Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 19, 1908, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 3, Image 11

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Garments that Art Luxurious, Some
Within the Average Beach.
Shock coats or light weight
trfilif Clothes Brightest witk
Raffle Skirts Colors ( the
Hnlabow la Mei'i Bat
The number of men able to Changs the
Weight of their drew clothea to suit the
ummer season la not large. To have a
frock coat, for Inetance, which shall ba ao
light in texture aa to be suited to aumtner
wear la a luxury pure and simple.
' The aprlng and Bummer usee of the frock
ooat are few, wrltoa a fashion oracla In
the New York Bun. It may be worn pos
sibly at a few towry weddings, and after
the middle of June the number of them
will be limited. Quests at a country wed
ding, st whatever season It may be, are
not required to wm a frock coat and
only the ushers are condemned to this
penalty for their importance.
. There are three buttons to the new frock
and only one of them In the roll. That
should never be buttoned, even If habit
doea Inspire the wearer to button close
the other two. Occaalonally theae coata
have the edges braided, but there has al
ready been some sort of a rebellion against
the braiding, which. In spite of Its great
popularity, was never considered the best
Style for the frock coat. Blind stitching,
as It la called, which shows no sewing at
all. Is really the smartest finish for these
' The materials for the summer frock are,
of course, In black and very dark gray, un
ices the coat is meant for driving. When
very light gray or even brown is the smart
Color this year. For the dress frock tha
typical soft gray worsted show a herring
bone .or other pattern, almost invisible;
and In blacks,' whether they be woolens
or casslmeres, the soft, dull finish will be
used. There Is. indeed, little demand for
the hard, shiny finish for dress garments
of any kind. In the evening dress suits.
whether the cut he full evening dress or
merely a dinner coat, the materials are
the soft, rough finish goods.
Smooth Fin lab. Appropriate.
For the rough frock coat to be worn on
the top of a coach few other places are
aulted to such striking dress the smooth
finish gray or brown Is appropriate, al
though one often sees at the races coata
so rough, 'as far as the material goes, that
they look like homespuns. In the brown
frock coats the smoother finish - Is In
variably used. Brown Is always a less
dressy color than gray, just as it Is so
much further removed from black. Al
fred Vanderbtlt, who wears these sporting
frock coats on top of his coach, with his
whits high hat and the blsck band about
the bottom, always prefers the light, rough
greys. J
The half dress coat, or cutaway morn
ing or walking coat, as It la variously
called In this country, Is made in the same
light textures that are uaed for the sum
mer frock. rt like the frock. Is either
but half lined or Is lined with the thinnest
silk only about the front bodies. . It is
now braided. If the material Is dark gray
or black,' of "the kind used In the frock, and
this one detail adds a note of dressiness
to the garment that it gets In no other
way. If there be an invisible diagonal.
Check or , herring-bone In the black fabrto
the braid makes It more' modish still.
Extremely conventional dressers, on the
Other hnnd, hold to the old .theory that
braid Is . suited only to goods, pf a hard,
smooth finish' and take the blind stitching
a ' the mpst appropriate finish for a half
dress suit.
There should be breast pocket, braided
If thnt finish is used, a change pocket with
a flap and tails that are well cut away
from the front. Thoy are of moderate
length. The skirts are cut In at the waist
to give the necessary look of trlgnesa and
either two or three buttons are used. The
lapels are peaked. The coat la cut low
enough at the neck to ehow the waist
coat, which. If a waist coat of the same
material be worn, should be finished with
a . white dickey Inserted in the collar,
"onetimes the change pocket Is omitted.
r.-hlch adds an element of dressiness to the
Half Dress and Cataway.
The half dress or cutaway coat may be
made 'In a variety of materials which are
.n-t possible to the frock, alnce almoat any
material suitable for a sack coat may be
ised for a cutaway; but auch a garment
win not be any more dresa than a aack.
Only flannels aeem to be excluded from
the Hat of materials available for the cut
away. This Is In the real sense of the
word, however, a walking rather than a
half dresa coat, and certain pecullarltlea of
the . cut emphasises that difference. The
tails of these coats, when made up in mix
tures or checks for instance, are somewhat
' wider than in thV dress cutaways and they
have broad flaps over the Imaginary pock
els at these points. The ticket or change
pocket In. front alao haa a flap and often
the aeama are strapped throughout. Then
the handkerchief pocket Is likely to have
a flap, which In some cases buttona down.
