Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 19, 1908, HALF-TONE SECTION, Page 2, Image 18

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World Congress of
ETV YORK. April l.-On June
15, next, when nonrly 1.000 dele
gate will be gather'tig In Chi
cago to ehoo a candidate fir
provident of the United States,
a very different body will as
semble on the other aide of the ocean a
congress of women delegates from ' fhe '
whole world who will meet to demand
the right to rhoom those who ahull con
duct their government. At this emven
tlon of the International Woman Suffrage
alliance In Amsterdam will he the repre
sentatives of national narcrlntlnns In more
than twenty countries comprising- prac
tically all that hare reaehed any consld
crable degree of civilization.
Fourteen of these are thoroughly or
ganized and doing effective work those in
the United States, Canada. Great Brlta'n,
the Netherlands, Germany, Denmark. Ice
land, Norway. Sweden, Fln'and. Russia,
Italy, Hungary and Australia! The so
cieties In France, Switzerland, Belgium and
South Africa ore of more recent origin, but
are vigorous and enthusiastic. There will
be delegates present also from Bulgaria,
Rumania and Bohemia, where the women
are pressing their claims along with the
men for universal suffrage.
New Zealand, whose women have the
complete franchise on the same terms as
men, will sehd representatives. The women
of Australia, who also are fully enfran
chised, have transformed their suffrage
society Into the Women Political asso
ciation. In which some of the former lead
ing antt-surfraglsts are now bright and
shining lights. They have, however, been
affiliated with .the International AIllRnce
from the beginning, always send delegates
to the conventions and In every practi
cable way help the women of other coun
tries to get the suffrage. The situation Is
the same In Finland, where the women
now vote on exactly the same terms as
While the International Alliance was
holding Its convention In Copenhagen
two years ago the prime minister of Nor
way telegraphed the Norwegian dclcgstes
that the woman suffrage bill was about to
be made a government measure. This
year these delegates will come In all the
flush of victory, enfranchised citizens.
They will not, however, be quite on the
high political level of ttipse from New
Zealand, Australia and Finland, for their
new privilege carries with It a small
property qualification. This Is so slight.
Indeed, that even domestic servants can
meet it, but their National Suffrage as
sociation maintains unbroken ranks whi'.e
this exists and sounds the slogan, "No
taxes on women that are not Imposed on
men." As the women can now vote for
the members of Parliament,, it Is safe to
say that those officials will abolish the
tax qualification or step down from their
high places.
It will be a bitter dose for the Swedish
delegates to hear the Norwegian women
voters tell about their victory, for the
enmity between the women of those two
countries Is deeper even than between
the men. The women of Sweden say that
at the ' next convention they, too, will
coma as enfranchised citizen and that
their triumph has been delayed only be
cause the last Parliament made so large
an extension of the franchise to men.
The Amsterdam meeting will lack the
plcturesqueness that doubtless would be
Imparted by the British suffragettes. They
are not eligible as delegates, alas! be
cause they are not "regular." They them
selves will admit the cnarge regularity
Is the last virtue they would claim.
It la not their Irregular methods that
bar them out, but the fact that only na
tional associations can arfiliate with the
International body, and these militant re
cruits have declined to unite with the
Growing: Cotton From American Seed Along Source of the
(Copyright. 1908, by Frank O.' Carpenter.) cotton hr, grown from our eed. Is u- In rupees, or in string of cowry shells, by distributing seeds. It ha also put in the coast in the vicinity of Zanzibar, and ba mad Into silk a fin a any punt
ami-aua, uganaa.-tBpecuu uor-
. A I respondent. of The Bee.)-A na-
M tlon ' four million blacks who
... --
A territory which bas om
. l !,0vWn t0,th6 Wrld
Ml. ,tHr? , abam"la
'1Z?a Carolina and Georgia
T , . . , ,
who.! ZIZ b.-. L , T u
who IT. La J 11mUll0n- V! b
Ttw T..L c"on than any
This. 1 .k Wn'. t. w
noTfo , r?!' .
