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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1908)
The Omaha Daily Bee EDITORIAL SECTION. Pages 11, to 20. For all tha Naws THE OMAHA DEE Best tlT. West VOL. XXXVII XO. 2(12. OMAHA, SATURDAY MORNING, APRIL 18, 1908. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. 5 i i i i ii i i i 1 i i PRAYER BOOKS FOR EASTER Catholic and Eplcopatlan leatherette, leather and ivory finish blndlnns-1- 9c, 15c, 29c, 49c and Up Bible, leather cover, divinity circuit 660 ud np TO MiLNllk Monday, a big sale Muslins, Sheets, Pillow Oases. Watch for them. GROWING EASTER LILIES A fine display In Main en trance. Lilies In pot, with three, four, five to eight blooms, for 50c, 75c and $1.00 American Beauty Rosen and Carnations Fresh Cut. Order Your Easter Supply. Fashionable Attire for the Easter Season Another new line of stunning modified Prince Chap suits, in all the new colorings, has just arrived from the east. It's a duplicate order of the last lot that went out like a whirl wind. Simply superb styles, well worth $20.00, fj sTl .75 JL IT at. Stunning new Butterfly and Merry Widow Suits, charm ingly tailored and trimmed. We say emphatically that no suits shown anywhere at $25.00 are more fashionably correct, or so well tailored. Best of materials, too, in every new weave and color, really -fl Q.SO surprising values at JL tjr , mm COVKKT JACKETS Splendidly tail ored, ' styles double - and single breasted garments, fly fronts, etc., ex cellent silk or satin linings. Many in the line worth to $7.50, m nr for Ot) Black Panama Jackets Very latest styles in box coat, fitted and semi-fitted effects, all are silk lined, a handsome coat for middle . W.50 aged women a TAFFETA SILK JACKETS 25-inch box or Butterfly style, black or white silk lining, strictly tailored models, cut from high grade lust rous black silks 8.95 X Infant's Department The dainty white room (Second Floor.) Kverythlng for the baby, up to two years, In this section. Many charming Kaster gifts hero. Lii Cap Special I'ine tucking, French knots ' and hemstitching, faced with lace 39o Other beautiful lawn caps and utraw bonnets, 26c upwards to $3.85 and $5.00 2, GOO "Round Up" Bags On Sale Saturday Bought of Johnson-Hayward and Piper of New York, at 50c on the dol lar. These bags are made of finest imported goat Bkln, with black bot toms like cut, also round soft styles. This Is the handiest and most fashion able bag made; colors are brown, tan, gray, green, blue, red, black. Actual values up to $3.50, great sale, at Taffela and Messaline. Waists Several hundred beautiful tailored models, priced Saturday as never before, high grade silks in all conceivable colorings; also stripes and plaids, remarkably under- M nr priced at k Tt7t) Lace and Net Waists An Easter offering that promises un common sayings. Newest white and ecru effects, sumpuously trimmed with laces, tucks, insertions, motifs, etc. Made over silk slips. Here are waists worth to $6.50; on sale Saturday at. ..... . , . 