r TILE OMAIIA SUNDAY BEE t APRTTI 5, 1003. t I Want - ads Adertlsmne . for the wast ad columns will ttk antll 11m. fa tha Tfls caltlaa m4 aall .. tmr tha morulas and "aaaar edltlaaa. Cash mil MconMr all orders far ada m4 aa advertisement will accepted for leu thaua 10 aenta for rat Insertion. Wo advertisement will fcov charged amuuatlaa- to Icaa thna SO cants. Rates aaalr ta cither Taa Dailr or aadar Bet. Alwara caaat als worda ta a tlaa. Coatalaatloaa af laltlala or awken oaat aa oao word. CASH RATRI FOR WlftT ADS. . REUtlLiH CLASSIFICATION Oaa Insertion, per line, 10 cents, Twa ar ,. Mara consecutive insertions, ncr liar, ' O cents. Each later tloa Made aa odd : days, 10 ecata per llao. . f 1.50 per ,. lino per Moatk exooptlaa- tkat . FURBISHED ROOM AD, when aecoMpaaled hy eaah, the rate will ' kei Oao Insertion, 4 per llaef tkreo to aim consecutive la sartioas, 8 eeata per llao tack laser . tloai seven or More eonsecatlve Inser tloas, a eeata per llao each laaertloa BO cent a per llao per Moatk. Want ada for Tke Bee Mar be left at aar of tko fallowing; drug tore - one la "rear corner rolt" they are all kraack offices for, Ike Hee aad ' oar ad .will bo laaerted lost aa promptly aad aa tko same rates aa at tko mala office la Tko Bee Batldlaa, reateeatk aad Faraam Street. A I bach, W. C, 40th and Farnam. Beranek, 8. A., MU B 16th SI Becht Pharmacy. IJ B. 16th St. Benson Pirn: rr.tcy, Benton, Neb. Uenils Park Fhumv y, Kki and Cuming. Blade's Pharmrty, iKlt) Sherman An. Caughlin, C. H., l Q and Fierce Sts. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 2213 Military Ave. Conte, 3. B.i Hat Ave and Farnam. Crlsaey Pharmacy, Mth and Lake Sts. Carmak. Einil. ft. mil BU Eastman Pharmacy, 29W Leavonworth. Foster dc Arnold, 13 N. 2bth St. Freytag, Jthn J., 1914 N. 24tlt St. ' . Florence Drug Co., Florence. Nab. , ,t Ooldman Pharmacy, 20th and Lake Sta. Uimo'i Pba.'uacy. corner Park Ave. and Pacific. Ureenough, O. A., IOCS 8. 10th St. Ureeniugh, U. A., iiii 8. 10th. St. Hayden, Wm. C, S20 Farnam. Hanscom Park Pharmacy, 1MT a. Bin . Ave. Hoist. John, 624 N. ICth St ' Huff, A. L., 224 Leavenworth St. . King, H. b., Farnam St. Kountze Place Pharmacy, 8604 N. 24th. Patrick Drug Co., 12 N. 24tn 8u Lathrop, Charles E., 13:4 N. 21th St. Peyton, L. E., 24th end Leavenworth. . . tUrattga Drug Co., 24th and Amea Ave. Hchaelar's Cut Price Drug Co.. 10th ana Chicago Sta. fichaefer, August, K81 N. ICth St. Schmidt. 1. H., 24th and Cuming Sta. - Storm Pharmacy, 18th and Martha feta. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming. Walton Pharmacy, 20th and Grace. ' Worth. O. H 40tu and Hamilton Sta. MARRIAGE LICENSES The following marriages licenses were Issued today: Name and residence. Age. Richard Llndmler, Omaha... 26 ttessle Bennett, Columbia City Ind 20 Erik W. Carlson, South Omaha 27 . Elsie Bwanson, Omaha 20 Oiicar Carlson, South Omaha 22 Marie Johnson, Omaha Henry A. Lee, Omaha 21 Ksther Baker, Omaha la Sebastian Demonro, Omaha 24 bebastlan Demarl, Omaha BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births Royal Miller, 4904 Chicago street, twin boys; H. C. O'Uonnell, 4W0 North Hlxteenth street, boy; James Krajiclk. 2718 South Twenty-first street, boy; Frank Simon, 1423 Fourteenth street, boy. Leaths Mrs. Fenni Lltvlnow, 2118 Nicho las street, 102; Mary Keegan, 2W1 Vinton street, ta; Mrs. Elian M. Baker, 3706 North Twenty-fourth street, 03. CARD OF THANKS. !T We wish to thank the many friends that o kindly assisted at the funeral of our wife, -mother and sister; also for the kind sym "palhy expressed and the beautiful floral tributes. Henry Wrage. sr., Henry Wrage, jr., Mrs. Voss, Mrs. Temperly and sisters. LODUB NOTICES. Attention, D. of II. All members of Washington lodge No. 27 are requested to attend the funeral of our late slttier, Mny-.Moore, from her late residence, 1116 Sunt h Eleventh stieet, Mon day, at 2 p. m. Sister lodges Invited. In terment Forest Lawn cemetery. By order U MAMIE PETERSON. Chief of Honor. JOHANNA 8TRAWN, Recorder. AUTOMOBILES "Rambler, 190K, 20-H. P. touring car, good . . condition; f8. Ford, lsutl model, four-cylinder runabout, almost new; $475. Cadlllav, runabout, good shnpe; " Wulck. 22-H. P. touring, good shape; $610. ellxteen passenger 'bus, latest style; $l,b00. White Steamer, HK6 model, almost new, do--" tachuble closed top; bargain. Stevena-Duryea, two or four passenger; $40t). t 17 Rambler, two-cylinder, 22-H. P., de tachable tonneau. top, extra good condl ' tlon, a snap; inuu. c Write for complete list and description of it our new and second-hand cars. -2 . K. FRKDRICKSON, 2046 Farnam St. (2) M64K Mi I'. EEND for our list"1 of second-hand automo- biles. LER1QHT, 1IUI Farnam. (i)-lii .OMAHA auto tops, beat material, lowest prices. Pteiffer's. Red 6922. 26:6 Lear. tit. , t2i-M5J A2 HOl.BMAN model 10 for Bale; Verfeet con dition; cost t6s cash; will take tuib; act , quick. Morsman, 616 N. Y. Life. , 12J-68J x ANNOUNCEMENTS - NEW CLASSES at the OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE . 19th and Farnam Sts. Tomorrow, Monday, April Gth. Times are quiet, but we are' unable to supply enough bookkeepers, stenographers 'and telegraph operators to answer the calls coming In. We filled aeveral Jobs . last week and have a number more In prospect. If you want a position fee will have It for you aa soon as ready. If you atart now you will be ready early In the fall. Tomorrow will be a splendid time to begin . In any department. CLASS IN SHORTHAND. A claaa of nearly fifteen has already been organised to atart tomorrow. It would pay yen to Join It. Special Inducements offered. Call and let ua talk matters over. ' If you waat a courre In bookkeeping, penmanship or telegraphy, you can take any one of these. We guarantee positions In telegraphy. Call, write, or telephone Douglas 129. IiOIIRBOL'GII BROS., OMAHA, NEB. ftJON PAlXTLNGhrA. iL COLE, 1301 Doug. Ua, ! Jlx ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued..) YOU End Your Procrastination Tomorrow, April 6 You've raid to yourself time and tlm again: "I will sUrt to become a ruccpbs 1 will fx pin my training for power tomorrow." Now, Monday, April 6, s tomorro. Ton.orrow" the Spring Term of Boyles College opens in both the day and night sessions. To fnter Boyles College to commence your training in the Iioyles College watyfor your career as a stenographer, accountant or tele grapher is in ltBe!f aft assurance of success. For Boylea College Is a successful college. In less than ten years it has become the leading college of this sec tion of the country. Today It occupies the only building in all Nebraska de voted wholly nnd solely to business college purposes. It annually enrolls the largest number of students who attend any business college west of Chicago. It rlacts In reoponBlble popltlons the largeRt number of stenographers, account ant and telegraphers every year. It rcelves calls from the largest number of bt sines3 1, ousts for the largest number of business assistants every year. If you want to assure yourelf of success as a stenographer, accountant or teleghapher it Is only a wise precaution on your part to attend that business college which lias the reputation for producing the best class of stenographers, accountants nnd telegraphers those who get the best salaries. i Your own good Judgment win council you not to delay the matter. Your best Interests will urge you to enter Boylec College tomorrow. BOYLES COLLEGE H. B. BOYLES. President. Boyles Building. Omaha, Neb. Official Training School Union Pacific II. R. Telegraph Department. UNEEDA Missouri water filter. 1301 Far nam St. U Aifiol Ailx THE CITY QARBAGK CO., office 4th and Leavenworth Bis. Tel. Douglas 1387. U)-781 TRAVELERS' goods of quality. Trunks and suit cases repaired. FUELING & STEINLE, "Where trunks are made," 1KB Farnam Et. Tel. Douglas 4995. (1) 7i4 A22 BARTER AND EXCHANGE TRADES! TRADES! Send description of what you have or what you want; we'll match It. STRINGER INVESTMENT CO., 438 Hee Uldg., Ouiaha, Neb, (3 Mt8 A4 TRADES, TRADES If you have some thing for sale or trade write us; we match everything. WAIT INVESTMENT CO.. 4tU liee Bldg. (3)-M3C3 A7 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE School land on section 3t-3-12, Holt county, Nebraska. Lease. Fine for stuvk farm, best alfalfa land. Lease runs IV years. A. W. Uickel, Correctlonvllle, la. (3; M3S 6x TO EXCHANGE Highly improved farm bringing in over 10 per cent Interest for some good town business; farm imple ments preferred. F. M. Joslln, Frederick, S. D. U M4a kx FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE A 3,000 Ony and Oak Soda Fountain, good as new, tor cash, or exchange for real estate. The Bennett Company. (3) 649 o FOR EXCHANGE Fillmore county, Ne braska farm for good, clean, up-n-d-ite Implement and vehicle stock; must be located in live town with good schools and churches; prefer county-seat town. Address Lock Box 204, Shlckley, Neb., Fillmore county. (3) 766 b EIGHTY acres of land In Wadena county, Minnesota. ... Electric auto runabout with top, good as new; In perfect order; will trade for Omaha property or land. N. P. Dodge & Co., 1714 Farnam St. (3) Mttll 7 $4.500 NICE, clean stock hardware; doing good business; want clear Income prop erty or clear Iowa land. J. R. Adkins, CouncH Bluffs, la (3) W)2 5x BUSINESS CHANCES SAWMILL and woodworking openings are numerous In the excellent soft and hard wood districts of Arkansas, north Louisi ana and eastern Oklahoma, aiong tne Kock Island-' Frisco lines. Exceptional chances exist for stave, hoop, handle, shingle, wagon woodwork, veneer and fur. nltuie plania and sawmills. State kind of plant desired, mentioning your wants, literature sent free. M. Uchulter, indus trial Commissioner, Kock Island-' Frisco lines, St. Louis, Mo. - (4) ol 5 ROOMING HOI SES for sale, all alses; fur nish part purchase money if wanted. UANGESTAD. Room 403 Bee Bldg. t4)-T86 TO GET In or out of business call on OANUESTAD. room 403 Bee Bldg. (4)-784 DUl'O STORES for sale everywhere. F. V. Kniest, 707 N. Y. Life. Omaha (41-669 MINNESOTA and Wisconsin Ice for sale In car lota. A. G. Gilbert, Council Bluffs, Iowa. (4) M340 $9,o00.0l stork of good general merchandise and $5.0O.0O telephone system for sale or trade. Both good ill vestments. , Wm. Coryell, Johnstown. Neb. (4)-M369 A30X FOR SALE Quick; V good paying bust ness. Earns steadily $300 to $40 monthly. A cash deal; no trades. Addres, E 23), Bee. H M514 6 FOR SALE Blacksmith shop and tools, all up-to-date and new, for sale cheap. Josef Drobny, Lynch, Neb. (4) WB SECl'RE capital for manufacturing