Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 14, 1908, Page 9, Image 9

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citt rnopiCRTr ron 8 A LB
Five ronm houM and new Moo hsrn to
Morks from csr ursr nth snd Ames Ave.
N".!JJ chicken hous snd new huney
shed. - Fruit trees. Ths lot U 86xJ,
WouM Ilk $00 equity in cssh.
Bamls Patton. Ulock, Fhons IVnigles Mi.
Inl. l.MSS.. (1SJ M 75.
' - . ii . , -.-
' .'.V" ' tCAl CCTATC
And Iowa fmrmi are sound Investments.
S40 .c.res highly Improved, fertile, level
land near Xb Mollis. An ideal farm with
every convenience. Cash renu Price,
26.(Mt, . Term, $JS pi-r acre. Cheaper than
' adjoining fnrme. Write us.
JUT bee Building. Omaha. Neh.
' iM)M.m is
( N art at Dakota.
On ths new C, M. 8t P. Coast Railway,
through Adama 'county. North Dakota,
which Is attracting hnmeseekers to an
unexcelled farming country. Sunshine,
fres cost, pur water, aura crops, a horn
and profitable occupation (or you. Land
tut 10 JO 120 an acra row. Easy terras.
Wo hava homestead relinquishments for
vale. Htii Wm. H. Brown Co., liaynes
or MottJ North Dakota, or 131 LaSalla St.
rhkago, III. frea. Mention this
paper. Or' writs our Marxian, North Da
kota, office. . 120) Mhtio
BUY ' of ' owner and save commission; S:o
cm --highly Improved farm, all under
fenee, adjoining station In southern
North Dakota. For particulars, address
Box 2231 Jallendale, Nv D.
(30)-M980 17
IfekrasVa. .
t . - -
TVs carj sell you land for from $13 to $13
er acre, every foot of which can bo plowed,
and which will produce more than per
acre in wheat In ona year, besides the In
crease in value of the land. If you are
looking: for a ,gopd; Inyestment. sea
IT. E.' ERER & CO.,
'; 411 BM Bid.
"... 'V. . ... . ' (30I-M7 1
VOH 8At,K Two farms at a bars-am, must
he aold'before April IS, 19u8; 200 acres In
Polk and Butler count Ins, 4 miles from
Bhflhy. Price. 11000; cash, $8,000; balance,
fftst - hioVlgnare, ' reasonnhle Interest; loo
acres In fihertnan county, 10 miles from
Loup 'lty, In e. Polish settlement. Price,
$4,(M; iaoh, $3, SOOj balance on first mort
gage, reasonable Interest. Address to
Bog 442,.Co)Qmbua. Neb. (J0 MU1 IS
,t s ' --btitll Dakota!
410-AOBJfi Improve farm, Brown county.
South. .Dakota, J.'n.ftO per acre. Two
mallr farms at bargain prices. Sev
eral quarters unimproved iand. All flna
investments aim m stand fln)t In
epec.tlon. Cash ,or torme. Box a; 3. Aber
dKn, a I). (20) M815 Ms
AO A CUES of nice, land; eastern South
Dakota will give terms to suit, If pur
chaser will gn on and Improve. Address,
Y-317, car Bee. ( M30 14
JOMR choice farms In eastern South Da
kota for ale or exchange. Kasy terms.
R. J. Hicks, Big Stona City, B. D.
(W-MW4 Mix
" $600 '
Splendid.; all tillable 1B0 acres, close to
El Dorado, -Kan., the great corn and al
falfa center. Owner. might consider- Income
ornpprtvln Omaha.
"Phono Doug. 2261. 438 Bee Bldar.
" " 7'-' 0-371 IB
VESTERN LANS. large and small tracts;
sala and 'exchange.. National Jnvt. Co.,
f2 Brandels flldg.' . (20) 804
WANTBfi-Readers of my booklet, "Land
Values," full of good Information for all
land buyers. Free for the asking;. Ad
dress Wm. J. . Mundt, Pierre.. H. D.
Dept.. A - (irn m 1ft
1109 TO $10,000 made promptly. t D. Wcad,
Wead Mldg., 18th and Fartiam. 22) iio
MONBY TO LOAN On Improved city prop
erty; building loans specialty; no delay.
W. it Thomas, aul Ut Nat l ffk. Uidg.
- 2)-M7l All
LOANS on Improved Omaha property.
O'KMlt h. E. Co.k 1V01 M, Y. LU. BJdg.
LOWEST RATES Bamla, Paxton Block.
122) Hi
. (U) i7a
WANTED City loan and warrants, w!
Farneju Smith A Co., U20 Farnam St.
V , ' (12) SCt
)H PER CKNT money to lon on eastern
Nebraska farms and good business iion
erty in Oniaha, .
09 First National Bank Building. Telk
Vhoue Douglas lei.
WANTED City loans, Peter Trust Co.
MONEY to loan on improved city property.
Hastings aV lieyden, 1TW Farnam bt.
HONEY TO LOAN-Fayne lnveatmeht Co.
. . (H) 7s
WANTED T buy secondhand furniture,
cook and heating stoves, carpets, lino
leums, utiles furniture, old clothes, quilts
and all kinds of tools, or will buy tho
(multure ot your holme complete. The
highest price paid. Call the right man.
Tela. DouglK MIL Independent A-3P71.
' (. Mul
WEST price psld for secondhand furniture,
impels, stoves, clothing, shoes, etc. Red
MOL (25)-M87
WANTED to buy, two first mortgagee of
about ll.t) each; farm security pre
ferred, but ' may oonsl.icr Umaha city
piopeity. Olve full particulars and price
in flmt letter. Address R. F. Kloke eV
CO.; Ca Bee Eldg.. Omaha. (li)-M;S( 14
, . . . .
WANTED TO RENT Farm, from to
40i acres, good corn land, with good
bulldtniis, In eastern Nebraska or western
loa, between Kioux City and Omaha;
near a, town in good settlement; Is willing
to pay cash fur stock, crops in grounj
and rent. Hend an Information to J. C.
Hansen, Bt. F. Route X Minneapolis.
Minn. ' 128) 1U) Ida
W ANTED Two or three furnished rooms
ahrt- hoard, by lady and two children.
gt4 it and II years. Address M 2., He.
" ' 1 - t jt; M.'ia la
SMALL aet of books to keep evenings and
Huturdaya by experienced bookkeeper.
Addreaa A 23. Bu. (27) 67 13)
COUNTRY banker wlshrs to become as
so.laied with large real estate firm, ur
lock and bond brokers In city. Well
experienced. Communication Invited Ad
Oress X )L. r Bee. (27 M;24 Ux
POSlTIO'i-by . young lady (colored) as
draeanuiker'a assistant; tan give refer
eocea. li. Foster, Red Cloud. Neh.
