The Omaha Daily Bee EDITORIAL SECTION. Psgss 9 to 16. Largest C rra!aflm THE OMAHA DEE Best IT. West Vol.. XXWII-NO. -250. OMAHA, SATURDAY MORNING, APRIL 4, IPOS. STN(LE COPY TWO CENTS. I Boys' Easter Suits Reefers v The Bennett store's new spring styles for little hoys are intensely interesting to mothers who have hoys' clothing to u huy. Many tell us we have Japancseware i s i ! i i u Pale Raturday from the Des Moines Department Store Stock Marlaga. Koyal Nippon and Hatsuma Vn and Tankard. 50c kind for 27it $1.00 kind for 4f)c $3.00 kind for $1 $5.00 kind for , $2.oy Odds and KnL Plates, oatmeals. fruits, creamers, bone dishes bakers, 1 5c to 25c articles for 2c Picture Sale .100 I' n framed Pictures $20.00 Pictures for $15 $15.00 Pictures for $11 $10.00 Pictures for $7 $5.00 Pictures for $3 $1.00 Pictures 65? riAMES- 16x20 inch. In gold, brown and hlack and compo, all new stock, worth 11.00. $.00 and 3.00 at HALF. 1 Special Saturday Sales in Easter Women' not-blest and most fashionable uiMi 1 u-ihii-km- Diui'iier oxroras. in patent colt leather all sixes and widths, best J4.00 shoes made, ne at .V3 Women's stylish 3.00 tan kid. tan ralf, patent colt and vel vet kill oxfords with extension soles, every sine and " IQ width, at ... The "Manual)" Shoe for men. a splendid $4.l)n quality full of style anil service, every size going; to clean OR them up Saturday, at it, JO I y Shlonla Polish for. . . 7 Comnlete 25c Outfit f J for IC 1 Drapery Dept. - Sales Iacp llcxl Sets, full size, with full lace Valence, trimmed with Hat tenberg, medallion, braids and edging, Saturday I IQ M"clal JtZf Rufflsd Swiss Curtains a vards l.y 40-Inch, pretty dotted and figured effects. lieniKtltrned ruffle. kinds, Saturday pair 79o Tottlngbam Curtains 3 yards by 60 inches, fifteen iew spring pat terns, worth $1.98. at pair. .. .11.39 Jj 00 Cable Net Curtains, wpeclal, Ht SX39 tl'He Itr.TS Curtain Rods, - complete, ah 7o Si HILL ASSURED OF WELCOME H:w Ambassador to Germany Warmly Greeted at Paris. JAPAN STEALS MARCH IN BERLIN Arranges to l'art-hase Hesldene of Anluiudiir Tower, Which Vallrd Mtatea Had Planned to Merorr. PARIS. April S.-Dr. and Mrs. David Jayne Hill met Prince Itandolln, German ambassador to France, and the Princesss Itandolln at the reception given by Am bassador White yesterday afternoon. Both the prince and prinoess manifested par ticular cordiality to Dr. Hill, the prince assuring him that the reception accorded him as American ambassador In Berlin would he all the warmer on account of the unfortunate Incident of Ills acceptability at the Herman cotirt. ' Dr. and Mrs. Hill will rturn to The Hague on Monday. Dr. Hill does not credit the rumor that in- is to rf place Wbltelaw Tteid us ambas sador to Great Britain. The Impression holds her that the Hill Incident will help the movement in con giecs fur the purchase of befitting resi dences for the American anibasiiudois abroad. With permanent homes for tho ambassador, the national dignity would b not only enhanced, but tin- distinctions It is -. 1 1 V sllli i hi s s inirtTBT i !jar Voung Men' (.lollies and Tie I9 South I til It Street. Difficult to Pass Our Shp As Low As $18 As High A. . S40 Mcn'a Half Hose iu Traveling Bags for the hest assortment thev have soon in town. The pront preparations made for the Easter season are on more exten sive scale than one generally finds in cloth ing for little boys. The new materials are in neat boyish patterns and colors and all are as artistically tailored and with as much individuality about them as suits costing three to five dollars more at the exclusive clothiers. See window display. Fine assortments of Suits at ..$2.00 to $7-50 Stylish Kppfrrs, all colors 3.50 to $6.00 FOK S.TI IU).V A special lot of stylish suits In newest spring materials, sizes six t fifteen years, beginning tomorrow we will give two pain of Knickerbocker pants instead of one with several styles PrtccB $4.00 nd $5.00 Roys' Blouses, In madras, cheviot, linen, percale, etc., plain or pleated styleB t 50 nd 75 Hosiery Doublo Stamp en All Special In Thla Column I,ot S.'ic and 3."c cotton hose, nl Ik em broidered, Saturday pair 18o Hand embroidered lisle hose, sampler, worth to 7bc. Haturriav pair 80o Boys and girls stockings, triple knee and double, soles, 25e quality, Sat urday pair i9o Women's pure silk black hose, cotton sole, 11.50 values. .Saturday ... .11.13 GLOTES Elbow length gloves, with two clasps, black, white, tan. $1.00 kinds.. 