CRMS AND PRODUCE MARKET Hot Enough Rain Reported to Stirrm lata Selling. MARKET KAEEOW AND UNCERTAIN Cable, Do ot Hennond and the Crowd la Inclined to Malt -Wheat Opens stead? and Makes Galas. OMAHA, March 27, 19P8. The grain m.irket remains narrow and uncertain. Thee was nut enough, rain re liorted to stimulate selling, but the gain made early n the morning was lout later on profit-taking sales. Cables were not iuTPtndln8 and lhe crowd wa" Inclined to Wheat openrd steady and made omt B'Mn early, but narrowed lalir and lost the alvan.; on profit-taking sales and a de emed lurk nf demand, coupled with a lower K-Hh market. May wheat opened at 03'AO "I'd 'losed at 9:He. Corn was slightly lower, with wheat, and Very scattered buying. Demand waa Unlit "nil nil pit orders were quickly filled, lesv n.J. '"'"et very dull. May corn opened at fi-c and closed at r. Oats were some weaker, with other grains, and some moderate selling. De mand wns poor and cash oata were lower. May oats opened at fV-c and closed at Primary wheat receipts were 826,000 bu. tnd shipments were ZSS.nnn bti f-rn receipts were 65.Vn0 bu. and shlp-Vrli','- cre '!'m bu- "Salnst holiday last Clearances were 31?.tT0 bu. of corn. 60,000 bu, Croats nnd wheat and flour equal to Jf.l.COO Mvernnol rinsed unchanged to .d lower on wheat and unchanged on corn. Local range of options: ArtlcVjg.l Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Yesy. Omaha Cask Prices. AVHEAT No. 2 hard, PlflWc; No. 3 hard, r V,t94yi.c; No. 4 hard, 8fiS.92c; No. 3 spring, i.,C. y , ''OFIN-No. 2. 60 e; No , 69Vic; No. 4, n'fi6Srt No. J yellow. ns(friV4c; No. 2 V.ieat I I Corn-'' fV' m m m Mav. . nov, itn (Wi fiovf fio-v Tutv.. .1 59 59 f P9 69 MVX.. 604 gn 10 50' B04 " : """ ' . io. wniie, oJV''9c. OATS No. 3 mixed. No. S . ' hlte, Elc; No. 4 white, Wf-Slc; standard, 1 tJ'C. ilVE-No. I, 7flrf.77c: No. 3, 7375c. Carlot Receipts. Wheat. Corn. OalS hlcago L'O 278 liiS Vi Iruieapnlls 144 Omaha, 3H So 2 Dulutli 31 CHICAGO CHAIN AXtT" PROVISIONS 1 eat area of (he Trading, and Closing; Prices on Hoard of Trade. CHICAGO, March 27. Unsettled weather In the southwest caused weakness today In inn local wheat market, the May delivery cloning at a net loss of ;c. Corn waa down W' Oats were Vic down. Provisions were lntiibc higher. The wheat market was weak all day and the volume of the trade was small. Some toiling at the opening waa caused by liberal shipments from Argentina, but during the ' greater part of the -day the market waa artecled chleriy by the weather situation In the southwest. The weather bureau fore tasted i:iln oi snow for Missouri and Ne braska tonight, but no molBture was pre dicted for Kansas. Private advices, how iver, claimed that rain had fallen today In several sections of that stale. A slack ciomand for cash wheat. was an additional bearish factor. The market closed weak May i pened V6Ho lower at &4V06Vsc, le tlliicd to 9r(&iNc and closed at 91ViC Clear ances of wheat and flour were equal to 2n',9io bit. Kirporta for the week, as shown by ISradatreel's, were equal to 2,23.0u0 bu. I'rlmary receipts were 12,000 bu., against a Holiday lust year, Minneapolis, wuium and Chicago reported receipts of 195 cars, against 810 cars last week and a holiday last year. me corn market was Inclined to bo weak 1 day on selling by pit dealers. The weak ness of whefct had a depressing effect. The t iiice was weak and near the lowest point. May opened a shade to Ho lower at tii!U bteve to mc, sold off to (hl'Sic and closed at Wc. Local receipts were 2i cars, w,itli six of contract grade. Oats were easy, owing to the weakness of wheat and corn. May opened unchanged to a shade lower at 64V'(i&41o to B4'4c, ad vaneeri to r4Vi and then declined to E4Ve, where It closed. Local receipts were 138 cars. A loo advance In the price of live hogs caused strong and active market for pro visions. The market closed strong, with May pork up 15o at 11.06. lard up lOo at W.2-.",i and ribs 100 nigner ai ii.oo. Kstlmated receipts tor tomorrow: Wheat, 13 cars; corn, 318 cars; oats. 149 cars; hogs, 16.0X1 head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles. I Open. High. I Iw. Close. Yes'y. Wheat May July , Sept. July Sept. Oats uMay bMay a July bJuly Pork May July Sept. Lard May July Sept. nibs May July r-ept. III! 46oii 95Hl4U'n"i WV SV S'.l..(li-4.l K9'l W1 sHv.l 90 8? aui mvi wiiMViMHi 7H 0ii;S4':"i t6 8i 4 ;4 i'V 4Vi I 64141 Vil B4HI E44 54'4 W4 v 627sl 4t Wi 46 4Vs! 13 00 I 13 12J , 4lil 1J 9S IS 05 12 90 13 35 13 45 11 90 13 75 13 86 15 8 15 ( 12Vi 35 8 46 8 224 67Vi 8 3 62ft 07Vi 7 06 8 95 T 27U 7 35 7 26 7 65 7 66 7 60 13 36 ' 5-HI 13 17V4I 13 87V I 15 8 3i 22Va 8 45 8 66 7 10 8 67V 7 00 7 35 7 67V4 7 i7Vi! 7 B No. 2. a Old. b New. . ...i - fnllnwl' FlXJl'lt - Steady: winter patentM, I4.35.fl) winter straights, 4.(.StSsspi Ing pat ents, 36.iK-ii6.60; spring stralghli? l.!ku-4.(IO. a-' a iVk WHKAT No. 3 prin. tt.051.07; No. S ... - . .m. at rui, muKL. COKN-No. 2. ; No. yellow, UWQ OATS-No. I, E3S963V,c; No. whits. 67H BAKl.EY-Fair to choice malting, 78WIC BKEIJS-No. 1 northwestern, H itM. Prime timothy, 170. Clover, contract grades. J.-1.76. ... . .... ,,... I3:V&.1. Mess pork, per bbl., 1J86j lard. per 100 lbs.. 8.U6. Short clear .Ides (boxed). Vi.87Vifi7.12V,. Fallowing were t"e receipts and ship ments ot uour n Bh,nRWnt. Flour, bbls. Wheat, bu.. Corn, bu.... .... lS.tHiO t,700 .. . 2-V) 0 6M 229,1110 ... .216.600 318.100 u mo 3.umt mta. bu Uv hu ;'v)o Sl.W-J barley, bu.. .'. . .,hnn todav the but .,.rvt was steady; creameries, fctf ' . . j ..-.-. K. eaav: at mark f-!:: i, e i.ded. 14c; firsts. 14c; prims firsts. 16c; extras. lc. Cheeae. steady, 12 01'. M Hi make Gralat Market. .iTiviiTvr.Tfl March 27. WHEAT c...-4. N! 1 northern. U.atWl.lOV,; No. I Borinern, " 'r . BARLEy-teady; No. 3, Kuc; sample. 'ORN-FIrm; No. S cash. 834c; May, 68V.O, bid. Iv,daiiI Cimlat Market. LIVERPOOU March 17-WHEAT-Spot. rtraay; w . . J 7 ; V ,r ...... l o . - A v nrlnlft nilwarfl A IMP. l.uen d"v . - -- - lean new, 6a4Hl; prima mixed American Uld. 6s 74. Futures, quiet; May, M a. Dalatk Grsvlst Market DI'LITH. March Tt. WHEAT No. 1 northern. 81.05S; Way, 1.03SU1-W': July, l.04. OAT8-Wo. Mlaaea polls Grata Market. MINNEAPOIJS, March 17 WlfEAT May July, 81 M1; No. l'hard. i oes; No. 1 northern, 11.07V: No. t northera, Ij i.V; No. I northern. 