' . " tr-M29l 14
Oo4 Into th Homa
Chsrlrs Hares tn Fred F.srley, lot ft.
block 1ft. Myers. Richards A Tllden s
adillUnn J f fi
Henry Elwell to Blljiatwth Phahan,
lot 20, block i. Crelghton Heights., K
Frnnk Hajek to Anton Machal. lot I,
and north 10 feet lot . bloclt 11,
First addition to South Omaha 1.700
B"rtrand Snwyer to Franc.lnka Ku
repikl, lot t, block 3M, South
Omaha 1,4)
George Cooper to Msrv Hworak, part
tax lot 4. section 10-14-1 $5
United State to Roswell Dickinson,
se'4. 8-14-10
Charles Dickinson et al, to Hamilton
Dickinson, same 1
K. Wchde to Llr.sle Wehde. lot .
block 118, South Omaha 10)
Benjamin Real Estate Co.. to Oeorge
Miller, lot , block 4, West Rnd 1
Dsvld C. Dodds and wife to C. F,.
Yost, lot 3. block 112. Dundee Place,
and other lots 4.S23
II. A. Stoddsrd to Harry Friedman,
north fio fi-et lots 7 and 8, block .
HlllsldB addition No. 1 6.000
Mary Nields to Annie Nlelds, lota 1
and 5, block 1. Florence 1
Mellora Woolworth Farchlld and hus
band to Frank Stlnson, lot 17, block
1, Sulphur Springs' addition (KV)
R. B. Clall to Charlee L. Harris, lot
5. block 2, Hyde Park 150
Nathan P. Dodge to Henry Joneson,
lots 72 to 61, Inclusive, Benson
Heights 1
County treasurer to Vsclav Dusatko,
lot 2. block 7. Park Forest
Same tn J. Atkinson, lot S, block 1.
Thornburgh Place
Same to A. t Patterson, trustee, lot 7
block 2, Mount Douglas First ad
dition r
Ferdinand Streltx to William Agee,
part lot 14. block 445, Or&nd View.. lfft
C. Patterson, trustee, to Annie Mo
Oavock. lot 17. block Z, Mount Doug
las First addition gl
Frederick Hend and Josle Dlouhv to
Rlchsrd De Young, lot S, block 4,
I.vmsn Plnoe 1,(00
South Omaha Land Co., to Jacob
Maxwell, Jot 17, block 161, South
Omaha j
N. P. Dodge to William Ormshy, lots
(3 to 66, Benson Heights and other
land j,
Jacob Waxwill to A. Thurlaw, lot 17,
block 151, South Omaha lflO
Thomas J. O'Neill, trustee, and wife
to The I'nlon Stock Yards Co., lot
4. block 350. South Omaha 1,500
Thomas J. O'Neill and Wife to same,
lot 1, block 368, South Omaha 1.000
Same to same, lot 2, block 368. and
part lot 8, block 36. South Omaha.. 3,000
Some to same, lots 6 and 7, block 3,
Valley Orove , 75)
Same to same, part tax lot 10, wV4 ne4
section fl-14-1,1 S4,bo
William J. C. Kenyon and wife to
sam undivided one-third lot 1.
block 5. and lot 10, block 4, Boyd &
Sharp's addition 1,000
Frank P. Oould and wife to F. P.
Oould A Son. lots , 10, n, it n,
14. IS, 1, Rocheford A- Gould's sub
division and other land 1
Quartermaster, Cheyenne, Wyoming,
March 18. 1W8. Sealed proposals. In triplicate,-
subject to the usual conditions, will
be received at this of flco. until 1:30 o'clock
p. m., April 18, 1908. and then opened In
public, for the construction of nn ex
tension of the sewerage and draining sys
tem and for the construction of an ex
tension of the water distributing system
at Fort D. A. Russell, Wyoming. The
said extension of sewer la about 7.000 feet
of 6-Inch and 8-Inch pipe, with manholes
and connections to building. The ex
tension to water system to be about 70,000
feet of 4-Inch and 6-Inch pipe, with all
necessary specials, fire hydrants, house
connections, etc. Full Information, blank
forms and specifications furnished on ap
plication to this office. The United States
reserves the right to accept or reject any
or all bids or any part thereof. Envelopes
containing bids should be endorsed, "Pro
posals for extending sewer and water sys
tems at Fort D. A. Russell. Wyoming,"
and addressed to CAPTAIN V. K. HART,
16th Infantry, Acting Quartermaster, V. H.
Army, 1n charge of construction, Chey
enne, Wyoming.
Omaha, Neb., March 16, 1808. Healed
proposals, In triplicate, will be. received
here and by. quartermasters at -the post
named herein, until 10 a. m., central atan
dard time, April 16, 108, for furnishing
wood, coal and charcoal, during the fiscal
year ending June JOlSoe, at Omaha Q. M.
Depot, Forts Crook, Omaha and Roblnaon,
Nebraska; Forts Leavenworth and Riley,
Kansas; Forts D. A. Russell, Mackenzie
and Washakie, Wyoming; Fort Des Moines,
Iowa, and Fort Meade, South Dakota.
Proposals for delivery at other places will
not bo entertained. United States reserves
rlKht to reject or accept any or all pro
posals or any part thereof. Information
furnlHl.ed on application here, or, to quar
termasters at the stations named. En
velopes containing proposals should be
marked "Proposals for Fuel," and ad
dressed to Major D. E. MCCARTHY, C. CJ.
M. M1&-17-18-19A18-14
Otnaha, Nebraska. March 16, 1908. Sealed
proposals. In triplicate, will be received here
and . by the quartermaster at the posts
named herein, until 10 a. m. Central stand
ard time, April 15, 1908, for furnishing min
eral oil durlna the fiscal vear endinv June
$0, 190S, at Omaha Q. M. depot, Forts Omaha
ana itotunaon, Nebraska: Fort Dea Moines,
Iowa; Forts Riley and Leavenworth Kan
sas; Fort Washakie, Wyoming, and Fort
Meade, South Dakota. . Propoaala for de
livery at other than the above named sta
tions will not be entertained. The United
States reserves the right to reject or accept
any or all proposals or any part thereof.
Information furnished on application here,
or to quartermaster at the stations named.
Envelop containing proposals should be
marked "Proposals for Mineral Oil," and
addressed to Major D. E. M CARTHY. O.
