The Omaha Daily ECITCHIAL SECTIQ.L P2;..9to'ia eUvartla la. THE OMAHA DUE Best ':. West ' VOL, XXXVI I NO. 25r,. OMAHA, SATURDAY MOKXLNU, APRIL H, 11)08. SINGLE. COPY TWO CUNTS. Pompei&n Naaatie Cream, 29c 25c Veiling Saturday 10c 1,000 yards black and colored fancy mesh, all new, free, special, will sail entire lot la a I fi ay. Sensational low prlca, yard Iuc 6 TH 7TT TTn l'i ilti iK Catholic Prayer Books A Try fins tine for Easter, In cloth, leather, ette, leather, and ivory flnlah bindings. So. lc, 5c, 3c, 49c and np to tBOO Episcopalian Prayer Books 85c to $5.00 fr llv The Newest Game 75c Pom pel an Massage Creani.4c fmeK Great Hit . r, ... rrv i 0 M i i ompeian Massage Lream.owc 26c 8achet Talcum Puff 12c Charcoal Tablets, a 25c size. . .10c Hydrogen Peroxide, lb 12c Carmen Camphor Powder, box.ftoc Fiver's Aiurea Tal. Powder. ..20c Liquid Veneer, small 25c Liquid Veneer, large 50c A aclenttflo outdoor game of great lntreai for old and young, pedal low prices Saturday, 2Sc embroidered linen Collars, very beautiful goods, Satur- 1(1 day ' Siring Turnovers, em broidered In show de signs, great lOo values, at, each. . . Ascot Ties, new plain white and enlored ef frets, absolutely nw, 2fc kinds, 1(1 Ssttirdnv sUC Ribbons. 44-ln. all silk taffetas, white, blark, brown, navy, light blue, pink, ;6o goods, .r..y.,'.r.d. 12 jc Wlaard hardwood spool and two sticks. The same set with lour sticks . .150 ..350 (! tr I i Dlabolo, very strongly made ends, (our slicks bobbin has full rubber tl.00 social In Blfcles 1M- vinlty circuit, leather cover, red under yold edges, 11.49, 9Sc. . .690 Special Pocket Bibles. t ,89c ronntaln Pane Clear ing lip R big 1 1 t of well known makes Paturduv. nil In good order, "!. fiDo and 85o Faster Cards and Nov el'.lci. ,tch thk n.uu;i tabi.ks hk Amateur, the most popular set In France, F,nclnnl and the tenet, has a line celluloid bobbin 13.50 . It's a fascinating game that grows In Interest as you become more proficient In It. iOODS NOT ADVK.RTIKKf). ALWAYS GRKAT IIARGA.INH SHOWN. Bee ft 5e TP WW K7?t "B ,3d Great ANNUAL SILVERWARE SALE SATURDAY : v A sole absolutely without precedent. The Drcnmf nor. , TY7 Uf a i-a- e-..,cti fl i . . . --..... w. .au uurguins cannoi rj en s oais Superb Eaftter Opening Display 'k ' Kite that are distinct- lTely high class, posses alng every correct style feature. Men who are m particular aeons vaeir I t-ta .r. Minaclallv wel- al ooae. for oug assost- ments are go feroad and rarled that All can be fitted to beoomlnr style. 30XK B. HTBTBOaT'S KATB Scofes of new sort and stiff models In every new -:hado, 3,80, 95AM to rr.Bo. omorvt iiiyri TXPP SATS r'atnous for. their superior . qual- " ' - ItV and finish and rich . blo,-L fuAalaa. i Cionsp dye blacks, - also all . the. new tro us, S3. 60, S3.00, 94.00. Ml XAT BAX.B AOAZir Second In stHilmmt from the big purchase -nea on sale Haturday; soft bats for all, any color and black, also stiff hats: $2.00 Hats for ai.l , - : 7- 13.00 Hats for . . . 91.4 14.00 Hats for.. 91.98 Finest llns children's ' and hoys' ' caps In. town, new Etons, Cliff, Buster Tarns, 850 to $3.00. ' Mala floor a aaw. aua ""u oi iuh i- on vvixi. a. KoQcrs Standard Al olate silver The Third Aunual Silverware Sale Saturday is destined to be by Ion-? odds the ereatett. most imnortnnt ,r,, .... . that means. Koodd... Through . most series of .ncid.nt, Je have closed d" M for TT jTB'r hT" Am dollars. This new pattern i recognized everywhere as the most artistic of any dcsiKn brought out this year. Every ei" , fhu I T T "K-tlng thousands of hardest and whitest known metal used for a.lverware purposes. EVKRY PIKCK GU A It A N T K E 1 TO ."e FILL STAN ll AIU ApI PLATE AS,n uV!t Sct.'SS ZJT RoRPra Tea Spoons, regularly $1.50 set of six, for GOC Rogers' Dessert Spoons, regularly $2.75 set of six, for $1.20 Rogers' Table Spoons, regular! v $3.00 set of six, for $1.29 Rogers' Sugar Shell, in silk lined box, worth 75c, for 394 Rogers' Butter Knife, in silk lined box, worth 75c, for. . . ... .39 Rogers' Cream Ladle, in Bilk lined box, wolth $1.00, for. . . ; .'49 Rogers' Gravy Ladle, in silk lined box, worth $1.4 8, for. . 