Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 09, 1908, Page 9, Image 9

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I I .
ILM-IL 'f!a!r' . , i -- i i v ; i. 1 1 .1 I , ,11 1 1 1 I i ;r,
i " r ,
ciTr vitopRRTr roil salb
acre. In rsrk.
445 acres sold io acres during lst l
weeks.- . inj acre . left some very fine
, . . , Lots 2 to 1ft acre rich.
1T to If) per acre. y
. , v. . . Terms.
Make a Home Run
Buy 5 to 10 Acres In
Keystone Park, i of a mile meat of
Benson. It s it pennant winner.
' "' A"k U for plat.
Flrt Tloor N. V. L. PM. Tel. Doug. 1781.
11 Off rJ of Trsd Bldg. Tel. Doug.
A- an.
(19) 8
Trackage Investment
132x90 Feet.
Railroad, Tracks on Two Sides.
ThrV'old"1itiJl1!rtR renting for 1130 a
month.' Will' hHniC triofe. This had ought
tor be wf.fth 7fnoo Inside of 2 vri.
" TraCE, $15,500
Payne Investment Co.
,i;fr?t, Floor, Y. L. Bldg..
- - tel., Dour J7I1; A11S8.
(11) M919 9
NEW location. Benjamin R. E. Co., 47'
Brandets Bid. Both 'phones. (19) (37
Five room hoase'and new 110 barn two
blocks from car Bear 40th and Ames Ave.
New $1no chicken house and new buggy
shed. Fruit trees. The lot is 65x126.
Would like- 1S0O eo.i!y In caah.
. Be ln.Paxton Block. Thone Douglas So,
Ind. U88. 1 M 759.
,." .A SNAP
Plaatered Attlo,
' ' Two Alocka from 84th Bt. car,
. '; South front.
Let SojilSS,- paved street,
. . S670 Poppleton Are.
n Inquire at ijtun Poppleton Ave.
7t. tot, 70s', 710 and 713 North (h Ave.,
belr.j an the northwest corner of 28th Ave.
nd Webster Bt., Ipt 100x160 with a two
try, 7-roem house oh corner renting for
Ml Dr month, two cottages rentlns; for 110
each and double-house . renting for SM;
totl VA per month. Thla la one block
from Hrrncy car and two blocks from
Walnut illll car. In excellent locality that
Is Improving; every day. Eastern owner Is
veiy anxious lb' loe out at once and haa
made'rrtra of &W
Tel. Doug. VxM. Jnd. A-1W64. 1320 Farnam Bt.
, - ' (19) 901 S
70 3 acres.
4'4 acres.
, ll.5J0-.Mi acres.
W.ttOQ-lo acres. ' '
Easv terms. '
Firet Floor N. Y. Life Rldg.
" Tals. Doug. 1781; A11M.
" I (19) M8RJ 10
I WANT an offer on tha property, u and
1180 B. 81st Bt. : two modern houses and
good barn; well rented. Thla property la
uved Dy an tutsten i party who must sell.
' Rdom 1, Nsw Torli Llfa BIdg.
'' ' " ' U9)-l
We van offer two fine lots In tha West
arnsm District AT A BIG SACRIFICE.
HICKS, il Board of Trade Building.
, , (lff)-ftli 8x
CHOICE ssetion unimproved Cheyenne
.county land, 110 .per . acre. Walter (J.
Macy, King, Nab. (20) M78& 11 x
i 1,1 "
Wart- Dakata.
On tha new c, M. A St. P. Coast Railway,
through Adams county, North Dakota,
which ! attracting homeseekers to an
unexcelled farming country. Sunshine,
trea coal, pura water, aura crops, a horns
and profitable occupation for you. Land
but 1)0 to IM an -acre row. Easy terms,
Wa hava . homestead relinquishments tor
sale. Hen Win. H. Brown Co., Haynea
or Mott, North Dakota, or 131 LaSalla Bl.
Chltagu, 11L Maps froe. Mention Una
paper. Or write our Uandan, North Da
kota, elfict. Out M&a
140-ACRE tmprored farm, Brown county
South Iakola, 2a.U0 p?r acre. Two
smaller farma at bargain prices. Bev
elal Quarters unimproved iaud. All find
Inveitnieats and stami rlMjt In
spection. Caah r terms. Box 3, Aber
deen, H. D. (20) Mli MS
160 ACRES of nice land; eastern South
J'aWot.a; will give terms fo suit. If pur.
i tiseer will go on luil lmpruve. Aildr.a
Yil7, care Bee. tat) MiH'9 16
BOMB ehoica farma In eastern South Da
kota for sale or exchange. Easy urois.
B, J. Hicks, Big Slon Cuy, M. D.
(20)-M44 Mlt
WESTERN LAND, larg and small tracts;
sale and xvhango. National Invt. Co.,
ii Braadais Bldg. (JO) 86d
Sl PsRIOR. Wis., is oo tha eva of the
greatest growth of any city on the Ameri
can continent. There are millions of dol
lsra to be uiada buying acres near the
. i;y limits. Write for particulars. Charles
. Potts. Superior. Wis. t MtO 8x
l ir jou i ii ine lano Duslness gndwiave a
u.kj i.m oi anis i can give jou a con
iract ltb -Ibeae parties to sell fine aet-
V . 7 ol a rlculiural lands, i
i i jvu -. at ini give exclusive
cmtrarta to right parties. Address 2il
iiNfj ii mog.. bi. j-ui. Minn
FOR RENT-Taenty acres good farming
lsnd seer Rlmwood park. Ininilre '
F. nyder, tth and Iavenworth (lis.
IS1 M9H7 x
TO 110 M made Hiroiuptly. F, p. Wead.
