Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 30, 1908, Page 7, Image 7

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(Continued )
BT ow, nlee home. .t front, nearly
riew. -six rooitm. reception hall, mndirii
es-ejH he, half block No. Of Fort 8L.
Wl No. ZWu 01. 1I-M2 SOx
IA-FOOT rilONT. JHh and Chlraav; i(rr,
. M" and rut-bin In street; price,
.x0. C. M. RylsnOr. vn N. T. I.lfe.
Nesr and Miami Sin., 6-ronm house,
city water; lot about ix!3 ft.; on pay
ments, V T. GRAIIAjI, SOI Rce Pl.lg
(19) .M301 30
I WANT an efrer on the property. 113 and
1130 B. tlat Kt. two modi-rn house and
Rood barn; well rented. Thia property ti
owned by an eastern pHrty who must sell.
Room 1, New York Lite Bldg.
... OJ)r,i
Jmxl location, tnodern brick houses; rent
, for pr year; price. 5!S.00.
VN. T. GRAHAM, m Ben RUIk.
U3I-MJ02 30
Dsnlel. Prompt and accurals service,
lhone Poug. Board of Trade.
.v (19) MM)
LIST your property with Chris Boyer, !Id
and Cuining Bta. (18) 8a
WK8T Leavenworth district building lots,
, floe to I1TS; easy term. Mitzlaff, 6j-V
Leavenworth 81. 'Phone lUrney .
(19) M1S4 Jlx
i'rompt aervlce. Get our prices., 1710
Farnara. . .. . (l)-64
tTbal estate titlr trust pn
(19) 862
Two houses, 5 rooms and S
rooms, rent for idO; cilv
water, lot ToxWO. No. tog (10
Center 61. .
ln South lth St.
(!!) M2:i4 V
, Hank Dakata.
On tha new (, M. A rit. P. Coast Railway,
through Adam county. North - lakti,
which Is attracting homefceekers to an
' unexcelled farming country. Sunshine,
free coal, pure water, aura crops, a home
and profitableoccupation for you. Lund
t ut 1 to 'J9 an ucre row. Eaay trnna.
We have homeatead relinquishment for
aale. Bee Wm. H. Brown Co., llayne.
or Mott, North Dakota, rJ31 La Halle St.,
Chicago. 111. ' Mapa free. Mention this
paper. Or writs our Mandan, North Da
kota, office. (20-Mt
Santa Dakota.
INVESTORS Take notice; I urn overloaded
with land; will sell part of it at a bar
gain; easy tcrma. Edmunds Co., 8o. Dak.
Don't overlook this opportunity. W. U.
. Clark.. Nebraska City, Neb
... . ' ' , (30)-M31x
WESTERN LAND, larae and small tracts;
pale and exchange. National .Invt. Co.,
5S3 Brandels Blrtg. . . (20) 864
LOCATE on the Lower Brule Reservation.
Good rtalrra yrt to be had, open for
. I lling. Will locate you for a reasonable
. nmunt. Address O. M. Bcrtleaon,
1'icsho, P. D. C0 Mi47 A3 :
Kelintiuishments Going .Fast '
All ' rllniulxlinienta we advertised ara
sold. We Have just secured another nec
ttori'. also a half section, for $1.3C and W0;
some Improvements; frnod furmlrujr land;
should he broke mid cropped this season;
crop will pay for land.
National. Investment Co.,
m Bramlels Bid.
' 2M M'M
Parma, Ranches and Pastore Lands.
FINK 210 acres, seventy acres hay and
pasture. A. E. Woodman, 123 N. 24th St.,
Omaha.' (21) M2M 3"v
. v . . (22)-W7
LOANS on Improved Omaha property.
O'Kaefa R. E.,Co.. 1001 N. Y. LIM BMg.
' (32) St8
Paxton Block.
WANTED City loans and warrants. W.
Farnara Smith Co., 1320 Farnam St.
Hot) TO fl.ono made promptly. P. P. Weed,
Wead Bid.. 18th and Farnam. (22 70
64 PER CENT money to loan on caatarn
Nebraska farma and good business prop
erty In Omaha.-
First National Bank Building. Tele-
r phone Douglas 722.
i f?J)-71
W ANTED City loans.
