Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 09, 1908, Page 3, Image 3

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(A One of the Important Duties of Physicians and f,i
uiu vvv;uiuiuriiicu 01 me wona
is to bm an to the relative, standing and reliability of the leading manufartur
ersiof medicinal agpnts, R3 the most emtnpnt physicians arc the most careful as to
the uniform quality and perfect purity of remedies prescribed by them, and it is well
known to physicians and the Well-Informed generally that the California Fip Syrup
Co., by reason of its correct methods and perfect equipment and the ethical character of
its product has attained to the high standing in scientific and commercial circles which
is accorded to successful and reliable houses onfy, and, therefore, that the name of the
Company has become a guarantee of the excellence of its remedy.
appeal to the Well-Informed in every walk of life and are essential to permanent suc
cess and creditable standing, therefore we wish to call the attention of all who would
enjoy good health, with its blessings, to the fact that it involves the question, of right
living with all the term implies. With 'proper knowledge of what is best each hour
of recreation, of enjoyment, of contemplation and of effort may be made to contribute
to that end and the use of medicines dispensed with generally to great advantage, but
as in many instances a simple, wholesome remedy may be invaluable if taken at the
proper time; the California Fig Syrup Co. feels that it is alike important to present
truthfully the subject and to supply the one perfect laxative remedy which has won
tneappoval ot physicians and the world-wide acceptance of the Well-informed because
of the excellence of the combination, known to all, and the original method of manufac
ture, which is known to the California Fig Syrup Co. only.
This valuable remedy has been long and favorably known under the name of
Syrup of Figs and has attained to world-wide acceptance as the most excellent of
family laxatives, and as its pure laxative principles, obtained from Senna, are well
known to physicians and the Well-informed of the world to be the best of natural
laxatives, we have adopted the more elaborate name of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of
Senna as more fully descriptive of the remedy, but doubtless it will always be
called for by the shorter name of Syrup of Figs and to get its beneficial effects always
note, when purchasing, the full name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co.
plainly printed on the front of every package, whether you simply call for Syrup of
Figs or by the full name Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna as Syrup of Figs and
Elixir of Senna is the one laxative remedy manufactured by the California Fig Syrup
Co. and the 6ame heretofore known by the name Syrup of Figs which has given
satisfaction to millions. The genuine is for sale by all leading druggists throughout
the United States in original packages of one size only, the regular price of which
is fifty centc per bottle. . -
Every bottle is sold under the general guarantee" of the Company, filed with the
Secretary of Agriculture, at Washington. D. C, that the remedy is not adulterated or
misbranded within the meaning of the Food and Drugs Act, June 30th, 1906.
.Q Louisville, Ky. -
San Francisco, Cal.
U S. A.
London, England.
New York, N. Y.
Governor Objects to Having Them
Shift Responsibility On to Him.
Hallway C'oreVmlaslon Issues Order
Companies In Mutter of Ule
t continuation of Train
j' ' Service. ,
(From .a Staff Correspondent )
LINCOLN,; April 8. (Special.) Jurors
Who convict an accused person and then
Sign a petition' for lila pardon may ex
Ject llttlo consideration at the hands of
re given for their act'on.
This the governor, plainly set out In
the hearing granted on the application of
Xr. , W. A. Cato of Nelson, sentenced . to
-crve elglileen tiion'lm In the penitentiary
for cuttlnjr Ue Ofw while the two were
fighting. , Seven of tha jurors signed the
petition for clemency and none refused to
ign. While Mj. Caie was addressing the
executive on the petition. Governor Shel
don interrupted her to remark that , she
was asking him to do what the Jury had
refused to do.
"The Jurors who signed the petition, after
they votetd to convict Dr. Cats and send
Mm to the penitentiary, certainly should
explain their action. If they though! hlni
Innocent they should have voted to free
Jilm. Their' conduct needs, explanation."
"Well, governor," said Mrs. Cote, "I
tlo not understand much about such pro
ceedings, but I thought it was customary
to get the signatures of the members of
tha Jury to the application for a pardon.
'Am I not right, may I ask?" The gover
nor assured Mrs. Cato that he did not
rnean to censure her or criticise her for
Betting the names of the Jurors on the pe
tition. What he wanted to know was why
the Jury did not acquit -the man If he was
fnnocen tof the charge.
