Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 30, 1908, Page 3, Image 3

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Office 15 Scott Street.
Daris, drug.
Btockert sells carpets.
Ed Rogers. Tony Fault beer.
Lewis Cutler, funeral director. 'Phone Wl.
Woodrlng Undertaking company. Tel. 338.
For rent, unfurnished room, El Main Bt.
Pleturo framing. Alexander s. 333 B'way.
Picture framing a specialty. C. E. Alex
ander, 833 Broadway.
BT. 'photic. Ind. 24 black: Bell. 623.
Jewel gas sloven, made In Chicago. Real
fas aavers. Peterson A Bchnenlng Co.
The Toung Men's Fortnightly club of the
First Congregational rlitirrh will meet Mon
day evening In the church parlors.
H. W. -Binder waa yesterday appointed
administrator of tha estate of the late Mrs.
Florence Ade! Rice, his bond being placed
at 14,000.
J. O. Northern and Turah Button, bolh
of Missouri Valley, were married In this
city yesterday afternoon by Rev. Hnry
Hon. John J. Hamilton, member of the
ptato Board of Control, with his wife, Is
the guest of Superintendent Rothert at the
Iowa School for the Deaf for a few days.
Tou ran rt better coal for less money
from William Welch, 18 North Main. Tha
reason why 1 because he sells for cash,
lioth 'phonaa 128. Yard 'phons, Bell 77.
A general meeting of all the chanters of
tha Woman guild of St. Paul s Episcopal
ehurch will be held Monday afternoon at
tha home of Mrs. Emmet Tinley on Willow
How la your pocket book? Do you need
anything In carpets, Japan or China mat
ting, or tho latest fabra matting, window
shades and curtains? Jf you need any of
these articles we will be economical with
you by giving you the best in quality and
charging you the lowest possible prices.
I. W. Keller. 103 So. Main St.
Mrs. O. O. Balrd, president of the local
, union, received word yesterday morning of
tha death of Mrs. H. S. Nichols, treasurer
of the stat organization of the Woman's
Christian Temperance union, at her home
In Shenandoah, J a. Mrs. Nichols was re
elected to the office of treasurer at the
convention held in Council Bluffs last fall.
It la our business to figure on wall paper
Jobs and to figure In every possible way
to give our customers the best work for
the lowest possible price. On this princi
ple, combined with fair treatment, wo have
built up the largest wall paper hones In
southwestern Iowa. See us before you de
cide to paper. We have what you want
H. Borwick, 211 So. Main.
Judge tVheider yesterday ordered that
Peaxl Bethers, the 3-year-old child which
was placed In care of Mrs. Johnson, matron
of the Associated Charities' creche, be re
turned to the grandparents. Mr. and Mrs.
William Lawrence. The court warned the
grandparents that If they wished to retain
possession of the little ono they would
have to see to It that she was properly
cared for and not neglected, as It was re
ported aha had been.
Fire of unknown origin destroyed a small
barn about 1:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon
on the premises of A. J. Brown. 633 Sixth
avenue. Several tons of baled hay and a
two-seated surrey, owned by C. R. Tyler,
were stored In the barn. By the time the
fire waa discovered the upper part of the
barn waa biasing fiercely. The loss on the
bam la eatimated at about J.100 and about
the tinw on the hay and surrey. There
was no Insurance on barn or contents.
The funeral of the late John M. Camp
bell, held yesterday afternoon from the
club house of tha Council Bluffs lodge of
Elks, of which he waa a member, was at
tended by a large number of members of
the order and business friends and asso
ciates of the deceased. The services were
conducted by Dr.. O. O. Smith, pastor of
.the First Congregational church and chap
f lain of the lodge, .while the .music was fur.
nlshed by the Elks' quartet. Iturlnl waa
In Falrvlew oemetery, the pallbearers being
B. M. Sargent. F. E. English, J. Camp, H.
Bearlea. J. B. Long and 8. S. Elliott.
Ferd Held to Grand Jary.
Bob Ford, the negro charged with being
Implicated In the attack on Joseph Palmer
last Tuesday night, waa yesterday bound
over to the grand Jury by Judge Snyder.
In default of ball, placed at $500, Ford was
committed to the county Jail.
While Ford Is said to have participated
in the attack on Palmer, he Is not believed
to have done the cutting, although one
witness to the fight testified to seeing a
knife or raxor In Ford's hand. A negro
named Hughes is said to have been the
one .who slashed Palmer, but the police
have been 'unable to locate him. It Is
believed Hughes has left tha city.
Ford waa bound over to the grand Jury
on the charge of asault with intent to kill.
The grand Jury will convene in adjourned
session May 11. Palmer's wound Is healing
rapidly and no serious results are antici
pated now.
Marriage Licenses.
License to wed were Issued yesterday to
the following:
Name and Residence. Age.
Carl Munieon. Genoa, Neb 31
Ella, B. Miller, Oenoa. Neb a
John Brower, Omaha M
Phoebe Rahn. Omaha a
J. O. Northcutt, Missouri Valley
Turah Sutton, Missouri Valley 2t
Arthur Brown, Omaha so
Alice Arron, Omaha J2
N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. 250. Night L698.
. Lectors on California.
. James W. Brwln of San Francisco will
givo two free lectures Monday and Tues
day evenings at the Broadway Methodist
church on. "The Wonders and Glories of
California." Tha lecturee will be illustrated
with hundreds of beautiful atercoptlcan
views. The lectures, which are entirely
free to the public, will begin at t o'clock
each evening-.
What makes
good bread?
Flour ground very fine, even,
so, the absorption is uniform,
complete the dough perfect
Gold Medal Flour
passes through twenty sets of
- That's one reason why it
always makes good bread.
Made by
Co. . :
For Sale
by Grocer
Both 'Phones 43.
Twenty-Five Hundred Names Added
to List in Three Days.
