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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1908)
THE OMAHA DAILY HKE: SATURDAY, APftlL 18, 1003. MLauiuaMnMMiwi'iiirr'i 'iMijii(aiwinri'i -iTi-TfriiTiiin i-i-'riiiiniT 'rn ttihiii i 'mm- rtniwmai nrrtiiiiiwwwitn-iT-ri r- - r t f-r- I rrrri n rvn ft-t rn ri Uinoj D v n . P 'R I i A r 'i - LrbN SISRpiP U I ;0 n . 1U TV -A 1 3 4 rM fi VA iUti A Formal Presentation of the Correct Styles CLOTHES 25 EASTE a ? - 1 :'W ft 15 M mm r ., r f it : f j I U 1 1 $ f , t,ut I A - .I J - XT V,VV Men at $10 S. 'XsTff . VV-'-'5 f hS. If you want a good, well --rf f " v "JT , '.: :-s ''- fr' ' made and nicely appear- X it . ' v-3 - ..' 4 i iXr.jfV,K ins unrlne suit to wear I' I IS . I f -V Xt ou this line new stylos I SI , i -correct Atrk ! II !Vf ,k rvS flVf splendedly.atH'AVT I Marti i 1 i nU ill - Y, ; 1 S llMWi'ilH tUuSll ('-'A Correct Styles ' H iilfjuh V l fr Easfr, $1Z50 MllMtff'Mktk$W fSi'g' 1! Here Is a suit that 'Mfff llthtfv Hli f will give you excellent f'cl'j'ti . service for business ' wear it Is a serviceable wmMmamaammmmmammmMammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm up-to-date and the best You'll Surely Need a Fancy Vest for Easter Wear value ever t50 Here is the best assortment of men's white and J 50 J98 ?orer.e.d. fancy vests in Omaha new patterns for " . A VERY FORTUNATE PURCHASE MAKES THIS Merfs'Shiirtsfor The finest shirts from a New York retail stock go on sale Saturday Just In time for Easter. ' x Hundreds of the very newest spring patterns . every shirt Is equal to custom made garments a chance to buy tine new shirts worth up to $3, in two lota, at All the chlrts from the New York retail stock, worth up to $1.50. Cft 7C will go, at JUC'I JC M&nHtwtt&n and E. &. W. Shirt. Most patterns are exclusive and not to be found In other stores best spring C) shirts in Omaha, at Ill 10 $ J Men's Easter Neckwear- The newest shades and patterns, regularly sell up If , J g to 4100. in two lots, at. . . JC nd fJC Men's Union Suits , Munslng, Sterling and Lewis make. We are ole agents 98c to 4.98 Men's Summer weight balbrlggan U n der wear, plain and fancy worth up to 1, at 25c-39c50c SOME HINTS ON ROAD WORK Bugfgestiom on the Making and Main , tnance of Model Earth Road. BOH AND TOOLS CONSIDERED practical and Efflcitil MelK ' Priaflr Omtlln4 hr Eiptrit la the ratted States Offlea of ' ' - Pablle Road a. . While Amarlcan road builders are a cap able of conatructlng good roadi aa thoaa of any country ot the old world, they have not bean as loyally supported aa the men ot thoae countries In maintaining the high, waya after completion, and the deplorable state of many hundred thouaand mtlea of road la thus accounted for. County and township official may at the outaet stand the expenae of having a road built, but they streououaly object when aaked to pro vide funds to rebuild the road that has been allowed to (0 to ruin. It la Important tbat farmers learn of the benefits to be derived from good earth roada; that county boards be Impreaaed nth the need of a proper maintenance of the same, and that road builder and over seers learn how beat to care for the roada In their charge. A circular from the United Statea office of publlo roads saya the peralntnnt and 3owerful enemlea of earth roada are water and narrow tlrea, and the constant effort it the men In charge of the roada ahould Jbe to guard agalnat their destructive ef fect a and remedy all damage aa qulrly aa Voaaible, The almple Implements which jhav been found to be of greatest assis tance la this work are the plow, the dreg scraper, the wheel scraper, the road grader nd the split-log drag. Beaegelal M lilac With a aandy soil and a subsoil of clay, or clay and gravel, deep plowing so aa to raise and mis the clay with the aurfaoe soil and sand will prove beneficial. The combination forms a eaod-day road at a Ulfling expease. Oa the ether hand. If 9Sc-150 ft w Jl 5 jf72- the road be entirely of aand a mistake will be made If It la plowed unless clay can be added. Buch plowing would merely deepen the sand, and at the same time break up the small amount of hard sur face material which may have formed. If the auhsoll is clay and the surface scant In sand or gravel, plowing should not be resorted to, as It would resblt In a clay surface rather than one of "sand or gravel. A road foreman must know not only what to plow and what not to plow, but how and when to plow. If the road la of the kind which, according to the above Instruc tions ahould be plowed over Its whole depth, the best method Is to- run the first furrow In the middle of the road and work out to the aides, thua forming a crown. Results from such plowing are greatest In the spring or eerly summer. In ditches a plow can be used to good advantage, but should be followed by a scraper or grader. To make wide, deep ditches nothing better than the ordinary drag scraper has yet been devised For hauls under 100 feet, or In making 'Tills," It Is especially serviceable. It Is a mistake, however, to attempt to handle long-haul material