98cl.te. HUAN la bulk. -a 60tiJ1.7&. Ji UjLK t'uchand; first patents, tS 459 J10; second patents. R SVJft.V: first clears, 84.3694.46; second clears, $1408-60. EW YORK GRNKKAI. MARKET Haotatlons af the nay oa Varloas Cosamodllles. Nl ce PIS. 24.445 bbls.: exnorta 0 l.hla Hull Jtid about stesdy; Minnesota ratents, t- Sl!i.m: winter atralahla U .Ve Mln. ne sota bakers. 4.4of490; winter extras, O0 4.16; winter patents, 4Oti4.90; winter low low o-ui uu. rv fj uour, nun; rair yradpfl. Rye flour, quiet; fair ORNMKAT Hl.trlu' enaraa tllneTIJE- kll n dried. 3.Boi8.75. ' ' R YE Dull; No. 2 western, P6c, nominal, h . aflnat V.o, Vnlr f W 1 1 1." 1 T If ..n..l n. - 9tl , . I . . 1.6"0 bu. 8pot market easy; No. 2 red, 11.01, elevator, and 11.03. f. o b.. afloat 1 ......... , a v. l. u. U. , KlIURi; 11 Q, 1 northern. Duluih. $1.14, f. o. b., afloat; No. - wmir, i.i, i. o. o, aiioat. On account of rain prospects In the southwest " iuajr, closing at inn noiionv rade waa light all day and mostly profess ional. May. 1.02'4ri.035, closing at 31.03; uly. 97ti97fSie; closed, 97Hc ..... . . . - . . - VI,., CAjn'l H, l , i " .J Hit T Kiwit RMrb.t .l.a,, M 4 -til. I ....... ........ . n it -MJ , , (MTl, Wie- vator. and KSc. f. o. b., afloat. Option mar- " wiinmii transaction and closed net nchunfferlr Mav 7(11... T..1H .u a OATS Receipts, 114.000 bu.; spot market lltet: mirpH nut. hl. i v. - ...... , hlte, 2032 lbs., ilHuc; clipped white. 32 l Iba . rtHVffttli. 40 HAY-Vlult't; good fo choice, 1.00l.O7. HOPS Quiet; state common to choice. 19 clflc coast, 1907 crop, 6(&c; i00 crop, TllDES-Steady; Bogotaa, 17Hc; Central Lmerlca, 1 7 c 1;ATHFR-Qulet; W7o. ! HO VI strive u. i n- hiu P16.00; mess, 3U.0ik511.60; beef hams, li.(KHja.00; packet. 12.WiT12.Sn; city extra India mess, 321.00ijra2.00. Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies. I7.2&1M.OO; i...iMeU nams, s.uu. lard, firmer; western prime IS.20rf7S.3O; refined, firm; continent. uuuin Rinencn, .; compound, hi v I-7.12V4. Pork, firm; family, $uvfiorl.2&; hort clears, 16.rrj 16.50; mess, 14.5('(il5.00. TAt.l IW-Klouu. e- -I, .. en.. . . . . ...... , , ii., , vtr l.n a. . W 7SC country (pkgs. free), IHeGe. V ,rr,'"R(1y; ereamery, thirds to rsts, lfg.Tc; held, common to special. 21 2sVe. CHERSF! Pirm ... ..ii .. colored, fancy, 16c; white fancy,, 16c; large, wiiiiH jancy, it-),c; good to prune, 1444el5i4c; later October and early; common tc fair, 10llVfcc. .w.o -i nseuiea; state, Pennsylvania and nearby fancy selected white, lftViftlfro; rood tO Choice. lilSl'lNe lir.-,n.n mnA .T. 16H l'OLLTRT-Allve, dull; fowls. 12c; tr- eVM 14e DraMBuH 1 . ..,. . n. . foWls. lV14V.c7 '"C! WEATHER IJf THE GRAIN BELT Rain or Snow and Not Mack Change la Temperature. OMAHA, March 27, 1908. A ll a mm ill pin rt p. . -1 . . . . 1 i- ... noiun vi l cunsiueranie energy has developed over the middle Rocky Mountain slope, and is causing gen erally unsettled weather throughout the mountains and east over the central val- leVS. I.lvlit annM. . I , i i . - , . . " i vuruugliout the upper Missouri valley and are scattered over the mountain district and conditions ,n iur continued unsettled weather, with rain or snow In this vicinity tonight and possibly Saturday, with not much change In temperature. , vi'iiim icwm ui temperature ana pre cipitation compared with the corresponding ,1 u u . i f Ih. I. I . ....... p- l vm. p . p. j p pit. Pi pj jeni .- . ... , 190S. 1907. 1906. 19 6. lVflnlmtlm t a rvt In p. oi oc a, pa ....... p . -. . p. . v. .. 1W Of) Precipitation T .oo .00 T x Normal temperature for today, 42 degrees. 1 lef lel,.npv In nnuilnltatln- .ip.. . i pppp.pivi.p ... )iivvi.i,buuii .uik-s ixiarcn 1 ;76 of an Inch. Oefirlencv correanrtnlnv n.rlnt In ior.t . . a ... 4V, .82 of an Inch. v, Excess corresnnndina nvrinA in tarifi tn . m , p- - . p ... 1Wp . V. of an Inch. L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. St. Loots General Market. ST. LOUIS. March 27. WHEAT . track. No. 2 red cash, 99c?i1.00V4; No. 2 naru, weui.uo. mar, W'tc; July, stic, CORN Weak: track. No. 2 cash e.i.v.r 64V4c; No. 2 white, 64fo64Vc; May, 2T,iJWi;; July, 62c. OATS Weak : track. No. 2 cash. K?e- 2 white, 54Vih66c; May, 61Hc. FLOUR Dull: red winter nMenta ti enfft 4.80; extra fancy and straight, $4.204i4.5u; Clears, 83.6Wi3.85. BKKD-Timothy, weak; $3.65fl4.25. CORNMKAL Steady; 83.00. RRAN Steady: sacked, east track it n 1.19. HAY Bteady ; timothy. 110.00(316.00: nial- rle. S10.00r-flll.60. IRON COTTON TIES-11.06. RAfJOINO .4c H KM P TWINB-8C PROVISIONS Pork. hlaher: tobl.lnir S13.12Vs- Lard, higher; prim steam, 87.75w' 7. 86. Dry salt meats, higher; boxed extra shorts, 17.76; clear ribs, 87.26; short clears,'Vi. Bacon, higher; boxed extra short, I8.12V4; clear ribs, S8.00; short clears, SS.Sl'Vi. f-UL Li ni-nrm; cnickens, lovic; springs, 14c; turkeys, llVul2Vfec; ducks. 11c: geese. 6Vc. U UTTER Steady ; creamery, 23ge. EGOS Unchanged at 13c, case count. iRecelpts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 8,000 7.0UO Wheat, bu 36,000 39,00o Corn, bu lul.000 Oats, bu ; 142.000 49.0UO Kansas City Grata and Provisions. KANSAS CITT, March 27. WHEAT Unchanged to Vic lower! May, 91c; July, 8.314c; cash. No! 2 hard, T96rij9bc; No. 3, W!u 95c; No. 2 red. 99C1.0i; No. 3, 97Vc. CORN Unchanged to VSo lower; May, 69o. July. 687sc; cash. No. 2 mixed. Mit ooVtc; No. 3 mixed, 80c; No. 3 while, GOVtc; Mo. i wniie. eoc. OATS Unchanged; No. 2 white, 62Vc; No. 2 mixed. 491Vu'6oVsC. RYE 74r-7fc. HAY Choice timothy steady at 311.60(3 12.0"; choice prairie dull at SK.75;9.00. BUTTER "Steady ; creamery extra, 28c; packing stock, 18c. KOOS-Steady; fresh extras, 16c; current receipts, 12Vc. Receipts and shipments of grain were as follows: Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 2S.0O0 sa.OOO Cn,. bu 23.000 25,000 Ou bu .'. 13.0U0 12.0UO Futures at Kansas City as reported by Igun 4b Bryan, 112 Board ot Trade. Articles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Wheat May .. July ... Corn May .. July .. 