There la Indeed no end to the sporty de
tails that a tailor may add to the cutaway
when It Is made of rough, goods. But it
is a mistake 'to think that such a rig can
,be regarded as dress. . At the utmost It
might be possible at a country wedding.
There 'are few changes in the summer
dress suit, which ts usually made of a
cloth so thin that it needs a lining to give It
, the necessary body. The collar is provided
with the peaks which in the smartest coata
. are covered with satin down to the edge.
-The trouwrs. which are also of auch thin
material that the prudent man buys two
pairs to begin with, are usually edged with
. krald, although It la aomewhat of a fash
Ion to have them made In theae summer
suits without braid or- with such a thin
line of cord as to be almost invisible.
The summer dinner coat la perhaps tha
; most necessary of all these dress garments
.for hot westher wear. Men who atop In
town for the summer are likely to put on a
dinner coat every evening. Thus It hap-
' pei. a that a aummer dinner coat la In the
wardrobe of many New Yorkers who would
not think of mending ths money necessary
. for aummer dress costs.
Coats for Evening Fa actions.
' The 'dinner Jacket as usual varies In no
important particular from the sack coat,
being the same in length and In the close
ness of Its fit. In order to have the great-
' est benefit of the thin cloth, the tailors
leave the coat without any lining ether
than that to be found on the collar, which
haajwaked lapela aa a rule, although there
' Is a tendency Just now to return to the roll
.collar, which was always more suited to
an informal garment like a dinner coat.
Theae shawl rolls, aa they are called, are
not In the least appropriate to full evening
dress. They are much better for the short
.dinner coat, however, as they are. more In
keeping with a sack coat and usually make
ths fit of the dinner coat better. The soft
tropical worsteds In gray and black are
used for these suits, which are a delight to
men In the habit of dressing every night
- far alnnur.
The summer evening dress, just liks Its
wtiittr pendant, must be worn with a
Whit waistcoat, and ths finest djrlc Serves
b4 fur that purpose. It It of course
Spring Hats Are Very Attractive
N EARLY spring and a late
Easter have combined to make
tho Easter hat a matter of fact
as well as a matter of trsdltlon
this year. Etraw hats bloomed
early, atd while there are ex
aggerations and mors trestles, as there al-.
ways are. the percentage of attrsctlve hats
Is large.
For time It was rather difficult to get
used to the fashion In which the hats
nestle down upon the head, and even now
some of the heavy shapes set very low
with v bandeau are amazing, but the
late winter French hats, prepared as to
eome extent for this frenk, and American
women as a class are not Carrying' the
mode quite so far as do the Parisians.
Tcsslbly the one of the new hat ahapes
most susceptible to burlesque Is the new
sailor." and though a few women succeed
In looking chle In the most enormous type
of this hat as turned out by an expert mil
liner, swarms of cheap imitations are al
ready on view, and the chancea are that
the fastidious woman will loathe the very
word aallor by the time the spring is past.
There are more large shapes than small
being large as well as high, ths medium
wide brim dipping sharply, ao that from
the right aide there la practically no view
of the face, and the right aide of the brim
turning up as sharply. This model Is actu
ally becoming to only a few, but the fash
ionable milliners show It In very handsome
Flower trimmed hats of the rose trimmed
kind Illustrated here are charming and gen
erally becoming and the wonderful beauty
of the season's artificial flowers and of the
ribbons so much used with these flowers
afford the designers ample opportunity for
triumphs In such headgear.
I tours of all kinds from the most Brob
dlngnaglan of silken beauties to the tiniest
of sprsylng button roses, and In every Im
aginable color harmony that nature or art
could suggest, lead the floral procession,
but there are other popular and beautiful
flowers. The hydrangeas In all the delicate
shadings of pale lavender and pink and
blue and greenish white are prime favorites
and are 'massed In all these harmonizing
tints upon summery hats of leghorn, Tuscan,
jredda, etc.
Geraniums In many vivid and beautiful
colorings are liked by the French design
ers, as are primroses.
and there Is a fancy
for combining nu
merous colore in
these massed blos
soms, a thing requir
ing such color sense
as the French appear
to possess by
right, and falling
and yet. among the small and medium size
hats there Is a great variety, and Indeed
were it not for the height of crown many
of the models at first thought classed as
large would really foil under the heading
of medium.
