Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 14, 1908, Page 10, Image 10
10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEEt TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 1903, We Invite You to Visit Brandeis Tuesday and Be Among the. Tint to Bee Those Stunning New Arrivals in .'EASTER--R2IIL,ILI M E TRY Some of them are new French importations that are wondrously beautiful others are ultra stylish creations ju6t arrived from designers on 5th Ave., New York. Don't delay the selection of your Easter Hat until the last day choose now while our showing is at its most brilliant stage and wc are better prepared to wait on you. IK r r: ,- m i.. 'f . ifi nC i nS- We give our greatest endeavors toward making this assemblage tn most popular among fashionable women In Omaba. Hundreds of original and captivating new styles touches of style individuality, such as only Brandeis bats possess- no other, bats at $35 or $60 surpass this group, at. New York's Latent Approved Styles Ttrat favorite new high crown, rolling brim hat, In leghorn and horse betr among " the favorites are blacks, ferowns and bnrnt shades, special Hats at whatever price you wish to pay, from elaborate to the most moderate.- Brandeis' is a complete store in every way. LBE3ANDEIS' I jj 3 1 WSSBSMBHSMSlBRIMSMVaBSiMWBSMBBB nun areas ok $25 $15 Smart and Ultra Modish Apparel for Easter "FASIHONSEAL" SUITS FOR WOMEN New arrivals in these ele gant suits; all new style features for late spring the shades of tans and blues that are most pop ular in the east per fectly tailored garments that could not be dupli cated for less than $35.00- at r $25 Covert and Silk Coats .You know perfectly well you need a spring coat you'll find it serviceable for' many months here are two ' very stylish groups at ' 4.98-6.98 Lace and Braid Coats All these features are now they are charming at tributes of the correct spring apparel many show the new butterfly sleeves smart 1908 in- novations at 9.98-14.85 Silk Petticoats--Made of a splendid quality of taffetas, in blacks and colors many elaborately trim- ' $C med, at... . j J Long Gloves for Easter Wear Perrins Gloves "Women's 12 and 16-button real kids every pair fitted, all colors worth as high as 25 $4.00, at, pair J Women's Long; Kid Gloves Including celebrated Per- rin's gloves elbow length black, brown, navy 50 and tan, all sizes", worth $3.50 a pair, at ........ . . Women's Long Gloves, Milanese LCale, 16-button length, all col ors, and regularly worth JO $1 60 a pair, at, pair....OC Woman's Bilk an X.isle Olovi It and ls-hutton length, made of pure aim ana Carols Male. Kay eer a aouoie tip. at. per pair 1.25-r;49 3 " Medium Wide Embroideries A160 corset covers, many hand loom embroideries, insert ings and headings, worth as high as 25c per f A- yard; many to match, at, yard 3LlvC Three Big Lots of Laces Best French Vals., Torchons and Clunys; they have been much admired in our show windows; three 41 Q big lines, worth up to 15c per yard, at a.C"t)C "5L UN AIMDS1S Misses, Children's and Young .Yemen's Footwear - Shoe Elegance - Correcf Fitting. The pretty foot of a child or young miss, however shape ly, can easily be ruined by ill fitting shoes. Our shoes are built by skill and brains and contain only the very finest 2 seasoned leathers. Brandl new ideas in all that is dur able and fashionable in the spring and summer footwar. We have shoes and oxfords in Russia calf, kid, patent colt and gunmetal calf, in all sizes and widths. Sizes and Prices Range: For Children, sizes 8 to 11, at .