- A THE OMAHA SUNDAY HEE: A PHIL ."). 100. 1 ! ' Ik - f A I. , 1 i .1 J if- If' ! IS' 8 !l i t ! ; til if ft' P. FILES TAX SCHEDULES Six nd Three-Qoarter Million it Figure Placed on Omaha Property. OTHER TOWNS GET BIG BOOST I ninn stork Harris Company Flics II Schedule f Unltchlni Hales In Accordance vllh llftrnt oiy I Derision. i I'mm a Si m ff Correspondent.) I.INCul.N, April I. ( Special. I I n compli ance wlih the termina' lax law the t'nlon Tai'lfk- railroad lias filed with (he Plate Hoard of Assessment lists of local property In the various towns along Its lines, to gether llh valuations of such property. Thp KiHiit Is MKiii-l by " h ! T Knglneer Huntley and Tax Commissioner A. W. Scribui r. Til" tolal alne nf all loeal pr"P- i-ly of the mini hi Omaha is $'..l."i. I IT. as list ! I v IV- nlT errs f t'c company. Ti .;'e miles of m.iiii line in Omaha. anieil H l !J a-;,, The , jvi,t -of-way ami 0 i t fti-oim.lM -i:e v iluc.l at The M'lur of all l ;nhl:iiK. umel I'.v the cnni pany , i lUncri n Riven at t!'. This in ch. di s li e I'nioii depot, express offices anil linm i-hcd:i aipl furniture, valued at JJIX.uin. 'I ho leport Miows that the company has v a i in il local property In the various towns (ilmiK i'.s lines as follows: Omaha $d,SI5.H7 Foulli Omaha Mn.Vo Millard ;I.!IM Klkhoni i;.'.:i! Walerhvi . ;.:iii; aih v irx:ja I'npiiii ni L'i;.4n; North Hend ;;x,l!M I'l'leilit l".'iri Schuyler tilv Ii."i JloKcl Ml t il olninliiM JsT.f-:r I'l.itie c. titer n.;t. 1 i.iriipiii .' Is I'l Tarnov L'J..:ri . ji it t ii i".7'; ' SH i r .'reck i:i.i;V6 larks' ;;:x,.i t'entral i",ty itjii'il Cl.npir.c'i W.axs l.nind Island .M.iiiH Wood lilver (iihliiiii T.:!l:i K ,m ni y iMMi: Shelton 11 Pd i;ini Creek ;.lnl A ins i st !t.:i7s Miller 1 !.;:.", I'lc.isamnn l'i,'.i:i'.t Ovel'tilll 4 !..", J Lexington 9iii'.t Coiiad Hi.tKia (fothenhnt Summer h,ml Kddvvllle 4. !''.! North I'liitl'i 4.11, 1'Wi Sutherland 'J",;iir OKalalla W't latKi f ile :iXilJ Sidney lr.'.limt I'h.ippell l'l.o.'lti K'itnliall fi.tw Yiitun K.M'I Mead l!.4i W'ahiH lo.Jiill Weston 1 VJh. alparalso Kli.iilll Hrui'nard h,STl David fity :i."..,'iiil KisiiiK t'ity lS.titS Slushy lii.lii:! OseeoU ' I." J f Uiinishiiii; 4II.0.U l'olk ' IXl.wx Lincoln lua.ami Iiaymotid X.lti t'ortlantl 1.S,M He.itrice K!.:4r Mai Hcston ' 14,3T!I Madlaim WA: Norfolk . !W.3M Kullerton U.iiMi tleiioa 1 44,31;! tt. iCdnard i;.4'iJ Xlh'on in.fxih ,Vdar Itaplds '. I'riinruKo H.l' seoli.t :,eiti- fi. 1'uul 2i1.1d i;iha l"el:l. v ImnrndjinK i0"' Hoclua .' 12.17 Knc-kvillc -'" l.oup City lS,;!l)i North l.ouii '"'" Old ; -".'' 14 Callaway ; ju.M'J llconlii HtiM-k Varila Ktlra lta Rntpa. Tlie I nlon Stock Yards company today filed with the railway commission a sched ule of lis switching fees In accordance with l recent decision of the supreme court find ing the company a common carrier. Ac Mimrnnyina; the schedule of charges was a itntiMnent from General Manager Everett tluckinshain In which ho says the schedule s filed under protest, as the fees charged it present are too low. An application for an Increase will soon be made, bo Mr. Hut klnnliani says. In this regard there promises to be a contest between common carrier, for the rullroads promise' to make a protest against an Inerrase. The switching rstes are paid In the Ifrst Inflame by the lailroads and eventually come out of the shipper, tlovernor Sheldon today signed cull for I meetings of the good roads conKiess at lienver July 6 and St Chicago Juno 1.1. I The effoit of the good roads penpl" seems j in be to Incorporate some declaration of , policy In the platforms of tlx; national con ventions. 1'rohlhltlon I'nrndr. The parade of hildrrn and adults on be half of pi oliil.it I. in stated from Sixteenth ! and it streds tilts afternoon at 3:1" o'idock. I Th" number in line was rstimalid at sev I eral thousand. Something like !.