Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 12, 1908, WANT AD SECTION, Image 27

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    The Omaha
Want - ads
AdrrrtUtmli (or tho waat ad
rolamaa will ho takea aatlt 13 m. for
the aTcalaa- cdltloa H aalll p. a,
for tha enormia ui Saaaay dltteaa.
Cask aaaat aceompaay all ardara for
waul ada aad aa admlluBtat will
be accepted for leas thaa 10 cents for
flrst laaertloa.
Ka advertisement will bo charged
nonillBf to leaa thaa SO ceata.
Ratea apply; either Tha Dally, or
Bandar Bee.
Alwara coaa etz warda to a llae.
Comblaatloaa of laltlals or Mashers
caaat aa oao word. r
Insertion, par llae, lO. ceata. - Two .or
more consecatlve Insertions, per llae,
8 ceata. Each laaertloa aaade -aa odd
days, lO eeata par line. . $1.00 per
llae per month l ozoeptlac. that
wkea aoeonpaalcd by cask, tko rata
will be ' Oao laaertloa, 4 ceata
per line tkree ta els coaaeeatlTO In
sertions, 8 eeata per llae eaek Inser
tion aevea or more eonaecatlTO laser
tlons, a eeata par line oack laacrtlaaf
BO ceata per llae par month.
Wait ada for Tka Bee may. ba left
at any of tka followlma; dm stores
one la "roar corner drwgglat' they
are all braack JBeea for Tko Hee aad
year ad wUl bo Inserted J est as
promptly aad oa tko same ratea aa at
tka mala office la Tko Bee Baildlag,
Seventeenth aad Faraam Street.
Albach, W. C, mil and Farnam.
Beranek. 8. Jk-, 13 3. 161b 61
Becht PhtniiMjr, 7i B. ltith St.
Benson Pha:rrfccy, Benson, Neb.
beiula Park Pharinary. 83d and cumin
Blao'e Pharmacy, mt Sherman Att.
Caughlln. C. R.. Sib and Fierce Sta.
Cllflon Hill Pliaruiacy, 2213 Military ATS.
Cont. J. B.i list Ave and Faruam.
Crlaaey Pharmacy, 24th and Lake Bta
Cermak. Kmll, 1204-6 & 13th Bt
Eastman Pharmacy, 28U3 Leavenworth.
Foster A Arnold, 211 N. 26th Bt
Prey UK. Jchn J.. 1914 N. Htb Bt
Florence Drug Co., . Florence, Neb.
Goldman Pharmacy, 20th and Lake Bta.
Green's Ph;nracy, comer Park Ave. ana
Greenough, O. A., 1025 8. 10th Bt
Greenough. O, A., 1624 8. 10th St
1 lay den, Wm. C. 2Q Farnam.
Hajiscom ' Park Pharmacy, UO) 8. tb
Holsty John, 24 N. 16th Bt.
Huff. A. L., 2S24 Leavenworth Bt
Kin, H. 8., 2238 Farnam Bt.
Kountse Place Pharmacy, 3604 V. Wth.
Patrick Drug Co., 1602 N. 2tttt St
Lathrop, Charles E., 1324 N. 24th Bt
Peyton, L. K., 24th nd Leavenworth.
Saratoga Drug Co., 84lh and Amea Ave.
Hchaefer's Cut Price Drug Co., ltith and
Chicago Sta.
Schasfer. August, 1021 N. 16th Bt.
Schmidt. J. H., 14th and Cuming Bta
Btorm Pharmacy. 16th and Martha Bta.
Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming.
Walton Pharmacy, 80th and Graca
Worth. O. H, 40th and Hamilton Sta.
EVERETT George Endicott. Saturday
hiornlng, aged 61 years months.
Remains will be ahlpped to Boston, Mass.
Grand Inland papers ploase copy.
MURPHY-Mre. Catherine, aged-M years,
at residence of her daughter, Mrs.' M. P.
' Hlnohey, 47 North Twentytnecqnd street.
South Omaha. Saturday, .April 11, at 1:30
a. m. j.. 1 -
Funeral Monday," April 13,' from the resi
dence of,M. P. Ulnchey at 8:30 a. m., to
Bt. Agnea church at o'clock. Interment
Holy Sepulcher cemetery. Mrs. Murphy la
aurvlved by four daughters, Mrs. P. Helalo,
Mrs. B. J. Lynch, Mrs. M. P. Hlnchey and
Mrs. M. Culkln; one brother. Captain P.
Mostyn, and one olater, Mrs. J. Mackln.
WASH BUM Loula James, aged 8 montha,
son of Mr. and Mra. Chester Washburn.
Funeral from M-sldence, 1446 North Twen
tieth, Monday, 10 a. m. Interment Holy
Mia. J. M. Cahlll and family wish to
extend their sincere thanks to the friends
and nelghbora who ao kindly assisted them
during the sickness and death of their be
loved husband and father, Mr. J. M. Cahlll.
Especially Mr. Andrew Lawler.'Mra. Hell
Mole and Mra. Martha Mlqult, employes
of the National Refining company and
K O. A. Base Ball club, also State Txdge
No. 10 I. O. O. F.,' Mecca Court No.' 13,
Tribe of Ben Hur. Minnehaha Council No.
2 D. of P. and Royal Achates No. 1. We
wish to thank all for their beautiful floral
Sioux City, la,
We wish to thank the many friends and
neighbors that ao kindly assisted us In our
recent bereavement, also for the kind sym
pathy expressed and the beautiful floral
tributes, especially the dear kind friends of
the firm of J. L. Brandels Sons, the
Council Bluffs U. P. Transfer employes,
George A. Custer Relief Corps, the Ladies'
Auxtlary of Clan Gordon and Mra. G. W,
Fehlal for her appropriate hymns.
, Deaths Mrs. Levi Hawk. St. Joseph's
hoHpltal, 65; Klliabetl) Blrkford. lt'4 Jack
son street, 32; Maud Cox, 2423 Sahier street.
80: Edward Stringer. 313 North Thirty
third atreet, 66; Ernest L. McCoy, Imman
uel hoapital, 2.'; Vincent Polslcy, 2466 South
Twentieth street, 6: Louis Rex Allen 2019
California atreet. 2.
