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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1908)
18 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY. APRTL 18. IMS. 1! 1 j' i i1 Want - ads , AMlemt fr tk want ad I eolamaa will bo takes antll 13 m. for ta tTMlag edition aft antll a. at. for tk meralnar ui Saaday edition. Cask mil accompany all order for ; want tit mm mm advertisement will be accepted for leaa tkaa 10 ceata for rat Insertion. No advertisement will charged iataonnflaa; to leaa tkaa SO reata. j Rates apply eltfeer Tko Dally jnduy Bee. Always roaat six word to a Ha.' Combination of laltlala or Bomber conat aa one word. CASH RATRS FOB WART ADS. j HBIJILAH CLASSIFICATION Oa ; insertion, per line, 10 ceata. Twa or . more coaeeeatlvo ingestions, aer line, 11 ceata. Eara inaertla mad oa add clara, lO eeata per line. 1.0O aer j Una per aoatk excepting; tbat FURBISHED ROOM ADS, wkea aecoaapaaled by cash, tko rat will be i Uao Insertion. 4 eeata per line tkre ta als eoneatlr la aertloaa, 8 ceata per line eaek laaer- tloae, II ceata per line tick Insertion) BO ceata per Ha per month Waat ad for Tk Be may be left at any of the following; dm stores one la "rear corner dragglst" thy ar all branch offices for Th Bee aad year ad will be Inserted lust aa promptly and oa tk earn ratea aa at tk main office la Tk Be Building, Seventeenth aad Farnam Street. Albach. W. C, 0th and Farnam, Beranek, 8, A., 1402 3 ldth St Hecht Pharmacy. 7itf 8. lth St. Bonson Flia. rrfccy, Benson, Neb. Ben. la l ard F harm, y. Ud and Cuming. Blu"e's Pharmrcy, jKIs Sherman Ave. Caughlln, C. K., vlh and Pierce Sta. Clifton Hill t-.-iaruiaer. 22lS Military Ava. Come. J. B., Slat Ave and Farnam. Crlssey Pharmacy. Uth and Lake Sta. Cermsk. Kmll. 13t4- S. Ulh Su Eastman Pharmacy, 2803 Leavenworth, Foster 6c Arnold, lil N. 26th Bt Freytag, Jr hn J.. 1914 N. 24th Bt Florence Drug Co., Florence. Neb. Goldman Pharmacy, isoth and Lake Sta Green a Pha.'iracy. corner Park Ave. and Pacific. Greenough, O. A., 1028 8. 10th St Greenojgh, O. A., MIA 8. 10th 81 Ilayden, Wm. C. 24) Farnam. H an scorn Park Pharmacy, luiil B. tn Ave. Hoist. John. 624 N. 16th St. Huff, A. L.. 2924 Leavenworth St. King, H. B., 2238 Farnam Bt. Kountie Place Pharmacy, 8604 N. 24th. Patrick Drug Co., 16U2 N. 24th St. Lathrop. C liar led E.. 1324 N. 24th Bt Peyton. L. K., 24th snd Leavenworth. Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Amea Ave. Hclmefer'a Cut Prlc irug Co., Wth and Chicago Sta. Bchaefer, August, 2031 N. 16th St. Schmidt. J. H., 24th and Cuming Sta Storm Pharmacy, 16th and Martha Sta. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming. Walton Pharmacy. 20th and Graca Worth. O. H., 40th an Hamilton Sta. DEATHS AND FUNERAL NOTICES DODGE Infant child of Mr. and Mra. J. C. Dodge, 2U33 Maple. Funeral from residence Saturday, April IS. at 2;J0 p. m. to Holy Sepulchre ceme tery. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following marriage llcenaea have been IsHued: Name and Residence. Age. August P. Belds, Omaha.... i 32 Anna L. Sickles, Minneapolis, Minn 32 Jerome 8. Wlthrow, Geneseo, 111 3S Bessie C. Magnuson, Omaha 38 BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births Harry Fellman, 1311 Davenport, boy; Joseph Dodge, a Maple, girl; Ed mard Peterson, 423 North Thirty-ninth, girl; J. C. Noore, 3033 Emmet, girl.. Deaths Jens Hansen, 1N23 North Nine teenth, 19; Nels Hansen, 1410 North Twenty third, 53; Lena Shipley, Florence, 24; K un man Barach, St. Joseph's hospital; Stephen G. Allen, Fifty-fourth and Poppleton ave nue, 75; Charles Reed, 211 North Eleventh, 18; Alvia C. Welch, WIS Harvard, 42; C. F. Uoodwln, Twenty-fourth and Pratt, 67. ANNOUNCEMENTS THE SPRING TERM OF BQYLES COLLEGE Is now open. Yet It la not too late to enter. Bookkeeplng.vTelegraphy, Shorthand, English. Catalogues are freo. Address H. B. Boyles, President. Boylea Bids., Omaha, Neb. Official training school Uniyn Pacific U. R. Telegraph Departm't. UJ-M8U8 TRAVELERS' goods of Quality. Trunks and suit casea repaired. FREL1NG dt 8TE1NLE. "Where trunks are mado," KQ3 Farnam kit. Tel. Douglas 409S, U)M AU SIGN PA1NT1NU 8. H. COLE, 1301 Doug, las. ID-Ibu U NEED A Missouri water filter. .1301 Far nam SL tl M801 Juix THE CITY GARBAGE CO., office 4th and Lcavenworm dta. Tel. Douglas iUi. tl-781 HAILS FOR BUILDING PURPOSES. Why use beams fur building and concrete work when you can use second-hand aleel rails cut to length, at less than liulf the cost. Write for price. A. B. Alplrn, Oaiaha. tl M42 M14 AUTOMOBILES Rambler. 190S, itO-H. P. touring ear, good condition; 1625. Ford, la model, four-cylinder runabout, almost new; H75. Cadillac, runabout, good ahape; 114. Bulck. 