Peters Trust Co.
(22 873
MONEY to loan on Improved city property.
Hastings A llsyden, 170 Farnam St.
NAT. DANK BLDtl. TEL DUl'O. 1271.
- ... (22) 7&
MONWY TO LOAN On Improved city prop,
eity; building ioans a speclaltv; no delay.
W. H. Thomas. 6o3 1st Nat l Hk. Hldg
(23)-M7il All
MONEY TO LOAN-l'ajns Investment Co.
PRIVATE monrv to loan; no delaV. J.
J(. Sherwood, Clti-617 Brandels Bids.
' , (22-77
W, If. THOMAS lends money.
Wa have a customer who Is going to
buy small properties (or Investment in good
locations. Munt be snaps.
YOl'NO 1.ADT would like room with pri
vate family; good references given and
required. Address M. Lupe". ' . Ih
Pt. (2IM2J31x
POSITION wanted as undertaker or furni
ture salesman, capable of assuming entire
.control; state license; best references.
Address Y 41. care Bea. (!7)-M2 II
BF.6T price pit I J for secondhand furniture,
carpala, atevea, clothing, shoes, etc. Rd
Mul. 125)-MH;
WANTED To boy secondhand furniture,
cook and heating atoves, carpets, lino
leums, office furniture, eld clothes, quills
and all kinds of tools, or will buy the
furniture o( your hyuse comulcla. The
Mailed price md. Call the rlxht man.
'lei. Douglas 3V.1. (2-M17 M
SECONDHAND feed sacks. No amount oo
Uig or too small. Wagner. 601 N. lath.
ASH paid (or secondhand clothing, shoes,
etc Sua N. luth. St. Tel. Red XLi.
(25) SBO
WANTELV-A good driving horse for fam
ily . u. lii Pierce St. (25 6 90
tVANTED A good automobile runabout;
tadilUc. Maxwell or Ford; must be in
good shape and cheap for rash. Dr. W.
. A. Thomaa, Loomis. Neb. (26i M121 lx .
VANTED Cash register. Joseph 6lobondy,
t;rlr Neb. t (36,1 MS x
WANTLr-I.eiy's if hand rubber tired
uil chair. Addrsea Y 414. Bee
SITUATION wanted am nurse or seam
stress. Address D 10. care Bee.
(27) M295 SOX
WANTED Position by nurae ot governess;
can give flrst-claes city references. Ad
dresF luscarejee. 1JT).M.2?L?L.
tice Is hereby given that the annual elec
tion of Farmland. Fremont A Rallfoad
Drainnge district will be held at the office
of the county clerk In Fremont, Nebraska,
from o'clock, a. m., until o'clock, p. m.,
on April 14. l':Hi8, for the purpose of electing
one director, to sweeed George W. K.
Dorscy. whose term will expire, and one
director to fill vacancy to succeed J. C.
Rexroth. who was appointed to! fill va
cancy.. J.. P. HANSON, Secretary.
mi 1 - i.
Par roat, alessura ar aualnaaa
It aay t travel an tha
Tn aiABiai. tha Citv Beautiful.
vl.TNaea ta H aolst as tea Continent
-jr Compatnl Qnrgl
Z 5: Trnt!gntlou
rest Limit "" aeew
via Harra on gigantic twin-screw express
stesraers, ssiling cery Thursday lo a.m.
These wonders of modern inventions here
all the convenience and luxury ol most
patatiat hotele on a mora immense scale.
Psaaenger elevator, roof cafe, gymnasium,
elegant suites snd single apartments; dstly
newspaper, orcheatrs, wireless telegraphy,
famous cuisine and avary provision fof
afety ana comion .
I.irrovence April 1StoI April
LdLorraliitt April MLaPrerence May 1
LaTearalee April atLaUorraln atr-li
Early reservations recommended. For
copy of Illustrated book of travels and
rates apply to Harry E. Moores, 1(01 Far
nam St.; J. B. Reynolde, 1603 Farnam bt;
W. K. Bock. 1524 Farnam St.; W. Q.
DavtHon. 1613 Farnam St.; Louis Neesa,
cars First National Bank.