It la In this height of crown that tho
dominant characteristic of the season's
millinery lies. Hlgh effects are the rule
and In some Instances this tendency to
soaring lines goes to most spectacular ex
tremes. Ostrich plumes, set stiffly on end, wings
of great sweep pointing sharply upward,
aigrettes of great roaes or other flowers
nodding high at front or side, pheasant
plumes, gourah feathers, etc., extending to
an astonishing point beyond the hat and
head lines all these have grown familiar
to us; and yet. as we have saJd, the rank
and file of the new hats are delightful, and
every woman can surely find something
becoming, provided she has the taste to
know what is becoming to her and Is not
led away by a love for the merely bizarre.
Among the amall hata there are two
general types, the somewhat heavy turban,
usually of draped straw or other material,
and the hat of high, aharply defined crown
and cloae curling brim, but there are mul
titudinous variations upon these two
The heavier turbans trimmed with sweep
ing feathers of one sort or another or with
flowers call for a face somewhat large and
a profusion of hair, and when not too heavy
are comfortable, practical shapes over
which a veil goes well, but they are not so
new as the small hats of sharper outline;
and, though these last are not for every
woman, when they are becoming they have
a tremendous smartness and piquancy,
especially In connection with trig tailored
trailing costumes.
The small models of the sketches are of
the less severe and trying llnea, the crown
angles being filled in by trimming, but
small, sloping crowns or jam pot crowns In
combination with narrow curling brims and
trimmed simply by some flat band or scarf
around the crown and some stiffening or
feather brush are immensely popular In
Parla and are ahown by all the importers.
Among the larger hats, leaving the new
sailor out of the question, there is some
general conformity of line despite the ap
parent bewildering variety. The high crown
and the wide brlra, turning up more or
less aharply at the left front or left aide,
are the rule. x
The gnnu'.ne cloche and mushroom shapes
are out of date, though some of the Louts
XVI models in net or lace suggest the
familiar lines, but many of the brims, a
majority of them in fact, droop low on the
right side snd back. Betting low on the
head, as they do, these bats sometimes
suggest a possible eclipse of the face be
neath, but the full mass of fluffy hair
universally worn and the upward curl of
the left brim save the day.
One of the moat popular shapes In this
class ts very heavy in effect, the crown
lamentably it. there Is the slightest dts
conant chord in the odd melange of laven
der and rose and blue and purple, eto.
Orchids and striking pole lilies, with curl
ing petals spotted lightly in darker color
are among the larger flowers effectively
used. , ;
xne luscan nraiaa are enjoying a new
lease of. life, but. Indeed, It seems aa
though all the braids known to millinery
were In evidence this spring. Horsehair,
chip, mllan, Tedda, Tuscan, panamo and
a host of which we do not even know the
names sre offered for choice, and charm
ing things are made up In corded net. In
lace and In lingerie.
Among the most picturesque of the
French modela are the Louie XVI calottes,
already mentioned, with their aoft draped
crowns of net or lace or lingerie or even
atraw and their falling plaltlnga or frills of
lace. Some of these rise to great height
through the airy drapery of net In the
crown or great bowa of net or lace in front.
Othera are fairly high, but have no aoar
ing trimming.
A fold and knot of aoft ribbon with a
ainglo large rose thrust carelessly through
this scarf, an enqlrcllng wreath of little
roses or rosebuds, a scarf of ribbon
knotted and falling In long ends down the
back these are some of the trimming de
vices employed for the delectable little or
big draped models, and for the woman to
whom such a hat Is becoming nothing
could be more attractive for wear with
lingerie frocks and other eheer aummer
Theae latest models are a far cry from
the frilled 'bebe" hata worn to such excess
In earlier seasons and are successful only
when turned out by an artist s hands. If
one cannot afford to patronize such a
maked one of the pretty straw shapes Is a
wiser choice.
All of the burnt straw and yellowish
braid colorings are modish In millinery and
there Is an Immense amount of blue used
in combination with appirently any and
every color, although the combinations are
carefully studied. The precock blue tones
are well to the fore, and straws In the
lighter greenish blues, trimming In many
peacock lines, are particularly chin.
Rose, coral, cerise, all the new pinkish
reds, are considerably used and there are
lovely things In the light browns and the
smoky gray hues.
Hats of cream point d'esprlt with shlrrred
and corded brim and high crowns, softened
by ribbon, lace and flowers, will be much
worn with summer frocks, snd the design
ers are producing aome very original and
delightful effects In these modvls. The
hat of the sketch, for example, had great
charm and qualntness. .