79c Rogers' Child's Sets, knife, fork and spoon, worth $1.26, for 89 Rogers' Berry Spoon, In silk lined box, worth $1.75, for. ... . -9SC Rogers' Soup Spoons, round bowl, six in silk lined box, worth $4, for $2.48 Rogers' Individual Butter Spread ers, six in silk lined box, worth $3, for $1.69 Rogers' Coffee Spoons, six In a silk lned box; worth $1.50, for 75 Rogers' Orange Spoons, 6 in a silk lined box, worth $3, for. $1.69 Rogers' Oyster Forks, six in a box. worth $3, for $1.69 Rogers' Cold Meat Forks, one in a silk lined box, worth $1.25, 'or G9' Rogers' Sugar Tongs, one in a silk lined box, worth $1.25, for 79 Rogers' Large Soup Ladles, one in a silk lined box, worth $3.50, for ' $1.98 Rogers' Full Triple Plate Knives and Forks, set of six knives and six forks, worth $4, for. .$2.98 Extra Fine Cut Glass Salts and Peppers, heavy sterling silver tops, each 50 lng of six knives, six forks, six tea spoons, six table spoons, one butter knife, one sugar, ton np shell, worth $15 7f e"t) Chest of 50 Pieces Wm. A. Rogers' new grape design silver, consist ing of twelve knives, twelve forks, twelve tea spoons, six table spoons, six dessert spoons, one butter knife," one, sugar shell, " foE?. $18.00 Chest of 80 Pieces Mahogany case Oneida Community Silver ware, guaranteed for 26 years. . This magnificent set, worth $35. , in this sale at $24.75 i in I Morry Widow Sailors $5.00 This tremendous oomes to us fully purchase i half under market value, it goea out to you the same way oa Saturday. It's a time to buy wedding- gifts. Baking Dishes, pretty grape de sign, regularly $5, for. . .$3.98 Bread Trays, new .grape designs, usual $3 kind, for. .... .$1.48 Chest of 20 Pieces AVm. A Rogers' new grape design silver, consist- At no time have real bargains on silver of this high character been possible. Tou never had such an opportunity before and may never havs another like it. Chest of 72 Pieces Fine oak case, Oneida Community Silver ware, guaranteed for 25 years, new Fleur do Luce design, com plete set, worth $85, 9 rA on sale at e)Uwe)U Chest of 140 Pieces Mahogany case, Oneida Community Silver wear, guaranteed for 25 years, new Fleur de Luce design, 140' pieces, consisting of 12 hollow handle knives, 12 hollow handle dessert knives, 12 medium forks, 12 oyster forks, 12 dessert forks, 6 table spoons, 24 tea spoons. 12 coffee spoons, 12 Individual but ter spreaders, 1 large (3-ptece) carving set, 1 small (2 piece) game carver, 1 large soup ladle, 1 gravy ladle, 1 berry spoon, 1 cold meat fork, 1 pie server, 1 pickle fork, 1 butter knife, 1 sugar shell, 1 sugar tong. This complete set worth P1Q'7 $165; lir this sale for M&I I! I, n Omaha's greatest display of this popular hat is hore. Hun dreds of them and n6 two alike; think of the great opportunity for satisfactory selections. The most elaborate and artistically designed hats in the west at $i.00, $7.50 and $10.00 Smartest .. Trimmed Hats for - more dress-up occasions, a very compre hensive display, reflecting fashion' every whim hats that show the handiwork of the true artist in their construction. Positively the most reasonable priced hats you ha 'e ever seen. Worth Investigating, isn't it? ft $7.50 810.00 $15.00 I Women's Furnishings for Stxturdy V nnhln Stamm All Dav an These i i GLOVES Fine Imported elbow length Lisle Gloves, all the best colors, the usual $1.00 kinds, for Q9 Women's elbow length Silk Gloves, heavy and double tipped fingers, the usual $2 values, for $1.29 XOBIBBT Women's split foot hose, full fash ioned, 36c kind, per pair Bio Women'. Bur.on full seamless hose, 2Rc values, per pair lc Children's 25c fine imported cotton stockings lo Wnmen'g pure 811k Hose, cotton feet, 1.