Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 19, 1908, HALF-TONE SECTION, Page 3, Image 19

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rirsc statue oi ureat
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If w work upoa ir.arhl". It will prlnh;
If on brass, time will efface; If we reaf
ti:nrU, tr.i"- vt!! pi )' ( d't t Viit
If wnrk vpf.n mortal mlnin nd lmb
thn wlirj fnncicU . ,t.! t te Jul fear of
Ooil. and with luvn iir t'tlkiw man and
lov tt country, w er.trav; on thot ta'i
lts mth',Tnr ti-at will brighten to all
eternity. Daniel Wehtpr.
UAtuvsu In a spirit of rever-
C ence, brn In love of country,
I raised In an atmuaphare of pmt-
nouc uavoiion, uia ataiue
erected to the memory of Abra
ham Lincoln by tha rhlldren of
tha city of Omaha on tha canspua of tha
hlh school ctamla today the only monu
ment In the whole atate of Nebraska dedi
cated to the memory of a truly' rreat
On other atarna of prominent man, an
American, baa been erected In another Ne
braska elty, and In park In Omaha stands
a monument erected to tli memory of a
leading elUsen of the land of the kaiser,
but do Nebraska city or class of Nebraska
cltisana, young or old. has before, honored
the Bam and memory of a really rreat
man, a representative American. lovtiil
and rcvared by all. The statue of Lincoln
therefore stands out dietim live and unluus
In that It was purchaFed by the children ot
tte hlfh school of the city of Omaha.
Tha yoflih of Omaha have biased the
way, havs taught a lesson in patriotism to
their alders, not alone In Omaha, but In tha
entire atate, and to them should truly be
accorded the honor of purchasing, erecting
nd unvelllnT the first monument to the
memory of the first American Abraham
Lincoln, not the father, but the savior of
hie country, This honor should be accorded
the youth of Omaha despite the carving !n
glaring letter on the base of the statue
the announcement that the statue has been
copyrighted by the art dealer thro ash
whom It was purrhased.
Patriotism Inspired the high school atu
denia In securing the statue of this great
man. For years they studied the life of
Lincoi and far years they atudled the
picture of Uoaoln, and they cams te love
the Lincoln e bis younger days, the
Magnolia Blooms in Omaha
O the other glories ot the Omaha
climate which bare given U the
right to be classed, in the
banana belt must now be
added aaothar distinction, that
of being In the "magnolia belt."
A genuine magnolia tree Is bow tn full
bloom at the noma of Mr. and lira, C M.
Wllhelm, Thirty-eighth aad Farnam streets.
The bloom first appeared Monday and the
spectacle was an axoeedingly beautiful one.
resembling in many respects a colossal
bouquet and as fragrant as tt was beautiful.
The flowers, large and waxy-Ilka, were of a
delicately tinted pink at the start, but
have aew lapsed into white, and though the
blootna are withering now, the tree it yet
beautiful aad excite the admiration of all
Tbla magnolia tree la the enly one that
la known to exist in Nebraska, though sev
era! attampta have been made to cultivate
them m this state, but without auoces. The
tree la about sixteen feet In height and waa
planted In 11 present location ten or eleven
yeara ago bv K. C Morehouse, who still
wna tae prealaea. Mr. Morehoua waa
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beardless Lincoln aa typified In the statue
on the high school grounds. Hanging tn
the hull of the high school Is a picture of
ti.e great emancipator from which likeness
the statue was cast, and It la this picture
which hundreds of children In the school
have studied the last few years.
A southerner first proposed the erection
of the statue of Abraham Lincoln, J. F.
Woolery, assistant principal, mentioned the
matter to Principal Waterhouse of the high
then general freight agent of the Elkhorn
road, and procured the shrub from the
south. Planting it on the south side of the
hou " trea throve under protection from
the cold north winds. . It has bloomed two
or three times prior to the present year,
but not with such massive and striking
beautv aa at this season.
The magnolia tree belongs to the genus
of exogenous trees and shrubs and la a
native of the warm parts of North America,
thriving best in the latitudes south from
Philadelphia and Baltimore and attaining
it greatest luxuriance In South Carolina,
which bears the nam of the Magnolia
tat. There are aevsm species of the mag
nolia In the United Btatea. 80ms are ever
green, others deciduous and aU are hand
aome trees and shrubs, all having large,
fragrant flowers. The Omaha specimen be-
long to th species of magnolia grandlflora
and la of th deciduous order, being leafless
tn winter, th bloom coming befur th leaf.
The bark, leave and seeds of ths various
specie abound in a bitter tonic principle,'
and bav limited use to modiolus.
