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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 30, 1908)
I 1. - THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: MONDAY. MARCH HO, 1909. if 5' ; I i i ; Want - ads B I . . f '- - Advertisement ' for fk went art eolomn will tikrn aatll 12 m. for k tral( edition anal antll f v. m. far the morning Dander editions. Cash nut arrontpnnr all orders far waat ail a and advertisement will accepted for lata than lO tents for rat Insertion. . Xo advertisement will rkr(f amounting to less thaa SO rents. HitM apply to either The Dally or reader Bee. Alwara ratal els. words to a liar. Combinations of laltlala or aiakrrt roaat aa oae word. CfH RATES FOR WAXT ADS. ItKUlLAR CLASSIFICATION Oao Insertion, per Hat, 10 rente. Two or inert -eonsernttve Insertions, per Hat, a) rent. Kara .Insertion made on odd days,' JO mil prr line. 1.B0 per line per month nrrpll( that Fl RMHF.n ROOM ADS, when accompanied hy man, the rate will he i Oaa Insertion, 4 eeata per llnei three to els eoneecntlve la ertlona. 3 cents free llae twb Inser floni seven or more eoaaeeatlrc Inner tloaa, 2 rents per llae each Insertion) 60 rento per llae per moath. Waat ada for The Bee mar he left at aar of the following drug stores oae la "yonr roraer droo;Tlst" they are all branch offices for The Bee aad roar ad will be laaerted Jnat aa promptlr aad on the aame ratea aa at the main office la The Bee BolldlnsT, Seventeenth aad Faraam Streeta. Albach, W. C, 4'itti and Farnam. Hera nek, 8. A., 14u2 H. 16th St. Berni Pharmacy. 720 8. 16th St. li'iiMun Hli; n ic)', Benson, Neb. Bends Park Pharmaiy, 23d and Cuming. Bia ? s Pharrrey. i!6 Sherman Ave. Caughlit), C. K.. 6th and Fierce 61. llfl'jn Hill Fliaitnaty. 2213 Military Ave. Conle, J. B Hint Av and Farnam. Crlsscy Phaimacy, 1.4th and Lake Sta. Cerniak. Km 1 1. 1204-6 8. lain 8U East. nan Pharmacy, iSui Le.avon worth. Foeter ft Arnold, 213 N. 26th 8t. Kreylag. Jihn J., 1914 N. 24tli St. Florence Dtiif Co., Florence. Neb. Goldman Pharmacy. 20 th and Lake Sta. Green g pnicn acy, comer I'ark Ave. and raclrlo. Greenough, O. A., 102R 8. 10th Bt. Grcem.dgh, i. A., 1624 8. 10th St. liaydcn, Wm. C, 2J20 Farnam. Hanscom Furk Pharmacy, L)i B. 20ln Ate. JiolFt. John. i"A N. 16th St. Huff, A. L.. 29:'4 Leavenworth St. King H. b., 2J38 Farnam St. l.ountz place Phurmacy, 3MM N. 21th. Patrick Drug Co.. 1002 N. 2Un 8t. I.athrop, Charles 12.. 1324 N. 24th St. I'eyton. I.. K, Mt and Leavenworth. itca UruK Co , 24tn and Ames Ava. Mfhacti r a Cut l'rlca Lirun Co., lsth and Chlcaso Sta. 8phafr. A'jgint. 7031 K. 16lh St. Kclimidt, J. H , 24th and Cumin Sta. Btonn Phannmy, lath and Martha Pi a. Walnut Pharmacy, tilth and Cuming. Walton Pharmacy. th and Urate. Worth. O. 11.. iUii an llamiltou Sta. DEATHS A.D Ft'MEIlAl, NOTICES JIKNNE88Y Mra. Catherine, aged 69year. Funeral Wednesday morning. April 1, at :30 a. m. from the residence, o.'3 South Klghteenth atreet, to St. Mary Magdnlene'a church. Nineteenth and Dodge streets. Solemn high mnss at 9 a. m. Interment In Holy Bepulchor cemetery. ANNOUNCEMENTS SPRING OPENING ASSOCIATION INSTITUTE MONDAY EVENING, MARCH 30. Classes In any auhjoct for which eight enroll. -' ,;. , . y. M. C. A., 17th and Harney Sts tl)-M253 S9 8IQN PAINTINQ-S. II. COLE. 1302 Doug las. (D 780 fNEEDA Missouri water filter. 1301 Far nam St. (1) M601 A21x THE CITT aARBAaK CO.. office 4th and Leavenworth Sta. Tel. Douglas 1387. - , tlj 7al HAND-PAINTED CHINA SAl.E-One-half price April 2 to 7. Munt be aold. leaving city. Mrs. F. E. Mutlholen. 3J0 N. Will St. .'Phone Harney 333 ll) M2o") 31x TKAVEI.ER8' goods of quality. Trunks and auit caaea repaired. FBEUNO St 8TEINLE. "Where trunks are martu," 103 Farnam 8L Tel. Douglas 4995. . W A21 AUTOMOBILES SEND for our list of second-hand automo biles. OER1QHT, 1818 Farnam. (2)-7S2 pMAUA auto tops, beat material, loweat prices, pfeiffer a. Red &Z2. 2026 &v. Bu 13J-M5W A2S r . FOR SALE Pope-Waverly electric; good as new; will sell at a bargain or exchange for real estate. N. P. Dodge & Co.. 1714 FarnamB; ' (2)-M292 31 TRADES! TRADES! Send description of what you have or what you want; wa'll match It. STRINGER INVESTMENT CO., tut Br Htdg., Omaha: Neb. (3M.i8 A4 i'lNtf South Dakota land to exchange for good, up-to-date stock of lmplcmenia. Fin. cattle ranch for aala cheap. Cheap land uo exchange for five-paauenger aeo-end-hand automobile. A. E. Kull, Uona ateel, 8. D. (3J-M.14 ux 0RADK8. TRADES If you have some thing for ssle or trada write us; ws match everything. WAIT INVESTMENT CO.. 401 lies Hldg. (3)-MC33 A7 BX EXCHANQ&-ieneral atock merchan dise for farm. Addrcsa Box ITS. Frank fort, Ind. (l)-Mllt) Six ' ' " . Kid HIV acres of land In Wadena county, Minnesota. Elretrlu auto runabout wtlh top, good as naw; in perfect, older; will trade for Omaha properly or land. N. P. Dodge & Co., 1714 Farnam St. 3 M'JI 31 WANTED Al'TOMOBlLE. We have good income, property or land to trade for an automobile. What have you. 401 Pea Pldg. Omaha. Neb. ' ; (J)-M33 31 BUSINESS CHANCES JF TOU wxnt a reliable business, large in ' coma, smull investment, ru competition, see Hildreth. 