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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1908)
OMAHA DAILY SATURDAY. MARCH 28. 1908. , " 7 REAL ESTATE CITV PROPERTY FOR SALE (Continued.) ARE YOU GOING TO BUILD? i t have Just two soillh front lot left on Dewey Ave., between S4th and 35th Bin., for 11.500. Look at these, raved street and permanent aide walk. On the southwest corner of Georgia Ave. and Pacific St., a fine lot for aome brtcke. Lot la 65x142, with all paving; taxes paid. Price, 8.1.260. Bout h went corner 21 at and Clark 6t., 10x132 feet. Good location for cottagee. The. double frame house . on lot renta'for $240 per year. Owner aske (3.260, but wanta an offer. What will you glveT The Byron Reed Co, 2U Bo. 14th. 'Phone Doug. 297. U9)-1S 28 PRIVATFJ MONET-NO DRLAY. GARVIN BROB., I FARXAM. 22)-t7 LOANS on Improved Omaha property. O'Keefe R. E. Co., loot N. T. Life Bid;. (22) KM LOWEST RATES Betnls, Paxton Block. 122 873 $lt TO P.flno made promplly. F. D. Wead, wead Hing., imh and Farnam. ; to 54 PKR CENT money to loan on eastern jsetirasRa farms and good butdness prop erty In Omn-ha. ' AIKRKI) C. KENNEDY. 50 First National Bank Building. Tele phone Douglas C2)-T1 TRACKAGE at Half Value C6x90 ft. Near Unin. Depot $4,(500 Gross Income $570; Insurance and taxes I56.W. Nothing In same vicinity for double the price. Tills la certainly a snap. J. It. DCMONT & SON. 'Phone Douglas 690. 1006 Farnsm. (19) 911 27 BIG SNAP . WEST DODUE ST. Two fine building; lots. 43d . acid Dodge fets.: room to build four houses. Owner has Just reduced the prlre and In structs us to sell at once. The price Is so low we hate to put It In print, but 1t Is $1,1M. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO, Sole Agents. Main Floor. N. T. Life Bldg. (19) 91 a 7-ROOM, NEARLY NEW MAPLE ST. HOME Owner Is anxious to sell house No. 200$ Maple street this week and lias cut the nri.M t make a oukk sale. House has re ception hall, parlor, dining room, den and kitchen On III'BL lioor anu s ururmniiB huh bath on second floor, stairs to atic, ail niirlv miiiered. ready to move Into; nicely Sodded lot. cement walk, paved street, clone to Florence boulevard. House Is Btrlctly nodcin In every way. Hastings & Ileyden. 1704 Farnam St, (19)-771 27 X WANT nn offer on the property. 1128 and W'Ji 8. 31st St.; two modern houses and good barn; well rrnteo. mis property h owned by an eastorn party who must sell THOMAS BRKNNAN, Room 1, New York Life Bldg. I (19) 861 FLAT LOCATION 53 feet, east front, near northwest corner yith and Davenport, one or me nnesi locations In the cltv for flats; less than ji feet from high school and five blocks 1 rum postoffice. WM. E. ROMANO. Tel. Douglas 1319. 8:9 Board of Trade. (19) M423 28 Til,-. HKKD ABSTRACT CO... est. 1856, i'lompt service Oct our . prices. 1710 . Varnam. (19) 864 REAL ESTATE LOANS ONRLIX DEFEATS WRIGHT Chicago Man Wins Second Game in Playoff of Billiard Tie. WANTKD City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 13.0 Farnam St. (22) 869 MONBT TO LOAN On improver! city prop erty; Dunning loans a specialty; no delay. W. II. Thomas, 5o3 1st Nat l Hk. Bldg. (22)-M7ll All WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. (22 1-873 MONEY to loan on Improved city property. Hastings & Heyden, 1704 Farnam St. 22)-S74 FRIVATK MONEY-CASH ON HAND M UKIiAY. J. M. Ml TtlKN, 2(r3 1ST NAT. BANK I1LDU. TEL DOUG. 1278. (22)-875 MONEY TO LOAN Fayne Investment Co. (J) ets PRIVATE money to loan; no delays. J H. Sherwood, 616-617 Brandels Bldg. (22) 877 W. II. THOMAS lends money. . (22) M742 All REAL ESTATE WANTED SMALL PROPERTIES "WANTED We have a customer who Is going to buy small properties for Investment in good locations. Must be snaps. EQUITABLE REALTY AND TRUST CO., iU BOARD OF TilAJJiS. f23-77 WANTED TO BUY BEST nrice paid for secondhand furniture, carpels, stoves, doming, snoes, eic. nra 5401. ta MSlS WANTED To buy secondhand furniture cook and heating stoves, carpets, lino leums, office furniture, old clothes, quilts and all kinds of tools, or will buy the furniture M your house complete. The highest price paid. Call the right man Tel. Douglas 3971. (26) AI179 M4 SECONDHAND feed sacks. No amount too large or too small.. Wagner, 8ul N. 16th. (25) 879 CASH paid for secondhand clothing, shoes etc. 3"S N. loth St. Tel. Red 3325. CP) P0 WANTED TO RENT WANTED To rent T or 8 room house; en tlrely modern; no children. Tel. Harney 3098. (ai) 764 27 WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Position as coachmnn. 'Phone Douglas 1719. (27) 766 27x POSITION wanted by young man who is good stenographer; has hud considerable experience as office clerk; can rurnlsn best of references; salary Is no question, but position must have chance of ad vancement. Address .B-S22, care of Bee. (27) 900 ZHX WANTED Position by all-round expert enced clerk; 11 years In general stores best references; reasonable wages; cana ble of management. F., Box ."50, Hub bard, Neb. (27) M!6 28X UL"-V. ESTATE TITLE TRUST nn CHAS. F. WILLIAMSON, Pre- (19)-02 A SNAP S-H005I MODERN HOME Plastered Attic, . Two blocks from 24th St. car, South front. Lot SOxlxx, paved street, . 