THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE. Ai'KIT 13, 150.. l&iY FA1WAM ST. After Easier mm : JX ill . r l .'ft i I W n. v The accepted fundamental principles of exquisite beauty are: a per fect complexion and a luxuriant growth of beautiful hair, which can be completely acquired by the use of Mine. Yale's fSgLum 55 different articles in all, and each remedy it an unremved revealing of soma potent factor in ths development and maintenance of Mine, Yale' own world aclnowl. dged beauty. For example, this remedy lays the foundation for the establuhment of perfect complexion that one meant 't aucceuful attainment for all time, while thia one it the greatest baa grower known, and ttopt hair faling,,cure dandruff, etc; and so on. Mine. Yale's Hair Tonic, 3 sizes tu ; t ; llsse. Yale's Alraoni Blossom Complexion Cream ? 11.00 SEze. 89c tOc Sire, 45o "; V If yott ti atptrinB to tmptoy $our ptnonof Beauty, you should surely famtltarl IMIiraf 11)1 fk K4m VTrltJ IIMMM((ia w V m w w FVfnifMIIWf W will aTlVA Villi IWal sV nnn rxf Vwia Cultur. II yo Iitsj ou of wwu, wriia us uq1 we will mail y.u 4 eupy. Drug Department Brandeis, r-1 Sprlr.s Announcement 1908 W are now displaying a most comylrfce Una of foreign novsl tles to - priaff ana snmmsr wear. - sou early Inspection ta la Tlt4, aa it will afford an op- large number of easlaslve il vi viggtiaf irom trie a. We tsapoH la single toll Wnrtha and a sail eannot be enpuoetea. An oM sUve.4 order placed bow tsar ba red, at soar eonveuienoe. Have, Your Furs Stored for ; the Summer In a Newly Equipped Storage Rcom with a Reliable Furrier ia Charge. KARHACK Ladies' Tailor and Furrier IMMIMM HIJIItw ff. ae j oa nee a eg a UM To Drivers and Chauffeurs The following rules are suggested in tho interest of safety: Jr-Keep to" tho right of the road as the law requires. 2 In turning into another street do not "cut the corner" ; but make a full turn, keeping as far as possible to the ' RIGHT. 3 When crossing or turning into streets on which there are street car tracks be sure to have )our horse or automobile under perfect control. 4 Never cross or turn suddenly into a track without first making sure that a car is not approaching from either . direction. . 5 Be especially careful where the streets are crooked, where the view is obscured or.when passing cars from which passengers are alighting. ' Assist Us In Preventing Accidents. ' Omaha & Council Bluffs Sale o Stilts a! $25 The bsst values shown this season awuit your choosing early Monday morning, many of the models arriving too late lor our Easter sales, will be shown for the first time this week. Without any excep tions bur suits at $28 have no equals in the city, 'and nil wa ask is that you compare them and judge for yourself. til W -1 VaU'a fan b.uW -Bum .a vv. 1 j , Vas'sL rsa TAILORG 317 South 15th St. CSTABLISHID 1M7. BLOCK. a a a ft inmihj Street Railway Company SOCIETY AT LIBERTY AGAIN Fashionables Lose No Time in Making Up for Prolonged Quiet WEEK'S CA1ENDAB WELL FILLED Ria of Informal. Oatherlaara Large aad Small Olrbrato Cloilna- Dayo of tat Clabs Rrism Meet lataa for a Time.' Aa Easter Meaaaaje. How many hearts are clearly reed today, As If one viewed them through trie cryatal fine Of Eastern eet, who snnses truth divine, Whq knows unhapplness, though lips be - S"y! How many souls are fishing on the way. Tiuougn rough and tangled path, to that ' Lint shrine Where Chrlat arisen, with Ills smile benign. Bide all whose hearts are sad to come and pray. , If you and t should meet for worship thera, If, we knelt, our hands should touch by cltnnce, I wonder would you need a stronger sign (Perhaps the Eastern gift of magic rsre). To know that roguish Cupid threw a lance Which plTcod your