Q. M. M16-17-1B-19 AU-14
Omaha, Nebraska, March 14, 1906. Sealed
f proposals. In triplicate, will be received
lere and by quartermasters at the posts
named herein, until 10 a. tn.. central stand
ard time, April 16, lt8, for furnishing oats,
bran, hay and straw during the period
from July 1, 19116, to September 1908, at
Omaha Q. M. depot. Forte Crook, Omaha
and Robinson, Nebraska; Forts Leaven
worth and Riley, Kansaa; Forta D. A. Rus
sell, Mackenzie and Washakie, Wyoming;
Fort Des Moines, Iowa, and Fort Meade,
South Dakota. Proposals for delivery at
other places will not be entertained. United
Slates reserves right to reject or accept
any or all proposals jr any part thereof.
Information furnisher on application here
or to quartermasters at the stations named.
Envelopes containing proposals should be
marked "Proposals for Forage" and ad
dressed to Major D. E. MoCarthv, c. Q. M.
M18 19-20-21-AJ3-14
Dartment nf lha Im.rln. ,,, . . T.
Affairs Washington, D. C, March 27. Wo.
-i.-u r-ruposais. plainly marked on the
outside of the scaled envelope "Proposals
: V, - v iuw Agency, ainn-
?nf'.anlAl!dd.rM,f! to ths ommlssloner
of Indian Affairs. Wsshlngton, D. C, will
. 1 . K"" nuian wrrice until 2
oclock p. m. of May 6. 1. for furnishing
hoapltal at the Crow Agency. Montana In
atrict accordance with the plans, specifica
tion and Instructions to bidders which mar
be examined at thla office, the offices of
the "Record," Helena, Mont., the "Bee "
Omaha. Neb., the "American Contractor'"
Chicago. 111., and the 'Improvement Bulle
tin, Mirineapolla, Minn., the United States
Indian Warehouses at Chicago, 111
Louis. Mo a id umaha. Neb.; builders and
Traders Exchangea at St. Paul, Minn .
Minneapolis, Minn.. Omaha, Neb., and at
Mie ag'-ncv.
U. F. LARRABEE. Acting Commissioner.
of Agriculture, Office of the Secretary
Washington. I). C. April 1 lwj. Notice Is
hereby given that the secretary of agricul
ture has, under authority conferred by
law, issued an amendment, deecr.bed as
Amendment No. 2 to Rule 2, Revision 1
(B. A. I. Order No. 146), to prevent the
spread of acables la cattle. This amend
ment releases from quarantine the coun
ties of Knox. Cedar, Dixon, Dakota: Thurs
ton, Wsyne. pierce. Antelope, Hoone, Mad
ison. ' Stanton, Cumin. Burt, Washington
Dodge. Colfax, plane. Oreeley. Valley
Sherman. Howard, Nance. Merrick, Polk
Butler. Saunders. Douglas, Sarpy, Cass'
Otoe, Lancaster. Seward. York. Hamilton:
Hall, Buffalo. Frontier, fistaper, phelpa
Kearney. Adama. Clay, Fllmore. Saline'
Qage. Johnson, Nemaha, Richardson paw
nee. Jefferson. Thayer. Nuckolla, Weheter
Franklin. Harlin. Furnas and Red Willow'
In the atate of Nebraska, and will become
effective May 1 !. Copiee of Amend
ment No. s to Rule J. Ri vision 1. may be
obtained from the chief of the Bureeu of
Animal Industry, whose addre'a la Wssh
inaion D. C. Jam. Wilson, g.crstsrv of
Agriculture. Aildlt
lery. riding and saddle horses Chief
Quart ?rmaster's Office, Ne
brsska. April 11, 1. Sesled proposals. In
triplicate, will he received at this office,
until II o'clock m , central standard time.
May 12. 19. and then opened, In the pres
ence of attending bidders; for 1 Csvslrv
llorsos; 24 Artillery Horses: 168 Riding
Horses, and 97 Saddle Horses, for deliv
ery st Omaha, Nebraska, Cheyenne. Wyo.,
or other prominent railroad points'. The
animals to conform to specifications for
cavalry, artillery, riding and saddle
horses, t'nlted States reserves right to ac
cept or reject any or all proposals or any
part thereof. Partlculara and blanks for
proposals will be furnished on application.
Knvelope containing proposals to be In
dorsed "Proposals for Horses." and ad
dressed to Major D. E. MCCARTHY,
Chief Quartermaster.
A1S. 14, 15. 16-M Ml
Omaha. Neh., April 14, 190S. Sealed pro
posals. In triplicate, subject to the usual
conditions, will be received hpro until 19 a.
m , central standard time, May 14, 1W8, for
furnishing transportation, drayase and for
handling stores In Department of the Mis
souri during yesr commencing July 1. 1908,
United States reserves right to reject or
sccept any or all proposals or any part
thereof. Information furnished on applica
tion. Envelopes containing proposals should
na marked "Proposals for Transportation
on Route No. ," and addressed to Major
u. ti. Mccartny, c y. ai.
. A14-1S-K-17-M1MS
laloa Faolge
Tse Overlaad Limited., 6:60 am
The Celorado Kxpreae..a pm
t:40 pm
4:00 pm
10:11 am
a 4.00 pm
a 1:14 pm
i:t pm
a l:M pm
a 4:6 pm
a I:u am
Alianue amy, w
The Oregon iuapress..
The Los Aagelea Lust
The Fast Mail
The Chtaa Japa
North Platte Local....
Colo.-Caieago Special..
Beatrice Stroma-
burg Local
Illlaela Central-
..a 4:16 pm$:te pm
..a tM an
, 4:00 pm
,.a 11 am
,a 13:10 am
M: pm b 1: pm
Chicago Express a 7:15 am
Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm
Mlnn-St. Paul Bxp b 7:16 am
Mlnn-St. Paul Llm a 6:00 pm
Chicago at J rtreters-
a 3:46 pm
a 8:30 am
a 1:30 am
11:41 pm
ai0:20 pm
1:26 pm
a t:2 pm
a 1:46 am
a 6:23 am
8:00 am
12:36 pm
8:23 am
1:36 pm
a DO am
a 1:00 am
a 6:40 pm
10:86 am
a 6:40 pm
a 6:40 pro.
b 6:40 pm
bl 86 pm
Chicago Jsayllght 7:26 am
St. Paul-Minn. iLxp a 7:Ki am
Chicago Local all: JO am
Sioux City Pasaenger..a t:&l m
Chicago Pajwuger a 4:W ra
Chicago Epeeiat ..a :00 pm
a. b..,LUnn 1 Ji . A S''2M nm
Los Angeiea Limited... a I K1 pm
A.. . 1 T T I 1, .lk-Ml .
fjverland Limited.
