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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1908)
TTTE OMATTA PATTA BEE: SATURDAY. APTUL 18, 1003. 9 if mm THE RELIABLE STNB Grand Easter Carnival of Special Bargains Saturday Easter Ribbons, 50c quality, extra wide and heavy, all silk taffeta ribbons, yard 25c 80c All 811k Taffeta Ribbon Wide, a big snap at, yard . . . .15 EASTKIl NECKWEAR All the latest styles la stocks and tab collars, fancy lace bows, silk, satin and embroidered mull ties, 35c and 60c quality, at, each 10 Easter Ruchings Our complete stock of fancy ruchings, all col ors and designs. 20c to 75c values on special sale Satur day, at, prices from 10 to 43 Easter Belts The best lines of silk elastic belt3 shown in Oma ha; all at special prices Saturday 50c Elastic Belts 251 75c Elastic Belts 4) $2.00 Elastic Belts Q8 3.00 Elastic Belts $1.50 EASTER HANDBAGS $1.50 Ladles' Handbag 85 $1.00 Ladies' Vanity Bags lt Easter Books 25 DISCOUNT On All Bibles, Prayer Books, Books, Rosary Beads, etc., the i best line shown in Omaha. All $1.50 Copyright Books. . . . . .98 All $1.00 Copyright Brfok -43 'All 25c Novels, each 7H All. Easter Post Cards 1 Easter Laces AVe are Omaha headquarters for Genuine Hand made Irish Crochet Laces, Lace Stocks," Coat Sets, Collars and Cuffs,- Bands and Edges Half Price t We pay no agents to sell these laces, their rich beauty and low price is mov ing them fast. Don't faU to see Uieni Saturday. Surprising Bargain Opportunities in Women's Ready -to -Wear Spring Garments Saturday GREATEST VALUES EVER OFFERED AT THIS SEASON IN THE HISTORY OF OMAHA MERCHANDISING Our New York buyers, always on' the ground with unlimited cash at their disposal, secured from theV manufacturers over $40,000 worth of wo men's, misses and children's outer garments at a little over half their actual worth. A more comprehensive collection of beautiful spring styles could hardly be imagined, a more charming lot of garment bargains never has and probably never will again be offered you. SUITS, COATS, WAISTS, SKIRTS PRICED AT ABOUT HALF. Sale begins Saturday" at 8:30 A. M., and will continue all week. Handsome Tailor Suits Over 1,300 to select from, most clever new designs in tremendous as sortment of rich colorings and fine fabrics, suits actually worth to $35.00, on sale in three great lots, Saturday, $7.50, $12.50 and $10.90 $2.00 Lawn Waists at 95c Over 100 dozen white lawn waists in cluded in this purchase, newest styles, trimmed with tucks, laces and fine embroidery, values to $2.00, Saturday at 95c $5.00 Silk and Net Waists De lightful assortment in Satur day's sale at.... $2.05 Nobby New Coat Styles-Fine cov erts and broadcloths, handsome silk and braided effects. Over 700 of them Saturday to select from, all new, all up-to-date in style, actual values up to $20.00; sale prices are $4.95, $7.95, $10.00 and $12.50 Crown Jewel Tailor Suits Another new lot just receiv .ed in time for Easter, all the quality and beauty of $35.00 garments, $25.00 From 8 Till 11 A. M. 100 new "Wash Suits, values to $3.00, all sizes, at, choice $1.00 From 9 Till 10 A. M. $5.00 Silk Underskirts $2.98 Over 2,000 New Skirts Voiles, Rajahs, Panamas, silks, etc., in -complete assortment of latest , styles and most wanted colors; prices for Saturday are really less than the cost of materials; actual values to $20.00, at, each, $2.95,. $4-95, $7.50, $10 Children's Spring Coats Hun. dreds of them to select from reds, tans, blues, browns, greys, plain colors and fancies, all styles all sizes 6 to 14 years, ac tual values to $7.50; in one loi at, choice .