Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 10, 1908, Page 10, Image 10
10 TITF, OMAITA DAILY BEE: TODAY. APRTL 10. 1903. PRAIRIE PARR SEW ADDITION Stretch of Land Forth of Citj Bought by Syndicate. ANOTHER PLACE FOB. NEW HOMES Mcrsasm- B. Pftfrt Bays Farnt at Half Stloa Scar Tekasaah, Makisja; T terra Tknuit Arm la All. "rrsirts rark" Is to be tha nime of a new addition to tha cWjr north of Ames avenue and between Twenty-fifth avenue and Twenty-seventh street. A syndicate haa been organised with W. A. Paxtoa. Jr.. H. B. Peters, B. J. Bean nall and Frank Ransom, which bought the property from George A. Hoaglarid a.nd It will be handled through tha Fax ton Real Estate company. The tract conalata of ten acrea of land almost perfectly level and In A neighborhood which la rapidly building up with good home. Tha syndicate will build new homei on tha property during the coming season and surveyors went to work Thuraday laying tt out Into city lota. ' Bat tha plan for handling the property la different from tha uaual method. None of tha lota Will be sold for speculative pur poses, the company planning to build homea for buyers, the plana and arrangements all being agreed on before the houses are atarted. Many restrictions will be en forced which will Insure a high clase neigh borhood. There will be no board fences nor sheds and everything la to be modern. Patera Bays Aaotaer Fa rat, Herman B. Peters.' proprietor of the Mer chants hotel, has Just completed the pur chase of 230 acrea ot farm land one mile east of Tekamall, paying In cash at the rale of S0 an acre', nr $19,ano for the whole. The land was bought from W. M. Hope well, son of Lieutenant Governor Hopewell, and ev-r acre of It la said to bn tillable. The fiu i Is situated on the low lying land eaat of Tekamah, which haa recently . come Into value because of the syatem of drain age which has bwn put In use to redeem It, Mr. Peters has alno been buying some farm land around Grand 'Inland, which with the farm at Tekamah makes a total of 8.000 acres which he haa recently purchased. VALUE OF DR. MERCER ESTATE X early Fair llandred Tkoaaaad I)o. ' lavs, aad Inheritance Tas Is Paid. The estate of Ihe late' D. 8. I). Mercer was worth ITo.AIS, according to the ap praisement filed Thuraday In county court by Sidney W. Smith, the appraiser. Of this, 1340,(30 wns represented by atock in the 8. 1. Mercer Heal Kstate company, which held' practically all of ' the real property in the estate.' Park View, the homestead; was valued lit tM.600. and personal property made up tha rest of tho amount. The Inheritance tax. amounting to t3.&61.78, was paid to the county treasurer, Thursday. latere la a Flro or bruised by. a fall, apply Bucklen's Ar nica Salve. Cures burns, wounds, sores, e semar piles. 'Guaranteed. 25c. For sals by Beaton . Prug Co. 1 jgj .. . .i JS. Omaha's Pure Food Center. Restaurant on 2nd Floor s the Brightest. Neatest, Airiest $ ana most economical uooa Res taurant, tn Omaha. dowa. Take your noonday lunch u here. riSIl DEPARTMENT Fresh Baby Halibut, per pound Fresh Herring, per pound Back Shad. each Special Roll Herring, two for 5,4 M! Inspect the first arrivals from oar hundred Genuine Spring N lAmbe, which we are baying U Klllnd and EanMallv nmanil tnr fS our Easter Trade. 3 120 100 45a B j majB XMiaigaBai sTta. Vksms Stave 67 Correct Styles TOM EASTER ! Ready for you In many larta. In two beat known men's iln-i. Walk-Over AJTD Nerttleton $3.50-$4.00.