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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1908)
TITE OMAHA DAILY BEE. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1, 1008. X CRalnAND produce market Market ;Dull nd little Trading in 7 , Future i. FAVORABLE REPORTS ON CROPS Vilwt Arm Weaker on Acconnt of Thee Ileports and Alu ' Be-, nut of lleavjr Ban of Beeelpts. 1 t 4, OMAHA.' March t 19Ce.f tnaicet was dull and negleoted, wltlf lery UtUa trading being dona , with the future. '. vl . ,. Sentiment sttfl wmi to run more to the . bull aide, but country reports on crep con ditions are ooirtlng In very favorable and valuta am a. trifle wanker as Influenced by ' thei-u ropoUs nd .also by the heavy run of revm. - , ..,i Wlveat opened steady with aome Improved demand and the local crowd were Inc inea ica.iv. ...... - - . .. - n ih .. 1 1 a anil orrerea vet j nine OffertflfS wens taken quickly and values liMHP"d gradually and "closed slightly unaer the opening t,rf;i May. wheat -opened at M4o a4 clowxl t 904c. t .irn i lull' and -values were narrow, ruling somewhat weaker- under lower I ca and 1ow demand. May corn cienei at br ana1 nosea a I I . I . .,.,11 at.l , 1 1 I ' 1 IYr. LJCIII.IIU 1 waa . nn'nr " rrfa future and cash oaia were allinit on itiatro lines, may at S0c and closed at 60c. ITtmary wheat receipt ., ela and shipments were 4iu,uw dububib. against m holiday laai yar- . . , . Corn ,reoelpts were 77)MW Dusneis ana 'shipments wefe M6.00U busneis. agajiiBt. holiday last year. Clearances were none of corn, none of oats and wheat and flour equal to 188,000 bushels. . . . LlvurpoAl closefl id lower on wheat and Hd higher on corn. Seaboard reported 88,000 bushels of wheat and W,0D bushels of corn taken for export Local ranga of options: Articles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Sat y. Wheat May. ; July... Sept... July... HepU. Oats- (OV, ' S0H 1V4 M 84 H 80W 80H 8tVl 60H 60, 60H III 5 bH U 68 68 so so mi. tt4t 4 H0V ovH 60i 6fl 59 6U 60. 50 May... Omana Cash Frleam WHEAT No. 2 hard. 92(fito: No. 8 hard. 9214c; No. 4 hard, ettU'Wc; No. 8 spring, 84tf 97c. . CORN No. 1. 5814f5c; NO. s, 6-ac; wo. 4, tMWQWc; io- yenow, 00c; no. a yeiiow, C9Hc; No. 2 white, 69VtjO. OATS No. 8 mixed, 481J49Ho: No. S whttrt, 49(4S49c; No. 4 white, 4c; standard, 9V.lfOC. K X K No. i, TH575c: No. 8. T2Q73V4C Carlot Keoelats. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chlcagft Minneapolis , Omaha - .....I........ . Duluth ..' ... 30 620 361 ...110 ... 86 96 45 ...100 CHICAGO GRAIX AND PROVISION" Featares of this Trad In a; and Closing Prices on Board of Trade CTIICAOO. March 21. Wheat prices on the local exchange declined more than lc 4 today owing to selling brought out by ad- ' d atonal rains in the southwest. At the flnaa tha Mrv delivery was down lMtC Corn was off IV. Oats were ,o lower night, followed by fair and oolder Wednes- 'and provisions 5f8'7Ho to lOo lower. jay. The showers of the last twenty-four The wheat market was quiet and steady nouri, extended over the lower Missouri, during the first hour of the day because middle and upper Mississippi valleys and of moderate demand by pit traders, which eBflt ia the Atlantlo coast, and general un- iwas based on a light movement In the ,ettled weather, with scattered rains, con ' north went, but In the last halt of the ses- sion .aentlment-became very bearish and price declined &o to from tne nin poini. 1 119 vuimiia ui ,..i.... " small. Report of more rain In Kansas and other points of the winter wheat belt were chletiy responsiDie xur me wt?n.fnr, but the market was also bearishly affected by alack demand for cash grain, declines in the nrlnclDal European markets and fa- fvnrable crop reporta from the southwest here. Bull leaders failed to give the mar support. Demand came I , Dertclejcy con-espondlfg period In 190T. The close wa.aeus-.'l1',', mohes 4 t i- v ' - - .naed to Hlowef Ot -tlr EesS COMpondfnfc'-noa'Iff 1908, -.3J df ket any material T mainly from short fM.v nnened nnchan '(fiHaVc, sold at 9iH4c and then declined to 92c. The closa was at 82Vc Clearances J of wheat and flour were equal to W6,700 hn Th world's visible surely decreased i.OOO.OCO bu. Primary receipts were 878,000 ; bu., compared wltn a nonaay mm year. I Minneapolis. Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of' 2M. cars, against 845 cars last ur..ii lirtd i.sst a vear aco. ' ' Profit-taking by several of the leading " holders caused weakness in tne corn mar . kvt, sentiment in the pit being bearish all lav An Increase In local recelpta and a poor demand for cash corn and the slump In wheat were deDressina- Influences. Trad ing was extremely qulot throuKhout the session. The market cioneu u i ni mt 1 ha lowest noint. May corn opened unchanged to Ho lower at 66ti4ktfiHe. sold off to 0!o and closed at 66ttc. Local re ' wer f,a" care, with 94 contract. Oata were dull and rather weak.' The weakness of wheat and corn had a bear ish effect. May opened tinchanged at 63H sold off to 63Vo and closed at 63c. Local receipts, 351 cars. Provisions . were exciting at the opening, with trade general In character. Later In the day the market weakoned on proflt- t u lm 1 1 it nil! cinseii hi a niuni intf wwwi point. Kinai quoiaitons on cany pom mo at $8 i0, and ribs were down Wiko at (.istlmatea receipis ior lomorrow: wneat, 19 cars: corn. 1Z3 cars; oats. 137 cars; hogs. rs.ot) head. The leading cutnrea rangea as rouows: Artlclet .) Open. I Hlgh. Ixw. CToae.l Yas'y. Wheat May July Sept. Corn- May July Bept. Oata a May : U May a July b July york May . July Sept. Lard May July Sept. Rlba May July Sept."' I 91 97V1 R7;! 8T!ilX w 86a Asa, 64ll 65tJ I 6RS 64 W I 63fc 61 ' 474 45!a 6St1i"4 64 64 ,avoa 63H, ! 63Vt I . S3 62H, 47V 45Vt 63 5.1H 62 ' 614 51'iT- 46V4-S46V&S: 47H 46H 77H 14 15 14 62 44a, 18 80 14 06 14 40 IS 60 14 00 14 40 1S6TH 14 BH' 14 06 14 40 S 50 14 62VU 14 76 t 65 8 65 s mi S 60 S 80 9 00 8 92 TO S 90 T80 1 66 7 tO S72H w 9 10 T 55 T 86 e M) T42V4 7 8,' 7 66 I 7 92W I5H 7 76 S 00 7 W S 12Vfc 7 96 No. S. a Old. b New. Cash quotations were as follows FIOt'K Easy: winter patenta. 