69o Klbow length silk gloves, duuble tipped, black, white, $2.00 kinds . S1.89 16-button, $3.75 kid gloves, all colors. at a.89 HANDKERCHIEFS Manufacturer' sample Swiss em broidered handkerchiefs, worth 1M for 60 Lot embroidered handkerchiefs, "sec onds ' worth to 3 ilc, special Satur- .day 8fcO URDEBWIAB lfic low sleeveless vests, for. . . 85c crochet trimmed vests, ribbed, for 19o 3Bc union stilts, low neck, sleeveless and lace trimmed knee 35o one-buckle Colonial Double Stamp on all Shoea at S3.00 or over Saturday Rugsand Carpets Extra heavy half woo". Ingrain Car pets, nil new' 1808 patterns, 1 r fc goods for 9J Sample Room Rugs from our big purchase all 9x12 feet, a few more , Saturday : $1 00 Rugs selling at 88.69 125.00 Rugs se'.llng at 915.89 JJO.OO Rugs selling at S18.69 $14.50 Kuga selling at ..934.79 Closing out all Carpets, big bar gains for xpring house furnlHiiers. All R9c Brussels Carpets 39o All Sc Brussels Carpets .79o All $l.;s Axmlnster Carpets 9do 60c Havsocks made of velvet rarretH, Saturday special 29o resulting from the personal wealth of the ambassadors would in a large measure disappear. Regret Is expressed in Paris over the re port from Herlin that the Japanese gov eminent has stolen a march on Washing ton by arranging to purchase the present residence of Ambassador Tower In Berlin, it being understood that Washington had made Inquiries and Intended to buy this property If congress granted the authority. Should the 'Bacon amendment appropriat ing J400.000 for the American embassy In Paris pass. It la considered likely that the government will purchase the proierty now occupied by Ambassador Wbite. LOAN COMES AS A SURPRISE London Astonished at ActlTlt? tirrmanr and Many Conjee tares Hesalt, of LONDON, April 3. The new given out yesterday of the new German and Prussian loans, amounting to lic,500.000, came as a surprise to Dondon and has resulted In much discussion and even in the expres sion of some distrust of the financial po sition of Germany. That loans amounting to l'J50.nno.(iiio already have been found nec essary this year and that these loans are keeping pace with the greatly Increased naval expensf-s of Germany interests Brit ish financiers and the British public keenly, and siiino people are of the opinion that this financial activity shows a tendency ultimately toward war. Others, however, believe that these German loans provide a safeguard against war. Financiers here have realized that the naval undertakings Shop 1 ' V If It la not the great fence stockade on the east aide of 16th street, It certainly will be the display of classy, toppy clothea which we sell to the young men of Omaha and vicinity. Thcs garments need lesg talking about than any garmentj you ever saw. They speak for themselves. A few displayed in our window. Fancy aiul Solid Colors at 2.V. .Men and Women. $10 to $30. Ribbons 4H inch taffeta, heaTT. all Bilk, every good shade, 25c quality at m Ilk Belting- plain and fancy, two inch, many color and styles, worth tOc yard, at per Inch , 140 Groat Easter 126 stunning new Easter suits, IN 11M again for Saturday selling at $25. New Butterfly?, Merry Widows, deep pointed front and hack styles, every new shade, a full dozen charming and distinctive styles that challenge comparison with any $35.00 suits shown elsewhere. Special Saturday sale, $25 at $2.00 LINGERIE WAISTS $1.19 We will have Saturday another lot of 100 dozen fine white lawn waists on sale at a trifle over half. Thev are the most elaborately trimmed waists the New York makers produce for $2.00 selling, stunning embroidered and lace trimmed styles, super Shoes. Oxfords Wi"Ma'"7Kt,llOP"' ,I?atent l,P' laced and button, all V. . i?p to two- $1.76 usual y, a tn baturday. at 1.3 ,, . . , .And Double Green Ktamp's'. vi. iClllf"f "J m'n- "oortyear aewed blticher style, ns good a $3.00 shoe as Is made, 1 fa Saturday, at Btn,&ii0,,tv,.Ca.i,f 7Kl,,, hPr. "1,oes' Koo'd ' solid 'ieathe'r! 