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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1908)
THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, ATOIL 1, 1908. At ' MEN'S A BIG PRE-EASTER SALE MEN'S SOFT AND STIFF HATS STARTS SATURDAY. Fresk Pure Candies at . Bargain . Ptices, Main Floor Try Our A 5 c Luncheon, Main floor f. . a J I b l . . i f 10 mm nrinf lu TMK R1MA8LB STRI A- Very Smart And Serviceable Stylet m WomenY v Spring Jackets I These spring coals are Just as dressy as they can b. and they are practical too. Welt tailored broadcloths and coverts. Stunning little silk coats. The styles are box coats and prince chaps. You're bound to need one. You'd never think we could sell them for anywhere near so little money as we do. Special at 4'8-75?-9L8-1482 .T ITT-1 lltAICTC j;i i-m a j a w w -m.a a .-J Dress waists afternoon and evening wear the new nets are the most at tractive of all the 1908 styles Bran- dels Is thfl store for variety 9 at eneclal. 398 Imported White Goods In Our Main W hit floods Section Basement. You'll want the best selection when, you are choosing, the snowy white fabrics for graduation or confirmation dresses. Brandels depart ment Is complete; dressmakers buy here. That's a good sign. 8 Regular 69c, 46-ln wide Batiste, our own direct Importation from France. Special price, C yard J DC w The 35c quality, 40-inch wide Per- t i sian Lwn wm db boiu Tll U Wednesday, at yd. aUC $ - embroidered dots and figures, C better than regular 39c C, K grade, at yard . ...JC New arrivals, pretty, new, white $ Madras Walstlng splendid IP I'i assortment, yard G J C White Poplin Suiting, Imported to retail at 30c yard, special for $ Wednesday, l'c' l& yard 1C $ 19c grade, white dimities n un- $ usual bargain for Wednes-f 1UC day, at yard. p Here Are Very Special Oilers in Wall Papers y Clean-up after the Immense sale of last Saturday and Monday. Choice 55 papers priced very, very low. I .i. i e i n - H only, per roll 4c. y Papers worth. 10c, at roll only, & 2 He. Two tones, worth 35c to 25c, at k roll, only 10c. Thousands of odd ceilings and borders, roll lftc. N QMAMA 3 EXTRAORDINARY PURCHASE of Two Immense Stocks of High Grade MI OITAMS 1 ON SALE BEGINNING Next Monday APRIL 6 Entire stock of a famous Philadelphia mill, together with all the stock on hand of an importer of the most beautiful Lace Curtains made in Europe. Absolutely the Finest Goods and Most Wonderful Bargains Ever Offered at a Curtain Sale ii Omsha See the GREAT WINDOW DISPLAYS Cdq It will be well worth the . Journey for any man to come to see our Spring Shoes. We've the beBt of Shoes the sort of shoes that have made our shoe business so successful. Moderate priced shoes at $3.00, $3.50 or $4 Shoe luxury at $5.00 or $6.00 We are showing The Best Shoes Made We buy our Men's Shoes from makers who have a repu tation for making the beBt of Men's Shoes. The man, who has bought shoes here, will be sure to come again. The man, who has never bought shoes here, can learn something about shoes, If he will step In "Just for a look." FRY SHOE CO. THE ' IHOIBI 16th and Douglas Streets. rffTflE ROAD TO UEALTI I Kd d SBo Yn -- TO - - ulpiiur Sprigs, Ark. "THE BEAUTY SPOT OF THE OZARK" New $50,000 Kihlberg Hotel will open June 1st $100,000 in improvements now in progress will afford 1 modern accommodations at this All Year 'Round Health : Resort warn roil rrnxn xxettstxatbs UTHirna s. O. HOPKIX8,, . D. P. A, K. C. 8. Ity., TEXARKANA, TEXAS. S. fl. WAR YE It, O. P. A.. K. C. 8. Kt KANSAS CITY, MO. No Matter What You Want Bee Want Ads Will Get It JELLY ROLL.. 15c Special for WE DNESDAY, Here is something that you all will enjoy. These delicious Jelly rolls are made from the very best sponge cake, and Iced with a thick, rich coating: Attractively decor ated with English walnuts. They are made In four flavors: Strawberry Cocoanut Maple Vanilla These are our regular 25c Jelly rolls, better come early, for they will go fast at the special price. FOR - WEDNESDAY. T ONLY sw W TBaltluffrf- 1518-20 Farnam St. psora HO. 711 Table D'Hote Dinner Sunday . 