84. VritA .85: tralghla, $4.UUHi-4 .20; spring patents. ta.25'7l 6.40; sfralKhts, H Wt 60; bakers, 13.4.20. WHrlAT No. S spring. $1 044)1.06; No. 8, 92Vkctil .06: No. S red, KSWac. iVKH-No. t 44itjti614c; No. I yellow, 63 fJtJMic. 654p. OATS No. 1 W4662SC! No. I White. 60 WHO. RYE No.' J. 730. BARLEY Fair to choice malting, 77'8c, SEEDS Flax. No. 1 northwestern. $1.17. Prime timothy, $4.65. . Clover, contract rades. $24. PROVISIONS Short ribs sldee (loorv.1. $rt.76!i7.2&. Mess pork, per bbl.. $1J.50 13.624 Lard, per 100 lbs., $8 .SS. Short clear aides (boxed), fT.axB' Keceipia. Bmpmema. Flour, bble... Wheat, bu..., Corn, bu Oata, bu Rye. bu 80,600 S3.) 30.5.0 115.HO 340.810 326.400 10 614. 8"0 861. 5tO 8.0UO parley, bu. H.OoD 44.400 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was firm: creameries. 22to'ic; darles, 2o26c. Ekhs, firm; at mark, cases included, 14c; firsts. lic; prime firsts, ibitc; extras, ltsc. meese. steady, 1-'814C. t. Loots ueneral Market. ST. LOUIS, -March SLWH BAT Lower; No. S red caah, V74jtr7c; No. S hard, 96 40 ;1l 02; May. W"4c; July, WuMio. . COKN Weak; track. No. 2 cash. 64c; No. I white, 44Vc; May, ttMttiw:; July. 62c. OAT8-Weak; track. No. S cah, 61 4 aivtc: no. 3 white, usv; May, 44c. FLOUR Dull; red winter patents, $4 60 4.8t; extra fancy aua straight,, clears. li.tsXiiV.BU. fctKD- Timothy, -steady. $3.t4.26. ( OHNMEALi-Steady at 13. l'RAN-Oulet; Barked, east t!ack. $1.18. HAY steady) timothy, SlO.Ouu 16.60; prai rie, vug 1 1 ko. IRON COTTON TIE9-S1.06. BAiKllNO 84c. ItKMf TWINtV-kc. PMuVieiON-lork. quiet: Jobbing $13 96. Lard, Uttr prints steam, Dry salt 'TBsota, - hiniier. - boxed extra shorts. clnar-rioa. 7.; .ort clears. I8.12U. liacoii, hlgiier; Inixvd extra .shorts, $a.u.; r r riu. a": snort clears, is a. POULTRY Firm; chickens, Uc; springs. 144c; turkeys, U'aUJc: ducks. il4c; geese. 74c BUTTER-Higher; creamery. 23c. iXKIS Firm at 134c. cairn count. Receipts. Shln-menta. Flour, bbls. ...... ...A. 8."0 9.000 Wheat, bu M'0 ( Corn, bu Sl'.arn 21o.ono Oata, bu 72,000 73,000 EW vohk. general market Quotations of the Day on Varlona Commodities, NEW YORK. March 11. FLOUR Re ceipt, 15,30 bu.; exports, 2.100 biL market dul and baroty steady; Minneaota patents, $5.25ij6.6fi; Minnesota, bakera, $4.tn44.90; winter patents. $4.wU4.90; winter straights, $4.8f4.6o: winter extras, 3.6CK4.1b; winter luw erraries. I3.6wi4.06. Kve Hour, dull fair to kooO. S4.UJit4.90; choice to fancy, Ib.Wab.'Jb. CORNMKAL Steady; fine white ana yei low, Jl.4txttl.6ft; coarae, $1.4491.46; kill dried. $3.fiMi3.75. RYE Dull and easy; No. 2 western, Soc f. o. b. New York. WHEAT-Receipts. 44.000 bu.; exports. 8.000 bu. Spot market eay;.No. 2 red, c, elevator, and Hc, f. o. 1 No j northern uuiuth. 1.11. afloat; No. 2 nard winu.r, $1.0K'4 D. afloat; I. o. b. Tin . P. ftiiuni. v. ijdi u ninwi, e . . ve ys u. v. B,na. i i .. 1 v. ...... v, . .... i .... ... the -rruthwest.-continued dullness in the faJlh Crcp. and rather active unloading wrM,t broke: lc a huBhel today, cloelng H&"Ac net-lower. May, $t.lT 1.01 15-16. i,r n i. t.,i. l.tac closed p5c CORN Receipts, S.200 bu. Spot market firm; No. 8, 74 Vie, elevator, and 70c, nom I . . 1 V I . . A 1. 1 . ilitlf, - . , . iiw nAminnl h afloat Outlona' without transartlo Sc net lower. May closed at 74c; July 0ATS Receipts, 8B.600 bu.; exports, 1,700 bu. Spot market barely steady mixed oats, 26 to 32 pounds, 66c; natural white, 26 to 41 pounds, bivtic; ciippea White, 82 to 40 pounds, 686 620- ev,l firm; middlings, ij.uu HAY Uull: B-ood to choice. 80cS41O0. HOPS Oulet; state, common to choice, 19I7 crop, S'tilSc; ly8 crop, 48tc. HID 108 Steady; Bogota, 17c; Central American, 17c. LFjA I II F.R Quiet: acid. HyffZ7c. PROVISIONS Beef, steady: mew. SH 50 ti 12.00; beef hams. $J7.ona.0O; packet, $12.50 tiia.w; city, extra India mess, 22.00ffl 22.50; family, S14.7tx15.X; cut meats. firm; 111.... -T tr r., U An hl.L t.nma ). Lard, easy; western, ' SS.20 b30; refined. steatly: continent. 18.70: South America, $9.2o; compound, WXlt 7.12H. Pork, firmer; family. 15.&T&'16.26; short clears, $15.216.50; mess, $14.75U15.35. TALLOW Firm ; city, 6t4c; country. 6Vt kick Firm: domestic. lair to extra. BUTTER Firm: creamery specials. 23W DVtc; extras, zs. CHEESE-Firm; state run cream, small, colored, fancy, 15c; white fancy, 16c; large colored and white fancy, 15c; good to prime, 14Vwi.l64c; late October and early November made, liwamw. winter made. Iliitl2ic: common to fair. KXgllHc EGQS Firm; state, Pennnylvnnia and nearby brown and mixed extra, 17c; firsts, lUalfiVW): western firsu. liAa)16c. POULTRY Alive, steady: fowls. l4Vic; turkeys, 14c. Dressed, firm; turkeys, 12Q no; fowls, I2(iiac, WEATHER 12V TUB GBA1V BELT naln or Snow and Fair and Colder Wednesday. OMAHA, March 31, 1908. The deorossion overlylna: the northwest Monday morniruf Is now central over the middle Kocky mountain mope. An area of high pressure, attended ty general ano Bmj colder weather, has appeared in the northwest and will follow the low pres- Bura over the central valloya, caualng rain , anil enliinr tft hla vtiKMiw Ia. morning. Omaha record of temperature and pre clpltatlon compared with tha correspond ing day of the last three years: 1908. 1907. 1906. 1906. Minimum temperature.,.. 40 - 27 32 65 Precipitation ... .01 .00 .00 T Normal temperature for today, 41 degrees. Deficiency in precipitation sine March 1. 76 of an Inch. r , an liiviii L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster. Kanaaa City Grain and Provisions! KANSAS CITY. March 81. WHEAT! uncnanxca 10 lower: may. bc: juiv 8l9uc; cash. No. 2 hard. 92VWo4c: No. 1 hard, uatHtSisc.No.. 3 red, a.c; No. 8 red. BDC. rt ' ... CORN Unchanged ; May. 59ic: Julv 6K.c; cash. No. 2 mixed. 6tHt(ftitVbc: No. 2 mixea, ttc; ino. i wmte, tw'uoc; No. 3 OA t unchanged to W lower; No, wnue.; mo. z mixed, vxa&oa. niij-iwisc. HAY Steady: choice timothy. llLBofiiann l'imiich prairie, w. lovv.w. nu11n.1t unrnanirea 10 HC hlgner creamery. 2R4c: Dacklna- stock, inn. nuuo-f irm; iresn extras, lac; current rweipus, itto. . . Receipts. Shlptments wneat. bushe s intvin m nm Jorn, mistiels 13.080 2,000 vaio, uusaeis ..'. e.000 4.000 Futures at Kansas Otv Tusrt k.. 1 uwsnu w. xjiyau, 111 nusrn or rrniitt Artlclea. Open. Hlgh. Low. Closa Wheat I I May 89 90 89B 62Wj82&V4 May WHiWin! 