Wead tilag.. lth and Farnam. t2J) .
MONavlY TO IJlANVOs Improved city prop.
ert : bjil lir,g lo.r( a acuity: no dlay.
. W. IL liivm, ua 1st Kat'l Bk f-Ul.
ir--.. Il2) All
(continued. )
LOANS on Improved Omaha
OKeefe R. i. Co, 10C1 N. V.
l aw
LOWLST HATE.S Bemls, raxton Block.
H) 7.
LiJ-WI. J. It. M1THKN. VU-i 1ST
WANTED City loana and warrant. W.
raraani omun at Co., Ui.9 rarnam St.
FOR BALE Contract In 17. B. Installment
Realty Co. of Minneapolis; anyone desir
Inn to build can, by paylns; $i)0 for Inter
ent in advance, secure loan of (2,000 at (
p-r cerit, payaf.le l per month. Address
Thco. W. Frledrich, Box 1130, Pan An
tonlo, Tex. tn MW7 9x
i PER CENT money to loan on eaatera
Nehrsska farms and good bualness ptop-
f09 I-irst National Bank Biiildlnfc Tels-
pnona uouglia i
WANTED City loans.
Peters Trust Co.
MONEY to loan on Improved city property,
Hastinss II) den. i;u Farnam 8c
MONEY TO LOAN-rsyha Investment Co.
C22) T
H. THOMAS lends money.
(22) M74J All
am eepeciaiiy anxious for an application
for a speclHl fund of $5,0iK). F. h. Wead,
n'lijiiiu rrnam aia. (a) Man 11
WAST to make an Investment of $2,600
to ss.ouii on riret-clasa Improved real
tat; must Hive full particulars and lo
cation; nu iaiK, no snowing, but busl
lies. Address L 2 It, Bee.
(:) MS40 12x
WANTED To buy secondhand furniture,
cook and heating stoves, carpets, lino
leums, office furniture, old clothes, quilts
and all kinds of tools, or will buy the
furniture of your house complete. The
highest price raid. Call the right man.
Tela. Douglas 3971, Independent A-3S71.
(J5) Moi5
BEST price paid for secondhand furniture,
carpels, stoves, clothing, shoes, etc. Bed
MM. (25) M878
BECOND-1IAND, 1907 Model Touring cer.
Must be in first-class condition and
priced VighU R. U. Holmes, 81 15th St.,
Omaha. (35 M827 12x
WANTED to buy, two first mortgages of
about 11.000 each; farm security pre
ferred, but may consider Omaha city
properly, (live full particulars and price
In first letter. Address R. F. Kloke A
Co . 4:1 Hee Bldg.. Omaha. (& M87R 14
MAN and wife wish modern room and
Bosrd with arlvate family. Address O 239,
cwre Re-, gx
8 MALT j set of books to keep evenings and
eaiuruH.vs oy experienced nookkeeper.
Address A 243, Bee. (27) 8S7 13x
WANTED Position as city or commercial
Hicsman. oy ona or experience ) and
ability; reference. Address E 247, care
Bee- (i7)-MSK0 x
POSITION on farm; experienced; no mllk-
inn nor. cnores; state best offer and all
particulars. Address D 246, care Bee.
" v (27) M878 9x
MIDDLE-AGED LADY, well educated and
refined, wants position as companion or
private secretary. References given.
Address, V 248, Bee. (27) 891 9x
partmeat f tha Interior,- Office -of Indian
Affairs, Washington, D. C. March 27, l!s.
Sealed Proposals, plainly marked on the
outside of the seeled envelope "Proposals
for Improvements at Crow Agency. Mon
tana," and addressed to tha Commissioner
of Indian Affairs, Washington, D. C, will
be received at tha Indian office until 2
o'clock p. m. of May , lu8, for furnishing
materials and labor for the erection of a
'hospital at tha Crow Agency, Montana, In
strict accordance with the plans, specifica
tion and instructions to bidders which may
be examined at this office, the offices of
the "Reco'd," Helena, Mont., the "Bee,"
Omaha, Neb., the "American Contractor,"
Chicago, 111., and the "Improvement Bulle
tin," Minneapolis, Minn., the 1'nlted States
Indian Warehouses, at Chicago, III., St.
Louis, Mo., a id Omaha, Neb.; Builders and
Traders Exchsnges at St. Paul, Minn.,
Minneapolis, Minn., Omaha, Neb., and at
tha agr.ncy.-
C. T. LARRABEE, Acting Commissioner.
Annual statement of indebtedness of tha
wrrgun ciennc rown company.
. .. OM--HA, Neb , April 4, 1908.
Tha following Is a statement ne n
lsting debts of the Oregon Electric Power
company on January 1, 1908, namely:
wins payable 3,ooo
Open accounts for labor, material
and other expenses,' not exceeding.; 7,000
Total 120 000
Witness our hands thla fourth day ' of
C. E. BRAODON, President.
O. E. FERNALX). Treaaurar.
J. I MKIPTRICK". Secrefry.
NALD, Directors. .