Fast Mail
Sioux City Local.,..
Twin City Limited..
Norfolk-Bonesteel ..
Llncnln-Long Pine .
Dead wood-Lincoln .,
Caaper-Lander ......
Hastings-Superior ..
Fremeot-Alblon ....
Mlaaoart PaelSa-e
K; C. eV St. t Txp.
K. C. 8U L. Exp.
..a $.40 pm
..a 8:28 pm
..a 7;45 am
..a 7:6 am
..a 1:00 pm
..a 6 00 pm
..b 1:00 pm
..b 4:36 Pin
..a t:M ans
a $ 45
.all:l4 pm
Bt Paul-Mlnneapolle.... 6:30 pm 7
SL Paul-Minneapolle 7: JO am U
Chicago Limited : pm 8
Chicago Express 7:60 am 11
Chicago Express 6 J pm 8
rk ! tn. Hllwaaxn A St. Pa a I.
:30 am
85 pm
:27 am
:a4 pm
:J0 pm
Ghio. It Colo. Spt.clal...a :2a am all
'Kit rtrvh
or KJTM, &fjrva....a. v.ww fin n
Overland Limited a 1:66 pm a 8
:26 pm
:su am
:0(i am
gWllf .wa. ........ w. m y... m.a
Chleagu, HKX isiaam as raoia
rktn.m T.lmlt a S OO am alt
:06 pm
:s) n m
XOWa xJvai ............... i ,wni m
Des Molnca Passenger.. a 4:uu pm aU
I a . . I kit -Alt .m 1. u
l:IW pm
.ae pm
la pm
Chicago (Caatern Ex. ..a 4:40 pm al
Chicago Flyer i.U urn a 6
Rocky Mountain L'l'd..all:l& pm al
Colo and Cel. Ex a lilO pm a 4
OkL and Texas Ex.t-,.a 4:40 pm a 1
.s am
SA am
iM pm
:i pm
St. Louis Express a 4:30 pm a (
u, linia 1 ju'kl i front
36 am
Council Bluffs a 1:00 am ail
04 a, ...6 harfV 1 1 itmm
:15 pm
Council Bluffs b 6:00 pro. blO
15 am
Denver California.... a 4:lo pn
h 3:46 Dm
a fe:46 pm
8:46 pm
al0:ii pm
6 :16 pm pm
U:ll pm
b 6:08 am
16:14 pin
7:60 pm
blv: am
4:M am
' m
U: pm
a J 66 pro
8:60 am
11:36 am
all :30 am
4.60 am
6:10 pro
ortbwest Special a 4:10 pm
lack Hilla a 4:10 pin
orthweat ExpraaJ aal:6t pm
ebraaka polnla .. a 8:e am
ebraaka Express a e:l ant
ncoln Jfast uw .0 i:4 pm
ncoln Loeat .
ncnlrh Local .........
Llnooln Local .....
Bscuyler Plattamoutb.b 6iiD pm
Bellevue Flattsmoulu.a 6:00 pm
platumoulh lowa....b am
Bellevue PlatlaraoulA.
Denver limited a 4:10 pin
Chicago Special a 7:40 am
Chicago Kxpreaa a 4: JO prr.
Chicago Flyer a 80 pm
fewa Local .....a 8:15 am
it. Louis Expreis a 4:46 pm
Kansas City A St. Joe..al0:e pm
Kansas City 4t St. Joe. .a 8:16 am
Kansaa City ec SU Joe.. a 4:4 pm
4. Paal, A
b 4:30 am
.a 8:06 pm
b 1:14 pm
10:60 am
Twin CHy,Pnger.
Bloux City Paaseuger
Emerson Local ....
Mlsaetart faclhe.
Auburn Local ,
.i...H am
, bll:26am
a Dally, b Dans' except Sunday, e Bun
gay only, d Dally except Saturday. Daily
except Monday.
Game Fall at fteiiaatlenal Plays and
Losg Hitting.
Despite the fact that the score was
overwhelmingly In favor of the Hollya, the
game between them and the Rivers too
waa filled with many sensational plays
and was exciting at all stagea. The heavy
wind favored the batters when they con
nected and aa a result both outfields were
kept moving. Frank Oibson, the Holly
catcher, was the big chief with the big
stick, as he landed a homer and a thrre
sacker among hla hlta. Xuuck hit safely
four times. Twice Harshman's wonderful
whip kept Riverside batters from going
horns after hits that looked good for the
circuit. McAndrewa did his bert pitching
In tight pinches.
The last out of the game was the re
sult of an exciting duel between Uibson,
the Holly catcher, and Neno,. the well
known and speedy Infieider, who will Join
the Nebraska Indians next week. Neno
wss on first and expressed his Intention
of stealing second. Four times McAn
drewa drove him back to first, but Nenrt
would get away off for a good start.
When the ball waa pitched Neno lit out
for second, but Oibson's throw waa swift
and true and the game waa over. Not a
Riverside player stole off Oibson, aa he
threw out every runner who attempted It.
The work of Black In left field was
much applauded, aa hla catches were made
after hard runs. The whole Riverside
team played good ball, but all the chances
for spectacular play came to tho Ilollys.
Kelly, lb .. I I I 1 I dumber, tb . I 1 1 1 4
Black. It .... 1 4 8 0 OKranaa. If . I $ t 0
Murphf, S .1 1 I I iHn'n'D, at 8 1111
Olbaon. e ... 4 I I I Paiir k. lb 1146
Gillham, lb . 1 I I I Ofaitr a'k, cf 4 I I
Sleek, lb ... 4 4 4 6 IDinaen, c ..41881
Falroner, -rf 116 Murray, p .. I 1
HarahiB'a, ct I Oil SKollraa. rl .. I I 10 4
aKAudr-a, s 4 1 1 lb .... 4 4 18 8
Totals ....86 UU 6 8 Tetals .... V7 IS IS 8 "f
Hollya , i 4 I 0 6 1 14
Riversides Q o 1 2 1 0 6
Earned runs: Hollys, ; Riversides, J.
Home run: Oibson. Three-base hits: Ulb
aon, Oember, p. PodToua. k. Two-base
hlta: Murphy. McAndrewa. hteck, Kranda.
Hacrlftce hlta: Murphy. Harahman. llen
nlngson. Mole bases: Kclley, black (8).
Oillham (2), Bteck (3), J-alconer 13)
btruck out: By McAndrewa. 4; by Mur
on balls: Off McAndrews.
8; off Murray. 6. Hit with pitched ball:
By Murray, i. Umpire: Taylor.
New Greaaae Trie Oat.
