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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1908)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, APRIL 18. 1008. mr T7V, 31 aster Hats rJHl3lS 1Q) 1 i 4 ' j - You must buy your Easter hat Saturday or be without a new one on the greatest style occasion of all the year. Brandeis is equipped as no western store ever has been to show the exquisite new hats. Nearly every fashionable woman in Omaha buys her hats hero. No matter what price you wish to pay you will find more genuine style and more real artistic beauty in Bran deis millinery than in any others. Our Immese stocks are in perfect readiness. Come in the morning if you can. Exquisite Imported Millinery () Charming Easter Huts at $10 0. $15 Brandeis Moderate Priced Millinerv We miggtwt to oar patrons, particularly those In tho west end of town, great convenience of our new 17th street entrance which opens directly from street to our Millinery and Women's Salt Sections. the the New arrivals, just received by express from New York have been added to this magnificent group. These hats are elegant original designs from the greatest designers on 5th Ave and they show the very latest expression of extreme stylo that aro tho furore of fashionable New York. The most glorious array of new models ever rt C beheld. Select one Saturday at To insure the best selections and to receive our most careful attention, we suggest that you come in the morning. Charming Easter Hats at $10 & $15 A great variety of charming Easter Hats shown In these groups Immense Bailors, lavishly trimmed the new high crown hats laden with flowers and foliage modi urn sized Easter Hats; Etc. every new shade la here at $10-$I5 CHILDREN'S HATS The prettiest children's hats of the season; misses' and children's poke bonnets in the light dainty colors, made of horse hair braid and trimmed with shirred chiffon, lilies of the valley and chif fon rosette ages 4 to 10, have been selling at $4.50; special. It is in moderate priced hats that Brandeis has won tho greatest renown. "VVe conduct a special work room for $5.00 hats. Every one is a copy of an expensive model. Stunning New Hats at $5 Thousands of new hats wiH bo shown for the first time Saturday. Could be sold nowhere else fo; less than $10.00 the stunning Merry Widows- the high crown hats with tilted Co brims every color and very Cp lasnionable SPECIAL SALE LEATHER BAGS Entire Stock of Weil Bros. BROADWAY, NEW YOK Bought at a Tremendous Sacrifice. Blanche Ring Bags With leath er rings. The latest style, with inside purse. Real goat skin, extra size. Carriage Bags Imported leath- ers. 2 and 3 fittinirs. f Chatelaine Parse Bags, Round Up Bags now all the rage. Tapestry Bags. Vikfj$ Soft leather bags, all made with in side purse. Thousands of the finest bags manufactured to " select from Saturda v. 9 Actually Worth up to $3.00 , Our complete stock of ready-to-wear attire for Easter will appeal to the women who seek distinctive fiWir. ?n thmr apparel. The demands of Easter are imperious. . The best dressed women invariably look to Brandeis for the styles that are genuinely smart and fashionable. For the day before Easter we announce many very special sales to appeal to women who seek apparel for immediate needs. a EidtUaUislUssi. Fashlonseal Suits for Women Are the Spring Style Aristocrats Many new arrivals are shown in this famous group. The Fashionseals represent the highest achieve ment in point of style and tailoring no such suits found elsewhere for less than $40.00. CIC Fashionseals are , pJ at and StlOO Each Appropriate Gifts for Easter Sterling Silver Files, Book-markers, Paper Knives, Manicure Pieces, 925-1000 sterling silver. On East er Cards. 25c to 2.00 W. A. Rogers grape design Dessert Spoons, set of six, for .......... 