Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 16, 1908, Image 1
The Omaha Daily Bee VOL. XXXVII XO. 250. OMAHA, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 10, 100S TWELVK PAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. BOSS M'CARREiN OUT Credentials Comrnittee Refuses to Seat Conteitanti From Brooklyn. FiGHT LASTS NEARLY ALL DAY Contest Delays Meeting of Convention, Until Evening. WARM TIME IN COMMITTEE Defeated Leader Threatens to Make Minority Report. BRYAN MEN GIVE UP STRUGGLE o Farther Attempt Hill Dr Made to limp Mew York Krlrintlon Instructed far the XF.W VoRK. April 15.-Senator Patrick H. McCarren. heading the delegation from the Fourteenth district. wa unseated by the credentials committee, the vote bring St to IS In tavor of the contesting dele gut Inn, led by C. McManus. Roth the regular and contesting delegations In Herki mer county were seated and delegates given half a vote each. The committee on credential voted 34 to IS to unseat the McCarren delegates in the Third district and to place the con testants on the permanent roll of the con vention. The committee on credentials decided to seat the Mrl'arren delegations from the First district of K!ngs. headed by P. It. CJuinn. At 6: p. m. Chairman tCarmndy called the convention to order and announced owing to the fact that the committee on credentials had not completed Its labors the convention would stand adjourned un til 7 p. m. NKW YORK, April 111. A bitter contest between Statu Senator Patrick H. Mc Carren and the forces led by Chairman V. J. Conner and Charles F. Murphy over the seating of the McCaiicn delegations from Kings county delayed the opening of today's session of the democratic state convention. The fight was In the cre dentials committee and Its finish was ex pected in time to allow the convention to meet again about 4 p. m. Meantime the Conners-Murphy forces agreed upon the names of Alton n. Taiker, Charles F. Murphy, Lewis Nixon and Charles Froeb as delegaten-at-largn to the national con vention. It was also announced that Nathan Straus would bo one of the presi dential electors. Anticipating that the committee on cre dentials would unseat his delegates, Sen ator McCarren began preparations late to day to carry the fight for his delegates to the convention floor. The senator Im mediately began the drafting of a minority report, upon which. It was said, he would make a speech In the convention. Sen ator McCarren said that he would have no further recourse to court injunctions to secure the seating of his delegates, and as he passed Cluilrman Conner ln the hallway of the- liolel where the com mittee was In senate n lie declared that he proposed to make things Interesting In the convention. Bryan Men Give I'p, National Committeeman Norman E. Mack of Buffalo, who Is a member of the com mittee on resolutions; Augustus Thomas, president of the Bryan Progressiva league, and others Interested In Bryan's cause held a conference before the meeting of the committee on resolutions today and decided not to oppose the report of the committee, which will declare for an unln structed delegation to Denver. Mr. Thomas who since the adjournment of the resolu tions committee last night had consulted by wire prominent democrats In the south said toduy: Mr. Bryan's friends, after conference and Without any especial review of the general conditions as far as Mr. Bryan Is con cerned, believe that, considering the lack of harmony there is In the convention, It would be unwise to Introduce any olher location that might make a dlvlslon-even ho amiable a mieatlon ss that of Instruc tion. That also wna the opinion of Mr. Bryan's friends, headed tiy Mr. Mack, on the committee on resolutions. Battle Wtra A iht. After an all night battle before the com mittee on credentials Senator McCarren delivered an ultimatum to Tammany Hall tliHt that organization keep Its hands off the Kings county democracy. It was shortly before 4 o'clock this morning, at the hearing before the credentials commit tee, that the Kings county senator, ad dressing Daniel F. Cuhalcn, who Is at the head of the law committee of Tammany Hall and leader CharlesF. Murphy's per sonal representative, said: "I hold It to bo no part of our duty, or any man's, to question the figures cast at any election. I speak of Kings county now. All we In Kings county ask of yoj in New York Is to mind your own business and we will undertake to mind our busi ness. We do not seek your advice and we . will not tolerate It. And we will find our way to make our wishes known to you If you fail to observe our answer." McCarren Throws Ganntlet. "Probably by means of a republican Judge and tie up a national convention as you tied up a state convention," Interrupted Cohalan. "It is a serious matter when a case of this kind is brought before your cumaiittee on contested seats,' continued the senator, "it la within the province of this committee to deal Justly with all the facts." "Weil take these affidavit li-to the ex rcutlvw seakion and find out alioul It," con tinned Cohalan. "That's all I usk " n'.nrlid Mrl'arren, "iind I wilr be there." A few minute later