The West Sides opened the season of
1906 Sunday by defeaMng" the L.u,e"2 W
the arore of tt, 4. The a-atlng capicltJ
of the new grandatand erected on the
grounds at Flfty-fu.i .nd Mason atreeta
vraa ick.d to the limit. The game wal
L!2' 2 'ntr"tn- Batteriei: We.?
Sides "anders. Koesalg and Or.rne"
Laurela: Harding and Anderaon. Sc're
West tide. 6 $ J 0 0 .R E;
LaureU .... I I H I M 1 M :
Sioux Lam the Honehide for Nine
Rvuii in One Inning.
Omaha r.ela as Many Hlta the
loas, hat They Were Mot
Banrhed as Kffeetlvely as
Were the Visitors.
N la for nine and N Is for Noah and
nine is the numlfer of runs Sioux City maaaa
off Noah In the fifth . Inning of the ex
hibition game at Vinton Street park Mon
day afternoon. The Boo simply had an
other picnic with Pa, and his champs, and
made It three straight just for good meas
ure. The nine run In the fifth were
enough to win the game, but they made
six mora for good measure, while Omaha
was able to cross the pan hut eight times.
The scores came In so fast In that fifth
Inning that evn the acute lad who marks
up tho scores .on the board at the lot lost
count and had to be told what the total
Omaha made as many hits as the Sioux,
but they were more scattered. The Sioux
made moat of their runs and(trtts in one
'inning, whereas the Omaha hits were scat
tered all through the game. Two home
runs were made, Austin hitting the ball
over the left field fence and Spencer driv
ing to right field. The 800 made seven
hits In the fifth Inning. As has been the
custom in alt these exhibition games Omaha
opened out as winners, but the start was
soon lost.
Oeorge Clark, formerly manager of the
Waterloo, la., team, waa referee, and did
a good Job, never having a decision dis
puted and being exceptionally good In his
judgment on balls and strikes.
The Sioux certainly had their batting
clothes on during the recent series and If
what they have done la any criterion as to
what they can do. the other,teams of the
league will have to look to their laurels.
Spencer made five hits In five times up
Monday, a home run, a triple, a double
and two singles.
The score:
AB. R. H. O. A. E.
Belden, rf 8 2 1 2 0 0
King, ss 4 ' 1 2 5 8 0
Autrey, lb 4 1 2 9 3 1
Householder, If t 2 3 0 0 0
Welch, cf 3 ' 2 I 0
Dolan, 2h ,. 6 4 12 10
Austin, 3b 4 1 1 2 0 1
Oondlng, c 2 0 12 0 0
lBrand, c 3 112 2 0
Rltsman, p 1 0 0 0- a 1
Noah, p 1 0 0 0 3 0
Hall, p 2 0 1 1 2-0
Hollenbeck 1 0 0 0 0 0
Totals .42 8 15 27 18 3
Batted for Rltsman In the third Inning.
AB. n. H. O. A. E.
Campbell, if 6 1 i 3 0 1
King. 3b , 3 2 1 2 0 1
Andreas, 2b 4 116 3 1
Weed, rf 6 2 1 1 0 0
Severeld, lb 4 4 3 7 0 0
Spencer, cf 6 0 6 1 0 0
Granville, as 4 1 0 2 3 0
Chapman, c ,. 6 12 6 10
Jacohson. p 0 0 0 0 - 1 0
Furchner, p 1 1 0 0 0 0
Corbett, p 0 0 .0 0 0 0
Totals 37 15 15 27 8 3
Omaha al 1003008
Sioux City 1 j I 0,1 0 1 0 015
Two-bass hits: Severeld, Spencer. . Three
base hits: Omaha, King, Campbell, Spen
cer Home runa: Austin, Spencer. Wiid
pitches: Corbett. Bases and balls: Oft
Rltsman, 8; off Noah. 8: off Hall, 1: off
Furchner, 3; off Corbeft. 2. Hit by pitched
ball: By Noah. 1; by Hall, 1; by Furch
ner, 1. Struck out: By Rltsman, 1; by Noah,
1: by Hall, 1: by Fur4Kheiv2: by Corbett,.
I. Ift and bases: Oitftyha. 13; Sioux City,
8. Stolen bases: Householder, Jacobsoti,
Sacrifice hits An.dreasr Granville, Corbett,
Autrey, Austin. . Time: 210. Umpire:
George Clark. '-
Bee Will Post Score by Innings on
Dalletla Board.
The cry of the ump will be heard all over
the east today, for the long race in both
the American and National leagues Is
scheduled to start. The. eastern teams are
to start In the vast and the western In
the west.
In the American leasue St. Louis will be
at Cleveland, Ietrolt will be at Chicago,
Washington will he at Boston and Phila
delphia, at New YoTk.
in the Nntinnal leactue Boston nlavs at
Brooklyn. New York at Philadelphia, Chi
cago at Cincinnati and Pittsburg at St,
Many changes have been wrought In the
makeup of these teams and) the fsn hss to
be pretty busy to keep-track of the trades
and Durchaaea which hava been rrtnite. The
cubs, winners In the National league, have
aouui tae aama rront and lH-trolt, the win
nrs in the American, will present about
the tHina lineup, but many of the other
teams have changed several men. Numer
ous trades have been, made, so that patrons
of the games will nee opposed to them
many players who wore foimerly In the4r
home uniforms.
As usual The Bee will nrlnt the box scores
of four leagues, or more than any other
paper in tne western country, in addition
to printing the scores The Bee lias made
arrangements to receive the scores by in
nings 01 an tne nig games ana they will
be posted on The Bee bulletin hoard In
front of the business office of The Bee,
Seventeenth and Farnam streets.
Store Coronas Take an Kaay Victory
from Florence Team.
Ths Rtors Coronas defeated the Florence
Intercity leaguers at the latter'a ground
by a one-sided score of 15 to 3. B rod bee K
allowed them one hit In the' four Innings
he pitched. Bogatts finished the game
nd allowed them three hits In five In
nings. The Brewere played a faat field
ing game, and seemed tn hit at will, get
ting seven hlta off of Oustln In the first
five Innings, and five hits off of Routt In
the remainder of the game. McLaln was
the star at the bat. getting tlneu hits
R HO A g. K H O A E.