Hot Fight for Head of the Ticket, In
Which the Water Works Ques
tion Cuts Considerable of
r. Flsnre.
I feel confident that the hcs.l "f the
ticket will he elected. Mont of the other
xiidlilatf on the ticket are SHtc. Mr.
Wallace will receive the support of many
democrats. The registration indicate a
heavy vote. 1 believe the democrats will
make their hardest fight In the First,
pseennd and Sixth wards. A. F. Hollis,
Chairman Republican City Central Com
mittee. 1 do not care to make a forecast. At
the same time 1 have the fullest confi
dence in the result of Monday's election.
Heyond this I do not care to m.ike any
further statement In advance of the elec
tion. J. J. Hughes. Chairman of Demo
cratic City Central Committee.
Yesterday was a busy one for bolh the
republican and democratic workers. All
day, from early morning until the reg
istrars closed their hooks at !) o'clock
last night, both sides worked hard to get
the voters registered. That they suc
ceeded waa evidenced by the heavy reg
istration in every precinct in the city. Al
though at a late hour last night only In
complete returns had been received at
the democratic and republican headquar
ters, It was evident that over 1.000 names
had been added to the lists yesterday. It
was estimated last night that during the
three days of registration about .',500
names had been listed. The registration
Is taken to Indicate a heavy vote.
In the First precinct of the 8lxth ward
2-5 registered yesterday, making a to
tal of 358 for the three days. In the Sec
ond precinct of the First ward 113 regis
tered and in the Second precinct of the
Second ward 125 registered.
Both Sldea Work Hard.
Both sides worked hard all day and every
hack and livery carriage In the city was
pressed into service to convey voters to
the registration booths.
As the situation now Is both sides are
confident of victory on Monday. Council
man Wallace and his friends say nothing
can prevent him being the next mayor,
while Councilman Maloncy and his support
ers assert with e.iual confidence that It
will be "Mayor Maaloney'' after April 1.
That party politics in this election will
be to a great extent eliminated is con
ceded by botli sides, and everything Indi
cates that there will he a great deal of,
scratching. It Is conceded that Mr. Ma
loncy will get quite a few republican votes,
and, on tho other hand, It Is expected that
Mr. Wallace will get some democratic
votes. That the water works question will
be quite an Important factor in Monday's
election Is generally conceded.'
The republicans are confident they will
elect their candidates for treasurer, aud
itor and solicitor, arid one, If not both,
candidates for coimcilman-at-large. The re
sult of the councllmanic elections is un
certain, although both parties are confi
dent of securing a majority In the next
city council. The democrats are confident
of electing their city treasurer and city, en
gineer. Ileal Estate Transfers.
These transfers were reported to The
March 28 by the Pottawattamie County
stract company of Council Bluffs:
George H. White, referee, to Walton
Driver, sw' ne of 22. and w',i se't
of 31', and part se'4 no1 32-74 44,
ref. d
Harvey Ouren, referee, to Christian
Jensen, w30 acres of nw ne', anil
sw4 neV4. and nw'.i bc4 of as, and
lot i, A lids' subdiv. swV se'i of 23-
"7-44. ref. d
Orenvllle Dodge and wife to Thomas
J. Newklrk, trustee, part ndi nw'4
of 7-74-43, w. d ; .;
Lyman T. Shugart and wife to H. P.
Triplett, lot 20, block 6, Jefferis'
subdiv., w. d
I. M. Nelson and husband to A. W.
Rarrrtt. lot 13. Johnson's add., w. d.
Alice Oalhout, guardian, to Thoimia
Norman, undivided sixth of n',4 nw'A
of 1-77-41. gdn. d
Isabelln C. Atwood and husband to
J. W. Bell, lot 8. Vaughn's subdiv.
of lot g, original platt Council Bluffs,
w. d
E. F. Stockert to Charles and Flor
ence M. Kve. lot 1 and slO feet lot
10. block 2, Mynster's add., w. d....
J. P. tlrenshietds snd wife to Wil
liam Oall. lot 6, block 1. Kubanks'
add., w. d
May R. Ilalladay and husband to
Mary P. D.nny, part original plutt
lots snd 87V4. and part lot , block
1, Stutsman's 2d add., and st lot 1.1,
subrtlw of original platt 74 Council
Bluffs, w. d
Qrsnt Pilling and wife, to Franklin
Perks and A. Robert Koehler. lots
1. 3 and 3, block 10, Macedonia, la.,
w. d
F. J. Day and wife to Anit Mav "and
Ina Cora Groom, lots 9, 10. 11 and l'
block 8. Central subdiv., w. d
F. J. Day and wife to Msrv K. Groom
lots 5. . 7 and g, block 8, Central
subdiv.. w. d
Jacob Mlll-r to Franklin Perks, part
lot ", Park add., Macedonia, la.,
w. d ;
George K. Gartlxml and George ' a'
Miller, executors, to Anna M Good
e'l. lot 28, block i, Railroad add .
Mary T. Everett to George' i'l." May lie,
wiO feet block 1, Mill add., q. c. d..
Sixteen transfers, total 137,172
Don't Take Chances.
Can you afford to keep on trying to fit
your own eyes without the knowledge and
help that an accurate scientific examina
tion would give you? Is it fair to your
self to guess, when by consulting us you
could 1e sure? OCR GI.ASSK8 8ATISFT.
Dr. W. W. Magarrell, Optometrist, 10
Pearl a reel.
Rood (loads Association Organ Islns;.
The executive committee of the Good
Roads association, organised last Mindav
st a meeting at the Commercial club rooms,
met yesterday morning and among other
business drafted a constitution snd set of
by-laws, which will be submitted at a ses
sion of the association to be held next
Saturday morning.
