THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE 'ATOIIj 3, 1D0S. REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FOH I4LR (Continued REAL ESTATE CITY PROfFHTV FOR 9AI.K (Continual.) REAL ESTATE CITY fHOPKHTT FOR B ALB (Continued.) REAL ESTATE CITY FROrtlRTr FOR SALK (Continued.) REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE CITY PROPKRTY FOR SALE (Continued.) REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FOR BAL$B (Continued.) CITY PROPERTY FOR BALK (Continued.) BIG BARGAINS W'pst Farnam District Ttn room modern pressed brick house. Hard wool finish, open plumbiug, cemented cellar, pared street, permanent side walk. Oner Jivet In housa and will chow ume. Only $8,000. A corner lot In Hanscom Place with sidewalk. 13,250. Full east front lot and modern house on Georgia avenue. Only 13,000. Two lota at S. W. corner 9th and Hickory street. Permanent sidewalks; one block from street car. Just the place to build cottages. 12,260. On 39th street, Just north of the Joaclyn mansion, I have two modern, 9-room brick bouses In first-class repair which I can sell for $4,000 each. Unimproved lot on Webster street sidewalk. Only $2,000. Business property three stores- $16,000. Business property two Btores In $200 a month and Improve every day. Eight modern brick residences on month. Owner needs money and will THOMAS Room 1, New York Life Building. VACANT LOTS $1,$60 Two InU. with a frontage of ICO ft. on Lake St. and in ft. on V'th. This li the nort beaut corner and the pave ment he Just been completed on Lake. Will divide, t 700 We have several lota Juat north of Bemls Park ranged In price from $700 to $1,000. 104 lota adjolnlns; Miller park, which we ran aell for 16 down and $6 per month lino to $200 each. BEMIS, Paxton Block. 'Phones Douglaa 686; Ind.. 15. (19) F. D. "WEAD Six-room cottage, with full lot, on Emmet, went of 31st St. $30 cash, bal ance monthly payments of $12.30 and In terest at 8 per cent. $1,100. Blx-room modern houxe on N. SHth St., near Ben, la Park. $300 cash, balance monthly. F. D. Wead, Wead Block, 18th and Farnam. j (19)- $1,650 Five-room cottage, at 84th and Blondo Sti.; corner lot, 60x117. Eaay terms. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., First Floor New York Life Bldg. 'Phones Douglas 1781, Independent A 1188. (19 - DO YOU WANT A HOME? fSOit. S-room cottage, lot 3ox0. $700, l-room cottago, lot 26x107. 4-room cottage, lot 60x100. . fl.050. 6-ioom houHe, lot 40x130. 2,w0. new modern 6-room houae, lot '.27 ft, front on Central boulevard, by 96 ft. leep. JACKSON CO.. 811 Frederick SU Phone Douglas 433. (19) M774 6 Great Sale ACRE LOTS NEAR SOUTH OMAHA EASY TERMS We have been familiar with acreage tra wroago than any other firm. We feel qua r are uiviuing into l-acra ana z-acre lots niece of acreage we have ever placed upon fenny sloping to tne west and south, with louth. It Is hard to choose between the dl tractive tfmn another. Wo have had every cuivens ana Driages are being built and ou lay Bunduy and every Buturduy afternoon LOOK AT THESE TERMS Only $3 down and $6 per month. We will give you a contract calling for a war-I fanty deed and abstract when the lota are paid for. The title Is perfect, the land having only threa owners since the government deeded It In 1859. It, is the shortest and most perfect title we ever sold. give a Midland Guarantee & Trust Co. Abstract with every lot. Ttemember, the land la at 44th and Harrison. Go to 30 th and Q on the car and then inuth on 36ti to Good Luck addition and Harrison St., and then west to our big ilgu at 44lh. HERE ARE THE PRICES C ONE-ACRE LOTS FOR $360. a 7 ONE-ACRE LOTS FOR $325. 0 ONE-ACRE LOTS AT $300. 13 LOTS CONTAINING FROM ONE AND ONE-THIRD TO TWO ACRErf AT $260 AN ACRE. Remember, each acre lot is nearly equal to seven ordinary city lots. This land is across the road from the city limits and you escape South Omaha city taxes. Qo south on 36th St to Jackson or Harrison, and then wont through Mella'a addition, to our big sign at 44th and Harrison. There Is a plat of the lots on a bill board. Tele phone our office or J. H. Kopleta, U C. Qlbson, or T. J. O'Neill, and they will give you tha prices and ahow you the lots. . N. P. DODGE & CO. J3ee Building HERE'S AN OPPORTUNITY! To aell your property, wher ever It la. either Improved or vacant. We have Inquiries far In ex cess of the supply for property both for rent and sale. Llat with us; we can sell your plare or rent It; collect your rents and take care of your Insur ance In our usual careful and painstaking way and our . charges are very reasonable. IF YOU DON'T KNOW US COMHJ CP AN'5 GET AC Ql'AINTKD. '14E BENEFIT WILL BE MUTUAL. Special attention to nonresidents. Cor respondence aollcited. Beat reference as to ability and In tegrity. GLUICK & NEWMAN, 8V Brandela Ride. 