Ton Lnd or .h. . V iCHa
na i.e fh.n 1 a . , 1W
.Jr LT1 ,UL
ltoem.7n brtn mlhty
storms into our financial sky.
CotlosTt- t-.h.
. . , -.
1. 1! T",rinMM Br t"
Z. Tt mK 'm T I
Ing In thl. part of th. world. Th. flrst
seed was sent out by th British Cotton
Growing association, and It was dlstrib-
uted to th. native chiefs throughout the
country. That waa ln WW, and ther
ar now thousands of little plantation.
all over Uganda. In most place, th
field ara less than an acr in size; and
in many they consist of only little patche
connected with th banana growing about
th houses. Nevertheless th cotton Is v
rywher. and every wher it grow welL
Thai Im so with almost no cultivation, I
hav. walked through field, wher. tba
plant were higher than my head and hav
pulled th lint from fat boll urrounded
V. . . M . ,
1 amount or eea first used wa
about 1.000 pounds. Th. product last
year from this' waa almost
pounds; and the output of the current
I . , P " " l "e'a COt
ton. This all come, from cultivated
patch, ht out by the natives and
worked by them almost without Instruc-
tlon form those who ar. engineering the
cotton movement her. I have sen hun-
dreds of bag. brought huo Kampal on
tho heads of the natives who walk many
mile, to take their lint to th market.
Th. amount coming ln now la something
like two tons per day, and ther ar
iu winmuuMi nure wnicn ar pck.ta
full of coton ready for ginning.
Coitoa aa Lake Victoria.
Th cotton movement Is being engineer-
d by th. Uganda Company. Limited.
This Is an association of Kogllsh capital-
int. who hav been more or less Interested
in the Christian mission work going on
In Uganda, They represent a great deal
of money, and have active and up-to-date
men In their employ out here. They hav
a British manager and assistants and are
putting up a big ginning plant, with the
best of modern ginning - machinery,
Twenty-tour gin ar already running,
and ths ar operated by two steam 'en-
glnes, on of which is a . hundred horse-
Th gin ai made by Piatt Brother
c Co.. of tngiand, and were Installed by
Mr. J. Buckley, a mpresontailv of that
company, who baa been ovr our cotton
tat, and claims to know all ' about
Americaa cotton. Ii tells tn that th
staid, respectable, v mlddle-sged National
society of Great Britain: but they
will send a delegate If some of their mom
tiers should he enjoying a midsummer va
cation from Jail. She would meot a
hearty welcome from tne regulars of
many countries who feet like doing what
the British suffragettes actually have
Some measure of progress toward woman
suffrage will be reported by the delegates
of every nation except the United States.
Here alone the movement does not appar
ently move, but those who have made a
study of It for many years and best under
stand the situation believe that an under
current Is now developing which In the not
distant future will sweep over the country
like a tidal wave.
Still one cannot make a report on an
undercurrent which will very deeply Im
Picfs an International convention or re
flect great glory on ie's native land, and
the delcgatrs from this country would tako
a back seit and keep still If thoy were per
mitted to do so. Far from this, however,
they are always willingly and gladly put In
the leadership at these international meet
ings. Women of Just as much natural alrtl
Ity are present from other countries, but
few or none with so' wide experience In or
ganization and public work. The Ameri
cans also have the advantage of belr.g per
fectly neutral on the many points of dif
ference that exist among foreign countries
and therefore enjoy the confidence and
friendship .of all.
Thla International Suffrage alliance, like
the International Council of Women, had
Its beginning in the United States. It was
the dream of Mrs. Stanton and Miss An.
thony, when .thrre were but two woman
suffrage associations In all the world,
those of their own country and Great Brit
ain. '
In lfi:, soon after Mia. Chapman Catt
succeeded Miss Anthony as president of
the national association, a meeting war
called In Washington and attended by dole
gates rrom six countries. An International
suffrago committee was formed, with Misr
Anthony as chairman and Mrs. Chapman
Catt as secretary. '
When the women of all nations were
gathered at Berlin in 1904' for the Inter
national council the suffrage alliance wav
organized by delegates from national so
cieties in eight countries. Thus, at the age
of 84, Miss Anthoiy saw her dream real
ized and was unanimously and enthusi
astically made honorary president of the
new association.
