10 THE OMATTA' SUNDAY BEEj 'ATOTT; 5, 3903. REAL ESTATE WANTED (Continued.) flAVR several customers who want to buy eottsges from 4 to H rooms. Cash or pay ; menu. Lint with me for quick and smis ; factory returns. KTtNFRT 8WKET, C1I New Vork Life Bid. (23V-f.Wl t WANTED TO BORROW KVA NTKD To borrow $2,6n on Improved real estate. Address t 213, care Fee. (M 6x WANTED TO BUY kVAN T HI To buy secondhand ' furniture. cook and healing stoves, carpets, lino leums, office furniture, eld clothes, quilts and all kinds of tools, or will buy the furniture of your house complete. The highest prlre paid. Call the right man. Tel. Douglas JiJii. t Utile MKST price paid for secondhand furniture, carpets, stoves, ciouung, snoes, etc. t-ea 540L (25 MS7 4VANTKD-A light spring- wagon tn good condition, ir at a bargain. Address M 218, care Bee. (26 MiUs 4x r-lVE--FASBENGEK automobile wanted In exchange for choice action it land I situated In Kimball Co., Web., near county seal, win guarantee to turn land at market price and Must have auto priced accordingly. Address Merchants Hotel, Omaha, bat. or Bun. HOLMiiS INVKdTMENT CO., Kimball, NeU. (20) M414 5 JABH paid for secondhand clothing-, shoes, eta. 2us N. 10th 6t. Tel. Red UJi. I 2S-880 EVANTED Cash register. Joseph Blobondy. I t i - i -KT-i- ...... - . v.. irir;, LI. I Mt OX WANTED TO RENT F anyone has a six-room modern cottage near car line, which he will lease for one or two years at not more than 222.50 per month, to adults who will assure good care of property, address H ES7, Bee. (i M5Uf Bx WANTED By young- woman; employed; room ana ooara witn private ramlly in Hanacoin park district Address, J -234, Bee. (iit,) M548 5x IVANTHD- Houses to rent. List your vacant houses with us. Property in our hands rarely vacant. Best of tenants secured. ERNEST SWEET. S13 New York Ufe Bldg (26)-695 6 WANTED Three Unfurnished rooms, mod- em, in private nouse, Dy mother and daughter; central location. Address P. O. Box 704. a) M778 Bx rURNlSHED cottage for several months; u muuern. aeiepnone i-iarney ku&, (26) M785 x WANTED SITUATIONS lrANTED Position as nurse, oHy or travel- I 1 U LJ.. . i . . ... .vL-iuius, vrauerai ueuvery, Omaha, Neb. (2) M65 4x pANTED Position on farm as farm hand; nave naa some experience. Address Clar ence Williams, WOti Ohio St., Omaha. Neb. (-7)-Mte7 X ITUATION wanted as manager of .grain olevator in country town; reliable refer ences, 8 years experience, speaks Ameri can and Scandinavian. Address F 211, care Bee. (27) M702 7x OUNO man, experienced, 22 years old, Austrian, wants position with farmer, Gorman preferred. Paul Bvdean, No. 317 North 25th St., South Omaha. (27)-733 6x IVAN TED Washing by the day. Am a gona launarnen. Address 24U1 Decatur BU Tel. Webster 1951. (27) M6Q3 6x REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Vllllam A. Langworthy to Charles H. j George, sr., lot 23. Archer Place $ ?nhn Popel to Mary Pupal, lot . 212, j Fairfax add aroltne O. Johnson and husband to B. B. Baldwin, part lot 10, block 111, 1 Tl.,,.,1..,. Ill , 2,160 100 "0 1.000 3,500 750 1.800 1,100 ' ouls O. Kandls to Anna Cole, lo Ml. 2. . . i nd 17, block 1, WakeloT llnnle C. Montgomery and hUBbanil ;iio winiani it. li. Prultt, lot 6, block 120. Dundee Place bounty treasurer to Edwin Hill, lot : 25, block 4, Missouri Avenue park.... arollne I Poppleton et al to Charles i s !-. Hastings, lot , block 2, Sulphur ; Springs add.. .' )m.na A. Folsom et al to Thomas C. j ChrlBtlansi-n et al, part lot 6. block hWH. Omaha Trank llajek and wife to Marie 1 ; iFatac, part lot 2, block 11. First add. ? ', Jto South Omaha ounty treasurer to John N. Haskell. lot 6. block 2, Clifton Hill I a hie B. Plqto and husband to Ida' F. Spalding, part lots ,11 and 12, i black 6, tihtnn's add la F. Spalding and husband to Mable ;t B. Pinto, part lota 11 and 12. block 5, - Hhlnn's add Vllilam Tlghe to Thomas Tlghe, part se4 9-14-13 , , lary A. Dalbry and husband to 1 Mary A. Irch, eVi lot 12. block 10, I Parker's add amea B. Komlgh to drover H. j Romlgh, part tax lot 23 In iwi iO- 16-13 lenry Snyder et al to Henry . ju i Snyder, tax lot 4 In 7-18-13 i. I Snyder to William H, Snyder. wvt sVi nw4 7-16-ls Yanclscan Convent of St. Clare to the. j Franciscan Monastery of St. Clare, ' 67 acres In 1-1S-13 !Yed Egll and wife to Frank Stastny, "! lot 4, Hascalls subdiv ,'ale P. Lyon to John O. Palmer, , lots 21 and SO. block 9, Walnut Hill.. ; 1 1 2,100 775 4,ono 1,800 1,K Total amount of transfers. 48.91 S RAILWAY TIME CARD 'MIOS aTATlON 10th AAu 1IAHCT aioat Paclslo Leave 'se Overtana l.lnaltea..a i.kw am he Celoradu tiprm.. s.M pia .tlanllc Kxpreas Arrive, a :40 pra a 6:00 p)n al0:l5 ass a (:w paa a :it pm a i.ii yoi he Oregon airaw..,.s :u pm he Lios AngeiMi l.las..a:is pu he Fast he Clilaa Japaa Mall .una latta lAcal... ..a t tu am . a 4:0 sns a :50 pm ..a i:4i am a 4:46 pm olo.-Ch).go Special. .a 11:10 aia a l:ta am atrlce A atroina i burg Ixcal h 15:30 pas L Vm all 4S pm aiu:A pia a 1 :2k pia a ;a pm a 4a am a k:4 am a l uo am 02:2a pm a .U am a !:& pm a i .to am a .uu am a 6:4J pm aiu.ii am a 1:40 pia a o pm aicaao A Mortkwestsrra , hlcago aynau . r t l aul-Miiin. txy... , . iiiutgo Lcai ..iuux City Pas agw ' hluago PaaMiger -hlcaso Special.. : t, Paul-Minu. Llia.. ' as Augeivs Umimi. ; Overland Uuui4 I -ast Mall " loux City Local ; win City Llnillod.... ; ortulk-Uonesteel .... .ini.-4in-long Pine ... i adwood-Lliicola . ... i ! astier-Lantier lantlngs-buperior .... . ...,.t-A liilon .a 1: ..a Turn am ..all.iu a ,.a i:t a ..a 4.M m ..a :U) put ..a :2s pm ..a j p.-n ..aio.M pm ,.a t'io't'm ..a s.2s pm ..a 1.-45 am ..a 7:46 am ..a 1:00 pm ..a S:u0 pm ,.b 1:00 pm D :40 pm b I : in. I m pm kica Hack Islaael rsslle. t ELA.gT Chicago Limited a 1:00 am , jjwa lx)oal a am j Uolnca Passenger.. a 4:U) put iiiwi Loqai ...bll:4lam i f l.u auo (tjtuarn )x...a 4:40 pia jhlckgo Flyer a t.io piu I j wicar. ' locky Mountain L't'd..all:lfc pm ! Fulo and t'al. bx a 1:10 pm aU:ffl pm a 4:1s) pm pm b s 16 pm ft lUa pm a , a t:Eeam a 4:k am a 1 :) i,, ! 