Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 28, 1908, NEWS SECTION, Image 4

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Drandeis Store for Men
N. W. Cor. 16th and Douglas
, Men's Separate Entrance.
N. W. Car. 16th and Douglas
Extreme 190$ Novelties for Men
All the Men's Sample
I $ (Just Like the Illustration)
( y Exquisite 12 inch Art Glass Shade, complete with electric
l socket with six feet silk cord and electric plug, will go on special
F sale Saturday.
1 Q
fa - y A
W. i :
U'i ' A r hi?
J" hl
f r C. SOTS f" g
Raincoats and Top Coats
New styles and shapes, new double
cuffs, cloth collars, etc., etc. up-
to-date light weight coats and
rainproof coats,
$10 to $25
Special in By' Depl 2d FloorQtd Store
Boys' Combination Suits
Wholesale and Jobbing; Distribution
Increases Slightly.
Commercial Nltnatloa In Booth and
Wnl la Enroornglnt Collec- j
tlonx Still Slow at
, Maur Point.
NEW YORK, March 27. K. O. Dun &
Co.'a weekly review of trade tomorrow will
say :
Trade In spring goods has mads further
progreea and the snnsorvatlve buying by
dealers in preparing for current distribution
U now providing a good supplementary de
mand from wholesale and Jobbing houaea.
I'nuaually advanced weather Irf many sec
tions stimulates buaineea and agrleultural
work la making an early start.
In the elaillng Industries there la evidence
of gradual increaiie In contracts, many
plants preparing for greater activity on
April 1, while proponed reductions In wages
have produced no threats of alrlkes. The
beat news of the week as to manufac
turing conditions comes from the elather
Industry, although shipments of footwear
through B'iKlon are only about two-thirds
of those of the same period last year. Dis
patches from the west and south are more
favorable as to the general commercial sit
uation, a few cities reporting the volume
of business equal to lat year's and those
statements are supported by bank ex
changes at these points about toh same as
in lfl. There is still complaint regarding
mercantile collections, although improve
ment Is noted.
Progress In the iron and steel Industry
continues Irregular, actively IncreHSlng In
t1 e wire and plate depait:t;e:ils, while luavy
lines await revival of normal demand. The
. outlook la encouraging, however, becauso
Improvement In the financial situation con
tinues. Minor metals have advanced silll
further, Influenced more by the Tendon
market than by domestic demand, though
tlie latter shows a fair Increase.
In the primary markets for textile f.b
rcla there Is more Inquiry, especially for
amall quantities of cottons to be shipped
promptly. Urgency of demand f r immedi
ate shipment indicatea that stock In dis
tributing channels are light uid goods
must b secured for delivery on orders that
were taken but not provided for In the ex
neetatlon that lower uriees would be named
by producers before retailers called for
Get Case of Diapepsin and You'll
Not Suffer from Indigestion or
Stomach Misery Five
Minutes Later.
If what you ate la souring on your
stomach or lies like a lump of lead, refus
ing to digest, ir you belch Oas and
Eructate sour undigested food or have a
feeling of Diaslnets, Heartburn, Fullness,
Nausea, Bad taste In mouth and Stomach
headache this is Indigestion.
A full case of Tape's Diapepsin contains
enough 22-grain Triangules to usually re
lieve the worst case of Dyspopsla, and
leave sufficient about the house In caae
Boms ouo els In the family may suffer
from Stomach trouble or Indigestion.
Ask your pharmacist to show you the
formula plainly pi luted ou these W-cnt
From the Makers of the r.mus
"Lawrence Modeled Clothes"
718-720 Broadway, N. Y.
The Smartest, Classiest Suits (or Men
If you like the very top notch of correct style in your
clothes this sale is the one for you. These clothes we de
signed for young men, college men, dressy business men,
who like a touch of novelty in what they wear.
Everything that's new the newest browns, shadow
stripes, blue mixtures, etc. 3-button tr 2-button effects
new long lapels, notched cuffs slanting pockets-bellows
pockets, patch pockets, etc.
Not only first class but good, well tailored and service
able. .
These Suits Were Made to Sell at $25
Every Suit is a.
Sample. Hand
made by the most
Skilled Ta,ilors
and Perfect in
Every Detail.
