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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1908)
B THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE. APRIL 19, 1908. J- ) TOPICS OF TflE DAY OF REST Christ, the Risen lord, Praised in Triumnhaot Zeal. EASTER, EER VICES IN CHXTECHES I Palplf mm Choir All Creed mm h Celebrate the Chrlstlaaa . Dmy of Glorloaa Tiiampa. Christ ta arisen! Easter, the triumph of the cross ot Cal vary, will be proclaimed In song and ser mon and prayer in every pulpit today: - the Christian' day of rejoicing Is at hand and hossannas of devout but triumphant aeal will ring from pulpit and pew and choir loft, as Is evident from the excellent services prepared and shown In the pro (rams. Every creed, every faith, every school this day blends Its service In one common channel and sends up one Incense from the altar ot devotion to the Klsen Lord. ' Muslo at Trinity Episcopal cathedral: C O'CLOCK CELEBRATION. Processional Hymn Jesus Christ la Risen Today Worgan - Ifallnujah CUorus Handel 'Kyrto Tours Gloria Tibl Tours Gratia Tours Hymn-A.jiels Roll the Rock Away...Ropr Anthem The 8 trite Is O'er Stewart Airnus Del Gounod Gloria in Escelsia Tours Nuno DimltUs Langdon Kecrasional Hvmn Alleluia Bone to Jesus Elliott 10.80 O'CLOCK SERVICE. Processional Hymn Coma Ta Faithful Sullivan Christ Our Passover Hodges Gloria I'atrt Hougea Te Deum Arthur W hiting Jubilate Arthur Whlliu- Intrott Hymn At Uie umei Hign Feast Elvey Hymn No. lit Roper Anthem God Hath Apoointea a iy ?ours ours fanctus . Tours lread Of The World HvUs Gloria in Excelsis Tours Nuno Dtmtttls Bunnell Recessional Hvmn Ths Strife is u er Palestrlna 1 EVENING, O'CLOCK. Processional Hymn No. 616 Gloria Patrt Runnett Magnificat llunnott Nuno Dlmittis Runnett Lwvotlonal Hymn Barnby Congregational Hymn No. S07 Anthem With Glory Clad Wagner Recessional Hymn No. mi. The cathedral chorus and Mrs. Stanley, soprano; Miss Hlgglns, contralto; Mr. Wil kin, tsnor; Mr. Collins, baritone; Mr. Rallenger, bass; Ben Stanley, organist and choirmaster. Special Easter services' will fcs held at the First Methodist Episcopal church both morning and evening. At the morn' Ing service Mount Calvary eommandery No. 1, Knights , Templar, will at tend in a body, with uniform. The sermon ' will be preached by the pastor. Ths fol lowing la the morning program: Entry of Mount Calvafy eommandery No. L Knights Templar, escorted by the cnoir. Processional Hymn, No. 15 O (lod of Gods. O Light ot Lights Hymn 631 Prayer, and the Lord's Prayer Organ Interlude The Nlcene Creed (Musical Setting by Alfred Eyre) Responsive Scripture Lesson and Gloria - Patrl Second Scripture Lesson ITymn 169 The Resurrection With solo by Mrs. Kelly Harry Rows Shelley Xhe Sermon By Eminent tlr FranK i ul r ayeire jjoveiana, paw. - grnu prelate Grand Cnmmandery of Iowa. " Theme, "The Expansive Power ot Life." ........ ., Offertory The Strife Is O'er.., .Palestrlna Hallelujah Chorus The .Benediction.. . .....7. Handel Postlude March ot the Knlghta ot the Holy Grail Wagner At the evening service, 7:30 o'clock, the choir will render "The Cross . and the Crown," an Easter service. Order ot serv ice: "Calvary" The Closing Moments With organ solo, vocal solos and full choir. Prayer i Chorus . u 'By full choir. A Meditation Subject, '.'Beside the , Grave" B the Pastor. Anthem As It Began to Dawn (a mu sical description of the resurrection) Offertory Music Organ with choral oblegato. The "Hallolujsh Chorus" w . r run cnoir. A Vole and narrator, Mr. H. C. lessen: contralto, Mrs. Verne Miller: Angel, Mrs. Kelly; trio. Mrs. Kelly, Miss Julia Cobum, Mrs. Miller. Director of music, Thomas J. Kelly. . i 1 At St. Barnabas' church: ' MORNING. Processional Welcome. Happy Morning Introlt Christ Our Passover F. Cramer proTer Psalms n Psalm B ;,. Hlles , Psalm ST Cook Psalm 111 Greenhalgh Te Deum Calkin Jubilate Deo ..Garrett Apostles' Creed, chant In G Vsrslcles, chant In G COMMTJKION SERVICE. Hymn 121 Threefold Kyrie Nevln Newton () Gloria Tibl. Dominie, (b) Gratlas Tibl. Chrtste Calkin Nlcene Creed Festival Setting.. F. Cramer Hymn 111 Hymn 111 Anthem As it Began to Dawn Vincent (a) Bursum Cords. (b) Janctus. (c) , Benedictus qui Venlle. (d) Agnus Pel .... Calkin Communion Hymn Jesu to Thy Table Ied Nevln Newton lord's Prayer, chant In G Gloria in Kxcelsls Calkin Nuno Dlmittls Maunder Recessional The Day ot Resurrection., Gounod's "Redemption" will be given at Trinity Methodist church. Twenty-second and Blnney streets, this evening at 1:1$. The solos will be' given by Miss SHE SA!Q SK100Q i TO THE FAT BUGABOO Tat people are usually Jolly. They seem to take it for granted that nature ha. allotted to them an eitra portion of good welirtit. They Seem to enjoy the en lea ap portionment of wobbly, strengthens fat. As a matter of fact they don't do key- thing of the kind. Mot of them would undergo hardship to train down to a comfortable slse and weight and many of them have attempted strenuous ex ercise and diet, but after a brief ex perience have returned to the old way. The humane and modern method of los ing superfluous fat s to Improve the aaaimtiatlon of the food and batter tne condition ox the blood which Is respott alhle for the creation of fat evils. One of the most reliable and tnoat ef fective prescripttns is being used wu.i marvelous results by fat people who de sire to attain a comfortable and more attractive appearance. The formula is ss fullows: ounce Marmola. i ounce Fluid E-tract Caacara Arwmatlj, and SSt ounces byrup Simplex, to be taken one esspoomut after insula and before b.-0tln. All good drugguiis fill ths Marmola Prescription at trifling cunt, t-ut be sure you get the Marmula and not some eneap substitute. HOTEL. SEATTLE, WASHINGTON IlOlel S&VQV "U Stories of , Solid Comfort " Concrete, stesl and marble, h heart cltltf. 2t0 rooms, 135 bilks. Enj lih QUI J1.C3 up. Lelah Oallaway. Mrs. O. W. Williams. Miss Alice Gideon, Messrs. H. C. Johnson, K. T. Oallaway. E. N. BoveU. WUlard Chambers and W. B. Graham. Mr. Frede rick B. Pales will direct. Special numbers Will be given at the moraine service br Miss Mabel Bosworth and Mr. A. H. Gross. Muslo at Westminster church, Georgia venue and Mason street: . MORNING. Pi elude Easter M arch Merkel , 1 1 i i i i wujn null. SOlo Resurrection Harry Rowe Shelley miss Minna wener. Anthem Awako Vp My Glory... .J. Barnby Quartet. olo Hosanna Oranler Mrs. Jennlson. , Postlude Larghetto F Gulftnsnt ' Mrs. Renlamln. 