Eapraaa Una of tha Atlaatlo
The Empressess nail from Quebec to
Liverpool 4n six days; two days on the
majestic St. Lawrence. Speed, comfort.
elegance and safety are combined In these
splendid express steamers.
Write for particulars.
a x. axsTjAJoar, a. At
31 Bouts Clark Street. Chi nags, ZU.
Citizens Bank & Trust Co.
Lugest Stiti Bank la Eastern Oklahoma
Deposits guaranteed by State of Okla
homa Guaranty Fund. New state law,
effective, Feb. 18, 1908, provides AB
SOLUTE SAFETY to depositors 'n
Oklahoma approved Banks, and
guarantee return of your deposit on
'Jemand .under any circumstances.
We pay 3- par mt on Savings and
Time -IyBita,' ataha aamtSSaa ta
any form or writs today fox inform a-
Uaalat and.Carloaa Feat area at Life
la a Rapidly Growing;
State. .
. Building Fever Bernle Blackatone went
to tha "hub" for a load of lumber Mon
day. Bayard Transcript.
A Slam A man living quite a way out
of town In the country came to town fre
quently to send away orders to Sears
Roebuck and Montgomery Ward, and, af
course, In time' became somewhat ac
quainted with the poetofflce clerks and a
tew others. At nothing good or bad could
be said of him, ha was In due time made
a candidate for councilman. Arapahoe Pio
neer.' ' -
Osceola Caught Him Mr. W. H. Martin
of Pittsburg, Pa came out hefe to visit the
family of J. B. Wolfe, and he and hla
family were so captivated with the country
that he has been singing ever since "My
soul would gladly stay in such a state as
this." Tha family has gone and settled
right down on the Mel! Daniel property
on Gospel Ridge, just north of the city.
He has another friend from Pittsburg here
who has thought of following tha example
of Mr. Martin.
Getting Repaired "Uncle" Zeke Mabln of
Hrmlngford was a passenger last, evening
fur Omaha, where he goes to have his new
artificial foot fitted, and will be back In
a few days strutting about, as gayly as
any. He was accompanied this far by his
son, Ed. The old man has gone through
enough to kill a half doxen of Aha younger
generation, and is still as serene and hardy
aa a youth of twenty.- With his right arm
amputated aome two or three times and
now oft at the slicrulder, and left (eg gone,
Zeke is Still a wonder and we guess he Is
good for a whole tot mora. Alliance .Times.
Try Omaha and Come Any Day Armed
with a wad of coin big enough to choka
an elephant. Jack Herbert went to Lincoln
Monday on a business mission of unusual
proportions. While tha boys In at Wol
cott's were looking over the Lincoln papers
they discovered there was a big clothing
sale on there, at which suits worth 120
could be purchased for 32. The opportunity
wss too tempting lo overlook, and so Jack
waa selected as the most shrewdest bar
gainer and tU one must acquainted with
the ways of, a big city, and wss delegated
to go down and buy suits enough to laat
taxi wholu crowd tha rest of .their natural
lifetime. Jai k. went down all right and
succeeded In dodging the street cars and
keeping out of the' way of the truck wagona
long enough to reach the store where the
bargains were to be found. But when he
arrived ho discovered that the sale was
over and the aults all sold. What Jack
aald when he found his mission was In
vain can only be told In a very faint whis
per. He took the next train away from the
pesky gnd dai.geroiu ,clty , out . lulo tha
fresh air of the .country, and when he again
landed Iq Central City found the whole
bunch-lined up on the depot platform, each
eagerly waiting to aea -what liia new suit
waa going to look like and how it waa
going to act about the shoulders. Jack
broke the news gently, buf there were
large quantltlea of disappointment In evi
dence on every side and after Jack had
staled the case In full, the verdict was
quickly reached , that tha Lincoln house
waa some shrew4 but not very diplomatic.
Another circular from the Commercial club
advising the nurchsse of all gooda of local
merchants all! tullow iUwrtly.Dirl CRy
Opcninp of Betail Stores Bring; Many
Fill-la Orders.
