16 TITE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, MARCH 2S, 1908. t? fi i' t i ) EXCISEMEN SAVE FORTUNES Rdnce Expenses of Northwestern 110,000 Monthly Ij Savin?. ALL CO-OPERATE AOADTST WASTE Care mnd Ecoaossy Csal t Bier Hams for the '--paar Declares Oeaeral Manager. "T5y co-operatlon on the part of our en-ginr-men we ar saving approximately $10, i00 per month In the cost of our engine fuel as compared with an equal tonnage hauled a year ago," said Frank Waltera. gen eral manager of the Northwestern lines west of the Missouri river. "Several meetings with the train and en glnemen have been held at the varloua di vision points and the Interest shown by the men la reflected most In the fuel cost, which Is, as all know, the largest Item of expense on any railroad. "This question of saving fuel is not a new one and the main point Is to keep the men Interested In their work. The fire man who puts eight or ten shovels of coal In the firebox at one time makes labor for himself and wastes money for the com pany for which he works, for the reason that 25 per cent of the coal's value Is emitted from the chimney In black smoke. "A scoop of coal weighs close to twenty pounds, and if each fireman working for this company on the lines west of the Missouri had during the month of Febru ary laved a scoop of coal every mile run by a locomotive, which Is a very easy thing to do, the saving of that alone would have aggregated I6.&80 and manifestly from our fuel savings more than one scoop per mile was saved during that month. "The way to make money is to save it and no one class of employes on a railway can do more toward effecting real econ omies than the engineer and the fireman. These meetings held along the line of the Northwestern were similar in nature to those held on the Omaha road, which is also a part of the Northwestern system. General Manager Trenholm and Superin tendent Nlcols have been holding similar meetings at the principal points between Omaha and St. Paul and they report a great saving along the same lines. In fact they were able to report an absolute gain in the earnings of the road and attribute it largely to the loyalty of the men, which .was secured in part by these meetings, by means of which the men were able to llBten to their superior officers and to meet with them. BIG SPECIAL SATURDAY SALES Women's Fin Imported Hosiery at 25c and 29c Plain lisle and silk finished hosi erysome in daintiest of lace boot effects some are silk embroid ered tans, blacks and fancies two specially priced flF 0Q lots, this sale Sat'y- fltfL'flilC Women's Pore Span Silk Hosiery Plain white silk, plain black silk and fine allover lace patterns would be a bargain at a dollar a pair Saturday only F XJZSK 8 c I o J) ?j Omaha's r"ure Food Center. ft Restaurant on 2nd Floor S P Saturday Specials .30cu .10c $ .10c 6c a pair Women's, Men's and Chil dren's Hosiery 1 big lot of good quality tans, blacks, fancies on bargain 4 Ol square, per pair . ..x2' Boys' and Girl's School Hosiery Fast black, fine and heavy ribbed will go, per pair . 6!c-10c RIBBONS AT 5c. 10a and 15c All new shades in fancy silk ribbons up to 6 inches wide many extra heavy Roman stripes, plaids and moires positively worth m , jm jl up to fifty .ents a yard H 1 11 - I in three big lots, at, yard VC V A V PRESTON CAN NOW GO FREE Mysterloae Bnllet-Riddea Man la Re leased from Custody ( Omaha Police. J. B. Preston is free to leave , St. Jo senh's hospital, where for 1 four weeks he has been under guard day and night be cause the authorities at Brighton, Colo., believed he was one of the robbers who tried to break Into the postofflce the night of March 7. Sheriff Hockley came to Omaha from Brighton to "identify" Pres . ton and he brought others, but all failed .to identify him. Thursday Chief Donahue telegraphed that If they wanted Preston they must romn at once. No answer was received and the watch was removed at i o'clock. ' Preston