3.95 Children's Coats and Dresses Beautiful golf red and fancy cloth jackets, in two to six year sizes, trimmed with black braids and velvet collar, A Qr neat child like styles, at. uvv Jackets for Children Six to fourteen years, in popular golf red, navy, cadet and fancy mixtures, many new and Q ftC cleverly designed styles, Saturday 0u3 Children's White Dresses of lawn, daintily trimmed in many ways with laces, embroideries, etc., six to fourteen year sizes, in Saturday's 50c, 98c and $1.4$ EASTER JEWELRY SATURDAY SPECIALS Silver Flower Pots Perforated qnadruple plate, with grow ing; geranium or fern, an ap- . priate Kaster gift, complete. Tall Pins Merry Widow styles oxidised or rose gold fin ish, any. color - stone set centers; special . . at 19c Signet Hat Pins Beautiful de signs, rose , gold and green gold finish, values 11.50 and ou; special r ................... W V Mounted Back Combs Elab orate and beautiful shell and amber, magnificent stone set tings, values to 12.00. at 50c s EASTER HOSIERY Plain imported lisle hose, blacks and i tans, 50c, 35c and 25c f rancy allover lace and lace boot lisles, 75e, 50c and 35c Hand embroidered lisles, blacks and tans, $1.00, 75c, 50c and 35c Silk stockings, with a serviceable cotton foot, $1.50 and $1.25 Finest silk stockings, exquisitely hand embroidered, street and evening shades, at $5.00, $4.00 and $3.00 KNIT UNDERWEAR aesan -oo, $5.00 to Bennett's Popular Priced Easter Millinery After all, it's a personal inspection and comparison that will con vince you of the advantage of buying your spring hat here. There are a, scores of charminar Easter hats, manv of which nXA iiint. in frtm Mnm V.l- OtT 0. i . . .... ..... ... s. luuuiBtca, uu xusyiay oa,mrua. in arasuc aesiam tnev touch the verv tin- nacle of fashion and good taste. Every conceiveable shape and color play is brought out. High crowns, graceful rolling brim, English hats, stun ning sailors, in fact a thousand distinct attractive patterns and no two alike. Never such a choice of beautiful Easter creations was ever shown In Omaha before at these popular, sensible prices. $5.00 $7.50 $10.00 to $15.00 at 4 $1.19, $1.48 and $1.98 TnU, HTw.ri 1 ni nr . " r i? sssmmsms me uewtM mm dcm hi wwumeu s rurmsiimys Your Easter necessities in gloves, hosiery, underwear and handkerchiefs are well cared for here Specially attractive offerings are made Saturday. Read: EASTER GLOVES Women's two-clasp kid gloves, to match any color suit, per pair, $2.00, $1.50, $1-25 and $1.00 16-button kid gloves, best kind imported, every good color, at $4.00 and $3.50' Elbow length kid gloves every color. n p.ou, $L'.uu and $1.50 M fc"K gloves, two-clasp, all with guaran 1 teed double tipped fingers, $1.00, 75c y and 50c f Elbow length lisle gloves, pair. . .$1.00 d Easter Handkerchiefs m Women's colored embroidered handkerchiefs, to M match your suits and 25c y Linen embroidered and hemstitched, also Initial j and hand embroidered handkerchiefs !i Armeiiikn handkerchiefs,' 've'r'y "lwautS ulBt-SSj, TrS. Princess and Duchess lace handkerchiefs' '$2 00 i 00 $10 ADVANCED STYLES MEW'S SPRING SUITS TOP COATS AND RAIN COATS The Bennett Store is showing every conceivable new style in men's clothing. Faultlessly tailored suits! in the new two and three-button effects. Newlbrowns, i i i i '11 ' grays ana onve snnoes, wim extreme style touches on the conservative, always popu lar models. Absolutely fin est suits made, at $15, $18, $20 to $25 Tor COATS Look to us for the real correct things; coverts, black vicunas and thlbets as well as those strikingly handsome fancy 6trlpe novelties, with patch pock ets, turn cuffs and the like: All are silk or serge lined $10, $15, $20 to $25 IIAIX COATS The famous Priest ley Cravenettes. the very best made, blacks, plain grays, dressy stripes. These" coats are for all kinds of wear, rain or shine $10, $15 to $20 OVIl CHILDREN'S AND ROYS' SUITS Are decidedly attractive. We have everything one could wish for and ' prices are right, too. ALL KINDS OF EASTER BATS Sleeveless Vests, none better or more