Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 06, 1908, Image 1

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    Fhe Omaha Daily
vol.- xxxvi i-xo. nr.i.
f V
til Health Compel Campbell-Banner-Iran
to Relinquish Office.
Herbert H. Asquith Likely to Become
Head of British Government.
Retiring Premier Has Had a JT
Career in Parliament
K f.
Hf-cnrd of lloMIn
l.leHii-nln to
irnlo Compostim'
Majority Ik Coin'Ci'1
l.ONTx IX. April S. It wns off)
noumcd ti n I ihtv king: Iihh aceeie
rcsiiimMInn of Sir Henry Ca'mpbell-1
nan, 1 1 rrr liiitish prime minister. Sir Hi'.Vl
' ooiidit inn remains unchanged, accord 'ng to
tin- physicians' bulletin posted today. The
kliifc-. In telegraphing his acceptance ot tlie
premier's resignation, conveyed an expres
sion if I is regret and esteem, with best
wishes for Hir Henry's recovery.
No fiirthrr offiiinl announcement with
regard to cabinet ehuiigcs has been mad,
but llie kin lias summoned Herbert II.
Asqulth. chancellor of tho exchequer, and
th' Witter will start for fharritx, where the
, king In sojourning, probably tomorrow aft
ernoon. Tin- chancellor, who ha been act
ing premier hi place of Sir Henry Campbell
Unnnerman, ciilleil a meeting of the cabinet
thin morning to submit the premier's resig
nation and discuss the rnurao of business.
. I.pavra Fine Iteeord.
TTn. resignation of iV Henry Campbell
Bahncrmun, the firm liberal prime minister
of Knglund atnee l,oid Itosebcry gave up
office In IKiiS. has It dramatic phase, for
as he passes from the atuge, the mixed
force which he held together aa a party
appear also to bo approaching the end of
political power. Tho Bannerman govern
ment, It should b elated, combined too
many faction and too many fads; all the
element of opposition to conservatism and
of discontent united to make common cause
against the old government, and when
Jointed together In an administration, a
working leum of home rulers, laborltes,
aoclalitfs. liberal in-perlallsts and llttlo
Knglanders was found nigh Impossible. But
(o spcuks much for Kannerman's leadership
that the disintegration of his party lias
gone on so much more swiftly since tho
attack of heart trouble last fall In Bristol,
where lie had gone to make a political
speech, which removed bird from the pos
sibility of active leadership.
.' Sir il-niy was not only the leader o tho
'House of Commons, but also Its father, for
he represented Stirling without interruption
arver .sine-'hj rnlwred jh? house In J2S, a'
the aam tit 32. "
Throughout his political life he haa been
a consistent and staunch advocate of rad
icalism and his political faith haa never
wavered, lie did not derive his politics
from his family, however, for 'his father.
Hir Campbell, a prosperous Glas
gow merchant, was one of the most de
voted adherents ot the tory party In Scot
land, whlla his brother aat for years in
the house or commons on the conscrva
tlve sairie. When he first stood as a lib
eral candidate for Flirting, young Campbell
was twitted with his father's elleglance to
tho'other side, but ho retorted that loyalty
to their political faith ran in the family
and that as ills father was consistent in
his torylsm lie would be consistent in jila
Holds Many Oftieea.
Ids curly years In Purllaintnt were not
eventful, but he became known rather for
Ills' gentility and hospitality than for the
political sagacity which he showed later,
tie had a varied experience In government,
holding tfie positions of financial secretary
to the) War office twice, secretary to the
Admiralty twice, secretary of state for war
and, for a brief time in 1884-5. chief secre
tary for Ireland. At that trying period the
Irish member were devoting their efforts
to making the office almost untenable, but
Mr. Bannerman the assumed the name of
hla maternal uncle. liunncrnian, under a
will and acquired his title In 1895) met all
their atiarks with unfailing good will and
ready wit. "Tim" Healy complained that
Ireland was being governed by Scottish
Juke, and lleuly's colleagues eomplulned
that tliry could make no Impression on the
"Scottish sandbag."