'HI. and Texaa ikX a .W pin jaiemao. llllwaute A !i.t a. r-iklo. fiu.cl...a faal :3a am all fta nm fat. A urt. e.&i,riM....ai -w pm vrlnd Llouted t I U ia arry Local a s.ls put ltiaeta Ceatral 'hlcago Express a MS am tiicago Limited a .u) pin htesT Ureal Western X. Paul-Mlnnaapolta.... s:J0 pin 1. Paul-alUiiieapoila..... -IMaum tilLagu Limited ........ : pin Uli-agv KspreM ........ :SJ a'O uU aeO lipress ........ I.W p:a 1:25 pm a t:ao am aii.ue am I 4i pm a i:) aia T so am U pm am U:3 pm M pat Leuis Express a : pm a t.M am t Lums l.ocul urviu Couull blutfs at. 00 am aOiili pm iHuubrrl-y lw'at (frum . i,MtU i-aUa....MIigsk,hMAI am NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Market Marks Time Awaiting Out 'Come of Erie Settlement. CL0SIUQ , mCES AEE HIGHEB Report of Fewer Idle Cars sat Fore caat of Bank Btatesaemt Pro 4aee Qooel Isspreaaloa l.ate to Day. NEW YORK, April 4. The stock market today did little more than mark time In accordance with the evident purpose to refrain from extensive commitments until the Krie problem Is cleared up by formal an nouncement. No news were forthcoming on that topic during the short stock exchange session, but opinion was Inclined to look for the avoidance of a receivership. There was an Imprewslnn that the differences at Issue concerned the terms to be made with the holders of the notes maturing April I and that some manueverlng for advantage in these terms was Involved. There was some signs In a few Issues of a little slow liquidation, especially in the copper securi ties, but support was accorded the market and no serious Inroads on prices resulted. United States Steel was firm and the re sistance of this stock to pressure In con trast with Its heaviness during the week had some sympathetic effect on the selling list. The inference was suggested that much of the week's selling list must have come from professional sources, having: short contracts to be covered. The weekly reviews of the mercantile agencies were scanned with Interest, but offered no very enthusiastic account of conditions. The late Improvement In prices of stocks today followed an Intimation that the bank statement might not show so heavy gains as preliminaries had Indicated. A good effect was produced by the American Rail way association In the figures of the num ber of idle freight cars, which was de creased considerably. Rumors of an Erlo settlement helped the cloning. The cash gain disclosed by the bank statement was smaller than the preliminary estimates had shown, but the discrepancy was less In the statement of actual conditions on Friday night than In the statement of averages. The loan expansion Is attributed to ar rangements for financing the quarterly settlement on the first of the month. Bonds were steady and dull. Total sales, par value, 1738,000. United States bonds were unchanged on call for the week. Following were the sales and range of prices on the Stock exchange today: Bales. Hlch. Low. Close. AU9ia Bxprens Amalgamated Cupper Am. .'. P 171 18 MO sua 57 31 32 324 MVs 24 M IDS It 1 t ta 4.14 81 K 4 1M A Vm 744. 84 714 824 .. Am. C. ft P. pfd Am. Cotton Oil Am. Cotton Oil ptd American Express Am. H. ft It. pld American les, Seoulities. Amerlran Linseed Oil Am. Unseed Oil pfd Am. Locomotive An). Locomotive pfd Am. 8. ft K 100 t 'l.flOO ISO ls.aoo 45 SI -4 424 44 Am. 8. ft ft. pfd Am. Bucar Rennlns....... 100 124 4 121 Am. Tobacco pfd ctfs Anaooixla Mining Co. 1,50 l. fn0 ' tflO 100 1714 8 714 2i4 17 734 KTiH To-14 Atchifton Atchison pfd . Atlantle Coast Line BHlllmora ft Ohio Hal. ft Ohio pfd Brooklyn Rapid Tr Canadian Pacific Central of N. J 444 44 1,100 in 144 ld"4 iss Chrapak ft Ohio Chicago (It. W CtalCHRO ft N. W C. M. ft 8t. P TOO 104 (4 104 . 64 4 6 14r,4 l. a ii 1154 n4 I i 2 . R3 Chicago T. ft T.- i.... Chicago T. ft T. pfd C, C. C. ft Ml. L Colorado P. ft I X.JOO 700 S34 M J.1'4 M4 64 444 116- 2.14 4 &t 44 114 12 '', 474 18 I1 80 ir 824 214 128 W! ( (4 21 7 IS 84 81 M n ' 24 114 1.17 414 24 M 44 4 74 81 43 NO Colorado ft 8o Colo, ft So. 1st pfd Colo, ft So. 3d pfd Consolidated Gas Corn Products rfg 10 304 444 I.7D0 114 "' i&i' Delaware ft Hudson Dal.. L. -ft W Denver ft Rio Grands D. ft R. O. pfd 900 194 16 nil-tillers' Securities Krie Rrle 1st pfd... Brie 3d pfd , 0 5.300 ,1.400 400 14 1&4 824 214 II 13 1 20 General Electric ...7? Illinois Central 100 125 1U0 B 126 International Paper Int. Paper pfd Int. Pump Inc. Pump pfd.. ico J4 Iowa Central lows Central pfd Kansas City So K. C. So. pfrl.... Louisville ft N.i Mi Iran Central ,...t Minn, ft 8t. L jno 74 11 87 14 14 112 '414 K4 2O0 4 M., St. P. ft 8. 8. 1 M.. St. P. A 8. 8. il Missouri Pacific M., K. ft T M -, K. ft T. pfd.... National Lead N. R. K. of M. pfd. New Tork Central.., N. T.. 0. ft W Norfolk ft W N. ft W. pfd North American .... Pacific Mall Pennsylvania . People's Oss P., C. C. ft St. L. . Pressed Steel Car.... Pressed 8. P. pfd..., Pullman Palace Car. Resiling Reading 1st pfd Reading 2d pfd , Republlo Steel 700 114 pfd.. 700 1.600 41 24 1,800 M 1.1 ion 7 82 8 82 S3 44 80 28 It) 28 LtOO 1144 1154 114 4 74 io n K . 74 100 1H 23 70 1M 141 . 48,100 W 11124 ' 13S ::::::: ::::: ::::: SI .' "'400 "n '17 it RAILWAY TIME CARD-Co"" alissonrl favclalo K. C St I Txp a 1:00 ant a l:4i am K. C. 6 1 Kxp all:U pm a 4:40 pa BURL.1MGTOK TA ltttat A MASON pnrllnato jLeave. Dnver & California.... a 4.1o pm Nurthwest Special a 4:10 pm Black Hills a 4:10 pin Northwest Express aXl:5 pm Nebraska uiyluva a t ua sun Nebraaa.a Lxpreas a .la am Uncoln Faal Mall a 1:46 put X4ticoiu Xcai ....... jLincoiu l.oual Lincoln Local ktscuyler - lviaUamouta.b I:o pm Bellevue - Vlallaiuoulh.s, :tX pm flattaiuobUi iow.