Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 09, 1908, Page 5, Image 5

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us.9 in
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It U put up under the supervision of a comretenr. .
chemist, from the finest material possible to select, J
insurin? the user llrht. wholnnm A,.tA iTJ
Therefore, CALUMET
physicians and chemists.
, Economical in Ugo
v SVlodorato in Prico
Calumet is so carefully and scientifically prepared Uiat the
eentrallr lon ot the tngredieDta la absolutely parfacl. There-
, fore. UliaiM leave o Itochello Salt ar Alam la lha
. i- . . - .a .
take Bse Calaaneu For economy's laka bay Calnnaet. .bv
1 iOOO.OO given
iurioua to health
Hare Bot rmt It.
Acconntant-Andltor R. y. Swobofla.
Myers-fcilloa' $15,000 fountain opeu.
Voice cultaxe, Deltnor tjneney. Boyd Thr.
Mowman, m m, jt. Douglas ahoea $1 SO.
a ftourke foirKjuaJJty cigars, 811 S. lith.
Coal f5 Coutant A Kqulree. Tel. DSSO.
Xllnehart, shotogrgpher, ltth & Farnam.
rants to ordar, $5 up; coats and pant,
$20 up. MacCarthy-WlHon, $04 S. lth.
Popular rnoae a tae Slat Orana Caia
white waiter.' Xlrat-clas service. Open
l. m. to U p. in. Racbman's orchestra.
Wante'Her Name, With Blroroa Anna
Zelli r Iihb applied fur a divorce from Joint
'.Ufr charging Mm with non-support.
They were married at Flattsmoutli and
she wants lipr maiden name. Morrison, re
stored to her.
Cruelty Baala of DiTorca Mult Charging
many acta of cruelty. Mrs. Jennie Front
hna begun ault for divorce from Harry
Vroat, a carriage ami wagon-maker. The
("tit ion was withdrawn from the fllea by
her attorney.
- Rich In Maw Law Tlrm Kdson Rich,
4o!ierl attorney for the iL"nion Taclflc,
1'iMimrly associated with thu late Charles
K. Clapp. has entered the firm of (Jilbert
t O'Neill .under tha new firm name of
W h, O'Neill ft Gilbert,
Light Kaln and Snow The South Platte
iwlioii of the state waa vlaited by a light
rainfall Tuesday afternoon and evening,
as well an the Lincoln division of the Bur
lington. A light anow covered the ground
in the western part of tha stale.
Saloon Man Fined $100 Will Atkins,
who opeiatea a RAloon at Twelfth and Far
Bern streets, and Tke Cunnlrurjam, bar
keeper In Hart'a saloon, Sixteenth and Casa
atreets, were fined $100 each In police court
Wednesday morning for selling liquor on
Diphtheria at Detention Some For the
fourth time thla year diphtheria has broken
out In tha Detention home and the home Is
therefore quarantined. - There are thirty-
two children in .the home and until the
y.iarantlne Is raised they can not be re
leased or other children taken to the ln
ttitution. -
i .- e nv in ,:- ft
Bkiddoo After . Caae Xo,
was the entry made by Judge Beara on the
criminal docket after the name Alice
Smith Wednesday. Alice waa charged with
Here is a word that means
something riow that it never
meant beforcl It describes a
department in business whose
value is not reckoned in Arabic
numerals. ' The Welfare De
partments of big corporations
attempt to make life pleasanter
for the ; employees in ways
which; are not nominated in
the,, bond. Sometimes these
experiments succeed; some
times they are ghastly failures,
disgusting the men and sour
ing the employer. It all
In this week's issue of THE
Saturday Evening Post
ames H. Collins tells en what
it depends. The article is
called " Right and Wrong in
Welfare Work."
In the same issue of THE
PosTread" How They Make
Ends Meet in New York,"
by Will Payne, and an article
by Arthur Train, "Con Men
Abroad,' in which he recounts
the interesting experience of
an American" who , was too
strong to work, amid the un
sympathy of the CJld World.
This week's POST is now
on 6ale . ,
At the Nra-Und. S cents.
$1.30 the year by mail.
Our Doya Are Evsrywhtre
Copies will be delivered to any ad
dress by Kric Nelson. 1C18 Capitol
Avenue, Omaha.
Chaaper than wood
it poxa! lrrs STBXS
' Bad ait.
is recommended by leading; IV
in Quality
(or any substance h
found in Calamat.
larceny from the person, but on account
of lac of evidence. County Attorney Eng
lish nolled the case, which was No. 23 on
the docket.
