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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1908)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, APRIL 14. 1008. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Sentiment Favors Ball Side in Ab sence of B&in Eeporti Sunday. WHEAT riBM DESPITE NO BAIN Com Waa rim and Onte Itetnalned steady, t Dn. wltk a Mar-' ket that Wm Without Feat a res. OMAHA, April 13. 19. Optional market did not act responsive, with the outside marxets, holding firm without showing any additional advance over Saturday' close. Weather reporta showed no rainfall over Sunday In any localities and sentiment favored tho bull Id. but tho necessary support failed to come out In spfte of the higher Chicago and Minneapolis markets. Wheat opened firm on cortlnued re porta of no rainfall throughout the growing sec tions. Values held steady with no advance owing to the lack of aupport from tho buying side and a general tendency on the part of traders to wait for further ad vances. Trading waa dull during the ses sion and prlres slumped off He toward the close. May wheat opened at 90Vc and closed at Vc. Corn was firm and advanced readily on good buying, and a decided decrease in the world's visible supply, some selling lster eased values off and the advance at the close win reduced to Saturday's clos ing prices. May corn opened at bHo and closed at 6.140. Oats remained steady but dull, with a featureless market.' Cash oats were firm and offerings light and demand fair. May oats opened at 60c closed at 60c. Trlinary wheat receipts were 431.000 bush els and shipments ot 1K,I0 bushels, against receipts last yenr of 1.23,060 bushels and shipments of 387,000 bushels. Corn receipts were. 36.flu0 bushels and shipments wort I78.OH0 bushels, against re ceipts last year of f l'i.onu bushels and ship ments of 45,11(1') bushels. Clearance -were 85,000 bushels of corn, 1,000 bushels of oat and wheat and flour equal to 412,000 bushels. Liverpool clost-d unchanged to Hd lower on wheat and J1 higher on corn. Local range of options; Artlcles. Open. High. Low. Cloae. Yes'y. Whest- May... 904 90S 89 39H 90H July... R3 3 W ' R3 S3 Sept... 78 78 78 78 78 Corn May... 61 g2, 61. 614 61H iuly... t 6V 59 59 69S Sept,.. 68' 681 68 68 - Oats May,.. 60 J B0 50 60 60 Omaha Cash rrlcee. WHEAT No. 2 hard, 9H893o; No. I hard, 87V1r9oVc; No. 4 hard, 84fcSVc; No. 3 spring, Htfjflftc. CORN No. X, IZgUVHa; ' No. 4, 61lc; No. 8 yellow, i;j4o; No. white, 6214c; No. I white, 2'4C. OATS No. I mixed, 4SH51ic: No. 3 White. 49H49Vic: No. 4 White. 4KHa.49c. RYE No. 2. 7:73c; No. k. 70jj71V4'j. Carlot Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 17 97 147 Minneapolis 2J3 ... , umaha 13 43 26 Duluth, 6 ... ' rillCAGO GRAIN AU PnOVISIOAS 'eat a res of the Trading: and Closing; 1 Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAGO. April 18. Excellent weather 'ur seeding In the northwest caused a weak 'In Ish In the local wheat market today, the May option closing at a net loss or c. Corn was a shade, lower. Oats were ic ower. Provisions were 2Ho to 10c lower. The wheat market opened strong be ;suse of dry weather In parts of Kansas nd Nebraska and small receipts In the northwest. After the first hour the vol ume of trade became small, but the strength was well maintained, a decrease of 1,035,000 bii.,. In the visible supply tend ing to sustain prices at a moderate ad vance, In the final hour, however, senti ment became bearish because of reports from thejorthwest that seeding operations are Jn fju-T swing all over the spring wheat country. The market closed weak. May 3pendarHe higher at 9344i9'-4.o. sold st 9274c and then declined to 91c. The close was at 91 Sc. Clearances of wheat end flour were eoual to 412.0UO bu., against 1. 263.000 bu. on the same day last year. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago re ported receipts of 248 cars, against 401 cars last week and 8M a year ago. Com was strong for the greater part of the day, tho May delivery selling at 684o, which was a new high mark for the season. Light receipts and the strength of wheat were the principal bullish Influ ences. Some weakness developed during the final hour because of Increased coun try acceptances. Tho close was eaay. May opened unchanged at 67c, advanced to 6S4o, and then declined to 74c. The close was at 67'Ae. Local receipts were 77 cars with 11 cars of contract grade. Trading In oats was quiet. The market opened firm along with wheat- and corn, but weakened on favorable weather for seed. The close was easy. May opened Ho higher at 53e, sold to 64o and then de clined to 54HC where It closed. Local re ceipts were 147 cars. Provisions opened firm because of the strength of grain, but later weakened on a 10c decline In live hogs, and tha easier tone of wheat and corn. At the close Nay' pork was off 2H at tlS.40. Lard waa down 10c at 8S.27V4. Ribs were 6 7"o lower at 17.16. Estimated receipts for tomorrow are: Wheat, 39 cars; corn, 128 cars; oats, 292 cars; hogs, 15,000 bead. The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles ! Open.l Hlgh. Low. Close. Bat'y. Wheat I May 95-Hff! 97 91H 91 S24 July 86ttn4:86Vf S MI86 Sept. 84 b4f3Vie,H 83 . 83Ta 7W 68 67 T!ler(8 July iHMJ 6 4'4 64 W Sept. 53 t3Vyi 63 63 7e "msv fa 64 63H RSH & bMa'v 52 K, 62H 62 62 ii aJuly V 46 45'4 4614 44 bJuly 44-kl 44 43' 43 44 Pork May 13 45 IS 46 IS 32 1 40 13 i July 18 77H 13 80 13 60 13 70 It 75 Sept. 14 07Vl 14 07 13 92H 14 00 14 07V4 lWiT 8 t7H 8 I7H S 27H St7V4 8 37H July 8 SO S Crt4 8 46 S 60 8 60 Sept. 876 S 76 8 66 8 C7H880 Ribs . - 1 May 7 20 T 23 T 12 T 16 7 22 July 7 44 7 47 7 36 T 40 7 47 Sept. T65 T65 760 7 65 7 70 No. t aOld. bNew. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Easy t winter patents, 84 .25 4 76: straights. t8.9o4 60: soring natenta. t4 9Ki6.1u; straights, KOm&tbd; bakers, 83.10 J4 10. WHFJkT No. 8 spring, 93c81.0S; No. 2 red. 9V!)Kc. CORN -No. 8, 67S74c; No, 8 yellow. OATS-NO. 2, 624c; No. 3 white. 6164o. BARLEY Fair to choice malting, 73 tWc. SEEDS Flx, No. 1 northwestern, 11.11 Prime timothy, 84.86. PROVlftlONSc-fihort ribs, sides (looseV S.2tr7.i:. Mess pork, per bbl.. 313.37 U50. lrd, per 1"0 lbs., 8.2S. Short clear lines tmixea). 