$1.50 For Misses, sizes HVfe to 2, at-.; ...$2.00 For Young "Women, sizes 2V2 to 6 , at $2.50 Drexel Shoe Co, lilt Fanan SL Watch Ike BtrJ&in Tables for Goodi NOT Advertised Always Fine Specials from lHy to Day. M 1 Hlki tiki ilv 1 3 Ml FREE Any iftc Indies' Home Journal Tattrrn, with the Quarterly Style Jlook, at... 2o I M WE DOUGHT MANUFACTURER'S ENTIRE LINE SAMPLE SKIRTS r Style and Character In Oxfords Finest Quality Possible to Bell at !j $3.50, $4, $5, $5.50, $6 Walk-Over Nettleton Tour Favorite Makes of Correct Lasts. Walk - Over Shoe Store 314 South 15th .Stream, (Four 1.wrs Ho. Beaton Lruir Co.) ID. 8. THOMPSOH, Walk-Over Man. s-t. -l j j i J?y A spot cash offer of 00o on the dollar brings to Bennett'g 5G5 very fine sample dress skirts from a biff New York manufacturer. It's the en tire line of samples this man ufacturer's traveling men have been showing this sea son. They are not inexpen sive kinds, but skirts worth from ten to twenty-five dol lars, now selling Tuesday at prices most ordinary kinds retail for. The amount involved ag gregated several . thousand dollars. It demonstrates the store's great purchasing powers and resources to to handle big deals when prices are right. The line embraces the fin est of voiles, panamas and mannish mixtures. Skirts with seventeen, nineteen and thirty-one gores, all high grade, elegantly tailored gar ments. Absolutely finest skirts produced. Every good color in the lot. Tuesday the big lot goes on sale at lowest prices ever recorded in the history of the garment trade. $10.00 Skirts will be $5.00; $15.00 Skirts will be $7.50 $20.00 and $25.00 Skirts will be $10.00 YA Another Sensational Bargain b C in Fine Waists$ and $5 Kinds..... CJJJL. J The most Inexperienced will readily see the great savings this sale brings. We shall offer Tuesday 50 dozen very handsome strictly new fine lingerie, and ell linen tailored waists. You will not be Interested In how we happened on this special; enough to know that It Is one of the best bargains we have ever advertised. Waists for "dress up' occasions, for business, for traveling, for your summer vacations, etc Tuesday, values to $4.00 and $5.00, for 1.95 y YOUR TEET1 If your teeth are defective do not hesitate to consult us as we cure sore and painful teeth, and restore and replace them to their natural beauty. Our methods are the latest and thoroughly scientific. Bridge-work, per tooth $3.00 Set Teeth, up from $5.00 Taft's Dental Room 1517 Douglas Street. R0ORBHIN.E and other dror hablta are positively cored by HABITINA. For taypodermlo or Internal me. Sample sent to ear drag hablta by -A mall. Hegnlsr prioe ta.00 per bottle at A ree your drufurl.t or by mail In plain wrapper, belts Chemical Ce.. Bt. .Loula. Ma. For BaJe by LET US SUBMIT DESIGNS FOR TOUR 'STATIONERY. Raker Bros. Engravhrg Co. Barker Block, Omaon. CLEANING DAY FOR CITY Saturday Will Be Set Aiide by Mayr ai Such. PROCLAMATION TO BE ISSUED All Cltteeaa Will Be Aaled to Craae Orlmar Labora 1,d Eauigli tu ' Braatlfy Their rrtulwi. By proclamatlop, of Mayor lahlmun aprtl U will be eel apart aa a day ot sen- r&l houaecleanlnt in Omaha and on that day all cittaeni will be ' aaked to dt-alat from their ordinary labor) insofar aa poa a I Me and clean up their prerniaea and maka Omaha more beautiful. The mayor haa not as yet laaued hla prorlamatlon, but will in day or two. "It I should iaaue the proclamation now