22-11. P. touring, good ahape; 600 Sixteen passenger 'bus, latest style; tl 600, White Steamer, IDOg model, almost new.'de tachable closed top; tiargalu. leveiia-Duryea, two or lour passenger ). ' laul Rambler, two-cylinder, 13-H. P., de tachable topneau, top, extra good condi tion, a snap, Wr'.te for completeSJist and description of our new and second-hand cars. U. E. FREDR1CK.SON. 2044 Farnam St (2 tdSASt Ml SEND for our list of second-hand automo. biles. DER1QHT. UK Farnam. "2Ja AUTO, carriage, painting tops and re- airing. Pfeitfera Carriage Wks 2o2 avenworth. (2j Mixi) auM FRANKLIN four-cylinder auto, $100 caah balance, easy. o. K. Bee, South Omaha (2-M376 20 AUTOMOBILE for aale or trade Packard I .i '.i """""i -Tiaen notei, Council uiuus. IZ) M UI, POPE-WAVERLY electric, good aa new ln Prl'c? order; a bargain for caah' N. P. Dodge A Co.. 1714 Farnam St C2 M47 1 BARTER AND EXCHANGE HARDWARE. Implement merchandise and dry gooda stocks wanted. Have iwners of good land that want deals at rash values. Give full details In first letter - or no attention paid. Box fit, Aberdeen. B D- t Mm Mi TRADES. TRADKS If you have some thing for aale or trade write ua; we match everything. WAIT INVESTMENT CO.. 401 Bee Bldg. a-U8W M7 FARMS, tity property, mdse.. everywhere Stringer Inv. Co.. 438 Bee Bldg.. Omaha tl 404 M1& WANT to exrharge land for slock general nierchaadlae. H. U JL'ainpbell. Merna, ot-nmux BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET In or out of business call on UANUE8TAI room Be Bids. (-7M 9 rut) fin tnek of rood general merchandise and IS.nrm do telephone ayatem for sale or trade, hot n good investments. , Wm. Coryell, Johnstown. Neb. 4 M369 A30X INDUSTRIAL AND MINING STOCK Si ROBT. C. PRUE8EDOW St CO.. BTOCK BROKERS. Tel. Douglas 3565. 809-10 N. T. Life TUdg. (4) 635-M-2. MINNESOTA and Wisconsin Ira for sal In car lota. A. Q. Gilbert. Council Bluffs. Iowa. (4) M340 $3,000 A YEAR profit for A live man. I own the patent rights on a hardware specialty now being sold by hardware dealers all over this section of the United States. Have sold and delivered about 4.000 thia spring; over 25.000 aold In the last three years. Patent ajood for fifteen years. Wan to place this with a live man on a royalty basis, as other business demands all my time; 11.000 reaulred. Address, L. W. Z., care Omaha Bee, 15 Scott St., Council Bluffs, la () M559 24X FARM8 To exchange for merchandise storks of all kinds. Send desrrlptlon. STRINGER INVESTMENT CO., 43S Bee Building. Omaha. Neb. (4 M275 21 FOR SALE A new and up-to-date general stock or merchandise for casn in norxn. east Nebraska: aood location, good proa reroua country to draw from. Address 1319, care Omaha Bee. (4) Mit ux FOR SALE Good ravins bakery In south eastern South Dakota. A snap If taken at once. Address Y 407, care Bee. (4) M429 18x FURNITURE, fixtures, lease and good will ' of a good hotel In this city for aale at a bargain. See us quirk. KANE A. VAN TUYL, Both 'phones, 122. Rooms 224-5 Merrlam Blk. Council Bluffs, la. - (4)-M435 19x GOOD RESTAURANT for sale cheap, If taaen mis week, ir you are in earnest write or telephone R. H. Malony, Red Oak, la. (4) M471 18 FOR BALE Lunrh counter, with 18 rooms; rent $15; less than $300 to Invest; particu lars by mail. W. D. Sampson, Vlllisca, Iowa. (4) M501 18x WANTED By physician, location for gen eral prartlce, Nebraska preferred. Ad dress, with particulars, Y 408. care Bee. (4) M500 19x FOR BALK Cheap; 4 houses, must be moved within 15 days. H. W. Barrtum, housemover, 1124 N. 18th St., Tel. Web ster 3234. (4) M488 19 FOR SALE First-class restaurant, cen trally located; doing a good business; will pay ' to investigate this. Address 8 2&. Ree. ' (4) 487 18x WISH to learn of profitable business for sale. A. T. Fried Co., 707 N. Y. U, Omaha. Neb. - (4) M560 20x FOR SALE An old-established, good pay ing business for the last 30 years of hard ware and groceries in ope of the best cities of Nebraska, on the main line of the Union Pacific R. R. ; stock $20,000.00; will sell store building or rent It for a term of years. For particulars address Y 421, care of Omaha Bee. (4) M548 25 ELEVATOR for sale, 20,000 capacity, new, In the best agricultural county of the state, Sanders county. For further par ticulars write J. M. Rutt, Leshara. Neb. (41-M543 20x SALE OR TRADE-Hotel, Dawson, Neb H. O. Campbell, Merna, Neb. (41-M540 24x CONFECTIONERY and bakery, with all appliances, St&O; beat location in city. 2913 North 24th. (4)-M554 19x BUSINESS DIRECTORY Cklropodlst. DR. ROT. R. 2. 1506 Farnam St. Doug. 6497. t5)-77 Creameries. David Cole Creamery Company (5) M781 CarpanterlagT. FINE liardwodd floore and parquetry; low price. 10th & Dominion Sta. Frank Sevlck. (5) M360 A19 MAXWELL & SON. contractors and build- era; repair work a specialty. Tel. Renson 287. 