The case attracted tinusual attention and
the office of the gevernor. where the hear
ing waa .held, waa crowded, among those
resent to speak a good word for the con
victed man being a member of- tha Jury,
Joseph C. Hart sough, who said he voted
tor a penitentiary 4wntonce under a mis
apprehension; Dr. Bufflngton, who testified
that Dr. Gate received permanent Injuries
In the fight,' while Cress was well and suf
fered no serious effects; Mrs. I la I Miner
t)f Lincoln, . formerly a neighbor of the
Tate family; J. M. Burd. former district
tTerk of Nuckolls county; Dr. Bailey of
Lincoln and several others. Besides this
utiere was filed with the governor a peti
tion signed by over 1.300 persons asking
for executive clemency. A few protests
were filed, but In nearly every Instance
friends of the convicted man were able to
show some personal reason for the protest.
Mrs. Cate, wife of the convicted doctor,
discussed the testimony In the case, the
numerous stories started against the doc
tor when she started out to secure his
pardon, and she denied the statement made
in one of the protests that the signatures
were "secured by woman's tears." She
asked only about a half dozen persons,
she said, to sign the petition in addition to
going with Mr. Burd to see the members
of the Jury. She closed her statement to
the governor by telling hlin Dr. Cato was
needed at Nelson; that, the sick people
there wanted him to come home; that no
good could come of him being In prison,
but that he could do good practicing his
profession. She was accompanied by her
two sons, geI 10 and 6, one of tVhom dur
ing the hearing sat In -his father's lap,
while the other remained In his mother's
lap. Both smiled when a statement was
made that the father had been cruel to
his horses and to his children and tlio elder
one patted his father on his hand. Wit
nesses testified that Dr. Cate owned one
of the best homes In Nelson and that he
had the largest practice In the city. Dr.
Butfington said all of the members of the
medical profession would testify that he
wss a man of splendid ability and char
acter except one and that physician
couldn't get along with anyone.
Mut Ask to Take Off Trains.
The State Railway commission has Issued
an orde-that hereafter no common carrier
operating freight or passenger trains In
Nebraska shall discontinue any such train
service until application has Been made to
the commission and permission received.
A Hears Discrimination.
Complaint has been filed against the Ne
braska Telephone company alleging that
it has gone a little farther than the rail
way commission Intended when it granted
permission to-the company to charge 11.60
for telephones on country lines out of Lin
coln. It Is allegod the company charges
the $1.60 only when the - subscriber makes
a contract for five years, otherwise the
charge la 13 a month. The commission has
asked for an' explanation.
Sibley Complaint April SO.
April 10, the complaint by Senator Sibley
against the Burlington railroad will come
up for hearing before the railway commis
sion. Senator Sibley haa asked for a reduc
tion on grain rates of 15 per cent.
ltlraarda Asks Pardon.
P. Coursey Richards, aged and Infirm,
bearing the scars of many battles for the
preservation of his country, stood before
Governor Sheldon this morning, a convict
asking for a pardon. The old soldier, who
some years ago ocupled a prominent posi
tion in Nebraska, Is serving a twelve-year
sentence on a statutory charge preferred by
his step daughter. Today he denied the
charge and two physicians who examined
the complaining witness said the charge
could not have been true. The man, it was
said at the hearing, was convicted on cir
cumstantial evidence, and the testimony
of the girl and and an effort was made to
clear away the circumstantial evidence.
The convicted man waa sent to the peni
tentiary in 1902 at the age or 62 years. He
is now on parole at the Mllford Soldiers'
home and he Is anxious to secure a pardon
that he may spend the balance of his days
with relatives In New York. He was a
soldier In the union army and has two
severe scars, the result of wounds received
during the civil war.
Pollard In Lincoln.
"I was well pleased with the agricultural
bill as it passed the house, though I re
gretted the throwing out of the Items for
the establishment of . a standard test for
corn and the national demonstration at the
corn show to be held In Omaha," said Con
gressman Pollard, who Is here on business.
"However," the continued, "I believe the
senate will plat both Items back In the bill.
Both were knocked out on a point of order
and neither was discussed on its merits."
Mr. Pollard has been at his home in
Nehawka for a couple of days attending to
private business and will return to Wash
ington In a few days. While at home and
In Lincoln the congressman is looking over
his political fences and he has found them
in good shape, no one so far having even
intimated that he will be a candidate for
his place' next fall.
