Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 11, 1908, NEWS SECTION, Page 4, Image 4
THK OMAHA DAILY HKK: SATURDAY. Al'KU, 11. 100 s. yr rMiuyaAiMMMiSi aaimn,imMWA hmsnmina.sVi jTiaWMa-wni jnrn n..nii I H I v , l: s. lr I Ti ri ,i t-jt x,- .-.v 1 Luri I f n il NILton sw Our Most Brilliant Displays Are In Readiness Women's Eleamt .Appaurel for E - MM SM i . V . a j , irtrnTW A V Easter 1 Superb Creations In Millinery. and Tailored Suits Specially Priced for Saturday Women's High Class Sample Tailored Suits Every one of these is a, sample suit. They reveal every little feature of correct 1908 style. The new shades of tans and the new shadow stripes are prominent. "We have specially priced them for Easter selling. Tailored Suits that are worth- $98.00 at $65.00 Tailored Suits that are worth $75.00 at .....$49.00 Tailored Suits that are worth $65.00 at $45.00 Tailored Suits that are worth $50.00 at $35.00 Smart and Well Tailored Spring Suits, Special Price. $15.00 -These suits are shown now for the first time Fashionseal Suits Are Charming for Easter These are the Spring style aristocrats. No tailored Suit is so thoroughly correct for Omaha's smartly gowned women as the Fashionseal. They show a marked superiority in tailoring. The new Butter flies, Eva Tanguays and the newer ideas eis predominate. F asnionseais are ai way Voile Skirts These are in the favorite styles for 1908. Gore pleated, trim med with taffeta bands or self trimmed. The new short walking lengths. Two specials $4.98 and $6.98 Spring Jackets Just as dressy as they are prac tical. Well tailored broadcloths and mixtures; stunning little silk coats, at $4.98 to $14.85 Lingerie and Silk Dresses In jumper styles and one piece Princess effects many have laco and embroidery insertions the styles are" correct and the dresses greatly favored this season prices are $14.85, $19 and $25 Patrons who live in the west part of town will be glad to avail themselves of our new 17th street entrance which opens directly from 37th 'street to our millinery and women's suit departments. It is very convenient. v-cicaivai wjqic uvsi iidiu ill 1110 . nwsi fabrics, colors and style features are included. Many are shown with the new Kimono sleeves inand up to $25.00. We will make one very moderately priced group of them jat mr m-' m' A mr 4 m m- V . Tliese are suits that wotild regularly com Most Notable Assemblage BEAUTIFUL MILLINERY FOR EASTER WEAR Ever Deheld West of Chicago Women who want style that is absolutely cor rect in their Easter Millinery come to Brandels. Our Easter asHemblage Is glorious. May we ex pect you Saturday? ' a and Merry Widows, C 00 in Prince Chap mod- P hionseals are always -mO The new Not and Silk Waists Styles show the Kimono sleeves many are very elaborate and all are extremely stylish f on o anaplflllv larn. fc. assortment, at Long Silk or Cloth Autamobilo or . Dress Coats These are loose or tiafit fitting coats rubberized striped or plain taffetas prices Hre .98 up to A STUNNING NEW ARRIVAL SPECIALLY PRICED The new Hat that has reached the highest point in fashionable favor on Fifth Avenue Aew lork, is the high crown, rolling brim hat in Leghorn and horse hair the blacks, browns and burnt shades are Very modish graceful trimmings of ostrich plumes, fancy feathers and flowers a magnificent Easter Special, at Large Rough Draid Sailor Hats Artistically Trimmed In the most stylish of all the shapes the favorite Merry Widow we show new ones for Saturday bewitching new large hats, with roses and foliage in pro fusion never such a stunning hat, at . . . -me blacks, $15 $5 o n o n o n o a o n o n o a o D o D o a o D o D u o p o a o a o a o D o D o a o D o a o a o a o n o D Beautiful Set Combs Drandeis Bought the Entire Line of Drum mers and Show Room Samples from a New York Importer at About One Third their Actual Value All are beautiful combs, newest styles many elaborately set with brilliants more than 100 different designs. 25c All the Combs worth up to $1 each will go Sat urday at, each . . . . All the Combs worth up to $3.50 each will go rt J Saturday at, each. . . .P- All the Combs worth up to $2 each will go SaJ urday at, each II C All the Finest Combs made to retail at $G, $8, $10, choice ..... .