5)-620 23X Deatlsts. BAILEY at MACH. Id fir.. Faxton. D. 1085. (6) 719 Dressmaking. IN FAMILIES Mlaa Sturdy. Tel. Haaney 1858. (5;-790 M' DO WELL Dressmaking School, 1623 Far Bm St (5) 791 MME. WOODRUFF, robes and gowns, 306 14 Neville Blk. Tel., Bell, Doug. 6170; Ind. A-3760. (6 M885 M7 Florists. HESS BWOBODA, 1415 Farnam St (B) 792 L. HENDERSON, 1819 Farnam. Tel. D. 123. (5)-793 J. H. BATH. 1623 Harney. Tel. Doug. 3000. (5-74 . Financial. Money K; . O A N L. f W RATE In sums to S10 Bee Bldg. n m nnn.l,. xuu UNION LOAN COMPANY. (51-796 Far Cleaning cad Storage. ' O. F. 8HUKERT. 15th and Harney Sta, Fin fura cleaned, atored and repaired. (6) M7S0 June 4 Hotel. THE SCHLITZ. European. 16th and Harney. (6J-79J Jeweler aad Watch mnkera. N. P. BTILLINQ Watrn. clock, jewelry repairing, 2-1 Paxton Block. Tel. 4817. (5 796 Locks imltaa. KEY8, tc, Heflln, 1324 Farnam. Tel. D. 274. S-79S Mult aad Laaa-aas. PIANO lessons. Mra Ritchie. Tel. Web. 2291, W 799 MoTla; aad St.rlng. Expressmen's -Delivery Co., office 114 N. Ulh St.; warehouse. 2207-9 Ixard 8t , U 800 Narsort. GERMAN "Iris; choice variety dug frash Haw rialivri4. t4 ner llA il 11 XT Omaha mgr. Crescent Nursery, lei. u, k. I.. A;7 ,liuai. . - l&J-M9fJ A FINEST V largest assortment of trees and shrubs in city. Crescent Nursery sales ground. lst At Farnam. Tel. Web. 8167 t&) MS10M3 ' TREES, roses and ahruba. F. R. Martin, lsth and Douglas. Tel. Doug. 10b8. (6 M41 M BENSON-OMAHA NURSERY, Benson A full line of nursery stork; fine shade trees See us. 'Phone Benson id and 143. P j' Flynn. Mgr. (6)-MSl Mlix ' Office applies. FILING cabinets, flies and ledgers, loos leaf devices and office fixtures and sup piles of all kinds. Anchor PubUshlna Co.. 8. lilh St Tel. Doug. 6662. Ind. A-166X t6-MJb Ai ACME) CHECK PROTECTOR-Entlrely new; patented February 4. 19; absolute guarantee againat "RAISING" any check. Price only $2.60. postal to P. a box 224 Omaha, will Insure inspection. No trouble to show goods. Acme Cheek Pro tector Co. tS)-Mit6 lx WHEN you write to advartiMra. kindly tuealloa To Be. b Business panics lose llieir elfect on a well advertised business. Use "BEE Want Ads" IB1!T'TflWTBT nWllBBBfF1 ltL 111 M "'f ifj I VMf BUSINESS DIRECTORY (Continued.) JOHNSON INS., 411 N. T. L Tel. D. 1661 (5) 801 Printing. BEFORE placing your 190 calendar order don't fall to ee our Imported line. Lyng atad & Jorve. printers, lth & Capitol Ave. (6 we Pool and Billiard Table. FOR 3ALE Anti-Trust pool and billiard tables, supplies and bar fixtures; sold on easy payments; catalogues free. Charles Psssow St Sons, 216 So. 19th St., Omaha, Neb. (6; M090 July! She Repairing. RAPID SHOE REPAIR CO. First class work. 1618 ft Capitol Ave. 'Phone Red 994. (6) S04 BHOES repaired right called for and de livered free. Standard Shoe Repair Co, 1104 Farnam St Tel. D. 7667. (6) 806 Safea. Shatters, Ete. OMAHA SAFE AND IRON WORK8 makes a specialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors and safea - G. Andreen. Prop., 102 8. 10th St (6 803 Wall Paper Cleaned. ABSORENE wcleaner.r The patent kind. 15c. 2-26c. at wall paper. paint hardware and drug stores. (M M4K7 yi?X HELP WANTEDFEMALE Honsekeepera aad Domestic. WANTED First-class second grrl. Apply jnrs. w. ti. MCLora, zzui uass Bt. t7)-M5G WANTED A capable girl or woman for waitress and parlor maid. Reference re quired. 625 3d St., Council Bluffs. 'Phone 274. (7 M397 M13x WANTED Girl for general housework; Booa wages, rars. jucuilion, i r. earn Ave. Tel. Harney 8531. (7) 400 20 WOMEN'8 DOMESTIC GUILD, 1904 Farnam St Cook, 2 in family, 125. Housemaid, 15. Girls for general housework, $5 to $6. (7J M514 19 GIRL for genera) housework; have help witn laundress. Tel. Harney 3031. (7) M183 18 WANTED Experienced girl for general nnusework; small ramlly. Tel. Harney 2596. (t) 492 20 WANTED A girl for general hbusework in family of three;, good home. Tele phone Webster 2411 2621 Bristol St. (7) 493 19 WANTED Good housemaid; references re quired. Mrs. L. S. Crofoot, 122 So. 39th St. (7)-624 GIRL to help with housework and take care or baby. Mrs. G. B. Bondesson, 2437 Burt street 'Phone Red-5498. (7 M558 HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Solicitor and Salesmen. IN EVERY city and town to sell the Acme adjustable window ahade holder. Omaha Shade Holder Co.. 214 S. 12th St (9)-21 AGENTS To sell lubricating oils, belts, nosa, paint, varnisn, to lactones, mills, stores, threshers. Manufacturers Oil St Grease Co., Cleveland, O. (9)-M391 18x WANTED Solicitors, experienced In sub scription and portrait work preferred. Address K 365, Bee office. (9) M385 WANTED By local firm three traveling salesmen, eingie preierrea. Give Yerer ences. Address F 379, care Bee office. (9) M3S6 WANTED Live salesman to sell our line of teas, coffees, spices, extracts and bak ing powder to the retail trade on a profit sharing basis; we have a good proposition for the right man. Address A W, Room 1300, Trude Bldg., Chicago. ' (9) M537 18x WANTED A first-class experienced stock salesman to sell Portland cement stock; territory South Dakota. Minnesota and Iowa; state experience and give refer ences. Address Postofflce Box No. 5, Sioux Falls, 8. D. () M538 10 X Clerical and Offlc. FOREMAN, warehouse, $100. Salesman, automobiles and supplies. 