Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 31, 1908, Image 4

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Tite Omaha Daily Ber
Entered at Omaha Postoffic as eacond
claaa matter. '
Dally Bee jwithnut Sunday), one year.. 14.0ft
Daily baa and HunOar, ona year DO
fttinday li, one ytar.i, l
Saturday Ut-. one ywar tW
flly Bee (Including' Runlay), per week.150
alty Bee (without Sunday), per week. loo
Evening Ufa (without Eunaay), per week So
livening; Bee (with Sunday), per week. loo
Addrena alt complaints of Jrresulsrltles
til delivery to City Circulation Department,
Omaha The Ben Building.
South Omaha City Hall Hutldlng.
Council Bluffs 15 Scott Street.
Chicago 1 University Building.
New Xork 1408 Homt Lira Insurance
BulMlng. '
Washlngfmt 77IS Fourteenth Ptreet N. W.
Communications relating to newa and edi
torial matter ahould be addressed, Omaha,
Bee, Editorial Department
Remit by draft, express or postal order
payable to Tha Bee Publishing company.
Only 1-cent stamps received In payment ef
mall account. Personal checka. except on
Omaha or eastern exchsnges, not accepted.
Ft ate of Nnbraaka, Douglas Coutny, as.:
George B. Tssrhuck, treasurer of Tha
Bee Publishing camoany, being duly sworn,
says that the aotual number of full and
Complete foplna of Tha Dally, Morning,
Evening and Sunday Boa printed during
tha month of February, 101, was aa fol
lows) ., ..... ...
1 8C70O It 80.100
1 84,300 IT 39,300
I........... so.ieo it.. ,no
4.... ,. as.aao i sb,73o
(.... . 16,210. 80... Ba,300
............ 80,030 11 86,340
f..... 88,940. tt.4 M.630
... .86,030 ..... 35,000
85,000 St.. 80,300
19. .......... 8S,tOO IS 96,470
11 ,,, IM.100 18..., M.480
13.. l.V 89,a00" IT. t... ...... 8r0
IS... 88,200 IS 80,380
14 80,100. 2t.i... 30,880
IB 86.11
Totals 1,048,630
Less unsold and returned copies.. 8,437
Nat total. ... ....... .n. ..... , .1,039,113
Dally average 35,831
' . - . Treasurer.
Subscribed In my presence and sworn
la before an this 2d day of March, 10&,
, . . Notary Public
' f afcserlbera leaving ike city m.
permrllr aboold barn Tk Bea
aallee to tkeaa. Aenreaa will ha
changed an often an reoneeted. '
Evea ran emperor reserves the
right to change his mind.'
It la possible, too. " that Dr. Hill
speaks German without' an accent.
A baby has been born In New York
with two tongues.. Yes", It's a glrL -'
President Castro Is making another
effort to. stir the- asphalt war op to a
hot pitckV". '
March' must .make .up Its mind
quickly which of Its dual roles It will
assume for its exit from the stage this
year. ":'-'-'::."-:"' " "
Chief Forester; Plnchot says there is
only Umber enough . In the country,
outside of the. presidential variety, to
last for .thirty years. .
Which, county road shall be paved
first out of the proceeds of the Crelgh
ton estate Inheritance tax? Now
don't ail speak at' once.
"This. Js,. terrible, , this. . being .a
prince;" 'say prlnte de ' Sagan. fiorry
he" feels that way about it Most folks'
get a lot of tun. oat of it
bishop Fallows insists that we can
BlS live to be 120 years old If we con
fine" ourselves to an exclusive diet of
sour milk. Is it worth UT
."What Is the real test of educa
tion T" asks tha Philadelphia Tele
graph. vWell, ability to read a gas
meter correctly is one of tbeui.
Count Bonl Informs a Paris reporter
that he is not coming to America.
Walking between -.Paris and America is
very wet e thls'seaBon of the year.