'ail' sizes to 6H, the S1.75 quality, . Saturday, at I.Jj Ureen Trading Stamps. oiyceroie isnoe Uresslnir for Dressing women and children's , shoes, 25c size for 15c Saturday's Firie Specials in the Big Grocery Pride of Bennett's Flour, sack. .. .91.60 and 60 Green Stamps Bennett's Best Coffee, 3 lbs 9100 And 100 Green Stamps Bennett's Best Coffee, pound 35o And 30 Green Stamps Teas; B, F. Japan, Oolong, Gunpowder, Kngllsh, . Breakfast, Assam, Ceylon, pound... 88c And 60 Green Stamps English Stllfon or Cheddar Cheese, Jar BOo And 10 Green Stamps Hartley's Marmalade. Jar 90o And 6 Green Stamps Nutmeg grater, with doz. nutmegs. .10o And 6 Green Stamps Bennnett's Cap. baking powder, 6 lb. ran 91100 Green Stamps New York cheese, pound 30o And 10 Green Stamps bwisb cheese, pound 96c And Bayle's Cyclone Relish, bottle lOo And Bennett's Cap. sweet peas. 3 rans...&6o And Best We Have Corn, 2 cans 35c And Batavla Fancy Salmon, can 93o And Snlder's Pork and Beans, large can.. 90c And Chocolatlna, two tins goo And oi uermany, tne Prussian plan ror ex propriating the land of the Polea and the project of extending the state railroads might require the raising of a loan within a year, but It was not expected that the gov ernment would borrow so much In time of peace or find it necessary to pay such a high rate of Interest. Four per cent is a higher interest rate than Germany has been compelled to pay in more than twenty years. It is believed that little English capital will be Invested in these loans and that the Kngllsh market will only be In directly affected. PROTEST AGAINST FATALITIES , General Strike I'roelalmed In Roma to Shon Feellna; Toward Government. ROME, April 8. A general strike has been proclaimed as a protest against the fatalities In connection with the dfsorders on the streets here yesterday, when troops fired on and killed three rioters and wounded fifteen others, four of whom were mortally injured. The strike so far has not been very successful. especlaJly In the center of the city. Most of the shops are open, although shutters have been pvit up on the buildings as a protection against possible riots. Tho government has taken energetic measures to restore order and the whole garrison of the city Is being kept In readi ness. Several demonstrations had been formed throughout the day, but these were1 rapidly broken up by troops who, with fixed bayonets, charged upon the disturbers and forced them to disperse. Seventy anar chists, who had gathered at their head quarters, were surrounded by troops and taken into custody. MEDIUM TAKES HER OWN LIFE ge from Spirit World Would Die Poor II She Lived I,ona;er. She ST. LOI'IS. April S.-The dead body of Mrs. Elisabeth Highfilt. 52 years old. a fortune telling medium, was found In an artificial lake in Lafayette park this morn ing, she having committed suicide by drowning during the night. Yeaterday Mrs. Highfill Informed several of her friends that she had received a communication from the spirit world to the effect that she would die In poverty unless she took lier own life. They thought she was Jok ing and did not take the matter seriously even after she drew up a will and had William Gummershermer sign It as a wlt nrss. After dining with friends lait night she apparently Started home, but instead went directly to1 Lafayette park and threw herself into the' lake. Ulsgrarefal toadact of liver and bowels, tn refusing to act. Is quickly remedied with Dr. King's New LJf, Pills. c. For saJs by Beaton Drug Co. m h Ik finviri Any ISo Ladles' Home Journal rUr.r. Pattern with spring "JJ style book at ZJC Attractions in Women's Apparel in Another immense lot that is just opened, includes suits in every fashionable material and color, as well as many novelty effects. There are severely plain tailored suits as well as the more dressy trimmed models. Butterfly, Prince Chaps, etc. The skirts are all gored or pleated, clear saving to you of $8.25 on each suit, f 75 at 10 ior