$5.00 $5.50-56.00 Select yours at tha VsIk Over , She?, Stcre 814 South lsta Street, (Four Honrs 8. Beaton lrug Co so. a. Totrsojt, vraik-on HOTELS. WaLli IsT DSTKOXT Stop at HOTEL TULLER Absolutely Fireproof. Cor. Aae-ma At a. aad Iera at Id Ue center of tha Theater, boop. Ding and Business District. 4 It Cart Cafe. Oiili Room Service L'nescelled. ITSBY OOJ WIT BATS. as0aiAl K.AW. KATZ. tlM MI AJfD U fc. W. TV1.1, srop. M. A. Ik.' Mgr. 5 5 5 Friday Extra S pecial! M HANTS We have made unusual preparations for this event. All odd lots, broken bolts and large pieces, all lengths, will go at wonderful bargains. RE High Grade Wash Fabrics IN OUR BASEMENT FRIDAY Arnold's swiss applique that ever popular fabric, here Friday in a fine range of new spring and sum mer tinted grounds usually sold at 25c yard, f yt in waist and dress lengths, Friday, yard . . . i2C Remnants imported silk finished voiles black and the delicate shades for evening wear special f A price, per yard 11 C Six, eight and ten yard lengths India Linon that is better than the regular 10c grade will be placed on sale, at, per yard Ten to twenty yard lengths Amoskeag apron check glng- 5c ham, at, per yard 5c New printed cotton challles Just the thing for re-covering comfort- 1 -ers. etc., yd.. .2C Forenoon Only The genuine Henley serge In plaids, stripes and checks, that are exact copies of other 1.00 wool goods off the bolt, yard -'C Full standard dress calicoes, same grade worth to buy whole sale at 6c yard, at 2C One of the finest . lots of soft finished long cloths ever placed on special sale will Friday at, per yard . be sold ..10c Hl(fh STRrle oft fin Ish black and colored mercerised "steen a splendid new lot Just received f f" from the mill, I JjC sale price, yd. Warred. striped, checked snd fancy lace striped white goods. Including pret iv .wisecs, would be cheap at, yard, l&c. We offer a new lot of S.noo yards .for Friday, at, yard , - " nr. lit AHernoon Only Beginning at 1:30 we will sell remnants yard wide muslins, cambric and long cloths that are better than the regular quality, at, per yard 5c 'Bi.arn-B'aV o B B H BT Special--50c Silks 15c Yard Plain and fancy imported llabutai silks, in two and three-tone effects, Roman stripes, checks, barred and changeable effects, positively worth 50c yard, J C as long as they last, per yard RLr Hundreds of Silk Remnants Plain and fancy taffetas, messalines, rough silks, fancy silk suitings, Jap silks, pretty foulards, etc., worth up to $2.00 a yard, at, per yard 25c to 49c $1.25 Silks at 79c Yard 36-inch black oil boiled taf fetas a manufacturer closes out to us for cash their fine high grade taffetas and we offer the entire lot Friday worth $1.25 a yard on bargain 7 CI snuare. at. rer vard m ' 10,000 Yards of Lace at Hall Price Samples and Odi Lets Praia a N. Y. Iaparter. Fine narrow laces and insertlngs Point Russe French Vals. German Torchons Imitation Clunys .