He came more prominently lie fore the
public oyo when her took office as secre
tary of war in Gladstones last govern
ment. His great administrative feat waa
to persuade the duke of Cambridge to re
sign the powitlon of commander-in-chief
of the aismy. The duke-was extremely
ltluctant to retire, but lis yielded to the
war minister's tactful pressure and re
signed. Four hours after the formalities
had been completed and the necessary
documents signed the liberal government
was defeated on the cordite vote and re
signed. The duke then wished to retract
his decision, hue It m too lute.
A Jong period of depression of the liberals
followed and Sir Henry Cumpbcll-Banner-'nian
had a trying time In keening clear
of the cn.j'S currents which uiltnvttely
led to llareourt's resignation of the lead
ership of tho party, which was b.idly
disunited. There was not a moment's
doubt us to who was to succeed him, and
by a unanimous vote of the parly llan
n. tii. i.ii was chosen In February. !W. to
lie Its leader, lie waa the only possible
Bt let lion, fur he was the only prominent
inemlier of the puny who hail broken
Willi neither s.
Opportunity for Haanrriuaa.
' Troublous time 4 were In store for the
liberals with th- beginning of tie Hoer
war, wlikil made the bitterness between
ths lull liallst and radical groups more
acute than eer. It was Impossible, to
conceal the party differences, for both
section openly attacked one am. tiler, but
tho .difficulties of the position gave Uun
nermann hi opportunity. A less reso
lute man would have thrown up the task
in despair, but he stuck to his post, ever
matching for an occasion to l.u.l a tem
porarily united party againtt the guern
uient. lie mi bitterly J-J au-cly at
tacked, but he never but uls head under
the greatest provocation, ami in the face
of the biting i-rltlvlsi of Chtiuberla 111
he maintained his Beif-rextralnt.
Droua Ilea a Mail fr'Ualla; t-'lre.
HoU:k. Nch, April i-.Se,i Tele
ti!ii --Wli'o figlmiitf a prairie fire this
afternoon lula Oovdsvll. sr., 4 years of
4, dxupped dead.
Irresponsible pa per omiaeat
Irritating; tu nnthern
WASHINGTON. April 6. While the of
ficial relntlons between the United States
and Mexico were never more cordial than
now, and while there is nothing In the
material Interests or desires of either re
public which conflict! In the slightest de
gree with the others, officials of the Amer
ican State department ha-ve become sud
denly aware of tho existence and rapid
growth of a public sentiment In Mexico of
distrust and suspicion of Americans and
j American Intentions respecting Mexico ter
j rltory.
Thls condition Is made more exasperating,
't none the less harmful and embar
king from the fact that it Is entirely
idleaa in fact and. the officials declare,
r Its basis nothing but Irresponsible
iff gossip and criticism. Such, for
as a lurid description of Mag
where the fleet has Just con
t practice, with a hint thrown
.ocation and natural surround-
lA for a naval rcndcEvous and
actice station; that the place
"y'be bought from Mexico. Just
.oiuments as these, printed without
. least official Inspiration or sanction,
wholly misrepresenting actual conditions,
are believed by American officials to be
entirely responsible for the distrust rapidly
developing In Mexico.
The officials also assert that southern
and western papers have also Indulged In
what is rcgnrded here as unnecessary crit
icism relating to the extradition of crim
inals, have magnified labor troubles In
Mexico and have comments Irritating in
character regarding the control the Colo
rado liver as a boundary stream.
The serious effect of this accumulation of
adverse comment has been brought home
to the American administration In per
fectly frank statements from the Mexican
authorities. Added toi the accumulation
and perhaps the only thins: which Is com
plained of officially by ' Mexico, Is the
seeming security and asylum afforded
here to persona regarded In Mexlca as con
spirators and revolutionary agitators.
Regarding the cordiality and sincerity of
official relations between the two gov
ernments; the lack of desire for. any por
tion of Mexican territory, American of
ficials feel the more keenly their lack of
ability to copV with a situation entirely out
of official control, but none the less charge
able to the nation.