$2.9F Children's Dresses Matchless as sortment of new styles, dainty designs and best fabrics, under priced at 98c to $5.00 i a rota w i m a. j 3 u So, THE RCUABLB TRE Buy Your Candies i f - r i ixi now tor easier . Delicious Homemade Cara melsChocolate Vanilla, chocolate nut or Vanilla nut, regular 30c yound, value, special 18 15c Peppermint or Winter green. Cream Wafers, Sat urday, per lb 8H Chocolate Chips, lb ...lO Chocolate Cream Drops, per pound .14s4 Mixed Candy, lb 9W Our New Soda Fountain now In operation delicious sodas and dainty luncheon served. ' Visit oar Lunch Parlor. il I t. k - J L Ladies' Gloves for Easter 1 l -1 v i Saturday for The most complete stock of silk and kid gloves shown, not disappointment In quality, not wish but can be sup plied. Fowne's Long; Bilk Gloves Black, white, and all colors for street and evening wear --every pair guaranteed prices , . ; .)S. 81.50. 91.08 Ladles' Llule Gloves IC-buttou length worth to $1.50, in black or white, special, Saturday. .. .G9S and Q8 Ladles' Short Silk Gloves Such brands as Kayser, Fowne's, etc., In all colors, guaranteed finger tips, prices are 45, 75 and 8 Ladies' Long Kid Gloves In black, white and all colors, .matchless as sortment, 82.40. $2.08. $3.50 Ladles' Short Kid Gloves, all colors it ... 49S 08S $1.50 Rakes, Hoes, Spading Before - Easter Millinery Clearance ' An Opportunity for Price-Saving on Your New Hat for Easter That Eclipses All Others Hundreds upon hundreds of beautiful trimmed hats priced at much less than you would expect to pay at this time. You can't afford to miss this chance. Elaborately Trimmed Sailors An immense assortment for selection, including fine milan braids, greatly underpriced for C C 1 C Saturday's saler at 4D 10 J) I D 50 Elegant Pattern Hats, that cost us up to $35.00, to be closed Satur day at the most surprising price reductions. 400 Trimmed Hats, including the popular Merry Widow sailors, splendid assortment, actual val ues to $6.50, choice, at , $3.95 Hundreds of Beautiful Trimmed Hats, that sold to $8.50, original designs, choice materials and colors; Saturday at S5.00 A Visit to Our Millinery Department Saturday Will Pay You. Special Ptlctt for Saturday in Our Drug & Toilet Sect'n Hubert's Ultra Violet Water for c Riker's Toilet Water SSc-erJc EflBter Perfumes, oz. 50o5c La Dorde Perfume, bot.lHc Theatre Cold Cream, 75c size S5c Vloleta Cold Cream . . . ,22c Consuello Cold Cream, 50c size 85c Shaving Soap (Williams' or Colgate's Bo potter walnut Hair Stain. 89o Stain . ...frto 89o 80 .89o and 45o Powder for Walnutta Hair Winn of Cardul Cantoris Swamp Root . . . Grave- Tooth (glass) . . . . . . w- Sanltol Tooth Powder" ! ! ."lo Rubber Glove Special for Sat urday, pair 30 Mall orders promptly filled. Men's Furnish9 gs Fof Easier Easter Neckwear The largest and best selected lino of men's neckwear you'll find in the city; all the new shades, patterns and styles; prices from 25(5, 50; 75c up to $3.00 MEN'S SHinTR Complete new lines of the Celebrated Griffon Itrand. Shirts over 300 new patterns to seiect from, plain or pleated, soft bosoms in all wanted materials, values to (2, will go at w 08 Odd Lot and Samples of Mr'n's Shirts Griffon. Monarch and other well known brands, values to $1.60, choice.,. 40 Men's Fancy Half 11 one .Values up to bic, importers samples and surplus stork, on sale Saturday; at 10c, 12 He and -25 Men's Underwear Balbriggan shirts and drawers, satin faced finished with best pearl buttons, at, garment 25c, 39c and 50c Combination Suits Fine lisle garments, worth to $5.00 special Saturday, at . 08dd $2.00 Rousing Specials Saturday Muslin Underw'r Forks, Rubber Hose, Etc. OUT BUST XV TU OAUOEIT. Saturday we will give away free the beat Hose Reel made with every Garden Hone Bold. Best Rubber Hone, fully guaranteed. 80, o, lOo and lflc We do not handle the cheap quality rubber hose, because we cannot guarantee It. Hist Steel Oarden Rakes. 