By reason of the. interest taken In the
matter by Mr. Pollard, the Department of
Agriculture has decided to send two ex
perts to Nebraska this aummer( one to
demonstrate the spraying of orchards and
the other to co-operate with any farmer
who desires In the matter of selecting seed
and the culture of ceVeals. Mr. Pollard
called on Governor Sheldon this morning
at the executive office.
Western Inlon to Show Why.
The State Railway commission has set
April la as the time when N. P. Gadd of
Broken Bow is to be heard on his complaint
against the Western Union Telegraph com
pany for closing Us night orflce in the
Custer county town. Numerous Informal
complaints of a like nature will be taken'
up at the same time. These informal com
plaints against the Western Union have
come from the following towns: Crete,
Lorton, Gladstone, Friend, Waasu and
irrase Tickets Win
Tanas of State.
la Many
Unnatural Food
. unnatural demands upon the digestive organs.
Nature has filled the well-known cereals, Wheat and Barley,
ftvith all tho various food elements for building body tissues and
for Btoring energy in the system. . ' .- ...
Jfoodf,made from wlieat and barley, has long been known as the
ideal food for athelete, invalid, man, woman or child.
r It is promptly digested by the weakest Btomach and is quickly
bvailable in'thb blood for rebuilding waste brain and nerve cells
-the natural supply of a natural waste.
ThetVs a Reason"
.' rOR Trvf y.ynr -
Bine M11L
F runout.
Crraad Inland.
Greenwood. '
olatetn. '
Xxlnf ton.
Long anas.
Lotto a.
tort oik.
Morta matte.
N align.
Mala view.
Bed Cloud,
liver Creek.
West Point.'
Nebraska City.
Table Bock.
Broken Bow.
Beaver City.
Cedar Hapids.
Central City.
C larks.
David City.
Falls city.
Hay Springs.
Fawaee City.
' Stromsburg.
t. Edwards.
V all.y.
Wood stiver.
Clay Center.
Bepublioan City.
sfcCool. .
LiMhtoa. 'V
Bradsaaw. ' . ;
Oreaaam. ; '
Loup ctty.
"helton. '.'
t. FanU ,aw,j
Baelue. m mi
Towns marked with have ii.ingel
from the vote of lust vesr.
WK8T roiNT. Nb.. April i (Special.)
The municipal election for the city of
Went Point, held Tuesdsy, resulted
follows: For mayor. F. P. Hunker: for
city clerk, C. C. Malrhow; for city tres
urer, R. H. Kerkow; for councilman, First
wsrd. Joseph Jerinsn; Reennd vsr.l, W.
T. S. Nellgh; Third ward. H. S. Radler; for
members of the Board of Kduoatlo i. Dr.
H. I Wells- and M. K. Kerl. Neither the
saloon question or partisan politics was an
Issue, the only test being toe parsonal
popularity of the candidates.
ORCHARD, Neb.. April . (Special.)
At the village election held here yejterday
the members of the old board, who wee
running for re-election on a tio-ileense
ticket, were elected by safe mnloritles,
this being the first municipal election an
entire board wsji elected.
LINDSAY. Neb., April 8. fpeeial.)
At the village election the entire people's
party ticket was elected, no Iss'tes being
at stake. A large vote for the lopjiatlon
was cast. The following trustees were
elected: M. T. namickers, William Rro
sorosky, N. M. Nelson, ,Dr. J. H. Tobklu
and George Van Askens.
WESTON, Neb., April g. (Special.)
The special election for water bonjs and
tho regular election of officers brought
out the largest vote In the history of the
place. Though the antls fought fctubbornly
the bonds carried by a close margin, 71
to SI.
ELGIN, Neb., Apr!-. 8. (Speelil. 1 The
no license ticket was elected here by one
vote. This Is the first time for years that
the question has beenbefore the people
and the election was hotly contsted. A
full vote was polled.
PLATTSMOUTH. Neb, April .. Spe
cial.) A llgh vote was polled here Tues
day, there being- no "dry" ticket In tha
field. W. L. Pickett, republican, was
elected mayor over John Lutx, the demo
cratic nominee, by a largo majority.