2670 Poppleton Ave. Inquiro at 2Wt Poppleton Ave. r ''its , (1)-M1S0 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Two cottages, nnd 8 rooms, separate fenced lots on grade; gas, water, sewer, barns; Immediate possession; cash or pay- "len OWNER, IG20 BURDETTB ST. (19)-MS95 !7jc FOR- 8ALE Fine residence lot, 204 N. 82d Ave., 7Vi3135 feet, east front. Pries, $8 800. CONRAD T0UNO. Tel. Douglas 1571. 1518 Dodge St. (19) M555 28 LIST your property with Chris Boyer. 22d a nd Cuming Bta. (19) 863 REAL ESTATE FARM AND RANCH LAND FOR f ALIO DICKINSON COCNTY, Kansas, landa for sale: write for bargain list Just out. M. K. Ford, Enterprise. Kan. (20( M2S 29x Nebraska. (,680-ACRE ranch In Nebraska; this Is the greatest bargain ever offered on the real estate market; highly improved; all line corn and grass land; over 110,000 worth of Improvements; price only IIS per ai re. J. Cain. Si an berry, Mo. (JO) Mill 2!x SECTION of land In Cheyenne county, Ne braska; urf level, deep, black soil, clay subsoil. Close to railroad end in good farming community. Price, $7 per acre. Fine section land, McPherson county. Ne braska. In a district that is settling very rapidly. Would take small propvrty as part payment for equity. Price 86 per , acre. Sou acres, adjoining Juleaburg reservoir, Ix'fcan county, Colorado; all fine farming land. 1H miles from railroad.' Part of this can bo irrigated. I'rice, 112.50 per acre. LyLlTABLK REALTY AN O TRl'ST CO., 3 UUAKU U I itAUt (.'o)-777 28 Nsirtki Daksta. OCT THi".Y OO Vn the new C, M. at St. F. Coast Railway, through Auama county, Isortn Unkot which is aitracting homeeekers to an unrxcelled farming country. SunMime free I'oal. pure water, sure crops, a home and profitable occupation for you. Land 1 ul $10 to 1-0 an acre row. husy ttrma. We have homestead relinqulshmiiits for sale. See Wm. H. Brown Co., 1 1 ay lies or Mntt, North Dakota, or 131 l.atialle St Chicago, 111. Maps free. Uemion tins paper. Or write our Mandan, North Da kola, office. (20) M.VA Texas. HOMESITE KERS. 1NVE8TOR8 OR RRP REENTAT1VF The most beaullf'il chance of all. country ot sweet flowers una apple blossoms, a lot and farm liau, tlo down and $i0 per month'; another proposition that might appeal to you, tun lots, new town, new railroad, six bunga low nouses and -0 business lots given away; lots it clown. 110 per month Write Francis Baldwin for particulars, eos jarvis. f t Wortn, Tex. (20) M.3 I9x M laeellaaeaaa. WESTERN UND, large and small tracts sale and extaiige. National Jnvt. Co. WJ Brandels flag. t2o) i HERE IS A QUICK MONEY MAKER. LOCATE on the Lower Brule Reservation Ciood claims yet to be had, open for tiling. Will locals you for a reaaonable amount. Addrvaa O. M Bertleaon, rvKlio. D. l. (30) M247 AJ WHEN you wHts to advertisers, kindly . TUB IKOOMTABABLB W H IT E Twlct) m Many "Whlta" Tocrtng Can In-Use Tlma Any Other Make DRU1VI 1VIOND Agent "WfiH la the Bugfj Business." TBISC0 MAS IS OFF STROKE Coaklla Tlar Steady Game mni Early Takes lesd Demarr st aad Wright Will Meet Today. CHICAGO. March ST. C. F. Conklln of Chicago defeated II. A. Wright of San Francisco In the second game of the play off to decide the triple tie resulting from the amateur national championship tour nament at 14.2 billiards. The score was 400 to 313. Cot.klln was far the steadier of the two, especially In the first half of the contest. He took the lead In the first inning with a run of 17 and was never headed, his best effort being 71 In the seventh Inning. This brought his score up to 250, an average of 25, and a pace greater than Wright could hold. The San Francisco man was off stroke and also played in hard luck. Scorn: , Conklin-17, 2. "45, 1, 6. 40. 25. 8, 33, 71, 6. 1. 18. 5. 19. 0. 32. 1. 0. 4. L 32, 3. 10. 8. Total. 4W); high run. 71; average, 18. Wrlght-4), 2, 1, 8, 44, 48, 0, 1. 19, o, u, 16. 21. 19. 14. E. 10. 4. SO. 62. 7. 2. 1, 9, 6. Total, 313; high run, 62; average, 12 13-25. The third game in the series will be played tomorrow by Wright and Dematest. Iloppe Defeats McLaughlin. NEW YORK. March Zl. Willie Hoppe tonialit defeated Edward McLaughlin of Philadelphia at 18.2 balk line billiards by a score of 400 to. 192. The game lasted only eight Innings. Hoppe's high, runs were W6, E9 and 5 and his average was DO. Mc Laughlin's best scores were 65, w and ,i, and his average 27 3-7. McLaughlin played in the nlace of Bchaefer. who is ill. The games between Slosson, Casslgnol and Sut ton were postponed. TiO BETTING WILL BE ENFORCED Gambling on the Outcome of the Wrestle Prohibited la Auditurlam. Manager Gillun is determined to enforce his order prohibiting betting within the Auditorium at the Burns-Keell wrestling aich Tuesday n ilit. He will not attempt to dictate to anyone about betting on the outside, though he and the wrestlers would much prerer no nemng even mere, oui within the building the order will be en forced. 