18c, 19c, 890 liouule GaTden Hoe, bell ateel, only ISO .!' Garden Hoe Saturday lfto 11.00 tiled Spading Fork, 4 tlne...59o 4-u.uart Zinc Kose Sprinkler, only le Garden Weeders or Trowels Satur day 80 Children's 25n Garden Seta rako. ho and apade, all complete, for. .80 Step Laddera. Saturday, per foot.lOo Heavy Mralded Clothes Line ...... 18o If you want the bent quality Galvan ised Poultry Wire, why not -et It Saturday for fo la roll oaly o To our out-of-town customers, send for a color card of our paint, then order It by mall and stop paying 9gn and 11.25 per Kallon when we sell the best for that. out bust nr tks souse. 6-foot Celling Dusters, worth 40o. . ISO Union Made Parlor Brooms. .. .13 Vic Extra heavy Rug or Carpet Beaters for lOo Strong Willow Clothe Baskets. . .Ue Studded Dog Collars, all sizes... BSo Small Dog Collars, studded lOo Heavy Dust Pans Saturday....... 60 The O. K. Waah Machine Saturday for 84.76 The WeRtern Washer SHturday wa.76 MOW IU TBI TOCX TO FAI1T, Saturday ws will sell odd sires of Paints, Lnamels and Varnishes for furniture. Iron beds, woodwork, floors, etc., for 60 and lOo per can. We sell more paint than any other paint de partment in Omaha, becauae wa guar antee our paint or money back. You can pay $1.85 or 11.66 per gallon if you want to, but why not get the best guaranteed paint made tall col ors for tl.86 P gallon. Good Ready Mixed Paint only Stto per gallon guaranteed threa years. We have sold this paint for 20 years this la guarantee enough. Tapering Waist R. & G. Corsset Are built to combine cor rect Paris style with per fect fit and comfort. Our stock of new spring models is the most complete we have ever inowB, includ ing styles to suit all figures No. F4 shown here is a very popular style this season, at $3.50 75c Batiste Corsets, long hip models with high 'medium or girdle tops, hose support ers attached, special Saturday, at 49c H. and H. Pneumatic Busts Big line to select from at. . . Big Easter Shoe Sale Saturday Shoes for Easter Sunday at less by almost HALF of what the regular Easter prices usually are. Men's Shoes and Oxfords, worth up to $4.00, all leathers and. styles, tan and black, in TWO lots $2.50 and $1.98 Women's Shoes and Oxfords, tan and black, worth up to $3.50 and $4.00, all leathers and styles. In TWO lots Bt 02.50 and $1.08 Boys', Youths and LKile Gents' satin calf, tiger calf and box calf, worth up to $1.76, In TWO lots $1,10 and 98 Red, tan or black child's shoes, two to five and five to eight, worth up to $1.00 a pair, hand turn soles, in TWO lots at 75 and 4Q Queen Quality Shoes and Oxfords, in the new tan shades -at $2.50 $3.00 and $3.50 Grover Shoes and Oxfords, -for tender feet. In black or tan, wear them and get that foot comfort you have been looking for. That Big Sale of Linoleums Monday WATCH SUNDAY PAPERS FOR PARTICULARS All Mall Orders Given Prompt and Careful At- v . tention v $1.50. $2 A Few Magnificent Bargains in CWCkery fOf Saturday Decorated Bowl and Pitcher, at, per set Decorated Chambers, each White Slop Jars with handle and cover, for Japanese Cups and Saucers, at, each Japanese Lunch Plates to match, each Decorated Porcelain Cups and Saucers, a set Decorated Dinner Plates to match, a set ............ J. 12 and 13-lnch Glass Vases, Just the thing for your Easter flowers 750 350 600 50 150 300 300 70 Send Your Mall Orders at Once. We Guarantee Satisfaction Skirts Worth regularly to $6.00, handsomely trimmed with lace and insertion, great bargain Sat urday at $2-98. Handsome Skirts, that would sell regularly up to $3.50, in two lots Saturday at $1.98 and $1.50 GOWNS Handsome trimmed made long and full, worth regularly to $2.00 Saturday's prices. 490. 750- 080 COltSKT COVERS Worth regularly to 75c several different styles to select from, at 100 and 490 Children's Muslin Drawers Trimmed . with hemstitched ruffle special at, per pair . 