Rambler. 190S, JO-H. P. touring car, good
oondltton; V23.
Ford. 1 model, four-cylinder runabout,
almost new: MT5.
Cadillac, runabout, good shape; $326.
Buick. 21-H. P- touring, good shape; p.
Sixteen passenger 'bus. latest style; $l.60i).
White Steamer, 190t model, almost new. de
tachable Cloned top; bargain.
Btevena-Duryea, two or four passenger'
19ui Rambler, twe-cyllnder, . 22-H. p., a8.
tschable nnneu. top, extra good condi
tion, a snap; ix.
Write for complete Hat and description of
our new and socond-liand cars.
- U. K. FREDR1CKSON, 204 Farnam Bt
2) Ma4 Ml
BEND for our list of second-hand automo
bllea. DEH1Q11T. Hi Faruam. (Sj-ioJ
ALTO, carriage, painting topa and re
pairing. Pfeiifera Carriage Wk.. a
Leavenworth. (2) M5dU2
la now open. Yet It Is not too late to enter
Bookkeeping. Telegraphy. Shorthand,
English. Catalog uea are free.
Address H. B. Boyles. PrestdeM, Boyles
Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. Ofticial training school
Inlon Pacltlo R. R. Telegraph Departm't.
01C3N PAINTING 3. H. COLE. 1301 Doug
las. (D-7W
UNEEDA Missouri water filter, l.lui Far
nam HU (1) Maul A:ix
THE CITY GARBAGE CO., office 4th and
Ltavtuaorlu di. '!. Dougisa 12fc,.
Don't mind If you didn't start in on
tha opening day of our 8prlng Term..
You may start tomorrow just as well.
Every day is enrollment day at
now and every day you let slip by
means you are one day further from
Business makes the world go 'round
Business pays Its workers more
money than any of the so-called higher
Moreover, It demands only ability.
A41 it .demands of ' its ' Bookkeepers
is that they can keep books that they
know business from A to Z. All it
demands of Its Stenographers 'Is that
they shall know stenography thorough
ly that they be endowed with that
training only to be obtained at a
thoroughly good business college. All
it demands of Its Telegraphers is that
they shall be able to receive and send
with speed and accuracy.
. They know that name stands for all
that ' is best In Stenographers, Book
keepers and Telegraphers.
Come In and see us about this to
morrow morning. At least send for a
catalogue. It's free.
Boyles Bldg. H. B. Boyles, Pres. .
- Omaha, Neb.
' Official '.Training School Union Pa
cific Railway Telegraph Department.
- - : (1)
TRAVELERS', goods- of .quality. Trunks
and suit .cases repaired.
"Where trunks are made,"
1803 Farnam St. ' ' Tel. Douglas 499S,
(1 701 A22
TO TRADE OR BELL House and lot In
Norfolk, Neb. - Will take merchandise.
M. E. Crenshaw, Spalding, Neb. -
(3-M831 13
TRADES, TRADES If you have some
thing for sale or trade write us; we
match everything. '
401 Bee Bldg. .
(S M886 M7
FLOURI NO . MLLJJ Eastern Iowa, sale,
exchange, rent. . -Choice farms west
ern Douglas, Including 600-acre tract at
146 per acre If taken soon. Lands In Kim
ball county, Nebraska. Address J. H.
. Rlgga, Waterloo, Neb. (3)-M10l 13
160 ACRES clear Nebraska land for modern
home close in. Address G-249, care Bee. .
(3) M951
We have Just listed an 80-acre farm, t
miles south of Glenwood, Mills county,
Iowa; forty acres In cultivation, balance
pasture, some timber, good orchard, all
'fenced, amall houne and barn. Price, (fx)
per acre. Mortgage n,7pv WfTLIrade equity
for live stock,, Vtwrcha , irt town prop
erty; This must go ar oncefT.
401 Bee Bldg. ' Omaha. Neb.
(3)-844 IX
HARDWARE, Implement, merchandise and
dry goods stocks wanted. Have ownera
of good land that want deals at rash
valuea. Give full details In first letter
or no attention paid. Box 828. Aberdeen,
S. D. 13) MJH M8
EXCHANGE 830 acres for general mer
chandise. Joseph Slobodny, Greeley Cen
ter, Neb. (3j M910 13X
To trade for 320 acres of fine land, 6 miles
south of Potter, Cheyenne county; nice,
level land; good soil. Price. $12 per acre.
Mortgage t8.M) at per rent. Will ttade
for small stock of merchandise or town
property. Make us an offer.
401 Bee Bldg. Omaha, Neb.
. l)-843 11
I have a good clean stock of men's and
boys' clothing which I wish to trade for
land; will invntce about 84,000;, land must
be of about the same value; I will be
pleased to show stock to anyone Interested
or answer correspondence. Call on or
O. E. ELDER, North Platte. Neb.
(3-196 12x
$30,000 NICE- clean atock general merchan
dise, doing a good business; want clear
i.eto-acre Improved ranch In Phlllpa county,
Colorado, black soli, 820 per acre; clear;
want clear Income property or hardware.
Room 1 First Nat l Bank Bldg., Council
Bluffs, Iowa.
(19)-33X 12x
LAND for Bale or Trade 160 to $90 acres
Wanhington timber land, containing
4.600,0(10 feet cedar, spruce and hemlock
per quarter. Will take good automobile
part payment. Barks, Ansley, Neb.
FARMS, city property, merchandise, every
where. Stringer Investment Co., 438 Bee
Bldg. (3) 273 M 11
HAVE you anything to trade? Our new
plan gets what you want tor that article
that you don't want. Union Exchange,
416 Lakeside Bldg., Chicago.
(3)-256 12x
33 acres of well Improved land. Will ex
change my equity of $6,600 for stock of dry
goods. Address D Si9, care Bee.
(3)-286 12
OPENINGS for business houses are plenti
ful along the Rock island-Fitsco lines In
the rapidly glowing southwest and west;
PHi-ticulany attractive are some of the
locations fur general stores: If interested,
write us. outlining kind .of location pre
ferred: send foi literature. M. gt-hulter,
Industrial Commissioner, Rock lxland
FrlHco Lines, St. Louts, Mo. t4 JU7 it
ROOMING HOUSES for sale, all sutes; fur
nish part purchase money If wanted.