50 on a Woman's Face, Neck. Arms or Shoulders is Not Considered Attractive... LA JEUNE DEPILATORY (Liquid) will remove hair from any part of the body In 6 to 10 minutes leaving- skin soft and white no smarting or burning;; 75o per bottle. By ruail, sealed, $1. Circulars free. IUUI1I ft KoCOrTHXIiZ! DBUO CO, Cor. 16th and' Dodge, Omaha. owl nmuo CO.. Cor 16th nd Harney. G. A. LIIIDQUEST CO. MERCHANT TAILORS. Makers of good clothes. Spring goods are In and ready for Inspection. 18th and rarnam Bts. 838-834 Poxtsa Block, 'rhons Sony. 1881. HOTELS. WEES ZH SETKOXT Stop at HOTEL TULLER Absolutely Fireproof. Cor. Adams At, and Park 8V. In the center of the Theater, b hop ping and Business District. A la Carte Cafe, Grill Room, bervlce Unexcelled. SYEBY SOOK WITH BATH. EUSOrBAR rXAH. KATES, f 1.80 NS SAY AJTS UP. Z.. W. T1TX.&XB, Prop. K. A. Shaw. Mgr. PLANS FOR JLABOR REVIVAL Arrangements Are Complete for Big; Meeting; of t nlons In April. Committees on arrangements and enter tainment have about completed plans for the labor revival to be held In Omaha In April. The revival will continue for ten days, with meetings In the Auditorium and in Washington hall. A full supply of speak ers, many of them prominent, has been secured, and moving pictures and Illus trated songs also will be given each even ing. Aside from a general Invitation to the public, personal Invitations have been sent to the mayor, members of the city council, the city and county officials and their ap pointees, and the city Board of Education to attend the meetings of the revival. Sub committees will meet at Labor Temple on Thursday evening to complete the program. A Card. This Is to certify that all druggists are authorised to refund your money if Foley's Honey and Tar falls to cure your cough or cold. It stops the cough, heals the lungs and prevents serious results from a cold. Cures la grippe coughs, and prevents pneu monia and consumption. Contains no opi ates. The genuine Is In a yellow package. Refuse substitutes. For sale by all druggists. RAFFLES GETS LONG SENTENCE Gentleman Bnrarlar Finds Conrt Kf. fectivo Obatarle to His Far. ther Depredations. NEW TORK, March . Judge William p. Piatt, In the county court yesterday at White Plains, sentenced James Harlan, one of the burglars who masqueraded as a yachtsman In evening clothes and com mitted thirteen robberies In New Rochelle, Mount Vernon and Yonkers. to twenty seven years la Sing- Buig prison. .Mi Ii-r) 20c K J Indies Home Journal Nljie lUxk and Any I'attwn '. . . 300 SUPERB SPRING JACKETS a?4.95 From any view point these jackets excel anything you'll see elsewhere up to $8.00. Strictly tailored top coats of tan coverts and broadcloths, fly front, double breasted, notched coat collar style, either fitted, semi-fitted or loose back models all satin lined throughout, .Wednesday an immense pur chase of three hundred on salo at , w f i re WM Voile Skirts, Odds and Ends A cleaning up Wednesday of thu left-overs from last week's big sale, only one or two of a style and In black only; handsome $8.95, $10.00 