Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 05, 1908, EDITORIAL SECTION, Image 9
The Omaha PART II. EDITORIAL SECTION PACES 1 TO 12. UNDAY Bee filflsin is r it 5 j J i t f Is i X I VOL. XXXVII XO. 42. OMAHA, SUNDAY MOKXIXd, APRIL 5, 1008. SINULK COPY FIVE CENTS. ladles' Home Journal Style Book and lie pattern, 20c. We give S. A H. Groen Trading Stamps Fresh cut flowers In the main entrance. . 4 Tomorrow Easter shopping will be at its best at BENNETT'S. The whole store is resplendent with bright beautiful new things in wearing apparel for the gladsome Eastertide. The usual rush of the Easter week will be avoided if you come out now. The beautiful things now shown clearly stamp this as "Omaha's Great Style Store." MONDAY WAIST SAIES EXTRAORDINARY 98c Over 1,000 white waists in 0110 liig sale Monday, at ninety-eight cents. By long odds the most beautiful and showiest effects ever shown at the price. A big lot from a Cleveland maker, at less than cost to make. Fronts are elaborate with embroidery and lace, mo iii' j i i ti 1 1 1 1 1 uainons, iucks, etc. -wnnv nave nacKs ana sleeves trimmed with laces and tucks, hand somest $2.00 waists ever sold here, Monday Fine Lingerie and Net Waists Suitable for"dressup" occasions for evening, for theater wear, etc. Lingerie waists of daintiest mulls, gorgeous with Valenciennes, insertions and hand embroidered voke effects. Prin cess style collars, backs and sleeves are alsa trimmed. Also a big line of fine white and ecru net waists over silk. Every one of these good values up to $7.50; Monday Taffeta Silk Waists Eight stunning styles in new tail ored effects. There are plain taffetas in even' wanted color and a world of fancy silks, either open front or back and long or short sleeves, garments you'il do well to buy now for Easter, for you get a regular $6.50 waist as low as . . . 500 Spring Jackets Under Price We have assembled this big lot in three classes, each one representing a bargain of the best kind. Included are covert coats, broadcloths, new panamas, fancy fabrics and silk coats. Every style, too, fitted, semi-fitted and loose back, and all are silk or satin lmedi light colors, browns, tans, grays and blacks. Jlere are coats worth $7.oO, $12.50 and $15.00, selling at. . . 3.95 4.95 Monday will be remarkable for its wonderful money-saving opportunities. Here's a page of stirring bargains as startling as they are unusual. From the basement to the top floor special sales are scattered about that reach the climax for Ipw pricing. Every thrifty woman owes it to herself to come to Bennett's Monday. Fashionable Easter Styles Uncommonly Under priced 4.95-7.50-10.00 White Goods for Confirmation and Summer Gowns Here are four remarkably fine specials on new crisp, dainty white fabrics for Monday. These good3 are appro priate fof confirmation, for communion and summer dresses and waists of all kinds while the prices are a revelation to those who know values: 25c tVUKKCH LAWNS These are dainty, sheer materials, 4 6 inches wide and adapted for all occa- , slons; launders perfectly, 89c quality. PKKSIAX LAWXS In the whole . white goods family, these are un doubtedly the favorites. To morrow you can take either a 32 or 4 5-lnch kind that usually retulls at 40c . . an. for 29C 45-IXCH IJATISTE Just a slight ly heavier fabric and one that glveB excellent service. Tomorrow we offer a fine 35c frabric. all new and frlBh (no Std remnants), at ZtfC Embroidered llatistes and Swisses Also striped and checked lawns and dimities for waists and dresses. It's a fine lot. too. None are worth less than 2 Be, many are 35c quality; Monday, sur- f rA prislngly underprlced, at. . . ldC Laces, Embroideries, Flouncings INCREDIBLY LOW FOR MONDAY Monday' greatest attraction in the stores Is the big sale of 5,000 yards ecru lace bands, galloons and allovers at Bennett's. These goods are from 5 to 20 inches wide; handsome Venlse, Soutache and Filet ef ' ects, absolutely most elaborate designs ever sold at so low a 9(i ' price. Goods worth $1.00 to $5.00 at, yard OgC DOMESTICS WOOTDSSrUX. BATXHOS OH TKXSZ BTEBT SAT HOUSEHOLD ' VSCKSSTTZZS. , 3f Inch MuKlin and Cambric, fine finish for underwear, actually worth double, at 31 Heavy blenched sheets, worth OQ Oft., 5o and 06c, Monday -. .l"fC Pillow Cases, 42x3 inchex, blenched. 