UANUEdXAD, Room 4u3 Bee Bldg.
TO GET in or out of business call on
GANGE8TAD, room 4u3 Bee Bldg.
(4 784
MINNESOTA and Wisconsin Ice for sale
In car lota. A. U. Utlbort, Council Blufrs,
lo'. t4-al30
.0"0 00 stock of good general merchandise
and ai.oou.oo telephone system for sale or
Hade. Both good Investments. ,
Wm. Coryell, Johnstown, Neb.
t4) M3a A30x
TeL Douglas 3m. 8utt-lt) N. Y. Life Bldg.
40 room; first class furniture and lease for
sale; best hotel in ccunty seat of ItM'; two
railroads. Owner wishes to retire. Excel opportunity. Will net purchase price
first year. Price $'i.0u0.
44s Bee Building. . Omaha, Neb.
t4)-WS 13
8TOCK. bond offering, mining, electric. In
dustrial or railway company wanted for
ante: commission basis. Address, full par
ticulars. Clientele, P. O. Box a. New
Xolk. t4.)-i;L'x
WR secure capital for manufacturing en
terprises, building and operating steam
and electric railways, gas, water and
power plants, meritorious Inventions,
coal, timber and mineral lands, mining
and smelting properties. Slocks and
bonds sold on commission basis. Com
panies incorporated, organized and
financed. Loans negotiated. Metropoli
tan Investment Co., lil La Balle St.,
Chicago. - 4 161 12x
EARN ffi.oro yearly in the general brok
erage business. We will teach you thor
oughly by mall,- appoint your our special
representative, provide you with ready
saleable stocks, bonds and real estate,
secure customers for you and muke you
quickly prosperous. Particulars free. In
terstate Commercial Sales Co., Scranton,
Pa. (4) 162 12x
83.000 Half cash. one of the best
republican county seat papers In esst-
. ern Nebraska, established over thirty
years. Only republican paper in city
: and county, and county strongly repub
lican. Town of over S.OOO population.
' Only one other paper. Splendid plant
good residence j town paying property.
Proposition. 158. B. J. Kingston, news-
' paper broker. Jackson, Mich. 4 247 12x
We have some fine Improved and unim
proved farms to- exchange for merchandise,
including, groceries, clothing, furniture,
hardware, implements, etc. Send complete
43S Bee Building.
Omaha, Neb.
t4i 274 12 .
FOR SALE One of the best grocery and
. meat markets it Omaha; , this place Is
known aa a money making place, and
will stand very closer Investigation; best
reason for. selling; may consider clear
. city income property, or Improved farm.
Address C 246, care Bee. (4 M877 14x
FOR SALE A racket store In a good
. northwestern town, having two rail
roada and a good ranch and farm coun
try. Address Y 293, Bee. (4) M962 16
FOR CASH SALE $.50,000 In hardware and
Topeka property at a large sacrifice; am
sick and must sell: write. J. H. Koucht,
Topeka, Kan. 4) M48 12x
LIVERY barn and stock for sale, or will
trade for well Improved farm. Address
Box 464, Fredonla. Kan. (4) M946 12x
YOU can never profit by business chances
unless you havo some money ; amall "Br
ings are the foundation of large fortunes;
atart a savings account with J. L. Bran
dels & Sona, Bankers, 16th and Douglas
Sta. Assets over 8400.000. (4i
I MAKE 81.000 a month, smarted with $5;
will explain how; anyone can do the
work, home. Warn, 833 Washington Blvd.,
Chicago. t4)
FREE Crelg'iton's Magazine; keeps you
posted on the curb and mining stock mar
ket; special advice In April Issue; also
forecast of the. market; send for copy
today. Hugh M. Crelghton Co., 26 Broad
St., New York t4 170 12x
FOR SALE Blacksmith shoo and tools, all
up-to-date and new, for aale cheap. Joaef
Drobny, Lynch, Neb. '.4)
8TART a mall order business; we furnish
everything necessary; only few dollars
required; new plan, succeas certain; costs
nothing to investigate. MUburn-Hlcks,
. Chicago. (4) 206 lZx
WILL buy mining stock of all kinds. Send
for list showing cash offer. P. -W.
Andrews, 184 La Salle St., Chicago.
. l4 218 12x
HOW to finance a business enterprise
clearly shown by descriptive booklets
(No. 92) which we forward FRKE. Busi
ness developmelit Co., 117 Nassau St.,
N. Y. (4)-150 12x
WILL ielV Vt ' Interest' In apparatus for
heating water Instantly, covered by for
eign and domestic patenta. Need com
mon sense party more than money. Above
can be acquired for $5,000 cash. I will
also give 1-3 Interest in local company
In Massachusets, Maine, Connecticut and
New York state. Thomas Smith, room
1201, 108 Fulton St., New York. (4) 160 12x
RAWHIDE Ten people to Invest $500 each;
excellent claims; ground floor deal. WI1U
lam Henry Rogers, Stock Exchange'Bldg.,
Chicago. (4) 139 ll'x
FOR SALEt Rooming house at Tulsa,
Okl.; owing to taking the active man
agement of a large hotel, I offer for sale
the furniture and lease of The Bhirley,
a brand new, up-to-date 33-room house,
Just furnished and opened; rooms all on
'one floor; best locarVi-i in the city; terms
to right partle. Address Robinson Hotel,
Tulsa. Okl. (4) M256 14x
YOUNG man wanta to buy amall factory
business or Interest in such. Address
B-358. care Bee. (4) 268 12
FOR SALE or Lease Completely equipped
meat market with 120 tons of ire. Best
location In liye town of 600. 21 miles from
Omaha. Address H. H. Heath, Waterloo,
Neb. (4) M239 14x
To exchange for merchandise stocks of a'.l
kinds. Send description.
438 Bea Building. Omaha. Neb.
. (4J-M275 21
PORTLAND cement plants can be located
to excellent advantage In the southwest ;
we have along our lines two especially
attractive locations, one In the natural
gus district of Kansas and the other In
Missouri: if Interested It would repay you
to Investigate: other fine rhances for far
lories of all kinds; write for complete In-
, dtistrtal book M. Schulter. Ind. Com'r,
Rock Island-Frisco Lines, St. Ixiuls. Mo.
