Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 05, 1908, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 7, Image 15

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Clerical . Ofllre-Coatlaaea.
City nfr'sman.inn.
Manager. distribution and wsrehouse;
mall town; $15.
' Stenographer and bookkeeper, $.
Extension clerk. $:&.
Several retail t let as. different salaries.
If In need of a position, see us at once or
Write for booklet on how to secure a posi
tion on ahort notice.
72-21 N. y. Life Bid.
(9) M562 4
POSITIONS for drug men everywhere. F.
V. Knlest. 707 N. V. Lite, Omaha.
. (8)-07
WA NT KD There la a steady demand
everywhere for stenographers and type
writer. Stenography la many times a
. ahort cut to high, confidential positions.
We tearh stenography and typewriting
thoroughly and practically by mall, in
your spare time and at low coat. 'Write
today for "Commercial Circular." I. c.
H., Box S. Scranton, l'a. (9) 6(6 6x
WANTED A firat-claaa hardware clerk,
experienced, competent; ratiafactory ref
erences required aa to ability and Integ
rlty. Addrcas J 111, Bee. (9 70i &
WK WANT competent Stenographers,
Bookkeepers, Hnleiru-n, Clerka. We have
a great many good ". ttltiK" for the right
persons. Our liualneaa methods being en
dorsed by the. varloua business houses, we
are In position to render valuable assist
ance to . those desiring posltlona or n
chnnee to better themselves NO FILING
FEE. The Cano Agency, 630 Bee Bldg.
(9) ViO a
Factory and Trades.
WANTED Registered pharmacist; married
man preferred. Enqulra at 308 N. 24lb St.,
South Omaha, Neb. (9) Mifll
Wanted, young man experienced in use
of modern farm Implements to Join ad
vertiser In taking hold of exceptional
opportunity In the tropics; good climate
and fre from dlseaaes common In many
parts of tropics; young man 21 In 32
preferred. Coat very little. Develop
ment, Box 72, Shoshonl, Wyo.
(9) MI94 12X
WANTED A practical printer with small
capital to take caro of a good Job and
newspaper office in good town In Iowa.
publlHhlng two papers. Write for par
ticulars. Address L 6c5. care Bee.
WANTED Good blacksmith to assist in
ahop. J. P. Olander, Colon, Neb.
() M543 10
TAILOR WANTED An all around man,
must bo sober and steady; good wages.
'Phone or write, The Fashion Tailor,
Avbca, la. . (9) M568 10
WANTED Men to learn barber trade; a
few -weeks completes; sixty chairs con
atantly busy; licensed instructors; tools
given; diplomas granted; wages Satur
days; .positions waiting; wonderful de
mand for graduates. Catalogue free.
Moler Barber College, 110 8. 14th 8t. T
(91-M545 9
WANTED First class carpet layer; must
be sober man. Permanent position. J.
B. Brady Carpet Co., Bt. Joseph, Mo.
. PERMANENT roSITION-A plumber need
never be out of work. By our methods
you are. enabled In a few months to ho'd
position as skilled plumber, or conduct
your own business; big pay, short hour.
Catalogue free. St. Louis Trades School,
4308 Olive 8t., Bt. Louis, Mo. . . () 646 6x
CARPENTERS Are you out of work anl
want good pay and short houre7 8end
26c for our carpenter book entitled
"Plana" and we will give you the benefit
of our free employment department until
we can give you employment. Distance
mages no dirrerence. Addresa Rex Bldg.
Co., Kansas City, Mo. (9) 647 6
fRl'TH about Seattle, many Idle men and
. women. "Help Wanted'' ads for tills
section round to be fakes bv. Seattle pap
era. Write Seattle Labor Council.
i . . . , (9) 645
HAVE you a trade? Master one and
Is to JS per-day after three months'
tlcal Instruction at the Oriental Coyne
Plumbing and Bricklaying school: full
course only $75 for either branch. Includ
ing use of tools and material; day and
evening session; free catalogue. John F.
Wens, proprietor, 4987 Easlon Ave.. St.
Louis. Mo. (9)
WANTED Ry large centralized creamery,
a good man to take charge of our testing
' room. State salary and experience first
l"tter. Sioux Falls Produce Co., Sioux
Falls, 8. D. . (91751 5
COMPETENT and " experienced electric
motor repair nmn and armature winder.
Electrical Construction Co., S oux City,
la. - (91 M50 7
Bookkeeping, shorthand and typewrit
ing, telcgiauhy, English.
Catalogue free. Address, H. B. Roylea.
Pres., Omahu, Neb. Otflclal training school
for L'nlon Pacific R. R. trklnlng depart
ment. ., (Stl MMl
WANTED Experienced tree cutter. Cull at
Gt'i N. lath St., at 8 a. m. or i p. m.
' (91-M772
BECOME a, fireman or brakeman; rapidly
growing field, big wages, excellent chance
for advancement, no experience neces
sary. Write or call at mice, National
Railway Training Ass'n,. 620 Pax ton Blk.,
Omaha, Neb. i9)-2t;0Alti
FREE Employment Bureau, supported by
Business Men's association; Ileitis work
men Und positions. 625 N. Y. L. Bldg.
WANTED Japanese man for houaework
on farm; one who can cook; wages, $20;
steady Job. Kern Bros., R. F. D. No. 1
Star ton. Xeb. (9) M466 8x. '
WANTED Experienced bundle wrapper;
good wages for the right puny. Answer,
Mating excprlvnce. Address O 2?2, Bee.
. (9)-21 6
ANT intelligent person may earn good In
come corresponding for newspapers; ex
perience unnecessary: no canvassing
Send for full particulars. Press Syndi
cate, Lockport, N. Y. (Ml
VOCNO Iran In drapery department, some
experience; give reference last position
and ase. Address K 235, care Bee.
. (U 6915
DISTRIBUTERS wanted evervwhere; $20
to fcso made weekly, distributing circu
lars, samples, overseeing general adv-r-tixiug;
experience not needed; no can
vassing, steady. Addresa Reliable Adv.
Bureau, liowland Block, Chicago.
19) 36 5x
DETECTIVES wanted; good mud; oldest
secret service In I nited States; no ex
perience needed: we give full instructions.