The committee also took up the question
of Improvement of the public thoroughfare
at "The Narrows." which has been a source
of much complaint. The county supervis
ors and the good roads committee of the
Commercial club, to which the matter waa
referred some time ago. have taken the
position that the road should be put in
proper condition by the Illinois Central rail
road. It Is claimed that when the Illinois
Central constructed Its line. It took a por
tion of the former highway, which waa In
excellent condition, and constructed In
stead the present road, which has become
almost Impassable.
The committee, after discussing the mat
ter at length, decided to confer with the
officials of the Illinois Central and ascer
tain If any assistance could be obtained in
that direction before proceeding further.
Present at th session were II. W. Binder,
chairman; Colonel W. F. Baker, Council
Bluffs; F. W. Beck. Lwis township; F. 8.
Chlkls, Garner township; J, A. Currie,
Rockford township; J. R. Lapworth, Crea-
cent township, and W. H. James, president
of the Pottawattamie County Rural Mall
Carriers' association.
Machine and Films Rained and
Operntor Severely Barned.
A crowd at the Scenic Moving Picture
theater on Pearl street opposite the
Grand hotel was treated to a realistic
fire scene last night In place of one on
the canvas which was intended. The
operator was about to put .on a series
of pictures depicting the run of a 'fire
department In response to an alarm,
when the film caught fire and exploded.
The people at once made a rush for the
exits, knocking over chairs and one an
other In their fear. All managed to
reach the street In safety, although sev
eral persons were more or less bruised
and several -were minus their closks, over
coats and hats.
The downtown streets were crowded at
the time and In a few seconds Pearl
street from First avenue almost to
Broadway was blocked with an excited
throng of people. The police had con
siderable trouble in keeping the people
back, as many were looking for children
or friends who had been In the theater.
The alarm goon brought the fire de
partment on the scene and the flames,
which were confined almost entirely to
the box occupied by the operator of the
moving picture machine, were quickly ex
tinguished. Kxcept for that caused by
water there was apparently little damage
to the building, which Is covered by In
surance. The Scenic theater was opened about
two weeks ago by William Maloncy of
Omaha and h is the heaviest loser, as it
was said that films of the value of 11,000
were destroyed and also two picture ma
chines. ' Mr. Maloney carried some Insur
ance, but whether sufficient to protect
his loss could not be ascertained last
Jack Rousek, the operator of the mov
ing picture machine, was severely burned
about the hand, but otherwise escaped
Injury. Dale Hashberger, his assistant,
was also severely burned. Both men were
taken .to Mercy hospital.
The accident occurred at 9 o'clock and
the theater was packed to the doors with
a Saturday night crowd, while another
crowd was waiting outside In the vesti
bule for the next show.
Gas Stove Special.
The Jewel gas stove, 110.00. Peterson A
Schoenlng Co.
Cnse 'Interests Ions Cities
IOWA FA1.I.S, la., March 29. (Special.)
Municipal officers over the state are in
terested In the reversal of the Emmetsburg
sewer case by the supreme court, for it In
volves questions that confront every mu
nicipality making public Improvements.
The decision leave the contractor sus
pended In midair while the property own
ers who had not paid their assessments
or signed waivers of .Irregularities are per
mitted to enjoy sewer privileges without
paying their proportion of the cost. Thess
Include the owners of 36J lots In the 'city
or about one-fifth of the property In the
sewer district. The decision Is reversed,
evidently on two points, the firs't being the
fact that the records of the .council pro
ceedings did not show that the sewer reso
lution was adopted by an aye and nay
vote. Second, that the notice for bids
was not technically correct In specifying
the extent of the work and the kind of
material. The matter has been In the
courts for the last four years.
FORT DODGE, la., March 29. (Special
FORT DODGE, la., March 28. tSpeclal
Telegram.) The high school debating team
of this city defeated Missouri Valley yes
terdsy In the semi-final contest for state
high school .championship. It will go to
Iowa City for the final debate with Cedar
Falls. Fort Dodge's team consists of Waldo
Miner. Richard Mitchell, Charles Meloy;
Missouri Valley, Charles Kennedy; Ralph
Erlcson, Worcester Warren. Chief Justice
Sherwin of the" state supreme court. Prof.
C. E. Seashore, Iowa university, and Prof.
C. P. Colgrove, state normal, were the
S Cashier Mhort In Accounts.
ONAWA, la., March 29. (Special.) Ben
Shaw, cashier of the Northwestern at
Onawa, was checked up by the auditor and
found short in his accounts to the company.
He failed to ralse tho money and wa-s
bound over to the grand Jury In the sum
of $500. He gave bond and was released.
There seems to be a hoodoo over tho
Onawa stntlon when It comes to shortages
and several recent agents have been In the
same condition.
Accident May Prove Fatal.
IOWA FAl,U3, la., March 29.-(Speclal.) j
-Miss Hattle Dahlqutst, living near Forest t
City, was the victim of what may prove a I
fatal accident the first of the week. While j
assisting her mother In burning the dead i
grass along tha fences about their home, J
the young lady's clothes caught ffVe and
before the flames could be extinguished her
lower limbs were severely burned, Tho
tttending physician considered the injuries
Iona Mews .Notes.
ONAWA Prof. W. fl. Ilctie. principal
of the Onswa schools, has resigned, and
will engago In, life insurance.
ONAWA C. B. Ellis, formerly auditor
of Monona county, is In Gregory county,
b. .ilii Dskota, checking the books of that
county as an expert accountant.
MARSHALLTOWN A motion for a new
trial in the criminal case against F. M.
Miller, a local chiropractor, who was con
victed yesterday afternoon by the jury on
a charge oT' practicing medicine without
first securing a state license, was filed
in the district court today.
ONAWA The remonstrance against the
Monona county saloons was knocked out
in the first . round, having failed to secure
enough names. The saloon petition carried
by about 10 per cent when circulated some
years ago and there probably is not a
decided change In sentiment. The saloons
of tli county have observed the mulct
laws better than ill many other counties.