heart on Its fleet way to miner Ths Poet. Tha ftoclal Calendar. MOXDAY-Canfleld-Lewts wedding at All Saints' church, followed by s reception at the home of Mr. and Mrs. K. V. Lewis; Dewcy-Mtllnpaugh wedding at Msce cathedral, Topeka, Kan.; Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Rush, evening cards for Mil". Llghton; Mloa Marthn Dale, dinner for th Doherty-Rahm wedding party; Y. Y. club, dnncing party at Chambere. TUESDAY MacMillan-IBCh wedding; Mrs. Isaac Coles, Original Monday Bridge club; Mr. snd Mrs. J. B. Rahm, dinner for the Doherty-RHhm wedding party; Mrs. E. E. Klmberly, luncheon for Mrs. Llghton; Miss Gustavesou, Netod club. WEDNr-SnAY-noherty-Rnhm wedding at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. ft. Kahm; Doane-Rustln wedding, at RJverside, Cal.; Mrs. Robert B. H. Bell, the Ama teurs; Mrs. Lester Barr and Mrs. J. P. Barr, the Round Dozen club. THIRSDAY Mlas Lucille Hayden and Mian Claire Helene Woodard. afternoon bridge for Miss Alice McShane. FRIDAY Mrs. Felix McShane and Miss Marie McShane, afternoon tea for Mrs. John Rumsey Banford; Mr. Eva Wal lace, Original Bridge club; Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Talmago, evening card party for Mrs. Llghton; Mrs. J. O. Phllllppl, Thimble club; Miss Sarah Woodhouso, S. S. club; Mrs. John Guild, Friday club. SATURDAY High school matinee hop St Chambers' academy; Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Benson, Harmony club. With a round of Informal affairs large and small aoctety concluded tta long sea son of qulot Saturday afternoon and even ing. All considered, the fashionables have done well this year and a most creditable "Quiet" has been preserved since Ash Wednesday. But ths calm has only been on the surface, for, as a matter of fact, things have been unusually busy In ths more exclusive circles, making ready for the several large weddings that follow Easter. Two of these take place . this week the Canf leld-LewIs wedding, one' of the conspicuous functions of the spring, Mondsy evening, and tha Doherty-Rahm wedding Wednesday evening. Society will lose no time In making up all it has foregone in ths way of enter tainment and this week's calendar is al ready will filled, ' Omaha's fashionable contingent Is Just at present experiencing a veritable epi demic of childish diseases. Mumps, whooping cough, measles and chlckenpox have been going the rounds of tha fash ionable homes, but Instead of tiie chil dren It haa been tha grownups that have been in quarantine. Just now several prominont women are refusing all callers becatiHS of mumps,, while chlekenpox was so prevalent a few weeks ago that It was a Joke. . . Fleaaarca Past. Miss Brockhan entertained tha Nesod club Tuesday evening. The prise was won by Miss Jennie O. Nelson. Miss Ebba Gus taveaoo will antsrtaln the c)ub next Tues day evening. Mrs. Cornelius Gardener entertained de lightfully at an afternoon tea Saturday at her home in Fort Crook in horjor of Mrs. Blackmore, who is ths guest of Mrs. W. C. Bennett and Mrs. Bali. Tha rooms were effectively decorated with spring blossoms and cut flowers. Two luncheons were also given for ths young women Saturday. One was given by Miss Olive Hsmmond for Miss Talbot, and the other was a cafe luncheon' by a number of the girls. Saturday evening Miss Sarah Martin entertained a large dinner party at ths Hotel Rome, which was followed by an Orpheum party. Sunday some of the vis itors will be guests of, Miss Rogers of Council Bluffs and soma will be the guests of Miss Sarah Martin. The Benton club gave ona of tha largest dancing parties of the season Friday even ing at Chambers academy. Tha hall was elsborately decorated with the club colors, yellow and whits, and with pennants of all