The first biennial convention was held In
Copenhagen in 1908 with national associa
tions of thirteen countries represented by
delegates; at the Amsterdam meeting it la
expected that twenty-two will have official
representatives. Thus In six years Is seen
an Increase of national organizations from
Six to twenty-two, almost fourfold. In
disputable proof of what Is rapidly becom
ing a world movement for woman suffrage.
There Is scarcely a country having a repre
sentative form of government where womep
are not demcndlng a voice In It. .
The place of holding the conventions Is
determined by conditions. The alliance was
Invited to Copenhagen by the Danish as
sociation because the women of- Denmark
wore not keeping pace with those of other
Scandinavian counttles, the Norwegian and
Swedish at that time having every fran
chise but the parliamentary and the wldowa
and spinsters of Iceland possessing the
same, with the additional right of ellgl-'
btllly to many offices, while Danish women
had no suffrage or eligibility.
The convention was a marked success,
the press was very favorable, the queen
Cava a long audience to the president of
perlor to the same cotton grown In Amer-
lea. and that It is as good a any upland
cotton that we produce. The present out-
pui or me gins I only bout four ton
per day, but thl will be increased.
Thi unn.n ha. .i . ,r.ii
P""- mad J"11" Shaw & Sons,
Manchester, and it propow. to install
other machlBwry. At- pre,ent ,t dlffl.
It to land heavy freight herr Until
tn Uganda railway was completed every-
hln brought la by black porter.
A. aU w carr,ed upon th hea1 no
iec we'Khlng more than .Ixty or wventy
W1' coud b crrled o the long jour-
M ot 800 "P from the .eacoa.t
10 hyduc preM on6
UnJ" whlch welh two and one-half
tons, and It almost brok. dow the boat
by wh,ch ft w carr)od y
torla- Th r.t landing place on that
lak I several mile, fgrom Kampala, and
th w"
tract,on nln-
iTn ,ama c h recen
cha(,d , ,ocatlon Falls; at
ta head of Na ,.on M w, th
N11 flows QUt of Lak vlelorla Th41
falu ar auch that t w, f " ta
blg tl(jctrlc e and ,t intention
to bulld lnrJn aa and
ther, wblch wU, b th N ,
Modera CottoaGIa la Africa.
While I was ln Omdurman, In the Anglo-
Egyptian Soudan, which lies on the Nile
fif.epn hnArA n. - . ..k
1 half-n.k.d urr wnm .tHn rtor
on th ground taking th seeds out of th
cotton with littl gin run by hand. The
gn were like pint hum vrl n can TVi lint
4 tnrougft roll, pot bl around
.1..- t.rm.i,.i. ...
- . .K, B.IU - Ul .11 , V
as slowly as In th United States before
E" Whitney lnv.ntd hi. gin. Th gin-
mg establishment here has as up-to-dat
machinery a. any in our southern states,
,t , a bu,idlng of sun-dried brick cover-
Uig pp, one-eighth of an acre. It ia
6t two .to,!.., aud t. , on tQ
,eCond floor. .0 arranged that th. cotton
can be wheeled in arjd th. lint dropped
jowa below
Rlant a4ar th -.-,. Taomm a
warehouse. These ar now five ln num-
bur Thev ara vn t v riv. i -,.
