Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 05, 1908, NEWS SECTION, Page 4, Image 4

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SUNDAY REE: APRIL fl. ions ,
East Central Nebraska Association
Meets in Metropolis.
IB 1 1
' I TIKE.L yU are Rivin more thou8ht t real value and enduring quality in
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A new St'le Book for Spring and Summer mailed upon request.
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for a typewriter when you have the opportunity of selecting
one from our stock. "
Keiniugtbn Nov 2 $25.00
Hemmgton No. G $35.00
Remington No. C , $55.00
Kemington No. 7 '..$45.00
Oliver No. 2 ! . . $25.00
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Smith Premier No. 1 $25.00
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Smith Premier No. 2...'.....- $50.00
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Lots of imitations, buv
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carry a full stock. By
or piece.
Jas. Morton Sons Co.
1511 Dodge Street Agents Goodrich Hose
Colorado's Governor l.ectares
Assembled Trarhfn.
rriiluy night's program at the Teacher'
association was confined to three number,
a musical number for the opening: and clos
ing ana uovcrnor Henry A. Buchtel of
Colorado. The first music was by Mr.
W. Gamble of riattsmouth. "O, Come
aie, Mavourneen," by Frank Lynes. Prof.
c. w. weeks or Fremont rendered "The
Bondolerto" in a bass of great power and
precision. Mrs. Gamble was a pure soprano
r. M. Graham Introduced the governor.
Liovernor uuchlel discourse wan on the
topic, "True Americanism." It proved
topic wide enough for the whole range of
history. Governor Buchtel has a remark'
ably clear and resonant voice and not
word was lost to his audience.
me Delict that the republic will live
forever 1 one of the steadfast nrlnHnlr.
which has existed In the minds of patriot
rrom the first. There Is a firm conviction
In every American that God. through Amer
lea, , had a message to all people for all
time. Till has been recugnlzed by the
trench and other European nations. Re'
liuuui'B are Dilution: on essential faith in
man. A sublime faith In the rights of the
individual. in our scheme of government
iei me empnasize one factor which has
done more than any other and ha eome
to the rescue numberless time In our his
lory, i meaji the balance wheel of the
Judiciary department of our government.
I cannot make this too emphatic. Without
it our government would have been tils
soiveu long ago. A It ia, I believed with
Herbert Spencer when he said America will
produce a civilization grander than any
in me worm, it will be the great continu
ous empire of the right of man.
independence In politic 1 political
ulclde; yet It I alluring to teachers and
preacher. Note the career of Roosevelt
after he had fought James G. Blaine in the
Chicago convention when 25 year of age.
He stayed by hi party and has become
the greatest political factor the world ha
ever seen, In lea than twenty year. Hi
assistant In that, fight bolted the ticket
ami mi Deen utterly forgotten. In thl
Mr. Bryan has also demonstrated his wls
dom In remaining In the ranks of his party
Tlx ...
"lo cv;aiiy ior an alliance with ome
party or another I a fundamental In our
government. Don't become a fre lane
unless you are content to be left stranded.
"In my election In Colorado a the op
ponent of the Western Federation of Miner
l raced a peculiar situation. Now. don't
become confused on the Isaue of that
controversy. The propaganda of the. fed
eration was one of anarchy pure and
imple. It waa not 4 movement of honest
workingmen, but the Inlquttou doctrine of
treaon. I won that election on -the
declaration "Every man owe hi best to
me siate.' There la no need for Immorality
in the affair of state."
Soath Omaha Seperlntrarteat
Elected at Head of the Staff
Meetlasr of Two Day
I Over.
By using the varlou department of the
Bee Want Ad rages you get quick return
at a small expense.
No Matter What You Want
Bee Want Ads Will Get It
t once, so you
eyea what U
Want Try File Sufferer to Ta.t Tals
Oreat Our at Oar Kapeiise. nu Toui
Main and Address Tor a
rree Trial Package.
We want to send jrou a frea trial of the
Great Pyramid Pile Cure i
can tee, with your own
can do.
You cura youraelf with perfect eaaa.
your own nome, and for little expense.
Pyramid Pile Cure give you prompt re
lief. It heala aorea and ulcere, reduce con
ization and inflammation, and take away
pain. Itching and Irritation.