enterprises, building and operating steam u nd electric railways, electric light, gas, water and power plants, meritorious in ventions, coar, timber and mineral lands, mining and smelting properties. Slocks and bonds sold on commission basis. Companies Incorporated, organised and financed. lyians negotiated. Metropolitan Investment Company, 131 La Salle St., Chicago. (4)' 6K3 Sx $1 INVESTED In our coal mine today will shortly be worth $3. Safety, Immense profits; tunneled 1.600 feet through coking coal; only need tipple and washer; $7u.om expended: market for ten times output; two railroads; low capitalisation ; no debts; best bank references. Western Coal and Coke Co., Minneapolis. Minn. . (41-654 6x MEN with small capital make hlg profits handling home territory for largest 1-cent vending companv. Addresa I'nion Cash Sales Co., lioboken, N. J. 4 4528 6x STOCK. BOND OFFERING Mining, elec tric. Industrial or railway cmipinv wanted for sale; commleflon basis. Ad dress full particulars. Clientele, P. O. Box 208. New York. (4-627 6x WANTED Manager with capital for new firm: exclusive proposition, liberal salary. Interest and commission; a fortune for the right party. Addresa C 210, Bee. 4l 73 Sx FIFTY New Improved Hilo Penny Peanut Vending Machines will earn $45 weekly for you and not Interfere with your other work. $1340 yearly profit on Invest ment. Beware of unscrupulous Imitators. Hilo Oum Co., (Inc.). LT Mnrket BL. Chicago. (4) i77 Bx FOR SALE Cafe, established SS years; profits sruaranteed $S.'00 per year; long lease. F. C I-ester, Owner. P. O. B'jx 173, Hartford, Conn. (4) Ml 6x I MAKE $1,000 a month, started with $3; will explain how; anyone can do the work. home. Warn, 833 Washington B'vd., Chicago. (4) FOR SALE No trade, account of rheuma tism, must sell an up-to-date blacksmith shop. In county-seat town of eastern Ne braska of S.lu); only two shoot In the ciiy. A snap and big money maker. For particulars write. Y-$1S. care Omaha bee. (4)-6ii i A GOOD proposition Dandy small weekly newspsper, in small nortkern Oklahoma town; only newspaper In town; situated In agricultural reslon; fine opportunity for a hustler: good reason for selling; cheap. Addresa Opinion, Red Rock, Oki. 14-r6 Sx ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued.) BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.; - A BUSINESS -PROPOSITION FOR A - PHOTOGRAPHER WE HAVE LISTED WITH US ONE OF THE BEST PAYING PHOTO STUDIOS IN THIS CITY. WELL ES TABLISHED TRADE. LOW RENT EVERYTHING UP TO DATE GOOD LOCATION 'IN COME AVERAGES OVER $150.00 MONTHLY PROFITS. THIS PROPOSITION WILL SURE LY MEET APPROVAL OF CHANG ING LOCATIONS OR WANTING A NICE INCOME BUSINESS. WRITE FOR DETAILS- SECURITY BUSINESS CO., CORBY BLDG.. ST. JOSEPH. MO. (4 1-666 5x PARTY with $1,0W to $5,000 can make 100 per cent on his money; no time required, no risk. Address B 209, Bee. (4) 735 6x PATENT SECURED OR FEE RE TURNED Illustrated guide book and list of inventions wanted, free to any address. Patenta secured by us advertised free in World' Progress; sample copy free. Evans, Wilkena & Co., 6i8 F St., Wash ington, D. C (4) FOR SALE Only pool and billiard hall In town of 700. 25 miles from Omaha. Handling tobaccos, confectionery, stn tioneiy and lunch business, but other bi slnesa takes my time. First answer Jakes it. Address L 236, Bee. (4) M579 6x SPLENDID PAYING BAKERY. Excellent location; employs 4 bakers; fine trade: money maker; good reason for sell ing; $3,600. Inquire 620 Paxton Blk. (4) 582 Bx YOU can never profit by business chances unless you have some money ; small sav ings are the foundation of large fortunea; start a savings account with J. L. Bran dels & Sons, Bankers, 16th and Douglas Sts. Assets over $400,000. (4j LARGE profits made In buying puts and calls in wheat; pamphlet fully explaining method of dealing in these "indemnities'' mailed free. Also tells how an Investment of $20 In calls alone made over $7i0 in one day. The Mutual Grain Co., 82 Wall St., New York. (4) MONEY We handle the financing of good enterprises and creditable projects. The Bankers' Bond Co., Pittsburg, Pa. (4)-701 Ex I WILL start one man In each country town in business for himself; small capi tal required; no fake, but hard work. Ad dress U 232, Bee. (4) 732 6x I KNOW a stock which will advance 10 per cent in a short time; particulars upon application. Theodore B. Heller, Slocks and Bonds, 25 Broad St., New York. (4)-640 Bx A FEW MEN WITH A FEW DOLLARS each wanted to assist in equipping a legitimate, developed gold mine; no fake or stock Jobbing scheyne; no stock In hands of brokers or promoters; has pro duced over $25,000 during development, and last oar of ore shipped, October 23 1907. returned $ti3.42 per ton net. Need small amount before May 1 to put roads and mine In shape to ship the year round. The right kind of parties will be given a big opportunity. Unless vou have money and mean, business don't wtite. No attention paid to brokers or promo ers Address Box 70, Wilmington, Del. (4)-624 6x FOR SALE. Wo n IM ..II ... - I . . i imrsnin a siock con sisting of hardware. $12,000; harness. $1,00; : . naiuware, wagon um ber and seeds, $10,000r buggies, $3,000; lo cated In Kansas town 10.000 population; main building brick, two-story, Sxl40 lo--eated on main street: Implement, harness ?' .,JBe',1 b,llliing 60x150, In rear. of main building. Tlila Is an exceptional oppor tunity to secure a first-class established j V, . 