611 bee Bldg. 4i-783 EXCELLENT LOCATION for a dentlat who desires to give hi children free nor mal school education. Addn-aa Y 2W, cara fees. a v . t4 M724 30x INDUSTRIAL . ANp Ml NINO TOC KS BUI GUT AND SOLD. ROBT..C DRI ESEDOW A. CO., STtXK BROKERS. Tat Douglaa 3-4. tss-lw N. V. Ufa Bldg. OMAHA. NEB. (4)-MS3 A3 TO (JET in or out of bualnesa call on UANUESTAD, room 4ul Boa Bldg. (4)-T84 A) R ' 8 A LE C-room rooming house; fur nUhed and full of roomers, nut N St., . Boutb Omaha. t4 M348 Sox ROOMING HOl'88 for aale. all alsea: fur nish part purehuae money . If wanted. UA.NGk.STAD. Boom 403 Beo Bldg. t4) 786 g$ALOON--Traiifer corner; well estab lished; so Ml trade; ner leaving city. X12i E. Uih. Kar.saa City. Mo. 14)-M711 x XR BALK Four-chair barber ehop. in naa euniern coiorao lown or ids peo ie: shop Is eoul'd throughout with modern appliam-ea For particulars Write - I. M itoku, I art Morgan, Colo. BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) HOTEL 40 rooms, flrst-clsss furniture and lease for sale, three-story building, heated by hot air, hot and cold water. Inside toilets; bet hotel in town of 2.W0; two railroads; owner wishes to retire; excellent oppor tunity; price, $2,000. STRINGER INVESTMENT COMPANY, 43$ Bee Bldg., Omaha Neb. (4 Mll 31 80 PER CENT on the dollar buys good clean dry gooda atock of about H.O"), In eastern Nebraska town; answer nulck for a bargain. Address Y 417, care B-e. (4J-M287 3x FOR SALE Blacksmith and wood shop, well equipped, with power; can be bought with or without tools; Rood, location, Chris Larson, Fremont, Neb. (4)-M9IS A'i MINNESOTA and Wisconsin Ice for sal In car lota. A. U. Gilbert, Council Bluffs, Iowa. 4 M340 WANTED Location for live cigar stand. H. A. Williams. Sibley. Ia. (4) M752 lx FOR SALE Five good paying elevators In Nebraska, on Burlington; going out of grain business. Address or call room No. 366 Fraternity Bldg., Lincoln, Neb. (4 M74S FOR SALE Lunch counter with 16 rooms; . rent 116; less than Kmo to Invest; Particu lars by mall. W. D. Sampson, Villisca, Ia. 14)-M10S 30x BUSINESS CHANCll Drug atore, averag ing $19 cash business; largely German; expenses light. Lock Box 6N8, Iawrenco burg, Indiana. (4) M978 30x DENTAL OFFICE for sale; very reason able; one of the best locations in Omaha. Address B 190, care Be. (4 MZ10 3x FOR 8ALE-J8.000 stock general merchan dise in good town in eastern Nebraska; flrst-ciass stuff; owners sold 146.000 last year; anyone or two having 14,000 to $6,0u0 to Invest can make 14,000 to 86,000 per year; no trade will be considered, muxt be cash; liberal terms will be given cash buyer; must act quickly. Address Y 413, care Bee. (4) M933 Six BUSINESS manager'a services and capital wanted; monopoly factory; fortune maker. 1B0-ACRE amooth South Dakota farm. Only f00 down. liiOO and services secures half Interest for hustler; mall order. 622 8th Ave., Council Bluffs, la. (4) M351 30X CASH wanted for limited amount of stock In eastern manufacturing concern; aver age annual dividend 14 per cent; fiscal year ends November 1 and accrued divi dends follow stock; stock Issued In de nominations of $100 and will selkany num ber up to the amount of my holdings. Closest Investigation Invited. Address D J!2. Bee. () M24S 31 X ADVERTISER wishes to . borrow $000 to fl.! on good security; Interest and divi dends payable every sixty days. No agents need answer. L V.9, care Bee. (4l-M:i59 lx PARTNER wanted; must have some cap ital: references exchanged. 31" Neville Block. (4)-M973 3 DRUO STORES for ssle everywhere. F. V. Knlest, 707 N. Y. Life. Omaha (4) 6H9 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Architects. C. L. STAL'B, 604 8. 18th. Tel. D. 4121. 16) M987 Mch31x Baths. HAMMOND BATHS, 107 8. 14th. Tel. Douglas 3916. Wednesdays, ladles' day. (A) 786 Bookbinding. E. A. TRYON, bookbinder, 1106 Douglas. 'Phone Douglas 2464. Call me. MI come. ISJ-M714 A10 Carpentering. FINE hardwodd floors and parquetry : low price. 