Officials cognizant of the situation are
entirely devoid of any authority to remedy
the evil and are endeavoring as best they
may to counteract the harmful effect of
what has been thoughtlessly said through
a presentation of its utter lack of respon
Baron Rosen Declare Mlaaaderataad
lnr la Kaslly Capable of
WASHINGTON, April 5. Sneaking today
with a representative of the Associated
Press who askfd for an explicit statement
regarding Russia'! attitude In Manchuria,
In view of the latest development at Har
bin, Baron Rosen, the Russian ambassador.
declared thai: mhrh that wa being printed
lit that connection was misleading. In a
general explanation covering some of the
essential features of the situation, the am
bassador said:
"I have noted with regret certain com
ments relating thereto In some of the dally
papers, which comments are manifestly
based on Incomplete Information or on a
misconception of actual conditions existing
in that remote part of the world. In the
first place, the question of Chinese sover
eignty In Manchuria is In no way Involved
In the steps taken by the railroad author
ities toward the organization of a municipal
administration In the Russian settlements
at Harbin and Chailar. These settlements
have sprung up within recent 'ear around
the central stations, machine ihopa and
other establishment! of the railroad com
pany at these points on the strip of land
bordering on the tracks which had been
leased to the company In 1RP6 for a term of
years by the Chinese government, the lease
containing a special proviso conceding to
the company the absolute and exclusive
right of administration in the lands leased.
"Any disagreement In regard to this plan
would appear to be of no more than local
Importance and to be capable ot friendly
adjustment without raising any Interna
tional question.' In fact, nothing could be
further remjved from tho alma of Russia's
policy (n the far east than any desire what
soever of questioning, let alone of impair
ing, the sovereign rights of China In Man
churia, Us sole aim being the maintenance
of the status 0,110 as well of Its rights un
der existing treaties and the cultivation of
the most friendly relations wlfh China, no
lis than with Japan, and incidentally I
would say that I have noticed a published
statement Inferentlally Implying that the
American consul at Harbin bad been re
quest ed to get an exequalor from the Rus
sians. This Information can only be based
011 Homo misunderstanding. I do not set
how any such thing could have happened
Moreover, us a matter of fact, Russia re
tains a consul general at Harbin, which
would be a manifest absurdity If It made
uny contention as implied In the statement
ebove referred to."
eiiro toBTlel Lynched.
Mollll.K. Ala.. April IS. Walter Clay
ton, a negro who was serving time at
tlie stocKaite or me llano lumher com
pany tor mHiis:aughter, late Saturday
uiicrnoon eriininsii wins. JO
K,-,!i wane, an on -i years, and was
lynched by a mob of seventy-five me.i
out side the limits of Hny Minette last
. Oermania.
. Catatonia.
. KrooDland.
. Prtnra Irene.
. Patricia.
. rhiladHphia.
i:v voiik ...
NKW VipRK ....
i;t ki:nstiwn. .
HI. I ildl Til . .
La Prorra.e.
Klru-ia .;.
SI. Ittia
Naw Trx.
. La Lorralae
KiiRnita ..
. Khheron.
- fitateodam.
Speakers' Table for McKinley Club Banquet in Honor
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White House Conference in May Will
Be Hiitoric Gathering-.
Rail anal W.tter TraaaportatloB,
Forests, Minerals suit Laussl
Laws tu Be "abjeeteat t
Expert DUeasaloa.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WA8HINQTON, April 4. (Special.) At 10
o'clock on the morning of May 13, In the
historic East room of the White House,
President Roosevelt will call to order the
most distinguished gathering of men of this
country ever assembled at one time. It
will Include the governors of all the states,
the members of the cabinet, the Justices
of the United States supreme court, sen
ators and representatives In congress, and
as special guests, others among ths most
noted men in the nation.
They will meet to consider what ths
president has declared to be the "funda
mental problem" before the country lha
conservation of ths nation's natural re
sources. The chief executive of practically every
slate has accepted ths president's Invitation.
Each governor was asked to bring with
htm three of the moat distinguished cittsens
of his state or territory and .these names
are being received In every mall. They In
clude such men as Judge Gray and Jamea
J. Hill, as well as others equally proml-
I nent In business enterprises of the most
It Is evident the conference wrtll bring to
gether not only ths nation's most dis
tinguished men, but Its foremost experts
end specialists In the several lines of dis
cussion. Among these, under the renor.i
head of water resources, are rail and water
transportation. navigation . and water
power; under land resources are soil, for
ests, sanitation, reclamation, land laws,
grasln and stock raising; under mineral
resources will come ores, mineral fuels and
related minerals.
