Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 27, 1908, Page 8, Image 8
s THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 1908. Want - ads Advertisements far the vvaat d rolamne will be Itkfi aalll 1 S aa. foe tka evening edition anal nntll O p. m. for the morning; and rnnlay editions, C'h atnat accompany all nrilers.fos ( di and ltrrliHnr( will le accepted for )m tkia 10 cents for rat Insertion. Ho advertisement will Ho kargl ftmeantlns; to less than 20 cents. Hates apply to either The Dally naday Be. ' Always m als ward ( a llaa. Coinhlnatlons mt laltlaU r a amber ( a t ward. CASH RATKlTon WART ADS. REGULAR CLASSIFICATION Oaa lnsertlen, per llnv 19 ccnte. Twa ar Snore eenaeentlve Ineertlens, ajar line. cents. Each Insertion made aa add days, 10 eeata KrHih MtO aer llaa mental excepting that FIHNISHEU RUOH ADS, (Whea aeeempanted by cash, the rata will ha I Oaa laaertlaa, 4- eeata Sr llaa three ta aim eaaaewatlva In sertions, 3 reata per llaa earh Inset tloa wvra or mere eonseentl ve laser ilons, a aeata per llaa each. Insertion SO eeata per Una par month. Want ada tar The Bee may be left t aay af the foUemlagr tfrag stores aa la "year corner drOMlat" they re all branch rupee for The Boa and yoar ad will he laserted Jnat ki promptly aad aa the bum ratea aa at the mala offlca la The Bea Balldlag, peventeenth aad Faraaaa Streets A 1 bach, W. C, torn and Fa mam. Beranek, 8. A., Out S. ltitti Bt Becht Pharmacy, 720 8. Kith HI. ftenaon Pha; truey. Benson, Neb. Demts Park. Pharmacy, 33d and Cuming. Blade's Pharmvcy, 116 Sherman Ave. Caughlin. C. R., 61 h and Pierce Sts. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 2213 Military Ave. Conte, iU., 81st Ave and Farnam. Crlaaey Pharmacy, Uth and Lake Sta. CermaJc, fcmil, 1204-6 . 13th St. Eastman Pharmacy. 2802 Leavenworth. Foster tt Arnold, 211 N. 2blh St. Freytag, J hn J., 1914 N. 24th Bt. Florence Drue; Co., Florence, Neb. Goldman Pharmacy, 20th and Lake 8ta. Green's l'uauacy. corner Park Ave. and Pacific. Greenough, O. A., 1026 B. 10th BL Ureencugh, 0. A., 14 8. 10th Bt lay den, Wm. C. 2k0 Farnam. Park Pharmacy, 1501 , 8. Stb Ave. Hoist. John, (34 N. 16th Bt Huff, A. L.. 2K24 Leavenworth Bt King. H. 8., 2288 Farnam Bt. Kountse Place Pharmacy, it N. 14th, Patrick. Drug Co.. 1602 N. 2tn Bt Lathrop, Charles E., 1324 N. 24th Bt Peyton, Li. H, 24th and Leavenworth. Birattga Drug Co., 24th and Amea Ave. Hchaefer's Cut Price Drug Co., 1Mb and Chicago Sts. Hchaefer. August. 2081 N. 16th Bt. Schmidt. J. 1L, 24th and Cuming Sta. ' Storm Pharmacy, 18th and Martha Sta. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming. 'Walton Pharmacy, 2uth and Grace. Worth. O. H.. 40th ad Hamilton Sta. DEATHS AND FUNERAL NOTICES BCHELfaMERO Florence L.. March 24, lMtt, aged 26 yean 8 month and 28 daya. lieloved wife ot William H. Schellberg, daughter of Mr. and Mra. David McAslan. Funeral services' will be held from resi dence, 2219 Burdette street, to Kountae Memorial church, Twenty-sixth and Far nam streets, Thursday, March 26, at 2 p. m. Interment Prospect Hill cemetery, i'rleniis tinvlted. . LODGE NOTICES. Notlca to Carpenters. All members of Carpenters union No. 427 are hereby notified to attend the funeral of our late brother, John Maddlson, Saturday, March 28, at 2 p. m. sharp, from late resi dence, 2115 Decatur St. By order of presi dent J. E. MERRETT. Secretary. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following marriage licenses have been granted: Name, and .Residence. Age. Edward Tlntce, Council Bluffs 47 Annie Munthey, Omaha.. 89 BIRTHS AND DEATHS Births FraVk II. Bartlett. 8410 Boulevard, boy; Thomuat Campbell, 1111 South 'Thirty fourth, boy; Ulce Livinaaton, 131 South Twenty-second, boy: Joseph Trouba, 8012 Walnut, girl; Carl Nllsen, East Omaha, girl. Deaths Mrs. Anne E. Balcombe, Twenty fourth and Farnam, 79; Jennie v Innle, .11 North rlghteenth, 17 days; Joseph F. Binder, Ziii South Twentieth. 1; Florence Louise Schelberg, 2211 Burdette, 25. c r ANNOUNCEMENTS BIGN PAINTINQ-S. H. COLE, 1302 Doug. , las. (1) 780 VNEEDA Missouri water filter. 1301 Far nam St U)-Mol Ailx THE CITY GARBAGE CO., office 4th and Leavenworth Bis. Tel. Douglas 1387. U-71 TRAVELERS goods of quality. Trunka and suit cases repaired. FRELINQ & 8TEINLE, "Where trunka are made," IS0J Farnam St. Tel. Douglas 4996. U 7tM All AUTOMOBILES BEND for our list of second-hand automo . biles. DEK1GHT, 18J8 Fariiuin. (2;-7&2 PMAHA auto tops, best material, lowest prices. Pfeiffer s. Red 6922. 