MrLaln, lb.. 4 118 lllert. lb .... 0 10 1 1
Kucara, as .. I 1 4 iNuiaa, Jh . 0 1 I 4 1
Keratrr, o ,. I I I 1 OKImaaoa, rf f 4 S 1 0
Hodga. It ..100 OTmbrl g.. aa 1 ft t 1
Bsilth. cf ... 4 I 0 0 OBoull. Jb ... 6 1 1 I 1
Harhlen, lk 1 1 6 I lUuatlD, p 4 0 I 0
Dando. rf .. 1 0 1 V OKyan. cf ... I 1 S 1 1
Lanlsan. !b I 1 0 OCarlow, U .. 0 0 1 6 1
Hrodbmk, B 0 t OJacobl, c ... 1 1 It 1 I
Bogatts, p . 1 I I 0
Totals .... I 4 tl It 10
Totala ....15 u n 13 6
Stora Coronas 1 l i HI 0 21 l 15
Florence 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 8
Three-base hit: McLaln. Two-hasp
Routt, Ryan, Mi Lain, Ferster, BBgatt.
Wild Ditch: Oustln. Usees on hails: off
Oustln, 2; off Uroilb.-i k, 1. Struck out:
ny uusiin, i; ty Routt, 8; by iirodheck,
4; by Bogatts, 4. Left on bases: Coronas,
4; Florence, 6. Double plays: Hachten to
Lanigan; Hughes to tilert. Ktolen bases:
Mi Lain (2), Hughea 421, Hodge, Smith.
Time: 1:45. Umpire: Lugan.
lavlaelbles Beat Independents.-
Tha 1 ti Vlnl Klaa riafAaldfl lh. In.,... a .
Sunday afternoon by the score of io ot
Coffer pitched In midsummer form and
held hla opponents down to five scattered
hits. Score:
R If E
Invincible 1 8 0 4 6 0 6 2io 15 8
Independents .... 0 0 1 0 4 3. 2 0 i i 6
Batteries: Invincible. Coffer and Bsr(ns
Indeiiemienfa, Fuhrer and King. Umpire:
Slgnnl Corps Shats Oat Bergs.
Ths Blgnal corps team at Fort Omaha de
feated the Berg Clothing company team
yesterday afternoon by a score of 14 to o
Bcor! R.H.E.
Signal' eorpa 14 n j
Bsrg Clothing company , 0 4 4
Batteries: Slignal corps, llalhe and Cass
Berg Clothing company, Matherly and
Many After Charter Oak Sinks.
HARTFORD. Conn., April IS.-The an
nouncement ef the entries for the earls
closing events at Charter Oak Purk t..r
the Grand Circuit racea In September show
that fifty-five horses ar numed for tha
Charter Oak stake of flO. fur trotters
eligible to the J.vK trot, v iilch Will conaial
fit three (Ocks
lci - ii
rfjf T tin Ml
Get It Early!
The "MrKlbbtn" Hat $3
Susdamof Mlwjloa
I Toe"HcIltblaSpecial"Bet$4
1 rat bat ot halt
Eacb tha abaduta loadW is its daa
Sold everywhere'
i is e
President of Western Looks for the
Best' Season.
Sleets with Three Umpires, Who Are
Assigned for Opening and flna
Joined Always to Make
Things Go.
"We look for just as good a season, of
better In baseball than last year, which
was tho best in the history of the gams,"
tald Norrls O'Nell. president of the West
ern league, who arrived In Omaha, early
Monday morning to attend a meeting with
his umpires, which he had called for Mon
day. "'I never saw managers so well
pleased with their own teams as are the
managers of this league. The big league
teams all have" Surplus players and several
have offered me some good players for
this league. I have written or seen all the
managers and they all wired and wrote
back that they had their teams filled with
good men. These players I had offered me
were no mediocre players, but Some for
Whom the big teams had paid good prices
and who could be had for little money,
so If the opinion of the managers count
they will all have good- teams.
"I have Just returned from a visit to
the two Colorado towns and both Manager
Tatterson of Pueblo and Manager Irwin
of Denver think they have teams that will
be able to keep tho rest moving from the
start. I met Ducky Holmes on the street
this morning and all he could talk About
was his new pitchers, First Baseman Se
vereld and Outfielder Spencer. He Is most
enthusiastic over the support he Is get
ting before the opening of the season at
Sioux City.
"J. F. Higglns,' the new owner of the
Des Moines team Is a rich man and a
great fan and bought the team simply to
have something to do. He will spend the
summer with the team and be with It all
the time. Everybody knows hs doesn't
know any more about handling a team
than any other fan who sits In the grand
stand, but he has Charley Dexter as his
captain and manager and writes that they
will have great team."
Meets With His Imps.
Mr. O'Noil met with his umpires Mondsy
morning at 10 O'clock at the Senilis hotel
nd went over the changes In the rules
with them, most of which" rs of a minor
nature, except the rule which prohibits
players from wasting their 'time and ths
time of tho spectators In soiling a new ball
when it Js thrown Into the diamond. Mr.
O'Nell Impressed upon the umpires that It
la their duty to see that the game Is fast
and clean and not to stand for delay or
"oratorical stuff which does not Interest
the spectators.
"It Is action we want and not delays,"
said Mr. O'Nell. "You have control ot the
field and It Is your duty to keep the game
moving right long fym start to finish."
It was decided that Jack Haskell would
begin the season with Omaha and Des
Moines at Ds Moines; Brennan with Sioux
City and Lincoln at Lincoln and Davis with
Denver and Pueblo at Denver.
The umpires of the Western league are
known aa good umpires to the followers of
the great national game.. All were present
at the meeting and assured the president
that they would do all tn their power to
make the games go as he desired.
President O Nell goes to Lincoln for the
opening of the season at that town Wedr
nesday with a game between Lincoln and
Sioux City. He will be In Omaha for the
opening of the league season here April
23, when the Western league pennant will
be unfurled at Vinton street park.
"NO league Is stronger than Us weakest
club," said Mr. OfCell, "for If any club Is
weak and goes to pieces the entire league
Is apt to fall and for that reason all are
Interested in seeing that each club Is strong.
From the word 1 have received from, ths
managers It looks like all the teams In
this league will be classy this. year. If any
club is seen to be falling short it will be
remedied right at ths start, for there are
plenty of good ball players to be had."
Bowlers of Three Cities Will Contest
far Prises.
At the Association alleys, Sunday after
noon, a summer bowling league waa
organized to he known as the Trl-City
flSHuciatlun. The following officers were
elected: L. M. Oxlnde, piesident; Jama-a
Hlakeney, vice president; O. T. Zimmer
man, secretary-treasurer. The teama will
bowl three men with a privilege of sign
ing five members. The number ot teams
was not limited and the entries will be
open until the next meeting. April 24, An
entrancu fee of 410 per team waa decided
upon, which will be used for prizes. In
adilition, a handsomely mounted, reg
ulation Slxn bowling ball. In silver, hss
been donated by Albert Edholm for tho
winning team.
