THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: APRIL 12. 1903. C HELP WANTED MALE MIxellaaeons ( ontlaaed. TOt'NO MKN to prepare for examlnstlon for railway m.iH and other gnvcrnment Kisitlons. Superior lnit rm tlnn T7y mull, ntxhllshed 14 yenre Thousand of stic renful students. Hln'ln qiirKtlona ami "how government positiun arc secured'' ' Sent free. Inter State School. Cedar R aphis, ! n . ( !i ) 2 49 1 . x HELP WANTED MALK A!su (KMALK, WANTED Men and women of good qual .lty and strong personality to represent "lJodd. Mead At Co., to lull the nrw In "ternatlonal Encyclopedia In Nebraska, 'South Dakota and western Iowa. Pre- Vlou experience unnecessary. Tin N. Y. l, Omaha. Neb. (lo M46K ASo COOK wanted at once at Hotel Meredith, Odebolt, la.; man and wife or man or "Woman alone; muit be good cook. . r UO) M; Ux .WANTED Men and women to learn photography, poaltlon guaranteed, rood ray, catalogue free. American School of ,'Fhotography. Dahlgren. 111. (9)-t63 Ux WANTED Man and wife to manage rall "road eating house. Inquire today. Rome Hotel. M. O. Wolcott. tit) 251 Ux WANTED Solicitor, ' on good proposition; .good opportunity. Call 9 to 10 a. m., 618 Couth 13th St; (10-M333J4jl LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Morses and Vehicles. TO SUPPLY the protein larking In corn nd oata via Alfal-Fat to balance the ra tlon and your hordes will Improve In looka and work. Trice $1.25 for 100 lbs., delivered. If your dealer does not carry Alfal-Fat, 'phone Douglas 208. M. C. Peters Mill Co. UD-907 A30 FOB BALE Best and safest family team fn town, with closed carriage, $050. 224 North lth Bt.- (ll)-8tl 13 KOI blnrk driving horse, about 10 lb., Tgentle and well adapted for family. rosd Tter or general tine? very cheap at $1.. Wt a. 37th Bt. Tel. Red 6440, (U)-943 FIVE-YEAR-OLD pon-: "otind. speedy, . city broke, fine driver. 'Phone Harney 1284. 812 No. 88th 8t. (1D-M13I 12x FOR SALE High grade surry and phae 4nn. I'aed but a short time. Call at 311 W. O. W. Bldg. (11)-M22J3 FOR BALK IRubber-tlred carriage, double seated, as good as new, at a bargain. Bee-Fred Armburst, 2312 Vinton St. til) M235 14 ONE 3-"at carriage, a bargain. 3. F. Ahlqulst, 275a . Meredith Ave., Omaha; ' Phona Webater 1028. (11) 12 FOR SALE A l-Beatcd surrey, leather cushions; also a one-horse light wagon. Call at 1801 Kinney Bt., city. f UD-M260 14x FOR BALE One white hearso, used very little; fine condition, very cheHp; for Rrlce write or call at 221 So. 11th, Lincoln, eb. Knslgn Omnibus and Transfer Co. (1D-M211 13x FOIt SAT,F,- One rubber-tired surrey and f new Htudebaker rubber Stanhope. In "qulra 140 N. 31t Ave. QD-299 L'x FOR SALE Reasonable, medium weight .-family horse; speedy, but gentle; can be driven by woman or child; dues not scare at automobiles. Also rubber tired runa bout. Telephone Monday, Harney lnXH. tiD -m ux. GOOD, chunky, black team; sound. 43d and center Bts. (1Q-291 12 Foultry Bgiga ana Sqemba. ton BALE Black Minorca! eggs for hatching; f 1 for fifteen; very fmo lay era; also anrkerel tor aale. Mrs. O. Carl- fsou, 3109 8. 46th St Tel. Harney 3382. (ll-MWJ9M5x WHY send east for Single Comb White Leghorns? My birds are good as the best. Kggs, $1.50 per IK. A. Lundstrom, -2eth and Caldwell, Omaha. (11)-MW6 Ux "RINGLET" Barred Plymouth Rocks. The aJiatchlng season Is here and egga from my best rnatings are $2 per fifteen. Let me book your order. Information gladly given. F. C. Ahlqulst. 2752 Meredith Ave., Omaha, Neb. 'Phone Webster 1028. (1D-M752 U RED FEATHER CHICK FEED contains pure grain, seeds and beef scraps, a sarop erly balanced ration for little chicks. Auk your dealer or telephone Douglas 2(19. M. C. Peters Mill Co. (H)-908 A30 ROSE COMB Whlto Leghorn (Kulp) and Hummel Buff Wyandotte Eggs, $1.50 per 13. The best to be had. Shady Lawn Poultry and Fruit Farm, Florence, Nob. Telephone Florence 3623. (11) Mtil4 11 DUbTIN'B WHITE WYANDOTTES ex clusively; puro bred; loo choice hens at a bsrgain. Day-old chirks, 15 cents each; chlcka weeks old. 60 cents; eggs from 4o choice layers, Including 12 grand pena of t-yar-ol(l hens scoring 10 to UO" by Thompson, $1.6 to $2.50 for 15; $3.50 for6o; $o for 100. Fertility guaranteed. Prompt shipment from Omaha. Careful packing. FOREST LAWN WYANDOTTE YARDS, Florence, Neb. Tel. Florence 3S9. (ll)-lta 12x THOROUGHBRED R. I. Red cockerels and settings. 33i Sherman Ave. Bell Tel. A 2407, Co. Bluffa. Ia. (1D-M337 llx FOR BALE Laying and setting hens. 3-10 Casa. (il) M3a 14 ROBE COMB R. I. RED EOUS for hatch ing. Pens headed . by prlae winning cockerels from Narth Btar Poultry Show, Minnesota; $1.60 td $2 per Is. Mrs. James H. HalDine. 4tk2 Center St.. Omaha. TeL - Harney 862a. (11) M318 A22x CHAMBERLAIN'S Perfect Chick Feed is the only original dry chick feed. Use (his only and save all young chickens. Once tried always used. Stewart's Seed Store, Ul N. 10th tit., sole agent for the city. (ID M800 M4 NBW portable chicken houae and White Wyandotte chickens, cheap If taken at ouce. 8515 8o. 24th Bt. (It) 082 12x "RINGLET" Barrad Plymouth Rocks. The hatching season Is here and eggs from my beat rnatings are $2 per fifteen. Let me pook your order. Information gladly given. F. C. AliUiulat, 2752 Meredith Ave., Omaha, Neb. 