2aJ Leav. si. t 12 Mi Ai3 BARTER AND EXCHANGE TRADES! TRADES! Send description ot what you have or what you want; we'll match tt. STRINGER INVESTMENT CO., 438 Bee Uldg., Omaha, Neb. (3 Mj,K8 A4 FINE South. Dakota land to exchange for good, up-to-date stock of Implements. Fine cattle ranch for sale cheap. Cheap land to exchange for rive-passenger second-hand automobile. A. E. Kull, Bone Steel. 8. D. (3)-M;i4 Jux A GOOD, clean stock of hardware; Invoice about Il.wu. Want clear income property. 0OOD hotel. Council Bluffs, la. Price J).000; encumbrance H.Ouo. Want 'land. 120 ACRES, Calaway county, Missouri; 80,000. Make offer. R. ADKINS. Council Bluffs, la. Room 4 First Nat'l Bank. r RAD hlS. TRADES If you have some thing for sale or trade write us; we watch everything. WAIT INVESTMENT CO.. 401 Bee BldM. L (3-M363A7 BUSINESS CHANCES IF YOU want a reliable buslneas, large In come, small Investment, no competition see Hildreth. 618 Bee Bldg. (4) ;8J ' EXCELLENT LOCATION for a dentist who desires to give his children free nor mal school education. Address Y K, care Dee- (41 M7U4 8UX INDUSTRIAL AND MINING STOCKS BOUGHT AND SOLD. , ROBT. O. DRl'KSEDOW A CO.. ! STOCK BUOKER8. Tel. Douglas 3taa. sttt-10 N. y. Life Bldg OMAHA. NEB. (4)-M3 A3 1ft GET In or out of business call on UANGE9TAD. room 4ul Bee Bldg. t4 784 ROOMING HOOKl-JS for sale, all alsee; fur nish part purchase money If wanted. ' UANGUiTAD. Room 4u3 Bee Bldg. 4 786 JJRl'O STORKS for aale everywhere. F. V Kaiest, 707 N. Y. Life, Omaha (4)-et GROCERY and notion bualness for sale at b cents on the duliar. ilil Bnxtd by, CounvMlluWa. Ui At:i 28s BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) FOR "A1.K Four-rhalr barber shop. In fine eastern Colorado town of 4.0110 peo ple, simp la equipicd thrnuirhout with modern appliances. For particulars write E. 8. Osier, Fort Morgan, Onlo. t4)-M92G S0x 3.W Bi:y excellent Canadian quarter; forty-seven bushels wheat to acre; $1,000 cash. Box tl. Sibley, la. 4l MS27 29x FOR 8 ALE Blacksmith and wood shop, well equipped, with power; can be bought with or without tools; good location. Chris Larson, Fremont, Neb. (4) M928 Al MEAT MARKET FOR BALE. Best market In Geneva. Neb., for sale for thirty days. New building, best location. Bales SMI per day. Only one other shop In the city. Population 2,40. Write Ather top oV Evansx Ueneva. Neb. (4 MJK8 SALOON Transfer corner; well estab lished; good trade; owner leaving city. 2124 E. 18th, Kansas City, Mo. ' i (4) M711 30X A BNAP Canning factory and general mercantile store. Will sell or trade. Loss of arm and 111 health reason for sell ing. C. B. Anthony, Richland, Mo. (4)-711 26x MINNESOTA and Wisconsin Ice for sale In car lots.. A. O. Gilbert, Council Bluffs, Iowu. (4) M340 WANTED Location for live cigar stand. H. A. Williams, Sibley, la. 4)-M752 lx FOR BALE An old-established , manufac turing plant. Product In demand. Brands favorably recognlxed and lrnequaled. Or ders continuous without solicitation. Ac counts are paid in ten days. Desires to rVtlre. Address 213 Reed St.. Milwaukee, Wis. (4) M938 2Sx FOR SALE 32-room rooming house, fur nished and full of roomers. 2621 N St., South Omaha. (.4) M846 28x FOR SALE 88,000 stock general merchan dise In good town In eastern Nebraska; flrsT-class stuff; owners sold $45,000 last year; anyone or two having 84.000 to 16,0 to Invest can make I4.0W) to 85.000 per year; no trade will be considered, munt bo cash; liberal terms will be given cash buyer; must act quickly. Address Y 413, care Bee. (4 M533 31X FOR 8ALE Five good paying elevators In Nebraska, on Burlington; going out of grain business. Address or call room xno. at Fraternity Bldg., Lincoln, Neb. t4)-M745 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Architects. C. I STAL'B, m B. 18th. Tel. D. 4121. l6)-M987 Mch31x Baths. HAMMOND BATH8. 107 B. 14th. Tel. Douglas 3916. Wednesdays, todies' day. W 788 Bookbinding. E. A. TRYON. bookbinder, 1108 Douglas. f none Douglas 2464. call me. I'll come, (6 M714 A10 Carpentering;. FINE hgrdwodd floors and parquetry; low price, loth & Dominion Sts. Frank Sevick. 16) M3G0 A19 Chiropodist. DR. ROY, R. 2, 1506 Farnam Bt. Doug. 6497. (6)-787 i Creameries. David Cole Creamery Company (5) M788 Dentists. BAILEY A MACH, Sd fir., Paxton. D. 10R5. (6i 7 Dressmaking. IN FAMILIES Mlsa Sturdy. Tel. Harney HbH. (5) 790 M' DOW ELL Dressmaking School, 1623 Far nam St. i (5) 791 MM B. WOODRUFF, robes and gowns, 808 14 Neville Blk. Tel. Bell, Doug. 6170; Ind., A-37SO. (6 M468 Ap7 Florists. HESS & SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam St. (5) 792 L. HENDERSON. 1519 Farnam. Tel. D. 1263. (B)-793 J. H. BATH, 1623 Harney. Tel. Doug. 300ft. &) 7V4 Financial. Money i LOAN LOW RATE In sums to 810 Bee Bldg. 