and $12.50 garments, gore circular, pleated, and self fold trimmed, clos ing out at M M I y m m m tv rt nrsTatnnsn UUUb AND mub UlNNbUWAUt . i I From the Des Moines , Department Store Almost Given Away Wednesday These, are all fine goods and match the dinner sets, beautiful decorations. Big lots, consisting of turkey platters. Cas seroles, covered dishes, Jugs, scallops, bakers, butter dishes, etc., Including pieces worth up to $1.25, clearing up sale Wednes day, at 10c Odd pieces In Fruits, Bread and But ter Plntes, Cups and Saucers, Creamers, and many others. At worth 25c, clearing at On Thursday the Japanese ware from the Des Moines Department Store stock will be on sale. On Friday, Jardiniere Sale. WEDNESDAY SPECIALS IN THE BUSY NOTION DEPARTMENT You always biry tl,.-se little necessities for less here. One of the most complete stocks In the entire west, never "Just out" of anything. You can ii hi nennen a. 2000 hair covered wire frame Pomp adours, worth to 60c, -j fj f Wednesday, for -ti L 1000 'extra long Sanitary floss hair pompadours, worth Boc, 2 s! Wedneoday, "for 720 dozen pain '' washable shields, quality guaranteed, all sizes, -f An 20o and 25c kind XWly 3000 dozen penri buttons, waist sizes, Be usually,- Wednesday two dozen for J Sampson Be black thread, W Wednesday, three spools Shopping Bugs, rope, brown t (gt and black, 25c kind XVV H-lb. to 21c Lenox Dressmaker's Pins, box, 35c regularly, Wednesday box Dolly Varden Hairpin Cabinets, as sorted sizes, Be kind, ( Wednesday two for 3Kj New Washable Chiffon Collar found ations, high on the. side, -g tg 15c kind for AVlv Pin CulH'B, assorted colors, largo At 10c kind Wednesday Lenox White Tape, any width, PT Wednesday four rolls 3Kj English 1'ln Books, best quality, as sorted sizes. Be kind, K4 two for , -v-' Wednesday Sale Pyrography, Wood to Burn Sliightly soiled pieces, such as collar and curf boxes, placques, handker chief boxes, cabinet frames, key racks, smokers sets, niotiers, etc., worth to BOc, clearing WedneHdny 10c New stock Pyrographic wood, dresser boxes, Btools, glove boxes, tabor ettes, picture frames, mirrors. smokers sets, and many others worth to $1.60, Clearing Wednesday Ill IUI B, 49c GREAT HOUSE CLEANING SALE 5,000 BROOMS WEDNESDAY 30c Greatest Broom sale ever attempted in Omaha. These are the best brooms you can buy, strictly union made, four tic parlor brooms. No peniten tiary goods, niado from best broom corn, on Wednesday, one broom and 30 Green Trading Stamps for Whisk Brooms, extra good quality inc And 16 O. T Carpet Beaters, good and strong 10c And 10 . T. Carpet Beaters, best kind 20c And 20 O. T. Broom Covers, for cleaning walls 10c and 15c And 10 O. T Johnson's Floor Wax. can 45c And 20 G. T. 16c Scrub Brushes, Wednesday 10c 16c Mop Sticks, Wednesday 8c 15c Wall Paper Cleaner 10c 28c Linen Mop Heads 19c Jap-a-lac and Sapolln for house-cleaning Wednesday a brush free with every can sold. Hardware Pepsrtment Basement. Stamns Stamps Stamps Stamps Stamps WEDNESDAY THAT GREAT SALE Manufacturers' Sample Line Parlor Furniture Several car load lots of parlor suites, the whole sample line of the big gest makers in the country. High quality goods as low in price as the ordi nary kinds usually sell for, best bargain Omaha has known in years. The magnificent parlor suits, like cut. mahogany finish, consisting of rocker chair and divan, upholstered In best grade silk plush with loose ciiahlotis or genuine hand buffed leather; as fine a 45.00 suite as is made, 07 OCT offered Wednesday at Other 75.00 three-piece suits for $50.00 Other $60.00 three-piece suits for $37. BO otner I3i.uu inree-piece suns lor vaa.50 Continuing the sale of Kitchen Cab inets, stc, as advertised Sunday. . . .