT OP THM M. K. SMITH OO. BUILDING Father of Prize Tamily v T1 clerks of the Investigating commit tee were sent to Virginia by the legislature of West Virginia to look Into records and other data concerning the debt question involving tho two states. One passed In 1827 reads: ' "Whereas. It is represented to the gen eral assembly that William Lynch, sr., of the county of Brunswick is the father of thirty-four legitimate children, of whom twenty-seven are now living, that he has been the husband of four wives, the last of whom is now young and healthy and gives him every assurance of an Increase of his numerous progeny, thst he was a soldier in the war of the Rebellion, and has been thljugh life an urrlght and use ful" cltiien. and that ase.ani the support of his numerous family have at length rendered him Infirm and poor; "Do H enacted r-y the general assnmbly that William Lynch of the county of Brunswick shall be hereafter exempt from the payment of any public or county tag, tat levy, charge or contribution whatever, and It shall not be lawful for any court, sheriff, deputy, coroner or other publlo officer within this commonwealth to de mand or receive of said Lynch any tax, levy, change or contribution."