100 andl50 Easter Hosiery Specials Values that will delight the economically inclined, as sortments that will suit the most particular. Fine Imported Lisle Hose, in allover lace and lace boot patterns or fan cies, all colors and sizes, regular 75c values, at .49c 50c Embroidered Lisle and Allover Lace Hose, all colors and sizes, at, per pair 35e three pairs for. $1.00 sample liisie Hose Immense as- Ladies' sortment in embroidered, fancy and lace lisles, all colors and Sizes, 50c values, at, pair. -250 Sample Embroidered and Lce LiHle Hose All el res and colors, values to 39c will be closed In two lots, at 190150 Children's Pony Hone at. . . .250 best Wayne Knit Hose The complete lines at Wz. 350. 390 300 Children's Hose Heavy ribbed with double knee, sole and high spliced heel, excellent values, See Our Great Lino of 8ilk Hose Nothing to equal it shown In Omaha prices ..fgl up to g5 Interesting Grocery Prices for Easier 4-lh. sack best Fancy Highest Patnnt "our -i.jjs 10 bars best brands Laundry Soap.26o 10-lb. sack best Granulated Corn- mel i.. 15c Bromangelon. Jellycon or Jell-O, Pkg 7U0 4 cans fancy Sweet Sugar Corn...2to J-lb. cans solid packed Tomatoes. 8 yc wax, Green or Ktrlngiess Beans, can 71,40 l-lb. can Golden Pumpkin, Hominy, Squash or Bauer Kraut 80 Fancy No. 1 Olives, per quart. ... 35e gchepp's Cocoanut, per lb ITfiC l-lb. pkg. best domestic Macaroni, for .80 The best Corn Starch, per pkg... 4c Fancy Sweet Cookies, regular 16c, 18c and iOc sellers, per ll 10o Fresh Crisp Pretxels. per lb Bo Fresh Crlwp Ginger Snaps, per lb. bo The Best Soda Crackers, per lb.... do Quaker Oats Company's Toasted Wheat Flakes, por pkg 6c Dried Fruit Prtoes for Sastsr. Choice California Prunes, per lb.. 40 Fancy Santa Clara Prunes, per lb.JUu Fancy California Prune-, per lb.. vie Fancy 'Muscatel Raisins, per lb..7Vo Fancy California Seedless Kalslns per lb 7140 Fancy Imported Sultana Raisin's, Pr lD 12 Ho per .ltd Fancy California Nectarine, lb. .... fancy California Pitted Plum. lb ,....15c Fancy California Grapes, lb. 7U0 taney New York Evapo. Apples, per lb u0 Fancy Silver Prunes, per lb.....Uo Fancy Seeded RalHlns, per pkg..7Hc EHrs, g, Bfrs for iBastar. The best strictly fancy No. 1 Kggs, nothing finer to be had, per tins. 1 Bo f r?"h. " loes for Eastsr. 1 heads fresh L,eaf L,ettuue 60 4 hunches Fresh Radishes Jo Large Cucumbers, each So 2 bunches Fresh Onions 60 2 bunches fresh Parsley 8C Wax or Green Beans, per lb....,.10o Fresh Peas, per quart 6c Fresh Beets, Carrot or Turnips, per bunct , , 40 Quart boxes fancy ripe Straw berries 12 u0 Fancy Fresh Tates, per lb 8VhO Fancy Imported 7-Crown Figs, per lb 12 He Large Juicy Lemons, per dos i q Fresh Rousted Peanuts, per quart. 5o OBAarOES. O&AJTOES. OKAJTOEB. Our eighteenth ear of extra fancy Highland Navel Oranges In for Faster. These are Kanter Fancy and will sell at, car dosan ' ISO, 16c, 17 0. 800. JOLTFORTHEAFFlNin TRUST Progress of Uncle Sam's Hunt for Soul lHate Swindlers. CULL LOVELORN WITH PICTURES Clearlua Ilosse for AOlaitles Brukea lp, an4 Baaehea at Beaatlfnl, 'Rich Widens Left la the Larch. Uncle Sam has found some hard nuts to crack since ha began smashing ths trusts, but he never aet for himself a more peculiar task than When he undertook to crush the "Affinity trust." It was a comparatively easy problem to follow the trail of petroleum from ' hols In the ground In Ohio to the tin can from which the world's farmer fills his kero sene lamp. It Is a long jump, however, from freight ratea on oil shipments to tar iffs on love missives; from a prosecution in which there were rebates to blase the way to one wherein nobody outside the trust ever got anything at all, except now and then a homely wife or a husband with a wart on bis noss. In ths beginning of what shall constitute soma day the history of ths government's war on ths "Affinity trust" there was no inkling of ths organisation of such