Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 10, 1908, Page 6, Image 6

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Office 15 Scott Street. Both 'Phones 43.
WanU to Know "Whether Sug-ar in
Storage is Taxable Here.
If Sack, la tma Cm It la Tamable
la Oaarll Blaffa, hat If Held
Hfr far Jobblaar Parpoara
It la Taxable.
flmll the beet sugar, of which about
ijnQ.nnn north Is held In the various storage
Warehouses of this city be taxed? la a
question which City Assessor W. D. Har
din desires settled. Mr. Hardin haa written
to both County Attorney Hess and City
Solicitor Kimball requesting their opinion
on the matter. -
Last year the city council passed a reso
lution waiving . taxation of augar stored
in tranalt at the request of th owner
of the several storage warehouses. Those
who were active In Inducing the city coun
cil to take this action expressed the opinion
that the sugar was not taxable here, but
stated they , wished the adoption of the
' resolution In order not to be annoyed In
the future W.lh any attempts to assea the
augar. It waa argued at the time that. the
city council had the right to waive such
taxation as the authorltiea In Des Moines
hail agreed to waive taxes on the sugar,
in case It ahould be atored there. Further
argument waa itiadv- that the adoption by
the council of the resolution would lnaure
the storage of the augar In this city.
City Assessor Hardin, In his communica
tion to the city attorney and city solicit nr
states he has been , Informed that the
waiver is of no force if the city haa the
right to tax the sugar. He rails
attention to the fact that the augar waa
tn storage here on January I of this year,
the taxation date. Mr. "Hardin, however,
has not taken any stepa to secure the
names of the owners of the sugar, pre
fering tn wait until he receives the opin
ion of Mr. Hcsa and Mr. Kimball.
City Solicitor Kimball, who stated he
would deter hla formal opinion until he had
conferred with the county attorney, said
yesterday that he agreed with Mr. Hardin
that the waiver Is invalid If the city has
the legal right to tax the commodity.
I'ifcuasing the question Mr. Kimball aaid:
"The city council haa no right to remit
taxes, though It sometimes doea ao when no
objection is ralaed, and when the circum
stances are such as to justify the action.
The reaaon for passing the resolution waiv
ing taxes on -the- augar was that It waa
held to be not taxable,
"Thia augar h taxable somewhere. If it
la not taxable-herey -K-is-taxable In the
place where the owners live.
"The question 'Involved In focal taxation
is whether or riot It Is still In the possession
of th: original shipper, who, living outside
the state, expects to ship it still farther. If
It la ttill In hit possession under those con
ditions, It la taxable not. here. but. In his
reaidence, sine- vuhtie In this city' it 4s
stored for the-purpase of continuous trans
portation and Is -under tha -regulations gov
erning Interstate- cemmora Three regula
tion do not allow a- atata to tax property
which Is simply passing through the state.
If .this angaria In storage awaiting ship
ment to points farther-east and Is still In
the possession of the original shippers. It
ia not taxable here.
"If, on the other hand, the title of the
sugar haa changed, or If it ia Intended to
use this city as a Jobbing or wholesale
point, the sugar Is taxable."
Much of the sugar which was stored here
over Winter Is now being shipped to eastern
points. Recently a tralnload was shipped
out for 'distribution at various towns within
the stale of Iowa.
A member of the old city council, speak
ing about the passage of the resolution
waiving the taxing of the sugar, aald: "It
was understood at the time that we adopted
this resolution at the urgent request of the
owners of the warehouses that It would
not prevent the taxation of the commodity
in the event that it waa learned that tha
augar waa auhject to taxation here. We
were, however. . given to understand that
tha sugar, being In tranalt, was not taxable
here. There la no doubt but the augar ia
liable to taxation somewhere. If It haa not
been taxed In Colorado, where I believe It
was manufactured, it certainly ahould be
taxed here. It is now up to the city assessor
and the legal authorltiea to settle the ques
tion." "
Park Board Reorganises.
,e Board' of Park Commissioners at Its
cling yesterday afternoon reorganized
or tha' ensuing year by electing Frank
l'etrrson chairman, to aucceed A. C. Gra
ham, who was elected secretary. W. H.
Lynchard was reappointed clerk to the
board at a salary of $15 per month. Mr.
Graham, who waa elected at the recent city
election, aucreeds himself on the board.