carefully made, 12 He, 15c and 20 Sleeveless lisle vests, some with beautiful hand crocheted yokes, 25c, BOc, 75c and ' $1.00 Union Suits, medium weight, low neck and sleeveless, 25c, 50c, 75c, 1.00, $1.25 to $2.00 Knit Pants, lace trimmed, knee lengths, 25c, 35c, 5(c, 75 QJ Isabella Pants, something new, best fitting, shaped band, w, found In knit garments 50c and 75? . Soft and stiff hats for dressy young fellows, and hats for more conservative elderly men; every new shade and shape. Stetson hats $3.50 to $5.00, and the famous Crof ut & Knapp stiff hats in blacks and browns I $2.50, $3.00 and $4.00. Boys' and children's caps, new Cliff, Teddy, Buster Tarns, Ktons, and English Golfs, , 25 to $2.00 Extra special Hat Sale Saturday, soft and stiff Hats, from recent big purchase, 12.00 hats $1.1Q; nats $1.4; nats $1.1)3 Easter Ties Gorgeously beau tiful ties, In exclusive pat terns, rich silks, In full French folded four-ln-hands, plain or fancy 50 to $2.00 Men's Half Hose Imported lisles, silk, plain and fancy hand embroidered; great showing of tans 50 to $2 $3.00 Men's Shirts Every taste can be successfully, catered to here .Thousands of new Spring pat terns are shown In every good color, stripes, checks, figures. Mostly coat styles, plain or pleated. See this matchless display $1.50 $2.00 $2.50 Merry Widow Sailors And other cleverly trimmed hats, In any color, to match any suit. There are no more becoming hats shown than these. None that combine such high quality materials and true millinery art at so low a price $5.00 Misses' and Children's Hats Bennett's make unusual preparations to please the girls with Easter Hats. Undoubtedly the most lavish display you have Been Is here now. The same fair, honest price holds good on these, too $2.50 $3.50 $5.00 $7.50 CTJOfTIMFSI blflB. boslel gmery U the wtlre UiUCLilLJ Wfil Mkt, Uee very (pedal fester ol- tcriafls. lead every Hen. Prldn of Bennett's Flour, f8-Ib. sack Pride ut Bennett's Flour, 48-lb. sack...... Pride of Bennett's Flour, 24-lb. sack Kennett's Heat Coffee, three pounds Bennett's. Uest Coffee, lb Teas B.' F. Japan, Oolong-. Gunpowder, Breakfast, Ceylon and Assam, lb Kvaporatud Raspberries, lb Pure Fruit Jams, assorted, large jar Malta Vita, four pans ..3.00, and 80 Urwn , .Bl-ftO, and 40 Ureen . . . BOo, and 20 Green . .Sl.OO, and 100 Gree .aoo, and 30 Green b tain lis Sale Framed Pictures A fine assortment framed pictures, values 50c to $1.00, (See Offp Widow) Saturday sale uOV, Soda FoontalD, Luncheonettes Individual Chicken Pot Pies, built up with potatoes 15c Strawberry Shortcake 10c Roast Beef Sandwiches with brown gravy :....lfc Baked Beans .10c Chicken Noodle Soup 10c Etc., Etc. We also serve the best soda water possible to serve at the lowest price. Ice Cream Sodas 5c North Balcony Harney Entrance. Dressiest Styles Easter Neckwear and Ribbons Every new novelty that finds favor this season is represented in our extensive Easter showing. For 25c We have net Ja bots, lace and net bows, silk bows, mull ties, Gibson stocks of Val. lace, embroidered linen and new stripe collars, new ascots in white and colors. St. Gall embroidered turn-overs In great profusion, etc. Taffeta Ribbon All silk, 3 -inch full line of shades, 19c quality, t 10 Taffeta Ribbon 4 -inch, all leading shades, good for hat trim ming, 25c values 12 Messaline RibboRs 5 H-inch, all best shades, finest 35c quality, special lf Ribbon Bolting Persian designs, 25c values, special, yard . . . For 50c A very large se lection of Merry Widow bows, of net and Val. laces, fancy lace Jabots; Gibson stocks, coat sets, colored embroidered stocks with tabs, mull ties and cream lace chemisettes, etc. Coat Sets Special embroidered white linen. 