10th & Dominion Sts. Frank Sevlck. (5j M360 A 19 Chiropodist. DR. ROY. R. 2, 1506 Farnam St. Doug. 6497. t6 787 Creameries. David Cole Creamery Company (5) M78;j Dentists.. BAILEY & MACH, Sd fir., Paxtcn D. 1085. (6J 7S9 Dressmaking;. IN FAMILIE8-MUta Sturdy. Tel. Harney 1558. (Bj-790 M1KDWELL Dressmaking School, 1623 Far nam 8t. , . (61791 MME. WOODRUFF, robes and gowile, 3') 14 Novllle Blk. Tel. Bell, Doug. 5170; Ind., A-J750. (5)-M468 Ap7 , Florists. HESS & SWOBODA, 1415 Farnam St. (5 (792 L. HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. Tel. D. IKS. (5) 793 J. 11. BATH. 1623 Harney. Tel. Doug. soon. (& 74 Financial. II It TO LOAN L Money--T.on-m,i , 'Phone Douglas O W to Bldg. 2904. UNION LOAN COMPANY. (51-795 Jewelers aad Watchmakers. N. P. STILLING Watch, clock. Jewelry repairing, 2-$ Pax ton Block. Tel. 4317. " (&J 796 Hotels. THE SCHLITZ. European, 16th and Harney. t 797 Locksmiths. KEYS, etc.. Heflln, 1334 Farnam. Tel. D. 2974. (6)-79$ Bin ale aad I.anginage. i PIANO lessons. Mrs. Ritchie. Tel. Web. K92 15 799 MoTlagr aad Storlag. Expreasmrn's Delivery Co., office 214 N. llith St.; warehouse, 2207-9 Ixard St. (6) 800 Xareerles. GERMAN Iris; choice vsriety dug fresh lay delivered. $4.50 per lo0. G. II. Keys, Omihj mgr. Crescent Nurserv. Tel. Web ster 3367. (51-M97I A27 Oeteepatby. JOHNSON INS., 418 N. T. L. Tel. D. 1S64. - -. (i Sol Office ."applies. 1 FILING cab'.neta. file and ledgers., loos leaf devices and offlee fixtures and sup plies of all kinds. Anchor Publishing Co.. 80 8. 18th St. Tel. Doug. 6wi.'. Ind A-166J. (5-M;9 All rrlntinej. BEFORE placing your 1909 calendar order don't fail to aee our imported line. Lyng atad at Jorve, printers, & Capitol Ave. () iust Photography. ' C. B. TRU8SELL. 115 8. 16th St. (5) 806 roblle stenographer. " PUBLIC atenographrr. 220 Hoard of Trad Bldg. (6 M751 Six Safe. Shatter. Etc. OMAHA SAFE AND IP.ON WORKS makes a specialty of fire eacapt. abutters, doors and salsa. G. Andreen, Prop., 10? 8. mm 61 MMIILlMMllilMl. Hflnra nonnlo Ilf SM - JSWSSf I BEE than in BUSINESS DIRECTORY (Continued.) Shoe Repairing. RAPID SHOE REPAIR CO.-Flrst clssn work. 1618 ft Capitol Ave. 'Phone Red 994. (5) 804 SHOES renalred rlaht. called for and de nverea tree. IStsndsrd Shoe Repair CO., J But t arnam St. Tel. L. ib. laj 805 Uooaekeepers and Domestics. WOMEN'S DOMESTIC GUILD. 192 Farnam St. Housemaid, to. Chlld'a nurse, $5. Cook, $7. Girls for general housework, $ to $6. (7)-M286 1 WANTED Girl for general housework. 1533 Park Ave. Tel. Harney 1436. (7) M969 Sx WANTED Woman for general housework, Scandinavian or German preferred. Mrs. Lawrence, 1618 N. 26th St., South Omaha. . (7l M.1d6 1 WANTHD Competent girl for general housework, family of two. Mrs. Amos Field, 138 S. Slst Ave. Tel. Harney ltf. 7) PS3 30 WANTED Girl for general housework; good wages. Tel. Harney S3i'4. 1339 So. 34th St. (7) 9S9 3 WANTED Competent girl for general housework; three In family; small houe. Mrs. James Richardson, 36U4 Howard 8t. Telephone Harney 13W9. (7) 994 30 WANTED An experienced girl; $5 per week. Tel. Harney 1152. (7) M 110 31 WANTED Girls with good references for private families, good wages. Apply Woman's Exchange, l$23 Farnam St. (7)-M2U 4 WANTED Girl to do housework; mav go home nights. 1819 Wirt. (7) M275 30 WANTED An experienced girl for general housework, no washing. 1516 Park Ave. (7)-M304 31 Miscellaneous. LADIES, pleasant home work; $1.50 dally, send stamp. Mrs. B. Monnier, O 336 Lust 63d St., Chicago. (7) M892 A6x FIVE girls for washing and Ironing cur tains; good wages; steady work. 2907 Leavenworth St. (7) 987 30 WANTED Experienced help for alteration work on coats and skirts; highest sal ark. Cloak Dept., Hayden Hros. (7) 990 30 LADIES and girls wanted who want to earn good money at home, decorating sofa pillows; experience unnecessary. 2.111 8. 13th. (7) M3:!8 3"X HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Solicitors and Salesmen. IN EVERY city and town to sell the Acme adjustable window shade holder. Omaha. Shade Holder Co., 214 8. 12th St. , 9) 21 GOOD salesmen wanted; permanent posi tion guaranteed. A $50 course In sales manship for $1. Send for free circular. Address Jenckes & Co., 216 West 94th St., New York. (9) M360 30x SALARY and commission to experienced specialty salesmen; $60 to $200 per week; wholesaling Only pump equalisers to can vassers and farmera In Kansas, Iowa, and 8outh Dakota;, your pay first; outfit fur nished; references and bond required; salesmanship makes position permanent. Equalizer Mfg. Co., X Bco Bldg., Omahu. (9 M244 31 x FOR SALE Beautiful black silk maternity coat. 2513 N. 19th. (16) M311 30x -r- FOR SALE A new wardrobe for salo cheap at 1616 Martha street. (16I-M324 30x Clerical and Office. WANTED Bright, active young man, be tween 19 and 26, for office, writes a good hand, quick and accurate at figures; state age, experience, references and wages required. O 133, Bee. (9)-M921 30 WANTED Double entry bookkeeper, with experience on collection of accounts. Must know the city and produce results. For such a man we have a spleldid open ing. No snap hunters wanted. Address V 415, car Omaha Bee office. (9)-Ml7 31 POSITIONS for drug men everywhere. F. V. Knle.t. 707 N. Y. Life. Omaha. (9)-807 WANTED A drug clerk, to be manager of a atore; about 80 yeara; no boozer need apply. Good salary to the right man. Address Otto Pohl, Fremont, Neb. (9 M71S SO Bora. THREE boys for dlatrlbutlng cards. Call at -'Wi Leavenworth St. (9 9SU 30 Factory aad Trades. WANTED Registered pharmacist; married man preferred. Enquire at 308 N. 24th St., South Omaha. Neb. (9) M691 WANTED A practical printer with small capital to take care of a good job and newspaper office in good town in Iowa, publishing two papers. Write for par ticulars. Address L 9CS, care Be (9)-808 TAILORS wanted, vest and coat makere. 