1 EVENING. Prelude Cradle Bong Nevln Anthem As It Began to Dawn..C. Vincent Quartet. Solo Christ Is Risen .Neldllnger Mr. Gray. Postlude Smsrt Mrs. Benjamin. Quartet: Mrs. Jennlson. soprsfio; Miss Weher, alto: Mr. Ames, tenor; Mr. Gray, bass. Mrs. Benjamin, organist. The Easter Sunday program of music at All Saints' church will be as follows: MORNING 11 O'CLOCK. Processional We March, Ws March to Victory Barnby Soprano Solo I Know That My Re deemer Llveth Handel Miss Grace Barr. Easter Canticle Christ, Our Passover.. ' Chant T Deum In C Kinder Jubilate In E Parker Anthem As It Began to Dawn Buck Kyrle In E flat Eyre Creeds In E fist Eyre functus In E flat Eyre Angus Dei In E flat , Eyre Recessional Ten Thousand Times Ten Thoussnd Dykes AFTERNOO-4 O'CLOCK. Easter Cantata Christ the Victor Buck This service will be entirely musical and tha" above beautiful cantata will be ren dered by the choir. The solo and quartet parts will be rendered by Misses Barr, Rlggs and Chard, and Mrs. J. T. Helgren. and Messrs. W. 8. Rlgdon, Charles S. Hav erstock and J. M. Guild. Mr. Martin W. Buah will preside at ths organ and Mr. filmms will direct. Services at Hanscom Park Methodist Episcopal church: MORNING. Prelude Easter Morning Mailing Anthem (With solo for baritone and duo for soprsno and tenor) Spirit Im mortal Verdi c i r?V Ho"n". Mr. Lang, Mr. Newell. solo Hosanna Graunler r 1 Dr- Jnnle Colfas. Offertory-Pilgrim s Song of Hope. .Batiste Anthem (With solo for soprano and "ol quartet) Sing With All the Sons ' 7f Jory Mario Miss Fulton, Miss Westerfield, Mr. New . ell, Mr. Lang. Postlude rantasle Ashford . , . - EVENING. Prelude Angelus Ashford Anthem (With obllgato solo and duo for soprano and tenor) King of Kings Shelley rh.J1". Fu,tn nd Miss Campbell. Duo Enster Bells Kratg rrr,.MI" Woolf ! Miss Campbell. Offcrtory-Peatorale In F Stone Quartet-witn duos for saprano and tenor and alto and baritone) Wel- MmVf1?ppy Morning. Bracket! Miss Fulton. Miss Westerfield. Mr. twi,. Newell, Mr. Lang. v,.Ud0r,n.? M,rch Meverbeer ril n 'tl '. Burllngham, organist; Mr. Les G. Krag, director of muslo. Bervices at St John's African Methodist Episcopal church. Eighteenth and Webster streets: MORNING. Doxology ' Hyman Cho,r "nrt PonKreirsVion.' Choir and congregation.' w'S lOWBa'W.ilWi-:.',.rarka Pcrlptura lesson '....'..".".J.'.'.V.V.'.V.!'.!! Decalogu. .;....;..T. '. ' 1 a-mti olr An1 congregation. Anthem-Resurrection and Ascension.... sermo":.v;v:: E- Trwh'-i'i !rrr"::":-::: v.v.v.pirk. Benediction EVENING, T: O'CLOCK. Gloria Patri ..Z. . Hymn t Choir and congregation. Response-Bow Down....... . Prayer Chant The Creed Ani.. oiLmn conaffatlon, n . mi tn " Conqueror v,.. . Josle Henderson. a.k Alm ' Watklns! Anthem Hallelujah. Christ Is Risen. Simper Dialogue-A Bunch of Easter Lilies... V. . 8lx young girls. m wh' WltTi You.Trowbrldgi Miss W right, Mlas Watklns and Mrs. Ray Dialogue-Christ Is Risen.... Solo Rlchrd,on n Mr. H. W. Black. RscltatlcnS!'?!'