25c to 60c kinds, at .' lOtf Lawn Tics Embroidered, 25c values, special 5 Embroidered Collars New line, 25c values, each 10c Turn-Overs 1,000 dozen, St. Gall embroidery effects, 10c values, at 3 Lace Stocks 25c values Ut Ascots Worth to 25c 5 irns bottle Queen Olives for 76c hot tie Queen uuvei lor I1ITBB Several thousand dozen 1:k; white, brown red, green, dos Triplet for Washing:, pkg Wonder Wax for Washing, pkg I.arge, fancy Cooking Raisins, lb... Minute Tapioca, pkg Hex three cans... New York Cream Cheese, lb Bwlss Cheese, fancy, lb... Bennett's Capitol Oats, pkg .'. . . Jell-O. lemon flavor, three pkgs Tea Garden Preserves, large Jar Haylea' Pickles, bottle lOo. and Hartley's Imported Marmalade, Jar 800, and H. J. tleints Currant Jelly. Jar 300, and THE CIG MEAT SECTION OFFERS UNUSUAL EASTER SPECIALS English SSo, and 40O, and SAo, and S60 ..4.. ..Too .. .BOo r laid . . .I60 . . . 15o, and . . . lOo, and .IS Ho, and . . . luo, and . ...SSo, and . . . aoo, and . . .SSo, and . . .llo, and . . .860, and . .400, and Welcome Shoe News lor the Eastertide n stamps I khoe fashions of the day find their best expression at Bennett's. Our Easter display is partieu- n stamps A larly noteworthy.. Prominently featured for women are chocolate, copper tan, n stamps M , , , . . ' 1 . . ' H pnampagne ana oxoiooa, pumps, liibson ties, bluchers, low button and colonial I buckle styles. Also boots and low cut patent kid, patent colt and patent calf, jl-two buckle effects, Gorden ties, etc. at, per pair, $2.50, $3.00 up to $5.00 r 60 Green stamps 20 Ureen h lamps 20 Green Stamps 20 Green stamps 10 Green Mumps 10 Ureen btamps 6 Green Stamps 10 Green Stumps 10 Green biamps 10 Green Stamps 10 Green Stamps 10 Green Stamps 20 Ureen Stamps 10 Green Stamps 6 Green Stamps 10 Green Stamps "eV ' Special Saturday Finest $3.00 patent colt, vlcl kid and gun metal ' shoes and oxfords. In every size and width for women, fine values... 2.19 Special Saturday Men's 'dressy patent kid, patent colt, and gun metal laced and button' shoes, all $4 and '$5 values, almost every slue, choice, pair 3.19 Special Saturday Misses' and children's shoes of vlcl kid, with patent tips, in laced or button styles, stylish, durable 4 on 11.76 qualities, selling at l.Oif Dressed Chickens Our special Easter Sale tomorrow. Hundreds of choice fresh dresaed young hens, priced much below . market value, pound 12ic Spring Lamb, hind quarter,, . .$1.35 Spring Lamb, fore quarter 75C Mutton Roast, young and choice, per poui'd He Mutton Stew, very choice, lb OC . Preati Pork Shoulder Roast, Saturday, pr pound 7C HAMS 1,000 pounds Mortoa-Gregson Co.'s California Hams, every one well trimmed, nice and lean. Ql. pound' OjC 6.000 lbs. Cudahy'a Diamond C Hams thoir very beat and 4 01 c hole eat brand, pound luC Extra Hiu No. 1 Sugar Cured lUiuo, very special. f f 1 pound ilZt Saturday (lie Big Lamp Sale THE DES MOINES DEPARTMENT STORE STOCK will be on sale for the first time. Over 300 Parlor Lamps, Gas and Electric Portables, also brass China and Hall Lamps, from this great purchase at tremendous reductions from regular prices. The most important ramp sale Omaha has known. PARLOR OIL LAMPS I $5.25 Lamps for. ... . S.',.25 $10.00 Lamps for. . . .$5.75 COMPLETE OAS LAMPS $5.00 Gas Lamps at. .$2.98 $8.75 Gas Lamps at. .