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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1908)
0 TITE OMAITA DAILY. PEK: SATURDAY, AFIUL 18, IPO?. l. STRONG, FIELD CROWN Rose Bushes, at lOS .3 Two and three-year-old will bloom this summer assorted reds, assorted pinks some climbers -extra heavy bushes, 3 feet tall Gen. Jacqueminot Baroness Rothschild Crimson Rambler M. p. Wilder Baby Rambler and many, others. Nurserymen would ask 60c each. Saturday, at each. . 10c. Easter Gloves 12 and 16-button length Perrln's Gloves, finest selected French kid, 3 radium clasps or fancy pearl buckles; newest shades of brown, tan, blue, green, fancy shades, black and white, per pair, fitted all sizes; $4.00 gloves, at Long Lisle Gloves Real Melanese; black. tan, navy, grey and white; worth O Q up to 11.60, atJOC 3?5 Long Silk and Lisle Gloves 12 and 16-button length Kayser's pure silk and Heroin llsie; every popular color; an sizes; Saturday a m q J1.25 and ' J ......... rf i ti . ' Single row em broidery, metal clasp fasteners; all colors, every pair fitted, Q9rt .worth $1.25. JOV Long Lisle Gloves 12 and 16-button length, black, tan and white, worth up to V.0!....'. 49c69c Sale of Hosiery The finest imported hosiery, in allover lace, lace boot patterns, fancy 6ilk embroidered, plain lisle gauze, black and tans, regularly Tiffh y TK worth 50c, per pair, , . P Mj & J) O flt . . , . Women's Imported Spun Silk Hose Black silk lace boot effects, also black and white,.in the spun silk hosiery at . pair BIG BARGAIN SQUARE OF IIOSIERY Women's, mens', misses' and children's plain blacks, tans and fancy colors, allover lace and 1 P f ft lace boot styles bargain square, at. . . .4 Jv"l UC $2.50 Pure Silk Hosiery, at $1.39 Pr. All pure thread silk, in black and colors, many very alob orately made, silk embroidered and embroidered by hand, worth as high as $2.50 per pair, Saturday special, per pair A SSc f Women's Easter Neckwear Merry Widow Bows, Ascots, Jabots and other new spring styles; two extra ar. PA. epeclals; r-tt fl L0,mOJ, VEILINGS And ready -to-wear veils, scarfs and hat drapes and auto veils, up to three yards long, lace, chiffon and silk net 39c.98cl.98 All Next Week t Brandeis REAL IRISH LACE MAKING by three expert lace makers from Ireland. Come and see this most beautiful of all real laces, done by hand. Father O'llanagan will be present to explain the process. All next week. Women's Light Weight Underwear Newest stripes, plaids and plain taffeta, 1 A 1 J all silk, up to six inches wide, per yard. . . IUCUC Women's Sleeveless Vests Lisle thread and fine cotton, plain and fancy yokes; black, JJ blue and white, each sDG Women's Lisle Thread Vests with crocheted yokeB and lace edges, white and fancy XC0 60c quality'.... JDC Women's Lisle Thread Union Suit Swiss ribbed lace trimmed, umbrella style and ACI cuff knee ,tJC Women's low neck and sleeveless, fine cotton; extra large 39c Children's high neck and long sleeve vesta; fine cotton;-all slaes up to 34 .... ..' jlj Omaha's Iure Food Center. t Restaurant on 2nd Floor i) Saturday Specials r 0c Allegrettl Chocolates 40o Pound boxes Berries Chocolates, (softl centers), per pound 85c f Butter Scotch, per pound.... IBeJ' 0o bottles Olives SOe Manzanilla Olives, per quart Me' Pickles, per bottle lOoi One pound Salmon, per can...... lo Oenulne Maine Corn, per can 10c J Pretsels, per pound o' New Honey, one-pound frame 15c f' Strained Honey, pint Jar 85c Strained Honey, quart Jar 46c I Lemons, per dosen loot Orange., per dosen ...85o Beet Creamery Butter, per pound. 