th- committee, which had teen in pcWhi amee shortly before 6 o clock Uat night, adjourned to meet at 10 o'clock ill's morning. When the oiiiiutiti e adjourned there yet icmatned several ..ui.t in Kings. Herki mer and other count in to be disposed of before the convent inn could be culled to order. The comiiiltti e on national delegates and presidential electors could not com plete Its task of making up the Hits' of delegatea and electors until the , contests had been decided; In fact, the whole ma chinery of the convention awa ted the com pletion of the rciMirt of the credentials committee. , Hran Men All Active. Friends ot William J. Brian promised to udd to t lie excitement of today 'a session ef lha convention l attempting to secure a vote 011 a resolution tailing for an In structed delegation for Bran 10 the na tional convention. The committee on reso lutions at last atghl'a meeting voted down a motion to substitute a Bryan Instruction resolution for tn one adopted by the nib- (Continued on Second Page.) SUMMARY OF THE BEE Tltursrtay, April 1, 11MIM. I 1903 sflpRiis 1908 XX ,trt 7TL. frfn UK f& ar -r- 12 3 4 5 6 Z 8 90 2 IS ft 15 16 Z 18 9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2Z 28 29 SO'- TBI WtiTaHK. inn omama. council rluffs and VICINITY Fair Thursday with rising tem perature. FOR Ni;BRASKA-Prly cloudy Thurs day. FOR IOWA Generally fair Thursday, with rising temperature. Temperature at Omahai Deg. DOMESTIC. Bryan men give up fight to secure In structions in New York convention. Sen ator McCarren carries his fight for repre sentation into the convention. Pag 1 Representative Watson, after another conference with President Roosevelt, says congress will remain In session until the middle of Muy. Pag 3 Representative Tawney In a speech in the house attacks tho expenditure for the navy in an effort to have but one new battleship constructed. Tne motion Is de. feated. Paf Missouri Taclflc railroad discharges more brakemen on Its southern division. Pag 1 Floods In Montana threatened for u lime to undermine the great Boston and Mon tana smelter at Great Falls. Pag" a High cream rates are enjoined In Michi gan by the Beutrice Creamery company. Page 1 Earthquake shocks are felt In Utah. Pag 1 First Sunday prosecution has been sent to the Jury in Kansas City. Page 1 Senate passes the bill providing against betting at the Bennlng track. Pag 11 President of the Washington Chamber of Commerce Is fined $500 for violating the pure food act, the president advising the (irosecutlon to stand for a Jail sen tence. Pag 1 President Forgan of the First National bank of Chicago, speaking before the house committee, opposes the Aldrlch bill and says good ttmei arc coming again. Pag a Southern Pacific railroad elects Its di rectors' for the ensuing year. Par 1 POKXIOV. Japanese nation will soon have a tost of the government's popularity In the na tional elections. Page 1 London's underground railroad Is losing money. , Pag i ' ". 'EBASKA -'.-- u Lower express rales are placed In affect by the companies of the atate who ecrve notice of additional legal proceedings tn federal court to secure a modification i.f the court's decree. Pag 3 State Railway commission likely to or der railways to reopen telegraph offices. Missouri Pacific shows decreased earn ings. Pag 3 COlCafXBCXAX, AND XHSUSTXIAX 1,1 ve ntock market. Paget Grain markets. Pag 9 Slocks and bonds. Page 9 HOTIHE5TS OP OCEAN STEAKS KIPS. Port. i ArrlvH. Satlra. Nw York K. P. Wllhelm K. P. lcll New York Alice uueenatown Lm-anla Antwerp Kronaland Cherbourg K. VY. Per Groate NO MORE BETTING AT BENNING Senate Paaae Bill 'Without Irlseusslon Preventing; the Pastime at Track. WASHINGTON, April 15. Without dis cussion, dissent or division, the senate to day, within twenty-four hours after tho winding up of the spring race meeting at Bernlng, passed the bill prohibiting bet ting Inv the District of Columbia. The antl gambllng provision is a rider on a bill providing for the widening of Benning road, the principal thoroughfare to the race course, at tho suburb of Bennlng. The bill originated In the house and lias passed that body, so that It would not b necessary to send it back there but for Hie fact that the form of the betting section was changed by the senate. If the house does not accept the change It I will be necessary to place the bill In the j hands of a conference committee for the adjustment of differences tn phraseology. As It passed the senate the gambling prohibition reads: It shall he unlawful for any person or association of persona to lel, gamble, or make books or pools on the result of any trotting or running race or horse, or boat race, or race of any kind, or on any election, or ar!y contest or anv kind, or game of base ball. Any person or as sociation of pet-lion violating the provis ions of tills Bert Ion shall W fined not exceeding $.70 or be Imprisoned not more than ninety days, or both. WEALTHY DRUG MAN FINED President of Washlnarton Chamber of Commerce Matters t nder Pure Kuutl Art. WASHINGTON, April 15. As a result of the first conviction under the pure food and drug law. Robert N. Harper, presi dent of the Washington