Subscribed and sworn to bv C. E. Brag
don. president, and J. L. McKittrick, sec.
riry oi ina Oregon Electric Power
companv. before me this fourth day of
";. lirAjmiB OII.L,ETTE.
v Notary Public. Cook County, Illinois.
Cue Kaessner to Mickey Bros. U sec
tion, corner west aide section 7-15-11. 1
County treasurer to Gottfried Rupp.
lot fi. block 2, Lincoln Park
Marcus P. Msnon and wife to Dene's '
Rose, lot 12, bl.K-k 4. Carthage
llniliger Implement company to H. P
Ryner, e s lot 38. Burr Oak
A'?Pn d ,,d 'fe to Charles B.
, ...un, mi j, section U-15-1U 17 791)
w ... , 1 1, i naries IJ. Wood
worth, lot . Capitol add
Clinton II. Brlggs and wife to Henry
Maxwell. lt 1. t,iock ,0 Wel 0mii,A
Henry E. Maxwell to L. Briggs, same.
Byron Reed company to John H
Hroomfield. lot li. Uise'a add
William Huffke to Byron 'Reed'iom'
h-"t. ...i . uiiica Dm aha j
Kdaard Balch to same, same 5
Bame to Reuben Ross, lots 1. 2, 3 ""''
lots 1. 2. a. 4. 8. . T. S, , 10. block 6.
MttHKU.'B add .
Same to Benjamin FoUom, lots ii. 'li ' jr
f. so, 31, 3.-. s:;, 4. block 1 and
lots 2. 3, i. blo.k 4. Redlck s Park t
Same to A. U Reed. lot 14, block 11
Patrick s 2.1 add., and lot. 2. . block!
5. Rosh Hill .
Mets Broa. Brewing company to jloiiie
Real Kxtate and Invest irienl com
pany, lot 1, block 3, Kountie &
Ruth s add
Same to enme, lots 1, 2, 3, 4, block i "
Arnor Place, and other lute i
Robert D. Robinson tc Ira D. Klgh't!
lot 10, bloik 2. Missouri Avtmi P.,J i u
Dundee Really company to Annie p
Sype. lot 4, block X9. Dundee Place...
Interurban Land company to Byron
Clow, lots and 4, block 1. Her add..
Anna Dolezal to John Dolexal. V lot
i, block 12, 1st add. to Omaha
County treasurer to Continental Trust
company, iols (, i, 7, 8, la, block $.
'Walnut Hill
Same to aame, lot 1. block 26, Wiluox
2d add
HastiiiKS ltryden to Theodora Mllli- '
gan, lot 8, block 1, Crammer, y Park.
Solomon Firestone and wife to Paul
Denieon. lot 14. Kllisiane Park
Interurban I nd company to William
Peacock, lot I. block 3, I!er add
County treasmer to John R. Webster
company, lots 10, It, 2J, blink 2, Pot
ter's add,
Pioneer Townsita company t. Morgan '
Andtraou. lot 14. block 4, B.'iinlii,,ii
Moraan Anderson lj Frank Hotellng.
ame , .
cievitiu Furguo and wife to iiinuia
Will Wreitle Winner of Roller-Beel
or Carkcek Match.
Latter Tries (let Haekeaarhaaldt (
Come Here Ilk. Reell, hat Maa
Itefaeee to Meet Wlscoa- "
ala Maa.
"I expect Dr. Roller to wrestle Trod
Besll or Jack Carkeek In Omaha some time
this month and Frank Gotrh to wrestle
the winner here about May 7," said Emll
KlHnk. the wrestler, who returned from
Chicago Tuesday morning. He had a letter
In his pocket from Roller, at Seattle. In
which the doctor asks him to data Mm
tip for five places, Omaha, Kansas City,
Chicago. Minneapolis and Indianapolis,
near which city Roller attended college,
Qntch promised Klank ha would coma to
Omaha and take on the winner of any
match ho arranged.
Jack Carkeek. the former Cornish cham
pion of the world, Is now about 47 yesrs
of age, but in good form, and la wrestling
st catch-as-catch-can. He Is weighing
about 200. He or Beell would stand a good
show of defeating Roller.
Hack Refaaea to Meet Beell.
"I offered Hackenschrrtldt $1,250 to come
to Omaha and wrestle Beell." said Klank.
and he replied: 'No, I won't wrestle
Beell, but I might wrestle some other man.
Later, however, he decided not to wrestle
any American, but to return to New York
and sail soon for Europe, where he will
do all the rest of his wrestling. Ha says
ha may come back to America, but never
to wrestle.
"Ootch took all the ginger out of Hack.
I never, saw a man so completely cowed
and down-hearted after a match. All
through the contest Gotch kept Joshing
Hack. Fur Instance, he would say: 'You
are no good; we have several men In this
country that can throw you. Farmer
Burns or Carkeek can do It.' And I be
lieve IWk came to believe It himself.
Then when Hack wanted to call the match
a draw Gotch said: 'You are In America
now, whore they don't wrestle draws. You
may as well come on and take your medi
cine.' "
Gateh Wanted ts Harry.
ABked If Gotch's seconds had any diffi
culty In keeping Gotch from rushing or
getting In a hurry, Klank said:
"Yes, we. d'd. We had to keep constantly
urging him to take his time and play for
tha big fellow's wind and strength. Had
Gotch put himself in the power of Hack
any time up to the first hour, or even
hour and a half, no telling what might
have happened. Keeping out of Hack's
grip until he was worn out .was the only
method." As it was,- with Hack worn out,
of course It would have been useless for
him to have undertaken another bout.