30o Beat Country Butter, per pound... BSojS . Freeh Mint, fresh Cauliflower, Head' Lettuce, Pineapples, Cantalopea, Eng-1 lish Hot House Grape, New Potatoes, Green Peas. Everything for yours Easter Dinner. ( Ankola Coffee The best three-pound for fl.00 Cof fee sold in the world. Use It once means that you use it always be cause it is the best and the cheapest. Meat Department j Spring- Lunb for Easter We . have secured 100 of the choicest Spring fc Lambs, which we are offering for f your Easter Sunday Dinner at the I following low prices: Htnd Quarters, each 91.75 J- Fore quarters, each 91.00 ( "Diamond C" Hams, family size, pert pound ISHo ) Armour's Bacon, 4 to 5-lb. strips, per pound 15o j From 9 to 10 p. m. we will sell choice Boiling Meat, at, per pound. .. .9io tmirtnev Ct Go 17tk Douglas Bts. Vhon Sonar. 94? mvate aartianfs oonneots all Septs. I 12ic For Easter Decoration, Stationery Dept. Paper, in white pur ple at 10c roll. Paper Napkins and Lunch Sets In Illy and violet designs. ISO CALLING CARDS, 39c Any style type printed while you wait. la a&t. Arcade. In Book and Stationery Department. Bibles, Prayer Books, Etc. Don't You Need New One for Easter? Episcopal aid Catholic Prayer Books Also Catholic Articles Such as Statues, 25c up. Pearl Rosaries, iac Fonts, 15c up. and up. Crucifixes, 25c up. Fine Gold-plated Rosaries 1.48 and up. Catholic Prayer Booka, leather bound 25c to $3.oo Teachers' Bible (Episcopal) leather bind ing, 9 Sc. I BRANDEIS THE BOY NEEDS NEW SHOES FOR EASTER The Easter season means as much to the boy. as it does to the grown up. This particular holiday cornea but once a year and it is impresl upon your minds deeply. They look for new things to wear and what la more important than footwear? Fine footwear means relinemeni, ta m . A , XT w SI tasts ana gouu uicniiu. " would remind you that you should come in the morning. Saturday, as we are going to be worked to our full capacity. The earlier you come the better you'll be satisfied, and we will appreciate it also. For Saturday we recommend our boys' steel shod in the new spring styles. Too many good points to talk about Just see them, that's all. Sizes and prices range: Little Gents aires 10 to 13V. for Youth's elses 1 to 3, for Boys' sizes, 1 to 6, for 2.00 .2.25 .2.50 Drexel Shoe Co. 1119 Farnao Street N9322 EASTER NOVELTIES FOR MEN. My various lines are more com plete than any previous season. Neckwear SOc, $1.00 $1.50 Gloves $l.SO $2.00, $2.23 Shirts $1.00 to $3.50 Hosiery 25c to $2.50 Agents for the celebrated Dr. Dem lei's linen mesh summer Un derwear. Dr. Jaeger Summer Woolen Underwear. Cotton Underwear at SOc up. ALBERT CAIIN, Hhlrt Maker and Men's Furnisher. 1322 Farnam. Street. Store Since the fire at the old Hughes Orocery location, 1403 Douglas St., the building has been entirely re modeled and Omaha people will have a new kind of store. A Cut Price Store for Fruits and Wines We can only quote, here a few Opening Bargains for Saturday Trait and vegetable Department 40o Large Navel Oranges, Juicy, fine flavor, at per dos So too Naval Oranges, at per dos. .80o 25c Oranges, at per dos ..loo SOo fancy, ripe Bananas, at per dozen 100 to 16o Fine. Fresh Strawberries, per qt. Box ... a,. Fresh Vegetables All of the flneet and choicest , vepetsMes on the market at CUT Wine Department $1.60 Quality Claret Wine per gallon 85o $1.25 Quality Homemade Wine, per gallon 78o $2.00 Quality Fine port .or Sherry, per gallon 91-30 60c Quality Cal. Port Wine, bottle S9o 76c Quality Port and Sherry, bottle 43o $1.26 Quality Calumet Rye Whis key, bottle 84o $1.25 Quality Apricot Cordial, bottle 79o Leading Brands of Wines and Liquors at Cut prices. CAXZi AJTD BEB The New Store