A wreath of rather small roses in creamy
pinks lay around the angle 'tw!xt brim snd
crown, snd sround the very top of the
crown was folded a soft blue ribbon which
was tied In a bow at the front. Over this
ribbon fell a frill of lovely sheer lace and a
second frill coming from under the ribbon
fell over the upper edges of the rnsos.
Pongeo figures, conspicuous In millinery
as In costumsa and coats, facing brims,
forming whole draped crowns, folded Into
scarfs, etc. The pongees printed In beau
tiful designs and colorings are especially
liked for trimming purposes and one of
these smart pongee scarfs in vivid yet har
monious coloring Is aa chic a trimming as
can be selected for simple outing hats.
v j v-v J w w O w w w w w w w - s- mJ w w w uS v w v C v- J W w w K w 1
Given Away Absolutely Free With Every $65.00 Purchase or Sold
Outright for $8.75 oi Terms of $1.00 Cash and $1.00 Monthly
y'Tbte Elastic Felt Mattress
v Jia absolutely the best felt
Q ) mattress ever offered at the
( price, in fact it cannot be
LA -1 1 -1 11
)uougui eisewuere ior less man
$12.00. In offering vou this
elegant felt mattress, we know that
wo are giving to our customers an
J article that ia fully guaranteed,
Oand that will give complete 8at!a
factlon. Previously folt mattresses
Oof this grade have been sold at a
price that was higher than many
Owere able to pay, yet desired
felt mattress. '
This offer Is for this week only.
Remember, it Is a regular
value and is
offered at.
o v A
,J "l y Ml
o. migt
00 ym'j&x
ViVi ,T-rg -V it. J ill ... Vf.E I I 1
" ssassjsa n I t
rwx i ii ia i 1
f r, i j o
These felt mattresses are made
of pure cotton felt built up of 1oob "
flaky sheets in layers and are V J
made so tbat they will not become f
lumpy or need to be made over, as
is the case of hair mattresses. The f
ticking Is of a high grade stripe ef- if
feet and we guarantee them to be f j
made In a first-class manner. We x
can furnish these mattresses In J
any size desired, and can guaran- f v
tee prompt delivery. J
ltom.'!nlr If you make a purchase
or lvN or more tnls weeK this eli
gant niattrosa will be given you
sniuteiy rreo, or lr you
only noed the mattress
we will soil it for the
'ow price of.,
Oa the Xasy Terms of 91.00 Cash
and 91.00 Monthly.
Ol O 75 rr Thls Bea-
'JZ tiful Princess
Qj Dresser
O xerma i wi.oq casn, ana ooo
Per Week.
OThls elegant Dresser is
made of solid oak of a
beautiful grain, has two
O large drawers, and a large
18x36 French bevel plate
mirror. It Is easily worth
O18.00, but we nffer It at the
above low price.
Direct Action Gas Ranges
We are solo agents. The gas range that
Is absolutely guaranteed to cut your gas
bill . This Is not a mere statement made
for advertising purposes, but is an estab
lished fact. Ask one of the many users of
Direct Action Oas Ranges. Their con
struction will not possibly allow them to
consume as much gas as other ranges.
They are an Investment, not an expense.
8ee the elegant Gas Range that H A RD
we offer at the low price of vm.uv
Terms I 91.00 Cash and BOo Weekly.
Everything We
Advertise We
Actually Have
' On Our Floors,
Exactly lake
Piotare and at
Aotnal Price
6.75 For This Peoples Store
Collapsible Go-Cart
Xerma i 91.00 Cash and 60 oents Weekly.
Without hood. So easily operated one
move of the hands open it, another clones
It. The very newest type of folding Oo
Cart made of chase leather, with steel
rods, steel wheels, and half Inch rubber
tires, folds flat so It can be carried with
ease. Has an adjustable back, which can
be adjusted to a sitting or sleeping position.
A remarkable. -value at the above low price.
Don't confuse this cart with cheaper
carts that are made of wood, not steel.
111 LM t
8.75 Q
Tsrtnsi 91-00 Cash, 60 oents Weekly.
Made of a heavy grade ef tapestry brussels carpet
ing of a strong, durable quality that will give excel
lent wear and hold their colors to the laat. They are
closely woven of a fine quality of worsted yarns. A
very large assortment of patterns to select from, and
excellent opportunity to secure a very fine rug at a
very low price.
we are sole agents for the famous
Ourney Line. The most satisfactory,
the most sanitary refrigerator made.