'All our matches have been clean ana straight and yet some persons who have lost money by betting have offered crit icism," says Mr. Olllan. "We propose to continue the same high character of sports and are determined, if possible, to fore stall this sort of criticism by preventing bettlnr within the building." Belting and smoking will both be cut out therefore. SmoKing is nara ror me wrest leva and unolcasant for the women, many nf whom are attending thene matches. The ticket sale Is exceedingly large and women urn numberous among the purchasers. Manager Oillan is confident the crowd will be as large as at the former Burns Beell match. Beell Is continuing his dally training In Standard bat qnafir at $3 hi the MoKIBBIN "staad. ard ol hat value. " andfnr $4" Withs'tarfksi01 McKlbbln Special Each Ufc jacks Sold Evu wbaul PLAY BALL! SOUNDS AT LAST First Game of the Season at Vinton Park Saturday. CHAMPIONS AND THE ORIGINALS Great I.lueua of Material m Pa Roarke ta Shaw to His i Frleads Out the Nsw Grass. The time has come. Ta's athletes are earlv all here for the opening of the ex hibition season and games are scheduled with' the Lee-Glass-Andreeeen team for Saturday and Sunday. Butch Frecse .111 the receiving end of the battery on Bradford's team and Bcully, Mortarlty and Bunnell will do the twirling. r will work three pitchers each day, those for the opening probably being Meti, Rltzman and Clark and for Sunday Hall, . . , . . i x- i h.a ttntll Sun- day to say whether he will ray Columbus Q Five dlBtlnct model to choose from, all &09 the price asked Tor Noan. ine- ian are tournament will be a qualifying round of eighteen holes In the morning, sixty- rour to qualify, these men to piay anoiner round of eighteen holes In the afternoon, thirty-two to Qualify. This thirty-two will play elghteen-hole matches until the semi-rmais are reached, wnen ins maicnes will be thirty-six holes. Arrangements have been made for al most all the players to take part In dif ferent events throughout tiie ween. CARKEEK CERTAIN OF GOTCH Former American Champion Sere lowan Will Beat Hark. At least one man wtlh a mighty goti right to express an opinion is absolutely certain Frank Gotch will beat Oeorge Hackenschmidt in their great wrestle at Chicago April 3. for the world's champion- shin. That man Is Jack Carkeek, former American champion, who has Joined Farmer Hums in training Gotch. Here is what the Chicago Tribune says, bringing out a fine tribute to the prowess of the old gladiator from Hlg Rock, Farmer Burns, who wres ties Fred Beell for the second time at the Auditorium Tuesday night: Frank Gotch has Farmer Burns and Jack Carkeek to fit him for his coming world's championship wrestling match wltii George Hackenschmidt, scheduled to take place at the Dexter Park pavilion on April 3. As they are the best wrestlers and condition ers In America there is no question that Gotch will enter the arena fit to give the "Lion the grappling battle of his career. The American champion has been taking a long Jaunt on the road and in the morn lng between Jogs and walks Indulges In a lflo-yard sprint for the benefit of his breathing apparatus. In the afternoon he tackles hln trainers at the Illinois Athletic club in catch-as-catch-can bouts. In which Burns and Carkeek give Wm an awful game. Gotch, hoyever, handles them In a tierce manner. Gotch yesterday said he erred In not tak ing at least a month's rest before he began training, as he had been steadily at work tor over two years. He feels the effects of the hard training he has had in the last few days. He worked faster yesterday Omaha with Emll Klank and Burns Is than he has In several days. strenuously at work with Gotch In Chicago. I Carkeek is positive Gotch will down the He win Do in umana Monday or xuesuay, I "Russian Lion. ' He considers Frank ready for the fray Tuesday night. better catch-as-catch-can wrestler and . . I gamer man. "This talk of Hackenschmidt rast lime mis jibio. never having been thrown and that he I CENTRAL CITY. Neb.. March 27. (Sue- I champion of the world Is all bosh." he said cial. All records for fast automobile drlv- I "There are several men In the old country ing In this section were smashed Monday I that , have beaten htm and Beck Olson once when a man by the name of Herzhog from I made him Jump out of the ring. That was Harvard in this state, covered the distance I at Copenhagen in 1903 and I have the ac between here and Aurora in a few seconds count of the match In my scraphook more than thirty minutes. The distance Is I must admit he Is wonderfully strong and lna. n.lK.a anil ia Mna.l tM.m I - 1 A T , . , 1 . , I Ullltf . . C lUllR l-vcill.v lull", on,. .l,T7 i uavi .null a. LISflB n. IfmPI O" I V II I U II HlVillfl , IJUL Irt " , . Tjift Yield here leads across the long wagon bridge Is not wise to Gotch's eame. Knnwlnir bot over the Platte and through five miles of men, I am positive that If Hackenschmidt heavy sand and steep hills, before the splen- does not win any of the falls In the first uiu BLieien oi i i-ivfT miit-a iniiii una muc yineen minutes ne win go nome a loser. oi marqueiie into Aurora is rcacnea. i ho will go along all right when he has th . : ' 1 upper hand and Is not being too roughl lowa ante uou tournament. handled, but once he is stung he will turn DES MOINES. la.. March Zi. (Special. Trel I. - , August 