Write today. American Detective Asso
ciation, Indianapolis, lad. (91 CM fix
WANTED A man to woik in lumber yard;
must lie an all-around, A-l man. capable
of taking full charge of yard and oftl-e
work if necessary, strong on colUclitms
and keeping stock In nice condition. Oive
references and wages wanted. P. O. Bjx
4a), Wood River, Neb. . v (91613 5
MEN to make $5 to $10 daily cleaning
monuments, rapid process, experience un
necessary. W. c. Banker, box 69.', Mm
iieeoolia, Minn. (9(s7j.j
WANTED Organizers, Fraternal Social or
der; good commissions. John W. Talbot,
supreme president. Order of Owls. 6ouln
Bend, Bid. () 725 5s
STRONG boy or midill-Hed man on
fruit farm: foricne - ' --d; sieaeiv
Job to right man; references requ red
Addresa M-237, cure . ) Mi.13 ex
WANTED Men and women of guod qual
ity aud strong personality to represent
Dodd. Mead Co.. to sell the new In
trriKiiloiikl Encyclopedia In Nebraska,
Soudt Dakota and western Iowa. Pre
vious experience unnecessary. 71 N. Y.
L-, Omaha. Neb. U0 M4& A3-)
WHEN writing to advertisers, remember
1. takes but an extra siruke or I wo of
the iwn 'o mention the fact that you
tli ad la The Bee.
lie rare aaa Vehicles.
TO SUPPLY the protein lacking In corn
and oats use Alfal-Fat to balance the ra
tion and your hordes will Improve In
looks ami work. Price $1.26 for 100 lbs.,
delivered. If your dealer does not carry
Alfal-Fat, 'phone Douglas 208. M. C.
Peters Mill Co. . ll)-07 A30
A DAPPLE grav French draft stallion for
sare; weignt, j,wn Ins., good disposition;
will take driving team aa part pay. riray
Bell, 8llver Creek, Neb. (11) M3o7
FTI'R- Y EAR-OLD mare, harness, good
two-seated buggy for sale, cheap. F. W.
Grosjean, Bit and Jackson. Ill) 574 ox
GOOD 2-seated family buggy and single
nnriifm tor casn or nine. iou auu
Center. (ll)-67 6
FOR SALE Two-seat light Surrey with
ranopy top; one-seat open Stanhope
buggy; both rubber tires; one set single
harness; all good condition; will sell
cheap. Addresa O 109, Bee. (111704 5
FOR SALE Reliable family horse. A.
Wellman, Cremona Farm, near West Cen
ter St. 'Phone 1263 Millard. (9) 708 6
FOR 8A I. E Family horse, city broke. Call
after 4:30 p. m. 3525 Decatur St. 'Phone
Webster 4.11. (11) M669 6x
HANDSOMEST driving horse In Omaha:
dapple gray, sixteen hanrix, alx years,
weighs 1.2i0 lbs.; owned by R. E. Sunder
land; lady enn drive; alao surrey, "run
about. 2 harnesses; bargain. Inquire Har
ney. Ht. Stables, 13U7 Harney St. Phone
Douglas 100. (11) M748 7
TWO good work horses, one driver. . Cheap
if taken soon, 43d end Center St.
(1P-M781 5
PoaKry Eggs and ft q. a aba.
ROSE COMB R. I. RED EGOS for batch
ing. Pens headed by price winning
cnckerela from North Star Poultry Show.
Minnesota; $1.50 to $2 per 15. Mrs. James
H. Halpine, 4602 Center Bt., Omaha. Tel.
Harney 3528. (11) MJ1 A22x
WHY send east for Single Comb White
leghorns? My birds are good as the
best. Eggs, $1.50 per 15. A. Lundstrom,
20th and Caldwell. Omaha. (11) M586 Ux
FREE liberal samples of Conkey laying
tonic and valuable poultry book if you
bring this ad to Stewart's Seed Store,
Omaha. (16) M322 A8x
pure grain, seeds and beef scraps, a farop
erly balanced ration for little chicks. Aek
your dealer or telephone Douglas 'i9. M.
C. Peters Mill Co. (11) 90S A30
FOR 8ALE White Leghorn and Rarred
Plymouth Rock eggs and chicks. "Mandy
Lee" Poultry Farm. Florence, Neb.
'Phone Florence 162. (11)
FOR SALE Black Minorca eggs for hatch
ing; $1 for fifteen; very fine lavers;' also
cockerel for sale. Mrs. O. Carlson, 2109
South 46th St. Tel. Harney 3322. (11)
LARGEST egg farms keep White Leg
horns, the egg machines. Eggs, $1.50 per
15. A. Lundstrom, 26th and Caldwell.
(ID 711 Six
HOMERS for squab breeding; mated
birds. Free catalogue. Missouri Squab
Co.. Bt. Louis, Mo. (11) 741-6x.
FOR SALE 6 Barred Rock cockerels, also
eu-Rs for hutching. 815 No. ltith. South
Omaha. . (11) 697 6
"RINGLET" Barred Plymouth Rocks. Tile
hatching season la here and eggs from my
best mating are $2 per fifteen. Let me
book your order. Information gladly
given. F. C. Ahlquist, 2752 Meredith Ave.,
Omaha, Neb. 'Phone Webster 10L8.
'-' ' (ID M752 11
FOR 8ALE 15 chickens, good layora and
; a cocaeret at U4t ram Ave.
- (121-M 741 .
ROSE COMB White Leghorn (Kulp)and
Hummel Buff Wyandotte Eggs, $1.60 iwr
15. The best to bo had. Shady Lawn
Poultry and Fruit Farm, Florence, Neb.
Telephone Florenee 35i3. - . (11) MOM 11
CHAMBERLAINS -Perfect Chick. Feed ia
ine oniy original ary: cmcK feed.., Lse this
only and save all young chickens. Once
; tried always used. Stewart's Seed Store,
119 N. 16th St., sole agents for the city.
. . (111 M0 M4
LOST Chain of small gold beads, between
38th Ave. and Davenport and Saundera
school and 42d and California, Wednes
day afternoon. Reward offered. W. E.
Clark, 129 No. 3Sth Ave. Phone Harney
(12)-M4til 4
L06T-Palr long tan kid gloves at Ben
. nett's store. Return to ill So. 16th. Re
ward. (121480 4.
LOST Fraternity pin. black crescent Beta
and Phi. set with pearls; E. M. Holbrnok.
