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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 16, 1908)
TTTE t)MAUA DAILY IEE: THURSDAY". AFRIL 16. 1003. i V GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Dry Weather Causes Heary Buying " of Grain. SILLHO IRlClS SENT HIGHER Receipts Caatlaae) Ltaht, wllfc Lasrwr Or Yalars, aa Ftrmrri Hard at Work la a Flelda. Are OMAHA. April 15, ISO. TJry weather reports opens up areneral huvlng of wheat and with no pressure, of selling prices are sent higher. Receipts rontlnua light and with lower corn values farmers arn not expected to leave their fields to market any amount of Brain, Inclination ai to be strongly1 bullish In Hr wheal pit this morning and rmylna; wan general on continued dry weather re port, accompanied with some few damage reports aa a result of a lack of moisture. The market was bid steadily higher, with no Belling pressure, and rloaed strong. May wheat opened at 89c and closed at 8974c Corn rould not hold the, pac with wheat and eaaed off allghtly, with offering rather liberal and buying; scattered. May coin opened at 61 and cloeod at !' (lata sustained soma alight loa with corn and selling waa the feature, with atipport lacking. May oata opened at 4Mo and closed at lc. Primary wheat receipts were JSt.OOO buahela. and ahlnmenta were IOT.000 bushels, against recelpta laat year of 6l.on0 buahela and ahlpmenta of 841,fno buahela. Corn recelpta wer 27000 buahela and ahlpmenta were 3H7.nnn buahela. against re ceipts laat year of KW.ono buahela and ahlp menta of 4fln.nro buahela. Clearances were l.ono buahela of corn; none of oata. and wheat and flour equal to 302.000 biiKhela. Liverpool closed unchanged to 4d higher on com. Local range of options: Articles! Open. Hlgh. Low. Cloe. Tea'y, Wheat I May... W m W HP July... M M M 3 M Bept... 78 78 78 78 78 Corn May... 61V, M4 H4 1M 61 July... NH 6 MH W1 Kept... 58 6fiV4 6M Ei'A 58 Oata May... 49 49i 49 4! Omaha Cavsk PrifM. WHEAT No. S hard. SUtWH": No. 3 hard. 87H1e: No. 4 hard, 84B'7c: No. 3 spring-. M4r7c. COKN No. 8. nuMli4c: No. 4. 0V4nle. No. 3 yellow, 14j624c; No. 3 white, 61 "4 OATS No. 3 mixed, 48UWV': fo. 3 white, tf'WISc; No. 4 white, 4MMRHC HYB-No. 2. 7asf73c: No. 8. 70(&73o. Caurlot Ilecaipta. Wheat. Corn. Oata, Chicago 11 81 169 Minneapolis 8.1 Omaha 10 17 18 buluth 7 CHICAGO GHAIX AND PROVISIONS Feat area of the Trading; and final a a; Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAGO. April 15. Dry weather In the emit h went strengthened the local wheat market today and at the clone the May delivery ahnwed a net gain of WT4c. Corn waa n higher, oata were up c and provi- ai na were from liyjauc to azvfcc lower. The wheat market waa firm all day lie rauae of the continued drouth In Kansas and Nebraska and the absence of any fore cast of precipitation for' that section. Fac tors of minor importance were firm cables. small primary recelpta and a brisk demand for cash wheat at Minneapolis. Trade be came very quiet late in the day bocauae of light demand. The close waa firm. May opened Hfrc higher at 9o'lc, advanced to 924?W4c and cloaed at MWiWKc. Clear ances of .wheat and flour were equal to ZiZ,2f)0 bu. Primary receipts were 236.000 Ml., as against 681.0UO the same dav last year. Minneapolis. Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of 101 cara.xas against 862 last week tnl JUi a. year ago. The corn market was dull and steady, :he range In prices for all deliveries being I bout o. Acceptances from the country were light and the movement small. Coni in lesion houses were the chief bidders and offering came mainly from holders. The (lose was steady. May opened unchanged it 7c, sold between 68o and 67Hc and ilcsed at 74c. Local recelpta were 61 cara, with 13 of contract grade. Oats were firm all day becauae of the absence of rain In the southwest. The principal trading was in the September delivery. May opened unchanged at 63c. advanced to 63Hc and closed at 63c. Local receipts were 169 cars. Provisions were weak all day because of Wreaaed recelpta of live hogs hern and at other weatern packing centers. May pork rloaed HOji&JVrO lower at 313.90, lard was down loo. at fc.CCH and ribs were 20c lower .at I8.87H. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 16 cars; corn, 94 cars; oats. 103 cars; hogs, W. head. The leading futures ranged as follows: rsnla and other nearby firsts (free cases) lc at mark: current receipts In returna ble caws. lc at mark; western firsts (free, rases). 18c at mark: current recelots (free cases), IJio at mark. CHRHHR Quiet but eieariv New Tnfk full creams, choice, 15fllVc; fair to good. j a Y'j i 4-c Articles. I Open. I High. Low. Close.l Yes'y. Wheat May July Sept. July Sept. Oata May bMay aJuly bJuly Sept. Pork ' May July Sept. Lard May . July Sept. Bihs Muy July Sept. eo9t xvr tVi M 85 87 67 66 64 64H(S'4 63V(i!l K 6 S3 53 E3 62 6.' bl 4b 46H 46 42 43 4L" 87 37 13 07 13 0T 13 90 13 46 1.1 60 13 20 13 77 13 77 13 60 8 15 8 18 8 02 8 87 8 37 8 30 I 66 8 66 8 42 7 02J 7 02' 86 T 27 7 27l 1 W 7 66 I 7 66 I 7 35 8ft .83'a 87 4ftV4 tSfli 635. KVfc 46 43 ,S7HiW 13 90 13 22 13 66 8 02 8 22 8 42 87' . 7 12 90i 84 83 67 B3-VS64 63 61 4R 42 87 IS 22 Y3 ftf 13 if7 8 17 H 40 8 57 7 07 7 32 7S7 7 67 No. 1 aOld. bNew. Cash quotations were a follows FLOUR Steady; winter patents, 14.25 4.75: straights, 33.9034.60: spring patents. 