11 to 15. Inclusive, was named I Hackenschmidt Is preparing for the bmi as the date of the' meeting of the State I at the Chicago Athletic association with Golf association for Its annual tournament I his imported trainer, Emil Rtegemiller, and at xne meeting weanesaay. J no tourna- ih devoting most of his training trying t ment will be held over the grounds of learn a way to avoid Gotch's famous and the Golf and Country club aaj will be dangerous toe hold. He has been Informed the greatest the Stat has ever known. tnat the hold means a sure fall and says vvarren .ficHensun iu airnuuy gelling inio he will try to make It a point to keep be touch with the outside clubs of the state I ,ini the American champion. c.c. , i ," .7 J he advance sale or seats indicates the hem send their largest delegation to the urgeBt gate receipts in the history of ..... ........ ........ - - . mmtimnnn n. tand ready to enter from 100 to 200, as I . ' 11 ine lournameni comminee may aeem i"Hi JACK PFIESTER BALKS inrj urru. .T-n .ioiii- will al irui,i i n i - lsh as many entrants to the tournament s the outride clubs of the state. A new feature of golf play in the state GOVERNMENT NOTICES REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Ernest C. H. Mlcke to Martha Boje, lots 11 and 12. block I. Lowe's add.. 8 2,600 Leonard Chance to Walter Goodman, block 83 and part block 32, Layton s add Ed Clifton to Oscar Clifton. u nwVi and nU sw'i 94 and se'A seV 23-16-10 Richard Scannell, bishop, to Austin Burkey, lot 2, block 4, at. Mary s add National Land company to Fred W. Conroy. lot 17, Ellis Place Robert J. Mc Whorter and . wlfa . to Annie E. Hutching, lot 1, block Q, Lowe's add Frank M. Rlale et al to Anton M. Nelson, part lots 8 and 4, Hillside add Charles H. Shepard et al to Mathias Klug, wtt lots a and 22 and all ol lot 2U. block 2, Hogedorn's add Gertrude P. Ferine ajid husliand to A. Wolf, sW lots 1 and 2, block 4S, Omaha - Levi M. Watts and wife to 8. N. Wlridup, lot 28, block 13, Albright s Annex Mary F. Kaneft-to Ollle T. Kaneft and husband, wa acres sw4 l-li-ia Byron R. Hastings, trustee, to Claude Ulam tt, lot 9. block , Military add. John M. iKiuglierty to Joseph and AnnlB KreJ.-l, lot 11, block 8, Kounlxe's 4th add August lladan and wife to Albert R. Hadun. nk ne'i B-hi-lZ George N. Board man and wife to Es- tella K. Purcell, lot 5, block 7, ltl nont Place Robert M. Zug and wife to Irving Smith, part lot 12, Barker's Allotment Irving Smith and wtfe to Emil Kraus. part lot 12. same James Cameron and wife to H. Fridel. part lot 12, block 4. Horbach s 2d add. 2,1C0 t. nlted States to Samuel W. Turner, H nw"i 6 and se'4 ne4 ncH seVt 8-lii-13 Charles B. Elton and wife to Charles A. Swanson, part nel ae4 6-lti-U and other land Paxton Real EstHle company to Johann Diedrlch Kunneniann, lot 78, Keystone park Richard Scannell, btahop. to Thomas McMuliou. lot 9, block 2, bt. Mary s add Robert Fink, county treasurer, to H. Greenhagen, lot 11V4. block 3, Iu pont Place Jeremiah Mahoney to Edward Ma honey, lot 8, block 1&. Omaha,'. 1.80D 860 . 200 600 2,000 1.300 1.000 .eoo 800 1 150 2,500 5,800 100 450 Refuses to Sign Contract Because He Wants More Money. The Chicago Tribune prints this tele erani : CINCINNATI, O., March 25. (Special.) Jack Pfeiater may be among the mlssin; ncirii-ir nii twp cnvaTDiTTivn in the cub ranKs when the season open quartermaster. Fort Omaha, Neb.. March !",,hl8 ity on ,Apr"J4;. pf!lB1ter helleves 24, 1908. Heaiei proposals, in triplicate, sub-I "r'i"n " , V , In I h. iiBUBI fnnd nni Will t,A purn v.,1 I imiiiB no olio wiuiu d lii.hi 'luuni'i ' "ii iere until 10 o'clock a. m.. central standard i'"e .nlnl A more nioney that President time, April 25, 1908, for constructing ter- M"rp, y otteT. races, macadam roads, gutters, etc., and '"ve VI . ... moving electrlo light line at Fort Omaha, fff-'st" said today, 'for the simple reason Neb. Full Information furnished on tippli- ' .b',,v" l. tn worth more money to the atlon. U. o. reserves the right to reject I V""""'- u mii, om i any or all bids, envelopes containing pro- "lu ""l "ul1 '" " i"i muni posals to bo marked "Proposals for Ter- lr- 1 have ,ia(1 some correspondence with races, etc, and addressed to captain w. I "'""w'r vuin;i-, nu x ueium win H. OUKi, Constructing yuartermaster, co, ffement. vnrt nmaha Nchriiia I "This Is not the reason, however, that I M2o-2o-7-2oA23-Z4 I m llul irniiuim in ine bouiii. ttiy wnn is 90 Total amount of transfers S27.644 GOVERNMENT NOTICES OFFICE OF THE CONSTRCCTING Viuartermaster, Cheyenne. Wyoming, March 18. Urns. Sealed proposals, In tripli cute, subject to the usual conditions, will be received at this -office until 1:30 o'clock p. in., April 18. 1A and then opened in Dubllc. lor the construction of an ex tension of the sewerage and draining sys tern and for the construction of an ex tension of the water distributing system at Furt D. A. Russell. Wyoming. The said extension of sewer is about 7.000 feet of (-inch and 8-inch pipe, withmanholes and connections to buildings. The ex tension to water system to be about 70,0ri0 feet of 4-inch and -lnch pipe, with all necessary specials, fire hydrants, house connections, etc. Full Information, blan forms and specifications furnished on an plication to this office. The United States reserves t lie light to accept or reject any or all bids or any part thereof. Envelopes containing bids should be endorsed. 