'Phone Webster- 10J. 01)- V1SITORB are welcome at the Mandv Lee Poultry Farm, west on State St., Flor ence, Neb. Call and see a model poultry farm with incubators and brooders in full operation. (11) FOR BA LB Five barred rock cockctells; also eggs for hatching. U No. 16th, 1 South Omaha. (U 194 12 HoMlJKrt for squab breeding; mattd bird; (fre catalogue. Missouri bquub Co., St, 7lAuie, Mo. di) r:x Cows, Blr4a, Dega and Cats. FREHII milch cow. a gentle famllv cow. J. F. Ahlqulst, 2752 Mrrldtth Ave., Omaha. 'Phont Webster Udi. 11 I'til 12 LOST AND FOUND tWO REWARD FOR INFORMATION OR RECOVERY OF DIAMOND BTl'D. LOST BETWEEN UNION DEPOT AND POSTOFFICE, SUNDAY. CACKLEY BROU . 1TH AND CAPITOL AVE. l!i-MMff alia., or on street car. a small locket wii-u iimiiii. cjvarinw ine monogram li b U; reward. Tel. Doug. S"3. (12)-M?6 12 CoaT A Scotch collie pup, about 8 moiuhs old, marked aa follows: White streak around neck, white breast, four while paws and tip of tail white: weara collar marked ' Tiger Brown." Return to Janus . iirown, ui bo 3th el., and receive re ward. (12 JiSofi llx IbT Yellow cat, six toes on fore paw; . at rayed from 1115 eV $Jd Bt. Tel. Harney ijoj. Howard. (ii) in 1 LOST Ught overcoat between Farnam and Binnry streets on Boulevard. W. H. Clara, IU1J ttlnney bt. (12) (78 llx LortT FJtnor in the Boston store or Hey aen iiroa., or between thesis stores, a -iKx:k(ilKM containing $M; $10 reward will bo grvea for the return of same to Be offio e feMt ev& Atsv. Council t.ufta, leV U- ) 12 LOST AND FOUND (Continued ) LOBT Between Hsrnev and ninney streets. ladle' (fold waith; name on Inside cane. Reward f r return to Murthn Pulxils, , Methodic hiKpltal. (lit Nua 13 UST ladles' Hoo-llcKi Murk fst. set In four-lesf clover. No. 14"d on back. Re turn to 10 8. 27th Bt. Reward. 12)-M310 13 LOST-Pmall blnck dog. with cr on one shoulder. Answers to name Hshy. Re turn to 224 N. 24th St. Reward. Ul-2-'4 12t MEDICAL ANY poor girl In need of a trlend call or write to the matron of the Bnlvatlon Army Home for Women at iS?4 N. 24th St.. Omaha. Neb. (13) Mlu FREE medical and surglrl treatment at Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Dav enport Sts ; special sttentlon laid to c n llnement cases; all treatment surervled by college professors. 'phone Douglas 11C7. Calls answered day or night. (1S)-129 BKST nerve brace fnr men. "Gray's Nerve Food Pills," $1 a box. postpa'd Sherman St McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. (1S)-'13 DR. HtTTCHINSON Specialist of women and children. 20:'4 Burt Bt. 'Fhon Doug Ins 3"ifi. (13) MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND ClIATTKI.g. THE POPULAR PLACE FOR MONEY WHERE? THE RELIABLE CREDIT CO., 3d Floor. $07-308 Paxton Blk. 3d Floor. If YOU are In need of a little ready cash for your Easter shopping, wb will accom modate you. Our terma are the cheapest; our service the best, and all business strictly confidential. (14) MS15 Money to Loan At the lowest rates obtainable In the city. If you are In need of money to pay your rent or to do that much-needed repairing on your home or :ielp you over the rough places, call and : ee ux. We are as reliable as any Dank and your dealings with us Is known only to us. It beats going to friends and rela tives ho might " turn yuu down." WE ARE UVbKlTBuUY'd FKlfeND In need of money. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., Ill) Board of Trade, 16th tit. Entrance. (14) MaOO FOR A SQUARE DEAL GO TO THE PHOENIX CREDIT CO. For Chattel or Bulary lxiana. C33 Paxtou Block. 'phone Douglas 745. (14) 818 P. O. NIELSEN a. CO., LOANS. . 703 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 2204. (140 17 EAGLE LOAN OFFICE Reliable, accom modating; all business confidential. 13ol Douglas. (14) 818 CHATTEL, salary and storage receipt loans. Foley Loan Co., 1504 Farnam Bt. (14)-1 MONEY IX) A NED SALARIED PEOPLE and others without security; easy pay ments. Offices in 63 principal cities. Tol man. room 714. New York Life Bldg. . (141-821 OFFERED FOR RENT Ooardtag sd Rooms. VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe. (15J-&22 ONE large, also one small room, both very comiortaDie, -wun excellent Doard. 2818 Farnam. , (15) 823, WE DO expert piano moving at lowest . T-l rVr.ticrlu a' Z' 1. 1 1 I, Mueller Piano .')., 1211-1313 Farnam. (it Hit ROOM and board. 2411 Capitol Ave. (16) M416 A30 NICELY furnished room and board; strictly nome cuoaing. j.aoie ooard a specially. 2215 Dodge Bt. 'Phone loug laa 2036. (15)-7:i9 12 LARGE airy front room, strictly modern; oreaKtasc it oesireu; one-nair block rrom car. 2210 Spencer St. (15) M612 llx BOAD and room in finest down town lucauuit, laige iiunv rwin wun alcove; suitable for two or three persona; fur nished or unfurnished. References re quired. 114 B. lath Bt. (15) 61712 ROOMS and board.' V413 N. 25tb, Bt, South umana. rnone iimu. (l&) M818 M6x DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam. U5) 3 VERY desirable front room, with board, ji uoutti 2oin Ave. (15 S52 13x Famished Rooms. TWO furnished rooms, steam heat, 1508 r arnam et aa noor. (15) 88 PLEASANT rooms 2213 Dodge. UlD 404 Apl3x WELL furnished southeast front room with alcove; modern; large lawn; private fam ily. 702 S. 29th St (15)-M812 12x BEAUTIFUL BOUTH ROOM-Clean and cool. Board next door. 614 N. 23d Bt. (IS) M!)MS 17x FOR RENT Furnished rooms for gentle- men cay, week or month. The Chatham, opposite Millard, 110 Bo. )3th Bt. (15-iJ NICELY furnished large south room on iirsi noor of new flat, thoroughly mod ern, waiting distance. 