( wcru children. Tim parade, which was composed of sifclo'ti divisions, was headed by th Statu university batallion. It was In charge of Matshals Iteiirich and Kergusoi). Kaeh division had a large body of little folks. Hig delegations from t'nlveisity l'lace am' llaveloik and Helhany were in line. As the children marched they sang pro hibition socks. In the rear of tlio parade were tlie carriages, attomohiha and floats. The nuomobiles and carriages were gaily ib'ooratoil. Many banners were carried. Tli route of tlie pa; ado was down O street to Twelfth, north on Twe lfth to I, west on P to Ninth, south on Ninth to o. east on o to Thirteenth, smith 011 Thirteenth to N and east on N to Fifteenth. Mrs. Wither Wanls Divorce. John a. Manor, a well known real estate man and a prominent democratic politician, was made defendant this afternoon In a di vorce suit filed In the district court of Lan caster county. His wife's attorney, who filed the petition, endeavored to get a hear ing at the noon hour during the session of the eo,uity court, but it was not beard on account of tlie Mcfircw divorce suit that is now on trial. Mr. and Mrs. Malier were married in Lincoln, November 1", 1 K'jS. The charge of rruelty is made in the petition. Mis. Maher was formerly Miss Stucey of Kdd ville, Neb. She Is nn accomplished i musician. Two Women Arc llschnred. Tlie two women garbed as testers of a Catholic order, who have been canvassing the town endeavoring to secure money Willi which to build a home for boys, osten sibly In the Interest of the League of the Holy Cross, were discharged this morning by the chief of police to get out of town on the next passenger train. When con fronted by a Catholic priest one of the women, Mrs. Jennie Pane, said that she was married, lived In Omaha and was the mother of four children. A short time ago the other woman, Marie Everett, called at her home nnd offered her J1.10 a day if she would help her solicit funds for a boys' home. Talks on Teeth By E. R. L Murphy Alveolar Teeth TEETH TKOL'BLKS? Ar you having trouble with a partial plate? You can't eat properly wit tt. can you? Do you know it Is possible thr ingli the wonderful discovery of the Alveolar method, to put teeth in the mouth with out plates known as Alveolar Teeth. We are doing that work dally. Thin discovery It Is not over five years old Is one of the greatest achieve ments iver known In the science of dent istry. Ileretefore the dentist has dem'itidcd in anchorage in the shape of a suction piais or a "Krldge" before he could supply any teeth. Ws ask for two or more veeth in tther Jnw. no matter whether ih.y are tight or loose ones. If they are loose we 11111' the cause of ihe looseness. Willi these lo work with we give you all the teeth 1111 have lost, upper ami lower. Iilx solid, natural-looking teeth, that will en able you to eat anything In comfort, prac tically Ihe same uomfort aa you used to have when you had all your own teeth. If you will come 10 our office we will be glad to submit such a mass of proof from satisfied patients that you will want us 10 get to woik on your mouth at once. We make a careful examination of your case first of all. and this service Is en tirely free and puts the visitor under no obligation to have ANY wor done. We sic general practitioners and do the very highest class of dental work. If you cannot come to our offl.-es write for our "AL-VE-o-LAK Dentistry." The book Is free for the asking. Dr. E. R. 1. MURPHY nit 609-610-511. Hsw York Xilft, Omaha, Wt. Formerly examining and consulting dentist wnlc J. (inrdon Martin, Inc., Cbii ago. i'AI l'lN - The original Alveolar method a a practiced by us and for which the 1 'lilted Slates has given patents can only be lied at Ihe offices given Oil -ago, New Vork. Koston and Jin New York Lite I'.'illiflng. Omaha, Neb. Bswars of Imita tors ami lie sure you are in the right 1 t i i.-e. TEPHF.S TF.I.I.S 4F THR CHILD Snperlu tendent of Lincoln Schools 1 Talks nt Healrlee. HKAT1UCB. Neb.. April 4.-(Spcclal.)-The morning session of the Teachers' as. soclatlon was opened with music bl local talent, following which Superintendent W. L. Stephens of Lincoln spoke upon the sub ject, "Influences Which Guide the Child In School." He referred to the outside Influ ences, which tend to detract the student's mind from bis lessons, such as Boclety gathcrlnngs, theaters and outside work. He ulso spoke of the domestic Influences which retard tlie school child. George D. Carring- I ton of Auburn followed Mr. Stephens with an interesting and Instructive address upon the qualifications which school teachers should have. The forenoon's session closed with a lecture by Alfred Montgomery on "Educational Advantages of Art Stuiry." The afternoon session opened with an hour's discussion on various school topics, in which R. K. Dill of Wilber and E. G. Simpson of Auburn took an active part. Miss Anna Day of Ib atrice gave an nddress on "Teachers' Tiacka I Have Found." The main address of the afternoon was given by A. A. Reed, state