OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: APRIL 12, 3 90S. Tailor Mades for Easter made a study of suits to sell at this figure and have demonstrated our ability to provide them for you in the out-of-the-ordinary styles. Every new model now in vogue can be found tn this collection. .They come in the strictly tailored suits and in the fancy effects and may be had in the most fashionable fabrics and colors , Unlined Coverls at $65o.$750 Anticipating the wants of our trade for a natty. Jaunty, light weight wrap, we have placed on sale two styles of unlined covert coata made of fine light weight covert and finely finished finely finished - - $6.50 - throut At Po Ther shoes worn by the women in the sljH of this country A Jd U - r ski in- uig muvy latest creations m this famous EASTER Sorosis Shoe Store FXHNK WILCOX, Mgr. 203 South iSth Street p. Prices given below tell the story, at our stores. lGth and Dodge nr lfith 1.0(1 Squint's Karaparllla. for.. 51.00 Cooper's Mscovery. for .... fcdo I'M y lie's Ktdnev I'llln, for uiM' (tomtom's Kidney pllla, for.. I Llaterliic. ;3c, 45eand. 7Eo &9o 340 S6e B9o TBo n'Tu'-n b mutea mux, 4uc enaA "'rlL-kit Malted Milk. 45c 9c and.. 13.88 Victor' Enrot h rirnu. for. 36o Sloan's Liniment. 2Sc, 4Bo and....!.! ..-H-a'itif, iau anu II. IK' Pci-una. with top strip label.., ; iihu Uenulne avruii of Fga, for '-lb. litimun Bird Heed. Monday ' .l.'ifcle Condensed Milk, every day..., MOXSAT SOAP IAU i ; boxee ( elks) ;5c box Soap, for, . ;.-vo Packer's Tar Koa, fur Woodbury'a Facia: Soap, for.... . Hexall Blemish Soup, for pimple fiOe Kaeiete Hyegieniqu Soap, for..., bar Chi tile 8oap. for Big liar Caatlle Soap, for ' ?uo Klrk'a Juvenile Soap. Monday..! Cucumber CHlile 8oap, doien Carhaiero Bounue Boap, ljc and 60i kinds of soap American and ported Ak ua. . 10c Magic Skin Soap 09o B9o .690 .46o . o .16o .8So . J .SJo .00 .10o .BOo . lOo .3uo .ass 1m- . .60 3 Cor. 16th rag Owl Drug Co., Cor. 16lfi and Harney Easter Millinery... We re showing a choica se lection of all the latest Spring Millinery. S See us before buying your Easter Hats. iss3 Dougin st. F. M. Sc hade I I &:Co. FARrVAM ST. Something New in Strictly Tailored Styles Just In time lor Easter Thv latest models In strictly tailored suits ha vp Just come in and they introduce a num ber of new ntyle points that are finding favor in New, York. These suits are all .cut and made by the most skillful man tailors, the ma terials of the best Imported woolens, are all steam shrunk and pressed before making and will hold their shape without shrinking or stretching for several seasons. We have the most experienced fitters, whose business it is not only 1o fit garments, but to fit them In such a way that the best lines of rnch individual figure are brought out. $25 Tailored Suits This is the price paid by more than one-halt the women for their tailored suits. V have r3 $25.00 . $7.50 R jPTkTD)! that ere best gowned leading cities andabroad J CiAr J It.- ' CTi oiiuwiili; UK Jv-fx line for rice .List You can get the goods and the price and Harney. Read this list of prices: I rXB.TWXU AXS VOWSIKI M03TSAT $1.00 Allun'a Janice Perfume, nx 39c , .. .. x iiiaua s vtuoni-upie Kxtract, os...49o lIl.OO UoKr & Gallefa Kxtract, ox., MonZ day 49o I 75c Lubln's . Extracts. Monday '.!!!!!! !90 I or .A.bo7. Prto" Monday only. 110c Mistletoe Cream, for !!!!'