with this 'scraper, as the wheel semper Is better adspted to such work. For hauls of more than 804 feet, a wagon should be used. Machlaea la lu, The machine most generally used In road work Is the grader, or road machine. Thia machine la especially useful In smoothing and crowning the road and In opening ditchea. A clay subsoil under a thin coat ing of soil ahould not be disturbed with a grader. It la also a mistake to use a grader indiscriminately and to pull material from ditches upon a sand-clay road. Not Infrequently turf, soil and silt from ditch bottoms are piled in the middle of the road In a ridge, making mud bolea a certainty. It Is Important In using a grader to avoid building up the road too much at one time. A road gradually built up by frequent uae of the grader will last better than if com pleted at one operation. The foreman fre quently thinks hla road must be high In the first' Instance. lie plies up material from ten inches to a foot In depth only to learn, l(i the arrival of the first rain. that he has furnlahed the material for as many tnchea of mud. All material ahould be brought up in thin layers, each layer Easter k ill SALE POSSIBLE Easter always. well puddled and firmly packed by roller or traffic before the next Is added. A common mistake Is to crown too high with the road machine on a narrow road. The split-log drag should be used to fill In ruts and smooth the roaiVwhen not too badly washed. PLAYGROUND DEVELOPMENT Elaborate Plana of Holloa and Meth ods that Are Psrioed In Cambridge. Larger playgrounds and more of them, properly equipped for the pleasure of the rising generation, la an expanding Idea ot practical good that la destined to be a fac tor In the management of public schools in large cities. In Boston the school authori ties have appropriated I&8.00O for the Im provement and equipment of school play grrund this year. The plans of the man agers are: First, to develop the school yard and school buildings as the center of play for the younger children: second, to provide local playgrounds for the older boys and girlr; third, to provide athletic fields for the high school boys; and fourth, to furnish Instructors and teachers in ath letics, sports, 'games snd play Indulged In by pupils of the public schools. Twenty-eight school yards In crowded districts have been selected where the ex perience with summer' schools has shown that the work would be productive of best results. Theso twenty-eight school yards a ill be kept open fiom the close of school until 5: datly, and from a. m. until S.30 p. m. on Sutimys and holidays from May 4 until NoveniluV. 25. These yards will be equipped with apparatus, ssnd gardens and a tufflclent number of teachers to organixe and direct thj play. During the summer months the nurses' division will go to the homes ot the children using these play grounds and Instruct the mothers In baby feeding snd summer hygiene. It has been found that the mothers welcome the nurses snd that the scheme has been productive of excellent results. To provide for the recreation and physi cal development of the older bovs and girls In the elementary schools tha new de partment baa been given the right to use twelve of the more centrally located and is the day that marks spect demands that Easter finds Sensible men demand that their clothes be correct ality. Brandeis clothes insure you this and more ready-made clothes that are made at less money than you can buy them Tor else where. You choose here from an unlimited quantity every correct style and fabric; Clothes of Elegance for Easter suits of unsurpassed quality are shown by Brandeis at moderate prices. These are not clothes of the usual fifteen and twenty-five dollar sort. Renwick System clothes are better, newer and smarter every way. The newest style features in the coats, cut in just the proper length fabrics and tailoring are absolutely,correct. . . . Roflcrs-Peel & Co. Spring Clothes for Men Thousands of the best dressed men ea3t and west declare the Rogers-Peet clothes the best ready-for-service ap parel in America. Rog9rs-Peet clothes are always ready to put on, and custom tailored clothes cannot surpass them in any way $25-$2750-$50 $35 COMB YOUR BOY'S EASTER CLOTHING It is distinctly to every motJver'a advantage to come here fr her boy's Easttr suit. You can out' fit your boy in the smarUst and most becoming style at less money than you will pay anywhere else. Boys' Confirmation Suits Easter Suits Suits for Every Dressy Occasion Only the very best mater ials used in the construction of these suits finest black and blue serges double breasted $C (0 $ A knickerbocker suits new Buster Browns newest sailor blouses second floor, old store. . D ill Neat Suits far Easter-Boys All Wool blue Serges The styles are the newest fads in Buster Browns knickerbocker suits, sailor blouses, etc. you never saw such good tailoring in boys' suits certainly the best values in Omaha, TQft Saturday at Boys' Combination Suits Our great offer comprises one all wool coat, one pair straight knee pants and one pair extra knickerbocker pants all the service 50 of two suits at J Mn'3 Low Shoes Are Correct for Eautcr Wear We want you to see our new lines of tan ox fords for men, in lace, button, and buckle styles. The Florshclm Oxfords More style, comfort and service in these low shoes than In any others that are made for men lace and button all the correct leathers Flor shelms are F C pJ R0SSM0RE SnOES FOR MEN Every pair warranted high or low shoes-new tans or black $3-.