Ula) people would (orset about It by Batur. so I think 1 will wait mil l about Thursday," auys Mr. Dalitman. Dtw to Lha efforts of the trnrtous improva. .ghaut eltrtia and the prttora of tha conunli lionar of health. Omaha 1 not nearly aa I'jjly tbla eprles aa In former years, tut tXaAlor Pahlmaa as) a there yit remains Does Your Piano Need Tuning? Phono Your Order Douglas 137 Piano Dept. THE DENNETT COMPANY enough cleaning up to do to' warrant the setting aside of a day for that Durnoav. and he seises upon Saturday aa the beat day. The achool children will be at liberty then, and aa many placea of business close at noon on Saturday, a number of men will be at liberty In the afternoon and ran Join in the general crusade against King tJirt, who haa ruled supreme during the winter months.' The clean-up day cornea a little later this year than last, but the mayor haa been wailing until h wa sure spring had arrived and changea in the weather would not reverse the good work planned for Saturday. Section 74 of Thomas' revised ordinances provide that it "shall be unlawful for any person owning or occupying real eatate In tha city of Omaha to permit, leave or allow -any glaaa, crockery, naila, tacks, wire, Iron, ateel, tin or line, copper or other material, or any sharp piece of atone, wood or other material to be left or re main." and it is this ordinance which the mayor will bolster up In his general proc lamation to all residents of tha city to make Omaha the spotless town. CLE.ANL1NE.SS " It tha watchword for health and vigor, com. fort and beauty. Mankind it learning not only the necessity but the luxury of clean, linesi. SAPOLIO, which baa wrought uch change in tha home, announces her tUur triumph HAND SAPOLIO FOR TOILET AND BATH A special soap which energiiea tha whola body, starts the circulation and leaves aa axhilara'ing glow. A Ugrtttrt rnnddrugiut TWO CARLOADS.... Kitchen Cabinets Not one of them marked to its actual worth The maker, pressed tor cash, was glad to un load the quantity at a sacrifice. This large,: roomy cabinet, exactly as pic ture show; Is a 125 value. We sell it mow for.... v SMALLER SIZES ARE: $22.50 Cabinets for $18.00 Cabinets for.. $15.00 Cabinets for.. THAT CHIFFOXIEK AGAIN A few more left; solid oak, five drawer Chiffonier, worth $8.00, for. $37.50 PMrlor Suites from maker' sample lineas advertised bo- fore, the remaining lot $24.85 Very fine leather or sillt plush upholstering; loose cushions, oak or mahogany finish. A Thousand Go-Carts. SO Styles. We give a Teddy Bear with any cart at $4.00 or over. $12.20 $0.48 SPECIAL '4.89 iyi Hill aim"1."! .! ri. f the plush kiiius arc Bennett's Bio Egfl Grocery mil 380 ID i, -I I Bennett's Capitol Coffee, pound rkit. And Thirty Oreen Trading Stamps. Teas B. F., Japan, Oolong, Gunpowder, English Break- i taut, Ceylon, lb 680 And of Green btampu Royalton Ilma Henna, two cans 8So And 10 Green Stamps Best We Slave Blackberries, ran 320 jknd 10 Green Ma nips ) Bennett's Capital Sweet Wrinkled Peas, 2 cane.. 85o And 30 Green Htamps 1 Batavta Salmon, can 820 And 1!0 Green Stumps ( ! Blue Ribbon Heeded Raisina, pound pkg 15o And 20 Green Htamps fl Advnna Jama, assorted, tin loo. And b Urcen tetamps A Malta Vita, four pkgs 25o V Wiggle Btick Blueing, 6 sticks for 830 And 10 Green Stamps S Wiggle Htk-k Waxer. nil for 8 bo And 10 Green Stamps Wonder Wax for Washing, six for 8So And 10 Green Htamps Triplets, for washing, pkg. ASo And 10 Green Htamps Oyater and Hoda