1100 or better. Cigar salesman, $100. ' . Real estate salesman, $125. Young man, shipping clerk, exp. unneces sary, good chance to learn the business, $30. Several specialty salesmen, salary rtnd commission. Three retail clerks, $50. $rj. Call at our office for list of oosltlona nnen for Immediate acceptance. We can no doubt place you, and by coming to us you will save weeks of time, worry and em barrassment blindly searching for position yourself. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS'N, INC., 721-722 New York Life Bldg. tl 6&4 17 ' WANTED Clerk about 17; give age, ex- fierience ana salary wanted. Address P 40. care Bee. (9) M611 It WANTED A good dry goods clerk; one ca- panie oi taaing cnarge or stock; either lady or gentleman. Address J. W. Rogers Farnam, Neb. (9) M473 20 Factory and Trades. WANTED At once, good . barber, good "in. vi iHiuuo v. o. iearn Atlantic, la. (9) M440 18x WANTED Two cnatmakera or someone to ouy nan interest in tailoring business. C. F. Struts, The Tailor, Atlantic, -la. (9) M466 19x WANTED Two first-class carpenters at once. Aoarrss i. c. Asnoy, Carson, la. (9) M4C2 18 WANTED Good eh a per and bandsaw man. Apply at umana wood Working Co.. loa 8. 18th. (9) 489 18 WANTED Men to learn barber trade. win equip anop ror you or furnish posi tions, few weeks completes, constant practice, careful Instructions, tools given, diplomas granted, Saturday wagea; cata logues free. Moler Barber College, 110 8. 14th Bt. (9)-M641 23x WANTED Coat maker. $7 up; also pants no i maser, s ana up; steadv work. J. It Best Audubon. la. (9) M542 20x M laecl la a eoaa. FREE Employment Bureau, supported by - .Hwmuuni neipa work men find positions. 625 N. Y. L. Bldg. () 8v WANTED At once, experienced restau rant ana snort oraer rook; state wages and experience; also must furnish refer ences; woman preferred. Address T L. Claggelt, Creighton, Neb., the Little Cal- umet ()-M506 19 HELP WANTED r MALE ARII rBMALB. WANTED Msn and women of good qual- V. .... . . ("'"""J to represent Dodd. Mead & Co.. to sell th new In ternational Encyclopedia In Nebraska South Dakota and western Iowa Pre vious experience unnecessary. Tit N. Y. I. Omaha. Neb. iW) M4g AM LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses and Vehlclee. TO SUPPLY the protein larking In corn and oats use Alfal-Fat to balance the ra tion and your horxes will Improve In lOOkS and Wurk Prlr tl 9 f.r inn lha Alfsl-Fat, 'phon Douglas 209. M. C. riri. mill V-1. U1J AJU FOR BALE Stylish hikes. runabouts. traps, buggies and oarrlages; retail at wuoirnaie prices. l.imnger implement Co.. Cor. 6th and Paclfio. (ID 447 21 ' Buro two-seated buggy and harness; easy terms. 43d and Center Sts. UD-628 19 GOOD, chunky black team. 43d and Ceifer UD-630 19 FOR SALE or trade, one sorrel mare, 4 years old, standard bred, sired by Pat L 1:09, dam Shadelantl Onward; one sorrel horse. 4 years old, by Joseph Sec ond; both very promising and fine Indi viduals. W. L. Bonsfield, Auburn. Neb. HI) MMl 20 Ponltry Eggs ana Sanabs. FOR SALE Black Minorca eggs for hatching; $1 for fifteen; very fino lay ers; also cockerel for sale. Mrs. O. Carl son, 2109 S. 46th St Tel. Harney 8322. (ID M809 Max RED FEATHER CHICK FEED contains pure grain, seeds and beef scraps, a prop erly balanced ration for little chicks. Ask your dealer or telephone Douglas 209. M. C. Peters Mill Co. Ul)-908 A30 FOR SALE Homer pigeons and squabs. 1512 N. 26th St. 'Phone Webster 1652. (11 M3ti4 19 HOSE COMB R. I. RED EGOS for hatch ing. Pens headed by prize winning cockerels from North Btar Poultry Show, Minnesota; $1.50 to $2 per IB. Mrs. James H. Halplne. 