-" Mr.' UlUn Black. Aflt!rrTrlri v. . - M . offertory ;.:.;.....:.:.::." OUnoa benediction Music at Plymouth Congregational church: MORNING. Cento Lift Up Tour Voices Knapp Chorus. Anthem Now Is Christ Risen.. ...... .Allen Solo The Heavenly Vision. Norrls Mr"' c- Bcharmann. Violin Obllgato . Mlse Mabel Hlgglna. . Hymn I Say to All Men Wade EVENING. Organ Prelude Selected Miss Ruth Sheldon. Hymn Jesus Reigns snd Heaven Re joices ; Bolo Ths Resurrection UllUm Bheidon Mrs. F. B. Holbrook. Duet Peace t) ths Dwelling.... Alice Smith Miss Whitmore and Mr. Johnston. Offertory Hallelujah, (from the Mes siah - Amiclila violin uuartet. Sol-Hosanna jues Granier Miss Msbel Whitmore. Address Joy of the Risen Lite.... Rev. F. W. Leovitt. Male Quartet. ... Be'.ected Messrs. Coolldge. Johntton, Alvord and In rkanroad. Anthem God So Loved the World.. Stalner Mandolin Solo Angel's Serenade Mr. Kearney. Solo Easter Song Svouh Mr. B. E. Johnston. Hymn Blest Day of Resuriectlon postlude, Selected Conductors, Mr. Sheldon snd Mr. ula bsugh; accompanists, Miss Sheldon. " Mn Cliaae and Mr. Cool'dce. Violin Quartet leader. Miss Lucy Miller. Easter muslo at ths First Congregational church. Nineteenth and Davenport streets- ' MORNING. Prelude Largo from the "New World Symphony'' ; Dvorsk Anthem Christ, Our Passover i"""7-V'i W. Gilchrist Quartet and Chorus. Offertory On Wings ot Song torgsn).... Boto'i Know that My Redeeraer'L?veth0,ll, - (from "The Mvaatsh") Handel Mlts Vera Allen. 1 Sermon Anthem Chriat Is Risen .Schubert puaUude t ugue in A niaor. bach EVENING, 7:1 Men's Club, special musical service fey the choir Organ Prelude.. Rubensteln R,-ne Angeliqlie Anthem Ligm s Ulitterlug Mora be decks the fcky Parker Mr. Ladd and Chorus. Ptayer with Choral Reaponse-Amen.... St. Saena Organ Solo largo ...Handel Am hem Chrtat la Risen Bchuhert Organ Offertory Bering ' Song Holllns Ttnor Solo Come. See the Place Where Jesus Lay Parker Mr. Hail. Sermon ... I Rev. Frederick T Roue, pastor. Anineiu tnriat. Our Faaaover . Quartet and Chorus.' I Moral ResiKina.) Sevenfold Amen. .Bt alner Uigau taiur pottluUe Mailing The choir of Clifton HUl preabyterlsn church will sing a cantata sntltud Ths ...Parks ..Parks ,1 Parks "IfJALIl EASY POUDEfl" sbv" a Ymi N1 A 'Foot 1L: FOOT A HEALINO, SOOTHING .DEODORANT. AB SORBS PERSPIRATION and KILLS ALL FOOT ODORS. Men, women and children whose vocations re quire them to be on their feet much of the time will find it a BLESSED RELIEF from all the ills that the feet are heir to. Eases Corns and Bunions . Removes All Soreness . . . PREVENTS SWELLING and ENLARGE MENT OF JOINTS; keeps the FEET NORMAL in all climates and permits the WEARING of NEAT FOOTWEAR. y RECOMMENDED FOR ATHLETES GENERALLY Large Package Any Druggist Hsiaiwsistasi-aa. . inlinj'U'LriJU'l-rLnt. Wfe ; "V'' f ) "S., -.' ' I XZjZjj I ; if I .a- . n ! US 4000t SMILE WITH US "Cactus Corn Callous Coninoiuicl' ' . An unfailing remedy, for CORNS, WARTS and CALLOUSES. This fact is attested to by hundreds of testimonials. CACTUS will bring you more com fort and quicker relief than any other corn remedy you have ever tried. This Compound contains: No Caustic, Arsonic Potash or Silvor a and is the greatest remedy of the ago. It acts as anodyne and is HIGHLY ANTISEPTIC. Its treat ment is sure and effectual and gives instant relief and a SPEEDY CURE. It penetrates thoroughly and dries instantly, REQUIRING NO BANDAGES OR PLASTERS. Does not injure the flesh or skin, but BRINGS COMFORT and HAPPINESS. Thous anda testify