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.t ths hugus oral
American in iMebraska lint trom School
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schooL It met with hi approval, and the
subject was broached to the students of
the school, who In turn became enthusiast!
over 1L This was several years ago, and
for a time tha matter was seemingly
dropped. On his next visit to Vienna
Prof. Woolery visited several sculptor and
found out what the coat would be. Two
thousand dollars was the lowest price se
cured, and when this information was
brought back to Omaha the faculty mem
ber thought the burden would be too
great for the school children to shoulder
aicne, and Mr. Waterhouse called on the
art committee of the "Woman's club for
help. The club agreed to raise the money
for the statue if the school children would
erect the pedestal. The offer of the Wo
man's club was accepted, but when the
pupils of the school heard of it thera aross
a storm of protest.
"This I our statue, not the Woman'
club, and we want to do It alone." said the
spekesman for a delegation of the high
school students sent to Interview the
principal, who told them to go ahead and
raUs moneTl
They entered Into the
work with a aval and In on short week
the money was all ralsrd.
Then the question of the copy for tha
statue cam up. but the pupils pointed to
tha picture hanging on the wall, the one
which they had learned to love as best
typifying their Ideal statesman, and It was
decided to use that picture for the copy
for the sculptor. The mounment was there
for ordered cast from tha famous Heaster
portrait, tha portrait showing the martyred
p'd,,nt wlthout th" rd. nl bcua
of this unanimous wish of tha youth of
tha city ot Omaha tha statu unveiled on
tha forty-third anniversary of the assassin
ation of Lincoln shows him without the
beard. Moat, if not all, other statues of
the war president show him with the
beard, th famous St. Gauden's statue In
Lincoln park, Chicago, represent hint so,
snd therefore for other reason tha
monument In this city is distlnutlva in an
other respect aside from being th flrat to
be erected in the whole state of Nebraska.
Th statue depict a homely man, and
Lincoln was a homely man. Lincoln In a
way prided himself on being a homely man,
according to stories of his life. The story
Is told that one time when he waa still
struggling lawyer In tha then frontier atate
of Illinal hs mad a vow that it he ever
met a man hemller than he ha would shoot
OW fast dl h animals go?
HI What la the greatest speed of
each of the animals, from the
ncrse to we camei, irom m
ant to the fleet This la th
problem which has busted the
brains of more than one Investigation, and
the results of their work ha been gathered
together by Prof. Ofalahausea ta a meet
Interesting shape,
A riding hors 00 vers firty Inches each
second whll walking; at a jog trot tt euvar
eleven tset a seonnd, while th two-minute
horse cover forty-four feet a second. This
la quit a contrast to tha leisurely Ox which
moves aver only two feet eecoad
Inches a second when hitched to a plow.
The elephant while pulling more than six
borsea walks ever four aad a bait feet of
ground each aeeond, and running aa fast
aa it can cover only eighteen feet second.
The dromedary can aovar Binty-thra mil
tn sixteen bouts, which represent tta day
march, anil san do thla twa er three day
together, traveling at tha eoaaiaut rata of
alght feet per second. Th aromedartee at
the auita have, bo aver, covered IK miles
In twelv hour, or at tha rat f Bin
and two-thlxda mile a bus.
Sheep dog aad bunUng dogs run at a
speed of from thirty-three ta torty-flv feet
a aeoend, but tha fr stoat hunting dogs sever
i-ttty fee a
Of tlM
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him, One day he met hi match In looks. Lincoln was smooth shaven. General Maa
Btopplng him on the street, Lincoln looked derson and William Wallace, who knew the
long and bard at the man and then pulled
a gun trom bis pocket and told the man
that hla day had come and that he waa ta
be slier.
"Don't shoot me," the stranger replledUjt Tuesday afternoon a hitherto silent
"I never saw you before and I knew
have never done you any barm."
"That may all be so, my friend." replied
iue miurt presiaeni, dui 1 maae a vow
once several years ago that if I aver met
a homelier man ihan I, I would shoot him.
And you are the man,"
The stranger took one glance at Lincoln
and then saldr
"Well, If I am homelier than you, than
for God's ake shoot and shoot quick."
The figure of Lincoln was rough and un
couth, and in those day men did not crease '
their trousers. But because the trousers
ar not creased and a certain "baggtness"
la noticeable at the knees criticism has
arisen from professional artists. Profes-
slonal artists have also objected to the
beardless representation, the lack of beard
having brought down a veritable storm of
protest on the heads of the member of
tha scheol board and the children, and tha
board baa been Importuned to rvject the
statue and aonslgn It to the scrap pile.
Tha beard, or rather the lack at whiskers.
and the creaaele trousers form th prtn-
cipal objections ot en artistic arbitrator,
though thr i hardly a part of the atatue
to which, h doe. not point the finger of
koto. tu mma im iw ivr uw Hvay,
the fao la caricature, the chin la amoolh
haven, the band look aa If It were mad
ef wood, tha figure seems to be falling
AWM. ha.'kw m Wf thai (lntlaaa AP Hot tf thai
period, th trou-ra ab.uld be creased, th.