Inspector of high schools, his subject being "Enriching the Reading Lesson." At the close of hla address these officer were elected: Superintendent B. L. Toble of Falls City, president; Superintendent B. E. Dill of Wilber, vice president; MUs Clare of Mackln. secretary; Principal C. B. Teach of Falrbury, treasurer; George Mar tin of Nebraska City and H. M. Garrett of Beatrice, executive committee. In the evening Dr. Natlianlel Butler of Chicago university delivered an eloquent address on "Some Present Day Ideals In Education." He said that the position of schools as regards education Is but a place for preparation, and that ntudents should make the best of the advantages offered. At the close of the address Superintendent Fulmer of Beatrice extended an invitation for the association to meet, in Beatrice next yenr, which was accepted. The meeting closed with an enrollment of 6H5. and it was by far the most successful of any In the history of the association. s A 1. " IS 1SSI E OF FIGHT Mineral Waters Tho mineral water business has for many years been a specialty with our firm. Vim buy our waters dUsct from ttaa springs or If a foreign water, direct from Ih Importer. We are thus able to miks the lowest possible price, and to abso. lutely guarantee freshness and genuine- Cess. Ws sU 100 kinds. Luwrti price y ess or deien Write for Cstnlogue. HXaUCAJT k McCOSMEI.1. D&UQ CO. Cor. llh and Dodge. owii siva cokUAjrY, Oar. Hth and Harney. Municipal Campaign In Nebraska Tosm Nran Close. HASTINGS, Neb., April 4. tSpeclal Tele gram.) The municipal campaign, which Is confined to 4 lie election of councilmen and members of the Board of Education, wllh prohibition as the only issue, will practi cally close tomorrow. The seven ministers who are leading the anti-saloon fight will preach In the various churches In the morn ing on "Why Hastings Should Go Dry." In the afternoon General Weaver of Iowa, once a candidate for president n the pro hibition ticket, will uddress a mass meeting at a theater. The question of license or no license is not being submitted to a vote, and' therefore, in order to put Ihe saloons out of business the prohibltlonlrts must se cure control of the council, which may ac cept Mir reject ie saloon petitions, VALLEY, Neb., April 4 (Special.) A temperance rally was held In tlie Valley op era house Filday evening under the aus pices of the Anti-Saloon league. Senator Patrick of Paplllion gave a stilling address. Hon. W. 41. W'hitmore also gave a short address on the situation in Valley. A union temperance service will be held In the First Methodist church Sunday evening. BICHTEI. TALKS Tt TEACHEHS Colorado's t.oirrnnr Takes Roosevelt far Ills Topic. NORFOLK. Neb,. April 4. (Special Tele gramsNorthern 'Nebraska Teuchers, of whom there are over Seo in Norfolk, will tomorrow elect officers of their association. Governor Bui htel of Colorado addressed the convention last evening, taking for his theme, "Theodore Roosevelt'' and enthusi astically eulogised the president, though admitting he has made mistakes. "The president 111 private admits his mistake In starting spelling reform," said Governor Buchtel. "We like him because he makes mistakes."' Wayne college alumni h Id a banquet beginning at midnight this morn ing and extending till 2 o'clock. Fire Victim Is Harled. SUTHERLAND. N b.. April 4.- (Special Telegram.) The funeral of Edwin Kaln. tiie young ranchman burned to death In a prairie fire between Sutherland and Wallace Tuesday nhjlit, occurred at Wallace Wednesday and was attended b hundreds of pcuHe. Kain was trying to get his herd of cattle to safely, when the gale drove the fin- onto him. He vainly tried to get his horses to cross a wire fense, Hun attempted to ride through the advancing flames. His horse went down In the fir and his clothe were burned from his person.. He managed to get to his house a mile away and after eight hours of terrible suffering succumbed. Kain leaves a wife and two children. He was :-!'i jenis old and resided in Lincoln county sinen boyhood. TK tCIIERS 4 KTIO F.MH Central .Nebraska Association Fleets OrHcers for lcar, GRAND ISLAND. Neb., April 4 (Spe cial.) The last session of the Central Ne braska Teachers' association yesterday afternoon was addressed by Superintendent 11 C. Bishop of . Lincoln on the "Mission of the Modern High School. " The question discussed at tho Inter high school debate, which followed, was "Resolved That the