CACTUS a Success where all other remedies failed. v Large Bottle mm v Any Druggist Beware of imitations. Cactus Corn and Callous Compound bears the signature, B. . Hixson, in red on every package. Be an honest friend to your feet " ?nr0l.tTe??0T both remediea todav- I' te does not keep it, send Us his name together with 25c for either WALK EASY FOOT POWDER or ; CACTUS CORN AND CALLOUS COMPOUND or 50c for both, and we will mail same promptly. J CACTUS REMEDY COMPANY, - - - - KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI : Ponquering King." at S o'clock this evening. Tha words of ths cantata are ar ranged by E. 8. Loreni and tha muslo was composed by Ira B. Wilson. St. Mary's Congregational church, Rev. L. O. Balrd, pastor. Mrs. Mabella Crawford Welpton, contralto; Mr. i rank J. Resler, tenor; Mrs. Frank l. Realer, organist. MORNINQ 10:30. FROM -DEATH TO LlFE." ' I. Ths Call to Worship. Organ Prelude-8t. Cecilia's . Offertory Batista Mrs. Reslef. "II. Ths Crucified Christ. Hymn-Darkly ftosa the Guilty Morn- , Dykes . -The Congregation. Recitative And He Delivered Jesus to Their Will Bartlett Aria-Lo, All tha Earth in Gloom Is Shrouded Bartlett Mrs. Welpton. Duet Father In Heaven, Night Is Fall ing Bartlott Mrs. Welpton and Mr. Resler. -God, My Father, Why Hast Thou For- tagen aaer Dubois Mr. Realer. Duet When tha Vale of Life Grows Dark Bartlett Mrs. Welpton snd Mr. Resler. III. The Risen Lord. Recitative But Mary Stood at the Sepulcher Weeping Bartlett Aria Fear Not l'e Bartlett Mr. Healer. Hymn Our Lord Is Risen .....Hatton The Congregation. Organ Offertory La Miniature Vanderpoel .Mrs. Resler. IV. Life Immortal. Immortality Shepherd Mrs. Welpton. Duet Rise Crowned with Light.... Brackett Mra. Welpton and Mr. Resler. Organ Poatlude Torchlight Parade Gullmant Mrs. Resler. EASTBR CAROL BFRVICE-s:M P. M. Organ Prelude Canxonetta Brewer airs. Resler. Processional Onward christian Soldiers St. Cecilia Choir. Easter Carol Ws Come with Voices Bwslllng Shepherd . Bt. Cecilia Choir. Hymn The-Living King The Congregation. Caster Carol A Living Hope..... St. Cecilia Choir. . Organ Of fertory Song Without Words Calkin Mrs. Resler. Eaiter Eve Gounod Mr. Rtslcr. Hymn Floats a Ooldvn Chime Ths Conarecaiion. Organ Postlude March from the "Queen of Bheba Gounod Mrs. Resler, " terviees at Kountss Memorial church, f6tn and Pamarri: Holy Communion. lo:J0 a. m '.. Orgsn Prelude Largo Handel ptoveralonal All Hall ths - Glorious Morn Darwall Confirmation Class Rock of Ages.... Hastings Anthem They Have Taken Away My Lord Warrington Miss Francisco and choir. Responses Amrn. snd Who Made Heaven and Earth Layrlc filorta Patrl Norrls Kyrie ., Layrl Responses ta) Halleujah Bchoeberlein'a Sohats Xh) Holv, Holy Bortlnanaky Anthem Come CntO Ms Hatton Offertory Berceue In A Delhruck Prsyer and Benediction Beoaslrnul Wlrtemburg. . .Old German SH Poatlude Song of a Hero Volkmann Special evening prosram, 8 p. m : Organ Prelude A ndantlno In D Flat.. Lemare Processional Abchurch Jtsus Lives ... ' Honk'ns Verslcles Make Haste. O Lord Layns G'nrla Petri Nelthardt Anthem s It Brgsn to Dawn. Buck Misses Tebbcns, Francisco, Mr. Wood and choir. 