Experts on Each Top I a.
While the names of the men who are to
discuss these several tonics inv. ....
been announced, they are known to be
recognised experts on the subjects, which
have been assigned to them. For Instance,
It Is generally understood that James J.
Hill, tho great railroad builder, will discuss
the relation betwen rail and water trans
portation. Mr. Hill Is not on authority on
this subject, but has shown his deep In
terest In the subject of water transportation
in an nis recent utterances on the subject.
The great features of the conference,
however, will be the open discussion amnn.
the various governors of the points brought
uui oy me papers presented. These papers
will be brief and then the subject will b
open for discussion among all the gtovern
ors. with a view of getting a concensus of
opinion of the whole I'nlted States on the
particular Bubjoct in hand. Tlie interrela
tion of the various industries as to nrnri..,..
tlon,- manufacturing, commerce, transporta
tion generally, will be prominently brought
out. The srenera' question- of , national de
velopment will come in for discussion at all
of the sessions. The unity of American In
terests will be a prominent note.
Waterways Commission Statistics. !
It Is expected, the vast amount of stalls
tics and other material which the Inland
Waterways commission has collected and
arranged within the last year, and which Is
to appear for the first time In the appendix
to the preliminary report which has not
yet been printed owing to its great volume.
will1 supply a mass of accurate data bear
ing Immediately on the various topics In
cluded In the progrsm. The subjects of
rail and water transportation will have a
prominent part In the discussion. Indeed,
it is expected the conference ' will open Its
rtogram with this subject. A matter of no
leas Importance than navigation will be
that of the development of the use of water
power. Including not only the power of the
larger streams, but the local use of small
streams, and the extension and develop
ment of electric transmission.
The close relation between the Improve
ment of the country's Inland waterways
and the conservation of all Its naturalW
sources will be the keynote of the confer
enc. In flrsf. creating the Inland Water
ways commission. President Roosevelt di
rected that the "commission shall consider
the. relations of the streams to the use of
all great permanent natural resources and
their conservation for the making and
maintenance of prosperous homes." With
this phase of Its assigned work In mind,
after the commission had proceeded pretty
well with Us Investigations, It suggested
on Its trip down the Mississippi river with
the president last October the desirability
for holding a conference on the natural re
sources of the nation.
President Laments Exhaattloa.
In outlining to the president reasons for
the conference the commission said:
"Hitherto our nationat policy has been
one of almost unrestricted disposal of natu
ral resources, and this in mors lavish meas
ure than in any other nation In the world s
history: and this policy of the federal gov
ernment has been shared In by the con
stituent states. Three consequences have
ensued: First, unprecedented consumption
of natural resources; secoad. exhaustion
of these resources, to the extent thst a
large part of our available publlo lands
have passed into great estates or corporate
Interests, our forests are so far depleted
as to multiply the cost of forest products,
and our supplies of coal and iron ore are
so far reduced as to enhance prices; and.
third, unequal opportunity, for private'
monopoly, to the extent that both the fed
eral and state sovereignties have been
compelled to enact laws for the protection
of the people.
"We are of the opinion that the time has
come for considering the policy of con
serving these material resources on which
the permanent prosperity of our country
(Continued on Second Page.)