-...l o am xiallevub rMattamouth. Xenver Umited a 4:10 pm Chicaigo bpecial a 7:40 am Chicago Kkpresa , a 4:a pro Chicago Flyer a .I0 pm Iowa Local a 1:15 am lit. Louis Express a 4:4s pm Kanaas City & St. Joe..al0:4a pm Kansas City at St. Joe. .a am Kauaaa City 4k SU Joe. .a 4:45 pm Arrive, a :4& pm a .4e pm a 11.46 pm alOJe pm a :10 pm a .io pm al2:ll pin b :0t am alO:le pin a 7:6o pm bW;J0 am a UM am b i':ilb'pm a 7: am all: 46 pm a 3 '66 pm : am ail:a am all JO am ft 30 am a M pra WEH'TEB STAlStk at WEBSTKB ChlcaceH Oaaaaa. i. Faal, atlataeagwlia Leave. Arrive, .b so am b :l pm .a :US pm ai0:60 am .. (:4s am 0 tM pm Twin City Passenger.. Sioux City I'aaseuger. Emerson IaicsI Mlaaaarl fsvcUte. Auburn Local M. ..0 1:60 pm bUJfi am a Dally, b Dally axoapt Sunday. Sua. day only, d Dally except Saturday. Daily except aloud ay. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS far rest, s assure ar busJnssa n pays iravei ea ine FRENCH r LIFJE I . .. . I T PARIS, the at Beautiful a uT 't a Thanea as as Bninta aa rh CmHim Compagnl Cn4ral Tranaatlantlau Pssl LlmltMl Mall SMevtar rwi voaa ra paaia in bays ia Havre ea gigantic twin-screw express si rani era, sainug every 1 hiirsitnv 10 a. m. Thee wonders of mooem inventiorit have all the conveuiruce and luxury of most Kiauai noiria on a more Immense scale, ascnger elevator, roof cafe, g vtnuesium, elegant suite and single apanments; dally eawspaper. oivkcstra, wireless telegraphy, lumiHis ciiistne ana every uovtstoa f salclv aud r-- ' La Lorraine ....April 14 J L FVoTenea ..... May T La Uiuraiue ....AiKll J I Ls lrralne May 14 La H.ol. arll M La Touralne Mar tl Early reaervatluaa raoommeoded. Poe oopr of Illuatrau4 buok of travel sad rates apulr t HARHY R. MiKiHKs, .... lui Paraaaa PC J. B. REYNOLlMi. lj p.rnaal 41. W. K. BM K. - lfcM Parnaai B4. W. G. DAVII1BON i.,t rsrsaia St. Lolils SkEaa. - . . ear Pint Nalioaal Baas. CLARK'S 40 TOURS TO EUROPE Moat eeupreheaalve and attractive ever e flared. Plral 4ianure April la. at Sara 44T4. TaVAJIK O. QXUMM, TWa MtabUmg.M. T. 9m I RepuMIe meet pfd . pvj t'4 48 Pork Uland (v. 11-, - 1-. :4 Rock I.laad r pfd 7O0 4 2 244 m. l. a r. M pfd 1 4 Si. Louis k W II ' at ll a. w. pfd ' 21 Snuthom Parlfle I.ln 74 ' 1? "n. Psi-inn pfd 1U4 So, Railway Lft lie, )l 114 Ho. Railway pfd 409 87 24 Texaa ft psotnc ..... lf4 T., St. L. ft w 1 T . 81. L. ft W. pfd 41 41 41 tinloa Parlflo 84.2J ir.4 2X1 1241s I'nlon Parlftn pfd , 4 IT. B. Kxpresa ' 90 II. 8. Rr-allv 40 U. 8. Ruhher 81 V. 8. Robber pfd PO II tl 81 V. 8. Steal 2f 10 834 8'.' 2.1 II. 8. Steel pfd 1,U 27 27 S Va.-(arolln themli-al 1 Va.-Carok Cheat, pfd 80 Wabash 10 K4 10 o Wabai pfd 10 174 17 17 Wella-Pargo bpress 2" Weetlnghoiise Klectlie oft Western linion 40 42 614 H WheellBI ft U B ' 4 Wlnooneln Central i4 Wis. Central pfd 24 Northern Paolflo 11, 124 ' 1J Central Leather 40 1 1 1'4 Central leather prd P 87 27 27 4 loas-8heffleld Steel 202 4K 4U 444 Great Northern pfd 1.2o 1U4 124 1234 Inter borough Met. 1U0 7 7 8 Int. Met. pfd tn Utah Copper M0 80 29 24 Total sales tor the day, 214,440 shares. ' New York Meaey Market. NEW TORK. April 4. MONEY On call, nominal. T1MK LOANS Dull and easy; sixty days, I per cent; ninety days, JWtfSH per cent; six months, 4 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER iW36 per cent. BTKKLINO EXCHANGE Steady, with actual business In bankers' bills at f4.86o0r$ 4lttin6 for demand, and at f4.842fyoH.8430 for sixty day bliis. Commercial bills, 4.83T,tf 4.S4V,. BILVER Bar, tec; Mexican dollara, 47e. GOVERNMENT. BONDS Steady ; rail road bonds, steady. The following are the closing quotations on bonds: TJ. B. rf. la. rag 102 L. ft N. ual. 4s M do coupon 1....1M Man. e. g. 4s. 82 V. 8. 8s. reg 100 Mex. Central 4a. -' do coupoa I'll' do 1st loo 14 I). 8. new 4s. reg. .120 Mlnn. ft St. L. 4s... 8I do ooupon I...12J4M., K. ft T. 4s Am. Tobacco 4 47 do 2s 80 do 4s ll24 N. R. IL Of M. 4s 74 Atchison gen. 4s, 4'N. Y. C. g. 84s 8 "do adj. 4s. 84 N. J. C. f. 4 ad No. Pacific 4s 4 7 do 2s 70 20 N. ft W. c. 4s 8(1 444 0. S. L. rfrtg. 4 8 1024 Penn. cv. 86 47 Reading gen. 4s K4 45 St. L. ft I. M. o. 6..llM 84 St. U ft 8 F. fa. 4. 44 Atlantic C. L. 4i Bel. ft Ohio 4a... do 84S Bra. R. T. 0. 4s. Central of Oa. 6. do 1st Inc do 2d Inc do 2d Inc Ches. ft Ohio 44.. 84-gt. L. 8. W. o. 4s.... 40 Chicago ft A. 84- 42 Seaboard A. L. 4s.. 46 C, B. ft q. n. 4s 4Bo. Pacific 4s.... 2a C, R. I. ft P. 4a..... 41 do 1st 4s ctfs do ool. ts 44 80. Railway hs 88 CCC. ft BU L. g. 4s 24 Texas ft P. 1 12 Colo. Ind. A. MT.. St. L. ft W, 71 Cole. Mid. 4s Colo, ft So. 4s.... Cuba Distillers' Seo. 4a. Erie p. I. 4s. do gen. 4s. Hock. Val. 44a ... f4 Union Pacific 4s., ... 87 do cv. 4s ...101 V. S. Steel 2d 6s. ... 70 sWabaah ls ... 24 Western Md. 4s.., ... 44 W. ft fc. B. 4s.... ...100 Wis. Central 4s... ... 77 Atchison cv. 4s... ... 84 do cv. 6a .... 24 .... 24 .... ....10 .... 3 .... .... 82 .... 87 .... 27 .... 67 Japan 4s do 44 ctfs. edo Id series Ottered. Bid. 46lnL Met. 44 Boston Stocks and Doads. BOSTON, April 4. Money, call loans, 2V4 (N per cent; time loans, 4Cut per cent. The following were the closing prices on stocks and bonus: Atchison ad, 4s, r Atlantic .. 9 .. 1 ..430 .. 21 .. 4.4 .. 84 do 4s Hex. central 4s..., Atchison do pfd , Boston ft Albany.. Doa.on Elevated .. r'tu hburg pfd Mexican Central ... N. Y., N. H. ft H Union Pacinc Am. Arge. Cheat..., do pld Am. Pneu. Tub..., Amer. Sugar do pfd Am. T. ft T.. ...... Am. Woolen , do pfd , Dominion I. ft 8.., Edison Elec. lllu... General Elextrlo .. Mas. Eledlio ...... do pld Mess. Oas .... United Fruit , United 8. M.. do pfd ...... . TJ. 8. Steel , do pfd ...,...,.v Adventure Alloue Amalgsmeteg ..... .. 9641llngham .. 81 Cat. ft Heels .. 744 Centennial .. 86 Copper Hsnge .... ..1M Daly West - ..l:t0 Franklin ..14 Oranby .. 1741sls Royals ...... ..lSD'a Mas. Mining .... ..124 Michigan .. 14 Mohawk .. 20 Mont. C. ft C... .. 5-Old Dominion .... ..124 Osceola ..lit Parrot ,.l(guincy .. 184 Shannon , .. K4 Tamarack .. 16 Trinity ..204 United Copper ..1254U. S. Mining .. 10 U. 8, Oil , .. 44 Utah .. 60 Victoria ..124 Winona .. 44 Wolverine . .. ' North Butte .. 3a Butte OoallUoa .. .. 17 Nevada ,.. 14i'al. ft Arlsona.... .. 244 Arlsona Com .. 6240reene Caaanea .. ... 184 ... 24 ... 11 ... 444 ... 74 ... 26 ... 82 ... 17 ... to ... 11 ... 