Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 12, 1908, EDITORIAL SECTION, Image 7

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    The Omaha Sunday' Bee
Sabaerlb Per
Best & Ykzi
i vol. xxxvi r NO. 4.'?.
50 Engraved cards TQ
Rnd plate t)tJv
200 pictures, colored
views, 6x12; gold
frames, 73 cent QPj
kind LOZ
Genuine Jap oil painting,
Handkerchiefs for Easter.
The datntlut fcoveltUs Import 4 are here la great abundance
Miladay's Easter Stockings
Jnrt tha prettiest of saw Btoeklnfa for Eaatar lisle, laoe llales,
tana, silk or hand embroidered. Style that Bead leaT few regrets
whan the wind plays Its pranks.
U i1
colored linen Handkerchiefs, prlnoeae, real lace. Armenian band mad
and every other kind that la wanted
100 cards from old
Prayer books and
for EaBter.
Women' colored EmhrolderM
Handkerchiefs, to match vnur
til 15o and 95e
Linen Embroiderer) and H'm-Ftlti-hrrt,
bIfo Initial enrl Htni)
Embroidered Hand kerchief
at 15c, B5o nnil 60o
Arrfienlan Handkprohlrfa, very
beautiful ntyles
framed, regular
T'jfn Imported Llnle llnae. Hark
and tans t . .85o, 35o, BOo
Kanry allover lace and laie boot
Huli'S 350, 60c, 7 Bo
Hand embroidered llnle. blacks
and tans (So, BOo, 7 So, 91.00
Silk StorkliiRn. with a aervloeabla
cotton foot 91-95 and UO
Flneet Bilk Stockings, exquisitely
hand embroidered, street and
evening ahaden
at 93.00, 94.00 and 93.00
$2.00 kind
BOo, 750, tl.OO, 91-60 and 93.00
Prlnren and ImheK La-e Hand
kerrhlefa '
$3.00, 93-00, M OO, 15.00 to 910.00
firkTiri Asy lie Ladies Hone Jonrail aa
MILL iTLZ".tm QB'r,er,, -l)C
Picture souvenir with
every purchase. In Art De
partment Monday.
Style Boo'i, al
Marvelous Mo
Easter Gift to Suit Buyers
CV& Here's the Most liberal Olfer
nday Sales on
Wearing Kppare
I fort
4 m t&d
r i '' rti i
WiSh Suit Purchases
The unusual is happening
again at Bennett's. We are
planning to make a record
breaking Easter selling event
Monday. With every suit
or over we win present you
with as fine a silk, petticoat
as you ever saw at $5.00.
There are no strings to this
offer, no humbuggery. It's simply a big jKwerful bid
to have you make your Easter suit purchase here. We
have the finest suits, the most beautiful and stylish
models ever shown in Omaha at $19.50, $25.01)' and
$35,00. That is an acknowledged fact. No matter which,
price suit you select just so it is at least $19.50 the pet-'
ticoat goes withfit absolutely without cost to you. There '
must be twenty colors and black so you will have no
difficulty in matching the suit. There, never was a
more liberal proposition made. Come tomorrow. We
will make all necessary alterations in time for Easter
and no charge for that either. This great offer is for
one day only, Monday. Look over the suit display.
Any new style you like best is here, depend upon that.
You'll realize as you never have before why hundreds,
yes thousands, come to Bennett's for their ready-to-wear
clothes. '
A Highly Important Sale o!
Stunning Easter Waists
Fine lingerie waists, Messaline silk waists, taffeta silk
waists, lace waists, net waists, etc. Every one a mar
vel of beauty and design. Some were purchased espe
cially for this Easter sale", others are odds and ends of
our finest lines, many of them only one or two of a
a mm
kind, mere is not one m the lot but what
is worth close to double Monday's price;
every" color,' every size, waists worth to
$8.50, now
. " . , i
Omaha's Great Glove Store, This
The world's highest
grade Gloves come to
Bennett's. Bo It fabric
gloves of lisle or Bilk, or
kid gloves of any length,
you get the best that the
world produces. Our
Paetar Hloiilair r t 1-1,1
gloves is surpassingly beautiful; long eight, twelve and sixteen
button lengths from the best French and Italian makers in every
good Spring shade. Two clasp gloveB, including "the 'famous real
kid "MagglonI" will Interest every woman who appreciates qual
ity. Our silk gloves are from such makers as Kayser and Fownes.
For men we have Dents aud Fownes, well known brands. The
Easter glove sale is always a big one. Early shopping is advisable
-i-v.v unci a wj assist you in getting the right kinds.
Silk Gloves, two-clasp, all with
guaranteed double tipped
fingers, 60c, 75c and 1.00
Elbow Length Lisle Gloves.