7.l0 Following were the receipts and ship ments 01 l lour ana grain: ' Receipts. Shipments. Flour,, bbls 27,40 ft.!XH Wheat, bu lO.fliO ,ew Corn, bu 133.9O0 99 9O0 Oats.-bu .2tifi.6iO 73,000 rtye. ta f........ 3 bailey, bu... ,42.900 14.800 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was steady: creameries. 2l"h:io- dairies. Eggs, steady; at jnark, cases lnciuata, ureie, i4c; prime firsts, 15c, Chtwcw, stsdy. l13c. - "' t. Lonls Uenerat Marktl. ST' LOIMS, Mo,, April 13. WHEAT .ra. .v. inj ruin, nwc; Jo liard. 4a'Jc: May. 82,4C; Juiy. 8i CORNF1rmj traok No. cash jrie No. 3 white, t;u5e; May, Vc; July! t'H16M.l. UAlO-rirm, rain, tttoi fia I mhli. May. 6or; July, 46c FLrOUR Uuil: ft Winter pa tent a, $4 SO a . A T K . fsia m i A a. ... I L. . , A . 4.46: clears, 88.6643.70. ' 9 ftOFfiS Timothy, steady, 11.2564 00 COKN MEAL Steady, 81 BRAN Weak; sacked, east track. 81.U HAT Steady: timothy, tl0.0iH15.00: nral tl". 8.&flti.i! ou. IRON COTTON TIES 11. I'ArKiiNn 7'c. '"MP TWINfc 8o. X'RO 'I3ION8 Pork, low er: Jobbln-4 L-iJ, sicd; pricn sisam. tw'a 8.10. Dry salt meats (bniud). strsdr: extra Jhorts, 37.76; clear ribs, I7.i2; short clears. M W(; clear ribs. M .17; ahort' clears. 8 12! "Hiim - MPo; chickens. Uc; prlngs, ltc: tuikeia. 12"aiar: it..- gpsp, 7c. lii;TTKR Quiet; creamery. IffiWp. rXjGS Steady ; 13o. case count. . Receipts. Snlpments. Flour, bbls (.kio l.mi Wheat hit . . m.i ji Corn, bu .'.l'W.ino 6t.wi0 OstS, bu 134.110 6,000 SEW YORK GKF.RAL MARKET Qaotatlons of the Hay on Tarloas C'ommodltlca. NEW YORK. April 1S.-FlXURr-Re-celpts, 19.000 bbls.; exports, 5.ano bbls.j sales, 3.200 bbls. Market quiet and unsettled. Minnesota patents,; winter straights, H.15ij4.30; Minnesota bkers, $4.2oii4.7!); winter patents, 34.5iKff4.90; winter extras, t3.6oh4.10; winter low grades, 83.60 N.06. Rye. flour, barely steady; fair to good, S4.4iMH.9l; choice to fancy, S5.0!Vj9 CXRNMEAL-Flrm: kiln dried. 83.66. KYE Firm; No. S western, 83c, f. o. b. New York. WHEAT Receipts, 47,000; exports. 163, 000. Spot, Irregular. No. 2 red, 99c ele vator; No. 2. S1.0o, f. o. b. afloat. No. 1 northern Duluth, 81.0Rs. t o . b. afloat; No. 2 hard winter, 81.064, f. o. b. afloat. Op tions opened frc higher and further ad vanced on dry weather reports. Later the advance was lost on profit taking with tho May option leading the decline. The close was easy at o net, loss. May, Wfil,00, closed ic; July, 9ih' 9434c, closed 9Hi4c; September, 9191c, closed 91 c. CORN Receipts, 60.B4O bu.; exports. 84, 200 bu.; spot, market firm; No. 2 nominal elevator nnd 71o afloat; No. 2 white, 71c. Option market opened quiet but firm at an advance of o. with wheat and on poor receipts rapidly lost the advance under realising and closrd easy at a net Ioks of o. May closed iffc; July, 73 74c, closed 73c. OATS Receipts, 1(6,000 bit.; spot, market ateaity. Mixed osts, 2Rtft33 pounds, 6Tc; natural white, ??j)2 pounds, 6tiff.SRc; clipped white, Sl'W) pounds, 67Vf62r. It AY Firm; gool to choirs, !Vaic, HOPS Steady; common to choice, 124c HIDKT8 Steady; Central America, 17c. PROVISIONS Reef, firm; family. S'5-60 (S16.0O; mess, 812.6lXiM3.0O; beef hams, 827.00 iiWW, packet, tl4.mwl4.50; city extra India moss, J23.5of24 On. Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies. S8.609.50; pickled hams, 89.50. Lard, easy; western, 8K.Wft8.65; re fined, steady: contlnnont, 8S-26; South America, J9.&5; compound. 87.62Oj H00. Pork, steady; family, 816.PW7.0iV short clears, 8:n.2fr 17.60; mes, 816.26615.76. TALLOW Firm; city, 6liac; country. 5(i(i(.c. t BUTTER Stcndy; creamery specials, 29c; extras, c; third to first, 2Hh2c; held common to special, 21&V8o; state dairy, common to choice. 21ft'2tin; western factory first, 21c; imitation creamery first, 22fu'23c; process, common to special, 21(fi'25c. CHEtSl) Weak; full cream special, 15c; state full cream, small, white, fancy, lic; state full cream, large, small, colored, fancy, 16c; state full cream, good to prime, 134fftl4c; state full oream, winter made, loifriic; state full cream, common, fair, S.ft'ic; skims, l(Kii'10c. EOOB Firmer; state, Pennsylvania and nearby, fancy solected white, lft31?c; good choice, 17W17c; first to extra first, ltv16c; western first, 15jl6c; seconds, 147il5c. POULTRY Alive, steady; fowls. 16c; tur keys, 16c. Dressed, steady; turkeys, 1'iSf 17c; fowls, 12315c. WEATHER IS TUB GRAI.V BELT Fair Probably Tuesday and Not Much Change In Tempera tare. OMAHA. April 11. 1906. Generally warmer weather prevails throughout the upper Mississippi and Mis souri valleys and west. It Is slightly cooler In the east and south. Light and scattered precipitation occurred In the eastern states within the last twenty-four hours and ralna are falling in the west gulf states this morning. The weather Is generally cloar In the lake region, Ohio valley and west over tha upper valleys Into tha moun tain district and will probably continue fair In this vicinity tonight and Tuesday, witn not mucn cnange in temperature. Omaha record of temperature and pre cipitation compared with the corresponding day of the last three years: JWl. 19U7. 1906. Minimum temperature.... 52 23 87 SO Precipitation 00 .00 , .40 .00 Normal temperature for today, 49 octrees. Deficiency lit precipitation since March 1. 1.73 Inches. Deficiency corresponding period In 1907, 1.76 inches. Excess corresponding period , in 1908, .88 of an inch. L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster. Corn nnd Wheat Region Bulletin. For the twenty-four hours ending at 8 a. m., 76lh meridian time, Monday, April 13, 19u8: OMAHA DISTRICT. , Temp Rain- Stations. Max. Win. fall. Sky. Ashland, Neb.... 76 414 .00 .00 .00 Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear .Clear Clear Clear Clear Auburn. Neb 75 41 Columbus, Neb.. 81 43 Falrbury. Neb.... 80 40 Fairmont, Neb... 77 43 Or. Island. Neb.. 83 49 Partington, Neb. 88 81 Hastings, Neb... 83 46 Oakdale, Neb.... 86 43 Omaha, Neb 74 46 Tekamah, Neb... 81 44 Alia. I& 77 48 Carroll, la 74 45 Clarlnda, la 74 48 Blbley, la 82 39 Sioux City, la.. 82 62 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 Minimum temperature for twelve-hour period ending at 8 a. m. DISTRICT AVERAGES. No, of -Temp. Rain. Station. Stations. Max. Mln. Inches. Chicago, 111 28 Columbus, 0 17 Dea Moines, la.... 14 Indianapolis, Ind.. 12 Kansas City, Mo.. 21 Louisville. Ky 18 Minneapolis, Mtnn. 29 Omaha, Neb 16 BU Louis. Mo 13 63 42 .00 68 , 88 .00 73 42 .00 62 40 .00 73 46 .00 6 40 .00 73 38 .00 80 44 .00 68 42 .00 The weather is warmer throughout the entire corn and wheat region. No precipi tation occurred within the last twenty-four hours. L A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. Kansas City 4jirnln sal Provisions. KANSAS CITY, April IS. W H EAT Un changed to lc higher; May, 86c; July, 79v,c; September, nc Cash: No. 2 hard, 9:t(jyfc; No. 8 hard. 91j?9uc; No. 2 red. Wet 97c; No. S red, 83io. CORN Wao higher; May, 62c: July, 69c; September, 5c. Cash: No. 2 mixed, tWV(i,c; No. 3 mixed. 