1 "iy on account of the death of two principal directors. ... 1 Z , u"" y a siock companv With 1U iMdl .n tu u 1. . . Present of $2b,ai0. Annual buainess about Tr v" -n .". ,,"u"1 1M o'a ror cash. H. L. Gilbert Land Co., Ottawa, Kan. (41703 5x THE fiREAT SOUTHWEST Is reached by no other line to aa good advantage ai by the Rock Island- Frisco llnea oper ating thousands of miles of tracks In that section. The Industrial and bulncns de velopment already started Is wonderful but particularly good openings exist for Industries not needing very much capital These embrace machine shops, elevators' cotton gins, flour mills, broom factories' woodworking plants, etc. We have ad curate new lists of fine openings. State Secifically kind of location wanted Complete, descriptive book. Opportuni ties, sent free. M. Schulter. lndutriil Commissioner. Rock Island- Frisco Lines, St. Louis. Mo. , (4)-66 INDUSTRIAL AND MINING STOCKS. ROBT. C. DRUESEDOW & CO., 8TOCK BROKERS. Tel. Douglas 3oti6. t-u N. Y. Life Hldg (4-636-M-2. FOR SALE Good clean stock groceries in county seat town In southern Nebraska, will Invoice about $3,0w). Particulars on application. Addresa Y 313, eaje of Bee. (4 M541 tx $20.0u0 WILL COMPLETE IRRIGATION project, 3 miles from Lander, Wyo., cover ing ,0U0 acres. Greater part of earth work done. Companv incorporated and capi talised for $62,600. at rate of $75.50 per acre worth $ per acre. Will sell any amount -jr Block up to $20,000 worth; attractive Investment. Investigate; write to J A . Taylor. President. Lander, Wyo. I A4-M540 x BUSINESS DIRECTORY Boklisia. B. A. TRYON. bookbinder, H0S Douglas. 'Phone Douglas 244. Call me. I'll come. (6) M714 A10 Car neater lag. v FINE hardwodd floors and parquetry; low price, loth & Dominion bt. Frank Sevk-k. (5 M360 Al taWrepwdlat. DR. ROT, R.i,& FarnamSt. Doug 97. ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued.) SPRING TERM OF THE M0SHER - LAMPMAN . BUSINESS COLLEGE Begins TOMORROW April 6 It la one thing to MAKE CLAIMS and another thing TO PROVE them.' This la the school that not only makes strong claims, but also Is able and willing to prove each of them. OUR CLASSES . We have the most SKILLED and EXPERIENCED teachers In the city. They have educated MORE EXPERT BOOKKEEPERS and STENOGRAPHERS than any others teachers In the State. We have the best and most practical systems of Bookkeeping and Shorthand taught In Omaha. We have the best lighted and ventilated rooms end the ln-pt school de.sks In Omaha. We can save you from 20 to 60 on your school books and stationery. We give the best gymnasium privileges. Free Scholarship Cut this- advertisement out and bring It with you and If we fall to prove the cor- rectlvenr-ss of the above claims we will department ABSOLUTELY FREE. Catalogue free. Call, phone, or write. Mosher-Lampman 17th and FARNAM STREETS. BUSINESS DIRECTORY (Continued.) Creameries. David Cole Creamery Company (5) M784 Deatlsts. BAILEY & MACH, 3d fir., Paxtcn. D. 10S5. (5J-7X9 Dressmaking. IN FAMILIES MIks Sturdy. Tel. Haeney 1568. Oj-790 M'DOWELL Dressmaking School, 1623 Far nam St. (5 791 MME. WOODRUFF, robes and gowns, 3JC 14 Neville Blk. Tel. Bell, Doug. 5170; Ind., A-3750. (5) M46S Ap7 IN families. Mrs. Forde, late of Chicago. First class work. Phone Harney 1212. (6) M462 6x Florists. HESS & 8WOBODA, 1415 " Farnam St. 15) 792 L. HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. Tel. D. 123. (5; 793 J. II. BATH, 1623 Harney. Tel. Doug. 3000. (5) 794 Flaaaclnl. Money LOAN LOW RATE In sums to 310 Bee Bldg. 'Phone Douglas 294. UNION LOAN COMPANY. (51-795 Far Cleaning; and Storage. G. E. SHUKERT. 15th and Harney Sts. fine fura cleaned, stored and repaired.'. ' (6) M780 June 4 Jewelers and Watchmakers. N. P. STILLING Watch, clock. Jewelry repairing, 2-3 Paxton Block. Tel. 4317. (51796 Hotels. THE SCHLITZ, European, 16th and Harney. (51-797 Investments. WE HAVE some 6 per cent mortgage and 7 per cent land contracts on vlii:h - half of the purchase price has bcn paid, all secured by real estate, close to .Omaha. If you have $600 to $1,600 to invest we have the securities for vou. N. P. DODGE & CO., 1714 Farnam 8t. . (5) M49S S Locksmiths. KEYS, etfc., Heflin, 1324 Farnam. Tel. D. 2874. (6)-788 Maalo and Langaage. PIANO lessons. Mrs. Ritchie. Tel. Web. 229'. (6) 799 Moving and Staring;. Expressmen's Delivery Co., office 214 N. loth St. warehouse, 2207-9 Ixard 8U (6 800 If arseriaa. GERMAN Iris; choice variety dug fresh day delivered. $4.60 per loO. G. H. Keys, Omaha mgr. Crescent Nursery. Tel. Web- ) jr. 7 1UQ77 A 97 1U I Af FINEST and largest assortment of trees and shrubs In the city. Crescent Nur series sales ground, 2ist and Farnam Sta. Tel. Webster 3357. (5) M0 M3 v Osteopathy. JOHNSON INS., 418 N. Y. L. Tel. D. 1664. (5) 601 Office Supplies. FILING 4cab'.nets, files and ledgers, loose leaf devices and office fixtures and sup- ' plies of all kinds. Anchor Publishing Co., 306 8. Hth St. Tel. Doug. 6562. Ind. A-1662. (5 MS69 A19 Printing. BEFORE placing your 1909 calendar order don't fail to see our Imported line. Lyng stad & Jorve, printers, 16th & Capitol Ave. (5) 60J Pool aad Billiard Tables. FOR SALEr-Antl-Trust pool and billiard tables, supplies and bar fixtures; sold on easy puvments. Charles Passaw & Sons, 216 So. I9lh St., Omaha, Neb. (5) M590 JulvJ Safes, Shatters,' Ete. OMAHA SAFE AND IRON WORKS makes a speclslty of fire escapes, shutters, doors and safes. G. Andreen. Prop., 102 S. 10th 6t. (6-8o3 Shoe nepalrtaa;. RAPID SHOE REPAIR CO.