34 m6.10. straights, 34.004.6O; bakers, 33.10 WHEAT No. i red. 90T4!c. CORN No. I, 767c; No. 2 yellow, 87 OATS-No. t 62fD62c: No. t white. 63c; No. 3 white. 60?ii63c. j RYE No. 3, 7tf7!(c. HAKbtl-fUr to choice malting, 72 SEBD8-Flax. No. 1 northwestern, 31.18. irmie iimoiny. 4.A. PROVISIONS Short ribs sides (loose) 36 37!.tf7. Mess pork, per bbl.. 312 9i4f 13 00. Lard, per m lbs.. T.97H. Short clear lines tooxea;, l.tu'. Following were the receipts and ship ment Vft livur akiiu irilll. . Receipts. Shipments. WE17HRR 1 THR GRUX BELT Fair, vltk RUIas Teatperatare, for Thursday. OMAHA. April 15, The area of blah D re ami re. with eoWer weather noted In the extreme north weat In the preceding report has mored east ward and now overlies the Missouri and upper Mississippi valleys, with Its crest over Manitoba. The weather la much colder throughout the upper valleys and freezing temperatures are reported aa far aouth aa northern Nebraska and north western Iowa. Rains arn general In the east and south and light showers were scattered over the mountain district within the last twenty-four hours. The weather will bo sIlKhtly cooler In this vicinity to night, followed by rising temperature Thursday, with continued fair. Omaha record of temperature and pre cipitation compared with the correspond ing day of the last three yeara: 190H. 1TT. 1906. 19HR. Minimum temperature.... 4:1 8 3ft JS Precipitation 00 .01 .00 T Normal temperature for today. 60 dngreea. Deficiency In precipitation since March 1. 1.91 Inchea. Deficiency corresponding period !n 1907, 1.91 Inches. Excess corresponding period In 191, .67 Of an Inch. L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. Corn and Wheat Reajlon Balletln. For the twenty-four hours ending at S a. m., 75th meridian time, Wednesday, April 15. 1: OMAHA DISTRICT. Temp. Raln- Bt at Ions. Max. Mtn. fall. 8k v. Ashland, Neb.... 7, 43 .() Clear Auburn, Neb 73 47 .00 Cloudy Columbus, Neb.. 79 36 .00 Clear Falrbury, Neb.... 73 42 .00 Ft. cloudy Fairmont, Neb... 80 39 .00 Clear Or. Island. Neb.. 78 38 .00 Clear Hartlngton, Neb. M 30 .00 Clear Haatlnga, Neb... 78 39 .00 Clear Oakdale, Neb.... 83 34 . 00 Clear Omaha, Neb 76 43 .00 near Tekamah, Neb... 80 37 . 00 Clear ' Alta, la 77 32 .00 Clear Carroll. la 78 36 .00 (7ear ClarlndB, la 74 45 .00 Clear Sibley, la 81 29 .00 Clear Sioux City, la.. 78 32 .00 Clear Minimum temperature for twelve-hour period ending at 8 a. m. DISTRICT AVERAGES. No. of Temp. Rain. Station. Btatloij. Max. Mln. Inches. Chicago. Ill 28 78 60 .24 Columbus. 0 17 78 60 .38 Dea Molnea, la.... 14 78 44 . 00 Indianapolis, Ind.. 12 78 54 . 28 Kansas City. Mo.. 21 68 54 .10 IrfHilBville, Ky.... 17 74 64 . 44 Minneapolis, Minn. 2) 78 24 T Omaha, Neb 16 78 38 .00 St. Louis, Mo..... 10 .. .. .32 Oood rains occurred In the eastern and southern portions of the corn and wheat region. A trace only is, reported In the Minneapolis district and none in the Omaha and Ds Moines districts. Freezing tem peratures prevail In the upper Mississippi and upper Missouri valleys this morning. L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster. NEW YORK GBXUI1AL MARKET Qaotattona nf the Day on Varloas Commodities. NEW YORK, April 16. FLOUR Re ceipts. 11.800 bb a .: exnorta. 30.600 bbls.: sales, 1.200 bbls. Market steady but quiet; Minnesota patents, t5.W(j6.3S; winter straights, 34.16igi4.80; - Minnesota 'bakers, $4.25i&4.75; winter patents, 34.604.80; winter extras, 33.604i4.10: winter low grades. 33 60 4.05. Rye' flour,' steady; fair to' good, 34.40 cnoico to rancy, x5.atvi1e.i6. CORNMEAL-Steady; kiln dried, 33.65. RYE Steady; No. 2 western, 83c, f. o. b. New Tork. WHEAT Receipts, 46,000 bu.; exports, i3,ftuu ou. Bpot marnet nrm; no. 2 red., 99c, elevator, and 31.004k. f. o. b. afloat: No. 1 northern Duluth, 31.08, f. o. b. afloat; No. i hard winter, 31.05. f. a b afloat Wheat opened o higher and sold up to a net gain of about lc on strong cables, reports of continued dry weathur In certain sections and talk of a good milling demand. Later prices eased off partially unoer realising, closing steady l W1c net advance. May, hk,j-icW) ii.uou. closed at '.fcc: juiv. azkm 94 3-lric. closed at 83 lie; September closed at 91 He. - corn Receipts, 8,200 bu. Bpot market easy; no. z, nominal, elevator, ana iMkc r. o. b. arioat; no. 2 white, 71 c; No. 8 yellow, nominal, f. o. b. afloat. Option market waa without tranaactlons, cloning barely steady at a net decline of He May closed at 76 c; July closed at 73 He OATS Receipts. 24.000 bu. . Spot mar ket steady Mixed oats, 26 to 33 pounds, 65c: natural white, 26 to az pounds: 66 i;58c; clipped white. 32 to 40 pounds. e7V82C rlA Y Steady ; good to choice. 9&Wc. HOPS Dull; common to choice, 8ei2c. H1DKS Steady; Central America, 17o. PROVISIONS Beef. steady; family, $16.60(9)17.00; mesa, $12.60 13.00; beef hams. 327. 00 tff 29.00; packet. $14.004214.60: city extra India mens-. $24. 60 025.00. Cut meats, steady; picKiuu nellies. a.DUo.tu; pickled hama, $9.60. Lard, easy; western. $8.!68.40; refined, easy; continent, 18.33; South America, $9.75; compound, $7.76 8.00. Pork, steady: family. $16.50tol7.00: hort clears. $16.26 17.50; meaa, $15.26& 16. 