thlrty wldai and hav, on han "
J.0od,ooo pound of seed cotton ready for
glnuina. . All this hll rom in allhln th
pa,t tew montb, and coUoa ow
arr,vim by th bundr.d. of bag. vry
All Broaght la aa th. HmI,
While at th factory I saw score ot
native trottilng along with great bag. of
cotton on their bead., ar-d wherever I go
I pas. men bringing In cotton. Th. Stuff
I .till tn th. Md. It 1 put up in banana
bark and bound over and over with ba-
nana fiber, so that It cannot fall out dur-
lug th carrying. Each bale weigh about
seventy pouads, and thl Is a good load
for a native. Th. men who bring It ia
ar usually dressed in bark cloth, but
aom of them wear American!, or Amaii-
.an cotton sheeting, which ia popular
her la Uganda,
Wbn th cotton arrive at th. ware-
house U to weighed, and th tnan to paid
W omen
the alliance, asking for an outline of 'the
movement, and the municipality etenl-d
sn official reception In the town hall, sev
eral of the alnVrmen In their addresses rte
clnrtn themselvr heartily In favor of thu
enfranchisement of' women. The next year
the Parliament gave women the right to
vote for the Important Plate Rr.ard of
TuMIc Charities, made hem elUlhle to
serve on It, and two were elected.
This year a bill giving women municipal
vfufrrrfre on the same terms ns men has
been made a government ttvaure ti"d
passed the under houre of Parliament.. Tha
government hns a safe majority in" thi
lower hoi;se and the success of the hill Is
so well assured that nil pnlltlral'rartles nre
registering ' women for the rpnrcaclilns
It Is not surprising therefore that th
women of the Netherlands, when thly w
a tampaljrn approaching, should extend
cordial Invitation to the women of ell Tin.
tfons to come with the Influence of the!
presence and words In that fraternal spirit
"" -es in Hi granting of political
. ' i. . L . - - . 1
9urffAoe AssociATto of rut
liberty to women anywhere a great stej
forward toward Its possession by women
everywhere. There has long been a favor
able minority for woman suffrage In th
Dutch Parliament, but the ministry has
been hostile, and, according to the law, it'
holds the privilege of making all change
In electoral right.
In 1901 the liberal element cam Into
power and It first act was to create a
commission for revising th constitution
and broadening the suffrage for men, only
seven-twelfth of whorrt now hav a vote.
The National Woman Suffrage associa
tion, a strong organisation whioh ha been
In existence about thirteen years, at one
memorialised this commission to include
women In the franchise clause of Its pro
posed constitution.
Six out of Its seven member not only
favored this as far as they had power,
but also recommended that women should
be made eligible for all offloes, including
the Parliamentary. This report was ac
cepted by the cabinet and presented to
the Parliament, which alone has the au
thority to submit a constitution to the
voters .
about 2 cents a pound. This amount of
I cent constitute hi reward for planting
and harvesting the crop. In addition
to bringing It for mile on his head to
th factory. I am told the pay la con-
.1 .n .v.. .1 .
who work for wages as low as a dollor a
month, and that there will have to be a
ralM , tn, prlcei or but tUe mor, wll,
be planted. It la also whispered that the
chief, are getting a rake-off from the.
Uganda Company. Limited, and that for
th!g reall0n thcy are enforclng the natlve,
to sow cotton. Bo far th people have but
little Idea of Intensive cultivation of any
kU,d. and the cotton grown 1. the result
ot natur6 ratlicr tnan work.
Just outside these warehouses I took a
.nap shot at a score or so of native,
whQ ha, Juat coUm Each
had a lot of cowry ahell. In hi hand.,
and they Were chatting and planning
buy with their money at
th 1Ilnd "o"5 ot Kpala.
Co"" Pti: Grewlag.
I am told that a. soon as the prlc. 1.
Increased the number of natives planting
cotton will rapidly grow. The amount
old ,"st wa. five or six times that
of tho btor- n1 twelv time. a.
much was raised In 1& a In 1904. All
the cotton so far grown Is from Amer-
lean seed, the wild cotton having a
coarse fiber with many large seeds
,n each boll. Egyptian cotton la now be-
ln trle1 but far ha" not proved
to be aa suitable to this cllmat and soil
a the American upland. The govern-
toent itself Is aiding ln th movement
1 ' 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . , 1 11
S ' i ' ' ' i '- ' ' '' '".
) ..v.f - ' . . ' v .,- ' -v ; , , ;vM.K:
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'.',''''" ' ... ' ?
. . , - , ),. 1 - 1 , " . 1 - 1 UTIni, n mmam
in June "Will Demand the Right to Vote
i .
ri i l mvc A.VO rot ror c
hand gin In different part of the coun-
try, and baling presses for publio use.