Chamber of Com merce, formerly president of the AmerU can National bank, a drug manufacturer and one of the best known business men of this city, was tmlay sentenced by Judge Kimball In the police court to pay a fine of S5i on one count and t-JO on another count of the indictment recently returned against him for manufacturing and selling an alleged mislabeled pharmaceutical com pound. President Roosevelt had Insisted that the proFcciitiug officer demand a Jail sentence. EARTHQUAKE SHOCKS IN UTAH Five nistlnet Tremors Felt Rarly Wednesday at Milford and t tskoaif. SALT LA KB CITY. Utah. April 15-Five distinct shocks of earthquake were felt early this morning at Mllford, I'tah, 3X miles south of heie. Houses were shaken and people ran from their homes In alarm, but no serious damag la reported. The shocks wcr alao felt at Nswnoua, Utah, I III Vi! Hour HI V) 6 a", m!!"!"!'. 46 7 a. m 43 Kr-rf" J m 41 pgf 10 a. m 45 '"Vtr 1 p. m 64 I 2 p. m 67 3 p. m 59 ONLY TWO NEW BATTLESHIPS House Turns Down President's Recom mendation for Four. DEBATE LASTS FOR FOUR HOURS Vaval Rill I Amended tei Provide for Two 12,KOO-Ton C.'olllers-Tav-ner Lead the Op position. WASHINGTON. April 15. By a vote of 1?9 to 83 the house of representatives today decided against tho president's program for four battleships and adhered to the recom mendation of Its committee on naval affairs for two vessels of that type. This result was reached after, a debate which lasted for four hours, and -was received with ap plause. The entire session was devoted to a con sideration of the navy Increase provision of the naval appropriation bill. As this Increase was provided In the last section of the hill the measure was practically con cluded with the disposition of the pro vision. The committee of the whole concluded Its work and It will report It to the house to morrow for a final vote on Its passage. The provision for battleships was the thief subject of Interest, the committee's recommendation for two ships of that type prevailing by a decisive vote after a hard fought effort to Increase the number to four. Tanner Leads Opposition. The Increase was opposed by Mr. Tawney. chairman of the committee on appropria tions: Mr. Fobs, chairman of the committee on naval affairs: Mr. Wllletts, a minority leader, and others, and was advocated by Mr. Hobson of Alabama, who declared that In relation to the Increase of other nations, four battleships would only keep the American navy abreast of other great navies. Mr. Ixmgworth of Ohio, In a vig orous speech, told the house that the president was more Interested In this In crease than In any other question before congress and. as practically all of them had In the last election declared that they sup ported him. this was a good opportunity to live up to that declaration. An amendment by Mr. Tawney to reduce the number of new battleships to one was voted down by an even more decided ma jority than was Mr. Hobson's proposition for an Increase to four. A provision for two fleet colliers of six teen knots and of 12.500 tons capacity, coat ing $1, SoO.OOO each, was adopted. Amend ments were adopted that one of the battle ships and one of tho colliers shall be built In a navy yard. The bill as It stands au thorizes expenditures of 1107,873.000. peeeh by Mr, Tawney. During the consideration of the naval appropriation bill In the house of repre sentatives today Chairman Tawney of the committee on appropriations. In moving to reduce the number of battleships from two to one, again pointed out the danger In which the treasury is being placed by the Immense Increases in appropriations author lied In the several supply measures. Mr. Tawney's remarks were made par ticularly applicable to the demand for four battleships Instead of two. He contem plated thru appropriations In various coun tries in preparation for. war anrt o ac count of wars and said the startling fact was developed that the Vnlted 8tates was spending more than any other nation in tho world. "We are this year," he said, "expending IM,975..; more than Kngland: tlW).ti,838 more than Germany and S152, 85y,93t more thun France." Continuing the comparison, Mr. Tawney declared further that on account of prep arations fcr war, the t'nited States, with an army of 62,000 men and a navy of men, is expending this year only $66, 47S.701. 18 less than -Kngland with an army of 2W,3iiO men and a navy of 129,ono men, The United Slates Is. expending for this purposu only $55,881,869.03 less than Ger many with Its army of tjOO.OOO and Its navy of 2,000 men. The United States Is expending for this purpose in excess of the amount expended by Franco with Its army of SnO.ono men and its navy of 56,286 men. $2,683.46. . Maintaining that navies are built for national defense, Mr. Tawney said they were not intended and could not be Justi fied upon th ground that they are neces sary to satisfy an ambition either Indl vldual or national to compete with other nations In time of peace In sixe and num ber of fighting machines. He argued that In tho t'nited States the prestige and power of the nation did not depend upon the size of the army and navy and that