'tti, engraved on back Reward for return
to Rai3 Florence boulevard. (12) 731 6x
LOST-Between 12th and 16th Sts., Knight
Templar's watch charm. Reward. 1113
(121-M770 7
LOST-rBrown silk belt with sliver filigree
belt buckle. Saturday morning. Reward
for return to 620 S. 26th Ave.
(12N-M 7 '2-6.
LOST In l'nlon depot April 1st Robert
Bros, memorandum book containing pic
ture of baby. Finder please send book
and picture to L. Aj. Bixler, Hayes Cen-
, ter. Nebraska, and receive reward.
(12) 740-5x.
ANY poor girl In need of a friend call or
write to the matron of the Salvation
Army Home for Women at 38J4 N. 24th
. St.. Omaha, Neb. (13)-M106
FREE medical and surgical treatment at
Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Dav
enport Sta. ; special attention paid to con
finement cases; all treatment supervised
by college profesaara. 'Phone Douglas
1167. Calls answered day or night.
BK8T nerve brace for men. "Gray'a Nerve
Food Pills," $1 a box, postpaid. Sherman
it McConnell Drug Co.. Omuha. ill) S13
DR. HUTCHINSON-Speclallst of women
and children. 2024 BurL St. 'Phone Doug
las 3U66. (13)
3d Floor. 7-3us Paxton Blk. , 3d Floor.
If I'OU are In need of a little ready cash
for your Easter shopping, we will accom
modate you. Our terms are the cheapest;
our service the best, and all business strictly
confidential. (14) Mils
Money to lxan
At the lowest rates obtainable In the
city. If you are in need of money to
pay your rent or to do that much-needed
repairing on your home or .lelp you
over the rough places, call and cee us.
We are aa reliable as any Dank and
your dealings wlth us Is known only to
us. It beats going to friends and rela
tives who might "turn you down."
need of money.
119 Board of Trade, 16th SL Entrance.
1 1) M500
For Chattel or Sulary Loans.
(33 T'axtou Block. . 'Phone Douglas 746.
(14) 1
. P. O. NlElEN a. CO..
703 N. T. Life Blilg. - 'Phone Doug. 2204.
- (1) 817
EAGLE LOAN OFFICE Reliable, accom
modating; all business confidential.
Douglas. - (14) 818
CHATTEL, salary and storage receipt
loans. Foley Loan Co., laol Farnam St.
and others . without security; easy pay
, nienta. Offices in U principal cities. Tol
iuan, room 714, Kew Ywrk Life Bldg.
nearatB asia Reease.
VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe.
ONE large, also one gmall room, both very
comfortable, with excellent board. Wl
Famam. (15) 23
NICELY furnished rooms and board;
strictly home cooking. 2215 Dodge 'St.
Phone Douglas aKW. (15) Mi7 4
WE DO expert piano moving at lowest
prices. Tel. Douglas 1626. Schmoller 4k
Mueller Piano Co., 1311-1313 Famam.
BOARD and room In finest down town
location; large front room with alcove;
suitable for two or three persons; fur
nished or unfurnished. References re
quired. 114 8. 19th Bt. (15) M380
ROOM and board. 2411 Capitol Ave.
(16J-M4U A50
MODERN rooms, home cooking privileges;
good summer location. 1031 So SOth Ave.
DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam.
U5) 825
MODERN furnished rooms; home cooking;
close In. 618 So. 19th SU Tel. Doug. 1204.
(16)-M241 4x
FURNISHED rooms, with breakfast. 413
No. 22d St. (15) 394
FINEST rooms, with board, for young men
In the city at th" old Paxton home, 103
South 25th Ave. Terms reasonable.
(15) 577 5x
FOl'R rooms, well furnished, with or with
out board, or for housekeeping. Tel.
Douglas 4212. (15) 750 6
ROOM and board for two young men In
private family. 'Phone Webster ti!3.
(15) M616 7
LARGE airy front room, strictly modern;
breakfast If desired; one-half block from
car. 2210 Spencer St. (15) M611 lis
NICELY ' furnished rooms and board;
strictly home cooking. Table board a
specialty. Z216 Dodge Bt. 'Phono Doug
lass 2036. (16) 789 a
NEWLY papered and furnished rooms,
with board; home rooking; private family;
Catholic man preferred. ttW S. 17th St.
(151 M798 7x
Fnralshed Rooms.
FURNISHED rooms for rent. 133 Bo. 22il
St., steam heat, hot and cold water and
bath. (15) M713 Alox
TWO furniahed rooms, ateam heat, 1505
Farnam St., 3d floor. (15) 826
PLEASANT rooms 2213 Dodge.
(150-404 AplSx
TWO und J-room furnished apartments,
with steam heat, hot and cold water, gaa
stoves for cooking, telephone and all mod
ern conveniences, on car line, $12.50 per
month. 4768 No. 24th Bt. 115) 953
WELL furnished southeast front room with
alcove; modern; large lawn; private fam
ily, 703 8. 20th St. (16,)'' M295 4
NICELY furniahed room, large enough for
two, wnn private iamiiy. Board if de
sired. Tel. Douglas 6213, 2511 Chicago St.
(161-M407 7
BRIGHT south room, modern, close In;
best reference. 614 N. 23d.
(15-M249 4z
FURNISHED large front room; all mod
ern; 1813 Capitol Ave. (16) M550 6x
FINE furnished front new modem
brick; , absolutely first-class;' electrlo
light, etc; walking distance; $10 a
iiiunin. sjio. zoos uouge. 'Phone H-3750.
(16) M885
ONE large and one small room, modern
tel. Douglas J799. (15) 481 4
NICELY f 1 1 rn i h ni mum vviam V. n,, .
close In for light housekeeping. 2636
FRONT room, modern, parlor floor, new
luriiianen; gentlemen; 12.50. Small room
second floor, $1.75. 2404 Capitol Ave.
(15)-M623 llx
MAN and Wife. Without children, awnv all
day. want a married couple, without
children, to share their furnished home
and board with them. References re
quired, u 214, care Bee. (15) 793 6
Unfurnished Rooms. -
FOUR housekeeping rooms; modern. 2223
nun oi. (15) MB 9x
TWO unfurnished front rooms, for house
keeping; modern. 614 8. 22d. Doug. 8519.