President Castro refuses to arbitrate,
apologise or pay . damages. That is
about the attitude William Randolph
Hearst has taken in political affairs.
"Bermuda lilies will be plentiful
this year." says a New York paper.
That is different The first report
was that they would be cheap this
year. '
iAbe Ruef. who ' was freed by the
California supremo court after be had
plead guilty, has been indicted again.
If he-wants to get into Jail he may
have t tle&l not Kullty.
Senate sessions are as peaceful as
meetings of tha ministerial alliance.
now that "Den" Tillman and "Jeff
Davis Cf AiVpn.-u are both away from
Wash! u to a at the Bahie time.
For its Impending municipal elec
tion South Omaha has recorded the
largest registration of voters la its
klstory. -This is a- pretty good sign of
(opulatloa growth for the Magla City.
It it is perfectly proper for Colonel
Bryan.tq. try again for president after
two unsuccessful efforts, why is it not
equally proper for Tom Watson to try
again -utter only one unsuccessful
effort?; '. . . . '
In an authorized interview In a
' Georgia paper John D. Rockefeller
says the southern women' are' the
handsomest lutha world Bryan and
Rockefolloi! be the ticket named
at Denver:. . .
Congressman- Uetilu of Alabama
doubtleas tn -outages the attempts that
are btiisg u;ado to induce the negroes
to vote the democratic ticket this
year la, states ..where . the democrats
are not alue to prv&t the negro
from x-t'r j. .
should be surrnsssiD.
Authorities In every city that has a!
vaudeville house of a picture theater
should be prepared to place a ban
against the reproduction of the Collin
wood fire horrors tow beng advertised
by the moving picture shows in tha
east The sickening details of that
tragedy in which several hundred
school children lost their lives are
sufficiently real and vivid In the minds
of American parents'without spur from
moving picture reproductions of theirs
No good purpose can be served by
such an exhibition. The lesson 'of the
horror has been taught and school
authorities throughout the country are
taking steps necessary for the better
protection of the lives of pupils in
school buildings. A moving picture of
the fire would furnish nothing of value
to those seeking to better the construc
tion of school buildings and would
serve only to shock and frighten spec
tators. The presentation of such pic
tures would be an outrage on decency
and good taste and should be pre
Railroad trainmen will find food for
serious thought in an article In the
current number of the "Locomotive,"
a publication whose title is self
explanatory, giving an analysis of the
causes of the railroadaccidents for
1807. The figures, which are
piled by an expert in such matters,
show that 76. 4 of the railroad accir
dents for the year, in which a loss of
life was involved, were caused by
carelessness, recklessness or disregard
of duty or instructions .
In making his computations the au
thor used 141 accidents, in which 476
persons were killed, 2,469 injured and
property damased to the extent of
$2,061,900. Tha figures are taken
from the annual report of the Inter
state Commerce commission. .The ac
cidents are divided into three classes,
those caused by the man, those caused
by the machine and these caused by
the weather. Some difficulty is natu
rally experienced in making such a
classification, but the , conclusion is
that the man was responsible, for 7S.4
per cent of the accidents investigated,
the machine for 18.8 per cent and the
weather for 2.5, and malice for 2.8
per cent. The accidents charged to
the weather account were caused by
fog or snow, or high winds that blew
Out the signal lights. Of the acci
dents charged to the machine 6.3 per
cent were due to defective roadbed,
caused by washouts or tracks out of
gauge. Broken rails, defective
switches, failure of airbrakes and
broken wheels made up the balance of
the accidents chargeable to the ma
Chine. '
V The most unfavorable showing is in
cluded in the accidents, due to .the
men. "Mistakes" caused 28 per cent
of these. The mistakes were nearly
all due to error in giving or receiving
signals or in writing or receiving or
ders. The analysis shows that these
mistakes were not confined to new
men or green hands In the service, but
were made by trainmen who had been
for years' in the business. Forgetful
ness was responsible for 27 per cent
of the accidents. In these cases some
one connected wfth the "operation of
the train simply forgot to do what he
had been ordered to do. Reckless
ness end careless including exceeding
of the yard limit Bpeed, failure to
test airbrakes and failure to observe
the five-minute' intervals between
trains contributed 16yper cent of the
It is impossible, of course, to ascer
tain how many of these accidents
chargeable to trainmen were due to
physical incapacity, caused by over
work, loss of sleep and exposure, but
ever a liberal allowance for those rea
sons leaves tha record a severe ar
raignment of the railway trainmen.