there Is no chance of war. I.arce Nstt Not Weeded. "There is no policy of our government," be said, "either foreign or domestic, to en force which the size of either Is the first or only essential." Mr. Tawney charged that the United States In the past had pursued a. bungling naval policy and he pointed out that the Journey of the Atlantic fleet to the Pacific was made possible only through the aid of twenty-eight vessels flying a foreign flag. "A most disgusting spectacle was never witnessed," he said, and he, condemned the naval policy which had overlooked auxil iary vessels to supply a fleet with the means absolutely essential to Its existence. "It may be," he said In conclusion, "that this mistake is due to the fee that a col lier, which Is as essential to the efficiency of the navy as a battleship, Is not so at tractive, does not Involve the expenditure of so much money and does not afford the opportunity for the same pyrotechnic dis play upon the occasion or at the summer resorts along the coast, and for that rea son we have made the mistake of building a navy that today. In order to make its voyage from one 01 tan to another, is obliged to rely upon the vesnels belonging to other nations." PIIOC F.KDI.NG OP THE BK. ATE Bill Passed to Create Bison Itange la Montana. WASHINGTON. April 15,-The senate devoted Its entire time toaay in consider ing bills on the calendar. Among the measures passed were those suppressing betting on races and games of various kinds In the District of Columbia; providing for the purchase of land between Pennsylvania avenue and the Mall in this city as sites for government buildings; creating a bison range In Montana and enlarging home steads on nonirrigable lands. The swamp land reclamation bill was considered for a time and waa made the unfinished busi ness of the senate. At J p. tn. the sen ate adjourned until Friday. Admiral Evans Improves. PASO ROBI.KS. Cal April 15-Rear Admiral Bvans' gradual Improvement con tinues steadily. While he is still very weak his digestion, said Surgeon P. E. McDonald today, has improved so much that he is rating mora heartily and Is slowly sauulr.g strength. G00 TIMES n- Aid Is t Ranker. " V."' 0? rich BOW . 0' w.u enry ' a f commit elation, chairman committee New York.. man; Charl others tndajl r'' and currency k tfr position to the A , J. B. Forgan. prv First Na the first tlonal bank of CK as speaker. I A bond secured currency was denomln ated as vicious and the recommendation made that the whole subject 'be referred to a committee for Inquiry and report at the next session of congress. "Do you think there Is now need of an emergency currency?" asked Mr. Prince. "I do not," replied Mr. Forgan. "I do not think that a condition can ever exist In this country that could bear such an Infernal name as emergency currency." "Po you see any Immediate signs of a panic?" asked Mr. Prince. "No. On the reverse. I see signs of ac cumulating money In the banks that It Is going to be very difficult to find use for." UNDERGROUND LOSES MONEY London Transit System Fails to Pay Dividends Ileranse of Motor Bases. LONDON, April 15. On an application made by Speyer Bros., the London house of Speyer & Co. of New York, on behalf of themselves and other holders of the secured temporary loan notes or profit-sharing se curing notes of the Underground Electric Railways company, the court today ap pointed Sir Ocorge Oibb receiver and man ager of the company. There was 10 oppo sition to the application, which Is neces sary for the carrying out of the scheme for the readjustment of the company's finances which has been decided upon. The unsatlsfaatory condition of the Un derground company's finances Is due largely to the cempetltlon of the motor omnibuses and the municipally owned elec tric street railways. The district railway, which the late Charles T. Ycrkes took over aa the basis of a scheme to give Lon doners a better transit service, also has been losing money since electricity was Installed as a motive power, and the other tubes which Mr. Terkes estimated would be completed early in 1906 are not yet tn operation. These lines, therefore, have not provided the revenue expected to meet dividends on the shares. In 1903 the Underground company issued 7,000,000 In profit-sharing notes,, due Juno 1 next, secured by a trust deed. Subse quently It issued 300,000 In temporary notes due May 15. 1 1 JAPANESE WLU'MAKE AMENDS Full Reparation for Any Dlaeonrtesy aa Result From Assault nt Mukdrn. PEKING, April lu.-Wlth regard to the assault committed recently by a Japanese postman and other Japaneso upon other native servants of the American consul gencrnUat vduhjteiv. Wizard -D, SJraJght, Baron Hayashl. the Japanese minister to China, has given assurances that if any Japanese official has offended full repara tion for his discourtesy will be made. RUSSIA ' 0RDERS FOUR BOATS Admiralty .M ill Have Knaland Build Torpedo Boat Destroyers of Turbine Type. ST. PETERSBURG. April 15. According to the Rubs, the admiralty has decided to order four 900-ton torpedo boat destroyers from England. These vessels are to have turbine engines. REBELS ACTIVE IN COREA Two Cabinet Ministers Hare Re alaned nnd Trouble Looms Before Japanese. TOKIO, April 15. A dispatch from Seoul says that tho revolutionists are active south of that city and that two of the cabinet mlnlsera have resigned. The anti-Japanese movement Is Increased, aiul the military forces were reinforced. VIOLENCE FEARED AT CHESTER Many Additional Special Policemen sworn In to Control Mltnatlon Company Determined. CHKSTl'n. Pa.. April 15.