eFderal Government Should Own and Control the Railroads of the Country." The Judges were C. C. Wll hurn of Kearney, George Martin of St. Paul, and J. M. Mclndoo of Broken Bow, Referee S. A. Reasoner of Kearney. Archie Coombs of Ord on the negative side received the medal for first, and Nell Swan of Fairmont the medal for second honors. North Platte was given third place. More names were Bdded to the register yesterday afternoon, bringing the total en rollment up to Wis, the largest number who have ever attended Central Nebraska Teachers' Association mcttlngs. Ijihl night the twenty-first annual con test of the Central Nebraska High School Declamatory association was held at the opera house. The medal for the oratorial class fell to Elmer Hammer of Harvard. In tho dramatic division Pearl Carey of York won first and May Nlssen of Aurora second. In the humorous section Bessie Watklns of Hastings was first and Inez Fence of Edgar second. Officers for next year were elected as follows: President, James E. Delzell, Lex ington; Secretary, Margaret E. Brown, Grand Island; treasurer, R. D Morltz, Red Cloud. TKACHEM" AT tiltANO II.A(), Over Five. Hnndred at Ihe District Convention. GRAND ISLAND, Neb., April 4,-The second day of the annual session of tho Central Nebraska Teachers' association opened with about 550 teachers In attend ance, almost the high water mark of the association. Dr. E. R. Winship of Boston was the first speaker, and lectured on "Personality." He was followed by Su perintendent G. D. Carrlngham of Nemaha county, who gave an address on "The Teacher and the Taught." Dr. Guy W. Wadsworth of Bellevue college, directed an earnest nnd Jhoughtful appeal to the teachers, emphasizing conscience rA a character which is founded on honor, cour age and kindness as the most essential at tilbutes of an educator. Mrs. Harriet 8. McMurphy of Lincoln, spoke on the Ne braska pure food law and how the schools could aid In making this law a means of a real reform. Dr. Winship again addressed the teach ers In the afternoon on "The Making of Manly Boys." Ho pleaded the cause of the boy most strongly and said In closing: "It's worth as much to raise the moral tone of ten boys one degree each, as to raise tno moral tone of one boy ten de grees." Three sectional meetings the primary, the grade and the high school were then held In the various large lecture rooms of Grand Island's new high school building, and the work of each was thoroughly discussed. Kearney Elects school Superintendent KEARNEY, Neb.. April 4-(Special Tele gram.) At a meeting of the school board today aeorpe' Burgert was re-elected super intendent of city schools at salary of 11,80). Franks Beers of Beatrice was elected principal of the high school. Cheyenne Attorney to Aajlnm. LINCOLN. April 4.-H. Waldo Moore, an attorney of Cheyenne, Wyo., has been committed to the state hospital for the kisane at this place. Deputy Vnited States Marshal LeFora brought Moore to Lincoln last night. Nebraska News Notes. BEATR ICE Dr. E. F. Stewart yesterday sold bis Imported coach stallion. Captain, to Chris Nelson of Elgin, Neb., for $1,000. COLLMBT'S Mrs. Anna Koenlg has brought suit against Julius Rohrlch for $10,000 for alleged defamation of character. WEST POINT V. St. Clair Mitchell, a resident of Lincoln and Miss Pauline E. Boynlon of Spencer, la., were married by County Judge Dewald. WEST POINT-With the return of balmy, spring weather, seeding is now being ac tively done. Tho ground Is In excellent condition for spring work. COLUMBl'S Mr. and Mrs. Neal Eahart celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniver sary at the home of their, son. Friends gathered to the number of fifty. VALLEY No further clue to the post office burglars has been found. About VWO in stamps and money was taken beside private papers of Postmaster Johnson. " WEST POINT-Allxrt Klsler. who has been in the restaurant business here for some years has sold his stock and good will to Mrs. Hoffman of Hooper, who has taken possession. NEBRASKA CITY' William I-lbold has brought suit against the Missouri Pacific railway for IJXt .61, for damages done to machinery which it transported for him from Missouri to this city. -BEATRICE The local Order of Elks met last night and Installed officers for the coming year. District Deputy Snyder eat ing as Installing officer. A smoker was held after the business meeting. NEBRASKA CITV-Flfty of the property owners or tlie