The refreshment concession and use of
the pavilion at Fairmount park waa given
to Mrs. Oliver on her bid of ITS, which is
2i mom :hau she paid, last year. Action
on the HUcsllon of the tenancy of the J3.000
residence In Fairmount park, erected about
to years ago fur the proposed use of a
park policeman, waa deferred until the
next meeting.
Rasmus Jensen was reappointed foreman
at Fairmount park at a salary of K5 per
month. Charles Tutty was also reappointed
as one of tha caretakers at Fairmount and
hla salary fixed at 15. Peter Shay was
reappointed caretaker of Baylies park with
- )... 'i V' ' Jir ;'V - ' ''
: , Stlg I
yr UGnr ;
: ' ll ' ' DMl '
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! r v 4 w
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a salary of 156. M. Callaghan continues as
caretaker of Cochran para at a monthly
stipend of Hi and C. Rose Is retained as
caretaker at Big lake at a salary of $30 a
month and the privilege of renting boats.
The matter of Improvements In the differ
ent paiks was discussed, but nothing
definite decided upon. The board expects
to bring the two remaining sections of
Bayllaa park to grade eome time thia fall.
Two of the sections were filled several years
Srhedaled to Deliver an Address
Tonight at Cincinnati.
After spending the night at the home of
General U. M. Dodge, Secretary Taft left
yesterday morning over the Northwestern
at 7:4i o'clock for Chicago, from where he
will proceed to Cincinnati, where he Is
scheduled to speak thia evening. Before
leaving Secretary Taft expressed to Gen
eral Dodge hla sincere thanka for the man
ner In which he had been entertained in
Council Bluffs.
The general opinion as expressed yester
day regarding the affair waa that the ban
quet Tuesday night was the biggest and
most successful function In tha history of
the Commercial club. Those who had
charge of tha management and prepara
tions were the recipients of many compli
ments. Not only waa the dinner served
without, the allghtest hitch or delay, but
tha menu waa of the very beat. The beauty
of the decorations exceeded anything be
fore attempted In the city In that line on
a elm liar occanlon. The vlalt of Secretary
Taft to Council Bluffa has left nothing but
the moat pleasant memories.
Much regret waa expressed that Con
greaaman Walter I .Smith, who with Gen
eral Dodge waa instrumental In getting
Secretary Taft to accept the Invitation of
the Commercial club, waa unable to be
present. In his letter to the committee ex
pressing his regret that he would be un
able to be here Congressman Smith wrote:
I am exceedingly aorrv to mlaa this,
which I am sure will be the most success
ful annual dinner in the history of tha
Commercial club, and I am particularly
sorry. not to be able to Join the rest of the
people of Council Bluffa In their welcome
to the city's moat distinguished guest, who
haa not only aerved hla country with dis
tinction In many fields, but Is entitled to
the special regard of the people of Iowa.
It ia he who, in spite of adverse Influence,
gave to the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Iowa
regimenta the right to iniperishably record
their achievements on the bloody field of
Hhlloh. in the Iowa monuments rr.oti
Real Kstate Transfers
Theae transfers were reported to The Bee
April g, by the Pottawattamie County Ab
stract company of Council Bluffs:
Heinrlch August and wife Bertha K.
Ruge to Carl Harmaen, s1 seVi of
I 23-78-39 g.Mo
Lottie D. Iey of Lewis I,ev to John
E. Williams. w4 sw4 of 7-76-43 2,992
Edna H. Bellinger and husband and
Gertrude 8. Hunt to Francea Fretx.
undivided two-thirds Interest In lot
If). In block 6. In Fleming Davis'
addition to Council Bluffs, Ia 333
John T. and Henry J. Clark, executors
to Alam J. Clark, ne'4 aw'4 of 7-76-43
and part nwi seU of 7-75-43 2.K2H
Fay E. Mercer and husband to J". W.
Bell, lota 2 and 3 In block S. In How
ard addition to Council Bluffs, la... 1,400
Robert Henderaon and wife to E.
Kramer, lot 6 in block . In Morning
side addition to Council Bluffs. Is.. 1,400
E. H. Ijougee and wife to Patrick H.
and Clarissa M. Sullivan, lot 10 In
block In Cochrane addition to
Council Bluffs. Ia 1,200
John Hlllard et al, to Thomas Skinner,
lot 11 tn block 6 In Hatrg's extension,
an addition to Council Bluffs, la.. 808
Clara A. Hardman and husband to N.