the well-known colleges. The cosy eor rrs were In ths shape of tenta and were covered with American flags, as were also tha chairs around the room. Tha commit tee In charge consisted of Richard Kitchen, Hardin Bean and Gibson Caldwell.. Master Douglas peters and his little cousin. Master Duncan Forsythe of St. Louis, celebrated their blrthdaya Saturday by giving a matinee party at tha Orpheura, which was followed by luncheon at a cafe. In the party were: Masters Charles Hall, A. D. Cloyde. Bobby Buckingham, Frsd Wallrath, Russell Iman, Douglas Peters, Donsld Hall, Edwin Hlnrlchs, Channlng Jordan, Sidney Cunningham, Clarence Pe. tars, Duncan Forsyths; Mesdames M. C. Peters and Hertsberg of St. Louis. Mrs. B. W. Christie entertained gt bridge Saturday afternoon for Mra. Jack Hitch man of Mexico City, who is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lehmer, at their home In Kountss Place. The guesta Included Mrs. Hltchman, Mra Howard Ed wards. Mrs. R. L. Hamilton, Miss Blanchs Unterklrcher of Burlington, la.; Mrs. Lee Kennard. Mrs. J. S. Weltiell, Mrs.' Charles Fowler. Mrs. Henry Copley, Miss Collett, Mrs. J. R. McDonald, Mrs. Ed Bmenlng, Mrs. Fred Engle. Mrs. George Kelley, Mrs. Frank Vetts, Mrs. Charles Lehmer, Mrs. Ed Boyer and Mrs. James Richardson. Mrs. G. N. Douglss and Mrs. C. V. Smith of Dundee entertained Wednesday evening for Mrs. E. A. Head of Jefferson, a., Mrs. James Fletcher and son, Lynn Fletcher, of Colorado Springs. Mrs. E. V. Frsncher of Lincoln and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Under bill of Pamora, Neb. The svenlng was spert with music and dancing . and lunchson was served st a long table which hsd a decoration of yellow blossoms. The guests, besides tha honor guesta, were: Mr. ahd Mrs. W. P. Hoover, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Jurgensen, Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Ste phens, Miss Florence Paxton, Miss Louise Jurgensen and Miss Rose Smith. Mr. and Mra E. V. Lewis antertslned at dinner SaturUay evening at their home at Fortieth and Harney streets, for ths out-of-town guesta and tha Canfleld-Lewls wedding party. A decoration of green and white was used. Covers wsrs laid for Mrs. Hosmr of Chicago, Mrs. Wllllama-Kearns of Ksnsas City, Miss Virginia Lewis, Mra. Can field and Mrs. Warner of Sheridan, Wyo.; Miss Moore of Sioux City. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Msrtln. Mr. O. O. Redlck. Mr. Arthur Lewis, Mr. Lea McShane, Mr. Sher- mu Caafltld. Mr. Esrl Gaanet, Mr. E. U. Fairfield, Miss Lewis and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis. ' Tha Altemata Card lub wae entertained Wednesday afternoon by Mrs. W. T. Hoover. Three tablea were placed for the game of high five, Mra. O. N. Douglas and Mrs. F. L. Armstrong winning the prises. The hostess was presented with a hand painted plate. Mrs.' F. J. Underbill of Tamora was the guest of the club, tha other guests being: Mrs. O. M. Douglas, Mrs. I. A. Stephens. Mrs. C. V. Smith, Mrs. g. J. Jurgensen, Mrs. J. T. Foyer, Mrs. Charles Stephens, Mrs. Clarenca Brace. Mrs. C. M. Wslker. Mrs. A. J. Detweller, Mrs. F. L. Armstrong and Mrs. Fred Erhart. The next meeting will be In two weeks with Mrs. C. M. Walker. Many entertair.menta have been planned and given during the last week for num ber of visiting girls from the University of Nebraska. Miss Marie Talbot, Miss Florence Chapman, Miss Lillian Waters, Miss Anne Mack and Miss Gertrude Kin kald of- Lincoln, members of the PI Beta Phi sorority, have been honor guests at several functions. A card party waa given TTmrsday evening and Friday a 5 o'clock tea was given by Miss Frances Gould at her home. Those present were: Miss Marie Talbot, Miss Gertrude Klnkald, Miss Florence