vicinity of Syracuse have pe tltlone di he countv commissioners to erect a new steel bridge across the Little Ne maha, river. Just west of Syracuse. WEST POINT-Mrs. Josephine PIcha, sn sgeil woman, living at Beemer, has for the third time been committed to the Nor folk hospital, as Insane. She was taken there Thursday by Sheriff Malchow. PLATTSMOI'TH The Plattsmouth Tele phone company have received two car loads ol telephone poles here and one In Oreapolis to be used In the construction of a new up-to-date line from this city to Omaha. CO LI" MBPS-Rev. R. E. L. Hayes, pas tor of tlie First Presbyterian church has started on a vacation tour, visiting friends in different parts of tlie country. Thre wll be no preaching at his church until he returns. NEBRASKA PITY Lownle Crouse, who assaulted a man with a butcher knife a few ilavs since, cutting him quite severely, has la-en bound over lo the district court in tlie sum of $, and not being able to give bail is in jail. SH ELTONV-Excavatlng for the basement of the large new Catholic church began this week and work will ho pushed as last as workmen can be had lo complete tlie building. A large amount of the material Is now on the ground. VALLEY The First Presbvterlsn church at its annual meeting elected Hanery lleim bach and Allen McDonald, elders, and Percy Form, trustee. Rev. E. E. Zimmei inan. who has been pastor for two years, was unanimously chosen pastor for another year. BEATRICE The Beatrice Rotary Baler company with 11. H. Iuhben. manager. Is readv to begin ihe manufacture of their machine. Several expert workmen are al ready engaged to work at the plant, and nlhcrsw ill be added as fast us the demand for Hie good increase. PLATTSM( il'Tl I I larry 8. Barthold has been appointed foreman of the Burlington coach shop In this city lo succeed Wash ington Smith, whoso resignation was ac ccpled some lime since. Mr. Berthnld has be. 11 one of lite best men In that depart ment for eighteen years. COLPMBI'S Postmaster Carl Kramer will represent tlie Woodmen of Columbus at the state convention at Lincoln next moiitn. Hon. John W. Bender aspires lo be selected as a representative to th head camp meeting ir Peoria, III., In June. BEATRICE The Beatrice district of Ihe Nel.ucka Debating dub held its meeting hoie and elected Ihe following officer: Geuriie Martin of Nebraska City, president; E. K. Hurst of Falls City, vice president; R. M. Huff of Humboldt, secretary. The district will carry out the plans of the state league hs near ss possible. BEATRICE Brenneke Bros, of Toledo O. met with s committee from the Com mercial club at the Paddock hotel last evenlnr, relative to establishing a packing plant here. Thev propose to build n plant with a capacity of I.imi bogs per 1l.1v. The committee will meet again In a few days to further consider the proposition of the Ohio men. WEST POl NT The bodv of Mrs. Anna Renunlch. k. who died at Norfolk, was In terred tn St. Michael's cemeterv. Mrs. Resnlchek was for many years In' business In West Point as a cigar manufactunr. She was a widow nnd leaves two children, John Reznlchek. of 1707 1'avenworth street Omaha, and Mrs. J. TV. Hodges of West Point. WEST POINT Rev. J. Seherhacher. pastor of the German Evangelical church at West Point, is attending tlie annual state conference of that bodv held at Elm wood. Mr. Scberbncker has served four yeais as pastor of tlie local church and ex pects to be removed to a new field of labor, much to the regret of the people of this place. NEBRASKA CITY-J. A. Graves, one of the pioneer residents of this county, died suddenly at his home at Palmvra. after a stroke of paralysis. His funeral took place today. He was one of the leading farmers of that section of the countv and was one a member of the legislature, having been elected nn the populist ticket. He was one of Ihe leading men of that party in this county and quite prominent. He leaves n widow and several children. COLrMMCS-N. S. ("Nick") Gentleman, who was sentenced to the penltentlarv for twenty years for murder, committed In Platte Center, will be back to Pla-tte county on Monday. Governor Mickey re duced the mnn's sentence to ten vears. lie ha been In the penitentiary about seven years, and by his good behavior allowance has served out nil that the law requires. His family lives In Kearnev now, and Gentleman will go there and go Into busi ness raising stock. WERT POl NT The Woman's club met St the home