has not confessed how he came by his wounds. It will remain a mystery. This much he did say to Chief Donahue Friday, however: "You can't blame me for not confessing. But I will tell you this. Chief Donahue: Whore I got these wounds there was no murder done and I got the worst of the fight. I've never been In Colorado, but with that 11.600 reward hung up for the man that shot Marshal Ellis at Brighton 1 think they would make a hard try to Job' ma if they got me out there." H will bo remembered that Preston aald upon his arrival one day at the police station that he was shot In a row on Tenth street between Douglas and Dodge, but no one ever gave any credence to this. Two of the three bullets wtilch the sur geons found In Preston's body have not been removed. The wounds have, healed and these bullets will not trouble him. MONUMENT TO BEN BUTLER Shaft for Him If Soatnera Woatea Erect Oae te "Wlrs at As-deraoavllle. The reported persistency of certain branches of the Daughters of the Confed eracy in the south to erect a monument to Captain Henry Wlrs, the more or less fa mous commandant of the Andersonvllle prison during the civil war, has stimulated a movement among the Ladles of the Grand Army of the Republic for the erec tlon of a monument to Oeneral Benjamin F, Butler at New Orleans. The Woman's Re lief corps has also taken up the matter. The matter of a monument to General Butler was talked of in Grand Army cir cles several years ago, but out of deference to the protest of the women of the south fori hi alleged treatment of southern women at New Orleans through his famous order No. 21 the project was abandoned. Now that the trreconcllables are deter mined to go ahead with the Wlrs monu- . ment at Andersonvllle In spite of the pro test of nearly every Woman's Relief corps of the country the Butler monument scheme at New Orleans is again being agi tated. The matter will bo taken up at the meet ing of Garfield circle, Ladles of the Orand Army, at Its meeting this evening and at the meeting of Grant Relief corps next Tuesday evening. Moat Woaderfal lleallaa;. After suffering many years with a sore, Amos King, Port Byron, N. Y.. was cured by Bucklen's Arnica, Salve. 26a. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. PUG IS SHOWN BY POLICE Local Paglllst Geta Well afaalea aaa Caao Will Be Hear a ta Coart. Frank Trummer was badly beaten up by officers Thursday night. The report of Policemen Dougherty and K nut son . states that he was in the gallery of a Fourteenth street theater and persisted In standing UP In front. Officer Knutson ordered him to sit down and he and some companion cursed the policeman and arranged to "lay for" him when the shpw was over. Ac. cording to the report they did so and Trummer, who claims to be something of a Buaillst. started to try his science on the policeman. Then the beating occurred. Trummer had two ugly wounds on the head and his left ear Is swathed In band- ages. - He declares the officers struck him after he was down. The ease will be heard Saturday, Women's Elbow Length Gloves Long Gloves Celebrated Perrin make. Extra quality, Grenoble kid, three radium or fancy pearl buttons Brown, Tan, Russet, Mode, Red, Gray, Navy, Green, Black and all evening shades 12 and 16-button lengths all sizes. Every 1 CA I A A pair fitted, at pair J.DU-T.UU Long Lisle GloVes Pure Milanese Lisle. 16-button length Black, brown, leather, navy, gray and white, worth $1.50; no Saturday at, pair HOC Long Gloves 16-button length . Rhnrf fUmrpa o,iOQ Mil anese Lisle black and all colors, all sizes, Saturday at, pair. Lighter Weight Under we'r ljaaies . XAKie Thread Union Suits lno 39c Ladies Lisle Thread plain and fancy trimmed vests In pink, blue and .r::-.....25c fancy yokes, taped 124C 5c Tricot weave double tipped Keyaer make black,' brown, tan, red, navy, pongee, green and evening shades, all g Frt sizes, Saturday, pair. . . 