40 ... li ... 4 ... 25 ... 4 ... 4 ... 8 ... 6 ...124 ... 43 ... 2o ... 11 ...100 ... 17 ... 84 . ClemvrlaaT Heate Bank Statement. , NEW-YORK, April 4. The statement of clearing house banks for the week shows that the banks hold $40,690,300 more than the requlrementa of the 2S per cent re serve rule. This ts an increase of $901,775, In the proportionate cash reserve, as com pared with last week. The statement fol lows: Increase Loans .....$1.1U78,700 $15,839,000 Deposits- 1,21 3,9f4, 400 24.U20.100 Circulation en, 273.SIO 763,100 IKal tenders 62.252.7ii0 840.700 Specie 281,9ai.2O0 . ,71,100 Reserve 344,178,900 . 7,0fin,800 Reserve required. ,48,Hfl0 6,156,226 Surplus 40,690,300 ' 901,775 Ex II. S. deposits..., 61,660,875 . 639,350 Decrease. The per rent of actual reserve of the clearing house banks at the close of busl- The statement of the banks and trust companies of Greater New York, not mem bers of the clearing house, shows that these Institutions have aggregate deposits of $808,483,000: total cash on hand. $u6,8u2,4D0 and loans amounting to $810,715,400. London Closing; Stocks. LONDON, April 4. London closing stock quotations: Consols, nroner CTS-isMe., Kan. Texas.. 22 .. 47 New York Central... 100 do aroount ....... Anaconda Atchison do pfd Baltimore ft Ohio... Canadian Pacific . ., Chesapeake ft Ohio. 7 Norfolk ft Western.. 44 , - e. , 89 Ont. ft Wasters . 84Psnnsylvanta 1644 Rand Mines 82 88 . 69 . 84 . 62 . 13 . 88 . 74 .W7 . 88 . 88 .100 . 10 . 18 . 88 414Kesdlng Chi. Oreat western.. 64 Southern Railway Chi., Mil. at St.. r.. lis 00 pia De Beer 11 Southern Pacific . Denver ft Rio 0 18 Union Pacific do pfd 62 do pfd Erls 14 United Stat Btaal do 1st pfd 82 do pfd , do 2d pfd tl Wsbash Orsnd Trunk 16 do pfd Illinois Central 12S Spanish 4a ....... Loulsvllls .ft Nash. ..100 Asna.1. Copper . r PILVER Par. dull. 25(825 7-16d per ounce. MONET 2&-'4 per cent. The rate of dlsootint In the open market for short bills Is 2j per cent; for three months' bills, 24 per cent, V 1 1 1 Foreign Financial. LONDON. April 4 The demand for money slackened on the market today and rates were slightly easier. Discounts were firm. On the Stock exchange the week-end and the approach of the settlement made dealings meager. First-class securities eased in anticipation of fresh capital re qulrementa Foreigners weakened on Paris selling. " HKKLIN. April 1 Prices on the Bourse today were weaker on a profit-taking, but improved towards the close. PARIS, April 3, Prices on the Bourse to day were steady. The private rate of dis count was 11-18 per cent. Bank Ocarina. OMAHA, April 4. Bank clearings for today were $l,K4,0Si!.o4, and for the corre sponding date last year $1,749,510.07. 190. 1907. Monday ... Tuesday ... Wednesday Thursday . Friday Saturday .. $ J.151.771.6B $1.82,10.fl7 1,961. 137.32 1.7t4,832.36 l.wi.tM K4 $.224,637.00 2.1X4,6ri7.01 1.&H.IM2 64 1,76,51.M 1,K1K,2H 82 1,714,7117.37 1.749,610.07 Totals $12,S!7,310.2 H0,8t,52.7 Increase over - the corresponding week last year,. ll.ttfl.Tao.tQ. New York. mala Stocks. NEW YORK. April 4. Closing quotations on mining stocks were Adaaa Cos. ... 6 Utile Chief .. 6 ,.;:o . .2M .. 4 .. 28 .. 22 .. 18 ..14tt A lie Breece Brunswick Con Coiustorlt Tunnel .. (on. t'al. Vs.... Iron Silver ......... Lsadvlll Coa .150 . 1 . 1 . 20 . 42 .luu . Ontario Ophir Peloal ....1 Saves Sierra Nevada , Small Hups btaadard agar nasi Molaaaes. NEW TORK. April 4. Sl'tJAR Raw. easy; fair refining, 8.86c; centrifugal, M teat. 4.3m-. Molaaaes sugar, 3.61c hotlned, steady; No. 6, 6uuc; No. 7, 4 96c; No. a, 4 laic; No. 2. 4.t4So; No. 10. 4.76c; No. 11. 4.7tc; No. 13. 4.S5c; No. 13, 4ic: No. 14, 4,65c; con fee -tinners' A, S.2oc; mould A, 5 76c: cut loaf, t.20c ; crushed, 10c; powdered. 6.&0o; granu lated, l.4oc; cubea, t.t&c. MOLAStSES nrm; New Orleans open Kettle, good to choice, SsrtplZO. CotToo Market. NEW TORK, April 4. COFFFTE Futures market closed steady; July, 8.75c; Septem ber. 4.H6c; December, $.tx-; March, 6260. Spot market, quiet; No. 1 Rio, tic; No. 4 Cantos, kMac; Build coffee, dull; Cordova, rVttiisa. OMAFIA LIVE STOCK MkT Cattle of All Kinds Show Decline for the Week. HOGS SHOW GOOD GAIN TOIL WEEK Sheep and I.amha In Moderate Receipt All Week, with Prices Stead- to Ten or Fifteen Ccnta Lower at Close. SOUTH OMAHA, April 4,' 1908. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday ... Official Tuesday .. Ofilclal Wednesday .1 tun ... 6.43 ... 4,6 ... 1.4!9 ... 6n ... IS 8.' 17.14 ti.tol 7.4K7 6.347 4,031' tl.b.41 ,4.-4 4.0V 1 til fil ial Thursday Official Friday Estimated Saturday. ,2no Six days this week.. ..18. 406 30.218 86.616 Same dava lant week 1; ml 33.041 44.30. Bame days 2 weeks ago.,17.4!4 b3,0.14 81, W7 Same days 8 weeks ago..ls,aft) W.&0 22,714 Same days 4 weeks ago..ltt,l!8 t,o6 1S,3V1 Same days laat year.... 20,108 2u.0u3 64,434 The following table shows the receipts or cattle, hogs and sheep at Houtn umana for the year to date, compared with last rear, 1 unc 1907. inc. Dec, Cattle 263.WI 23.194 44.332 Hogs 2.8.-4) t3t;.2!ll 162.669 .... Sheep 3o6.634 6a.oa 140,4tio The following table ariowa tha average Price of hogs al South Omaha fur the last seversj days, with comparisons: Date. I 1S08. 11907. 19C. 1906. 1904. 1TO8. 11902. March 24. March 25. March 26. March' 27. March 28. Murch 29. March 30. March 31. April 1.... April 2... April 8... April 4... 4 804 l4 t 08 6 02 7 37 M 08 6 lil & M 7 24 14 6 0IW 6 22 6 6014 6 57 J 6 78 6 031 20 6 13 1 XZ 6 11 6 27 t 13 7 28 6 12 6 9a 6 98 6 06 b a 1 1 6 KH 6 17 7 301 31) 8 2H 6 09 6 It) S 83, V 3U 6 261 6 09 6 07 7 21 7 28 7 29 6 14 4 98 6 97 6 69, 6 4K 6 45, 47 6 48 6 161 e 6 04 6 65 6 79 6 30 6 281 6 09 6 14 7 301 6 GtiH 6 15 7 241 6 68 0 13' 22 6 21 7 2 64 . 'Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle, Hogs. Sheep. H'r's. C. M. & BL P. .... Mo. P. Ry U. P. R. R. C. & N. W. (east) .. C. ac N. W. (west! .. C, St. P., M. Ai O.. C, B. Q. (east) .. C, li. & J. (west) .. C, R. 1. & P. leant).. C, R. I. & P. (west). Chicago Ot. Western. Total receipts ... 