The Old Hughes Orocery Location, 1403 BOTTOMS ST. HOTS We want a name for "The New Store." and will give a cash prize of $5.00 to the best name suggested and adopted. Address, "The New Store," 1403 Douglas Street. D. C. SCOTT, D.V.S. ( Successor to Dr. H. L. Ramacdottt) Ofzlee aad XecpMal. sal Kims Calls Promptly Answered at All Houra. Our Easter Footwear Wins Admiration on Every Hand The new styles are attracting the attention of all good dressers. Better Shoes were never shown anywhere. Everybody will want new shoes Easter Sunday. FOR WOMEN We've a host of dainty creations. Boots in extreme or conserva tive styles. OxforA', Ribbon Ties, Pumps, Slippers, etc. 3 S3. GO jj4 to 3i FRY SHOE CO. TBI IIOIII 16th and Douglas Sts. T doesn't take a judge of good clothes, not even half a fudge, to recognize the snappy individuality of the tm-builon "Varsity" suit model shown in illustration. You'll find a dozen other styles in the " 'Var sity" shown. Every one distinctive in cut, perfect in fit and finish, at THB RELIABLE ST MB V J You couldn't find a more becoming suit for Easter than one of these same Varsity models. Come in Saturday, we'll show you or any other man the best money's worth of clothes you ever saw in this town. They're Hart, Schaffner & Marx clothes, all wool fabrics, perfectly tailored, accurate in style, correct in fit. ' If you want a sack suit that will look well on you, you'd better see the new "Varsity" models. U You can pet any style of a good suit here, but wo want to show you this "Varsity" sure. Suits, $15, $18, $20, $22.50to$30 0'Coats, $12.50, $15, $20 to $25 Rain Coats,$10,$12.50,$15to$25 The Boys' Easter Suit can be selected at a saving Saturday. More perfect assortments it's hard to imagine. Better values never offered.' Try HAY DEN'S First Hit mm! mZZ t.lTN B ' For Easter Gifts Sterling Silver ricture Frames. Sterling Silver Card Cases. New Shirt Waist Sets. Little Finger Rings. A splendid line of new novelties for Easter. C. B. BROWN CO. Jewelers and Silversmiths. 16th and Farnam. 60G POUND BOXES SMART SET CHOCOLATES SATURDAY ONLY. MYERS-DILLON DRUG CO., Sixteenth and Farnam Sts. The Twentieth Century Farmer Beat Farm Paper. S.J sTiBral mm SATURDAY ONLY At no place in thp city can the. real hits be purchased as cheaply as t HoHpe'g. Our regular prices are as cheap as other's sale prices, and our sale prices are the cheapest in the United States. This is not a "blind sale of un-nameable Junk" but a real sale of real hits. BEAD THB Z,ISTl Sweetheart Days, rd Bather Two. Btep Than Walts, Bummer Tims, Sre amiss;, Captain Willie Brown, Everyone Was Meant for ftomeone. Zola. I'm Starving; for Ons Bltflit of Too, Tins and Dandy, Marlutch Down at Coney Isle, Hosanna, the Sweet Saner onf, In fact, everything displayed on our big per copy with the exception of Hosenfeld & F Per Copy Add 1c ach If by mall Only 1 Copy of s kind to Customer Stunf, Won't Ton ' Coma Over to My House, Bain In the race, Frank Lanlels. Honey Time, Monkey X.and, When the Moon Flays Feek-a-Boo, D1U Flcklea, Somebody's Waltina; for Ton, Dear Heart, new hit by the writer of Dreaming. Pride of the Prairie Mary, There Vever Was a Girl l.ike Yon, The Koad to Yesterday, new. by the writer of Iearl and dosens of other hits Just tiu big. popular muslo counter lOo airfield's new hit "THE TIME WILL COME WHEN YOU REMEMBER" which Is on sale at 15c per copy, it mtans a Houpu sale. When you see the big blue envelopes Copyright 1908 by Hart Schaffner & Marx ti MEATS' Buy your meats for Easter where you are sure of very best quality and a neat price saving. OMAHA'S BUSIEST MARKET If 111 OTHGS THB RELIABLE