1JU trimmed umbrella style and close urn, ox . . , Ladies Silk Mercer 1zmV swigs ribbed vest silk tape neck and arm holes extra fine ....390 Ladies Vesta with neck and arm holes, at veaw extra good values. a! 49c fl !5 Fancy Ripe Strawberries, per a urt S? Oanees. ner dozen. Lemons, per dozen Dates, per pound Best Tub Creamery Butter, per pound 30c Fresh Eggs, per doien lBcii ew York Prnnm Phcooo 1h 9(n Ts 5 Cottage Cheese, per lb 10c$ lv Layer FIeb, per pound 16c 0 fi "Big 4" Flour, per sack es 3 -lb. Soups, per can . . . , Q 1-lb. Soups, per dozen .... h Imported Sardines, per can Salad Dressing, per bottle MEN'S SPRING TOP COATS an actual $12.50 Value New Tan Shade Also Light and Dark Gray ggoo ..$1,255$ . ... 15c v 90c2 .10c ft .10c AOcft .10c .20ci All kinds Pickles, per bottle. $5 Ice Cream Caramels, per lb. fj Frpnrh Npnliinn. npr lh ... pj 1-lb. Tea Cup Tea, any variety, $ lb. .35c Three pounds for $1.00 N (Tj saucer, ooc vaiue, iur, $ Real Ankola Coffee, per $ fork KOabl, (fUOUlQCT) ID. c y Armour's Hams, (10 to 12 lb. average) luc$ Hams, per lb 8 c c,. X Cal ?5 From 9 to 10 p. m. we will sell; ts country sausage, at, lb .... .10cv fa 3 $ 8 grinrtney & Go, y 17th Ct Doug-las Bts. Pnons Don. 647 jj Frlvata exchange oonnscts all Dspts. iifiiimi-jniH 'iPiiifr To Chicago THE CHICAGO SPECIAIr-Is available for all classes of travel, and is made up of as fine equip ment for general travel as can be assembled in one train. The brilliant electrio lighting of the entire train is generated from the dynamo, which is in charge of a special electrical engineer from Omaha to Chicago . The chair cars are as hand some and as comfortable as modern car build ing can make them. They are in charge of dis ciplined porters. The standard sleepers, the library observation cars are of the latest pat terns . There are no handsomer dining cars than those on trains Twelve and Five, nor is there anywhere better dining car service., The departure is 6:30 P. M. Sleepers and dining car service available at 6:00 P. M. Number Five is the opposite train, Chicago to Omaha; leaves Chicago at 6:00 P. M. TICKET OFFICE, 15th and Faraam, Telephone Douglas 3580 MONEY NOW READY FOR USE Crclaataa laaarltaae Tax Need Not Walt aa Protest, Bars Miiitr. , In ths matter of the payment of the In heritance tax of the Count Cretghton es tate under protest no application has been made to County Attorney English as to the constitutionality of the Inheritance tax law. Want It? U'sct a Brv tonic ? Vint a blood purifier? Vsnt a strong alterative? ypai a family medicine? - want It without alcohol ? Ask your doctor Ask your doctor Ask your doctor Ask your doctor Ask your doctor WuJc SapuHUa. TkwtH 3"' Ayea SarssparllU P Ask your doctor WWW IWI WW llf MOT. thikravlMtr.llfiir m&iCLn. I.vwail, mm. It was reported Thursday County Treas urer Furay would keep the money In the proteut fund until the county attorney passed upen the matter. Mr. English says he has not boon requested to give an opln ton. Deputy County Attorney Magney sayi he sees no reason why the money should not be available for use by the county com mUaloners at th s time. "If I understand ths matter correctly,' ha- said, "the money was paid under pro test in order to protect the estate in case the law should ever be held to be Invalid, or that the money Jiad been paid to the county Illegally. I do not understand the executors of the estate desire the money held up in the protest fund, though of course I msy be wrong. By making the payment under protest the executors may soma time In the future bring suit to : cover from the county. If ths money is not available for use of course this depart ment will at once take steps ta secure It for ths county." School Days Arc Shoe Days In Hat Department wo offer same aualitv hat- El ters get $2.50 for, at A well shod boy is the boy who is always up in his stud ies. Comfortable, good wear ing shoes bring peace, of mind to the little chap not foot worries means more time for lessons. Bring