'rlplure Reading and Prayer Reappnie The Lord's Prsyer... ... Downes ljjrnin All Hall the Power of Jeius'- Name Iildn Bolo Hosanna Granier Mis Lots Frano'wo. Anthem God Bo Loved the World (from The CruclfuTon) Stalner Hymn My Great Redeemer's Praiee Beethoven Asthtm They. Have Taken Away My Lord Harrington Offertory Melodle Rhelnherger Anthem Behold the Angel of the Lord - v Berthoid Touls Mr. Melchr. M!s TeLhens and choir. Prayer and Pnrd)rtlon Kecrsolonal Wlrtemhurg...01d German hjM Postlude Pilgrim Chorus Wagner Mice Marguerite Morshouse, organist; Lei more Cheney, director of music. . Music at the North Bide Christian church. Twenty-second snd Locust streets: MORNING. Processional Christ, the Lord. Is Rta-n Todsy . Moaart Hrmn Mary, at ihe Saviour's Tomb.... Communion Hrmn Jesus Wept Apthem Chriat Our Paaaover Millard Solo and chorua. At the evening service Charles Fonteyn Uannty's Easter cantata. "The Resurrec tion," will be given by ths choir of twenty- fiva vplcea, at 7:30 o'clock. Tha chorus will be supported by Miss Francis Bradshaw, 'cello; Mr. Joe Woolery, violin; Mr. Bchaf fer. cornet; Miss H. Estelle Brown, piano, and Mrs. H. J. Klrschstetn, organist and director. . , Tha musical 'services at Knox Presby terian church Easter Sunday will Include the following numbers: MORNING. " Organ Prelude Procession du 8t. Ssers- "if nt Charles A. Chauvet ttn:--:::::::::::::::::: Hymn ., .. Anthem Bweet Is Thy Mercy Barnby Response The Lord Prayer Downes Offertory Vision...,..., Joseph Rhelnbergor Anthem He Shall Come Down Like Dudley Buck Hymn .'....-.......,. .'..-. Postlude March Pontificate ... Ferdinand de la Tombelle , EVENING. a Ludft -l'- --- Aloys Klein Anthem Savior, When Night Involves Hymn k'e" Harry Rowe Bhelley Offertory Andanti' CanUbiii!!!!!!."!!!!!!! Charles Wldor Response Now the Day Is Over.... Barnby Quartet-Oh. Gladsome Light (unaocom- panled) Dudley Buck Hymn Postlude Grand Chorus..!!!.!....!!!!!!!!! Alexsnder Gullmant director L"en' or"'t; E- F. WHliams, First Presbyterian church' , M MORNING. Prelude-Allegro Brilllante Rogers "Sing Ta to tha Lord" , Lloyd Choir. ) Offertory-Serenade pierne Solo Easter Dannies . . Miss Moses.' Postlude-Hallelujah Chorus from "The Melh: Handel .-nu SONG SERVICE-T:80 P. M. Tn Resurrection. According to Bt. n.... Frederic Field Bullard Organ Prelude ; . . "The Day of Resurrection" !.!.!! .. ... Mr Bwarts and ohoir. Art Thou Weary, Art Thou Languid T" ,, Mrs. Dale. Triumphant Lord. Thy Work Is Dona". Miss Moses, Mr. Mclntyre. K?r Carol On ths Resurrection Morning "Hark. Ten Thoussnd Voices' fioundi'tig'' . Mr. Mclntyre and choir, tlo'n ' X portaI"- BJemp- Mlss Cunningham', ' organist.' ' 01"h1 Grace Paptlst church: ' i MORNING. 1:. Hymn Welcome. Happy Morning....... a ,kl' Vi"; '1 Fortunstus Anthem Vict or v Shellev Hymn-Crown Hlra M'lth Msny Crowns The''iiaVleVujah'''coVuaV.V.V'HanVri Hymn-Rejoice. Rejoice. Believers. .. .Mason The Sermon-Present Day Evidence of Resurection Life. EVENING, 7:45. E,"t7 cone" exercise, entitled "Lilies," and written by Charles H. Gabriel author of "The Glory Song," will be rtn. dered by the Sunday acbool, assisted by tha chorus choir. Dundcs Presbytsrlan church: - 1:M a. m.. Sermon. "The Resurrection." Quartet choir under direction of Miss Edith Anderson. Voluntary Adeste Fldeles Vllbee A ni hem If Ws Believe That Jesus Died .