&0 kind, at tl.15 Saturday Bargain In Hardware Enamehvare Special Rig tables piled high with Wash Basins, Pudding; Pans. Cups, Fry Pans, ' Sauce Pans, He Pans, et, etc., t 5, and lOi l.awn Rakes, 24 tine, steel, Raturdav for 38o And 20 Oreen Stamps. Children's Garden Sets, shovel, rake .and hoe 85c, 15c, 10c And 10 Oreen Stamps. Screen Ioor Hinges, with screw. 13o And 10 Oreen Utanips. Good Steel Hoes, specie Haturday for 19o 10c Garden Trowel., specla, at ....So Long Handle Shovels, round or square point, regular 76c kind, forf. ...48o Long Handle Spades, extra quality, regular 75c valve, Saturday ... .490 l.awn Mowers, all sties, prices fi.'jH upwards. Rubber Hose, 80-foot length, eomp'.ete with noxxlc. $8.00, IT.fiO, Ss.uo and with Double Green Stamps. I'oultrv Wire, full rolls. 100 hquare feel (this Is the best made' at 600 HANDKERCHIEFS Cross barred and embroiderette Handkerchiefs, special 5 ,15c SwIbs embroidered, at. .8? 15c pure linen, hemstitched. 100 mrDXBWXAB Lot of low neck sleeveless vests, tape arm and neck, "seconds", 12 Vic nuality S'io Women's Umbrella style knit pants with wide lace trimmed I'nee, 3,r,c value 35o Women's Union Suits, ribbed, medium weight, lace trimmed, 35c kind.. 35c vueing Tailored Suits On Sale Values U C614"UI CU, Saturdav Our greatest stress is laid on suits at these popular prices. We say positively we have the most effective styles, and the greatest values ever shown By any store at any time. Saturday will be a good time to put us to the test. Saturday Specials Easter Furnishings On ssle Saturday, 100 dozen new silk four-ln-hand ties, new French fold and reversible effeots; plain and fancies In big variety, 60o values, very special at j&JC Manufacturer's "seconds", plain and fancy half hose, newest spring stylus, 1Q 85c values, Saturday, at, pair ... fJC Dressiest Shirts 91? 91.B0, 2, 93.60 Tajamas, silk and solsette, $3.00, $5, $7.50 i Women's very smart new Suits, in many spring fabrics and colorings. Beauti fully fitted and semi-fitted coat, with gracefully designed skirts, actual $20 Suits. Never anything like I T T jr this before at J Women's Suits, in' new panamaB, a shadow stripe In every new shade ot the season. Jaunty butterfly and Prince Chap models, tailored and trimmed as no other Suits are under $25. Wonderful Q p values UD9 Ultra fashionable styles In Women's Suits of highest quality fabrics, sumptuously designed and trimmed by New "York's greatest modistes. Absolutely the flneBt Suits ever In Omaha or the west at 1f J r $35 here dm J. i J COVERT JACKETS Stunning new spring Top Coats for women and mfsbes, every new style, fitted, semi fitted and box effects, all silk lined and tailored in high class manner, good $8.60 C OC values......... D,Jj TWO GREAT WAIST EVENTS. 200 dozen lot fine Bheer White Lingerie Waists of dainty materials and ex quisitely trimmed with fine Val. laces and embroideries, values to $2.00 NET. WAISTS. Ecru and white, made over Jap silk, elaborate cluny insertion and Val. lace trimming, $5 values. . . .' DRESS I SKIRTS Stylish Panamas and fancy chev iots, pencil stripe pattern In blue and white, also black and white; pleated and gored circular effects with one and two folds, a very spe- A Q f clal Saturday offer. J3yr 98c 2.95 SILK. PETTICOATS. Extraordinary underprlclng on such fine garments. Simons' high grade taffetas in every one of these. Every desirable spring shade and 'black. Flounces are deep and showy, quite as beautiful as $7.50 and $8.00 kinds. Saturday at this surprising low figure 4.95 CHILDREN'S JACKETS. The popular golf-reds in many styles, plain tailored, some trimmed with black braids and velvet collar, emb lems, etc., two to six and six to four teen year sizes $4.50, $3.05 and COWTTJsMATIOH DUIISS Of sheer white India llnona, Persian lawns, etc., daintily trimmed and de- 1 O f" signed six to fourteen years Z. I $4.95, 93.95 and J 2.95 Saturday Picture Sale One lot oak framed pictures, poster subjects, 8x14, usual $1.00 kind for ,,,.