00x4 WVt,l BP July BB. 6ait8VjS58SS Available Supplies of Grain. NEW YORK. March 31. SDeelal er.i ancl telegraphlo communications received by Bradutreet'v shows the following changes In available supplies as compared with previous account: V heat. United Statea east Rockies, de creased, 1.866.000 bushels; Canada, de creased, 866,000 bushels; total. United States and Canada, decreased, 1.721,000 bushels: afloat for and In Eurone. de creased. 200.000 bushels: total American and European supply, decreased, 1,321,000 uubnets. Corn. United States and Canada, In creavea, zu.uuo Dusneis. outs, united states and Canada creased. 894.000 bushels. The leading decreases and Increases re ported this week follow: I 'eereanes. Manitoba. 296 000 hna-holtr Portland, Me., 113,000 bushels; Louisville, sa.uuu Dusneis; umana, 76.000 bushels. In crease, Springfield, O., 65,000 bushels. Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA. March 81. BUTTER rirtn, good demand; extra western cream ery, ; extra nearoy prints. 310. EOQB Firm, irood demand: PennsvV vanla and other nearby firsts, free cases 10c, at mara; n-rinsyivama and other nearoy current receipts. In returnatwe cases I 15c, at mark; western firsts, free cases. 16c I at mark: western current r-.lnt. CHEESE Firm and active: New Yoik full creams, choice, 15(fin5lc; New York full creams, fair to good, 14(icl54c. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, March SI WHEAT May. 11.02 4 & 1 02 4; July, $1004 ; No. 1 hard, $1,064: No. 1 northern, $1,034; No. 2 northern, $1,014; No. $ northern, S44 fe9K4o. BRAN In bulk. $21.2521.50. FLOUR Unchanged: first patents. IS.8K ft 5.40; second patents. $5.15Cu 6.80: first clears, $4 154J4 26; sveond clears, $3.20 ISO, Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL March 81. WHEAT Spot, quiet; No. 8 red western winter. 7a Id; fu tures, barely steady: Mav. 6a lid: Julv. 7 HI- . corn spot, steady; prime mixed Ameri can, new, a 44d; prime mixed American, old, (s 7d; futures, steady; May. 6s 6d. Mllwaake Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. MarcJi ' 11 WHEAT Lower; No. 1 northern, $1.06 1.07; No. 2 northern. $1.02 ii 1.04 ; May, 924c asked. BARLEY Dull; No.. Z, 83c; sample, 67 b5c. CORN Steady; No. S cash, IJS3c; May, 664c bid. Peoria Market, PEORIA. 111.. March Sl.-CORN-HIghor; No. S yellow. 34c; No. S, 624c; No. 4. 61c, no grade, suti&ic. OATSLower; No. S white, 61c; No. 4 While, 50o. VH18KY-$1 S5. Dalath Grain' Market. DULUTH. March $1 WHEAT No. northern. 1 0J; May, $1.00; July, $1.01. OATS 4 4 c NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Doll Depression Hangs Over the Mar ket All Day. SUAE P BREAK NEAR CLOSE Declines Range From One to Three Points, With Last Prices Lowest -Ronda Are HST. NEW YORK. March 81. Dull depression hung over the stock market leading up to something like a crash at the last today. There were some developments, which were pointed to as being responsible for the drop in prices. The tendency toward reaction finds a more general explanation, however. In the fact that the rise In prices had been pushed to its feasible limits by all the devices available to skilled speculative eadershlp until tho natural attraction ot the high prices established brought out a pressure of selling, which was beyond the capacity of the supporters of prices to absorb. The special depressing factor today was the obscurity surrounding; the intended course of those controlling the Erie rail road property. The adjournment yesterday of the directors without promulgating any plan tor meeting the Impending financial requirements of the company was disturb ing to those holding the securities of the company. Beside the Interest amounting to about $500,000 on convertible bond issues payable tomorrow and the $5,500,000 of one year notes, which fall due on April 8 and which sold today at 82, there are known to be other heavy floating liabilities to be met, The view that the company will bo safeguarded from bankruptcy was founded on the great independence resources at the command of the great banking house, which Is the principal sponsor for the com pany. That thla assumption of a meana of rescue did not entirely reassure all holders of the securities was evident from the wide declines from bonds "of different classes of the company were sold at the stock ex change. There was suggestive sympathy in tha movement of Issues of companies under the auspices of tho same bankers and which are similarly strained for financial meana to meet urgent require ments. A line of policy to be adopted by an authority so Influential In the financial world will be regarded aa an expression of opinion over the future course of af fairs, at leant those concerning railroad properties. That the financial prospects of railroads are not brlsrht Is brought home to conviction by this episode. Not only the notes of the Erie, but those of railroad companies of high grade continue to be quoted at varying discounts and at a rate of return-wholly out of line with the in terest rates to which loans on time have fallen In the money market. The provi sion for tho maturity of $6,000,000 of Rock Island 4H per cent notes falling due to morrow Includes an offer to holders for a one year extension at 6 per cent, and ap parently the attraction or tnis oner nas hot been sufficient to determine a consider able number of the holders from present ing thorn for redemption. These unpro prltious conditions for financing railroad requirements are a serious Impediment to tho setting on 1001 again 01 rauruuu activi ties In the way of outlay for Improvements and betterments. The prevailing mood was reflected In the uneasiness professed over the possible reduction of the dlviaena on Atchison at the meeting 01 tne Qireciore, which is scheduled to take place tomorrow, Action on the Anaconda dividend was ex pressed today and when the session drew towards a close without any announcement on the subject, rumors were, circulated of a reduction. The declaration 01 tne unre rineed dividend, however, failed to rally the market and last prices were practically the lowest and wltn signs 01 a .gooa utu of disorder. Declines of 1 to 8 points and over are general. Bonds were heavy. Total saiea par vaiue, $2,386,000. United Statea bonds were un changed on call. Following were the sales ana range 01 prices on tne biock exenange ioaay; Bales. High. Low.Close, Adams Express 177 Amalgamated Copper 66,600 American G- & F 9u0 604 314 684 304 ...t ... 