While at this factory I went through
the mud house which have been ereceted
for th men and more especially for the
ui.j .... .w .u. v...i
nes. They are rude one-.tory affair and
not compare In comfort with the
home, of 0Uf fiaory peop f the ,Quth-
Just outside of th ginning establishment
a .core of native, were making brick.,
The. clay looked to me a thogh it cam
from tn. ,lln, of tho wUU, ut It lay
in pile on th ground and men and
women, dressed in bark cloth, .quitted
about It pounding tho clod Into dust
wlth cluba. ln a pool near by another
gang of native, wa. mixing the dust
and water together making the mud out of
wfjlch brlck ar mouldei Th, men
w.r naked .almost to the walet, and they
tramped up and down ln th mud to knead
it for th. brick. -
- i
Africa .. a Tolio- OU.e.t.
Th. experiments going on as to cotton
here ar. representative as to others now
being tried In th. variou. part, of Africa.
I have already written of the cotton pos-
sibllitie. of th. Sudan. They ar enor-
mous, and the cotton now being raised
about Khartum Is equal In quality to the
best of that produced on the delta of th
Nile. In British East Africa th author-
ltles are attempting to raise cotton, and
several successful plantations have been
set out ln South Africa. I understand
that the Germans are doing considerable
In the same line, cot only between here
and Lake Tanganyika, but also along
-- 1
A. strong sentiment for enfranchising
romen soon developed in all political
parties. In the last week In December,
however, the ministry resigned because
of a defeat on th army estimates bill.
The government Is now only temporary
ai4 it looks nn If the International alli
ance convention. Instead of taking place
during a campaign for woman suffrage,
. is was expected, may find Itsulf In the
aildxt of elections for a new rnrllainent.
Whatever the conditions may be, the. In
fluence of this great meeting will be to
create a public sentiment for giving the
vote to women, and the National asso-t-latlon
with its membership of many
thousands Is making active preparation
for the week's sessions. The president,
Dr. Alctta II. Jacobs, although she hasi
scarcely yet reached middle life, was the
pioneer woman physician of the Nether
lands and In a woman of much ability.
Her husband, Dr. Qarretson, was a mem
ber of the Parliament for a number of
'ear until ' eath a short time ago,
, ':
' - ;.':.-s..;,-v'. .
3vrrA9 r associ. tioh or rwc
v rvw 4 l A n o 4t their handsome home ha long been
a center of hospitality in which many
American hav shared.
The convention will be held In the beauti
ful, concert hall of Amsterdam, the local
committee paying $1800 for its use. Tlid
mornings will be devoted to business and
the evenings to publio meetings, with ad
dresses by roted women" from all parts of
th globe, The afternoon Will be given up
to social pleasure.
The form 'of official recognition by the
municipality has not yet been fully decided
upon, but the mayor has declared his In
tention of giving a reception and tea. The
congress' will close with a big farewell
dinner, at which the guests will be enter
tained by national dances and songs given
In th native costumes.
Will Queen Wilhelmlna receive the con
gress or Its representatives? That Is a
burning question. She has shown very little
Interest In the advancement of women
long any lines, and such delegate as she
has received have felt chilled by her In
difference. The suffrage movement in the Nethor-
that they ar already producing in ioe
neighborhood of a thousand bale of lint
per year. They have raised as much as
flva hundred bales in a year on wimr
littl plantations In Togaland, on th
siin.. .nA the have sown oot-
ton in th. Camerln and ia Southwot
The lulllni are tempting th .arne in
Eritrea, the little strip of territory which
they own along th Red Sea. Bo far their
success ha. been small. .
Ai to th. Frch. they bay. dona prao-
tlcally nothing in cotton In Africa a yet.
Th Belgian, ar making evperlment.
throughout th.. Congo Valley, wher they
hav plantation, managed by American.
from Tex... They are using American
seed, and th. cotton grown, is of excellent
Th. British hav an organization known
aa th British Cotton Growing assocla-
tlon. which Is backing many of th. ex-
perlment. in th English colonic That
organization has a capital of $1,000,000.