Advance la Meat Prices Has Leal t
Belter Demand far Graeerles,
(on aa mere Peeking aatl
tates far Beef and Park.
Many openings of retail stores over the
territory, miiny more to come during the
week and the fact that retailers auowea
their stocks to become low, has made the
aat week one of the beat which Omolia
wholesalers have recorded. All lines picked
up and th volume of business has efiimlled
that of last year at a corresponding time.
The demand for spring and summer
areas goods seems to ne on me jncrease
with wholesalers and lobliera. Ketallers are
sending In good orders for wash fabrics
and store trade on theae goods has shown
a marked Increase. In the various wash
goods departments throughout the trade,
business waa reported as decidedly good
during the week. Buyers from nearby
towns and cities were In the market and
up to the close ot the week showed more
Interest In these lines than In any oilier
goods. Another feature of the present de
mand la that the orders placed are for
the best class of goods, aitnougn tne
cheaper lines are meeting with a fair
share of tho demand.
Better Goods Demanded.
Just before the middle of Msrch Jobbers
did considerable speculating as to what
direction the demand would take. Many
claimed the call would he for the cheaper
clnss of goods owing to the business depres
sion throughout the country and the cry
of hard times. The demand after It began
to develop was a surprise to many. It waa
claimed that silks would not sell this year
for the same reason. In spite of this,
however, the demand for silks for the
spring and summer months shows a steady
Increase and there Is every possibility of
a good hURlness being secured before the
season Is over.
In the hosiery and underwear departments
the demand waa reported as the most
active for the year. Many small filling-ln
orders are coming forward, from retailers
snd these Indicate that stocks are small.
Gauxe hosiery promisee to be even more
popular than It was last year and lines of
both imported and domestic gooda are, now
moving more freely than at any time since
the spring season opened.
Milliners have realized their dream of a
better business than last year, and having
aold large orders of pattern hata have now
offered the famous "Merry Widow" sailors
to the trade, which will not be sold for a
week after Easter. The large sailors have
already attracted an unusual amount of
attention. Rough straws are also to be
very fashionable, either In the natural
or burnt colors. The favorite trimming
of the season is flowers and . they have
been aold by the carload by Omaha mil
liners. Milliners aa aa Index.
The business has exceeded the spring
business of last year and on the whole
better gooda have been demanded. The
milliners believe their business to be a
good test of the prosperity of the country
as when men have money they spend It on
the women and children and the women
turn to the milliner first to spend the
money. When the millinery business Is
good, all llnea are almost sure to prosper.
The boot and shoe trade Is good and
the spring business will be fully up to last
year. The shoe factory of Omaha Is work
ing the aame number of men that were
employed last year and the demand is Juat
as heavy. The rubber goods houses have
closed their season with a volume as good
as last year. The boot and shoe dealers
anticipate a heavy fall business, as stocks
In the country were allowed to run low
on heavy goods during November and De
cember. '
The real season of the hardware dealers
did not open until two weeks ago. Indica
tions point to a business slightly below
that of last year, with prices steady, a few
changes being because of manufac
turers who v. ,-e afraid tliey could not
maintain the scale and dispose of their
goods, but for the most part the prices re
main unchanged. .
Groceries Are la Demand.
The grocery trade Is better than usual.
The advance In the price of meata and
promise of further advances has led people
to leav'e meat alone and buy more groceries
something they can substitute for meat.
Jobbers say that the Lenten trade In salt
fish is reaching fair proportions. It seems
that the demand throughout the country is
not strong enough to give the market any
particular character or tendency. The
northwest Is more particularly Interesting
in herring. Prices on Norway herring went
all to pieces during the last few weeks and
It Is said that many of the Scandanavlan
merchants across the water who backed
their faith In the herring market with their
good money lost some of their money. This
is not much of a mackerel section, but
notwithstanding, mackerel la selling fairly
During the last year lake trout and white
rish have been very scarce and that ecar
city continues. In the cheaper grades of
fish, round shore herring is being pur
chased In very good volume, but the sooner
we get warm weather, trie mora rlaky
round shore becomes. It Is a good thing
not to have very much of it when warm
days strike the store.