&OC One lot purple Madonnas, 7x9, oval gold frames, 1 ff were $2.00; selling at t.UU One lot Japanese framed One lot Chinese prints, fram- prints. Hi, nicely 1 eLn I ed in oak, 1xM, JQ. I It hit values, for -ri matted, 50c goods. Corsets for Saturday A big lot on sale, every one new, fresh and clean, in cludes long hip and high bust, short hip and high buRt models. Also ttyllsh girdles, something for every figue, values to $1.00; special 49c 36 Styles Go-Carts in a Great Sale By far the best showing ever made in Omaha, every conceivable style that is new, wonder fully underpriced in the sale .starting Saturday. We also give a Teddy Bear with every cart at $4.00 or over. . i Furniture The second carload of chiffoniers and dressers on sale Saturday. Bought from maker pressed for cash at half under value. Solid oak chiffonier, five drawers, brass handles, Dl Inches high, 31 Inches wide, 18 Inches deep; can tered; worth $9.00, special ....94.09 .More elaborate $14 styles for. .99.58 Dresners oak, with serpentina top drawer. 18x24 Inch, bevel plate mir ror, $15.00 value 98.48 Another week of the Parlor Suit tale. Manufacturer's samples: $37 60 suits for $34.85 $76.00 suits for , 955.00 The Xew York Collapsible Cart, a very popular style, always wiling at $8.00 to lt.00, for. .$5,08 ;,25 Folding Carts for $1.39 :!.23 Reclining Carts ftr $2.48 Every other style we have up to 923.00 under priced lu hame proportion. Fine Carpet Bargains Granite Art Squares. xl2 feet, just right for bedrooms. Saturday 93.69 Extra heavy Ingrain Carpets, half wool, all spring patterns and fast rrflnrK B9a goods, selling for, per yard 39o All Wool Ingrains, Including best Amer ican makes, regular KOu grades, Satur day, at, yard 75e Flhre Matting, carpet styles for summer cottages, verandas, bed rooms, etc., the 50c kind, Saturday, per yard 33o Rubber Door Mats. 18x30 Inches, you ll : need them now, best $1 5 kind for. ,89o GAe Right Suits for Boys (j This store's boys clothes have certainly caught the popular fancy. . We have an almost unlimited line of handsome new styles for Easter trade ready now. nOTELTT SUITS, in plain reds, navy, royal, brown an.K fancy cloths, 3 to 8 years, at 92.00 to $7.60' KIETEBS Separate reefers or to match suits . hiJ lino of beautiful spring styles 93.00 to 95.00 BOTS1 SUITS, of blue or black, 7 to 15 year knee or knlckcrbocker pants .'.94.00 to 98.00 DOUBLB BKEASTED SUITS Knee or Knickerbocker pants many new weaves and colorings, 6 to 16 yrs., $3.00 to 97.50 BOTS- SUITS, in velour, cheviot and casslmeies, double breasted Coats and two pairs knlcker pants, with each at ) 84.00 and 95.00 FOR MEN We show every new style in suits at fU - teen dollars, new slant pocket and turned cuff coats, in fact every correct style kink, alsft "nifty" top coats and cravenettes; greatest values ever at. $15 Si Pays to Buy Easter Shoes Now I A great showing will be made Friday of great Interest to every woman with Easter shoes to buy. Stylish, new pumps, Gibson ties, Tlico ics and buckle effects, in tan, patent colt and ' gun metal oxfords; priced to create a gTr-nt selling record nt. . Hoys- $3.50 patent colt, nun metal button shoes, very dressy, and serv iceable, sizes to 5'i 93.69 Boys' $3.50 (loi)dyenr weit hand sewed low shoes, patent colt and gun metal, size to ft'.i 93-39 MIhsis' $2.60 Amazon kid, patent colt, laced and button shoes and oxfords. Saturday's special 91.89 2.19 to $5.J Ml Saturday's Grocery Specials HeBt Coffee. Bennett's Best Coffee, pound. ".7.7 ' 35-and '.o ZlZn H,"'" nounff . . ( ll ll II M IT Oil n n 1.. Augjiou nredKiast. Cevlon. nonnl . Afl cn . TH. qi(, , ' r urwn . euamps lOft M 1 1 H n t7R nmint ncioL-a Ilex Lye, three cans 15o and 10 C.reen Stamps Pride of Bennett's Flour, sack.'