(16.SO A special offering on all Sideboards, Buffets and Dining Tables, this week reduction of one-tenth or 10 OFF 125.00 Cabinets for. 1.00 Cabinets for $15 00 DreNHers for 18. U0 Chiffoniers for.... .89.48 , . .S8.39 . . .$4.89 Sale Drop Pattern Room Rugs Continues 25 Tapestry Brussels Bugs, xl2 ft., our regular lis. 00 kinds S8.63 15 Axmlnster Bugs. '9x12, floral and conventional patterns, $27.60 rugs, for ........ $l-9 12 Amsterdtsm Body Brussels Rugs, fexl2, the best $32.00 rugs fur $15.89 15 genuine Wilton Rugs, 9x12 ft., absoVulely the best domestic rugs made, well worth $44.60, Monday, at $34.79 60 Sanford Axmlnster Rugs, 9x12 ft., these are slightly mix-matched, fine parlor patterns, and actually $:io.oo quality, for $18.69 Bennett's Dig Grocery Wetuily w offer a list of House Clsauars Articles Bennett's Bargain Soap, ten bars 35o Abdllls' I.uundry Queen, package 6o Dusky Diamond Soup, six cukes 2&o Old Dutch Cleanser, 4-lb. pkg SBo and 20 Green Trading Stamps Othson's Snap Powder, 4-11). pkg 85o and 20 Green Trailing Stamps Gillette's Washing Crystal, dozen 180 and 10 Green Trading Stamps Life Buoy Soap, three large bars tic and 10 Green Trading Stamps H. & H. Soap, three bars 30o and 10 Green Trading Stamps Sal Soda, four pounds lOo and 10 Green Trading Stamps Sapollo, three cakes 940 and 10 Green Trading Stamps Castle Toilet Soap, ten bars 8 So and 10 Oreen Trading Stamps Pride of Kitchen, five bars 96o and 10 Green Trading Stamps Wiggle Stick Blueing, six sticks 860 and 10 Green Trading Stamps Wiggle Stick 'Waxers. six fer 85o and 1C Green Trading Stamps Wonder Wax. for washing, package lOo and 10 Green Trading Stamps Triplets, for washing 16o and 10 fireen Trading Stamps Bath Brick, Imported, each 80 and 6 Green Trading Stamps Batavla tiloss rtarcn, si nuuu uua nim "irm tutuiug mumps , ,,.,.so ami m ureen 1 railing riiamps 59 m Blue Borax Starch, 2HlD- pl-- Safety Matches, dozen ioxes. So and 10 Green Trading Stamps lee Want Ads Produce Results 7crfi BAILEY . MACH WuWr DENTISTS THIRD FLOOR , P&XTOX BLOCIl Corner lotb nd Farnam Street. Best equipped DeoUl office la. the middle west Highest Dentistry at Reasonable Frtcea, FercelsJa tUUAgs. just Ukt U tocl 35c Embroideries, Wednesday, 10c TP4Wfe A$!wt 'An immense assortment of patterns, in wide flouncings, nil new stock, undonbtdly the greatest lot x values r,hown anywhere this Rea son, nt Wednesday's Bale price, per yard 10c LACES WORTH TO 25c YD. Delightful assortment; 'in cluding Vals., Torchons, Toint de Paris, Zion City wash laces, etc., regular values to 25c a yard, on sale Wednesday in two lots at, yard 3C and 5c $10,000 Stock Women's Skirts Secured for spot cash from one of America's best known manufacturers, at a tremendous bargain, goes on sale Wed nesday an Three Great Lots. Aullman Voiles, Tanajhas,' Silks ,ete., in all the newest 6tyles and colorings. LOT 1 Skirts all sizes for la dles and misses, worth up to $4, ftt $1.00 LOT 2 Panama Kklrts in colors and black, worth up to $5, at 82.75 LOT 8 Skirts In fine Panama Voile or. Silks, worth to $10, at ; S5.00 Bargain You'll Certainly Not Find Duplicated Elsewhere. $20 Tailor Suits made of all wool panamas In prince chap style, dozens of designs to select from, skirts extra full, splendid assortment of colors, Wednesday, " 812.50 New Crown Jewell Suits The first in. the opinion of discrimina ting women who appreciate atyla. Individuality, perfect tailoring... rich colorings and superior qual ity fabrics at a moderate cost. You'll not find there equal else where for less than $35.00, at $25.00 Ask to see the new designs. Extra Specials for Wednesday In Our Famous Domestic Room Apron Checks, fast colors.. 