Extra Falr of Pants Free
Regulsvrly Sella for $5, at $3.50
A good, stylish, all wool suit for
boys, in all ages, extra pair of
pants to match styles are dou
ble breasted Norfolks and other
new spring, ideas r P A
should sell at $5.00
special at
Brandels Store Specializes In
Every mother in Omaha should
take pains to look over this hew
stock. Everything that is new,
becoming and serviceable for lit
tle chaps sailor Russians, sailor
blouses with knickerbdeker, etc.
them. The decline In price of ray material
has had a depressing effect on the tone of
the market for cotton goods and actual
Improvement la therefore the more grati
fying, while flnlxhed products are no
cheaper. Kxport trade la light and competi
tion of Manchester mills for bunlneas in
China and India will be more kwn this
year than ever before. The market for
woolen goods continues narrow and no de
velopment Is expected until after Easter.
Current demand Is limited to small dupli
cate orders for Quick delivery of spring
Blgns of Improvement are seen In the
New England footwear Industry, although
many leading manufacturers still report
trade quiet. Brockton factories are re
ceiving numerous orders for colored shoos
and business in russet goods la the feature
of the esason. Business In belting is firm,
although quotations are unchanged. There
la a better feeling In the hide market,
prices advancing In several Instances, espe
cially hides suitable for sole leather.
Spirit of Conservatism Prevails In
Business and Industrial Circles.
NEW YORK, March 27. Bradstreet s to
morrow will say: I
The first week of spring has seen an ex
pansion in retail trade and an enlarge-'
ment In many lines, eapeclully at the west.
Conservative estimates of actual needs
govern buying and replacement of broken
storks la tho chief aouree of Jobbing and
wholesale demand. Trade in the primary
branches la therefore quiet and operations
in Industrial lines are below normal. Fall
trade Is backward, awaiting clearer view
of the future crop and price conditions.
Industrial conditions are still Irregular,
and short or reduced time la practically
universal. The Iron and steel Industry
does not show murh Inactivity outside of
the seasonable lines, such as nails, wire
and tin plate, which have shown Increased
Interest for some wavks past. There Is
talk of pig Iron tocks accumulating. Tht
textile trade is still depressed with short
time and wage reductions continue on cot
ton goods manufacture north and south.
Fear of a coal strike has subsided and buy
ing is less active in that line. leather and
shoe trades are Irregular and unsettled.
Buying Is conservative, and while orders
are small they are aften urgent. Until
high cost atiH-ks are out of the way there
Will be apparently ilttle free buying. Ship
ments of shoes are 26 per cent below last
yea r.
Business failures for the week ending
;iirih number In the United Htates ,
iRiiilimt S3 last week. ! In the like week
of V."7. li!U in 1'j. 2.1 In l'6 and 212 In
19ei. Canadian failures for the week num
Ih r 40. a against .19 last week and 21 In
this week a year ago.
Wheat. Including flour, exports from the
United States and Cunada for the week
cases, then you will understand why Dys
peptlo trouble of all kinds must go, and
why they usually relieve a sour stomach or
Indigestion in five minutes. Get a case
now and eat one Triangula after your next
meal. They are harmless and taste like
candy, though each contains power suffic
ient to digest snd prepare for assimilation
ths blood J.000 grains of food, besides
It makes you go to the table with a hearty,
'healthy appetite; but. What will ' please
you most Is that you will feel that your
Stomach and Intestines are clean and
fi4h, snd you will not need to resort to
laxatives or liver pills for Biliousness or
This city will have many 'Diapepsin
cranks, as some people will call them, but
you will bs cranky about thla splendid
stomach prescription, too, If you ever have
Indigestion or Gastritis or any other Stom
ach mutej-y, and eat Just oas Trlangule.
Special Attention
Given to Fitting
During this Sale
We will fit every
Suit with the Ut
most care.
Buy Thai Spring pat Saturday
The new Spring Hat you want
at Brandels. This is the most popular Hat
store In Omaha. Shapes and shades are
correct and up-to-date in every detail.
Prices are lower.