Emmons Rlchey, republican, was elected
city clerk and Dr. E. W. Cook, republican,
was elected city treasurer. The aldermen
elected were: First ward, H. J. Schluntx,
republican; Second ward, William Weber,
republican; Third ward. F. 11. Ttumpker,
republican; Fourth ward, Frank Newman,
by petition; Fifth ward, William Munden
hall, democrat. Morgan and Cummins,
democrats', were re-elected membor of the
Board of Education. The present demo
cratic maytjr and city clerk were elected
two years ago and their terms expire this
spring. It Is Intimated that quo warranto
proceedings may be commenced In order to
Jar them loose from the offices, us the
clerk refused to have the names of the
regular nominees' of the two parties for
those offices printed on the ballots, but
that did not prevent the citizens from
writing the names on the ballots and vot
ing. The names written on the ballots
in the Fourth ward were not counted, but
proceedings In the supreme court may
compel them to be counted.
HTANNI3, Neb.. April 8.,-(SpcclaI.)-ThG
village election here resulted as follows:
For saloon 12, against 26; for water works,
23, against 1L Two antl-llcense trustees
were elected to the board, which was for
merly "wet." The board Is now divided
equally on the license question.
FAIRMONT, Neb., April 8. (Special.)
The election passed off quietly yesterday.
The citizens' or license party elected one
councilman for the Second ward and the no
license councilman for the First ward was
elected. There being two no license men
holding over, this gives the no license party
a majority and the city will be "dry" for the
next year. The vote on mayor was a tie,
which will be decided in the usual way in
such rases.
HEBRON, Neb., April .-(Speclal.)-The
complete "dry" ticket 'was' elected here
Tuesday, Mayor Rhodes being re-elected by
five majority.'' The tmltf rp.' tlio erection'
of a new grammar school building did not
HARVARD, Neb.. April . (Special.)-The
election yesterday was a very quiet affair,
as only one ticket was before the vutcrs,
the city high license ticket being elected
without any opposition, with only a partial
vote being cast. The vote on the S1S,000
school bonds for the erection of another
building close to present one on same lots,
the two buildings to be connected, received
spirited attention, as several questions were
Involved In the matter, and brought out a
large vote, 414 being recorded, with a record
of one or two votes opposed to the bonds.
NEBRASKA CITT, Neb.. April 8.-(8pe-clal.)
There waa considerablo interest
taken In the city election. All of the of
ficers were elected for a term of one year,
save the members of the city council and
members of the Board of Education. The
following were elected: Mayor, Charles H.
Kressen, democrat; clerk. M. C. Berry,
democrat; treasurer, C. E. Bchminke, re
publican; police Judge, G. Maylon Leldlgh,
democrat; members of the Board of Edu
cation, M. R. Thorp, republican; James
KJVelch, democrat, and Duncan MacCuaig,
democrat. ine lour councumen elected
were all democrats, as follows: First ward,
Irank J. Carson; Second ward, F. B. Eo
clestpn; Third ward, Thomas Slack; Fourth
ward, Herman Schomerus.
The proposition to vote $60,000 for the
erection of a new high school building was
defeated by a big majority. The proposi
tion to empower the city council to com
pel the Burlington and Missouri Pacific
railways to build a viaduct across the
south side, where they have many tracks,
was carried by a big majority, as waa the
proposition to Issue $5,000 for a publlo ath
letic park lying just west of the city.
At Syracuse the town went dry and a
prohibition board was chosen. At Lorton
a license board was chosen and at Dunbar
there were but two prohibition votes and
the "wet" board was elected by a hand
some vote.
HAT SPRINGS, Neb.. April 8.-(Speclal.)
The saloon forces of Hay Springs were
defeated by a majority of more than two
to one.
NELSON. Neb.. April, 8.-(SpeclaI Tele
gram.) There was but one ticket In the
field. F. A. Long and Thomas Hammond
were elected to membership on the Board
of Village Trustees. The town will be antl
llcense again, as has become the well es
tablished custom here.
PAWNEE CITT, Neb.. April 8.-(Special.)
There waa no Issue between "wet" or
"dry" here and haa not been at any city
election since 1880, In which year the last
saloon was cleaned out. The citixens ticket
was the only one In the field, but Its can
didates for mayor and councilman for Sec
ond ward were slightly scratched.