It lends support to the charge hereto
fore made that railway managers pay
much more attention to the selection
of material, fuel and supplies than
they do to securing the highest class
of men for. employes. Men admitted
to the railway service should be re.
quired to conform to a standard cor
responding to the responsibilities im
posed upon them. . ,
Accustomed as they are to all kinds
of extravagance in spending other
people's money. New Yorkers have
finally become aroused over the abuses
that have grown up in the receiver
ships of different fiduciary Institutions
in the state and are making a deter
mined effort to put more responsibility
on their state officials in the matter
of receiverships and to fix a specific
scale of fees that may be charged.
Demand for this legislative action Is
spurred by the request of the receivers
of the Knickerbocker Trust Company
for fees amounting to II, 000, 000, ex
clusive of legal services, and some
other minor charges that would bring
the entire cost uo to nearly $1,500,
000, The trust company was forced
into the hands of a receiver late in
October. Its affairs have, been re
adjusted and it is now doing business
under 9) reorganization. The service
rendered by the receiver extended
over a period of about, threw months.
No 'possible service thesu men could
have rendered in : the time involved
could have been worth the amount
asked by them and it is doubted if
the serlcea were worth what was Orally
allowed by the court, something-over
$$00,000. According to ' precedent.
the receivers of the Knickerbocker
have betfn treald very shabbily by
the courts. When the affairs of the
Republic Savings and Loan associ
ation In New York were closed up last
year,, the depositors received $30,000,
while more than $1,000,000 was paid
to the receivers and their attorneys. 1
Most states have had experience
with the financial extravagance of re
ceiverships for financial and Industrial
institutions, but the abuse has been
carried to the extreme in New York.
The proposed law, providing that the
state superintendent of banking shall
be the official receiver of all failures
that come under the supervision of
his department, and limiting the cost
of administration of an embarrassed
concern offers a solution of the
problem that may be considered with
profit by the legislatures of other
states where the receivership system
still runs riot
Washington advices indicate that
President Roosevelt is going to ( ask
congress for authority to force a settle
ment with Venezuela of the five claims
pending against the Castro govern
ment All the records of the state de
partment show that President Castro
has opposed all efforts for a peaceful
adjudication of the differences be
tween this government and Vensuela
and the administration feels that radi
cal action is necessary to. bring the
Veqetuela dictator to a sense of his
International obligations.
In the meantime, President Castro,
who is a skillful politician, is main
taining a press agency in New York
and deluging newspapers and con
gressmen with ingenuously worded
defenses of Venezuela's course in the
contested claims. This agency has
protested against recent editorials in
The Bee and has asked for "Justice
end fair play" for Castro and hla gov
ernment. The mistake of Castro's
spokesmen lies in using the asphalt
controversy as an excuse for Venez
uela's failure to deal with other claims
of Americans, which have no relation
whatever to the asphalt fight , The
contention that the asphalt truBt
financed the Matos rebellion against
Castro may or may not be true, but
it has nothing to do with the other
cases in dispute. Our government 1b
not Interested in any trouble between
Venezuela and any corporations that
have sought to profit by dishonest
practices in that country. Our gov
ernment, la Interested, however, In
Americans who have honest business
interests in Venezuela and whose
rights have been arbitrarily denied
them and it is pur duty to protect
such citizens in their rights.