"But peoplo must not run away with the
Idea that the outcome of this match ahows
that Hack was overrated, so much as that
Gotch was underrated. Not even Gotch'a
best acquaintances knew what he could do.
He Is the marvef of history and Is with
out an equal today.
"Well, It was funny to see old Farmer
Burns. Ha was the most excited 'man in
Chicago before and after, the match. And
before and during It ha waa constantly
urging Frank not to get excited. But
Gotch owes what he 'is to that old man.
Gotch Loaded With Offers.
"Gotch Is loaded down with offers. He
has one offer from London to give exhi
bitions for twenty weeks with Farmer
Burns at $1,750 a week, exclusive of his
personal expenses an Burns-Income. But
he la in a quandry about It. He will spend
this month and part of next In Chicago,
Minneapolis. St. Paul, Dulutli and De
Moines, and will return to his farm at
Humboldt, la., the latter part of May for
tha summer.
"Burns rejected an offer the other day
of $3,ot)0, exclusive of all expenses, for a
short theatrical tour.
Fraak Waats to Get Jeaklaa.
"The farmer Is undecided whether to Quit
match wrestling or not. There is one more
match all of us In the west want to see.
That la between Gotch and Tom Jenkins.
Gotch offered Jenkins' partner In Chicago
tne otner day laOO if he gets Jenkins In the
ring with him. Gotch certainly will make
Tom take back a lot of that loud talk If
be ever gets him In the ring."
Aa Gotch la rated at $100,000 gnd Burns
at $50,000, neither la compelled to Jump at
any of these offers.
Hegarty. lot 22. block 7. Clifton Hilt. 1
Winter Byles to Lou M. Payne, lots "
1. 3. J, 4, 6. 6, 7. 8. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,
14. 16, 16, block 4, Windsor Terrmne. $,00
George W. Sumner et al. to Fairmont
Creamery company, lot 8, block 174,
Omaha S8,600
County treasurer to George Greder,
lot 6, block $ and lots 9, 10, 11, 12,
block 4, Evert Place
Oeorgt Grader to Gustav Sesemann,
same 200
Nebraska Savings and Loan associa
tion to Joseph Pritchard, n lot 13,
J. E. Riley's aubdiv 1,000
County treasurer to Eleaser Wakeley.
trustee, lots 18. 18, 20, block 2; lot t,
block 8; lot 26, block 7, and lot 27,
block 8, Brigg s Place
Missouri Savings and Loan company
to Elisabeth Bhahan, lot 7, block 4,
Institute Place i
A. Douglass to Missouri Savings and
Loan company, lot 7, block 4. Insti
tute Place i
Henry Wulff to Fred Armbrust.' part
lots t and 10, block 2. Hasel Terrace 1,150
uuim orcuruy company to Rosa
Kami, part lot . Windsor Place 1,300
jonn Btnigi io Tann Hmlsek, n'4 lot
3. DlocK z, potter ar Cobb a add 626
ueorge eneii ana wue io William Me
tal ley, lot s, block 4, Drake's add ... 1,600
f. i.. r-assam ei ai. io raui w. Kuhns,
lots 9 and 10, block S, Boyd s add... 1
rienry xnaaaraiu. execuiur, io same.
saaje ,
cioiooi io n. inaeryou, lots 2
snd 8, block 2. Thompson Goos'
. dd (60
c nitea tteai fjsiate and Trust com
pany to R. Landeryou, lot 1, block 5.
Hexilck's subdiv ,
y -ii
7 i far rest, aleeeara ar
C . 1 It -aya to travel tha
I A To PARIS, the City Boas
--. . , ' - fv l W VW
- Compacnl Oanoral
1 r
SM tlnltaa !! ara lae
aw voaa to raaia in oava
via Havre oo gigantic twin-screw eapn isa
steamers, sailiuv rvai TI,r.U. ,n .
These atonOers of mod era iavratians have
e-apaptr, orciwMra, iclcgrapkr,
famous cuuvine and. avarw
La Lorraia ... April 16 1 La rrotaace
I Luuramt ....Aarll (3 ( Unlia -4
t- S.. 4,ru m) I T-1B. k.,
Early rtaartaticmt rccomste-Da. ) ar copf af
llliMlraiaa book ot travel as rales aPI,lr la
J. R RKVNui.14. la"t r ft 1 a at
W , t H'M K Paroaai ,t
W ft IIAVICSOV, I,! )!,. a.
LOL'li Xttifc. - - C.- yirat KIU11 Haaa
'i inc coovcnience sn4 luxury ef most
Klaiial hotels oa a mure iuaenec scale
toger elevator, ruol cafe, gymaaaium,
elrxant suites and simile aosrtmeatsiaaii
AT Trie
u Hum
The Waldorf Importation Company
. HSwvaaa.
French Car Xo. 1 aad Italls
, . . .
rmwm ttih Friday.
SAN FRANCISCO, April $ -The French
car in the New York to Paris automobile
race arrived here this afternoon. It Is
plsnned for thij car and the Italian car,
whU'h arrived few days ago. to be shipped
2 "I'.'1? nd reshlpped from there
to aldei, Alaska. The other French car
has been withdrawn from the race and It
will be returner! t Paria , "
disqualified by being freighted to this city
riom Iowa.