4602 Center St., Omaha. TeL Harney 8528. (11) M319 A22x CHAMBERLAIN'S Perfect Chick Fee1 Is the only original dry chick feed. Use this only and save all young chickens. Once tried always used. Stewart's Seed Store, 119 N. 16th St., sole agents for the city. (ll)-MSOO M4 LICE powder that kills Instantly. Get Con key's sample and the best Poultry Book free by calling. If mailed, send 6 cents to Stewart's Seed Store, Omaha. (11) M4ff? 29x Cowa, Birds, Dogs and Cat. FOR SALE Fresh Jersfy cow and calf. 823 N. 37th St. Tel. Harney 2049. (11) 457 17x JUST .recerved choice car load milkers and springers, best district of Minnesota. For information regarding same call Tel. Hafr- ney 1382. (ll)-5:5 LOST AND FOUND $100 REWARD FOR INFORMATION OR RECOVERY OF DIAMOND STUD, LOST BETWEEN UNION DEPOT AND POSTOFFICE. SUNDAY. CACKLEY BROS., 16TH AND CAPITOL AVE. (121-M807 LOST On Hanscom Park car. lady's gold pin set with pearls. Reward. Tel. Har ncT 2817- (12)-M512 18 LOST-Oold pin attached to hair ribbon; valuable as heirloom; reward for return to - Bpe office. (12) 526 19x MEDICAL ANY poor girl ln need of a friend call or writ to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at 3824 N 24th St, Omaha, Neb. (13) M 106 FREE medical and aurgica treatment at Creighton Medical college, 14th and Dav enport Bta. ; special attention paid to Con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phene Dougla 1167. Calls answered day or night. (13)-129 BEST nerve brace for men, "Gray's Nerve rouu i-iiis. i a dox, postpaid, snerman & McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. (ID 813 MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS. THE POPULAR PLACE FOR MONET WHERE? THE RELIABLE CREDIT CO (d Floor. 807-308 Paxton Blk. 3d Floor. If YOU are ln need of a little ready caah for your Easter shopping, we will accom modate you. Our terms are the cheapest our service the best, and all business strictly confidential. (14) M16 Money to Lean At th lowest rates obtainable In the my. ii ;uu iui in neeu oi money to pay yeur rent or to do that much-needed repairing on your home or 'lelu you ever the rough places, call and - ee u -W are aa reliable as any Dank and your dealings with us Is known only to us. It beats going to friends and rela tives who mlcht "turn vou down WE ARE EVERYBODY'S FRIEND ln lireii oi money. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO 119 Board of Trade, 16th St. Entrance ' (14) M500 trnw a RntTtpi? ncn GO TO THE PHOENIX CREDIT CO For Chattel or Salary Ixians. 633 Paxton Block. 'Phone Douelas 745. (14) 816 P. O. NIELSEN a. CO., 1 m 70$ N. Y. Ufa Bldg. ' 'Phon Doug. 2704. (14) 817 EAGLE LOAN OFFICE Rellabl. accom- mouating; an business confidential. 1301 Douglas. (14)-18 CHATTEL, salary and atorage receipt luaaa. oiey joan ua., 100 Farnam St. (14)-81V MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE ana omers without security; easy pay ments. Offices In 63 principal cities. Tol man. room 714, New York Life Bldg. 14 S21 OFFERED FOR RENT I Boarding aad noons. VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe. (15)-&22 ONE large, also on small room, both very comfortable, with excellent board. 2616 Farnam. (15) 23 WE DO expert piano moving 'at loweat rices. Tel. Douglas 1625. Srhmoller c lueller Piano Co., 1311-1313 Farnam. (16j-i2 ROOM and board. 2411 Capitol Ave. (1W-M416 A30 ROOMS and board. 1413 N. 25th St, South Omaha. 'Phone 2060. (16)-MM6 Mix MAY 1 Large aouth, unfurnished room with alcove; references. 2412 Cass St. (16)-4ol 20 BOARD and room In finest down town location; large front room with alcove; auitabie for two or three persons; fur nished or unfurnished. References re quired. Ill" S. 19th St. (15) M431 DEWEY European Hotel, 12th and Farnam. U6 a STRICTLY modern rooms, with board; home cooking. 116 N. 26th St Tel Doug las 491V (15) Mi47 x Famished Room. TWO furnished rooms, ateam heat, l.? Farnam 8t. td flour. OJ-Ct OFFERED FOR RENT Famished ltoom ontlnned. ALL modern furnished rooms for rent 1103 N. 24th. (16) 126 17 FOR RENT Furnished rooms for gentle menday, week or month. The Chatham. upposite .Billiard, no bo. 13th St (15) 861 DESIRABLE furnished front room, with uoara. lis a. tolh Ave. (15) M506 23x CENTRAL three nicely furnished rooms, wun on in-room adjoining. 220 N 23d. (15) M517 FRONT parlor sleeping room or two light ' o o. doin Ave. (15) M298 18x SOUTH room, suitable for two; choice lo cation; large lawn; private family; mod ern. 627 Park Ave. (15) M423 DESIRABLE room for young men or man and wife. 218 N. 19th. (16)-M4M 21x PLEASANT room in new, modern home, rntntlng Turner park. Gentleman only, 206 8. 31st St. (15)-443 21x NICELY furnished front room. 2407 Har- cj oi. (16) M4i7 Tlx EIGHT rooms, all modern, for summer. Maple St. Phenlx Trust Co.. Old U. 8. Nat. Bank Bldg., 12th and Farnam Sis. (15)-629 21 Untarnished Room. FOUR housekeeping rooms; modern. 2323 Burt St. (15)-M110 FiyE.des,rablfl unfurnished rooms, 2212 N. 19th St. (16)-44 TW modem housekeeping rooms, $12.50. . buuui um Ave., uougias 44y3. (15) M484 lSx FOUR ROOMS, all modern. 2115 Emmet st- , (15 1 M546 24x Apartments and Flat. APARTMENTS 7 rooms ln QUIVET, 18U - ..... u,.., Birtiiii nrtii not water ana telephone. APARTMENTS 6 rooms ln SCARUO, South Omaha; steam heat and hot water. HALL, 817 First Natl Bank JJldg. Red 7406. A-44U6. (15) 8 FOUR-ROOM new brick flat, 22d and Nlch- '". uiuuern, iji; reterences. ivey at 1116 North 22d. Patterson, 1623 Farnam. (16)-77l FOR RENT 5-room flat, steam heat. In quire 1324 N. 24th St.. upstairs. (15) 123 17 NEW 4-room brick flat, 1108 N. 22d St., modern, steel range, 1st floor. (16) M2C6 219 SO. 29TH St., 5-r.. furnace, gas. bath. oier, cement casement, window shades, larKe yard, on r una t97 fai 601 Park Ave., 7-r.. furnace, gas, electricity, bath, shades and rods, $46. 