'PHONE-D. &; A 1634. (!) INVESTMENTS $2,660--Three houaea, with rental of $40 per Bionth, with 84 ft. frontage, on xar line. r BEMIS, 90 Paxton Block. 'Phonea Douglaa &&&; Ind., l&ii. (19) Special Sale We will offer tomorrow at special sale, several of tha finest lota In the West Far nam district at prices that make them the greatest bargains In Omaha. HICKS REAL ESTATE CO., ' 21$ Board of Trade Bldg. (ID) T10 6x NORTH SIDE BARGAINS 6 rooms near 2ath and Decatur, hot water heat, all modern, lot Jvxiai, J.'.luo cash, balance to ault. t rooms near 2Tth and Buggies, lot tfx l-T-t- nartly modern. $1.8o0. S rooina near 2h and Gust, lot 60x133, $1,300. . 4 rooms near 24th and Hlmebaugh Avt.. lot 60x11. $1.M0. C. G. CARLBERG, SU N. Y. Ufa Bldg. (19) 760 - FOR BALK. Fine 8-room house, ' 7t N. h St.. at a fcargaia. L D. Holmes, 712 N. Y. life. (19-M712 Ix Paved street, permanent near 20th street; paved, permanent rented for $200 a month. Price the heart of the city, Will rent for $20,000. , good paved street, sell at a sacrifice. .Rented for $200 a BRENNAN Phone Doug. 1264. 19 Fowler Ave. Snap 201 Fowler Ave., new, press brick,, reception hall, parlor, dining room, kitchen, den or bedroom on first floor; two large bedrooms, large bath room on aecond floor; f ull alee bricked up cement floor base ment, best of furnace, best of plumbing and fixtures; large grate. This was exceptionally well built for a home, but owner compelled to sacrifice and has reduced price from $4,a to $3,600, very eaay terms. Can be seen Sunday between 3 and 4. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., Tel. Doug. 1064 ft Ind. A1061 13a) Farnam St. (19)- NEW HOME IN SULPHER SPRINGS Of 7 rooms and reception hall; full cellar, cemented. Owner ordered from city by doctors. Muat sell at once. F. D. Wead, Wead Block, 18th and Farnam. (!) Special Sale of choice lots In the West Farnam resi dence district. We will offer several lots this week at prices that make them the biggest bargains In Omaha. HICKS REAL ESTATE CO., 21 Board of Trade Bldg. I (ISO 710 (X cts near South Omaha and have sold mora lifted, therefore, to state that the 40 acres at 44th and Harrison Is the most beautiful the market. It Is high, sightly around. clear, running spring on the wast and fferent acre lots, each one seems more at- lot staked out and the roads are outlined. r representative will be on the ground all and Sunday until al the lots ara sold. 1714 Farnam St. (19)- SNAPS Blx-room house In Orchard Hill, near car Price $?' b'g barBln U Boli thl w"elt- 2421 So. 17th St., T-room house, barn, fins lot 44x166. This property must be sold, so go see it today. $3oo-Nlce laying lot at 2th and Dunont Bis., 60x160; water and sewer In street. This Is a anap and must be aold. $28 Nice east front lot 60x130. just north of Davenport St.. on 36ih. Sewer and water In atreel. A snap. ve vacant lota at 6th and Dodge Bts. will trade for Improved property and Hycash difference. 8ubmit what you F. C. Best, 1007-8 N. Y. L. 'Phones. Doug. 2244; Ind. A-4244. (18 10 ACRES V? believe there la no finer tract of land in Douglas county and you will agree with us when you see the land, located a few blocks northwest of Krug a Park on good road. 1 he price la cheap at $3.SuO but owner needa some money and If you should say $2,6iio we might listen to you, better look this up It Is a money maker either as a home or Investment. C. M. RYLANDER, 30$ N, Y. Life. (19 M-602-1. CHEAP LOTS $150 TO $200 $10 CASH, $5 PER MONTH Just weat of Krug park, eaat of Benson hurst, wa are offering theee for a short tune from $loO to U each. These are large iota and none over two blocks from car line. Buy one a good way to save money and at tha aama time get a horns or your own. Discount for all cash HASTINGS HEYDEN, 1704 Farnam St. (19)- For Sale at a Bargain. Lot 0xl50: 14-room double flat, all mod ttn but furnace. Twenty fifth, ba IT'5 "' 8""th Omaha. Prtoa. Nela A. Lundgren, 4C4 New York Ufa Bldg. Tfaone Dug. t4$, ti-ua t two houses, D. V. SHOLES CO. 110 Pd. Trsde Dldg. Telephones: Bll. Doug. Main Floor. 