to last week s lot. lay you to I in buy your summer's supply now 1 Ecru Net Waists $2.95 Made over a silk, ecru net with cluny bands and Val. lace trimmings, a large square allover yoke, new kimono sleeves. Think of the best $o.00 waist you have seen, then compare with 9$ ' these at d Children's Spring Jackets Everything that the heart could wish in Httle girls' coats is here. New golf reds, cadet browns, tans, navy and A world of fancy cloths, tailored and trimmed, all ages, S2.95-S3.95-S4.95 HEATHERBLOOM PETTICOATS You can't match this special at twice the price. Genuine Hydegrade lleatherbloom petticoats, in black and every spring ' shade. They rustle and look as rich as silk and wear bettter. $3.00 f A O garments for 1tO Great Sale 1600 Belts Manufacturer's Samples Big purchase fine leather Belts; 1,000 styles, all new, every color, also white, beautiful and elabor ate effects, every one worth from 60c to $2.00. See big window dis play. Three lots, Saturday be early 10c, 25c and 39c Blue ribbon seeded Valsins, lb. pkg..l5o And Polk's Soups, three cans 95c And Diamond S Chill Sauce, bottle 95o And 10 Green Stamps 10 Green Stamps 20 Green Stamps 20 Green Stamps 20 Green stamps 10 Green Stamps 10 Green Stamps CRUISER CUTS BOAT IN TWO Thirty-Six Men Drown in Sinking of English Destroyer Tiger. ACCIDENT IN NIGHT MANEUVERS Sharp Stem of Berwick Goes Through the Small Boat as If Paper Half of the Crew is Saved. PORTSMOUTH. England. April 3. Thirty six men. Including Lieutenant Middleton, the commander of the torpedo boat de stroyer Tiger, lost their lives In the colli sion off the Isle of Wight last night be tween that vessel and the British cruiser Berwick. The vessels belong to the Portsmouth division of the British home fleet and were engaged In night maneuvers In the channel while on their way to Portland. The night was very dark and the Berwick was steam ing slowly. When the destroyer attempted to oross the big cruiser's bow, she was caught midships and cut in half with knife like precision, sinking almost immediately. The deck crew, who were dressed In heavy oilskins and boots, went 'down with the vessel, not having time to free themselves from these heavy incumbrances. Of the twenty-two men who were rescued most of them were engineers and stokers, ho, having light clothing, were able to keep themselves afloat until boats from other ships, which were Immediately launched, picked them up. Maneuvering Wlthoat Lights. The collision occurred at 8:10 o'clock last night. The ships were maneuvering with Ome&aOil RHEUMAiISM If yoa are taking internal treatment for Rheumatism, it ia well to ue Omega Oil externally at the same time The Oil cannot do any harm, but will help to bring about a fore much more quickly. &ub the Oil in frelr and often. Ti Neckwear Merry Widow 60 cent Bows, for . . 12 25c Embroidered laun dered Collars, 'or 10 35c black veiling, fan cy mesh, yd. .12H Toilets & Drugs 60c Fompelan Massage Cream 29J 75c Pompelan Massage Cream 49 $1.00 Pompeian Massage Cream G9? Kirk's 20c Juvenile Soap 10 Household Ammonia, 5 pt. bottle 25 Tincture of Arnica, 4 ozs. for..l5( Insect Powder, lb. for 10 Borax, 20 Mule Team, lb. ) Colox Tooth Powder 20 20 Green Stamps 10 Green Stamps 40 Green stamps 5 irryini ft u i LUpriJi EOO SPECIAL Fresh New Laid Eggs, dozen l&o Seeds, seeds, package SVaO Advona Jams; currant, red cherries, raspberry, strawberry, can.loc Husky Diamond Soap, seven bars SSo 98c bottle Queen Olives for 70o 76c bottle Queen Olives- for 60u TMVXTB A ITS TtaBTABI.ES Lettuce, three for lOo Radishes, two for bo UNNITT'I OAJTDXZS OBOCXKT SECTIOH. Candy Kaster F.ggs. 10 for lo Kaster Novelties, rabbits, chicks, each 6c, lOo and 15o 26e Kaster Baby for lbc Salted Peanuts, pound : , J.UC out lights. It is believed that several oi the men were killed by the Impact. Tugs were dispatched to the scene of the dis aster at daylight today and divers mada an attempt tj recover the bodies of the men who were drowned. The smaller naval vessels were in th midst of an attack on their bigger con sorts when the disaster occurred. The en tire fleet was under masked lights, in