Crackers, pkg 100 And 10 Green Htamps Red Snapper Rejish. bottle 80o And 10 Green Htamps M- jiex Lye,, three cane SSo.And 10 Green Stamps Mlways the Same Miaaoarl Prohibit ta (eaveall HA.HAH f ITT Un A tvrll 19 A 11 for a state convention of Missouri pro Inbitionisla, to meet at Joplin. Wednesday, May a. for the purpoee of selecting dele satca to the national convention to be held at Columbus, u., July la. was issued here todsy. It aaa signed by Charles H. Htnkes. state chairman, and E. E. McCtellaa, tx.retar)'. It will tie a oiaas coovactiuo. GQlumotl Powder t UtoAmumm pmm, aKjL Dentists need electric power Dentists usually only require a small amount of power and that at intervals. The old foot power is behind the times. Motor power leaves undivided atten tion for the work in hand and results in better work and greater accuracy. The little motor required can be attached to any lamp socket and cost no more to use than an ordinary 16 C. P. incandescent lamp. Omaha Electric Lights PowcrCo Tel. Doug. 1062 Y. M. C. A. Building. DR. BRADBURY, Dentist Tuesday is White Goods Day A banntr day for piece goods bargains THE weliablb tcwb Easter week bargains the great est ever. High Grade White Goods Depf 50 pieces of genuine hsnd embroid ered St. Gall Swisses that sold at $1.00, 85c, 75c and 69c yard, all day, will go at, yard ..36c? All 25c India Llnons. per yard . . . . 1 1 ic All 19c India Linone. per yard .... 12 He All 15c India Llnons, '. per yard 10c All 25c English Long Cloths, yard ... 15c All 19c English Long ClothB, yard .12 He 50 pieces of Tootlo Broadhead and Loe's celebrated English fancies, that sold at $1.00, 85c, 75c. COc and 59c, at, per yard . . . -3 It All 15c English Long Cloths, yard. .Hc All $1.00'rerslan Lawns, yard... 30c All 75c Persian Lawns, yard . . ,30c All 65c Persian Lawns, yard '. . .25r All $1.50 French Lawns, 48-ln. . .HSc All $1.25 Lawns. 48, Inches wide- . 75c All $1.00 Lawns. 48 inches wide . . ,ftfc All 75c Lawns, 48 inches wide . . ,80c French Lawns, 48 Inches wide. . . ,10c Other specials 1 n linens, towels, table cloths, etc. in Our Famous Domestic Room 15c White Goods, Be 12 c and 15c Swisses, 10c India llnons, 10c English long cloths. 16c fancies, 12 He 40-lnch lawns, etc., all one Price : 5 15c and 19c White Goods. .7 Vs 19c 40-in. lawns, 15c India llnons, 19c English long cloths, 19c poplinettes. 15c and 19c dotted Swisses, 19c Erjglish Jacquards, 15c fancies and other goods worth up to 19c yard all , at one price ...... 4 ,l , .yjs 15c, 19c, 25c and 39c white goods, per' yard v .,10 39c Imported Poplin, 39c Bedford cords, 25c pique, ISc India llnon, 39c fancy jacquards, etc, all at, per yard 10 Grand Easter Week Sale Irish Laces A big Importation of Real Hand Chochet Lace,' direct from Ireland. , On Sale all this week at PRICKS Jl'ST OXK-IIAIJPV Never before was such a magnificent line of real Irish lacea dis played In this city and prices are the lowest ever known on goods of this class. .Come early for the best barsnlns. . $1.50 Real Irish Lace Collars, for 75C $2.00 Real Irish Lace Collars, Jr 81.00 $4.50 Lace Collar and Cuff fts, for .S2.2?; $5.50 Real Irinh Laca Cont Col- for - .82.75 $5.00 Real Irish Lace Coat Sots, for $2.50 $11.00 Real Irish Lace Chemi settes and Cuffs ....Rn.XO $25.00 Real Irish Lace Collars and Cuffs at $12!50 All Rands and K1es at Just Half Price. j liou 1 tan 10 see inese neauurui laces whether you wish to buy or not. Sale continues all week. High Grade Wash Goods Dept FROM 2 JO 3 P. M. 100 pieces of Wm. Anderson's Celebrated 32 per yard 7 FROM 2 TO a P. M. $1.00 pieces of Wm. Anderson's Celebrated 32 inch Madras Scotch Ginghams, that sell from 25c to 39c yard one pattern to customer, at, per yard , . . 