'Pro posals for extending sewer and water sys tenia St Fort D. A. Russell, Wyomlnir.' and addressed to CAPTAIN V. K. HART, 16 1 h Infantry. Acting Quartermaster, X'. 8 Army, in charge of construction. Chey enna, Wyoming. Mch-n-27-U-ApH-15 ON PAY A The I 1 Trnns Are I I Made U to f Suit C Yon. ,0'UTnjTTIN&..CO. 1315 -IT-ID FARNAM STi TVS MTOBB TKiri gQVAJia AX.Ii OT also anxious to pass Judgment on the giant. He has already made a good Im pression on Captain Franck and if he shows as well in a game as he does In practice he will Immediately become a member of the Champions family. Sanders Is not with the team as yet. nor King. Sanders Is not a cold weatner Everything Sold on Very Easy Payments Ladies' Spring Suits Saturday we will place on sale a lot of ladlea' charming Tailored Suits, Including the Mer ry Widow and Butterfly styles, choice ot pleated or gored skirt, 126.00 OIK values, Saturday only 01 w Ladies' Walking Skirts 1 made 350 Dollar f Week I Will I Itt-css V , , Yon T Well. Q -A ot the very best quality chiffon and Panama, and cut extra iuii, $5.00 values, for only Men's Hobby Suits All garmeqts handsomely tailored and trlm ,ri tnr. Autnritav wbwIII offer a special pitcher, so Pa has not been hastening the Q of 0jr reKular VSQ time for him to report, preferring rather I 'u .. a,,i.o Whf time for him to report, preferring that he remain In the south, where It Is warmer and then come to Omaha In good shape after the warmer weather strikes this section. Meanwhile Sanders Is balking on his contract. King Is also still In Iowa, but is expected any time. Captain Franck probably will not play himself during the exhibition aeries, pre ferring to sit on the bench, where he can the better slie up the work of the pitching staff. The nine pitchers have been cut down to eight by th trading of Thompson for Householder, but from these eight Pa Is pretty apt to find some good ones. And then there Is still the chance with all the talent .which the Reds have that Ragan may bl released to Pa on the payment of round sum. Nearly All Here The catchers, Gonding and Lebrand, are both on deck and the Infield Is Intact Graham. Austin, Franck, Dolan and Autrey all being here. The colder weather has cut down the time of practice, or rather the severity, as Captain Franck will let the players take no chances In the cool breeaee which have been sweeping across the park for the last two days. Practice Is indulged In both morning and afternoon and consists of tossing the ball around, a little batting and a long run to get the lungs of the players In shape. Hi -t - bclder Is expected to arrive Satur day . in time for tna, game ounoay .'ii. He, Lebrand. Franck and Au- trcv have been on the Pacific coast, where they have been playing all winter, and are all In the pink of condition. The games will be called at 8:30. The lineup: Position. ..First base .First base .Second base... Third base Shortstop .LcftvflHlrt.. $12.00 Men's Suits for only Men's Linen Collars The kind you always pay two for a quarter for, we offer your choice of all the latest styles 2 5 15 four for aw Men's Spring Hats A very largo and complete line t( select from. Including the newest Ideas both soft and stiff shapes, from $3.60 on down 1.50 to "WW 3-R00M COMPLETE OUTFITS FOR 59.50 TEXM9 SS.00 CASK, 4.00 MOXTXX.T. The Union Outfitting Cos three room outfits are the beet values ever offered by any home furnlshltw concern. Our outfits cannot be duplicated hv nv other atore for less than double what we aak for them. We glv JTOU better values for loss money because of our low expense 1 and small cost to do business. We have made a spec ialty of three room outfits since our opening and have furnished thousands of homes In that time. Our out- fits make happy, cosy and comfortable homes. Be sure that you get yours at THCSTOKE THAT'S SQUARE 1 ALL OVER. ) ' U 11U I Li ' BUfHJJ " g anaui Omaha. Aulrey... Duliin.... Graham.. Austin... Prunck... Originals. ,..C. Clair ..Mullln Minlkus Lawler ...Casey BIG DRESSER SALE SATURDAY Tomorrow we will of fer you one of the best values that was ever your good fortune to eu- oy. We place on sale a lot of dressers Just re cently received and which we secured at a very low price. These dressers should sell re 1 gularly at 112.60 but for Saturday we make the special price only .fa.78 Welch Center field. . . .Jjougneny ctMon Richt field Gibson nnniiinir Catcher ...C. Clair Lebrand Catcher Freese wtti Karl Jochler as manager, Al Chap Hall Pitcher Bunnell man captain, ar.d Lemuel Cope, secretary ainiu ;,!; t; ana treasurer, iney nave a strong team HOiienDecK -ruciier ikwA yizif bevet ana or a nign a fcLi5!'J3.A. brilliancy. The dresser i C: rr; TT , , '-"v ' neatly carved, and has I I Jt Vv!n.e"T"CVsT ""y rolling casters. All 'H y VCSC regular $12.50 value fori I These dressers are made of solid oak and