Chapman, Miss Anne Mack, all of Lincoln; Miss Lillian Waters of Sheri dan; Wyo.; Miss Zora Fltsgerald, Misa Henrietta Benedict, Mlas Ona Troxell, Miss Alice Troxell, Miss Bess Gould, Mlts Anne Dennla, Miss Caroline Conklln, Miss Verne Stockdale, Miss Sarah Martin, Miss Gertrude Branch and Miss Cora Jackaon. Came and Go Goaaln. Mrs. Etta T. Height and family have taken a house at 3224 Harney street. Mrs. W. M. Davidson and daughter, Helen, have been visiting In Topeka, Kas. Lester Rahm will arrive Monday to at tend the wedding- of his sister. Miss Helen Rahm. Ralph Mackay la spending, tha Easter vacation with Ma parents. Rev. and Mrs. T. J. Mackay. Mr. Harold Maters of Cornhusker foot ball fame la spending tha Easter holidays with his parents. Miss Gladys Gould who has been visiting In St. Louis Is expected home the latter part of the week. Miss Florence Riddcll Is spending her spring vacation at ths home of Mr. and Mrs. A. p. Karbach. Mr. and Mrs. 3. P. Prlndle of Chicago are visiting their daughter, Mrs. E. C. Griffin, 8317 Dodge street. Fred Thomas, who haa been camping with some other university students, Is ex pected home the first of tha week. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Foy, who are visiting in Kansas City, expect to go to California for a visit before returning to Omaha, Mlsa Benedict and Miss Henrietta Bene dict have as their guest Miss Anne Mack srd Miss Gertrude Klnkald of Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. William H. Grant will ar rive Sunday from Kansaa City and will be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Rahm. Captain and Mrs. H. E. Palmer sailed Saturday from New York on the Kontgln Lulse for a three months tour of Europe. Mrs. F. J. Moriarty and Misa Ruth Rush have returned from a visit with their sis ter, Mrs. Charles P. Moriarty, In Tulsa, Okl. Mr. E. Dlmon Bird of 'New York City ar rived Thursday to be the guest of Colonel and Mrs. S. 8. Curtis for a week or ten deys. Mrs. Beecherj Howell, who waa seriously burned on tha hands and arms about, a week ago, is much better and able to. be cut again. 'Mr. and Mra. Daniel Baum, Jr., are stay- Ing at the home of Mr. Baum's father while their home is being remodeled and enlarged, t if t ' , . ; .. Mr. and Mrs. Wiltlam Tracy Burns ex pect to leave early1 In May for a visit of a month with Mr. Burns' family, hear An napolis, Md. Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Kountse and Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Burgess are In New York. Mr. and Mrs. Kountze will be home either Sunday or Monday. Mrs. William Karnes, nee' Miss Jesste Dickenson, arrived Friday to be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Brogan until after the Lewls-Canfleld wedding. Mra. W. E. Hitchcock, who has been spending the winter at Pass Christian, Miss., Is now visiting Chicago and will re turn to Omaha Thursday morning. Mrs. Lawton of Houghton, Mich., arrived tha latter part of the week, to ba the guest of her mother, Mrs. Martha Heth, who haa bee.n 111 at her home on Dewey avenua. Mrs. Gurley and Miss Florence Powell Qurley, who have spent the winter with Mr. and Mra. W. F. Qurley, expect to teave Monday for their home tn Philadel phia, v Miss Fltsgerald has as her guesta Miss Marie Talbot. Miss Florence Chapman 'of L'rcoln and Miss Lllllsn Water of Sheri dan, Wyo., all of whom attend the Uni versity of Nebraska. M. C. Peters Is visiting his daughter. Miss Gladys Peters, who Is attending achool In tha east. Miss Peters is spending her Easter vacation visiting Washington and New York with her father, aettled in his new station In the southwest. Mr. Percy Stephens of Rockford, 111., arrived Saturday to Jotn Mrs. Stephens and their small son Howard, who