The membership Is open to all bowlers
of Omaha. South Omaha and Council
liluffs. The number of teama entered as
each team will bowl every other team' a
series of three or five games, to be de
cided upon later. Eight teama have al
ready been named, and there is room for
as many more.
Some ( Work Is Bona at Potta
wattamie Club.
A number of shoirtera of the Pottawatta
mie Gun club took advantage of the splen
did weather of Sunday la turn out f .r
the regular weekly shoot at the cluh
grounds at the east end of the Omjlia
bridge. The scores:
Practice shoot
Hardin 21, 22 23 2"-fll
Skinner 21 hi EO-m
Hooper IS 10 It 2 7.',
Towrnscnd II M i -35
Damon 31 30 21 -S4
Vllckelson 21 ,2i 21
Ht-ndel '. 23 21 21 H w
Morrill 21 22 23 3 S0
'1'ea in race
Skinner 21 17 18 2'
Damon 21 Townaend 21
Hendel Morrill 2t 21
Hardin 21 Hooper ,..J 1G
Total.! ; 85 14 Totals 64 to
ltegalars Win at Atlantic.
ATLANTIC. In. April 13. 'Special. The
first game of ball plaved by the regular
team of Atlantic "the uraya resulted In a
victory fur the reuulars. It was played
against a te.iru railed Hie Yanlgan. com
posed of pluyera who had beun trying to
make the r. nular team. The game was a
poor exhibition of the national game and
snowed tha lark of practice on the part of
the Oravs The score was 13 to 8 In favor
of liio Grays. The first three innings re-
Nebraskans on Cruise Around World
WASHINGTON, April 11 (Special.)
Navy department, through ths bureau Of
navigation, has Issued a roster of the men
on board ships of ths Atlantic fleet bound
for the Pacific under command of lAdmlral
Robley D. Evans." Thla roster gvss the
home cities of ths men and ths shfps upon
which they were sslgtied when the fleet
Sailed from the Atlantic ecaboaid December
16, 1907, on Its long cruise around the Horn
tt San Francisco.
Bresmer, Marlon
Peterson, Frank N...
. Ylrcin!a
Burton, Clifford E..
Mullin. Bot nte I...
Dili ham,. Fred R....
Pitt man, Ward T . . .
. Kentucky
. Vit nesnta.
. Kearsarge
.Illinois :
. Iwret:ce
. Louisiana
Nelson, Alex T
Kltohln, A. L
Lucas, Arthur W....
Dixon, Richard B...
Evsns, Charles O...
WaRgener, Oivel E.
Dsvis, Frederick F.
Dsrrah, Matthew R..
1 .arson, Harry A....
Humphrey. Hart C.
Reinus, Harold O....
McCoy. Jay T
Carlson, Oustav O....
..W hippie
.New Jersey
. Connecticut
. New Jersey
. Oeorgla
. Kansas
. I.oulslana
. Minnesota.
Suchy, Leslie J
Miller. Nathan H...
Wagner. IOiiis F...,
Jennings, Clsrence. E
Kent, Charles
Blumenthal, Dsvld.
Kobersteln, H. W..
Kohl, I-awrence T..
Wllklns. Harry C...
Ostes, Charles M...
Herrick, Albert F..
CarUr, William M.
Barr, Warren E
Burns, Oeorge B...
Byrne, Thomas
Chllds. Wartcr C..:
Davenport, D. E...
Elliott, Harrv P
. Minnesota
. Kearsarge
. Rhode Island...,.
. Missouri
. Virginia
.Rhode Island
. Kearsarge
.Rhode Island
New Jersey
.New Jersey
. Connecticut
. Kearsarge..
. Kansaa...-
. Illinois
. Virginia ,
. Kentucky
. Missouri
. Rhode Island. .1..
, Maine
. Kentucky.:
. Louisiana
. Virginia
. Kentucky
. Iaiulsltna
, Alabama
. Hopkins
, Connecticut
. Stewart
. Kentucky.
, Keursnrge
. Ixuilsluna
.Minnesota ,..
.Rhode Island
. Kentucky
. Alabama,
. Keursarge
Ohio 1..
. Minnesota
. New Jersey
. New Jersey
. Kearsarge '..
. Kansas
. New Jersey
. Kentucky
. Minnesota
, Louisiana
. KVlrglhla
Heskett, William
Llckey. Harry...
bM inner, rreci J
Walton, Edward
Ureer, John F
Bates, Clarence
Lets, Henry Frank..
Splerlng1 Richard 11.
Henry, Clarence F..
Barr, Lcavltt O......
Beer. CI nrlle E
Bcever, Newton J..i
Berg, Martin F
nii.mer, Albert O....
Pressman, August A
Burke, James P.....
Chapman, Robert H
Clark, Thomas
Condon,. Parnell W.
Connolly, Robert
Corneer, Robert R..1
Franklin, Ben O
Hansen, L. F
Inda, John J
Jones, C. E
Kay, A. O
Koch, F. D. E
Ltrsen. Jthn.C
May, John L 1....
Miller, Harry (!.....
Mlnton, Ercy H
Moore, David Cory...
Morse, Everett A...
Olson, John
Potter, Harry O
Rasmusscn, Thor J.
Sondes, Charles F...
Sroufe, Carl P
Btuart, Harry M . . . .
Tennebaum, Harry..
TlUeblood, R. R
Wllmoth, Edward C.
Boyle. John C ....
Fisher, Maaon O...,
Medley, Harold E...
Adams Ralph M..;.
Shaffer. Lloyd E
Relnnackel. Wm. II,
Peterson, James C,
berg, Albert
Nunce, Forrest A....
Dlikey. Roy E
McConkey. Ralph
Kuctura. Michael 11.
Bliss, William T
Cni-pers, Henry J...,
Hsrford. Clyde R
Lundroc.k, Carl A....
Doyle, Eugene R.....
Squires-, Chancy C...'
Rostln, Axel
Novak, Joseph A....
Kriisburg, John A...
Wiley, Farley L
, Minnesota
. Connecticut
. Kentucky
stilled In a -score of 8 to 1 In favor of ths
Yanigans, but the Orays braced up and
held them to one more run. while thev
pounded out twelve. There were about
BOO, people out to sen the game. White
pitched rfor, the Oraya In the absence of
Monk Keece, who lias not vet reported for
work on the regular team.
Blats Bent West Sides.
The BlRts Company team defeated the
Second Went Side team by the acore of
17 to S. The West Side team eonqlute,!
of four of the first team. The feature
of the game was the pitching of Hlckey,
tne uiaiz a star twirier. Batteries: Blats,
Hlckey and HermtBon; West Sides. Chrls-
tenson, Long Oreene.