Made of thoroughly seasoned ash. Bee X
the refrigerator that we offer 7 Rfl V J
at the low price of I.WVI p '
Terms s 91.00 Cash, 60 cents Weekly, f J
Terms i 91-00 Cash and 60 oents Weekly,
A substantial value in a well made Iron
M ' LM. SB II 1 .1 111. IUlfc .m
wa ixi.x.
or to War ow
rip .-I n.75 Buys Tbis Beautiful Ped-"
Uti . I u pstal Fiteiislim Tallin - v.
I ) in a high : grade enamel. A regular $8.00 value. Tho Furniture and Carpet Co
Established 1887.
single breasted, V-shaptd at the opening
and ending In the two points. Three but
tons are the usual number, and whether
or not there be a collar Is wholly a ques
tion of taste. The batter form for a waist
coat for a dinner coat ia some dark gray,
black or drab, and these come In linen
and cotton goods aa eool as any whits
waistcoat would ba. although they may not
look so. And ths black, tie that accom
panies the dinner coat may be of the thlrv
nest and softest black china silk.
A wholly appropriate detail of the aum
mer dinner coat la the soft pleated shirt,
which is in f Act suitable nowhere else In
the whole rtuije of man's wardrobs. It
is by no means uucommou to sue la Lon
don and Far is. specially Paris, men wear
ing with formal evening dress soft white
ehirts elaborately embroidered, pleated and
ruffled. They are permissible in thia coun
try with dinner coata, and In fact are Just
how distinctly modish; but the American
taste has never yielded to any substitute
for the plain white linen shirt for ful)
evening dress, whatever the season of the
year may be.
"The line of headpieces they are dealing
out to the mala portion of the dear public
this year would make the late Solomon,
In all his glory, look like a Quaker at his
grandmother's funeral." says a critic, la
the Kew Tork Tribune.
"Look st ,em," he continued. "Oats cau-
Termsi 91-00 Cash, 60 cents Weekly.
Made of solid oak of carefully selected
stock, has a large round top and 6 foot exten
sion. Easily worth 120.00.
tlously at that log-winged Panama, for ex
ample, the one with the modest streamer
on Its tasty band, a foot long and six
Inches wldfe, smeared promiscuously with
all the colors of the rainbow and some
others no respectable rainbow ever
dreamed of. That sort of thing's mads to
pay election bets with. And there sre those
soiled pea-green derbies with the broad,
red, white and blue bands. Oh, it's a shame
they can't circulate some of those through
the country districts! What a joy they'd
be to the beef critters!
"And ain't this the sweet young thing,
the dainty, pure white derby, with the
heliotrope band, beautifully pleated! Oh, I
could go to churchy with that thing on!
There's something so suggestive of Inno
cence about It that Is, the innocence of
the full-grown man who would appear In
the street with one on. They've got the
same thing with polkadot bands, and I saw
one cream-colored dream belted with a
cheap Imitation of a dew-laden rainbow.
"And what a bunch of awe-lnsplring
Scotch plaid caps they are showing! Oujht
to be great things to keep crows from
eating the gulf balls. Then there are the
round, brown plush affairs. I'd want to
pet a man who wore one of those; makes
him look like a dear little Teddy bear.
And there's the slouch, with frlitly bands,
like turbans, made of strips or old lace
curtain, attractively dyed. The cowboy
felt Is In the running again this yrar, toj,
only It couldn't help decorating itself a
little more than usual.
"A brand new one on me is the ttlif felt,
made In the exact shape of the lev.-, narrow-brimmed
stiff straw hat.
"Do men really pay good money fir
those freak? Not often. A man's mental
make-up Is revealed by the style of hat he
wears. Not many of us wl'.l adnit we have
cerebral wheels that emit that kind of
sparks. A fellow will see one cf those
gay topknots In a show wlndiw a mlU
away. He'll hasten over for ti nener view.
Perhaps he'll admire Its srcl-ltccture out
In front till the watchful cler't !n'da
thinks he's got a sucker. Then the pros
pective customer will walk in and fay:
'I want a hat, plain black derby, plea-e.'
"Yes. gents' hat.nakers sre' sure crowd
ing the milliners hard this year In the
way of the tearful and wonderful."
Baperlorlty of One Slomber Garment
Over Another Pathetically
Eddie Foy, the emient comedian, at a
theatrical supper in New York, made a
funny speech in praise of pyjamas.
"Always wear pyjamas," he began.