3c; No. 2 white, 63ii4c; No. 8 white, 63V4m,63c. OATS Unchanged to. c higher; No. 2 White, 62f(63c; No. 2 mixed, 49jj4ac. RY B 74ffj'78c. HAY Steady to firm; choice timothy, Sll.M.OO: choice prairie, 19.75a 10.26. BUTTER trlo lower; creamery, extra, 2Sc; packing. 17c. v EGOS Firm; fresh extras, 15c; current receipts, 1340. BRAN-tl.U61.12; ahorts. S1.U91.18. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu. ,.; ; 6S.0O 66.O11O Corn, bu. 25,0n0 2?.0c0 Oats, bu 22.UU0 18,000 Grain futures at Kansas City as reported by Logan & Bryan, 2 Board of Trade: Articles I Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Wheat May 874 S6i R6 July 60 80 79 79 Corn May 62 62 ffl 62 July 6U-)4 60 t9'4 59 Philadelphia Prod ace Market. PHILADELPHIA. April IS. BUTTER Steady and in fair demand; extra western creamery, 31c; extra nearby prints, 33c. EUGS Firm and in good demand; Penn sylvania and other nearby firsts, free cases. 16o at mark: Pennsylvania current, receipts In returnable caaea. lbc at mark: west ern, free casea. 16c at mark; western cur rent receipts, free cases. 15c at mark. CHEESK Fleady and In fair demand; New York full creams, choice, lfaic; New York full creams, fair to good, 14 144c. Liverpool Grain anal Provisions. 'LIVERPOOL April 13. WHEAT Spot, dull: No. 3 red western winter, 7a. Fu tures, quiet; May, tU lid; July, 7s d; Sep tember. sl04. CORN Spot. prime mixed American, new, steady, 6s 6d; prime mixed American, old. firm. 6s Td. Futures, quiet; Msy, 6s.Vd; July, nominal. KUH'R-Winter patents, dull. 29s 3d. HOI'S In London, Pacific coast, steady, 1 10e'Dl'2 6s. Dnlath Urals Market. DULUTH. April U.-WHKAT-No 1 northern, No. S Aortberu. 96c; May, 97c; July. ' oai3-:. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS I Market Gives Farther Evidence of Limits to Professional Traders. TONE IS HEAVY AND DULL Maeh of Stagnation la Dae to Financial Mtaatloa Abroad and Dlatnrbnnco In Metal Trados. NEW YORK, April 13.-The stock mar ket today gave further evidence of Its restriction within professional limits and fell Into a dull rut in which little signi ficance attached to the sluggish filia tions In prices. The tone was heavy, which Is almost inevitably the case in a pro foundly dull market. Some of the heavi ness was of foreign inspiration and London sold on balance In this market. Paris con tinued to withdraw gold from London and prloea continued to harden at that center, while further rlae In foreign exchange rates here brought conditions near to the level at which London could shift the Paris demand for gold shipments to New York. London remittances to Paris represent the completion of the repayment of advenes made during the New York financial crisis and its reflected results In foreign mar keta. There seems to be same specu lative troubles in Paris, due to disturbances In the diamond and copper trades, which Induced llquldstlon by Paris in the London stock market. An official announcement was made In New York that the selling agency of the principal copper producers had marked down the selling price of copper, thus conforming to tho last week's successive reductions in the london market and at the New York Metal exchange. For this reason Amal gamated Copper was a leader In tho early downward movement of prices. The amount of subscriptions at Berlin to the new Her man and Prussian loans, although fully covering to Issues, seemed to be considered disappointing, thus adding to the unfavor able Influences from abroad. The Improve ment in investment Issues In foreign mar kets was In consequence checked. Domestic events offered little to offset these foreign Influences. Railroad traffic officials re- f'orted that there was no change In condl lons and there was a disposition to post pone the date of expected revival. The same was true of advances on the commer cial situation and complaints were heard from some enters of a relapHe Into some what critical conditions In trade. The ap proach of the Easter holldnys was a repressive factor on all speculative markets and this was emphasized by the decision to close the stock exchange from Thursday of this week until Monday of next. Crop prospects begin to have a more ef fective influence on the market and re ports of a conti rloed lark of moisture in parts of the winter wheat belt received some attention. The appearance of the Illinois Central circular proposing the offering of 15 per cent of holdings of new stock to stockholders at par presents, the subject of new capital Issues, which must be provided for in large volume In the no distant future. The depressing effect of Saturday's Delaware Murton bond an nouncement on that stock did not Imply a mood of satisfaction witn m growing ac cumulation of Idle money in New York, which Is looked upon to pave the way for success In new capital issues. Banks were somewhat less Inclined today, however, to press their funds on the market, which is comparatively bare of borrowers. Sharp advances In the group ot stocks known as specialties were without influence on the general list. Bonds were steady; total sales par value, 33.872.fioo. United States bonds were un chsnged on call. Following were the sales and range of prices on the Stock exchange today: Bales. High. Low. Clrxn. Adams Biuret -177 Amalgamated Copper 0,700 hl 6H 674 Am. O. & r M0 12 S3 S2(4j Am. C. A F. pfd Am. Cotton Oil 3D Am. Cotton Oil ptd K Arartcas Exprwtt ..... 190 Am. H. A U ptd 17 Amartrsa loa Securities.... 