49; Independent, A9H. Nothing But Snaps Advertised This Week. Have No Time to Fool With Any Dad Ones. fl.JO-Two cottages, renting for $14 par month. Two full lots. Near 2d and Dorcas. Easy terme. $1,600 ailO Ohio St., nice 6-room cottage, with full Int. sewer, water and gas. Rent, $16 per month. $1,900 -room house, mod. except furnace; high and alghtly; good condition throughout; No. SKU Parker 8L Owner very anxious to sell this Week and thla price will sura do It like giving -It away. $2,00 7-room cottage, modern except fur nace, and a beautiful lot, at No. 1X8 Ho. rth St. Just look at It. $3,6001616 80. 2th St., nearly new, all mod., 7-room house. Just as nice and neat as a new pin. Terms, $1,0U0 caah and $m per month. $4,600 Near corner 36th Ave. and Wool worth, new 7-room, strictly mod. hmiHe. South-front lot, 62 ft. wide, on the boulevard. VACANT t 400 60-ft. west front on 33d between Center and Hickory, 6J ft. deep; , sewer In street. This Is a snap for a man wanting to build a little home In a choice location. $ 80060x146 ft. east front on 27th. 254 'ft. north of Shirley. Another one 160 ft. south of this for $i)"0. $1,S50 Two lota. 60x126 ft. each, at the N. W. corner 86th and Marcy Bts., one block to car; sewer, water and gas. Brought to grade and desirable In every way. A bargain. $2,250-60x140 ft., east front on tSth, just south of Jackson. Paving all paid. Watch for Opening Creigh ton's First Addition 32d and Martha St. One Block From Hanscom Park. Looking better every day as the grading nears completion; high and sightly. When this addition is seeded to grass, shade trees set out and sewer and water mains put In the streets It will be one of the finest additions ever offered In this city. Price very roaaonabla. Will be, ready for market In about three weeks. If you wish to look at It today call Harney 14fl0 and we will meet you at 83d and Martha Bts. with a plat and give you prices. (19) 4 ROOMS, BRAND. NEW Four rooms and bath, city water, modern except heat, $1,600; small payment down; balance practically same aa rent. Located at 962 No. 28th Ave. ' C. G. CARLBERG, 911 N. Y. Ufa Bldg. (19)-M691 S 3STH AVENUE HOME North of Dodge, elegant 9-room, completly modern bouse, full lot 60x 165. If you want to get in the high class residence section, let me show you this. Price $6,250. N FOR FLATS See N. W. Cor. 20th and Davenport. NEW 5-ROOM COTTAGE i See 286S Ames Ave., has 5 rooms, nickel plumbing, stationary wash stand, toilet, bath, cement cellar, gad and electric fixtures; will be com pleted April 15. Can make easy terms to reliable party. Price $2,350. FINE BUILDING LOTS ' Close to 4 2d and Harney, Just a short distance from where lots are worth $2,500 to $3,000. Price $760. WM. E. ROMANO, Doug. 1318. tit Board of Trade. (19)- EASY PAYMENTS $ 850 Four-room house. Just one block from car line, with two full lots; fenced; has fruit and trees. Any terms. BEMIS. $06 Paxton Block. 'Phonea Douglaa 685; Ind., 166. (19) 6-Room Bargain On Patrick Ave., one block from 24th Street car, all mod . ern except furnace and In ex cellent condition throughout; best of hard oil finish, nicely decorated and a model little home for $2,000; nonresident owner must sell at once and wants offer. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., Tel. Dnug. 10G4 & Ind. A1064. 