Eliminating the asphalt controversy
from consideration, the real question
at issue is the ability of our govern
ment to maintain its dignity and self
respect. The Washington authorities
have asked that the five American
claims against Venezuela be referred
to arbitration. Castro has persistently,
almost insultingly, refused this re
quest. It remains only for the presi
dent, under the authority of congress,
to take vigorous steps to enforce all
just demands on behalf of American
The Lincoln Journal calls The Bee's
reference to . Lincoln's reluctance to
make effective the appropriation for a
state historical library building by fur
nishing the site on which it is condi
tioned "a premature blast," and gives
assurance that a suitable site will be
forthcoming as soon as the municipal
authorities can devise wayB and means
for raising the money needed for that
purpose. The Journal has even gone
to the trouble to Invent a story to tho
effect that Omaha will try to capture
the state historical building away
from it if it Is not immediately an
chored at the capital. .
It The Bee's brief reference to this
subject shall have the effect of jarring
loose the free (?) site which was the
inducement and consideration for this
appropriation, it will have served
some good purpose although It has
surely taken our Lincoln friends a
long time to wake up to a realization
of where they are at. Inasmuch as the
appropriation was made fully a year
ago and will have lapsed before an
other year rolls around if the condi
tion is not met 80 far as The Bee is
concerned, it expressed its view at the
time the subject was pending in the
legislature to the effect that the state
historical library and the state library
should be merged, so far as housing
and administration go. and that they
should be appropriately provided for
together in a distinct wing of a new
state house when the time comes Jo
replace the present structure. That
time we believe will come soon after
the state' gets rid of its floating debt,
which debt is rapidly disappearing.
A little less than a year ago a San
Francisco mob went on the rampage
in the Japanese section and destroyed
certain property. Reports at the time
told of heavy loss and the feeling
aroused caused months of talk about a
war between Japan and the United
States. The damage has been settled
by the payment of $459 by the city of
San Francisco to the Japanese mer
chants, who are perfectly satisfied
with the finding. v
.The reopening of Kansas City's big
bank,' whose failure proved to be the
only really bad falldowa in the west
resulting from the recent panic, must
be taken aa a good omen tor the fu
ture. Not only has the west suffered
less than the east from the business
depression, but its prospects are better
for speedy recovery.
Congressman Beall of Texas de
clares that the president is "the San-
dow of the country, holding the senate
in one hand and the house In the other
and keeping Loth of them in the air
most of the time." . The picture is a
little exaggerated. It is believed that
If the president were able to hold the
senate and house . in, the air at the
same time he would be tempted to
drop them. Just to give them a little
shaking up. .
Tom Watson . announces quite
frankly that "the populisms of Georgia
are willing to be absorbed by the na
tional Independence party, "provided
Thomas F. Watson is put at the head
of the ticket to be nominated." The
trading stamp variety of politics once
hitched Watson to the second tall ot
the Bryan kite.
Mr.. Bryan and his democratic fol
lowers preferred Ooldbug Parker to
Tom Watson four years ago, but now
they object to Watson's populist
friends preferring him to Bryan this
year. The Tom Watson crowd at
least has the merit of consistency.
If you entertain any doubts as to
whether. Douglas county needs a new
modern court house, Just get yourself
Qrawn on tha Jury panel and put in
three weeks as a Juror subject to the
Inadequate facilities the present struc
ture affords.
The program laid out for the enter
tainment of Secretary Taft during his
visit to Omaha and Council Bluffs next
week ought to enable him to qualify
easily in the strenuous president class.
f nlone) and EffectlT.
,. Chicago Inter Ocean.
There does not appear to have ben any
thing wrong about the arrangement which
landed In a hearse the thug who started
out in a cab.
Iwaa Get m ltac
Minneapolis Journal.
Just as soon aa Governor Johnson heard
from his old friend Turnblad that there
was soma talk of running him for tha
presidency, he dropped Bwan a line. And
It was no swan song, either.