. I!' 6o i-oigatea Kxtraets, ox.. Monday t&o 50c Loi-UHt Hloom Perfume 85o 1.00 Plnaud Lilac Vegetale, Mondav. at 60c Plnaud'a Powder, for . . ' " 89 50c Pozxonl'a Powder. Monday. !ao ' ' n i r,mvjt' Tiuttk I ... ... . . a I 60c Madga Cream, for aso , dOo Pompelan Maanage Cream 89c ! BIO CICIAK IALB llTTai wsrv i I.rfjk In our window and aee. Hie prices iut v.blcl we are elllng standard brands I or rlnara then come to our clitar counter i and buy boxen full or pocketrulla iOATOB 15c alxu Key Weat cigar this I week, for 10o :tlato 10c Key West cigar. " for'sVc box of 50 for 94.00 Any good advertised may bo obtaintd'at i either of our utorea. McCQNNELL DRUG CO. and Dodgo OBSERVANCE OF HOLY WEEK Not Enough Planned for Next Serea Days to Make Calendar. MANY OF CARD CLUBS TO SUSPEND C'loae of l.entra Nrnaoa and Approach ' of EaMer Platla Kaahloaablea T Mnch Orraplea1 for rlTolllea. A Mllllnerr Mnnilroiltr. She had bniiRht a llltlo bonnet with pretty bird upon It, And she tierchnd It on her forehead on When to her unfeigned surprise that gay iiiruin wuiKfu ins cjcb And proceeded unconcernedly to say: "I perceive, my dear, that you have been looking at me. too. And no doubt you also think me rather fine. Hut I really wish I knew If I'm Just tl way I grew. And If all these wings and tails ara really mine. "Now to my untutored brain It Is very, very plain That I'm wearing Bluejay feathers On my right. While upon my other wing something yel low seems to cling Which is very .Oriole-mil In the light. "I've an Owl-ish sort of head, but my col lnr tuft Is red. And there's something strangely Hawk ish In my eyes: Then my tail Is wondrous queer at a glance It would appear That 'twas taken from a Bird of Para dise. "I am somewhat grieved to say I'm con structed In a way That reflects upon my pedigree, at least. And I beg you'll not demur when I add, a nest of fur Makes me feel well, quite a little like a beast. "Now I've often heard It said we must evolutej when dead This may be an incarnation, so to spesk; But" and here the Birdie sighed, "I am sorry that I died, For I'd rather be a Sparrow than a Freak!" ' ' The Modrste In Smart Set. Holy week finds the local fashionable set without enough pinna announced to make up a calendar. Of course some of the devout will go to church but by far the greater nurr.bdr of the women at least, have their engagement books checked up with engagements with milliner and mod iste and they are too busy for the ordi nary frivolities that go to make up the fashionable week. Kven., the card clubs have suspended meetings for this week that Is, some of them have and the pros pects are that those people who are de pendent upon their friends for entertain ment are going to have a lonely time of It. It may be added however that the week will not be entirely devoid of diversion. While there is certainly nothing announced there will be a few Impromptu and In formal things, of course. Friends of Harry O'Neill are becoming anxious for him to get possession of the new ranch he has- bought on the south fork of the Loup river. This ranch is what Is known as the Boblits ranch and is well known to all hunters. Whilo Mr. O'Neill has completed the purchase of this ranch, he will not be able to gain possession for nearly a year, but in the meantime he has arrangements made so that he may put it In fine shape for the entertainment of hunting and house parties. He will build sufficient lodges that he may care for a goodly number at one time, and this al ready famous hunting spot will become bet ter known to Omaha friends of Mr. O'Neill. . Many Omaha people will be in San Fran cisco at the time of the visit of the United States battleship fleet to that city. Gov ernor Sheldon will lead one party of 125 of the prominent people of Nebraska who will leave Lincoln April 25 and go via the southern route, visiting the Grand canyon of the Colorado. Besides this party there are at present over 100 prominent Omaha people how In California who will remain over long enough to sea the naval demon strations at San Francisco, and also to be present May 8, when the beautiful silver service will b presented by Governor Shel don an9 his staff to the battleship Ne braska,. Many are already tn Los Angeles to see the celebrations at that place, Inci dental to the vtBit of the fleet to; south ern California. Many others are making reservations on other trains than the gover nor's speclul so that Omaha will be well represented. Pltuorn Past. Miss Minnie Wltfoth entertained the Nezod club at her home Tuesday evening. The prise was'won by Miss Bertha Dvorak. Miss Brockham will ' entertain the club next Tuesday evening. Mrs. Alex Jetes was hostess Friday after noon at the meeting of the Original Bwas- tlka club. The prises were won by Mrs. Jetes, Mrs. J. C. Reeder and Mrs. A. S. Foote. The next meeting will be with Mrs. A. Buck. April 24. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin entertained Friday evening for Mr. and Mrs. Roberson t the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Barker, the guests numbering about thirty. Mr. Martin gave an illustrated lecture on Home, Florence, Venice, .Paris and other Interesting European cities. The Laurel club entertained at a surprise party Friday afternoon for Mrs. Joseph R. Gillian at her residence 'on Clifton Hill. The house was 1 decorated with lilies and ferns and a luncheon was served during the afternoon. The club will meet with Mrs. C. N. Walker April 23. Miss Sadie Vawter entertained the S. S. club Friday evening. The time was spent with music and stories. Those present were: Miss Irene Cronemeyer, Miss Iva Nickle, Miss Sarah Woodhouse, Miss Mabel Anderson, Miss Jesse Rogers, Miss Ger trude Lawless, Mitts Emily Grugdman and Miss Gertrude Lawless Mrs. Dell Pea roe entertained the Wood Dell club Friday at lior home, 1302 North Forty-fifth street. The prise for the after noon was won by Mrs. W. J. Dermody. Those present were: Mrs. Frank Maus, Mrs. Harry McVey, Mrs. W. J. Dermody, Mrs. B. L. Lawler, Mrs. E. C. Lamrie, Mrs. R. Nellson. Mrs. W R. Sleeper, Mrs. J. M. Wilson, Mrs. I,. Coryell, -with Mrs. II. D. Neeley and Mrs. A. E. Langdon as guests of the club. The next ' meeting, which will be some time after Easter, will be with Mrs. Harry McVey. Mrs. Fa Wallace entertained Saturday afternoon for her little daughter. Miss Ruth Wallace, to celebrate her fifth birth day. The afterpoon was spent with games for the little ones. The' children present were: Cornelia Baum. Julia Caldwell, Prairie Paxton, Barbara Burns. Virginia Pearse, Daisy Rich. Virginia Cotton. Ben nte Cotton. Frederlcka Nash. Elizabeth Barker. Virginia Barker, Lois Lullrldge, Marlon Foye. Mary Barrett and Stanton Kennedy. Misa Nesmith entertained at Fort Omaha Friday evening, April 10, In honor of the Misses Faxrel, visitors of Lieutenant and Mrs. Haskell, at a bowling party, followed by a supper at the quarters of Captain and Mrs. Nesmith. The floral and table decorations were In red. The following were guests: Colonel and Mrs. Glassford, Mr. Biaden, Captain Hepburn, Captain and Mrs. Our)'. Captain Cunningham, Lieuten ant Giinim, Lieutenant Leisure, IJeutenant and Mrs. HaskeU. Dr. and Mrs. Kennedy, George Myers. The party went over In a susses rarrel, Therei rarre , Swttxler Mahonev. Mrs. Charles Teal was hostess of the T. B. club Friday. The afternoon was spent playing a Bumber of games and with mu sic, inose present were: MeMamea H. D. Stone. Jim Kelly. Fred Maxfleld. W. B. Etchisnn, John Wheeler. E. E. Stickler Calahan. Charles Teal, llenrv Rehrman. J L. Lyckholm. Frank Barber and Joaenh Langfellner. Prises were won by Mesdamea Lyckholm, Behrman and Maxfleld. Misses Ardlth. Maxfleld and IJIllan Teal were guests of the club. The next meeting will be in two weeks, April 24, at the home of Mrs. Calahan. 