$4.98 $14.00 Gas Lamps at. $7.98 $1.25 Lamps for 75c $2.00 Lamps for $1.25 $2.87 Lamps for $1.75 $3.75 Lamps for $2.00 $7.00 Lamps for $3.98 Gas Portables. tl-45 values. .. .75o 11.65 values. .. .UHc $4.00 values. . f2.73 IB. 00 values. . .$-3.23 16.00 values. .'.9U.73 Electric Portables 11.75 values. . .fl.UO $8.00 values. . .$1.73 13.76 values. . .$2.Bu 16.00 values. . .$3.78 17.76 values. . .$4.73 Electric Lamps 15.00 values. . .ZMH $7.00 values. . .$4.2.1 f 10.00 values. .$4UM 616.00 values. .$9.73 625.00 values. $16.30 635. CO values. $3.00 INDIA STOOL (Like Cot Below.) Golden Oak or Weathered Oak Finish. A very ornamental and useful piece of furniture on special sale in the furni ture department, v r ' Saturday HttP ml mi Seasonable Hardware OHerinfjs sry Bpsolal Saturday Sales. Kvery Item msn tloned means a good saving If you boy it now. fx Hteel Screen Door Hinges, cumplele with screws ... lio, and 10 Green Stamps Steel Lawn Rakes, 24 tine 38o, and 20 Green Stamps Carpet Heaters lOo, ISo, BOo and 8So, and 10 Green Stamps Clothes Lines 18o, 84o and 36o, and 20 Green Stamps Wail Iaper Cleaner, per can 16o, and 10 (jreen Stamps Children s Card, n Sets . lOo, J5o and 85o, and 10 Gaeen Stamps Screen Duors, all sizes, prices up from ......SSo Screen Wire Cloth, per souare foot I. 80 ' it quality, in full rolls, per 100 suuare feet OOa itunner nose, in tii-rt. loninns, complete with Hay Toultry Wire, het quality. In full rol imple nozzle 85.00, $S.bO, 86.00, 87.60 and 88.00. and Double Green Stamn. flf In (he Carpets and Draperies Does your housecleaning bring to light the need of new furnishings? Here are timely offerings and big savings. Brussels Room Size Rugs Beautiful tan and green color ings, full 9x12 feet size, same as sell every- f A AQ where at $16.50, Saturday JLv.tlO Sanford Axminster Rugs, in floral and oriental designs, slightly mis-matched, full 9x12 feet, a genuine 4 Q PA $30.00 quality, clearing up a lot at ". lOsU J China Matting Three patterns, quite a nice quality for 4 4 this price, yard 11C Iluffled Curtains Swiss, lace edge and Insertion, other with Uatten berg Insertion, three tucks and hemstitched ruffle, regular 1.25 par!'. 69c Shirtwaist Boxes, red -e with cretonne, burlap and matting, biggest line in Omaha, oiuuruay reduction Ol J'o. Lawn Mowers, plain and bull bearing, prices ut from 88.98, and Double Green Btamps Long Handled Shovels and Spades, worth 75c; special..., 4o One Hlg Iot of Varnish .Stains, regular price 20c; special line big lot of Varnish Stains, regular price 15c; special to One lot of Galvanized Wash Tubs, slightly damaged at HaXl TMIOM Sprinkling Cans, all sizes and prices up from , iiq BPOBTIWO GOODS DEFAJfcTHXaTT. Base Ball Bults for Uoys, special Saturday 81.O0 Roller Skates, pair 46c, $1.88 and SJ-OO Ha8a i1??.1 i??e loo to 940 Base liall Mitts qa0 to 8a oa All Kinds of Fishing Tackle. Spilt Bamboo Rod, $1.00 value; special eSo Cameras and Supplies No. 2 Brownie Cameras for chil dren and older folks, Inexpen sive to maintain, sure to make a picture.. 82.00 Folding Pocket Camera, uses reg ular films, makes pictures 2Vx4Vi inches K12.fttt Eastman's Films, in all sizes, Bolio Paper, Velox Paper, Eastman Camera, developing powders, toning solutions, seeds plates, Cramer plates, and Ham mer plates. We do developing and finishing. Everything for the Kodak. 59C Itubber Door Mats Size 18x30 Inches, undoubtedly the best mat made to sell at 11.60. We have several hundred on sale, Saturday, for IhiiucHtk- Madrus In new Cathed ral designs, big assortment of color combinations, 36 1 1 Inches wide, yard lit ar chests, many upholstered