584 804 do pfd. ......... ....... .... American- Cotton Oil -do- pM...r. u.,. . American Express 94 26. 85 175. Amer. H. & L., pfd.. American Ice 154 19 400 ' 204 l'Si do pfd '7 24 American Linseed Oil .... do pfd Amer. Locomotive... 2,900 45 . 934 ,0 . 434 93 7 94 124 85 374 '2 854 81 434 do pfd 2o0 American 8. A. R.... 56,9u0 do Dfd.... 800 93 67 - 93 124 SS Amer. Sugar Refin'g l,9no 12ft Amer. Tobacco, p. c. 2t)0 864 Anaconda Mining Co. H.zuo Atohison 4,100 do pfd , 2u0 3(4 73'4 854. 834 374 724 86-4 704 824 Atlantic Coast Line Baltimore & Ohio... do pfd Brooklyn R. T Canadian Pacific... Central of N. J Chesapeake A Ohio. Chicago O W 1,900 85 7.6uO 464 414 444 1,500 1524 160 1504 176 1,600 314 80 1(10 5 6 & C. A N. W 1474 1154 1464 C, M. A St P 10,500 1174 11&4 U54 Chicago T. AT .... 5 do pfd 20 C. C C. A St. L.... 200 63 524 624 Colorado F. A 1 15,2o0 244 234 234 Colorado A Southern. 400 25 25 244 do 1st pfd 600 65 644 644 do 2d pfd 444 Consolidated Oas 600 113 113 1124 Corn Products 1,000 134 134 18 do pfd 624 Delaware A Hudson. 200 1524 16-4 l--'Mi D. , L. A W 4X6 D. A R. 0 400 24 1814 1X4 do pfd 200 644 634 634 Distillers' Securities. ftO 304 81 Erie 8.8W 15 134 134 do 1st Pfd I.90O 824 29 29 do 2d pfd 1,300 23 174 174 General Electric 8n0 1264 125 1244 Illinois Central 2tO 1x4 1X4 1354 International Paper.. 4o0 9 84 84 do pfd 1,1'tt 65 63 62 Tnternstional Pump.. 61 0 224 224 23 do pfd 200 7o4 704 70 Iowa Central 114 do pfd 35 K. C. Southern 214 do pfd "62 Louisville A Nash.... 8"0 87 964 94 Mexican Central 1,60 194 184 184 Mlnneapolla A St L. 0 244 24 244 M.. St. P. A S. St M. 900 109 14 1074 do pfd 135 Missouri Pacific 800 414 40 40 M , K. A T 1,900 234 23 224 do pfd 200 55 64 634 National Lead 800 67 664 664 N. R. R. of M. pfd 614 New York Central... 2,900 974 964 964 N. Y.. O. A W 100 324 824 824 Norfolk A Western. l.OuO 64 634 634 do pfd 80 North American 1,800 604 60 50 Pacific Mail 60 294 29 29 Pennsylvania 16.700 H64 1154 1154 Peoples Oas 1.&U0 894 89 8x4 P., C . C. A St L 69 Pre(kod Steel Car.... 400 754 754 75 do pfd 400 754 754 76 Pu'.man Palace Car. 4 168 heading 152, 5u0 106 104 103 do 1st pfd 88 do 2d pfd 80 Republic Steel 2.700 104 174 18 do pfd 1.7'JO 724 714 714 Rock Island Co 500 144 14 14 do pfd 9u0 274 264 234 St L. A 8. F. 2d pfd 26 St. L. Southwestern. 100 134 134 13 do pfd SI Southern Pacific t.W 754 724 744 do pfd 2"0 1114 1114 HI Southern Railway.... 2.2tO 134 124 124 do pfd 1,701) Sn4 3f.4 864 Texas A Pacific 2u0 164 164 l'4 T.. St. L. A W 17 V4 do pfd 6.0 414 41 4"4 Union Pacific 139.600 1264 1234 1234 do pfd 79 V. 8. Express 90 U. 8. Realty 40 U. 8. Rubber 100 21 21 &14 do pfd... 6"0 .910 S6 85 84i U. 8. Steel do pfd V.-C. Chemical do pfd Wabash do pfd Wells-Fargo Express Westlnghotise Elec.. Western Union Wheeling A L. E ... Wisconsin Central... do pfd Northern Pacific Central Leather do pfd 34 984 834 974 3.14 4.9JO 98 20 91 7O0 400 1"4 94 fi 184 17 164 90 62 6"4 60 4"0 3j0 64 63 634 6 14 S:t4 l,l't 1.','4 l-'SM. 1M t0 2rM-i lie 19U &0 874 87 M Sloss-Sheffleld 47 464 121 74 m 824 464 Great Northern pfd.. . 12.ti Interurhan-Met 2n0 74 do pfd 2"0 20 Utah Copper S.OtO 33T4 8J4 Kx-olndeui. Total salea for the day, C85.S00 shares. Treaisry Statentont. WASHINGTON. March 81. Todaye state ment or the treasury balances In the gen eral fund exclusive of tha $l50,uu0,0uO gold reserve mows; v ' ' - ei $3V.144.i2: gold coin and bullion, J8,S37,;1; old certificates. WM!"i.3RJ. !Tew York Moeey Market. NFW Ycr.K. March 31.-PRIMK MER CANTILE PAPER 6"i't per cent. ihKl,I!m b.WHAMlH Uteady, wltn ctual business In bankers' bills at M.WtO ti4.IM6 for demand and at $4 tArgi for xiy-nay puis; commercial nnis, I4.K!. SILVER Bar, 6Mt,c; Mexican dollars, 470. BONDS Oovernment, steady: railroad. eavy. AlONET on call. easy, at IWal per cent: ullna rate. IV ier cent: closina- bid. It4 per cent; offered at I per cent. Time loans. asy; sixty aays, I per cent; ninety days, ,'(MM( per cent; six months, 4 per cent. tne following are the closing quotations on bonds: U. 8. ref. 2s. reg.ltOH do 2d series .... 8614 no is, coupon.. IM'U ft N. untried 4s 96 do Ss, reg...inti4Man. con. g. 4s. M do 3s, coupon. .101 Mex. Cen. 4s .... M do new 4s, reg.l2oV4 do 1st Inc 19 do coupon ....lEViM. A St. L. 4s. 80 Amer. Tob. 4s... 7iM K. A T. 4s.. 9fii do 6s V do 2ds 80 Atchison gen. 4c. 99 N. R. of M. c. 4s 78 do adj. 4s... 8VN. Y. C. . 8Hs. 89 Atlantic C. L. 4s 8.1 N. J. C. g. 6s. ..123 B. & O. 4s 804NO. Pacific 4s ..100U do 3Hs 904 do 3s 70 Br. R. T. cv. 4s. 70 "N. & W. c. 4s.. 96 Cent, of Oa. 6s.. 10$ O. S. L. rfdg. 4s 894 do 1st Ino 62'iPenn. cv. 8s... 95 do 2d Inc 46 Reading gen. 4s.. 96H do 2d Inc.. .... $4 DtLAIH c. 6S.104H . A O. 4Vt f tSSSt L A 8 F fg. 4s 69 C. A A. 3Vi .... 62 Ht. L. S.-W. c. 4s 60 C. B. A Q. n, 4s 94VSeaboard A L 4s 45 H C. JJ, I. A P. 4s62tiSo. Pacific 4s.. 84 do col. bs 60 do 1st 4s certir wt CCC A St L g. 4 94 So. Railway fs.. 8x14 Colo. Ind. 5s. a A 60HT. A P. lsts ....103 olo. Midland 48. (9T., St. L. A W. 4s 7U4j Colo. & So. 4s .. 87 U. P. 4s 9!4 Cuba 6s 101S4 do cv. 14s 83H D. A H, O. 4s.... 92 IT, S. Steel 2d 6s. 93-4 Dist. Seo. 6s 73H Wabash lsts ....106 Erie prior lien 4s 84 do deb. B .... 47 Erie gen. 4s 64V4Western Md. 4s. 65 Hock. Val. 4V4S.lo,-'V4W. A L. E. 4s.. 63 Jepan 4s 77V Wis. Cent. 4s.. 82 do 4V4S, certir.. 86 Ex. Int. Offered. Bld. Boston Stock Quotations. BOSTON. March 31. Money, coal loans. 2H&4 per cent; time loans, 4Q6c per cent. The roiiowing were the closing prices on stocks yesterday: Atchison adj. 4s. 86 Atlantic 9 do 4s 96ft ltlr.gham 1 Mex. Central 4s. 81 Calumet A Hecla.630 Atchison 724 Centennial 224 do pfd hODaly West 9 Boston A Albany. 197 Franklin 7 Boston Kiev. ...127 Oranby 90 Fltchburg pfd .A2G Isle Royale 174 Mex. Central .... lS4Mass. Mining ... 4 N. Y., N. H. A H.133 Michigan 11 Union Pacific ..1234 Mohawk 494 Am. Arge. Chom 174 Mont. C. & C... 75 do prd so old Dominion .. 