(15) 20 Sx
Housekeeping; Rooms.
THREE furniahed rooms; gas, bath, piano;
uiuca iron narney car. 3210 uasa St.
(16) M457 6x
THREE or four rooms, upstairs; without
cnimren, Hrlatol St. (15 M486 9x
TWO light basement rooms furnished for
housekeeping, gas and water, 09 S. 27 tu
Bt. (15) Modi 5x
ALL modern furnished rooms, for light
uuusenetping. .orin 24tn.
(15) 364 6
TWO furniahed rooms on first floor; rent
$10. 2100 No. 27th 8t. (15 MftOl 6
Apartments and Flats.
A PA RTMENTS 7 rooms In QUIVET. 1811
Farnam St.; steam heat, hot water and
telephone. APARTMENTS to rooms
In SCARGO, South Omaha; steam heat
and hot water. HALL, 317 First Nat'l
can Bldg. Red 4u6. A-4406. (16) 386
Corner of 32d and Pacific Sts.. are nearlng
completion. 11 you are at all Interested
you should see them without further delay
and arrange for the one desiied. There are
four first-story St. 1-ouls apartments of 6
large rooms each and four second-story
apartments of 6 large rooms each. There
la positively nothing In Omaha to compare
with this building so far as finish and
equipment is concerned. Large living
rooms, open fireplace, oak rinlsli through
out, tiled floored baths, etc. Four apart
ments already taken. All will be finished
before May 1. Call at our office to see
blue prints and for full particulars.
PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO., Sole Agents.
Main Floor N. Y. Life.
FOR RENT The Georgia apartment house
on G'-oria avenue, mar pacific, contain
ing thirty-four rooms, with tnree new
bulh rooms, making a total of seven
bath rooms In the house; all newly reno
vated and put In first clans shape. One
of the best family boarding houses hi
Omaha. Kent reasonable lor desirable
rt-sponbible tenant.
D. V. 6HOLE3 CO.,
110 Board of Trade. Tel. Douglas 49.
Main Floor. ' lnd. AXIS.
FOUR-ROOM new brick flat. 22d and Nich
olas, modern, $21; references. Key at lilt
North 22d. Patterson, 1623 Farnam.
NEW 4-room brick flat, modern. 22d and
Nicholas. $21; references. Key at 1116 N.
22d. Patterson, 1623 Farnam. (15) 729
FOR RENT April 7. lower apartment, 5
rooms, 5JI 8. 26th Ave. Apply 'Phone Doug
61, 6 to 7 p. 111. (16) M46 4x
$ AND 4-roora apartments, modern. 816 80.
E2d. J16) 4u2 6x
FOR RENT 4-room modern flat; private
hath, heat. 2619 No. 20th St. Tel. Webster
28. . (16)444
F'OR RENT One 7-room flat, third floor,
steam heated; one 4-room flat, aecond
floor, ateam heated; one 3-room flat, sec
ond floor, on alley, In Clowry buildings,
loth and Chicago Sis. O. C. Campbell,
agent, office 1610 Chicago St.
(15)-676 tx
2204 N. 11ST ST., 7-room flat, modern, fur
nace, gas, bath, hot and cold water; new
decorations, $26. Hustings & Heyden. 1704
Farnam St. (15) M'i96 4
THE SHERMAN Elegant 6-room apart
ment, can agentr turney at).
Faralsked Hoasea.
FOR RENT Furnished house, all modern.
1146 Park Ave. Phone Harney 3194.
U5) 7'JO 6x.
Halls and Lodcav Rooms.
FOR RTLNT-Hpactous halls and lodge
room. Inquire No. (It Brendels Bldg.
UJ-UU7 4
Ilea see and Cettagee.
FOR RFNT-4Vroom fist 16th and Vinton
Sts., Jl'j.
(-room flat, $1!. -
(is) m
Maggard Van ft Storage Co. D. 149. We
guarantee moving pianos, II. II. goods.
$40 -room modern brick flat, Wmj Pacific
St.; key ar. law o. t-n Ave. i-none nar
ney 323. M. Kellner. (16) 435
I ROOMS, modem, $25; 2d floor, 16th and
Locust Sts. c. Hansen, grocery store.
BIX rooms on second floor 26th and Parker
Sts., $14. 4n William Bt., in rear, $13. 2907
Seward St., $15; city water in kitchen
Chris Boyer, 22d and Cuming. (16 M970
OMAHA Van and Storage Co., pack, move.
store H. It. goons, morenouse, iiju-z in.
19th; office 1609 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 156a.
HOUSEHOLD goods packed, forwarded;
cheap freight rates; moving and storing.
Expressnien'a Delivery Co. Tel. Doug. 394.
11 ItTWTT'ta Crelgh 80ns A Co., Bee Bldg.
ilUUoHOm ,u parts of the city.
7 (15) 830
FOR RENT Seven-room house, 2625 Charles
St.; modern except rurnace; line lawn,
fenced. Inquire 2623 Charles St. Rent
$25 per month. (15) M561 6x
-r. modern house, near Country club, $30.
10-r. modern, clcae In, $56.
8-r. brick, clcse In, $45.
S-r. and hall, modern. og N. 89th, $40.
1001 N. Y. Life Bldg.
Both 'phones, Doug, or A-2152.
(15)-M553 C
FOR RENT g-rdom house, 1607 Grace St.;
modern except furnace; good repair; $18
per month. Telephone Harney 3289.
(151-M472 4x
2140 sq. ft., factory or warehouse space;
half block from postofflce; $35 per month.
15"6 Dodge St.
(15)-477 4
161.9 Grace, "6 rooms, modern except fur
nace, $18.
716 Bancrof ., 4 rooms, $12.
2218 Grace, new, strictly modern, 7 rooms,
W. G. 8HRIVER, 1023 N. Y. Life Bldg.
(15) 753 5
108 8. 25TH AVE 8 rooms, modern. Rent,
if taken at once, $35. W. Farnam Smith
& Co. (15W64 5
FOR RENT Modern 7-room attached
house, 6'2 N. 25th St.; excellent neighbor
hood; $30 per month. Conrad Young,
agent, 1518 Dodge St. (15) M594
1206 S. 27th St., 4-r.. city water, $8.
1206 8. 27th St., 5-r., modern ex. heat, $1R.