'Phone Douglas 2904. UNION LOAN COMPANY. (51-795 Jewelers aad Watchmakers. N. P. STILLING Watch, clock. Jewelry repairing, 2-8 Paxton Block. Tel. 4317. (6-796 Hotels. THE SCHLITZ, European, 16th and Harney. (6J-797 Locknmltbs. . i KEYS, etc., Heflln, 1334 Farnam. Tel. D. 2974. (6)-798 Masle and Lananage. PIANO lessons. Mrs. Ritchie. Tel. Web. k292. ' (6)-99 Moving and Storing. Expressmen's Delivery Co., office 214 N. 16th St.; warehouse, 2207-9 Itard St. 16) 800 Osteopathy. JOHNSON INS., 418 N. Y. L. Tel. D. 1664. . (5)-801 , OIBca Supplies. FILING cabinets, files and ledgers, loose leaf devices and office fixtures and sup plies of all kinds. Anchor Publishing Co.. 806 B. 18th St. Tel. Doug. &i2. Ind. A-1662. (& M369 A18 Printing;. EVER STOP TO THINK of the time lost poking up the average printer when you want a Job in a hurry? Ever try usT ANCHOR PUBLISHING CO., Printers and Office Furnishers. S0G-312 B. 19th St Telephones Bell, Douglas 6M2; Ind. A-1661 ' (6) M764 M27 BEFORE placing your 1909 calendar order don't fall to see our Imported line. Lyng stad & Jorve, printers, 10th a Capitol Ave. t6) 02 Pablle Stenographer. PUBLIC stenographer, 230 Board of Trade Bldg. - t6) M751 Six Safes, Shatters, Etc. OMAHA SAFE AND IRON WORKS makes a Seclalty ot fire escapes, shutters, doors and aafea. G. Andreen, Prop., luJ 8. loth Et , (6)-uJ Shoe Repairing. RAPID SHOE REPAIR CO. First class work. ItUVa Capitol Ave. 'phone Red 994. (6) 804 SHOES repaired right, called for and de livered free. Standard Shoe Repair Co., 1804 Farnam bt. Tel. D, 7667. 16) 805 Photography. C. B. TRUSSEU 115 8. 16th Bt. ffi 808 HELP WANTED FEMALE t Agents, Solicitors, Salealadlea, WANTED Expertenotxl candy saleswoman. Apply Cna 11 J. L. Hra.dis a Bona. . t7-Mw4 28 More people BEE than in HELP WANTED FEMALE Agents aaa SaleaosenCentlnae. WANTED Thoroughly experienced sales women In millinery and women's suit de partments. Apply Superintendent. J. L. BRANDEIS SONS. (7)-8J6 28 Heasekeepers aad Domestics. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work, small family, small flat. Tele phone: Independent, A-1323; Bell, Harney 1K92, or call at 3324 Harney St. (7) M7fi0 WOMEN'S DOMESTIC GUILD, 1902 Farnam St Housemaid. 85. Child's nurse, 85. Cook, 17. Girls for general housework, IK to IS. (7) M897 28 WANTED Girl or young lady to help take care of child; easy position; nice place to work. Apply In person at once, 618 N. 41st St. (7 M336 29 WANTED Competent girl for general housework; three In family; small house. Mrs. James Richardson,' 3M4 Howard St., Telephone Harney 13W9. (7) 768 27 WANTED Girl for general housework; good wages; references required. 3602 Lin coln Boulevard. (") 767 26 WANTED Good girl for general house work family of three. 1308 Park Ave. (7) M893 27 Miscellaneous. LADIE9. pleasant home work; $1.80 dally; send stamp. Mrs. B. Monnler. G 836 East 63d St., Chicago. (7) M892 ASxy HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Solicitors and Salesmen. IN EVERY city and town to sell the Acme adjustable window shade holder. Omaha k Shade llolde.- Co.. 314 S. 12th St MEN and women make big money selling our household specialty; best repeat order getter o n the market; don't delay; write at once. Monarch Supply Co.Lock Box No. 2, Substation B, Kansas City, Mo. (9) M931 Jx Bora. v BOY, 17 or 18 years old, to learn pressing clothes; bring references. 2907 Leaven worth 8t. (9) M748 27 Clerical and Office. PROFIT and loss clerk. 860. Stenographer, $H0. Ledger clerk, $18.50 per week. Shipping clerk, $76. ' Retail clerk, general merchandise, $60. Traveling salesmen, different lines. $76 to $150 per mo. Stenographer and bookkeeper, lumber office, small town, $50, $60. General merchandise clerk, low German, Iowa, $ho. WESTERN RET". & BOND ASS1!, INC., 722-21 N. Y. Life Bldg. (9)-fll3 26 WANTED Young man, age about 30, ex perlenced in bookkeeping and capable of taking charge of an -office In a business similar to a country club: must be a man of pleasing address . and genial dlspo sition. Address in own handwriting, glv Ing references as to above requirements and moral character; please give 'phone number. Address S 136, Bee. (9) M940 28 WANTED Bright, active young man, be tween 19 and 25, for office, writes a good hand, aulck and accurate al figures; state age, experience, references and wages required. O 133, Bee. (9)-M921 30 POSITIONS for drug men everywhere. F. V. Knlest. 