2105 Harnty. (16; MSI 14x FOR RENT Three nicely furnished rooms, modern. One $18. one $10 and the other H per month. Walking distance. 216 N. 23d. (16) S 13 J RONT room, modern, parlor floor, new furnished; gentlemen; fc.50. Small room, stcond floor. $1.75. 2404 Capitol Ave. (15)-MtC3 llx NICELY furnished, newly papered room, with closet, on bath room floor $8. Have other rooms, strictly modern, walking distance; car one block. 2503 St. Mary's Ave. (1M-U3 13 ALL modern furnished room for rent. 1102 N. 24th. (16)-1W 17 FURNISHED rooms, with or without light housekeeping privileges. 1S10 St. Mary's ve. (15)-M1 14 FRONT room, suitable for one or two gen tlemen; private family. 57 8. 25tli Ave. Telephone D. 5653. (15) Mij9 i'4x FRONT parlor sleeping room or two light housckciplng. iu6 S. 25lh Ave. (151-MiUS lSx PLEASANT room for t gentlemen; private family; references required. 112S Sher man Ave. (15) 2J5 u BEAUTIFUL apartmenta. private family. ioo6 St. Mary s Ave. IK-M33113x UalaraUaea rtoeais. FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping. Address L 253. rsre H'. (16) MloS 18x FO("K housekeeping rooms; modern. Burt St. (16)-M110 NINE-ROOM modern house nicely fur- nlshed. Hanscom Park dlstrlc;t will tale rent In board and room. Tel. Harney 134S (15) M2&8 12 I OR $ UNFURNISHED rooms; modern; very leutonable. 1144 Bo. Jid 8t. (16) M316 14 HoasekeeplBsT Htoai. FOR RENT T.lrht housekeeping. I front roima. furnished. $18, unfurnls'-ed $11 Alio three f urilshrd, $J0; unfurnlshe). H7; Modern, ioii Davenport Bt. (15) M'JftS 17x TWO nicely furnished rooms complete for bgiit housekeeping, all modern. $oi Web tr Bt. (15)-M 12x 6 NICELY furnished rooms complete fjr light honeekeeplng, with piano; mala floor. Sola Davenu (M)iM ' OFFERED FOR RENT (Continued.! Aaartraeals aa rials. APARTMENTS 7 rooms In QCIVET, 1M1 Fsrnam St.; steam heat, hot water and telephone. APARTMENTS rooms In i Aii'JO, Bo u Hi Omaha; steam heat and hot water. HALL, 317 First Natl Bank Bldg. Red 7m. A-4M. (15) 3tK THREE and 4-room apartments, modern. 81$ S. 22d Ft. (15)-M964 Ux FOUR-ROOM new brick flat. I2d and Nich olas, modern, $21; references. Key at 111$ North 22d. Patterson, 1633 Farnam. (li)-77J NEW 8T. LOUIS APARTMENTS. There are no apartments in the city to he coin p. i red with that new building at S2d and Pacific, right In the best part of the Hanarom Park district. The rooms are very large, all finished in oak. with beau tiful open fireplaces and light fixtures; In fact, everything that heart can wisli has been supplied. The bathrooms aie very dainty, with tile floors, medicine rabineta, etc. Fac ilities In each basement for heating, laundry, etc., are the best. Tenants may select their own decorstlops. There Is little, If any. choice In thesi apartments of 6 and 8 rooms each, but If you want to get any at all you must be quick about It. We commence decorating this week. Tenants can move In on or before May 1. PAYNE. BOSTWICK & CO., Sole Agents, Main Floor, N. Y. Life Bldg. (15)- FOR RENT 4-room modern flat; private bath, heat. 2C19 No. 2oth St. Tel. Webster 28. (15) 444 THE SHERMAN Elegant S-room apart ment, call agent, Harney 3650. (15)-M-747-l?x. FOR RENT 6-room fiat, steam heat. In quire 1324 N. 24Ui St., upstairs. - (15)-12i 17 A VERY desirable 8-room flat, mndern, 2719 Jackson St. Call on May L. Keiton, 4019 Hamilton Bt. (15)-12S 13 NEW 4-room brick flat. 1108 N. 22d St., modern, steel range, 1st floor. (15)-M2fi8 $37 DO S-room modern brfck flat, Sim Pacific St. Key at 136 So. Suth Ave. Tel. Harney 3.'83. M. Kellner. (16) M144 14 2304 N. 21ST ST., 7-room flat, modern, fur nace, gas, bath, hot and cold water; new decorations. $25. Hastings . Heyden. 1704 Farnam St, (15) M278 13 Furnished Hoasea. 3 ROOMS, bath, gas, piano. 3210 Casj. (15) M341 14 1145 PARK AVE., seven rooms, two baths, all nicely furnished; will rent six to twelve months at $55, per month. George & Co., ItiOl Farnam St. (15) M335 12 Hoasea and Cot faces. VACANT May 1. 8-r. brick, nearly new, 8 blocks from high school: $46. 8-r., all mod., 806 N. 39th; $40. OKEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1O01 N. Y. Life. 'Phonos Doug and A2152. (16) M957 11 1!7 CLARK BT.. $33.00; 1368 North Nine teenth St., $35.00; 15fi0 North Nineteenth boulevaid, $37.60. Above three are all 8-room strictly modern new stone houses. We bellrve these are by far the best and most comfortable houses In the city of fered at these prlves. Above open for In spection Bunday afternoon. Also 4132 Bur dette St., IV, blocks from Walnut Hill car; It-room, modern with exception of heat, only $25.. Nice location. 4718 North Fortieth St. 7-room, $15.00. Pet-r-ton Bros., 475 Brandels Blk. Phones, Ind. A3157; Doug., 7332. S ROOM COTTAGE Modern except fur nace; good barn. References required. 634 So. 24th Ave. . Inquire on premises early. Vacated Ap.ll 20. (16) MUM 16 Maggard Van ft Storage Co. D. I486. We guarantee moving pianos, H. H. roods. (15-83S 5 ROOMS, modern. $25; 2d floor, loth and Locust Sts. C Hansen, grocery store. (16J-W1 3-ROOM flat, city water and gas, $13. 1008 Pacific St. Blrkett & Tebbens, 43 Bee Bldg. Phones, D. 4754; Ind. A1764. (4) 325 12 BIX rooms on second floor 26th and Parker1 Bis., $14. 409 William Bt,, In rear, $13. 