74. TALiiOW Bteady; wty, 5H6c; country. 5Vii)'c. BUTTER steady; held creamery, com mon to special. 21(a'27c; process, common to special, 16U.24c. CHEESE irregular: winter made, loia 10o. EGGS Firm; western firsts, I5api5c; seconds. 14(u,lBC. POULTRY Alive nominal; dressed Steady; turkeys, lig17c; fowls, 1216c. t t. Loots oaerat Market. ST. IJUIS. April 16 WHEAT Firm . track. No. 2 red, cash, 9Kc; No. 2 hard, 95 (B9Hc; May, 92c; July, K!o. corn Firm; track. No. 2 cash, 6fi(gti6c; No. 2 white. U04j6iic; May. 64ii4Hc: July. 2c7 - OATS Firm: track. No. 3 cash, fine- K'n I white 6Uc; May, e. FLOUR Dull; red winter patents, $4,600 4.76; extra fancy and straight, $4.10&4.40; clears. $4.5663.70. PKE1 Timothy, steady, t3.25e4.00. CORNMEAL Steady, 33.00. BRAN Firm: sacked, east track. fell. IS. HAY Steady: tlmothv. 310.5O(l.SO: rie, ttu.ori'.D'i. IRON COTTON TIES-41.06. BAOOINO 7c. HEMP TWINE 8c. PROVISIONS Pork, lower; Jobbing. $13 87. I.ard, lower; prime steamed, $7.80 ti7.90. Dry salt meats. st.eady; boxed extra shorts, $7.75; clear ribs, $7.37; short clear, $xoo. Bacon, steady; boxed extra short. $8.50; clear ribs, $8.37; short clear, $9.13. POULTRY Weak; chickens. 10c; springs, 14c: turkeys, 12fil3c; ducks. 12c; geese, 6c. BUTTER Dull; creamery, 2429c. EGGS Unchanged: 13c. case count. Flour, bbla 6,010 Wheat, bu SS.Ooo Corn, bu 8i00it Oats, bu Tb.OuO Flour, bbls..,. Wheat, bu I'orn, bu .")ats. bu Rye, bu Barley, bu.... 33.(110 .. 36.AHA ..143, ) ..346.500 62.600 16.110 60O)0 121.0IO 174.100 3.IDO 4.900 On the Produce Exchange today the but ler market was easy: rreamerlua. yiift- 'dairies. 20w2Sc. Eggs, steady; at mark, casta im-iuuea. jc; nrsta. I4c; prune llrats, 16c, Cheese, steady, 13U13c. Kaaaaa City Crala aad Provisloas. ' KANSAS CITY. April 16.-WHEAT-IT n changed; May, 8A.c: Julv. 7vc:,n. 1 r'i ic: c",h No- J ,,ar(1, No. t T.'nv , , ' "a- lc' rea, 96o. t ORN Unchanged : Mv lit. t,,iu so... September, 6c; caah, No. $ mixed, 2'i 63c; No. $ mixed. tatii3c; No. 3 white. 2mC RYE 747)o. HAY Steady j choice timothy, $116OS'12 00 choice prairie. $9.75u 10.35. ' BUTTER lc lower; creamery, 27c: pack Ins stock. 16c ' ' " . EGUS Steady; freah extras. 15c; current . ' . Recelpta, Shipments n neat. DU. Jb.lMU 42 tiOO Corn. bu... U (D 87 (in Oals. bu. U.Obi ij'oh, rorla Market. PEORIA. Ill , April 16. -CORN Isomer No. 3 yellow, 4c; No. 3 yellow. 4c; No X. 64c: No. 4. &lc: no grade. FAv OATS Iorwr; No. $ white. 60V4(351c; No. WH18KY-313S. . lsa I la ataail smfta iam. llss J mjLj. VasT aa m PH1I.A1KI.PH1A. April 15.-HUTTER alarket steady: weeterji creamer-, ic tiearhy prints. Sir. kXKJ3 Firm, good demand; Pennayl NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Market is Dull and Stagnant Through out the Sestion. OAO.noO gold reserve, showa: Available cash balance $256. 982. 856; g"ld coin and bullion, $26,837,28$; gold certificates, GOLD ENGAGED FOE EXPORT Prospective Hblpaavats Hat Little Ef feet on V aleea laers-aa la Ma ot her of Idle Cara Attracts Slight Atteatloa. NEW YORK. April 15. Anvthln of In terest In the financial world today was found outside the stock market. That was like a stagnant pool, the slight stirrings on the surface of whirl) were easily negli gible. Some of the day'a developments were not unimportant, but they had no reflection In the stock market. The statement of the country's foreign trade for March made a remarkable showing. The point most dis cussed was the falling off In value of ex ports as compared with March of last year, the decline of upwards of $16.000,ono In the agricultural exports belnsr expanded In the loiai exports to over 3J0.000.0TO. Failing off In cotton exnorta accounts fnr mnr than $18,000,000 of this decrease and the compari son is witn a month of extraordinary cot ton exnorta. The March exports, in fact, do not compare badly with any March previous to last year for several years back. Signi ficance attaches nevertheless to the fact that exports have fallen below those of last year tor the first time since last October, when the financial criala forced the basty marketing aihroad of our commodities? Of the K.tti0,0O0 gold which came in at that time there haa been, until the eno-nmment of t00,000 today for export, no reflux abroad. The decline In merchandise exports 01 v,iv.(xju tor March compares. In fact, with a shrinkage In Imports In the same comparison of nearly $44,000,009. There is much more Siamiflcant evidence nt tha ef fects of commercial depression than in the export items, it nelpa to explain the lack of cheerfulness in markets abroad as well hero and also the lanaruld interest In the International gold movement. Interior hanks continue to shin enrrenev to New York on a large scale, bank notes figuring largely in these shipments. Owing largely to the redemptions of these at the sub treasury, the banks have gained from that Institution In the present week $4.938,0oa oeverai large dividend disbursements were made today and the plethoric condition of the money market was rather increased. Much disappointment was felt over the re. port of another Increase in the number of Idle freight cars made by the committee of the American Car association. Compared tin March in, the date of the nrovtnus report, idle freight cars