4.600 24 ti M Am. Ltnaeed Oil 10 Am. LlnaMd Oil ptd Am. IxwomotlT Sno 41 44 444 Am. Locomotive ptd ) 1 4 l 1S Am. 8. A R 32,no 6914 9, Am. 8. A R. ptd M 9t Am. 8usar Refining 700 12H t ISM. Am. Tobacro ptd ctfa. 8 Anaronds Mining Go I.9O0, Sfi'i 1H Ma, Atchlaoa 4.400 .'7H ' 7fH 7" Atrhlaon pfd S"0 81 8M4 M Atlantte Coaat Line 7 J 4 nn T3Va Baltimore A Ohio 6O0 M4 83 84 Bal. A Ohio ptd 84 Brooklyn Rapid Tr 7.4"a 47 H 44 4 Canadian PaolSe I.OuO 1M'4 16tt 1M Central of New Jeraey 17 Chaaapeaks & Oblo W) I) 11, 31 V Chlraao Ot. W It Chicago A N. W 20 147 14H 14UU C. M. A fit. P (.500 lit 117Vt 1174 Chicago T. A T t Chicago T. ft T. pfd 31 C, C, C. ft St. L 53 Colorado P. ft I PW 11 "4 22 a Colorado A 80 1,K 284 27 284 Colo. & 80. Ut Pfd W S6Va t54 (51 Colo. A 80. 2d pfd 1 4 4fsi 45 Consolidated Oal 1.800 3201, 118 1IS Cora Products, rfg 900 14 14 14 Corn Products pfd, rfg 5 Delaware ft Hudaon 700 152 irrf 1M Dal.. L. ft W 47f Denver ft Rio Grande lftu D. ft R. a. pfd Dlnlller' Becujitlea 10a ll4 1H 91 Erie t.MO 17i 17 174 Erie 1st pfd l.SO 84 83 3S Brie lit pfd 8A0 23 S3 Oenaral K lac trie 100 183 133 1.1 Illinois Central 104 124 124 124 International Paper luO 8 ( Int. Paper pfd 54 Int. Pump 23 Int. Pump ptd... 100 71 71 70 lows Central 13 Iowa Central pfd 100 82 82 82 Kansas City 80 33 K. O. So. pfd 100 62 h2 K Loulwrtll A N 100 Mexlcas Central 00 14 1 ! Minn, ft 8t. L WO 23 23 23 M., 8t. P. ft 8. 8. M 200 111 110 111 M., St. P. A S. g. M. ptd 128 Missouri Pacific 1.800 44 43 43 St., K. ft T 24 M.. K. ft T. pfd 800 68 68 18 National Lead 1.600 64 64 6A N. R. R. of M. pfd 4814 New Tors Central 3"0 t , 7 N. Y., O. A W t 100 t 22 22 Norfolk ft W 100 44 44 CH N. ft W. pfd 80 North American 100 62 62 6: Pacific Mall 0 at1 2 tr. Pennsylvania , I.IM) 117 117 117 People's Oas 400 8 89 P., C. C. ft Bt. L 10 Pressed Steel Csr 23 Pressed 8. C pfd ' 81 Pullman Palace car 161 Reading 78.700 106 104 104 Reading let pfd SO Reading td pfd 7 Republic Steel 400 ( u ,8 Republic Steel pfd 80,1 an : 7 Rnrk laland Co 1, 200 14 14 :4 Rock Uland Co. pfd 71 2 28 !8 8t. U ft 8. T. 2d pfd 100 27 27 26 Bt. Louis 8. W ..... IS St. L. 8. W. pfd .x 34 goslhere Pacific t.too 72 73 73 80. Pacific ptd I'D 112 112 ll?'j Bo. Railway 14 IS 13 Bo. Railway pfd 4O0 8D 84 39 Texaa ft Pacific 600 17 17 17 T, Bt. L. ft W , 17 T . Bt. L. ft W. ptd (Ol l 40 41 Unlos PaelBo 40,6uO 127 124 127 Union Pacific ptd too 80 79 7 V. 8. Express. so V. 8. Realty 43 II. 8. Rubber too 2 2o ' IT. 8. Rubber pfd 4o0 t:i 82 : V. 8. Bteel 2A4 S3 83 Kl tl. B Bteel pfd VK) ts 8 9 Vs. -Carolina Chemical 19 Va -Cero. ckem. ptd 00 Wabash 10 Wabaefc pfd , 1 Willi-Kario Eiprsea 800 Weatlngbouss Sleet ne I.OuO 64 63 64 Western Inlon 62 Wheeling ft L. K I Wisconsin Central 104 14 14 14 Wle. Central pfd 40 Northern Pacific 4.3 12 12i 1 514 Central Leather !. 21 21 it Central Leather pfd 68 81 M Sloss-Bhefneld - S"0 44 44 44 Ores! Northers ptd 4 00 124 124 134 Interborough Met. 21 900 11 9 H Int. Met. pld z zn B Itsb Copper u j-.n. Total sales tar the dar, 264.000 shares. 28 New York Mlslng Storks. NEW YORK. April 13 Closing quotations on mining stocks were: Adams Con I Little Chief Alice 176 Ontario 876 Breece 14 Ophlr 2Jb6 Brunswick Coo IS Pot net 4 Comstock Tunnel .... 22 Ravage 24 Con. Cal. ft Va 66 Blerra Nevada ........ 4ft Horn Silver 76 Small Hoses 16 Irua Silver 10 Standard 14 Lead vl lie Cos I Forelajm Fluaavtal. BERLIN. April ll-tVlces on the Bourse today were somewhat weaker upon profit taking. American securities were lower. P.UU8. April IS. Trading . on the Bourse today was dull and prices weak. Bask Cleertag-s. OMAHA, April H Bank clearing for to day were tr.at3.47o.&4 and for the corre sponding dste lsst year n,ScJ,5t'.9.51. . Trrsssry blalwtaeat. WASHINGTON. April II. Today's stste- mcnl of the treasury halancts in the g-i-cial fund exclusive of 11, :ii,'jo 0 g ilj reserve shows: Availshls rssh bslsnee. ?.: gold coin snd bullion. ,;; gold certificates. fo.lRo.o. Xew York Money Market. NEW TORK. April 13. rRIME MH1V CANTIUK PArKR-4Vt,ft per cent. BTKRLINU KxrHANOB-Flrm. with actual business In bankers' bit's st f 4 H8i&9 4 W for demand and at 14 M4Hf4 84SO for slttty-day bills: commercial bills. 14.84'i. 81L,VE1V-Bar. ilSc; Mexican dollars. 47e. BONDS Government, steady; railroad. Steady. MONEY On call, easy at lHtflV per cent: ruling rate, per cent; closlns; hid, 1 per cent; offered at 1 per cent. Time loans, quiet and firmer; sixty dsys, I1P 2 per rent: ninety days, a per cent; six months. 34(g4 per cent. The following are the closing quotations on bonds: V. 8. ret. 2a, reg. ... 108 Erie p I. 4a 84 do coupon 104 do gen. 4a 70 V. 8. 8a. reg inn "Hocking Tsl. 4a. .1(4 do coupon 101 L. ft N. unl. 4S 94 V. 8. 4a, reg 19Msn. 0. g. 4s 91 do coupon 128 Men. Central Am s L 81 Am. Tobacco 4s do 1st Inc...,.. 17 do 6s ln3Mlnn. ft Bt. Kl., Atchlenn gen. 4s 94 M., K. ft T. 46 94 do sdj. 4c 84 N. T. C. g. ts so Atlantic C. L. 4s.... K6 N. J. C. g. 6s 158 Bsl. ft Ohio 4s 97 No. Pacific 4a 100 ' do 3s 91 do 8s 71 Brk. R. T. c. 4a...... 70N. A W. r. 4s 94 Central of Oa. 6e mi 0. B. L. rfdg. 4a.... 88 central of Oa. 6s... 47 Penn. cv. 3a 94 ido 1st Ina. ....... 47 Reading gdi. 4e do 2d Inc .4 St. L. ft I. M. c 6a. 103 do 8d Inc 84 St. L. A B. T. f. 4s. 885, Chea. ft Ohio 4s.... 97tt. L. B. W. c. 4s ... 41 Chlcsgo ft A. 8.... 41 Seshosrd A'. U 4s.. 49 C, B. A Q n. 4s.... 5Bo. Psclflo 4s 88 C. R. I. A P. 4s 43 do 1st 4s ctfs 88 do col. 6s :Bo. Railway 6s. ft1 CCC. A 81. L. g. 4s.. 94 Teiaa A P. 1 107 Colo. Ind. 4a, ser. A. 64 T., St. L. ft W. 4s.. 70 Colo. Mid. 4a e I nlon Pacific 4a. ion Colo. A Bo. 4s 88 do cv. 4a 83 Cuba 6s 101 V. B. Bteel Cd 6a t I. A R. O. 4s 4 Weheeh Is li rnHHera" 8ec. 6s 70 do deb. B 47 Jitpan 4s 76 Western M4. 4s 88 do 4s ctfs ,8 W. A L. E. 4s 6.1 do 2d series 65 Wis. Central 4s 81 Bid. Offered. Boston Mocks and Bonfts. BOSTON, April 13. Money, call loans. EH b'H per cent; time loans.. 