are gueata of Mr. and Mra. C. M. Wllhelm. Lieutenant and Mra. William B. Cowir. will arrive at San Francisco from the Philippine Islands either Saturday or Sun day, April IS or 19, and will come to Omaha to visit General and Mra. Cowin. Mrs. A. N. Ferguson and Miss Ferguson left lsst week for New York City, to ssil pril IS on the President Lincoln for a six mcnths" tour in Europe. They will visit France, Germany, Italy, Holland and Eng lard. Mrs. George Canfleld and Mrs. D. D. of Sheridan, Wyo., mother and sister of Mr. Sherman Canfleld, arrived Tuesdsy snd will remsln until after ths Canfleld-Lewls wedding. They are at ths Millard. Mr. Jack Hltchman of the City of Mexico Is expected Monday In Omaha to Join Mrs. Hltchmsn, who-has1 been vlsitlrg her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lrhmsr. After a couple of weeks thsy will lesve for their borne In Mexico. Mr. and Mra. Harvey Jackson have as their guests Mr. snd Mrs. E. .J. Jackson, who have been spending ths winter in Cal ifornia. They will remain until after Easter, when they will return to their horns In Oshkosh, Wis. Mrs. Georgs P. Moore, who wss expected In Omaha last week, will not arrive until aome tlms this week. Mrs. Moore has been, visiting In St. Joseph snd Kansss City and will be tha guest of Mrs. O. D. Klpllnger during her stay In Omaha. Mra Robert Doherty of Yankton, S. D., arrived Thursday for the wedding of Miss Helen Rahm and her son. Selwyn Doherty. Dr. Doherty will come the first of ths week. Thsy will be guests of Mr. and Bwobe's return from tha cast. Mr. and Mra. Hoxte Clark of St. Louis, have been gueata this week of Mra Ella Equlrea and will leave Monday even ing for their home. They will return ths latter part of June for a longer visit with their many friends In Omaha. Colonel and Mrs. Thomaa Swobe, who ar rived from California last week, are the guests of Mr. and Mra K. T. Swobe. Col onel Swobe goea east thla week to spend a couple of weeks In Washington! and New York. Tbav will not dsclde where they standard. s will reside in the future until after Colonel Mrs. J. B. Rahm. ' Mrs. Georgo A. Hoagland Is expected home from California In a week or ten days. She will be' accompanied by her daughter, Mra. David -Stone, and her two children, Billy and IaJantha Stone, who will visit in Omaha until Captain Stone la The many friends of Captain William Wassels of the Twenty-second Infantry will regret to hear of his death which occurred last week at Fort Bayard. N. M., where he had been ordered for treatment of tubercu losis. Captain Wassels waa formerly sta tioned at Fort Omaha and also at Fort Crook. While stationed at the latter post he was commandant of the High School ca deta with whom he was venr popular. Mr. Md Mrs. Guy C. Barton left Satur day for New York, where they will sail April 23 on the Kalserin Augusta Victoria for Europe, to be gone until next Novem ber. Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Barton will meet them in Chicago to accompany them to New York. Mr. and Mrs. Barton's daugh ter, Mrs. Georgs Christlancy of New York, will accompany them abroad.1 They Will go first to Nauhelm, Germany, after which they will take the Norway trip, Comlnsr Eveata. The Y. Y. Dancing olub will give a party Monday evening at Chambers'. 