the little fellows here Saturday we'll show you real quality in shoes. OUR $2.00 SCHOOL SHOES are world beaters and we sell more of these shoes than any two stores in the west. Let us prove their worth to you. The sizes and prices range : Little gents' 10 to 13y2, $1.75 Boys' 1 to 5y2 $2.00 H Drexel Shoe Co. Hll Fariam SL Underwood Standard Typewriter ! . ... . -. -k FOR SPEED SAFETY. SURETY A Solid Roadbed Is Essential Visibility and Speed in the Underwood (Tabulator) Typewriter are supported by perfectly balanced construction. Underwood Typewriter CemptLny, Inc. 1617 FAKXAM STREET, OMAHA. NK11. naB all the latest shapes and shades- r Boys' Dlue Serge and Fancy Worsted Caps, a regular 50c value specially priced Guarantee lotting Co., 1519, 1521 Douglas Street Jft WHIP IllfiJi Jfu BOcGandy 25c Saturday Only Berry's Chocolates at Rogers Ths Cigar Man 1506 Farnam G. A. LINDQUEST CO. MERCHANT TAILORS. Makers of food clothes. Sprint goods ars In and ready (or Inspection. Shoeing the Kids is the burden of many a household where the kids are at all plentiful. Sometimes the problem is perplexing even where there is only one pair of feet to keep inside Shoes. Many parents have brought their children here for re lief. Shoes for Boys and Girls, shaped to fit growing feet perfectly. Good looking shoes but made for wear. si.no, S2.no The quoted price on the Shoes means but little until you have seen the Shoes. FRY SHOE CO. THE IHOIBI 16th and Douglas Streets Do You Own a Raincoat? If not, you have a great deal to learn about comfort. If you have worn one and haven't seen the splendid lines shown at ' THE RSUABLK TRB fx'".'! 7 'A " rwes tea in nr T I . i -.1 you have something to learn about Raincoat style and quality. If you want an Overcoat in any of the new smart styles, or a Suit for business or dress you'll get next to the best clothing proposition Omaha if you como here and look over our showing of new Spring styles. This store is the home of HART SCHAF FNER & MARX hand tail ored clothes. The style this season are particularly at tractive, the fabrics extreme ly rich in patterns and col orings. SUITS $15.00 $18 00 $20.00 $22.50 to $35.00 OVERCOATS $10.00 $12.50 $15.00 $18 00 to $25-00 RAINCOATS $10.00 $12.50 $15-00 $18-00 to $25.00 U Copyrlgkt 190 by Hart Schsffher & Mux BOYS' KNEE PANT SUITS All nobbiest new styles and fabrics, very special bar gains Saturday at $2.95 and $3.95. YOUTHS' LONG PANT SUITS best assortment and qualities shown in Omaha at the prices $6-50 $7.50 $10-00 $12-50 NO NEED TO TRY ELSEWHERE IF YOU Perfume and Soap Sale Saturday , March 28 Our Dru Btores are headauartf rs at all times fciV all that Is beat and new In both Soap and Perfume.. Our prices speak for themselves: 60c Iocunt Blossom Perfume, ounce 9Bo 60o Pansy lilowsom Perfume, ounce S6o S1.00 Plnaud s fc.au da Vlolette, Maturity for 6O0 I.ubln's Perfumes, 75c odors for 39o $1.00 por ounce Allan's Janice for ....490 60a Soi-tete Hygienique Hoap fur ....990 10c Rennalssunre Soap for oo 25c Parker's Tar Soup fur . X5o 25c Cutlcura Soap for 30o $1.00 L.ubin'8 Soap, large, Sat. for ..69o Cucumber Castile Soap, dopn 36o Colgate's Kngllsh Process Soap, dor. 81.00 Zbc Hose Ideal Boap, J cuKes in uux, rii- urday onlv, S boxes for 85c 1 pound bar Castile Soap for lOo Kxtra Hnertal We have Just received another 1,000 box lot. Linen Writing Paper, each box containing 4 8 Bheets paper and 4 8 linen envelopes to match. Tins oox or stationery Is being sold many places for 75c, our sale price Is 3So 8KIBM1K a lfoCOirirXX DBUa CO., Corner 16th and Dodge Streets. TWB OWL DSVO COMPACT, Cornsr 16tn and Harney Streets. Try HAYDEN'S First Sftee Music Sale Saturday Only Ths Ballad Beautiful rive Hundred Mors Copies for SataxAay's Ulnar at 8c (By Mall Add one cent extra per copy.) When The Winter Days Arc Over. Wordt by Fslix F. Fsist. CHORUS. Mude by Jos. S. Nathas, When the winter days art) o - ver, and the stars of summer shine, And the fragrance of themead-ow fills the air with joy di-vino, TJn- to Copyrijbt, mcmtii, by Leo Pefat. 