2(110 N. 27th St., 6-r., modern ex. heat, $20.
1017 N. 84th St.. 6-r modern, $32.60.
2005 Maple St., 7-r., modern, furnace, com
bination lights, large cement basement,
water, window shades, $35.
18c Plnkney St., 8-r. and barn, modern? $30.
3i6 So. 3Sth St., 9-r., oak finish, combina
tion lights, tile bath, furnace, east front,
116 So. 24th St.. 6-r.. oak finish, hot water
heat, bath, window shades, gaa range, $40.
Heat and Janitor service furniahed; heat
2219 80. 29th St., 5-r., furnace, gas bath,
water meter, window shades, $27.60.
181R4 Maple St., 7-r., modern. Owner fur
nishes heat. Janitor service, hot water,
gas and steel range and window shades.
' $35. '
601 Park Ave., 7-r., oak finish, furnace,
bath, shades, rods, $47.60.
6-r. apartment In the Majeatie, $48.
To see complete list call at office.
HASTINGS ei HEYDEN. 1704 Farnam St.
Ask for Rental Dept.
15) 757 5 -
$40110 8. 24th. very choice cpartment of 6
rooms, new. inouern, hrlckT
$102616 Dodge, new brick flat, 7 rooms,
$15719 8. 26th Ave., 9 rooms, modern. .
$15623 S. 29th, 10-room brick, modern.
$32.50 3964 Harney, 9-room -modern dwelling,
$151310 N. 24th. S rooms, flat, bath.
$25712 8. J2d, 7 rooms, modern excep't heat.
$252412 Indiana Ave., 9 rooms, modern.
$181505 8. 26th, 7 rooms,-modern, flat.
$181202 N. 24th, 6-room flat. bath.
$151310 N. 24th, 6-room flat, bath.
$202706 Rurt. 9 rooms, 2d floor.
$163004 8. 17th, 6 rooms, city water,
$14-621 S. 2!th. 4-room brick flat.
$12.502321 rS. 16th, 6-room flat.
$153827 Decatur, 7 rooms.
Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam
3924 No. 20th. --r., modern ex. heat, east
front, full lot, $3,350.
1519 No. 33d. 8-r., all mod., new, Harney car
line, $4.(100.
8. W. Cor. 25th and Maple, 7-r., all mod.,
NEW. $3,500.
40th, near California, 8-r. and hall, nearly
new. Get price.
41at. near Davenport, east front, 50x125,
$5,000. i
2oiW No. 25th, 5-r mod. ex.) heat, NEW,
Please look at these and let us show them
1001 N. Y. Life. Phones Doug, or A -2132.
$20 PER MO., 210 B. 20th St., 6-room cot
tage. $35 per mo.. 2554 Bpencer, new 7-room mod
ern house, oak finish.
$25 per mo., 2616 Bristol St.,.. rooms, mod
ern. ,
$10 per mo., 2967 Pacific St.. 9-room, mod
ern flat, oak Unlah. laundry, etc.
$40 per mo 3005 Pacific St., 8-room; mod
ern flat, oak finish, best of repair.
$45 per mo. for new 6-room apartment, at
4;l 8. 26th Ave. Very desirable, lease
for one year.
$48 per mo. for 6-room apartment In the
GEORGE &. CO., 1601 Farnam St.
(15) M568 5
We ure headquarters fur the very beat
pressed brick houses In city, among which
612 No. list St., 8-r.. strictly modern in
every detail and within easy walking dis
tance, at only $47. 6o. This must be seen to
be appreciated. Can move right In.
817-19 l'ark Ave., fine 8-r.. strictly mod
ern houses, fine location, splendid yard, at
$45. PoKaeaslon May- 1.
Main Floor N. Y. Life.
Ncw 6-rooni modern house, with furnace,
3(123 S. 21 at.
Nice 6-room-modern hoiiKe. 1706 S. 3Uh St.
Nice 6-room modern house, 1907 S. Wth St.
Nice 8-room modern house, 0)1 8. 1 S t tl .
New 8-room modern house, lol7 N. 34th.,
Nice 9-room pres brick modern house,
1537 8. '.9th tit.
Nice 9-room modern house and burn, 950
N. 25th.
Nice 8-room modern house, 2712 Caldwell
F. D. Wcud, Weud Block. 18th and Fa main.
lli) M6j6 ;
TWO unf urnlshed rooms; second floor:
cilv water: Un closets; i-oul houae; no
children; $7.(0. 2921 North 2i,th St.
HOUSES. Insurance. Rinawalt. Barker Blk.
HOUSES, flats. Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam.
FOR RENT 8 rooms, bath, barn, 2164 So.
34lh. W. 8. Slillman. 419 1st Nat. Bk. Bid.
7 PACIFIC 8T.-9 rooms; thoroughly
modern, oak finish; $10. A. G. El lick, 5o2
Bee Bldg. (15) 829
HOUSES Peters Trust Co.. N. Y. L. Bldj.
(15)-; 32
FOR RENT New room modern house.
1517 Georgia Aw. (15) M768 7
-ROOM house, modern except furnace,
strictly first-class. 2810 Seward. Key
next door. $18. (15) M7i 4
t-ROOM codage. modern except furnace;
3Mi7 N. 2uth; $22, Apply 2616 St. Mary's
Ave. (16) M621 7x
3128 CHICAGO rooms, modern, barn,
large yard; $45. 2416 Farnam. 11 rooms,
modern. $85. Rlngwalt Bros., 3"6 8. loth SI.
(15) M 622 7
7- r. house, city water. Sr3 Evans. $15.00
8- r. bouse, city water. 3.37 Evans. $L.0o.
i. IL f AJU&OTTg, Board Trade.
ttasree t en tinned
Ill Routh 2Tlh Ave (ith and Farnam), -room
cott.ige, with furnace, porcelain
bulb, elect th it y and gn, J;sat vacated $V
1313 Georgia Ave., a-room, " modern brick
flat, $3".
2121 iAx-ust, 7-room house, modern except
furnace, good repair. $20.
Sll South 1,'th St. (rear), 5-room cottage,
cltv water, $18.
J. li. SHERWOOD, R1R-617 Prandcls Bldg.
70 S. J7TH ST.. store room and living
rooms In rear. $12.50.
1814 Harney St., 20x60, with basement and
new front. $6".