Lamentable liaoraae,
Cleveland Plain Dealer. -Tha
congressman who declares that
President Rooritevelfs "big stick" ta only
a shlllaiah shows a lamentable Ignorance
of the aggressive virtues of tha latter
Tha Ltd Is Off.
Philadelphia Record.
German parliamentary reporters have ac
cepted tha apology of Herr Qroeber and
returned to Ujelr reporting. ConseQuantly
tha wheels of the German government go
around again, and the orators, assured of
seeing their words In print, have made their
speeches. Herr Oroeber waa compelled to
apologise by his colleagues who had
speeches on their minds and who, of course,
could not relieve themselves while the press
gallery was empty.
Japan's Political Daafter. f
Leslie's Weekly.
Within a few years Japan must raise
$1,000,000,000 to pay Off, or ' convert its
loans, and to continue tha improvements
already begun, and od which tha prosperity
of the country depends. Until the great
war debt Is pald.' tnat, ' alone, will compel
tha tax collectors to wring from every
subject of tha emperor about $6S a year.
The other day tha Diet added to the taxes
on a half-doien ot the most used articles
In the country. Tha end has been reached.
The people of Japan are carrying a bur
den which Is almost too heavy for them
now a burden that cannot be Increased.
There is where tha political danger lies.
Wnjr Eastern Cities Are TTo Longer
; Considered.
7 Boston Globe.
The democrats met In Baltimore in 1836,
1U0, 1M4, 1843 and met. In tha U3S Conven
tion It Is related .that tha officeholders
who took part were counted and their
names were published. In tha body which
assembled In there was but one mem
ber to cast tha vote of Massachusetts and
several of the western states were thinly
At that period It was not easy to travel
long distances aa It Is now,' which accounts
for many absentees when tha roll of dele
gates was called.
In 1 tha democrats tried Cincinnati,
but In 180D returned south, meeting first In
Charleston, B. C there being soma se
oeders who held a separata meeting and
adjourned to meet In Baltimore. Tha dem
ocrats tried Chicago first for a convention
city in 1864, went to Tammany hall. New
York, In 1868 and in 1871 nominated Horace
Oreeley In Baltimore. But alnoa then thay
have met In either 8t Louis, Cincinnati or
Chicago. ,
Tha change from southern cities to north
ern or western ones for tha performance
of convention work la due to several good
reasons. In the first place. In former times
tha bulk of tha population . of the country
was to be found far east of tha Rocky
mountains and In fact more confined to tha
original thirteen states. i
The west then was, in tha words of a
Stump orator, "a howling wilderness."
Hence It was natural for the early conven
tions to ba held in Baltimore, which was
near tha eapltal and easier of access for
tke delegates, tne majority or wnom cams
from northern and southern states. .Baity-
more waa then quite a central olty so far
aa tha population of tha country was con
cerned. '
As. tha new states grew and tha popu
lation and means of transportation In
creased tha western atatea had to be con
sidered. Therefore, tha democrats assem
bled In Cincinnati, Bt Louis and Ctlcigo.
The number of delegates has great' y in
creased alas. It now being 1,00 wt.o will
go out to Denver.
Stokers Way Down
in the boiler-room of the steam,
ship shovel in the coal night
and day that jive her power
to make a record. The bed
coal jive the bett power.
That i why
Scott's Emulsion
produces flesh when other thin jt
uii. U UMtiauie fHyWai.
It it truly a body fuel. Many
a man, woman and child have
broken their records for weight
by the pounds of flesh gamed
It Is a powerful fkh producer.
AO Dtnasntei tOe. and 11.00.
Cnrrent Events Gleaned from tke
Army a a Navy BraUter.