1 Mra. John Guild will be hoatess of the meeting of the Friday club thla week. The Original Bridge club wilt meet Fri day afternoon with Mrs. Eva Wallace. Mrs. Lester Barr and Mrs. J. P. Barr will entertain the1 Round Dosen olub Wednesday afternoon. ' The Harmony club will be entertained Saturday evening by Mr. and Mra. E. A. Benson at their home In Dundee. ' Mrs. Robert B. H. Bell will be the hostess of the Amateurs Wednesday. A program will be given In the morning which will be followed by luncheon. Mra. Thomaa Brown of tSU Wirt street will give a children's party Monday after noon at her home In celebration of the ninth birthday of her daughter, Miss Myrtle M. Brown. The Phi Gamma Delta fraternity of the University of Nebraska, will give Its an nual banquet Friday evening. May 1, at Lincoln and a danotng party Saturday, May 3. A number of people will attend from Omaha. ' Mlsa Lucille Synnon Hayden and Miss Claire Helene Woodard will entertain Thursday, April 23, at an afternoon bridge party In honor of Miss Alice McShane at the home of Miss Hayden Thirty-second and Farnam streets. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Rahm will entertain Tueaday evening at dinner for their daugh ter, Miss Helen Rahm, and Selwyn Doherty. The other guests will be; Dr. and Mrs. -Doherty, Mr. and Mrs. William H. Grant, Lester Rahm, Miss Martha Dale, Miss Hasel Smith and Miss Alice Duval. Mrs. Felix J. McShane and Mlsa Marls McShane will give a tea Friday afternoon from 4 to o'clock at their home, 704 Park avenue In honor of Mrs. John Rumsey Sin ford, who Is the wife of Paymaster Banford of The battleship New Jersey. Mrs. San ford ia visiting her cousin, Miss LouNe Mo Pherson. ( The matinee hop, the last high school prom to be given this season, will take place at Chamber's academy next Saturday afternoon, April 25. Novel spring decora tions are being planned by the committee, which consists of Mr. Robert Thompaon and Mr. Allan Tukey, and the dance 'promises to be one of the Important events of the season tn the school set. Mrs. W. R. Llghton of Fort Scott, Kan., la tha gueat of Mra. S. R. Rush. Mrs. Llgh ton until recently lived In Dundee and has a great number of friends In Omaha. Mrs. Llghton will be honor gueat at a number of affaire thla week. Soma of thoss planned are an Informal card party Monday evening by Mr. and Mra. Rush at their home; Tuesday Mrs. EL E. Hlmberly will entertain at luncheon; Wednesday Mra. Llghton will be honor gueat at the meeting of the Round Dozen club and Friday evening, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Talmags will give a card party. Weddlaaa aad Knajaaements. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Shrum announce the engagement of their daughter, Mlas Mamie Ethel Shrum, to Mr. Merle C. Rush, ths wedding to take place In June. Mr. and Mra. Robert B. Leech announce ths engagement of their daughter, Mlas Florence, to Mr. Morrla Price MacMIUan of Goldfleld, Nev. Ths wedding will take place Tuerday evening, April 21, at t o'clock at the home of the bride's parenta, 407 North Thirty-ninth street. Mr. Hugh F. Mcintosh of Alda, Neb., announces ths engsgement of his daugh ter, Mlas Fredericks Mcintosh, to Mr. Al bert William Staub of New York City. The wedding will take place In June, after whteh Mr. and Mra. Staub will leave for China to enter missionary work. Mr. Mc intosh and family were until recently real dents of Omaha, Miss Frederlcka la a Vassar graduate and haa a large number of friends here. Rev. and Mrs. W. . Fulton of tha Westminster church have received the fol lowing announcement! "Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam B. Hoffman announce tha marriage of their daughter, Anna, to Dr. Francla Jenks Hall at Chefoo, China. Wednesday, March 16, 1. At home American Pres byterian mission, Peking, China." Dr. Hall la Mrs. Fulton's cousin and ha was sent out to China by tha Omaha Board of Foreign Missions a ysar ago last Scotember as medical mlaalonary. He la ICE CREAM Announcement SOME ONE SAID "1VE HAD slopped making Ice Cream" THEY ARE MISTAKEN! IVe are making more and belter Ice Cream than ever tn our history. For 20 yean before the pure food laws were