2 eg at 9 28 2 1 20 7 1 1 13 .. 1 1 .. 1 1 7 67 28 2 The disposition of tha day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the number of head indicated: Cattle. Hogs. lliti 6!9 '. 1,194 745 , 3;;3 21 ' 14t 410 211 213 1 Omaha Packing Co. Switt and Company Cudahy Packing Co. Cudahy Bros. . Co. .. 8. K. Klngan Hlackshlre Suer Bros ..i... Wlemuth Hoffman 8choolh Indeiwndent Other buyers Totals 2 4,426 CATTLE There was the usual Saturday s holiday in the cattle trade today, there not being enough cattle on sale to make a mar ket. The receipts for the week show a slight Increase over last week, but a fall ing on aa compared with a year ago ot al most 2,000 head. The arrivals this week have Included a good many good beet cat tle, the quality of the receipts improving as the season advances. Under the Influence of a sharp reaction In prices on beef steers at all market points, the week opened here with a sharp break. winch was followed by another heavy de cline on Wednesday. At the close of the week the market la 2o.'40o lower than laat Week, the decline being the heaviest and most marked on the medium' grades. strictly choice cattle have not shown so much loss, hut they, too, are lower. As high s Hi.96 was paid earlier In the week for a very choice bunch of cattle, the beat seen here this year, but It la a question if anything would bring over $6.86 at the dose of tile week, however good It might be. Cows and hellers declined along witu Deei steers, the average loss being about 2jc on that kind of cattle. The uest grades possibly do not show as much decline, the heaviest loss being on the medium kinds. Common cannera also escaped with leas de cline, for the reason that they have not advanced to any extent. Strictly good feeders sold about as high as any time, in tact, $o.3b was paiu ior one strictly choice load of feeding cattle. On the 'other hand, Uie aharp decline In beef steers has -nade medium grades of feeders very weak and generally a little lower, while alockera have been extremely alow sale, with the. fair to common kinds as much at 2Ext40c lower. uuotationa on cattle: uooa to choice cornfed steers, 6.2o(a.o6; fair to good corn- fed steers, $o.7ou.2a; common to iair corn fed steers, $4.7uU'6.76; good to choice cows and heifers. 4.7ii(io.7u: fair to good cows and heifers, $3.7fjj4.75; common to fair cows and heifers, $2.ouj,3.i6; good to choice Block ers and feeders, 4.7Utt.3l lair 10 gooa stockers and feeders, $4.00a4.7i; common to fair stockers and feeders, $3.oO4.00. HOGS The hog market was a surprise to the "talent" this morning. After the heavy break in Drovislona yesterday., every one was looking for a decidedly lower hog market. On the contrary, the market opened active and 6&10c higher, with both packers and snippers Buying quite ireeiy. After the. more urgent orders were filled, tha trade slowed up and It looked very much aa If the market would close lower, but still the demand was sufficiently good to clean up everything at prices very nearly as good as those which prevailed earlier. The market might pussiniy De quoted as closing a little easier. The bulk of the hogs went at t.7txin. V5. witn a top at j.ao. Testerday the most of the hogs sold at $5.6H)6.70, with-a top at $5.76. Everything In the yards was sold by 10 o'clock in the morning. The receipts of hogs this week show very' little change as compared with last week, so far as the number Is concerned, but a considerable gain aa compared with the corresponding week of a year ago. The market throughout the week has been wild and erratic, showing rapid fluctua tions, both up and down. Thus, during the first two days of the week, there was an advance of 26u3uc. On Wednesday there waa a drop of nearly 10c, which was fullv recovered on1 inursaay. rriaays market declined about 12c. while today's market was higher. After all the ups and downs, the week closes wit hi market 20foj 25c higher than It was at the (close of last week, or jusi $1.00 higher that! It was two weeks ago. . j ReDresentallve sales: 1 Noi- Av. ....181 ....241 .... ,...i4 ....278 ,...iit ....S04 ...244 ....! ....210 ,...11 8h. Pr. No. A v. 8h. Pr. 80 8 4S 20 215 ... 1 74 800 4 Hi. &i9 80 6 72 40 6 45 14 28 W 4 14 84fl 8 46 40 S HO 4 74 SO. 4 66 71 2 120 . 2 76 i;o 8 tTii -'7 .. 2 IB t40 2 10 81 Mi 1M 1 74 SO 4 10 64 2.M tt 8 18 120 6 70 4.1 14 ... 8 15 fl I 10 41 11 IK 111 Ij I 10 ' 47 234 ... I 16 &0 I 70 78 218 ... I 18 80 8 10 T7 214 84 I 11V ... (10 21 i ... 4 7T, 80 6 70 fil 2W 82 ( 774 ... I 12-4 40 2S4 ... 2 71S4 80 I 7:1 68 3U4 ... i 77 ... I 72 Tl. 214 80 8 T7i, ... I 7!V4 71 838 40 8 11'4 tuO 2 72 62 24 ... I 20 ... I 7SSS4 48. ...... .824 ... 180 82 6 72i, ' 44 11 40 I DO ... I 72 71 214 ... I 20 ' 84 71 ' 78 W7 40 8 40 40 8 7iS 2X0 80 I fcl .. 8 11! 82 . 1 1 2 20 I 80 810 12 II 81 4 ... 6 78 . 63 8U) ... I 44 20 6 72 81..., 0..., 24..., 67.... 41..... 45..... 81..... 44 82 41...'.. 44 14..... 8T 44..... M 7S 84 18 82 Ik. 41 42 78 4S 44 18 41 ..144 ,.m ..2M ..IDS ..Eli ,.tn ..Ijl) ..'. ..lit ,.K4 ..2E4' ,.7 ,.2t ..1D4 ..2ii2 ..17 17.. Tl. ...212 sniKEft-RecelDts of sheep this morning looked pretty large on paixr, twenty-eight tare being reported In. out unfortunately they weie all Colorados bound eastward to be shorn and fod out for the later mar ket, and were not offered for sale at this point. The number of aheep and lambs actually on sale tftla week has been very short, showing a heavy falling off as com pared with laat week and a year ago. The market, taking the week as a whole, has been In very fair condition. Under the in fluence of lower eastern markets it broke shacply en Wednaeilay, but later on re covered a good share of the decline. At the close of the week the market could be quoted at steady to lftulie lower, the de cline being principally on the medium kinds of both sheep and lamb. A feature of the market has been the very narrow range between price at this point and Chicago. Buyers at this point have stood up and paid almost Chicago