707 N. Y. Life, Omaha. (9)-807 WANTED A drug clerk, to be manager of a store; about 30 years; no boozer need apply. Good salary to tne right man. Address Otto Pohl, Fremont, Neo. (9 M718 30 Factory and Trades. WANTED Registered pharmacist; married man preferred. Enquire at 308 N. 24th St., Bouin umana, jveo. ta mwii WANTED A practical printer with small capital to take care of a good Job and newspaper office in good town In Iowa publishing two papers. Write for par ticulars. Address L 905, care Bee. (9)-80S TAILORS wanted, vest am) coat makers. 1507 Farnam Bt. (9) M941 28x WANTED Men tailors to work in our alteration dept. Apply at once. Orkln Bros., 1510 Douglas St. (9) M891 1 WANTED Coatmakera, also pant and veat makera and bushelman; only first-class workmen wanted. Kopp & Bartholomew, Princeton, Minn. (9) M9C38 2x Miscellaneous. APRIL 6 SPRING TERM BOYLES COLLEGE DAY AND NIGHT Bookkeeping, shorthand and typewrit ing, telegruphy, English. Catalogue free. Address, H. B. Boyles. Pres., Omaha, Neb. Official training school for Union Pacific R. R, training depart ment. '- () M631 WANTED Five wideawake young men who are willing to take up "a course of evening Instruction In structural engineer ing drafting', to meet Wednesday evening, April 1. Omaha Technical School. "Oma tek," Room 8, Wead Block, IRth and Farnam. ( M930 Al FREE FOR BOTS AND GIRLS! Your, name and address, stating what you would like to earn, and we will tell you how to obtain almost anything you desire to have. Write today. Main Importing Co., P. O. Box 62, St. Charles. Mo. (9) M93T 27x BECOME a fireman or brakeman; rapidly growing field, big wages, excellent chance for advancement, no experience neces sary. Write or call at once. National Railway Training Ass'n, t-t) Paxton Blk., Omaha, Neb. () 260 A1C FREE Employment Bureau, supported by Business Mens association; helps work men find positions. 626 N. Y. L. Bldg. (S) Xo9 HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE, WANTED Men and women of good qual ity and atrong personality to repreaent Dodd. Mead A. Co., to sell the new In ternational Encyclopedia In Nebraska, South Dakota and western Iowa. Pre vtoua experience unnecessary. 71 H N. Y. L., Omaha. Neb. (10) M468 A30 LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses aad Vehicles. WE HAVE BUYERS every day for horses, If you have any you want to dispose of. We buy and aell on commission. The Harney Street Stables. (ID 811 HAVING sold my Doudaa St. stables, I am not located at Zith and Clark Sta. Fred Myers. TeL Webster 13. (111-336 M31 FOR SALE One standard bred black mare, years old, i bands high, weight l.$uu pounda, broken to drive single or double. 'A'. E. Parsons, Carroll, lu. (ID M882 TO SUPPLY the protein larking In corn ana oats use Altai r at to balance the ra tion and your horsea will Improve In looks and work. Price 81 J6 for luu lbs , delivered. If your dealer does not carry Alfal-Fat. 'phona Douglas . M. ?. Peters Mill Co. Ql-Wl A90 vAll see your "ad" in The any other Nebraska paper LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Harsea aaa Vehicles Continaed. HAT-UK) a IV th St. ton. A. W. Wagner, il N. (11) 10 Poaltrr Eggs aad Sonabs. SCREENINGS, L26 per cwt Wagner, 801 N, ltrtn BU (11) Sli buuamu will contract with owners of un- used sheds to raise them. Address J 991 Bee. (11) M67 M25 ROSE COMB R. I. RED EGGS for hatch lng. Pens headed by nrixe winning cockerels from North 8tar Poultry Bhow Minnesota; $1.60 to $2 per Is. Mrs. James H. Halpine, 46u2 Center St.. Omaha. Tel. Harnoy 3628. (11) M319 A22x Govt, book free. Model Squab Pens, Omaha, (11) M2U8 A3 RED FEATHER CHICK FEED contains pure grain, seeds and beef scraps, a prop erly balanced ration for little chicks. Ask your dealer or telephone Douglas 209. M V. Peters Mill Co. (11) 908 A30 LOST AND FOUND FOUND Money; owner may have same by describing property and paying for this Jid; Apppy iit Farnanv (18) MTJl 28x MEDICAL ANY poor girl In need of a friend call or i write to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at 3X24 N. 24th St., Omaha, Neb. C13) M106 FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Dav enport Sts.; special attention paid to'con- nnement cases; all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Douglas 11S7. calls answered day or night. (13)-129 BEST nerve brace for men. "Gray's Nerve Food Pills," $1 a box, postpaid. Sherman A McConncIl Drug Co.Oniaha (13) 813 MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS. WE'RE IIERE TO MAKE GOOD When your friends don't know you. and mat when you need a dollar, A SMALL LOAN i, On Your Furniture Is one of the quickest and easiest of ways to get Just what you want, when you want it. NO PUBLICITY attends your effort. The payments are made small and within your reach. A LIBERAL DISCOUNT Is allowed if you settle your aocount be fore agreement expires. A FRESH START Is what you want If a lot of little bills have accumulated and you cannot meet them all, OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 119 Board of Trade, 16th St. Entrance. (14)-814 THE POPULAR PLACE FOR ( MONEY WHERE? THE RELIABLE CREDIT CO, 3d Floor. 