$2 Special Sale of Silverware Roger Bros.' 1847 Silrer in th Vintage Patter. Kerry Spoons in I French grey Vin tage. - Charter Oak Berkshire and Prlft cilia patterns, worth up to 11. at. latin. 1.25 1847 VtaUga Pattern Tr Spoons six In fancy box, will go on Mler at . . . . .1.49 1847 Vintage Pattern G r a Y JT Ladlea a peclal for Satur day, and wll) AA ..1.UU go at.. is start 17 WaAcb Klgla or Waltfaaia adjusted mon- ant ta arnrw. Bal 4aat proof at Salarday. 6.98 Get oar very special price oa vxtchas SatarOiy. oaononoaoaoaonoaonononoaoaonoaoooaono Brandeis Exquisite Easter Hats at $25.00 Spring Hats were never so magnificent in outline and color harmony as arc tliese original creations from the hands of French and American designers. Tendency of trimmings is toward the massive effects and the large, graceful shapes adapt themselves perfectly to the style requirements. There are hundreds of new models that will be seen Saturday for the firt time and this', group; Is superb at ; A&xJr BEAUTIFUL ROSK8 FOR TRIMMIXCJ Roses of all descriptionsincluding the large American beauties- every shade and every alze for trimming all are Imported roses, and worth up to $1.00 IZ bunch. On sale in Millinery Department, at, bunch .: t Aii JC Moderately Priced Millinery in our Basement UNTRIMMEI) HATS All the favorite new Vmmmmmmm' TRIMMED HATS In sailors and high iu styles reaay xo mm, 1C. I H A 1 TDIMMPn I ft at m3i U'TRIMMK HATS Large and medium shapes, all the newest spring styles and colors extra special Lingerie Waists In this group are those dainty and fetching lingerie Waists With long or short sleeves that are so desirable for wear with new tailored suits, a special r price for Saturday, JyOC Children's Dresses These are very daintily made and many of them are suitable for church and for dressy wear and for every purpose where a little girl should look her best. At 98c, $1.50 and $1.98 Children's Coats Very desirable for daily wear. They are well tailored and hold their shape. Very clever styles for spring at SI.50, $1.98, $2.98 and $3.98 onononononononononononono Silk Petticoats In all colors and blacks many In fancy patterns others In delicate even ing shades cut wide and full two specials 4.98 and 6.98 HATS TRIMMED f RLE IN OUR BSEMENT 1.50 choose 3.98 .special, at TRIMMED HATS Hundreds to from all new and up-to-date styles, at tlftusefurnlshlng Department. Basement, Old Store ROLLER SKATES Best Fun in the World Im proved extension sidewalk Skate, full strapped, high grade steel top and trucks, light' and strong- a pair up from We Invite You to Visit Our FREE COOKING SCHOOL We Te&.ch the Art of Scientific CaAe MaJting 'Mousefurnlstilngf Dept., Old Store, Basement EASTER CARDS On sale in our Book Department. Immcnso variety of New Easter Cardx at lc and up. Biff asuortment of Easter Post Cards. Fancy Linen Bargains BASEMENT Pyelet band embroidered scal loped edge, all linen, the 6-inch tumbler doilies worth 39c, nt, each 10 12-inch, Japanese all linen hem stitched doilies with hand-drawn work, worth 25c, at each...00 45-inch, hemstitched lunch cloths, with drawn work, worth tf., each 500 54-inch, hemstitched lunch cloths, with drawn work, worth $1.50, each (Jl j (BljljPdHSg osfiori Store I iJg'E.ll" IM'.iU J. UIJ.. UH,PWm.JIiUiA.aA ...IL L.Ji..i..wiPMr.Ji.Mii-U.ii.jj.iJj 'iuum a.. 1 LLi.iu jj ...I vmmm; .iiw.w.wiww.Ib1,j n o a o D o D o n o a o D o a o D o D o a o D o 3 D o D o D o D o a o D o a o D o a o a o a o D o D o Big Special Sales In China Dept. West Arcade nonoaononoao D o a o D o a 4h Cut Star Table Tumblers g LuiKe illustration j . xne greatest bargain in Out Glass Tumblers i ever offered in the his- j! fl DO tory of Omaha, at, each Just arrived New Spring Line Russian Jardinieres Like illustration. A fine new as sortment a 25 reduction on every jardiniere in the entire stock for Saturday. Fine Japanese Cups and Saucers very laVge, decorated Inside and outside with a very handsome Jap design strictly high grade goods and the new spring m a patterns very thin trans-1 llrf lucent china, at, each Ivv Fancy Cake or Bread Plates llandsorae roso decora tion and tints of delicate blue and green f A at, each: luC Big Special Wall Paper Sale Another record breaker bargains that will satisfy both taste and purse. Bargains that will make us talked about. Two-tone duplex, the 60c grade, at, ro11 27 Vt Tapestries, worth 15c and 10c, at, rn 10 and 5 tO-inch, plain papers, worth 25c, 50c and 60c, at, roll . . .12M. 25 " 35 Florals, worth 25c to 10c, at. roll 15 "d 5 Papers, worth 15c, 10c, 8c, 6c and 6c, at. roll 8. 