A. Pierre Attack
of malaria, liver derangement and kidney
trouble .Is easily cured by Eleotrlc Bitters.
the gauranteed remedy. 60c. For sale by
Beaton Drug Co. ' '
Separator Mill Kxplodes.
CHICAGO. Aorll 18. The ii ,ui
of the Act;.n Powder Company at Miller,
iiiu., waa cuui)irieiy wrecxea toosy.Dy tha
explosion of n quantity of nitroglycerin
Nobody was in or about the mills st the
time and the cause of the explosion Is
unknown. The building was blown entirely
A'sreat many blood medicines
other strong mineral. These ingredients act unpleasantly and oltea danger,'
ously on the system by affecting tha stomach ana ttpsettincf the digestion, and .
sometimes do great damage by eating out the'delicata lining and tissues of the
body. No such result ever come from the ue of 8. S. S. Thii great medicina
enjoys the distinction of being the only guaranteed purely Vegetable blood
remedy on the market. It ia made- entirely from the extracts and juices of
healing, cleansing roots, herbs and barks of the forests and field fathered
under our own supervision. In the treatment of Rheumatism, Catarrh, Sore
and Ulcers, Scrofula, Skin diseases, Blood Poison, and all blood disease and
disorders S. S. S. is a safe and edcient remedy, It removes from the blood
all Impurities, humors or poisons, and safely a well a surely f ures all ill
ana ailments clue to a bad condition 01 the blood. For more than forty
years S. S. S. has been recognized a the best Blood Purifier" and the Greatest
of all Tonics. We have book on the different blood and skin disease
which w will be glad to send free to all who desire them, and will also
furnish any medical advice wanted without charge. . . ... ....
r.iirw Cftn
'.::-Y .
if ' W,;., '"( " f ewis.ssaBws sm tsyvvtevs yiMMH mMU 1 1 i 1ft (-
1 yi.'TtsU.' FREE fcntlnatlo and Sonsulutlon. V
-iyJ.-.' , yUy siynipton blank for hms trealmsnt
Dr. Searles i Bearles, 119 8. 14th. Cor. 14th and Douglas, Omah"
The roster sdqws tna aboard this grsat
fleet of marine.. flghtVH . nwhlnse thsr
are 101 men .from ths .state of Nebraska.
Twenty-eight of .these, hall from, Omaha,
two from South Omaha and -eleven from
Lincoln, t . i ! . , .,
Ths offlrlal roster of men from Nebraska
sboard ths various snips of Admiral Evans'
fleet, showing ship upon which they are
serving and their home? addresses In Ns-
braska followi '
Alton a.
'...'.... A vera.
....... Axtel.
Broken Bom
...... .Burnham.
v... .Central .City,
Falls City.
. 1 Florence.
,,4. (...Fremont.
.' Gothenburg.
.1104 N. C St....
P. O. Box 1M..
W. 11th SI
..tiiand Island.
428 8.P and Burlington Ave. Hastings.
i , ..Hssdngs.
..1202 W. 7th St ,
...... Lincoln.
....... Lincoln.
.......Lincoln. , .
......Lincoln. '
...... .Murdock.
North Plants
...... .Omaha.'
, IJncoln.
..... ..Omaha.
.......Omaha. .
i.;.. ..Omaha.;
..Omaha. .
,.V...'.Omnha. .-
.-. South Omaha.
..A. ..Omaha. .
....-,. South Omaha.
...r... Omaha..
8 malm,
......Omaha. 11
.r... Omaha.
OmsfTa. .
,i..v. Omaha..
Pawnee City.
........Pawnee City.
Plnttsmouth. Potter.
Randolph. .
Red Cloud.
Red Cloud.
Rush villa.
South Auburn.
South Auburn.
...'.Wabash..'-, ,
Wihuo. ,
....... WymorSw
... v. York;"
..rrS 1st Ave ,
..902 S St
..144 N. 14th St
.-13.1 S. 17th St........
..'.H'O Q St.
. inn s. sth si ......
..1700 P St..
.. University Flnce.n..
.00 a st:...
..Ill S toth St
..1221 H 8t
.2602 Saratoga Ave
.2906 Vinton St....
..UP S. 9th St..
..23 Madison ftt
2012 Mason St
..617 N. 17th St. A
ua S. Clark St....
..4 N. 26th St.x.... !...,:
.-1411 Myrtle Ave
..2rns j st ......s
..S.24 N. 2tth St. ...... ....
1020 S. 2tl St....
2414 Iirlmore Ave.
2.TIS S. 27th Bt ........
.230 Decatur St. ......
4M Capitol Ave
24 S. 1h St.........
11th and Paul Stg.,.
. 42oi"N.' 24th St"'.'.;..'.
. 2fio' N." l!it'h" St" ! '. '.
.6.116 N.' 24th St
2"29 Bancroft St
18 Amee Ave .
.2K24 Patrick Ave
.li N. 12th St
.6320 N. lllt St
16i Corby 8t
.1' B. 10th St
.2124 Locust St
2106 Maple St
..803 Blsckburn Ave.'.
to places, the wreckage - being scattered
over the country for a quarter of a mile
around. A large hole was blown In the
ground where the building stood. The
shock of the explnslort was so grest as to
be felt at Hammond, ten miles away,
Omaha Man la Tendered Larger Posi
tion with Equitable In New
A ssasassssi sjssi , , f
Following immediately the: visit to Omaha,
of Paul Morton. William ' Henri Brown,
cashier 'Of tbu Jflfiultabk Life. Assurance
society in ths office- of General Agent H.
D. Ntfely' for l)'rk!i, Vsbself called to
New York by tha auditing department ol
the company fthd has . beep offered the po
sitlon of cashier. In, the New 0.rlens office.
Mr. Brown Is said to be one of ths best
cashiers In ths employ of ths big compsny.
The position svhlcn hd has been Offered it
at the third largest-office of, tho company
in tha United Utates and. the salary U much
larger than ald to th cashfer in ths
Omaha of flea. ,' ' '
contain Mercury. Potash. Arsenic? or snmsi
By the Old Reliable, Dr. Searles & Searles.
Ktabllahed In Omaha for 21 Vesrs. ' Ths many thoua.
ailds of cases cured by us make us'-ths most saoera P"c'-'lti n th. West, in all 'and P
menu of men. V know jut what -will ws you-.
and vui'a o.t Quickly. , rvu
We Cure You, Then You Pay TJa Our Pee.
TVs make no misleading os false statements, or offer
you cheap, .ortlilee treatment. Our reputation and
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