- (4) 208 12
FOR SALE A new and up-to-date general
stock of merchandise for cash In north-
east Nebraska; good location, good proa
peroua country to draw from. Address
Y319, care Omaha Bee. (4) M102 20x
I WANT to meet a man with money and
brains. One capable of Investigating a
big proposition. Address K 262, care Bee.
14)-MW 12x
FOR BALE Lunch counter with 16 rooms,
less than $3uu to Invest. Rent $15. Par
ticulars by mall. W. D. Sampson. Villls
. ! (4) MW8 12x
TURNED Illustrated guide book and list
of inventions wanted, free to any address.
Patents secured by ua advertised free In
World'a Progress; sample copy frea
Evuns. Wllkena A Co., 688 F St., Wash
ington, D. C. (()
LARGE profits made in buying puts and
calls In wheat; pamphlet fully explaining
method of dealing in these "indemnities''
' mailed free. Also tells how an investment
of Ml in calls alone made over $700 in one
day. The Mutual Grain Co., 82 Wall St
New York. - (4
A UFFi chance to settle an estate; cloth
ing establishment, doing 140, mil; can re
duce stock around $4.(niu; best town Ohio;
lease fixtnres; good will free. Box lttf
Lorain. Ohio. (4) lO 12x ,
A GENTLEMAN Is ojen to represent one
or two manufacturers desirous of increas-
ing their trade. Address Mexico, -care
Rudolph Guenlher, 108 Fulton St.. New
York. 4 182 L'x
FIFTY New Improved Hllo Penny Peanut
Vending Machines, will earn $16 weekly for
you and not interfere with vour other
work. $2.J10 yearly profit on lo)0 investment.
Beware of unscrupulous Imitators. Hllo
Gum Co., Inc., 127 Market St., Chicago.
(41 2J 12X
GOLD, silver and copper stocks bought
and sold. We will buy your storks. All
stocks dealt In. Write us. Wheeler
Brokerage Co.. Port Townsend. Washing
ton. (4) 161 12x
WE guarantee a quick cash profit on In
vestments made through us; any amount;
full information free. R. D. iRobinson Co.
Los Angeles, Cal. (4 137 12x
FOR BALE at a bargain for cash furnished
22-room tiotel and lease at once. Box 736
Hartington, Neb. (4) M131 14x
PARTY with 3!.0U cash, would like to buy
interest In puying wholesale hue'nea.
Addivss B-S07, care Bee. (4)-J67 12
AM LOOK I NO for an energetlo business
man with $1,000 capital to Join actively in
a mercantile buslnesa with great future.
Don't answer If above doesn't fit vou.
Address, 8-256. care Bee. (4) M265 12x
A GOOD paying restaurant. Must sell on
account of sickness. Apply on premises,
1U20 Douglas St. (41 M31S 14x
FOR SALE For "cash, at 75c on the $1,
only stock of general merchandise In good
town. All In nice ahape, will invoice about
$2.fot); also 5-room house for $700. Must
sell on account of health. Write G. W.
Clauasen, Ulmer, la. H) 351 lJjc
DR. ROT, R. 1. 1306 Farnam St. Doug. 6497.
(6 7s7
David Cole Creamery Company (6) M788
FINE hardwodd floors and parquetry ; low
price. 10th & Dominion Sta. Frank Sevlck.
(i)-M3t A19
Dcatlata. """
BAILET A. MACH, d fir., Paxton. D. 1085.
IN FAMILIES Mies Sturdy. Tel. Haanny
1858. (5i-70
M'DOWELL Dressmaking School, 1623 Far
rm St. (5 791
MME. WOODRUFF, robes and gowns, -14
Neville Blk. Tel.. Bell, Doug. 6170; Ind.
A-3760. (6) MH85 M7
BY the day. Miss Clara Ferree, 218 16lh
Ave., Co. Bluffs. 'Phones, Bell, A1207:
Ind. 733x. (B)-Mlll 13x
CHILDREN'S and baby dresses made to
order. Infants' dretrsen and underwear
, a specialty. Call Douglas 3761 or Inde
pendent A8751. (6) M343 14
HESS A SWOBODA, 1415 Farnam St.
(5) 792
L. HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. Tel. D. 1263.
(6) 793
J. H. BATH, 1623 Harney. Tel. Doug. 3000.
l6 794
Money. It
TE In sums to
810. Bee Blda.
'Phone Douelaa 2XK.
Far Cleaning; and 8 torage.
15th and Harney Sts.
Fine furs cleaned, atored and repaired.
(5) M780 June 4
Jewelers and Watchnsakera,
N. P. STILLING Watcn, clock. Jewelry
repairing, 2-8 Paxton Block. Tel. 4317.
(5) 796
THE 6CHLITZ, European, 16th and Harney.
KEYS, etc.. Heflln, 1324 Farnam, Tel. D.
274. . : 4 - , d)-798
lliulo aad I.ana-aage.
PIANO ieason. 'Mrs. Ritchie. Tel. Web. 2291,
(6 79
Safes, Shatters, Ete.
a specialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors
and safes. G. Aodreen. Prop., 102 8. 10th
Bt (8-803
GERMAN Iris; choice variety dug fresh
day delivered. $4.60 per 100. G. H. Keys,
Omaha mgr. Crescent Nursery. Tel. Web
ater 3367. 16) M97TA37
FINEST & largest assortment of treea and
shrubs in city. Crescent Nursery sales
ground, 21st Farnam. Tel. Web. 3367.
(5) M610 M3
TREES, rosea and shrubs. F. R. Martin.
18th and Douglas. Tel. Doug. 1068.
l6j M841M
Office Sopplles.
FILING cabinets, flies and ledgers, loose
leaf devlcea and office fixtures and sup
plies of all kinds. Anchor Publiahlne
Co., 306 B. 13th SL Tel. Doug. 6662. Ind
A-1662. (6 M3t Alt
bffo'rb placing your 1908 calendar order
don't fall to see our Imported line. Lyng
atad & Jorve, printera, 16lh A Capitol Ave,
Moving- aad Storing.