Cost of ttew Tire Sail The city build
ing Inspector, Wednesday, algned the final
estimate for work on- the new fire hall at
Twenty-fourth and Iake streets, the eta
tlon having finally, been accepted by the
city. The fire hall eoat $:5,fiOO, and Is one
of the best In the city. Peter Klewitt
was the contractor.
Jobson. meads Guilty William Jobson,
the fnlon Pacific engineer, who shot Mrs.
Urxie Burns and her brother, James
Donnelly because Mrs. Burns did not re
turn his love, pleaded guilty to a charge
of shooting with Intent to kill Wednesday
morning before Judge Bears. Sentence was
deferred until Saturday.
Last Xlma to Xeglstar, - April at All
eiPrf of N r'ty of oahe who did tint
register prior to the fall election, must
register April 24, to be allowed to vote In
the special county and city election, for the
issuance of the $1,000,000 court house bonds, ;
the $100,000 paving renewal bonds and thr -
$00,000 park funds. The old registration will
Unveiling of Ziiaoola gtatue Whiskers
or no whiskers, the statue of Lincoln will
be unveiled on the High school campus next
Tuesday afternoon, April 11, the anniver
sary of the assassination of the great
president. The public will be Invited to the
exercises. Due to this being vscatlon
week in the schools, the program for the
day has, as yet, not been completed.
"Protest on ritapatriok's Dlacharfe
Democrats of the Eighth ward are talking
ot calling a mass meeting to proteat against
the peremptory discharge of John FIU
patrlek, night watchman in the city hall,
and the approval of his discharge by the
council without giving him a hearing.
Members ot the faithful In this central
ward say the democratic council Is not
treating democratic appointees aa they
should and they intend to know the reason
vwhy. ,
Street Car Sprinklers Success Several
trials of the street car sprinkling wagons
have been made and General Manager
Smith of the traction company saya he be
lieves they will prove entirely satisfac
tory and will lay the duat all right. Two
sprinkler wagon street cara have been con
structed and the company officials think
these two will be sufficient to sprinkle
their trscks on all the paved street of the
city twice a dsy ,as provided by ordinance.
Street Commissioner Flynn has not meas
ured the width of the area sprinkled, but
saya he does not believe the water Is
thrown eighteen inches on either side of
the tracks, aa Is provided. The sprinkling
ordinance went Into effect April 1.
Fence ea Sidewalk JTecassary The
mayor and the city building Inspector have
received many complaints because of the
building of the fence into Sixteenth atreet
between Farnam and Harney In front of
the building which Tolf Hansen la remod
elling for a restaurant. The building In
spector eays he la empowered to grant per
mission for the use of as much of the
streets for building purposes aa he deems
necessary, and as two carloadH of terra
cotta, which" Is easily broken, are stored
Inside the fence ho believes that the fence
Is necessary and that an unreasonable
amount of the atreet la not being used.
Tolf Hansen has rented the building for
ten years and during that time will pay
$0 a month rent $10-J,000 rent for the ten
year period.. Ho Is expending several thou'
sand dollars In repairing and decorating
the building. ' '
Mfeleaar Bondage
to dyspepsia, liver complainta and kidney
troubles la needless. Electric Blttera is the
guaranteed remedy. 50c. For sale by
Beaton Drug Co. v
Fanaoas Bock Beer.
for will be on draught and In bottles
on and after April 10. Ask for It. Order
a case of thla deltcioua brew tor your
home. Both 'phones. ,
Announcements. wsan:- stationery and
calling cards, blank book and masaslns
H tiding. 'Phone Doug. IfiOt A, L Root. Iikl
Vse Bee Want Ada to boost your business.
Saeh aa One Urtn Prearher Oi
Bed to Tara la False
t at
If a man crying "fire," dressed in his
robes dc nuit. Is found wandering about the
city, lasso him. Rev. S. D. Bartle, S55J
Chicago Street, assistant pastor "of the
First, Methodist Episcopal church, would
like to question him.
Wednesday morning at 1:10 o'clock Mr.
Bartle was awakened by such a man, who
asked him to turn In a fire alarm for 2610
Chicago atreet. The minister reached the
street himself in time tn rr.oet the fire de
partment returning, having found the
house vacant and not ablase. On his own
fiont doorstep la the morning Mr. Bartle
Toitnd a pile of matches. He says he can
see in the dark and he knows a man with
scarcely anything to cover him gave him
the number and alarm. The case has not
been further cleared up aince.