Tiger Special A standard 3 ha
here for
Brandels Special Soft and derby
hats, at
Famous Stetson Hats Derby or
sofe hats, latest blocks
Bo'- Spring Hats,
Boys' and Children' Spring 1 J"
Hats, at... ZjC
Sale of
We bought 100
turer stiff hats or
soft felts worth
up to $2.00, at. .
ending March Otl aggregated 2,29.1. 2t:4 bush
els, against 2,7i3,0.'l last week, 2,7W,fiti6 this
week last year and ,904.11U In 1)2. For
the tulrty-nina weeks of the fiscal year the
exports are liJ,S47.0o3 bunhcls, against 130,
6H1.179 in 190H-7 and 193.tWl.2u4 In 19U1-2.
Coin exports for the week are 813,153
bushels, against W3,619 last week and 1,844.
M In 19V7. For the fiscal year to date the
exports are 45,SOS,&79 gushels, against
W)7,66U In 19UG-7.
(Continued from Third Page.)
coin. The debate was held In ths Young
Men's Christian association and was well
Pern Normal Motes.
PERU, Neb., March 27.-(Speclal.)-Prof.
J. W. Searfcon gave an address before the
North Platte Valley Teachers' association
Friday evening. His subject was "How to
Discover What is in Boys and Girls."
President Crabtree's announcement that
the executive committee of the State
Teachers' association had decided to hold
the association the first week in November
met with the hearty approval of students
and educators, at the State Normal school.
Miss Gertrude Roberts, a member of tho
Junior class, has been offered a position
in the public schools of Douglas, Wyo., a',
a salary of $75 a month.
Guard Company for Alliance.
ALLIANCE, Neb., March 27.-(Speclal Tel
egram.) Conductor W. J. Hamilton of this
city, who Bpent a successful career in the
regular army, has secured the required
number of names and has, petitioned the
governor for permission to organise a com
pany of state mliltla here. The mayor has
given permission for the new organisation
to utilize the city hall as a meeting placo
and headquarters, so all Is practically now
In readiness for their shining at the state
Consolidation of Hnral Schools.
KEARNEY. Neb., March 27. (Special
Telegram.) Deputy Btate Superintendent
Bishop held a meeting at Rlverdale regard
ing the consolidation of rural schools into
graded schools. He was given good
Inuring and citizens there are enthusiastic
over the project.
Nebraska. News 3Totes.
HENDERSON Gerhard Petker, one of
the old residents of Henderson, was burled
from Menonite church.
BEWARD The Wesleyan university band
of twenty-five pieces gave a concert at the
opera house last night.
NEBRASKA CITY Julius Nelson, a
farmer residing north of the city, had one
of his fingers cut off in a seeder.
A INS WORTH Joseph Davison has sold
his meat market to Hagln & Moonu ry, who
will take charge the first of April.
BEATRICE The funeral of the late Mrs.
Clara Workman was held today at 2:30
o'clock from the I -a Salle Blreet Methodist
Episcopal church. Interment In Evergrtea
Home cemetery.
BEATRICE Mr. and Mrs. Grabowskl,
old residents of the Plymouth neighbor
hood, celebrated their silver wedding an
niversary yesterday.
WACO Robert Beckford, druggist of
Waco, was arrested last week (liaised with
having wine and alcohol In his possession.
The trial has nut bevn set.
YORK Work has been commenced on
the new York postnfflce building that will
cost .vl,0. The excavation has Deen mad)
and material will soon arrive. ,
NEBRASKA CITY The democratic city
central committee, was organised ImkI even
iiitf vktth ll-mrv ttMtMwrt tta ahrftrman
. V ' i ' ' . . I
Men's Fancy Vests
; This is the time of year you
want a smart, fancy vest.
We've a new line of the best
1908 novelties toyo Otf
faScTrth..B.n.d."8c to $5
J (
Is here
I ft
- 'KC
Sample Hsvts
dozen sample hats in men's
and boy's sizes, from an Eastern manufac
Frank Shannon, secretary and E. D. Mar
nell treasurer.
SEWARD The 8eward County Teachers'
association will hold a meeting at Beward
on April 11. Prof. Newton Preston of Fre
mont college will give an address.
, BEATRICE Word has been received here
announcing the death of J. S. Kltemlller, a
former resident of Beatrice, which occurred
In Council Bluffs a few days ago. He was
57 years of age. -
BEATRICE John Telford of Chicago,
one of the owners of the Paddock block,
is In the city looking after the properly.