307-308 Paxton Blk. 3d Floor. If YOU are In need of a little ready cash for your Easter shopping, we will accom modate you. Our terms are the cheapest; our service the best, and all business strictly confidential. ' (14) M815 FOR A SQUARE DEAL GO TO THE PHOENIX CREDIT CO. For Chattel or Salary IOans. 633 Paxton Block. 'Phone Douglas 745. (14) 816 P. O. NIEIEN & CO LOANS. 703 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 2204. (14D 817 EAGLE LOAN OFFICE Reliable, accom modating; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. '' (14) 818 CHATTEL, salary and storage receipt loans. Foley Loan Co., 1504 Farnam St. (14) 819 FURNITURE, live stock, salary, loans. Duff Green Loan Co., room 8, Barker Blk. . . (14J-820 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others without security; easy pay ments. Offices in 63 principal cities. Tol man, room 714, New York Life Bldg. (14) 821 OFFERED FOR RENT Boarding; aad Rooms. VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe. (16) 822 ONE large, also one small room, both very comfortable, with excellent board. 2616 Farnam. (16) 623 WE DO expert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel. Douglas 1626. Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co., 1311-1313 Farnam. (16)-54 BOARD and room In finest down town lo cation; large front room with alcove; suitable for two or three persons; fur nished or unfurnished. References re quired. 114 8. 19tb Bt. (IB) M236 29x LARGE front room and good table board for two gentlemen; also single room; strictly modern. 412 N. 22d. (16) M299 A4 ROOMS and board. The Grant 1016 Park (15)-MS39 29 Ave. DEWEY European Hotel, 18th and Farnam. (J6) 825 NEW and strictly modern room with fam ily of adults; board without lunch. 600 8. 26th Ave. 'Phone Red 3400. (15) M362 MODERN rooms, home cooking, home privileges; good summer location. 2618 St. Mary's Ave. (15) M466 28 STRICTLY modern furnished rooms; home cooking. Tel. Douglas 3036. (16) M 606 2b NEWLY furnished rooms with board; girls Preferred ; references required. 2412 Cass t Tel Independent B-2309. (16) 702 29 NEWLY furnished front parlor, with or without board. The Highland. 1723 Dodge Bt. (15)-M716 30 DESIRABLE furnished room, with board. for two persons; south side; references. Tel. Doug. 29x7. (15) M754 81x THERE will be some beautiful rooms va cated at the Pleasanton, known as the "Old Paxton home on 26th Ave., In a few . days; there Is nothing In the city to com pare with this home for a boarding house. 706 Bouth 26th Ave. (15) 904 29x ' Famished Room si : FURNISHED rooms for rent. 638 So. 22d St., steam heat, hot and cold water and bath. (Ii)-M7l3 AlOx TWO furnished rooms, steam heat. If 6 (15)-26 rarnam bu, a floor. TWO nice rooms, with modern conven iences, sukable for three or four young men. or man .and wife; also other nice rooms. 218 N. 19th. (16) M675 2Sx NICELY furnished rooms In new modern flat. 214 NO. 2b th Bt. Tel. Douglas ism. (16-549 NEWLY furnished rooms. 1617 Dodee Bt. (15) M232 A3 FINE furnished front room, new. modern. orica; aDsoiuteiy nrst-ciass; electric light, etc; walking distance; $10 a month. No. 26i Dodge. 'Phone H-S7S0. (It) M88S WELL furnished southeast front room with sicove. moaern; large lawn: orlvste fam ily. TvZ'U 29th St (15 M629 Sum OFFERED FOR RENT Famlahed Hooaaa Coatlaaed. pleasant furnished rooms. 121 S Dodge. lis; awn Z9x NEWLY furnished rooms, modern, gentle- inj te.ov. itot tapitoi Ave. . (15)-918 lx Housekeeping; Rooms. r22RDmo,'rn' heted housekeeping rooms. "uil oi. (16) 379 26x r uruMbiiuD or unfurnished rooms (light uuBcaerping;; modern house. 26.16 Dhv enport St (16) MJ53 Six I OR 3 ELEGANT North 22d St. . rooms. modern. 