14c quality, Monday Pillow Cases, 45x3H inches, bleached. jou quaiuy, Monday 9c 10c M AGN1FICENT EASTER MILLINERY Bennett'B Millinery offers you all the style and tone that any store can show. While this is true, you don't pay one cent for that. Its intrinsic values, good honest materials, artistically put together by masterminds of the profession that count, and which Is the secret of the low prices that prevail. Our great Easter exhibit Is one of wonderful variety. Every hat Is an exclusive model. The prices . $3.50 - $5.00 - $7.50 $10.00 and , $15.00 Represent values no store is dupli cating. Look around and see. Not a day too early to buy Easter hats. $35 Monday will lie llio most important suit day of tlio sea son. Thousands of Easter suits arranged for special selling, liejrinnintf Monday. Tlie entire stock of high novelty tailored suits, the most pronounced styles of the year, stunninu; new models with Vestee effects, suinptriousiv trimmed and (lesisrneu !v Acw ork s liest tailors, nil our finest $.'!!)..')() and $45.00 suits, and many new ones just opened Tailored Suits at $19.50 that stamp them as the liarain of the year. Jt's a biff shipment imi.ilit expressly for the Easter trade. The represent tlie most authorita tive fashions in new Butterfly, Merry Widow and Prince Chap models. Ihnalia in all her retailing ex perience never knew more beautiful suits at so pop ular a puce. Every new shade, every best tailors. All our finest $.'5!).50 and more; Monday sale Silk Suits and Dresses, reflecting every new style touch costumes that will appeal to every woman who knows and wants correctly designed gowns. These are elaborate lace trimmed effects and tailored styles, all the new pastel shadings in plai ntaffetas and a world of novelty silks. On Monday these superb costumes will be but 19 50 y-s? '''.Mif M-y nMriLij .00 Suits Tomorrow $13.95 Here is a lot of suits that will create no end of com ment and sales; suits that, show the handy work of best tailors, modified Prince Chap styles in plain and stripe fabrics In every color, coats arc silk, or satin lined, skirts are gored, pleated and self-trim med. Never at so low a price did you jqc v. nuvu i u u i ficnaiug duiid, nviual values to $20.00, at A DCU'll 4111- Pre Easter Sale Silk Petticoats Your Kanter outfit will not be complete without a silk Petticoat. If you come in tomorrow you can save several dollars on It. Fine silk sarments made from R. & II. Simons' Hcgretta Silks, some have eyelet embroidered ruffles. on flounces, others are In Bnctlonal and pleated flounce effects, colors tans, green, browns, reds, pink, changeableB and black all $7.00 values rs are in 4- New American Beauty CORSETS The Spring Models are all in. We nrs featuring the new broken bunt corset thnt Impart that brusalere vffct c-Vety well-ffowned woman ilemands, alo the new extreme length hlpk'.is models now so much In vogue. Kxpert flttltiRsr. piidillnR anil altering done by trained corsetler, aHaurlng perfect fitting; cornetH that Impart a Rrai-eful flR tire. Fit your new (own over an Ameri can Beauty Model. We continue again Monday thut pale of coi-Kets of well known makes, at : , . .89c I S 7 FASHIONABLE EASTER SHOES Let oar unusual preparcdneKM Induce you to buy your Esstor footwear tonioiTow If )Hsible. Never was a tihoe stock at Itrnnett's so thofoucbly representative of the smartest shoe fashions. 8o pxU'HHive are the assortments that we can meet evc-ry ilmanr). Our efficient force can nerve yon better now than dur ing the l.asUr week, besides these very special offering should tempt you Tlie Dressiest low Shoes for Men Underpriced women's Ovrortls Most beautiful styles of the year, patent colt Ox fords, temptingly under price: Bennett's $5 bench made $4. If) Pingree $4.00 Oxfords. . .'