2907 Beward St., $15; city water in kitchen Chris Boyer, 22d and Cuming. (!) mk;o OMAHA. Van and Storage Co., pack, move, store H. H. goods. Storehouse, 1130-24 N. ISHb; office 10u9 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 156a (lcj-823 HOUSEHOLD goods packed, forwarded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Expressmen's Delivery Co. TeL Doug. 891 (li)-3l HOUSES Crelgh Bona ft Co., Bee Bldg. (15-30 FOR RENT 7-room attached house, mod ern except heat; 602 N. 16th St.; excellent neighborhood; $30 per month. Com ad Young, agent, 1518 Dod'0 Bt. (15) M6i4 $37.00 Six-room St. Louis flat, nearly new; strictly modern. Faces entrance to Hansom park. Inquire of Dr. C. F. Clark,' 1502 8. 29th Bt. Tel. Harney 28J. (U) M313 13x TEN-ROOM brick house, modern, gas, fur nace, laundry (not basement plan); hard wood floors and finish. Rent, $50. Keys on premises. 2ti01 Capitol Ave. (16)-M809 12x COTTAGE, 6 rooms, partly modern, splen did lot. Price $1,900. cash $200, $20 per month. Your rent will buy In Benaun. Consider it. F. B. Trulllnger, Phone Benson 226 (Bunday) (15) M246 13 FOR RENT New, all modern, 6-room . house; $30. Owner, 2808 Burt. 'Phone Harney 1822. (15) M264 13x FOR RENT 8-room house in brick row; Dodge Bt., between 33d and 34th; $4$. In quire at 101 B. 34th Bt.. or Telephone Harney W86. (15) MX3 15x FOR RENT 7-room House, 211 N. Wth Ave.; modern except furnace; $25. Eight room house, 613 N. 22d Bt.; all modern; $35. Apply at 07 N. 19th Bt. (15) M297 FOR RENT 8 rooms, bath, barn, 2164 Bo. 34th. W. B. Stlllinan, 418 1st Nat. Bk. Bid. (tf 8.7 tlt PACIFIC BT rooms; thoroughly modern, oak finish; $40. A. Q. Elllck. 6uj Bee Bldg. (16)-829 HOUSES Peters Trust Co.. N. Y. L. Bldg. (16)-il; LIST your vacant houses with Walter atreen Company. 914 N. Y. Life Bldg. (15J-M223 7-ROOM modern house, walking distance. Apply 22?3 Burt Bt. (16)-M59$ U 7-ROOM houae, 525 Charles street, modern except furnace, nice lawn, fenced. Kent, .j per month. Apply 2i23 Charles St. (15)-M5 13x FOR RENT Nice 7-room house, all mod ern. Inquire Will Brown, 725 So. 37th St. Tel. Harney 3154. (15)-M7bl 11 FOR RENT 7-room house, all modern, in cluding gas range, gas water heater and window shades. Itiu4 Spruce Bt. H. 1. plumb, 110 Bu. 13th Bt. US) oS CENTRAL S-room cottage. Tliard. 220 N. 23d. (16) MS81 II. II. and piano moving. J. Sohwjrtg. (U)-M6j7 MS 6-ROOM cottage. 318 N. 24th Bt. Rent J 20. Inquire first house south. (15) 118 u VEST FARNAM 3 new. modern houses, 6 rooms and reception hall. 132 N. 42d B'. (16)-122 12x FOR RENT 4 rooms, city water, gas, 162$ N. 18th St., 1st floor-$lt. C. M. Bach man. 436 Paxton Block. (16)-114 TOR RENT 8-room, all modern house, 4227 Harney St. $26. Inquire $u7 8. 17th St. (16-127 HOU8E8. Insurance. RJngwalt, Barker Blk. (ls)-Ui HOUSES, flats. Gerviu Bros., 1904 Farnam. 0.i-U SEVEN-ROOM modern house, walking dis tance. Apuly 2223 Burt Bt. (16)-&2M GOOD HOUSES FOR RENT. JM Davenport Bt., 8 rooms ., $25.01 :., N. Fist at., rooms, 31.60 8718 N. fHh St., T room So.uO JUJIN W. HOaSUs, lM 7arnatn street. OFFERED FOR RENT II oases $ t ettaaea Coatlaaeel ItKNTAL BAK0A1NS 1R21 Manderson St., 6-room, modern except heat: $1H. 23-J3 S. IMh St.. 8-room, modern except heat; a snap at $17. 210 Franklin St., 6 room, modern except furnace; choice at $22. 16f 8. 27th Bt., 7-room. all modern; will put In good repair at $&. 223X tarnam St., 7-room. all modern outside flat over drug store, $36. 612 N. 21st St., -room. strictly modern. besutlfully decorated throughout; nothing finer In tne city and close In; only $47.50. A room can be rented here at a fancy prlre. thereby reducing the rental to a very modest figure. 819 Park Ave., s-rooni, strictly modem, with fine lawn; will decorate throughout with beautiful patterns to suit tenant; only 45. PAYNE. BOBTWICK ft CO., 1 The Rental Men. Main Floor, N. Y. Life Bldg. (16)- 1208 So. 27th St., 6 R. modern, ex. heat, $18 2i'10 No 27th, 6 H. modern, ex. heat, $20. 2iio Maple. 7 R. modern, $32.60. - lft9 1'lnkney Bt., 8 R. and barn, $30. 3" 8 So. 3Xth St., R, modern, oak, $50. FLATS AND APARTMENTS. 110 So. 24th. 6 R. oak finish, modern, shades, gas range, heat and janitor service, furnished, $40, heat extra. 1318V, Maple. 7 R. modern, heat. Janitor service, shades range, hot water and ice box furnished, $36. 2219 Bo. 29th St., 5 R. furnace, gas, bath, water, cement basement, window shades, large yaid, $27.60. , 2st!9 Pratt Bt., 6 R. modern, furnished, house, $40. HASTINGS ft HEYDEN, 1704 Farnam St. Ask for Rental Department. (15) $37.50 per month, 1H04 Spruce St., 8 rooms and reception hall, gas range and heat In cluded, new and strictly modern. $37 per month 2121 California St., 7-room, modern. ' $.0 per month, 2 S. 20th St., 6-room cot tage. $10 per month, J9 Pacific Bt., 9-room modern flat, oak finish, laundry, etc. $37.50 per month, 3006 Pacific Bt., S-room modern flat, oak finish, best of repair. $45 per month for new 6-room apartment at 416 S. 26th Ave. Very desirable., lease for one year. $48 per month, for 6-room apartment In Majestic. JEORGE ft CO., 1601 Farnam Bt. (15)-90 13 4112 Farnam; nearly new 7-room dwelling; lawn; excellent repair; $36. 110 B. 24th; new modern brick apartment; five rooms, first floor; very eholrei $40. 29G4 Harney; 9-room modern dwelling; will repair; $27.60. 623 8. 19th St.; 10-room modern brick; $35. 