216 (16) 908 lx FURNISHED rooms for hn,,.w.nir,. strictly first-class; references; girls pre "'. w n r bu (16) 902 1 FOUR elegant rooms, modern. Apply 2617 (16) MS16 28x Untarnished Rooms. FOUR fine rooms, three closets, gas range. ism du (16)-M924 A2X Apartments aad Flats. CENTRAL; all modern, steam heat; 4-room corner iiai, wun path. 220 N. 21d. (15)-M622 APARTMENTS T rooms lni QUIVET, 1811 carnam ot. ; steam neat, hot water and telephone. APARTMENTS 8 to 6 rooms In SCARGO, South Omaha; steam heat Tand hot water. HALL, 317 First Natl Bank Bldg. (Red 7406. A-4406. (16) 386 2204 N. 21ST ST., 7-room flat, modern, fur nace, gas. Dam, not and cold water; new decorations, $J5. Hastings & Heyden, 1704 Farnam St. (16) M944 27 THE SHERMAN, elegant 6-room apart- ment Call Agt, Harney 3650. (16) M923 2x FOUR-ROOM new brick flat, 22d and Nich olas, modern, $Z1; references. Key at 1116 North 22d. Patterson, 1623 Farnam. (16)-778 NEW 4-room brick flat modern, 22d and Nicholas, $21; references. Key at 1116 N. 22d. Patterson, 1623 Farnam. (16) 729 6-ROOM flat, all modern except furnace; stationary coai range with hot water In kitchen. Telephone Doug. 666. (16) M898 29 Hoaaes and Cottages. SIX rooms on second floor, 2th and Par- uer bis., lit. enris Boyer, 22d and Cum. In. - (i5) 6H6 SIX-ROOM cottage, modern except furnace. K-tsw. (16) M886 29x 2654 SPENCER 8T., 7 rooms, new, strictly modern, electric lights, hardwood finish, $36. W. FARNAM SMITH no . Tel. Doug. 1064 and Ind. A1064. 1320 Farnam. (16) M942 29 NEW WEST FARNAM HOUSE. Will lease for a term of 8 years at 840 ner month the brand new modern house of 7 rooms and reception hall at 4116 Dodge street; oak finish and first-class plumbing and lighting fixtures. SEE IT. JOHN W. BOBBINS, 1802 FARNAM BT. (16) M896 30 FOR RENT 8 rooms, bath, barn, 2164 Bo. iMtn. v. B. Btuiman, 419 1st Nat. Bk. Bid. (15)-27 LIST your rentals with us. Benjamin It E. co., ra Seville Blk. Both 'phones. (15) M256 A3 NEW six-room modern cottage. 2703 Bris tol St. (16) M9S5 29X NEW cottage, 6-r., modern, near car; price, 81.926: cash. $100: 130 ner month. Eight-room, strictly modern; $2,850; easy terms, six-room; $1,250. your rent will duv in Henson. F. S. THULLINGER. 'Phone Benson 225. (15) M934 29 HOUSES, flats, Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam , (16)-28 2967 PACIFIC ST. 9 rooms: thoroughly modern, oak finish; $40. A. O. Elllck, 502 Bee Bldg. (16) 829 HOUSES Cre'S"11 Son ft Co., Bee Bldg. (lfi-630 HOUSEHOLD goods packed, forwarded cheap freight rates; moving and storing. expressmen s uenvery Co. Tel. Doug. 394. G5)-S3l' HOUSES Peters Trust Co., N. Y. U Bldg. (lb) 832 OMAHA Van and Storage Co., pack, move. tore . n. goons, storehouse, 1120-24 N. 19th; office 1609 Farnam, Tel. Doug. 1659. (16)-833 HOUSES, Insurance. Ring-wait, Parker Blk. ! (15)-834 Maggard Van A Storage Co. D. 1496. We guarantee moving pianos, H. H. goods. (15) 836 (-ROOM cottage. No. 1618 Pratt St.; mod era except heat, $20. (16) 802 LIST your vacant houses with Walter tireen company, w N. Y. Life Bldg. (16) M223 7-ROOM modern cottage. 602 N. S2d St. Telephone Douglas 916. (16) 801 FOR RENT--roorn flat, 16th and Vinton BIS., J1. 6-room flat. $12. 6-room house, newly painted and papered, ou4 o.. ui ri Ave., 112. C. M. BACHMANN. (15) 439 $40 8-room modern Jbrlck flat, 3008 Pacific St.; key at 1306 S. S5th Ave. 'Phone Har ney 8263. M. Kellner. (15) 436 (-ROOM 'all modern steam heated flat, close n. $16 7-room house, with gas and city water. 3502 N. 28th Ave . Bemls, 306 Paxton Block. 'Phone Doug. 585. (15) 4o8 FOR RENT April L 8-room, all modern house: $37.60. 1318 N. 40th. , (15j) M700 4 NEARLY new 6-room house, modern. 'Phone Harney 36tt). 2831) Capitol Ave. (15) 697 29x J-ROOM cottage. Address 8 206, Bee. (lfi)-M768 31 X 2X18 Leavenworth, 6 rooms, modern. 702 N. 401 h, 9 rooms, modem. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1001' N. Y. Life. Doug. 2162. (16)-M761 27 NICE 6-room house, all modern except fur nace, with large grounds. Telephone Douglas 6108. W. J. Dermody Investment Co.. 836 N. Y. Life. (15) W0 26 DON'T all try to move on the 1st day of the month. Maggard Van and Storage CO. Tel. Doug. 1496. (16) 901 t ROOMS, modern. $26; Id floor. 16th and Locust .Sta. C. Hansen, grocery store. (16) 911 Office. TWO fine large office suites In the Con tinental block; choice location for physi cian or dentist. ALFRED C. KENNEDY, 20 First National Bank Bldg. (16)-36 OFFICES OR PARKORS-t and 6-room. In QUI VET. 1SU9-WU Farnam Bt.; suitable for artiste, pnyalctans, dentists, dress makers, etc.; steam heat, hot water and telephone. Also OFFICES or PARLORS. 8 and rooms. In SCARGO Bldg., Bouth Omaha, auitable for lawyers, doctors, etc. ; steam heat and hot water. HALIA J17 First Nat I Bank Bldg. Red '4u4. A-44-ej. (15)- OFFERED FOR RENT Omees Ceo tinned. OFFICES One Isrge and one small office for rent en suite or single. These rooms are on the third floor of The Bee Bldg.. and the larger one has a north light and vault. For further particulars sea R. W. Baker. Bupt, 105 Bee Building (16) M 888 WE have for rent a very desirable office on the Farnam street side of The Bee building, close to elevator, at 827 60. Water, light. Janitor service, are Included. R. W. Baker. Supt, 106 Bee Bldg. (16)-M887 FOR RENT Iarge office room on 2d floor of Crounse Blk., on lth Pt. onp. P. O. CONRAD YOUNG AGT., 1618 Dodge St. (16) 910 Stores. -STORY and basement, 22x100; 1008 Far nam. Apply 314 First Nat l Bank Bldg. (15)-837 OFFERED FOR SALE Fencing. V ANCHOR and Iron fencing; 6c per foot. 206 N. 17th St wire fencing Tel. Red 814. (16) 838 Fnrnltnre, FOR SALE One folding bed and one gas stove, both In first-class condition; bargain. 