.83.29 D. & M. $3.50 Oxfords. . . .$2.89 Another lot embraces all the new 2,900 yards, 18 -Inch Cornet Cover em-i Swing Kmbroldery Flounelnits, the JbroliU'rls In; fifty new pattern?, Just I ml wanted rooiIh In the stovk for opened, every piece U n beautv JnJ ' drewes, for pettic oats, for walHU, Monday they will crowd the 1 X ?S?Z2 wldelTd S butByH1rS P 7C I valu,"' lclal yard. That Sale of Parlor Suites Tli sale of KNinpe parlor furniture from (ho manufacturer is a tremendous sue.exs, and yet, whj not? Such hales are a rarity. Mou. day this i-ry fine lMH'ial b:rii.tin: Mahogany finish parlor an I tea, like picture, upholstered leather or silk plush with loo&e cushion, a regular $37.50 suite. Monday'3 price TKN OTIIKIl STILKr KOI.ILLV AS lAnV: $T5.00 Sultos for S55.00 $50.00 Suites for $60.00 Suites for $47.50 I $30.00 Suites for iii-ii " . i Bi)i-a, evtry coior, every size, cnoice or any $12 00 and $13.50 beJa, Monday , ,gg o Kitchen Cabinet n A few mors $15.00 satin walnut, nlckle rlnc tnn rfi.. x 89.48 $22 kinds.. 815.00 125 kinds. SI (J. 50 In genuine 24.85 S32.00 S22.25 Go-Carts (nets, to aell Monday $18 kind. -812.20 I Go-Carts We show by long odds the biggest assortment in Omaha 40 slyles Oo-Carts of every description from $1.(0 to $35, with a dozen in between prices. Nowhere will you find them so reasonably priced. With each Go-Cart at $4.00 or over, we will give FItKK a fine $2.00 Teddy Bear, fitted with sweater and cap, on Monday. Monday a great movement In low cut patent leather shoes for men. in the following high grade lines: Knox $5.00 shoes for 83.69 Packard $4.00 shoes $3.29 Fellowcraft $4.00 shoos. . -83.29 omen's Oxfords All the most fashionable shades, new tans, golden browns, wine, champagne, etc. No other store Is duplicating price 1 tans In many of the neweBt styles. There's a dollar saving on each pair here tomorrow: Men's Low $4 tans for. . . -83.00 Men's Low $3 tans for. . . -82.00 Men's ?1.50 tan Gibson lies,' special pair and tiuality. $5.00 shoes for 84.19 ?4.00 shoes for 83.39 81.19 Women's Oxfords Monday we give you choice of newest spring effects in tan or patent colt, low cut shoes. As nice a 3.00 shoe as is made 82.19 Des Moines Dept. Store Stock 1509 PIECES JAPANESE WARE on Sale Monday, Here's a sale so intensely interesting and so full of fine bargains that every woman in Omaha will want some ot tnese goods. Oenulne Japanese teapots, cracker Jars, vases, plates, bon bons, hair receivers, sugars Des Moines Department store prices were 25c 29c 59c and creams, etc., etc., extremely beautiful and fine, to C9c, Monday on sale at 'Genuine Japanese Cups and Saucers, in Sat sum a decrations, Des Moines Department store price was 25c, six to a customer, each... J4RD1MERES AGAIN MONDAY FROM SATURDAY SALE 7Sc kind rf) I 1 -50 kind 7ri 10c 15c kind kind ir 290 98c kind .4i)C $2.00 kind 81.15 $3.00 kind $5.00 kind SI. 75 82.09 BENNETT'S BIG GROCERY PEA SPECIAL, i-V "P"? Swtt fVa"' 2 cans.. 25c And Jft Green stnnip rrl.. uhaVe L2'"?' 3 tanM io And tlreen Stan III 1 atavla ruiiry Halmon can aao And .' Gr.en htami a KnT. I'rejerve, Ure jar 40o And J 3reen S S ttnldem Pork and Id-aim, can SOo And 10 Ureen Nt?n i Hayle a t yrlone ReliHh. 2 hottleg aOgAnd 15 Oreen Slanipa t hoeolatlna. tin, . . aoo-A..d 10 Uwn Kuxinl uk PSa',?'',."t'L'1-.31 'n--------5o And 10 Ureen Stamps Hlue Hlbbun M-eded HHlninB. lb. j k. . 16o And ill Ureen htamn a OAHUEB I IM0?ED OilYH Oil. olm V.m2 boLt e, aoo An.l lo tJreen Stamw Mtdium bottle 3Uo And 3d Oreen Manip Larae bottle . 8SoAnd bti Oreen Stamps Hartley a Imported Jama, Jar 8 So And 10 Oreen Htumt Henneit's Capitol Klour. mll au'k..80o And 30 Oreen ntamoa corrEB SFZCIAI. 