-Flrst class work. 161 Capitol Ave. 'Phone Red 9)4, ( "04 SHOES repaired right, called for and de. livered free. Standard Shoe Repair Co, 1804 Farnam 8t- Tel. D. 75t. ( ) soft Wall Panr Cleaaed. ABS0RENE WALL PAPER CLEANER. The patent kind. 15c, $-25c. at wall paper, paint, hardware and drug stores. ( M487 M2X HELP WANTED FEMALE Aareata, oltcltera. Salesladies. SALESWOMEN with successful experience in the sale of books or other high class specialty who are riot satisfied with present Income, will find it to their ad vantage to Investigate our proposition. Thoroughly capable solicitors can easily earn $50 per week and up. Exclusive ter ritory now available- Write for par ticulars. N. A. 8., 1400, 356 Dearborn St., Chicago. (7) 6h0 6x WANTED- Experienced :ady house-to-house canvasser on salary. Give refer ences, experience, and salary expected , to atart. Addrssa A -226 tare Bee. (7-47 f ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued.) give you a six-months' scholarship in any V Business College OMAH OMAHA. NEB. HELP WANTED FEMALE Aaents and Salesladies, Continued, LADY agents wanted; salary or commis sion. Address, D-2L9, Bee. (7) Milo 6x WOMAN AGENT In every town to take orders for laces by sample; big line; $2.50 per day; Information by mall. Chicago Lace Co., 63 River St., Chicago. III. (0 A1490 Cx WOMEN Big profits; easy work, snare time or au-auy work; choice of thirty ladies' new specialties; particulars and 2 irre ofter ot Fair AUg. Co., Box :!5S, Racine, Wis. (7 691 ox Clerical and Office. Experienced filing clerk, $25 per month. Stenographer, must be brlgnt, with at least two years In high school. Stenographer and bookkeeper, $45. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASd'N, INC., 722-21 N. Y. Life Bldg. (7) M5l 4 LADIES to copy letters at home; spare time; good pay; cash weekly; reliable; bend stump. Zei k, Box 318, jloi'riwuwn, N. Y. (7)-4k8 6x LADIES To copy letters t home, spare time; good pay; cash weekly; send stamp. GERARD CO., Arno Bldg., Cin cinnati, Ohl6. (7) 717-6x. WE want competent Stenographers, Book keepers and Clerks. We have a number of good openings for Clerks and experi enced Stenographers. Call at once and ' register; we can assist you. NO FILING FEE. THE CANO AGENCY, 520 Bee Bldg. (7) Wl 5 Factory and Trades. WANTED Seamstress in cloak alteration room. Apply superintendent, J. L. Bran deis & Sons'. (7) M471 4 WANTED Experienced seamstress In cloak alteration room. Apply superintendent, J. L. Brandels & Sons'. . (7) M619 7 Housekeepers and Domestics. i WOMEN'S DOMESTIC GUILD. .1904 Farnam St. t Child's nurse L6.00 Upstairs maid 5.00 Cook, two In family 2500 Girls for general housework $5 and it! (7) M 744 8. WANTED A mature or middle aged woman for working housekeeper, In a good home In South Dakota. Small family, good wages. If she should possess a practical knowledge of bookkeeping and stenography It would add materially to salary. Address Y 426, care of Bee. (7) .M37 4 6 WANTED Girls with good references for private familii-s, good wages. Apply Woman's . Exchange, . W22 Farnam fit. (7)-M2U 4 WANTED A wash woman to come to the house. Apply In person at once. 615 North 41st St. (7) 3.S3 6 WANTED General girl;' must wash and iron; keep another girl. Call morning or evening. 629 North 40th - (71478 4 WANTED One or two good girls for gen eral housework; excellent place; small family. 2450 St. Mary's Ave. (7)-53S WANTED Middle-aged ' woman to keep house for family of three; good wages. Apply 2610 Rees St.'.'er 'Phone Red 54ts. (71576 5 WANTED First-class second girl Apply Mrs. W. H. McCord, 2201 Caes St. (71-M569 HOUSEKEEPER wanted, unincumbered. Address L. D. Lyvely, Box 4, Gilmore, Neli. (7) M566 lox WANTED A competent girl for general housework; two Ml family. 2;B 8. 35th Ave. Tel. Harney 1679. (7 M567 6 WANTED Girl for general hourework; small family. 215 X. 2uxh St. (") M570 6x COMPETENT girl for. general housework. Mrs. F. Walter, 3319 Harney St. (7)-79 WANTED Competent girl tor general housework; good wages. 112 No. 31st Ave. 171-6S0 6 WANTED Good girl for general house work. Apply at once to lost S. 35th Ave. Telephone Harney 2356. (7) 754 6x WANTED A clean girl to do plain wash ing ami ironing at tne creche, i2 Har tley St.; $20 a month, room and board. (7-M599 "X GIRL for general housework. Mrs. Yetter, 106 N. 31st Ave. (7 M771 7 Miscellaneous. LADIES, pleasant home work; $1.50 dally; send stamp. Mrs. B. Mounter. Q 33( East 63d St.. Chicago. (71 M892 A6x ANY Intelligent person may earn good In come corresponding for newspapers; ex perience unnecessary; no canvassing. Send for nnrtleulHi-s. Press Syndicate. UVl.llVll. ,1. T .... ... V, v .7, I (7-l WANTED Experienced salesladies. La dles' 8uit Department, Hayden Bros.' (7-794 6 LADIES to bake for us our latest confec tion In cookies: best paying home work; materials furnished free, by firm opening account with your grocer. Stamped, ad dressed envelope for particulars. Home Baking