monopoly. Chicago clergymen, to bs sura. had reported a constant diminution of mar riages effected through the ordinary chan nels, but this condition was ascribed to ' young men's growing aversion to con tracting additional responsibilities in days w hen salaries seemed out of proportion to the cost of living. NVbcdy suspected that the old-fashioned method of courting holding hands on ths suit of an Inglunook or cooing in a ham ouw.k on ths front porch, when there was one had been superseded to a large extent by a trust system. The Searchlight club was the means of awakening the government to the destruc tion of competition and old-time rivalry in lovemtklng. In the course of a long court contest Uncle Bam learned through this 'club" that it was only one of hundreds of the same kind in various cities and towns, that all were allied to a central headquarters in Chicago and that all would guarantee to discover the affinity, the genuine soul-mate, of any person who would pay their fees. A marriage wa also guaranteed. . The Seal-Mats Provider. The pretty town of Elgin, 111., hugging ths banks of the Fox river and famous as being the focus of the Watch trust, waa the home of the Searchlight club. The president of this organisation, which was no organisation at all except as it formed a part pf ths "Affinity trust," was Miss Mirlon Grey, duelling, hand' some, apparently possessed of a great deal of money and for a long time a mys tery. If she had confined her operations to finding soul mates for the thousands of girls in tho watch factoriea of the town she might have amassed a fortune. But she sought fams as an affinity joiner in 'a larger field. Using the United States malls led a postoffics inspector to her 1 richly furnished suits of offices after shs had taken In about 1J.000 in three months. Ths postal Inspector pretended to be in search of an affinity. He did not make a misrepresentation. He was hunting for the "beautiful young widow, posessed of fctt.000." whom Miss Grey had selected as the affinity of William Graybell. a lank farmer of Dearborn, Mo. The Mi; sourlan accepted and married ths woman to whom Miss Grey had introduced hlra by mall, but ha said shs waa homely. penniless and misrepresented. He had wooed a beauty by mall, but wedded a plain affinity at the altar. This Missuurian had paid ths Search light club IS to "discover his affinity." After he married her he complained to the government that he had been swin dled. He wanted Miss Grey punished. He took his wifs to Chicago during Miss Grey's trial, Although It was shown that hundreds of others had paid Miss Grey IS each without even being Introduced to a possible affinity, It was on the speclflo complaint of the Missouri man who wedded the one she provided that Miss Grey was found guilty by a jury and sentenced to prison. Miss Grey's offices were raided and ehe was arrested when the postal In spector failed to get a clue to the Identity of the "wealthy and beautiful young woman, unincumbered," who had been promised to ths Missouri farmer. Thousands of letters wer seized in her offices. She had kept several stenogra phers busy. They were subpoenaed as government witnesses. Miss Grey confessed that she had sent the photographs of a Mrs. Cllne of Omaha to 1,000 men who -sought wives, but nona of them was able to win the "beautiful, rich widow." A Paralysed Afflalty. Scores of men and women were taken to Chicago as witnesses for the government. Among them was William Griffith, 63 years old, who lives at Amsterdam, Pa. Miss Grey had sent him a plcturs of his affinity and promised to bring about a marriage, he tertiried. and be was so tickled with the prospect that he at once mailed Miss Grey her $5 fee, but he heard from'her no more. Miss Catherine Bolea of Bellevlew, O., had seen her soul mats In a picture of John A. Logan