2'4' 831 91 91 fc 83V 91S 60V.60V.rfVi 69 6r4 56 69V.I 69Vi Philadelphia Prodaco Market. PHILADELPHIA, March 27 BUTTER Steady and In fair demand; western creamery, 80c; nearby prints, 81c. EGGS Steady and In good demand; Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, 16o at mak; current receipts In return able cases, 15c at mark; western firsts, lo a mark; current receipts, lac at "CHEESE; Firm and In good demand; New Y ork full creams, choice, 1 6 4 1 Be ; New York foil creams, fair to good, 16& 16Vic. Peoria Market. PEORIA. March 27. CORN Lower; No. 8 yellow, ttoWac; No. 3; 62c; No. 4, 60e; r.o grade. Mowic. OATS Lower ; No. 3 white, 61igj;c; No. 4 white. 61c. WH1SKY-S1.3S. V Toledo ieed Market. TOLEDO. March 271 8EKP8 Clover, cash and March 813 .56; April, 31300; October, 17.76. Timothy, prime, 13.15. Alslke. prime. SU.40. London CloalasT Rtoeka. I)NDON, March 17. American securities opened unchanged to higher toJay. Trad ing waa quiet. London closing stork quotations: Conaala, nana HKl, K.B. at T.. .. M da socouul 7VN Vark Oatr.l. ,.UH Aumita Norfolk Wratara... Aicbin ' oa ia da pid Om. Waare., lUltltnore a Ohle.... I .imirlTuDla (anadlaa Pa.ltl. ...IM4K.nd Mlua rtiapnika Ohio... 11 Reading Chi. ureal Waalaru. . lakoutbara Rallwar i 7p, 1 M lm ID II tl V4 v kl . Mil. 81- P. IX da sld Da Boer. IKibulWl Parltte ... Ixaier A Hilt O ZlStolu. PscllK .... da gti S da pfd Erl . HWllsitad Statas ilaal da 1 Pi MSt da p da Sil 'd Wabai Oraad Tntak 1H da vtd llliaot. Ceatral II fsanlah ds , Lauisnn A hh....l'S'iial. Copsar E'x-dlv. BILVHR Quiet at 36 -lM per ounce. MONEY ! per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is itiT7. per cent; (or thie months' bills, 2 per ttnt THE OMAHA NEW YORK STOCKS AND B05DS Current of Market Changes So Often that Speculators Are Confused. UKION PACIFIC LEADS ADVANCE Steel Issnea Become Hearr and Ad Tersely A Vert the Market Rally oa Bank Statement Makes CSoaio Strong. NEW TORK, March 87.-Prlces moved continuously In today's stock market, but the course of the movement changed so often as to leave speculative sentiment thoroughly confused. In one Important stock could be discerned signs believed to point to distribution going on, while In another appearances would Indicate care ful manipulation for the puriKise of se curing stock as cheaply as possible, polot Ing to accumulation. The action of Union Pacific had an Im portant Influence on the whole list by sympathy, The bad Impression created by yesterday's annuiuicement of a coming Is sue seemed to pass away after a period of early depression. Hanking officials credited with the financing Intimated that the first reports ot dimensions of the im mediate proposed Issue had been exag grated. Stories were thereupon revived of the plan for segregation of Union Pacific Investments for distribution to stockholders. The stock turned strong; turned again and carried the whole market with It. The heavy tone of United States Steel in the early dealings weighed on the whole mar ket and the source of the selling was made cause for suspicion and for rumors of dis tribution by Important Inside Interests. The Copper securities had the advantage of another rise in the price of the metal here and abroad, and reports from London of an Improvement In the general market con ditions of the market. Reports regarding conferences over wage conditions in the soft coal trade varied widely, as they came from different districts, and this may have accounted for some confusion In the price movement of soft coal carriera. The compilations of the weekly currency movement showed that the accumulation of cash here was going on unlnteruptedly. With the large payments made to the sub treasury on account of ths return of gov ernment deposits the gain of 32.733,030 made by that Inutltutlon at the expense of the banks waa amply explained. Receipts on balance from the interior by express have been on so liberal a scale as evidently to outweigh this draJn and establish a cash gain of probably between 31,000,000 and 32.O00.0OO. It Is not supposed that the United States treasury will be able to avoid further calls upon depositories, as the current deficit In the revenues neces sitates the paying out of Its available cash balance. These payments In excess of the current Income, however, obviously operate to return sums to the channels of the money market and to restore the, amounts drawn down from government deposits. The government's operations, In fact, are not Interfering with the growing ease of the money conditions. Confidence in con tinued ease of money Is expressed among Stock exchange borrowers by unwillingness to borrow sums on time In the reliance of a cheaper call loan rate, while for eign money markets show some occasional stiffness, was not unrelated to the day's rise in foreign exchange rates. The strong banking forecast helped the later stock market and the earlier uncertainty was largely discarded In a vigorous upbldding of prices to a strong closing. Bonds were Irregular. Total sales, par value, 83,472.000. United States bonds were unchanged on call. Closing quotations on stocks and bonds were aa follows; Bale.. High. Low. Clone. 1"5 76.800 t2i ."4 1,100 13 82 "3 3 -Wt M 1W 15 3,100 tlH 204 Il'i ! io nt is i8i, 4. TOO 47 45 4i)t 4r S4V4 4 3i I4.KK) 74'4 i:s n SK) OH 971. 7 , l.StlO 12 ii'. Ufil. son M 4't m 1MI f . S9 4 ,W0 7 ' 7S', 754 100 15 5't tr,i, 710 n 7t 71 4,600 14-4 e!M HI, K , t.T- 474 4 47 u,a 1&4S4 i4 1 .':(' 171 93'. 13 8SU , 1.500 6', i 514 l.nOft 14 14H4 148 11.IK10 11'4 U!L, i : 1.70 6ti 61 14 2 CI '4 T2 Z! 8rt 2S4 ti !', .") u4 M 13 0 4.'. 4S', tit. 4.rK) in 114 Hi 400 14 14 CO 66 M 6 COO Lit) 164 l.'pfl 4H5 5) 21 ius il'4 4u0 64 644 H 1.6'p) 33 32 33 1.1U4 17 ' 16 16 1.40) U 14 14 fc'iO Z, 26 23 4'K) 1LT 17 127 l'W It yjt 400 9 400 14 M SS 7 Ct U 12 12 liW m U 33 uOO 23 2-.'T4 2:i Kt 53 M fill liK) W UK , .OD It IH in i 24 24 24 l.UDU 1U7 103 1'4 113 4 7'JO 43 4U 42 41 U ? 24 1U0 64 6. ( . l.0 57 68Vi t .. 1,600 61 41)44 41 1.700 M S , t.lwv 4 33 (4 , 1.0U0 te t4 ti to , S.IM0 62 4k 6J 7W II s 1U , 14.400 117 116 11, , I. HX K Ht) IHl 70 tno 64 24 (4 to 100 163 163 163 , 44,Hn 107 lot 1"7 W 7H , i.koo 11 i ) , .uu 73 72 12 1 1.UU0 16 16 15 1.UU0 29 17 2s 13 33 14,600 77 7i 74 Ill 3, OCA! U 15 16 , 1 H 41 40 41 40W 17 17 17 , 14.0 17 16 1 . 1.1 41 40 41 Ul.ttIO US IV 12k 7K W , w 60) U 'U a 64 66 , Bl.SiO 36 34 16 , 7,fr pk te 7 to :i. rn t4 u t3 11 10 . l.Ot U 16 Son , 1.7. 66 6 63 . 1.0K 63 6 61 4y- 7 . 7 16 3 . B.100 121 124 1TI to i in is 400 t.