ONAWA The Monona county normal In
stitute opens Monday morning In the high
school building. Instructors are A. E.
Inslilp, editor of the Journal of Educa
tion. Boston; W. H. Clifford, principal of
the Council Bluffs s. bonis; W. O. Riddell,
principal of the Des Moines schools; Alena
A. t ha&e, with the' Educational Publishing
company of Chicago. F. E. Ixtves county
superintend. 'lit. will be the conductor.
LOGAN Yesterday afternoon Eunice Le
Valley, Lixxie Clulow, Margaret Grosvenor,
Neva Palmer, Fern Howard and Madge
Rainier or t tip l.ogan High school, dis
cussed the bill and sign-board question. In
Logan, a few of these boards are tolerated.
In t lie evening fourteen members of the
h'gh school gave the play, "Bachelor Hall."
at the oitera house. The play waa well
attended, well received and a financial suc
cess. The proceeds of the evening will be
used for the benefit of the athletic club
of the high school In purchasing supplies.
v MARSHALLTOWN A telegram received
In this city tills afternoon tells of an
honorary scholarship being awarded to Miss
I-elia David, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
W. F. David of this city, at Wellesley.
Mlsa David is a Wellesley senior, and has
been chosen one of eighteen members of
her class of 27 to receive a Durant schol
arship. The honor Is conferred only on
those who did exceptional work during
their Junior and senior years. Last year
Mlsa David won a scholarship for Hie ex
cellence of her work done during her
sophomore year. Miss David is president
of her class society, and Inter-CMll presi
dent of the eighteen societies of the col
lege. Her high standing in scholarship. In
addition to her numerous duties, has made
her one of tn leading seniors of the col-!
One to Be Made an Overhead Affair
and the Other Abolished.
John aiaeYlcar Brings Salt for I.lbel
for Article Published on the Ere
f Dea Moines Municipal
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DBS MOINES, March 29.-tSpeclal.)-Two
of the most dangerous railroad grade cross
ings in Pottawattamie county are to be
abolished and an overhead crossing put In
for one of them. The crossings are about
four miles from Neola on the Chicago
Great Western, and one person has been
killed as a result of their being there.
Furthermore, a new rond across the Uock
Island In section 20 of township 77, range
41. is to be made an overhead crossing.
These are the result ' of an order made
by the railroad commission today.
Tho first case Is on petition of the super
visors of Pottawattamie county. Four miles
from Neola there are two crossings over
the Great Western. Both' are grade cross
ings and are about a quarter of a mile
apart. One is where the railroad runs
through a cut, and the other where there
has been a fill. The railroad commission
has granted the petition of the supervisors
to make the west crossing an overhead
crossing on the condition that the super
visors vacate the road where the east
crossing Is. Since the crossings are so
close together, it Is thought there will bo
no hesitation on the part of the super
visors to do this. The crossings are dan
gerous because It Is impossible to see an
approaching train, and one person has been
killed as a result.
Over the Rock Island, where the new
read which the supervisors propose open
ing will be located, the railroad runs
through a cut which Is about twenty-five
feet high on one side and about ten feet
on the other. The commission visited the
site and there was an agreement between
the road and the supervisors that the
crossing ought to be over the tracks, and
the commission therefore made the order
today. Both of these roads are Important
and will be traveled a great deal.
l.arrabees. Are Candidates.
Fred Larrabec of Fort Dodge today filed
with Secretary of State Hayward his pri
mary nomination petition as senator from
the Calhoun-Webster district. It Is under
stood tlint Will Ijarrabee of Fayette county
will be a candidate as representative. Since
their father, William ljirrahee. was gov
ernor of Iowa the Iarrabce family has
been out of public office, though active In i
politics. With the next legislature there
seems likely to be two members of tho
family. - .
Establish A'evr Church.
Bishop Davis of Davenport, in charge of
thlse diocese of the Catholic church, has
asked the Redemptorlst order to estab
lish a church in northeast Des Moines,
and It Is understood that If the order
comes It will establish a school and a
boys' academy. There are five Culhollc
churches In Des Moines now.
Miners to Furnish Men.
It Is not yet settled .whether there will
be a shutdown of the coal mines of Iowa
on April 1, but the conference of the
United Mine Workers and the miners lias
progressed to the point where the men
have agreed to furnish men to take care
of the mines and machinery In case there
is a shutdown. The miners have offered
to continue at the bid scale till a new
scale Is agreed upon.
Capture Keokuk Forger.
Frank Morgan, who claims Crestnn as
his home and who worked forgery tricks
In Keokuk, has been captured through
the co-operation of the Des Moines and
Marshalltown police and will be sent back
to Keokuk. When informed by Keokuk
officials that the man was here the po
lice made a search and located him at a
hotel Just after lie had left for Marshall
town. . He was captured at Marshalltown.
He made a deposit of $10 In a bank,
raised the amount to gl.000 and then ex
hibited his pass book and got checks
MacVlcar Uses for I.lbel.
John MacVlcar, ex-mayor of Des Moines
and one of the primary nominees for
commissioner under the new form of gov
ernment, today filed in the district court
notice of a 150,000 damage suit against
C. C. Loomls because of an article printed
In thlar morning's Register and Leader.
The article assails MacVicar's character
and concerns a former city campaign.
Mr. MacVlcar said today that he filed
the suit because the article had been
printed on the eve of the election and
was so wickedly and infamously false.
The election takes place Monday.
If you buy a piano of A. Hospe Co., 2)
Pearl, 28 So. Main, Co. Bluffs, you get ad
vantage of all discounts, as their prices
are eo low they can not pay commissions.
Maple Valley Firemen's Tourney.