Know your Food.
It Is eaay to tin ssut akotat It.
Ask your Doctor which extract
tf beef he prescribes; ask a
Chemist which is the purest; ask
your Grocer or Druggist which
has the largest sale; they'll all
LIEBIG Company'
Lxtrad u Eee!
Genalne ksa slpaatare
ot J.. Liabif in blus:
Mri. John Hinei Entert&ini Infor
mally at Bridge.
Ylaltlagr Wtaira and Card ClaWa Ra
apetaalklc far Meat af Eatertala
1b Saw elal Clafca
Are Farated.
Mra. John Hlnea entertained Informally
at bridge Wednesday afternoon at her
apartments at the Madtsonl The guests In
cluded Mrs. Fred E. Buchan, Mrs. Edwin
T. 8wobe, Mrs. Wlllam P. Evans. Mrs.
Robers Lee Hamilton, Mra. Irvln la, Hun
Saker, Mrs. John Jottrldge, Mrs. Grace
Gamble, Mra. W. C. Bennett of Fort Crook
and Mrs. Blackmore of Cincinnati!.
Far Mies McLtl.
Mrs. Geaaette Woodward entertained at
a theater party Tuesday- afternoon at
Boyd's in honor of her niece. Miss Elotse
McLeod of St. Louis. The other guests
were Miss Florence Powelr. Miss Mabel
Allison, Miss Ethel Uri, Miss Stella
Gregory and Mra. Fred Ryner.
Kenalnglen Afteraoon.
Miss Mabel Allison entertained very In
formally at a kenstngton Wednesday after
noon at her home In Florence. The guests
Included a number ot friends who have
been meeting Informally every week, or two
this season, although not a regular club.
There were about twenty guests present,
and the afternoon wss apent with needle
latarmal Affairs.
Miss Tearl Roblnaon entertained at a
musical evening Tuesday, at her home,
2418 Blnney street, In honor of Miss Eva
Brans of Grand Island, who la the gueat
of Miss Ethel Tracy. The house was dec
orated In the Adulces club colors, most of
the guests being members of the club.
There were about fourteen guests present.
Mrs. N. F. Harris was hostess Tuesday
afternoon of the meeting of the H. G. t
club. At tha game of high five, the prises
were Won by Mrs. I C. Giles, Mra. Harris
and Mrs. Augustus Lockner. Mrs. Arthur
Flnse of Sioux City, was the guest of the
Daaclag Party.
The Monteslore Pleasure olub gave Us
first dancing party Tuesday evening at
academy. The hall waa dec-
oral.d wllh plcturM of Bir Mon-
tealore, the philosopher, for whom the club
was named. There were about ISO guests
present. The next party will be given aome
time In May.
Rarsrlaa Party.
A surprise party was given Miss Adele
Mayne Tuesday afternoon to celebrate her
fourteenth birthday by Miss Antonio Bau
gaard. The house was decorated with ferns
and roses and music and games made up
the aftcrnoon'a entertainment. Those pres
ent were Mra. Fenner, Miss Baugaard,
Miss Maybelle Mayne, Miss Silvia Hover,
Miss Dorothea Skrlver, Miss Bessio Iusaell,
Miss Gertrude Vickers. Miss Emma Vlck
ers, Miss Myrtle Lockwood, Miss Ovldia
DJureen, Miss ' Gertrude Fehrn and Mlsa
Mildred Johnson.
New Claa.
A new social club waa organized Tuesday
evening, which will be called the Lalcoa
club. Officers were elected st the meeting
as follows: Mr. Sylvian Burkenroad, pres
ident; Mr. Ben Johnson, vice president;
Miss Marie Donnelly, secretary; Miss
Marllla Mitchell, treasurer. The club h
about eighty members snd will give an
entertainment every week at Ita club
rooms at Twenty-third and Grant streets
Next week the men will give a smoker and
Dusincas meeting. The following week a
leap-year dance will be given and the
third week the entire club wilt give an
evening mualcale. ' ,
Prospective Pleaaares.
Mrs. J. O. Galbralth will entertain very
Informally Thursday at a matinee luncheon
tn honor of her niece, Miss Florence Rlren
baugh of Boise, Idaho.
General C. F. Manderson will entertain
at dinner Friday evening at the Omaha
club In honor of Mr. Paul Morton, Mr.
Joy Morton and Mr. Mark Morton.