6 5 4 id 2V& Big Hour Specla Saturday only 8:30 p. m. till 9:30 p. mi Beautiful two-tones, worth 5Uc and 30c, at, roll, only 251 15 O D o D o D o e D O a o a o 9 D O a o D o 0 o D o D o D o a o a o a o a o D o D oDononoDononociononoaonononoDononononS PACIFIC PRESSES ITS CASE California Iniurance Company Sndi Official! Into Nebraska. COME .TO REC0VIE LICENSE Wlllia ! AMlt Kebraaka ( Thai Htale, but Say Thef D Ht M tb Ka I t alrarata. Brrd from writing new builne In tha tat of Nebraika by Btata Auditor 8frlo In rUHtlon for tlva refuial of the Insur ant: cufnmUaioner of California ta admit two Nbrika comnanie to writ in that tat, th rtclflo Mutual Insurance com pany of San Franolsco, on of th strong, eat companies en th western coast, has Its attorneys in Omaha to look up the mat tcr and mak every effort to continue writing Insurance. In th Nebraska field. President Oeorg I. Cockran and John F. Koach, actuary of tlia company, passed throuKh Omaha Friday and held a short conference with V. M. Meyer, general agent of th company for Nebraska. Jules C. liosanbargrr, western counsel for th Pa clflo Mutual company, remained In Omaha to look iii '-' ' m itur. Mr. Rosenbeuer ' 'aaid: "Tho fact Uuit w have been denied th privlleg of writing new buaimss in N- braska does not Invalidate the policies which are, now In force in the state and not a single policyholder will lose a tnt paid In for premiums. In fact, they can go light on paying premiums, but w can not issue new policies. "The barring of the Pactric Mutual from Hi Nebraska field Is the direct result of the California Insurance commissioner de fying the Bankers Reserve Life com pany of Omaha and the Bankers' Life company of Lincoln the right to write bus iness In California. Dl Nt Paaa Master. "We understand this was done because the Nebraska companies do not meet the requirements of the California Insurance laws, which are very strict and require the highest standards. "As far as the Pacific Mutual Is con minion l Bailing $ Powder i . OnrnHa vita the Pur r cerned, we would welcome the Nebraska companies, and when th question came up th insurance commissioner of California was wired by our president and other of fleers to admit the Nebraska companies by all meant. We received a reply by wire which advised us that the attorney general of California had Instructed Commissioner Wolf to deny th privilege ( to Nebraska companies which applied, their policies did' not meet the requirement of the Cali fornia laws. "I have just arrived In Omaha, I don't known what will be done. I am trying to get all the Information I can. Auditor Bearle has told everyone of our policy holders who has written 'or telephoned to him that V' Pacific Mutual was Just as good as It ever was, absolutely solvent, but the law says that whjn Nebraska com panies are not permitted to writ Insur ance In another state. It la th business of th auditjr of Nfbraska to revoke th license of companies organised In th stats refusing to admit Nebraska companlea. The Pacific Mutual and all California com ranles come under this rule." As t Tkste GaaraatJs. President B. If. Robison of the Bankers Reserve Life of Omaha put up a check for to guarantee the expense of an ax pert from ti Insurance department of California to come to Omaha and look Into th affairs of his company. The California Insurance men say that th Pacific Mutual paid more than Iti.ouo expense to have the company examined when the license was secured for doing business In Nebtaska. and thut the $300 la Insignificant compared with what It costs to examine the books And appraise the property of an Insurance company. Mr. Roaenberger speaks In the