-many to match This is an eiceptional offer they have been much admired in the window on bargain square, yard lc-2c-5c-5c Yard Embreidarios at Sc and 10c Yard Corset cover widths afso medium and wide edges, Inser tions snd headings many hand loom fa g embroideries inlthis lot neat designs C allJC many to match, at, per yard .' Notice of Special Sale NEXT SATURDAY Rose Bushes (y.Vr:do5.d) 10c Each This will be the greatest sale of its kind ever held In Omaha. Thousands of extra heavy rose bushes, up to 3 feet tall, In assorted colors will bloom this summer nur serymen would ask BOc your choice at r ' Brandels, Saturday, each 1UC Here's a Splendid Opportunity for Women Who Can Wear Shoes in Sample Sizes. DIG SALE OF WOMEN'S SAMPLE SHOES In Sizes 2y2, 3, Zy2 and 4 Widths A B and 0, FINEST HIGH SHOES AND OXFORDS From Laird Schober Co., Selby Shoe Co., Duttonhoffer and Todd Co.'s Bought Through a Boston Jobber. the low shoes Two eyelet ties, pumps, THE HIGH SHOES Lace, button and blucher turn and welt soles pat ent colt, vici kid and demi glaze shoes. ex-,. -Li- oxford tics and southern ties in tans and black welt and turn soles. POSITIVELY THESE ARE $3.50, $1 and $5 SHOES and OXFORDS, at Mi H Mil! 1 1 t. 4 4 BEAUTIFY YOUR LAWN with oar Iroa aad Wire fsaos. Tralllsss aad Arbors tot vlnsa, flower fuarda, caairs, asttsss, (mm, tna (aarda, bitchlaf poata. window foarda, bara flxtoxaa aad caioasa (BCS. CHAMPION FENCE COMPANY 61T-1S Santa lsth Strsai. Tslsphaaaa Done. 160. Sana for CUl1o(u. inH A-HlX. Bee Want Ads Produce Rcsulls n 3rd Annual Silverware Sale Saturday J ID T71 MJLLit fulETTi Black Dress Goods r is Mil B mn ?rl S mis i fa An itraordinary Friday Sal on the choicest black goods now ellinif. 20 pieces such as Chiffon I'annnins. RntlKtrs Tsmran Wnol TaffolftS. Voiles, and Topllns, strictly now. desirable fabrics, never . f Q sold anywhere under $1.00 and $1.25. This ono day sale at. . . OOC DUck Wash Silks I Here' the be9t dollar silk you can buy. It is ' washablo and the ideal stlk for summer dresseB snd walsls. This quality Is now selling; in Omaha stores at $1.00, (three yards to make a waist), Friday only, at al- , 'in,, most a third value, yard .jJC DUck Taffeta Silk I J,l8t flve P,pces- bpBt $1.39 taffetas we have. 1 guaranteed oil boiled, rich beautiful finish. and plenty of weight to it, remarkably low priced for Friday. Black Sateen, fine black sunburst silk and Lucenta satins, always 35c, in remnants, at yard 79c 17c g GREAT CLEARING UP REMNANTS 36-lnch Sateens, all colors, also black spun glass1, all worth 25c, good lengths, Q at yard OC 15c German Calicoes.. " 15c Dress Ginghams. . . 1 So I'ntln. Uiillln.. ! 18c Galabea Cloths . 25c Madras 35c Erab. Linen Voiles ii PER YARD THREE STAMPS On All D omestic INSTEAD OF ONE Purchases Saturday. 3 Stamps for every 10 cents You ' Spend. THE USUAL FRIDAY SJ V 7TC BARGAIN IN THF. OUi I ar made t0 make Fr,dy specials the strongest of the rnti.ti ne 8 Btr,k,nK "ample. Fine all wool tailored Suits In 1 l3L7ery "ew "-terlal and color. They are V m mm C modified Prince Chap effects and all are superbly T J .75 tailored. This offering Is a wonder for it embraces H sVV -Suits worth to $20.00 for only r-fs JiT $2.95 For Silk Petticoais lng so it s well to be prompt. Ifs a typical Bennett Bargain Friday Bargain Day Corsets m Jm?.:' n"wn mf."n from mat wPlt nn ..i oood strong dollar corsets from "" aoon nousn cornpta lOc MILLINERY With flowers w.Ka. qu.11S and ponps. .'Ve'rV "ESffl t-.522:-.5"o, sio.00. sis.oo d with . mi,ir,i 7,T-u -cTrrct thins:, too. A htah crown h.t stunnng new styles made with a combln now all tho raRe. atlon of Rajah and fancy straws,1 MEN'S COVERT $lf AND RAIN COATS at 1U Friday, a sreat special drive In sty lish tan covert top costs. In he beat Spring; styles, Including Prlestley'a Cravenette . Rain