had increased ,0i on April 1. The maximum was reached on February 6. there having been successive decreases in the surplus for each of the tortnigntiy reports. The going out of serv Ice of additional cara In the latest period gives creaence to reports or some rolapse in traua. activity from the previous re covery. Weather news from the section of the winter wheat belt in which rains are de sired Is scanned with attention, but not yet wnn any great anxiety. Another rise in sterling exchange at Paris carried condi tions acroaa the lino of profit on gold ex ports. Engagements have been looked for for several days past, but foreign money markets manifested a languid Interest in the matter and offered no Inducement to hasten the movement. The stock market was as little affected by this as by any otner influence. Bonds were Irregular. Total sales, par value, $3,184,000. United States bonds were unchanged on call. Following were the aalea and range of prices on me Block exchange today: Sales, man. Low. ciko. New Tork Moaey Market. NEW YORK. April 15.-MONEY-On rail easy at ltil per cent; ruling rate. 1 per cent; cloalng'bld, 1 per cent; offered at 1 per cent. TIME IOAN9 Dull with eaaier tendency; sixty days, 2 per cent; ninety days. JVS 3 per cent; six months. 3V per cent. I'KIMS MBHCANT1LB FATER 4H4TB per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Strong, with actual business In bankers' bills at $4 R71fc$ 4.8720 for demand and at $4.84ri5'uM.8476 for sixty days; commercial bills, 34.84H. fiLVBK-nir, 60c; Mexican dollars, 47c. BONDS Government, steady: railroad. Irregular. The following are the closing ouotatlona on bonda: V. t. rtt. U. res... im Hock. Val 44 V io roviDoa KH L. N. tinl. W4 C. i. la. re lmVio. c. s. 4i do cnuDon lsluMem. Ostral 4s 81 V. 8. new 4a, rt,...-llH 4o lw lac lTk do enupno i:3VkM. 4; St. U r Am. Tot 000 4s M . K. a T. 4.... 4 do (Mii do Is "4 Atrhlooa gen. 4a SMt'N. n. R. of M. c. 4a TS da tl 4a !UM. t- C. a. IWa M Allanllo C. L 4a.... .N. J, C. g. la 124 Bal. at Ohla 4a ax No. ricltlo 4s l"e do 3a lk do la 71 Br. R. T. er. .... niN. W. e. 4a. M. Central of Oa. ta l'4 0. 8. U rfds. 4a do 1st Inc apena. ti. ia 9 do 2d Inc 4 Reading gen. 4a r7 do M Ine It t. U a 1. M. e 6S..1MV4 nes. a Ohio 4'4a.... 9TH St. U at 8. t. I. 4a ' Chlraao a A. 3Wa.. SI St. L. 8. W. e. 4a.... 1 C . B. a Q. B. 4a.... W48eatioanl A. L. 4s.. 4 C . H. I. A P. 4a 42V So. Farlfle 4a t do col. bs 4 do lat 4a otfa. W1 Xf. A St. U a 4s. M 80. Railway i at f..o. Ind U, ser. A. M Taxaa P. la ...101114 Tolo. atid. 4 an T n 1. a. w 4 71 Colo. A 80. 4a 7 linlon Pacltle 4a 100 (a wit, da er. 4s M ". A R. a. 4,. lt,t-. g. steel 3d is Ti Pltlllers Sw. 70 Wabaah la 17 Brie B. I. 4a do deb. B 44 do gen. 4a a4Weatern Md. 4a 44 -japan a TO", "W. A E. 4a 4B do , ctfa a,SH Wla. Can Ira I 4s 81 do H aerlna HI. OBerad. $1146 pral- 8.000 26,noo 67.UO 63,000 Mlaaeapolla Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Minn.. April IS WHEAT May, 8S4r; July. 99c; Septem ber. 88c: No. 1 hard, 1.04 Va : No. 1 northern. tlO-1; No. 2 nortliern. 9ac4p $I.00i; No. 8 northern, l4i7c. BRAN In bulk, $!1 OOlfj FLOl'R Quiet; first patenta, $5.15j 8 30: seconds, $5 0506.20; first clears, $4.0564.13; second clears, $3 103 UO. Mllwaokee Gralo Market. MILWAUKEE. Wis.. April 15. WHEAT Steady; No. 1 northern, $1.04 4 1.06; No. 3 northern, $1 0:ylo3V; May, tlc bid. RARLEY Dull; No. 2. 87c; sample, 65 esse. CORN Firm; No. 3 cash, 45 46c; May, 9 1 a v aaaea. Adams Eipreas Amalgamated Copper Am. c A r Am. C. A P. pfd Am. Cotton Oil Am. Cotton Oil pfd American Eipreas Am. H. A U ptd A marl raft lea An. Unaead Oil Am. Llnaead oil pfd Am. Locomotlra Am. Locomotive pfd.. Am. 8. A R Am. 8. A R. pfd Am. Sngar Refining Aim. TotMuma pfd ctfa Anaosnda, Mining Co Atohlaoo. Atchlaon pfd Atlantla Coast Line., Baltlmor A Ohio Bal. A Ohio pfd Brooklyn Rapid TT.. Canadlaa Parina Cnlnl of New Jarsay C'hepaa A Ohio Chicago Ot. W Chicago A. N. W C. M. A St. P , Chicago T. A T Chicago T. A T. pfd C. C, O. A at. 8 Colorado F. A I.T Colorado A Bo Colo. A 80. lat pfd , Colo. A Bo. Id pfd Conaolldatad Oaa Corn Producta Corn Producta pfd Delaware A Hudson Pal., L. A W Dtmvar A Rio Oranda D. A R. O. pfd Dlatlllera' Becurttlea Erie Erie lat pfd , Erla Id pfd , Oenaral Electric Illinola Central International Paper Int. Paper pfd , lut. Pump Int. Pump pfd Iowa Caniral Iowa Central pfd Kanaaa City So K. C. 80. pfd LoulaTllle A N Mexican Central Minn. A St. L M., St. P. A 8. 8. M. M . St. P. A 8. 8. M. Mlaaourt Pacific M., K. A T M., K. A T. pfd National Land N. R. R. of M. ptd. offered New Tork Central N. V., Ot A W Norfolk A W N. A W. pfd North American Pacific Mall Pennaylvanla Paoplc'a (laa P.. C. C. A St. L Piaaaad Steel Car Prwsed 8. C ptd Pullman Palaos car. Roadiitg Reading lat pfd Reading Id ptd... Republic Steel Republic Steal pfd Kork lei and Co Rock Iaiand Co. pfd nt. L. A 8. P. 3d pfd 81. Louts 8. W 81 L. 8. W. pfd Southern Pacific 80. Pacific pfd Bo. Hallway 80. Railway pfd Texaa A Paolflc T.. 8t. U A W T.. 8t. U A W. ptd t'nion Pacific t'nloa Pacific pfd II. 8. Eipreas V. 8. Realty I'. 8. Rubber I'. 8. Rubber pfd V. 8. Steel II. 8, Steel pfd Va.-Carotlna Cfiemlcal Va.