2L09 Davenport, 8-r., modern, $45. xn,n-y niupie Bt., i-r., modern, heat, Janitor , . . water ana Kitcnen range fur nished. To see complete list call at office. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 1704 Farnam St ak xor rental department. (16)-536 17 NEW APARTMENTS. o S. V-w "lc OI tnose new apartments at 3d and Pacific, 5 and 6 rooms, strictly mnnprn nnlr in 1 1 . i .; i, T C,"'J' loom, living room M n. long in paper at once to suit tenant. 1-or further particulars see PAYNE, BOSTWICIC & CO., Sole Agents. mam floor N. Y. Life Bldg. (15)-C22 17 Housekeeping Rooms. ,?cf9El'Y furnished rooms complete for -su uuuacntojimg, witn piano; main floor. 2ols riavpnimi-i - ... V ,1. SUITE of rooms partly furnished for viuacnqjinji reterences. 2408 Cass St. (15)-445 21 THREE rooms n.aiiv fiipnt.i,. .11 . - , . - . . . J tuilllDIICU, Oil I1IIM1- ou oacK entrance. ii rs'. ad (15) M465 22x II oases and Cottage. For Rent 623 S. 29th St.. 10-room brick flat, modern will rrpalr; $35. 623 S. 29th St., one floor; $15. 712 8. 22d St.. 7 rooms, modern but heat large grounds; walking distance; $25. 2SI5 Dodge, 7-room house; $L3. 1310 N. 24th, 6-room Hat; hath, etc; $15. 1202 N. 24th, 6-room flat; bath, etc.; $18. 3"4 S. 17th, 5 rooms; 2d floor; $16. 521 8. 29th. 4 rooms; in brick; $14. 2.(19 8. 16th, 6-room flat; $12.50. 821 S. 24th, 3-room flat; $10.' 22rt N. 24th, 4 rooms; 2d floor; $9. 3016 Ames Ave., 6-room flat; $9. Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam. (15)-M5il 19 Maggard Van St Storage Co. D. 1496. W guarantee moving pianos, H. 11. goods. (15J-635 NEARLY new 7-room cottage, city water, gas, etc.; very convenient, $20. 2011 S 8th St. Tel. Red 4t63. (15) 396 HOUSES Creeh Sons & Co., Bee Bldg. (15.1 s3u FOR RENT 7-room nouse, 211 . N. 28th Ave.; modern except furnace; $25. Eight room house, 613 N. 22d St.; all modern $35. Apply at 607 N. 19th St (15) M297 ' FOR RENT 8 rooms, bath, barn, 2164 So 34th. V.'. 8. Etillman, 419 1st Nat Bk. Bid! (la-627 HOUSES Peters Trust Co., N. Y. L. Bldg. (16)-JAi LIST your vacant houses with Walter Breen Company, 914 N. Y. Life Bldg. (15J-AI223 FOR RENT 4 rooms, city water, gas, 16'3 N. 18th St., 1st floor-$12. C. M. Bach man, 436 Paxton Block. (15) 114 EIGHT ROOMS, 214 S. 29th; bath, gas' $22.50. McCague Investment Co. ' ' (15)-M507 19x 7-room brirk house, modern, 1H03 N. 29ih Bt., $20. Nlre place. Turklngton, f.02 Bee (15) M516 19 FOR RENT 8-room, all modern house, 4227 Harney St. $26. Inquire 307 S. 17th St. (lf-127 HOUSES, Insurance. Ringwalt. Barker Blk. (15) 84 HOUSES, flats, Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam. (15) 28 Steam heated flat of 6 rooms, all modern, close In. $25.00, 6-room all modern house at 3S09 N. 18th St. $15.00, 6-room flat, partly modern, on first floor, at C208 N. 24th St BEM18. 306 Paxton Blk. 'Phone Doug. 685, Ind. Iik5. (16) MK23 FOR RENT New house, all modern, newly papered; $32.50. 25.V4 Spencer. (16) M518 19 SIX rooms on second floor ?6th and Parker 6u.. $14. 4o9 William St., ln rear, $13. 21 Seward St., $15; city water in kitchen Chris Boyer, 22d and Cuming. (16) JJ979 p.MAHA Van and Storage Co.. pack, move, store H. H. goods. Storehouse, 1120-24 N. 19th; office ItiuS Farnam. Tel. Doug. 155 (lc)-J3 HOUSEHOLD gooda parked, forwarded; cheap fruight rales; moving and storing. Expressmuii'a Delivery Co. Tel. Doug. 39t (15) Vli' 7 PACIFIC ST. 9 rooms; thoroughly modern, oak finish; $40. A. G. Elllck, 5u2 Be Bldg. . (15J 829 FOR RENT 4Vroom. modern hous except furnace, 716 Hickory St. Inquire 10; 8 17lh St. (15) 404 FOR RENT 1320 North 40th. 7 rooms, all modern. $30. C. G. Herring. (15) 446 21 MODERN 10-room brick house near high school, keys on premise. 2601 Capitol Ave. Rent 50l (15; Mt64 22a OFFERED FOR RENT Henaea and ( nttageeContlnaed 1910 WEBSTER, 8-r. brick, all modern, $45. ion inm Ave., s r., an modern, 140. VACANT MAY 1. 80H So. S9th St., 8-r.. all modem, $40. 2210 1'nllfornlB. 8-r., all modern brick I4S O'KKKKE HEAL EST ATM i'iimpamv lOol N. Y. lAle. Phones Doug, nr A-2152. (15) 619 19 l-ROOM flat. 916 N. ii4th Bt! T(15).-M424 KIGHT-HOOM mrwlern house, hot water heat, good condition. South 2xth Ht.: wiw. Ing distance. M. J. Kennard A Co., 3m-io mown diock. U6I-M4U FOR RENT Modern 10-room house, with modern barn. No. 1117 South 32d street. U. . Robertson, Barker block. (15)-M567 SOMETHING NICE. An 8-r.. all modern hcuise. one vear old on Park Ave., for rent Slay 1. Has never neen rapereu and we will paper through out to suit tenant. Nice yard, front and rear, r or runner particulars see PAYNE. HOSTWICK & CO., Main Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. , (16)-6a 17 BEST In town, 3332 Harney: 9 rooms and bath. Tel. 11. 