Coats. These sre surprising value for the materials ara vary good and the tailoring first class, values fully a CIA flfl half more JpXU.UU HARDWARE 100 Pieces Enamelware in a big Friday 'ale: Wash Basins, Cups. Pudding Pans, Dippers, Fry Pans, Sauce Pans; Pie Pans, etc., while lot lasts choice at 5$ and 10 OHBiP CVTXZBT PECXAb 75d White Metal Knives and Forks, set of U knives and six forks, per set foe White Metal Teaspoons, set of 7o Whits Metal Tahlespoons, set of 16o Cocobola handle Knives and Forks, set of six for 420 Steel Lawn Rakes, 24 tine 380 And 20 Ureen Stamps. Spading Forks, best . ...78o and 880 And 20 Green Rtamps. Steil Rakes, extra good SOo and 30o And 20 Oreen Stamps. Steel Hues, a good quality as low " iso Poultry Wire, tn full rolls, 100 square feet, best niialily , Three hundred and fifty stock5 Scrap Baskets In many new shapes and styles and colors. Juat the thing, for the home, library or office. Most of the .V.T.:J' " V".' " goods. se thetn at 70c 60c Friday in the White Goods H1,1 ek Towels, with colored border, good for rooming hoim-a. hotels, etc., worth 1.00 a K.A dozen, Friday, each OC3 Turklsa. Towels, extra large (20x42) bath towels, heavy spongy ones worth 11.00 a dozen, Friday f,L st $1.00 a dozen, or each Bedspreads, hemmed, full slxo, iargs enough for any bed, made from nlca long stock, $1.25 quality, OSi Friday, each JOKj White Dress Goods, check and' stripe liimity, Madras, and Dotted Swisses suitable for children's wear, Oln regularly 12'c, Friday, yd. ii X.lnn Plnlsh Baiting-. This is an ex tra heavy quality and a full yard wide, looks, launders and wears like all linen, our 19c kind for "01 suits and skirts, at yard 2 Center Plsoea and Doylies In fancy drawn work. 18-Inch. 12-inch, 8 Inches square, excellent valued to 25c, Friday on sale lOln at each 2 BENNETT'S BIG GROCERY Bennett's Capitol Flour, sack $1.60 snd Bennett's Oolden Coffee, pound 860 and Teas: B. F. Japan, Oolong, Gunpowder, English BreaJcfast, Ceylon, pound , 680 and Bennett's Capitol Baking Powder, pound 84o and Tea 8if tings, pound package 15o and Fayle'a Pickles, bottle 100 and Flower and Vegetable 8oeds, package gUo Malta Vita, four packages aSo Fresh New Laid Kggs, dozen 160 Batavia Gloss Ktarch, six pound box 4 60 and Diamond 8 Chill Sauce, bottle 85o and Aavona Jams, assorted, can 100 aud Bennett's Capitol Kxtract, bottle 18o and Knlders' Baked Beans, two cans SOo and Pure Fruit Jam, assorted, large jar 3 60 and New York Cheese, pound SOo and Pearl Tapioca, two pounds I60 and Blue Ribbon rieeded Raisins, pound package . ...ISo and Life Buoy Boap, three large bara a So and Queen of Pastry Flour, sack 81.00 snd Bennett's Capitol Sweet Wrinkled Peas, two cans a 60 and Kngllsh Cheddar snd Stilton Cheese, Jar SOo and Batavia Fancy Salmon, can 88o and 60 Green 30 Green B0 Green 20 Green 10 Green 10 Green Rtamps. Stamps. H tamps. Stamps. Stamps Stamps. Stamps. Stamps. Stamps. Stamps. Stamps. Stamps. Stamps. Stamps. Stamps. Stamps. Stamps. Stamps. SBASKETS AT HALF S i Li Stamps. . 