The army signal corps will shortly pur
chase wagons which will ba specially de
signed for the purpoaa of transporting the
metal tubea filled with gas Intended for
una In tha military balloons. These tubea
are about four feet in length and of eight
Inches diameter and are to be so placed In
tha wagons that a tap on tha end of enoh
tube will facilitate the transfer of tha gtui
to the balloon. It Is Intended that several
of these wagons shaft bs purchased for ona
balloon train. In addition to which vehicle
there will ba a wagon for tho balloon
Itself and still another for the gear with
which the balloon will ba controlled. By
this system tha military balloon train will
poasess Its own means of transportation
and control In the field.
The secretary of war has approved tha
recommendations made by Lieutenant Gen
eral B. B. M. Toung, V. B. A., retired, as
superintendent of Yellowstone park. Borne
time ago General Young urged that provi
sion be mads for an Increase to double tha
present capacity ot the garrison at Fort
Tcllowstone in order that there might ba
accommodations for a full squadron of
cavalry. Plans and specifications tor this
will be prepared In the quartermaster gen
eral's office and bids will be Invited for tha
construction of barracks and quarters to
shelter two additional troops of cavalry.
The buildings will be of a permanent char
acter and composed of local stone and con
crete. J
Tha War department has been Informed
that some anarchistic literature of a con
ventionally lnflamable character has been
persistently circulated among the enlisted
men of the military establishment Tha
suggestion Is made, evidently from a
worthy source, that steps should be taken
by the general government to prohibit pub
lications of this kind or at least to stop the
dissemination of such disloyal documents
among those connected with the army. It
Is stated that tha object is to cause whole
sale desertion on the part of enlisted men.
There Is no evidence of any such propa
ganda being conducted among the soldiers
of the array or that there has been an
undue influence in behalf of desertion. If
that were so, It would seem reasonable
that there would be at some time or some
place a trace of that Influence In tha rec
ords of trial. There is no such evidence
and Incidentally there is no way In which
the government can reach out to prevent
the circulation of literature of this sort.
There has been uncxepcted delay In the
Issue of the general order from the War
department prescribing the conditions of
the new test in horsemanship as a deter
mination of indlvldaul efficiency of army
officers. This la the test which will en
dure for three days and cover ninety miles
of territory. The president desires that five
miles of the dally thirty-mile exercise! shall
be with the officers dismounted leading
their animals and of this fractional dis
tance on foot It la proposed to have a part
of it with the officers sprinting. Tha qual
ities of a spectacle will be measurably en
hanced by this agile feature and there will
apparently be nothing lacking to make of
the event all that can contribute to tha
gayety of the occasion tor tha benefit of
tha beholder. If the original scheme Is car
ried out there will be numerous retirements
to gladden the hearts of juniors who are
able at this time to survive the acrobatic
exactions. There has been some question
whether this variety of physical exercise
is not altogether In excess of the endurance
of. a man who has rsachod the age of .40
years, for Instance, and who may still be
considered as useful In tha commissioned
personnel ot the military ' establishment
The primal function of the order as a
means ot elimination will be preserved If
the president's wishes In the matter are fol
lowed to any extent
The plan of decentralising the duties of
the quartermaster's department In the mat
ter of furnishing supplies for the army la
meeting hearty oommendatlon from the
officers of the army generally, and receiv
ing enthusiastic support from those In the
department. The comments received by Gen
eral Aleehlre on this new and original
method of handling the procurement Of
supplies have all been favorable, and the
completeness and clearness of circular No.
1, Q. M. G. O., 1908, is unanimously declared
to be remarkable. Probaly never before
In the history ot the department has a plan
been so thoroughly worked out and In
structions to cover all point given In such
detail, at the same time providing an elas
ticity long recognised as a great need. Not
the slightest difficulty in beginning opera
tions promptly with the fiscal year 1009
Is anticipated by any one who has given the
new plan consideration. Department com
manders and chief quartermasters feel that
It givea them 'opportunity for tha exercise
of Judgment In the administration of their
duties, thus enabling them to better meet
responsibilities and know more definitely
the means available to that end.