"Never wear a nightshirt. I have never
worn a nightshirt Blnce I heard the hor
rible experience of Frits Sauaagu, a Ger
man waiter of Chicago had with the pesky
" Frill Pausage used to come home every
evening from the cafe with Ms porkcts full
of dimes and quarters his day's tips, you
know. His wife, sfter he had fallen asleep,
would get up and raid that sliver mine.
Frits said nothing, though he thought it
was an unkind thing for her to do.
"At last ha decided he wouldn't stand
those nocture! raids any longer. Bo the
next night he came home he walud till
his wife was asleep and then got out cf
bed, took all the silver from his pockets,
climbed back under the sheets again and
very quietly tied the money up In a corner
of his nightshirt.
"Then he smiled to himself. He couldn't
help thinking how disappointed his wife
would be when she tiptoed across the dark
room Irt the cold and went through his
pockets snd found nothing.
"He fell asleep as happy as a child. He
awoke In broad daylight. His wife wss
bending over him tenderly.
" 'Oh. Frits," she said, 'thank you for
the present.'
" 'What present?' said he.
" 'Why,' said his wife, 'all that money
tied up In my nightie.' "St. Louis Republic.
Chlcaao Jury Itellevra Haibind from
Responsibility for Wife's
A Chicago Jury declares that a husband
is not responsible for his wife's finery bilk
contracted without his consent. Whereat
tho Inter Ocean chuckles gleefully In thl
Oh, Joy, and also Eureka, likewise ticklt
When a collector comes around to gat
nlshee yrl" pay for didoes that the mlssui
bought because they were marked dowr
from KQ to 149.09, refer him to her for pay
ment, or suggest that he might stand ou!
on the corner and whistle for It.
For this momentous decision give thank,
to a Jury of nine benedicts and three bach
elois, who officially verdlcted In Municipal
Judge Newcomor'a court Friday that Law
rence W. Ferci'.ion, K Oakwood boulevard.
Is not to be held responsible for the hate
and shirt wclsts te the value of ti pur
chased from a woman's haberdashory or.
credit by Mrs. Ferguson.
Ferguson told the Jury when he wa
on the stand that he did not know that the
other half of the funilly had purchased
tlio raiment until the bills camo in. and
the married men, picturing themselves in
the same boat, and the bachelors, In sjm
pathetlc accord, officially permitted the
i-ompany to collect from Mrs. Ferguaon
if it can by returning Judgment against
her for the entire amount.
Wherefore, some more Joy and extra
Attorney J. J. Thompson, for the com
plainanta, made a motion far a new trial:
but by, the time It la heard all of the
wives In Chicago will have purchaurd their
Easter bonnets, and, of course, many
bubbles will know nothing about them un
til the bills come In and will deny that the
new "lids" are luxuries S'tch as plain
waists, skirts, petticoats, drop skirts, and
cor oh. Joy!
Throughout the trial. In which efforts
weie made to secure only married Jurors,
the somber court room had been turned
Into a veritable bazaar of feminine finery.
All of the purchases thst Mrs. Ferguson
had made at the fashionable furnisher's
were on exhibition, causing the place to
look like a flower gsrden in mid-June.
The Useonle flags
destroys fewer lives than stomach, liver
snd kidney diseases, for which Electrlo
Bitters Is the guaranteed remedy. 60c. For
sale by Beaton Drug Co.
TILE preferred
clothes of Well
Dressed Collegians
MENTS the cleverest
tailored and snappi
est styled ready-umdo
clothes at moderate
ASK your local
dealer about
SfctflORS, if he docs
not carry them, ask
us we'll also send
you FREE our
a. clever
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f 1 .
N m.i I .I.-.., ' f
f: I rv-L'
If '
jJJX nv attractive J)eu post- w-.
book of smart styles aud
kwirirwimi n inn wu..i.jnnma-T.-7t j
ii- fit OUTiCAl DIM
4i:' 1
v;i t
i a v ' . . T L.
Is poBBefcscd by everyone who pre
serves the eyesight by the use ot
the glasses which we supply. We
fit our glasses accurately to
remedy each Individual defect.
W9 make do charge for testing
eyes, and our system Is thorough.
We sell no glasses that do not
really benefit.
lli J. PEflFOLD & CO.
U08 Fa ma in Street.
Guard A.0alnst Eye Trouble
Get rid of your headache. Don't strain
your eyes. . Properly fitted glasses might help
D. F. Wuru. Optician. ' '
Southwest Cor. 18th and Farnun. Bt. Omaha.