He stated jesterday that it is the Intention
of the owners to reopen the Paddock opera
house soon.
BEATRICE Mrs. W. L. Rackley, for
merly of this city, died at her home In
Flagler, Colo., yesterday. She was 24 years
of age and leavea her husband and one
child. The body was brought to Beat i Ice
today for interment.
YORK 'V. V. Thompson of Basin, Wyo.,
has patented a combination hayrake and
stacker that Is so successful in operation
that he Is having orders from many states.
Mr. Thompson has contracted for the man
ufacture of his machine at York.
YORK Friends of Major and Mrs. Pem
bleton gathered at the Pemlileton home to
celebrate the twenty-seventh anniversary
of their Wedldng. Major Pembleton, who
Is known all over the west as the "drum
mer soldier of York," plays on six Instru
ments. YORK Dr. O. M. Moore and wife, while
taking a ride In their new automobile,
narrowly escaped death and only for the
high power and speed of their auto they
would have been run over by a large farm
team that became scared when the auto
mobile passed them.
YORK Mrs. Harvey Bell, while pur
chasing goods In Blackburn & Co.'s gen
eral merchandlHe store at York, misplaced
her pocket book In which was SUO. In the
morning the purse was found In an empty
pasteboard box, where It had been dropped,
and not a cent was missing.
BI,UE HILL The congregation of the
St. Paul's Lutheran church selected a pas
tor the first of the week to fill the vacancy
made by the resignation of Rev. Mr. Buech-
I ner. Rev. Wennlng of Princeton, Neh., was
I chosen. He expects to move here and take
cnargo or me pulpit May 1.
SEWARD J. C. Ford, a well known clt
Ixen of this county, who had lived at Ge
neva for the last few years, died at that
plate last night and will be brought to
Beward Saturday for burial. The funeral
will he conducted by the Grand Army of
the Republic post on Sunday.
BEATRICE Prof. Thomas Btuhbs, who
located in this city six months ago, gave
Children should not be al
lowed to drink Coffee. It
contains a drug Caffeine
which interferes with the
child's natural growth.
Almost any doctor will
tell you this. Many are now
advising Postum made
from clean hard wheat as a
table beverage in place of
coffee. When served hot
with good cream, and sugar
to taste, it is delicious,
cheering and at the same
time, healthful.
Postum contains no coffee
or other harmful substance,
but includes the "vital phos
phates" from the wheat.
"There's a Reason."
y These Fortaioles Sell QC
X Regularly at $8.95-- j)
? Your Ctiolcc Saturday....'
t;1 10,000 Feet of Fine SilkaJine Gas Tubing Good opportunity to
pj i replace that old tubing for a new, fresh one. "We have it in 4,
' 5, 6, 8 and 10 feet lengths, Saturday,
per foot 1 3C
Yow Spring Wants;
Here Are Saturday's Extra Specials:
Our Amer
ican BrnrtU
in 16 hand-
lk some colors
) rt o sleet
from, for in
terior and
exterior use,
p;r (fallcm-
Gtrrtendorfer Bros, celebrated
Furniture enamel, can 17o
Star Bath Tub Enamel, per
can 35o
Largest assortment of Baby
Carriages, Oo-Carts and Col
lapsible Go-Carts in the city,
up from 91.79
!"E" ! Normandie Waltz
This Walts will be the sensational hit of the coming season. Strictly orig
inal, catchy and full of melody.
Night and Day,
For Tou Dear Heart,
Once Upon a Time,
My Iola,
Cozy Flat,
Tlitff.ln lat.
I'm Carried Away with Carrie.
you Are My iie, oiy ah.
Honey noy, , ,
A fiuld to Go Home in the Dark,
Honey Time,
Night Time to Spoon.
When the Moon Plays ttek-a-Boo
School Days.
recital at the Congregational church last
evening, which was largely attended Ho
was asBlHted by M. F. Hadelmugh, clarinet
ist, and Miss A. Neldhart, pianist. Hie re
cital waa one of the leading musical events
of the season.
GUIDE ROCK Thn drill team of Victory
camp, Royal Neighbors, went to Red Cloud
lust evening and Initiated a class of thir
teen. GUIDE ROCK-Smltll Duffy, aged 30
years, died Wednesday at the home of his
parents, Judge and Mrs. Duffy. The fu
neral was held yesterday from the. home.