-. .. to 10) 4 4 4 . II. UO 134 la 124 ,114 I I . Ltou 31 11 21 Adams ISxpi-ms Amalgamatorl Copper Am. U. A F , , Am. C. A F. pfd , Am. Cotton nil Am. mtton Oil pfd American Kvprea. Am. H. A L. pfd Amorlraa Ira Hacurltle.. . . Am. Linseed Oil Am. Llnaeed OH pfd Am. I.iocomotlve Am. Ixicomntlra pfd Am. 8. A R Am. B. A R. pfd Am. Busar Reflntn. Aru TnbaecA pfd ctf. Anaconda Mining Co , Atchison Atrhtoon pfd Atlantic Coaat Line Baltlmor Ohio Bal. A Ohio pfd Brooklyn .R.ptd Tr Canadian P.Hftc Central of Naw Jaraey Cheupeaka A Ohio Chicago Ot. W Chlcaco tt N. W C, M. A Ht. P Chltaso T. A T Chicago T. A. pfd C. C. C. A 8t. L. Colorado F. A I Colorado & 8o Colo. A So. lat pfd Colo. A 8o. 3d pfd Consolidated Oas Corn Product., rfg Corn Product, pfd. rfg Delaware A Hud ton Del., L. A W Denver A R. Q D. A H. O. pfd , Ill.tlllerV Beiurltlia Trie Krle let pfd, Erie 2d pfd General Klectrio Illinois Central International Paper Int. Paper pfd Int. Pump Int. Pump pfd Iowa Central Iowa Central pfd Kanaa. ciljr So K. V. go. pld Loul.rllle A N Mexican Central Mian. A 8t. Li M , St. P. A 8. . H M . Bt. P. A B. B. M. pfd. MlHouri Pacific M., K. A-T M., K. A T. pfd National Lead N. R. R. of M.'pfd... New York Central N. Y., o. A W Norfolk A W N. A W. pfd . North Amencaa Pacific Mall Pennaylvenla People . Oaa P.. C C. Bt. L Praaaed Steel Car Preaaed S. C. pfd Pullman Palace Car Reading Heading lbt pfd.,.., Reading Id pfd Republic steel Rrpubllo SWel pfd Rock Co Rock Co. pfd 8t. L. A a. F. id pfd Bt. Loula B. W St. L. 8. W. pfd Southern Factflo So. Pai'lflc pfd So. Hallway Ho. hallway pfd Teaa. A Pacific T , lit. U A W T., Bt. L. A W. pfd t'ulon Pacific Colon Paclfie pfd..,.., C. B. Uiprfae V. B. Realty U. B. Rubber l B. Rubber pfd I'. (. BlMl I'. 8. Slaol pfd Va.-Carulina Chemical .... Va.pCara. Cbeu. pfd Wabajb. Wauaeb pfd Welle-Farto Kiprvea Weellngbouae leolrte .... Weaiera t'ntoa ...,p Wheeling A L. K Central Win. Ceutral pfd Northera Paclfio ... Central LeaLhor Central Leather pfd....... gloee-Sheffleld Bteel Ureal Northern pfd Inter borough Met lat. Met. pld Total sales (or the day, T54. sfcarea. Sew York Mlalna; gtoeks. NEW YORK, March 27. Closing quota tions on mining slocks wars: Adams Ooa. All. Braece bru.wlck Coa. .. Comelock Tunnel Coa. 11. A Vs.. Horn Silver Iron Silver Leadville Coa. .. t Little Chief ... l iO Ontario . I .2. t . 4 . 30 . 31 . 14 .160 10 Oithlr 10 Potual Be vase ( Sierra Nevada Small Hope. .. 8l.ud.rd . So . 43 ..110 .. 4 Berlin Exchange. BERLIN. March CT Exchange on Lon don, SO marks 4-l-j pfgs. for checks. Dis count rates: Short bills, ii per cent; three months' bills, 4 per cent. French Exchange. PARIS, March S7. Three per cent rentes So francs 10 centimes for the account. Ex change on London, 27 francs lift centimes for checks. Trenanrr Statement. WASHINGTON. March r.-Today's state ment of the treasury balances In ths gen eral fund, exclualve of the UdO.OuO.ouO gold reserve, shows; Available cash balance, DAILY IlEE: SATURDAY, fW.4.7S.1: gold cnln and liullton. S.o.S; gold certificates, S:!4.iej9,P.V). nrcPORt OF TUB fLRtniXQ IIOISF. Tranaarllona of lhe Associated Banks for lhe Week. NEW YORK. March 27.-Bradstreet s hajik clearings report for (he week ended March shows an aggregate of S-.l'AOo'i.OOO, as against I.VJ.a'.iMi Inst week and I.o7,o:y.,ni0 In the corresponding week last year. The following la a list ot the cities: CITIES. Clearings.! Ine. Dec, New York Chicago Boston Philadelphia St. Louts Pittsburg San Francisco Kansas City Halttmore Cincinnati Minneapolis , New Orleans Cleveland Omaha , iH'trolt , Ixiulsvllle Ijnn Angeles , Milwaukee Seattle , St. Paul , Buffalo , Ienver Indianapolis , Fort. Worth Providence Portland, Ore Albany Richmond Washington, D. C... Spokane, Wash , Salt Lake City Columbus , St. Joseph Atlanta Memphis Tacoma , Savannah Toledo. O Nashville Rochester , Hartford Ies Moines Peoria Norfolk , New Haven , Orand Rapids...:.... Birmingham Syracuse . .. Sioux City Springfield, Moss Kvansville Portland, Me , Dayton Utile Rock Augusta, Qa Oakland. Cal Worcester , Mobile Knnxvllle , Jacksonville, Fla...., Chattanooga , Charleston, S. C Lincoln, Neb , Wilmington, Del Wichita , Wllkesbarre , Wheeling, W. Va..., Fall River Davenport , Kalamaxoo , Topeka I$1.274.7.OOOI 8S.4 14 29. S 31.9 4 3 34.0 33.2 '. 10.4 2.1 20.6 23.2 " Y.8 So.O 19.0 13.7 10. 9 "e .3 1S.0 ?H.3 11.7 23.8 10.8 12.6 'u'j 19.8 9.8 11.6 u.i 5.1 13.0 19 4 27.2 28.6 "t.'o 21.1 20 10 20.3 224.2s6.0OO HX.ZIV.flfO 104.172. 0no M.M.oool 3s.3rKt.non 2tS.5O4.mi0 ai.9Sl.0oo l.M,oun! 23.7:tS. 1R.475.0O0l 14.8KO.OOO 13.013.OKH 19,040,0001 10.1 10. a ll. 'l.K"! 10,: .22B.OHO. 9.ITO.00O' P. 71 14. 000 7.1:-W.ono g.ims.ono e.ltn.noo 7 017.000 4.M 6,7(41.0001 ,47.ono 6.2O2.K00 10.5 R.on.nnnl 6,2"f.ooni 6..i2.0"o; 4.SKI.000I 6.2V.0oo 4.110.000 4.1oi.0oo 6 3 6. 33.000 4.046.000: 4. 070.000 j 8.2 3,7S0.Oiioi 2.03.oool 3.413.iO 2.7W.0HO 2.&3.ff 2.VM.0O0 2.S21.00I) 2.BR7.0OO! 1,!1 4.000 lOip.Oro! l'.M9.0fl0l Ijou.oco1 1.7!8.0oo! 2.4H3.00O 1,842,()! l,7'ix.000j 1.3HS.0001 1.236.000 1.227.000 l,:w7.iof) 1,217,000 1.2W2,rtiO 1,277.000 1..W7.0O0 1.3.r'9.OO0l 1,. 164. 000 l.ltifi.OOO 13.l4.0o0 8.01. .6 12.6 'Y.9 10.3 'ii'9 39.3 4.4 12.7 66.8 19.6 2V.S 6.4 6 4 9.7 13.6 l.ofis.oooi 27.4 "9.0 1.1 2S.4 2.7 18. t 13.8 6.1 10.8 "l'.6 1.608.000 1.031.000 1 o mi SfiO.OtiO 1,036,0001 cO2,0IX) KU.Onoi 73;t,0oOj TUl'.OOOi Helena ... Springfield, 11.. Youngstown Fort Wayne , New Bedford Erie, Pa Cedar Rapids, la. Macon Akron Lexington Rockford, 111 Fargo. N. D , iowell , Ulnghamton , Chester,' Pa Sioux Falls. S. D. South Bend, lnd.., Rloomlngton, 111.., Canton, O , Qulney, 111 , Springfield. O , Decatur, 111 , Mansfield, 0.... Fremont, Neb Jacksonville, 111.,, Oklahoma City...., Houston Galveston (WO.OoO! WtK.000 700, t 4. 2.4 20.0 5il ,0001 BM.onol 473.000I 410.0O0! 20.5 '2.i!ti 37.1 lfl.O 7.4 14.9 6.2 17.9 19.6 7.3 25. 8 21 .2 12.2 6.9 ik'.i 10.2 2.8 2.9 'ii'.i fitil.OOOl 730.000 1 406.000! 377.0fi0 4l5,0oti! 3.i8.000 476.000 330.000i at'i7.000 14.6 3!),000: 47N,OOfij 877.000 377.V) 275,010 .114.0001 . 2M.000. 34.7 S8.000 Vil.171.0OO li3S.