Association Store, 3116 Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago. (7) 7oO 5x LADIES. $8 to $20 a week doing fasclnat. Ing work at home, space time or steady; no experience necessary; particulars for stamp. Woman's National Art Exchange, Denver, Colo. (7) WANTED Ladles, $1 a day in spare time at home. You have no canvassing, ped dling or publicity; strictly honest; no de posit on goods; send stamped envelope for particulars. Ladle's' Aid, 46 Main St., Durham. Conn. (7 BE GRADUATE NURSE Earn j0 to $.5 weekly: we provide home studv lectures; hospital practice when desired; employ, ment for students, graduates: largest training school, world: write, free book. Ameilran Training School Nurses, 469 Crilly B!dg. Chicago. (7) 737 Sx WANTED to work two ladle's, married pre ferred, call at 2-u3 Clark St.. Monday afternst 0)TX S, HELP WANTED MALE A areata, Saltdtara aad Saleamea. WA NTFJ 1 ,1 va agents to sell contracta for land In the Golden Goose lake country, southern Oregon Territory, Nebraska, North and South Dakota, Montana, Wash ington', Idaho, Wyoming. Utah. Local, general and state agents wanted. It's a hummer. Write for literature. M. Beager, manager agenclea. Box 63, Grand Island, Neb. () M463 6x AGENTS, well our wonderful new spe cialty; big money; you will say so; par tlculars free. H. Volkmann 4k Co., 163 N. 42d Avenue, Chicago, 111. () M495 4x IN EVERY city and town to sell the Acme adjustable window shade holder. Omaha Shade Holder Co., 214 8. 12th St. (9)-l $25 PER WEEK and traveling expenses raid by reliable house to salesmen to visit dealers; experience unnecessary. Purity Co., Chicago. (9 SALESMAN wanted to carry as a side line on commission a line of woolens which Includes shirtings, dress goods walstlngs, etc. Only salesman knowing how to handle this class of merchandise and an established trade through the western field need apply. Address Y 292, Bee. (91-M421 7 BIDE line for traveling salesman. Good commission. Address P-223. Caro Bee. (91-526-9. SALESMEN WANTED We have a first cIsks side tine that sells to all kinds of business houses. Including hotels, hospi tals, public buildings, etc. Salesmen are now making a good big thing out of it. Can carry sample in vour pocket. Ad dress E. S. Monney, 902 Garfle'd BUg., Cleveland, O. (it) M560 6x AGENTS make money selling our post cards; send 10c for 10 fine cards, and get our attractive offer. Smith Co., Tarry town, N. Y. (9) EVERYBODY EATS EVEltY DAY. That makes selling groceries direct to con sumers at whclesale steady, profitable work. Our terms are so liberal that any honest man can sell our goods, which are guaranteed to comply with the pure food laws and give satisfaction or money re funded. No out I Its to sell. Give refer ences. Hitchcock-Hill Co., 100 Lake St., Chicago. (9) TRAVELING salesman wanted, to sell temperance drink to dealers; big demand; $tu per week and expenses. Red Cross Vinegar Co., St. Louis, Mo. (di OPPORTUNITY knocks, knocks., knocks today louder than ever. Re:tch out and take what she offers. Secure an agency for the "Auto Time Suver Repair Kit" and Insure yourself tho very largest profits. Write us todsy. The Martin Sales Agenc-, Dept. P, Box 691, Minne apolis, Minn. (9 OUR AGENTS are prosperous; $16 to $75 per week can be made selling our new dividend-paying policies; the new fea tures sell It; experience unnecessary. Write Great Western Accident Associa tion. Des Moines, la. CO- WANTED Salesmen to carry as a side line, on commission, a popular line of mill and thresher supplies which sell to the hardware and Implement trade; refer ences required. Address A 5, 1300 Trudo Bldg., Chicago, 111. (9) AGENTS Something absolutely new, "a cracker;" everybody buys one or ten; our profit over 100 per cent. Sample with particulars, 5c. Alden-Bradford Co., Orange, N. J. (9) 699 ox AGENTS to handle biggest money making fire extinguishers; special, startling offer; exclusive territory; $75 to $300 per month. Badger Chemical Co., Milwaukee, Wis. (9, AGENTS double their money with my high grade line of gold fountain pens. Address Dept. V, Reliable Pen Co., 129 Worth St.. New York. (91625 6x WANTED Side lino salesmen to sell com plete line of souvenir post cards. We offer to men, who have a little spare 4lnie Ithe' largest shtf hfwt known line of post cards In the' country. We are manu facturers and our prices sre right. Al fred Holzman Co., 2815 Wabash Ave., Chicago. (9) 626 6x ANY hustler, male or female, can make $: per week handling dsess goods direct from factory. Onewante Mills. 