highest terms of Auditor Searle and the Nebraska department, saying that the stale auditor has been doing everything possible to re move the impression of Nebraska policy holders In his company that there is any thing the mutter with the company and that stale auditor has assured many that their policies were as good as ever. Vlgllaat A sal a In Commission. NEW YORK, April 10. The old America's cup defender, Vigilant, will oe put in com mission this summer and raced by William E. Jselin. Silver Aluminum Jelly Moulds FREE .Leaflet la each package ExalaLalaa IS ST ORDER TO STOP PAYMENT Injunction Prevents Kontb Ontahn from Parlnar Claim for Fixtures. A restraining order to prevent City Cleik Oillin and Citv Treasurer Mclcher from paying a claim of In fsvor of Klopp & Bartlctt company for vault fixtures ul lowed by the South Omaha city council Thursday night was granted Friday morn ing by Judge Reulck on v application of James W. White. The claim was In pay ment for vault fixtures for the new clt? hall and Jail. In the petition It Is asserted Mayor J(o.tor disregarded the bid of Klopp 4c Bartlett company and bought different and more expensive fixtures than were bid on. It also declares the claim Is Invalid be cause there is no appropriation out of which to pay It. The suit was filed In district court Friday morning by K. R. Leigh, representing Mr. White. CONFIDENCE MEN TURN TRICK Inssre Italian to Advance Ills Savings to ftroare Share of an Estate. Klogio Bonbage. au Italian living at 121? Chicago street, fell a victim to a novel confidence game, worked on him by two of his fellow countrymen, Thursday after noon. About 2 p. m. two Italians ap proached Bonbage, near the corner of Thirteenth and Davenport streets, and after a few remarks about the beauty of the weather, they told Bombage the story that one of their friends had recently died and left $3,000 to be distributed among the poor Italians of the city. The two strangers produced a parcel of IrApoalng looking papers and announced that they were the executors of the dead Italian's property, but In order to carry out hi wishes In distributing the money, it was necessary that they have YQ to Immedi ately realise on the papers. During the conversation they Intimated that If Bonbage could secure them the necessary $00, they would aee that he secured r. large sized chunk of the 13,000. Bonbage eagerly agreed to furnish the money and' going to tho bank he withdrew his savings, amounting to slightly over the required amount, and gave th two strangers the money they desired. In re turn they gave him the package, sup posed to contain the securities, and told him to meet them at 7 o'clock In the eve ning. Seven o'clock came, I o'clock came, snd still no strangers, and Bonbage slowly came to the conclusion that he was the victim. He Immediately complained to the police, gl"lng a good description of th two, and leaving the package which was supposed to contain thousands of dollars worth of eecurlties, but whleh when opened was discovered to contain a quan tity of cheap note paper. AGED MAN STRUCK BY CAR While Trying to Show Skill as Bier, rllat He Falls to Observe Vehicle. CEDAR FALLS, la., April lO.-(Special) F. W. Wolcott. a man ) yeara of age, was seriously, if not fatally. Injured last' evening by being struck by a street car and thrown from his bicycle directly against a paslng farm wagon. lis was un conscious for hours and sustained a broken nose, which wss nearly cut from his facs, several fscial wounds and four broken ribs. It Is feared there Is a fracture of the skull and his recovery Is still considered doubtful. Mr. Wolcott playfully mounted his wheel to show the boys In the barber shop some of th stunts he could perform and lu his gyrations did not observe the approaching electric car. Alcohol AJ( your JocUr (f a family miJicM, lik An' SonaptilU, Is mot Malls' ItUtt aWfAauf mlcuhU tkmm milk It. A Strong tonic A Bod Builder A Blood Purifier A Crest Alterative A Doctor's Medicine Ayer'g Sartsparillg w aav s I s SbrMelM et ii ee iSiin-. Without Alcohol Without Alcohol Without Alcohol Without Alcohol Without Alcohol Without Alcohol W sb:sk O.lmO. a.