A general order will shortly be issued
from tho War department communicating
to the service the executive order Increas
ing the army ration. The changes take ef
fect, on Hay 1. The order will contain the
amendmenta which are neeeaaary In conse
quence In the paragraphs of the Army
regulations. New blanks will also be '-issued.
. -.
Corporation. Managers Bee the Llht
and Sale te It.
Wall Street Journal.
It Is of extraordinary Interest that Presi
dent Vail of the American Telephone and
Telegraph company, In hla annual report
commends the Roosevelt policy In regard
to corporate management and regulation,
and favors the doctrine' of physical valua
tion aa a basis for establishing fair earn
ings. Mr. Vail apparently stands In the
same position toward the Roosevelt admin
istration that Judge Gary of the steel cor
poration does.
We have made notable advances In the
past five years and the point ot view of
corporation finance Is quite different from
what It was In 1901 and ISMS. It will be re
membered that there was at first vary
bitter opposition even to the principle ot
corporation publicity, which Is now almost
universally accepted aa right, and which
la being more and more generally put Into
aotual operation.
The policy of government regulation of
franchise corporations la now generally ac
cepted, even by those who do not like It,
aa better than either Irresponsible finan
cial power or government ownership. The
country has in the last few. years accus
tomed Itsulf to the Idea that the economic
unit has grown from the township and
even ths state. Into Uie dimensions ot
continent and that nearly all ot the large
business ot today has necessarily become
Interstate, and, therefore, subject to control
hit iU.-i'.af) eommerce.
. This change In the point of view is
notable that there Is all the more reason
why there should be an abatement of ex
treme radical agitation. Because we have
traveled thus far toward the realization
of fair competition and equal opportunity
there Is no reason why we should .ruah pell
mell Into the arms of xealots or demagogues
who would practically destroy tha system
ef business orsanlaaUuus la ordi to bring
about a complete social revolution.
: - WINK
'At the Grocer
just look him straight in tho eye
. and tell him you want
j Sledded Wheat-; j
and don't you accept any substi
tutes in fact there is no "sub
stitute" for Shredded Wheat
the cleanest and best of all the'
cereal foods.
All the "winking you can do vrUl not make
corn (lakes as dicestiblo or at nutritious as
or "compounded" with
.JL1. 9 a
WHOS9 wucaif ic&iii'ASVJn.cvi, iuicuugu curia
baked. Try it for breakfast tomorrow. Heat
the Biscuit in oven and pour hot milk or cream
over it
Ernest W. Emery, day manager of the
"Associated Press" at Washington, has
been unanimously elected exalted ruler
of Washington lodge. No.. 16, of the Be
nevolent and Protective Order ot Elks.
When a Cincinnati Enoch Arden returned
the monotony of the case was varied by
the second husband promptly giving up
the wife to the. husband Who wanted her
back. Then the two spouses shook hands
and the trio parted good friends.
The seniors of Oklahoma university have
organised themselves Into a "Back-to-Na-
ture Club," and will permit their whiskers
to grow, with a prise for the best results.
It la not stated whether the Van Dyke
or the populist style is to be affected.
President Roosevelt transmitted to con
gress a recommendation by the secretary
of state tor an appropriation to reimburse
the persons who furnished the money re
quired to ransom Miss Ellen ' M. Stone
from Bulgarian bandits a number of years
The first president of the republic ot
Panama, Manuel Amador Guerrero, com
monly known as 1 President Amador, has
announced that he will not seek re
election. The president who Is now nearly
78 years 'old, does not care to bear the
burdens of public office for another term.
Governor Johnson ot Minnesota, has a
big income assured to him for several
years, even If he never Is elected presi
dent or anything. '' Blnce he has become
talked about he has many offers from
chautauqua associations and many lyoeum
bureaus to go on the lecture platform.