After you have tried the aampl treat
ment, and you are satisfied, you can get
a full regular-slaed treatment of Pyramid
Pile Cure at your druggist' for to cent.
If he haan't It, lend u the money and
we will end you the treatment at once, by
mail, In plian aealed parkage.
Bend your nam and addresa at once for
a trial of this marvrloua, quick. ure cur.
Address Pyramid Drug Co., 10 Pyramid
BJdg.. Marshall. Mlct
N. M. Graham, South Omaha, president.
F. M. Hunter, Ashland, vice president.
Carrie 8. Nielsen, Wahoo, secretary.
John Speedle, Benson, treasurer.
II. H. llahn, Blair, J. M. Mitten, Fre
mont, members of the executive committee.
Omaha place of next meeting.
The above tabulation represents the busi
ness of the last session of the East Central
Nebraska Teachers' association, held at
the high school building Saturday morning.
Three or four hundred teachers attended
this meeting and It appeared that the busi
ness waa a matter which the majority of
the teachers cared little about.
The election of officers developed no
active campaigning. Many nominations
were made and declined. As soon as a
candidate was named, who did not reject
the office, he was at once made the unani
mous choice of the meeting. The place of
meeting" went without oppoeitlon to
Omaha. The final enrollment was 1,460,
making this the largest district meeting
ever held In the state. The committee on
resolutions reported thanking everybody
who had had anything to do with the ar
rangements or the entertainment. An at
tempt was made to organiie a declamatory
association In connection, but this' was
voted down.
Prosvram of Last Session.
The program, asldo from the business
session, was opened by a piano solo by
Misa Alice DhvIs. After the business ses
sion. Miss Helen Hanblln and Arthur Nea
bit of the Tekamah high school preaented
the duet, "Hark to the Mandolin," Bartlett,
and "There lift Mo Rest." Green.
W. N. Clifford took for his subject "The
Concrete In v Education." Ho Illustrated
his method ofi studying goography and the
Industries of the country. In the concrete
as much as possible. He had samole
of various woods and wood products which
were Interesting. He used these as con
crete objects to Impress the localities on
the pupil. Not only location but indus
try and manufacture with Its kindred sub
jects could thus be emphasized. In his
tory he believed much In the picture, the
. Miss Mabel Stephens of South Omaha
sang two solos proceeding the address of
President Guy W. Wadsworth of Bellevue.
"The Ideal Teacher" was the theme of
President Wadsworth. He emphasized the
side of culture, true culture, as a require
ment. it did not matter whether ou
iMonuniiBiion was at all times precise.
l nat was the outside, a mere tranaparen
varnisn, duc the true culture Is based on
character. He advised the teachers to be
courteous, kind, studious, religious and on
timlstlc In the broadest sense of the terms
Too Mack Law, Sara Gardner.
superintendent Gardner of the Fremon
B( nools, who attended the convention, does
not believe In school legislation. On the
other hand he says there has been alto
gether too much legislation forhe schools
or. as lie characterizes It, "against the
"We do not want any more school legls
lation; we have too many law now, and
If the lawmaker keep up the present pace
we win hot have any schools, and, what
wuiee, we win not nave any
teachers who are worthy the name o
teacher," says Mr. Gardner.
woo learning is a small part of it; the
tiaoher must know how to handle the
children in his or her charge, but the laws
are so stringent now that many of our
best teachers are being forced out, be'
cause ineir education in some particulars
Is slightly Insufficient."
l-rohlem Dealt with by the Teachers
In Marlon War.
Nebraska boy must be bad and Ne
Draska girl evidently are naughty. This
eemed to be the opinion held by many of
the rretiy school teachers attending th
Eastern Central Nebraska Teachers' asso
ciation. At tho hour of 2 o'clock Friday
afternoon five meetings of " tha teachers
were held In various places of assembly
In South Omaha, but while there was
plenty of room at four of these gatherings
teacners were turned away for want of
room In the hall of the city library, where
four of the pedagogue read papera on
"Our Naughty Boya and pirle; What
Bhall We Do with Them?'
ine rour paper differed widely In the
treatment of the subject, but close atten
tlon was paid to all, the teachers showing
by their close attention that they are con
fronted by unruly youngstera who they do
not know how to handle. The papers were
read by Miss Minnie Manners of Wahoo,
Miss Lois McCUan of North Bend. Mr
Harriet Hller of Omaha and H. H. Hahn
of Blair.