prices tor good killers and have taken everything offered so -.hat the trade, bar ring Wednesday's break In the market, has been active throughout the week- From tUia U wUl be readily uoaaj stood thai the week's trade has been very satisfactory 10 owners. Quotations on wnnled sheep and lambs: I.HMihs. good to rhoice, $;.favus ou; lambs, fair to good,- $h.7,i67.Wi; good shesrlnsj lambs, 2A ii"u 7.3; yearlings, good to choice light, ti.tDiti 7.4; yearlings, goid to choice heavy, $S.in& 7.00; yearlings, fair to good, $K.2.;U'5.50; wethers, good to choice, $n 7.tJ; wethers, fair tn gnnd, $i.0'u6.o0; ewes, good to choice, $1 .POtiii.70; ewes, fair to good, Vi-aOruoO; culls and bucks, 84.oom6.00. Quotations on shorn sheep are 6tc under wooled stock, and snorn lambs 10c under wooled stock. CHICAGO LIVES STOCK MARKET Cattlo svnd Sheep t eady Hog Strang to Higher. CHICAGO, April 4. CATTLE Receipts, 800 head; market steady; beeves. $4.&0-i f.30; cows and heifers, $2.ooci1.00; Texans, $l.4ti 6.4(1; calves, $4.75i7ifi.T6; westerns, $4 40i6.&0; stockers and feeders. 13.2Mit.30. HCKJS-Rocvlpts. 10,000 head; market strong to 60 higher; lights. $58ofti.i0; mixed. $o.fVa.26; lienvv, $5.lr1T6.2fi; pigs, $4.7rV.i5.r; rough, $o.iyuo.96; bulk of sales, $ti.Ohlrj.S. .8HKKP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2.0T0 nead; market steadv; .native, $4.7RW.N); westerns, $6.00fjS.HO; yearlings, K2f.'(7.40; lambs, $8.00rai7.86; westerns, $6.257.86. Knnsna City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, April 4. CATTLE Re ceipts, 1M00 head; market slendy; choice export and dressed beef steers, l6.4Miti.9o, fair to good. $o.2oS.40; western steors, $5.00Er.7O; stockers and feeders. $3.7Mi5.0; southern steers, $4.5oti.50; southern cows, $3.2&r(,i4.80; native cows, $2 7Mifi.2S; native heifers, $2.7&4ji26; bulls, $3.5om6.26; calves. $3.6Vfi6.5. HOOS Receipts, 35,000 head; mnrket 5c higher; top, $5.97',: bulk of sales, $ft.S.Vif 6.96; heavy, $6.9a.H7; packers and huti-h-ers. $S.80(ii6.96; lights, $5.70(66.85; pigs, $l.80y 5.26. SHEEP ANT LAMBS No receipts; mnr ket nominally steadv; lambs. $.2Vfi7.9ii, ewes and yearlings, $R.50(n.80; westrrn year lings, $6.2M7.26; western slirep, $&.25'"y 5.75; stockers and feeders, $3.60tfrfi.:jO. St. Lonls Live Stock Market. ST. IOtTlSJ. Anrll l-TiTTt.V' l!lnl. 800 head. Including 600 Texans; market for natives 6c lower; native shipping -and ex port steers, $6.107.25; dressed beef and butcher steers. So.44Kii44.no: steeis under 1,(.. pounds. $4.76(01.06: alnrkpri unit f..n.l,.i- $3.0cu6.26; cows and hnifcrn, $2.75'u16.00; fan ners, $2.0013.00; bulls, $3.25(i6.25; calves. $;..0 (rrf.OO; Texas and Indian steers, $3.50.25; cows and heifers, $1.7.V4.25. HOOS lRe-elntS- 4 (X )i,iud mmk..l stenrlv tn Ae hlffhui" tiloe 011,1 liirl,t tliiiri. 6.00; packers. $r..5O(i.05; butchers anil best neavy, ta.isjafo.lh. No sheep market. St. Joseph Lire Stock Market. 8T. JOSEPH. April 4. CATTLK Re ceipts, 645 hend. Market dull; cowa and heifers, $2.2u(U5.25; stockers and feeders, 23.75 &4.75. 1KK-Rece Ints. K14 head. Market 6c higher; top, SH.00; bulks, $5.t4i5J6.90. SHEEP AND LAMRS Hcceints. none: lambs, $7.4otji7.50; yearlings, $ti.75(ii7.25. Slonx City Live Stock Market. SIOUX CITY, la.. April 4. (Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 200 head; mar ket steady. HOGS Receipts. 1.000 head. Market strong, selling at $5.6&&6.80; bulk of sales, 6.6Gij6.7&. Stock In Sight. - Receipts of live stock at the six principal western markets yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. Bheep. South Omaha 25 4,031 8,956 Sioux City 200 2,0110 Kansas City 1,100 3.5H0 .... 8U Louis 4. St. Joseph 645 814 .... Chicago 300 10,000 .... Total receipts... 3,070 24,345 6,956 U at A II A. WlIOLE!A..K MARKET. Condition of Trade and Quotations on Staple ana Vtey Produce. EGGS Fresh selling eggs, candled, 14c. BUTTER Common. lc; fancy tub and rolls, 19u,21c; creamery, 30c. CHEESE New full cream. Wisconsin twins, ilhic; new full cream brick, 17c; do mestic new Swiss, Ike; new limourger, Luii loci young Americans. 17tto. LIVE POULTRY Springs. 84c: hens. 10c: roosters, 4c; ducks, 9c; geese, 714c HAT Choice No. 1 upland. $7.50; medium, $t.50; No. 1 bottom, $5.00; off grades, $4.00tf t.CM. Rye straw. $7.00. No. 1 alfalfa. $11. uo. i tturiuAii r nun a. BANANAS-Port Li moll, owing to sis. per bunch, tl.tn o 23.00. ORANGES Extra fancy. 80 to 90 aixe. per box, $2.75; extra fancy, 112 sixe, per box. $2.85; extra fancy, 126 and 150 aixe, per box, $3; extra fancy, 176, 2u0. 216. 250 size, ner box. $3.25; extra fancy, Washington navels, 80 to 96 aize, per box, $2.5u; extra fancy, Washington navels, 112 size, per box, $2.05; extra fancy, Washington navela, Lli and 150 size, per box, $2.75; extra fancy. Washington navels, lis. JM. 210, ZoU size. per box. $3. LEMONS Extra fancy, extra long keep ing, SuO to 300 aize, per box, 24; extra choice, extra long keeping, SuO and 360 size, per box, $3.75; extra fancy, 300 sixe. per box, $3.50; extra choice Urey hound, 300 size, per box, $3.2u. FatUlTS. APPLES Washington, Rome Beauties, Red Cheea Pippms, Kings, Spys. assorted. per box, $1.50; California red winter Pear mans, per box, (1.50. STRAWBERRIES Texas berries arrived Monday and sold for $6. Another lot came Tuesday and sold tor $5. Probabilities are they will get as low as $4. UKAPtUS Malaga, cuoice, per Keg, ei.w. Malaga, extra fancy, $4.50; extra choice, per keg, 4t; extra fancy, extra heavy. $o.00. CrtAX13natttlc.o exu-a lancr uu anu Buglo, per bbl.. .0.00; extra fancy Jersey, per bbl.. $8.00; extra fancy Jersey, per box, 300. peaks uxira iancy winter rveius. per box. $3.75. OLD AND NJCW ViSUETABLES. TOMATOES Florida te-basket crates,, per crate, $4.00; Cuban tomatoes, owing to quality, 41.00 to tALUr uiwuv-i-er s-aosen crate, to $3.50. LETTUC1S florlda nead. per hamper 23; per doc, $1.00(U1.50. TOMATOES Extra fancy Florida (6 basket ciaius) per crate. $3 .60; choice Florida (6-basket crates), per crate, $3. PEPPERS Florida te-bankel crates), per crate, CUCUMBERS ttxtra iancy not nouse, Illinois (i doz.), per box, $4 choice, hot bouse, Illinois (3 dos.), per box, $3. Hot house radishes, iiead lvtluoe, onions. parsley, per dos., 4oc. Southern radishes. parsley, new beets, new carrota, new shal lots, owing to size, per dox., 40ju0c. Old carrota, parsnips, turnips, beets, per bbl., $2.26. ROTABAUA5 Canadian, per 10., l'Ac CABBAGE Extra fancy Holland seed. per lb., lVsO. ONIONS Extra fancy Red Globe, per lb.. 2c; Wisconsin yellow, per lb., 2c; Va lencia hpanUh, per crate, $l.b0; Valencia Spanish, 160-lb. crates, $4 25. U.MON SliTB Yellow bottom. 