1607 Farnam St. (9l M941 28x WANTED Men tailors to work In our alteration dept. Apply at once. Orkln Bros., 1610 Douglaa St. (9) M891 1 WANTED Coatmakera, alao pant and vest niakera and buahelman; only first-class workmen wanted. Kopp & Bartholomew, Princeton, Minn. r (9) M9U6 2x WANTED At once good general black smith; must be good plow man and sho r; n booser; good wages and steady work; slate age and experience. E. Ft. Mc Mahon, Fairfax, Mo. (9) M975 3ox WANTED Men to learn baber trade; few weeks completes; practical experience, careful instructions, demonstrations and examinations: positions waiting; top wages paid graduates; call or write for free catalogue. Moler Barber College, 110 8. 14th St., Omaha. (9 M9& Ix Miscellaneous. APRIL G-SPRING TERM BOYLES COLLEGE DAY AND NIGHT Bookkeeping, shorthand and typewrit ing, telegraphy, English. Catalogue free. Aildreas. H. B. Boyles Pres., Omaha. Neb. Official training, achooi for Union Pacific R. R. training depart ment. ( M631 WANTED- Five wideawake young men who are willing to take up a course of evening instruction In structural engineer ing drafting, to meet Wednesday evening, April 1. Omaha Technical School, "Oma tek." Room 1, Wead Block, ISth and Farnam. (9) M930 Al BECOME a fireman or brakeman ; rapidly growing field, big wages, excellent chance for advancement, no experience neces sary. Write or call at once. National Railway Training Ass n, 6M Paxton Blk.. Omaha, Neb. (91 240 All, FREE Employment Bureau, supported by Business Men's aaaeclatlon; help work men find positions. h!o N. Y. L. Bldg. (l 1X0 ACTOR WANT ED Light comeknn with specialty; others write. Address1 t'harlea O Neil. Opera House. Lake View, la.. March ; Imogen. Ia., March $1: Dunlap, ia., Apru i. j (9) m.m n x wirlll con iniiF hf af 1 1 I hJfn, JTlUI d U Iff IIIW any other Nebraska paper HELP WANTED MAI.K AND Ft MALE. WANTED Men and women of good qual ity and strong personality to represent Dodd, Mead & Co., to soil the new In ternational Encyclopedia In Nebraska, Bouth Dakota and western Iowa. Pre vious experience unnecessary. 7lx N. Y. 1. Omaha, Neb. (10) M468 A30 LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horace and Vehicle. WE HAVE BUYERS every day for horses, If you have any you want to dispose or. We buy and aell on commission. The Harney Street Stables. (11) 811 HAVING sold my Douglas St. stables, I am not located at 2itn and Clark bts, Fred Myers. Tel. Webster ln8. (1D-336 M31 FOR SALE One standard bred black mare, 6 years old, 16 hands high, weight 1,800 pounds, broken to drive single or double. VV. E. Parsons, Carroll, la. (11)-M882 TO SUPPLY the protein lacking in corn and oats use Alfal-Pat to balance the ra tion and your horses will Improve In looks and work. Price $1.25 for 100 lbs., delivered. If your dealer does not carry Alfal-Fat. 'phone Douglas 209. M. C. Peters Mill Co. - (11) 907 A30 IIAY-$6.60 a ton. A. 16th 6t. W. Wagner. Mil N. (11) 10 A DAPPLE gray French draft stallion for sale; weight, 1.800 lbs., good disposition; will take driving team aa part pay. Gray & Bell, Silver Creek, Neb. (ID M207 i FAMILY horse, pacer. 2613 N. 19th St. (11) M.11U UOx Poultry Eggs nnd Sqnabs. SCREENINGS. $1.25 per cwt. Wagner, 801 N. 18th St. (1D-813 ROSE COMB R. I. RED EGGS for hatch ing. Pens headed by prlre winning cockerels from North Star Poultry Show. Minnesota; $1.50 to $2 per IS. Mrs. James H. Halplne. 4602 Center St., Omaha. Tel. Harney 362S. (1D-M319 A22x SgUABS Will contract with ownera of un used sheds to raise them. Address J 991, Vee. (1D-M676 M26 Govt, book free. Model Squab Pens, Omaha. (11) M208 A2 RED FEATHER CHICK FEED contains pure grain, seeds and beef scraps, a prop erly balanced ration for little chicks. Ask your dealer or telephone Douglas 209. M. C. Peters Mill Co. (11) 908 A30 Cows, Birds, Dog and Cats, FOR SALE Some fine pointer puppies; six weeks old; from the best field dogs In Omaha: $5 each. 8e Warren Thomas. 611 So. 2oth Ave., between 6 and 1 p. m. (11) 949 30x LOST AND FOUND LOST-Saturday night In front of Miller, Stewart & Beaton's store, a back comb set with brilliants. Finder return to 3 Bee building and receive reward. 