ONAWA. Ia.. March 29. (Special.) The
meeting of the Maple Valley Firemen's
Tournament association at Wall Lake on
Wednesday was well attended, most of the
towns In the district being represented.
The next tournament was voted to Onawa,
only four votes being cast for Iake City.
The time will not be fixed until the date
of the state .tournament is known, as it
Is desired to hold the Maple Valley tourna
ment one week before the state tourna
ment, as several towns will attend both.
These officers were elected: Ed E. Con
ncll, Lake City, president; A. W. Burgess,
Onawa. secretary; Charlea Harvey, Logan,
treasurer. The midwinter meeting next year
will be on the third Wednesday in March,
at Holsteln. The Maple Valley association
was organised several years ago and now
Is only second In Importance to the state
meet. It embraces about forty good towns
on the Northwestern railroad in western
Baker Guilty of aasTaaghter.
RED OAK, la., March 29.-(SpeclaU
After being out twenty-three hours the
jury In the case of George A Baker, tried
In the district court for murder of Claud
Grlce In Red Oak, November , 1907, came
in Thursday with a verdict of manslaugh
ter. The sentence has not yet been pro
nounced. The Baker trial lasted five days. A little
more than a day was required In getting a
jury, two extra panels being summoned.
George A. Baker assaulted Claude Grlce
In Giico's bakery In Red Oak, November
. 1907, striking him In the back of the head
with a four-pound scale weight, causing a
fracture of the skull. Grlce lived sixty-four
liouis. The assault followed a quarrel In
the bakery.
Grlce had been a resident of Red Ook
about- six months, coming here from Il
linois. He left a wife.
Bit May Prove llaaaerous
SIDNEY, U.. March :.-i8i.eclal.l-Cl.i
Vansant. the 11-year-old son of Gurrett
vansant, living east of Sidney, Is threat
ened with blood Doisunina in his arm. Th.
pile thinking there was a rabbit In the
hole. Something, which he thought wss a
rat, bit him on the arm. The wound healed
up apparently, but several weeks later be
gan to trouble him again.
Old Honesty Wins the Lyric Handl.
rap at Sw Orleaas. ,
NS7W ORLEANS, March .-Old Honesty,
at 4'i to I. won the Lyric handicap, gl.000
added, at City Park yesterday. Tcmaceo. the
short-priced favorite, was a poor second.
Old Honesty's victory was a surprise, be
cause the last time he was out this horse,
then an odds-on favorite, was beaten by
poor horses by several lengths. Jockey
Notter continued his recent good riding by
piloting four winners. Today closed tho
season at City Park. Tomorrow the acenes
will ahift to the Fair Grounds for two
weeka, and then winter racing will be over
here for the present season. Weather
cloudy and track fast. Summary;
First race, four and a half furlongs- Guv
Fisher (KM, Notter, 12 to 1) won. DrougliRin
(112. Nlcol, 2 to 1) second. Intervene (112,
A. Minder, even) third. Time: 0:54;. Lady
Leota. Gloriole, Transform and Silverado
also ran.
Second race, steeplechase, full course;
McAllister (147, even) won, Dr. Logan (.57,
W. Allen, 12 to 1) second. Dr. Henrd (150,
Welton, 7 to 1) third. Time; 3:54'. Gild
Circle, Bell the Cat, Bank Holiday and
Gallitea also ran.
Third race, six furlongs, selling: Robin
hood (110, Notter, 3 to 6) won, Canada (Wi.
Sklrvln, 6 to 1) second, Bert Oxra (IPs',
A. Minder, 100 to 1) third. Time; 1:13),.
Cooney K., Bounding Elk, FlnKse, St. Val
entine, Refined, Beatrice K- and Reaction
also ran.
Fourth race, one mile and a half: Old
Honesty (114. J. Ie, 4'4 to D won, Te
maceo (112, Notter. 9 to r second, Goodluck
UW. V. Bowers, g to S) third. Time: 2:3.1.
Fifth race, six furlongs, handicap: Hv
perlon II (114, J. Lee, 9 to 6) won. Hasty
Agnes (W. Flynn. 44 to 1) second. Colloquy
(110. 8. Heldel. to 1) third. Time: 1:13.
Blagg, Grlmaldi, Faust ond Batsman also
Sixth race. seven furlongs, selling:
Warner Grlswell Go5, Notter, 4 to 1) won,
Blue Bee (HO, Kchlelslnger, 9 to 2) second.
Royal Onyx (lo8. Iibcrt, 7 to 1) third.
Time: 1:27. Arrow Swift, Phil Finch,
Miss Strome, Idy Esther, Water Cooler,
Ieo Beach, Bird Slayer and Funiculalre
also ran. '
Seventh race, one mile and a. quarter,
selling: Quugga (106, Notter, If to 10 won.
Creel (1(H, W. Ott, 6 to 1) second, Doubt
(107. J. Lee, 7 to 1) third. Time: 2M.
Belle Scott. Marsh Redon. Plnkey and
Foot light Favorite also ran.
BENNING. March 29. -Summary :
First race, Belling, 3-year-olds and up,
seven furlongs, Columbia course: Work
men (loo. McCarthy, 6 to 2) won, Greno
(107, Shaw, 13 to 6 second. Servile (91,
QuariinRton, 10 to 1) third. Time: 1:30.
I-ally. Brookdale, Peter Knight, Battle Axe,
Venus, Lady Karma, Wabash Queen and
Workman also ran.
Second race, 3-year-olds and up, five
and one-half furlongs, Columbia course:
Oracula (107. McDaniel, even) won, Blllie
Hibba (101, Burns, 6 to 5) second, King of
Basham (93, McCarthy. 7 to 1) third. Time:
l:t9i. Jim Nutwood. Tllllnghast, Sherring,
Belle of the Bay and Merrimac also ran.