-Flfty addi tional special policemen wero sworn In today for strike duty as the result of the determination of the company to operate Its street cars this afternoon. The service has been suspended since Monday, due to the refusal of the employes to accept a reduction In wages. Strikers and their sympathizers since daybreak have been gathering near th car barn, which Is guarded by about lot) policemen. The surrounding etreeta are roped off and no unauthorized person la permitted within the lines. A number of men brought here to replace the strikers are housed In a nearby hotel, which is being watched by strikers' pickets. FIRST SUNDAY CASE TO JURY Jndge Porterlleld Gives Instructions and Kate of Many Aetora Impends, KANSAS CITY. Mo.. April 15 Testimony In the case of Thomas I. Taafe, a ticket seller at the Century theater, on trial in Judge Porterfleld's division of the criminal court, charged with violating the Mis souri law against doing unnecessary work on Eunday, was concluded this morning. Only two witnesses, both deputy sheriffs, testified. Both stated that they had pur chased tickets from Taafe on Sunday for a Sunday performance. Judge Porterfield this afternoon Instructed the Jury. Upon the verdict In this ease practically depends the fate of over 2.0K1 persona. actors, actresses ana theatrical managers and attaches. i I FIRST MONEY TO GROWERS Members or Tobacco Tool Will Re reive Distribution of Funds for ntock. LEXINGTON, Ky., April la.-Ii was an nounced today by Secretary J. D. Clark of the Fayette branch of the Hurley Tobacco society that checks for will be re ceived here tomorrow for dlxl ributiou to growers who have tobacco in the poul. This will be the first distribution of money to the farmers whose tobacco has been In pool for two years, and there Is great re Juicing over th burley tUstrlcU FORGAN SEES ROADS CINCH WOOL MARKET Burlington, Union Pacific and North western Insure Good Rates. GIVE OMAHA GREAT INDUSTRY Rallaraya Make Pledge of Throaga Tariff's on Trodnrt Subject to Stoppage in the Gate City. Omaha Is to be a wool market and the central storage point for the vast ranges of the west, which produce annually more than pounds of wool. Three railroads gave notice to the Com mercial club Wednesday that all through rates on wool now In force would here after be made subject to storage In Omaha for an Indefinite period, which assures the construction of large warehouses, in stallation of compressing plants, hundreds of manufacturers from, the east and wool growers from the west coming and going from the city, and It Is believed, will In fluence the establishment of textile mills on tho Missouri liver. The roads which granted the request of the special committee of the Commercial club are the Burlington. Northwestern and Union Pacific. The Burlington mado a special concession, as all wool now passes through Pacific Junction, and It will cost more to pull It to Omaha and allow It to he placed In storage, but the company ex pressed a willingness to grant the request of tho business men and wool growers In the hope o( encouraging the wool growing industry and upbuilding Omaha. Already capital has been secured for erecting a warehouse 150x1,000 feet with a storage capacity of 20.0O0.000. The parties Interested are Charles II. King of Omaha, J. A. Delfenderm, president of the Wyo ming Wool Growers' association, and C. F. Redington. King; Now In Wyoming. Mr. King Is now on the ranges of Wyo ming, but expects to return to Omaha within a few days and close the negotia tion for a site for the big building, which will be either of concrete or corrugated Iron. Mr. Redington said: "We will get to work at once, as It Is the special desire of the wool growers to store the crop of IO11S In Omaha. The crop will begin to move from the middle of Muy to the middle of June and we must be ready for the wool growers. "After the warehouse Is built the com pany expects to Install a compressor. The wool will bo received In sacks and when It leaves the warehouse it will be in bales. This means much to tho railroads, as they may bring In 20,ouO pounds to tho car and take out from 40,000 to 50,000 pounds." For somo time the Commercial club has been working with the wool growers on the proposition and the railroads received the request from the Commercial club com mittee April 4. The traffic managers asked to have until April 15 to give an answer and willingly made the radical change which permits all wool to atop In Omaha, Large Volume Cornea to Omaha. According to wool growers this mean that a large percentage of the Immense product of tho following states will come to Omaha either for sale or storage: Weight In lbs. Value 1D07. 