abso lute darkness, and the Tigor was suddenly struck squarely amidships by the Berwick. The sharp stem of this vessel cut the de stroyer in two as If It had been made ol paper. The forward half sank Instantly, Most of the men sank before help could reach them. The warships In the Immediate vicinity quickly had their boat overboard, and the scene of the tragedy was brilliantly 1 lumlnated by a concentration of search lights. The after portion of the Tiger floated for a minute or two Just long enough to enable those on board to seise lifebelts. They threw themselves Into the waters and. were able to keep afloat until picked up. Lieutenant William E. Middleton was on the bridge at the time of the disaster and went down with the fore part of the ship. The Tiger had a complement of fifty nine men and was of 400 tons. Deaerlptloa of Ke Witness. An officer, who was an eye witness to the sinking of the Tiger gave the following account of the accident: "The first we knew that anything had happened was when we saw a flash and heard a loud report. This we supposed to be a gun. In reality, however, the flash and the report resulted from the sea water reaching the boiler room of the Tiger, causing an escape of ateam, which must have scalded to death everybody that it touched. ' The men In the stoke holds must have met a fearful end. It was hor rible to see the forms struggling tn the water. Many of the men went under Just as help was within their reach. I do not think that there Is any hope of saving this Tiger or recovering the bodies, as the wreck lies In too deep water." The Tiger was in a aertous accident last September, when, during night maneuvers, It piled Itself upon the Portland break water. EMMA IS HERE FOR KEEPS i Pollre Cannot Deport -Notorious Woman Anarrhlst Beraase of Her Xatlvltr. NEW YORK. April 3.-A goodly propor-J lion or me detective fnrce of New York City is busy helping the fulled States secrtt er vice, bureau to locate all aliens Jn the clly who may be found undesirable and who may be deported. "There have been no arrests thus far," said Chief Flynn of the New York secret service bureau, "but the police and the secret service men ara working together Saturday's 2500 new spring hats for men of all apes In a Rrnnd nale. The moat fortunat hat purchase wo have ever made. These are all strictly high Rrade soft hats. In every color. It waa an Immense purchase, but. the low prices justified It. Absolutely Rreatest Falc Omaha men have ever known and Kapter Just around the corner. Pine $2.00 Soft llats, i on sale fffc ' Saturday Fine $3.00 on sale Saturday. Men' Hlack Stiff llats Very latest spring styles, regular $2.50 hals for s n Regular $4.00 hats Sl!o8 Kaster Neckwear Latest novelties In men'9 four-in-hand ties; nw French fold and reversible slylrs 50 77? nd gl OO Sample Half Hose 100 dozen on snlo Saturday; values ;5e to $l0t) special, per pair 3 and 50 Men a Shirts Everything new for spring; new plain and pleated styles, with cuffs attached or detached $1.00 $1.50 and $2.00 Bennett's Easter Millinery We claim to show the most bcautirul, artistically trimmed hata In all Omaha. Wo Invite and encourage comparisons. Our Ballorg and high crown styles are positively superior In quality of materials and represent the highest Ideals or of the hour. Wonder Saturday jne last or tne cnuaren b caps and Tarns from Thursday's sale, SaturdaN " 1 1 $ 1.00 lilnds for (.. na- . . . . . no fz.ou Kinos lor 75 Corsets FOR SATURDAY ONLY Many well known makes, in high bust and medium, short hip and long model corsets. A style for every figure; every one Is a good $1.50 value on Saturday, fifty aiuiuaj, silly 8Sc aozen at this surprisingly low price one day only Saturday Hardware Bargains w wu.,ry rure. in full o"c oipci uarncn Hoes. Saturday, lno 30c Steel Harden Rakes, 3 4 tlne..l9o t.x. Quality Spading Forks.. 