-Caro. Chem. ptd Webeeh Walmah pfd Welle-Pargo Expreea Weaiinghouae Electric Weatern In ion Wheeling A U. R Wtaconain tntral Wla. Central pfd. ottered... Northern Pacific Central leather Central Leather pfd Vhiae-Hheffleld Steel Great Northers pfd Inlerborough Met. Int. Met. pld...' t ten Copper in 100 u U 32 irtv, 100 37 M Jt 3 1 ma ms 17 17 1,100 S-'Vi 24t4 2 '4 Kw s1 S 3A)i 5") 45 444 44U 1 tl tts H14 io, ) 7 e u 400 Wt4 M 5 400 iarv k&h rx. t fty) .m ri iiii 34 4 3.600 T7)a 'S 744 MO 87t tltt 17 2H 800 84 84 83 81 19, SO.) 47S 44Va 4gXk 4.000 164 IMS 17b 100 11 31 31 1 ft4 H4 8 l0 14 148 14NH B,3K) 118' 118 1184 I 2S S.DOD 34 .) 51U 67 p0 47Vi 1,1X1 US', 1,100 14tt 3U0 44 H 4 2Jt MVk 47 117 14 (4 pfd. Liverpool Grata Market. LIVERPOOL. April 1S.-WH EAT-8pot. easy; No. 3 red weatern winter, 6a lmd Futurea. firm; May, 6a HSd; July, 7a Tad September. 6a 10d. CORN Spot, firm; American mixed, new, no stock; American mixed, old, &s' 14 Futures, quiet; May, 5a 6il. Unlatk Grata Market. DULUTH. Mlna.. April 15. WHEAT Na 1 northern. SJVte; No. 3 northern, $6c: July, 9 He; Heptwlnher. 89Hc. OATS 17 Sic. Prsaae Eukaagt to Close. NEW TORK. April 15. The Produce enhance will be officially cloaed Friday and fetsturduy,' but the exchange will be open for the una of members on fcUtur-day. agar aaa Molaaars. NEW YORK. April 15. SCO AR Raw. firm; fair refining-. 3.93c; centrifugal U-mt. iUc; molasses stinar, 3.67c. Refined, steady; rrowtted. SiOi-; powdt-red. 5.60c; granjUted. sauu. "i Hi" iii" "iinn 'n" '30 4,701) 18 17 N 34 300 24 33 l'O i:t4 1:14 100 1-.4 ' 124 " ioo '&j 'm 706 is" 'ii" 400 33 32 "i'.ioo 'ii' 'i 2110 13 13), 700 1U LU i!ion '4414 "43 109 36 24 "ioo "m" 'm " IOO 4 4U '"ioo ' ' ""40O 63 'is i,n ii7 114 ou 811 a!l " ioo , 23 "is iiTno ioj it4 ioo to so i. ioo i i- 4.UU0 e ee io i i as) U 1-6 'i'wo 74' 'ii' 'ii '1344 300 l 33 ioo 'i 'ii" 1U0 41 41 47,300 U 127 ;r:::: ::::: ::::: '. ilioi m '34" , l.0) Wti t 1,H 10 1 "'ioo 164, 'io'" 3.7J '7 -M)( 300 u ii; '. "l im i iik 1.300 23 t) 400 1 K 4.4l0 7,400 7(0 4 123 10 31 0 Total aalea for the dar, 25!i. Its) aharea. 4S 13:' ir. to 62 2.1 : be 44 117 1 4u 162 47 1 40 30 17 23 131 126 00 23 7' 11 51 ltKIU 1 13 111 116 4.1 14 66 47 87 33 aj 80 63 114 72 1 164 let 8 7 i7 2f, 13 14 7.1 112 U 3 Hit, 17.1 13i 7 ) 44 . 34 M f " 66 s o 43 122 ns HOGS CONTEniE ON DOWN GRADE Liberal Recelpta ot Sheeo anal Lanaka. bat Not Vary Maay oa Bale Feellaaj Dall sua a eae ally Lower. 8OUTK OMAHA. April IS, 19P3. RecelDta were: Cattle. Holt. Bh,,n. Official Monday I.04S 4.143 3. MP Official Tuesday 4.1 11.114 .fXi Estimate Wedneaday ... 4.000 12.600 6.000 Boatoa Stocks aad Boads. BOSTON. Anrll IS. Monev. call loans. SU. " per cent; time loans, fafi per cent. The following; were tha closing prices on stocks and bonds: Atchlaon adj. to M Allosea 34 do 4a US Amalgamated 64 Mex. Central 4a. TH4 Atlantio jkirnieon 74j Bingham 60 no pia MSC1. A Heels.. Ronton A Albany lot aeecentenalal . Boston A Maine 1S4 Conner Range BoBton Elevated 1J Dalf West .... Fltrhburg pfd 12 Pomlnloa Coal Mexican Central IS Franklin N. T., N. H. A H...134 Granbr t'nion Paoltlc 127 lale Rnyale ... Am. Are. cheat 17 Mm. Mining . do pfd 8ft Mlchlean Am. Pncu. Tub 6 Mohawk 44 Amer. Sugar IJT. aeeMont. C. A C 70 do pfd 122 Old Dominion 32V em. 1. at 1 jl4oaceola, 80 New York Mlalaa 8 tork a. NEW Yt)RK, April 15. Closing quotations on mining stocks were: Adams Oua Little Chief .V..S60 Ontario .... IS Ophlr Potoal All B Mmaawli k Coa. . Cometork Tunnel Con. Cel. A Vs.. Horn Silver Iroa Silver Leadvllle Cos.... . 10 . tt ,. 61 ,. 1 ,lua . 4 Savag Sierra Nevada Small Hopes .. Standard .- ..146 ..3.10 .. 6 .. 33 .. 34 .. II ..164 Forelara Flaaaelal. FERLIN. April 15.-Trading was limited on the Hours today, but prices were some what hlKher. Canadian Pacific aharea rultd strong. 1 PARIS, April 15,-The tone on the Bourse today waa firm on. the advices from New York and on the rise of the price of copper In London. . . 14 . 14 . S . 4 . . tI . 11 . 3 0 Baak Cloaa-taars. OMAHA. April 15 Bank rlearinga for today were U0nO.KU.k8. and for tha corra apondlng date laat year II. 645. 063 1. . Treaaary atateaaeat. WASHINOTOV. April IS Today'a statement of the treaaury banners in the general fund, exclusive uf tu lliu. Am. Woolen do pfd IVmlnlon 1. AS,. Kdleon Rlec. Illu Maaa. Electric ... do pfd Mens, Oss United Fruit United 8. M do pfd V. 8. Steal do pfd 13 Parrot . 83 Qutncy . 18 Bhannon .210 Tamarack . W Trinity . 46 Pnlted Copper . 61 IT. 8. Mining ..132 II. 8. Oil . 47 t'tah . 17 Victoria . 34 Winona . ftHV Wolverine Adventure 1 dividend. 'Bid. -Aexes. Ad and ex- 7 . 11 . 63 . 13 . 4 . . IB . 36 . 6 .126 ' London Stock Market. LONDON, April 15. American securities were dull and featureless during; the early 1 ran 1 tin loaay. At noon ine market was quiet, with prices H to lower than yes- teraay s w 3ora closing. London closing stock quotations: console, money .. 17 1-lSMo.. Kan. A Texaa. . 16 do account 17 I-14 New York Central... .101 M..n.i, ra-uiv 1 nonoitt a weatern.. 4 Atchison T do pfd do pfd W Ontario A Weatern Ha It I more A Ohio. .. !"! Penneylvania Canadian Paclfle ....16 Rand Mines Chraapeake A Ohio. . 82 Reading Chi. Great Weatern.. 