OSCEOLA. Neb., April 8.-Speclal Tele
gram.) The Osceola election resulted In
J. N. Norton's election as mayor. Dr.. A.
M. Bell as councilman from the First ward
and O. E. -Mickey councilman from tha
Pecond ward. Ed Danlelson was elected
city clerk and Levi Nelson treasurer. The
vote on saloon license was fifty-two for
license and 134 against. Billiard and pool
halls were also voted out. Every- town In
Polk county haa voted a majority a" gainst
saloon lioense.
CRETE. Neb., April .-& L. Mains was
re-elected mayor. License doea not play a
part In the city's politics, a license policy
being established.
CI.AT CENTER, Neb.. April I (Special.)
A no-license ticket waa elected here by
thirty-six majority.
LTONS. Neb.. April l (Special) Lyons
elected a no-license board.
NORTH PLATTE. Neo.. April t-tSpe-dal.)
Dr. Nicholas McCabe was re-elected
mayor of North Platte, The prohibition
ists lost their fight.
AURORA, Neb., April t.-(Special.)-John
A. WhltUnore wag elected mayor. A mu
nicipal g&a plant was defeated. Tha city
.WV7 . V.A y. h
4 n
- ; Ph
il Y'.A'XV
AVe believe you'll see tho wisdom of luiying
good suits tlio minute you see ours. BcKiw we;
quote three very special values; not the cheapest
in dollars and cents, to be sure, that you'll see
but considering the fabrics, tailoring,' good iip-1
pcaranee and moderate prices they are by, far ,
the best clothes bargains in Omaha. - licttcr We.
.let or blue black straight or 75 IP C
Knickerbocker pants, at r.-J and $3 '
Others higher in price, if you choose.
Jet or blue black as well made and (A '
as stylish as can be. .... . vpf U
Others at prices ranging up to $22.50.
A thousand bargains carried away each of the first two
days. Every one was surprised and delighted. Thousands of
articles are only slightly damaged, but they go at 25 to
75 disdount just the same. Some expensive things at 10c
to 25c. Everything damaged must be sold. Profit by this
rare opportunity.
The Busy Jewelers and Opticians
1520 Douglas Street
went antl-llcense by the largest majority
In Its history.
OAKLAND, Neb., April 8. (Special.)
Nvllcense carried the day by forty ma
jority. A. Hammerstrom was elected
NELIGH. Neb., April 8. (Special.) The
entire high liccnte ticket won out hero,
W. L. Staple 4s mayor.
ASHLAND, Neb., April 8. (Special Tele
gram.) Ashland went dry today by a ma
jority of 42. F. J. Service was elected
mayor, W. it. Blas city clerk. . Two pro
hibitionists were placed on the council
Ed Hoffman in the First ward and A. R.
Clark In the Second ward.
HAVELOCK, Neb., April 8.-(Speclal Tel
egram.) Havelock decided to retain salopns
by a majority of 42.. Tom Hinklo was
elected mayor over Woodward by a ma
jority of KM).
VALENTINE, Nctf., April 8.-(Special
Telegram.) The election here Tuesday was
the most exciting and hotly contested In
the history of Valentine. The issue was
license or no license and tho closo result
showed how evenly the forces were divided.
The old hoard was elected with a majority
of six votes and. Valentine Is still a "wet"
town. The official voto was: Citizens'
ticket, 128; people's ticket, 117.
BEAVER CITY, Neb., April 8.-(SpecIal
Telegram The city election resulted in an
overwhelming majority for the citizens', or
temperance, ticket. The opposition elected
but one councilman.
TABLE ROCK. Neb.. April 8.-(Speclal.)
The- result of tho election In Table
Rnck yesterday was In favor of license.
(Special.) Election passed off quietly here.
The proposition for or against saloon was
voted on and the result was 67 votes
against and 47 for.
YORK, Neb.. April 8. (Special.) License
or no license was no Issue in the city
election of York "yesterday. Outside of
one ward there was not very much activity
on the part of either party. Republican
councilmen were elected In the First, Sec
ond and Third wards. B. V. Marshall,
democratic and fusion, was elected coun
cilman in the Fourth ward. Voters of tha
city of York voted yesterday on the ques
tion of Initiative and referendum, which
was carried by a voto of 3 to 1. In the
school election, several women took ad
vantage of their opportunity to vote and
cast their voto for school officers. The
republican nominees, George Spurlock and
Al White were elected.