7ftc Solid Spades, long handle. BOc liquid Veneer, furniture pollxh ",'ic Liquid Veneer furniture polish H. & R. Carpet Cleaner, and Absorblne, . wall paper cleaner, at .690 .490 . . .39o 190 15c And 10 Green Trading Stamps. Cigars and Tobaccos SATURDAY SPKCIALS II. ,1. Kanslcr, 4c each; box of f0 for $1.95 Trince I'no, 5c each; box of- 60 for $2.50 Speckled Trout, genuine, 10 for 25c; box of 50 for $1.00 Genuine Porto Rico (Kl Tora) Brevas, 4c each; box of 50 for $1.75 Tobacco Tuxedo, Lucky Strike, English Curve Cut, 10c size g Horseshoe and Star Tobacco, lb., at .100 In weeding out such people as we can get hold of and stamp as the unfit sort. "There Is no chance of our deporting Berkman or Emma Goldman. The former has been here too long and the latter Is the daughter of a citizen. Emma Gold man's father took out his naturalization papers, and It Is highly improbable tha't she can be sent out of the l.'nited States." SOOTHING HANDSOME HARRY Rare Baboon In New York Zoo Find His Solace In I'hewlna; Tobacro. NEW YOIIK, April 3. A liberal allow ance of chewing eohacco Is likely to be In cluded In the dully rations of a new baboon freshly arrived at the Bronx menageries from South Africa and Immediately chris tened, by the keepers "Handsome Harry." When Harry, who is a rare Hxmadrias baboon, reached the zoo, Dr. W. lieed Blair, veterinary physician there, consigned him to a large cage In the monkey house. The baboon Immediately began to make trouble. He dashed himself against the bars and tho best efforts of the keepers 'flu . SMOE. Makes Life's SA OO CALL ON YOUB DtairaT na ui BENCH a m an at 1 Laiiii! LEWIS A. CROSSETT NORTH ABINGTON. MASS. ' HAYDEW BROTHERS OMAHA AGENTS. Great Hat Sale i Soft Hats, Fine $4.00 Soft Hats, on Rale f Oft Saturday. . . l,J(j 1.49 i the fashion f 7 Pa r display at .DU-vSlU y 50c $3.00 kinds for. $1.00 Sheet Music27yRDA Honsst. hmrm'u ,n , s - M,??"s ,no brightest. ciTtc" V , mi!K ever dimply Irroilwt ll-lf. t written. i I I "h?"V. W"Meant for Rome Un Clover Blossoms," "Hvery ry -""I" mi Aani-a to vha Have." -I d Rather Two-step Afraid to Come Homo In the You I'm ,"",'""" "-"ii t-mys i-eeK-a-Hoo," 1h It ery Far to Heaven," "Await, ening of the Birds," "School Days' "Stung" (Two-Hten:) "l.ittl i-.' "VVI, ki ,., .. . .-,it " "NJU-l.t o.l i..., " -"" "Suininertlme," at 15c roll.. IOO squar feet, lor 60c : 79c Galvanized Wash Tubs 3g0 Galvanized Wash Tubs , 8c Galvanized Wash Tubs... ,t90 Best Steel Lawn Rakes ! ! 38o And 20 Green Trading Stamps. New Lot Roller Skates. 39e, 76c, $1.25 to ' Z 2ki fw.wy Fresh Pork Shoulder Koast, per lb. Veal Shoulder Roast. per id No. l Sugar Cured ' Hams. 5 to 8 lbs., per lb No. 1 Bacon, 5 to 7 lb strips, per lb ' Veal Stew, per lb owing rremium Hams. i their best brands, lb 'JfjC And 30 Green Stamps could not make him subside. He disdained offerings of sugar, peanuts and othr dainties and was growing more and'moro violent when he suddenly paused, threw a huge paw around f rank Eberhardt. one, of the keepers. whowas trying to SooiIib him and fishing from the keeper's coat pocket a bag of chewing tobacco thrust 1L Into his mouth and retired into a cornor of tho cage, apparently in supreme content. There was no more trouble with him after that and Or. Hlalr concluded that the baboon got the habit from the sailors on ..... ,UJB,n Hum Airu-u, ncreaner a por- lion ot cnewlng tobacco will be with Harry's meals. served Ask for Ksd Cross Kor sale everywhere. -I- Cough Drops. S cents per box. Law Firm (ashler Arrested. NEW YOIIK, April 3 Daniel n. Hclaney of Brooklyn, cashier for tho law firm of Henry E. C'oe Co. of this city, was ar rested at Mountalnrlale today, charged with taking litf.ono ,f the firm's funds. At the office of the firm it wsa said that Pclaney dlKappeared on NovemlK-r 1!0 and that he Is charged witli misappropriation of tint funds of the firm and forging and falsely entering clucks. 1 (PAINTS HlRhest grades. Var- I M nlsli. paints and varnish stains. f, Doublo Stamps Saturday. fj Meats ' 1 8ic 8c I regular pig J . lOic , iojc i Crowded Toes Cramped, aching toes and torturing: ingrowing nails are needless penalties to pay for style. Style is im portant, but you can get that without encroaching on the rights of your feet. Crossett styles are irreproachable and make the utmost of your natural foot, Walk Ea -- wwe MAflF. I NC. y.oo 3 ny.xN in li 11 -V XJJ 1S