- Caleb Simper Offertory Tema Religloai Chopin Solo Hosanna h .'. Granier Miss Lancaster. Anthem Eastertide I Poatlude Selected Quartet: Miss Lancaster. Anderson, Ray Anderson, E. field. s p. m sermon, "Arise, Rhine." Marco Wiley Miss Edith 11. Wester- i I Saratoga and Parkvsla Congregational i churches, John B. Losey, pastor. Parkvale services will be a union of the Sunday school and church services. In charge of ths Sunday school superinten dent, Mr. Wilbur. Exercises appropriate for Easter will be given by the children and will consist of songs, drills, recitations, etc. Bervices will begin at 11 a. m. instead of 10 a. m., which la the usual hour for the Sunday school. Saratoga Corner Amea avenue and North Twenty-fifth sireet. Sundsy S'hool. 11' a. m.; evening service. o'clock. In ad dition to ths regular evening service, tha following musical program will be ren dered: Flower aong..! vLange Meditation Butts Mrs. J. M. Plnkerton. Ant henw Praise. Praise to Thee Chorua Choir, nolo Risen Indeed ; Marso Mrs. J. M. Pirikerton. CUfton Hill Presbyterian church: Hall the Day Adams He la Risen.'. ,...W liao.i The Lord Is Risen Again Fearis hauler Prsyer Lortnx taster Evangel Lorens EVENING. Tha chorua choir wilt render the Easter cantata, "The Conquering King," by Lorens. Soloists Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Hendee, Miss Bremner, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. McMullen, Mr. Reynard, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Rowley. WORLD'S HEALTHIEST RACE Born Polata In Health Matters that We Bheald Learn from Sweden, With tha Swedes exerslse, gymnastlo er ercise, not mere walking, la religion. The very criminals under aentence must have it, and therefore full Instructions for daily gymnastics ' are posted ' even In the con demned cell. As soon would they think of depriving a malefactor of hip Bible as of his "day's order." . Grown folk must have It, and therefore the gymnasiums spring up aa thick as mushrooms. The children must have It; therefore, ' when the state has done all that It can for them 'physically, private as sociations take them up. Free skating rinks and toboggan slides -even free to boggans and skates for the skatelsss are provided, less with the end of giving the children Joy than of promoting that fetich of the Swedish soul public health. Associations for outdoor games take charge of the publtc playgrounds, organ isms so-caUed nedaarteln eamea that are not only uproaring fun, but develop swift- j ,od, icviawn ni'u ncrvq. IT JIM HUWIH" ment aid, these societies send teachers of games to all the common schools, and the children are turned loose In the open air every day (or a short romp. We use these Swedish games in our gymnasiums and In such of the public schools aa can command the space.