of Carml, 111., supplied by Miss Grey. She corresponded with him several months. She saw him for the first time in the court' room, and learned then that hs was a helpless cripple, both his legs being paralysed. Miss Bulen was a vivacious, handsome girl, but she could not be induced to believe that her natural affinity was a young man who could not move without crutches, although she be lieved in the theory of opporlles. Uis Grey was convicted of operating a confidenco game, but was freed on ball pending argument for a new trial. It was discovered that the literature sent to "affinity seekers" by Mrs. Scott was al most Identical with that, sent out by Marion Grey. Apparently it had been revised after her conviction, but In every Instance the "marriageable person" was represented to be worth from $1,000 to $6,000. Photos BrlnsT the Fee. Miss Grey had represented her patrons to have amounts running from $000 up to $25,000 and $W,eoo. Mrs. Scott thought a smaller sum was sufficient to Induce any body who wanted a "soul mate" to start a-woolng. Among the photographs which Mrs. Scott sent out to men patrons was one of Miss Julia Bdjidersun, the actress, wife of Tod Sloan. When this picture was sent to a lone man who wisned a wife it was sure to bring a $2 or a $S fee, Mrs. Scott's charge for an Introduction by mall, espe cially if it was accompanied by a descrip tion like the following, taken at random from the many found among Mrs. Scott's paperf: "Thirty-four years old, 120 pounds, light hair, blue eyes, fair complexion, American and Protestant. Income $54,0u a year, good looking and does not cars for society." The capture of Mrs. Scott brought her daughter Into the limelight. It was learned that she had been employed by Harry Hart. The government's spies had hcud of him as being the organiser and directing head of the whole Affinity trust, owning the headquarters and at least a dosen of the branches. The search for Hart led to No. 851 Wabash avenue, Chicago, and a raid on the sumptuous offlcos there of the Lea mau club. Isadora Meyers was the manager of the club. When arrested he said hs had conducted the club for Hart and his chief associate in the trust, Hugo Morris. Method at Operatloa. The authorities uncovered fifty or more of thsce "clubs" In Chicago alone, all oper ating under the same plau, with ideiMlual lures, sxcept that each had its own pictures. Hart and Morris fled. Thslr principal tools are under bond awaiting trial. Meantime the government, is seeking to discover and suppress the branches In cities other than Chicago. One ot these is said to be ths New York Correspondence league, Toledo, o. Another, which advertised, "Join our affinity club; we will find your other half," gives its address as Lock Box 106, Lester shire, N. Y. Another has Its mall sent to Lock Box 6s, Vassar, Mich. The Select club of Tekonsha, Mich., under the title, "Special Selections, D XX," offers any man a bargain In wives in Inducements like this: '14 Me. Here I am, boys;' have $10,000 and will inherit $,00D; handsome blonde ot 3$ summers, golden hair and blue eyes, fair complexion, graceful form, mild disposition, good education, can play piano and violin." What appears to the authorities as moBt extraordinary Is that so many men and women patronize these matrimonial snares. Questions relating to this point elicited un expected answers. "Are most of your patrons giddy boys and girls?" was asked ofHlrs. Scott. "This is undoubtedly true in some In stances." she replied, "but I'll tell you many would be shocked to know the high class people who are anxious to win soul mates. Why, there's one good fat check among my effects that I'd like to keep; it's a fee for getting a wealthy railroad man a pretty young wife." New York Tribune. NOW FIRELESS LOCOMOTIVES foaatraetlOB and Utility of a