I,alr v $1.00
Men's Kid Gloves, $1, $1.25. 12
and $2.25
Men's Cape Gloves, at $1 00
and 81.50
Women's two-clasp kid gloves.
to matcn any color suit, $1.0'J
11.25. ll.fO. and $2.00 pair.
Women's Gauntlet Gloves, taus,
browns and bluck. . . .JJ 59
16-button Kid Gloves, bent Kind
imported, every good color, at
$3.50 and 4 qq
Elbow Length Silk Gloves,
very color, $1.50, $2, $2.25
- e it '-l
Henn.tta Gold.n C.rr.e. lb..aso, and SO Orwen M pa t
Ta Haaket Ktred Japan. II. 4 do, and 40 (ir.en Sfim 4
llin-e iiown Ralams. II... 130, and 10 tir.en
i-t e tiave corn, two can
IU..4CO, and Sl tirern tet
UK. un. Hi. 1?
tiennett'a Cauitol 8weet Wrinkled Peaa. i an. ws -i.i C.t" ! "
Hennett'a t'aintol Klour. amail aack eoo. and SO c!rn ki.ii ,.
Beat v. Have P,.rk aud Boans. 4 cana...... 86o " bUm'"
tmloii Seta, quart 130
Heeds. Hreda. parka (re aiO
Bona Meal for t'hli kena. lb 80
tiyater Shella f r i'hKkelig, lb le
t'oooa. ten-lh tin 93. SO
Worccater Tabla halt, sack loo, and 10 Ureen Htampa
biixir'i OAPrrox. baxxwo rowoii.
Abaolulely I'ure and la Not Contain Alum.
Hv pound can
One pound ran
One-half pound tan
Marshall' Kippered Herring, can..
Batavla Kanev (SaliniMi, can
A. B. C. t'ataup. bottle
Hay lea' IM klaa, bottle
Katavla Uloea Htarcli, S-lb. box....
kci l.y. tliree tana
Blue Kibhon Seeded lUUina. lb. ukar.
i--oitoniy Ana, iiiree caua V3C, ana
1 ur Krult Jam, larg-M Jar Sao, and
alareletu rJyrup, buttle Ibo, and
.91-00, and loo tireen t lamps
and 10 lireen Htampa
la til ten tsiampa
10 tireen .Stamp'
20 Green Stamps
10 Ori'Cii Mampa
10 Oreen tMatnps
HO Green Htampa
10 tireen humps
20 tireen Htampa
10 Green Stamps
20 tireen btamps
10 Orten clamps
. . . 13a, and
. . .BOo, and
. . . SSo, and
. . .SJo, and
. . ..Co, and
. . .45c, n.l
. . . S&o, and
, . lSe, and
Millinery Supremacy
Supremo in character, style, vari
ety and artistic design. Easter hats
depicting the ultra-fashionable
modes at the fairest of ju ices. That
sums up the millinery situation at
Never was a more brilliant Kaster show
ing made In this city.. Charming dress
hats for every occasion jto match any gown.
$5.00, $7.50, $10.00, $15.00
There are in between prices and higher
priced ones, but our main strength lies in
these and recognize no superiors.
Easter Fashions
Unusual jueparations for a tremend
ous Easter ale are made. Hats
from New York designers and from
our own workrooms. Paris ideas
adapted to meet American tastes,
clever sailors woriderously bewitch
ing, smart English walking hats,
dressy turbans, new high crown
creations, a surprisingly attractive
display Mondav is made P
at $t)
Visit Bennett's tomorrow. Your
own best interests demand it if you
would buy your Easter hat right.
Copenhagen Blue and Brown Dress Goods
The most beautiful shadings tremendously popular. We have plain and solid color novelty Hn
: weaves in exclusive styles, specially large new line for Monday's selling, at $2.00, $1.50, $1.00. . .1 3L
New Rajah and other rough silks nowhere shown in greater profusion than here.
Monday's Great Silk Specials
Seventy-five pieces of the best 50c china silk, they
are 27 inches wide and come in fifty or more
shades, including white and black. You QC
never bought them at so low a price before. UwC
Five pieces of the highest grade taffeta sold over
any counter, a handsome, rich lustrous black. A
quality that readily sells at $2.50; on
Monday only at, yard .
Monday the Second Lot of the Des Moines Department
Store Great Purchase of China on Sale
This second lot brings even bigger bargains than the first. Two whole car loads in this Mon
day sale, fancy china, bric-a-brac, dinnerwarij. toilet sets. etc. This is a sale that knows no eailal
$Jri the entire west; Never was high grade, new.' utvto-date china sold so ridiculously ehear. - It's
v. an ArnnriiTi if if s P n 1 1 fV. f , ' i. i. . ' v
jj vuiiumi;, vt mc iiue. , .vjmsp 11 tomorrow. r-.-,
i T n nil J-1 ' a m m ' ' ' -
iou uuy inese uooasior Less Money iow Than we tonld uny Them
lor Again. Think What This Means to You!