4416 per cent. The following were the closing prices on stocks and bonds: Atchison srtj. 4s 5 do pfd 44 do 4s 98 Adventure t Mexlrsn Centrsl 4a... 80 Alloues 24 Atchison 7.1 Amslgsmated 67 do pfd 8 Atlantic I Boston A Albany 204 Bingham 70 Boston A Maine 134 Cel. A Heels 420 Bneton Klevcated ....135 Centennial 21 Kttchburg pfd 128 Copper Range 44 Meilcan Central 1 Pair West 8 N. Y., N. H. ft H....13.1 Franklin 6 I'nlon Paclfle 127Orsnby 90 Am. Arge. Cbem 17 Mesa. Mining 2 do pf d 83 Michigan 10 Am. Pneu. Tube 6 Mohawk 48 Amer. Hugar 421 Mont. C. A C TO do pfd 122 Old Dominion 83 Am. T. A T lis Osceola 81 Am. Woolen 1 Parrot 17 do pfd 84Qulnrjr 62 Pomlnton I. A B 16flhannnn 11 Edison Elec. lllu inn Tamarack 80 General Electric lS2Trlnlty 18 Masa. Electrln 1" United Copper 4 do prd 46 V. 8. Mining 36 Maea. Oas 67 V. B. OH 20 ITnlted rrutt 1! I'teh 37 United 8. M 47Vlctorla J do pfd 37 'Wlnons J U. B. Steel 88 Wolverine '125 Asked. London Closing: Stocks. ' LONDON. April 13. American securities opened dull and heavy today. Southern Pacific. Chicago, Milwaukee & Bt. Paul and Amalgamated Copper were a fraction above Saturday's New York closing, but the rest of the list declined Vfi'H during the first hour. London closing stock quotations: Consols, money 67 Mn., Kan. A Tents . 25 do account 67 New York Central... ..tno Anaconda It Norfolk ft Western., 6ft Atchison 78 do pfd 68 do pfd Sfi Ontario ft Western . . 81 Baltimore A Ohio-.. Pennaylvanls go Canadian Pacific ...187 Rand Mine 6 Chesapeake ft Ohio:. 82 Reading 68 Chi. Oreat Western.. 6Smithem Railway ... 14 Chi., Mil. A 8t. P.. 121 do pfd 41 Da Beers 11 Southern Paclfle .... 78 Denver ft Rio Grand to 1'nlon Pacific 130 do pfd 64 do pfd 83 Erie 1 Vnlted Statea Bteel.. 34 da 1st pfd 86 do pfd 101 do 2d pfd 24Wsbash n- Grand Trunk 16 do pfd IB Illinois Central 128 Spanish 4a 32 Louisville A Nash.. 103 Amal. Copper 69 SILVER Bar, steady at 28 M6d per ounce. - ,. c s MONET 2452K petv.-cent. The rate of discount In, the open market for short 'bills 'Is t4 ''far cent; for three months' bills, 2 per tent, Metat Market. NEW YORK, April 13. METALS There waa a quiet, but .sharp break In the Lon don tin today, with spot quoted at 1U 16s, and futures at 140 15s. The local mar ket was easy and lower In conaequence with quotations ranging from,ygXil.bO. Copper advanced 5s, in the London market, with spot quoted at 58 and futures at 58 10s. Locally the market was weak, but unchanged with lake quoted at $13.7bg 12.87H: Electrolytic at $12.62312-76 and casting at $12.37H'12.60. Lead was un changed at 1.1 l&s, in the London market and at S3 95;v4.0O locally. Spelter was un changed at 21 6a, In the English market, but was easy and a shade lower locally at t4.60t04.66. Iron .was lower with standard foundry quoted at 50s Sd, and Cleveland warrants at 51s 6d. Locally no change waa reported. No. 1 foundry northern, Il.:!otj) 18.75; No. 2. 17.7&S18.25; No. 1 southern and No. 1 southern soft, H7.2fvg-18.00. ST. LOU 1 8. April 13. M ETALS Lead, firmer, $3.87H- Spelter, dull; )4.50. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, April 13.-COTTON-Futures opened eaay; May, .19c; July, 1.22c; August, 9.15c; September, .10e, bid; Oc tober, J.?lc; December, J.21c; January, 9.23c; March, 9.24c, bid. Futures closed steady! April, 9.88c; May, 8.98c; June, 9.02c; July, 9.07c; August, 8.99c; September, 8.97c; October, 9.0Sc; November, 9.02c; December, 9.03c; January, 9.04c; March, 906c. OALVE8TON, Texas. April 13. COT TIN Lower; 10 6-lfic. NEW ORLEANS, April IS. COTTON Spot, quiet and easy; sales, 800 bales; low ordinary, 5Tc; ordinary, S 11-lAc, nominal; good ordinary, SMic; low middling, 90; mid dling, 10 8-lfic; good middling, 10 ll-16c; mid dling fair, 11 8-16c; fair, U 1,3-160, nominal; receipts. 4.390 bales; stock, 1H6.153 bales. ST. LOl'IS, April 13. COTTON Dull; middling, 1014c; no sales; receipts, 115 bales; shipments, 240 bales; stock. 27.623 bales. Evaporated Apples and Dried Frnlta. NEW YORK, April IS. EVAPORATED APPLES The market was practically nom inal in the absence of business. Holders, however, show little disposition ts make concessions. Fsncy, UHsfe'llc; choice, iWH 9c; prime, 7,4'&7Sc; common to fair, b'tf 6p. DRIED FRUITS Prunes are said to be steadier on the coaat, but the local market ehows no improvement. Quotations range from 4"c to 14ft for California and from bc to 10c for Oregons. Apricots are In light demand, with choice quoted at 183 an extra choice at lJ4i21e and fancy at at24c. Perches are nuiet. with choice otioted at 1010'c, extra choice at 11 l'Hc, fancy at HMlSo and extra fancy at l.Vfillc. Ralalna are dull, with loose musca tels quoted st 5&6c, seeded raisins at &ViS 8c and London layers at tl. 851. 75. agar aad Molasses. NEW YORK. April U.-SrQAR-Raw, firm; fair refining, 3.92c; rentrlfugal, 98 teat, 4 4-'c: molssses sugar, x.87e. Refined sugar, firm; No. 8. 6.10c; No. 7. 6. Otic: No. 4. 6tc; No. 9. 4.95c; Nq. 10, 4.85c; No. If 4. c; No. 12, 4.75c; No. 13, 4.70c; No. 14, 4.66c. Concentrates A. 6.30c; mould A, 5. K5c: cut loaf, 8S"c; crushed, 8.10c; now dered, 5.60c; granulated. 6.50c; cubes, 6.75c. Visible sapply of Grain. NEW YORK. April IS. The visible supply of grain Saturday. April 11. as compiled by the New Y'ork Produce exchange was as follows: Wheat. 37.876.0nO bu.; decrease 1.3)6,000 bu. Corn, 5.794.000 bu.; Increase, 47.000 bu. Oats, ll.til'.OO bu. ; increaae. 673.000 bu. Rye. 622.iO bu. ; decrease. 33.0U0 bu. Harley, 3.1b4.0,JO bu.; Increase. 6,000 bu. Oils and Hosln. OIL, CITY, Pa.. April 13. OIL-Credit balances. 11.78; runs. 246.931 bbls.; aver age, 154,272 Mils.; shipments, t&.'Jtd bbls.; average, 171. 23 bbls. SAVANNAH. Oa., April 13. OIL-Tur-pentlne firm, 48c. ROBIN Firm; A. B. C. $3 40; D, E. S3.50; H. I. 83.20; K. 86 20; M. 16.60; N, 85.66; W, O. 15.70; W. W. 85.75. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. April 13. COFFEE Futures closed steady, net I points lower to 6 points higher, near months being relatively easy. Salea reported, 2O7.260 bags. Including May, 6.6&i 6.10c; July, 6 hue; September, 6 hi'n6leV; December, 5 tf'ai.ouc. Spot coffee quiet; No. 7 Rio, 6c; No. 4 Kant s. 8Sttrc; mild coffee, dull; Cordova, ' Wool Slarkot. ST. LOUIS. Aptll 13. WOOLc-Bteadv; medium grades, combing and clothing. Ivr !'; light fine 1ui;c; heavy fine, UaiSc; lub- ashed, ZZVXv. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Fat Cattle of All Kindt Dull and Lower. HOGS CONTINUE ON DOWN GRADE Pair Ran of Lambs, with Very Few Sheep In Stgkfc Demand Good and Trade Fairly Active - at Steady Prlres. SOUTH OMAHA. April 13. 