Third race, the Washington Nursery,
H.OiiO added. 2-year-olds, four and one-half
rurlongs. old course: Personal (110, Mc
Cahey, C to II won. Takahira (107, Brussell,
7 to 5) second. Balbek (110. McCarthy, 3
to 1) third. Time: 0:57H. Bonnie Kelso.
Alhiisch. Clef. Huldy, Juliet M., and Lucille
also ran.
Fourth race, spring handicap, steeple
chase, $1.0(10 added, 4-year-olds, about two
miles and a half: Kara (160, Mclnerny,
II to 101 won. Essex (162. Mr. Dieon Kerr,
5 to 1) second, Huddy (140. Depee, 9 to 2)
third. Time: 6:07. Bersl, Bessie Klser
and Newt Fischer also ran.
Fifth race, the Potomac purse. 3-vear-olds,
six furlongs, Columbia course: Jubi
lee (111. Shaw. 13 to 10) won. Belle Vihor
(111. McDaniel, 7 to 10) second 'V inning
Star (101, Burns. 3 to 1) third. Time: 1:16.
Blember also ran.
Sixth race. 3-year-nldB and un. seven anH
one-half furlongs. Columbia course: Ferry.
Landing (!, Mccahey, 6 to 8) won, Billy
B. Van (98. Quarrington. 9 to Si secnnH
Grace Cameron (113. Burns, 3 to 1) third.
lime: :.. Karamlra also ran.
LOS ANGELES, March 2?. Only two fa
vorites . brouglit' In the money at Santa
Anita Park today. Summary:
First race, five and a half furlonas: Bar
bette (1U7, Preston, 9 to o) won, Jane Bwift
(107, Schilling, 13 to 20) aecond, Aquiline (102,
Martin, 15 to 1) third. Time: 1:064k. Emily
N, Vlctorlne and Hannon finished us
Second race, six and a half fnrhmirn- ir.
Istotle (104, Goldstein. 8 to 1) won. Hnrnev
Oldfleld (102, Archibald, 40 to 1) second,
r.onue inn, Bcniiiing, even) third. Time:
1:20". Albion H, Cardinal Karoo. Black
Dress, Lady Powell, Kopek and Florence
Blrsh finished as named.
Third race, one mile: Smirker (104 still-
ling. 9 to 20) won. Montclalr (104. Gold.
stein. 10 to 1) second. Thomas Flyer (104,
r-resion, i to i inira. Time: 1:40. Tar
han, Brawny Lad, Chief Desmond, Aronia
tlie and Lois Vavanauaii flnUlied un
Fourth race, six furlonss. handienn- r.
mlnius Arrlvl (118. Schilling, 8 to 6. won
Pretensions (123. Musgrave, 3 to 2) second.
Botanist (114. Burns. 7 to II thlrH. . Tim..
1:13. Critlo and Hidden Hand finished as
Fifth race, one mile and three.Iitnnti,..
Merllngo (109. Archibald. 3 to 2) won. Silver
Skin (106. Musgrave. 7 to 5) second. County
Clerk (1'5. Schilling. 14 to C) third. Time
1:59. Nadxu also ran.
Sixth race, one mile: Ins-ham rios xfn..
grave. 3 to 1) won. Vestme (106, Preston, 8
to 61 second. Tea Cress (107, Schilling 3 to
ll third. Time: 1:40. Ampedo and Man
darin finished as named.
Seventh race, one mile: Master Tw.n
(li. Rice, 16 to 1) won. Baron Bisher (106
Burns. 12 to 1) second. Friar of Rlirln
Goldstein, 7 to 10) third. Time: 1:39. Ei
Sheridan. Foncasta. Rustling Silk. Colonel
Jewel, Toller, Spohn and The Englishman
finished as named.
OAKLAND, March 29.-8ummary.
First race, six furlonas. selling: TtlnmW
(115, Mclntyre, 6 to 1) won, Nagasam (112
... au,.j, , - u ncruuuti, neiinen (All.
Mentry, 7 to 1) tnlrd. Time: 1:14U.. Hair
Lord Nelson, Dick Wilson, Bell Reed,
MIsty'B Pride, Seasick and iiulle of Iroquois
also ran.
Second race, mile and twenty yards -Meada
(104, J. Butler, 12 to 1) won, Ralph
Young (los, Klrschbaum, 13 to 6) -second
Mlllsong (101. Buxton. 12 to 1) third. 'Piti.
1:41S. Royal Maxim, Follle L., Tommy
A V. . ..- n tJUH , n.i. . . . . - . .
mitra, ,,, winn may DUWUIIU, WeSiem, MlU-
mont, Iron Watson and Jack Payne also
Third racfr, mile and twenty yards: hii-
gert 1106. W. Miller, 11 to 2) won. Silver
.mo iraj, unwri, 10 -t second, Krucka
(106, Buxton. 11 to 5) third. Time: 1-41V
Monvina, Miss Officious, Lassen, Margaret
Randolph, Catherine F. and Zlck Abraham
also ran.
Fourth race, five furlongs, Gebh'ard hand
icap: Rose Queen (118, Mclntyre, 18 to 2)
won. Lee Rose (1M, Hayes, 11 to 10) second.
Trance (110, F. Lynch. 12 to 1) third. Time:
1:00. Carmlsa. Tom Hayward, Seattle,
Ocean Maid, El Picaro. Duke of Milan.
Woodlander and Del Crusador also ran.
Fifth race, mile and a half: Tonic (96,
A. Walsh, 11 to 6) won. Arcourt (98, Bux
ton, 13 to 1) second, Kduardo (107, Fisher,
to 1) third. Time: 2:34. Miss Rlllle, Red
Lead. Henry O. and Helisme also ran.
Sixth race, futurity course, Pacheco hand
icap: Pajtiroila (lOri, Lycurgus, 3 to 2) won,
Geinmeli (126, W. Miller. 13 to lu) second
St. Francis (100, Butwell, 25 to 1) third.