$3L-$4 m i We sell the best fitting and best wearing boys' shoes made In America low or high cut lower prices. suburban playgrounds now unlder super vision of the park department. TheseS play grounds will be kept open from May 4 to Juno 27, and from September 9 to November 29 (during school term). The school com mittee will furnish teachers and Instructors, as wel as play teachers, who will go to the different school playgrounds and bring parties of children to theso lnrser play grounds for Instruction and training. In 1003 the school committee of Cam bridge, Mass., took up the playground work, beginning with one playground In private grounds, for which It had to pay taxes to the city. The work grew each year and the playgrounds are now all on city property. The city furnishes sand . boxes In schoolyards and public parka, and allows the use of one room in the school building. As yet it takes no further responsibility for these playgrounds, but It Is hoped that at no distant day Cambridge will have municipal playgrounds under proper aupervlslon for boys and girls of all ages. There are In Cambridge six large open spares owned by the city Cambridge com mon, Cambridge field, Rlndge field. River side field, Broadway park and Captains' inland. In these open spaces where there Is no shrubbery the children are allowed to play. Cambridge field covers an area of eleven acres. In It there is a shelter with baths. In summer base ball Is played; In winter there la skating. There are also sand boxes. On Cambridge common, a portion has been set apart for skating, foot ball and base ball. Rlndge field has been used almost exclusively for base ball a shelter with baths has been placed there, also some apparatus. Captains' Island, In the Charles river. Is a bathing beach, with hath houses. There are now In connection with the bath houses two life guards. Broadway park was never used as a playground until last summer, when the playground committee asked to have a sand box there and put a teacher In charge. Last year the city ap propriated 11,00 to make, a tract of land (which had been used as a dump), fit for a playground for boys. There already existed In that neighborhood, under the auspice of the Shepard Memorial cUurchth River side alliance, which had a number ot boys the change from winter you dressed as well as Easter Are Found in the TO BRANDEIS SATURDAY FOR Young Men's Suits "We are bet ter equipped than any Omaha store to fit young men in dressy. . well tailored cloth es a special offer of long pants suits, in blacks and blues, for 5 15 Confirmation and Easter wear r Ik. h. fv. 2 Easter Hats for Men !xior A new bat is just as essential for a man on Easter as for a woman. Don't wear the old things Sunday. V7e are equipped to supply the wants of everyone. Most complete good stok In Omaha. BRAJiDEIS SPECIAL HATS The newest blocks in stiff and soft shapeB, new shades of tan, brown , and blacks Just the hat you want is here, at $2 Men's High Grade Spring Hat, made of selected felts, best silk trim mings, every correct shape and shade the new ones, at clubs well organized. They had their house. with 'baths and a gymnasium, close to this field, which they call Riverside field. The last summer the boys had a good ball field, and although not under supervision, their club training enabled them to conduct their play In an orderly manner. Next year it Is proposed that the boys themselves make a running track, tho city loaning wheel barrows, tools, etc. ' RELIC OF CIVIL WAR BURNED Career of Slooo of War Mononarahela, Usee the Flagship of Farrago!. The sloop of war Monongahela, used as naval training ship at Ouantanamo, Cuba, waa destroyed by fire on the night of March 17. The sloop, was a tattle scarred veteran of the civil war. It was hammered by the confederate forts on the Mississippi and hammered them in return. It was Admlnut Farragut's flagship and It was commanded during the period of con flict by Lieutenant George Dewey, now the admiral of the navy, and Wlnfleld Scott Schley, now a rear admiral on the retired Mst. Its war adventures were full of In terest, but still more Interesting wss the marvellous thing that happened to it after the war had ended. It was at Saint Croix, or Santa Crux. In the Danish West Indies, in the late '00s, that this marvellous thing occurred. The Monongahela was struck by a gigantic tidal wave and when the wave was through with it the sloop that had fought Its way past the Mississippi forts was high and dry more than a mile Inland, and likely to stay there until it rotted or was destroyed. But Yankee Ingenuity overcame the diffi