1908. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Estimate Monday ... 8.O0O 4V Same day last week.. 1.841 2.58 10.1X6 Same day I weeks ago.. 8.167 .44 4.734 Same day I weeks ago.. 1.752 4.606 13.9H6 Same day 4 weks ago., 4.612 7.0fl 7.811 Same day lsst year 6.803 6.321 18,242 The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to dste, compared with last year: 190s. Tsoi, Jno. Dec. Cattle 271,090 830.581 49.491 Hogs 870,350 6V2.J91' 177,969 Sheep 413,611 674.222 160,611 Tha following table shows the average price of hogs at South Omaha for the laat several days, with rompsrlsons: Dats. I 1908. 1907. 1906.1905. 1904. 1903. ,1901. April I... April 8... April 4... April 6... April 9.... April 7... April 8... April 9... April 10.. April 11.. April 12,. April 13... 179 I 731 6 451 301 7 J0 7 M 8 68 7 26 . 6 64 8 'JJ 7 26 7 24 6 68 7 271 64 7 26 8 6 7 Dft 6 80 47 8 23) 48 1 6 ti 481 6 211 6 151 5 211 t 14 6 07 ( 291 6 S0 6 26 6 25 I 79 461 6 0O 4 94; 6 82Vi a 86 t 22 26l 6 30 6 !M 34 O Y4 6 73 6 6 6 72 4 91 4 91 s 6 32 6 88; 6 42 S 42, 5 25 6 2; 4 96! 4 881 1 iu 90 6 91 6 84 S 64 6 421 6 881 6 2X 4 81 7 19 Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought in today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sneep. H'r's. C. M. & Stl P 2 1 .. 1 Mo. P. Ry 4 U. P. R. R. S3 11 6 1 C. & N. W. (east) ..2 2 C. & N. W. (west .. 26 25 4 3 C. St. P., M. ft O.. 24 3 C, B. & y. (cast) .... I 1 .. 2 tj., h. & y. (west) .... 34 11 2 1 C, It. 1. & p. (east).. 2 1 C. R. I. A P. (west) 1 Illinois Central Ry. .. 3 .. .. .. Chicago Gt. Western 1 .. .. 1 Total receipts ....132 66 12 10 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the cumber ot head Indicated: . . Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 454 8 398 Swift and Company .... 491 239 660 Cudahy Packing Co. .... 708 1,387 7 Armour & Co 618 410 760 Vanaant & Co 55 ... , Carey A Benton 20 I-obmnn & Rothsohlld.. 43 W. I. Stephen 112 Hill eV Son M F. P. Lewis 9 J. B. Root A Co 248 McCreary A Carey 8 H. F. Hamilton 94 F. O. Inghram 1 Sullivan Bros 10 Lehmer Bros 8 Other buyers 253 . . Morris & Co K9 Meyer ui Huffman 223 Blackshlre 555 Klngan 877 St. L. Ind. Pkg. Co 201 Totals 3.222 3,394 2.621 CATTLE Receipts of cattle were not very large at this point, but there was a liberal run at Chicago. The trade as a whole was In very unsatisfactory condi tion, being slow and weak from start to finish. Packers and shippers started out bid ding 10gl6o lower on the general run of good steers this morning. They were all pointing to the fact that the Chicago mar ket closed poorly last week and that pros- fiects from there were poor for the com. ng week. Besides that Chicago was re ported slow and weak again today. There were quite a good many cattle In the yards this morning and salesmen made a hard struggle to maintain steady prices so that the trade was slow throughout. Here and there salesmen who happened to have something In the way of very handy, lightweight steers which were In good de mand did not call the markets very much lower, but the heavier cattle were lOo lower, and In some cases as much as 16c lower. Cows and heifers were also slow throughout, buyers holding off for a 6 10c decline. It was midday before any thing like a clearance was affected. There were quite a good many feeders In the yards, some of them of very good quality. The market on the best grades was about steady and from that down to a little lower on others. As high as 15.40 was paid for choice Idaho hay-feds. Quotations on cattle: Good to eholce corn-fed steers, 6.2rvg.85; fair to good cora-fed steers, 5.76r6.26; common to fair cornjefl steers, 85.004)6.76; good to choice cover end heifers, 84.854c5.85; fair to good cows and heifers, t3.75ft4.85; common to fsir cows and heifers, $2.0utf?3.75: good to choice stockers and feeders, 84.7556.40; fair to good stockers and feeders, J4. 0x4 76; common to fair stockers and feeders. 13. 00 ti4.00. BEEF STEERS. Ns. At. Pr. No At. Pr. 31 788 4 46 8 1311 16 t 8 4 0 (7 13R4 It 13 881 6 25 16 1888 4 IS 10 W 6 66 7 mi 4 30 10 8 TO 11 1348 8 30 84 13K8 ( 70 42 1.131 3 26 2 10D4 8 76 23 18118 I 11 iS 1011 t 80 40 1818 26 1U tsl 6 80 13)0 26 44 1165 I 0 1 1S84 4 28 1080 I 80 21 1171 I 30 18 1201 I Ml tl 1848 4 36 81 U4 6 90 31 13 ( 34 6 414 i 80 30 1487 4 46 t 1040 6 8 SO 1344 4 (0 33 137 4 06 20 l:'21 86 1 1244 4 Of. 28 1178 ( g) 24 1311 4 14 7 1223 4 80 21 1011 4 10 II 1806 at 3(1 VW 4 II 14 lent ( 86 1 1116 4 15 13 1833 I (6 40 U50 8 15 COW& 8 8 t 26 II 878 11) 4 H 3 SO 18 4 10 3 M IM 10 1018 4 11 4 1110 8 76 6 M4 4 40 I n 2 76 8 1040 4 60 616 3 16 3 11JJ 4 M 4 I'M 2 80 8 1088 4 60 4 827 3 00 1 1030 4 46 4 M! I 00 3 1CJ4 4 76 87 3 40 1 1170 4 76- 1 1000 I 60 1 836 4 80 . 8 10i I 40 4 1? 4 80 I 4 U04 I 76 14 1281 I s T M4 I 4 4 11S4 I 26 11 M8 4 00 37 1183 I 30 1 13X4 4 00 3." 1.114 I S6 t 1110 4 Oil 8 147 ( 10 HEIFERS, 4 ) 3 00 6 7 4 78 4 673 3 10 4 416 I 00 1 485 3 25 6 62 ( 16 1 44 3 86 30 TtT I 84 8 4 .) I 86 12 1017 I 36 I V I I 60 3 300 I 40 4 8 3 76 1 628 I 60 1 786 4 26 8 8x4 I 60 W 171 4 40 BULLS. 1 480 SO 1 lns 4 8S 1 80 i 86 1 710 4 60 I t 8 26 7 1844 4 46 1 1WO I S 1 1840 4 46 1 ! 60 1 6S 4 f5 1 1M0 3 SO 1 1410 4 86 t... M 4 00 1 lttJl 4 80 1 1240 4 36 1 1040 t 00 CALVES. t 176 4 S 1 130 I 16 '8 lit 6 00 10 134 I to t ..100 6 "0 1 no I 60 T 182 8 2 I 140 t0 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS 4 M7 2 M 8 624 4 40 1 64 I 8 142 I6 4 40 T 81 4 00 18 6A4 4 4 8 14 4 10 10 . 4 80 9 f 4 20 4 817 4 40 11 41 4 20 !2 j,4 4 80 14 871 4 38 l ....81 6 00 WESTERNS-IDAHO. 24 feeders.. 2 4 85 1 feeder... 1240 4 00 9 feeders.. 928 4 75 1 feeder... IftSO 4 00 14 feeders.. 85 4 86 1 Cow. ..... 970 J 26 1 cow m t 25 1 cow 750 4 (a) '2 cows K40 2 65 t cows..... 4c6 (26 I cow.... 1110 5 40 WESTERNS WYOMING. 1 cow i0 2 85 . 4 cows 9?5 2 40 4 steers.. 6 75 1 steer I J 30 6 25 16 feeders.. 795 4 75 26 feeders. . 