. '., .Jan'' 10 Stamps Anvona Jams, assorted, tin" Ghlrardelli's . Chocolate, c New York Cream Cheese Swiss Cheese, fancy, pound Premium Butterlne. two pounds Minute Gelatine, flavored. 3 pkga Allen's Brown Bread Flour, pkg jea warden Preserves, large Jar wiuvn i rreerveH Seeds, Reeds. Seeds Hone Meal for chickens, pound Oyster Shells for chickens, pound. Malta Vita Breakfast Food, 4 pkgs Meats Boiling Beef, 6 lbs. Sirloin Steak, of native steers, lb. ..15o Sirloin Koasl, of native steers, ID., 13Ho Fresh Pork Shoulder noast. lb sHo Finnan Haddlea. per pound loo Cudahy s Diamond C Hams, very best. 8150 and 50 Oreen Stamps 10 "n,l 5 Hit-en Stamps . .100 and 5 Oreen Stamps . .30o and 10 Oreen Stamps '22San1 ! reen Stamps '2tan( 10 Jree'1 Stamps '?SSa,"J (l ,irtv, Stamps . . 16o and 10 irun j. LZ Bmaii jar .;;::: ; fz8"'? ?,? (,,ren 'np Package a.-. Fr.. l"mp" I sit w in 111 rvafirisj. nnvnn Fresh new Tomatoes, pound iA Lettuce, three for....;. i Iladlshcs. two for V .80 60 840 .10 .860 Mutton Roast, per pound Mutton Stew, per pound... .S5o Meats per pound . ... nii 30 Green Stamp's" Morrells Iowa Pride California per pound And 20 Green Stamps." Sugar Cured Bacon, per pound... 130 Hums. ..94o liUc i . I AMir r a 1 M a s a . . t .." vnitr uhimu ruid UUI rlnt SOLOMON MADE COMPTROLLER Nebraska Supreme Court Holds Him Entitled to New Office. . 10WIB COURT DECREE REVERSED tajaortloa Uiaaolvrd aa Artlea Ul. mleil l.rgallly Glvea Caaaiy omt-e treated ky Laat Lrglelattire. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. April 10 tSpeclal Telegram.) County CunnnU.ioner Kmmett Holomon may become comptroller of Douglas county whenever lie dialres, the supreme court to day holding the office to which he was elected In November to be legally con stituted. The case brought by James Allan of Omaha against the county board to ascertain the constitutionality of the comptroller law was dismissed, the Injunc tion granted against Mr. Solomon's filling the office wae dissolved.' and the decision of Judge Redlck was reversed. The. deciklon of the court Is that the ciiapter of the session law. providing 'u.e county comptroller shall be ex-offtclo city cvinpt roller was not an Inducement to the pabsage of the county comptroller act. Misses cliucn.nte tan oxfords, stses lift to 2. $1.75 values, for 91.89 Misses' and children's Amazon kid, laced and button, sizes up to $-'.; $1.7j values, for 91.39 Women's $1.75 kid skin oxfords, pat ent tip and plain toes, In Saturday's sale 91.1t Dinnerware and Toilet Sets 1 i .T1 u Depart- I Satur- From the Des Moines nient Htore stock Great day llargains. Grindley's 100-plcce $16.00 din ner sots (K7..U Knowles' 100-pleco $15.00 dinner sets $7.50 Johnson's 100-pleco $20.00 din ner sets $0.50 Booth's 100-plece $35.00 dinner sets , $17.30 German Chlua 100-plece $35.00 dinner sets $17.50 Syracuse 100-plece $35.00 dinner sets r $10.50 Fancy Chamber Sets of all Kinds. $2.49 Toilet Sets to go at.. $1.69 $3.88 Toilet Sets to go at.. $2.68 $5.98 Toilet Sets to go at. .$;.73 $7.60 Toilet Sets to go at.. $4.50 $10.00 Toilet Sets to go at. .$fl.5 $13.50 Toilet Sets to go at. .$9.50 regulation troller. Judge 1ittoii wrote the decision, the syllabus of k which contains among other paragraphs the following: An act which treats on one department of the county government, the creation of a county of 'lie and the duties unit function, to lie performed by the Itit'iimhcnt of such office, is complete in itttelf, repeals by lmplicativn ail acts and puilM of acts re plicant thereto and Is not required to contain all the sections of former act. winch It may amend or to opecif ically re peal the same. Spcuktng further of the cam; in his opin ion. Judge letton say.: It is probable that the Iih'hI judge, a resident uf Douglas county and of