' Mra. W. R. Hobba who has recently re
turned from a stay of several months In
Europe will be the honor guest at a smalt
tea Thursday afternoon, given by Mrs.
Robert Christie.
Temple Israel Sisterhood will give an
entertainment and dancing party Wednes
day evening. April 29, at the Metropolitan
Come and Ga Uoaala,
Miss Elolse McLeod of Bt. Ldliis Is the
guest of hsr aunt, Mrs. Geanette Wood
ward at her home on Park avenue.
Miss Eva Brass of Grand Island is visit
ing Miss Ethel Tracy.
Mrs. Msry Connell who has been the
guest of Mrs. F. E. Alford haa returned
to her home in Denver. '
Captain and Mrs. W. C. Bennett ot Fort
Crook, have aa their guest for two weeks,
Mrs. Blackmore of Cincinnati.
Miss Florence Rixenbaugh of Boise,
Idaho, who Is the nelce of Major and Mra.
J. G. Gailbralth arrived Tuesday to be
their gueat for a short time.
Mr. and Mra. Lewis Reed who have been
traveling abroad for aeveral months ex
pect to return about the first of July.
Miss Eunics Stebbins leaves for Chlcsgo,
Mra. Brown of New Tork, who has been
the gueat of her aon, Lloutenant Brown,
and MiasBonney of New York, his fiancee.
both of whom have been much entertained
during their visit at Fort Croek, left Mon
day evening for the east.
Plrtare af Omaha la Tkla Bole la
Drawa ay W. H.
Pictures of Omaha as the great wool
atorage center of tha United States, its
banks making loans ranging from $30,000,000
to $00,000,000, and the city attracting the at.
tentlon of the world as a wool market, wera
drawn Wednesday by W. H. Green, who
apoke to the Real Estate exchange on the
desirability ot securing a wool atorage
plant with a capacity of not less than
$0,000,000 pounda ,ln Omaha and advising
every real estate dealer to do everything
possible to build warehouses.
Mr. Green waa called by President
Graham to tell the exchange how to raise
$(.000,000 with which te pay for tbe water
works, but Mr. Green refused to discuss
the proposition, saying he could tell the
members of a subject which would do more
good for the city than anything which haa
been aecured aince the packing houaea were
located In South Omaha.
Henry T. Clarke apoke of the benefits to
be derived from the establishment of a wool
storage plant la Omaha and predicted that
the entire crop of Montana would be float
ing down the Missouri river to Omaha on
bargee within a few yeara.
E. D, Gepaon ofthe Voung Men's Chris
tian aaociatlon told the dealers ot the
work planned by the "School Vacation
Garden club" and asked the dealers to al
low the 00 school cbltdrea of Omaha to uae
the vacant lota controlled by the dealers
for their gardens. The movement, waa
given the hearty endoraemant of the ex
change and many dealers promised to as
siat In any way possible and furnish the
lots free of charge with the condition that
Cnres Woman's Weaknesses.
"We refer to that boon to weak, nervous,
stiffed ng women known as Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription.
' Ir. John Fy fe one of tha Editorial StsfT
bl Th Ecucctic MrrtiCAi. Kiivifw ssyi
ot Unicorn root (Hrlonfri IHiHra) which
Is ene of the chief ingredients of the Fa
vorite Prescription " I
A remedy wbleh invariably arts as aater
Ine Invlanrator makes for normal ac
tivity of the entire reproductive ytem."
He continues In Helonlaa we hsveamedlra
nent which more fully answer the above
purprws than any eMier dru u llh rhirh I nm
(vqitntnlrd. In the treatment of diseases pe
culiar to women It Is seldom thai a esse Is
Keen which does not present some Indication
for this remedial agent. Ir. I'rfe further
ays: "The following are among the leading
Indications for Helotilas (Lnlcom root). Tain
r aching In the bsclt, with- leucorrhca t
atonic tweskl condltWfnv of rhe reproductive
organs of fcotnen. meit depression and Ir
ritability, associated wlttf chronic diseases of
tbe reprodif'tive ctanf of women: constant
aensatlon at best In the rerlon of the kid
ney; toencrrhagls 'oodln, due to a weak
ened conTitlon ofthe reproductive system!
eerenorCoe'Vutrressed or absent monthly
rtod.AVwnaivin or accompanying an
abnosriyti condition of the dlgmtlve orrana
and Aiemlc ( thin blood) dibit: drarging
aentLdons In the extreme lower part of the
Woioen." ....