194 Broad way, N. Y. (91630 6x WHEN you have an old chronic sore that doctors can't cure, get a box of Patter son's Ointment. It never fails; price 50c; agents wanted. Patterson Medicine Co., B'.illoehvllle, Gu. (9) tTS 5x RAILROAD men wanted, especially car Inspectors and trainmen: can double your wages, wtlhout Interefrlng with present employment. Twin Lubricator Co., Cam den, N. J.. (9)-r633 5x THE Kemper-Thomas Co. of Cincinnati, Ohio, want side line traveling men, can make easily $25 to $fi0 per week carrying up-to-date advertising fans, our exclusive special designs; season - now opening. Apply Fan Department. (91637 6x SALESMEN Traveling, to devote their whole or spare time In handling an adver- . tlaing specialty of exceptional merit; can he used by every bualiHss; samples car ried in pocket; average commission each sale $:0; some salesmen earn .410.000 yearly. Taylor W. Mathers & Co., Ri rat ham, N. H. (91-6.1 5x CASH profits, bigger. quicker, selling "Happy" hat fasteners, (Hide line or can vassers, lady or gent), than anything elae on market; sells on sight everywhere; one agent made $5,t.60 first week; sample pair, 25o. Write for special Introductory Offer. K. Shruben & Co., Racine, Wis. (91-642 5x LARGE eastern manufacturing company wants the services of ambitious young men to fill positions as traveling sales men; staple line; easy work; hlg pay: $1.00') to $5,000 year and expenses; no former experience required. If you are ambitious and want to earn more money, write today. Address Y 314, care Bee. (91693 6x AGENTS make $10 dally selling our biirn ' Ished gold and silver letters for office windows, store fronts and glass signs; anyone can apply letters by following directions- write for lllustra'.ed circular. Ropp Publishing Co., 606 Lakeside. Bldg., Chicago. (9) 674 6x WANTED Specialty salesman; one. with patent medicine, scales or stock food ex- perience preferred; good opportunity; ex clusive territory; position permanent; salary and expenses to right party. Give age and lines handled in first letter. Box 655, Chicago. (9) 69 6x SALESMAN At once. 8taple well known line. Old reliable house. Compensation of $250 per month or more to result pro ducer. State references. Sales manager, box 495. Iowa City, Iowa. (9) 7 16-5 x. A1ENTS Men and women. Something en tirely new.f A long felt want, sells at sight. Big profits. Write at once. Mar shall ii Co., 4709 Kenwood Ave.. Chi cago. (9) 719-5x. CREDIT to agents of price; fast seller; good commlxsion. Sample 10c. Write Safety Clip Co., Cosby, Mo. (9) 722-lx. WANTED AO ENT Legitimate substitute for slot machines; patented; sells on sight for $I.C0; particulars. Glslia Com pany, Anderson, Ind. (9 723-6x. $26 WEEK and expenses to men with rig to Introduce guaranteed poultry com pound. Grant Co., Dept. 86. Spring field. 111. (9) 724-6x. WANTED Salesman. Position open with an established wholesale house, staple line: sells to all class of merchants. Good hustler for this state. Worth $250 a month and expenses. Address Ameri can Jobbing Association, Chicago, III. (9-737 6x. SALESMAN for part c'ty and part road work; straight salary; reliable firm. State age, experience. Man having knowledge of building materials preferred. Refer ence required. Address D 211, Bee. (91736 6x THREE huMlrri to carry aide Mne. Money maker. Address Lock Box 694. Omaha, Neb. (9 716 i AGENTS Make $5 to $10 per day selling . our quick repairing tire puncture outfits to automobile owners. Dent. P. Michael Co., Box 241, Chicago, III. (9) 7J0 ox AGENTS AND SALESMEN Tremendous seller. New flaming lighter. Every smoker buys on sight. Pocket sample and full particulars, 60 cents, pospald. Walton, at L'o.t UJb Broadway, Nsw York. Oh722 5i HELP WANTED MALE - Ageats aad Salesmen Coatlaaed. ENERGETIC salesmen for exclusive Una to dealers on commission. Men with aell Ing ability ran more than double ordi nary Income, because we sell to ona dealer In a town and you can convince him of its Immense value. Just the Una for a progressive, up-to-date commission man to make big money. Fully demon strated by salesman now clearing f10 and mom per month. Host on i iiuio and Music Co., Dept. 78, Iowa City, la. (91-714 6 SALESMEN Wanted Why work for small salary when you can earn from $10D to $1,000 monthly and expenses as a travel ing salesman 7 No former experience re quired. We teach you to be ono by mail in eight weeks and secure you a position with a rellatile firm. Write for free cata logue. "A Knight of the Grip," today. Address Dept. 634 National Salesman's Training Ass n., offices. Chicago, III.; Min neapolis, Minn., or Kansas City, Mo. Wtite nearest office. (9) 632 6x AGEJS'TS make big money selling watches Sncl diamonds; easy payments at cash prices; $2 month or $1 weekly. Write to day. Walker-Edmund Co., 207 Stale St., . Chicago. (9) 687 ax WANTED Bright, energetic man to travel In Nebraska: rxperlencn unnecessary: good chance for advancement; well rated, reliable manufacturer. Mcllrady Co, Van Buren St., Chicago. (9) 6S8 Bx WANTED Specialty salesmen: a good, sized bank account awaits the man who will pay tho price work! Give details In first letter. Box 470, Dept. 30, Kansas City, Mo. (9)-6.s fix AGENTS coining money Introducing sopaste to factories, shops, etc.; removes grease dirt quickly; Immense sales; amating profits. Paiker Chemical Co., Chicago. (9) 6S4 6x $210 motor cycle or horse and buggy fur- nisneo our men lor iraveiuiK. aim per month and expenses, to take orders for the greatest portrait house In the world. You will receive, postpaid, a beautiful Mx 0 reproduction of oil painting In answer to this ad. Write for particulars. R. D. Martel, Dept. 337. Chicago. (91 W6 6x CIGAR SALESMAN wanted In your local ity to represent us; experience unneces sary; $6S per mo. and expenses. Wilto for particulars. Monroe Cigar Co., To ledo, O. I)-6.19 6x AOENTS Five years' experience of snlea of our self-gencrntinK gn burner for kerosene lamps tells Its merits; billliant gas light; liberal Inducements; Informa tion free. Eastern (las Light Co., 2S0 Broadway, New York. l9) 6it. 6x AGENTS Wt revenl secret to first appli cant from each city or town how you can start new enterprise; positive monop oly. Hull's Co-operative Agency, 24 Franklin St., New York. (91-618 (x AGENTS to sell Cachoo, "tho greatest fun maker ever produced;" a trifle blown Into the air causes everyone within range In voluntarily to sneeae. Also our new novelty, Choo-Gun or Japaneso perfume. Sells for 10 cents; over loo per cent profit. Positively the best selling novelties on thf market. Send 10 cents for sample ol both, terms and special offer. 