Deceased waa an invalid from birth.
PAPIiL10N The women of the Eastern
Star will give a chicken pie supper at the
lodge room Saturday evening, March 8 to
the brethren of the Masonic lodge. All
sojourning brethren are cordially Invited.
OUIDE ROCK Dr. I. A. Pace and Miss
Orpha Pettit were married In Denver
Wednesday and arrived here last evening.
The Eastern Star lodge tendered them a.
reception tonight at the home of Mr. and
MesC J. W. Hodges.
-AUBURN Mrs. May Gardner Racey died
at the home of her duughter, Mrs. Anna
Vio Gates, In this city, aged 67 years. Mrs.
Racey was a literary character of consld
crablo fame In the state of New York be
fore coming to these parte and wrote many
books that have become popular.
BLUE HILL Farmers are getting buey
in the fields and getting the ground ready
for planting. They have been discing and
plowing for sumo time, and a great muny
have already sowed oats. Tho ground Is
in good condition and apparently holds
plenty of moisture. Fruit trees are also
showing signs of budding.
COOK A new Independent telephone com
pany has-been organised here, with the fol
lowing officers: President, J. E. Prof flit ;
secretary, George F. Dorsch; treasurer, S.
B. Wilson; board of directors. G. 1. Bet
Selberger, C. A. Nelson, J. H. Whllham.
U. F. Fisher, Guy Hall, J. K. Profflit,
Jacob Oltkln, S. B. Wilson and George F.
Dorsch. .
FAIR BURY Frederick J. Vaughn, who
plead guilty In district court to the charge
of bigamy, was sentenced by Judge Pein
hcrtou to a term of three years In the pen
itentiary. The evidence is all In In the Dr.
Wldener case, on the charge of perform
ing a criminal operation, and the case was
submitted to the Jury this evening alter the
arguments hy attorneys.
NEBRASKA CITY The deputy county
assessors met yesterday afternoon with the
commissioners ami county BHpeHiir. They
received their Instructions from the bard
and the matter of assessing a il ion TC'iKCf
which was ordered hy the state hoar! wad
referred to the county attorney his
opinio before any action Is takn In I lie
maWer, as some of the new members of the
cotfnty board did not consider it good law.
BLUE HILL Tuesday tho congregation
of the Lutheran Trinity church gave their
pastor a great surprise by celehrating the
twenty-fifth anniversary of his ministry
and his 4Mb birthday. Early In the fore
noon a numuer or guests ironi neiicnooriMg
Lutheran congregations. Including Rev.
liopmann of Wilcox, Rev. Frees' of I.hw
runre and Rev. Evers of Campbell. Two
services were held during the day. Between
the two services a delicious lepast was
served In the sehoolhouse by the women cf
the congregation.
BKATRICE A splendid program Is being
prepared for the Boutheastern Nebraeki
Educational association meeting, which li
to be held in thla city April 1. 2 and 3. All
the meellncs will be held In the Christian
church. The officers of the associu'Wn
are: George Martin, principal of the N"
braska City 11'jrh school, president; I. W.
Allen, superintendent of Thayer county,
vice president: Mrs. Olive True, superln-c
tendent of Jefferson county, secretary; H.I
M. Garrett, principal of tho B.'atric
schools, treasurer.
NEBRASKA CITY At a meeting of Ne
braska City lodgs. No. i(H9, Benevolent an1
Protective Orib r of Elks, the following of
ficers were elected for the ensuing year:
Exalted ruler, George M. Thomas; lecturing
knight. A. H. Fletcher; loyal knight. Fred
A. Roierts: l.-adlng knight, M. M.
Vaughan; secretary. Charles Johnson;
treasurer. Henrv W. Nomeyer; trusted, for
three years. J. William Nelson; tiler, Harry
J. Andrews. The newly elected officers
will intu.M. next Wedonsday eveuiug,
The Brand
ria' Brand
the paint that
Mflken old
things new,
for wood
work, pianos
and furni
ture, can be
used on all
Krades tf
furniture or
per bottle
Sample free.
wears. zs
colors to ce
lect .from
for inside
mid outside
uhp, no bet
ter paint la
made. Satur
day, per-gal.