- Why not use them out of doors and moke them universal? When Swede has got his body built he- does not leave off there. What tha club Is to an English business man, tha gymnasium is to tha Sweds. Tie takes xercise suited to Ms age to keep In con dition; or. If not up to tha mark, puts Into the nearest gymnasium for repairs. The movement cure nd massage these are his substitutes for drugs. Headaches, liver complaints, nerves, dyspepsia, are all treated, at least partially, Jby active or passive gymnastics.. Medical gymnastics after the Swolsh model are more and more coming Into favor with English physicians. But mid dle aged English people have a lot to learn about tha thsrapeutlo value of ex ercise. It keeps off fatty degenerstlo'n: it keeps off age. Look at the 8wedes their clean aklns; their fresh color, their free dom from surplus weight. Look at their mortality rate tha lowest In ths civilised world! London News.. ' , I' The Nemo Cordis the onlyK MAr-jMr'b jcorset (hat b mm than corset. tja-- WV M 1 The only one that does something &;TVi&MA IPPT Don't think that all I 'MMyA Nemo Corsets Ml VOSl I $wr llll arc kf s011 women. , ml v $0 jSn The very latest Nemo in- 7 -' MS- VjM mo?ki vention BACK-RESTING, 7 AW Hji'wAsffiU (Ul ' a marvel ot etyli I 11 UVSi. ? J The very latest Nemo in vention -BACK-RESTING, No. 851 is for slender and medium figures, and Is a marvel of style, comfort and ingenuity. Over a million women who wear tho Nemo Self-Reducing Corset know that it it tha only corset that has over really helped stout women to reduce her abdo men ; and thousand of women of medium and slender build have already learned that the new Nemo Back-Resting: Corset not only strengthens snd relieves the tired, aching back, but produces tho new "slender-hip" figure to perfection. Nemo Back-Restiaz Corset r! acu-Long sloping, clinging vnD B . -vn back, flat hip effect. The back steels " KE5T 0l'K BAC cannot turn and dig into your flesh. A beautiful new model, for slender and medium figures; in sixes 18 to SO NCDIO Sell RedllCiCZ Corsets riL health, comfort and style with perfect ;3 50 MAKE STOUT WOMEN SLENDER" models reduce both abdomen and hips, and ! make Prtncesse effects possible to stout figures: No. 312, for tall stout women; No. 320, same, with Flstning-Bark, JO ft ft No. 314, f orshortstout women; No. 318, same, with Flatning-Back, wUU Nemo Corsets are sold In all good stores throughout the world. Ask your dcittr. Write us for book'et, "Hygienie Figure-Building," mailed free on request . HOPS Daoa MIr3 Cor. Fourth Ave. and ism 5U. New York 1 . 4 If I SmoplK Linind MOOTn Hnlngs make for eboo comfort. In the Oouian Shoo the lining is without ridges. Oar No. 7083 shown abore Is a shoe for comfort. It is one of oar Health and Walk Ease Line, b.M a cushion insole and waterproof sole. It ta made over oar toco's easy last. Write lor our Bprlng and Simmer style buuk. C Oolilaa&Co, Wat rel. U.S. A. W 4M Tho Z 31 El I s EMPBRKE MM TUBE PMLIC .ran It's an easy matter, when the Pianos you sell meet the demands of the purchaser, not only at the time of purchase, but during the many years 5 a good piano remains in the home. Our part is to place for your inspection in struments that will meet those requirements. The result is that we do not believe greater value can be had than hat this department of our great store affords. . , - , On display may be seen CHICKERING & SONS Boston, America's oldest and most re nowned piano; IVERS & POND, KOIILEE & CAMPBELL, STARR, EVERETT, STERLING, PACKARD, CHASE, HARVARD, RICHMOND, ' HUNTINGTON, MENDELSSOHN, KURTZ MAN, and Others. Sold on easy payments. Tie mmm 'Co. -4 -4