1818 Harney 8t., 20x40, with new front,
1307-9 Howard St., three-story and base
ment brick, electrlo elevator, modern In
every respect. $150.
N. P. DODGE & CO., 1714 Farnam St.
(15) M497 i
143 JACKSON ST.. large storeroom, good
basement, all In good repair. $40 per mo.
2127 Farnam St., desirable storeroom and
basement. $35 per month.
See our SKPARATE AD. for building 16o8-10-12
Harney St.
GEORGE & CO.. 1601 Famnm Pt.
115) M505 5
$10.00 4-room. 27i6 Buit Pt.
1S (ny 6-room, modern, 1?2 No. 21th.
$22.60 7-room, modern. 2026 No. Snth.
$J2. 50 9-room, on one floor. 2706 Hurt St.
$25 .Oiv 9-room, modern house, 2413 Indiana
. Paxton Block.
1621 Manderson St.,' 6-r., modern except
heat, $20.
1212 Ohio St., 6-r. modern except heat, $22.50.
321 No. 26th, 6-r.. new and all modern, near
high school, $32.60.
1550 o. 27th, 7-r., all modern, only $25.
543 So. S h. 7-r.. all modern, $32.50.
The Rental Men,
Main, Floor, N. Y. Life Bldg.
Steam heated flat of 6 rooms, all mod
ern, close In.
$26.00. 6-room all modern house at 3S"
N. 18th street.
$15.00. 6-room flat partly modern on first
floor at 3208 N. 24th 8t.
BEMIS 306 Paxton Block-Douglas 5x3.
Ind. 15X5. (15) M 758.
Six rooms and reception hall; completely
modern. Bemls park; $32.50,
81 x rooms; modern except furnace. Thirty
third, south of Iavenworth: $22.
Three-story warehouse. Near 14th and
Nicholas Sts.; $5 per month.
"Phone Douglas 690. 165 Farnam St.
SEVERAL new modern houses for rent,
very reasonable price to good, steady
475 Brandela Bldg. 'Phones: Auto. A3157
and Doug. 7332. (15)-M361
LIST your vacant houses with Walter
Breen Company, 914 N. Y. Life Bldg.
(15) M223
7-ROOM houae. city water and gaa. 1722
South 26th St. Burkett & Tebblns, 423
, Bee Bldg. Phone D: 4.64. . (16) M791 6
7-ROOM modern house, walking distance.
Apply 2223 Burt St. , (15)-M598 11
FOR RENT Nice 7-room house, all moil
em. Inquire Wtl
Tel. Harney 3154.
em. Inquire Will Brown, 725 So. 37th fit.
(lb) Mlbi 11
3548 Davenport St.. 8 rooms, $25.00.
3715 N. 20th St., 7 rooms. $20.
(15) 693 6
H. H. and piano moving. J. Schwarti.
(1&)-M5S7 M3
6-ROOOM house. Modern. Apply, 2702 8o.
13th. ' (15) M775 7
building for rent
xin retail center .
Tha building known as 1608-10-12
Harney St., is only G6 feet
west of 16th street, facing south
on "Harney street, and directly
across the street from Bennett's
Department Store. This is one
of the best retail locations in
Omaha. Lease can be secured
for about 10 years at very rea
sonable . rental. This building
has 5 stories and basement with
52,000 feet of floor space, is ex
ceptionally well built, has good
light, high ceilings, steam heat,
large freight elevator, and
would be subdivided if neces
sary. GEORGE & CO., 1G01 Farnam.
(15)-M504 S
FOR RENT 8pace In building located In
heart of the business district. Trackage
facilities and electric elevator. Suitable
for warehouse or light manufacturing
purposes. AddreBa W-225, care Bee.
(25) M555
FOR SALE Warehouse at 1517-49 Sherman
Ave., 4Sxl50, four floors. Hydraulic ele
vator. Trackage, Recently overhauled
a oi put In first class condition. Suituhle
for storage or Jobbing business. Long
term lease.
v 412 N. Y. Life Bldg. (15) M598
One large and one small office for rent
en suite or single. These rooms are on
the third floor of The Bee Bldg., and
the larger one mftr-a north liuht and
vault. Fur further particulars aea R.
W. Baker, SupU. 105 Bee Building.
(15) UHSi
A COMMODIOUS office In Brandels Bldg.
Inquire No. 819. (15 M356 4x
OFFICES OR PARLORS-6 and -room. In
gL'IVET. 1809-1811 Farnam St.; sultahlo
for ar'-ists, physicians, dentists, dress
makers, etc.; steam heat, hot water nnJ
telephone. Alao OFFICES or PARLORS, 3
and 6 rooms. In SCARGO Bldg., South
Omahu, suitable for lawyers, doctors, etc. ;
steam heat and hot water. IIALU 317
First Nat l Bank Bldg. Red 7406. A-446.
(15) Ss5
OFFICES FOR RENT In Conservative
building; modern, oak finish, gus and
electric llgct; heat and Janitor serve
f in iiis.H-i! ; J15 per office.
HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1704 Farnam Bt.
(!&) M571 6
LARGE cur. office, divided Into 3 rooms.
- Weud Blk.. 18th and-Farnam.
(15) MijOo 7
WANTED A physician to occupy an of
fice; alternate hours with me. W. L.
Cupel, M. D., 1614 Harney, Omuha.
(li) M779 6x
505 E. 13TH St.. $50. C. G. Carlberg. 11 N.
Y. L. Bldg. (15)-M971
STORE ROOM in Bcargo block, at 520
N. 21th St.. South Omaha; steam heat.
modern show windows, excellent location.
AUn two basement rooms in same build
ing, cemented floors, steam heated, suit
able for billiards, barbers, buths. restau
rant, etc. HALL. 817 First Natl Bunk
Bldg. Red 7406. A 4406. (15 M2J8
2127 FARNAM ST., brick store room, 20x60
ft., with storage room In rear; good ce
mented basement; $36 per month; lease
1 to $ years,
GEORGE &-CO., 1601 Farnam Bt.
(15)-41 4
ANCHOR and Iron fencing; wire fencing
$0 $r 0Ol.ft ti. 17U lib Tel. Red 111
BIG bargain In furniture, carpels, mangle,
small refrigerator, 6 restaurant tallies.