86 Am. Pneu. Tube 640eceola 82 Amer. Sugar ....124 Parrot 14 do ptd 12o Qulncy 83 Amer. T. A T...10S Shannon 114 Amer. Woolen .. 194 Tamarack 61 do pfd 84 Trinity 14 Dt-m. I. A a 154 United Copper Edison E. 1 20 u. B. Mlnlnn- Gen. Electrio ....124 U. S. Oil 94 Mass. Electric ... 104Utah 88V4 Mass. una ....... 61 Victoria 8 United Frlut 125 Winona 6 United Shoe M,. 464 Wolverine 125 vi ii yiu ......... i .iui ill duvvo .... ik71 U. a Steel 834Butte Coalition .. 21 do pfd 1S Nevada 1)4 Adventure ...... .t 14Cal. A Arizona ..994 AJlouex 1 '. .'I'Arlii. com. 18 Amalgamated ... 684Greene Cananea.. 84 New York Mining; Stocks. NEW YORK, March 81. The following are the closing stovk on mining stocks: Adams Con. ..... 6 Little Chief 56 .30 225 . 4 . 20 . 26 . 18 ,160 Alice 209 Ontario Breece , 10 Ophlr Brunswick Con... 10 Potosl Comstock Tun. 20 Savage Con. Cal. A Va.. 43 Sierra Nevada Iron Silver ...... .100 email Hopes . Leadvllle Con. ., $ .Standard London Stork Market. LONDON, March 31. London closing stock quotations: Consols, money .. 87 11-HMo.. Kan. A Tnis... X4 4a sraaunt .... 87 16-u Nw York central. ..leu AnsrontU ,,0 - 74 Norfolk n Western .. . 47 Atchison 1 76V4 do ptd n do pfd U Ont. as Western.. . si Baltimore A Ohio. .. t4 Pennsylesnla .... Csnsdlsn Psclflo ....114 Rsnd Mines . 64 . 7k . . 4014 . 74S4 Chesspesk sV Ohio... si Kesdlng Oil. Ureal Western.. 6V4 Bouthern Railway Chi.. Mil. A BU P..Uu do ptd De Beers 1144 Southern Psclflo Oenrer A KM O.. Ilt'nloa Psclflo .13H4 do pfd 67 4 do pfd ISt United SUtes Bteel WH do pfd 4 Vt'sbssh 1S do pfd , .....BU Spanish 4s . 83 Erie . S4S do 1st pfd... do 3d pfd.... .101 Crsnd Trunk . . IV . MS Illinois Central Louisville A Nssh...l''l Aral. Cooper .... -.6114 SILVER Bar, dull at 2& 9-ltki per ounce. mu.n Ky ixiw-ii -per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 24't24 per cent; for three months bills, Wa'i per cent, Anaconda Dividend Unchanged. NEW YORK. March 31. Directors of the Anaconda Copper Mining company today declared a quarterly dividend of 60 cents per share. Thla Is unchanged from the last previous quarter. Berlin Exchange. BERLIN, Mrach 81. Erchange on Lon- done, 20 marks 404 pfennigs for ohecks: dls count rates, short bills, 64 por cent; three months bills, 44 per cent. 1 Bank Clearings. OMAHA, March 31. Bank clearings for today were $1,961,137.32 and for the corre sponding date last year $1.7C6,832.3u. . Wool Market. BOSTON, March 81. WOOL The condi tion of the local wool market is more en couraKlnir. Sales have increased and shlD- ments are heavier, although prices have as yet railed to respond to the better feelnir. Still, holders believe that the bottom prices have been reached and that the Increased demand for wool will soon show itself. The leading western quotations range as fol lows: Kentucky, Indiana and Missouri Three-eighths blood, 2k(d'Jdc; quarter blood 26a27e. Scoured Values: Texas: Fine 12 111.', IV 111,, wWVi 1UI, V V J U I1IVII1V1I , WVVVVJIV, fine fall. 47u49c. California: Northern. 609 ........ ,. B i; . .;j . ,!.. m . B mnn.k 1. -. . t . 61c; middle counties, btyguic; southern, 63(0 btc: rait tree. 4o&f4c: rail aerective. W(U3bc. Oregon: Eastern. No. 1 staple, 65S67c; east ern imo. 1 Clothing, D8iiuc; valley no. 1, art (i67c. Territory (scoured basis): Fine sta pl, 6Tiv(i68c; fine medium staple, SWjOfic; rino ciotninir, os'awx-: nair blood. bZtHiHc three-eights blood. 62inifc: quarter blood 4Fn48c. Pulled: Extra. 62&fic: fine A. 63!ti 66c: A suppers. 44'u4Xc. ST. LOU1B, March SI. WOOI Market dull: medium a-radea. comblns and cloth Ing. lS4fr20c; light fine. 17(b18c; heavy fine, I2fii-i:tc tun wasnea. raaanc. LONDON, March 31 WOOL The offer ings at the wool auction sale today num bered 21,215 bales. The demand was stronger, especially for the conttne-nt and America, and prices firmer. A larsre aelec tlon of cross-bred met with ready sale, frequently at prices 6 per cent above the lowest or tne series. Americans bought coarse as well as fine grades of cross-breds and also some West Australian greasy merl tnos. Metal Market. NEW YORK. March 81'. METAIJ The London tin market was lower, with siot quoted at 114 6s and futures at 143. The local market was easy with quotations ranging from $31.75 to $12.00. Copper lower on the London market, with spot quoted at 59 17s 6d, and futures at sCiiO 7s 6d. Ixcelly the market was dull and steady, with Iake quoted ut $13.0tvu 13.374 eieciroiviio at xij.vsiftji3.Z3, and casting a $12. 75f 18.00. Lead was unchanged at 14 5a In London and at S3.9trfi4.00 In the local market. Spelter waa unchanged at 21 2s 6d In Ixinrlon. The local market was dull at $4.60f4.70. The English Iron market wa lower, with standard foundry quoted at 5is 4.1, and Cleveland warrants at 61a 74d The local market waa unchanged. No. 1 fottndrv northern. $18.25018.75: No. 2, $17,759 18.25; No. 1 southern and No. 1 southern sort at $17 141-18 60. BT. liOUIS. March 31. MhTTALS Lead nominal at I3.3TV4; apelter, $4.5o. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. March 11. COTTON Fu tures opened steady; May. 9S14'j9.62c : July, 9.62c; August, 8 67c; October, 8.47c; Decern ber, .46c; January, 9.614i9.62c. Spot cotton closed quiet, 10 points higher middling uplands. 10.6-c; middling gulf, 10 rc; sales, JO bales. ST. IUIS. March 81 COTTON-Dull middling, or. Sales, 10 bales: receipts, 140 Dales: shipments, nore: stock. r6.t bales, NEW ORLEANS. March SI. CtyrTON Spot market was quiet and steady, with prices uncnangeti; middling, io1''. bnlei were l,6u0 bales on the spot and 30 to ar rive. e Coffee Market. NEW YORK, March 81.-COFFEE Fu tures opened steady and rlusod the same net unchanged. Sales were reported of 27, msi bags, including April at 5 Who. May 6.70c, June at 5.7'", July at 6 75c, Keptem tier at 7r iicior.-r at 8 ie, November a 6 80c and lecember at 5.86c. Hpot coffee, nulet; No. 7 Rio, 6c; No. 4 Santos, 844cS4o ia, oun; t. or nova, vsisc. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Fat Steers Show Little Change, While Cows Are Higher. HOGS TWENTY " CENTS HIGHER Sheep and Lembs of Beat Grades Blow, bat Steady, While Leas Desirable Klads Are a Little Lower. SOUTH OMAHA, Neb., March 81, 190R. Receipts were: Cattle. Hog. Sheep. Official Monday 6.167 S.4t4 4,i3t Estimate Tuesday 6,600 6,700 10,500 Two days this week.... 11.767 10,164 15.234 Same days last week.. 7,611 12,0 19,339 Same days S weeks ago 9.639 20,560 15.726 Same days 3 weeks ago 8.720 26.972 9,936 Same daya 4 weeks ago 8.648 28.631 10.4.18 Same days last year... 9.496 8,064 28,6t6 The following table shows the receipts of rattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha ror the year to date, compared wiui iasi year: 1908. 1907 inc. ueo. Cattla .... 247.223 279.769 82,637 Hogs 808,796 619.639 189,157 Sheep 865,353 4H5.I67 119,814 The official number of cars or stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Holts. Sheep, H'r's. C, M. A Bt. P. Ry... 2 Missouri Faclflc Ry.. 4 l 26 14 1 39 2 2 4 8 IS 28 4 1 .. 1 e i 89 44 1 nlon Pacific Ky 66 C. A N. W. Ry, east. 13 C. A N. W. Ry.. west. 63 C, St. P., M. A O.... 86 c, a. et y. Ky., east. 1 C, B. A O. Ry.. west 38 C, R. I. A P., east... 1 K. I. A P.. west... 3 Illinois Central Ry.... Chicago Ot. W. Ry... 6 Total receipts ....226 The disposition of the day's recelpta was aa follows, each buyer Durchaalnsr the number of head Indicated: Cattle. Hoar. Sheen tmtaha Packing co 120 811 1,39 1,2X3 Swift A Co.. 927 1.4X2 2.18 848 36 112 449 63 "iss 66 Cudahy Packing Co 1.044 1.200 832 226 Armour A Co Krey Packing Co Luer Bros Blackshlre Independent Cudahy. from country... 974 Agar Packing Co Ht-nwarxschlld A a Vansunt A Co Carey A Benton Lobman A Rothchlld.... W. I. Stephen Hill A Bon F. P. Lewis.... Huston A Co 87 86 47 116 65 9.4 168 80 47 23 86 B. Root A Co H. Bulla F. Hues Cudahy Bros. Co 843 167 Campbell Bros Mccreary A Carey 41 95 225 2 13 8 648 68 34 21 87 H. F. Hamilton M. Has-erty A Co Sullivan Bros Lehmer Bros Independent P. Co Other buyers 227 bu ciair U. D. A B. Co Nelson Morris - N. O. Co Totals 6,492 4,970 4.911 CATTLE Receipts were quite sixeable for Tuesday, both here and at other selling points as well. The general market was In fair shape as compared with yesterday, with no very great change In the general situation. Beef steerfc. while more active than yes terday, were not as free sellers as on a good many days of late. Buch cattle as buyers happened to want sold quite readily and quite a considerable proportion ot the re ceipts changed hands In fair season. On the other hand, there were a good many cattle that were for some reason or other hard to move at satisfactory prices. As Is always to be expected after such a sharp break as took place yesterday there was difference of opinion among the sellers, Some who felt the full force of the de cline yesterday, thought that they secured good, strong prices today, others were figuring the market as steady at yester day's decline, and still others thought they were hardly able to do as well as yester day. Cows and heifers were in better demand this morning and the market on desirable fat stuff was fairly active at prices that were mostly 54.100 hlvher than yesterday. On the other band, the medium and less de sirable kinds did not show very much change. Oood feeders having some weight and quality sold at steady to strong prices, but there were uulte a good many smalt ana Inferior Blockers In the yards, which were hard to move at any price. ouotatlons on cattle: uood to choice cornfed steers, S6.26tU6.80; fair to good corn fed steers. $5.75fiti.26: common to fair corn fed steers, $4.7wi-7a; good to choice cows and heifers, $5.0tu6.75; fair to good cows and heifers, S3.7q.oo; common to fair cows and heifers, $2.263.75; good to choice stockers and feeders, X4.uU'uo.oo; rair to good stockers and feeders, 4. 019-4. 60; com mon to lair stockers and feeders, e3.W4j4.UU, Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. At. Pr. No. Av. Pr. It 7M 135 4 1123 4 SO U 1120-t 50 21 1166 4 0 14 HI 6 60 11 HiK) a 90 K t 40 10 117 U It lv30 6 SJ 24 1K8 4 U 86 M4 t 66 17 1S7I 4 5 II M Ili 11 iKi l It tout t 70 69 iU t 46 81 724 I 76 0 1314 t 40 20 W0 (75 tO.. 12441 bO 16 1140 i 90 II 11M 6 11 1060 00 18 1364 I 55 SO 1264 4 00 It 1K5 4 65 It 1134 4 00 14 1116 I 60 91 KS IW 10 14QH W II JlW4 4 10 81 1423 I 45 1-1 1VW I 16 41 11171 I W JO. J 11X8 16 47 1X I 46 8I.4 11 6 10 IS 1811 I 46 14. J 11K1 I SO 10 127 I 46 84 1314 I 85 41 11 I 75 Bl 1164 I 16 18 145 I 76 17 ;.K6 126 II ..1J77 t 40 77 UN 4 SO II 135 4 40 cows. I til 1 16 6 m 4 00 1 741) I 16 X5 4 16 1 ISO I 16 4 tt(J7 4 25 4 V7 I 00 t 1154 4 4 ins 1 00 s ma 4 w 6 441 I 16 1 11V4 4 76 5 HS I K II 440 4 40 4 H7 I 50 I y... Kt 4 85 6 473 75 $0 4X4 4 46 1 830 I 85 16 t.10u6 4 0 II 1111 S 46 4 4VI I 00 R 87t I 40 t lle t 00 I 1K.4 4 00 HEIFERS. 14 SSI I 00 1 178 4 60 1 4K0 I 15 S Ul 4 46 6 Ill I 10 I Tit 4 40 I 47S I 85 I Til I 00 1 430 I 50 T 10U I 46 1 686 I 55 1LS I 70 1 540 4 (0 BULLS. 1 11) S 15 1 1110 8 M 1 870 I 85 1 law) 4 04 1 980 S 74 1 14K0 4 U 1 820 I 60 1 11)5 4 50 4 600 I 61) 1 T10 4 40 1 Hi') I M 1 1470 4 50 I I26O I 66 1 17i 4 40 1 13 HI) I 55 1 Kf 4 75 II 1M6 I 75 1 1450 4 M 1 440 I 76 1 1U0 4 0 CALVES. 8 46 4 50 1 210 6 75 1 140 6 80 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS it I 45 814 4 M 14 8, 7 I 16 1 140 4 t II Ml I 40 18 m 4 40 6 6t 4 00 IT 610 4 40 1 481 4 10 I m 4 65 4 4-6 4 UO SO IS4 4 70 11 470 lit WESTERNS J. J. Underwood A Son Wyo. 43 steers... .1230 6 86 W. Shambel Wyo. 1 bull 10 S 16 17 feeders.. 1069 4 96 S feeders.. 970 4 26 24 feeders..lU60 6 26 HOGS Hogs made another sensational advance totlay, the market being 20c higher than yesterday and quite active at the ad vance. The bulk went at tS 7oW6.86, whereas yesterday the most or the hogs sold a $6.65(j5 60. The best hogs'aold uu as blah as $6 824 today, as against a top yesterday of tc.674. Practically everything was sold before 10 o'clock In the morning, showing a good, active movement the close being at tne nign point or mo day. Hogs sold on an averasre todav ius about $1 per hundrod higher than on Tuea day of last week. A glance at the table of the average prices will show that hogs have been higher every day since the 17th of the month, without a single backset. most unusual and rapid advance. Aa show Ing the full extent cf the advance It mlgh be added that hogs on the first of the month sold on an average of 14.28; thus there has been an advance during the montn 01 juarcn or si.uj. Representative sales: No. Uh. Pr No. At. .1M 184 41 .111 .161 SB. Pr. 40 I 80 ... I M ... 