Uls- vr . n i . i
wan'ici iuiu nrr nearer that a
gooa way to get along with the small bad
boy I to take an Interest In the tadpole
cockroaches and bullfrog he carries into
the schoolroom in his pocket, though she
tempered this statement by adding that
she meant to take an Interest In the boy
himself and his work and play, gain his
confidence and bis respect. Miss Manners
did pot, have anything to say about th
naughty girl; all her troubles arise from
tne boys side of the room.
mis McLiean, young and pretty, ad
vised her fellow teachers not to become too
friendly with their charges. In this taking
issue sngntly with Miss Manners, In that
she opined tnat if the youngster was taken
Into confidence he would lose his respect
for the teacher, which would be stronger
If the teacher held herself somewhat aloof.
The teacher who at the outaet can break
the anarchistlo spirit dominant at some
time In the life of the, average boy has
gained a strong point and will have Suit
little trouble with unruly children," said
Miss McClean.
Mrs. Heltrr said it waa natural for every
well regulated boy to be bad and to play
truant, for were not his ancestors brla-anda
But truancy Is the first step on the down
ward road, alia a id. and the teacher muat
at the outaet ahow her pupila that she and
not they are boss. Tha child will continu
ally test the teacher's power, she aaid,
but the teacher's power must never fall
for when it doe she will find It hard
work to maintain any regulations In the
future. Mrs. Heller took the part of the
boy, largely, and said that the girls are the
mischief makers and that they are much
harder to deal with than the boys.
Mr. Hahn asked the teachers to analyse
their children more closely and get at the
bottom of their petty troubles, and made
he statement that teachera more often
'puniah the cauae and not the effect."
Many children are naughty because they
do not feel well, or possibly because they
have not enough to eat, or because they
have not enough work to uae up their
aurplus energy. This Mr. Hahn thought
wa the main reason for unrullneas among
achool children. The average small boy
nid many a aniart girl carrira too much
ateam" and muat "blow off aome way.
and If ha or ehe has not enough work or
play that energy will find vent In linubor-
mm EfflU
Extensive Showings of
Fdffi EASTffi
Tailored Suits at $25, $35 and $45
At these prices e are showing a very extensive collection of
styles in tailor-made suits. These are tight fitting and semi-fitting
coat styles, in all lengths; new Butterfly effectsnd an almost
endless showing of the latest oddities. They may be had in plain
fabrics in great variety and in shadow and in fancy stripes. The
suit skirts are essentially new in many features. Every skirt is
made of ample width. '
Women's Stylish Skirts
As diversified a showing of styles as we have ever been
privileged to direct attention to. The excellent fit, splendid
tailoring, dif f ernt style, quality of materials and general
beauty that characterizes the skirts now showing, will readily
be impressed on the minds of those who see them.
v a:
& h
dlnatlon. The teacher also thought that
much could be nccompllehed by "thought
transmission" to the pupil.
"Frata" in the high schools find a chnm
Tion In Dr. Benjamin L. D'Ooge of the
Michigan State Normal, who addressed the
teachers of tho Kast Central association
Friday. Ho did not lecture on the Greek
letter societies, but privately he says he
has no "bone to pick" with them, and on
the other hand he thinks that In many re
spects they are good for the young people
and good for the schools.
"The boya have got to go somewhere
aside to school and then home again. The
aveiago yovth must and will congregate
with his folio s. The desire for commun
ion with buys of his own age Is natural.
If he can not have a "Frat, as they are
commonly termed, he will go to the pool
and billiard halls, or possibly some place
worse," said Dr. D'Ooge.
"The Greek letter societies In Chicago
went too far, I will agree, and the only
course to pursue there was to force them
out of existence, but in smaller communi
ties I fail to see what harm can accrue.
However, I firmly believe that tho .'Frats'
ought to be under faculty supervision, that
a member of the faculty ought to belong
to the society and be a ruling spirit In it.
With a faculty member no harm can come
of a 'Frat,' but on the other hand good
will result, I believe."