1WI7. Colorado 10 li,iV 27.W Oregon 15,.WW a,121,200 Nevada : H,(JW.0i0 l.iM.IO Idaho 17.2SO.X) 3,75".I60 California 12.687,500 2,i.;S,M Utah 13,02,5)0 3.162.8IK Wyoming 33,637.( 7,811, tXi Nebraska 1,576,000 368.313 Total 110.477,000 $24,833,816 But the amount of wool which will be shipped to Omaha doea not end with the product of tho eight states. Montana pro duced o0,0u0,0c0 pounds, whllo South Dakota produced 3,900,000 pounds last year. Both states are tupped by railroads which center In Omaha. Wool growers assert that much of the wool from the following states will find Its way to Omaha markets and ware houses, and the states produced wool last year aa shown in the table: Weight In lbs. Value. Washington 4 .&ifl.00 $ 956.SO0 Montana 30.a.t) 7,t,40,i78 North Dakota J.lli.500 566.106 South Dakota 3,900,000 SMi.buj Total 41.4K,50o JIO.IW.ODS What It la In Aggregate. This means that a total of 151,909,500 pounds of wool, the amount of last year's crop, valued at ol, 963, 963 at the 1907 prices, is tn territory tributary to Omaha and the market here will draw whatever proportion the price and advantages at Omaha will bring. Those. Interested In the opening of the wool storage houses and establishing a market here, have no fear, but the west ern growers will be glad to ship to Omaha, where the crop may bo held in storagd and the money borrowed against It If necessary, rather than vend 11 to ilia brokers and commission dealers of Boston, New York and Philadelphia. The opening of a wool storage center In Omaha is a blow to the commission dealers who, have been advocating "wool auction sales In America" and suggesting that they be held in New York City or Boston. Besides the storage house which Is to be erected it Is possible for state wool grow ers' associations to organize for the erec tion of their own storage plants and through co-operative management conduct the marketing of their own product. Kast Will Come West for Crop. To Omaha the manufacturers and mill owners of the east will come from tholr eastern homes to buy the crop. In the past they have sent their representative- to the ranges during the shearing season to In spect and buy the wools as they were gath ered either at small railroad stations or on the ranges. But the wool buyers and grow ers experienced difficulty In getting to gether and the plan for the market at Omaha grew out' of the prejudice against shipping the crop to commission houses In the east and the inconvenience experienced by buyers and growers. Selling the wool on the ranges meant, also, that the growers accepted the price offered. But with warehouses in Omaha, which still store 40.000,(100 pounds, or almost one-third of the growth west of the Mis souri river, the growers will be enabled to place the wool In storage and securing the warehouse certificates, use what money they need against the certificate and wait leisurely for a more favorable market. JAPANESE FACE ELECTION DAY Liberal Hope to Win by .arae Ma lorltlra In Kplte of Anti. Militarism. TOKIO, April 15. Interest is Increasing throughout Japan In anticipation of a close struggle at the general election, w hic'n will tuke place May 16. The , liberal party is confident of securing a large majority, while the opposition is appealing to the anti-military sentiment, urging a revision of the budget aaa LnanVUl methods. MARINES AND SAILORS MARCH Parade of K.nno Men From Battle hips Arouses F.nthuslaam nt San Diego. PAN PIEOO. Cat., April 15.-A pirade of blue Jackets and marines, landed from the American batt'eshlp fleet, 5.0CO fighting men fresh from n cruise of more than lS.OfO miles, marked today the ceremonies of offi cial welcome to the state of California. Sixty-four companies of sailor-men In their tos of the sea. with wlde-flarlng trousers reefed down In crnvss leggings, and sixteen con panteg of marines. soldierly and straight, fermed this most notsbl of the navy's land dlpplnys. The landing party, equipped as Infantry, armed with Krags. In light marching order and with rnnteena filled, equalled an army corps. The proc"s slon the mn of the navy formed was more than two miles long. They marched from the water frnt to the city park over three miles of streets canopied with decorations whjch combined the red. white and blue of the nation and the gold and white of the state. San Diego took a holiday to see the mar tial pageant and the sidewalks were crowded with a typical holiday throng. Their enthusiasm was explosive, the ap pearance of tho men calling forth long con tinued cheering. At the city park the sailors passed In review before Rear Ad mirals Thomas, Fperry and Emory and Governor Glllett's staff. A crowd of many thousands nt people surrounded the grandstands. Three thousand school children wavlnfr flags and banners were mpssed directly In front of the reviewing stand and their songs end cheers were one of the prettiest fea tures of the day's celebration. Governor Glllett In a brief speech supple mented his words of welcome rpoken yes terday on the quarterdeck of the flarihlp Connecticut ami Rear Admiral Charles M Thomas made formal response In behalf of the flet. Admiral Thomas then graciously accepted In Admiral