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The Distinguished Guest in Omaha Today
aVH':2".';,9C" -
Friends Of Messsrea Confldeat They
Will Pass New York
latlve subjects yield place In Interest to
What promises to bn the final battle over
the bills designed to abolish the nominal
penalty which now practically protects
publlo gambling at raco tracks In this
state. The bills, embodying the recom
mendation of CJovernor Hughes to this
effect are a special order in the senate
for Wednesday. The legislative leaders
profess to believe that the bills undoubt
edly wll be passed and sent to . the gov
ernor for aproval. In postponing final ac
tion upon the measures. Senator Raines,
the maporlty leader at whose personal re
quest the date waa fixed, virtually made
himself responsible for their passage, and
he admits, no doubt, that this will be the
eMP'hfuaO.,nn u ag,-ss?du "cd KTAAOI
In the interval since the long battle last
Wednesday when the' senate by a vote-of
26 to 23 struck out the amendment which
would jhave deferred until September 1,
ths taking effect ot the penalty bill,
pressure which may be described as tre
mendous haa been exerted, especially by
ths opposition, on every senator who can
be regarded as doubtful. Rumors of all
kinds multiply as the critical day rdaws
near. They vary all the way from re
ports that the bills wtl be passed by an
pverwhelming majority to mysteriously
veiled hints thst certain senators will
"switch" to tho opposition; will bo taken
suddenly ill or will even leave the state
before the final vote Is taken.
Senator Wilcox of Auburn has been In
the west owing to tlie illness of his son.
but is expected to be here In time for the
final vote, and most of tlie reports about
his attitude are to the effect that he will
vote for the bills. Senator Raines believes
he will so vote. Senators Grattan of Al
bany, who voted for the September
amendment, has since Joined the support
ers of the bills and declares that nothing
can change his attitude. Senator Knapp
of Clinton, who also voted for the amend
ment, has publicly expressed hla Intention
to support the bills on final passage. '
Assuming that none of those already re
corded for them are captured by the oppo
sition, the addition of Wilcox, Grattan and
Knapp would make the vote 29 to 21.
Twenty-six afflratlve votes are necessary
to pass any bill and in any case the op
position ust gain or rather the other side
must lose, at lotist, two exclusive of Sen
ator Wilcox In order to defeat them.
Mtolea Bast Recovered,
ROME, April 6. After a diligent search
the police have succeeded in finding the
bronxe bust of Pope Clement VIII, which
was stolen from the Villa Aldobrandini
on March 20. The thieves -gained, access
to the villa by breaking open a window.
The bust, which weighs fully S00 pound,
waa found by the police burled about
half a mile from the villa. It was ths
evident intention of the thieves to keep
It In concealment until sa opportunity
should be offered to ship It abroad.
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William H. Taft.
Tuesday's Battle at Huron, S. D., to
Be Old Battle Again.
One of Hardest Foonhl Battles Mince
Territorial liars In Northern
State Deleicatea All
for Taft.
Hl'RON," S. P., April . Interest In the
republican state convention to be held
In this city Tuesday, April 7. to select
delegates to the national convention at
Chicago, becomes more Intense each day.
The campaign thus . far has been dis
tinctively on legal issues a tenacious con
test for supremacy -Is tweon Governor Coe
I. Crawford and United Stntis Senator
Kit tredge. followers of the former being
classed as progressive republicans and the
Klttredge rank as stalwarts..
Tho campaign has been one of the most
energetic in the history of South Dakota
and . was ono of the most hard fought
political battles since territorial days.
A peculiar feature of the contest Is that
both factions adhere to the some political
principles and are supporters of tho samo
national party leaders and all are wide
apart as to the management of political
affairs In. this state.
A prominent republican defines the mat
ter thus: "The real Issue was a question
of state policy, rather than national, and
under the efforts of their respective sup
porters to erect a Klttredge or a Crawford
band wagon lay tho 'preater question of
whether the people shall continue to
govern the state, or control of affairs re
vert to the public service corporations as
In the former era of stalwart rule."
I'roatresslvea Have Majority.
That both factions have expended much
energy, and no small amount of money in
placing their claims before the public la
conceded. T'p to the day of the March
primaries neither side dared to assert with
more than meager emphasis that its side
had won. As the returns came In, how
ever, it was found that tlie progressives
would have a working majority of not less
than forty In tfle state convention. In
short, the free' of the returns Indicated
that 270 progressive delegates had been
elected out of a total of 489 constituting the
convention. Later, however, It transpired
that some errors bad been made and later
returns Increased the victory for the pro
gressives. That the republicans of South
Dakota are strongly in favor of President
Roosevelt and Ida policies there is no ques
tion, and Jie is first choice for president,
and tho delegation to be sent to the na
tional convention will be a Roosevelt-Taft
delegation and without doubt will be
headed by Governor Crawford.