Larette, lot 1. 2, and S in block
2. Carter's Third addition to town
of Hancock. Ia 625
Peter Rasmusseri and wife to Soren
Sorensen. block 79. Railroad addi
tion to Council Bluffs 350
M. C. Wernlmont to Benjamin I.
Baer. lot 7. In Auds' subdivision of
ee'.i nwH of 18-75-43 325
Matt Rowe and wife to M. C. Wernl
mont. lot 7 in Auds' subdivialon of
e' nw4 of 18-75-43 275
Frank F. Everest and wife to Inde
pendent School district of Council
Bluffa, lot 10 In block 20 of Mullln s
subdivision to Council Bluffs. Ia... tiO
C. M. Oberholtxer et al, to J. H.
Rolston, lots 1 and 2 in block 33.
Central aubdivlaion to Council
Bluffs, Ia 25
County treasurer to William Arnd.
lots 9. 10 and 11, in block 2 in East
Omaha plateau, an addition to Coun
cil Bluffs. In ' 1
Jessica J. Siedentopf and husband
and Ellen M. S. Hass and husband
to Henry Evans, lot 4 In block a.
In Street's addition ' to Council
Bluffa. Ia I
Jessica J. 8iedntopf and husband
and Ellen M. S. Haaa and husband .
in William Kvana. lota 6, a and 8 in
block 8. In Street's addition to Cqun-
cil Bluffs, la .....
Pearl Iy to Lottie D. Iey, adminis
tratrix, wV aw(4 of "-W-4S
Eighteen transfers, total..
.UK, 466
Marriage Licenses.
Name and Residence. .
Author E. Haines. Hastings. Neb
Ida Higinbotharn. Shenandoah, Ia
Sherman Johnaon, Council Bluffs,
Myrtle Hanson, Honey Creek, Ia..
Reier Olaon, Farnam. Neb ,
Viola Newman, Farnam, Neb
Ia 22
N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. 250. Night L698.
Northern grown Ohio potatoes: fine stock.
Garden and field seeds. Younkerman Seed
Yeara spent In the lumber business In
Council Bluffs. Iowa. Trade still growing.
C. Hufer Lumber Co.
There la no use', you cannot find a better
place to buy your carpels and ruga than
at I). W. Kellera, 103 South Main street.
Star chapter. Royal Arch Masona, will
meet tonight for work in the paat mas
ters and most excellent masters' degrees.
Reier Olson and Viola Newman, both of
Farnam, Neb., were married In thia city
yesterday afternoon by Rev. Henry De
Long. Harry I Robertson has announced his
candidacy for the democratic nomination
for county attorney. He la circulating his
nomination petition.
You can get better coal for less money
from William Welch, 1 North Main. Tha
reason why is because he sells for cash,
lioth ;phones US, Yard 'phone. Bell 977.
S.-ttie your troubles by getting a good
reliable watch, of a strictly reliable make,
with a reliublo guarantee behind it. We
have that atch. o. Mauthe, 228 Weal
Cndertaker Cutler received word yeater
day that Lieutenant Dalley would arrive
here this evening from Fresno. Cal.. with
the body of his brother, Robert Dalley.
Funeral arrangements will, It la expected,
be made tod.ty.
J. I. Dillon of Neola. Ia.. waa committed
by Judge Wheeler yenterday afternoon for
two yeara in the State Hospital for In
ebriatea at Knoxvilla. Dillon was re
cently before Die court on a "dlpso" com
plaint, but was allowed hla liberty on hla
promise to abstain from liquor. He broke
over tha. .roi and waa, brought before
the court again yesterday afternoon.
J. A. Currant. 810 Avenue A. and hla son-in-law.
J. H. Oliver, iijau Avenua 1. who
got into an altercation on the public
street Tuesday afternoon over a piano
which Currant had presented hla daughter,
were in police court yeaterday morning on
a charge of dittturhlng the peace. Judge
Snyder fined the two men IS each, but
later remitted the finea on payment of
cost a.
Trial of the personal injury damage auit
of Frank Milledge against the etreet rail
way company kms begun In the district
court yeiterdav. Mllle.lne claims to have
been injured while alighting from a car
on the Manawa line on Julv 4. last. The
defense ia that the pUintlff was alighting
1. purpose of recovering hla hat.
which had blown off. and that while
watching hla headgear he stepped off
bawkaard a bile the car waa In motion.
Sariagi Bank Held Liable for Com
mercial Paper They Sell.