761 6 20 2 'e.ders.. 716 4 00 HOGS Hogs sold tVilPc lower this morn. Ing, and the trade was very dull and weak at the decline. Buyers did not appear to be at all anxious for the hogs even at the lower prices so. that considerable time waa spent in disposing pf the modurate receipts The hogs sold largely at 65 &H'u6.6o. with a top at 85.76. It will be remembered that on Saturday the hoss sold largely at L 70&J 6.75. with a top at 85.88. Representative sales: A. 8b. Pr. No A. 4h. Pr. J Ill 1st) I 66 80 127 40 6 88 46 444 SA I 80 76 341 40 ti 84 37 12V If) 17 1U ... 6 48 It 1st ... I an 86 l.l eD i M 73. It ... I 4?S 67 rtt ... I 86 68 Il4 20 I 42 H f.8 M I 86 41 f ... t -"4 " ra s) 11, 1 IM 4 81 -I st t!8 ... I 41 I iM 40 8 ti's 74 Lil ... I si .(MRU Depositors of the First National liank of Omaha secure for their accounts every iofsil'Je 'aciuisition of modern banking; absolute safety, quick collet'tions, con venient location, and every financial ndantae and bank ing privilege consistent with sound principles. 1 . . .- .". . 1 : We invite your account. FIRST NATIONAL BACK OF OMAHA THIRTEENTH AND FARHAM STREETS Oldest and Largest Five splendid offices There are five offices and only five, which are not occupied at the present time. If you want an office in the best building in Omaha now is the time to make among these are several choice rooms and one or two exceptional opportunities. ROOM 214 Thin room Is 14V4x27 feet, a total of almost 400 gquare feet la this room, and for anyone desiring large floor apace at low rental, thla Is an exceptional opportunity. The price per month Is SUITE 320 Thla is a very handsome suite of two rooms connot ing of one large room, 20x20 feet, with a north light, and a smaller room. 8x20 feet. In connection with the large room Is a burglar- proof vault. This Is a corner office and corner offices are always eagerly sought for. The price per month Is ROOM 644 This is the only vacant room is 12x20 feet and faces the east. room and Is just the thing for some sized office. The price per month is JiUlTE 3043 This is a fine located office on the third floor close to elevator. It is facing on Farnam St., and has a fire proof vault. It is subdivided to furnish two private offices and a reception room at, per month ROOM 520 Is a small room on the west side of the building and has good light. This can be let at, per month Room 10S. K. W. BAKER, Supt. Bee 14 331 40 ( I24 14 311 ... I tit 13 3U7 ... ttiS, ii ail ... i 4? 46 Ill ... I 42t 42 t4 480 t 42 48 331 40 i 42 I 344 ... 183 78 141 80 82 170 184 140 ( 3Si 47 341 40 I 42 78 tut 140 I 84 44 304 80 I 46 32 330 40 I 86 44 141 to I 44 41 110 80 I 40 270 ... I to 80 178 40 I 44 43 770 ... 184 48 IM 130 I 84 48 747 ... 145 : an 240 1 t 78 8n8 80 1 84 83 181 80 I I7H l 88 10 80 I 471 1 44 188 80 I 87 . 41 174 4 70 43 177 130 I 70 I as 211 I w 73 370 ... I 72 71 Jhf ... t 7t SHEEP Receipts of sheep were very light this morning-, only about eleven cars being reported In. Aside from a few scattering lots, the receipts consisted almost entirely of lambs, most of them wooled. The feel ing on the market was good .and the most of the offerings changed hands In good season In the morning at prices that were strong to a little .higher than last week. Good wooled lambs sold up to 17.66 with shorn lambs as high as 7.2f. The few ewes on sale were mostly clean-up stuff and not overly desirable. Quotations on lambs: Good to choice wooled, $7.26'ci7.80: fair to good wooled, I8.75nj1.28 ; good shearing lambs, carrying flesh. M. 7507. 25; good shearing lambs, thin, 16.006.60; shorn lambs, 000 under wooled stock. Quotations on sheep: flood to choice light yearlings, shorn, $.2SiJ.86; fair to good yearlings, shorn, IK.0iyti6.26; good to choice wethers, shorn, $6.00'ti6.26; fair to good wethers, shorn, t5.754ili.00; good to choice ewes, shorn, tS.GOiijt.OO; fair to good ewes, shorn, $6.00S5.60; culls and bucks, shorn, l3.00tQH.oD; wooled sheep, 25H0c above shorn stock. Representative sales: No. Av. Pr. 1S4 Colorado lambs 94 ' 7 26 361 Colorado lambs 94 7 26 667 Colorado Mexican lambs 88 7 60 25 Western ewes, culls 97 4 00 873 Western ewes 98 8 76 12 Western lambs 93 7 00 20 Western wethers 147 6 60 6 Western ewes, culls K8 4 00 13 Western ewes , 122 (00 215 western lambs, shorn 72 , 7 25 219 western ewes 96 S 60 266 Mexican lambs 84 7 65 2ri2 Mexican lambs 82 7 66 347 western spring lambs 46 8 00 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Slow, bat Steady Hogs Fif teen Cents Lower. CHICAGO. April 13. CATTLE Receipts, 21,000 hca J; market slow, but steady; steers, I560IS7.60; cows. 3.0Jo.76; heifers. J3 4j 6.26; bulls, 33.606.10; calves, 36.00u6.76; stockers and feeders. 33.60iti6.75.' HOGS Receipts, 38.000 head; market 16c lower; choice shipping, 36.064341.10; butchers, 6.0&a16; light mixed. S5.6a.00; choice light. l.0OuUO; packing, t.fji00; pigs. 34 5046.60; bulk of sales. 36.906-00. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 12.000 head; market 'strong; sheep, 44 506.00; lambs 36.MXa7.76; yearlings, t6.5og.50. Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, April 13. CATTLE Re ceipts, 4,700 head, Including 800 southerns; steers steady to 10c lower; top, 86.80; cows strong to loc higher; choice export and drfKSfd beef steers, 36.45&i.M); fair to good, 3o.6uti.40; western steers, 35.00ti6.0; stockers and freders, 33.50)6.60; southern steers, 34.6otiiC.2b; southern cows. 32. 7fr4.75; native cows, ' l.(i'j.2f; native heifers, 4.006.Ju; bulls, e3.75ia.40; calves. 84.0C6.2S. HUGH Receipts, 6.700 head; market 6fll0c lower; top. 35.96; bulk of sales, 36.ti64ia.86; heavy, 35. WKij5.95; rmikers and butchers, I5.6i4i5.9u; light. 3C.4&5 HO; pigs, 34.UKu4.50. SHEEP AND LAM BS Receipts, 11.000 head; market steady; spring Union, 38.0o3 9.-6; lambs, 17 v(i7.5o; swes and yearlings, 85.206.50; western yearlings, 3ti.2u&7.00; western sheep, 35.00(6.S0; stockers and feeders. 83.606.00. St. I.onls Live Stork Market. ST. LOC1S. April 13.-CATTLE Receipts. 2.0X1 head, Including 660 Texans; market steady; native shipping and export steers, 36.i(g7.5; dressed bref and butchers steers. 35 4.Vg6.50; steers under 1.000 pounds, 34.75U 5 55; stockers and feeders, I3.;t'a5.25; cows and heifers, 33.76fi6.00; csnners, 3iofK?i3.00; bulls, ti 'ilb.; calves. 83 5o'; Texas and Indian steers, 83.504jJ.50; cows and heifers. Jl.7MH.ffi. HOGS Receipts. 5.500' head: market steady; pigs and lights, M.05&6.10; packers, 3o.5o43.06; butchers and best heavy, 35.95'ir 8.15. BHERP AND LAM Bf? Receipts. 