Must be sold In three dy I1 Satur
day, Sunday or Monday, Come quick and
get your bargains. 2618 Cuming St.
(16) 622 t
FOR SALE Household furniture. In er-d
condition. Including fine upright rMano,
dining room furniture, etc. Cheap at once.
3218 Cuming. 'Phone Harney 2i28.
(16)-M563 i
FOR SALE A gaa stove, $8; one 4-foot
window shade, 75c; one 2-foot Mnch
window shade, 50c. 1019 N. 23d St.. South
Omaha. (16) M566 6x
FOLDING bed. writing desk, refrigerator,
washing machine, good condition. 2K24
Caldwell St. (16) MD8 7x
NEW roll-top desk. C. E. Walker. Room
21. Old U. S. National Bank. (16) 756 4
NEWLY furnished southeast front room
with alcove, modern, large lawn, private
family. 7(2 Bo. 29th St. (16l M792 11
Plnnos, Organs, Musical Inslraaaents,
FOR SALE Fine upright piano, cheap; 1721
Davenport St. (16) 8.19
FOR 8ALEOenuine Sommer Rhodes
Piano, bulu. for wear. 2621 Harney Bt.
Typewriters and Sewing; Machines.
CHANGE Is entirely independent of any
trust or combination whatsoever. No man
or combination of men can dictate our
pollev. We will continue supplying type
writer users with GILT EDGE bargains
every working day In the year.
Caligraph. $12.09.
Remington No. 2, $15.00.
Remington No. 6, $.15.00.
Remington No. 7, $35.00.
Smith Premier, $30.00.
Oliver, $35.00.
Fox Visible, $15.00.
Fox Blind, $35.00.
Underwood, $35.00.
Densmore, $50,00.
Sun, $26.00.
Bllckensderfers. Williams, Slides, Cen
turys. Wellingtons, Royals, etc, at lowest
possible prices. All machines for rent and
160J Farnam.
FOR 8ALE High grade secondhand type
writers; good condition; a bargain at $50.
Call room 603, Bee Bldg. (16)-71
NEW Remington typewriter for sale cheap.
'Phone D.-2tia0. 428 Bee Bldg.
(16) M364 6x
DRUGS at cvt price?; freight paid on ill $10
orders; catalogue free. Sherman & Mc
Connell Drug Co.. Qmaha, Neb. (16) 640
Largest, most up-to-date stock at lowest
prices In the city; select now, delivered
when needed. Inspection invited.
313 8. 15th St.
Tel. Doug. 681.
(16) 841 -
A. G. Gilbert, Council Bluffs, Ia.
(16) M374
GEM for the kitchen. A biscuit cutter,
plain and Bcalloped cookie cutter, an
apple corer, tea and coffee strainer,
doughnut cutter; six articles In one; 20c;
mail, postpaid. Hony Co.. Albion, Neb.
(16) M546 7x
FOR SALE Several siow cases, new pea
nut roaster, large coffee mill, two large
automatic oil tanks and store fixtures,
too numerous to mention. Globe Land
and Investment Co., Omaha, Neb.
FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard
and pool tables. We lead the world In
cheap bar fixtures; easy payments.
Brunswii-k-Ealk-Collcndar, 407 8. 10th St.
MANURE for the hauling. 2010 Davenport.
(16) M 188 6x
ALL'S safes, irew, id-hand. 1818 Farnam.
BARN for sale or swap. 4324 Franklin.
Phone Webater 3231. (16)-613 6x
ROOMING house for sale, 13 nicely fur
nished rooms, modern, full of good pay
ing roomers, a barguin If taken at once,
1823 Leavenworth. (16) M697 6x
paint. Sherman St McConnell Drug Co.
(16) 842
FOLDING ' BED. center table. willow
rocker, gas range, buffet, lawn mower,
etc., at private sale. 2572 Spaulding St.
(16) M502 6x
HOMEOPATHIC remedies, wholesale, re
tail. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., 16th
and Dodge Sts., Omaha, Neb. (161848
I HAVE a tubular well machine for sale.
For 2 or S-lnch wVll, made by F. C.
Austin, Chicago. J. W. Griffith, Red
Oak, la. (16)-M542 6x
FOR SALE Tailor made suits, ready to
wear. Clark, the Tailor, 206 Neville Blk.
(16) 484 Ml
FINE sealskin coat, size 36; have grown
out of It. will sell fur half I paid. Call
Tel. Harney 3446. (16) M460 4
CURRANT plants. B. C. Bmtth. 3108 Corby
St. (16)-624M2x
SEND US your mail orders for drugs;
freight paid on $10 lots. Myers-Dillon
Drug Co., Omaha. (16) 847
SCHOLARSHIP for sale. Boylea college,
five months, $35. Address H-233. care Bee.
. (16) M56S
FOR SALE Illuminated street sign. Ap
ply. United States Heater Co., 415 S. 15th
Bt. (16) M554 6x
FOR SALE Second-hand Rumaey hand
fire etilfillM. in irond rnnrlllinn
in- f-i
r tlul f'hriute V'tlluirA CU.rb C,..ihnA- V..,.
- - I ...... . t.n. v, fcjv at-u.
VK for $ho. for 14-K for $28.
Live while stones. I advanced money
on them. On account of panic, were left
on my hands. Your chance to buv a
diamond right. Call at once. 1212 Har
ney. Tel. Red 3616. (16) 729-6.
soap bean wonder and curiosity of pies
ent age. For full Information and prl?"
send self-addreaaed, stamped envelope, ft
D. Creb Co., Macon, Gu. (161765 Sx
inventors mulled on leceipt of 6c postage.
It. 8. & A. B. Lacey, rooms 29-39 Paciflo
Bldg., Wuuhinglon, D. C. Established
18t9. - (17) -400
LARSON & CO. Book free. Neville Bldg
- (17) nil
D. O. BARN ELL. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117
H. A. Sturgis, 619 N. Y. L. Tel. Doug. 34b9.
- (17)-M165 A14X
r a nirnmini
JUilUlMrjAlgmiUi, j1& N. 16th, 2d floor.
WE RENT, repair, sell needlea for old
sewing machines. Neb. Cycle Co., cor.