have three large and easy sliding drawers, all with . locks on them. They are extra well, con structed and finished in t.....llfi,l mMn nak ... . X The Mirror Is of French j Noah. Clark Isaacs .'y Rltzman ..Pitcher ..Pitcher ..Pitcher ..Pitcher WITH TUB BOWLERS. Grand National Steeplechase. LIVERPOOL. March 27. The grand na tional steeplechase of 3,000 sovereigns. In cluding a trophy valued at 125 sovereigns, on the grand national course, distance about four miles Hi yards, was won tociay oy Ma nr V rioiivlas PennKnt's Rnbloil. Wll. The Independents won two out of three I ii.m rmiwr'i Mattle MiHlrerar was sec- games from the Byrne-Hammers on the ond, and P. Whltaker's The Lawyer III. Metropolitan alleys mni nigni, oom v-arinnii rinlsned third. Tweniy-rour noises ran. ar.d Shults bowling as if they intended Rublo won bv ten lengths. The race wan winning the ISO-acre farm donated by the notable for the number of favorites that Nebraska Land company. They Juat fell failed to negotiate the difficult Jumps short ten Dins. Carman Is certainly making murklnr the courxe. a circumstance that h1- 6ii0 scores look sick of lHte, and his side- lowed a rank outsider to capture the blue partner, Bhultt, Is not far behind lilin. ribbon of steeplechasing. Foxhall Keene's Rempke started out well with a single game two representatives. Chorus and Prophet of Kt5 but fell down in his last two games. HI, brought no money to their backers. Tonight Walter G. Clarks against Omaha The betting on Rublo was HI to 1 against; on Mattie ivtacuregor n to l against, ana on Lawyer HI 100 to 7 against. kuoio came rrom America two or three 'ears ago. He was once purchased for 90, after he had broken down under raining, and was driven to a trap. It was some time before his Jumping quali ties were discovered. Bicycle Companys. Score: INDEPENDENTS. LEGAL NOTICES FOR SALE BONDS. Village of Sidney (Nebraska) water bonds In the sum of JJO.000.ou. bearing tf per cent interest, ror sale. seriously 111 nnd I nm here only on her ac count. Otherwise I would have remained with the club, as I feci sure of a satis factory arrangement." j ' Hla-a School Athletics. The local high school basket ball five, champions of Nebraska In their class, will Apply to LESLIE NEL'BAUKR. Village P'v Ine high school team of South Omaha Clerk. Sidney, Neb. MchlS W&S. this Evening In the latter city. Although ine Dasaei Dan season nas practically )0 REWARD .TO WHOM IT MAY CON- I closed, no small amount of interest is being cern: Notice is hereby given that pur- snown tn ine game, ine umana quintette suant to a resolution pasaed by the Board will be Nag, Burdlck, Arnstein, Newles of County Commissioners of Douglas and Howard. . County, Nebraska, on Monday. March 23, Saturday evening a dual athletic meeting 1BUX, a reward of $- will be paid by aald between the high school and the Young county for the apprehension and conviction Men's Christian association will be held of Mike Panjavich, charged with stabbing in the latter's gymnasium. Thia Is the and killing Frank Kochonowski. Omaha, first practlco meet the high school track Neb., March 26, 1. D. M. HAVERLY, team aspirants will have and is being County flerk. M'Jtkllt watched carefully bv the students. - Th association team is said to be nothing slow, so a good contest Is expected. The events will include the high and broad Jumps, twenty-yard dash, relay race, pole vault and probably some others. Tryont for Olympic. NEW YORK. March 7-The executive committee of the Olympic games lias de cided that the Boston Athletic association Marathon race, which is to be held in Bos ton on April 20 will be the try-out for the Olympic Marathon to be held In London tills summer. The committee will select Its en tries from-those who start in the Boston race. The executive committee has also decided that In all three try-outs Philadel phia, Chicago and the Pacific coast the size of the circle for throwing the discus sluill be the same as the one that will be used In London 2.50 meters. 1st. 2d. 3d. Total. Carman 255 1X9 221 6A5 Shults K6 222 203 600 Goebe 178 15S 161 41 Oulnn 153 166 163 471 Ditman 202 154 H9 BOS Totals 964 879 895 $.738 BYRNE-HAMMERS. 1st. 2d. 3d. Total. Dudley 208 179 1B7 549 West 178 191 ' 14 533 Scott 204 150 1H 633 Mills 156 150 1118 475 Rempke 23i 153 . 147 535 Totals 976 823 . 815 2.614 OCEAN STEAMSHIPS ; 4 Far rest, pleasure er business if . A It nays te travel en the M MFREHCH " LI WE f I ji J To PARI, the City Beautiful.! a "iiitT'Thence to all sown o the Centlnent 1 qgrp- Compii nle General I iZ-jjT Transatlantlqua I Much Ball In Nebraska City. NEBRASKA CITY, March 27. (Special.) Ijiat evening the formation or the city with eutslde teams. The league teams are composed of fifteen players each from th high school, business college, baikers,- poet Th- nnimniii won two onm mm the Company C. These six clubs will play a Benos at the Association alleys last night, series of games between April 15 and June Elliott was high man on totals with 6H6 after which two other clubs, to be com and Tracy took the top single game with posed of the grain men and merchants, are 2:lft. Tonight's teams are the Omahas and I o BB no.nni.ieu. aim inn muni, emus win Indians, Gardiner ... Changstrom Foray the ... Sayles Hinrlchs ... Totals... The score: BONOS. 