'Phone Webster r.4. 2120 Man. derson St. (16) M747 27x FURNITURE and lease of new, modern six-room house. Address, W 207, Bee. (lfl)-763 Pianos, Organs, Maslcal Instruments. FOR BALE Fine upright piano, cheap; 1721 uavenport Bt. (16) 839 Typewriters and "erring Machines. FOR SALE High grade secondhand type writers; good condition; a bargain at $60. Call room 603, Bee Bldg. (16) 671 SMITH Premier Typewriter, nice shape, $25. , 415 N. 23d. (16) M946 29x Miscellaneous. 1 DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on all $10 orners; catalogue free. Sherman A Mc ConncIl Drug Co.; Omaha, Neb. (16) 540 GAS, ELECTRIC AND COMBINATION FIXTURES Largest, most UD-to-data stock at lowest prices ln the city; select now. delivered when needed. Inspection Invited. BURGESS GRANDEN CO., 313 B. 15th St. Tel. Doug. 68L (16) 841 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO., best mixed paint. Sherman Sc. McConnell Drug Co. (lb) MJ COAL All kinds, free delivered, same day as you order. Rosenblatt's coal yard. Tel. Douglas 412. Retail department clean nut coal. 6 bushels for $1. (16) M843 TO MEET OBLKIATIOKR Will sell fine white diamond rinr for tIR also stud same size 116. Each worth fuiiv Good Columbia Graphophone and flftv- two $1 10-Inch records for 846. Better an. swer quick. Address P 65, care Bee. (1U)-M68 M31 FOR SALE Several show cases, hew pea- nui ruamer, large coiiee mill, two large automatic oil tanks and store fixtures, too numerous to mention. Globe Land and Investment Co., Omaha, Neb. (16) 844 FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables. We lead the world In cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Brunswick-Balk-Collendar, 407 8. 10th 6t. (16) 846 FOR BALE 20 tons of light rails, 16 pounds to tne yara; ten dump cars, lft yards capacity. Address P 134, Bee. (15) M943 29X 2D-HAND overcoats and firearms. Singer, 416 N. 16th. (16) M6 FOR SALE Soda fountain, show case and other store fixtures. 30a W. Pierce St., Council Bluffs, la. (16) M693 2Sx ICE! ICE! MINNESOTA ICE In car lots. A. O. Gilbert, Council Bluffs, la. (16) M374 SEND US your mall orders for drugs; freight paid on $10 lots. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., umaiia. (16) 847 HOMBorATHlU remedies, wholesale, re tall. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., 16th and Dodge bis., Omaha, Neb. (16) 848 1 FREE liberal samples of Conkey laying tonlo and valuable poultry book If you bring this ad to S. B. Stewart, Omaha. (16) M322 A-8x HALL'S safes, new, 2d-hand. 1818 Farnam. (16) 849 FOR SALE Advertising space on base ball fence. So. Omaha. ; O. S. Kennedy. (16) 914 28 PATENTS PATENTS THAT PROTECT- books for Inventors mailed on receipt ot 60 postage. R. S. & A. B. Laoey, rooms 29-39 Pacific Bldg., Washington, D. C. Established. 1869. (17)-a0 LARSON at CO. Book free. Neville Bldg. U7)-461 D. O. BARNELL. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117 - (17-S53 H. A. Bturgls, 519 N. Y. L. Tel. Doug. 8469; (17) M165 A14X PERSONAL M rivrTrirpTitreatment and bath. Mme. AUJNJlilBmUh(Ug n. 16th. 2d floor. (18) 627 WE RENT, repair, sell sewing machines. Neb. 16th and Harney. needles for old Cycle Co., cor. (18) 63 THE SALVATION ARMY solicits castoff clothing; In fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell at 134 N. 11th Bt., for cost of collecting to the worthy poor. Call 'phone Doug. 4136 and wagon will call. (18) 785 A HOME for women during confinement; we find homes for babies where mothers cannot care for them. Mother Lee, 4u3 Bancroft Bt. 'Phone Douglas 1921. (18) M36S BHINY, oily, muddy skin made fair Ly Satin Sinn cream ana Satin Skin powder, 26c. (18) SEEING la believing, watch Satin akla cream heal chaps, cuts, c rucks or sores. 26c (18 MASSAGE L Room 2. 1204 rarnam Bt., Zd Floor. (18)-M327 AS SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mail; cut prices. Send for free catalogue. Myers- Diuon urug (jo., omana. (18) HM RELIABLE cistern cleaning. Tel. (18)- Webeter M803 28 8175. YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers sre Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association rooms, 16)6 Farnam St., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. (18) 915 OMAHA Stammerers' Institute, Ramge (16) &6 Bldg. PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mrs. Dr. King, 1324 N. 24th. Tel. Web. 8669. 