1907 Ontario street A farewell party was given In honor of miss rem White at tho home of Miss Irene Cronemeyer, Tuesday evening. The evening was spent In musio and games. Those present were: Misses Fern White Dorothy McMurray. Catherine Lawless. Ktina Howk, Margaret Sorenson. Helen Johnson, Ruth Weeks, Myrtle Dutcher. Florence Adams. Myrtle Vawter, Ruth tayior, Beatrice stedman, Winnie Humph rey, Eda HRnsen. Pearl Adams. Ruth Dutcher. Avla N'lrhnla Kuril Vu n,f.. Irene Cronemeyer, Gertrude Lawless. Elsie i-ronemeyer; Messrs. Charlie Sessard. Robert Cronemeyer. Arthur Cronemeyer, Airrea sorenson; Mr. and Mrs. Crone meyer. Mr. and Mr. Charles Msrtln and Mr. and Mrs. George. Barker entertained Saturday evening for Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rolierson. They were assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Martin. Mr. Roberson gave an Interesting illustrated lecture on "Panama." The a-ii,t were Dr, and Mrs. A. F. Jonas, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Cudahy, Mr. Michael Ctidahy of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Josenh M CnH. ahy, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Wllhelm, Mrs. j-ercy Btevens or Rockford. 111., Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Bldwell. Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Jviraendall. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Baum. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Webster, Miss Flora Web ster, Mr. J. H. Millard, Miss Jessie Mil liard, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Barker, Mad ame Barker, Mr. an'd Mrs. W. T. Page, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wyman. Mrs. J. J. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Henry AV. Tates, Mrs. Voss. Mrs. Reba Morgan, Miss Bes sie Yates, Mr. and Mrs. Casper Yost, Mrs. Offutt, Mrs. W. B. Millard. Mrs. Guy Bar ton, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kllpatrlek. Mrs. J. R. Scobie. Miss Scoble, Dr. and Mrs. Palmer Flndley, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bllsh, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Noble. Mr. Frank Burkley. Miss Chapman enterlal Sigma and the C. W. clubs Friday evening at her home, 4811 Cass street. About forty guests were present. Tho house was decor ated with the colors of the two elnh. h purple and white of the Gamma Sigma and the yellow and white of the C. W. club. A unique entertainment was ri...n each guest being presented with a slip UI P"Per oeanng a subject on which they were to make a three-minute tiif anm. of the subjects given to the men were, "The Merry Widow Hat," "Spring House Cleaning." "The Latest Spring Styles for Women" and "Bread Baking," while the girls had such topics as "Market Quota tions," "Recent Legislation" and "Polit ical Platforms." Those nresent w.r.. Miss Fay Lambman. fi t Miss Agnes Lewis, Miss Cruett. Miss Edith Knight. Miss Edna- Tabor, Miss Griffith, Miss Johanna Chapman, Miss Mamie Chap man, Miss Anne Thome. Mt. k,,iv. Shlmer. Miss Lottie Gursey. Miss Mario nacaiey. miss Kutn Bpethman, Miss Hallie Jones, Mr. Fred Kettlehutt. Mr. George Krebbs. Mr. Robert Thorpe. Mr. George muitm, mr. rtoy -rnorpe, Mr. Wallace Nelson, Mr. Wakelev. Mr nran Welner. Mr. Clarence Chapman, Mr. Wal- "7I -"pnn, Mr. Lewis, Mr. John Lewis, Mr, Raymond Lewis, Mr. Culllston and Mr. uoriner. Coma Go Gossip. . Miss Faith Potter will rt,.rn . Thursday of next week. Mr. Richard Coad left Frldav fnr v lng where he will go on a ranch. Miss Ruth Qulnhv who has heen ,.l.ltl, In LInooln will retur.i home Sunday. Mr. m. Kochsenthnl of Rochester, N. Y., is visiting nis sister at 621 North Twentieth street. Mr. Michael Cudahy of Chicago, Is the guest of his son. Mr. Joseph Cudahy and Mrs. Cudahy. Mr. E. I. Cudahy expects to move Into his apartments at the new Hamilton soma time this week. Miss Natalie Merriam has as her guest. Miss Helen' Salsich of Milwaukee, Wis.j who arrived Thursday for a short visit. Mrs. Percy Stevens, RocVord. Ill Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Wllhelm. Mr. Stevens is expected about the middle of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Hoxis Clark of St. Louis, who arrived Friday noon to be the guests of Mrs. Ella Squires, will remain for a week or ten days. Mrs. Alex D. Robertson of