culty. Ways were built from ship to shore a reversal of the usual meaning of that expression and down these the Mononga hela was pushed and hauled until at laat it glided back Into the sea. The overland trip of the Monongahela occurred on November 18, 1867. The tidal wave was caused by a great earthquake. Naval Constructor Thomas Davidson of the t'nlted States navy, a brother of jeorge Davidson, the astronomer, had charge of the work of moving the vessel back to the sea. He took with him to Banta Crus a to spring clothes. Self- your means will allow. in style and serviceable in we fit-you with the best Remvick System Spring Top Coats Men's Cravcnettcs 15H25 The new models of top coata In the proper lengths and the best fabrics also stylish and serviceable ralnproot coats combining all the elements of a swell light weight coat and a raincoat; also many military collar raincoats, . . S15 Up "rvr Boys' Spring Reefers The boy needs one right now ages 2V to 10 embroidered ensigns OP on sleeves special. J Boys' K. & E. Shirt Waist Blouses, percale and madras, 49c and Up fc. rk . (k r-f4.(.a sufficient number of mechanics picked from American navy yards. In a little more than three months he moved the stranded hulk sldcwlsc to the water's edge and then over 2,600 feet of coral Into deep water. Two years ago when tho Monongahela was at Guantanamo It had another experi ence In some respects notable. It caught fire and to save It from total destruction It was scuttled and sunk. Then It was raised and fixed 'up for quarters for en listed men at the training station, and it was serving In that capacity when the end came. The Monongahela was built by the gov ernment at the League Island Navy yard, near Philadelphia, in 18S2. It cost 1378,678. It was a sloop of war of 1,378 tons, with a 1 1-ngth of 227 feet and a beam of 38 feet. It was needed urgently in the operations on the Mississippi and the gulf. Schley commanded It for a brief period In several unsuccessful attempts of the union fleet to take Fort Hudson. Afterward it partici pated In the successful attack on that stronghold and got battered up consider ably. Dewey commanded It in July, 19fi3, when It was on blockade duty off Mobile. In August. 1W4, it was with Farragut's fleet when It got past the Mobile batteries. On that occasion It was lashed to the Kenne bec. The two ships ran the gantlet of the forts and then proceeded to ram the Ten nessee and go aground. In 1R6S the Monongahela was placed out of commission at the Brooklyn navy yard. For many years. In fact until comparatively recent tlmps. It was a practice ship for naval cadets and a training ship for ap prentices. Three years ago It was sent to the Guantanamo naval station as a sta tion ship. New Tork Bun. Pelated Paragraphs, The suspected may happen unexpectedly Get-rich-quick schemes are all right until you wake up. The average man doesn't waste any po, llteness on his wife. The only harmless fools are those In the hands of the undertaker. Blessed Is the chaperon who hath eyes thavsee not and ears that hear not. Clever doctors can Induce a womaa to take any kind of medicine by telling her It Hi wilt Cler tier complexion. Chicago Mews Base ball and bat, or catcher' mitt FRKK with, every boys' suit at Brandeis. l. JOHN B. STETSON HATS All men know the Stetsons are the, most popular hats made we show the complete lines of new styles In the genuine Stetso i hats, r rf soft or stiff styles, "lDU prices always J BOYS' KASTER HATS Many styles to select from all the . very latest shades very specially priced at 98cl.5Q-$2 Boys' and Children's Spring Caps, in all the latest styles four specials, at $1.50. 98c. 4Dc and.... 25 AND THE CAT FOLLOWED HIM firvw York Tabby Chases Master from , the Metropolis to en Home la Vtica.. When John J. Lussier retired as a lieu tenant In the New York police department two months ago and moved to Utlca to assume the proprietorship of the Yates house, he brought practically all his be longings with him, but left his pet cat In the metropolis. The animal was left witit a friend who gave assurances that It would have the best of care. Two weeks ago Mr. Lussier had a letter from this friend and In the letter It was Incidentally mentioned that the cat waa missing. Nothing more was thought of It until later, when a cat walked calmly into the Yates house, rubbed up against Mr. Lussler s legs and made a noise, like, any other feline. Mr. Ltie.. thought he saw something familiar In the cat and to his astonishment found that It was the same one ho had left behind In New York. Now if aome one can advise the owner how the cat managed to fnd Its way to Utlca, Mr. Lussier promises to give a suitable rewari. It may have walked from New York, but It Is rather a long journey for a cat, and still It hardly seemt probable that the cat picked out the rlghl train. Mr. Lussier Is corresponding with his New York friends with a view to dis. covering how the animal happens to be in Utlca. New York Bun. Silver Aluminum Jelly Moulds FREE teatlct 1st each package JJ3M1' Explaining. 10c pooka f al