90c Sterling silver Bon-Bon Pieces, 925-1000 fine. . ,75c Beautiful imported Combs, worth $1.50, each. .50c Imported Combs, worth 75c, each. 25c 2-inch Elastio Belts, back and front buckles, worth 75c, each ..39c Imported Belts with mother-of-pearl buckles,, worth 50c, each ... ..25c Easter Cards In Stationery Department Thousands of new designs, including Easter Post Cards, Saturday at, each. lc and Up ft I in Wemen'a Suits at $15 Favorite spring fabrics In plain and sha dow Etrlped blacks, tans and blues very newest and smartest CI C style features Walking Skirts C New light weight fab-' rlcs, including voiles, ' all the favorite colore, 34.08 and $6.08 IMPORTED TAILORED SUITS Many of these suits are samples. They show the swagger est and most becoming Parisian style features, specially channing for dressy Easter wear all the elegance of a Parisian made-to-order gown at. . . .$35, $39 up to $75 Princess Lingerie Dresses Voile Skirts Daintiest of early Bummer creations many are elaborately trimmed In walking effects with laces and embroideries these dresses are the style success of li taffeta or self trimmed t M . f genuine style In the season we mention four groups, every skirt at $0.08, at 814.85 825 835 $30 H $14.85 up to $25.00. I' Dajnty New Waists for Ea.ser Wear You'll need one of these ultra stylish new waists to go with your new suit Easter. Brandeis variety Is enormous and the .features new as can be. Dainty Lingerie Waists From the simplest tailored lawn waists to the exquisite fine hand made and hand embroidered garments, trimmed in real laces, fine German or handker chief linen, at 81.50 81.08 82.50 and to 835 Those Smart Tailored Waists Noth ing this season ao essential to the complete toilette with tailored suit Linens, Scotch Madras. French Lawns, etc. smart, stiff laundered collars and cuffs, will go at $2.50 82.08 83.50 87.50 Lace or Net Waists Soft cream anh ecru, French nets, dainty yokes of German Val. inserting and Filet laces, fluffy lace, ruffle sleeves, etc., made toseU at $10, Monday 84.08 The Smart and Fashionable Coats for Spring Long Fitted Silk Coats Very fashionable in the east mostly in blacks, at 80.08 and 812.50 Short Covert Coats Always well appearing at 84.08 aid 80.08 Silk Box Coats Newones Just received at 83.08 84.08 and 80.08 Long Pongee or Cloth Ooata For general utility new colors and style features 88.08 80.08 "P to 835 Those Stunning Braid Coato Browns, Copenhagen blues, blues and blacks, with new Butterfly sleeves at 80.08 and up to $35.00 Short Broadcloth, Taffeta, Braid and Lace Coats Favor ites for 1908, 87.50 80.08 812.50 814.85 $10 Long Silk or Cloth Automobile or Dress Coats Rubber ized, striped or plain taffeta, at 80.08 $14.85 and up to $39 Brandeis Offers Specials in Children s Coats and Dresses Children's Chic Spring Dresses Daintily made many of them appropriate for Easter or for any dressy occasion when a little girl should look her sweetest and best, at 08 81.50 81.08 Children's Spring Coat Well tailored made in the new plaids or plain colors-will hold their shape and look very dainty and pretty for all occasions prices are, at 08 $1.08 $2.08 and $3.08 'Pill ' f m 'M il lint BRA WDEIS Eastor Novelties These dainty and cute novelties are all typical of Easter tide. For party favors, for table decorations, for the chil dren, 'for the home. Novelties that make Easter a day of happiness. Candy Easter Eggs see the man put your name on while you wait, each 5 and 10 Candy Hen's Eggs, chocolate covered, each... 3 canay luck uggs, cnocoiate covered, each... I m 9 k Candy Bitter Bweet Egffa, chocolate covered, nut cen ters, each ............ .10) Candy Toye, Rabblte. Chick", luck. etc., each. . . ... .to Cotton Chlcke and R&bbtts, each io, or doien lOo Cotton Chlcke and Rabbits, 8 for So Cotton Chick and Rabblta, each 6 Marshmallow Chicks and Rabbits, dozen 10c Fancy embossed paper eggs, each, Cc, 10c, 15c, and J 6c. Hundreds of fancy Easter Baskets, decorated, each 6c, dozen 60c. Chocolate covered marsh mallow eggs, dozen 10c. Rabbits, paper malche candy boxes, each 6c Rabbits, paper malche candy boxes, each 10c. Rabbits, paper malche candy boxes, each 25c. Fancy trimmed Easter Nests, each 10c. The most fascinating playthings for children. Extra large sizes Easter balloons, printed with pic ture and Easter greetings. These balloons would sell everywhere else 'for 10c; we sell them as an Easter special, all day Saturday, in the basement, for, each, BRANDEIS Curiam Stretchers -xi m , ! f m t HeBAtlaraUhlng DepL BsmbkbI 014 Si art Fifty dozen celebrated Holmquist adjust able Curtain Stretchers made of best quality basswood with brass nickle plated pins full size, Gxl2 ft. regularly $1.48, Saturday, as long as they last, JT Wall Paper faster Doll Sale Saturday Afternoon An assemblage of bargains such as have never been offered you. Look these over carefully then buy. You want Wall Paper get it where quality, price and satisfaction are jour's positively. Two-tone duplex, worth 7Se and 10c, at roll, if He. Plain 80-Inch papers, at rolL lafce. 15c ana tbc. Heavy elite, worto to XOo. at roll, 15c and 10c. Florals and gilts, worth 15o and 10c. at roll. To and 2 Wo. White blanks, worth lOo and to, at roll, 6c and 4c HOOTS BrXCIAX S:30 to 10:30 A, M. aaA 8:30 to 4:30 r. M. lSo papers, new and nobby, only 4c per roll 10c papers, very attractive, JHo per roll. to rpjr. neat and strong, per roll. lc. You will regret It If you do not buy wall li:r eturjy fi& Nicely dressed sleeping dolls to please ine emiaren faster morning. Entire surplus 6tock of America's greatest importer, at actually less than one-half their value. Thousands have admired these dolls in our window, where a complete assortment has been shown. Sale begins at 1:30 Sat urday afternoon. Dolls actually worth up to $1.00, at 10c-15c-25c Women's Easter Footwear New Easter apparel demands appropriate shoes ; Brandeis shows the most complete stock; old store, main floor. "Women's tan Oxfords, one and two eyelet ties, Ox fords, colonials and Pumps; vici kid and brown suede; per pair $2.50 to $5.00 WOMEN'S BLACK LOW SHOES Patent and dull leathers in the newest novelties; patent kid or pumps, at. . . .$2.50 to $4.00 Patent kid colonials $3.00 to $4.00. Patent kid button oxfords, spike heels, $4.00. , Patent kid two eyelet ties, $3.00 and $4.00. The prettiest oxford ties at $2.50 to $5.00 SPRING FOOTWEAR FOR MISSES and CHILDREN These are marvels of beauty made of the best selling stock, form fitting, natural lasts. Colonial, Oxfords and Grecian Ties; strap sandals and button Oxfords. CHINA DEPT. West Arcade Saturday Specials Large iced-tea and table tumblers. These are made of very fine glass, polished and regularly worth lOo each; Saturday's special west arcade .C IKIIS) J -a SmJ l U VJf fc.n.i,.. each Large fancy wall plaques; these are 14-inch plaques and are worth 50c; Satur day, extra special, f A 1UV each . Large Glaas lieny Bowls Several fine patterns to choose from. These are 60c bowls, which we will sell Saturday, at each.., 10c SHEET MUSIC DEPT. Big Saturday Sale of SONG BOOKS COLLECTIONS FOLIOS The old songs are the best. Take this chance to buy large volumes of the best songs, away below cost. KngliHh Songs 80 of the old English fa- 0 vorltes, bound in board coverB, Saturday, OC College Souk 50 of the favorite songs of Harvard, Yale and Princeton, Saturday, at.JC t'liopiu's Nocturnes A regular 70c al- )T bum. while they last Saturday at JQ Kationul Hong Folio -150 of the Nation'! V great songu, very Bjieclal, at C Dance Folio worth 50c, Add 5c per book by malL