passed, we made Pure Ice Cream, that Is now the national IBAJLOTUIFIF The Confectioner a graduate of Yale college and of Johns Hopkins university medical department. At the latter place ha flrnk met his bride, who waa also atudylng medicine, and was interested in the missionary work; One of the largest of the spring weddings will take place Monday evening at I o'clock at All Saints' church, when Miss Florence Belle Lewis, daughter of Mr. and Mra. E. V. Lewis, will be married' to Sherman Delbert Canfleld, formerly of Sheridan, Wyo., but now residing In Omaha. The ceremony will be performed by Rev. T. J. Mackay, rector of All Saints' church, and will be followed by a large reception at the home of the bride. Mra. Philip Hosmer, formerly Miss Grace McLaren of Chicago, will be matron of honor, while Miss Vir ginia Lewis, cousin of the bride, will be the bridesmaid. Mr. O. C. Redlck will serve aa best man and the ushers will be Lee McShane, Arthur Lewis, E. M. Fair field, Earl Bennett, W. B. Martin and C. C. Kountse. . After tan eastern wedding trip of three or four weeks they will be at home at 4115 Dodge street MARVELOUS FOUNTAIN OPENED New 913,000 Soda Water Fooatain of ' ihet Myera-DUIom Company ' f Opened Ratordar. From noon until midnight Saturday the music' was jHayiDr and, J,hs) -erowdg. were flocking' through the" afore of the' Myers Dillon Drug company at Sixteenth and Farnam streets, for It waa the day of tho formal opening of the new $12,000 soda water fountain, the largest and, most beau tiful In the west. Not only was It the formal opening of the new fountain, but also a celebration over the opening of the enlarged store and also the anniversary of thirteen years In business on that corner for the firm. Many friends of Mr. Myers sent floral decorations, until the store looked aa much like an emporium of cut flowers as a drug store, and. Indeed, It waa, for carnations were given to all who entered. A force of thirty-five people was necessary to handle the crowds which flocked through tha doors, and Mr. Myers waa the recipient of mrr-y words of praise for his new atore and the general appearance and beauty of the fountain. Seventy-five gallons of ice cream had been prepared tn advance and that was found Insufficient and the big freezer in the factory was set to work. That he may have the purest possible tee cream Mr. Myera makes all that Is used at the foun tain, which also haa Ita own carbons tor. For thirteen years the business of the Myets-Dillon company has doubled every two years, until at present, Instead of tho thtee people who were able on a rush to do a business of ISO or W0 a dav, it is no uncommon thing for the large force of clerka now employed to take In over $1,000 a day. That Mr. Myera believes In catering to the wants of the public Is shown by the free Institutions which he maintains In cornectlon with his big store. He has a free delivery service, sells stamps without a profit, has a woman's wash room, scales, free telephone, a writing desk for his patrons and other side Issues for, the ac commodation of the public. Tho Idea of Mr. Myera la to run an ethi cal pharmacy, where nothing but the best In any line will be kept. That Idea Is csrrled out throughout the entire atore, which has been doubled In space to be sbla to care for the new and larger fountain and the Increased business. Pretty girls In uniform waited on ths patrons, and these, with the flowers and music, gave the store a real gala day ap pearance. IRISH LACE MAKERS" CO MING Exhibition In the Art to Be Given tn Oauaha Dnrlnar the 1 Week. Three girls right from the Emerald late will be In Omaha thla week to give exhibi tions In tho art of lace-maklng, aa It la now taught In the Industrial schools of