1st. , 198 li6 168 176 174 2d. 178 liil 136 168 156 3d. Total. 165 541 UK 184 141 lt8 play a series of games for the next sixty days, always giving away for visiting teams who may come to play with the two uniformed teams of the city. A can- . - n ha. h... n.m, .1 vranililiiiiil 453)-AU,. A MtnA i ..Aiinila n.H In fine condition. The league starts out wltn decision not to try for the team this year, This takes two of the best of the men off the Pitching staff. This Is Dartlallv counteracted by the work of Barrel), otm of the freshmen of lost year, who is showing- fine class for the early season worn. Deny is an old-timer and Suther land Is a man of much experience, though new to Iowa. Hanlon will be used when he can be spared from the track, where he will be used In the 440. Coach Kent Im well satisfied with the early workout and expressed the opinion that the team will be at least the equal of last sea sons. Elliott Iteaton Neff .. Tracy Maglll 882 ONIMODS. 1st. 110 ItiS 1W 156 179 7 "804 ... i Tz plenty of money In the treasury and the season will be the hottest this city has ever I I anown lor oase uau. 2d. za 170 161 179 201) 3d. Total. 183 & 138 150 235 192 Totals. &S m 898 Tnencs to all soffits OS tits Centlne ' Compc-gnl General Traniitlsntlnus Zdr ' Part Limit Mall awrvtor nww voaa to raaia in pat via Havre on gigantic twin-screw express st camera, sailing every 1 nut-May lo a.m. Thcae wonders of modern inventions have all the convenience and luxury of most palatial hotels on a more immense scale. Paaaenger elevator, roof cafe, gvmnaaium, elegant suites sad single apartments; daily newspaper, orcnestra, wireless leiegrapay, famous cuiaiue and ever Dtaviaion tea aaieiy ana uuiuon. LaProTeaee April ILaSavol April m) LUrrala April 1 LaProtence Mar 1 LaTirtlrmlu April SILaLdrralna Mar U Larly reservations recommended. For copy of illustrated book of travels and rates sppiy to Harry t:. Moo res. ltoi Far nam St.; J. B. Reynolds, 1502 Farnam St.; W. E. Bock. 1524 Farnam St.; W. O. Davison, 1612 Farnam St.; Louis Neese, care r irsi riaiionai Dana. Yale to Enter Two Crews. NRW HAVEN, Conn.. March 27. Julian W. Curtlss. advisory rowing coach at Yale, today announced that, with the faculty's permission. Yale will enter two crews for the American Henley regatta at Philadel phia May 23, to be known as the second university and the freshmeu. Northwestern Refuses Game. IOWA CITY, la., March 27. (Special.) .Th. WA,lharn,u,.n mam ainien t lias no. : tifled Coach Catltn definitely that they wtll not accept the Iowa proposition for 569 & font km 11 irume next fall, and the Iowa ,71 rooters are again demanding that a big I un.A t.A nut on the I1h for that datd. 2,(63 October 24. Catlln will leave tonight for Minnuanra vhr.rn he will attemnt to ae- KANGAROOS CLOSE WITH A WIM (Urs a date with the Gophers. The game I will be played on lowa field, tr posaiDie rr-l,- fimmm Iran Han I la iluftka k n to mar utli nil tiiiiiR"iniii-, nu .. Take a Oame front, souin umann y a nrotvblv accent a date ou the BlK Score. Minnesota field. Catlin said today that A..- rar fiimia in a moat aneeeaaf nl Purdue and Iowt might get together In basket ball season, the Kangaroos walloped Chicago, but did not say that whether the the L psilon Beta team from South Omaha Minnesota game, if secured, will take the Thursday night at the Young Men's Chris- place ui inn j-uram uaic. association gymnasium by the acore of 67 to 17. The Young Mens Christian as sociation boys showed some splendid team SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN LINE IS.aoe Toa Twia-Seraw Passenger Steamers Norway, Sweden and Denmark BaJIIDf front Nan" York at boo. " t Halls Olar April II C. T. Tlatfea.. April b Vnlte4 Stataa .. April 1 lOacar II April 4S fralooa !S aal up; 8acoe4 rbin thl w.' A. SI. JOXHSOsT rh CO las E. Unas HX-, dUoago, IU. EUROPE ustTuus All Xarpensea. Send foe Booklet THOQ. COOK & CON 43 IBOIDWAT, ITaTW TOBK Cook's Iraveiuxa1 Cimu Vayable Everywhere Qui To-Day THE REACH .crriciAi. .UL GUIDE 03 - even -atao TMt fC. l .. V- v V I: f X B MrkCTC "WITH OOtlllAO.T "ATl&fia CTOcrei' ICTUUisXor ...r lUORLIXS SERIES ' CivetrVU-l iNrrrATiid! NeVfiONAL GAjV V. T Price t O crif j i 1 SjLk BCACKMS OH SCND.Ta i j refii-rn waive see rats aasi sail ores Fnst Flrklna; Out Men. IOWA CITY. Ia.. March 27. (Special.) work, showing the effect of good coaching. The base ball squad of the university Is and while the South Omaha team was a rapidly being thinned down and the cream lively bunch their efforta were not well dl- of the bunch picked out. The latest snag reeled and they were not In the running at that the base ball craft has struck la the any stage of the game. Burt Tanner was loss of Poyneer on account of his work all over the field and made thirteen of the In school and of Cobb on account of his seventeen points scored by boutn Omaha. The coat sweaters were awarded to the Kangaroos, and those receiving the me mentoes were