Arrangements have been made for a
rally of progressives here on the evening
of April 6, at which time Governor Craw
ford and Hon. George Fggen of Sioux
Falls and others will speak. The Audl-
(Continurd on Second Page.)
of Mr. Taft at Auditorium Tonight
1 2
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A cordial Invitation la ex
tended to one and all to attend
V".Vlhv reception to Rrtoretary
Taft, as p,uet. of the McKlnlry'
club, at the Hotel Rome, Mon
day afternoon, between the
hours of 2:30 and 3:30 o'clock.
The general public Is likewise
Invited to listen to the addresses
bv Secretary Taft, Governor
Sheldon, William Allen White
and others, to follow the McKin
ley club banquet at the Audi
torium, Monday evening. All the
gallery seats will be entirely
free, to which the doors will be
thrown otten after 8 o'clock.
Chairman Invitation Committee.
ShovrliiK for Year Made by
the Delaware Iladson
N10SV YORK, April 6. Net earnings for
the year' ending December 31, 1907, of $8,04,.
713, an Increase of $1,667,312. as compared
with the preceding year, are shown by
the annual report of the Delaware & Hud
son company Just mads public. The state
ment ot gross earnings show $20,175,793 for
the year, an increase' of $3,125,764 'over 19n6.
Of this increase $2,415,9U2 was from coal
freight traffic, the Income from which
was $9,081,644, as compared Willi $H,66i,7:!2 In
To partially offset the Increase In gross
earnings, however, there was an Increasj
of $l,Jf)9,5rl In operation expenses. After
paying all charges and Interest, with the
exception of dividends, there remained a
net Income of $6,476,173. This Is an Increase
or $1,07,31'2, as compared with the pre
ceding year.
Humor that tioTernnteat la Beaeadlaa:
Instead of Nhootlna- Its
PORT AIT PRINCK, April 5 In con
sequence of the non-attendance of a
quorum of senators and representatives It
is improbable that the Haytlan congress,
will convene on April 6. as the constitution
provides. The assembling of the congress
Is likely to bo postponed for some weeks.
It is Impossible to say how many persons
have been placed behind prison bars dur
ing the past few weeks. There are ru
mors current that the government is sub
stituting decapitation for shooting. A
Headless body was found yesterday bf
neath the ramparts of Fort National in
the outskirts of the city.
Refugees have sought safety In ' the
French and German legations, whare the
accommodations are now becoming some
what overcrowded.
a a
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Hundreds Will Meet and Thouiandi
Hear Secretary of War.
Presidential Candidate Will it Put
Through Whirl of Entertainment.
This Will Open Long List of Social
Meetings for the Guest.
Ranejnet of the Organisation at Andl-
t or I am Mill Be Brilliant and
Presidential Boom af Taft
Will Thrive, ' ' '
:10 A. M. Arrive at Oonnell luffs
Mt by speolsl committee.
:35 A.M. Arrive TJaloa station at
Omaha Orsstsd by rsesptioa eom
mlttaa .Kramkfaart at atoms XotsL
10 too A. M. Antomobils rids, Iscluding
visit to rort Omaha.
IS i30 ht.- luncheon at . ths Omaha elub
with, flSDrasta delegates to rspab'loaa
national convention and spsaxsrs en
evening program.
S:30-3:30. M. Tablle reception at Btotsl
4 :00 P. M Address Omaha Woman's
elnb. Tint Congregational church.
7:30, MoXinlsy club banqnst at
Auditorium Doors open to banqnsters
7 p. m. a all arias open, free to pub
llo, p. m.
William Howard aft. aeer.l
snd the man who was taken from judge's
rone in imio to build a new nation In Asia:
twice refused a place on the supreme
bench rather than abandon Ills work for
humanity In the Orient! wloidid ium.
of secretary of war and secretary of stale:
naa cnarge or tho general administration
of the great Panama canal enterprise and
Is now to be sent to tht White, House, will
be the guest of the McKltiley club and the
people of Omaha today.
People of the west have had visits from
Mr. Taft before, hut none quite bo demo
cratic as the visit will be today. Tv..-yone
will have an opportunity to come In touch
with the man who is being beckoned to
the place as chief captain ot the people.