-i.CO0l Not Included In totals because contain ing other Hems than clearings. New York Money Market. NEW YORK, March 27. MONEY On call, easy at 1?T2 per cent; ruling rate, 2 per cent; offered at 1 per cent; time loans, steady; sixty, days, 31. per cent; ninety days, 3ty per cent; six months, 4844 per cent; prime mercantile paper, 6H'&6 per cent. STERLING EXCHANOE-Flrm. with ac tual business in bankers' hills at S4.Ro15rr) 4.WSJ0 for demand and at 84.8375'i'4.K3W for sixty-day bills; commercial bills, S4.S34. SILVER Bar. 65'ic; Mexican dollars, 47c. BONDS Government, steady; railroad, Irregular. Closing quotations on New York stocks and bonds: V. S. ref. 2i, reg....lfi3Hock. Val. 4... do coupon lue 1.. A x. unl. 4a. ml Man. e. g. 4.... .. sr. .. 4 .. 63 .. 20 U. B. 3., reg do coupon V. S. n. 4a, reg. do coupon Am. Tobacco 4... do 4. Atchison g.n. 4a do adj. 4a ..101 Idei. Centra) 4e.. ..12o do lt Inc ,.122eMlnn. A St. L. 4... .. t7M.. K. A A. '.I ..106 ej0 , 8.1 .- s .. ?eK. R. R. of M. c. 4s 71 .. 64 N. Y. C. g. 3. WU Atlantic C. L. 4. Ke N. J. C. a. 6. isaaa. Bal. A Ohio 4. do 3a Brk. R. T. o. 4a Central of Ait. 6e ... do let Inc "do 3d Inc do 3d Inc Che.. A Ohio 4... Chicago A A. Ia. C, B. A t). n. 4.... r-tno. racinc 4. (0 Ik do 3. 70 71 N. A W. c. 4. 0 1010. 8. L. rfdg. 4. K tt'.t Penn. i t. I. 114 4 Reading gen. 4a m 26 'St. L. A I. M. c 6a. 104 (WHt. L. A B. P. fg. 4a S Ht. L. 8. W. c. 4..,. 6 4 -aboard A. U 4... 47 C. R. I. A P. 43Bo. p.clBc 4a 64 8 f 103 71 do eol. 6.... J 60 'do let 4. ctfa V4JCG. A St. h. g. 4a. M 80. Hallway 6a Colo. Ind. 6a. aer. A. Ul I nu A p. . Colo. Mid. 4... Colo. A So. 4a... Cuba 6a 1). A R. Q. 4.... Il. Sec. 6. Brie p. I. 4a do gen. 4s Japan 4a do 4a ctfa do 2d eerlea. . . Bid. Ofterel rT., St. L. A W. 4a 1 In ion Pacific 4..... " da ev. 4e to I'. 8. Bteel 2d 6a. 13 Wabash la S4 do deb. R 48 Weatera Md. 4a... 77 W. A U E. 4a... BWI. Central 4a.. 64 .. .. S5 .. M ..104 .. 45 .. .. 42 .. 62 Boston Stork Quotations. BOSTON. March 27-Call loans. 24 per cent; time loans, 44.0 per cent; Official nosing on siocks ana Donas: At.hleoa adj. 4a. ... 3o Atlantic ........ ... !i'4 Bingham ... 62 Cal. A Hecla... ... 7,'Ccntennl.l ... S6iV)pr Range ., ...1M Hair Weal ...134 franklin , ...134 Oranby ...133 lele Kiltie .... ... 16 Mau. Mlnlna .. 1I4 67 935 23 ' 4 i 7 U It 8S 11 81 M 83 63 It 14 4 :::::: 'S 33 10 Va t 124 67 2214 13 104 it do 4a Mm. Central 4a... Althleon do pfd Boeton A Albany, boaton A Maine.. Buaton atevated ... Fltchburg pfd Mexican Central ... N. Y.. N. H. A H. Vnlon Paclfle Am. Arge. Cheia... do pfd Am. Pneu. Tube.... Amer. Sugar da pfd An. T. A T Am. Woolen ' do pfd Dominion 1. A B... Kdleon Elec. Illu.. General Electric ... Mus. Electric do pfd Ma.e. Ilu I nlled Krult l imed 8. M do pfd U. 8. Steal do pfd Adventure Alloues Amalgamated .136 Mlchle.n .l.TtSMoh.ek , . 1834ont. IV A C. . 61 Old Dominion ., . eoevoia .136 Parrot IH Quint r .li4 Shannon . 21T.iuarack . 64 Trinity . 16 t nited Copper , f. H. Mluiug... 1271'. B. Oil . lll.h . 47 Victoria , . 61 Winona .12 Wolverine . 60 North Bulle ... . 27 Dune Coalition . Sn Nevada . WHf'.l. A ArUong 1 Arlaona Com. . . i Greene C.n.nea V4 Forelca Flaaaelal. I.ONDON, March 27.-Money was In moderate supply In the market today, but the demand was brisk. Discounts were firm. With the satisfactory completion of the settlement, the Stock exchange wore a cheerful aspect and the proapects of cheaper money, coupled wtlh the expecta tion of modification In the proposed gov ernment measures, Induced speculation as well as Investment buying. Consols rallied well and home rails ruled quite buoyant. American securities started easy. The pro posed I'nlon Pacific bond lasue had a de pressing effect, but the market soon rallied and wtlh bear covering and continued buy ing the early loaaes disappeared. New York alternately sold and bought. In the afternoon the market fluctuated Irregu larly, but became (strong with late trade and closed firm. Canadian Pacific was a feature and sold at H. Copper sharea were a feature in the mining section 011 good metal reports. liuying from Paris Im proved the foreign section. BERLIN. March 27. Prices on the Bourse today generally were aleady, but trading was Inactive. American securities showed a downward tendency on the advices from New York. . PARIS. March 27 Prices on the Bourse today were firm. Baak Clearings. OMAHA. March 27. -Hank clearings for today were J. 147,460. 16 and for the corres ponding date last year tl,5UO,77 SC. MARCH 28, IMS. OJMIA LIVE STOCK MARKET Bee f Steers Ten to .Fifteen Lower, Others Steady. HOGS GOINO UP LIKE A ROCKET Sheep aaal l.amba in Fair S apply fat a Friday irllk Trices Fally Steady to a Little Stroager. SOUTH OMAHA, March 27, 1008. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Bheep. Offlilal Monday Official Tuesday , Official Wednesday.'.. Official Thursday Eatlmute Friday , I.. 4,61 13ls; 7.4"3 S..V4 6.S.8 10,4"7 6.F:t5 6.2M 4.200 7.500 3.K.9 4.1S1 4.1.--1 1.S00 Five davs this week...l7.S4 2S.711 43.002 Same daya last week. ...17.243 6i.7l 37. If Same days 3 weeks 61.231 21.ti- Sanie tlnys 3 weeks ago. .W.l3 6I.W5 IS.arri Same davs 4 weeks ago. . Id. .MO 4H.i.'S 27.743 Same days last year 15.749 ,107- 48,658 The following table shows the receipts 6'f cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, compared with laat year: 19ns. 1907. Inc. Dec. Cattle 236.&S3 275,844 40,482 Hogs 704.3i2 8ns,a'-' 187.S7S Sheep 340.319 401.6H7 112,368 The following table shows the average price of hogs at South Omaha fur the laat several days, with comparisons! Date. J 1908. 1907. 11906. 190S.14.T90J.1S02. March March March March March March March March March March March (04, 6 04 4 9S e 4 92 4 95 4 H7 T 101 6 17 13 e e ot 6 15 6 01 03 Oi II 7 06 7 19 7 38 7 85 7 41 5 tWI 7 241 5 13 7 22' j 7 28 12 Sunday. The official number of cats of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. HVs. C. M. A St. P 4 4 Wabash 3 .. .. Missouri Pacific 1 Union Pacific 8 C. & N. W., east S C. & N. V west 22 C, St. P., M. & 0 11 C B. &. y., east 1 C, B. & Q.. west 21 C, R. I. A P., east C, It. I. & P., west 1 Total receipts 76 4 64 S 11 4 98 4 6S 4S S 01 4 62 6 48 10 4 60 6 40 6 17 6 08 4 73 (25 19 S 13 4 16 6 18 6 OS 4 f Hi 8 25 5 01 4 0 S 24 6 08 4 88-g OR 5 15 5 01 6 03 20 5 22 I 6 11 6 27 6 13 13 26 3 16 '5 2 2 2.. 14 2 1 2 1 67 32 . 1 The disposition of the day's receipts waa aa follows, each buyer purchasing the number of head indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 179 2iM 1.065 l,2h8 Swift and Company. 