12 H? Flourl FlourJ Flourl Another Big Flour Sale Tuesday We have sold five cars of Flour in three weeks. We are determined to get every housekeeper in Omaha and vicinity to try a sack of this highest patent Flour. It is made from the finest Red Turkey Hard Winter Wheat. Nothing finer grown and will make the whjtest. sweetest and most palatable bread baked. For this sale, pr 48-ponnd Eack 81.25 La-raje Cucumbers, eaoh lOo Kresh Pieplant, prr pound ...... 7V4e bunches Own Onions Bo Fresh toasted Peanuts, per qt. ..So Larsre, Juicy I.emons, per flor.en ISO Quart Boxes Taney Sip BtrawW risa for 160 Watch the dally papers for our big annual Rose Bush and Shrub bery sale. M HMDENS' BEST fresh Vegetables for Monday Fresh Spinach, per peck lBo 3 quarts frpsh I'ea'a SSo 2 heads fresh Leaf Lettuce 60 Fresh Rlp Tomatoes, per lb lOo 8 bunches Beets or Carrots lOo Fresh Wax or Green Beans, lb. SOo THE STOETZEL STOVE COMPANY 714 South 16th St. Ws sell on small monthly payments or a cot price for cash. .$1.00 Gas Now 'The Detroit Ideal Riven It to you. It has flat drilled burners and burns more air and less a;as. Read below what peo ple who are using it aay. 1tTTT" 1,1 1 T 1 1 TXT Vm TT.Ti, -rmniMsm. sj I 1506 Famam. Extracting... U5c up. Crowns. . . . 92.&U up. Plates. . . , . $2,00 up. Bridge Work 9.50 up. Porcelain Fillings up from. . , . . . 91,50 17 Years Same Office. Phono, Douglas 1736. Alveolar Dentistry . specialty. Looee teeth made solid. Nerves removed without pain. Work guaranteed ten years. c) Some Things for Easter - (f yfm' l'uff Linaa and rlna to match, Lavelliera. lo. kit and -sy Chalna. Bracelets, Brooches, Signet Itlnics, Set Hlnss. r f A V nd Bllver Thimbles. Fobs. Hat Ptna anil lots of Y 'other tiloe things. Wpend a f-w mlnurtes In our store S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler 1619 LKMigUa btreet. , COLD STORAGE White Esaneled and Glass Trap REFRIGERATOR Mrs. Pearse, 2ot Bouth SOth, South Omaha, says: "You exaggerate nothlna; In your advertisement for the Uetrolt Ideal. When people find what It will do that Is the stove they will buy." Mrs. I.ohman, 697 South llbth, saya: "We have now used the Detroit Ideal bought of you nearly a year and it has demonstrated to us that It does take less gas than others. Heviriea It is such a beautiful baker and work ao smoothly. We like It bolter than any other we ever used." Mr. Darby, a prominent commissi m man of South Omaha says: "1 cannot recom mend the (.'old Htoruge too highly. It la the best provision keeper I ever aa. The glass trap Is a great convenient ao4 the white enamel Is like marble." Mr. Mosea, manager of the Volmar Clothing Company, vriposite the Boston Bloie, bays:- '-When v bought our Cold storage, you claimed It was superior to oil era In them points provision keep ing qualities. Klaxs (rap, and quality of the whit" enamel. It proves 10 be ail you claimed for It. IIOMESEEKERS' EXCURSION SOUTH VIA ILLINOIS CENTRAL R. R. On April 2lst the Illinois Central will sell Home seekers Excursion tickets to many points in Alabama, Georgia, Ixmisiana, Mississippi and Tennessee. For rates and detailed information call at City Ticket Office, Farnam St., Omaha, or write, SAMUEL NORTH, District Passesger Agent.