621 B. 29th; four rooms In brick; $14. Si MM 8. 17th; five rooms, second floor; $16. 1310 N. 24th; 6-room fiat; bath; $15. Uarvin Bros., 1604 Farnam. ' (16)-M91S II $10.00. 6-room house with barn, at 3541 Boulevard Bt. Steam heaitd flat of 6 rooms, all modern, close In. $J6.00, 6-room all modern house at 380 N. 18th St. $16.00, 6-room flat, partly modern, on first floor, at 2208 N. 24th Bt. BEMIS. 806 Paxton Blk. 'Phone Doug. 655, Ind. 1585. (16)-M923 211 South 25th Ave., (26th and Farnam Bt.,) , 6-room cottage, electric lights, fur nace, only $30. 1313 Georgia Ave., nearly new, 6-room flat, all modern, $30. 611 So. 17th St., (rear) 6-room cottage, city water, $18. 2887 Cass St., 6-room modern cottage, $23. J. H. SHERWOOD, . 616-617 Brandels Building. (5), 1313 Park Ave., 8-r, all modern, $40, va cant May I. 806 So. 39th St., 8-r, all modern, $40. 2210 California, 8-r, all modern, brick .$40. O KEEFE REAL ESTATE COMPANY, 1001 N. Y. Life. 'Phonea Doug, or A-2162. (16) 270 16 S-room cottage, 424 Martha. (16)-M928 16x Balldlngs. CORNER WAREHOUSE In best wholesale district. 1102-4-6 Harney 8t., ( stores and basement; floor space 26,000 sq. ft. Apply to E. MILLAIU), At Omaha National Bank. (15) 216 12x FOR RENT Space In building located In heart of the business district. Trackage facilities and electrlo elevator. Suitable for warehouse or light manufacturing purpose. Address W-225. care Bee. (25) M666 RETAIL LOCATION. 1008-10-1! Harney St., t story and base ment brick building, over 62,000 square feet of floor spare, steam heat, t large vaults and extra nigh ceilings on 1st and 2d floors. Will make reasonable alterations and repairs to suit tenant and subdivide. If necessary. Lease, fur. about ten years at an attractive figure. ' GEORGE ft CO., 1601 Farnam Bt U6)-78 13 FOR RENT Modern J-story brick build ing; good location; 2 storerooms first story; 14 living rooms second story; rent reasonable. Nets Benson, Oakland. Neb. (16) a 12 FOR RESNT Warehojse at 1647-49 Sherman Ave., 48X1S0. four floors, hydraulic eteva tcr. trackage; recently overhauled and put in first-class condition; suitable for storage or Jobbing business; long term BENSON ft MYERS, 412 N. Y. Ufa Bldg. (16J- Offlcas. OFFICES FOR REN1 In Conservative building; modern, oak finish, gas and electric light; heat and Janitor service furnished; $16 per office. HASTINGS ft HAYDEN, 1704 Farnam BL (15) M105 13 OFFICES One large and one small office for rent en suite or single. These rooms are on the third floor of The Bee Bldg., and the larger one has a north light and vault. For further particulars see K. W. Baker, Supt, 10$ Bee Building. (16) JJHIi NICE office room to let in new Brandels Bldg. Inquire room 617. Use of 'phone and stenographer if desired. . (15)-M288 14 OFFICES OR PAR1XR8 8 and 6-room. In QU1VET, 1809-1811 Farnam Bt. suitable for artists, physicians, dentists, dress makers, etc.; steam heat, hot water and telephone. Also OFFICES or PARLORS. rooms, in SCAR GO Hid. South Omaha, suitable for lawyers, doctors, etc. ; steam heat and hot water. HALL, 317 First Nat I Bank Bldg. Bed 74u. A-44i. (15) 3oe LARGE cor. office, divided into S rooms. Wead Blk., 18th and Farnam. (18)-M 304 17 ROOM No. . Davidge. Tel. D. 1864. (15-M333 13x (area. 60S B. 13TH St,. $60. C G. Cariberg, $11 N. T. X Bldg. (16-M871 STORE ROOM in Bcargo block, at S3 N. 84th St., Bouth Omaha; steam heat, modern ahow windows, excellent location. Aln two basement rooms In same build lug, cemented floors, steam hsatsd, suit able for billiards, barbers, baths, restau rant, etc HALL. 817 First Natl Bsnlc Bldg. Red I4u. A 40$. (M)-UiA 1403 Jackson Bt., large store room, good basement, all In jrood repair, $40 par month. 8177 Farnam -., desirable alore room and basement, $46 aer month. Bee our BEPARATB AD for building, laja-10-13 Harney Bt. OEOKCtK ft CO., 1601 Faraara Bt. (16-tiS U La MOD store, with basement, 4X4 Bo, lath U Dirkett ft Tsbben. 4J Boa Bldg, t-honee, . Citl Ihd. A!T4 Ua-S24 U OFFERED FOR RENT Stores STORE for rent, Famarn St. In. quire, Harmon ft Weeth. (16)-M31t 12 7o S. STth St., store room and living rooms In rear, $L2.ei. 1814 Harnav St., 20x60 with basement and new front, $aT. 1K18 Harney St. 20x40 with new front, $10. l.W-S Howard St., three story and base ment, brlrk. electric elevator, modern In every respect, $150. N. P. DODGE ftCO., 1714 Farnam Bt. (15) STORE, splendid location, grocery or meat market. 2804 f arnam Bt. (18) M342 1 8x . OFFERED FOR SALE reBClac. ANCHOR and iron fencing; wire fencing So per foot. 208 N. 17th Bt. Tel. Red 814. (H)-838 Faraltara. NEWLY furnished southeast front room with alcove, modern, large lawn, private family. 702 Bo. 2Vth St. (li)-M782 11 TWO folding beds, 1 water-back coal range. vi . 29in st. (i) 12 ONE buffe-, china closet, pedestal dining table and other furniture; very cheap. Call Bundaya at 2618 Cuming St. (lb)-M908 U FOR BALE Furniture of S-room modern house; $326 if taken at once. Call between 2 and 6 p. m. 1813 Capitol Ave. (16) M965 12x FOR BALE One oak bed, two "good springs, one mattress $6. 'Phone Harney 8591. (lti)-U3 12s FOR BALE Furniture of 9 rooms, all good, will sell by the piece. Call any day after 4 p. m., 628 So. 19th St. (16) 227 12x FOR SALE Herrlck wool lined refrigera tor, good condition. 