Washta, la., who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. John S. Brlggs, for a fortnight, has re turned to her home. Mr. James Woodard who Is spending a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Woodard, expects to return this week to Sheridan, Wyoming. Mrs. Bert Covey and C. L. of Lincoln have been spending a few day me guest of their brother, Mr, , J. Qulnby, and Mrs. Qultiby. K. Diiuon Bird of New York Citv Is expected some time this week tn ho ih- guest of Colonel and Mrs. S. B. Curtis, parents of his fiancee. Miss Cartta Curtia! Mrs. H. W. Lamb, accompanied her aunt, Mrs. G. W. Megealh, home from the east, when the latter returned last week, after a trip of several weeks In the south and east. Mrs. Herbert Gannett and two children expect to leave the last of the month for Buffalo. N Y where Mr. Gannett is en gaged in business and they will make their future home there. Miss Myrtle Busk,, who Is attending school at the L'nlversity of Nebraska, will return Wednesday to spend her Easter vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Busk of Bemis park. Mr. Myles Standlsh and Mr. Will Scluoor went to Lincoln. Friday, to attend the dance given by the Delta Tau Delta fra ternity. Friday evening, and the banquet given Saturday evening. Mrs. W. G. Sloan of East Orange. N. J., formerly of Omaha, Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Baldrlge. Later she will visit Dr. and Mrs. Victor Coffman and other Omaha friends. Miss Amy (ilaaer. who has been the guest of Mrs. Philip Schwartg for a few weeks and who has been mucn entertained dur ing her visit here, will return Sunday even ing to her home in St. Louis. Mrs. Arthur Brandeis is at the Pinna. In New York, for this month. Miss Ruin Brandeis Is spending the Fatter vac r tin with her mother. Mrs. Brandeis l aio vbiit tu Chicago enroute to Omaha. Miss Mary Sumner and her coutln. Mm True and Miss Florence True, will siil early In June for a trip to Europe, return ing hpine some time In October. Mrs. Sum ner wll spend the summer In the east. Mrs. N. F. Harrlman left Friday for Los Angeles, where she will remain for a fea weeks. Mrs. Harrlman and a number of other Omaha ueonle will be Druent ,1i,r. lng the celebrations in honor of tl-e adm'r- j ai s iieei. Mr. and Mra. Iuis Nash, Mr. and Mis. F. A. Nash and children, and governess, Mrs. E-. W. Nash, ar spending the week end In Dubuque, the guests of Mr. aud Mrs. (Continued on Third Pag. I If J rtw yuirm rn Formerly a va OK! SCOFIELD .CLOJLK&SlUfc 1 Wa ir Display of Easter SHylcs 3 Rlow at Its iest This exclusive house, after months of preperation, announces for Monday the opening display of new Easter style creations and cordially invites your inspection. It will be found the largest and most attractive exhibition of 'fashionable garments ever presented in the city. Exclusiveiiess is assured in our novelties, not only because there are n duplicates, but because tee have taken advantage of the diversity of the season's fashions in making our selections as widely variant as possible. Novelty Suits tor Easter On Monday we will present a collection of new novelty tailored suits, including the latest favored ideas a selection that reveals a most minute study of the beautiful in dress. Prices, $40, $45, $50, $55 and Up New Easter Suits at $35.00 Src tills large and nrlctl rnllcetlon. now ff forts now in vogue; made plain or Mriwd M rgos, panamas, pongees, mirages, anil silks, Very sperlal values at 15 New Easter Suits at $25.00 He plate n beautiful rollertion on sale Monday. Now Tailored Suits for all ocrusions; made of finest niatcr. us ials, in plain, striped or fancy In all the newest effects. Very special values at Silk Dresses and Demi-Costumes Charming new collection of Princess Dresses will be shown Monday and in no other article of apparel In so much interest centered at this time as in the new Princess