Bugar-The raw market was In a dead
lock at last reports. Sellers and buyers
were both confident that they could hold
the situation. Whether there Is shortage
trt sugar crops or not It Is clearly evident
the talk of crop shortage Is very atrong
An advance of five points was made late
last week after thla report waa In type.
Coffee Market is heavy and dull. Coffee
pncea have traveled within narrow range
for several months.
..Te"-3;h" mrket generally Is In good
shape. Prices are holding ateady. TTiere
appears to be much confidence In present
prices on Jap teaa. It la aui.t that laat
year a cropa are cleaning up well and there
L"mVh,ri r.?"0n to Ibpllev tht the market
will hold Ha own. Lower grades of Japans
continue scarce. w
Spices-Prices steady and unchanged.
Demand Is about average. "a-u.
Rice Tha whnk 11m l - .. .....
est grades Is very strong and prices steadily
. uuesuon right now is
how far can the market advance before
demand will toe materially checked. It has
ilTd V,eu'U now Price, are
a ready checking- Inquiry In aeveral of the
big markets of the country.
Farinaceous Goods Roiled oats are
Steady 8a' Uploc nd Prl re
Canned Fruit-No change to report.
Standard strawberriea have eased off a
little In Baltimore. Trading " all line,
of canned fruit, is .,;,, ,,' "T"
IHicea are restricting demand. California
canned fruits are In about the same notch
as at laat report. Predictions are De ng
made that the price, on the new pack
will be considerably less. y
Canned Vegetables-Market dull and unin
teresting. Packere report that future husll
nes, transacted with Jobbers Is very slow
,o h."e "IfP"0" hl. particular J."T;
fiH .""IT1 corn' kers who have had
fairly good success are said to hava been
f n'alJ? concessions from their open
scarce ."nH ned'Um g"!de ,ea -n"nu
siarce and the aame Is true of string
teT!i KCorn " eay d nothing Somg
Baked beans are firm. "".
Canned ' Fish-8almon" continues steady
., pon,lnu' hold the faith of tha
.ardinea y",e" "r" 'Wer' "
Dried Frulta-The entire list of California
fruit, aeert to be much weaker. Thla I,
particularly true of prunes and quite true
of ra sins and peaches. There are not
enough apricots to talk about. Apples are
nln."!""";" from stand
point. 'Ihcra Is every reason for tha re-
the market tautlou . vision of
Proviatona-Market Is strong throughout
the entire list and particularly . o "? the
division of hog products
Syrup and Molasses-No changea to report
In market condition.. Market ii steady and
very quiet. y "a
This is Wer.n Benaeasberlttg.
". Whenever you have a ceugh or cold. Just
remember that Poley'a Honey and Tar will
euro M. Do not risk your health by taking
any but the genuine. It ta In a yellow
package. For aale by all drugglata.
E. II. Bsllas Is (hoaeavealor Coun
sellor of Omaha (aas
oil 11a).
Omaha council No. 111. Untied Coin
mtrcial Travelers, elected these officers
Saturday evening: Past counsellor, p. p.
Coataxrorln; senior counsellor, C. 11. But
ton; Junior counsellor, c, P. Of in, lecre-
Ib Buthorliod by tha
Development ompany
To receive public subscriptions to ;
Of the Treasury Stock of tho
Miami Copper Compaiiy
(Incorporated Under the Laws of Delaware)
AUTHORIZED CAPITAL ----- $3,000,000.00
Divided into 600,000 shares of the par value of $5.00 each, of which 300,000 shares are set aside for providing Ji
working; capital. - - . k .
' ....,.. v
Present Public Issue - - - 200,000 Treasury Shares
Leaving in the Treasury - - 100,000 Shares
ADOLPH LEWISOHN, Pres., United Metals Selling Co. JACOB LANGELOTH, Pres., American Metal Co.