....... , ... , k.. . ...
Mate I not erected on th beat site and
tha whole thing la but aa advertising
scheme f th enterprising art dealer who
copyrighted the work, These are a few
of th objection which 'the objector find
In th aculptor'a representation ot th. mar-
tyred president.
Many who knew the Immortal Lincoln
meet these objections with proof that the
Lincoln of UOu, when he was elected, and
th Lincoln of IM. when the war broke
out. Wore no beard even though It were
necessary to answer these objections when
the children who bought the statue se
lected tha cast and are pleased with the
work. A number of veteran of who
knew President Lincoln and who today live
In Omaha, go on record a aaying that
Calculation of the Speed of Animals
ninety feet a second for a short distance.
An English foxhound will cover sixty feet
a ecoqd, while a tiger travels ouly five feet
a second ta captivity. A lion Is said to b
able to run faster than tha best hunting
bora while at large.
Th mole paasss rapidly througU Its sub
terranean diggings, extending trom lOu to
tto feet, moving at the rata of alx and a
half feet a second, and on th surface of
th earth trareia at a speed of ten feet a
second. .
Authorities differ as to the speed of tha
bare, aome atallng that ta can cover sixty
feet a second, whll others stat that It can
go only ana-third a fast.
Th dear of various species are all speedy,
but whan pursued by bounds a roebuok bas
been known to cover seventy-four feet a
second. The wonderful Utile antelope
aovwre twenty te thirty feet at leap,
springing tan feet in th air, and th swift
est dog aan catch It only when tired aut
Bwtftar than all tha animals Is that
monster bird, tha oat rich, which bas been
knows to Uavel at th tremendous rat of
lat teet a second, or a mile ta thirty-three
eaoonria. faster than any bora can go.
This la tha striking eontraat with th tor
toise, which, if five Inohe long, cover a
half In oh a second, and if tan inch long,
two and ana-baif Inches aeoond. A toad
hope eight tnehea a second, though B Is axUy
) far he lungi ft frog atta Inane long, hoc
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great president, have previously been
quoted In the public prints aa aaying that
he wore no beard, but when the flag
dropped from the statue at the unveiling
veteran stepped out of the throng and said:
"That la a true likeness of Abraham Lin-
collK tha Uncoln r tu,w.-
Tha veteran waa Dr. W. M. Stone. Ha
served throughout the war of the rebellion,
saw the president several times and Is pos
itive he waa smooth shaven. The last time
when Dr. Btonj saw Lincoln it was at
Harrison' Landing, where the president
had gone to see McCIaUan during the war,
and he says that Lincoln wore no beard
"d nUl trousers were not creased. The
President was not garbed In the uniform of
Ua army, but aalle from that the doctor
ts of the opinion that hi clothe wer of
tha prlod and that the clothes depicted on
the status are as near being like the worn
hy the president as any.
The first commemorative statue to be
erected In Nebraska waa that to the rnera-
orT 0f J. Sterling Morton, unveiled a tew
Agn ta w- Dom, town, Nebraska City
The greater part of th fund for thlr
monumeat were raised in Nebraska City,
bct money ,ls0 ctuna from other psrta of
tn. not ,TeB ra,Md on. eUtan of
-Ulrena M wu th money tor the Lincoln
Mvm y, goon rtu am unveUIng
of the atatue ot Marten, a bust ef Schiller,
tha famous Qennaa author, waa unveiled In
SUvervtew park in this olty, but, la this, re
spect was not paid ta great American,
"ouh V!"? ""l hoDnf
th. nam. of BohlUer can not be questioned.
These two monuments, then, of Morton
"d eohuter- own of publlo
siwomki in nwru prior
to opting of the tatu of Lincoln by
cnuarea or taa oman in aonooi.
But th purchasing of tha statue ef Lin
coln la not the first work of art secured
by th. high school pupils of Omaha. Five
other statues, though smaller, have been
purchased by them, all of which are en
sconced tn the building. They have also
bought ten busts, one bas relief, one fries
and seventy pictures by masters. All ot
thesa have been secured within the last
seven yeara and all by tha children unaided,
, the collection costing over 5,000. Mrs. Har
riet Towns waa the leader tn art In th
but three Inches a second, but swims four
and one-half inches a second. A large frog
may. however, jump thirteen Inches a sao
ond. Tha chamelon la not much more rapid
than tortoise when walking, covering
alne-aixteeoth inehas a second, and run
ning only tbrme Inches a second.