Trap Shooters mt Barllagrton.
B ARLINGTON, la., April 8 -(Spcclal )
Nearly inn of ,,e best trap shots In the
n"nlTJ J"" atr""' Hurlington April 28
29 and SO. to participate In ? big contest
f '."."".r' Am(?n V,e WSH known shooters
to attend are Crosby. Fred Gilbert. Max
well, the one-armed wonder; Tom Marshall
of Keithsbiirg. HI.: John Garrett of Color"
ado Springs. O. M. Ford, amateur ch m
Plo of Iowa, and a large nun.ber of othTr
leading; experts. There will also be a n 11"
,.n. fSn.r,y hihlon shooters. Three
hundred dollsrs sdded monev will hln t.
swell the prise list. Th
pay 12 cents a target and will receive 10
cents for each one broken. receive W
The Gate Cltv team , lt
tivT Us', ?.'!!,h,m a th, Association
leys last nlaht. Gierde waa k. -
totals, with 617. and Ooffs 231 was the t.
single game. Score: W" tho to
..i. ..191
d. 3d. Tot.
171 1 487
JM 148 . 490
IS 2,4
lf 175 6J5
lj 225 mi
851 908 J,7J7
1- d. Tot.
J3 212 640
129 150 441
1"3 197 607
142 , 4
182 173 630
"99 887 2603
Martin ..
GJerde ...
Totals .
Marble ..
Larson ..
Meg-eat li
Totals .
aad Reyaolda High,
Sclple won
"I fIom. '"""hens in Tuesday
ch of the Monarch pool tournev
nini a maicn or tne Monarch pool tournev
by the score of 126 to St T,.m.i..
and Swanson will play. Score-
Stephens 0, 0, 0, . 7, 4, 1, 4. 2. 12. 3 1 1 i
$. 1. 16. 2. 0. 0, . Total 81. ' ' r h
Va,ni0' l- o.
4:Hstehph.Unna. i-''"8' "y 8clp)e,
P. W. L.
Sclple ..
Keyes ..
Usher ,,
Hoage ..
Terrible Swede Throw Waaern.
Telegram.) An exhibition wrestling match
took place here last evening In ('Hurdle's
opera house between Oscar Wasem, who
claims the championship of this state,' and
iib icrrioie eweae, wno comes from ihe
Pacific coast and is a wrestler of some re
nown. The bout waa the Dretticsi ever
witnessed in tills clt and resulte.i in a
victory for tha Terrible Swede, It taking
' i ana io , i ne uwecie won tha
first fall In twenty-one and one-half min.
utea. using bar and half-Nelson holds.
Wasem won the second fall in seventeen
snd one-half minutes with Oie aclseors and
bar holds. Tha Swede captured the third
iaii in mineen minutes, using the half.
Nelson and crotch holds. The Swede out
weighed the Nebraska bov by fifteen
pounds. Al Powers was referee and Colonel
J. M. Tucker timekeeper.
Inter-City Leagcae Meets,
A meeting of the board of directors of
the Inter-City Base Ball league called
for Thursday evening at No. 14 Board of
Trade building to confirm the umpirea who
have been appointed and to prepare for the
opening of the season. Matters have been
allowed to drift along until now, when
both Arthur Meti, president, and George
Fox. vice president, have' returned, and
active work of the organization will be re
sumed. Field Clab Open In ar.
At a meeting pf tie Omaha Field club di
rectors held Tuesday night the date for the
formal opening of the club was dlscused
No tlxed date was set, although the date
will be May 2 or May 9. to depend on the
way the warm weather of spring opens out.
Elstoa Nashville.
NASHVILLE. Tenn, April g.-The Nash
ville Southern league team today closed a
deal with Manager Chance of the Chicago
Cubs for Outfielder Frank Elston.
Qaalat aad Cartons Fratares of Life
la a Rapidly (Irowlag
Osceoja Goes Uvild There was quite
a bit of excitement her a few days ago.
What caused it was a deal or two in real
estate, when Hon. Keene Ludden went
over to Gospel Ridge and guv George
Dlmmlck a thousand dollars for thr.
acres of land, and then "Billie," Wlllla.
Merrick went over and bought out Sid
Mlller a residence and paid him $3,500 for It.
Howard County's Need W are minded
once more of the court house. As we
see the beautiful grass growing in the
square, as we see the leaves coming
out en the trees, as we see the work of na
ture there, grand and beautiful, and
then cast our moist eyes to the old hulk
of a building that stands In the middle,
and Is seriously dubbed "the court house,"
our tear drops splash upon the pavement
and our heart blends, and bleads and
bleed. 8L Paul Republican.
Catarrh' Is not merelv a disMu nf
fco fclL to
linings of the body as some of the avtnntnma -r,.iM a... :.j:..,..ui. .
deep-seated blood disease, in which the entire circulation and the jrreater
part of the iyatem are Involved. Like all other blood diseases, Catarrh
cotnes from poison and . impuritiea accumulating in the circulation which
IrriUte and Inflame the tissues and mucout surfaces, and then the unpleasant
symptoms of the disease are manifested. There Is a rinjinff noise in thd
ears, a thm. watery discharge from the nostrils, filthy matter drops back lat
the throat, the breath has an offensive odor, and many other annoyine and
unpleasant symptoms are characteristic of the trouble. iSbm-. I.v..
inhalations, etc., cannot reach the blood, and are therefore valuable only for
the temporary rehef they afford. To cure Catarrh the blood must be purified,
otbwjx equals S. S. S. for this purpose j It goes down into the circulation,
mittel' Pu"fle tbe blood and makes a lasting cure!