134 W. s7tlt St, N. T. "WHEW THE WIBTEH DATS ASH OTIS," the greatest love ballad published In years. There has never been a song that trained popularity as quickly as this one has. It has only been published about four weeks and the publishers can hardly keep up with the demand. 8c "Vm Starving for One Sight of You" -8c The great ballad hit by Chas. IC Harris. A worthy successor to his famous "Would You Care." fit 'True Hearr-8c This Is the great march song that h it. Jfuu, me ramous writer or "t,ove Teddy Bears Picnic, march composer of "In a Cozy Corner," There's Another Picture In Mamma's Frame." "My Kancho Maid," Mabel Mc KInley, "Just Someone," the big hit "YeBterday," Chas. K. Harris, "Loveland waltzes," by llolz man, "As Long is the "World Rolls on,1 "My Virginia," by Harris. "Old Faithful March,". It Is by by My as taken New Tork by storm. sue sna me world is Mine." "Take Me With You in Tour Dreams." by the writer of "Good- nig lit Meloved, Uood-nlght, tlon," rc "The Man Who Fire," "Jurt to Remind slass ballad. "And a Uttle Child Them." "Time Will Tell My Ixive for Tou." "When Swoet Marie Was Sweet Six teen," "It Might Have Been." "Drifting Leaves Reverie." Fights the1 Tou." high- Shall Lead FBOH HEBBT WIDOW "I Love You So," "My Villa" "Merry Widow Waltzes" riOK WAXTZ DREAM "Kins Duet," i "Waltz Duet,'1 'IMccolo," "Flower Song," "Shepherd Boy," ' Some Great Specials at 5c "Angels Serenade," "Maiden's Prayer," "Kvenlng Star," "The Last Hope," "The Dying Pot," "Star of. I lope," "The Palms," "Black Hawk" Waltz, "Spring Song," 'Fifth Nocturne," 'Lustspell" Oversture, "Oriinira Itl Maui, Walt. 'Fairy Wedding" Walts, "Melody Jn F," "The Storm," ' ' "La Sorella," march, "H Trovator" "Waves of the Ocean." 18c Extra Special 18c "Manzanillo," hit fas played In the Lion and the Mouse"). "The Little Girl in Blue," (Knight for a Day). "Life is a Hue-Maw." ' (Knight for a Dy"). "Just Because He Couldn't Sing, 'Love Me and the World Is Mine.'." line song everyuno is singing.) PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM ClMntM and bMutit'iM Ui half. H&tb Vails to heitor Oray Uair to it Touthful Color. Curw iraip d i a hair laiiimj. HOTELS, Comfowt Without Extravagance." HOTEL VDODSTOQC W.43R-ST.5fKKNEWY0RS A yt fe-J?4viVvv4 . r Goirvg to Move Your Office? r If you are thinking of moving, ntrw is the time to make your selection of offices. Most people waft until May or June and then find very few, from write to chouse. We have one or two targe offloeg and several handsome mall effloea. THE BEE BUILDING . baa an organisation built upon many ysars of xpsrisnoa. It has Its own electric lighting plant sad malntaias a corps of competent engineers and mechanics to keep ths mechanical and electrical service of the building In good order. ' The building Is la perfect rvpalr. It has all the advantages of a brand new building and has coo of its disadvantages. The Janitors and elevator men are well trained, courteous and accommodating. In charge of the whole building ta a superintendent, whose office It Is to keep this organisation constantly at the aervloe of tenants. . Now Is a good time to see if we have what you want In ths way of office accommodations. For offlos spaoe ap ply to Room 105, Bee BuiMlng. R. W. BAKER, Supt. New ' TWELVE STORY FIRE PROOF TRANSIENT HOTEL ert air is a X&K&ii'iW? AND 1HIN ltta aad raraaas Bts. 838-83 raztsa Block, 'rasas Doug. 1841. eri,iW'Ci .Rooms with running water, $i.m and us With ath, $2 and up. suites, ts and uB Write for particulars, w'ra for rcscrvations, our expense, W. H. VALIQUETTE, Manager, also THE BERWICK, Rutlano. VT. Secret Service "You Auto Phone No Parly Lines Our main exchange is open to the public every Saturday evening from 7 to 10. Call and inspect tho automatic switchboard. Independent Telepone Co. 20th and Harney Sta. No Zones , No Eavesdrcnnlnff