22 lbs. In bu., per bu., $2.75; red, $3; white, $3.25. SEED POTATOES Kansas sweet, per Mil., $1.85: 5-bu. lota, $1.75. NUTS, CIDER. HONEY. DATES, CELERY Coauoauuts, each 5c; per sack, $4- No. 1 selocled California English walnuta, per lb., 1'iVsC. Filberts, Brazila, Jumbo pecans, butternuts, per sack, UVo. No. 1 hand picked peanuts, roasted, ec; raw. 6c. riuit,i-taiuornia, alrlcuy Iancy, 2 traniea, per caue. $3.75. CELERY Florida, per crate, $3.60. I, TL .J .........! ...... ...w II Ad u . ,,, u 1. .. . vwa. v.'w. BEEF CUTS. Ribsi No. L 15c: No. 2. 12c: No. I. MMrC. Loins: No. L 19c; No. 2, 15c; No. $, 1-nC Chuck: No. 1. 8c; No. 2, 7c; No. 3, 7tc Round; mo. l. toe; iso. i. vc, io. 3, iw, Plate: No. L 6c; No. 2,-c; No. . 5 Vic. AllSCiuLlAW auUUBI. CiiNNED GOODS Coru, standard west ern. 75c. Tomatoes, fanny, 3-pound tana. 11.45; standard. 3-pound cane, H20, Pine apples, grated, 2-pound. 42.202.30; sliced, $l.i5u2 35. Gallon, applea, $4.5u Calllornia apricots. 2-uu3.o. Pears. $2.1ota3.i5. t-'eaunea, 4l.suiud.is. a. v '-eaciiee, iu-j $.15. Alaska salmon, red, $1.40; fancy Chinook, flat. $3.15; fancy socaeye, flat. li.16. Sardines, quarter oil, $3.iiu; three, quarters tuostard. $3.35. Sweet potatoes. $i.Zoiui.if. Sauerkraut, 96c Pumpkins, sue titloo. Lluia beana, 2-potnd, 'oc'uiVia. koaked beans, 2-pouud, 65c; fancy, $1.251.46. CAL1FDKMA DRIED FRUITS Prune are aomsvbfat unaetlied by freer offerings from second hands, who seem desirous of moving supplies of immediate grades, y no tations raiige trom oc to vc ior vaiiiuinia fruit end from 6Vo to 80 for Oregon, peaches vre very turn, with fancy yellow quoieu at 13HC . ' SUGAIv- Jianulated, cane, per sack, $6 40, beet. 45.UO. cut loaf, cube, eiu; pow dered, 6.1'C. COFFEE Roasted, No. 36, 2Cc; No. $4 Sic; No. 19c; No. 20, 14ViC FISH xiauput, 11c; iioui, 11c; picaerei, 10c; pike, 9c; pike, fresh, frozen, 12c; whit fish, lie: buffalo. 14c: bullheads, skinned and dressed. 13c; catfish, dressed, 15c; whit sunflsh. tmQc; crappiea, 15c; large crapplea. 15c; herring. Irtrli, irozen, c; wniie nsn, perch, 7c; whits bass, 14c; black bass, 35c; f'oren. I31f"; pirKerel. fresh, frczen, 7c. HIDES AND TALLOW Greensalled, No. L 2o, No. t 4c; bull bides, lc: aruen un alled. No. 1. u, grv4 uiiKalted. No. 2, Icj THE 0E0E3TF0L BEME Absolute Safety of one's funds is the rightful demand of every Individual who entrusts his monry to a Dank. The First National Hank of Omaha cordially inrltes your account and insures the Safety of your deposits. first immihi mm OF OMAHA THIRTEENTH AND FARI1AM STREETS Oldest and Largest Bank in Nebraska. 9 The Updike Grain Co. COMMISSION DEPARTMENT 708 to 714 Orandcls Oldg. OMAHA, NEBRASKA BROK E. JRL S GRAIIV, PROVISIONS, STOCKS AND BONDS 1 1 PRIVATE WIRES Tsilenhnnaiaii I Nt. Doiirils MEW YORK Successor to Boyce Commission Co., lOH Board of Trade Bldg. Margins 1 cent on grain. $2.00 on stock. Public and private rooms for customers. Eest service In Omaha. A reliable company. borse hides, S1.0(Xg2.50; sheep pelts, wcy) .00 Tallow, No. 1. 4Vic; No. 2. 3jc. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, April, 4. COTTON Fut ures orened steady; May, D.tiTc; July, .77c; August, U.71c; Oi-l.i'oor, 8,tWc; December, U.ivm ; January, D.liUc. Futures cloned slendy; April. .5Rc; Hay, 9,Kc; June, 9.73c; July, 9.7tic; Augunt, K.iiho; October, .63c; IJecembcr, S.tac; January, K.tilc; March, ' 9.ti5c. . Spot closed quiet; middling uplands, 10.50c; middling gulf, 10.75c; sales, none. GALVESTON, Texus, April 4. COTTON Steady, KlViC. 1ST. LOl'IS, April 4.-COTTON-Qulct; middling, lo-c; no sales, receipts or ship ments; stock, 26,132 boles. NEW ORLEANS, April 4. COTTON Spot very steady, prices urn-lumen d; mid dling inttc - ' r ' I Evaporated Apples and Dried Fro Its. NEW YORK. April 4. EVA PO RATED A 1JFLES Market quiet, with fancy at 104 (611c; cholc;e, HWtc; prime, 7('j7c; com mon to fair, 6tjtic. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Prunes are steadier In tone, as recent shipments te the interior have reduced supplies .con siderably. California fruit Is quoted at 44 iil4c; Oregons, Si&luc. Apricots are un changed notwithstanding bullish advires from the east, with extra choice at l!rt 31c; fancy, au'-'4c. There is a fair demand for peaches, with choice quoted at lew loVic; extra chnlce, .lliftllVsc; fincy, HVr 15c; extra fancy, 13(f(14e. Raisins are dull nnd unchanged, Willi loose Muscatel at 5 fotiWc; seeded, t'itWiWi London layers, (1.55 4jL75. Movements of Merchandise. NEW YORK, April 4. Imports of mer chandise and dry goods at the port of New York for the week ending March & were valued at tl2,7tU,719. Imports of specie for the porti of New York for the week ending today were 2ZZ,-XI6 in silver and 485,3K in gold. Exports of specie from the port of New York for the week ending today were 148,205 gold and J33,8.S3 silver. " Great Northern Dividend Hnme. NEW YORK, April 4. DiiectorB of the Great Northern Railway company declared a quarterly dividend lot per cent on Its stock. - This Is unchanged from the last previous quarter. . . Wool Market. ST. LOl'IS, April 4. WOOL Steady ; me dium grades, combing and clothing, iVVr? 2uc; llglit fine. 17(lc; heavy fine, 12ijlSc; tub washed, 23g0c. TiEUP WITH STORESBALKED Copartnership of Fruit Men nnd llltf Merchants Opposed by City Attorney. Anton Bpragettl and Polltl Macaroni can not get around the provisions