201 6P0 1 6i 2a '419 348 Cudahy Packing Co Armour & Co St. Clair Packing Co Cudahy Pkg. Co., country. Schwartschild & Sulsb'g'r Hoffman Packing Co 1obman A Rothchlld W. I. Stephen..' Hill & Son F. P. Lewis St. Louis Packing Co J. B. Koot A Co 232 631 549 609 "!) 60 41 26 RO 10 'n 710 Ulackshlre Klngan Packing Co McCreary A Carey H. F. Hamilton M. Hagerty & Co .. Sullivan Bros Ijchmcr Bros Wesmith Agar Packing Co.. is 1-ewls Co 8116 405 44 12 47 25 10 287 1,331 till IRath Other buyers 269 249 Totals 1.804 5.186 4.109 CATTLE Receipts of cattl this morning were quite liberal for Fruray, but as in very apt to be the case toward the last of the week the trade was not overly- active. In fact there was a reaction In the market on beef bteers, the same as took place on Friday of last week. That there should be a reaction was not at all surprising con sidering that the market this week had ad vanced right around 80c on good fat steers. The market opened very slow and dull on beef steers and continued so throughout the session. As a whole the trade might be summed up as slow st a decline of liXg 15c. as compared with yesterday. Possibly some of the strictly good to choice cows may have sold close to steady, hut the general market was alow to a dime lower. Comparatively few stockers and feeders were on sale today, but there was a very fair feeling on the market as regards the better grades and the few offered com manded about steady prices. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice corn fed steers, K6Otf7.O0; fair to good cornfed steers, W.OOt&pi.BO; common to fair cornfed steers, t4.76(&6.00; good to choice cows and heifers, 5.00M.00; fair to good cows and heifers, e4.00rn6.00; common to fair cows and heifers, 2.2!iy4.00; good to choice stock era and feeders, 34.605.20; fair to, good stockers and feeders, I4.0OS4.00: common to fair stockers and feeders, J3.00rS4.00. Representative sales: EEEF BTEERS. No. 4... 26... 6... At, . 860 . (30 . Kll .1021 . Pr. No. At. Pr. 6 f4) 1164 16 4 60 7 1086 6 15 I 46 13 1121 i 10 6 76 II 11X3 26 6 76 , 1000 4 SO I 6 66 20 1230 16 ( 66 11 1346 4 40 I 16 II 1326 4 60 . 4 00 19 lltO 4 66 4 ( 2t 1310 4 46 W 17 , 130t I 66 10 16 1271 I 76 4 16 COWS. t ss t iow 4 on t 36 4 1036 4 10 1 M 1 1010 4 16 t 16 t 1013 4 Bt . I tO t..... 1034 4 25 I 10 II 1"6 4 30 I 10 4 1036 4 40 I 10 1100 4 60 5 16 I lift) 4 60 I 40 1 11W 4 60 60 ft 1034N4 66 I t 60 ( loot 4 te t 60 1 4 11"4 I 04 I 76 t ...tW) i 00 t 76 6 1076 i 30 I HEIFERS. I 00 7 720 4 I I 26 ' 2 7K 4 b I 30 4 444 I 16 1 60 11 6H6 6 30 I 76 t 1"26 6 40 4 U 447 I 76 4 26 BULLS. I 16 1 1410 4 IS I 3 40 1 1360 4 16 I 40 1 1370 4 36 4 46 1 1410 4 40 t (0 , 1 1K 4 60 t 60 1 7 4 40 I 40 . 1 1660 4 76 1 t tn 1 1404 4 44 I 46 1 14-70 I 00 I 74 1 1430 i 00 4 00 1 730 I 00 4 10 CALVES. . I 00 130 i 60 1 66 1 120 6 00 4 OO 1 140 I 24 4 0i 1 196 t 60 4 60 1 140 S 60 4 60 1 160 i 4) 4 76 !.... 130 6 60 4 75 2 l:S 4 60 4 76 1 1K0 i 76 6 00 I....V 140 6 16 ER8 AS'D FEEDERS. 4 II t 444 4 60 I 4 16 f;4 4 44 I 30 1 743 4 40 4 SO t 447 4 74 4 SO t 743 4 76 It. 14 1! 10. 40. ......... U'JO ..1024 ..11M . ,lut ..1011 . .12118 ,.1M6 ..1114 .. V .. 736 .'. .. tso ... ttf .. t60 .. 441 .. 836 .. 113 .. t3l .. 160 ... 4i .. .. tftt ..1042 .. 04 .. E23 14 i;"" vi'.'.W io..'.'!. .. 73 .. Me .. 330 .. 343 .. tft .. 74 ..1479 .1400 ..1K) ..1420 ..1460 ..1330 .. 440 ...1420 ., te .. t .. 7a ..1430 ... SO .. t7 .. too :. Sll .. no .. to .. 140 .. .. lit .. 140 ... 2 OCK .. 62 ... 677 .. 467 .. 60 .. 6 1. 6. '3 HOOS There was a wild runaway mar ket down in the hog division this morning. The trade opened slow, shippers bidding about 15c higher, and they bought a good many hogs that way, but later on aa the newa of the excitement prevailing at other market poihts was received, and as it be came apparent that buyers ' here really wanted the hogs, the market became fully 26c higher, closing that way. The hogs sold largely at t5.15&r5.25, with a top at 15 33. Yesterday the hogs went largely at 15.(4.(16. with a top at $5.10. While the early market was slow, the late market was very active and everything was dis posed of by 10 o'clock In the morning. Representative sales: No. At. Bu. Pr No. At. th. Pr 46 tf4 ... 30 41 277 140 I 44 64 2 ... t 20 It 343 ... I ti 47 J-T Ml I M) SHEEP There was a Talr run of sheep this morning, out of the numlier reported In thirteen cars were consigned to sn east ern feed Int. so that the actual offerings on the market were not large. As a whole thera was no very grest change In the market, prices as a rule being eteadv to a little strong In spots on the best Colorado lambs. Choice Coloradoa sold up to $8 10. ths highest paid so far. While the market was not exactly active, there was a very fair movement and the moat of the offer ings changed hands in good season In Ike morning. Quotations on woolet) Bheep and lambs: TRANSACT your banking business with this strong, conservative Bank, and you will obtain Absolute Safety for your money Modern Methods liest Facilities. We would be pleased to have your business whether large or small, and invite your account, subject to your check. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF OMAHA THIRTEENTH MID FARIIAM STREETS Resources $12,696,151.59, Good to choice lambs. $7.5"Q,'E.,:n: fair to good lambs, $7.0(Kii7.oO; good shearing lambs, ,6.61-17.60; good to choice light yearlings, $6 6Mn7.25; good to choice heavy yearlings, $H.6o4l7.M0; fair to goed yearlings, $6.2.Va6.30; good to choice wethers, $6.6"ti7.00; fair to good wethers, $6.0IKy6.6O; good to choice ewes, $6.U0tji6.70; fair to good ewes, $0.6044 6.0(1; culls and bucks. $4.0lr;6.00. Quotations on shorn sheep are 60c under wooled stock and shorn lambs 76c under wooled stock. Representative sales: No. 226 Mexican lambs , 84 Mexican ycar'lngs 69 western lainbs 476 western lambs 110 western lambs Av. s?- .112 . l6 . 64 . 98 Pr. 8 10 1 6) 7 75 7 75 7 37' CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle and Pherp Steady Hobs Fif teen to Twenty Cents Higher. CHICAGO. March 27. CATTLK Recrlpts about 2.500 head; market steady; steers. $5.50(fl7.25; cows, $3.HUijo.50; heifers, $3.40-() 6.26; bulls, tS.