tiie city of Omaha, is more eonvcrsant with the local demand tliun this court and lia taken jiidlcuil not Ire thereof. It would seem that lii decision, which Is on file In this CM sc. M bused somewhat upon llils eluKlve iioantitv. But this court mareelv feels justified III basing lis iiiiikI ruction of the coiiMtitutioiiality of IIiIm set uihui .ucli local and temporal v groundn. The decision of the supreme court hold ing the office of county comptroller valid will make It necessary to elect a' county commissioner from the country' dl.trlct to succeed Mr. Solomon. JuBt before the test suit was filed last winter a large number of candidates came out for Solomon's place on the board, but the derision of Judge Kedick put a quietus on the campaign, as Solomon decided net to resign sfter the comptroller. hip had been declared Invalid. Judge Redlck, who heard the raa. In die Chapters gssvitl, xnvl and gigvlil were I trlct court, decided the law establishing Ilia held to be cognate acts and complete In otflce of comptroller was legally passed. themselves, these being provisions tor the j but that the law providing for th con soli-J ,t , ,maU expense da t Ion of the county and city comptroller ships was Invalid because It did not repeal the sections of the charter now In exist ence rolatlng to the office of city comp troller. The pivotal point was whether or not the invalid consolidation law was the principal Inducement for the passage of the main act creating the office of comp troller. Judge Redick decided It was, and for this reason held the main act Invalid. The supreme court, however, held It was not the inducement for the enactment of the main act and hence was vulld. Mr. Solomon has already announced Ms staff of assistants and has completed mobt of the steps necesoary to qualify for the office. , "Like the young woman who received the proposal, this la so sudden I am unable now to say Just what course) I will take," (aid Mr. Solomon Friday when the de cision was announced to him. He could not slate Just when he would resign as county commissioner or when he would qualify for county comptroller. The supreme court probably will be asked to return a mandate In the case at once In order that Mr. Solomon may begin the duties of the office at once. It was said Friday afternoon the plaintiff in the case would probably agree to a stipulation allcwinit an immediate return of the man date. In case this is done the comptroller's ofrice will probably be. opened early next week. By using the various deoartmems of The Bee Want Ad Pages you get quick returns Only t ses Half Ills Department, bat Has ku Trouble Heating the Flames. The quiet and peace of the neighborhood of Sixteenth and Fort streets was broken Thursday afternoon by the cries of a man. Smoke was Issuing from one corner of a barn located In the vicinity. Would no one save It? Yes. In the building less than half a block away, which the city has rented for the purpose of housing the vohlnleer flro department, sat Otto Lang, who only last Monday night received his appointment from the Board of Fire and Police Com missioners as custodian of the building and of the fire apparatus to he placed therein. The eagle eye of Otto Lang, custodian, chief, captain of fire engines, hose trucks, chemicals, water towers and everything else, his eagle eye saw the smoke Issuing from the barn. Chief Lang ordered out half of tils de partment, consisting of two buckets, leav ing the other two in the fire barn In case it became necessary to send in a sacond call. In thirty second Chief Lang and the two buckets were upon the scene and fir teen seconds later water was being poured upon the blase. It was extinguished before the barn wss badly damaged. Chief Lang went proudly back to Sis staiion, followed by ad- miring glances of the neighbors. The damage was as follows: Damage. Insurance. Bm