J. PARKE CHANNINO, Pres., Tennessee Copper Co. WALTER T. ROSEN, of Ladenburg, Thalmann & Co.
WM. H. NICHOLS, Pres., General Chemical Co. JULIUS H. SUSMANN, Treas., Tennessee Copper Co.
RALPH 0. LUPTON, Delaware Director, Wilmington, Del. ; :
Bankers and Registrar of Stock
National Copper Bank, 115 Broadway, New York City
. Transfer Agent ; -
Bankers Trust Company of New York
Consulting Engineer
Counsel Guggenheimer, Untennyer & Marshall,
37 Wall Street, New York City
This company is tho owner of mining claims acquired from the General Development Company as Vendor. :
The properties consist of a group of claims containing approximately 200 acres of mineral lands on -which ihe'Gen
eral Development Company has expended large sums of money in developing and proving the value of the ground. ..
v Reference is made for a description of the property character of the ore deposits and the probable cost of production,
to following report of J. Parke Channing, Engineer, the eminent authority on copper properties:
Adolph Lowlshon, Esq.,
President, Miami Copper Company,
Dear Sir:
r,KJh!J?0I,ert30fvt.h!.M.,.a,n, CopPer Company comm. of about 300 acres, 200 of which is mineral land, located bIx miles west of tho City or
Globe, Arizona, at which city are the mines and works ot the well-known old Do tion Company
- ?eyf2op?!"' ? u. Bt.m .belnK ca",?d .n ?how" t0. date 2.000.000 tons of I ncentrattnic ore containing 3 ner cent of coooer. . Ore was struck
Ii.TVi.. I . ' w l5.u inf at a dePtn or 500 rt. is till in ore, land the area Bhown of the ore body Is 300'feet by 360 feet.
"tV. P ' '-"cu i"" ".""a, mai me proayenb are mat an enormous body of concentrating ore will be dereloped as indicated by
; v.;- . -
New York, March. "1 2th, 1908.
4 2 Broadway, New York. City,
surface conditions.
The Gila Valley Globe ft Northern Railway ends at Globe, six miles distant, and surveys past the Miami have been made and right-of-way Be-'
CU t ' will pass within a quarter of a mile of the mine. There 1. abundant water available for concentration purposes '
It Is proposed to erect the first unit of a reduction works, which unit will have a daily capacity of 1.000 tons. This will give an annual produc
tion of 14,000,000 pounds of copper, based on 360 days' running time and a yield from the 3 per cent ore of 2 per cent, or 40 pounds of copper to
tho toil . .
' Concentralfag tests have shown that the ore can be readily concentrated 10 Into 1 and the resulting concentrate smelted with the above yield
in fine coPP"-."'" 1 estimated that the. coBt of electrolytic copper sold In New York wilt be 9c per pound. On this basis the profits at 12 cenCa will
- fee i t peanniinvand at 15c copper, 840,O0 per annum. As developments advance a second unit of 1,000 tons dally capacity will be built
which will double the above figures of profit. .
It is estimated that it will require $750,000 to erect the necessary tint unit of the reduction works and that $250,000 additional will be re
quired for jnine plant, shops, buildings, etc. .
rm JAvrtf y?Bv Vif the ,,aml ConPer.CoPny nature similar to those of the Arizona Copper Company, the Nevada Consolidated Copper
Company, the ttah Copper Company, and the BoBton Consolidated Mining Company: that Is large masses of ore in which the rnnnpr I iXhiH
mineral Is disseminated through the rock and which readily yields a high frade &nccnt?a be easfly smelted. P
connJrhLIn-rlh,,r hL' fhnd Wh6n f,d tKCBe dep04B1Us are thc mt valuable as copper producers. The Miami ore running 's per Win
copper as it does, is higher in grade than any of the above mentioned properties and it will without doubt prove a large producer and dividend payer"
flii , . Consulting Engineer.