Yfcen S. S. S. has removed the cause, the blood being; pure and healthy
aounshes the membranes and tissues instead of irritating them with noxious
rVLi V tU )'n,Pt0B on Catarrh and anv medical
APRIL 9. 1908
Nebraska Las. it Fonled in Close Fin
ish at New Orleans.
Dress Parade, 100 to 1 aad 00 to 1.
Wlaa Race for Two- ear-Old
Colt aad Caaeea Big;
NEW ORIJ4AN8. April 8-Nebraska
Lass, tbe favorite In the first race at tha
fair grounds todsy, finished fourth, but
was awarded third place by the Judge
after a claim of foul had been made
against Silverton, which bumped the favor
It In the stretch and took third. The race
was a close finish between Alice and Servl-
cence for first plac. which Alice won
Again, in th second race, the favorite did
no better than third. This tlm two long
shots, Merrlgo gt SO to 1 nd Lady Lissak
at 25 to 1, were so close at the finish that
the official sign wss necessary before the
spectators knew which hsd won. Merrlgo
was the victor. Summary:
First race, four and one-half furlongs
selling: Alice (111, F. Barton, 4Vi to 1),
won, Servlcence (115, Rosen. 10 to 1), sec
ond. Nebraska Lass (112, Nlcol. IS to 6),
third. Time: 0:0:60. Bhe Wolf. Exotic,
Autumn Maid. Hactnette. Disagreement,
John Hall. Scantling. Little, After
All an, I also ran. Silverton fin
Ished third, but was disqualified for foul
Second rsce. five and one-half furlongs:
Merrlgo (16, W. Ott, SO to 1 1, won. Lady
Lissak (loft. A- Pickens. 25 to 1). second;
Oftbent (110. Troxler. 2Vj to 1). third. Time:
1:11V. Eaoiita. Sylvia (3., Naiimovo, VV'a
tuga. Mannlo May, Miss Searcy, Barrotte,
Seamaid, Meadow Green and Vacuna also
Third race, six furlongs, selling: Gold
Proof (Hi?, W. Ott, 6 to 1). won, Hawkanma
(17. Nlcol, 8 to 1), second, Bertha E..
(1071,,. Warren, 5 to 1). third. Time: 1:15.
Frontenac, Sir Toddlngton and Jack Brat
ton also ran. ,
Fourth race, mile and a sixteentN, sell
ing: Hooray (106. S. Flynn, 11 to 101, won
Hunky (1M, Gauge), 20 to 1), second; Lsdy
Esther (109, Nlcol. 12 to 6). third. Time:
1:49. You Will, Grenada Ed Kan and
Heap Talk also ran.
Fifth rare, mile and a sixteenth, sell
lng: Hostile Hyphen (110, Nlcol. S to 2),
won. Massou (107. Troxler. 15 to 1), Second,
Dorothy Ann (lor,, A. Pickens. 5 to 1),
third. Time: 1 :B0H. Bounding Elk. Mystl
fler. Orena. Pedigree, Finesse and Keep
Mum also ran.
Sixth race, mile and a sixteenth, sell
lng: Mllford (110, Minder, 11 to 6), won,
Albert M. (110. Nlcol, 18 to 6). second,
Bucket Brigade (110. Troxler, SH to 1),
third. Time: 1:50. Our Boy, Albert Star,
Jennie's Heau, Miss Vlallant. Moscow
Belle and Ada O. Walker also ran.
Seventh race, mile and three-alxteenlha,
aelllng: Charlatan (110. Nlcol. S to 1). won.
Wise Hand (98, M. McGee, 50 to 1), second.
Ternus (107, Warren. 6 o 1). thWd. Time,
2:0.'". Carew, Cursus. Charley Ward, El
fall. Gilfain, Canooian, Marsh Redon and
Terns Rod also ran.
evea Fall Wlaa at Oakland.
OAKLAND. Cat. April 8-Seven Full,
the odds-on choice, made a show of Its
field In the first race at Oakland this
afternoon and won In a canter, 'i'lie rank
outsider, Hal Reed, took the place in a
hard drive. The Lodl handicap rotulted
In a spectacular finish between the two
first choices, Johnny Lyons and Cabin.
At the end Mclntyre on Cabin clearly out
generaled Jack Hayes on the favorite.
After the race Hayes claimed a foul, but
It waa not allowed. Logisttlla can.e from
a long way back and got the mill end
of theiurse from- Borghesi. Summary:
First race, futurity course: Seven Full
(109, Mentry, 7 to 10), won; Hal Heed (93,
Gilbert, S Oto 1), second; Royal Queen
(93, E. Clark, 30 to 1), third. Time:
1:104. Grasscuiter. Mlsty'a l'rlde,
Lugano, Turnaway, Edith R., Electric
Spark and Asusa alaon ran,
(Second race, three and a half furlongs:
Osorlne (106. Gilbert, 8 to 1), won; Yakima
Belle (110, W. Miller 1 6to 6), aecond;
Maurctanla (102. A. Walsh, 21 to 6), tlni'd.