1320 Farnam St. (19) A; P. TUKEY & SON THAT "CHEAPEST PROPERTY." For sometime we have been talking about the cheapest property on Farnam St., as we claimed the 318 feet be tween 30tk and Boulevard to be. We offered It at $t per foot, subject to seven Install ments of tha paving .tax, amounting to about $3.60 per foot We still claim there Is noth ing cheaper on Farnam St., but that will not hinder us from making a considerable reduction on this price. As It stands now, wa want an offer, and must get one, as the owners of this property do not care to Improve It and can not afford to carry It vacant. We think It will pay you to look it up. A. P TCKEY ft BON, ' 44S Board of Trad Building 'Phone Douglas 2181. (19)- HOME FOR $150 CASH Balance $10 per month, 4-room house, city water and gas, nice lot; convenient to North 24th car line; good neighbor hood. Price $1,050. Aa an In vestment will pay 13 per cent ne'. HENRY F. WYMAN. ICuJ New York Life Bldg. (19)- rOK HOMK3 OR IN VESTMCN'I-Two cottages, ii. 8 rooms, near car, on grade, partly modern. Now vacant. Payments arrped. Owner leaving city. iJ0 Uurdett. fl-k77l Ix J. W. R0BBINS BARGAIN'S IN HOUSES $6.600 8 room modern house on 84th Bt. near Farnam. $4,0007 room mmlern house near All Balnts church; $1,000 caah, balance monthly. $3,780 a rooms, modern, and full lot on Georgia ave., near Poppleton. Non resident owner has reduced prlca $1.6flO to Insure a quick sale. First floor has reception hall, front and back parlors, dining room and kit chen and on second, floor ara I bed rooms and bath room and there Is a large attic all floored. There Is a big bargain In this property for some one. $2,260 T rooms on 91th Bt. boulevard near Msnderson, with double frontage lot 60x140 ft., east front vacant and fine to Improve. House needs dec orating and some minor repairs, but at small expense could be made a good home or Investment. Non-resident owner has made a sacrifice prlca for a quick sale. INVESTMENTS $14,000 ft. on Farnam near 24th, or will divide and aell 22 or 44 ft. The new car line and the opening of itth Bt. make this an exceptionally good buy. This ground ought to double In value In a few years. $6,760 Corner 29th Ave. and Mason with good 6-room cottage. Tills Is a fine corner to improve, aa It fronts on ' 3 streets and haa a total frontage of ft. $6,0008 stores and 4 cottages near J3th and William. Annual rental $x?& VACANT LOTS I ann Nice lot ontTth and Camden Ave. i 4"0-Cholc lot on Hamilton east of sxth. $l,8fi0 F-ast front corner 87th and Dodge. $1,SU0 Fine lot on 84th, bet. Farnam and Dodge. Permanent sidewalk and pavement. $2,60060 ft. on 88th Ave., near Dodge. Bee me about these and other bargains and list vour property with me for sale. JOHN W. ROB BIN B. 1803 Farnam St. -(19) Two 4-room cottages on lot, 60x140, well on property, large shade trees Blondo, 27th and 2th $1,860. 6-room cottago, lot 60x130: partly modern, room for 3 rooms upstairs, not com- pleted-Franklln, Sid and 3Sd-$2,3O0. 2018 Pleroe Bt., 6-room cottage, all modern but furnace, lot 26x185, facing Pierce and Pacific Sts. $2,600. Two cottages, 801H Bancroft and 2015 Arbor, on -lot. 26x100 $2,000 will sell separately for $1,000 each. Vacant-Sherman Ave. and Wirt Bt., 62Vix 112 $960. - Second lot west of 17th, on Martha St., 66x1881060. Northwest corner 24th and Castellar Sts., lota 7 and 8, Wilcox's addition, 47xlR8 each $3.0CO-wlll sell Inside lot for $1,250. tot lfl. block 1. Orchard Hill, 38th and Charles Sts.; want offer. 132x300, on 16th and 14th Bts., between Frederick and Spring Sts. $950 two thirds cash, balance on time. Orphanage road, 1"H miles north of Benson car line, one 6-acre plat at $300 per acre; two 6-acre plots at $250 per acre. SO. OMAHA 1 One 9-room all modern house, one 4-room cottage, modern but furnace, cement cel lar and sidewalks 4E.50O part cash, bal ance on time at per cent. 23d and R Bta., S-room all modern house, lot eoxtfO; price. $6,000. $-rooro cottage on S3 and V Sts., lot 50x130; well $1,000. A St., between 24th and 28th, 7-room cot tage, modern but furnace, lot 80x120 $2,700. Acre plata, from 1 up to 20 acres, from $200 up. Nels A. Lundgren 625 New York Life. (19)- TWO SNAPS 6-room cottage In good repair, modern except furnace, H block from No. 24th St., paved, price $1,650. Thla Is a dandy little pieca of property for the money. New 8-room house, modern, fine location, just weat of Kountse Place, large lot, So ft, front, price $3,200. Thla Is leas than you could build the house for. If Interested act at once. ERNEST SWEET 61$ N. Y. Life Bldg. (19)- $5,750 On B. (1st near Poppleton, S-room all modern house; hot water heat; good barn; full lot and fine shade, trees. Want an offer. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., First Floor New York Life Bldg. 