6 Southern Railway Chi., Mil. A St. P..ll do pfd Ie Been 10 Southern Paclfle ... Denver A Rio Grande 30 Union Pacitle do pfd M do pfd Brie 11 United gtates Steel do lat pfd... tt do pfd do Id pfd 34 Wabash Orand Trunk 16 do pfd IllinoU Central 1368Danlah 4a Loulavllle A Nash. .1(6 Amalgamated Copper.. 54 Dim ,o-mr, quiei at scfta per ounce. MONET-3t&2 r-r cent. The rate of discount In the oMn marVat for ahort bills Is iMW per cent; for threw mourns 0111s, per Cent. ' Money Headed Other. War. NEW TORK. April 15.-The National City barJt engaged 31,000,000 in gold today for eAijurv 10 rans. . 83 ,. f 40 . 6 . 64 . 14 . 41 . 7 .131 . 83 . r, .101 . 10 . 18 SB Metal Market. NEW YORK. April 15. METALS The ioi.uon iin market was 1 higher, with "t noBing at ii ds ana futures at 143. ICCfelly the market was nulet hut hit,.- In sympathy with the advance abroad, quo-! tat ions ranging from 331.75 to 332.25. There was a nigner market for copper In London, spot closing at 58 7s 6d and futurea at t3 17s-fid. Locally the market wee nnlot nd tinchanged. with lake quoted at $12.75 riKi-jroiyiir at ii.vziWli.Tihb and caatlnir at n2,.TTWS12.fiO. UnH w- chnnged at 13 lis 3d In the London mar ket. Locally the market was steady, with spot quoted at tt.97Vi64.00. Spelter was un changed at 21 6s In the London market and $4.60(54.65 locally. The English iron in. 1 net was uncnangea to a shade higher, wun stHnoara foundry quoted at 50s 6d and Cleveland warrants at 52s. Locally no change was reDorted. No 1 northon. foundry being quoted at $18.25Ra8.7B. No. 3 northern foundry at $17. 7ufi 18.2a and No. 1 southern and No. 1 southern soft at $17.25 V'la.vv. ST. LOl'IS, April 15.-M ETA LS lad nrm, aj.o. spelter, firm, 34.SO. Evaporated Applra and Dried Frntta iZ2?L,y?.RK- -APr" "--EVAPORATED nrrnM-ajeni,, ls practically nominal, owing to the absence tt I Fancy, HHi'flillc; choice, sHtiWVc; prime, 1 i7Vc; common to fair, 6iQ.6c. DRIED FUIT8-Prunes are said to be In export demand and It Is reported that some carload lota have been aold In Europe for Immediate shipment from the coast. The spot market ls unchanged, with quotations ranging from 4'al4c for California and 64 frlOc for Oregon. Apricots are quiet with quoted at Wqate, eatra choice at "-' "" rancy at aoz4c. reaches are un changed, with choice quoted at nxwintxr. extra choice at llfcime, fancy at HV,(-al2c tjAirsi icy at u'fjivc. rtaisins are dull witn ine tone or the market In favor of buyera. Loose muscatels are quoted at 6160, seeded raisins at and London layvia at ai.notrji.,0. Cotton Market. NEW TORK. April 15.-OTTON Fu iure openea nrm; July, i.08o; August b.sic; tictoDer. .uso: November, offered. u.u, A-'cuoniuer, v.uoc; January, 9.06c ilaailCIl, S.1UC. 1 uiuin cioai-u sieauy; April, s.soc; Ma v .86c; June, 3.01c; July. .07c: Auaust. R September, 8.9ic; October, 04c; November! .ci i-ecemDer, .tc; January, 06a March. J.Oiic. OALVE8TON. Tex., April U.-CVrrOX-gtxndv at loVic. NEW ORLEANS. April 16. COTTON npoi nrm. i-ioc up on an grades. Middling, v " oaici irtitinru or 1 , 301; Dales ST. LOl'IS, April 16.-COTTON-Dull; mid dllng. 1014,0. Sales, none; receipts, 43 bales iiiiuiieiiia, oaies; siock, zi.tuo bales. Coffee Market. NEW TORK. April 15.-COFFEE Market for coffee futures closed ateurlv tn hii,.. Sales were reported of 69.790 bags, including May at 6.65c. September at 6.SO0. December ai 0.90c, ana saarcn at .ooc. Spot, quiet wo. i Hio. 6c; No. 4 Santos, ic. Mild sieaay; uoraova. 'ai3c. Wool Market. BOSTON. April 15.-WOOL There la maiaru mi prove men i in ine ioca.1 wool mar' aet, with a heavy movement in nearly all uomeauc nnea, wun nuyera aeeklng dealers. x-in-re, nowever, continue low. ST. LOl'18, April 15.WOOI-flteady : me dlum rradea, combing and clothing. lgiaic light fine. lKfrl7c; heavy fine, li'S'lSc; tul wasnea, crg-iic. Oil aad Roala. iul. tu t, r., April 16. OIL Credit uaianit-i,; runs, ss.ooi nois ; aver age, 164.412 bbls.; shipments, 133,973 bbls. average, Jio.un tibia. stock la lakt. Recelpta of live stock at the six cipai western markets yesterday: Cattle. Hne noutn omana .' Sioux City ) Kancas City (.000 St. lxula 3 St. Joseph 3,fa Chicago lS.Otw L'.&oo 171 16.0110 t.ono 8,171 3.000 prln Sheep, I.OOO e"0 lata) II. Out) Totals .30.103 77.371 SS.6K4J By using tha various departments of Tha Bee Want Ad Pages you get quick returns I at a small aipeuae OMAHA LIVE STOCK-MARKET at Cattle Lower, Others Sell at About Steady Price i. Three davs this week. 11 44 n K 11. 1 Same days last week.. 10, 41 4 17.1 19.3 dame day 3 weeks aaro.. 16.11 17.2X3 Zi)l Same day I weeks aato.. 11.793 1K.97S 29.74S Same day 4 weeks agq..13.0M 34.141 S.7 Same days last year. ...19,387 26.4M3 .9 Tha following table ahows tha recelpta of cattle, hoga and sheen at South Omaha for the year to date, compared with laat year: . 1908. 1907. Ino. Deo. Cattle 1TS.S14 J?.l3 46.34J Hons few fttt (.41711 198.494 Sheep 4J4.147 690,464 M4317 The followlna- tahla ahows tbs awernge price or hogs at South Omaha for tha laat several days, with oomparlaona: Data. I 190a. tlJ0T.130.1905.19(H.nK.193. April 4...1 April April .... April 7...! April I... April ... April 10.. April 11.. April 13.. April 13... April 14.. April 15.. TSVi! a $ 79 6 82 6 74 I T3T I M 6 73 ? S4td B l4 6 42HI 481 6 Rl 48 6 31 44j 31 3ft 33 89 6 43 42 6 42 a 39 'a22! 26 31 34 3 t 45 21 6 39 6 m 6 Ml 6 25 a I 351 6 28 6 81 5 3H 6 M 14 I 07 I oo 4 93 4 91 4 U e 4 90 4 88 4 81 4 6 31( 4 89 T M a ! 