&Ofrti.lO; calves, ,$o.00'fi.76; stockers and feeders, $3.75U5.30. HOG Receipts, about 1S,(AX) head; mar ket steady to 155120c higher; choice heavy shipping, $5.7o$r5.76; butchers, $".70iit.76; light mixed, $u.60'fr6.6r.; choice light, $5,66W 6.75;; packing, $5.fltK..6.65; pigs, $!.50tf6.6o; bulk of sales, to.6o,y&.70. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts about 6.000 head; market steady; sheep, 4.60f(t'7.00; lambs, $6.60.2o; yearlings, $7.00)7.60. Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, March 27. CATTLK Re ceipts, 3.0UO head, Including 600 southerns. Steers steady, cows weak; top, $7.00; top quarantine, $6.60, highest since lt)02; choice export and dressed bet-f steers, WSOeg.Oo; fair to good. $4.756j6.40; western steers, $4 .50 4141.76; stockers and feeders, $3.76(ij6.76; south steers, $4.80r,6.5o: southern cows, $3.2&43n.00; native cows, $3.oofti6.50; native heifers, $4.00 4.25; bulls, $3.26(uj.2&; calves. $3 25r4J.O0. HOGS Receipts. 6.200 head. Market ?0a 30o higher; top, $5.70; bulk of sales. $fi.40J() 6.60; heavy, $5 64i5.70; packers snd butchers, $5.35rf75.n; light, $5.25i.66 : pigs, $4.4r4.60. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 4.300 head. Sheep strong, lambs weak; lambs, $6.75f.00; ewes and yearlings, $5.60if(6.80; western earlinga, $6.25037.25; western sheep, $5.26(g6.76; stockers and feeders, $3.&0ijo.50. St. I.onls Lire Stork Market. ST. LOtUS, March 27. CATTLE Recelnts. 1.600 head, including 100 Texans; market steady. Native shipping and export steers, $.256i7.26; dressed beef and biHcher steers, $5.4ia6.20; steers under l.OiO lbs., $4.76(y6.60: Stockers and feeders, $3.00t6.25: cows and heifers, $3.7&ri)6.0O; canners, $2.OO4i?.0O: bulls, 3.26tH.2S; calves, $3.50157.00. Texas and In dian steers, $3.566.26; cows and heifers, $1.75r?f4.25. HOGS Receipts, 4.000 head; market 15t?j26c higher; pigs and lights. $3.76rfi6.65; packers, $5.twrf(6.70; butchers and beat heavy, $6.60 j6.76. SHEEP AND LAMBS-pRfoelpts, 2X) head; market steady. Native muttons, $3.75,6.76; lambs, $4.25f7.85; culls and bucks, $4.60rtf5.00; Blockers, $2.003.00. St. Joseph Lira Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. March 27. CATTLE Re ceipts, 1.624 head; market 10c lower. Na tives, $5.75&'7.26; cows and heifers, $3.25pS.tS6; stockers and feeders, $3.9016.10. HOGS Receipts, 1,114 head; market 30c higher. Top, $5.66; bulk of sales, $6.40ra6.60. SHEEP AND LAMBS .Receipts, 1.KU5 head; market steady. Clipped leiubs, $7.50; lambs, $7.008.20; yearlings, $ti.7&ii7.00. Sloax City Live Stock Market. SIOUX CITY, la.. March 27. (Special Telegram.) CATTLL Receipts, 1,000 head; market steady; stockers slow; beeves, $5.O0 4j7.00: cowa and heifers, $3.0ixji5.26; stockers and f e ders, $3.00i&4.t;0; calves and yearl ng, $ HOGS Receipts, 3,000 head; market 15c higher; selling at $o.0l6.3O; bulk of sales, $5.1i!&5.20. Stock In Sight. Receipts of live stock at the six principal western cities 'yesterday : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 7.600 i'ao'i 2i0 1.616 6,010 South Omaha Sioux City .... Kansas City St. loula St. Joseph .... Chicago Total 1,900 1,000 4.200 3,0yo 3,000 1,6-tO 1.524 2,600 - 6, 4) 4.0M) 1014 18,000 11,424 36,414 19,603 - Wool Market. BOSTON, March 27.-WOOL-The Com mercial Bulletin of4,oston, making Its re port upon statistics gathered for the gov ernment, will say tomorrow of the local wool market: While sales and ahlpments are larger than for several weeks and more buyers have been on the market, prices ars no steadier and the business of the week In all important cases has been at lower prices. Buyers will not operate for fu ture delivery. Shipments of wool from Bostoti to March 26, Inclusive, were J3.093. 066 lbs., against 78,479,667 lbs. the same time last year. . The receipts to March 26, In clusive, were 30,438,279 lbs., against 69,672.312 lbs. the same period last year. LONDON, March 27 WOOL A good He lection amounting to 10,333 bales was of fered at the wool auction sales today. Com petition was more active and greasy mer inos Improved on increased continental de mand. CroHsbreds were bought freely by the home trale. ST. LOCI3, March 27.-WOOL-Market quiet; medium grades, combing and cloth Irg, 19421c; light fU.e. 16V4tlHc; heavy fine, 14rj3l5'.c; tub washed, 253oc. Metal Market. NEW YORK. March 27. METAL The London tin market was somewhat Irregu lar, spot closing 143 16a and futures at 4.142 15s. The local market was steady, wtlh Quotations ranging from $31.60 to $31.62Vi. Copper advanced r& 61 77, 6-1 for spot ana to til lis bd ror rutures In Ixindon. Locally the market was firm and showed a further slight gain, with lake quoted at $13.12irjil3.371rj: electrolytic, $13.22 1 1 mr . .... I 1 ' in .... p tiia.oo, caaiuis, eiA.ei 4"4 ia. v. ieaa was un changed at 14 7s 6d In London. The local market was firm and a shade higher, at $3,954(4.00. Speller was unchanged In Lon don at 21 and $1 5-j4 60 locally. Iron waa lower in the English market, with standard foundry quoted at 61s M and Cleveland warrants 62a d. No c.ange was reported locally. No. 1 foundry northern, $18 25a 18.75; No. i foundry. $17.754318.26; No. 1 southern and No. 1 southern soft, $17.75ii 18.60. ST. LOUIS. March 27.-METAL-Spelter unchanged at $4.66. Sugar and Molasses, NEW YORK. March 27. Sl'GA R Raw, firm; fair refining. 3.8oc; centrifugal, in lest, 4.36c; molasses sugar. 1.61c; refined firm: No. 6, 6.0oc; No. 7. 4 95c; No. 8 . 4 90c; No. 9. 4.85c; No. 10. 4.7c; No. 11, 4.75c; No. 12. 4.06c; No. 13. 4.60c; No. 14 . 4 55c; con fectioners' A, 6.:'c; mould A. 6.76c; cut loaf, 6.20c; crushed, 110c; powdered, 6 50c; granulated, 6.fc; cubes. E.65c. 1 Cotton S.-orket. NEW YORK, March 27.-COTTON-Pu-turea opened easy; March, V.4X-; April 42c; May. 9 60c; July, 5'.'o; August, 4jo, bid; October, 3Sc; December, .4:''4t.43f. Futures closed steady; March, (40c; April, .42c; May, 9.53c; June, 5oc: July, 54c; August, Kino; October, t.46c; Decem ber. .4.-. Spot closed quiet and 10 points lower; middling uplands, 10 4oc; middling gulf, 1066c; sales. 4, "no bales. OALVKSTON, March r.-COTTON-Steady at llSc. NtW ORLEANS, March ?7.