Expressmen's Delivery Co., office $14 N.
16th St.; warehouse, 2207 -S Izard St.
6 800
Osteopathy. ,
JOHNBON INS., 418 N. T. L, TeL D. 114.
Pool aad Billiard Tables.
FOR SALE Anti-Trust pool and billiard
tablea. supplies and bar fixtuics; sold on
easy payments; catalogues free. Charles
Passow & Sons, 216 So. lilth St., Omaha.
Neb. (6) M690 July3
Shoe Repalrlag.
work. 1618 ft Capitol Ave. 'Phone Red
94. 45 804
SHOES repaired right, called for and de
livered free. Standard Shoe Repair Co
1304 Farnam St Tel. D. 7667.
(6) 80S
Wall 'Paper Cleaaed.
The patent kind, 16c, 2-25c, at wall paper
rtai 4 nt K a tst at a anI Hr-tia ml s .m
' R M1S7 M2x
Agents aad Salesladies.
LADY agfnts wanted, to sell llcatherbloom
- pultlcoata and unbreakable nlde steel cor
sets; exceptional opportunities. Fisher
Co.. 210 Monroo' St., Chlcngo.
(7 254 12x
Clerical aad
STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper, $o0.
Cashier, must be experienced, $j0.
Telephone operator, fib to $30. '
The above is a partial list of vacancies.
Call or write for a complete list.
723 21 N. Y. Life Bldg.
WANTED Good penman for permanent
position; must ' be accurate and rapid.
Reply in own handwriting, staling ao
and experience. P. O. Box 1044.
(7) 965 12
WANTED Stenographers, bookkeepers,
clerks. If seeking a porsltlon call and
register at once; we have a number of
gixid openings. No filing fi-e. .
THE CANO AGENCY, 520 Bee Bldg.
(7)-M317 12
WANTED Girls to address circulars
llartman Furniture Co., 1414 Douglas.
(7)-Mi64 13
WHEN you write to advertisers, kindly
mention Tha Bee.
Factory aad Trades.
WANTED A good aeamstree who under
stands the making of muslin underwear.
Only one of experience In tigs line need
apply. Superintendent, J. L. Brnndels
& Sons. (7) M7 13
WANTED Milliners and makers. Apply
Superintendent, J. L. Brandels A 8ons.
(7) M3UI 13
WANTED First class waist maker. Apply
Chlodo, 216 B. 18th St. (7) M346 14
Uoaaekeeners and Domestics.
1904 Farnam St.
Cook. 2 In family. $'5.
housemaid. 85.
Girls for general housework, $3 to IS.
(7)-M2S9 15
WANTED First -elans second grrl Apply
Mra. W. H. McCord, 2201 Cass St.
WANTED Competent girl for housework;
best wagea paid. 'Phone Harney 1'iul.
t7 940
GOOD GIRL for general housework; small
family; no washing; easy place. 4.'4 La
fayette. (7) 932 12
WANTED Experienced girl for general
housework; small family. Mrs. W. J.
Hynes, 3501 Harney St. (7) 931 13
WANTED-One or two good girls for gen
eral housework; excellent place; small
family. 450 St. Mary s Ave. (7) 638
WANTED Good gin for general house
work; good salary and home. 3423 Dewey
Ave. (7) M839
1904 Faruam St.
Child's nurso $25.00
Upstairs maid 6. CO
Cook, two In family i 26 00
Girls for general housework $5 and $
(7) M926 11
GIRL wanted to do housework; two In
family; good wages. 1142 S. 31it Bt.
(7)-823 12x
GIRL for general hotisew oik; have help
with laundi-esfc. Apply 1012 N. 3iUh St.
(7)-894 11
WANTED Good girl -or general house
work. 4643 Dodge St. Mrs.1 C. G. Trim
ble. (7)-119 13
WANTED Girl for general housework,
who can go home at night. Apply No. 7,
Majestic Apartments, 16th and Yates.
(7)-116 13X
FAMILY of 3 wants honest, capable girl
for housework. 'Phone Harney 2(43.
(7)-U7 17
WANTED At once, girl for housework;
small family; good wages. 3219 Iaven
worth. (7)-124 13x
WANTED Girl for general housework,
from small town, with reference. Mra.
H. A. Ensign, 1109 F, Lincoln, Neb.
(7) 209 12x
WANTED One. chambermaid and one ex
tra girl of good character; tickets furn
ished. Address Perkins Hotel, David City,
Neb. (7) M136 16
WANTED Girl for general housework. 215
North 26th St. (7)-M330 14x
ANY Intelligent person may earn good In-
come corresponding for newspapers; ex
perience unnecessary;, no canvassing.
Send for particulars. Press Syndicate,
Lockport, N. Y. (7)
WANTED Iyadles, $1 a day In. spare time
at home. You have no canvassing, ped
dling or publicity; atrtctly honest; no de
posit on goods; send stamped envelope
for particulars. Ladles' Aid, 46 Main St..
Durham, Conn. (7)
LADIES. $8 to $20 a week doing fascinat
ing work at home, spare time or steady;
no experience necessary; particulars for
stamp. Woman's National Art Exchange,
Denver, Colo, (7)
BE GRADUATE NURSE Earn $20 to $35
weekly. We provide home study lectures.
Hospital practice when desired. Employ
ment for students, graduates. Largest
training school world. Write free cata-lgu-.':.
American Training School Nurses,
9 Crllly Bldg., Chicago. (71-216 12x
CHILDREN'S and baby dresses made to
order. Infants' dresses and underwear
a specialty. Call Douglas 3761 or Inde
pendent A3751. (7) M343 1 1
WA NT ED Lad y with long hair to assist in
Introducing a new toilet article. Address
F 3il, Bee. (7)-3'-6 V2x
Agreata, Solicitors and Salesmen,
IN EVERY city and town to sell the Acme
adjustable window shade holder. Omaha
BhaUe Holder Co., 214 S. 12th St.
, (9)-8!l
WANTED An experienced whisky sales
man, acquainted in and around Omaha.
Btate last employment and reference. Ad
dress, Star Creek Distillery Co., Kansas
City, Mo. (9)-896 14
OUR popular Strength Testing Machines
are making operators an average of 25
per cent per month on the Inveatment.