Dea Malar la Maklagr F.ffort
Sera re the National Dairy Shaw
Heretofore Held la
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
- DES MOINES, April .-(Speclsl.)-In
suit of vast Importance and affecting the
relations of all the banks of the coun
try in dealing with aavlngs banka of Iowa
the supreme court of Iowa held today that
state savings banks can be held liable for
commercial paper which they sell to other
banks. The decision' was given in a cas
regarding the Corning Savings bank of
Corning, Ia., which went broke through the
forgeries of Its president, Mr. LaRue.
The Des Moines correspondent of the
Corning bank was the Iowa National bank.
LaRue sold a great deal of commercial
paper to the Iowa National, acting for tha
Coming bank as Its president. When the
Corning bank failed the Iowa National
brought suit as Intervener in a suit started
by the state, to compel the receiver to
mcke good the forged paper which the
Iowa National had purchased.
Section 1W5 of the Iowa code provides
that state savings banks cannot incur any
liability other than to the depositors of
the bank. Section 1850 of the code pro
vides that savings banka can buy and
sell commercial paper. The receiver of the
Ccrr.lng bank argued through his attor
neys to the court that because of the
statute prohibiting Incurring liability other
than to depositors the 'bank could not be
held liable for forged pfeper aold by its
president to the Iowa National bank. The
Adams county district court took that view
of it but the supreme court reversed this
today In favor of the Iowa National. The
supreme court holds that the two statutes
muat be taken together end that having
been given authority to buy and sell
commercial paper It la nrcessary for them
to Incur liability, for such paper Is never
bought except with the understanding that
it Is guaranteed by the bank selling It.
The doelalon of the court la one of the
most important from a banking standpoint
that has been rendered in many months
by any court. Had the supreme court
taken the other view the national banks
and others buying commercial paper from
savings banks In Iowa would have quit
buying such paper and the savings banks
of the state would have been forced out
of that line of banking for the reaso.r
that no bank or Individual would have
purchased the commercial paper. National
banks all over the country In other states
as wall as Iowa which have been buying
this commercial paper have been watch
ing for the decision of the court because I
of Its bearing on their business.
Other points were involved other than the
ona stated. The receiver for the bank
contended that in any event it was not
responsible for the acts of Its president
on the forgeries claiming that trlt-y were
evident on their face us forgeries. Other
points also were argued but on all points
the court decided for the Iowa National.
Establish ew Hospital
A new hospital where neither knife nor
medicine is used la soon to be established
In Iowa by the new health and cure system
based on faith, diet and exercise. The new
Idea Is being advanced by Prof. Flynn, who
Is hore to hold a series of meetings under
the auspices bf the Central Presbyterian
church. Leading physicians of the city are
being interested.
Prohibitionists Meet Friday.
Prohibitionists will hold a conference Fri-
j day at the Wellington hotel In this city for
the purpose of arranging for the state con
vention, Some of the prohibitionists favor
endorsing the candidacy of John J. Hamil
ton, who la a republican candidate on a
prohibition platform.
E. Sudendorf of Clinton, 111., secretary and
general manager of the National Dairy
Show association, was the guest of th
Commercial club of Des Moines today. Des
Moines Is endeavoring to secure the exhibit
for 1908. It haa been at Chicago heretofore,
because It is too far east and too big. Mil
waukee and Des Moines want it. It Is con
sidered one of the biggest convention plums
in existence.' Iowa produces 60,000,000 pounds
of butter a year, but its resources along
! that line are far from being exhausted and
it la believed the convention will greatly
aid matters.
Lifelong; Bondage
to dyspepsia, liver complaints and kidney
troubles is needless. Electric Bitters ia the
guaranteed remedy. 50c. For sale by
Beaton Drug Co.
Frank A. Benson Released.
MARSHALLTOWN, Ia April 9. (Spec
ial.) Frank A. Benson, against whom the
charge of murder has been filed for kill
ing Byron E. Boody hare last Friday
night, waa released from the county jail
thia morning under a bond of 33,000. Ben
son's brothers, E. H. Benson, of Crystal
Lake, and I. H. Benson, of Alexander,
went his surety. Harry Harrington, the
railroad brakeman, who waa one of the
witnesses to the killing, and who Is the
chief witness, was Also released from
tho county jail this morning. He was let
go on his personal bond for 3500. and after
he had accepted service on a subpoena,
binding him to appear at Benson's pre
liminary examination, which has been set
for May C.