'Phones Douglas 1781, Independent A 1188. (19)- Vacant Corner Northwest corner of 13th and Castellar Bts.. 33x124. with all paving paid on both streets.. Price, $1,000. 33x124, just north- of this lot, $750; or the two lots, with room for two houses on 13th St., and one house on Castel lar, for $1,700. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., Tel. Doug. 1064 at Ind. A1064. 13J0 Farnam St. (19)- ONE H0UK SALE Between the hours of I and 10 Monday morning, I will offer 66x166 on Maple St.. Juat east of 80th, for ttui low price of $426. Uo see the lot today and be at office promptly at 9 o'clock Monday morning. No telephone calls answered until sale hour.- F. C. Best, 1007-8 N. Y. L. (19)- SILAS ROBBINS, I have a large list of houses of all alzea, and vacant lota In all parts of Omaha and South Omaha, for sale or exchans-j. You make a mistake If you buy without seeing my list, SILAS ROBBINS, Frenier Blk.. 8. E. Cor. 15th and Dodge Bts. 'Phones office and residence. (191734 5x $1,650 BUYS Two houses, one of 6 rooms, one of 5 rooms and barn. Monthly Income $36. On Maple St., near 26th. F. D. Wead, Wead Block, lbth and Farnam. (lt FOH SALE. Special bargains In modern houses. 21 "9 Locust street. 2117 Locust street. 1234 Park Wild avenue. 4304 Krskine street. Be quick. Call or write THE INTERNATIONAL LAND AND 1N- VEBTWKNT CO.. Phone D $133. 210 bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (13)- Great Opportunity To secure a choice lot. We will offer at special sale this week several of the finest lota In the Weat Fur num. residence dis trict at prices that make them the big gest bargalna In Omaha. HICKS REAL ESTATE CO., 319 lloard of Trade Bldg. (Vi 710 6x FOR BALE, by ewner, s-room modern cot tage and baaement; large porch, gaa and electricity; rouae nearly new; lot 46x180; on nlea lawn and shade trees, east front; cement sidewalks; half block from car; ll.Ou) cash;, balance to suit. Call 60S No. 18th St., Suuth Omaha. (1 41 $ NEW location. Bujarqln R. . Co., 47T Bran4is Vldg. 0-6J7 GOOD HOME Within four blocks of Crelgh ton oollego, a neat l-room cot tage, bath, gas, toilet, cement cellar, good barn, lot 84xiw, , south front, rented for $21 and water rent Another one, 8 rooms, story and half, modern except heat, reduced to $2,600 for special reason. Near 24th Ave. and St Mary a colonial, 6-room modern house, built $ years, at $4,000. On Jfith Ave., Just off Dewey Ave.. 7 rooms, all modern, well located, for $4,000. 26th and Jones, 10 rooms, all modern, certainly a SNAP at $4,000. ( Eart of 26th St., on Dodge, We offer 9 rooms, strictly mod ern, one of the best built houses in Omaha, with good lot, SSxlW.jall specials paid, 6 bedrooms, for $f,80. A home or Investment 3 Webster St.. 8 rooms, new house, well built, with quar ter sawed oak floors and fin ish, oak columns. 4 good bed rooms, everything strictly up-to-date; want $4,750. FLATS A new Bt. lunula flat, one block of High 8chool. rent $K) a year; tenants pay water, for $s.00O. Refused this offer a month ago, but special reason for selling now. Two 8-room brlrks on a large corner lot, 4 blocks of 24th and Farnam, two paved streets, renting for $1,200; want $12,500. Large corner lot at 2Mh Ave. and Dodge, 75x90, with two modern cottages, renting now $); ground alone worth $t.r'in; want $6,500, but make us an offer. C. R. GLOVER & SON, 601-2-3 New York Life. (19)- For Sale at less than one-third of it's cost, Planing Mill, Ground, Buildings and Machinery, complete and ready to operate. The Balbach & Hagedorn Planing Mill at Belt Line and Cuming street; consisting of two full lota, 2H story frame building, 60x100 ft, with engine room, sheds, stable, etc., In addition. Also complete outfit of wood working machinery. Including engine and boiler, dry kiln, shafting, pulleys, belt ing and everything In complete order. Ma chinery cost approximately $7,900, building cost $4,300, the two lots are worth some thing but we won't charge anything for them or the machinery either, just pay us for the building and take the whole bench. Thla has got to be sold quick. Make us an offer. Here Is a chance to get Into a business without the loss of a day. Key at owr office. Will show property to you If you mean business. D. V. SHOLES CO., . Sole Agents, -110 Board of Trade. Main Floor. Telephones Dougl,as 49. Independent A-2049 