1 27 t 36 T36 7 32 7 19 7 22i 4 43 a n 64 4 37 t 80 t 30 84 a 6 36 7 16 8 96 3 , .. 1 .. 1 69 16 1 3 28 3 1 1 i 3 3.. 20 2 1 4.1 2 1 1 1 182 37 8 Sunday. The official niimhA ne . Ha brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r s. Wabash R. R '"" 1 Mo. Par. RyS 3 Union Pacific R. R...K7 C. & N. W (east).. 2 C. B. A. O.. (west)....3 C. St. P. M. &. O. Rv.,30 C. R. A O leeat 1 1 C. 13. & Q., (weat)....3rt C. H. I. a P.. (east).. 1 C. R. I. at P.. (west),. . Illinois Central Ry . U. w. Ky Total receipts 163 The disposition of the day's recelDts wss s follows, each buyer purchasing; 'tha mimni 01 neaa inaicatea: Cattle. How. Rhnen. Omaha .Packing Co, 488 3.110 717 owire ana company 623 3,563 Cudahy Packing Co L2T1 2,754 780 Armour & Co. 472 3.375 1 07b vansant et co 36 Ixibman & Rothchlld SB Hill & Son 61 F. P. Lewis 84 Huston & Co 175 J. B. Root & Co 96 ...... I F. Huss 64 Cudahy Bros., company 491 McCreary St Carey 10 ...... nam werinimer 26 H. F. Hamilton 3 F. O. Ingram 4 Sullivan Bros 40 lehmer Bros 17 Other buyers 258 ...... 2,015 w. u. a. to , jto N. T. Dried Beef Co 37 Hough 153 Hoffman 153 Klngan 642 ToUI ....3,796 12.203 4,688 CATTLE There waa another fair run of cattle this morning, while other markets reported equally liberal recelpta. The trado on beef cattle was very slow and unsatis factory from start to finish, but other kinds or cattle sold fairly well aa com pared with recent dava. The market on beef steers continues downward. Buyers started out bidding prices that were 10&16a lower than v eater- day. The trade was extremely slow and dull and It was well along toward midday it-1 ore. very many came cnangea nanoa. Handy, light weights were the best sellers. but they were slow to loo lower. On the other hand heavy cattlo, even those of good quality were hard to move. Some puyera would not even look at heavy stuff. Buyers of cows and heifers also started out biding lower and tt waa very evident that they felt that lower prices ought to prevail In order to bring the cow market in line witn beer steers. It happened, however, that receipts were light and aa there was a fair dumand, buyera did not succeed In getting very much off. In fact, salesmen as a rule, figured that they got steady or pretty close to steady prices lor tneir cow sturr. some very good heif ers sold aa high as $5.90. There was no great number of either Blockers or feeders on tha market On tha other hald, the demand was of an Indif ferent character and the trade was slow. While prices did not show very much change, the feeling was nevertheless weak owing to the unfavorable condition of rat cattle, quite a string or Montana hay feds sold up to $6.30. Quotations on rattle: Oood to choice corn-fed steers, $6.206.60; fair to good corn-fed steers, $5.80ij.30; common to fair corn-fed steers, $4.7ftf5 .80; good to choice cows and heifers, $4.754j6.90; fair to good cows and heifers, $3.7S$'4 75; common to fair rows and neitera, X3.uoigi.7&; good to choice stockers and feeders. $4.75i6.80; fair to good stockers and feeders. $4.00ti4.75; com mon to fair stockers and feeders, $3,003 4.00. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. At. Ft. No. . Pr 18 438 I 00 18 1213 I Ot i 4t I 04 41 13U 4 10 COW8. 4 87 8 40 8 1185 8 86 I W0 1 45 Ul 0 HEIFERS. 14 401 3 15 t 4T8 4 S 6 IM 3 15 11 810 4 46 BUUA 1 no 3 15 1 3010 4 88 1 tift t 14 1 1740 4 80 CALVES. 1... Wl l 1 140 I 14 1 e 4 oo i m m STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 3 478 8 84 14 8C.S JR 3 487 8 60 88 478 4 te WESTERNS WyOMINQ. J. Cowlla. 47 steers.. ..1361 6 70 29 steers. ...1083 6 00 23 steers... .1062 6 26 H.- Whetmore Mont. 156 feeders 1070 6 80 HOGS Recdipts of hogs wera quits large this morning and taken In connection with the holdovers Uiere were not far from 190 cars on sale. Tha market waa generally luij.l5c lower than yesterday, hogs sailing largely at $6.40b6.45. with a top at $6.60. Moat of the hogs sold yesterday at $5.60 6.66, with about half of tha aalea at the latter price and with a top at $6.65. Tha early market waa fatlrly active under tha Influence of a good ahlpplng as well as a good local demand, but after the mora urgent orders wera filled the trade slowed up somewhat. SHEEP Recelpta on paper looked quite liberal thla morning, twenty-five cars be ing reported, but out of that number there were eleven cara 'of through stuff not of fered for sala at this point. Then there were aix cara of stuff sold yesterday for delivery today. In other wards, there wera enly eight trash cars on sale and the most of them ware on the common to medium order, there being very little in tha way of really desirable killers. Oood light Mexi can lambs wera weighed up at $7.7. e?eeder buyers paid' as high as 17 for a string of very good" but heavy lambs, which will be shorn and marketed later. The feeling on fat stuff wss very weak. As a matter ol fact there wera not enough good klllais to really make a market, but had the. re been any great number on sale prlcea would undoubtedly have been lower, at least that was the wsy packers were talking, and the wlioo. trade seemed to feel weak. The main cause for the downward move ment In prices Is the very dull and un satisfactory condition of tha eastern mut ton market. Consumers are refusing to buy high-priced meats, with the result that prices on high-priced live stock have haa to come down. Quotations on lambs: Oood to choirs wooled. 