1 ii PI 8 H B a H ? H i TO H n Kdf 0 La On and, after April 10th, 1908, smoking will not be permitted on the front platforms of cars, and dogs will not be carried on tho cars. We trust the people will appreciate that these rules are in the interest of better service and co-operate with us in their enforcement. IMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY mo BEAUTIFUL Cut Glass. Vases. Nappies. Bowls, Sugars anil Cream ers. Halts and Peppers, . These ara good quality and very moderate prices. Spend a few minutes In our ore. LiOOk. lor the name. , . S. W. LINDSAY. Jeweler , 1S10 IXxigU Street Values You'll Find Unequaled - Friday pril 10th TMS RKUABL8 STSRS Friday April lOlh REMNANT DAY - Another entirely new line of Remnants for Friday, from the leading mills of the Country as well as Remnants of our own high-grade goods. We have Fully Demonstrated to the people of Omaha and vicinity that no other house is capable of giving such bargains: 50c, 39c AND 25c WASH FABRICS AT 10c 60p Arnold's Silk Tissues. 39c Arnold's Silk Dotted Moussollnes. 60c Silk Wsrp French Ginghams, 25c Irish Dimities, 25c snd 35c Mercerized Black Ssteens, 25c Plaid Voiles, 35c Imported Tis sues, all at one price 10 15c French Percales. 15c Toll Du Nords, Red Jeal, and A. K. F. Ginghams. 25c Tokio Brilliants and other Roods worth up to 25c, all st a yard 7i 12i2c, 15c, 19c AND 25c WASH GOODS AT 5c Arnold's Swiss Applique, Arnold's Linen. Arnold's Scotch Cloth, Arnold's Ticon Serfte, and other goods worth up to 25c a yard, all at one price 5 Ginghams, at a yard .'. ..35i 19c and 25c WHITE GOODS AT A YARD 10c White Lingerie Cloth, 25c qualitr; 19c Woven Dotted Swiss. 26o White Madras, 25c India l.inons.' 25c Terslan Lawn, 25c English Nainsook, 19c 40 in. Lawn, and other goods worth 25c, at per yrd ioo Remnants of Dotted Swisses, Lin gerie Cloth. India Llnons, Eng llfch Long Cloths, Dimities and other goods worth up to 19c, at ard 7a Remnants of 14c Cambric at OH Remnants of 12V4c India Linon and Long Cloths, at a yard . .5 Remnants of Shirting Prints, at rd 2M4 Remnants of Indigo Blue Prints, at RrJ 3K Remnants of 7V4c Apron Checks. 7c Ginghams, from bo!l44 Silks 1 Silks ON SILK SQUARE IN DOMESTIC ROOM. Imperial Short lengths of Rich est Imported Silks to yards in a piece, Just the thing for tripimlngs, fancy work, etc., worth up to 5.00 yard, choice Friday, each 19 PLAIN AND FANCY SILKS, a beautiful line of choice pat terns and colors, over 2,000 yards in the lot, values to 75c ard, at IN MAIN SILK DEPART MENT. 75c Black Millinery Taffetas. 36 in. wide, on sale at 490 $1.10 Black Press Taffeta, 36-ln. wide,! on salo at 750 $1.(K) Hough Pongees, all Bilk, In plain and fancy weaves, snap l yard 690 f l.OO Novelties, Plain Mescalines and 27 in. color Taffetas. In cluding blacks, unsurpassed as sortment, wonderful Values, at yard , Q5k Remnants of High Grade Wool Dress Goods FROM 0:00 TO ll:OO A. M. $1.50. $2.00, $3.00 and $4.00 Wool Dress Goods In long remnants. Broadlcoths, Panamas, Voiles, Tailor Suitings, Craven ettes, Rain-Proofs, Serges, and all kinds of Wool Dress Goods - in high grade goods will go In four lots: LOT 1..S5C LOT 3.. 49c LOT 2.. 39c LOT 4.. 59c FROM 2.00 TO 4:00 P. M. Another grand Bale of goods same as above, but entirely new line win oe in lour lots: LOT 3.. 39c LOT 4.. 49c LOT 1.. 19c LOT 2.. 25c Remnants of High Grade Linens FOH ALL DAY 5.000 yards of fine Scotch-Irish and German Linens that sold from 75c to $2.00 a yard, will be on sale In four lots: LOT 1.. 25c LOT 3.. 49c LOT 2.. 39c LOT 4.. 59c Bedspread Sale 4 00 Bedspreads, odd lots, to close, sold at from 75c to $3.00, will . go In four lots: LOT 1.. 39c LOT 3.. 59c LOT 2.. 49c LOT 4.. 