Nebraska presents unequalled territory
for big profits. For particulars and
prlcea address. Manufacturer. 386 Wa
baaha Bt., St. Paul, Minn. (9) M912 14x
SALESMEN WANTED We have a first
class side line that sells to all kinds of
business houses. Including hotels, hospi
tals, public buildings, etc. Salesmen are
now making a good big thing out of It.
Can carry sample In your pocket. Ad
dress. E. 8. Mooney, tft'2 Garfield Bldg.,
Cleveland, O. (9 M.9 Ux
OPPORTUNITY knocks, knocks, knocks
today louder than-ever. Reach out and
take what she offers. 8ecure an agenc
for the "Auto Time Saver Repair Kit"
and' Insure yourself the very largest
profits. Write us today. The Martin
Bales Agency, Dept. P, Box 594, Minne-
. spoils, Minn. (9)
OI'R AGENTS are prosperous; $:6 to $75
per week can be made selling our new
dividend-paying policies; the new fea
tures sell It; experience unnecessary.
Write Great Western Accident Associa
tion, Des Moines, la. (9
AGENT8 to handle biggest money making
fire extinguishers; apt-dal. startling offer;
exclusive territory: $75 to ttW per month.
Badger Chemical Co., Milwaukee, Wis.
' (9)
AGENTS-Something entirely new; simply
can't help making splendid Income; com
plete monopoly; not obtolned elsewhere;
low-priced, but no trash; Instant demand;
positively needed. Particulars free. Ad
dress Colonial Mfg. Co., Dept. 23. ;'3j
Broadway, N. Y. (91164 ltx.
AGENTS to call on the best of trade,
banks, stores, hotels, office hldgs. and
homes; make $10 a day; only reliable men
need answer. Inclose stamni. Earl
Co., 518 Fourth Ave., Pittsburg Ba
(9)-186 12X
AGENTS and salesmen Tremendous eeller.
New flaming lighter. Every smoker
buys on sight. Pocket sample and full
particulars biM: poat paid. Walton A Co.,
1136 Boadway. N. Y. & 1S7 12x
THE Kemner-Thomas Company of ''Cin
cinnati, Ohio., want side line traveling
men. ' can make easily $Ja to $50 per
week carrying up-to-date advertising
fans, our exclusive special designs. Sea
son now opening. Apply Fan Department.
(9)-l&5 12x
AGENTS and Jtreet men, write for our
free catalogue of fast sellers. Reliable
Supply Co., 1303 Manhattan Bldg. Chi
cago. (91107 12x
WANTED Experienced salesmen: goods
Sold on long time; proposition especially
attractive now on that account. Write
for particulars.. McAlllster-Coman tft"
356 Dearborn St., Chicago. (9 156 lx
EXCLUSIVE territory and selling righta
for Triplex four bags In one. Most prac
tical hav Invented, Write for particu
lars. H. Diamond & Bro., 36 Writ 21st St
New York. (9) 165 L'x"
Agenta aad Salesmen t'ontlnaed.
$25 PER WEEK and traveling expense!
paid by reliable house to salesmen to
visit dealers; experience unnecessary.
Purity Co., Chicago. (SI-
AGENTS wanted to sell Whltcomb s "Flex
sole" unllned shoe for women; $50 to $75
a week Income. All orders filled same
day received. No tacks, no seams, no
linings. Exclusive territory. Eastern
Shoe Co., Beverly, Mass, ()
SALESMEN We require a few thoroughly
capable men with satisfactory records to
represent our le Luxe line of special
works and standard authors. Customers'
names and leads supplied. Special broker
age prices make phenomenal sales rec
ords. $100 per week and upwards being
earned regularly by several men now en
gaged. By far the beRt opportunity we
have ever offered. DeHower-KllInt Co.,
356 Dearborn St., Chicago. (Si 222 12x
WE WANT a salesman In every town for
our peanuts. Oood proposition. Hllo
8alea Agency, 127 Market St., Chicago.
(91221 Ux
AGENTS make 500 per cent profit selling
"Novelty Sign Cards." Merchants buy hi
to 100 on alght. 80u varieties. Catalogue
free. Sullivan Co., 405 W. Van Buren
St., Chicago. 111. (91220 L'x
HnA of excellent brushes for factory.
Several very profitable specialties In ad
dition. Write today, stating territory
covered and full information about
yourself. H. II. Schree. President, 1731
Main St., Kansas City, Mo. (9) 201 I2x
AGENT WANTED Steady, this locality,
appoint sub-agents. Greatest 10c house
hold article out. 100 per cent profit.
Send 10c for sample, terms. Gross Mfg.
Co., 608 6th Ave., N. Y. city ( 208 12x
WANTKD Experienced shoe salesman
for state of Nebraska, to represent first
class St. Louis shoe manufacturing firm.
Must be acquainted In territory. Apply
with references. Address Y 318, rare Bee.
(9)213 12
AG ENT8 Here's your opportunity, $50
to $75 a week easily made selling our
automobile speciality; sells on alght;
write today. Friedman Specialty Co.,
Dept. F, 224S ClarkBon St., Denver Colo.
- (91210 12x
WANTED Salesman; position open with
an established wholesale house, staple
line; sells to all class of merchants. Oood
hustler for tnls state. Worth $250 a
month and expenses. Address American
Jobbing Association, Chicago, 111.
(91-140 12x
SALESMEN who can devote whole or part
time to selling our goods on a commis
sion basis. Old established house. New
premium feature. Applicants must have
a clear record. Address McNamara Var
nish Works, Detroit, Mich. (9) 138 12x
AGENTS Something absolutely new, "a
cracker; everybody buys one or ten;
your profit over 100 per cent. Sample with
particulars, 5c. Alden-Bradford Co.,
Orange, N.- J. (9)
AGENTS To sell quick repairing tire
puncture outfits; every automobile owner
a ptirrhaser; $25 to $40 a week easy made.
Mlchall A Co., Box 241, Chicago.
(9) 133 12x
$36 WEEK and expenses to men with rig
to Introduce guaranteed poultry com
pound. Grant Co., Dept. 86, Springfield,
111. (9 132 12x
CIGAR salesman wanted; experience un
necessary; $100 per month and expenses.