87.267.76; fair to good wooled. $6.76(37 25; good ahearlng la nibs, carrying flesh, 86.75 7. 26; good ahearlng lambs, thin, $d; ahorn lambs, tioc under wooled stock. Quotations on sheep: Oood to choice light yearlings, shorn, $2fVfT4f5; fair to good yearlings, ahorn, $4 0tf(t.Sf ; good to choice we; here, ahorn, Mi-!5; fair to good wethers, shornr, $6 7iWo.i; good to choice ewea. ahorn. $6 6001 .ufi; fair to good ewaa, ahorn, 8i.OO36.60; culls and bucks, shorn, $3.uua4.5u; wooled aheep. t54qr4Co above ahorn loaa City Live Btook Market. SIOUX CITY." Is . April 16.-(8pedal Tele gram.) CATTLE Recelpta, 0 head; mar ket' weak; beeves, 86'"u6tt; cows and heifers, $I.U4J4 "Jt: Stockers and feeders, W rpotfully Inrlte your itrcotint, affording you 4ytry pro tection for your fundi, and that prompt, ctrirlcul anrl courting frTl which appeals to all prudent and conservative people. An account, subject to your check', with the First National Dank of Omaha, will be a valuable asset to yoik FIRST lATIOHAL WWV OF OMAHA THIRTEENTH AIID FARIIAM STREETS FOUNDED 1057 at DEPOSITS $11,186,445.80. iiiiiii These very cheap One-Way Tickets to California, svnd the Northwest will be sold only ql few days longer until April 30th. 30.00 To tlie Raclflc Coast If you expect to go to California or to the North west on these rates you should apply early for bertha in the Burlington 's through tourist sleepers from Omaha daily at 4 :10 p. m. and 11 :59 p. m. Go early and keep ahead of the final rush. TICKET OFFICE, Tel. Doug. 3580. 1502 Farnam St. ! im si ial 1 s'wBwfaJssI at jafii f la. aM itwiimniui iiiiijii .nnu "lX CE .1 liaaiiartJ TO BOND HOLDERS OF THE INDEPENDENT TELEPHONE COMPANY Another payment of interest on the securities of this Company will be payable April 15th. ,k j The coupons attached to each bond are equivalent to checks of the Company payable to bearer. . Cut off, the coupons dated April 15, 1908, and pre sent at our main offices, where they will be cashed on or after April 15th. INDEPENDENT TELEPHONE CO. 14 00(34 6'); ealvss and yearlings, 88 00(3418. HOGS Receipts. 1,700 head; market 10c lower; range, 85.S0g6.S5; bulk of aalea, 86.40 4.D. 46. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle SteaatrHoaa, sheep aaa Lambs La-war. CHICAGO, April 16. CATTLE Recelpta, 16.000 head;, market steady. Bioers. ibUrd 7 40; rows, 83.8uU.U0; heifers. U bulla. UWaitO: ralves. 85.36iJ.Z6; stockers and feeders. 3 .1565 16. HOGS Receipts, 20.000 head; market U 15c lower. Choice heavy, 15.0ilr4 86; butchers, $6 X'dt.&O; light mixed, 85 7i(i6 76; choice light. $&.80fi6S6; parking. 860i&.80; plga, $4 26-96.26. bulk -of sales, 16.705.80. BHKEP AND LAM B8 'Recelpta, 11,000 head; market steady to 16c lower. Bheep, !46nti.00; lambs, tb.60Q7.75; yearlings, .! 4360. 1 t ' SI. Joseph Lira Stork Market. 8T. JOBKr-H, April 15. CATTLfJ Ra ceipts, 1.0U8 head; market dull and lower; natives. $o.6(; rows and helft-rs, J.'.ijrj I.S": stockers and fveders, $3.75i6.40. HOtieWReoelnts. 8.171 head; market 10c lower; top, 86 70; bulk of aalea, tt 80016.66. BHEEP AND IAMB-Ke, alpta. head: market lower; Iambi, .7b(u 3 6; year ling Wethers, 85.4ti6.50. Ot. Lwals Llva StcM'k Marker. 6T. LDl'ia. April 15. CATTLK-R.-c-lpts, IOW head, Includtnf t0 Texans; market steady; native ahlpplng and export steers, ta 26-(t7.26; dressed be-f and butcher stw u. 6.4xii.U; ateera under l.OnO lia , 84,H6.26; atockera and feeders. 83 0Uu5.:a; cows snl heifers. 83.76p4.uu, ra liners. t2.iJ3.(.V bulls. i.7t6.7t; calves, 85.atB'7.(Xt, Texas and lu- Baiirx Barosrrtj avABAinracs. OlUaaas Baak a. Trust Ooaopaaw. tata Depository, . BartlaswUla, Oklahoma. Oepoalts ta this bank OUARANTSKD by the But. a Oklahoma Ouaraqi Puna. New elate Law pro vloea ASSOLUTb SAPBTY ta eur aeposlton. The Sute luareaUMM Ike retura el thetr mooey aa ae-' aiaae under as elrcupaatancea. We aay latareat as lima depoetts. Make retnliuac. la say term. Full infonnatlos Iurnlhe4 upoa request, X.arg-ast Stats Bank In Baatara Oklaaaana, W aOS16; cows and heifers, H(MJ-Receipts. 8,000 head; market 100 aSVi J"! an'1 "s-hta. t4 00B85; packers. S5.85ia6.8i.; butchers and boal heavy. !a.7W a. Jo. BHKEP AND !aA M BS-Hecelpts. !. i!T?al:a ,m"k"u l0c lo''-; native muttona. l w?S r?; ",I,b"' M-WH50: culls and bucks. 84.(.35; stockers, 83.Owa4.O0. Kaaaaa City- Lira Stack Market. KANSAS CITY, April 15. CATTLE Re ceipts. t.OOO heart, Including; southerns; market ateadv; heavy sierra alow; choice export and riroaed beef fleers, t4a61j4l.75; fair to good. 86.0l).i6; w.-it. rn aseers. 84 76 ; atokrra and feeder., 8fl.7Mi3.6o; southern atone. 84.0ci6.4O; southern rows 8I6'r4.60: native cows. f.ifW.r,; nilve htlfera. . 2648 ju; hulls, t:.7urj.; al(J tt Mii4) i-O. HO(js-Kiccli.t. :y:o t.tud; market IR- f'' lower; top, 8i70; bulk of al.-. 8.V4.VI. 8 SO; heav. t-' fiSj 7o; pcMra and hulrhers, 85 4i4iS60; lights. i.3Bt.6JS; plKs. t4.'JS4 .. HIIKKP AND IMI liead; market weak; le.n hs, t-&fl.w. ewea anil ycarlltiKM, 8S.2Vn.6ii; western yearliims tH2i4Kso; w-.tern sheep, kwUrtkaO, stiKike.s and (cedars, S3.V036 U