Evans' behalf a tjolden key symbolical of the freedom of the city. The token will be forwarded by Admiral Thomas to Admiral Evans at Paso Robles hot springs. There will go with It a gold mounted and Jeweled naval sword pre sented today to Admiral Evans, through Admiral Thomas, by the patriotic fraterni ties of the city. Tonight a hall was tendered to the ad mirals and pt fleers of the fleet at the Hotel Del Coronado. TAFT WILL GET MINNESOTA Secretary of Ing War Has Smooth Sail In Northern State. MINNEAPOLIS. April 15. Delegates to the republican state convention, which will assemble at the Minneapolis Auditorium to morrow, arrived In large numbers today. The convention will elect four delegates-at-large and alternates to the republican na tional convention and will nominate presl drtlal electors. There Is practically r.o opposition to the adoption of Ironclad Taft Instructions, as with a few exceptlrns the delegates from the various counties are Irstructed to such a course. Other features of the platform, however, are hardly in a tentative form. State Senator Calhoun from Mfnneapirtls today said that the convention would prob ably touch but lightly on the tariff and other nutlonal issues, leaving the party policy to be outlined by tho national con vention. The contest that developed over the temporary chairmanship yesterday was compromised today by the tentative selec tion of former Congressman Samuel P. Snyder of Minneapolis for temporary chair nihn and Ripley Blower of St. Cloud for permanent chairman. ST. PAl'U Minn.. April lo.-The Fourth district republican convention today s lected W. B. Webster of St. Paul and George II. Sullivun of Stillwater as dele gates to the national convention at Chicago, The delegates were Instructed for Ttifi "until he is nominated." 8IIAKOPEE, Minn.. April 15. Tho Third district republican convention today scl-'cted C. M. Ruck of Faribault and George Brad ley of Norwood as delegates to the nation ll convention at Chicago. The delegates were Instructed for Taft for president nnd In the event of Taft falling to get the nomina tion were Instructed for Governor Hughes of New Tork. ELK RIVER, Minn., April 15. The Sixth district republican convention held here to day elected C. J. Gunderaon of Alexandria and Senator 8. F. Alderman of Braincrd as delegates to the Chicago national con vention. They were Instructed for Taft. LABORERS ENGAGE IN RIOT Foreigner at Kast St. I.oula Fight When Others Are Taken Back to Work. KAST ST. LOUIS, Mo., April 13. More than 300 workmen fought at tho works of the American Aluminum works today when Armenian, Greek and Turkish la borers became angry because the company In taking back Its employes, gave prefer ence to Americans and negroes. The timekeeper's ahanty at the main gate was demolished, and many heads were battered with sticks and stones. The plant waa closed early In December. It waa announced that It would reopen today and that 100 of the men would be taken back. After thirty men, all nativevAmerlcana hud been put to work, the foreigners charged on the gates. The Americans, greatly outnumbered, tried to fight them off, but they surged into the yard and were overrunning the works, when Time keeper T. C. Sharp drew his revolver and forced them to retreat. The fight was carried to the hills sur rounding the works and to the shoreu of Ptttsburg lake to the north and (con tinued until the police arrived in response to a riot call and iuelled the disturbance. HIGH CREAM RATES ENJOINED Jndtre Kohlaaat Ulvea Order that Will Permit Western Companies to l.ltliiate. CHICAGO, April 15 A temporary injunc tion restraining tho eastern railroads from putting into effect an advance of 100 per cent in milk and butter freight rates was granted by Judge Kohlaaat yes terday in the United States circuit court. The bill for a permanent injunction waa filed by the Beatrice Creamery company and the Blue Valley Creamery company, following an announcement by the Michi gan Central, Grand Trunk and I'ere Mar quette roads of a 100 vr cent ad vance. In the hill the roads were ac cused of conspiracy to ralBO the rates in violation of the Sherman anti-trust law. Tin' advance was hcdul. tl to go into effect today, but the injunction will pre vent any change of rates until the hearing of the case for a permanent injunction come up on May 1 LAND FOR LANDLESS Bill for Opening Three Million Acret F&sscs the Senate. PAST OF INDIAN RESERVATION Some Changes in Boundaries From the Original Measure. ACTION AT REQUEST OF INDIANS House Committee Acts Favorably on Omaha Indian Bill. BROADER THAN SENATE MEASURE (rants niaht to Appeal From Cour of Claims to the opreme Court -Two Nebraskan Are Endorsed. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. April 15.-tSpeclal Tele gram.i The bill providing for the opening of the surplus and unallotted lands on the Cheyenne river and Standing Rock Indian reservations. Introduced In the senate by Gamble, passed that body today. The bill carries an appropriation of 1116. 