'Phone "'22. (12) M353 31x LOST Sealskin scarf at Orpheum theater. Saturday evening. Return to 2423 Ersklne St. and receive reward. (12) M352 31 MEDICAL ANY poor girl In, need of a friend call or write to the -matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at 3814 N. 24th St.. Omaha, Neb. (13) Mlo6 FREE medical and surgical treatment at Creighton Medical college, 14th and Dav enport Sts.; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Douglas 1167. Calls answered day or night. (13)-129 BEST nerve brace for men. "Gray's Nerve Food Pills," $1 a box, postpaid. Sherman & Mcuonnell Drug Co., Omaha. (13) 813 MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS. WE'RE HERE TO MAKE GOOD When your friends don't know you. and that's when you need a dollar, A SMALL LOAN On Your Furniture Is one of the quickest and easiest of ways to get just what you want, when you want it. NO PUBLICITY attends your effort. The payments are made small and within your reach. A LIBERAL DISCOUNT Is allowed If you settle your account be fore agreement expires. A FRESH START is what you want If a lot of little bill have accumulated and you cannot meet them all. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 119 Board of Trade, 16th St. Entrance. (14) 814 THE POPULAR PLACE FOR MONEY WHERE? THE RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. 3d Floor. 307-308 Paxton Blk, 3d Floor. If YOU are In need of a little ready cash for your Eaater shopping, we will accom modate you. Our terms are the cheapest; our service the best, and all business strictly confidential. (14) MH16 FOR A SQUARE DEAL GO TO THE PHOENIX CREDIT CO. For Chattel or Bulary Ixana. 633 Paxton Block. Phone Douglas 746. (14) 816 P. O. NIEISEN a, CO., LOANS. 70S N. Y. Ufa Bid. 'Phone Doug. 2M. (14U-817 EAGLE LOAN OFFICE Reliable, accom modating; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. (14) 818 CHATTEL, salary and storage receipt loana. Foley Loan Co., 1604 Farnam St. (14)-81D FURNITURE, live stock, salary, losns. Duff Green Loan Co., room 8, Barker Blk. (14j k3u MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others without security; easy pay ments. Offices in 63 principal cities. Tol nian, room 714, New York Life Bldg. (14) TJ1 OFFERED FOR RENT Boardlag and Rooms. VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; rsf. (15J - ONE large, also one small room, both very comfortable, with excellent board. 2616 Farnam. (15) 823 WE DO expert piano moving at loweat prices. Tel. Douglaa 1625. Schinollsr ft .Mueller Piano Co., 1SU-1313 Farnam. (lai-824 LARGE front room and good table board for two gentlemen: also aingle room; strictly modern. 412 N. JCd. (16)-M2?9 A4 DEWEY European Hotel. 13th and Farnam. Ubi NEWLY furnlahed front parlor, with or without board. Th Highland. 1723 Dodg 81. (15-M716 30 DES1RARLE furnished room, with board. tor two persons; soutn side; references. Tel. Dong. ?:. (15)-M;4 Six iA" in Tfin OFFERED FOR RENT Boarding and Hoosna Coatlnaed. NICELY furnished modern rooms, with bath; also boarding. 2214 Douglas. (15) 94 3x MODERN furnished rooms; home cooking; close In. 618 So. 19th St. Tel. Doug. is. (16)-M.41 4x NICELY furnished rooms and hoard; 'strictly home cooking. 2215 Dodge St. 'Phone Douglas 30.16. (15) M276 4 Famished Rooms. FURNISHED rqoms for rent, 633 So. 22d St., steam heat, hot and cold water and bath. (151 M713 AlOx TWO furnished rooms, steam heat, 1.V0S Farnam St., 3d floor. (16) 826 NICELY furnished rooms In new modern flat. J14 No. 26th St. Tel. Douglas 3991. (16) M9 NEWLY furnished rooms, 1817 Dodge 8t (15)-M.'32 A3 TWO and $-room furnished apartments, with steam heat, hot and cold water, gas stoves for cooking, telephone and all mod ern convenlencea, on car line, $1! 50 per month. 4758 No. 24th St. (15) 952 FINE furnished front room, new modern brtck; absolutely first-class;' electric light, etc; walking distance; $10 a month. No. 2W8 Dodge. 'Phone H-37r0 (15) M885 NEWLY furnished rooms, modern, gentle men, $1.75 and $2.60. 2404 Capitol Ave (15)-918 lx FRONT parlor, furnished; alcove room, un furnished; room and board for several young men; charges reasonable. B49 So. 20th Ave. Tel. Red 6o22. (16) M24 2 31 TVl O pleasant, modern furnished rooms, close In, walking distance. Bell telephone in house. 614 N. 20th, or 'phone Douglas (16)-M306 Six BRIGHT south room, modern, close In; beat reference. 514 N. 23d. (U-M249 4x WELL furnished southeast front room with a'cove; modern; Inrge lawn; private fam ily. 702 8. 20th St. (16)-M286 4 NICELY furnished front parlor, with use of piano: also other rooms; furnace heat gas. halh, hot water and telephone. 23 St. Mary's. (15) M332 31 LARGE east front room verv close In suitable for two. 210 N. 19th" St. (16)-M340 TWO light housekeeping rooms. 506 8. 21st Ave., corner of Half Howard St. (15) M342 30x Housekeeping Rooms. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, mod ern house, close In. 2635 Davenport; no cn"dren- (15)-M753 31x vh 9,K.4.GANT room''' mod-rn. 216 North 22d St. (15)-903 lx KITCHEN, dining room and small bed-rr?mi,-rmdern: ,or housekeeping; close In; 2617 Farnam St. Tel. Douglas 4516. (16 ) M 999 4 t'nfnralshed Rooms. FOUR fin rooms, three closets, gag range, shades. 