SNAP $1,400 All modern house, except furnace, three blocks from Harney car line. Tills 'can be bought for a small payment down and balance like rent. BEMIS, 806 Paxton Block. , 'Phones Douglas 680; Ind., 166. (19) HARD TO GET THE FIRST THOUSAND DOLLARS IS IT! BUY ONE OF THESE BAR GAINS AND THE WAY IS EASY. Terms Arranged to Suit Your Pocketbook. . t Two lota, northwest corner 25th and Lake Bts. only $900. One lot, southwest corner 28th and Corby Bta. only $425. Another lot, southeast corner 27th and oroy bis. oniy Two more lots, corner S2d and Vinton, big snap $1,000. Close In lot, 29th and Dewey Ave., only Ixjts on Charles 6t, aouth fronts 82d St DON'T OVERLOOK THESE House and two lots, 8203 Corby St., new and modern $2,610. House and one lot, 3121 Maple St., 5 rooms, snap $l,6n). 6-room house, 3.'.'4 Maple St.,' se it aulck $1,250. Templeton Ave. home, 2623; 6 rooms, large aiiic oniy tz.iw. New modern home, 828 S. 35th Ave., va cant now $4,200. , Owner will sell the above on monthly payments and small payment down a rare opportunity Mr you. 4664 Seward St., nearly new home, large lot only $1,000. Last but not least Bee 2612 8. 38th Bt., a long wy out, but worth the money and more, too. 7 rooms, hot water heat; owner leaving city and offers for $1,460. R. H. LANDERYOU, Tel. Doug. 2151. 443 Board of Trade. (19)- See Our Fowler Ave. Lots Between the Florence boule vard and 22d Bt. These lots are 50x133 and have been re cently graded, having a nice terrace of about t to 8 feet; permanent walks and street will be paved this spring. Prlca $,00 and $.'Jb easy terms if de sired, j W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., Tel. Doug. 14 & Ind. A1CCI. Via Farnam St. (19) DOWN TOWN SNAP Of three 8-room modern houses, with corner lot, 60x154 ft.; ten blocks west of our office; monthly rental $'. $7, Dim. F. D. Wtad, Wead Block, lUi and Farnam. (19) - To Investors We will offer thla week aeveral of the finest lots In the West Farnsrn residence district at prices that make lhtn the bis gtat bargalna In Omaha. HICKS REAL ESTATE CO., a Seard of Trtda DM llf-s7l U. HASTINGS & HEYDEN LIST OF SMALL HOUSES WE ADVERTISE NOTHINO BUT BARGAINS FOl'R ROOMS, 4413 N. 8Pth ST.. $1.6n0, one block south of Ames avenue car line! iuii M, hihki reign oornooa. .so caah, bal ance same as rent. Thera ara more lots adjoining this property, plowed up and ready for garden that we will let tha buyer of this house use for garden pur poses. FIVE ROOMS, 2120 OHIO BT., $1,760, good cottage, good location, sewer, water, gaa and electric lights. FIVH ROOMS. 1918 N. 34TII 8T., $2,100. This pretty cottage. In good location, one block from Harney car line, east front lot 4xlLX) feet, bricked cellar, picket fence all around, nice yard, nearly new. FIVE ROOM9, TFMPLF7TON AVR., $1,950. This Is the biggest bargain offered In a 6-room house, rooms nicely papered, on a nice lot, on one of the prettiest atreet of homes In the city. It would cost you $1.9d0 to build this house todny. Come In tomorrow morning and we will ahow you this house. NINB ROOMS. 4416 FARNAM ST., $2,200. Go out today and look at this big house, arranged for two families, entirely modern and complete In every respect, full base ment, good furnace, 4 rooms and bnth on first floor, 6 rooms on 2nd floor, full south front lot. In a locality that is getting better every day. Non-resldcnt owner, must sell. SKVEN ROOMS, 8R07 N. 24TH ST.. $3,400. Here is a seven room house, modern, ex cept heat, on beautiful lot. In Kountsa Place, the locality is the best, street Is paved and paving pnld In full. If you see this you will buy It. SEVKN ROOMS, BOITTH BIDE. $2,800, at 8334 south ls)th street, we offer one of the best houses for sale In the south part of Omaha, at a price that will surely move It, large east front lot, beautiful yard, five rooms and bath on first floor, nice reception hall and two rooms upstairs, full bricked up basement, good furnace, electric lights snd gas, everything com plete, VERY CHEAP. BUILDING LOTS KOl'NTZE PLACK I,OT9 'PRICKS $i0 TO $1,150 BACH. Sales In this addition surpars those of any other part of Omaha. 