8. S. Adams Co., Plalnflcld. N. J. (9) 729 6x WANTED By - a western steel casting foundry (capacity l.ooo tons per month) sales agent In tills territory on a commis sion basis; one who is familiar wllh casting trade and with railroads and machine shops, and. other usera of steel castings preferred; give experience along this line, tonnage generally sold; also your age. and any lurther particulars; all correspondence strictly confidential. Harvey Baker, 70 Grlswold St., Detroit, Mich. (9) M617 7x SALESMEN make 600 per cent profit sell ing "Novely Sign Cards," merchants buy 10 to JOO on sight. 800 varieties. Cata logue free. Sullivan Co., ' 405 W. Van Buren St.. Chicago, 111. (9)-663-& AGENTS WANTED Hondo Diamonds. Experts puzzled to detect from Genuine Diamond. Samples free to those who will act as our agents.' Hondo Company, Dallas. Texas. (91-666-6 SALESMAN $100.00 per week commission to good man selling assortments of staple notions -to the trade. Our adver tising sells the goods.. Merchants Sup ply Co., Detroit. Mich. . (9) 667-6' AGENTS Here's your opportunity. Best seller out; great demand; $4.50 10 $18 daily; $1.60 profit every sale. Start at once write now. The Hudson Specialty Company, J-295-S Hudson Bt., Pasadena, Cal. (9)-670-5 AGENTS Something entirely, new. Sim ply can't help making splendid Income. Complete monopoly. Not obtained else where. -'Ixiw priced but no traah. In stant demand. Positively needed. Par ticulars free. . Address Colonial Mfg. Co., Dept. 18,' 325 Broadway, N. Y. (!)) R73-5 CIGAR Salesmen wanted. Experience un necessary. $!I1I per month and expenses. Peerless Cisar Co., Toledo, Ohio. (!) 672-S EXPERIENCED saleaman to sell staple gooda in Nebraska to all classes of stores. Our commission contract paid one of our salesmen Thirty-One Thous and Dollirs In cash dining last six vears. Liberal weekly advance. Ameri can Standard Jewelry Company.' Detroit, Mich. ' (31-675-6 SALESMEN WANTED Bright men to sell, recently patented check protector. Agen cies given; hlg cnmmlxHion ; $."0 weekly earned Price. $2.60. Write for particu lars. Acme, 165 W. 23d Bt. New York. (91728 5x AOENTS wanted to sell Whltcomb's "Fex sole" unllned shoe for women: $50 to $73 n week Income. All orders filled same dav received. No tacks, no seams, no linings. Exclusive territory. Eastern Shoe Co., Beverly. Mass. (9) WANTED Salesmen. 190 monthly and ex penses. Sell advertising signs to mer chants and manufacturers. Write quick. Royal Sign MIg. Co., Chicago. (9)-7216x ROAD SALESMAN selling the smaller towns to handle on commission our win ter line dry goods specialties and hUn-. kets- attractive side line. The Purnell Dale' Mills, Box 560, Philadelphia. AGENTS WANTED Both sexes, to sell the latest novelty the Merry Widow Silk Pongee Shirt Waist' patterns. Make $10 per day. It sells on sight. Wilir at once for free circular and full parilculxis. Novel Dress Co., 32 Union Square. New York. - (9)-HfX AGENTS to sell original $1 box Native Herbs for S-V. For terms and govern ment's decision cancelling my compell tor's registered trade mark, write P. C. Melrose, Columbus, O. (91631 6x AGENTS The "Pen-o-FH" makes any pen a fountain pen. Prove it yourself; 00 pet. pioflt: sample 10c. Pen-O-Fll Co.. Desk S, 2K5 Broadway N. Y. (91-659 6x WANTED Experienced salesmen: goods sold on long lime: proposition especially attractive now on that account: write for particulars. McAlliHler-Coman to W Dearborn St., Chicago. 9) 6M 6X SALESMKN For $20 fortune soda foun tain and $10 New lYocess fountains; make $lo and $12 50 each sale; collect own commission. New Process Fountain Co., 13J La Salle St., Chicago. (9 67 6x BIG money maker at house cleaning time; riicm: 3i iier cent profit; one agent only In each town, so talk quick. I.aitner Brush Co.. Detroit. Mich. (9) 668 6x WANTED Man of good addresa and strong personality who can sell on very easy terms the best Investment prop osition ever offered, baaed on real estate and backed by well-known buslnexa men; can aecure a contract worth $6,000 or more per year by answering this ad. promptly. Address Opportunity, care Nelson Chesman & Co., Bt. Louis, Mo. t9l 656-fl WANTED Salesman experienced In any line to cell general trade In Nebraska. Liberal commissions with t-t5" weekly advance. One salesman earned 81,253 62, his first two months with us. Capable man only wanted. The Continental Jew elry Co., Cleveland, Ohio. 19) i67-& Clerical and Office, WANTED Good penman for permanent position; must be accurate and rapid. Reply In own handwriting, staling kg and experience. P. O. Box 1044. (91-639 8 WANTEDClcrk for etove and hardware: young, bright, active man with at least five years' experience: references; good' pay. Addresa II 110, Ilea. l,i-7U) . ri a f 1