Peerless Cigar Co., Toledo, O.
(9)-M160 14x
AGENTS can't be up-to-date or succeed
unless members of the only Agents' Co
operative and Protective Bureau In the
world. Hull's Co-Operative Bureau, 2u2
Franklin St., New York. (fl) 193 12x
SALESMAN, traveling through the coun
try districts, to handle manufacturers'
line of blankets, flannels and dress goods;
good commission. The Lakewood Co.,
Box 414, Philadelphia. Pa. (9) 200 12x
AGENTS for "no-hole" cocks and stock
ings; guaranteed not to require mending
for six months; sells every house; large
commissions. No-Hole Hosiery Co., 172
Lincoln Ave., Newark, N. J.
(91-197 i2x
WANTED An experienced whisky sales
man, acquainted In and around Omaha;
state Inst employment and reference. Ad
dress Star Creek Distillery Co.. Kansns
City. Mo. ' (9) 19H 12
HONDO DIAMONDS Experts puzzled to
detect from gerrulne diamond; samples
free to those who will act as our agenta.
Hondo Co., Dallas, Tex. (9)-i:9 12x
CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebraska
with staple Hue; our high commission
contract paid one of our sulesmen $31,000
In cash during the last six years; $100
monthly advance on commissions. Amer
ican Standard Jewelry Co., Detroit Mich.
(9) -203 12x
AGENTS WANTED For the most wonder
ful moey makr sod today for agmts,
SI reel men. distributing agencies, etc.
Biggest success on record. When oper
ated people stop, look, listen, become
fancinated, buy. Demand world wide.
Agents making $10 to $60 a day. Get
"next" quickly. Vykite Handy Things
,Co., Ludlngton, Mich. (9) 240 12x
WE WANT thirty first class salesmen ac
quainted with hardware, harness and gen
eral store. Salary or commission. Must
have good reference. United Slates Whip
Co., West field. Mass. (9) 241 L'x
SALARY and commission to experienced
specially salesman; $50 to $200 per week;
wholesaling. Only pump equalizers to
canvassers and farmers in Kansas, Iowa
and South Dakota; your pay first; outfit
furnished; references and bond required;
salesmanship maks position permanent.
1 Equaliser Mfg. Co., 636 Bee BJdg.. Omaha.
(9I-M146 14x
HIGH class salesman on long time proposi
tion to merchant. In March one sales
man's commission was $2. Address L
Box 394, Omaha. (9) 146 12
BE first; conduct a "teaching by. mall"
business. Enormous profits. Immediate
returns; no experience necessary; men or
women. Address American Commercial
Bureau, 78 Fifth Ave., New York.
() 260 12x
AGENTS to sell wonderful kitchen Inven
tion; sells at sight; agents making $10
day; experience unnecessary. Stetson's
Co., 22 Pine St., New York. 9) 248 12x
WANTED AGENTS-Leglttmate substitute
for slot machines. Patvnled. Sella on
sight for $1. Particulars. Glsha Co., An
derson, Ind. (91243 L'x
AGENT8 In every town. Best selling
household articles. Start at once. Large
demand for goods, $J6 to $50 a week. Suc
cess assured. Investigate todav. Stanley
Supply Co.. Bta. B., Lincoln, Neb.
(9)-244 1 2x ,
AGENTS Here's your opportunity; best
seller out: great demand; $4 50 to $18 daily;
$1.50 profit every sale; start at once;
write now. The Hudson Specialty Co.,
J 2:6 8. Hudson St., Pasadena. Cal.
191191 12x
WANTED Solicitor, on good proposition:
goon opportunity, call to 10 a. m. 516
South 13th Bt. (9 M32J 14x
WANTED Experienced specialty sales
man, with, residence In Omaha, for Ne
braska and western Iowa; write full par
ticulars aa to age, salary expected, etc.,
to Thoa. J. Linton. Tea and Coffees, 22
and 24 River St., Chicago. II:.
() M345 14X
8ALESMEN for store card fans: a score
cam on a lan; greatest advertising
novelty ever Invented; easy side line
proposition; get wise quick. Base Ball
Score Card Fan Co., Lock Box 87. Cleve
land. O. () 344 12x
TRAVELING salesman, wanted, to sell
temperance drink to dealers; big demand;
i per wee ana expenses. Red Cross
Vinegar Co.. St. Louts, Mo. U
WANTKD-Spectalty salesmen. A good
tzed bank account awalta the man who
will rV the price work. Give details In
first letter. Box 470, Dept. 80. Kansaa
City, Mo. (9 164 12x
SALESMEN for best accident, health pol
Icv, 81.1W) death; $100. emergency; ft.'W
weeklv. Costs $3.00 a year. Seal wallet
free. German Registry Co., 1014 Holland
Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. (91188 12x
SALESMEN wanted side line men. Bryan,
Star of the West, campaign Post Cards,
Immense profits; quick action. l'ommir
rial Colortypo Co., Dept. 40, 152 Lake St.,
Chicago. (91177 12x
WANTED To pay men $126 to $J0O a
month; we pay every Thursday, advance
$Jo expense money each week; no capital
needed; no selling, collecting or carrying
samples; simply determination to work
for big success our men make $250 and $:HH)
per month; you can too; small bond re
quired from those we employ; writa
promptly and secure alnive splendid ln
come. C. C. Eccles, Sec y., 763 Dayton, O.
(91184 12x
SALESMAN Wanted-Sell retail trade;
your locality; $66 pit month and expense
to start, or commission; experience un.
necessary. Hermlngsen Cigar Co., Toledo,
O (9-173 12x
AGENTS wanted everywhere. William
Jennings Bryan's great campaign Bong
"Star of the West." Sample copy. 10c.
Commercial Colortypo Co., Dept. 40, 161
Lake St., Chicago. (9 178 12x
AGENTS Five years' extensive salea of our
self-generating gas burner for kerosena
lamps tells Its merits; brilliant gaa light;
liberal Inducements; Information free.
Eastern Gas Light Co., 280 Broadway,
New York. () 175 12.
WANT MONEY T You can got It by Just
handing catalogues to friends; flno In'
come; like being paid dividends. Truly
rematkable chance. Writo for details.