A rattlesnake movee In a curved Una four
lnchee a second, and whsa after lis prey
may travel twenty of forty Inches a ancood.
Of course no animal can be expected to
rival tha bird in flight, but It la Inter
eating to note the speed of tha buds, aa
it baa been ascertained by the German
scholars. The eagle flies seventy-five feet
a aeoond, which la Ova feet faster than
tha wild duck files. The wild goose, how.
ever, double th speed of the eagle, clear
big tha air at the tremendous rte of 150
feet a second, so that It travels a mile In
thirty-five seoocda. Tha greatest speed
attained by a carrier pigeon I 110 f a
aeoond in this eouatry, though Gaetke
claims that tn trial ever twenty-five geo
graphical mile hi pigeon attained a meaa
speed of 170 feet a second.
Tha swiftest af all th bird without any
question is th swallow, which ha mad.
Lo feet a aeoond, and ba been attained th
tncnandaus speed ot WO feet aeoond
tn a teat made by th French scientists.
At this rat th weilw eat op a mil of
spao tn lghtaen suns Is Mlnneepoll
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high school, having presented a fine ptctura
to tha school In lan. aftar four of her chil
dren had been graduated from the school.
She made tha presentation In tha hop that
other would follow her example, but no
other pictures or werk of art whatsoever
have since been given tha school, all bar
lng been purchased either by tha children
or tha board.
Plaoed In tha triangle by tha main
entrance to the high aohool building, tha
statue of Lincoln Biases aa a beacon beck
oning the student at tha school on to a
higher, greater and batter Ufa. They cannot
enter or leave tha building without seeing
the statue, their statu, of Lincoln, and in
their eye there 1 naught ax osnsure far
the work. Tha statue la tha representation
of the Lincoln they bar learned to revere,
It Is the personification of patriotism. It Is
ths embodiment of that which they ohertsh
most highly lov of country.
As Goethe aays: "True art la tha repre
Captain of K. U.
Ol (Neb.) boy ha been chom
I captain of tha sophomore de
al kaH. . . T ,
of Kansas, where he will lead
his team against the freshmen
on May day. In year past May day ha
been made memorable at gar" univer
sity by aa annual class tight between th
KANSAS UNiVtitatXX. .-
- f.
sentation of the Ideal, not tha man;" so
wn li tha children, they heed not the crude
folds In the garments or tha wrinkles In
th massive brow of their Lincoln, they sea
nothing but the Ideal manv ths rall-aplltter
wh stepped Into the breech when the ship
of state waa pounding to piece on tha
shoals of secession, and they revere th man
Lincoln, drsplte tha pointing of th finger
ot scorn by people who hava made a study
of art. The censuring of their work la,
however, hurting the high school student,
and pleas of Intervention hava been mad
to the mayor, but that official can do)
"I wish It were In my power to stop this
wrangling about the Lincoln statue," say
Mayor Dahlman, "for tt la a (ham to hurt
the feeling of these children after they
have worked so hard to get th statu and,
have gloried In the unveiling ot tha. first
work of tha kind In this state which hag
apnropr.ated tho name of Lincoln for It
capital, but, of course, I can do nothings
I never saw Lincoln, Ilka many other young
men, but I find no fault With tha statu,
But If I did rind any flaw in It. J would
keep my mouth shut and say .nothing to
Injure the feelings ot these children who
have chovn forth more patriotic feeling
than many of us wh hava reached mature
The statue of Lincoln stands today an
Irsplratlon to tho youth of Omaha and they
glory tn tt and point to It with pride,
though there la no mark on tt to show that
th children ot the high school bought and
erected it and do date to show when It waa
"Alexander represent Greece when th
glob trembled beneath the tread of tta
armies, Caesar respond for Rome when It
victorious legtona blazed tha pathway of
mn!ra even above tha fwirthera wu. Na
poleon typifies Franca whsn Its proud eagle
cleft th skies above tha highest Alps, and
Lincoln answers to tha name of America
when the fires of liberty gleamed brightest
on Its altars and tha great heart oC th
nation was touched from on high."
This was the closing senteno of th ad
dress by W. F. Ourley at tha nnvelllnc ot
the statue of Linooln, and th climax placing
the great American above all the mighty
men of the past ages meet with th com-
patriotio devotion held by tha children of
tha Omaha High school, and with bead
uncovered they gase with respect upoa
their status of the savior ef their eouatry
Abraham Lincoln.
Debating Team
freshmen and aophomoraa, resulting tn
many broken bone. Chancellor Strong
succeeded in substituting mental In place
ot the physical warfare and th twa
classes are now producing poets and eong
Stsra who ar heralding th coming batu
of words. Tha Nebraska, boy waa on th
Blair High school team which, defeated;
Omab la 4bt In 1Mb,