1 y head; market steady; native muttons, 33.60 ihi id: lambs, 11.5 a 8. 0i; culls and bucks, 33.50tJ 5.00. block In Sight. Receipts of live stock at the six principal markets yesterday. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep South Omaha 3.Ct 4 v 6 665 Sioux City 3 ooo l.(y Kansas City 6.700 6.700 11 On) Bt. Ixiuis 2.000 5,5u 1.5'j0 Si. Joseph 1.148 . 4.772 4 0.9 Chicago 21.000 20 ll'.oto Total 36.848 59.97J " 31,U 81. Joseph Live Slock Market. 8T. JOSEPH. Mo., April 13. CATTLE Receipts. 1.148 head; market slow: nstives. 85.ii46 80; stockers and freders. I3.75a5.4'l; sows and heifers, 8- 'r'f " ''. HOGS Receipts. I.77L' head; raarket 1)3 lower; top 86 60; bulk. 8i ed'oo W. SHEEP AND LAM RH Receipts. 4 0J ) head; market lmftl5c lilher; lambs, 17 0j 7.6o; yearlings, 86.4'fi.S5. Slonx rttr Live Stock Market. lOVX CITY. Is.. April 13 -(fpeHs Tele. . , . T T" t I." n - i . a t . . . .... i a hi. , i n t j hi j nci riiiin, c,' ' "J lirsin. 1.1 n r i kel steady; beeves, to.iidb.tu: cows and ffiBffl7?3ffr3ffpJBfTT725S,T8tT!M?l Bank in Nebraska. your selection, because j $27.50 $52.00 $20.00 room on Uie sixth floor. The It Is a decidedly pleasant one who desires a medium $50.00 $15.00 liuildintf. heifers, 3.2"4i6.25; stockers and feeders, 34.0iv34.60; calves and yearlings. 83.004f4.6U. HOGS Receipts, 1,000 head. Market Joe lower at a range of 35. 500.75; bulk ot sales, 85.606.75. OMAHA. WHOLES ALB MARKET. Condition of Trade and qootetlone oa. Staple ana Fnnejr Piredneo. BOOS -Fresh selling eggs, candled, 14e, BUTTER Common, Ku; fancy tub and rolls, creamery, 30c. CHEESE New full cream, Wisconsin twins, 17Vc; new full oream brick, 17o; do mes tlo new Swiss, 18c; new llmburger. UJ lc; young Americans. lTfto. LIVE POL'LTRi Spring. 8Hc: hen. 100 roosters, 4c; ducks. 9o; geeso, 7Vc HAT Choice No. 1 uplund. 7-Ao: medium. 14.50; No. 1 bottom, 85.00: off grades. 34.004 Cos. Rye straw. 87.00. No. 1 alfalfa, 8U.&0. TROPICA! FKUiTS. BANANAS Port Llmou. .owing te arise, per bunch. 31 VLdO. ORANGES Extra fancy, SO to M else, per box, 32.76; extra fancy, 113 slss, pet box, 32.56; extra fancy, U6 and 160 slse, per box. 33 extra fancy, 176, 2U). 216, 250 slse, per box, 33.25; extra fancy, Waahiogtn navels, 80 to 98 slse, per box. 82. 50, extra fancy, Washington navels, 112 slse, per box, 2.65i extra fanoy. Washington navels, UH and 150 sise, per box, 32.76; extra fancy, Washington navels, 176, 200, 816, 250 slse. per box, 83. LEMONS Extra fancy, extra long keep. Ing, 800 to tkW slse, per box, 34; -.'Xtra choice, extia long keeping, 8o0 and 160 slse, per box, 83.76; extra fancy. Sou slse, per box, 83.60; extra choice Greyhound, 8u0 alas, per box, 33. -S. APPLES Washington, Rome Beauties. Red CheeK Pippins, Kings, Bpys, assorted, per box, 31.60; California red winter Pear, mans, per box, 81 50, , STRAWBERRIES Texas barrtea errlvod Monday and sold for 86. Auolliet lot cams Tuesday and sold for 85- ProbtUtlllUs are .hey will get as low as 84., GRAPES Malaga, choice, pel keg, 34.00; Malaga, extra fancy,; extra choice, per keg. 34.26; extra lancy, extra Jisavy. CRANBERRIES Extra fancy' Bell and Bugle, per bbl., 510.00; extra fancy Jersey, per bbl., 38.V0; extra fancy Jersey, par box, 53.00. TOMATOES Florida . . (6-basxst crates), per crate, 34.00; Cubaa tooiatpea, awing to quality, 3180 to 83.00. . .r . - PEARS ICxua fancy winter jVsUla, per box. 82.75. . . i ' - CAULIFLOWER S-ei J-iVjxon crate. 83.00 to 83.60. LETTUCE Florida head, per hamper 31; per dos.. 3100&1.60. OLD AND NEW VEGETABLES. TOMATOES Extra - fancy- Florida (6 basket crates) per orate.' 83.60; choice Florida (6-basket crates), per orate. 88. PEPPERS Florida ie-basket crates), per crate, 83io. .. CUCUMBERS Extra fanev not house, Illinois (2 dos.), per box,. 84 choice hot bouse, Illinois (3 dos.).. per box. VL Hot house radishes, bea4 lettuce, onions, parsley, per dux., 4oa Bouthert) radishes, parsley, new beets, pew carrots, new ahsi lots, owing to slse, , per do., 40448)0. Old carrots, parsnips, turnips, beets. , per bbl., RUTABAGAS Canadian, per b., IKe, CABBAGE Extra fajwy Holland seed, per lb., lMtC. ONIONS Extra fancy Red Globe, per lb., 2Vc; Wisconsin yellow, per lb... Zi;: Va lencia Spanish, per crate, 81,50; . Valencia Spanish, 15o-lb. crates, 34. 25. " ONION BETS V'ellow bottom, 8? lbs, la m., rer ou., u u; reu, ta. wnue, eo . JU SEED POTATOES Kansas sweet. veet, per bbl.. 31.85: 6-hu. lota. 31.75. ' JJUTB, CIDER, HONEY. DATES. CELERY Coacoanuta, each 6c; per sack, 14. No. 1 Selected California English walnuts, psr lb., 17fec. Filberts, Rrasils. -Jumbe- pecans, butternuts, per sack, 12Vvc. - No. 1 hand picked peanuts, roasted, feet raw, 6c. HONE V California, strittly fancy, 24 frsmes. per case, 83.75. CELERY Florida, per crate. 83.59. . DATr.aV-uar walnut, per box. 81-00. BEEF CLTS-RJbs; No. 1, liHc; No. J, 12c; No. 3, 1WC. Lolru No. J, 19c; No. , lie; no. t. iio. (.-nut-an tto. u S; no. 2. c; No. 3, 7'ic Round: No. J, loc; No. L 9lc; No. 1 fc'c. PI 5'4ic; No. 3, 5c. ate: No. 1. e; No, 3, Minneapolis Grata Market.. MINNEAPOI.IA, April I8.-WHFA1?-May, HHc; July, IfeA.feKtfc; N0: 1 hard. 31'c; No. 1 northern, ll.omc; No. 2 nortnsin, e"Jn'ri99c; No. 3 northern, 91Q45c. HRAN-Bteady; In bulk, 31 -Ca 21.25. FIXJL'R Cnchanged: 'first patents, 36.11 e 5 : second i)stents,-85.(M(6 30; irst clears, 84.0,V'8 4.16; second clears, 33.1o&3:JO. Peoria brain Market. . PEORIA, 111 . April lJ-CORNHlghtr No. 3 yellow. 66'4fiv;ic; No. 8. tisic; No. 4, Me; no grade, 62u."8c. OATS Higher; No. 1 fchlto, 61SSU.C; No. 4 white. Wio. ' II ' WHISKV-81.35. -v 4 Milwaukee Urnln Market. MILWAUKEE. April 13 WHEAT Mar ket steady; No. J northern. 8l.O4fi1.08; No. t sort hrn, l.ti:trK4; May, 9lHc. asked. BARLEY Firm; N 1. 87c; sample, 99 86c. , Cf)RN-Higher; No. 3 cash, J5c; May, T!c. bid. . . 7 , Flala f) a Iter Market.' KI.fHN. in.. April i:i -l'l:o butter market was firm at 2vrj fe'aleA for. the wex-U were jji;nd. j ( Tuledn Seed Market. ' TfH.inxi. O..-April. 13 SliiEDL-Clover, rash. 812 5c: Msy. 111. 75; pv.iuWr. 87 80. Timothy, prime. I-MR. Alslke. Hi Tyie, 812.60. When you have anything to sell, adver tise it In The Bee Want Ad Columns, llSsVil I.,,,, r ;