1021 Bo. 3oth Ave., telephone Harney &82 (16) M230 13 FOR SALE CHEAP Parlor, library and dining room furniture; turklsh couch and rockers, bookcase, center tables, three brass beds, rugs, curtalna, drapes, ladles' writing desk, beautiful nil paintings, bric-a-brac; also phino. Will sell any article separate. Call at residence, 607 Park Ave. (16) M314 17 x FOR BALE Oak Ire box. porcelain lined, 8 feet high and 4 feet wide, also oak glasa closet. 2303 Cass. (16) 327 12 Plaaos, Organs, Mnsleal latstrnasenta. . PIANO BARGAINS Offered next Monday at the great retir ing from business sale. Terms aa it suits you best; small cash payment and balance monthly. Crown upright piano in excellent condi tion, splendid tone and action; cut to $98. New cabinet grind upright, sample, Chi cago make, beautiful mahogany case, clesr, brilliant tone; cut to $122. New Bradford ft C- piano. New York; a fine instrument in natural walnut case; an exceptional bargain at $142. "Wegman" upright, beautiful fancy wal nut case; cut to $156. "Schiller" upright piano; their famous style 16, in an elegant English Oak case; fine tone; cut to $192. And fifty others at prices impossible to get from any dealer who Intends to continue business. Call early to secure one of the best bar gains, although every one Is a great bar- MATTHEWS PIANO CO., Retiring from Business May 1, 1513-15 Harney St., one-half block east of Bennett's. (16)-M336 12 FOR SALE Fine upright piano, cheap; 1721 Davonport BU (16) 839 FINE $800 KBANICH AND BACH BABY GRAND PIANO, $300. ELEGANT CONDI TION. BENCH AND MUSIC THROWN IN; MUST SACRIFICE; NEED MONEY FOR BUSINESS. 415 NO. 23D Bt. (18)-M109 14 FOR BALE Beautiful upright piano, little used; standard make. Will sell cheap for cash. Can at residence, 607 Park Ave. (15) M313 I7x Typewriters isd Sewing; Machines. FOR BALE High grade secondhand type writers; good condition; a bargain at $60. Call room 603,- Bee Bldg. (16) 671 1 FIRST person with $66 can get new fto. 6 Underwood typewriter. Geo. B. Lehn hoff, 1807 Farnam. (16I-2S3 12 Mlacellans DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on all $10 orders; catalogue free. Sherman ft Mc Connell Drug Co.. Omaha. Nab. (16) &40 SOME first class secondhand golf cluba for sale cheap; some of them used but twice last year. 1414 Harney Bt. (16) 930 llx GAS, ELECTRIC AND COMBINATION FIXTURES Largest, most up-to-date stock at lowsst prices in the city; select now, delivered when needed. Inspection Invited. BURGESS GRANDEN CO., 312 B. 15th BU Tel. Doug. 681. U6J-841 ICE! ICE! MINNESOTA ICE In car lota A. G. Gilbert. Council Bluffa, Ia. (16)-M374 FOR BALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables. We lead the world In cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Brunawivk-BaiK-coiienaar, oi a. lotn Bt. (164840 HALL'S safes, new, 2d-hand. 1818 Farnam. (1S 849 FaV 8HERWIN-W1LLIAM3 CO., best mixed caiut. Sherman at McConnell Drug Co. Utii-842 HOMEOPATHIC remedies, wholesale, re tail. Sherman ft McConnell Drug Co., 1! and Dodge tits., Omaha, Neb. (16 348 FOR BALE Tailor made suits, ready to wear. Clark, the Tailor, 206 Neville Blk. (16) 4b4 Ml BEND US your mall orders for drugs; freight paid on $10 lota. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. (16) -647 FOR BALE A good Krtmmcr coat, $15. Addreas K 217, care Bee. (16) 819 12x FOX TYPEWRITER, No. 127420; only uaed short time and in Al condition; for sale at very reasonable price. Call for Wright at Bea office, 17th and Farnam. (16) 893 1-3 RUCKER and Weston news cases and standa for sale cheap CM at Bee of fice, Omaha. - (16)-92 Elevator for Sale For sale, second-hand Eaton & Prince hand elevator, complete; platform about 4x5; can be used in a building 60 ft. high. Thin elevator is first-clasa in every respect and will be sold cheap. W. II. BRIDGES, Engineer Beo Bldg. (16)-93 CURRANT planta. B. C. Smith. 8108 Corby Bt, (16-24M3x PRINCE ALBERT, Tuxedoand full dress suits msde by best Omaha tailors; silk lined, for man of 140 to ltM pounds; perfect condition; owner has outgrown them. Apply aulte 8. Davidge Bldg., 18 and Far nam Bis., Friday to Tuesday. llti)-M4 13 FOR SALE Second hand boy's bicycle. , Inquire 413 So. 34th Bu (16) M1M7 Llx CONCRETE mixer, hand power, $75; 4 cubla feet; batch mixes concrete and finish. Samson Machine Co., 710 No. 8ih Bu. Bt. Louis, Mo. (16) 343 12x RA RE, curloua books, usually not obtain able In book stores. Anything you want. Bend atampe for Illustrated catalogue. O. Dornar Co., 14 Broadway. New York, (16)-M217 Ux OFFERED FOR SALE Ml rlla FINE golf outfit. 6 sticks and leather esse; bargain. H No. 1th St. (16) MI07 12x LEAVING sell, new Amerl canlsed Eticycloix-illa Brlttonlca: come quica. 