140 40 6 44 ... let ....17T ...151 ....170 .,..184 ....184 ....l4 ....111 40 6 40 ... 6 M 44 i 70 ... i 74 40 I 70 ... 4 70 . . I 70 SO I TO 46... 44... 48... ... 40... 12. .. U. . 40... so . 14.. II.. so . 78. . H.. 7.. .4 10 I 40 . ,)t.4 40 ( 80 . .'. 4) IN efSTl The Updike Grain Co. COMMISSION DEPARTMENT 700 to 714 Drandcls Dldg. OMAHA, NEBRASKA BROKERS GRAIN, PROVISIONS, STOCKS AND BONDS PRIVATE WIRES MEW YORK -: CHICAGO TO 237 130 8 TSH I 7)4 1 nt 6 724 I 75 4 71 I T6 17.... 41.... 16.... SI.... 14... 67.... 70.... ...14 ...4 ...IN) ...24 ...SVS ...SKI ...S4g 80 $ 80 .. 6 80 .. I 80 B0 I 40 ... t M 44 6 10 10 8 40 ... $ 40 ... i 80 41. ..1M 40 ..175 ... II.... 78.... TO.... T7.... ..Sol ..117 .. ,.tn . r ..14 10 so 44.... II.... 84.... 77.... SO 8 T5 ... IT! 120 I 75 80 6 76 ... $76 to I 71 ... 175 ...S4S ... ...18S ... ...r ... 41 , 7S , 44 41 IS 87 , 76 , 65 71 , 41 II M 6 1 40 , 0 70 67 , 72 , 65 , 6 , I 40 I 40 I It) I 40 88.... SW 149 46. IS. ..i.H 40 MT 40 74.... Ill ..IIS .. ..230 ..V48 ..827 ..874 ..!) ..827 ..Ut ..! 140 I SO 18.. 81.. 71.. 26.. 41.. 71.. 71.. 40 t 76 ' ... 40 s BO .. I SO SO ( 80 ,.. 6 80 ,.. I 2Uj .. I 45 ,.. t 86 1.. 6 85 .. I 45 aoo I T6 ...2.1 ...S74 ...S4I ...247 ...Z.U .,.441 ...111 ...Kit ...117 ...I7S ...146 ...834 ...14 ...161 40 I 75 1IO I T6 ISO I 76 ... t 76 80 6 75 ... 6 76 ISO I 75 140 6 T6 40 $ 75 HO 6 77 80 t ... I 80 ... ( 10 76., 84.. 18.. ..HI SO I 84 StS ISO I 86 .. 71.. 40 6 40 Si'il .... t 80 13 84 ... I 80 65 114 ... I 0 82 14 ... ( SO 16 Stt ... 6 SO 46 161 ... ISO 17 S15 ... I KM SHEEP There was a gooi, liberal run of sheep this morning, but of the total reported In twelve cars were consigned through; still the number on sale waa large as compared with what It has beeu on a good many days of late. The market no k wnvie wm iiuw m 1 li 1 , ens 111111.11 later than usual before a clearance was effected. Packers were very plainly bear ish In their views. They were claiming hat prices have been advancing too rap idly and from their standpoint are danger ously high. It was also plain that the eastern markets Is not absorbing the high priced mutton as rapidly aa anticipated. These features and the further fact that advices from Chicago were weakening was at the bottom of the prevailing dullness in the market. While the trade was slow, packers picked out some of the best of the offerings, for which they paid about steady prices. Thus the best ' lamps sold up to $8.10, the same price that was paid for the same stuff last week, some spring iambs, the nrst 01 the season, brought $10. A bunch of Colo rado western ewes sold at $6.76, the highest price paid so far this season tor ewes. mere were no onoice weiners or 1 curlings of any account to make a test of tne market While packers, as noted above, picked out the best stuff at steady prices, the medium arrades were very slow and lower. As a matter of fact, the medium kinds of both sheep and. lamba have on account ot the moderate receipts been Belling pretty close up to the best, and the action ot packers today was In the way ot making a wider spread between them. Quotations on wooled sheeu and lambs: Good to choice lambs, $7.5oitf'.10; fair to good lamba, $7.00&7.SO; good shearing lambs. $6.601.60; good to choice light yearlings, $7.00ttf'7.5O; good to choice heavy yearlings, $6.6i47.00; fair to good yearlings, $6.25(g6.60; good to choice wethers, S6.60O7.00; fair to good wethers, S&00&4.60; good to choice ewes, $6.0Ofa&75; fair to good ewes, $6.50 6.00; culls and bucks, S4.0Oi86.OD. Quotations on shorn sheep are 60o under wooled stock and shorn lamba 76o under wooled stock. Representatives sales: No. Av. Pr. 85 7 65 1 67 7 75 ,66 7 10 ,80 8 10 ,80 8 10 164 4 60 1 67 10 0) ,103 6 75 1 96 6 00 40 6 00 ,96 6 30 ,73 7 40 ,85 6 75 ,67 7 00 ,94 6 75 ,94 6 75 ,95 6 75 ,70 7 56 , li 6 70 ,87 5 50 , 62 6 60 226 western lambs 132 western lambs 15 western cull lambs 668 Mexican lambs 156 Mexican lambs 94 western shorn Ducks 87 spring lambs 49 western ewes 7 western cull ewes ... 30 western Iambs 460 western shorn yearlings and wethers 51 Colorado yearlings 20 Colorado ewea . 81 western lamba , 620 Colorado ewes 835 Colorado ewes 17 Colorado ewes 78 western lambs 137 western yearlings and ewes,, 16 western cull ewes , 26 western cull lambs, feeders., CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Steads Hone Fifteen to Twenty-Five Cents Higher. CHICAGO, March 31. CATTLE Receipts, 500 head. Market steady; steers, $5.60'ui 7.50; cows, $3.0tKU6.50; heifers, $3,404(6.25; bulls, $3.6oigfi.lo; calves, $5.004j4.75; stockers and feeders, $3,264(6.30. HOGS Receipts. 14,000 head. Market by 25c higher; choice heavy shipping, $6.2tu 6.30; butcherB, $6.20i&.30; light mixed, $6 lo 4jfl.20; choice light. $6.204l'6.26; packing, $5.50 to 6 20; pigs, S5.004i6.10; bulk of sales, $6. 164 6.26. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 15,000 head. Market slow and 10c lower; sheep, M 5Oi7.00; lambs, $6.5043.10; yearlings, $7.00 7.0. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. BT. JOSEPH. March 31. CATTLE Re ceipts, 8,176 head. Market steady: natives, $5.75.90; cows and heifers, $3.254l5-75; stockers and feeders, $3.9041)6.00. HOGS Rece nts. 7.806 head. Market ZfKtt 80c higher; top, $6.20; bulk of sales, $5.96 6.06. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. Z,ri9 head. Market lOftl&c lower: lambs. $7.40(3 8.00; yearling", S6.754j7.25; wethers, $6.404j7.00; ewes, 6.2&o.6o. St. Lonls Live Stock Market. BT. ' LOUIS. March Sl.CATTLE Re ceipts,', 6.000 head. Including 800 Texans; market 10-15o lower; native shipping and export steers, $6.001i7.15; dressed beef and butcher steers, $5.0642-6.90; steers under l.ono lbs.. $4.76iU6.10: stockers and feedera. $3.7Ty.i 6.25; cows and heifers, $3.754t6.00; canners. $2,0043.00; bulls, Vi sm-ia; calves, n.wp DESTINATION San Francisco, Is Angeles. VIA PORTLAND AND PUGET SOUND $75.00 round trip, one way via Shasta Route. , DATES OF SALE April 4, 5, 25, 26. RETURN LIMIT Sixty days. ... STOPOVERS Points between tho Missouri River "and Pa cific Coast. ROUTES Good via direct routes; for instance, to San Fran cisco or Los Angeles, via Denver, Scenic Colorado, Salt Lake City, To San Francisco via Denver, Scenic Colorado, Salt Lak Route through Los Angeles. No tour to the Coast is complete unles it includes tho Puget Sound. ' I . TRAIN SERVICE Daily through Pullman Standard and Tourist Sleepers to San Francisco via Denver, Rio Grande Route, Salt Lake City; Tourist Sleepers Thursdays and Sundays, person ally conducted. Dally through Pullman Tourist Sleepers to Los Angeles, via Denver. Rio Oranda Route, Halt Lake City, thence Salt Lake Route; Tourist Sleepers Tuesdays and Fri days personally conducted. Write or call for California descriptive matter. "Pacific Coast Tours." folders, berths. Information. Describe your proposed trip and let us advise you how to iuak it at least cost. , . , !!ji!lfi,Miiih J!,ii!,f. 7.00; Texas and Indian steers, W.iyvg.eO; cows and heifers, $l.7ytf4.26. '. HOGS Receipts. 11.000 head;' market 60 higher; pigs and lights. S4.0tKU6.06; packers, $6.6ou.10. butchers and best heavy. $6.00d) 16. I 8IIBKP AND IJIMBS Receipts, 8,600 head: market steady: native muttons, $3.75 66.85; lambs, $4.26'u7.8i. Kansas Cltr Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. March SI. CATTLE Re ceipts 10,000 head, Including 100 southerns. Market steers steady to 10c lower: cows strong: top $7.00. Choice export and dressed beef steers, $S.66i7.0i); fair to good, $fi.50o6.60; western steers, $5.0Oi'nH.75; Block ers and feeders, t3.604i6.76; southern steers, $4.7.V((.tlO; southern cows, fl.50iu6.00; native cows, $3,6048.66; native heifers, $4.0O4f6.4O( bulls, $3.56-11 5. 25; calvee, $3.60)16.60. HOGS Receipts, 10,600 head; market opened 16u20c higher, closed 3tn40o higher, top, $6.26. Bulk of sales. $5.96ii.15; heavy, 16.hVJj6.2f,; packers and butchers, $6.964.2fc ; light. S6.70vj6.15; pigs, $48Sj6.25. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 4,400 head; sheep steady, lamba 10c lower; Inmbs, $6.7&ii7.9o; ewes and yearlings, $5.50tai.9ii; western yearlings, $.26'ii'7.40; western sheep, $5.75(i6.7&; stockers and feeders, $3.60ift.jO. Sioux City Lire Stock Market. SIOUX CITY, March 81. (Special Tele, gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 1.600 head; market weak; stockers slow; beeves, $6.tHhl 6.90; cows and helrers, $3.00446.00; stockers) and feeders. $3,004(4.60; calves and year lings, $3.0O?i4.:5. HOGS Receipts, 2.000 head; market 20r higher, selling at $5.6o(u.90; bulk at sales, $6,704)6.80. Stock In Sight. Receipts of live stock at the six principal western markets yesterday were as follows: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha 6.60 6.700 10,500 Sioux City . 1.6O0 2.000 Kansas City lO.OnO 10,600 4.400 St. Louis 6.0110 11,000 S.50 St. Joseph 8.175 7.666 2.6"9 Chicago 8,600 14,000 15,004 Totals 28.875 61,966 85,009 OMAHA Wlf OLID-ALB MARKET. Condition of Trade and notations oa Staple and Fancy Prod nee. ' EGOS Fresh selling eggs, candled, 14c. BUTTER Common, 18c; fancy tub ana rolls, Mqlc; creamery, SOo. CHEESE New full cream, Wisconsin twins, 174c; new full cream brick, 17o; do mestic new Swiss, 18c; new llmburger, 1541 16c; young Americana. 174. LIVE POULTRY Springs, 84c; hens, lQej roosters, 4c; ducks, c; geese, 74c HAY Choice No. 1 upland, $7.60: medium, rL60: No. 1 bottom, $6.00; off grades. HOCS 00. Rye straw. $7.00. No. 1 alfalfa, $11.64 TROPICAL FRUITS. BANANAS Port Llmoti. owing to tlia per bunch, $1.50 to $3.00. , GRAPES Malaga, choice, per keg, $100 Malaga, extra fancy, $4.50; ixtra choice, per keg, $4.26; extra fancy, exC'a heavy, $5.00. 4jUAisx3H,riniE.n extra isncy xk ana Bugle, per bbl., $10.00; extra fancy . y, per bbl.. $8.00; extra fancy Jeraey, per . ' rvDlVlPQ TTvlea rantv M I. M at per box r box, $2.76; extra rancy, 112 aire, pel X, $2.85; extra fancy, 126 and 150 size, per box, $3; extra fancy, 176, 200, 216, 260 sixo, per box, $3.25; extra fancy, Washington navels, 80 to 96 size, per box, $2.60; extra fancy, Washington navels, 112 slae, per box, $2.65; ext-a fancy, Washington navels, 129 and 160 slae, per box, $2.75; extra fancy, Washington navels, 176, 200, 216, 250 size, per box, $3. LEMONS Extra fancy, extra long keep ing, 300 to 360 slue, per box, $4; extra choice, extra long keeping, SOO and 860 size, per box, $3.76; extra fancy, 310 size, per box, $3.50; extra choice Greyhound, 300 size, per box, $3.25. FEARS Extra fancy winter Nellls, pes? box. $2.76. DATES Sugar walnut, per box, $1.60. FRUITS. APPLES Washington, Rome Beauties, Red ChecK Pippins, Kings, 6pys, assorted, per box, $1.5o; California red winter Pear mans, per box, $1.50. OLD AND NEW VEGETABLES. TOMATOES Florida (6-basket crates), per crate, $4.00; Cuban tomatoes, owing to quality, $1.60 to $3.00. CAULIFLOWER Per 2-dozen crate, $3.00 to $3.6t PEPPERS Florida, (6-basket crates), per crate, $4.00. ONIONS Extra fancy Ohio Red Globe, per lb., 24c; Wisconsin yellow, 2c; Valencia Spanish, per crate, $1.60; Valencia Spanish, 160-lb. crates. $4.26. ONION SETS Yellow, bottom, S3 lbs. In bu.. per bu., $2.75; red, $3.00; white, $3.26. LETTUCE Florida, head, per hamper. $3.00; per dot., $1.00 to $1.50. CUCUMBERS Extra fancy hot house Illinois, t2 dot.), per box, $4.00; choice hot house Illinois (3 dor ), per box, $2.00. STRAWBERRIES Texas berries arrived Monday and aold for $6. Another lot came Tueaday and aold for $5. Probabilities are they will get as low as $4. TOMATOES Extra fancy Florida (6 baskvt crates) per crate, $3.60; choice Florida (6-basket crates), per crate, $3. PEPPERS Florida (6-basket crates), pec crate, $3.60. LETTUCE Florida head, per hamper $3f per doz., $1,004 1.50. CUCUMBERS Extra fancy hot house. Illinois (2 doz.), per box, $4 choice hoi house, Illinois (3 doz.), per box, $2. Hot house radishes, head lettuce, onions. ,. j , . . v, , 'm . , iv, u u . i ii I .. nviiaur fiarsley, new beets, new carrots, new shaU ots, owing to size, per doz., eOvU'jOc. 01 carrots, parsnips, turnips, beets, per bbl- .. ... . CALIFORNIA and RETURN. J. B. REYNOLDS. Clljr Pass. Agt . 1502 Farnam SI. Telephone Douglas 3S80 1 V