Faaeral Director' Convention.
SIOUX CITY, J a.. April .(Special Tele
gram.) With a view to prosecuting mem
bers of their own association and others
of the profession who violate the regula
tions of the Slate Board of Health, tha
Iowa Funeral Directors' association today
appointed a committee whose duty it will
be to present to the Board of Health all
cases of law violation. The motion was
passed after an address by Prof, W. P.
Hohenschuch, who alleged that the state
health officers were lax in the perform
ance of their duties. The convention was
addressed during the day by J. L. Marks
of Iowa Falls. Frank W. Spraue of Bag
ley and Leo V. Meyers, president of the
association. The convention will elect offi
cers and adjourn tomorrow.
OlDeer Violates Law I'a wittingly.
SIOUX CITY, la., April . (Special Tele
gram.) A. B. Erickson, Sioux City member
of the Woodbufy County Board of Super
visors, was todiy found guilty of selling
goods to tha county contrary to law and
waa fined II and costs by Judge Gaynor.
In fining the- fief endant the court said it
was evident that the letter of the law has
heen violated, but Erickson waa not aware
lis had mad himself liable.
lav. a Mens Nates.
CKDAR FAIJ Mrs. Jefferson, mother
of 1'iof. G. W. Walters of the Iowa State
Normal school, died In this city late this
afternoon and tomorrow the body will be
taken to Donnelson. Ia.. for burial.
CKDAR r"AtJ.S-Superintendent P. M.
Kelly, was last night re-elected supern
tntnt of tha Cedar rails schii '
eighth consecutive year and hla salary was
sdvsnced llti, making a yearly salary of
CRESTON Governor Cummlna speaks st
Corning Thursday afternoon and at Tem
ple Grand. In this cltv, Thursday evening.
Great preparations are being made bv the
progressive wing of the republican party
here to make this meeting one of great
LOGAN A tire broke on the drive wheel
of an Illinois Central passenger engine near
the Rode siding south of lxgsn this after
noon at 3 O Clock.' The tire nunrtiireri the
te cab without InJurins either the fireman or
engineer. The train waa delayed but a
ahort lime.
LOGAN Present conditions indicate that
no damage waa done the peach crop bv the
cold snap of last week. Frank Pecken
baugh of the Logan nurtery; and other
perlenced fruit men state mat unlesa the
fruit is Injured at some future date Har
rison county will produce Its usual quota.
CRESTON Superintendent of Schools
Adam Pickett received word yesterday that
the high school had been placed on the ac
credited list of the North t'entral associa
tion of colleges and universities, thus mak
ing its graduates eligible to the largest
and best rolleges snd universities of the
Lnited States, unconditional.
ATLANTIC Tha statement that all the
fat stock has been shipped out of Caaa
county is not home out bv the facta of the
last week. During the six days Just past
there were seventy-five csrs of stock
shipped from this ocunty, forty of
cattle, twenty-five of hogs and ten of
sheep. Of these thirty-three went from
this place. - thirteen from Orlawold. five
from Lorah, three from Lewis, two from
Ma.r1'. n1 ''ven each from Cumberland
and Maasena. (
WATERLOO Through the efforts of
Representative Guy A. Feeley and other
friends, a release has been todav granted
J. B. Hollenhorns from the state peniten
tiary after serving one of the three years
ror which he wss sentenced for packing
the payrolls of the nilcego Great West
ern railroad. He will come at once to
this city where he has been engaged to
work In the Waterloo steam laundrv and
where he will be greeted bv manv frlenda
arxioua to help him begin a new' life.
WATERLOO -The strike continues
among the plumbers In this rttv mH oth
ers are threatened with the tloner. .n,
carpenters of the city who are mnking cer
uemanns wnich will, it Is thought
hfl Mill anil .... . L . , . .
... .. , inmraciors and builders
"en iimun iney sutler much loss. Th
cieinn lias heen so far with th. ,
herJ.0" f fhe varlous "hrB tn employ
. ,i,.,,u, ,,,,,, nipn ana are re
ceivlng applications from nearby towns t,
strikers vacancles caused by the union
ni'ANTIC75:ounty P"t' h taken on
... uy wie announcement or W. A
Dowell, a progressive candidate fop
resentative, that he would not withdraw
in favor of C. A. Meredith and leaving a
..r-,,, mm l0r Inis otticn with
two progressives and one- utanitiuitar in
ho field, and also the announcement of
nuiirnri a. a. uoodspeed, who has
k. ,n Prosecution of mem
; . VI w,e ""ara or Htipervisors, and I
niniseir on trial et th t.rm r t
.,.11 - ""
'""""" "ve omce, mat ne would be
lanumnie tor tne third term before the
iriuuurnn primary..