2206 N. 18th St. (16)-M924 A2x l2yR, nlce new' modern, pleasant house- iV. "'. rooms, partly furnished. Mo Bo. Ut. (15) 993 30 THREE rooms In Wlthnell Bldg.. 16th and Harney 8ts.. $20. N. P. Dodge ft Co.. 1714 Farnam St. (16)-M29i 31 Apartments and Flats. CENTRAL; al. modern, ateam heat; 4-room corner flat, with bath. 230 N. 23d. (15)-M622 APARTMENTS 7 rooms in QUIVET. 1811 farnam St.; ateam heat, hot water and telephone APARTMENTS 3 to 6 rooma In yUMOO, South Omaha; steam heat and hot water. HALL. 817 First Natl Bank Bldg. Red 7406. A-4406. (15)-386 FOUR-ROOM new brick flat, 22d and Nich olas, modern, $21; references. Key at 111 North 22d. Patterson, 1623 Farnam. (16)-778 7-ROOM brick flat, modern, walking dis tance. Just decorated; $40. Tel. Harney 16- 05)-M347 SOx NEWw -room brlck " modern, 22d and Nicholas, $21; references. Ky at 1116 N. 22d. Patterson, 1623 Farnam. (15) 729 22iM N. 218T ST.. 7-room flat, modern, fur nace, gas. bsth, hot and cold water; new decorations, $26. Hastings ft Hevden. 1704 Farnam St. (15I-M203 20 Hall and Lodge Rooma. FOR RENT-Spaelous halls and lodge rooma. Inquire No. 819 Brandeis Bldg. (15) M357 4x Honseo aad Cattagea. FR RJ?NT--roornflat, 16th and Vinton Din., 15. 6-room flat, $12. C. M. BACHMANN. (15) 439 NEW WEST FARNAM HOU8E. Will leas for a term of 8 yeara at $40 per month the brand new modern house of 7 rooms and reception hall at 4116 Dodae atreet; oak finish and first-class plumbing and lighting fixtures. SEE IT. JOHN W. BOBBINS. 1802 FARNAM ST. (15)-M896 SO FOR RENT Fine house, 8 rooms, new and modern; large lot; 2nS No. 20th St. 135 R. LANDERYOU. 442 Board of Trade. Tel. Douglaa 2161. Independent A2161. (lb)-M279 30 2007 CLARK ST., 4 rooms, $16. 22H Cali fornia St.. 6 rooma and bath, $17.50. SOU Chicago St., 7 rooma, modern, $32.60. 3128 Chicago St., 8 rooms, modern, barn and large yard, $45. 2416 Farnam St., 11 rooms, modern, $85. Ringwslt Bros.. 3U6 8- 15th St. (15I-M273 30 Msggsrd Van ft Storage Co. D. 1496. We guarantee moving pianos, 11. II. goods (15)-8.I6 ' $40-8-room modern brick flat, 3003 Pacific St.; key a 1306 8. 36th Ave. 'phone Har ney 828. M. Kcilner. (15) 43i 6-ROOM all modexn ateam heated flat, close in. $16 7-rooin house, with gas and cltv water, 3oO N. 28th Ave . Bemis, 306 Paxton Block. 'Phone DViug. 585. (15) 438 S-ROOM cottage. Address S 206. Re. (15J-M758 31x DON'T sll try to move on the 1st day of the month. Msggsrd Vsn and Storage Co. Tel. Doug. 1496. (16) 901 t ROOMS, modern. $25; 2d floor. 16th and Locust Sts. C. Hansen, grocery store. (loj 911 FINE new St. Ixiuis flat; ( rooms; all mod ern; small family. 330$ Burt. U6)-MS8 SOx BIX rooma on second floor 26th and Parker Sts.. $14. '409 William St., In rear, $IX 2W7 fceward St., $15; city water in kitchen Chris Boyer, 2Vd and Cuming. (15) M970 FOR RENT-1017 No. S4th St., 7-r.. atrictly iiiMirrii, nrmn ram aisinci, X3Z.W) per month. 8i07 C'barle 8t., 7-r.. modern ex. tept heat. per month. Applv 6i Brown Mo'- (i5l-9J 8ux $35 eltrlctly modern 8-room brick house, vacant April 1. 11 g. 28th St. 'Phons Harney 1767. ll5)-M2o Six OMAHA Vsn and Storage Co., park, move, store H. H. goods. Storehouse. 1130-24 N. 19th; office I6u9 Farnam. Tel., Doug. 1569. (16) 833 L18T your rentals with os. Benjamin R. E Co., li Neville Blk. Both phones. Al OFFERED FOR RENT Hoases aad Cottages Coatlnaed. HflTTtlVQ Crelgh Sons ft Co., Bee Bldg "uuuuu , 4l) r,rti 0 ,e city, (lak 830 HOUSEHOLD goods packed, forwarded v ii. nj, lirinni I n ,T., llll IIIS1 nil. I s.V.l ll'Hj. Expressmen's Delivery Co. Tel. Doug. J94. Via; (mi FOR RENT 8L ?4th St., 8 rooms, mod ern, $.'l (5-n Six HOUSES FOR RENT. $25 per month, 2113 Maple St., 6-room mod ern cottage. $26 per month, $61$ Bristol St., (-room mod ern house. $38 per month, ifM.I N. 20th St., 8-room mod ern house: large yard. $37.60 per month, 1318 N. 40th 8t l-room mottern house. $45 per month. 416 S. JSth Ave., -room, new, modern vpariment. $48 per month, 6-room apartment In Th Majestic. GEORGE A CO., 1801 Farnam St. (15l-M31 30 HOI. SL8- Peters Trust Co., N. V. U Bldg. (16) 838 10-ROOM, all modern, close In; no roomers prererrea; too. 5-room cottage, seml-huslness district; mod ern except hest: $26. S-room, all modern. West Farnam district $40. 6-room, modern, psrtly furnished; close to ine country club; .. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE COMFANT. 10U1 N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone Dong 21W (16)-M97 30 SEVERAL new modern house for rent very reasonable price to good, steady PETERSON BROS.. 476 Brandeis Bldg. 'Phone Auto. A3157. (15I-M361 HOU8E8, Insurance. Ringwait, Barker Blk (151-831 FOR RENT April 1, 8-room. sll modern House; .;7.60. 