69c Curtain and Drapery Specials Friday SAMPLK LACE CURTAINS, two to six pairs of a pattern, values up to $9.00, all styles and weaves, at pair $6.75 down to ..... .R2 T CABLE NET CVRTALNS, 60 inches wide, snap at pair 'ns LACE CURTAINS, 64 inches wide, 3 yards long, at pair ....$1.23 IN DOMESTIC ROOM. ROPE PORTIERES for single doors, all colors, at each . . .... fH COl'CH COVERS, Roman stripe, 60 inches wide, fringed, each .-890 LACE CURTAINS, immense assortment of matchless values CURTAIN SHLSsdotgdr Z&Mi?,gIt ffifc Notions at One-Third to One-Fifth Regular Value Friday Pearl Buttons, per dozen .... Gold Eyed Needles, package 1 Tapes, all sizes 1 Hump Hooks and Eyes 1? Shoe Laces, pair 1 Thimbles, each c Crochet Silk, per ball . ...2Hf 15c Taffeta Ribbon, yard . . . .5 Safety Pins, 3 dozen 5 Jj. Darning Eggs, each , King's 200-yard Thread, at per dozen spools 25o Needle Books 15c Dressing Combs ...... 10c Fine Combs ' Kid Curlers, per dozen . ; . Aluminum Thimbles, each 60 Inch Tapes, each 20 210 3H0 4 HO '4H0 4 HO -10 '10 YOUR RUG AND CARPET BARGAIN OPPORTUNITY MONDAY, APRIL 13TH See Window Display. Watch Papers for Particulars. 5,000 Cans Enamel Free Tomorrow we will give sway free 5.000 cans 0 the fsmous EXAM ELETTE, all colors, tak, Cherry. White, etc. Our dcmonwtratrr will show you how to paint or enamel floors, beds, furniture, etc., so you can do it like a painW-r yourself. Big Sale on Jap-a-Lac tomorrow, per can, only 11a Ready-Mixed Hoube Paint, per gallon !!!'! " Warranted five years. None better. .,, The Big Hardware Department 600 Largest Size Enameled Chambers, all white, best ware worth 75c each, tomorrow ,n . $1.25 Steel Roller Skates, tomorrow ...,'.!!'.!'.'.'.'.! ) ', Padded Sleeve Boards, tomorrow !!!!!! " " 1 Strong Wire Rug or Carpet Baaters, tomorrow' .'. in Poultry Wire, by the roll, only .'fiOet Children's Garden Sets, rake, hoe and bpade,' worth' isc' set 'tomor row for Painted Handle Juvenile Brooms, only ..."'' ' 60c leather padded Base Ball Masks . " "S 25c leather padded Base Ball Masks ..... 1 ". ? Garden Trowels. Weedcrs. etc., worth 15c ..'.'..' .'. . . .'..'.'.'" Wilson Bread Toaster, worth 25c for " "i0 GROCERliS-Rtad These Prices For Friday's Big Sale 10 bars best brands Laundry Snap for iiio 10 pound sacks best Granulated Com- mfal , for jsc Quaker Oats Company Toasted Wheat Flakes, per parks Orange Cliy Rusks, per package tc Little J. Moiled Oats, per pk. 7',0 The best Crisp lnger Snaps, lb. 60 Ths best crlap Pretzels, per lb. 60 Fancy Cooklea, regular 15c. 18c, iOc sellers, per pound lOo Gallon Cans Michigan Apples for pies, per can ...... 1 J5o 4 ens r'anoy Sweet Sugar Corn, for 5e Bromanaelon, Jelly ion or Jello, per .7H0 Tiie lMt Homestlo Macaroni, per package HUc The b.-t Tea Hlftlns. per ll 1 5o 1 lie iirni riiuos v unrr, prr i ... i ia Choice lalry Hutter, per pound Jlc Fancy Hairy Hutter, per pound 21s d'anrv f'oimtrv Mutt..!. i & . DAHLIAS OASIX.XAB SAJIZ.IAS n.autiful Flowering Dahlia Hulba. This is a sale never before attempted in Omaha. We have Just received lU.Oiiu of the Beautiful Flowerina Hull,, which we will aell, oi earn for this sale MjU These are aU Mixed Colors. TM.ISM TSOXTABIiB ICX Freah Spinach, per peck Uo i beads fresh lf Liitluc bn t bunches fresh Radishes ta bunches fresh Onions to I.arge Cucumbers, each loo Frenh Beets, Carrots or Turnips. for " fZ Freah Fsg riant, each to Fresh Wii or String ans, per lb , st 2Vj Flesh Tomatoes, per lb , loo : -i. M HAYDENS M,