Star cut Common .500 Cups and Decorated Bell and tau- 1,000 Bread
Water Turn- Water Turn- Saucers", dec- Salad Bowls, raine shape and Butter
biers, biers, orated china, German china, star cut Turn- Plates, 10c and
33c values, worth 30c doz., worth 10c, 15c, 25c values, biers, 33c kind, 15c values,
IQc 18c 5c IQc lOc 5c
5 Great Tables of Fancy China Absolutely Less Than Cost
TABLE NOV 1 China hair re
ceivers, powder boxes, vases,
plates; values up to P
25c, special uC
TABLE NO. 4 Has tankards, pitchers, bowls,
trays, nut dishes and other lines, (n
worth up to $1.50, for. TVi
TABLE NO. 2 Great lots of
large plates, fancy cups and
saucers, bowls, etc. ifln
never less than 40c
TABLE NO. 3 Large china-
salad bowls, sugar and creams, 1
cake plates and other OCy
pieces, worth 75c, for. . .aWtfC
TABLE NO. 5 Hand painted salads, cake &
plates, sugar and creams, trays, etc., QQ
worth up to $2.75, for JoC
Half Price for All of These
Remaining stocks of dinnerwear, toilet sets
jardinieres, vases, cut glass, Japanese goods,,
etc. Bargains that are bargains. N'o woman,
can resist such offerings once she sees tnem.
Hand Painters
20 whole cases White China-limt
unpacked; complete line wonder- I
$1.35 Lemonade Jugs 98
15c six-inch plates 10c
4 5c Barrel shaped Steins. . . .?;
90c Sugar and Creams 59
sue Bugar snakers 15c
The Bennett shoe store is featuring scores of novelties in neat dressy shoes for the
Piaster girl. Stunning new Oxfords in button, buckle and lace, in tans, oxbloods, choc
olate, champagne, patent colt, gunmetal and velvet kid. Expert shoe salesmen to help
you to be satisfactorily iitted. lhese mterestijig Monday specials:
Tomorrow we offer 150 pnirs of strictly new copper tan. colonial buckle pumps,
a high grade $4.00 quality, every size, 2 to 7, widths AA to D, Monday-special
Cloth Top Oxfords A distinctly high class nov
elty, four-buttpn style, made of patent colt, with
slight extension soles $4.00
Misses' and Children's Gibson ties, buckle Oxfords,
patent colt shoes .$1.50 to 'J.00
Pumps and Gibson Ties Smart fetching novelties
- in the new tans, Maetenish and Eyre bench made,
hand turned $5.00
Oxfords and Pumps Two-buckle strap Oxfords
and one-buckle Colonial pumps, with extension
soles, patent colt stock, pumps have elastic band
under tongue to prevent slipping from heel, pair,
at ,...$3.50
Tan Pumps Tan Gibson ties, two-buckle Oxfords,
tipped ami plain toes, extension soles $3.50
Monday Special Children's Gibson ties and ox
fords, $1.75 and $1.50 values for 98c
Marvellously Low Prices on Room Rufjs Monday
A sale remarkable for great money-saving opportunities. Thousands of dollars of room size rugs
purchased at uSe on the dollar. Just at a ti
m . , ----- ... . - ...-. v vuuic in un c Jiuuuay,
a-v-j aacio ,ua i iuim grades, uigeiow's, Sanford's
ana conventional designs, :)xl2
aud 10- feet, 9 1 9.60 CIA OQ
valuea. at tJJAVJ.t'O
Brussels Rags Full seamless
all in" one piece, fine new pat
terns, $22.00 values. . .$15.89
Axminster Eoom Rugs Best
ana Mtniurts; strictly new,
oriental and floral designs, $35
rugs for $23.85
Royal Wilton Rugs Finest
$44.50 rugs made, big line pat
terns, Monday's sale. .$30.79
"Bennett Special"
Monday S13.69
Guaranteed lor
Ten Years
Bring the Little Men to Bennett's
for Their Easter Clothes
Why pay exclusive clothiers or spec
ialty houses that two or three dollars
extra? These little suits and reefers for
bovs, are just as styllnh, just as well made,
just as good materials, as many we see
marked considerably higher. Then again
we show many more styles In every new
fabric and color or mixture. Your boy
will be well dressed and comfortably fit
ted, if you bring him here and you have
the satisfaction of knowing that you did It
more cheaply than you expected.