1318 N. oth. (15i M7t) 6-ROOM cottage. No. 1618 Pratt St.: mod ern except heat, $20. (161802 LIST your vacant houses with Walter ureen company, 914 N. r. IJfe Bldg. (15)-M223 7-ROOM modern cottage, 602 N. Sd St. Telephone Douglaa 918. (15) 801 10-ROOM modern brick flat. 114 N. Wth St (16I-M977 Sx HOUSES, flats, Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam. (16)-828 2967 PACIFIC ST. rooms: thorouahlv modern, oak finish; $40. A. O. Elllck, 502 Bee uiug. (15) 829 FOR RENT 8 rooms, bath. barn. 2154 Bo. 84th. W. 8. Stlllman, 419 1st Nat. Bk. Bid. (l)-827 Offlcea. TWO fine large office suites In the Oon tlnental block; choice location for physl clan or dentist. ALFRED C. KENNEDY, 209 First National Bank Bldg. (15)-83S FOR RENT Large office room on 2d floor or i rounse iik., on itn nt. opp. p. o. CONRAD YOUNG AGT., 1618 Dodga St. (15) 910 VERY nice outside offlre to lex In Brandeis dug. Anaress k im, care Be. (15)-M255 A COMMODIOUS office In Brandeis Bldg, Inquire No. 819. (16) M366 4x OFFICES OR PARLORS-6 and (-room, in QUIVET. 1809-1811 Farnam Bt.; suitable for artlats, physicians, dentirts, dress makers, etc.; stesm heat, hot water n.i telephone. Also OFF1CE8 or PARLORS, aim rooms, in olaiiuu Miog., south Omaha, suitable for lawyers, doctors ir. steam heat and hot water. HALI 817 First Nat l Bank Bldg. Red 7406. A-446. (15) 385 OFFICES On large and one small office for rent en suite or single. These rooms are on the tilled floor of The Bee Bldg., and m larger one nas a nortn light and vault. For further particulars eee R. vt. cmer, oupi., ruo ee .Building (15) M888 WE have for rent a very desirable office on the Farnam atreet aide of The Bee nuuaing. ciose to elevator, at $27.60. Water ngnt, janitor service, are included. R. W. natter, mipi., iuo nee ttiag. (16) MS87 Stores. S-STORY and basement, 22x100: 1008 Far nam. Apply 314 First Nat 1 Bank Bldg (15) 837 606 Si 13TH St. Y. L. Bldg. $50. C. G. Carlberg, 911 N (15)-M971 FOR RENT Store room in one of the best downtown locations In Omaha, slie 22x132. Will retit all or part. Rent reasonable. HILLER & SON, Telephone 1019. 1403 Douglaa St. (15)-M274 BTORB building at ioth and Bancroft Sts. Call Tel. Douglas 3486. (15) M20Slx BTORB ROOM In Scargo block, at 620 N. 24th St., South Omaha; steam heat, modern ahow windows, excellent location. Alao two basement rooms In ssme build ing, cemented floors, steam heated, suit able for billiards,' barbers, hatha, restau rant, etc. HALL, S17 First Nat l Bank Bldg. Red 7406. A 4406. (15) M29S 709 B. 27TH St.. store room and living rooms in rir, nt.r. 1814 Harney Bt., store room 20x60 with cel lar. $66; new front will be put in for tenant. 1818 Harney St., store room 20x35 with cel lar, $40; new front will be put In. 1S07 Howard St., three story and basement, double brick building, with electric ele vator and new plumbing on each floor, $160. N. P. Dodge ft Co.. 1714 Farnam St. (16-M291 31 OFFERED FOR SALE Fencing. ANCHOR and Iron fencing; wire fencing 6c per foot. 206 N. 17th Si. Tel. Red 814. (Ml-$28 Fnrnltnre. FURNITURE and lease of new. modern six-room house. Address. W 207. Bee. (18)-73 FIRST-CLASS gas stove for ssle st 119 S. J7th St. li-M104 31 Pianos, Organs, Mnsleal lastrameats. FOR SALE Fine upright piano, cheap; 1723. Davenport St. (W) 8.19 Typewriters aad Sewing Machines. FOR SALE High grade secondhand type writers; good condition: a bargain at $50. Call room 603. Bee Bldg. (16.-671 NEW Remington typewriter for sale cheap. Phono D.-26WI. 4 28 Bee Bldg. (16I-M354 6x Mlaeellaaeoaa. DRUGS at cut prices: freight paid on all $10 orders; rstalogue free. Sherman ft Mc Conncll Diug Co.. Omaha, Neb. (16) $40 GAS, ELECTRIC AND COMBINATION FIXTURES Largest, most up-to-date stork at lowest prices In the city; (elect now, delivered when needed. Inspection Invited. BURGESS GRANDEN CO., $13 8. 15th St. Tel. Doug. 1. (161-841 BHERWIN-W1LLIAM8 CO., beat mixed paint. Sherman ft McConnell Drug Co. 416 ID-HAND overcoat and Xj-arms. tnsr, 416 N. 16th. (l$-$46 OFFERED FOR SALE Mlacellaneon tlnaed. TO MEET OBLIGATIONS Will sell fine white diamond ring for $1$. slso sud same alse $16. Each worth fully $j6. Good Columbia Grap'ioplione and fifty two $1 10-inch records for $46. Better an sser quick. Address P 66, care Hee. (I6)-M969 M.U FOR SALE Several show cases, new pea rases, new pea- mill, two lsre f f store fixtures, 1 s .n illAh- 1 m w.,1 ' nut rosster. large coffee automatic oil tanks and too numerous to mention. Globe Land and Investment Co., Omaha, Neb. (16-44 FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables. We lead the world In cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Brunswlck-Balk-Collcndar, 407 8. loth 6u (16)-84i COAL All kinds, fres delivered, same day as you order. Rosenblstt's coal yard. Tel. Douglaa 412. Retail department clean nut coal, 6 bushels for $l. (16I-MS4S ICE! ICE! MINNESOTA ICE In car lots. A. G. Gilbert. Council Bluffs, la. (16) M374 SEND US your mall orders for drugs; freight paid on $10 lots. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. (16) 847 HOMEOPATHIC remedies, wholesale, re- tall. Sherman ft McCcniiell Drug Co., 16 th, and Dodg Sts., Omaha, Neb. (16) 448 PHEK liberal eamplea of Oonkcy laying tonio ana valuable poultry book If you bring this ad to S. B. Stewart, Omaha. (16) M822 A-Sx HALL'S aafea, new, 2d-hand. 1818 'Farnam. ' (16) 849 PATENTS ' ' " i PATENTS THAT PROTWCT-S books for Inventors mailed on receipt of 6o postsge. R. S. ft A. B. lAcey. rooms 19-89 Pacific Bldg., Washington, D. C. Established 1869. 417) -860 LARSON ft CO. Book free. Neville Bldg. (17) 61 D. O. BARNELL, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7111 (7)-2 H. A. Sturgla, 619 N. Y. U Tel. Dong. 8469. (17 M166 A14x PERSONAL f A nVPTTPr'",ment " bath. Mm. xUAUiMil Av8mlth, 118 N. 16th, 2d floor. (1J( WE RENT, repair, sell needles for old sewing machines. ist. cycle Co., cor. loth and Harney. , (18) 853 THE SALVATION ARMY solicits caatoff clothing; in fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and aell at 134 N. 11th St., for cost of collecting to the worthy poor. Call 'phone Doug. 4135 and wagon will call. U8) 785 A HOME for women during confinement; we find homes for babies where mothers csnnot care for them, Mother Lee, 403 Bancroft St. 'Phone Douglas 19'21. (18)-M36 BEST for you. because best made, are Satin skin cream and satin akin -owder. 25c. ' (1S)- JlflOOaUU Farnam HI 9,1 IP, ' (18)-M327 A8 OMAHA Stammerers' Institute, Ramus Blag. (16) 8i6 SYRINGES, rubber gooda, by mall; cut rrtces. Bena Tor rree catalogue. Myera Dlllon Drug Co., Omaha. (18) 854 TOUNO WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers are invited to visit the Young Women'a Christian association rooma. 1616 Farnam St., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. (18) 915 ADVERTISER wishes to borrow $900 on good security, interest and dividends pay able every sixty days. No agents need answer. K K8. care Bee. (18) M358 lx PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mrs. ur. viiig. 11.1 mn. 41. vies. iivh. (18) 856 MME. 7.EREFA, Armenian massage, Bjn B isin, rial ., I'none jjougina 8X48. (18) 344A18X PUFFB, pompadours and switches, .msde rrom your comnings. mrts. lhc eaen. IMS 8. 26th St. Douglas 6726. (!H M10S SOx REAL ESTATE HEAL ESTATE DEALERS. PAYNE INV. CO., 1st floor N. T. IJfe. Douglas 1781. (19) 857 GEORGE ft CO.. 1601 Farnam. Tel. Douglaa 754. (19) 868 BENJAMIN R. E. CO., 326 Neville Rloek. 119) WTJB A3 CITV PROPERTY FOR SALE. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE - MIDLAND GUARANTEE AND TRUST CO.. 1714 FARNAM ST., BEE BUILDING. (19)-69 TWO COTTAGES CHEAr 29th and Charles streets, one house, 7 rooms, one wuu rooms; annual rental. $312; will sell both for $2,260. W. T. GRAHAM, 604 Bee Rldg. (19)-M299 80 9 ROOMS ALL MODERN Two Lots and a Large Barn Just north of Kountse Plsee. This house Is finished in the most atractlve atyle In natural woods, Is In firstvasB repair throughout, handsome gas and elecino light fixtures, hot and cold water, bath, furnace, screened porch, plenty of tree and shrubbery an Ideal home. Owner Is leaving town and has cut the price for Immediate aale to $5,onO. It's a snap for the man wanting a home. Bee us at once. D. V. SHOIjES CO.. 110 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. Douglaa 49. Main Floor. Independent A49. U)-9u ) FOR BALF.-I.ot 17, block 82, Albright's aaamon io nnuiii umana; tub. J. 1. Case T. M. Co.. Racine, Wis. (19) M8S4 1 NORTH i!4TH ST. LOT, $450. lasted about 4 blocks north of Fort St., sat front, corner hit. 45 feet fronts hv 25 feet deep. Owner Is anxioua to sell his at once, on easy terms of about one mlf cash snd the bslsnce $10 a month. HASTINGS ft HEYDEN. 1704 Fsrnsm St. (19I-M102 1 BARGAIN COUNTER LOTS 80x127 ft , corner 2t8h and Franklin, sewer. "r'i . paving, staewaiKs; an lor $XfiS. 40 ft. on 24th. near Patrick Ave.; $1,000. rive inn, wn ana tien une, goo a track- Some splendid lots, 37th St., near Ames Ave., at l-t. Iot east of Central Park School house; I at " W. T. GRAHAM. 604 Bee Rl.l ( (191-MJ0I $0 A SNAP 8-ROOM MODERN HOME Plastrred A. tic, Two blocks from 24th Bt.'car,' South front. Lot 50x168. paved atreet," 2670 Poppleton Ave. Inquire at but Poppleton Av. (19)-M150 SPECIAL BARGAIN . TO SETTLE AN ESTATE 4024 LAFAYETE AVE. 8-room house, all modern. In first-class condition; first floor finished in soljd oak. 4 comfortable Bleeping rooms snd bsth on second floor; basement all cemented and Is a first-class home, on a paved atreet. For particulars ss to rrlce. etc., call on 11. J. HUGHES, 1213 Howsrd Sr. . (19)-M3 AS A SPLENDID new house, $ rooms and hath, cement cellar, furnace and all o'hr convenience, near 24ih and Grace Sta.' can be bad lust new for U lo V. T. OKA HAM, tot Bldg JJ-&JOO SO 1 ft r