000 for the payment for school lands reserved to the states and IHi.ooO for appraisement, classi fication, surveying and allotlng of addi tional lands, the latter nniount . reimburs able from the funds of the Indians, In all H90.AOP. A number of miner changes have been made In the boundaries as provided in the hill and as originally reported from the senate committee. In order to meet the desires of the Indians ot both reservations. These changes were agreed upon after a full conference between Senator Gamble, Commissioner Leupp, Major McLaughlin, the inspector who negotiated the agree ments, and representatives of the Indians from both tribes who have been hero In Washington. A strip of territory Immediately north of the Cheyenne river In the southwestern corner of the reservation embracing the Cherry cieek district has been excluded from the bill as originally r. ported and an additional tier of townships In lieu thereof on the western border of the diminished reservation are added to the opened area. Two and one-half townships In the south western corner of the Standing Rock reser vation are to be added to the diminished reservation. The total area to be opened by this bill Is practically 3.000.O00 acres, being a tract about ninety miles long and about forty miles wide, covering the western portion of tho prcsVrit reservation and a strip eighteen miles wide between the tw.- reser vations extending east to the Missouri rive r. Better Mall Facilities. Senator Burkctt, who has been devoting much time to securing belter mail facili ties between Lincoln and Chicago, was to day advised by Second A-slslant Post master General MeCleary that arrange--menu have been made whereby the Lincoln office. In addition to pouching to Chleagi city direct, will make a pouch for station "U," which Is located In the Union station at Chicago, to Include all mall for pntnts east and southeast of Chicago. This will remedy the trouble complained of ro far as the postal authorities are able to do o. The people of Lincoln wanted th B lr llngtnn to hold train No. 8 at Omaha, for connection with train No. 12, which Is tho Denver train, but this the railroad Com pany was unwilling to do. Senator Bnrkett Is advised that H. L. Combs, substitute railway postal clerk of Annum, has been given a regular appoint ment and assigned to the Lincoln and Kansas City railway postofflre. Omaha Indian Bill Reported. Representative Boyd has secured a favor able report on his bill to permit the Omaha tribe of Indians to submit their claims to the United States court of appeals with the additional privilege of an appeal to the I'nited States supreme court and the meas- ' ure is now on the calendar. Judge Boyd, wlio has worked xealously to get a favor able report on the bill aaid today that he now has strong hop-s of securing Us final passage at this session, unless the general filibuster on practically all measures being conducted by democrats Is to be continued to the close of the session. Two members of the Omaha tribe of In dians. Messrs. Springer and Brownrtgg, arrived In Washington yesterday and this morning worn taken to the) White House by I Representative Boyd to pay their respecls I to tho president. Senator Meserve, who Is Mr. Boyd's guest, was also of th party which tailed upon Mr. Roosevelt. Senator Brown Is advised that pensions have been allowed Nehraskans as follows: Mrs. Rhoda Beard, Omaha. S; John F. Young. Soldiers' Home, Burkett, 30, and Mrs. Mary G. Kelser. Kearney, $8, and Z for each of three minor children. , .Two .ebraskana Kndoraed. There seems to lie some doubt as to what the Nebraska delegation did regarding tho endorsement of Nehraskans for positions In connection with the proposed participation of the United States In an International ex position to tie held at Toklo, Japan, In 191!. Judge Norris. chairmun of the delegation, sas that they decided to endorse J. A. Wakefield of Omaha for commissioner gen eral, and William C.cddos of Grand Island for one of the six commlssloncrshlps to be appointed by tho secretary of state. The appointment of a commissioner general and an assistant commissioner general are pres idential, while the six commissioners will be choBen by the secretary of state. Just at present the bill creating these Jobs lies peacefully slumbering In the select commit tee on industrial arts and expositions, with no Immediate sign that action will be had at this seselon. Postal Matter. Rural free delivery carrier appointed: Nebraska Fail field, Route 3, Karly C. Spicer, carrier; Fred C. Scott, substitute. Gothenburg, Route 3, .acharlah L. Hodson, carrier; Thomas A. llndhon. substitute; Litchfield, Route 4, Hugh M Mallory, car rier; A. L. Ldmlalon, substitute. South Dakota Tyndall, Route 4. James A. Slater, carrier; Annie IC. Slater, substitute. Spring field. Route 3, John R. Jones, carrier; Lau rence Jones, substitute. Rural route No. 1! has been ordered estab lished June 1 at Lake Amirs, Charles Mix county. South Dakota, serving too peopl and t'j families. Delegate t.o I ulnatrneted. I.AWP.K.M'i;, Mass.. April ll.-l'iiin-struct id di'l.gatis to the republican l.a tional convention wire elected at the Fifth Masaachusetts district republican conven tion hero today. A resolution endorsing th candidacy ot Secretary Taft was UblsO.