And since he has been prominently men
tioned as good presidential timber, and
somie newspapers and magaslnes have
taken It upon themselves to boost him
for the nomination, the managers of those
associations and bureaus have been falling
over themselves to snake contracts with
him at figures that seem to grow every
day. .
All Baaa-ev paaaed.
Philadelphia Record.
Whether It were a' monster or a mouse.
tha good lady, Confidence, ocrtalnly saw
something that made her jump; but now
that! steel has begun to Improve, she can
safely get down off the chair, smooth out
her skirts and Join the procession. Steel
always leads the way In our business re
vivals. Opportanlty Panned Vp,
New York World.
Mr. Bryan mleeed a chance at Cincinnati.
where a . high school youth asked him,
"What ehanee has the poor boy and bow
can brains win ta a costest with money f
Ths answer the NebraAa Commoner failed
to give was that tha hoy will have no
chance If he stops on the way to ask
doubters' questions.
Tom Collins Havens
Victor White ConlCo.
' , ' ' '
1618 Jarnam Street
We Hive Yards. No One
It is not flavored'
anything just pure,
1 I -V IJ-j 1
Policeman I accuse this man, your honor,
with starving his horse
Prisoner And I can prove, your honor,
the beast waa never without a bit In hla
mouth, Baltimore American. ,
Farmer (bursting Into crossroads store)
What do you think, Silas NeweheeseT
The bones of a prehtatorlc man have been
discovered on Hank Weatherspoon's
Storekeeper Great gosht I hope poor
Hank ll be able to clear himself at tha
cor ner's inquest. Puck.
"Are you going to vote a straight ticket T-'
asked the campaign worker.
"What's the use In aaktn' a question tlko
thatT" rejoined Mr. Dolan. "You know
this ward hasn't seen a ticket that wasn't
crooked in ' the last ten years." Washln
lngton Star.
"Johnny," said Mrs. Lapsllng, "I wish you
would go over to the grocer's and get two
pounds of the best evaouated apples he's
got." Chicago Tribune.
"What sort ot place do you covet in
heaven. Uncle Davet"
"Not so low, auh, dat ' de angels could
stop on me, en not so high dat I'd alt olty
en come tumblin'l" Atlanta Constitution.
"Ahf he cried. :"howT that "We're en
gaged, let me press you to my heart In"
"Don't lose yourself," said the frivo
lous girl pushing him away, "this Is no
pressing engagement." - Philadelphia
"Why do you wear that ridiculous hat?"
he growled.
"ijo you really think It ridiculous?"
she replied graciously "How lovily of
you. I waa afraid It wasn't qulta the
stye." Philadelphia Ledger.
"May I ask your business, sir?"
"I'm a bridge builder."
"Railroad or dental."-Cleveland Plain
Dealer. . r
1 ' Nashville American.
Bill Jones he likes 10 sit around
And tell what ha would do .
If he were only prs!ilim. .
For Just a term or two. . ' ' -He'd
drive the grafters front, tha land -
And give good men a Show
And have an honeat government
Perhapal. We'll never, know. . r
Were Bill Jones but a congressman,
You bet the fur would fly. -.
The troubles of the crooked rloh
Each day would multiply.
He'd give. the nation's treasure box ' ' '
A . chance to overflow ;
If he were ther a-runntng tilings.
Perhaps! We'll never kuow. ,
He wouldn't let the ship of state .
Ball any way but straight:
He wouldn't make all grand reforms
Out In the lobby wait, -And
every bill would have to bs
Exactly on the square.
For there would be no monkey-work ,
If only BUI were there. -
It seems a pity that 'we ca-nt .
Get statesmen of that sort .
Borne men of whom when they were there
We'd hear but good report.
Bill Jonw" lurk on every side,
But, really, what's the use.
Since no otie rlaea up to say,
"Come on, Bill; cut 'er looeetP .
Can Serve You So Quickly