STR THE BEST PLACE TO BUY Spring Chickens, per lb Spring Lamb, fore quarters, each quarters, each DIAMOND C HAMS, per 4 r pound i fc2C HAYDEN'S First 12c 65c 10c Mutton Legs, per lb Spring Lamb, hind -f r Try A. HOSPE CO. 1513 DOUGLAS ST. si ROSES Friday and Saturday Only THE NEBRASKA SEED CO. OMAHA. NEB. iMIUCll BEAUTY BOIES Stronr t-vear plants, each 8So, 6 for Sl.OO; selected three-year plants, each 40o, three for SI .00. CBZMSOH B1M3LLIBI Two and three-year old, each 6O0, three for SI. 83. All on own roots field crown freshly dug. City Salesroom 1613 Howard St. Oeneral Office and Warehouse iaoe-10-ia Jonas St. No Matter What You Want Bee Want Ads Will Get It ALL TOWARDS THE GOAL As all rivers sock the ocean, so do all purchasers these days seek our PHENOMENAL KIKE SALE. We are busy from morn till night, but quite cheerful under the strain, and never tire of handing out 8TI' TEXDOl'S IIARGAIN'S to our customers. You know of course, that our stock was scarcely injured at all. In fact, the fire didn't reach the store, but wc are going to sell all making room for a new stock and sell at prices that can not fail to interest nnd benrfit you. Hero is another Ust of MARVELOUS BARGAIN'S for Saturday. " Seth Thomas Gold Parlor Clocks .Doors and sides are beveled plate glass, eight day time and strike. - BOTB TBEBB BEDTTCTXONS. Plain, regular price $21.76; now SS.7S Fancy, regular price 123.60;. now i.75 Fancy, regular price $28.75; now tV'.'ia Sterling Silver Teaspoons, set of six, $4.00; now Berrv HDOons. resular orlce 111. 60: now nutter Knives, reg-uiar price is.uo; now Jelly Spoons, regular price tl.76: now 880 Sardine Forks, regular price $2.00; now tl.00 Pickle Forks, regular price $1.76; now Ho Cut Glass BOMB WOBBEBTVXi BABQAXBS. Punch Bowl and Six tilasses. regular price $(0.U0; now $30.00 10-lnch Comport, regular price $9.50; now S4.78 10-inch Vase, regular price $7.60; now B3.70 Individual Whiskies, regular $1.60 and $1.00 values; now . .6O0 6-lnch Nappies, regular prloo $3.00; now Sl.00 Austrian Gold Inlaid Ware SFXCIAZ, ncrOBTATIOB YEBY ARTISTIC. Champagne Glauses, set of six. regular price $21.00; now J8.78 Whisky Set, nix glasses, regular price $16.00; now Rhine Wine Glasses, set of six, regular price $12.00; now...... ...l.00 Vases, Berry Bowls, Comports, Olive and Bon-Bon Dishes all go at less than 'half regular prices Japanese Fancy Art ware S3.00 .fd.fg Fancy Vase, regular price $6.60; now.. Fancy vase, regular yiio ;';. Fancy Vase, regular price $00; now.... Fancv Vase, regular price $5 00; now Chocolate Pot, regular price $0.75; now... Sugar Shaker, regular price $1.50; now.... All articles In onr stor6 at a m rnnHniinno.a nf this fire have hundreds of articles suitable for Easter only say that you will una u easy 10 save uui; Bo iv ..... . - usual Easter purchase, If you attend our fire nale AT THE EIGN OF THE CKUW S2.78 195 S2.60 Sil.OO aj.utt BUo reduction of ft or more, sale. This .is Easter. We Gifts and we can or more on your J7 115 South lttth Street. Call Us by 'Phone Whnsrer yon wat aooMthlnf call Tboas S88 and make It known throngs a Be x Want Ad. ' Oppohite the Ronton Store. IIOTFI-9. Comfort Without ExTRAVAONce. HOTEL WQDDST0QC W.43R-D5T.oMrSNLWY0l Pfif.k.'fc'W'iff.i Does Your Piano Need TunlngV Phon Your Ordr Douglas 157 Piano Dept. THE BENNETT COMPANY IB Sr3 NEW TWELVt STORY FIRE PROOF TRANSIENT HOTEL I 1 a E!HiisT.fifil mm QUIET AND IN TUB HEART OP THINGS Rooms with running water, i.m andup With atm, $2 ano up. suites, 5 and up Write for particulars. Win for reservations, our expense. I W.-H. VALIQUETTE, M ALftO THE BERWICK. RUTLAND. VTt 1 A I ft