. ; As the entire outstanding capital of the Company including the proceeds of the 200,000 treasury shares that are now
being issued amounts to only $2,500,000, it will be apparent that the prospects are bright for large returns. , . ' ; ' ,
The company has in its treasury 300,000 shares of the par value of $5 each: The balance of its share" capital was is
sued to the General Development Company as Vendor, in payment for the properties upon which the latter, had expended'
large sums of money m acquiring and exploiting the claims. The various contracts between the original owners of the claims
of the General Development Company and others from whom they were purchased, showing the original cost of the various
properties together with statements of the amounts paid therefor by the General Development Company,- the moneys ex
pended by it m exploiting and developing the properties and everything appertaining to their cost, will be filed at the office,
of the National Copper Bank, open for public inspection. ' .- . , , ..
It is intended to inaugurate a radical departure from previous methods in the issue of properties of this character
with a view to inviting public confidence by fully exposing the original cost and all profits, connected with the flotation of
thc company. , . "
.... . ' ,. . XVWi
For the purpose of providing the nectary funds for the rrrrtlon of reduction works With a capacity for treating 1,000 tons of ore per Aat and
for the proper equipment of the properties for further development and thc installation of machinery. , . v-n
52 per share to accompany application for subscription; and
the balance of $3 per share payable within ton days , X
, of notice of final allotment
' ' tjan the number of shares applied for is allotted, the sum paid on subscription will be credited on the number
of shares allotted. On failure to make the final payment, the amount paid on subscription will be forfeited "V ' : '
Applications for subscriptions, should be made to the National Copper Bank, Xo. 115 Broadwav New York: r;iv
All checks should bejnade payable to the order of the National Copper Bank. roadway, ,ew loik .Lity.
The subscription Ut will be opened on APRIL 6. 1908, A XI) WILL UK CLOSKD OV 'THV inilouivn nv tk ' ' ' ' '
right, however, to Co,, the .urip.lon ,,t a, any ,,, without; to V
AH proceedings connected with the organization of the company and the issue of its stock have been taken under the
supervision of Messrs. Guggenheimer, Untermeyer & Marshall, the counsel for the company - 1 u,uu.ufr, lue
The expenses of the public issue other than the underwriting charges are borne by the General DeveTopmenf Com-
This stock will be dealt in on Xew York and Ronton curb. .... .,, ...r- .
tary-treasurer, C. J. Green; conductor, J.
C. Grlfffn; page, J, W. Moon; sentinel,
frank F. Colvln; executive board, R. F.
sBcon. C. N. Ballxglver, C. C. Patrick and
Henry Rohlff.
rnmnosern Are ( Be Pel" a Roynlty
V Maker mt Merhnnlcnl
Device. -
WA8HINOTOX, Msrch 3. -It was pre
dicted last nlsht by member of tha senute
and house library committees that a com
promise will be reached which will settle
the controversy between the manufacturers
and purveyors of mechanical musical pro
ducing machines and moving picture ma
chines on the one side and composers, play
wrights and theatrical managers on the
other. The basis of the compromise, It Is
said, will be the psyment of a percentage
by the mechanical device people to authors
end composers when their works are re
produced, the mechanical Interests to be
given a license In consideration of the
percentage. This compromise I. to bn per
fected at a meeting of. the Intertst. In
volved, to be held In the near future. The
basis of the settlement, was reached after
three tlas of argument before the senate
and house committees on library In Joint
session. This hearing ' ended late today
With the sudden appearance of a dispo
sition to compromise, rluch a compromise
would relieve the demand fur legislation on
the subject, and consequently remove from
:he pending codification of the copyright
laws one of the most serious Impeding
problems in that measure.
Barmlar. Heb featenlee.
rAIRMONT. Neb., March 2.-8pecll.)
The poalofflie entered last night by
burglars. Entrance was effected through
a rear window- The safe door was blown
across the rwom and the robber secured
about $20 and probably f.w ,llnai Ni
clew to the burglars has been found
'The cracksmen used dynamite or nitro.
glycerine, which not onlr wrk4 the safe
but damaged the building. Although they
only got about in cash, -rheyT ruined
stamps and papers. Registered inall waa
carried away and lettera torn open, "he
mutilated mall waa later found near tha
Burlington depot.
A Ten ( Gela ,. .,
could buy nothing better tor frrh.le weak,
nes.ea, lame back and kidney treubl tka
Electric Bitters. We. , J"wr aa If
Drug go.