We also earr a large and complete as
sortment of varnish, paint and kalsomlne
brushes, eleanlnf? sponges, chamois, fur
niture and metal polishes. Prices always
the lowest.
jiianio nan, y
lilack Hand Bag,
"Stung," rag,
Iyove's Dream,
Balome Waltz.
Twinkles, 3 atep,
Hweet Pickles,
Dancing Moonbeams,
Summer Time,
Down at Coney Islae,
Pye-Byo Dearie,
Minstrel Show,
tilrl Kike You,
Darlhig Sue,
at which time a number of new members
will be taken into the order. This lodge
lias grown from sixty-five members to a
membership of over ) In less than a year
and a half and they own their own home,
the finest In the city.
Qaalnt and Cartons Features of Life
In a Rapidly (ironing
Valuable Millinery We know an Arapa
hoe woman who wilt wear $500 In her Easter
hat this spring. Of course, that's going
some, but she can afford It. You ace, a
few days ago her husband paid off the 5Q0
mortgage on the house and as her last
spring's hat made over was a trifle large,
she used the mortgage for bushing. Arapa
hoe Pioneer.
Going to the Right Place Mrs. Tom
Burke departed last evening for her liege
lord's new pastoral home near Lincoln.
Now that Tom has quit the vexations of
railroading to lead the quiet, simple coun
try life, here's hoping he will soon become
as rich as B: yan, and famous, too as
good In all things, and with better politics.
Alliance Times.
Growing Old The old court houso Is
crumbling and settling, the floors are
wavey and uneven, and tho door frames
out of square. And there Is not room
enough in -the building to provide offices
for all the county officials. And the county
Is paying office rent that It ought not pay.
And the dilapidated building Is a disgrace
to such a rich and prosperous county ss
Dswsnn. And the sentiment over the county
is In favor of a new building. And we
move that steps be Immediately taken to
secure one. Dawson County Pioneer.
Several Men in One While Clyde Bran
nan la busy this week moving his house
) II I
ish and Stain corn-.
blued, can 95o
Sample Free.
Dekko, Hy.
"KRlenlc Kalso-
"3 in I no for
walls 5 lb.
enough . for
ordinary size
room, l o del
icate colors,
3 So
Oar favorite Gold Enamel for
deooratlvo purposes, . OQ
Sosenthal's China Cement
mends china, glass, - K
wood, etc., for .......
Wire Screen Enamel Black or
green color, per -j PT
can. 2Jo and .........
Saturday Specials
Broken Mixed Candy, 7 "
regular 15c, at, lb . ... C
Our Leader Chocolates as
sorted flavors, put up in
fancy boxes at, 1C
lb DC
Chocolate Peanut Clusters,
regular 40c, at,
lb &JC
hold effects from the house he occupied
in the eastern purt of town into tho Newell
property In the west end. Sheriff Milt Her
Is flourishing the razor and manipulating
the scissors in his stead at Frank Hubcr's
barber shop. Milt ran a barber shop at
Palmer before he was elected to office, and
has not forgotten his old-time skill. He
has the boys foul now when he wields the
razor, because any remonstrance when the
razor pujls or accidentally clips off a piece
of hide constitutes resisting an officer and
Is punlBhablo by confinement In the Mer
rick county Jail. Central City Republican.
The Yellow Terll.
Jaundice, malaria, biliousness vanishes
when Dr. King's New Life Pills are taken.
Guaranteed. 25c. For said by Beaton
Drug Co.
Pursuit of Italian Feudists.
SOUTH BEND. Ind., March 27. As a re
sult of a feud which had Its Inception in
' Italy, Anthony Comport! and Selementa
Montelana were shot and probably fatally
wounded here last night. Their would-be
murderers have been traced to a woods
five miles north of Niles, Mich. Armed
officers are In pursuit.
Scarce and High
Very Economical
Has the Flavor
of tlie Fruit
I flc package
The charm of a suit and over
coat is variety. Tastes differ,
and what looks good on one
man may not be becoming to
another. The variety here takes
account of customer's own per
sonality. With this superb
Clothing wo fit all shapes, from
the short and stout to the tall
and thin not fairly well, but
very well. And we are strong
on exclusive patterns, such as
particular men demand.
t'oine and see tin-in.
840 down to gig.
107 South 16th trat
Omaha, Neb.
V, .