of Mrs. Schwencker. The motto of the session was "Every person has two educations-one which he receives from others, and one, mote Important, which he gives hlmseir." The following papers were read. "The Story In Early Education." Miss Emma R. Miller; "Music and its In fluences "Mrs. 8. S. Krake; "The Culture , r,'' Mr!' 11 s- Summers; "Manual I raining, a Factor In Education," Mrs. Koth. The next meeting will be at tlie homo of Mrs. Camilla Beckenhauer. SHELTON-The village election which takes place next Tuesday will be one of the most hotly contested ever held In the town. During tiie past year Shelton has hecn supposed to he a drv town, having been carried by' the prohibition element last election and In the past nr a number of Illegal liquor sellers have been arrested ftrVL ,,,vk',",l 'ven the past week one drug store baa been search and a quantity of goods taken. There are two tickets in the field with three candidates on each and a large vote will be polled next Tues- NEBRASKA CITY-Nebraska City lodge f- H'n-'Volent and Protective Orde? M,d foMo'jCT ',Pd 1,8 nuwlv '-',pd Tfi-ers' 5 moker vVYjnl WiUl l,mc" ni ?ns tnned- V 1, ;,,winsr WP,e " officers II 2-V. 7.' H- "'"mas. exalted ruler: A 1 1. Mtecher. esteemed loyal knight; Jl M aughan. esteemed leading knight ; Fred A Roberts, esteemed lecturing knight Charles fir r "T uI,r-JL?r.y! 11Pn,y H""Ver t?eas uter, ,1. w. Nelson, trustee; Harrv An drews, tyler; Richard Laidlaw Inner guard . K Lambert, esquire; Dr. Tracer el, LL lain. House committee. Ii r tj..i.. . Rnditv ana 11 11 ,-...' ',. tee ioi,.,.; f; Al'?ni nuance commit Le' fayne. O. C. Morton and II. 1 1 mets8 L?nco'ln. 8,ate 'tivention, wnlch CENTENARIAN PASSES AWAY Mrs. Fen nil l.ltvlnovr nip at the Axe of One Hnndred anil Two Yenrs. Mrs. Fenml Lltvinow, 211S Nicholas street died Friday at the advanced age of loj years, death resulting from old age. Mrs" Lltvinow was born In Russia and canto to Omaha sixteen years ago, her husband hav ing died before she moved to this city, A daughter survives her. Mrs. Lltvinow had been both deaf and blind for the last three years and for many years had rarely l.ft the home of her daughter. Mrs. Marks, where she made her home. Among people of her own nativity she was quite well known, but outside of a small circle or friends, her acquaintance in Omaha was limited. Aside from the one ' daughter, the aged woman leaves thirteen grandchildren and great-grandchildren in America and slxly blx grandchildren and great-grandchildren In Russia. She belonged to no church, but the funeral services will he held Sunday from the church of the Russian congregation, twelfth street and Capitol avenue. LATEST Nebraska KJOCH AHDEV CASE Man Who Ills ...... Twenty Years Ago Hejolns Wife. PEORIA. III., April 4.-The latest Enoch Arden caso turned up in the circuit court here today, when the New- York Mutual Ufe Insurance campany produced In court James Ellison, who has been dead to his wife for ten years. The widow was suing for tm. tho amount of the policy, and on seeing the profile of her former husband and heating his voice, the woman recog nized her husband and the case was dis missed. Twenty years ago James Ellison and his wife were living at Curtis. Neb. Shortly thereafter, he left the country under a cloud. For len years he paid the insur ance premium, but his wife could not lo cate him.' About five years after Ellison left, his wife procured a divorce on the grounds of desertion, and later, married niinam uray at Toluca. III. After three months the couple separated and the woman came to Peoria. As the law pre sumes a man dead after seven years ab sence, Mrs. Gray sued the Insurance com pany for the policy. Tlie company con tested the tase and stated that the man was alive and In Canada. The denou ment came this afternoon. A reconcilia tion was effected and It Is probable that the couple will re-marry. A Hungry Child cannot study and make proper advances in school. Tlie natural waste of tissue in a growing child is increased bv study. Improper food soon 4 causes trouble. Grape -Nuts Food for breakfast will carry the youngsters up to noon with clear brains and normal appetite for dinner or lunch. "There's a Reason." ORCHARD & WILHELM, 4UMelS South Sixteenth Street AXMINSTER RUGS At Bargain Prices f tit". IT. We havo wciirod H'O heavy Kanford Axininj-tor Riir from the mill at a discount on actount of tliolr being pliphtly niisninti lied In the noams. This bs tatirpd by the machine slipping, or by tho (llfloronce In the Rage of the looms on which they were woven. They are all new-, Ihla Spring's prettiest patterns. Floral. Oriental and small f Inured all-over efforts. The mismatching does not affect the quality in any way. and in many rases is hardly iireceptible. They urn runs that are frequently advertised and sold in the regular way. but that's not ottr method. We want yon lo examine them carefully before buying. They are splendid quality and offered at great reductions. 