" ,u plantatlon. hora and there ar.
now produclnB something like half a mil-
on doiiar.' worth of cotton a year. Some
of ,u beBt work u helne done ,n Wegt
Afrl an pec)aIly ln Nigeria. There
ar( a,so K,nnlrjg e8tablishmenta in Lagos,
h, tak8 care of tne cotton rown near
lhft x U1,derstand that ther ar
thlrt or forty thousand acre there in a
fairly od ,tate of cultivation.
FUtats Which I'rodice 811k.
It seems like a fairy story when I say
that there are plants out' here ln Africa
which produc flbar which may possibly
lands stands for more than the enfran
chisement of women: It Is the demand for
a democratic form of government In which
all citizens, men and women, shall have a
voice, and Is highly offensive to the aris
tocracy. Undoubtedly the young queen will
t strongly urged not to recognize thla
great middle class movement, but she may
have advisers wise enough or her own good
sense may be sufficient to cause her to
see that its recognition might be a stroko
of diplomacy.
Tosslbly the queen mother, Emma, may
give the movement her approval. She Is
raid to be far broader In her views and to
take much more Interest In popular move
ments than her daughter, but then her re
sponsibility Is by ho means so great.
There Is no anil-suffrage association of
women In Holland to give variety and adil
an element of guyety to the situation, but
to save It from being entirely onesided
there Is a Society of Remonstrants. They
are not so benighted as actually td oppose
the enfranchisement of women, but they
want It deferred a little. Wherever the
suffragists hold a publio meeting tlicy
follow with another at which they declare
that they love their country too much to
allow a great unorganised and Irresponsi
ble body to express itself at the ballot box
and beg that the franchise bo withheld
from women until they theso superior
beings can help to educate them for their
Important duty. It Is superfluous to say
that everywhere thoy strike an answer
ing chord In the hearts of male listeners,
who are quite willing to put off giving
the vote to women for a whole generation,
or two or three if nocessnry, until they can
be brought up to tho lofty standard of
masculine citizenship.
The suffragists say that the ballot Itself
Is tho most potent of educators and that
the total vote of men and women will
strike a higher average than that of men
alone even with the experience and su
periority bf the latter. At last accounts
the women remonstrants were Inquiring
anxiously if there was any room left In
the band wagon. . .
The United State will have the prestige
Prattle of the Youngsters
Teacher If a hundred men work a hun
dred days at a dollar a. day, what do they
Small Fred Get mad and go on a strike,
I guess.
Mamma Why, children, what ar you
quarreling about?
Little ElmerHelen coaxed me to play
Adam and Eve with her, then she at all
the applo but the oore.
. "I dont know what 1 going to become of
you when you grow up, Harold," said a
father to his 6-year-old hopeful. "You ara
never satisfied with anything."
"O, I know," replied the little fellow.
"I'm going to be a reformer, like Unci
At the entrance of one of the large apart
ment house In Boston are two llfeslse
lion carved In stone. A little daughter of
one of tho ocoup&nt of th house played
around the entrance a day or two after th
family moved In, and, -running to her
mother, cried: "Mamma, there are two
live Hons at the door..". Her mother said:
"No, dear, they ar not alive, and you
know they ara not." "But. mamma, they
case. My informant Is Mr. R. T. Paske-
Smith, the assistant-collector at Kam-
off in the Interior of Uganda. Ha ay
that the found there a plant which ho
think, might be used for .Ilk manufacture,
Ba'd he: , , '
"X many Of these plant, growing
wild. They reach a height of liv or six
teet. and bear a f rult . .haped like th
"01 "' but much 'larger. I should say
that the average fruit I. a. big around
man', fist. These bolls hav 1 a silky
ber three or our inche. long. It look,
on,ewhat Ilk. cotton but it to far mot
o. fleecy, and glossy. The fiber 1.