15th and Harney. (18) tw3
THE SALVATION ARMY solicits castoff
clothing; la. fact, anything you do not
need. We collect, repair and sell at 134
N. 11th St., for cost of collecting to tha
worthy poor. Call 'phone Doug. 4136 and
wagon will call. US 786
A HOME for women during confinement;
we find homes for bablea where mother
cannot eara for them. Mother Lee. 4I4
Baacroft SU 'VhouM Douglaa 192L
m 4.'
WANTED Information a to the where,
ahnuts of Isador Kanter, who formerly
lived In Peterson. N. J. He la reported,
to have deserted Ms wife, arut' tried to
secure a divorce In South Dakota, but
lalled. In St. Paul, Minn., ho received
a divorce, but decree was set aside on
the ground that the divorce was secured
through perjury. Any Information in re.
gard to Mr. Kanter will be thankfully
received by Mra. Sara Kanter, gift Mar.
ket St., Paterson, N. J. (18) M.VM x '
THERE will be a meeting of the Com
merclal Travelera' Taft club at the Rome
hotel, Saturday evening, 8 o'clock. Al
members are requested to attend, as Im
portant business will come before tha
meeting. All commercial travelers are in'
vlted. By order club. J. L. Houston,
president. J. M. Buck, aecretary.
(181-M46 4
MASSAGE t1 b,th- Room lx
lUiiowiiuu Farnam St., 2d Floor.
(18)-M327 A "
OMAHA Stammerers' Institute, Ramga
Bldg. 06)8o6
SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall; cut
prices. Send for free catalogue. Myers
Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. (18) 864
YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha aa
strangers are Invited to visit the Young.
Women's Christian association rooms IR11
Farnam St.. where they will be directed
to suitable boarding places or otherwise
assisted. . . (18)-$15
Dr. King. 1324 N. 24th. Tel. Web. 35M.
MME. ZEREFA, Armenian massage, 520'
8 16th. Flat 6.. Phone Douglas 6845.
(18) 844 Alfcc '
LADIES Positive regulator; no matter how
long or obstinate. P. O. Box 832, Omaha
(18) -684 6x
SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, warts and molefl
permanently removed by electricity; con.
sulfation free and confidential; all. work:
guaranteed, Mlsa Allender. 624 Bee Bldg.
NURSES' COLLEGE. Pueblo. Colo.; six
weeks completes; beautiful diplomas; suc
cess assured. (18) -
BLEMISHES, pimples, eruptions, rashea
medicated by Satin skin cream aoon dis
appear. (18)
your money or watch from pickpockets op
loss; simple safely device mailed, 15c.
Bafety Co., Box 477, Albany, N. Y.
(181-634 Sx
MARRIAGE PAPER-Hlgheat character!
Incorporated; 12th year; 4.000 members:
paper sealed; sentf 10c. R. K. Love. Rox
l0, Denver, Colo. (18) 663 5x
HAIR WORK Puffs, pompadours and
switches made from your combings.
Puffs, 15c each; pompadours, $1.00;
switches, $1.50. Mrs. Matthews, 1018 8,
25th St. 'Phone Douglas 6726.
(1! 1-713 6
LADY teacher of vocal and Instrumental
music wishes room and board In famllV
where lessons can, be given as part pajr
toward expenses; have own piano If neces
sary; first-class references. Address
E-212, care Bee. (181 M588 7x
WHAT boy or girl would like to do a little
work at home, at odd times, to help pay
for music lessons or a nice upright ma
hogany piano? Address P. O. Box 218,
city. (181-M618 7
50c and 75c. 1914 Burdotto St.
(181-797 S
EXPERT PIANO TUNING, repairing and
finishing. Call Chas. L. P'lsh,' 1914 Bur-
dette Bt. (18) 796 5
PAYNE INV. CO., 1st floor N. Y. Life,
Douglas 1781. (19) 657
1601 Farnam. Tel. Douglas 764,
BENJAMIN R. E. CO., 477 Brandels Bldg.
(19) M225 A3
( rooms near 2Klh and Decatur: furnace
heat, all modern; lot 30x128; $2,100, $ou)
cash, balance to suit.
5 rooms, near 27th and Rucgles; lot 50xl27Hj
partly modern; $1,800.
6 rooms, near 24lh and Gust; lot 50x133:
4 rooms, near 24th and Hlmebaugh Ave.!
lot 50x133; $1,200.
811 N. Y. Life Bldg.
(1W-M474 4'
Owner moving out, of town. Must be sold
Monday. House never been rented. East
front of corner lot; permanent walk and
pavement on both streets: two blocks from
car; desirable neighborhood; shrubbery -and
fruit. Parlor, dining room, kitchen,
two bedrooms, bath room with en
amel plumbing, full cemented cellar, fur
nace offered at sacrifice for Immediate
sale. No way you can make money easier
than by picking up this offer. Need not
be alt cash. Bedrock price, $2,825.. No. 1624
N. 40th St.
Shimer & Chase Co.,.
City and suburban property. Factory
sites. Truckage.
1609 Farnam. Ground Floor. 'Douglas SM17,
The home on Harney street which we
advertised last week Is sold.
We now offer another up-to-date home,
with all modern conveniences, including
hardwood finish and polished floor. Full
lot; pavement, permanent walks, .
Price, $7,100.
Also a very desirable and superbly lo
cated modern home on Thirty-sixth street,
south of Farnam; $9,500.
'Phone Douglas
l&fi Farnam 8U
While prices are low. Omaha la growing
rapidly, and It is an absolute certainty
that good Inside residence lots will Increase
In value.
I have sold four lota In the block south
of Harney and east of Thirty-first street,
and have inquiries every day fur others.
They are all bound to go soon, and, If you
want one of them, better aee me at onoe.
We are going to close them out, and it is
first come, first served. Will sell on easy -terms.
If you want.
Sewer, water and gas In street.
'Phone Doug. 230. Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg,
. (1)
Take new car line to the hill at 42d and
Grand Ave. and see our $75 to $'-'. loU,
and if you walk west three blocks you
will see two and one-huif acres on south
east corner of 45th and Grand Ave, for
The largest list of cheap lots and acreage
In the city may he seen In my office.
1623 Farnam. (19) '
Corner 28th and Franklin; will toll two
houses and throw one In. Rent fjr 3t
and will bring $40 by repairing. Paved
street; sewer, water, gas, walks. . Whole
bunch for $2,860.
fiat Bid. '