Ewing Co., 203 Broadway, New York City,
(9) 17 I2x
AGENTS $26 to $100 weekly. We manufac-
ture the best specialty In this country; a
wonderful seller; talking unnecessary;
particulars free; satisfaction guaranteed
The Neubauer Merchandising Co., Erie,
Pa. (9)-152 12x
SALESMAN traveling on the road visiting;
dry goods trade In smaller towns to han
dle a strong and complete line of laces,
embroideries and neckwear novelties on
good commission basis. Mention terri
tory covered. J. M. Meyers Co., 434 to 431
Broadway, New York. (9) 158 12x
$21 A WEEK to put out "Merchandise and
Grocery catalogue; home territory. Amer
ican Home 8upply Co., Desk D-2, Chicago.
() 180 12x '
AGENT to sell original 81 box Natlvo
Herbs for 35c. For terms and govern
ment's decision, cancelling my competitor's
registered trado mark, write P. C. Mel
rose. Columbus, O. ()-168 12 x
$5 TO $30 per day selling Flrelesa Cookers.
Agents, male or female, wanted every-,
where. Ask particulars. Housewife'
Favorite Fireless Cooker Co., 2S 1m Salle
St., Chicago. (9)-169 12x
SOLICITOR of executive ability at onca
to fill vacancy In Neb. territory; high
class proposition; compensation $3,600 to
$4,W0 annually. No samples. Give ex-
perlence, age, bank references. Addrese
Secretary, 436 Main St., Room 3(2, Quincy;
HI. (91-158 12x
MAIL-ORDER PEOPLE Circularising wlthj
fresh, reliable names. is cheaper than ad
vertising. I can supply 1908 names and
addresses of women mail-order pur
chasers, recerved from - advertising; no
duplicates; all parts United States. Wrlto
for particulars. B. C. Lamb, 34 Llppln
cott Bldg., Philadelphia. (9) 167 12x ,
TRAVELING salesmen earn from $2,000 to
$10,000 yearly; hundreds of good positions
, open; you can easily secure one of them;
no former experience required. If you
are ambitious and want to earn mora
money, write for our free catalogue, "A
Knight of the Grip." today. Addresg
Dept. 634.' National Salesman's Training
Asa'n. Offices: Monadnock Block, Chi
cago, III.; Lumber Exchange, Minne
apolis, Minn., or Scarritt Bldg., Kansaa
City, Mo. Write nearest office-. ;
() 15$12x
Clerical and Offle.
SPECIALTY salesman, city, good commlsV
Traveling salesman, cigars, $100.
Traveling salesman, stocks and bonds, $150.,
City Real Estate salesman, $100,
Traveling collector, $75.
Stenographer and bookkeeper, lumber;
office, $55.
Shipping rlerk, $75.
Young man experienced In real estate
office, $50.
The above positions are open for Immediate.
consideration. Call or write for a com- .
plete list. Do not fall to aee ua If In need,
of a position. ,
N. Y. Life Bldg.
YOT'NO man. stenographer, capable and .
willing to work, would like position: best
of references. Address H 260. care Bee. )
(9) M960 llx
WANTED Stenographers, bookkeepers,
clerks, salesmen. We a great many '.'
good openings and need good men. If
seeking a position or betterment, do not '
fall to call. No. Filing fee.
(9) M318 12 ,
d Trades.
TAILORS wanted; steady work and good
pay. Cail P. Llndocrants, Jloldrege, Neb. "
(9) M9U8 12X '
Wanted, young man experienced In use
of modern farm implements to Join ad
vertiser in taking hold of exceptional
opportunity In the tropics; good climate
and free from diseases common In many '
parts of tropics; young man 21 to 83
preferred. Cost very little. Develop- '
menu Box 12, Shoahonl, Wyo.
(9) M49I 12
WANTED 20 first-class tinners and '
cornlcemakers; wages, $4.60 for hours.'
Apply to F. J. Love. Sec'y Master dneet
Metal Workers' association, b. 171 Mon-
roe St., Spokane, Wash. (9) My)5 13
WANTED Men to learn barber trade; few
weeks completes, you can practically earn .
tuition, tools and board before complet-'
ing. great demand for barbers; top wagea
paid; call or write Moler Barber college, !
110 South 14th St. (9 M987 16x
8EATTLE "Help Wanted" agencies found '
to be fakes by Seattle papers; men work
ing on roads for 26c day, paid In tobacco. '
Write Seattle Labor Council. (Sir 193 12x ,
WANTED-MHN AND P.OY8 fto learn.":
plumbing and bricklaying. Paya $5.00 to"'
ts.00 per day after three montha' practical '
Instruction. Positions secured. Easy.'
terms. Free catalogue. Original Coyne
Trade School. John F. Wens, Prop., 4908 ' '
Kaslon, St. Louis. (&)
Mlscellaaeooa. i
FREE Employment Bureau, supported by ,
Business Men's association; helps work- '
men find positions. 526 N. Y. L. Bldg. '
( 8o9
WANTED Bartender- with references. -Must
speak Bohemian or Polish. Ad- '
dress K-61, Bee office, Bouth Omaha.
(9)-Mlfc3 13x
ANY Intelligent person may earn good In- ,'
come corresponding for newspapers; ex
perience unnecessary; no canvassing. ,
Bend for full particulars. Press Byndt- '
cate. Lockport, N. Y. ()
MEN to earn $.t to $150 per day; others are '
now earning It; you ran do likewise. If
you desire to Increase your salary and '
elevate ynuraelf, let ua send you a book
free, giving some valuable Information
how to become a professional auctioneer. .
Write or call at the Chicago School of
Auctioneering, Dept. , H, 400 Boyce Bldg.,
Chicago, III. (11) 202 12x
DISTRIBUTORS Winted everywhere; $J8 ;
to $10 mads weekly distributing circular,
, samples. Overseeing Advertising. No .
canvassing. Steady. Address Reliable '
Adv. Bureau, Chicago. (Kj 181 L'x
WANTED Man for Alaska; about $5 per
day and board; reduced rate; leave about i
April 26. 'Phone Douglas 4TS8, or ad-
dress 11 363, Bt- tv 3U 12 -