2796. Reuhenberg Bros., W10 IN. 1. llte. (15) .Mi49 24 2619 PARKER. 4 room, $11.00 212 Maple. 5-r.. water, gas, sewer. $15.00. 2770 Cuming, -r.. mod. ex. heat $-'2.(. TURRELL ft CO. Doug. 1L3. (151-M500 19 NEW HOUSE. 7 rooms, modern, cemented basement, no! Ished floors; all modern, east front, one block from No. 24th street car line, near Kountie flare; .. O'KEKFB REAL ESTATE COMPANY, 1001 N. Y. Life. 'Phones: Doug, or A-2152. (15) M563 20 Building. F0RRENT MIDLAND GLASS & PAINT CO. BUILDING. 1608-10-12 HARNEY ST. GG ft. south frontage on Har ney St., across from Bennett's Department Store, over 52,000 sq. ft. of floor space. Reason able alterations and repairs will be made to suit tenant. One of the best buildings in the retail center of Omaha, and is offered at a very reasonable rental, with lease for about 10 vears. GEORGE & CO., 1G01 Farnam. (15) 490 19 FOR RENT Spare in building located ln neari oi tne Dusiness district. Trackage facilities and electric elevator. Suitable for warehouse or light manufacturing purposes Address W-225. care Bee. (25) M555 Office. OFFICES OR PARLORS 5 and -room, In QUIVET, 1809-1811 Farnam St.; suitable for artists, physicians, dentists, dress makers, etc.; steam heat, hot water and telephone. Also OFFICES or PARLORS, 6 rooms, ln SCARGO Bldg., South Omaha, suitable for lawyers, doctors, etc. ; steam heat and hot water. HALL, 317 First Nat l Bank Bldg. Red 7406. A-44"6. (15) 3S5 OFFICES One large and one small office for rent en luua or single, i nese rooms are on the third floor of The Bee Bldg., and tiie larger one has a north light and Viult. For further particulars aee It W. Baker, Supt, 105 Bee Building. , (16) 4188$ 605 S. 13TH St, $50. C. O. Carlberg. U N. x. mag. (15) M971 STORE ROOM In Scargo block, at 620 N. 24th St., South Omaha; steam heat, modern show windows, excellent location. Auto two basement rooms ln same build ing, cemented floors, steam heated, suit able for billiards, barbers, baths, restau rant, etc. HALL. 817 First Nat l Bank Bldg. Red 7406. A 4406. (16)-M29 STORE, splendid location, grocery or meat market 2804 Farnam St. (16) M.142 18x FOR RENT Large storeroom, northeast corner 16th and Vinton Sts.; $15. C. M. Bushinan, 436 Paxton Blk. (15) M509 OFFERED FOR SALE Furniture. t FOUR roll-top desks, 1 six-foot standing desk, 2 library tables and other furni ture; must be sold at once. Call Sundays at 2618 Cuming. (16) M565 20 Typewriters and Sewing; Mncklnea. FOR SALE High grade secondhand type writers; good condition; a bargain at $50. Call room 603,, Bee Bldg. (161-C71 FOX TYPEWRITER. No. 127420; only used short time and In Al condition; for sale at very reasonable price. Call for Wright at Bee office. 17th and Farnam. (16) 833 Miscellaneous. DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on all $10 orders; catalogue tree. Sherman Mo Connell Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. (16) 640 GAS, ELECTRIC AND COMBINATION FIXTURES Larsest. most up-to-date stock at lowest prices In the city; select now, delivered When neeuea. innpecuon inviiea. BURGESS GKANDEN CO., 113 S. lilh St. Tel. Doug. 8L (16)-841 ICE! ICE! 'MINNESOTA ICE In car lota A. U. Gilbert, council ttiurrs, IS. (lti)-M374 FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard ana pool tames. we -leaj me world In cheap bar fixtures; easy payment. Itruuswick-Balk-Colltndar. 407 B. loth St (161-846 ON ACCOUNT of panic, these diamonds are lert on my hands; Solitaire rltucs Vk, $w; S-k, $25; Vk. 125; cluster rings ht-k fiery stones, $00; Vk locket and gold chain, $20. If not worth 25 per rent more don't buy. Call quick, 1212 Harney or telephone Red-3516. (16) M566 19 HALL'S safes, new, id-hand. 1818 Farnam. v SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO.. best mixed jiainu Diiermaa Ac jucconneu urug Co. Uo 842 HOMEOPATHIC remedies, wholesale, re tail. Dnerman et jvicconnen iJrug ( o., !6ta and Dodge Sta., Omaha. Neb. (16; 648 FOR SALE Tailor made aults. ready to wear. v.irs, me lanor, M XNeville Blk. (16) 464 Ml SEND US your mall orders for drugs; ireigni paia on iv iota Myers-Dillon Drug Co.. Omaha. (16) 647 Elevator for Sale For sale, second hand Eaton & Prince hand elevator, complete: platform about 4x5; can be used in a building GO ft. high. This elevator is first-class in everv respect and will be sold cheap. W. H. BRIDGES, ' Engineer Bee Bldg. (l)-939 t-i RI CHER and Weston news cases and . 1 b " hi. ..i.e.,. -.i4 i nee ol flce. Omaha. (!) S9z CURRANT plant. B. C. Smith. 