If more or loss, ot the above aymnfom
,rr.Y.f,,, iftVMia Yt,m:La tiQT
Kel rthan lake Dr. I'l e rc
ITcI'EPIion.ona 1! UlS leading ingrectF
ents of wmiiii is Unicorn root, or Helonlss.
and tbe medjeai properties ot which it
most faithfully represents. n
Of Golden Seal root, another prominent
Ingredient of "Fsvorite Prescription,"
Trof. Finley ISHingwopd. M. D., of Ben
nett Mstdlcal College, Chicago, ssyss
"It Is an important remedy in disorders of
the womb. In all catarrhal conditions
and general enfceblement. It Is useful."
Prof. John M. Scudder, M. D., late ot
Cincinnati, says of Golden Seal mot :
"In ml at ton to Ita general effects on the
Ttm. Hurt it turnwdtHtM tn hm shout MoA
I liars tilth eatural unAnatty e epenton. It
la tmStwraoUtf regarded as tne tonic useful us
allj debilitated states."
Prof. K. Bartholow, M. D.. of Jefferson
Medical College, says of Golden Heal :
"Valuable In uterine hemorrhage, menor
rhagla (flooding) and congestive aysmenor
Ibcea (painful meotruatkn).
l)r. Pieive's Favorite Prescription faith
fully represents all the above named In
gredients and cures the diseases for which
ihey are recommended.
they be released at any time they were sold
for improvement.
Boosters, with Govern Ar gheldoa on
Deck, Will Hold Big
"Amocats" will perform to a capacity
house at the Commercial club Saturday
The occasion la to be a banquet to those
who made the great northwest trado" ex
cursion, given by the Commercial club.
Governor George I Sheldon will be the
guest of the club and the principal speaker
at the banquet.
A. W. Jcfferia, who was chief spieler for
the boosters, and made two or three
speeches every time the train stopped to
throw off a llltlo advertising and brotherly
love. Is to be toastmaster. W. S. Wright
is to speak on "Early Trade Excursions-'
and will tell all about the first trips taken
by the business men of Omaha, which were
also the first trade excursions ever taken
by the business men of any city. Omaha
has the distinction of. having originated
the trade excursion.
Arthur C. Smith will talk about "Modern
Trade Excursions"' and probably review
some of the interesting experiences of the
northwest trip, Including a vivid description
of the organization of the "Amocats'' and
the Initiation In the office cur while the
boosters were In Tacoma.
The boostera' quartet, which went to the
Pacific coast with the Omahans, will fur
nish muMlo Saturday evwrrfhg arid sing the
famous song, "Omaha, My -Omaha."
Just what the general plans for the ban
quet are the entertainment committee of
the club refusea to state. The menus will
be unique souvenirs; the- rooms will re
semble a Pullman train; a few rehearsals
are being held by the working team of
the "Amocats."
Famona Bock Beer.
for 1908 will be on draught and in bottles
on and after April 10. Ask for it. Order
a case of this delicious brew for your
home. Both 'phones.
Building- Termite.
Frank Boyd, Thirty-first and Harney
atreets, frame dwelling, $6,000; John O Con
nolly, Fifteenth and Cafctellar streets,
frame dwelling, $2.fiOl; Mary Howard Do vie,
Thirty-eighth and California streets, frame
barn, $1,200; N. P. Dodge & Son, 1814-18 Har
ney atreet, repairs to Fraternity hall, $1,000;
F. D. Cooper, Fifteenth street and Grand
avenue, frame dwelling, $800.
W. J. Hobson haa gone to Chicago.
Dr. H. P. Hamilton left Wednesday for
Lander, Wyo.
Alfred Darlow, adverting agent ot the
Union Pacific, la In Chicago.
D. Clem Deaver. head of the landneekern'
Information bureau of the Burlington, left
Tuesday for Billings, Mont., with a large
party of homeseekers.
VJhen Pain Follows
Physic, the Physic is Wrong
Pain Is always a symptom of Injury.
Griping means that the physic Is harsh
that it irritates. .
You Injure the bowels when you seek
te help them In that way.
The bowel lining like the skin be
comes calloused it you constantly
irritate it.
The hardened lining retards the natural
functions. Then you have a chronic
condition callin g lor constant physic.
And the calloused bowels demand a
heavier dose.
Such physic is wrong. It la wicked.
It destroys the very (unctions that you
seek to aid.
Yen cauee what you seek to cure.
One akonki never take any laxative save
Cascarets. They are gentle and
yon pay when cored.
uviurv uiej oegm treatment..