Time: l.o. Johnny Lyons, Import and Mil
Pita also ran.
Hlgglns' Team Has Difficult Time
Selecting New N'auie.
DES MOINES. Ia.. March 29.-(Special.)
After a long, diligent search.; a nickname
has been selected for the Des Moines base
ball team which gives satisfaction all
"round. The Higgins' .tribe will be known
as the "Boosters."
In the palmy old days, before the adop
tion of the Des Moines plan of government,
when politics waa seething In this city all
the time, the base ball team was known as
the "Politicians." But politics has been
banished and the name rendered useless.
A new spirit lias seised the city and the
name, "Boosters," typifies this spirit.
Caaa aa tieeord.
There Is no case on record ef a cough or
cold resulting In pneumonia or consumption
after Foley's Honey and Tar has been
taken, as It will stop your cough and break
up your cold quickly. Rtfuse any but tha
genuine Foley's Honey and Tar In a yellow
package. Contains no opiates and Is safe
nd sura. For sale by all druggists.
Heayy Damage is Reported in Parti
of niinoris and Indiana.
eral Persona, injured and Many
Have Almost CMIraculoua Escupea
from Deuth .Stock KJIled
by l.lghtnlnst.
DEER CREEK. 111.. March. .-Comlng
Into Illinois last evening, about o'clock,
near Buillngton, a storm never equalled
in the history of the state swept a narrow
path over half way across the state and
left in Its track damage nennlng close to
$500,000 In l ulnedj houses, barns and out
buildings. There were no deaths from the
storm, the numbjer of escapes Is boundless,
and while there -were throe persons Injured
none will die. TSie storm was accompanied
toy torrents of rain.
The path of ths- storm i Warren county
was wide and th4 force soi great that houses
were torn from their ttMindatlons and
dropped at a dtatanoc with such force that
they fell about the heads of the Inmates,
Inflicting Injuries of various degrees. Huge
barns, filled wDth farm implements, hny
and stock, were treated as balloons and to
day presented but piles of rubbish from
which Injured BtncK waa moaning piieoualy.
The severest force1 of the storm waa felt
between Morton and Deer Park. Two miles
east of Morton the storm struck the house
of Carl Schick and completely demolished
It. The hired man was sleeping upstairs
and his wife and child downstairs. The
man was lifted with his bed and carried a
distance of 150 yards and deposited still
lying on the msttrees, 1n the middle, of an
oat field. He escaped, without an. Injury.
The wife and child wirre carried Into the
yard by the wind, and also escaped Injury.
Further east the storm struck the house
of Gus Herman and demolished It. Her
marf was lifted from the room and landed
In a grote some distance from the house.
The wife, three cliildrcn and the hired
man were all carried in different directions,
but none was injured. Mrs. Otto Rich,
living near Eureka, waa so severely In
jured that it was at first Uiought that she
would die, but last reports show her to be
not dangerously hurt
Heavy Damage In Indiana.
INDIANAPOLIS, March 29. One of the
most severe storms known for years swept
over portions of Indiana and eastern Il
linois today, prostrating telephone and tele
graph wires and causing damage to prop
erty. At Frankfort, Ind., the roof of the
City Flouring mills was carried away.
The rain destroyed a quantity of flour.
The loss Is placed at $2,500. The roofs of
the federal canning factory and several
other buildings were blown off, the prop
erty loss In the town being estimated at
$6,000. The storm was tornado-like In Its
effect. At Muncle, Ind., a number of
houses were wrecked and plate glass win
dows were shattered. From various points
come reports of stock being killed by light
ning. The damage done in eastern Illinois
was greatest at Pekin, where the loss was
SOUTH BEND. Ind., March 2. This city
was visited today by one of the most severe
electric, rain and wind storms In years.
The electric power company's plant was
put out oi commission. The storm ex
tended over southern Michigan.
KALAMAZOO, Mich., March 2.-As a re
sult of the heavy storm which raged tv.'i
this section Friday night part of the Ca.n
of- the Commonwealth Power company,
one and a half miles below Plalnwell, on
the Kalamaxoo river, went out, Infllctlnj
heavy damage not yet estimated. The dam
cost $250,000.
Fatal In Missouri.
WASHINGTON, March 29.-U was pre
structive tornado swept tha country near
Willmathvllle, twenty miles northeast, lajt
night, blowing away several farm houses
and killing two persons. The homo of
Lawson Harrison was wrecked and his
child killed.'. Several members of the Har
rison family were Injured. J. M. Green
slate, who was afflicted with paralysis,
died from the shock soon after the storm
passed. . Telephone and telegraph wires
are down and It Is difficult to get details
from the surrounding country.
Man Killed by Blloxl, Miss., Pollv
Probably C. A. Riddle of
Dea Moines.
BlIOXI. Miss.. March 29.-Much of the
mystery surrounding the burglar killed by
the police yesterday morning was solved
by an Identification of the body as that of
G. A. Riddle, believed to be from Des
Moines, Ia. He is looked upon as a gentle
man burglar, wearing good clothes and
topping at the best hotels. His room at
a hotel here afforded much evidence.
Laurel, Miss., officers wire tonight that
..... ,
Universally acknowledged to be "
The Best Natural Laxative Water
glass in the morning can be relied on to
relieve CONSTIPATION and all bowel and
stomach disorders. . ,..
In fatt bottle and sptiu
A south office
on the third floor
There is only one room, facing the south, in th hole
Bee building, that ia va?ant. This is an opportunity seldom
offered and there is no probability that this chance will be
open long. If you are interested in a good sized office for
reasonable rent now is the the time to make application,
before someone else snaps it up.