wrapped around . the seeds. During my
ty there I gathered a lot of the wild
.ed. and pfck.d off th. lint. I then
we1 them in about half an acre of well
Prepared ground. They grew rapidly
without further cultivation and whei
they matured I collected a littl bag of
the silk seed in th. lint and sent it on
to th authorities at Entebbe. Shortly
fte' that I took sick with a fever and it
was some months before I recovered. I
then tried to find what became of my
"llk fib1'' Dut the "thoritle. at Entbba
could not Inform me. I spok. of the plant
to Archdeacon Walker, the head of th
English Church Mission Society of
Uganda. He said' he knew it well and
agreed with me that It might b val-
UiiMo. I cleaned oro of the fiber and
stuffed a sofa pillow. It was a soft as
down." ,
"What 1 tho name of this fiber. Mr.
Pasks-Smith?" I asked.
"I do not know what It 1 called ho-
tanically, or that It is mentioned ln any
botany. The natives call It mfuinbo."
More Abont Bark Cloth.
And this leads me to writ again about
th wonderful bark cloth which I pro-
duced by almost evtry native family and
which until recently formed about th
only clothing worn by the mllllon-od
people of the kingdom of Uganda. It 1
used in other countries as well and th
native of German Kant Africa ralsa
much of It. There ar. several varieties
of tree hai which produce It, the favor-
It being a fig tre which grow to a
belght of from thirty to fifty feet, and
from which bark strips can be taken
which average six feet in width and
bb feet in length. . Th flbr of thl
bark ara Interwoven like cloth. It Is won
derfully strong and when pounded and
treated by th native 1 almost aa soft
a. velvet. It is sewn into durablo cloth-
Ing. Bom. of this cloth waa .hipped to
Niw Tork about a year ago. but so far
no record a. to Us final disposition has
bean reived. Th. amount v nt was
tlOO .beets, a aimilar shipment being
made at th. asms time to London. The
bsrk would mak. a very fin. pap.r If It
were ground, but whether It can b used
a a weaving material for cloth remains
to be seen. At present th only demand
for It Is among th i-atlvea.
Fercsta at Cgsals.
I hav Just had a talk with Dr. Christy,
an Englishman, who baa a large concea-
ion of woodland running along th Nil
just below whar that great river flow
ut of Las Victoria. Tha tract en-
of being represented by the Amsterdam
meeting by the president and secretary of
the International Alliance. Mrs. Chapman
Catt and Mrs. Avery. Among those who
will go as delegates are the Rev. Anna
Howard, Shaw, president of the National
Suffrage . association; Its legal advisor,
Judge Catharine Waugh MeCulloch, lauly
elected Justice of the peace at Rvnnston.
111.; Mrs. Oliver W. Ftewart of Chlcnrro.
president of the Illinois association; Mi.s
Janet E. Richards of Washington, the well
known lecturer, and a num'oor of other
noted women.
The two years that' liava elapsed slrue
the meeting of the alliance In Copenhagen
have been most significant In the (.Mins
of political rights for women. In the sntn
mr of 1", after It closed, the czar slRiied
the constitution which fully enfram hlsrd
the women of Finland.
In 1907 the parliamentary suffrago wns
conferred on tho women of Norway, who
already possessed every v other kind.
Sweden, where women had a limited mu
nicipal suffrage, greatly enlargoi this and
declared them rllgiblv to municipal offices.
Denmark, gave the concessions already
Oreat Britain made women HIitIW ns
town and county councillors and nay :,
and seven cities elected women to tl:clr
council, while the raFC of a hill tl 'm
them fyll suffrage was prevented i nlv ry
Its being talked to death. Thus far In
1!V1S the bill for parliamentary bu.'.V.iko
has passed Its second reading In the House
of Commons by a vote of 271 to 07.
The Parliament of Iceland hs reduced
the property qusllflcation for W?rinn,
made them ellglhle to town councils, and
the capital, Reykjavik, bus elected f-ur
women to Its eounrll of fifteen members.