Alwaya find out positively if the fee Include the MEDICINE. If you pay for
medicine every time you get them, you never know what the cost of your treatment
will be. Do not be caught In this great medicine graft. We will cure yoa tot leaa
aaeney than any other apeolaliat and accept the money In any wa? you wish to pa.
Snd BLABDEa DISEASES. All Blaeaoea of Ma, no matter bow acul ed.
FREE Examination and conaultation. Writ tor free booklet and
eymptom blank for home treatment.
DR. McGREW CO.. nl2 fh. .",
Opinion! of City Attorney Will Craw
Council Into Court on Franchises.
Only One Day After Governor Made
err Bill a Law Light Com
pany 9eenred Fran
chise. Declaring that In his opinion the Omaha
ft Council Bluffs Street Railway com
pany had no right under Its ordinance
to sell heat, light or power to private
customers, and that the Omaha Electric
Light and Power company has no fran
chise on account of the ordinance grant
ing It a franchise waa passed unlawfully,
Harry E. Burnam, city attorney, presented
two lengthy opinions to tha council Tuesday
evening which added fuel to the flames
and placed the council In a position where
It must go to court to establish the status
of the city In reference to the franchises.
Thla la tho atalement made by a council
member. The oplnlona were referred to
the committee of the whole without be
ing read.
Of the franchise held by the Omaha ft
Council Bluffs Street Railway company
the city attorney aays tn part:
I give It as rtiv opinion that the Omaha
ft Council Bluff Street Railway com
pany has no right or mithorlty to use or
occupy the streets of the city of Omaha
with condulta. poles or wires, except for
the purpose of maintaining and operating
auch street railway aa may have been
purchased, leased or acquired by aald
company, provided, oT course, that auch
street railroad by It so purchased, leased
or acquired, has been granted by the elec
tora of the city the right to use and oc
cupy auch streeta and for street railway
It Is the opinion of this department that
the Omaha ft Council Bluffs Street rail
way company haa no right or authority
to occupy and use the streets of the city
of Omaha with condulta, poles and wires
for furnishing heat, light and power to
private consumers.
Ordinance " Faseed " Too" Late.
In giving his opinion ot the validity of
ordinance No. 41M passed March Is, 1907,
under which the Omaha Electrio Light and
Power company operates In this city, the
city attorney entera Into a long discus
sion of the caucus leading up to the pass
ing of the ordinance and calls attention
to the fact that It was passed one day
after the governor had signed a law pro
tecting cltlea of tha metroplltan class In
the granting of franchises which provldea
that franchises shall not be given but shall
bo votetd upon by tho people after the
aame shall have been published a cer
tain length of time. The franchise was
never voted upon, therefore the city at
torney holds it la Invalid, concluding his
opinion In this paragraph:
It la clear that the passage, of the or
dinance, insofar as it attempts to do any
of the things enumerated In aection 4
thereof, in no way met the requirements
I of section 19 of the t7 city charter which
Weill iiku cim.i U 1 1 1,1 1. 1 . I .u, jwi. 1 i. .ii.b
extent, at least, I am of the opinion Its
passage la a palpable violation of the pro
visions of section 19 of the 1897 city char
ter, aforesaid, and therefore null and void.
A third opinion submitted by the city
attorney as to the right the electrio light
company has to furnisn lights for the il
lumination of Btroct signs, he holds there la
no legal objection.
Nothing was said or done in reference
to the J. L. Brandeia & Bona subway under
Douglas street. Councilman Davis, who In
stigated the Investigation Into the subway
matter, aays he will have It brought up
In committee ot the whole next Monday
afternoon, . .
Tho city attorney also presented a fourth
communication In which he called attention
to Irregularities In an ordinance passed
at the last meeting of the council, calling
a special election to vote on the Issuance
of $60,000 park bonds. He drew up a new
. ordinance, which conforms to the law, and
this passed the first readings, as well as
another ordinance to repeal the one passed
last week.
An ordinance providing for the repavlng
of Douglas street from Ninth to Sixteenth
streets passed, and another, providing for
the appraisement of lands, making It possi
ble to open Thirty-fourth atreet from Pat
rick avenue to Blondo street, passed the
first two readings. The council also drdered
the appraisement of city property In tho
Orchard Hill district, near Military avenue,
comprising 1,123 square feet. t
John Fltzpatrlck, night watchman in the
city hall, who was discharged by Cus
todian Rowden without approval .of the
mayor and city council, presented a com
munication to the council asking for Re
instatement on the grounds that his dis
charge had not been approved and also,
because he was discharged so as to make
room for the employment ot the custodian's
son, and not for cause. The counclTacted
on the communication by approving the
discharge by the custodian of the city
building of Fltzpatrlck, Engineer Charles
Bradford and Janitor Frank Heynek, tho
engineer and Janitor having alao been dis
charged by Rowden without previous con
ten nf th mnvne anil eilnnll
They never irritate the bowels, never
gripe. Every effect is curative.