Rurdlek. Nagl. Arnstein, Howard, Doud, Doods, Pagels and Miller. The score: KANGAROOS. I VP8ILON BETA. Ed Bur4lrk rl f .ll r Joe Taaaar rl Nail U" IL.r , Burt Ta&aer It. Arnatein c. c M. sirrkn Iterl Mowara LO. LO Lao Fennel I kalph lMud H.O.R.O boa Penoell porting Gossip, Of all the holdouts this year, Hans Wag ner appears to be the only one who was not Joking, as usual. The weather man says only a trace ot moisture Thursday night, but still it made Pa's grass grow several Inches. Bill Bchlnke Is nailing- all that talk thai be has forgotten how to bat at the very outset by making a bit In the spring try out. : The basket ball season Is neartng an end and the boys may now Jump Into outdoor sports. The Kangaroos finished s most successful season. Now. If Colonel Welsh will only be good ajid let the boys have a bright day for that first game Saturday with the Ort jinal all his misconduct of thee last base ball season will be forgiven. II Is to he hoped that Pa and the Colonel caa set along this year wtibout trouble. The Browns divided Into two teams on their practice trip and are known as the Browns and Brownlea. Why don't the Cubs call their Yanlgana the Kittens and the Sox thelr's the stockings? A light slx-tourlnr car from the Vlmhnf! garage made another record rum. Friday afternoon when It carried five people from Fremont to Omaha In one hour and twelve minutes. Ia the SUvens-Duryea were R. R. Sandham, O. P. Neatman, W. 8. Black well, Theodore Mohler and Larson. i Billy Sunday, former center fielder for the Chicago National- league team, has signed with the Anti-Saloon league of Illi nois. His manner of hitting three-baggers and home runs has put a crimp In the boots brigade team. He has made a gTesf hit with the bleachers and crowds root for him madly wherever he goea In central Illinois. Tne gate receipts In this series are probably the largest that Sunday ever realised In any base ball season. Bloom lngton, where he has been batting the hot shot of the - Boozers all over the field, his friends roeee up ae one at the end of a glorious demonstration of Bun day-a oratorical abilities and presented him with 38.000. At Decatur he got $10,000 In one day. tie has preached at Paorla and Springfield and many other points In Illinois. Rollgtous enthusiasm In the rentral part of this state la at the highest ebb ever known. Sunday spoke here on "Boose" to the largest audience that has V ever assembled In Springfield At the end of his fiery ap peal 4.000 voters pledged themselvee to votee local option at the election next month. His success has been equally marked at other towns. Exchange. 1 ' .- A CEFITABI SAFE o, TitEiari.iEiiT Referee: Beck, umpire: Miner, scorer: g. g. g. is the only safe ana reliable cure lor contagious uiooa roisoa. ASr.-ein1 tou'S; Vh. "I It Is purely vegetable i made entirely from healing:, cleansing roots herbs strycker, l Goals from fouls: Arnstein, U; and barks, and in addition to curing tins vile disorder, S. S. S. builds up Tanner, s. mxrm nart nt tli r-ctem Meminr nnA nntjaS rannnt mre the trcmblei no changb is boahd elkctiox thev can onlv mask it in the svstera for awhile.. and when they are leftotf the disease returns, usually, in worse form than before, and th patient finds Two Members of Faculty Vote with I he has damaged his health with these strong: minerals, which disease) the aiaaeni nenscn. delicate lining of the stomach, affect the bowels, produce cnronlc oyspepsu LINCOLN. Neb.. March 27. (Special I A (o n vfarxirlol Skanmatiam ft will tint- An trifle) with n dia. Telegram ) The State University Ath- v.. '" , , " 7" 7 , letic board voted down the plan to change ease so powerful as Contagious Blood Poison, for every day it remains la tne KraSfat blood it is progressing toward a dangerous stage, anwiU in the end tet be- for consideration a much more conserve- yond the control of any treatment. S. S. S. cures blood poison in the right tive measure, whiuii was referred to a way. It roes down into the circulation and remove every uarticl of th virus. committee lor inveaiigauon. ine , plan XT It- . : If l ....... o o o lUntl..a voted down tonight gave surrrage invain- I iiu inn iu" sue vvi tajnncin.w nuui - w r - letio board elections to aii male students, pleasant ia its action, and forty years of cures warrant the statement that Two faculty members snd four fraternity If. , . . . ' ... a. . it a a i . student members of the board voted O. O. IS BOS oniy aW sale DUl a ccnain iratimcui. huuib uwuucui uw against tiie measure. The advocates of nn this disease and any medical advice deiitrea gent free to ail wbo write. and Tecto'Vd,1.tmamV o'f 1 SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.,lXAMTA,J)Ai the students wiinin a lew osys to lorce ine Duata to nim .ou.. vwUv.c- . , enoan uilTuniiT vus villas WW rabw iiiiwwi i nia . nniru Fistula and all rectal diseases cured uade pcaU tlvs guarantee. No mouey till eared. V mlitUii free CaJl or wrtu today. pa. tOWUo Sw TAAXT, S3 See taUOlaf, Oiuaha, Hseaka slona. Fugles Teas NEBRASKA The Eagles have forned a base ball team. am at Ne brush City. I i J CITY. March 27.(Bpeclal.) J U t -at J