Ireland. The girls, Mary O'FIanagan, Mary Kate Davoren and Rose Egan, were chosen from the 200 students of the new School of Industry in ,Loughlynn, county of Ros common, Ireland, for their proficiency In lace making. The achool at Loughlynn la taught by twenty-five Franciscan nuns. The girls are In this country, under the charge of Rev. Father O'FIanagan, a young priest from Loughlynn, sent here by Bishop John J. Clancy of Elphln, who is deeply Interested In the Irish industrial movement. The exhibition will open tomorrow and continue for a week in Brandels store, where a booth hss been erected for their use. It Is the English policy, he aaye. to have the raw material ahlpped In that country and manufactured, but tha Industrial De velopment association of Ireland, which haa ita headquarters in Dublin, is aeeklng to establish ths manufactures on thalr own sod. To Interest the patriotic Irishmen of America la ths principal object of his work la this country. Since the Eighteenth century there haa been a strong tendency In Ireland to foater the making of lace, until now it haa be come sn industry of the people. The ex hibition of Father O'FIanagan and the three glrla front Erin'a Isle will give Ornahans an opportunity to become familiar with the 9 method of making the beautiful Irish lace a piece of which every woman who lovei dainty things covsts for hsr wardrobe. SPECIAL NOTICE. All Imported Cnrtalna. One caso of Irish point curtains of out specisl purchsse from the Importors hai arrived and la on show In our windows. Wa expect the Clunye to arrive Monday or Tuesday, In time to place them on sala Wednesday morning. Bee Tuesday evening papers. Orchard 4 Wllhelm Carpet Co., 14-418-41S South Sixteenth street. Maod Dsiant Famona Danaenao, SAN FRANCISCO, April lS.-fhe Call to day ssys Information wss received hie yesterday that Maud Allen, the mysterious danseuse at the Pnlace theater In London who haa taken tnat city by storm. Is noiu other than Maud Durant of San Franrlaco slstor of Theadors Dursnt, who was hanged for the murder of Blanche Lamont and Minnie Williams thirteen yeara ago. Dn.BcN.jFBAii.Er. Sanatorium h Thla Institution la the only one tn the central west with separate II building si tea ted in their own H ample grounds yet entirely dis tinct and rendering it possible to Classify cases. The one building being fitted for and devoted to tho treatment of non-contagious and non-mental diseases, no others be ing admitted. The other, Rest Cottage, being designed for and devoted to the exclusive treatment of select mental cases, requiring for a time watchful care and spe cial nursing. - 5SJ Toilet Creams and Ptidmi AT BEATON'S HOe Hind's Honey Almond Cresm ,29c ouc urange inower Skin Food ; 50c Pompelan Maaaage Cream , 2So Allan's Janice Cold Cream 60c LaBlache Powder, Monday only 8O0 Possonl's Powder, Monday only 7Bc Tavoll, Plnaud's Finest Rice Powder.'.... I60 Bwansdown Powdsr, Monday only , $1.00 Complexion Brushes, Monday only 60o Ingram's Milk Weed Cream, Monday only.... .25c .08c ,.19c 29c 25c 43c ..He 60c 35c I BEATON DRUG CO. 15th and Farnam ..THE.. Wedding Gift SHOP Any Spring Bride will be hlgbly pleased with a remembrance from thla store. Our stock of suitable gift ar ticles In Jewelry, Out Glass and Sterling Silver Is complete. A large and varied assortment of Engagement and Wedding Rings. Albert Edholm Ktii mi Darcej Homtn'i Face Keek( air Arms tr Mseoiden Kit CBs!dertd , ARrtctive.M LAJEUNE DEPILATOSY (LlU) will remove hair from any part of the body In I to It minutes leaving skin soft and white no smarting or bumlngi fie pt bottle. By mail, sealed, $1. Circulars free. axEKaLajf a moooststxu, bsvs tra, Cor. lth and Dodge, Osuafitk OWIi JDUtf CO. Cor lih ana lUiusy. 0