3tt Standard prints 3 36-Inch Percales, 12 c grade at 7 15c Dress Ginghams 15c Turkish Towels 10 12c Towels ...8to 10c Towels r7VtJ 8c Towels 12 Mc Duck Dress Goods.... 5 19c, 15c, 12 He Arnold's fine wash gooas, long remnants, 39c Silk Tissue . . 5 100 25c Voiles, checked From 2 to 3 p. m. v 1 case of unbleached Dallls Mus lin 10 inches wide, next grade above Pepperel . . . . . . .15 1 case of Silk Warp French Ging hams, 3 9C grade, long remnants, 8tts Toll du Nord, red seal, A. P. C. ginghams, all 12 Vs and 15o grade ,..7i Remnants 2 to 10 yards. High Grade Wash Goods From fl In 1 n o m 60 pieces of Anderson's Genuine Scotch Ginghams, 32-In. wide, regular, prlco 25c, only one pat tern to customer, at....l2Vs From 2 to 3 p. m. 50c Pongee Wash Goods, allk and mercerized, only one pattern customer, at yard. to . 25 Ready Mixed Paints Warranted 5 Years Oak Brand House Paint, ready mixed, per gallon, only j -, A good Hous6 Paint, per gallon QH& In buying paint you want the very best, usually yoii have to pay $1.65 per gallon, but, you can get the best ,paint ever made, warranted 5 yeara by- us for j 05 Poultry netting by the roll, only --GOc Boys'. Iron wagons, only 75 Ceiling dusters, 6 foot long .19 Fancy feather dusters, each '. '. '. .5 16 gallon garbage can 51.25 Groceries! GroceriesI 48-Ib. sark best Patent Flour, the fln- ,est, made, per sack J1.2J 10 bara best brands Laundry Soap 25o 10-lb. sacks beat White or Yellow Cornmeal 15o 1-lb pkg. best Domestic Macaroni, for 8 Ho The beat hand picked Navy Beans, per lb 4 4c Bchepp's Shredded Cocoanut, lb., IT c Quaker Oats Company's Toasted Wheat flakes, per pkg do Gillette's Washing Crystal, pkg., lc 4 cans best fancy Sweet Kugar Corn for 2ic 1-lb. cans Assorted Soups 7c The best Soda or Oyster Crackers, per lb "c The bent Crisp Ginger Snaps, lo. 5c The best crisp Pretiels, per lb 6c OO OKIES COOKIES, COOKIES The entire stock of the largest cookie factory In the world, regular 15c, 18o 20c and 25c per lb., cookies, all go at, per lb lOo mESK KQETABX.ES ajtd tkotts TOM WEDNESDAY Quart boxes fancy ripe Strawberries for ....I60 Pint boxes fancy ripe. Strawberries ,or ln Fresh Peas, per quart .I0o Fresh Pie Plant, per lb 10a Fresh Spinach, per peck 20o Fresh ripa Tomatoes, per lb. ...,10c 2 heads fresh Leaf Lettuce 6c Large heads Lettuce, each 7io Fresh Onions, 6 bunches for.. ...5c Fresh Radishes, 2 hunches for... .60 Fresh large Cucumbers, each.. lifts Fresh Cauliflower, each. ........ 10c Fresh Green Beans, per lb 15o Fresh Asparagas, per jh, ........ 2io Fresh Kgg Plant, each 60 Fresh Turnips, Beets or Carrots, I bunches for . lOo OKvAXOES, OBAJtOES, OmAjrOXS Another Car of Highland Mavela This makes Id cars of tills delicious fruit In nine weeks. To be opened Wednesday morning and will go on sale nt. per Uoien lOo, 130, lBo, lTViO and 80c. IM HMBENS' EML This low one way rate is in effect EVERY DAY TO APRIL 30, 1908 nV'r.; Jf'-.. I w 7. 7 iu w JJ iuh 'Union M l ' yJ Pacific Si. TNOt'lRB AT ticut orriCE ' ISM FAUNAS ST. PHUNK DUUUUSS 12 i k 1 BEAUTIFY YOUR LAWN with out Iron and Wirt fence. Trellises and Arbors for Tines, flower fuards, ensue, settees, ftwi, tre gaarde, bitehlng posts, window (UiOi, bara flatare u ciae,e fenoe. CHAMPION FENCE COMPANY IT-IS South lata Street, Tel. XKuf i&a lStO. , SeaA lot Catalogue. ,- 4