20 lots sold In the last ten days. We can prove to your sstlnfni'tlon that there are no other lota In Omaha, as good as these for the money. Plnknev street, $0 to $750. Bmmett street, $!no to $!0. Lothrop atreet, $760 to $itf)0. Spencer street, $60 to $1,060. Terms one-fourth cash, balance one, two and three years, six per cent Interest Office open Monday HASTINGS 1704 Farnam St CHEAPEST LOTS IN DUNDEE Lots 18 and 19, block 96, on the north eldo of Capitol Ave., between 60th and 61st. Size, 60x135 feet each; one and a half block from car. Price, $1,1S0 for both, which Is $300 cheaper than any similar lots In Dun dee can be bought for. Owner must sell at once will make very reasonable terms. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., First Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. Douglas V17a-TELEPHONBS-"A" 1188. (tt- I WANT an offer on tha property, 1128 and liau o. mat Bt. ; two modern nouses and good barn; .well rented. This property Is owned by an eastern party who muat sell. THOMAS BRENNAiv, Room 1, Naw York Lite Uldgv r-861 INSIDE PROPERTY $4,000 Only four blocks from postyofflce, 38 it., wmi an modern, 8-room house. BEMIS, 306 Paxton Block. 'Phones Douglas 685; Ind., 1U5. il9) 1?1SAL ESTATE TITLE TRUST fifi (19) 863 CHOICE AND CHEAP . ... H-18-J0 N. 28th St. New, just finished, east fronts, 6 rooms each, tnclttdlni gain room. Large porches, double floors. Woodwork and floors pollahed, hard ol finish. Good sised lot with each property. Cement and permanent walk. Noa 1r '.'"".V914 N' mh 8t - 12,300.00 cash. 8918 N. 28th St., $2,200 caah. SV20 N. 28U St, $2,400.00 caah. . . ,u,2 .B"r' 8t-' Cottage; rooms. Including tjath. Hard oil finish, newly roofe. and painted. Open nickel plumbing, porcelain bath tub, gas, full brlck.cemsnt cei lar. Good as new. Lot 60x160. 82.600 00 T, a2!1 24t.h.-and 202Ji?L- l3.r(l Orounaf "H0 fronting 24th ana also 23rd Si Two 6-room cottages. 24th 8t house modern and rents for $20.00 per month. 8rt ti'sS!" rnt mr "n5 00 Per.mon'h- F'n Investment. Price for whole propertj f?!22'22 r wlU "PArately: 24th St. frontage $2,200.00; 23rd Bt frontagl $1,500.00. 8502 Seward St. 8-room house, t stories, large corner lot nix2 anm nece;;;rtp0. J T1,proi,"ly( upvOry ch,ap at .0-0u. but eostern owner says sel $3.75,0 00OO?oudha1one.e. wo?,thaflboorp?r''fo,o,t1Udln bath- .Gr0Und 40'UU 1rl alonj woViToo".) perTomnthfoUot! Or0Und ,0xl,- Pr,C' ,3'200' Or0Un month2" Pr"e$ 600 00rOm molern cotue- Good condition. Rents for $25.00 pet 2603 S. 20th Ave.. 6-room cottage. 891)0.00. Thl. 1. . - IjiI S lluunull M. Dr.,,...1. G.,1. v . 2423 B. 20th Ave. 8-room house and gas, Right PRICE. Lot Haacall &. Roger's Sub. Vacant 66x219 ft 81 looii'n ..h 2423 B. 20th Ave. S-room house and bath o , n ntnufi 'iV,.; ' il7'iTni7l ' Urf d0lble po,eh' SlEe of rou"J BOX143: Price $1 u I 00 ALL BARGAINS. Hera la vour i.t.nnii,i,,i . .1Z.?''7V".V CUT THIS OUT AND LOOK THESIS PROPERTIES OVER. McCague Investment Co, Telephone Douglaa 416. BARGAINS EXTRAORDINARY. Beautiful lot at 32d and Wright Bis., closo to Haacom park, weat aide, luxljy, on newly paved atreet. Low price of $5o. Fine lot. 50x124, at 21t and Ames Ave. Price, $500. Dandy 7-room modern houae at 26th and Emmet. Priced for two weeks at $1,9)0. Good i-rooni huuae at 2Jd and Manderson. Only $1,500. A biand new 6-room cottago at 27th, near Spaulding. at ?i.m. lie quick. Think of tliis; T-room house with 100 feet of ground at 2Cth and Emmet Sta. for $-'.5J. Room to build two houses. Get buay. Brand new 6-room residence at 28th and Spencer; modern exeept furnace; built of bent material. Ask to see this. Price, $2,6ii0. At 30th and Ames Ave.; eight rooms; new; uig 101: on car; modern except heat. Price. $2,800. 'Phone Web. 10f or Web. 8709. ' O. M. ITNDERH1LL CO., 3320 N. 24th Bt. (19)-743 ( $3,500 Six-room all modern house; oak finish: corner lot, at 17th and Laird Bts. Terms. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., First Floor New York Life Bldg. Phones Douglas 171, Independent A 1188. (U $2,400 For a Jim-dandy 6-room cottage, modern except brut, corner loi. paved street, close to car. lrrma Vt caau. . . u. Armstrong, Telephone Douglas 4l. , (19) .'OR BALE Two lots. boxl28 ft. each, In Benson; throe blocks souih of ear Una. 8-J&4. - 19) Mi47x. i SRVHN ROOMS, 3.T34 8PAtLDINO ST. $?.4u0. imly $4W caah for this large, mod ern house. In good repair, on full south front Int. threa blocks from Dodrn atreet csr line, the balnnca you can pay at A per month, at six per cent Interest. FIVH ROOMS, 24t BROWN ST. $2,600. This beautiful brand new, unusually larga cottage, dimensions 26 x 40 feet, aouth front lot, lees than a block from car line, mod ern and complete In every respect, beau tiful lighting fixtures, flna floors, tasty windows, cement block foundation, eaay terms, FIVF! ROOMS, 46.X) N. $18T ST., $2,400. In COI.LIKR PLACK. where new houses ara being built ail around, we offer thla beautiful new cottage, built on modern lines, completely finished, large floored attic, best of plumbing, fine fixtures. FIVB ROOMS. 330K N. 24TII BT.. $3,100. This house will b open for Inspection be tween the hours of two and four today, east front lot, paved street on car line, everything modern and complete, , large rooms, a cosy home, FIVH ROOMS, 4a REWARD ST., $2,700. A handsome modern house. In good local ity, two blocks from car line, paved Street, permanent walks. bTnutlful yard, south front, new and modern. SKVEN ROOMS, 4m SEWARD 8T., $3.60. This fine homo, built and occu pied by owner, la now for sale, full lot 60x130 feet, paved street, pavlnr paid, ce ment walks, electric lights and gas, full basement, cemented, tine furnace, water meter, storm wmdows and screens. 8 nlca rooms and reception hall on first floor, three good bedrooma, sewing room and bath on 2d floor. If you are Interested In thla kind of a house, don't fall to see It. Owner might consider one or mora good lots In trade. , SIX ROOMS, 4011 N. 30TU BT., $2,750. This fine, new completely modern house, on paved street, one block from car, with three rooms and a bed room downstnlra and two bedrooms and bath upstairs. This can be bought on easy terms, and will make someone a fine home. KASY TERMS. $10 CASH, $10 A MONTH. Collier Place. 801 h to 33rd street, Ames avenue to Orand avenue. PRICKS lU'N t!00 to $.VO KACH. Water, sewer, gas, permanent cement walks In front of all $5i0 hits. This addi tion Is on car line, only 18 minutes ride down town, more new houses going up In this addition than any like area In Omaha, Salesman on the ground with plata today from 2:30 to 6 p. m. evenings until 8:30 p m & HEYDEN Bee Building. (1) AN IDEAL HOME 720 No. 30th St., a new 7-room all modern house. The lot Is 60x100 feet; cement side walks In front and around the house. Full cemented cellar, with furnace room, and laundry. The first floor consists of re ception hall, parlor, dining room and kitchen, finished In solid oak. Tha second floor consists of three large bed rooms and bath room. A stairway leads, from the sec ond floor to a largo attic, Look through this house Sunday afternoon between 2 and 4 o'clock. For particulars today 'phone Webster 8768. Price, $4,200; one-half cash. KERR & McKENZHS, t06 So. 17th St 'Phones, Doug. 6487; Ind. . A-1487. 09)- To Builders We will offer at special sale this week several choice lots In the West Farnam district ,at pricea that make them the blg- ffest hanrnlna In rimnh. I .. 1 1 1 city to build houses to sell or rent. HICKS REAL ESTATE CO., 219 Board of Trade Bldg. (19)-710 6x THE REED ABSTRACT CO., est. 1866. Prompt service. Get our prices. 1710 Farnam. (19) 864 . . . . bath, on 160$ Dodga street (19 !4 t HERE ARE A FEW BARGAINS Brand new 6-rooni cottage, all modern, south front, lot 6ixl20, and close to car. Terms to suit purchaser. Seven-room houae on Indiana Ave., south front lot, all niud.-rn except furnace; w be newly papered; new plumbing and painted througout. Price. $2.1un; $;mj down, balance same aa rent; or will take good lot aa part pajment. Vacant lot. 6txl28. paving In and pai4 for; sewer, water and gaa. Price, $&. C. P. TRAVER, 436 New York Life Bldg. Phones: Red 4721; Ind. Air.'l. (19)-746 1 $3,000 Nine-room all modern houae, with south ,w.i.,,;t.' 6uxl36' Un ntun Bt. west PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Flrat Floor New York Life Bldg. 'Phones-Douglas 1781, Independent A 118. " C9 ONE ACRE " With Crrwim hnu t. .. and lola of fruit of all kinds. Six blocks ir. iMym nigii ami anghily; lust noith of Kurt Omaha. Price $j,6u0. Here s a home that will support you. I). V. SHOLES CO., Telephones Douglas 49. lodapandaut A-XH$ - ' --- vuiiiciiuug uuuu, at thi