They are as harmless as they are
One tablet is enough unless the bowels
are calloused. The dose never needs
increasing. Take them just as you
need them to insure one free move
ment daily.
Cascarets are candy tablets. They are sold
by all druggists, but never la bulk. B sore to
gel the gsaaine, with CCC ea every tablet.
i a box. is narked lute this:
The vest-pocket boa Is IS cents.
Tbe month-treatment boa SO eeece.
12.ON.0b0 be sold aanoaliy.
Men afflicted with any ailment should go the doctor longest
established, most experienced and best aucenvs. Our twenty,
fixe yeara successful practice in curing MK.V haa enabled
11 to nrfrt fllra thai hmm nva, hn .nrr.a.y.rf ir
..v..w m .wiwwu.v w jui a.icn i, ttn
Established in Omaha 25 Years
riila reputation we have held io many yearn, a the MOST
RELIABLE and BL'CCEKSFl.'l. IKJi ToRiJ for MEN In me
west. Men come to u knowing their true condition will be
honestly explained and treated. After a perfect undarstana
Ing of eat h lase. a tair, honest price la agreed upon between
doctor and patient. Including all medicine until cured. Our
batlenta know luat fttin it wilt eoat foe a nvrmimni .11,.
- .
between Regals and custom made shoes.
THE STYLES are accurate reproductions of the lat
est made-to-order models.
THE FIT- You get the neatest, most comfortable fit
possible made in quarter sizes, is one of the reasons.
QUALITY Made from the best leathers, linings and
Thev are tho kind of footwear that affords constant
pleasure the kind you like to wear and ought to wear.
-PRICES, - S3. SO and 34.00
oft and Stiff
You don't have to pay' a fancy
price for fancy
"Asbury" Styles
are authentic reproductions of the
latest and moat expensive blocks.
The "Asbury Is a
good bat, too;
the boat ever sold
sold at. . . i
If 51 I V a.mpl Latnt Modal "Ranger" bicycle tiimiihMby u. t hir trent vi
S I 1 '
nukine money last.
to tnvone. anvwhere in the 1 J -
put it to any test von wish. If
keeb the bicycle ahip It back to
riaTrtav ssisrs W
IhVlvSI raiukd at on
i awn. i aivu at on
ii middlemen' orohtfl bv
to $if middlemen's prohta by
ante behind your bicycle.
A I vk
lit V 'iji
' j
at mnf jrtcw unni you receive our catalogue ana lura our uanMra ot yaarj
Vii.f and rwaaav-AoMf levcea
vrt ! or a frTfl n imf"j when you receive our paaoutui catalog" ana
lUil ntLL Be JMIUXU..LS .tudy our superb model at th wMtruitr
lem tnem w can maka you
than any other factory.
our pricea. uraera tilled the
nanu iHiiLrn. w
usually have
number on hd taken in
r promptly t price ranging from 09 to SSJ
etnnie wneeia. imwrua
equipment of all kinds at Aau
1 l' III 1 IX I
V J Tht regular rttail prin ot t)w tires ii
fS.10 per pair, tttt to tntrottkei WHI
tellymi a tamp u pair tor n.sovath wuuaraerftM),
NAILS, Taoka or Ola will not lot tho
air out. Sixty thousand pairs sold last year.
Over two hundred thousand pairs now io use.
n Fieri tttnTlnm. Made In all dee. It llllvel v
and ea.vridinir.vervdurableandlinedinide with
a aoecial auahtvol rubber, which never become
porou and which close up mll puncture without allow.
ing the if toesoape. We have hundred of letters from aatis.
fiedcutomer atatiog that their tire baveonly been pumped
up once or twice in whole caaou. They wciphnomore than
an ordinary tire, the puncture reaistingqualitie being given
by aeveral layer of thin, pecially prepared fabric on tha
tread. The regular price of these tire i per pair.but for
adverttaior ournow w are making a pecial tactorv orice to
the rider ol only S4.80 per pair. All order ahlpped umt dy titer is received. We Ship C. O. D. on
approval. You do not pay a cent until you have examined and found them alrictiy a repreaented.