Thern &r four other office la tha building; which ar vacant,
ranging la price from SlO to $27.60 par moot. It so happens
that thera tra among these, evers.I particularly daalrable outside
rooms. It oil ate thinking of euanalnff your office thia 1 fiie time
to look around, aa It la probable that la a taw weeka a will bare
none vacant.
Room 108.
R. W. Baker, fcopt.
Riddle wss In Laurel last week and robbed
several stores, holding ono man up at the
point of a pistol. Two receipts were found
In tho hotel room to show that Riddle had
been twlco arrested this year and paid
two fines.
Knalewood Woman Defeats Mrs
Chase of Oakley.
PINBIU'RST. N. C. Match ia-Mlsa Ju''
R. Mix of the Englewood club was th
winner of the event or tha women' north
and south golf championship today, defeat
ing Mrt. Allan H. Chase of Oakley, a for
mer championship holder, In a brilliant
twenty-one-hola battle. ,
C. L Becker of the Woodland Oolf club
Auburndale. was the winner In the flna
rounds of the Tin Whistle championship
played today, defeating John E. .Porter ol
the Allegheny Country club, one up. In
close match
j Vaffii at tne end or the twenty-fourth
Games. Wnn.'Lnst. Pet. Pins
Mots Bros 72 M H .750 67.6.11
Gate Cltys H9 41 2S .694 S0.766
Onlmods 60 40 29 .m M.taf
Btors Blue H9 38 31 ,fcM ,
Indians 72 3 36 .too 4.0"1
Reed Bros M 82 St .485 67.671
Omahaa 73 21 M .292 69.0W
Benon 69 17 62 - ,246 &7.W4
Standing of men above 60 average for
three games:
niikeney Rsrtlsy .......'. 171
Nle INSiJonat ITS
Xlmrarman IM'urtfr jtk
Humlnton l7jPriirB " !
t)rle WTrsr. '71
Rffnold 1U Elliott jh
rwhrin 1M ,M.urr lit
Iienman I2 Poranhe :7
"BUI MSi Hlnrlrhi 171
I'hsndlsr 11 Andr.on i;j
Brunke lli Wnltr 177
Johnana UllFruih i;j
rnix-her !lwbfr i,t
0. O. KranclM-o IW A. f. Ret 17(1
C. J. Pranrlaca lOi Heaton t. .. in
H. t. Rd lNf(T i M
llreenlesf 1 H-nton ! '. in
nr I7 ShalSos 17
Bengals 17
Schedule for coming week: . Monday, Reed
Bros, against Metg Bros.: Tuesday, Btors
Blues against Omahas; Thursday, Renos
against Indians; Friday, Onlmods against
Gate Cltys
The Metropolitan IcHgue closed the week
as follows:
Played. Won. Lost. Pet.
Omaha Bicycle Co 81 85 IS .804
Byrne-Hammers Ml r6 28 ,7t
Walter G. Clarks 81 64 27 .W
Falstsffs 78 4 3,1 .477
Gold Tops 81 411 41 .494
Postofflce 78 37 41 .474
Independents SI 32 49 ,3K
Brodegaard Crowns 78 29 49 .S;.f
Dally News .'... 78 22 M . .28
Cole-McKennas 81 20 1 .247
Some 800 scores: Carman, fifio. 630; Keyt,
662; Berger, 21; GUbreath, 12; Martin, 41;
Shulti, 800; St ape, 800.
Individual standing:
Bersor Faserberg 171
Kncall Ruah 171
Walmt I Drlnkwatar 171
Rrmpks 18JI MrKalvey 171
KTt ";l Mllla m
Hull '"'i Smith 171
Dudley Camp )7t
Carman Norene ,,t
Ollhralh I"4 Hrn 7l
Seaman '''OroiH , no
Klaurk W l.earn no
Byron "2ljav is
Thomas 1K' i aiiahlln 1kg
Koley Slawaon lta
Beaelln i'l-hiilt 17
1. rhman 178 p. N-Mn 111
Martin 17. nhr i
CogawHt .7vrinehe ltii
Hinrttha Hplnian j
Btapenhorat lj Rlra 12
Voaa 17 Mahnney icn
Nvlaon I Traynor
H. Prlmeau 1" Pit lemon itf
Scott 17V Tompklna i.,s
Weat titV Mnnah 77
Sullon 7 firimih m
Boord 174! Br.nlne iu
c. Prlmeau I'l wiltv ;.. j.
Ovolhear 174i 1 hrtelaln n
ttidfon 17.1' Matthta h
Notice to Our Customers.
We are pleased' to a'unouhcu that Foley'a
Honey and Tar for coughs, colds snd luhg
troubles Is not affected by the National
Pure Food and Drug law, 4 It contains
no opiates or other harmful drugs, and we
recommend It as a safe remedy fcr children
and adults. For sale by all dru ls:. "
Denver Man It I lies .Mull Box and Geta
Money on Draft.
FREMONT, Neb.. March 29.-8peclal )
Warren T. Montgomery, who gives Denver
as his place of residence, .Is under arrest
here on the charge of forging the name of
Clyde Foster to a draft on the Standard
Life and Accident Insurance company of
Detroit. The company sent' t!u drsft to
Foster In settlement of an accident claim,
by mail, addressed in care of the Bruns
wick restaurant. It was discovered early
In the evening that the mail, box ,had been
rifled and suspicion rested upon Mont
gomery, who had been loafing around town,
as he had on a new suit of clothes and
some money. He was arrested, and It was
found he had bought the outfit at Frelden'a
store, endorsed the draft and received the
balance In cash. He pleaded gilllty, and In
default of ball waa committed to-the county
jall. ::(.
"Died of Pneumonia','
Is never written of those who cure coughs
and colds with Dr.- King's New Discovery.
Guaranteed. 60c and $1. For sale by Bea
ton Drug Co.
Bee Cuiittoc
I oy atuclc Ws hand In a hole in a straw
Us Bt Want Ada to boost your businesa.