of the new lunch wagon and fruit vender ordinances by forming a copartnership with any of the other large stores and thereby be per mitted to occupy the three feet of sidewalk space allowed for the display of wares for the occupancy of their fruit or hamburger carts, so says Assltani City Attorney Rine. Under ordinance provision retail dealers are allowed three feet of the sidewalk space abutting their stores for the display of goods, but not for Uie sale of them. Under this provision lunch and peanut peddlers would be allowed to place their wagons on this three feet space, providing they had an Interest In the store abutting, but they could sell nothing from the wagons. In the market district, designated by city ordinance, sales cant be made from the sidewalk, but the small street m r chants do not want to locate In this dis trict. The police have forced the wagons from the business streets, but many have set up business again on vacant lots, the police not closing this privilege to them. As many of these vacant, lots are In the business district, and as' the lunch wagons are not built of brick, City Building Inspector Withnell will this afternoon order from the premises all pushcarts located within the fire limits. Councilman Elsaaser, not content with ordering the peanut and ' welnerwurst mer chants from the streets, Is now after the newsboys whs have. stands on the street. WOMAN WANTS MONEY BACK Sara 8eond-Hand Dealer for Eleven Dollara as Rraalt of a Trade. Mrs.' E. Wllburn has filed suit In the court of Justice W. W. Eastman against J. J. Levine for 111.30. which, she says. Is the balance due her on a certain transaction In second-hand goods extending over sev eral weeks. Mrs. Wllburn ays she went to Levlne's establishment and negotiated for a second hand stove In exchange for a second-hand wash machine and certain money. When the stove was duly set up she found there was a serious defect in It, namely, that It would not keep fire, but persisted ln smok ing In tha bouse. Bhe then swapped the stova for a .rasoUna stove. Unfortuuevtely, o t 2473 CHICAGO STOCKS FOR SALE Market active this past weex. Both speculative and conservative stocks find readj buyers. DIVIDEND BTOCKS. 4i Tun ttirIHiiie Co.. Amer....l.m 1 nloraili.-l'iah S.2oKlorenc OI4 4.fi.- Utile Klorenie, Mkt. Is.nllol Chem 7 fl. Kendall. Mont 1.15Nlpplsslng 4 75 I'nele Sara Con Ir iHmiwalorm Ida .1 tier. Amer. Coriee. 441 SOIK-tsvo Mm 2VO ZSrTERXST-BSAJtnrCr BECTKITISS. N'ev. Slale Tele., 7 iM0 sux-k S. C. Bank. per cent. r-'d. N. Y. Healty, 12 per N. Y. Realty bond. 2 perl eent .2165 cent. I25.UW Klrat Mort. O. 236.0HO First Mort.. 10-year bond 4 per cent sold bonds. lAdama EiDreaa 177 110. CW Stock Ohio Bank. J.8. Express 24 Particulars by mall to Interested pt-rties. MZKZKO, inDUSTBIAX, ETC Ktna Zinc, Wis 7f jL'nlv. Pneu. Tr i2IHo I'slnniet-Nevada iclKlns. Crowtber ,....2lft- .! 9,.... I lM .. ..k &l..u ... . - imiau. ir i mtui 11.1, no, iq Bonora rent. rpt...2Sn (it. West. O. R. P...2V- Tlub. KITlolt l.bo ITrlbulllon 11 IS Kins Sol. T. as D... 10c I Umpire Tub., bla. -Vielllngton, IMv 4S4cuold tlueea, B, H...I10 Wpfprn Business Fyrhnnp W-W . 4asn.anBBassssBBi mm M V Ml J V 128 LasaU t. caioAoo, zzixv. W. Farnam Smith & Co. Stocks, Bonds, Investment Securities. 1320 Farnam St. TUia. Bell. 10O4; Xnaependent, A1064 BANK DEPOSITS, GUARANTEED CITIZENS BANK TRUSTC0. UAKTI.ZSTIXlaB.-OaUa, State Depository. Largest Btate Bank In Eaatem OUaooiaat Deposits guaranteed by State of Okla hoina Ouarunty Fund. New Si tut e Law. effective -Eel. 15th, 1D08,-provides Abrn. lute Safety to Depositors ln this bank. Under entire control and supervision of btate.which guarantees the return of your deposit ln full under any circumstances. We pay 3 per cent on havings istnd Time Deposits. Make remittance In any form, or write for information. Public LAND Opening tio.OUU ticrtM of irriMtwl Qovernment Lwi la Bit Horn Bulit, Wyoming, will be thrown ofrtm for -H-tleD.eai My tl, uudur ibo Cry jtot, Alfordttig opportunity to wrure ua Irrigate! farm tU low ci on eatty payiaenU. Only SO daya resident inquired. Heport oonuuning odictai ixMioe ot tha draw inn, BeApa. Plata, and full information a?ol frv on ra a. ileal. r&KIGATXOH DE1AXT2E4T Boom 405, 80S I.aaU UU, Chicago, 111. before this was delivered it fell downstairs and broke Its legs and was laid up for re pairs. Then she set her heart upon a rock ing chair, which, she says, fell to pieces the first time she seated herself ln it- Now she wants her money back. WASHINGTON OBJECT LESSON Bob SU,h (ilvee Ills Reasons Why l'letare Bill Khonld He Paid. The whetting of knives In the office of the county commissioners has not disturbed Itobert Bmith, clerk of the court and former watchdog of the treasury, 'i he pictures of Washington and Lincoln still hang from the walls of the clerk s orrice, ana, accord ing to the former watchdog, they serva a good purpose. "Were I still county auditor 1 would J.f K. the claim to pay for the pictures," be said, after remaining silent for several days. "Yes, sir, the claim ls legitimate." And here is the explanation he gave: "In the office of the district clerk 1 a here the foreigner takes out bis first naturalization papers. lie has dreamed of coming to America, this free country, and he has learned of Washington. He knows more of Washington than do moat Ameri can. I nave so piacca ine picture mat when the foreigner signs his oath he looks directly Into the face ot 'he father of his country. It impresses him; It gives him rtspeel uml a love for bis new country." And then the chief clerk broke In: ' "Y!i!x very rooming an unkempt old man ttrollcd Into the oldie. ills dirty old slouch hat was pulled down over tils eye and his ragged apptarance attracted tha attention of the: offici force. I'resently t he eye of the stranger lighted upon the, pic ture of Washington. Instantly tha old hat came off and the man bowed renereutly. Thi.t was' worth the (11 the County C4ui miasloners ara worked up a Unit." -