18-etj MME ZRREFA, Armenian massage. 620 B 14th, Flat ., Phone Douglas 6M&. !!) 344 A18x REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE DEALERS. PAYNE INV. CO., 1st floor N. Y. Life. Douglas lita. (19) 857 GEORGE CO.. 1601 Farnam. Tel. Douglas 754. U)-fa REAL ESTATE REAL EST ATR DEALERS. (Continued.) BENJAMIN R. B. CO., 328 Neville Block. (I)-M33 AS CITV PROPERTY FOR BALE. ABSTRACT" OF TITLE MIDLAND GUARANTEE AND TRUST CO., 1714 FARNAM ST., BEH BUILDINO. . 09)-,9 ' ARE YOU GOING TO BUILD? We .have Just two south front lots left on Dewey Are., between 84th and S6th Sta., for $1,600. Look at thee. Paved street and permanent side walk. On the southwest comer of Georgia Ave. and Pacific fit., a fine lot for some bricks. Lot Is 6oxl42. with all paving taxes paid. Price, $3,260. Southwest corner Bst' and Clark Sts., 140x132 feet. Good location for cottages. The double frame house on lot rents for $240 per year. Owner asks $3,250, but wants an offer. What will you glveT The Byron Reed Co 113 80. 14th. 'Phono Doug. 7. 09) 815 28 "BEST EVER" Choice, new, 7-room; all modern house, full lot, very desirable location, convenient to car line and 11 miles from poet of flee; biggest bargain to be found for $3,260. Can arrange reasonable terms. Fine 6-room modern cottage, good as new, lot 60x120, well situated; an excellent value at $2,600; easy terms. RUSSELL & M'KITRICK CO., 432 Ramge Bldg. 16th and Harney Sts. (1 812 28 8-R00M MOD. $2,150 On California St., Just west of 30th, offer for Immediate sale 8-room house, modern except furnace, In fine condition, 1 barn, south front lot, 40x150, permanent 'walks, paved street, all paid. Thla Is absolutely the best bargain In the city today, so no jockeying, as the price Is good for five daya onlv. F. C. BEST, 1007-8 Nv Y. L. 'Phones Doug. 2244. Ind. A-4244. (19)-909 27 Kountze Place The Best Place To Buy a Lot If you want to live In borhood. high-class neigh- LARGE LOTS 50x124 Feet $700 to $950 Convenient to cars, stores, churches and schools. Located on Lothrop, Bpencer, Emmet and Plnkney streets, between Sherman Ave. and 24th St. We aell a lot in Kountie Place nearly every day. Make your selec tion at once. . Hastings & Heyden, Sole Agents, 1704 Farnam St, Bee Building. (19) 906 2b LOTS NEAR 42D AND GRANDE $100 TO $250 EACH. $10 CASH, $5xA MONTH Why not make the start to get a home of your own? All lots close to new car line now extended to 42d and. Grande ave nue, in the following additions: Baker's, Hastings & Heyden's sub.. Lake View. Monmouth Park, Central Park and Wav erly. We will show these lots any day. These are ahaolutely the best lots offered In Omaha for the money. Hastings & Heyden, 1704 Farnam Bt ' (l)-770 27 TRACKAGE at Half Value 66x90 ft. Near Unin Depot $4,000 Gross Incorne $570; Insurance and taxes. $56.94. Nothing In same vicinity for double th price. This Is certainly a snap. J. H. DUMONT BON, 'Phone Douglas 690. 1606 Farnam. (19) Oil) 27 BIG SNAP WEST DODGE ST. Two fine building lots, ' 41d and Dodge Sts.; room to build four houses. Owner has Just reduced the price and In structs us to sell at once. The price Is so low we hate to put It In print, but It laj $1,100. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO,' Bole Agents. Main Floor, N. Y. Life Bldg. (19)-i6 28 A NICE 6-room, all modem home, 1 blocks from car line, at 4212 Lafayette Ave., lot 60x160 feet, for $2,60u, part cash and balance like rent W. J. DERMODY INVESTMENT CO., 836 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (19)-736 26 7-R00M, NEARLY NEW MAPLE ST.- HOME Owner Is anxious to sell house No. 20u5 Maple street this week and has cut the price to make a quick aale. House has re ception hall, parlor, dining room, den and kitchen on first floor and t bedrooms and bath on second floor, stairs to attic, all nicely papered, ready to move into; nicely sodded lot. cement walk, paved street, close to Florence boulevard. House is strictly modern In every HiJ- Hastings & Heyden. , 1704 Farnam St (1D-771 27 Near Creighton University rooms, 'story and half, modern excent furnace, new double hardwood floors, $2,5uQ If sold by April L C. R. GLOVER 4k SON, 801-2-$ N. Y. Ufa, FOR BALE Lot 17. block K. Albright's addition to South Omaha; $126. J. I. Case T. M. Co., Racine, Wis. (19) M884 1 ABSTRACTS OK TITLE Jessen A Mc Daniel. Prompt and accurate service. 'Phone Doug. .92. Board of Trad. lit) Mfsl)