1 Bennett's Oolden Coffee, pound 2 lie And 30 Oreen Ptampn ll.i-k. t Fired Japan Te. pound 3o And 30 Oreen btanina IOUETHIHO MEW 1 Johnson's Braini Ht-uU. pkK 10c And 5 tireen Htaipps jnnnson s cneere Hacr. iita luc And & Oreen st.nn )nlon SttH. two Heed. Vegetable Maple Cream, i-ake ljusky Uiamund 8oap, quarts nd K!o ver, package seven cakes aeo 8HO .10c and 6c ...... .Boo V.Jl MONDAY'S GREAT HARDWARE SALES A carload of Knamohvare on sale at lowest price ever recorded KitclienUtensils ot every kind and every price, worth from ll.jc to 40c, Monday, at 10c Clothes Wilni?ei-n, best iimk, 3 year guarantee ll-incli joll. regular $3.4)t. Mondj y fVt9 Solid Steel Spades, lonjf haiKi- les, regular T5c. for 49o Kteel Oarden lloae. speelal.l9o Bleel l.awn Rake, 21 tlnc.3to And ;0 Oreen 8timiM. Klertric wlded Bteel garden lakes 30c, 36c and 40c And 'JO Oreen Stamps Skirt Hangers. adJu.stahle.18o And 10 Oreen Stamp Wash Hollers, every kind, pil- ces start up from 9So And 10 Oreen Stamps. Suit Hangers, speiial 15c And 10 Oreen Stamps Chlblien's Oarden Sets, 10c, lie and 36c And 10 Oreen Stamps. Hand Saws. 20 Inch 60c And 'JO Oreen Stamps Poultry Wire, full rolls, 100 square feet, for ... OOc Monday's Astonishing Silk Black Dress Goods Sale Monday silk sales stand supreme as the biggest bargain event of recent years, bargains on choice goods, not the trashy old fashioned stuff you wouldn't have at any price. Colored Taffetas, in every wanted shade, a handsome bril liant silk, very soft finish, will make elegant petticoafs, linings, waists, etc., a full third saving, too, at, fyj 36-inch Black Taffeta Finest Swiss taffeta with the lustre and rustle that are found only in the high grade, imported silks, nothing like them for -service, $1.50 is actual f AO value, Monday , itUO $1.00 Fancy Silks 48c A" world of exquisite new styles"in stripes, checks, dots and other novelties, finest dol- f O lar dress silks in the market, Monday, yard.....). . OC $-50 anil $;M0 Foreign Novelties 03e Theso are high' novelty exclu sive effects, bought by our ICuroppan buyer, the wont, exquisite em boriclered and printed chiffons, cloths, satin barred. ; Marquisettes, 44 and 48-inch widths, finest $2.60 and $3.00 goods , fl C shown in Omaha, yard J)C BLACK DRESS GOODS ' A tremendous sacrifice on tint- nmtciala, black voiles, in deei) rich black, equal to any dollar voile, anywhere, does not crease or wrinkle, yard Black French Taffeta, strictly pure wool, lifiht and firm, this la also a big dollar value, on Monday, for i G9 Black Polluette, one of the best. " nOEt serviceable wool fabrics tor skirts and suits, best $1.25 ma terial, will be olfered Monday, at 790 59c 27 pieces, finest black '. Chiffon Tartetaa, qualities unmatnhable at the prices. - Here's-how they go Monday: ' ' . , $1.00 qualities for ...... .-. -09 $1.2:1 qualities for, 71) 35c Mercerized Sateens for.,17 20c Black Sunglass '9 SElYilSG MACHINES Kiu.c anleert j s Hpt-i-lal ot) at We offer ')e lal aietulii 111 Kl-W-l;i. niiichiiies ev il y Al o n i a . "11 I r.vlt'M Sp" ri ii ' Sewlnjr Mii- liine Is flttnl ullli Hi: lie lut-i-i in tai'itinents, drop h il, hut b diawi'is. wll'i Holiil 4iaU '-ranie. 10 years, Monday. 13.69 CARPET SALES Hoom riiRa from our bl(f sale this week. KxlJ feet aizea: l I 50 niKW for 124.79 rrW $.10.(111 runn tor 118.69 -.'i.lin ruK for $15. H SI 00 riiK for $ S.BH All OurpetH I'loHhiK out at bis rcilin-tlons: $l.j Axminsterx for flSo He VelvetH for 7 Bo r.He IIi-iikhi-Ih foM 3e FISKB KVOS all desirable and f;it lolorw: ' i'.x9 hIzi-s now are $4 91 Sxl2 Hlze.s now arc . ...$7SS The Horton Spinner, Wasfcirsj Machine OMAHAS GREAT ST0RD The most cat it-factory Washer on tlie market lx the lever tyie. with gear ing attached lo xlile of till). Ihe.etiy rellevliiK the lid: lever Is nilju-tulle. to unit operator. Mei-iiuniHin U vimple. duialile and doea not euaiiy lieeome out of old.r. Monday And lit) tSreen TiudlnR Stamps. 50:- Wash doulili- xine. Monday . , tl SO t'l ,)tlll-H llinip er. large 1e, qo Monday OC China Salt oxi-a wind mill de-TQ BiKU And .0 (ireen St'pa Hoodeoware Dept. Basement $9.85 Hoards, ...19c BOYS' SUITS Monday ig lot boys' $J no l. 1 1 . fizes to 13 yrs., a:l tlie popular 8tyle $1.95 Hoy.' Russian Bai lor and 2-pleco ult. In bent luncy fHbrU-a, t!ue er-Ifi-n. many styles with 2 palm knlek erhorker pants. 3 to 15-yr. 1ri'i, cheap at o.U0, Monday for $4.09