8108 Corby c ..... ....... GOLF cluba. used twice last year, chean oil lie at ..... ...... .. Vt PATENTS D. O. BARNELL, Paxton Blk. Tot Red 7117 (7)-6J LARSON CO. Book free. Neville Bldg. (17 &l II. A. Sturges, Sl N. Y. I Tel Dotig. 849. (17)-M417 M14X PATENTS THAT PROTECT-S books fof Inventors mailed on receipt of 6s poatag. H. 8. & A. B. Larey, rooms 29-39 Parlflo Bldg., Washington, D. C. Estsbllshed 18ti9! (17-M0 PERSONAL M AnNF.TTP,r"trnent nd bath. M MiVUrHlwllBmith, US N. 16th, id fl. me. floor. (18) 6J7 WE RENT, repair, sell needles for old sewing machines. Neb. Cycle Co., cor. loth and Harney. (18) di) A HOME for women during confinement; w find homea for bablea where mothers cannot care for, them. Mother Lee, 4i Bancroft St 'Phone Douglas 1921. (18) M36J BAT1N SKIN POWDER doesn't show, per fumes the skin. Flesh, white, pink. br net. i GOLF clubs for sale Several first class r nun-iron, nutter, h.fter, etc., cheap. Inquire 1414 iVarney St. U8)-M382 it THE SALVATION ARMY eollrlts ,catoff cloth ns: In f.t . .! " l" 'CSSlOrr need. We collect, repair and ,V.l Ml N. 11th St.. for cost of collecting to th. worthy poor. Call phone Doug 413s ."i wagon will call. U8)-786 MASSAGE K5!LthJ: K"0?, 120 rarnani bt.. 2d Floor (18) M642 M M?..ZREJ,1A' Arm,"'n masssge. (24) Di i.v ., s none iougiaa t46. (18)-844 AI8 r?,LVtT S?,5fFJN7?RJBNT HOME-Mra ". i. ia. lei. web. 3559, (18)-64 YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha at atransers are Invlteit n r Women a Christian association rooms. 1611 Farnam St. where they win be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. (18)-tli SYRINGES, rubber gooda by mall; cut or iree catalogue. Myers Dillon Drug Co.. Omaha (18)-654 Ea M,h1S, MORDI- magnetic treatments. . "".era v-enter ana IJorras. In tne (18)-M348 18x MnA 8tamnerer' Institute. Ramgs -"ti . rj6) 855 REAL ESTATE HEA.L ESTATE DEALERS. PAYNE INV. CO., 1st floor" N. Y. Llfa Douglas 1781. (19) 857 GEOROB A rn 1601 Farnam. Tel. Doualss Tiu. (19)-58 BENJIMAN R. E. Co., 477 Brandels Bldg. (19)-322 CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE - MIDLAND A in u lULh! ( (J.. 1711 FARNAM ST.. BEE BUILDING. an 159 $2,600 8-room two-story house, all modern, new furnace, 4 large rooms and reeeptlon hell on first floor, 4 large bed rooms and hath on second floor, cemented cellar, fine lawn, mi ouxio. iou aon t rina these very often. In a good location and close to car. BIRKETT & TEBBENS. 423 Bee Bldg. 'Phones Doug. 4764; Ind. 1764. (19)-632 17 VACANT SNAPS $250 60x128 48th and Grant $300 S3xl28-48th and Military. $500 60x149 43d and Seward. $500 62xl25 28th Ave. and Indiana, $500 40x120 28th and PlnVruir Terms on these lots ISO rash, $10 monthly. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., 1st Floor, N. Y. Life Bldg. Douglas 1781 'PHONES "A" 11S8. 0)-497 17 ' SPECIAL! 2 plecea, WxM feet near 27th and Farnam One a corner $2,250 and $2,5oO. A good place for thoso brlckp you are figuring on build ing. THE BYRON REED CO., 'Phone D 297. 212 South 14th St. (18)-491 17 $25.00 DOWN, $5.00 A MONTH Acre Lots,, $325 and $350. We have a few acre lots left at 44th and Harrison streets, South Omaha, and three or four 2-acre lota with clear running spring creeks on one side. Some going down Stith street to Harrison and then west to these lots. Telephone us or to J. Knplets, L. '. Gibson. T. J. O'Nell or any other South Omaha real estate man. $1,2506 acres near 48th and Harrison. $1,260 5 acres near Benson. 2.KI" House, and 6 acres near Benaon. $1,600 House and 2 acres at 48th and Har rison. N. P. DODGE & CO.. 1714 Farnam St. (19)-M47B 11 $600 60x135 feet south front on Capitol Ave., between 6oth and 61st one and one-halt blocks from car; city water In street. A beautiful lot and very cheap easy terms. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., 1st Floor. N. Y. Life Bldg. Douglas 1781 'PHONES "A" 118. (19) 496 18 DESIRABLE LOTS 100x135 South front, one and half block from car, ln Dundee, $1,200; $200 cash, bal ance U monthly. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 1st Floor, N. Y. Life Bldaf Douglas 1781-'PHONE-"A" aiKg. (19) 49 IT LIST your property with Cbrls Boyer. 1-d and Cuming Sta. (19) 861 $3,150.00 If Taken at OnceT Near 17th and Vinton we have a aplendid 7-room house, all modern, 1 elegant bed rooms and bath on aecnnd floor, fine re ception hall, parlor, living room, dining room and kitchen on first floor; good fur nace; house only one year old. Lot la 6ox 110 feet. BIRKETT & TEBBENS, 423 Bee Bldg. 'I hones Ioug. 4754; Ind. 1754. (19)-6J3 17 CLOSE IN Blx rooms, all modern except heat, lot 60x 127, psved atreet, permanent aldewalk, all specials fully paid, plfnty of room for an other hotiae; only $2,6X0. - Located near 26th and Caldwell Sis. C. O. CARLBERG, U N. Y. IMm hldf. - . J09)-6UU P ' V.- i