-ecrUry 13 Ag DEPOSITS OOAJtAtTTElIPl Citizens Bank & Trust Co. B4VmTX.EgTXX.I.S, OKI, A. STATU BEFOSXTOBY Largest State Bank Io Eastern Oklahoma Deposlta guaranteed by State of Okie, homa Guaranty Fund. New state law, effective, Feb. 15, 1908, provides AB SOLUTE SAFETY to uepoxitors In Oklahoma approved Dunks, and guarantee return of your deposit on demand under any circumstances. Wa pay 3 per oent oa Barings and 1'lms Deposits. Make remlttaaoa tn any torn ex writ today lor Informa tion. Hester's statement of the wsrld's vislblo supply of cotton shaws a total of 4,412,147 bales, against 4,6i2,242 bales last week. Of this the total of American cotton Is 3,137, bales, against 3,242,366 bales last week. Revised by reduction of 8.UU0 bales Bre men stock, of which 8,000 Is American and l,0tw other kinds. ST. LOC13. March 27. COTTON Dull 1 middling. 10'ic. Sales, 40 bales; receipts, 44 bales; shipments, none; slock. 26,670 bales. OIIA11A WHOLESALE MARKET, Condition of Trade nnd 4otatlens o Staple and Fancy Prod no. EGGS Fresh selling eggs, candled, 14c. BUTTER Common, lsc; fancy tub and rolls, 19ti21c; creamery, 80o. CHEESE New full cream, Wisconsin twins, 17Hc; new full cream brick, 17c; do mestlo new Swiss, 18c; new limburger, lij 16c; young Americana, l'Me. LIVE POULTRY Springs, 8c; hens, 100, roosters, 4c; ducks, 9c; geese, 7V.c; turkeys HAY Choice No. 1 upland. $7.60; medium $6.60; No. 1 bottom, $6.00; off grades, $4 Odd (.00. Rye straw. $7.00. No. 1 alfalfa. $11.50. I TROPICAL FRUITS. I BANANAS Port Llmou, owing to six, per bunch, $1.60 to $3.00. GRAPES Malaga, choice, per keg, $4.00; Malaga, extra fancy, $4.60; extra choice, per keg, $4.26; extra fancy, extra heavy, fc.oo. CRANBERRIES Extra fancy Bell anf Bugle, per bbl., $10.00; extra fancy Jersey, gerbbl., $8.00; extra fancy Jersey, per box, ORANGES Extra fancy, 96 to 250, pel box, $2.86; extra fancy, 96 to 250 sice, per box, $2.76; strictly fancy, 96 to 260 siie, per box, 12.65. GRAPE FRUIT Florida, M to 100 size, per box. 40.6(1. , LEMONS Extra fancy, 800 to 360 size, $3.60; extra choice, 800 to 360 alar, per box. $3.26. PEA RS Extra fancy winter Nellls, pel box. $2.75. DATES Sugar walnut, per box, $1.00. FRUITS. APPLES Washington, Rome Beauties, Red CheeK Plppma, Kings, Spys, assorted, pep-box, $1.60; California Red Winter Pear mains, per box, $1.60. OLD AND NEW VEGETABLES. TOMATOES Florida 16-basket crates), per crate, $4.00; Cuban tomatoes, 'owing to quality, $1.50 to $3.00. CAULIFLOWER Per S-doaen crate, $3.00 to $3.50. 1 PEPPERS Florida, ((-basket crates), per crate, $4 00. ONIONS Extra fancy Ohio Red Globe, per lb., "Vfjc; Wisconsin yellow, 2c; Valencia Spanish, per crate, $1.60; Valencia Spanish, 150-lb. crates, $4.26. ONION 8ET&-Yellow, bottom, $2 lbs. In bu., per bu., $2.75; red, $3.00; white, $3.26. LETTUCE -Florida, head, per hamper, $3.00; per dot., $1.00 to $1.60. CUCUMBERS Extra fancyl hot housa Illinois, (2 doc), per box, $4.00; choice hoi house Illinois (3 dog.), per box, $2.00. STRAWBERRIES Per qt., 600 to 65e. Hothouse radishes, head lettuce, onions, parsley, per dor., 40c; southern radishes, parsley, new beets, new carrots, new shal lots, owing to size, per dos., 40c to 90c; old carrots, parsnips, turnips, beets, per bbl., $2.26; Canadian rulabeigas. per lb.. lc. ! CABBAGE Extra Holland seed, par lb., l'ic. . V SWEET POTATOES Kansas seed, dU4 April 1', per bbl., $1.46; 6-burrel lots, $1.76. NUTS, CIDER. HONEY. DATES. CELERY Cocoanuts, each 6c, per sack, $4.00. Call fornia, No. 1 selected English walnuts, per lb., 17 Vic Filberts. Braxils, jumbo pecans, butternuts, per sack, 12c. No. 1 H. p. peanuts, roasted, be; raw, 6c; salted, per box, $1.00. " CIDER-Mott's, per bbl.. $6.00. HONEY California, strictly fancy, 24 frames, per case, $3.75. CELEKY Per critle, $3.7$. BEEr1 CUTS. BEEF CUTS-Rlbs, No. L 13Uc; No. 11c; No. I, tc. Loin, No. 1, 18c: No. 2, 14c; No. 3. 12c. Chuck, No. 1. 7c; No. 2. 6V4cj No. 3. 64.C. Round, No. 1, 9c; No. 2, Kfcc; No. i. tk.-. Plate, No. L 6c; No. 2, 4?ic No. , 4',4c. MISCELLANEOUS. CANNED GOODS Corn, standard west ru, 76c. Tomatoes, luucy, 3-pound cans. $1.4o; standard, l-puuna cans. II. JU. pine apples, grated, 2-pound, ;.203i.3o; sliced. $l.i636. Gallon applts, 4.5o. Calif orni apricots, $ Pears. $2.1o4j3.1e. Peaches, II.Mm.U). L. C. Peacnes, i.lij 1.15. Alaska salmon, red, '..4o; fancy Chinook, flat, 416; fancy sockeye. flat. $2.16. tdardines, quarter oil, $3.tiu; three quarters mustard, 43.36. Hweet potatoes. $1,254) 1.35. Sauerkraut, 96c. Pumpkins, u fell. 00. Lima beans, 2-pound, '6cru$1.2a. Soaked beans, :-4,ound, tec; fancy, $1.2u.1.4i. CALIFOKN1A DRIED FRUITS Prunes are somawiibl unsettled by freer offering from second hauda, who seem desirous ot moving supplies oi Immediate grades. Quo tations range from iki to 9u for California fruit and from fcVjc to ,80 for Oregon. Peaches are very tinn. with fancy yelioas quoieu at 13'4c. NUTS Calliornla No. 1 B. 8. walnuts, per lb., 17V.C; Imported Tarragona almonds, per lb., 18c; filberts. Brazils and Jumbo pecans lc; butternuts, t,er lb.. lJftc; ,'.a 1 11. pi peanuts, roasted. 6c; raw, so; salted pea nula, per box. $1.16; Italian chestnuts, pr 10.. luc. SUGAR. Granulated, cane, per sack, $6.40; beet, $6.00, cut loaf, tifcc; ctibea, 6ftc; pow dered, 6.1fc. COFFEE Roasted, No. SG, 26c; No. Id 21c; No. V 19c; No. 20, 14Hc. FISH Halibut, 11c; trout, 11c; pickerel. 10c; pike, he, pike, fresh, frozen, 12c; white fish, l.Sc; buffalo, )4c; bullheads, sklnnetl nd dressed, 13c; catfish, dressed, 16c; white HIDES AND TALIXJW Green liw1 Mi 1, 6c; No. 2, 4c; bull tildes, 3c; green un. salted. No. 1. 4c; green uiUialted. No. 2, to; horse hides, $1.00432.60; sheep pells, ZuviliLul Tallow, No. 1, 4'-,c; No. 2. eu. Oils and Koaln. ' OIL CITY. March 27.-OH.r-Credlt bal ances. $1.78. Runs. 315,124 bbls., average 147.9-.i2 bbls.; shipment., 132,173 bbls.; aver age 170.9ti bbls. SAVANNAH. On., March 27. OIL Tur pentine, nominal, 67c. ROSIN Firm; A. II. C. $3.80; D, $3.85: E $S.o: K. IS.I6; G, $3 t"(i4 N; 14, $415; 1, $4.25; K. $4 9": M. $6.-0; N. $$.; W. G ,; W. W., $5.90. Coffee Market. NEW YORK". March 27. COFFEE Fu turea closed steady net unchanged to f points higher; sales reported of 4,0 bags, including March, 1.80c; May, $4k-; fcepieni. brr, 6.46c; Ixx't-inber, $ 96c. foot coffrn steady; No. 7 Rio, 60; No. 4 Santos. 4V -;c; uiild cuffs quiet; Cordova, luvaU'-.o. uiitiau, bk, ciappivn, iou; large crappirs, 16c; herring, frtrli, frozen, 41-,c; whits fish, perch, 7c; white bass, 14c; black bass, nbc; frozen. lii'uliV-. Pickerel, fresh, froaau. 7c.