Time; 0:41- Trocha, Assay, More), Black
Hand, Twin' Heart, Bubbling Watev Adri
ans. Lecovreur, nibble II. and Leona V. K.
also ran.
Third race, seven furlongs: Gypsy King,
117, W. Miller, 17 to 6). won; Bel mere
(111, Moreland, 21 to 6), soon J; 1'reon
(114. Gilbert, 9 to 10). third. Time:
1:2644- St. Avon, Manila 8., Thlcry and
hey Hare also ran.
Fourth race, one and one-sixteenth miles,
Lodl handicap: Cabin (105. Mclntyre, 17
to 6), won: Johnny Lyons (107, Hayes, I
to 6), second: Logisttlla (105. Heather
ton. 12 to 1). third. Time: 1:46. Borghosl,
Veil, Janeta and Harrington also ran.
Fifth race, mile and a sixteenth: Johns
town (117. Mclntyre. 7 to 2). won: Ralph
Young (109, Klrschhaum, 13 to l).(econd;
Ednardo (116, W. Miller, 15 to.l), third.
Time: 1:4H- Woolen. Henry ., Bo.o
man. Btlllchio, Rhlnock, Silver line and
Lsmpadrome also ran.
Sixth race mile and a sixteenth: Mill
song (107, W. Miller, 9 to 2), won; Lucy C.
(92. Gallndo, 4 to 1). second; Nonie 1).
(Post, to 1), third. Time: 1:48.
Etaph. Mldmont. Whiskers, Luorece, Genet,
Huzzah. My Pal and Ed Lilburn also ran.
Favorites Wla at Bennlajg.
WASHINGTON, April S.-Four winning
favorites,. Oxford. Penarrls, Alloy and
Clements greeted - the large crowd today
at tbe Penning track, the biggest upset
In the meeting thus far occurred In th
third race, when Dress Parade, with little
McCahey up and as good a 100 to 1 In
the early speculation, won -by half a
length from Brown Tony, another out
slder. It was a gruelling contestJn th
tretcn between MoCahey and McCarthy.
the former outriding, hi rival. The favor
Ite, Puddln, did not figure. Weather clear
and warm; track fast. Bummarie:
first race. X-year-nlda and un sir .d
one-half furlongs, Columbia course: Ox
ford 120. Horner, T to 10), won; Greene
iu, niiaw, io to I), second; Kdgely (110,
McFadden. 6 to V), third. Time: 1.234
Panique. Sllverball, Begger Man and Bcr
goo also ran.
8econd race, fillies and geldings. S-vear-olds,
half mile, old course;. Elisabeth
Sweeney (104, Uuarrlngton, 10 to 1), won;
Creek (104, Powell, lo io 1), second: Bonnie
Kelso (104, McDaniel. i to 1, third. Time:
0:51V4. Nutmeg, Frappe, Ijidy Kthyleii,
Blue Stock, Two Saints, Diamond John,
Huldy, Ragman, Chaperons and Arrow
shaft also ran. ,
Third race, rolls, 2-year-olds, four and
one-half furlongs, old course: Dress Pa
rade (107, McCahey, 60 to 1), won: Brown
Jony (107. McCarthy. to 1), aecond; Clai
borne (107. W. Walker, 10 to 1). third.
Time: 0:58. Slg. Flalfoot, Puddln, Gerald
D., Witching Hour and Footloose also
Fourth race, steeplechase, maidens. 4-year-olds
and up, about two miles: Pen
arrs (117, Mclnery. 3 to 1), won; Sir Woos
ter (137, Masneda, 12 to 1), aecond; Fin
McCool (137, Kelleher, 7 to li third. Time:
4:11. Flying Machine, BeldeYno, Cordite
and Bessie Klaer also ran.
Fifth race, maiden S-year.olds, seven fur
longs, Columbia courve: Alloy (KM Mc
Cehey. S to ti, won; Cartwheel (108, T
Bums. 4 to 1). second; yueen lad (108
McCarthy, 4 to 1). third. Time: J :Sl. Strong
heart. Hartford Boy, Oronooka, Jock Wood
Octolc, Chorus Girl and Iena Delta alio
thm MnA, ,i . - j ,
McKibbin Hats
TtW Hat of Has)
rot a doliais
Ht Mf wKe knew Misuse, a Uaxjaputrd
LeaeW ia tUm
Say McKIBBin,.ytsjrk.laaa
William McCrum, Shoemaker, Fires
Ballet Into Brain.
Friends gay He Had Threatened Sui
cide and Death of His Fam
ily on Several Occasions
of Late.
William McCrum, a shoemaker at 17V0 St.
Mary s avenue, killed himself about 1.30
Wednesday morning by firing a bullet
through his hraln Just over the right' ear.
The cause of suicide Is given as a pro
tracted spree. McCrum was about 82 years
of ge and roomed In a small compartment
In rear of his shop.
Emery Keller, a barber, whoso shop was
Just west of McCrum' shop, roomed with
him and was In the room at tho lime of
the suicide. He was awakened by the shot
snd found McCrum lying In front of tho
bed In the throes of death. McCrum was
still dressed, having taken off but one
shoe, and evidently shot himself while
seated on the bed.
Frank Henry, proprietor of tho C. O. D.
laundry, occupies the samn building with
McCrum, and only Tuesday took the pistol
awy from McCrum three different times.