MARSHALLTOWN-TTie church trial of
J,ordan- discharged member of the
Iowa Soldiers home, which . h...j u..
Church late lat Cehrnarv i. n I
hashed here next week at the appeal hear
V. S '.. """"a r.icier w. h . littler o
tne marsnaiiiown district. Jordan, who
was found gulltv st the tirmt iri.i e ..
Jury, slander and misrepresentation, took
.i ri.i n. me presuiing einer as soon as
the Jury returned Its verdict. The Jttrv
In the coming hearing will be composed of
seven laymen from as many churches of
III"- llltlll VI,
i r,A a fast passenger train
I mi 1 1 mi tenirai ran into a Dea
Moines Short Line northbound freight at
the south end of the high-bridge in this
city yesterday afternoon, and caused a
wreck that, tied up traffic on both lines
for several hours and demolished some roll
ing stock.- Both engine crews claimed they
were entitled to the block and as a re-
ami me trains came together at the Junc
tion. Had the accident occured a couple
of hundred feet farther north, some of the
wreckage would probablv have heen tumb
led down a high embankment Into the
iwa river.
vA.h.Hl,oo The glee club from Iowa
College, Grltmell, ' delighted a large au
dlonco that crowded the new Congrega
tional cliurcli ilaat evening to hear the
program rendered. A dinner was given the
emu hi o .ixmim k rjy Mr. and Mrs. George
B. RowoJI, and a reception in the church
luiiiiwrii imp prneram.
FORT DODG"fc-Tlie twentv-flve hn.l
ness men selected by the Commercial club
i conauii wun directors or the. Spirit Ijike.
Enunetsburg ft F'ort Dodge Interurbsn line
signified Fort Dodge s willingness to take
i.nj.inr.. worm or tno stock or the company,
it is probable that a 3-mlll tax will be
vi.icti wun ine privilege or taking out atock
ror the amount of Increased taxation be
ing accorded those who wish to beepme
shareholders In the road. Vice President M.
ii. miner BHys ne nas received letters from
ninny companies who want to build the
road and take three-fourths of tlx? bonds
inoucu in cover me cost or construction
MARSHAI.TroWN The Western Grocer
company mills, the manufacturing branch
of the Western Grocer company, which
lias Its hcadquartera In Chicago and
branches In Iowa, Missouri and Minnesota
today purchased of A. T. Blrchard of this
city the plant of the Marshall Canning
company. The purchase price Is said to
have been $27.0Mi. The Western Grocery
company intends to not onlv pack all of it's
canned corn and tomatoes In the plant
but to also put up a number of package
food products, such as squash, hoinlnv cat
sups, etc. E. G Mossman of Roland! Ia..
In to become' tho active manager of the
at 'once Pla"L PoBscsslon to be secured
Continued Diminution Is Noted
Number of Hogs Being;
CINCINNATI. O.. April .-(Special Tele
gram.) Price Current says: There Is a
continuance of smaller number of hogs
reaching market than during tha corre
sponding time last -year. Total western
packing was 390.000, compared with 365.000
the preceding week and 445,000 last year.
Since March 1 the total is 2,785,000, against
2,580,000 a year ago. Prominent places
compare as follows:
, 1908. 1W7.
576.(1 BTO.uOU
3WMHI0 Sftft,fi
245,000 236,000
195.O0O 175.OU0
23K,0 1K6.0UU
138.000 U4.O1I0
118.OH0 113.0H0
74.000 Hi,!)
69.000 f,:.(w
6.0OO 67.0(10
113.010 104.000
96,000 Mono
86,000 80.000
Kanaaa City
South Omaha.
St. Louis
St. Joseph ..
Indianapolis ..
Milwaukee ....
Cedar Rapids
Sioux City ...
St. Paul .......
Cleveland .....
Frlghtfol Spasms
of the stomach, liver torpor, lame back and
weak kidneys are overcome by Electric
rimers. Guaranteed. 60c. For sale
Beaton Drug Co.
lalon Parlae Magnate Advances
Kanda to Meet Short Time
Motes ow Dae.