9x12 ft. pugs that sell regularly nt $27.50, special, each 18.25 Bigelow Axminster Rugs :iO.nf) Inches, extra fine, heavy quality. Heautlfnl Oriental patterns in rich reds, greens, tans and blueH. Fringed ends. Hugs that sell regulntiy at . $4.25. VVe have a largo quantity of these beauti ful rugs that wo're offering special at '''h.$3.2C SPECIAL DISPLZIY New Dining Room Furniture Our new Spring stork has been selected with unusual care, the result Is we have gathered together an asortment unequalled in the West. Any Dining; Room Furniture Want can lie supplied here at prices most reasonable. Our specialty Is matrhed-up suites in Mahogany, Golden and Karly English Oak. I t "to ti Dining Chair Ike Cut.) Made of nimr- (tersawed oak, full box frame; shaped wood seat. .New design mado to sell n-Aularly at J:i.ft(i. We sc. cured a larn quantity of them and this week offer them special CI at each 9 Or set of six chairs. .913.50 I Dining Table (Like Cut.) Colonial examples. Price special, dull finish. Top Is 4 8 inches in di ameter. This table is made especially for our trade and is one of our best.' Colonial examples. Prices, special, eh $15.00 GO-GflRTS With Teddy Bears Free Xo matter what the price we give a Teddy Bear with each Go-Cart or Carriage. Folding Co-Carts $2.25 1 Allwin Collapsible Folding GoCarts, large, new line $5.75 up And a Teddy Bear thrown in. Oo-Cai-t (like cut.) Full rattan body, reclining bark, ad justable dash, a complete folding cart. Has 12 Inch rubber tire wheels, upholstered cushion seat and back, with parasol. This is a generous size cart, each. $13.00 And a Teddy Bear Free. Lace Curtains New Lure Curtains in desirable styles; serviceable and wanliable. A large selection. Hie newest of Ihe world's best iniikei s. Two-tone Scotch Net Curlalna 1n new and dainty designs, ,1 yards long, per pair tOw Cable Net Curtains, plain center with Insertion woven III. white, J f K Ivory or Arabian color, ir,,,l4 J Urussels Curtains, new hand twisted Net that washes well, . g per pair v 4 3 Duchess Lace Curtains In Ivory color, per pair.... C'luny Curtains In new lmporta tlon Madras Curtains, 3ti-42-Rn inches wldo 9.75 Arabian color: a 2.95 to 27.50 L1 and 3 yards long all colors, frormpal.r..p. 3.75 nd4.95 Special for Monday 20 Shirt Waist Boxes covered In plain burlap, red or green. 27 and 3d inches in length, spe- y OBI ( clal w hile they last, each , . . . f Kitchen Cabinets The Hodsler Is undoubtedly the best. It is sanitary, has conveniences other Cabinets do not contain. Made of oak, lias card Index, receipt file, slldlnif aluminum shelf, r f etc., price up from 4S1.JU Ostermoor Mattresses We are sole state scents for this celehrated Mattress. For a short time we will sell Ostcrmoor'H $18 00 fancy Art Tick, full slxe p- ct mattress, delivered, for. . . . iutUU A REPUTABLE COMMISSION CO. Somethlnir About the Personnel of a l.lve Wire Concern of South Omaha. A history or mention of South Omaha, Neb., of Its packing- houses, its stock yards, Its various enterprises, would not be complete without notice of the Na tional Live Stock Commission company. This company, whose card appears upon another rKp. while young; at South Omaha, Is old at the other markets and the "lead ers." Founded In Chicago In January, 1SSS, by Thomas Kelly, later Joined by Ids brother, Charles Kelly, the business has grown stop by step, day by day, year by year, until today their business at the six lending- markets amounts to over VAOOO.OOO per annum, and during its existence of twenty-five years IVW.OoO.OOO, a fitting; tribute and testimonial to Its founders, to their business enterprise and reliability. It has ever betn the policy of this com pany to have only the very best men In each and every department, and 2&0 trained, experienced and ever ready employes Is the .result. In Noveniner, 1906, this com pany succeeded to the business of Greer, Mills &N.'o., and