Dr. D'Oogo added that no restrictions
could be placed around Greek letter socie
ties In tSae colleges, as most of the men
In the colleges have reached years of dis
cretion and would not tolerate faculty In
terference, but in the high school he be
lieves that regulation would be much bet
ter than extinction and does not hesitate
to say so.
"There Is a difference between simple
mischief and downrlpht wickedness. For
Instance, It Is not wicked for a child to
whlRper In school, but thero, are other
crimes which surely need punishment." said
Superintendent F. K. Morrow of Fullerton
before the teachers yesterday In an ad
dress on "Points to Emphasize In Normal
Training." "The child Is not always at
fault, In fact he Is seldom at fault, but
the fault lies with the teacher."
Trof. Morrow told the teachers that there
waa something radically wrong with them
or with the community In which they work
If th:y have to take, a protracted vacation
every year or two. "Teaching Is easy, but
.. ,., c"i in siuny 10 mane It eav.
Don't be afraid to study for fear your
landlady will think you have to study to
keep up with your pupils, for If you don't
study the pupils will be ahead of you. Be
clean and tidy, have your school room clean
and tidy, and by setting a living example
every day before your pupils they will
benefit more than by days and day of
poring over a musty book. ;
"Have as your motto David's prayer: 'Oh,
Lord, roll up Thy sleeves. Get liend and
ears In love with your work and lay firm
hold on the doctrine of service. These are
the three principal points to emphasize In
normal training."
In speaking on "The Problems of High
School Discipline" Superintendent C. M.
Barr of Wahoo also censured tho teachers
and told them that tho children do not
cause ruptures in the schools, but tho teach
ers are the prime movers In the occasional
Internal strifes which rend many a school.
"If the teacher Is prepared and know
her subject she will have tho respect of her
pupils and H-lll have discipline In the school
snd if there Is an honest fraternal spirit
manifest In the faculty tho teacher ara
bound to win. There must bo no dissension
among the members of the faculty, th
faculty must stand together, and there ra
never be civil war, for If there la the school
Is doomed," said Prof. Barr.
-The slogan In the now antiquated pnpulai
ong to "Let the Women Do the Work""
was fully exemplified st. tho teachers' con
vention as was remarked by one of the
speakers. A glance over the audiences
shows nothing but hats and curly locks and
shirt wslsts, but an occasional inanly form
being discovered. The convention shown
that the women are doing the work In tho
schools of the country.
One of the popular sections was that of
music st the high school auditorium. This
program was made up largely of musical
numbers, which proved very ' attractive.
Mis Eunice Ensor presented a clas from'
the Lincoln achool, which gave a real claaslu
chorus. The rendition was a splendid illus
tration of tho progress of music in the
graded schools. The Jissarman school In
Brown Park did almost as well In a special
number at the morning session. Th last
number on this program was by the Haw
thorne, school.
Miss Carrie Fairchild of Omaha rendered
a contralto solo, "Oh, That We Two Were
Maying," by Kevins, and a cradlo song by
flTI W lOlAflilfl IT iPifi0ir
blJy LI i llilly II Jjl-y
1513-15 HARNEY STREET ...
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bud isysiireess
(low Is the Time to Get a Reliable Piano. Don't Delay, We Quit May 1
Newest and latest improved Weber, Undeman, Mohlin, Foster, Stock, Marshall &
Wendell, Haines Bros., Vough, Winter, Corl, Ludwid, the most artistic New York and
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ble to match at any other place.
Chicago and other western sample pianos, brand new dependable instruments in fancv
and colonial models, beautiful rich mahogany,rnre walnut or quarter-sawed oak cases well
known pianos with the actual builder's name cast in the plate, all sizes a lar-e variety
making selection easy at the prices $155, $188 to $210. These are the sanieor better
quality than other stores ask today $-200 to $:;(() for. They have to do it to make ex
The name Weber on a piano stands today fur higher musical .pialitv and finish than
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competitors who chum to be reliable dealers advertise the name Weber as their regular
line, call forth this warning to the public. We are closing out all new NYWr pianos at re
ductions impossible to duplicate, and until our contract expires, new Weber pianos will
not be found elsewhere in Omaha. v
1513-15 Harnoy Stroot