PHILADELPHIA, April S.-After an or.
dcr by E. H. Ilarriman to furnish the funds
to meet the obligations of the Erie Rail
road company, by the purchase of a new
large Issue of notes, J. P. Morgan an
nounced late today that the holders of tho
Erie notes, amounting- to 5,SO0.O00. which
matured today, would be either paid at
par In cash for their notes or given the
option of taking a new, three-year six per
cent note and five per cent of the new
notes In cash. The offer of Mr. Harriman
waa acceptetd by th board of directors
of the railroad today. What proportion
of the maturing notes will be paid in cash
has not been made public.
An lasldions manger.
of the worst features of kldnev
troubles Is that it is an Insidious 'disease
and befni the victim realizes his danger
he -nay have a fatal malady. Take Foley's
Kidney Cur at 'he first sign of trouble, as
It corrects Irregularities and prevents
Bright disease and diabetes. For sal by
s't r'igtts.
HERE are two of our Spring styles you'll find where
ever good fellows get together. They're not extreme;
nor too plain. Swell enough for college chaps; suffi
ciently modest for business. Right in harmony with hat
fashion calls for in fabrics; what style demands in cut;
what quality insists upon in tailoring.
Our Ederheimer-Stein models have scored with other
young men; will with you, too. See why just the minute
you put one on.
' . '.
Two, three ar four-button suits; medium r long roll lapels ; costs 31 tt
32 inches long with 2lA-inch dip in front. Trousers medium or peg up, -with
and without turn-ups. Sites up to 38.
Trouble Over Vault Fixtures for the
New City Hall.
Klopp A Bartlett Company Sends Man
to Install Fixtures and Work la
Done In (he Treasurer's
A representative of the Klopp & Bartlett
company appeared In South Omaha eariy
yesterday morning and began setting up
the vault fixtures In the several vaults
of the new city hall. City Clerk Glllln re
fused to allow the fixtures to be placed in
his vaults, being unsatisfied as to the
egality of the contract and tho prlje ex
acted for the fixtures. The Good Govern
ment league is Investigating this contract
nd will probably sue out an injunction to
av tn teat the contract and the Msht of
he city to pay for the vault fixtures. The
contract will amount to about $2,000. The
Klopp k Bartlett man set up moat of the
fixtures in the treasurer' vaults.
Good Government Leagme Active.
The Good Government league of South
Omaha Is out in a communication in which
it gives itself honorable mention as one
f the factors of the recent campaign,
nd adds that It will continue to hae an
ye on all public eventa, whether fostered
by republicans or democrats. It also prom
ises to prosecute violators of the election
Governor to Mpeak.
The local Young Men's Christian associ
ation haa completed arrangements with
Governor George L. Sheldon to be the
guest of honor at a memberahlp banquet
of the organization to bo held in tiouth
Omaha April 1. The governor will make
the principal address of the evening. The
object of the banquet is to stimulete in
terest in the membership of tho local
Voung Men's Christian association in
South Omana. Th plan for the work will
be presented appropriately. Dainty menu
cards for the banquet have heen issued
and the Invitations will be continued un
til April 15. In addition to the iovtrnor
Rev. F. T. Ray, A. L. Berquist, J. C. Whar
ton of Omaha, O. M. Williams, P. J. Bailey
and H. B. Fleharty will be aaked to re
spond to toasts. The Bellevue male quartet
will furnish music. .
Rarglar Falls to Make Good
The drug store of Charles E. Scarr,
Twenty-fourth and M atreets, was broken
Into Wednesday night by a burglar, but
nothing was taken. The entranre was ef
fected by breaking in a rear window. In
iolng thia the burglar wounded himself on
.he glass. The blood shed left a trail from
the store to Twenty-fourth and L streets,
where It was lost. Chief Brtggs was able
to trace the course th man took very
easily. It is supposed that the burglar
look alarm at the free bleeding of his
wound and fled for assistance.
Jake and Bam Piper were arrested Wed
nesday night, being suspected by th offi
cers of holding up a farmer. The farmer
lost some small change and a $"M) check.
Jo ft 1 i i, , , )
Ml Sltei'l-iVft MIS;
' (' VW X S If r-'" "" 'l - - - A
' Young Men's Clothe
Ederheimer, Stein & Co. - Makers
It is said the Pipcra attempted to pass tho
check, which brought on them suspicion.
The crime was committed In Albright.