two months later fol lowed the merger of tho American Commis sion company at South Omaha. By trict attention to the requirements of Its many, ninny customers, their advance has been of tho steady and substantial kind that knows no halt, and a glimpse of the per sonnel of the South Omaha "boys" Is a sat isfactory proof of the foregoing. Cattle What salesman is better known than E. W. Cahow, (whose first name Is Kdi. His record as a Bteer salesman Is one of which any one might be proud. Ability, This answers why his friends and custom ers aro legion. T. A. Tlllotson, (better known as Tiieo.), sells the cows. From South Omaha to the Big Horn basin, Wyoming, his nanio is upon the lips of many when cars are ordered for loading. These two, with the able assistance of Dell Johnson, compose a trio In th cattli yards that render the service and are sec ond to none. The feeder buying department of this company Is one which deserves special at tention. C. K. Rogers, who has been among cattle ever since he could walk, Is in charge, and the time Is yet to come for tlie first word of complaint. The buying of feeders Is exacting to the highest de gree and requires a keen knowledge ac quired only by years of experience. Mr. Rogers Is know n to possess every requisite for giving the very beet service and satis faction. Hogs In tho hog department we find this progressive company maintaining two divi sions, having a different salesman for each, (he only firm at the yards employing tills up-to-date method. Of C. 8. (Carl) Hihbard and K. C. (Boh) Martin, the sales men, too much cannot be said, as they are known throughout the hog producing dis trict, and the fact that their company for a long time past has handled more hogs than any othei, attest to tlie efficiency of the "National" system and Its salesman ship. Their right hand "bowers" are Frank Mitchell and William Iw II. upon whom much depends in feeding, filling and weigh ing. Khcep fS. J. Kyle, better known as "Kid" Kyle, linked his fortunes with th "Na tional" in order to take charge .,f 11.,. sheep department. To see him handling a arove or sheep upon sale Is to then and there decide definitely your commission company of the future. It is no exaggera tion to say the "Kid" has muswered hi profession In all its details, and has an ablo assistant in William Howard. Office Clark Howard, known BUUlily nf "Mose," is always on hand with a hearty welcome for every visKor and customer. For over forty years he has been a resident of Nebraska, through all ihe trials of fron tier life, and in the "Natjtinal'a" offjee many a, doing of thoso duys has been re hearsed by old time cattlemen and their sons, now In the same line of business There is a charm In old comradeship that I tn sera while there Is life, and. "Muse." It good for a long time' to come. Tho local office Is In charge of wiltiam H. Gould, Jr., who has had years of ex perience In this line, and with Kd P. Haker as cashier and Harry Green as assistant, the account sales are turned out with a tapidlty and accuracy that Is pleasing (to say the least)' to shippers. It Is the perect system of this company, the paid in capital of J.'KXt.oon, their motto of Personal Attention, "Good Sale" and Quick Returns that insures a steady and Increasing popularity and proves that merit wins. This company gladly furnishes reliable market information to every stockman upon application, and prospective shippers will luidotkbtoclly do well to avail themselves of the opportunity of securing same bvtotm loading for market. 'Christian Science l.ectar. First Church of Christ. Scientist, Omaha, announces its senl-annual lecture to he given at the Auditorium Thursday, April 9. at S p. ni. Mr. Uleknell Young, C. 8. B., formerly of this city, now of Chicago, la to be the lecturer. Mr. Young has already won dis tinction In tho lecture field as a forceful nnd eloquent speaker, and since his sub ject, Christian Science, is more and more engaging .tie attention of thoughtful peo plo of all lands, we feel assured that Mr. YoLng's many persona! friends and our citizens generally will welcome the above announcement. Admission to tlie lecture will be free. 'Queen Quality" Shoes have Prestige. What is Prestige? Twelve years continuous merit $1,000,000 spent on memorizing two words a huge wave of public favor a mighty volume of apprecia tion guaranteed security KNOWN WORTH. Is not this what you require in shoes? HAYDEN BROS. t