Novel nlteh Miliar la Use ia Uertaaer. The fire-less locomotive follows the fire less stove Into the list of twentieth cen tury wonders. It is "made In Germany." A special agent of the United States. In a report to the Department of C'ommeVce and Labor, gives the following details: As ths name Implies, the locomotive Is flreltss. There Is no fire box. In general appearance ths machine resembles the ordi nary type of locomotive minus ths tit box. 1 1 1. . fui.nel and sundry other attachments. It must oe understood that this type of loco motive is unsuitable fcr uninterrupted rail way service, but is essentially a yard shunt ing machine; In other words. It must keep near its base of supply, and this base of supply is the boiler of some local power station. At this local power station the tank of the locomotive is filled with steam, and on this steam supply the machine will run from four to five hours doing ordinary s Itching work. Speaking generally, this flreless locomo tive is really an accumulator engine, the necessary power for which is supplied by a quantity of heated water, the tempera ture of which Is equal to a ceitain steam overpressure. This water supplies the steam for the engine. It gous without say It g that in default of fire the steam de velopment Is efUcted at the expense of tha heat contained In the water, and the en gine works with a constantly decreasing power. When steam is brought from the boiler- oT the stallunarv nlunt tn ih. i,. motive It is precipitated In the cooler water of the engine boiler and gives up its, heat to the same until the temperature and pres sure In both boilers are neatly the same. This Is the exact reverse of tbe evaporat ing process during the working of the en gine, and It results therefrom that, putting aside the probable water losses through leakages 'and suc h reasons, the water level In the boiler, after filling up, will always remsln the sauie without the water being actually admitted. Since each engine Is only provided with a certain amount of energy Its radius Is limited. There Is no question but that the fireless locomotive Is in demanl by European firms; and for soma of our government plants and at those private establishments whore fire protection Is a first considera tion this type of motor power should prove of great value. Summed up briefly, this type of engine offers absolute safety against fire which might be caused by flying sparks and all smoke nuisaaee Is eliminated,. This permits of the machine being used In sheds and other incloeures.i There Is marked economy? since the cost cf producing steam In Stationary boiler Plants Is less than than when produced by ordinary fire locomotive. The fact must not be lost sight of that only one man Is required to run the engine, and when the machine is not In operation the services of this man can be utilised. Practically there Is little or no repairs needed on one of these machines; since there Is no fire box, the strain on the boiler Is practically nil. The engine can bo made ready for service In a very short time, and when once charged Is rtady for Work at a moment's notice. If It Is not required constantly the machine may be left standing without supervision, and even, after the expiration of several hours It can be brought Into play. From this It will be seen that the special province of this "type' of machine is Interrupted work. ' Cake Secrets" an mm rsa AiudyvrttMi "I)mt I - I J I - Biors .ui oaks Baiiua ST- 1 1 ft- lr. u "t kB,crl," y.. llliSU fnia sn Imx.x or book 1 I - hui 11 iwi i'wm mrw IMtlMt. ' Shs a ar srorer't Sam sua our 14tk, and wa ll teae Iwa skis aiaaUe noipe book ITBLE. T Any on eaa make good cake with Swan's Down Prepared Cake Flour re e rits' worth auakss a ease, packages. Ak uur gwer, rile Unlay for ' Cais Secret," WsaeartBrea, kVt H. Ivssavias, mm