BASSET.'. Neb., April 8. (Special Tele
gram.) The anti-saloon ticket waa elected
here yesterday with a majority of three
votes, and tho new board will stand three
U two against license. The anti-saloon
ticket was also elected In Newport, and
Rock county will have no saloons during
the next municipal year.
BATTLE CREEK, Neb.. April 8. (Spe
cial.) At the regular village election hold
at this place yesterday the following men
were elected: Mayor, D. L. Best and W. L.
Boyer, to succeed themselves, and Charles
Hanson as a new member. This Is a vic
tory for the entire citizens' ticket.
COLUMBUS, Neb., April 8.-(8peclal.)-There
was not a complete cleaning of the
platter, politically speaking, yesterday by
the democrats, for the republicans In the
Fourth ward cleaned out one of the strong
est democrats, Julius Nlckols being elected
councilman over Jack Echols. The full
ticket as elected is: George W. Phillips,
mayor; Gus B. Spelce, chy treasurer; Will
lam Becker, city clerk; William O'Brien,
police Judge; F. R. Gregorlous, water com
missioner. LOUP CITY, Neb., April 8.-(Speclal.)
The city went "dry" by eight votes today,
after the most hotly contested of any elec
tion held here for years, and the entire
"dry" ticket was elected by small majori
ties. At the election two years ago the
"wets" had a .majority of some sixty votes.
. SIIELTON. Neb., AJpril 8.-(8pc"lal.)-The
village election, which was held here
yesterday will long be remembered as
the most hotly contested one ever held
In the town. Voting began as soon as
the polls were open arrtt every vote pos
sible was secured by both factions. There
were 236 votets cast, the largest ever re
corded, and no license carrying by eleven
majority, last year thja majority was two
more than this for no saloons. II. C. Han
son, W. C. Hackman and B. F. Parks
were elected village trustees for two year
8T. PALL, Neb., April 8.-(8peclal.)-The
city of St. Paul has gone "dry" for the
first time in Its history. At the city elec
tion yesterday the proposition to - license
saloons' was defeated by four votes In the
first ward and by nine votes In the second
ward, making a total. prohibition majority
of thirteen. Both tickets were pledged to
refuse saloon licenses' If the people defeated
the proposition. In the outside towns of
this county the" result of the election Is
that Pannebrog and Boelus go dry, and
Elba and Farewell remain wet, .-
CHADRON, Neb., April . (Bpeclal.)-In
the city election here today J. W. Flnne-
"Cake Secrets"
MS nk SJSI na A lady wrlten: "I Irentrd .
-II Warn Eel more shout rake making
I 1 1 C I 'mm "CkeSrt" thai)
f, SJni tag from an book or book I
V.. TlAt t , MftthM .M
perfect. " Send m roar groor'a name and
jvyr .uum., ua well Ifllfl FOU Wile
valuable recipe book FREE.
Any out can make good eake with
Swan's Down
Prepared Cake Flour
Two eents' worth makes a eake.
In paokages. Ak your grocer.
Write today for "Cake Secrets.'
tgkkcart res, ftent.W. Evaaivule. la&
gan was electetd mayor by a substantial
majority. On the question asTo saloons
or no saloons, the town went "wet" by
sixty-four majority.
Woman Danarerously Berne.
BROKEN BOW, Neb.. April 8.-(Speclal.)
Mrs. J. II. Morrow, 95 years ' of age, a
widow residing here, waa perhaps fatally
burned at her home this morning, by an
explosion of kerosene. Mrs. Morrow was
trying to help along a refractory fire wlmn
the accident occurred. Catching up 'an old
quilt she tried to wrap it about her burn
ing clothing, but this also ciuglit fire, and
she ran, screaming, into the street, A. C.
Crawford who , lives , opposite,; heard the
screams and quickly ran to her astlsjance.
It was but a short tiisto before the un
fortunate woman' was In good hands and
being well taken care. of. Her buck and
hands are frightfully burned, the face how
ever, being untouched , by the flame. A
trained nurse haa been sont fur . froir.
Omaha. Late this afternoon the'
was reported to be In an extremely pre
carious condition. Mrs. Morrow's Husband
died about a year and a half ago and elnc
that time she has lived entirely alone.- ;
'Most Wonderful Ileallngr.
JAfter suffering many years wit it -a sore
Amos King, Port Byron. N. Y., was cured
by Bucklen'a Arnica Salvo. 25c For sale
by Beaton Drug Co.
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