The . old man had not only threatened to
kill hln-self. but had threatened to first
kill members of his family. But both Mr.
Keller and Mr. Henry, to whom McCrum
had mado these threats, attributed them to
his dissipated condition and gave them no
serious thought.
. McCrum wife and family live at Twenty-Second
and Iaven worth streets. Mr.
Keller Immediately notified the family of
the death of Mr. McCrum, and his wife and
two or three of his daughters came down
tfi the shop and cared for the body. They
were completely overcome with grief.
Coroner Davis was notified of the sui
cide and took the body over to the morgue
on South Sixteenth street. The Inquest will
be held at 7 o'clock Wednesday evening.
Mr. McCrum waa prosperous In his busi
ness and owned considerable property In
Omaha. He told Mr. Henry only a short
time ago that he was about to take a trip
to the old country and was making ar
rangements for that purpose, expecting to
sail In about two weeks. Sober, Mr. Mc
Crum waa described by those who knew
him Intimately, as a first-class man and
Funeral arrangements have not been
Mill Considering; Fremont Offer, TJe-
aplte Re-Eleetton by Board of
Rdaoatlon la Omaha.
Principal Waterhouso cf the Omaha High
school, who Tuesday night waa re-eleeted
for another year by the Board of Educa
tion, say he haa nothing as yet to say re
garding his acceptance or rejection of Ilia
Offer. He Is still considering the offer of
the superlntendency of th Fremont
chpole, madea few weeks ago . the latter
Look for the word "RYE" In rod on label
Distillery: Distributors)
Woodford Co.. Ky. Riley Bros. Co.. Omaha
San Francisco
Loo Angoloc.San Diogo
And Many Other Point in thin Kt.r. '
bt rm w m m
Vi'.vi't Inmilre
vv wa, 1334 Iiroua
U! IE -a '--r; I - ""'
T.iT7fc.til5A... Fbon DOttg. ISM .ir.!ii.,-r
n ?ra
! i m
"MeKlt. BIN
being for three years. The Fremont schools
offer the principal much more than they
have paid before. 4t Is understood, and th
responsibilities there would, be much
grester than In Omaha. .
Superintendent liavidsnn says he Is anx
ious to know what decision Mr. Water
house will make, hoping he' wfll remain in
Omaha. Principal Waterhous Is gratified
at the vote of recoinrriendatlon given him
by the Board of Kducallon. . .
Leaves Infant with Mote Asking
Others to Care for the
. Child. , ;
Forsaken by her rrolher antl aunt,
three weeks' old baby girl his been taken'
In charge by the probation, officer and'
placed In the Child 8avlng institute. The
child was found Tuesday night In a room
formerly occupied )y 'the mother 'and
aunt In the home of Mrs, Valentine, CI
North Twentieth iUC'eet, th -fries- of th
Infant attVaoting the attention of Mrs.
Valentine. . . , '
l'pin "opening the floor nt the room which
had been occupied .by' fhe two women,
Mrs. Valentine found It deserted and bare,
there being nettling In It except the help
less baby, and the following . jiote Vhleh
was addressed to Mrs. Wedmore, sister ot
Mrs. Valentine.' The not 'Wad constructed
out of carefully ' clipped words from 4
newspaper snd read as follow;,.. .
Mrs. Wedmorei Please take harm, and
oh 1 beg you to be ajood to hef. ' Breaks. niv
heHrt to give her up. but l am too poor to
raise her. Sister will npt be able to make
a living for nil of lis.- (Tod- only knows
what we have "gone " thiough. God will
bless you. .A hear tbroken poor - Mother
and Sister. . . ' ('
The babe ls healthy and, wa well dressed,
as were also the twe-'women, " They hnd'oc.
cupied the room for. nearly a month and
had paid their rent until Saturday of thi
week, but Mrs. Valentine1 doc not know
the name of either of the, women. Their
description haa been furnished 'the police,
but little hope la entertained oY apprehend
ing them. They had .the appearance of .
having adequate means and It" Is thought
that their home is out of (ho city and that
they left Omaha on flri-evening train.
After three months the baby can ba
dopted, three home having already mad
application for the Infant.
Chrtatiaa Scteaee.
Oo and hear what Mr. Blckncll Young hat
to say about It In a lecture at tha Audi
torium Thursday, April 9, at S p. m. Scat
free. . , "
Mr, and IHra. R.' W. Rreekenrldge
Rrlag; Body of Little Osstka
trr for ' Hartal.
'iiw; sy) j
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Breckcnrl.lgn ar
rived In Omaha last nlglil Willi the body
of their daughter, MM Catrvr-rliie Breckeii.
ridge, S years of age, who died in Cali
fornia. They came on the Overland limited
at 9:40 p. m. Rev. Frank L. Ijvcland,
pastor of the 'Flrat- Methodist Episcopal
church, went to Kearney to meet them and
T. 8. Matters, Mr. . Breckenrldge's law
partner and Miss, My ra,-Breckenridge and
Warren Breckenridge, children, went Wed
nesday to Grand Island to meet tho party.
The funeral will be held Friday afternoon.
APRIL 30, 1908 4&
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aa --. - . j
at jSc'?
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B HI 1
Tnae m
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Uo HonoyTill Cured
- rears esaerieMriMte'Utai?
Cee Cldgt OMAHA, KID.