Captain J.. C. Trou'ton is working up the
evidence in the case.
Maurle City Gossip.
J. G. Kelly has gone to Chicago on a busi
ness trip.
Jettcr's Bock Beer delivered to any
part, or ine cuy. xeiepnono Wo. S.
Call and ste us when in need of money.
Fidelity Chattlo Loan Co., 404 N. 24lh St.
Business men' account are aought for
and Just as carefully cared for by the Live
block National bank.
The physical director of the local Young
Men's Christian association Is arranging
an outdoor athletic contest to be held in
Miss Florence Campbell entertained last
evening in Honor or Miss nuniz
berKer, one of htr friends, formerly of
Ueilevue college.
The death of James R. Allison occurred
from pneumonia yesterday. He waa a
young man. The former residence waa
;iL'7 T. The body will be sent to St. Joseph,
Mo., thia morning.
Koutsky's for latest styles of wall paper
at greatly reduced prices; ready mixed
paints at 98c per gullun. We do painting
unci pHpcr hanging. Window glass and
glazing. Don't fail to come and see our
lino and prices before you buy.
Considerable interest la belmr taken in
the governor's appointment of the mem
ber of the. Board of Fire and Police Com
missioners to succeed A. H. M unlock. It
is expected that tho governor will simply
continue Mr. Murdock in office.
Jacob liauck hss won a Judgment against
the city of South Omaha for IH2.45 for the
engrossing of s memorial to the, late W. A.
Paxton. The city refused to pay hla ac
count. It being contended that liauck had
agreed to do the work for nothing.
Five splendid offices
There are five offices and only five which
are not occupied at the present time. If you
want an office in the best building in Omaha
now is the time to make your selection because
among these are several choice rooms and one
or two exceptional opportunities.
UOOM 214 Thia room is HV427 feet, a tot! of almost 400 square ,'',"
feet in thfg room, and for anyone desliin ; large floor space at. - .'.
low rental, this is an exceptional opportunity. The price per
month ls; f .$27.50
ROOM 818 This room has Just been vacated and is one of the best
locations in the building. It is on the third floor a short' distance -from
the elevator, faces south and is the only room available at , '
the present time, facing the south. It Is 14x19 feet. The rental
price per month is ; .$27.50
Sl'ITK 320 Thia is a very handsome suite of two rooms consist- -
lng of one large room, 20x20 feet, with a north light, and a smaller 'J"
room, 8x20 feet. In connection w ith the large room Is a burglar- ' "
proof vault. This is a corner office and corner offices are always
eagerly fought for. The price per month Is $52.00
Sl'ITK 432 This office has an east exposure and is dlvlded.',lnta ' '
a waiting room and two small offices, a total of 335 square fee.
It is on the fourth floor aud the rent per month is iV:$27.50
JtOOM 44 This is the only vacant room on the sixth floor.. The .1
room Is 12x20 feet and faces the east. It is decidedly pleasant
room and Is Just (he thing for some one who desires a medium ' '
sired office. The price per month is , ..'.$20 00
Rwia 103. 1 W. BAKEft, 8upU - Bm Bil1ing.
'"MJUl'l ISUjC .
Field Secretary of National ' Play,
ground Association 'Will Speak
In Tkla City.
Lee F. Hanner of New York, field secre
tary of the National Playground associa
tion, will visit Omaha April. 26 and 8 under
the auspices of the local playground asso
ciation Further than thia no plana have
been definitely formulated, but It la po.
slble that Joseph Lee, tho Boston philan
thropist, president of, the National Civic
association and a vice president of the Na
tional Playground association, also jrllt be
brought to Omaha at the. same time. To
give impetus to the local workr 1 tha pur
pose of th proposed visit of the national
worker. Mr. Lea waa one 6i the principal
speaker at the meeting of the association
held at Chicago.
Mrs. Harriet H. Heller, superintendent of
the Dougla County Detention school, haa
accepted an Invitation to speak beor tho
second annual meeting of the association,"
which will be held in New York in Sep
tember, i
There Is prospect that tho invitation to
the National Child Labor association to
hold Its meeting In Omaha next spring
will be accepted. The Invitation was aent
to the convention in session at Atlanta. Gs.,
last week, but no decision has been an
nounced regarding th next meeting place.
The meeting has never been held In th
middle west and In view of th recant leg
islation on child labor several of the offi
cers have expressed a. desire, to hold tho
next convention In Omaha. -