Novelty Suits In plain reds,
navy, royal, brown and
fancy cloths, 3 to 8 years,
at $2.00 to S7.50
Reefers Separate reefers,
to match suits, a big line of
beautiful spring styles,
at $3.00 to $5.00
Hoys' Salt Of blue or
black, 7 to 15. years sizes,
knee or knickerbocker
Pants $4 to $8.00 .tatoHaAULUj
Double Breasted Suits Knee or knickerbocker
pants, many new weaves and colorings, C to 16
years $2.00 to $7.50
Hoys' Suits In velour, cheviot and casslmeres,
double breasted coata and two pairs knicker
pants with each suit $4.00 and $5.0O
mouse Suits Special for boys Blx to ten years,
casslmeres, cheviots and worsteds,
$7.00 and $8.00 lines Monday. . . .
Spring Weights, Knit Underwear
We have low neck sleevelet"" vesta; wins; sleeve styles; hluli
neck shaped rests with long sleeves; llnle vets; union suits In
knee and ankle lengths, and umbrella lace trimmed pants; every
thing to meet all wants,
v Sleeveless Vests None better or more carefully made, 10
12 6 15t and- 20c
Sleeveless Lisle Vests Some with beautiful hand crocheted yokes,
25 50c 75c and $1.00
Union Suit Medium weight, low neck and sleeveless, 25 50c
75 $1.00 $1.25 to $2.00
Knit Pants Lace trimmed, knee lengths. .25c 35 50 75
Isabella Pants Something new, best fitting, shaped band found
.In knit garments 50 and 75
Linens and White Goods
36 Inch all linen suiting, light and heavy weights; 5ft
regular 60c goods, Monday -JJC
90-inch all linen sheeting, Belling for dresses and
skirts; the $1.25 quality; Monday
36-inch Long Cloth, soft finish,
for underwear, , 14c quality;,
bolt of 12 yards for $1.25, or
yard 11
7 He India Linon, for lining
purposes, at .... t 5
46-inch Persian Lawns, a very
fine sheer quality, specially
suitable for summer dresses,
regular 40c quality, Monday,'
yard 25
, Wash Goods in Monday's Sale
Seasonable Wash Fabrics of the most desirable sorts, priced
Monday as one seldom sees them. Read:
SOc Silk Ginghams Beautiful colorings, neat checks
and stripes, launder beautifully, too; yard J
SOc Madras In neat stripe effects for waists, suits
. and dresses, Monday at, yard 1 aijv
Press Ginghams Best 32-lnch domeatlc made goods, blues, pinks,
black and white, everything that la new, 20c ' 1
qualities, in Monday's sale, at 16 2
Apron Ginghams A good serv
iceable quality, In all patterns,
yard . . 4
36-inch Suiting; Linen finish,
new blues, browns, etc., laund
ers like all linen 12
Embroidered Swisses Self
color effects In browns, tans,
blueB, pinks, etc., etc. They
will make charming summer
frocks, SOc kinds,
Very Extraordinary
In AA Col. One Day
More beautiful laros are crowded into this offering than you
have known in many moons, gorgeous lace bands, medallion
effects, daintiest appliques. Princess, Filet Net and Brussels.
Many match sets in the line; absolutely beat lot of high claw
laces ever shown at such low prices, values to $4.00,
Great Valenciennes Lace Special 6,000 dozen yarda newest
French and German Val Lace Just received, another Import
order, the most beautiful effects, that always retail at $1.00 to
$1.60 a dozen, in Monday's Bale, at, Zft
dozen ...JJC
All Over Lace Walstinga Figured and embroidered, ring spots,
coin spots, and dots, filet and other new meshes, white and
butter color, values positively up to $3.60 a yard,
sensationally priced Monday at
Specials in Hardware Monday
... 96c
Wash Boilers, all kinds, up from
And 40 Green Stamps
Clothes Wringers, guaranteed
three years, regular $3.49,
at 3.6.-
Rice Root Scrub Brush, regular
15c value, special lOc
And 10 Green Stamps.
Wall Paper Cleaner. beBt qual
ity ISc
And 10 Green Stamps.
Liquid Veneer, per bottle, BOo
and . 23c
And 20 Green Stamps.
Lawn Rakes, 24 tine .....88c
And 20 Green Stamps.
Steel Garden Rakes, 30c, 81c,
and 40c
Long Handled Spades or Shov
els, regular 75c value, special
at 49o
Un, ... .--.,---,- . . ...
Children's Garden Sets,
1 Be and
And 10 Green Stamps.
Screen Door Hinges, complete
with screws 12o
And 10 Green Stamps.
Lawn Mowers, all styles, prices
up from 82.9H
Wheelbarrow, special Monday,
only 1.75
Poultry Wire, best quality, in
full roll, per 100 square feet,
at 60o
Carter's White Lead. 100-lb.
kegs S7.00
Ready mixed Paints, per gal
lon OHc and $1.30
Double Green Stamp Monday.