A majority of tlin women of Icc'tind
have petitioned for the full frauclslre end
the Parliament lias promised It in the :. -ar
future. ,
Before the International Ruffrase Alli
ance opens Its BPFsiops in Anit-isi lnm t'- -re
Is a strong probability that other gains
will be reported.
are," she Insisted. The mother, thinking a
little solitude and time for reflection would
clear the child's mind, led her to a room
and said: "You go In tnere and ask God's
pardon for telling a falsehood." After tho
lapse of some minutes the mother went to
the door nd called: "Dorothy, have you
asked God' pardon?" "Yes, mamma, I
told Him. and Ho said it wiis nil right. Ho
thought they were alive Himself nt first."
"Oh, yes. Tommy." said the toaoher, "If
you have a dog you are tho 'owner of a
quadruped.' "
"No, I ain't," Insisted Tommy.
"Don't contradict me. I explained t,t
you yesterday that any animal with four
leg was ar-"
"Ye'm; but Rover lost one o' hls'n
flghtln' ' a trolley car."
"When I grow up." said Tommy, "I ain't
goln to bother about washln' my face
Var." ,
"Aw, g'on,." exclaimed Jimmy, "how kin
yer help It?"
"Am goln' ter grow whisker all over
"Aw., tfat'll b worse. Den yer'll havo
ter oomb d knot outer yer faoe."
River Nile
by braoc about 160 quara miles, and It U
- "uu ioi ma umoer could be
thrown into the river and floated down to
Khartum were It not for certain falls of
- 'u ana uoiiaoKora.
A It Is, th chief market will probably b
British East Africa and the other coun-
trie reached by way of th Uganda rall-
Wa ld Dr. Christy:
"Our forest, ara magnificent. W. hav.
mahogany trees 160 foet high, and some
of them, four or five feet in diameter,
They ar perfectly straight, running up to
a great distance without a branch. Wo
hav a species of wood that resembles
teak, and w have much hardwood, soma
of which will almost resist th. blow of an
ax. We expect to do a great deal with
that wood, because it resists the attack.
of th whit ants, and we can therefor,,
wll it for railroad ties. W. have now
order lor UO,W0 tl. and w hav thre
dlfferant varieties of ac-proof wood from
Which we can .upply them." 1 U..nda.
How about your rubbur po.albilitles,
Dr. Christ T X asked,
W hav rubber vine and rubber trees,
nd .omoof th latter are 100 feet high,
with a larg. girth. They run from that
sis down to sprouts. W h.v about
1,000,000 rubber trees ln our concession,
They range ln diameter from three inches
thre or four feet. Th most of them
r ready for tapping and we shall -ex-
Plolt that part of our oonceasion first.
W shall work carefully, uoiaylug Hit
timber export until we have our rubber
industry thoroughly established, as w
fear that the cutting down of the other
tree may break the rubber trees.
"Our plan now la to cut out the unUar-
brush and map the forest, so that kucIi
part of It can be easily cared for. We
already hav too men at work, and shall
hav double that number within a tew
weeks. We expect to build vllluxes on iht
estate and to train our own workmen. We
hav already brought expert lulinr-r gatli-
err from Ceylon to show the natlvus how
to tap the rubber trees Without Injuring
them, if thuy aio properly liuiiulud tin.
will continue to yield rubber year after
y' tot thulr full life of about forty year,
or tfuin l b"t flv
' " Uiat ,xl)ecl 10 et n
lncomo 'or "ilrty-f lv year, out of each
young trw. In a short tlma our property
u '""Z' '"m VMin'
vAt senn At'rv vear.
' '' . ,,
Hsklsg It Clear.
A college professor, tn company with his
ana Watal Shn 1"IV 4 n BP th ajotlf ( St.
" " umr)r'
"t".dJrH' ha1 n
'7JlTy th. professor, think-
a eonv.r.ation In a way that
WkPV to the farmer, r-
. b" ther abnormal pr.
cljjUon ot 1,U'
""n' seemed somewhat embur-
. th professor', son. who used a
different vercatmlar. though h wa a stu-
nt in th college to which his father wa
attached, attempted to atralght.n out th
matter. Drawing th farmer to on side,
h said In a superior way:
Th governor means that w'v been
having a hall Of a lot of rala." Harper