He will meet men and women from all
parts of Iowa and Nebraska and the differ
ent titles. Business lcadrra, politicians,
leaders of organised labor, white men snd
black men, will make up the roster of hla
callerst and his audiences.
Addressed toad actors.
The secretary of war Is to arrive thin
morning at 8;K from Chicago, where he
has addressed the Commercial club, at
tended a press luncheon, and Just . before
leaving for Omaha yesterday afternoon
addressed a gathering fi( the Chicago Bl-
'"' c" ir-s- timer ff Ilailway Conductors,
Everything he did In Chicago ent Jits
presidential boom soaring from listening to
the William HowsrM Taft msrrh to prom
ising the Associated Building Trades that
he would be their guest In Chicago July 4,
and the -man who is still called "Santo
Taft" by the Filipinos, comes to Omaha
nearer the American presidency than he
was when ho left Washington.
From the time the secretary af war
looks out of hla car at Council Bluffs Willi
the flax-blue eyes "ss of the soul of h
man looking out of tlie eyes of g boy "
and Is greeted bl the reception committee
until he Is turned over to the Council
Bluffs committee! at noon tomorrow, he
will he constantly among Omahans, ami
his day begins at 10 o'elork Jhls morning
with the automobile trip to Fort Omshs.
All arrangements have now been com
pleted for the McKinley club bsncjuet, the
luncheon at noon given by the local dele
gates to the Chicago convention, the public
reception at tho Hotel rtomo this after
noon and the address to the Woman's
club. ' '
Few Tickets Iteleased. '
A few banquet tickets reserved for peopls
unable to attend have been released snd
will be on sale at the Myers & Dillon drug
store, corner Sixteenth and Farnam Streets
resorvatlona have been made for the boxes
and arena floor seats. The galleries will
be thrown open at S oclock to ths public
and they will bo free. The local commit
tee! made tho final arrangements at a
short meeting held In the office of Pres
ident Isndore Zlegler at noon yestsrdsy
Governor George I,. Sheldon will arrive
in Omaha at noon, while Wlllism Allen
White arrives at :.10 this morning, and
owing to the untimely hour will forego a
reception commit tee.
Walter S. Dickey, republican state chslr
man of Missouri.; will also arrive during
tho day and will be one of ths guests at
the speakers' table at the baoquet this
evening. Mr. Dickey hsd charge of the big
banquet recently given In honor of gscrs-
ia.ry jsir. in Kansas City.
Mrs. Sheldon will be the guest of Mrs.
E. G. McGllton and has a box reserved at
the Auditorium, where she will, hear the
address of the secretary with a party of
Three hundird out-of-town people have
now reserved places at ths banquet, besides
those who will occupy boxes and har (A
addresses from the galleries.
Tables Fill Auditorial.
The Auditorium Is In readiness. Ths elec
trical decorations will be the most novel
and surpass In beauty any decoration which
has ever been seen In ths Auditorium. Th
Ublcs are arranged In "T" form. To Best
the l.uio guests comfortably, the entire floor
of the big Auditorium has been used, it
has never before been all used for any
political banquet.
Just before 8 o'clock this' evening the
entire Illumination will be turned on and,"
amid the scene of splendor and enthusiasm,
the banquet will open on the even hour, the
Invocation being pronounced by Rev. Frank
L.. Ioveland, pastor of ths First Methodist
Places st the speakers' tsble will be occu
pied by the presidents and officials repre
sentatives of ths various commercial
organizations, political clubs, speakers and
toastmaster. '
The first socisl meeting m It It Bocrstary
Taft will be at ttje Omaha club at noon,
when nineteen speakers snd delegates will
be the gin sis tf Arthur C. Smith, M. L.
1 -earned audVictor Roaewster. the dfl-gate-at-large
and Second district delegates
lo tlie republican national convention.
Tlie following Is the list of guests United
to tlie luncheun. only Senators Brown and
Ittirketi. and two delegates, Messrs. Wil
liams and Gainmill, being unable la attend;
Uaeala at LaachsssV
Secretary ot War Talk -" t
.. V