21110 Miami Bt. tl) M2S7 14 Vflt-Tl.TP niiunvm Unenll.llled for hrllllanew H n 1 1 1 nn V to Ilia V u r p V i , Jewelers or dealers. NO agents. Send for catalogue. B. K. Arnns, Bole Owner, 926 uuwrty Ave., Pittsburg, p. (16) Itgjix PATENTS LARSON ft CO. Book tree. Neville Bldg (17-o61 PATENT8 THAT PROTECT 8 books tor Inventors mailed on receipt of So nostaga. R. B. ft A. B. Lacey, rooms 2-3 Paclflo Bldg., Washington, D. C. Established vm. (17-8W D. O. DARNELL, Paxton Blk. ToL Red Till (17J853 H. A. Sturg-e, tl N. Y. L. Tel. Doug. $46. (17) MlbS A14X PERSONAL JH-aUINilJASmlUlm n, lith, 2d floor. (lS)- WB RENT, repair, sell needles for old sewing niacniues. tycie - o., cor 16th and Harney. (IS) C58 THE SALVATION ARMY solicits caatoft clothing; In fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell at 134 N. 11th Bt., for cost of collecting to the wormy poor, can phone Doug. 4185 and wagon wiu can. U8 786 A HOME for women durina- confinement. wo find homes for babies where mothers cannot care for them. Mother Lee, 40$ uancroii bu i none .uougiaa 19-1. (18)-M36S MASSAGE ;"d batn"- Room 1J0 lUiiOkJiiUJJ Farnam. St.. 2d Floor. (18) M848MS MME. ZEREFA, Armenian massage, S2S S 16th, Flat 6.. Phone Douglas 6816. (18) 844 AlSx PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mrs. Dr. King. 1324 N. 24th. Tel. Web. S&f.s. (18)-54 YOUNO WOMEN coming to Omaha aa atrangera are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association rooma, 1616 Farnam St., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. (18) 4)16 SATIN smooth skin secured using Satin akin cream and Satin skin powder. 36c (18)- SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall; cnt prices. Send for free catalogue. Myers Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. 08) 864 OMAHA Stammerers' Institute, Ratng Bldg. n 866 BLEMISHES, pimples, eruptions, rashes meaicatea oy baun akin cream soon die appear. (18)- BUPERFLUOU8 HAIR, warts and moles permanently removed by electricity; con sultation free and confidential; all work guaranteed. Miss Allender, 624 Bee Bldg. (18)- MARRIAGH PAPE1R Incorporated; 4,000 members worth lino to $100,000: rtaner 10c. sealed. R, K. Love, Box 1A Denver Colo. (18)-201 12x VOT.-TA-TC DIAMnVTlH Pnl.nlnl HTrrh 24. 1891. They defy experts and pukzla best Judges of diamonds. Bend for Il lustrated catalogue. B. E. ARON8, Sole ijwner, vj& iioerty Ave., nttsnurg. f. (18) 190 12x BETWARB OF PICKPOCKETS. Protect your money or watch from pick pockets or loss. Blmnle safety device. mailed, 15c. Safety Co., Box 477, Albany, r. x. (l) 174 lzx EMMEL1N MORDI. magnetic treatments. B. 16th, between Center end Dorcas, in the rear. (18) M348 18x CHILDREN'S and baby dresses made to order. tnrants dresses and -underwear a specialty. Call Douglas 8751 or Inde pendent A3751. (18) M343 14 REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE DEALERS. f PAYNE INV. CO., lat floor N. T. Life. Douglaa 1781. (19J 857 GEORGE ft CO., 1601 Farnam. Tel. Douglis 754. (19-858 BENJIMAN R. E. Co., 477 Brandels Bldg. (19)-322 CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE MIDLAND GUARANTEE AND TRUST CO., 1714 FARNAM ST.. BEE BUILDING. ai-s Bargain In Dundee Mr. W. R. Llghton's home at 60th and Cuming, comprising lots 1, 2, 3, 4. 21, 22, 23, and 24, block 104. These are among the finest lying lots In the village. Mr. Lighton lias taken great pride In Improving these lots and has them covered with fruits and berries of all kinds suitable to this climate, beside choice flowers and ornamentals. The buildings consist of a pleasant cottage with city water, gas and electric lights, barn, chicken house and other outbuild ings,, all in splendid condition. Our prloe is 8.o00-bout the value ot the lota without the Improvements. PETERS TRUST CO., Ground Floor, N. Y. Life Building. (19) $2,900.00 t-r. house and large barn, a splendid op portunity, in jyounne r-iacc. F. D. WEAD. 18ol Farnam Bt. ' (19)-a2 13 WANTED CHOICE FARM AND CITY LOANS We want good loans on farm or city prop erty for $)0. $1,000, and $1,200. We buy pur chase money mortgages. As we wish to buy these loans ourselves, payment will bs made fur them as soon aa they are approved. PETERS TRUST CO., Ground Floor. N.. Y. Life Bldg. Omaha, Neb. (19) West Farnam Seven rooms, modern, on 31st Ave., near Dodge; first-class repair; offered for first time $."i,0ijt). Nice lot. 44x136, 35th St.. one block of Fsr nam; paving paid. Price reduced to $1,700. Look at N. W. corner 4oth and Farnam two lots. Dandy corner for good flats. Can you use it? C R. Glover & Son 801-M N. Y. LIFE. (19)-143 12 25th and Chicago Nos. 2S19. 2621 and 2623 Chicago St., total frontage 131 feet. Will sell each house sep arately If desired. Want offer. W. H. GRIFFITH, Owner, 1631 Chicago Bt. (18) 2ST 12 FINE CLOSE IN LOTS The southeast comer of 80th and Capitol Ave., wlln nice terrace, two corner lots, facing Capitol Ave., one facing 8"lh; will build to suit purchaser. C. P. TRAVER, . 'Phones Red T721j Ind. A-l"2i. 4-S N. Y. L Bldg. (1V-233 13 REAL ESTATE CITY FROriCRTY FOR .41.K (Continued.) NEW 8-ROOM HOUSE, $6,000 Ona block from West Farnam car line, on east sldo 41st Bt., between Dorian and Davenport Bts. Hnuare house, Isra-e, airy rooms, oak and birch finish, good attic, full basement with laundry and extra toilet, full lot. 80x126 feet. Everything very much up-to-date. Will be ready to move Into next week. Several tenants ready to lease at $fl"0 per year, but we prefer to make quick sale at 8ri,200. This Is the new est part of West Warnam district, filling up rapidly with good homes. The house number will be 111 N. 41st St. $1,500 LOT BARGAIN in1W n'xt nnrin ot th oove house. All street Improvements In except paving and that will be put in thia spring. LARGE SUBURBAN LOTS East front, on Florence boulevard, better ttiaa paved street, with electrlo light, gas. yWVer nd S"011 walka, S2 feet front nZt . """P about the else of 4 lotsi. This Is a district of modern suburban homes and good neighbors. Price. $1,6(0; three blocks to car