Dresses. They are made of silk taffeta. Rajah Tussor, Etc. A collection of rare attractiveness and surpassing' $19.50, $25.00, $29.75, $35.00 and Up. New Skirts ior Easter On Monday wt will show an unprecedented variety of handsome new models in fine Hktrts. Made of French Voiles, best Taffetas, Panamas, Herges, Worsted, Etc. All are beautifully made and tailored in plain or trimmed effects Prices, $7.50, $10.00, $12.50 and $15.00. Beautiful New Waists for Easter A superb showing of new Silk Waists in all colors and net, and lace waists In white and ecru.. The greatest collection of silk and net waists in the city to choose from and at unequalled prices. $3.75, $5.00, $6 75 Fry Shoe Swell Spring Styles We Have Now Ready for Your Inspection Handsome and Original Styles and Leathers F1 O R. MEN SmartvUnique and Pretty Footwear Fashions IPo r. Women The most extensive lines of fashionable Sprlns Footwear ever opened In the city, are now to be seen at this store. All the smart, swell styles of the season, in shiny leathers and cor rect tan shades. These prices have never bought such splendid quality, fine finish and correct styles as the shoes we offer our customers this season. Northeast Corner Sixlesnth and Doiuht She JEW TELEPHONE SYSTEM AT MYERS-DILLON DRUG CO. central and tcvrn honfn. injmuea uur on lowi? '"" XOU ",0" rr Uoula 1B0- ! H h-i.nrtn.ent wanted as fol. Prescription 7eosrtmnt. Offici Whom- nd I ".! l.e 1 ' " ,,V8e ,Uo i:osud 'reit'l'" "h tor ion, t. iV"dT"d"",?.,,1;eIj0:v,,i'?r we have wo cJocd Tu"'n ' . BixlCe grrutly In. rtanlng our telephone srrvU-i-. w hav i hanged our d livcrjr vhtf-m from blt-yr-ln tu motor cycle. Phone ua your order from any psrt of the city and let ua fill them. MYERS-DILLON DRUG CO., Cor. ISlh and Firnara 15 lO DOUGIAS ST. You will find all the of finest materials, in 35.00 shades and 25.00 Lingerie A wonnerful rnlltfWinn rt rhavmlni, un w . . . . nun- ' dreds of exclusive designs to select from, and none prettier than the other plain tailored and embroidery and lace trimmed effects. All are made of fine ma terials. SPECIALLY PRICED AT and $10.00. Company For Easter Wear jTTi FOPMEPLY SCOFIELD LCLCJCUITG t3 :1 Waists for Easter in.! , I 1 jiv I $1.45, $1.95, $2.45 and $2.95. ICE CREAM FOR EASTER 8iturd.,v""Ur.."orn' before Sunday Wln7 Pl am,very rsciAXi DESSERTS Or ICE Egga. made natural iie. contain- V I n T V 11 1 If flrlvan Bmall Chickens. aoen7.7.7.7lY.Ji tin a x e8' u fT- 1 Wlah Bonea, tied 'wUh' 'rVb'b'o'n, Large Rabbit." V ioriionn an' abm Jove with Olive branch, doiten. Im.Oo Ufranrnsa A r. n Lily of the Valley, doxen :3.oo Chlcka Enierslnif from Shell, dozen ! Hn Individual Rabbit's'.' dozen'. '. '. '. '. .$1.80 neapoiltun Cream, quart., 60 t'lee Nor, quart 75 NeMHelriKle Pudding, quart Si.00 mrtkvih CASTST DEBSZBTS. . Alaruona Oluce. Olaco Nutk- and Fruits. uuiuaii aiiiioijui. Cream Almerla Urapen, titrawberrlta and nrtftKii jnuim. Halted Almond and Pecans. .... k v irum .ii.i I. ii iiii&j lun B. Gold Medal Chocolaten and Bon-Bons. BTOVXI.TIEB. Afsortpd Cream Kagn. Fluent Quality, i ... i ... i ...... i ... . t i . . , . i iiannii iiul yji ft u: . i rai ri Liiia, SM- durf Quality. Almond Paste Kaater Rabbits and Chlcka. Ma I In Km. Hn,l PnlnK.1 Beautifully Decorated Baakets, Crowded Full of Delicious Choco tea and Ron-Rmi. Large Variety of Chlcka, RabblU, JUuiks, 6c Kach. The STORtron prima n- 1818-90 riMlK, eli. pioie ibto. rHojra Soar. 711. A 1711 ' on i Woman's Face, Neck ffArms or Shoulders Is Not LA JEINE DEPILATORY (Liquid) will remove hair from any part of the body Id & to 10 minute leaving- akin soft aud white no smarting; or burning; Tie per l.ottlo. By i.iall, aealed. $1. Circulars free. mxsHAH a KeooasTxx.x. saua co. Cor. 16th und Uodge, Omaoa, , OWL XtKVii CO.. Cor loth wild llaruey. TABLE D'HOTE DINNER TODAY AT GAe CALUMET EEAD THE BEST PAPEfi Tfc Oanaaa Dailr Ba. a 4