j.o (15 Chief Lang made his report to the city office of the fire department promptly. It Is understood he Is preparing a atatement showing that the demands of the vicinity make it Imperative that at least two more buckets be added to the equipment of the engine house at Sixteenth and Fort street. No confirmation of thla rumor could be secured. DEATH AROUSES SUSPICION V I'o.t-Mortem oa Mrs, Laura Shipley at Florence Reveals Kvldeace of Serloa. .Natare. Mrs. Laura Hhlpicy. years old, died suddenly Thursday. al her home In Florence under circumstances which have given rise to suspicion and have occasioned much talk In Florence. A postmortem was performed Thursday night by Coroner's Physician Lavender and he found death waa due to a criminal operation. An Inquest will ba held on the body Saturday evening at $ o'clock. The funeral will be held In Florence Satur day after noon at 2 o'clock. Both the husband and sister of tliu de ceased in. 1st upon an Inquest being held. They did not state (he reasons for their suspicions of malpractice, but asaert that their reason, for suspecting It are good. "I was called In Just fifteen minutes be fore she died." ssid Dr. A. R. Adams of Florence. "There were then unmistakable evidences of peritonitis, which would fol low, a criminal operation. Suspicion rests on no one at present so far as I know, though every effort is to bo made to find the guilty person." Mrs. Shipley had several children. Mr. Shipley la In the wood sawing business near Florence. EAGLES WANT QUICK ACTION I rge Commercial ( lob Promptly to fteenre Convention. to Work iioa President Flynn oi the local lodge of tint Kagles has finished a written report to the Commercial club, as- requested by that organization, showing what will b neces sary for the securing of the grand lud and the entertaiiiineht of, the viitors, pro vided Omaha Is selected lor the national meeting in 19C0. In the report the prtsl dent urges Immediate action and remind, the club thai Omaha lost out a year ago in securing the grund lodge, due to being too late In the game. The Kaglea' lodge has raised $:,5fi0, bul It asks the Commercial club for a like sum, to be divided Into prtacg for the best drilled teams, the largest delegation sent, for llie, delegate who comes the farthest and like purpose. The Commercial club Is also asked t make a guaranty regtiding entertainment of the visitors, defraying Hie expenses of taking them to Fort Crook and yurt Omaha and oilier places of interest. New -York is the only olher bidder for tlis convention so far, sas l'rctl i.t Flynn. hut ho believes that Omaha standi a good show of getting the big meeting. (e says that descriptive booklets of Omaha should oe sent to prominent Eagles now and that badges should he dlslilbutcj among the delegates at Seattle next August In profusion. TWO BOYS KILLED IN FLAMES Father and Mother fteverelr Harnett, la Kr.t-alag Portion of Family la w lark, NEW YORK. April 10-Two small boys wers killed and several olher persons in jured early today in a the which t auwd it loss of $JO.0"0 to the fivc-atory tenement house at 25 Pitt street. The fire drove twu families from their' lionn-f, and emptitd tem-menla und lodging houses for a block. The. boys who erlshed were children i,t Jacob Chcsiifr Willie, 4 years old, and Snloiubn, aged 3 yeara who lived on the fifth floor. The mother saved herself and her 18-iiionths-old daughter by clashing through flames which set tire to her hair and burned the fleah from her feet. Tin father saved hiinkcli und Ills eldest vn. 0 years, old. after the fl.tin.s had burned off his hair and beard. The fire escapes In the rcir and front were filled i'.l tenants, who Wele tesillcd by firemen with ladder. Tne t'hesuers tried (t, niiike their way down the stairs when tin; fire escapes were" found filled, and it wu in tUo liails Ilia two boys lost their lives