at 24th and Fort 8ta. BEST LOTS NORTH In Sulphur Springs addition. Just east of Kountio Place; large lots, level, shsdv. bandy to street car. Price, $700 to $; i one-third cash. Good new houses around, and sewer, city water and permanent walks In. Call for plat. 6-ROOM MODERN HOME Two blocks from the Barnard apartment house; corner lot, on paved street, house built three years ago and kept In good condition. Owners compelled to sell. Price. $3,360. This is good homo bargain; $l.3io cash, balance at 6 per cent. 8-Room House i Full Lots 2 Blocks to Dundee Car $2,600. This Is a bargain for a large, thrlftv family who want to go out a little and have large yard. It Is on the high ground Just this aide of Dundee and has city water and gaa. Owner's business has taken him west. Must sell. Omaha View Lot $150. 8outh front on Miami St., loo ft. west of 33d Bt. This Is lot 22, block 13. Omsha View addition. It is 60x120 feet, on grade, city water at the corner. Bclonas to a non resident who is getting old and wants to close out small holding here. Harrison & Morton 913 N. Y. Life. Tel. D314, A3144. (191- SNAPS $lflf.0 New. 6-room cottage, cltv water, electrlo light, east front lot 4flxi'J0 feet, permanent walka, paved street aJI paid. Near Thirtieth and Ames Ave. $2000 Here la a great, big snap. 4-rooni house, south front lot 70x150 feet on Cali fornia street, west of Thirteenth. Per manent sidewalk, paved street all paid. See me about this at once. 1431 South Seventeenth 7-room house, barn, nlCA lot. IICntnH RAM TlilHv.rnn.tK vl t Jackson. This Is worth every cent of Juw, nut. owner nas made price fdr qu sale. Can allow Von Ihrnuuh nv lli.v quick $42668x140 feet on Dodae car line, north on Lake. Room for two houses and a great bargain. $960 If sold this week. 110x180 feet on Weh. ster. near Thirty-first. This has been reduced from $1300 and Is a mlkhty big snap. Bee me about these properties and list with nfo for aalo. F. C. Best, 1007-8 N. Y. L. Phones, Doug., 8244; Ind., A 4244. HOUSE AND LOT 2502 POPPLETON AVE. House six rooms, lot 60x160 feet; asphalt pavement: perma nent cement sidewalk,, all paid for; city water, sewer and gas in house; terms to suit reliable pur chaser: $2,500. See the nroneitv and then the owner. William A. DeBord, Room 520 First Na tional Bank Building. (19) M-279-11 FOR SALK. T.mnm Vi m , ,.ll . , iA, i . , . . " . . ... , .mi, .iH nn, uentmrui lawn, shade and fruit trees. For the money .fining, uvinr in me cuy. una DIOCk of car line. Price, $1,800, easy terms. Five 8-room and one 4-room cottages for $9,000, renting for $104 per month, conven iently located, close to best car line In city, offered for sale to close up an es tate. Fine Investment. liHR a Dl-i a, i,,.. ..i.. i i 4i . , . ... m.o, oi., urauiui iui, in iiiin ncigu-e borhood, and 7-rom house, for $1,610. 26th and Caldwell Sts., good 6-room house 80 ft. south-front lot. nice lawn, shale trees and fruit, barn. Paving all paid. Price only $2,7.iO. 9T1A i .,.-.. 7 Ul aMHM 1 i j ,-,, I'm, niiiuri n ii"u ie, close to car line and school. Prlc. (3 bw Three 4-room, new cottages. 18th and Vinton Bts. Splendid renting property Good investment $5,ouo, or separately $1 700 2&th anil r.rn.m k. V... . ' . . . ' . 1 utbi vacant resi dence lot in Omaha, 6mxl87Vi feet $4.0j0. Two 12-room, modern houses, 26th snd Davenport Bts,, renting I per month. Good Investment $6,500. w. n. HUMAN, 1617 FARNAM ST. (19)-287 13 - Fins Building Lots Wo hava a few of the best lots left jet In the St, Claire addition. They are high and alghtly ant located In one of the best parts of tha city. These lots are exceedingly cheap at the prices we have on them, w,hlci has been proven by tho number which has been sold the last few days. For further Information call Douglas Shs. W. J. DERMODY INVEST MENT CO., K36 N. T. Life Bids., Omaha, Neb. (19)-2Ki 1J MANDERSON BT. HOME. New 4-room and reception hall, near 24th Bt., all modern, having three large rooms and reception hall first floor, three nice bedrooms and hath second floor, good basement, first class furnace and plumb ing, gas and electric fixtures; let us show you through Monday. Price $3.uu0. C. M. RICH, lfith and Locust Bts. (l)-231 12 EIGHT room, new atrictly modern, beat electrlo fixtures, water color decoration, concrete walks, on csr. Price. $2,950. Cash $500, per month. $33. Cottages. Five room, modem, I2.ITA Cash fcrno. Five room, new, lot 7&xl2X, $1,460. Cash $-00. Vacant lots In sny nart. Your -rent will buy In Benson. F. 8. Trul llnger, 'Phone Bunion 22. (19)-M99 13 $900.00 For i-r. house and lot 32x130, 30th, near Charles Bt. F. D. WEAD. 1601 Farnam Bt. - (19)-M3 11 CHOICE CORNER A. V. corner 26th and Charles Bts., 3x 130 feet, with cottage, 7 rooms and bath. The lot has 130 feet frontage on Charles St. and 634 feet frontage on toth St.; has deep sewer, city water, gas. concrete slile. walks and paved street. Want offer. W. H. GRIFFITH, Owner, 3621 Chicago St. (1)-2M 1 DO YOU WANT A genuine bargain In a 7-room redenee? If so, we have It on beautiful Bpalding Bt.. I blocks off t4lh 8L New paving, all paid; lot 44x132, with alley; large veranda that cost over $M0 to build; fine maple floors above and below, oak stair way and hall; modern except heat, and goes for one week at $3, CM), on cuxy terms. O. M. TJNDBRHILL V CO. 'Phone Web. 1U or Web. $7u. (D)-Iii U