We will allow a ean discount of 3 per cent (thereby making the price SV4.6.S per pair) if you
aend FULL CASH WITH OBDKft and enclose thi advertisement. We will aUo lend one
nickel plated braaa band pump. Tires to be returned at OUH expense if tor kny reaacm they are
not satisfactory on examination. We are perfectly reliable and money sent to us is aa safe a in a
bank. If yoa order a pair of these tires, you will find that they will ride easier, run faster,
wear better, last longer and look finer than any tire you have ever used or seen at any price. We
know that you will be o well pleased that when you want a bicycle you will give u your order.
We want you to send us a trial order at once, bene thi remarkable tire offer.
mmm u111 mtrm Tintrt don't buy any kind at any price until you scad for at of
IF TUU ft tt.Lt I ffgaVSs Hedge! horn Puncture-Proof tires on approval and trial at
the special introductory price quoted above: or write for our big Tire and sundry Catalogue which
describes and quotes all makes and kind of tire at about half the usual price a.
nn nr MAtY but wriu us a poMal today. 1X NOT IllUlfc OB" BUYING a bicycle
VU lll WwSUi or a pair of tire from anyone until you know the new and Wvodcrful
offer we are making. It only coU a postal to learn everything. Write It NOW.
"Wo Have Made Good"
WET SAID we would build a Telephone Plant in Omaha
WE SAID we would have Telephones working by Decem
ber 1st, 1907 '
WE SAID we would have 3,000 phones in operation by
April 1st, 1908 1
WE SAID we would have Long Distance Connections by
March 20th, 1908
WE SAID we would give Omaha the best Telphone Ser
vice in her history, and at Reasonable Rates.
Business Phones $4.50 Net. Residence Phones $2.00 Net.
Exchange open to viBltora every Saturday nlfcht. Come and see us
demonstrate the Automatic Switchboard.
Independent Telephone Company
Twentieth and Harney Streets.
Going to Move
If you are thlnklnfr of moving, now Is tbe time to
make your selection of offices. Most people wait until
May or June and then find very few, from which to choose.
We have one or two large offices and several handsome
small offices.
has en; organisation built upon many yeara of experience.
It haa Ita own electric lighting plant and maintain a corps
of Competent engleeera and mechanic to keep the mechanical
and alactrtcal service of the building In good order. The
I building la In perfect repair. It haa all the advantagee of
a brand new building and haa none of Its dieadvamagea.
Th Jar.ltor aud elevator men are well trained, courteous
and accommodating. In charge of the whole building la a
superintendent, whoae office it la to keep thla organisation
Constantly at the aervloe of tenanta.
, 'owls good time to ae. If w have what you want
In the way of office accommodation. I or office auace is.
lly to
R. W. BAKER, Supt. Room 105, Bee BuiMin.
Men and Women
Price is the only difference
district te
d exhibit
(vry'hrc ar
WriUfrr fU jmrticMlmrt mnd t fecial ?fr mt mt,
COll IKED until vou receive inJinDnvf ak vtiur bt.
prove o your bicyel. W Wp
A. wr'ilktrtti m at aa,af In advance tfVtfJw it
rtismi, ana
TKLA I. dining which time you mty ride the bicycle and
you are then not Mrtect
whsfted or do not wiah to
ui at our cipenae and futuilt mat mdrm cent.
turniah the hichrat trade b
turniah tha hiehrat and
bicycle, k I poaainl to make
small prom bov actual factory coat. Vou cava le
email prom above a
buvitur direct of ne
During direct of us and have th manufacturer', guar.
DO 1T BUT a bicycle or a pair ot tire from tnyfi
ertVrj tn rider aarenta.
this year,
We sail th hi het grade tacycleat
cycle tor leaa noory
altnve factorv coat.
VV are eatirned with Sixo profit
can cell our bicycle under your owa nam plate at
day receivei
e aa not reru
larly han11 second hand bicycle, but
trade by our Chicago retail Biuret.
1 nee ra clear out
or SjilO,
DfKriptiv bargain ii.r mailed Ire.
na and pedals, pacta, repairs and
U umai ntcui rtu
Kotloo tho thlok mbber tread
A" and punotore etrlps "H"
and "IV also rtn atrip -H"
to prove t rim enttlng, Thla
tire will ontlast any other
tnake-SOFT, fcXAJsXIO and
Your Office?
r - i - . "!
r i